Adopting the Experience API to work with the Virtual Patient Standard - how, what and why? Matt Cownie, Jonathan Wright University of the West of England, Bristol

Adopting the Experience API to work with the Virtual Patient Standard - how, what and why?

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Adopting the Experience API to work with the Virtual Patient Standard - how, what and why?. Matt Cownie , Jonathan Wright University of the West of England, Bristol. Abstract. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Adopting the Experience API to work with the Virtual Patient Standard - how, what and  why?

Adopting the Experience API to work with the Virtual Patient Standard - how, what and why?

Matt Cownie, Jonathan Wright

University of the West of England, Bristol

Page 2: Adopting the Experience API to work with the Virtual Patient Standard - how, what and  why?

AbstractThe eXperience Application Programming Interface (xAPI) is a new specification that allows learning content to link with learning systems to track and share all types of learning experiences. Learning activities can be tracked using combinations of a limited vocabulary of activities, verbs and subjects. While the specification provides a default profile of activities and verbs it allows for communities of practice to develop custom profiles of their own agreed activities and verbs. This presentation will have main 3 parts.

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Actor, Verb, Object

Leaner , Completed, Virtual Patient

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Caveat Emptor• Tincan OR experienceAPI OR xAPI• Versions 0.90-0.95-1.0-1.01• Many examples are ‘slightly wrong’• Libraries for Java, JS and PHP• New .NET Library for the Tin Can API is Now Available!• Refer to the final spec 1.0.1• Assumes you are VP Standard aware

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Part 1 - HowFirstly it will demonstrate how to use the experience API to capture the stream of activities a learner generates while playing a Virtual Patient (VP). It will show technical examples that map VP concepts onto XAPI calls that can be used to populate a Learning Record System (LRS) with VP related learner data.

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Simplest example (C#)

statement = actor + verb + activity







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We made a statementhttp://tincanapi.com/public-lrs/

Statement in the LRS

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JSON payload


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Simplest example (JavaScript)

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More detail? “verb” : { “display” : {“en-US” :”visited”}, “id” : ”http://medbiq/exapi/verbs/visited },

“type” : http://medbiq/exapi/activites/virtualPatient/ } } }

COP Verb ?

COP Activity ?

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Looks like, but

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More detail with context (simple)

Tie everything together

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Page 15: Adopting the Experience API to work with the Virtual Patient Standard - how, what and  why?

XAPI - ContextActivitiesXAPI provides four possibilities - ‘parent’, ‘grouping’, ‘category’, and ‘other’

Parent - model the Virtual Patient as parent activity and set that as the context for all subsequent related activities. Further granularity would be a video and MCQ with a node as parent activity.

Grouping - might want to group an activity within the VP with related activities in same VP or other VPs

Category - “Category SHOULD be used to indicate a "profile" of xAPI behaviors” - e.g. PhysicalExam, Medication?

Other - none of the above, perhaps supporting learning material or making a branching decision?

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Some Concerns

• Media Resources, Counters, CounterRules, DataItems,NodeRules, NodeAccessRules

• Extensions• Exposing internal workings and Id’s• Name spacing• Versioning• Who’s the audience?

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Part 2 - whatSecondly it will review what this data looks like in an LRS and examples of querying it for meaning. It will outline what verbs and activities might be contained in a Virtual Patient specific profile and what use cases these could meet.

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Simplest – manual get (c#)



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A Report Builder

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Verbs and Activities and URL’s

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VP Activities + typesPage : page

MCQ : question

Video : video

audio : audioDocument : file

Short answer : note

Image : media

Flash activity : interaction

Unity activity : interaction

Html5 activity : interaction

YouTubeVid : media

DataItems : file?

Blood Test : media

Media Resources : media CounterRules : event

DataItemRequest : interaction

NodeRules : event

NodeAccessRule : event

CounterRules : event

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VP Verbs

Started : started

Visited : was at

Requested : requested

Watched : watchedListened : listened

Triggered: ?????

Altered: updated?

Exited : exited

Answered : answered

Completed : completed

Read : read

Commented : commented

Played : playedrestarted : terminated?

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Extensions and Profile

feedback : extensioncounter : extension

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Part 3 – why (for VP’s)Lastly it will outline why the virtual patient community might want to adopt the experience API and ask whether a specific community profile is necessary. Influences for consideration include the “Internet of Things”, mobile learning, data-mining, combining virtual patients with other simulation activities, capturing the complete educational context of a learners VP experience and reporting into competency frameworks.

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What were my use cases?

1. Reporting2. Big Data 3. Learning Management System(s)4. LTI 1.1 & outcomes5. Simulation

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Other VP use cases?

1. 3D & Games 2. Multi-modal simulation3. Team based 4. Platform transition (state API) 5. Learner Profiles

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Wider reasons to adopt XAPI1. Transversal2. Transparency3. System silos4. Simulation (non-linear)5. Mobile6. Innovation 7. Future proof

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Answer the Question…

Is a specific VP community profile necessary?