Adopted from lynncowell€¦ · 2. Coffee (pots) in Clarens. This one with 3 of my girlfriends. We decided to go to a festival in Clarens earlier this year. We were all super stoked

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Page 1: Adopted from lynncowell€¦ · 2. Coffee (pots) in Clarens. This one with 3 of my girlfriends. We decided to go to a festival in Clarens earlier this year. We were all super stoked


Page 2: Adopted from lynncowell€¦ · 2. Coffee (pots) in Clarens. This one with 3 of my girlfriends. We decided to go to a festival in Clarens earlier this year. We were all super stoked

Prayer for Gods GirlFather, please work in your girl’s heart to love who You created her to be and in turn love others.

Father, empower your girl to look for joy all around her instead of looking around her for what is missing.

Father, teach your girl to go after peace; looking for prayers to pray instead of words to say.

Father, train your girl to be patient. Teach her to wait; not manipulate a situation or person for what she thinks is best.

Father, open your girl’s eyes to see opportunities for kindness and choose putting others’ needs and desires above her own.

Father, may your girl choose goodness and stand strong, not just go along with culture.

Father, may your girl fight to be faithful in all she does, not quick to quit or easily discouraged.

Father, teach your girl to lean into Your gentleness learning to become gentle with herself so she can be gentle with others.

Father, may your girl practice self-control, not allow feelings to overrule Your wisdom in her life.

Father I ask for all this in Jesus’ name. Amen

Adopted from lynncowell.com


Page 3: Adopted from lynncowell€¦ · 2. Coffee (pots) in Clarens. This one with 3 of my girlfriends. We decided to go to a festival in Clarens earlier this year. We were all super stoked

Addicted to Screens?

True happiness is not based on circumstances or success but on the very nature of God. He promises to be our joy. That no matter what happens “it is well with my soul”.

hen it comes to technology consumption, typically the problem can be defined two ways: idolatry or outright addiction. You may be experiencing one or both

definitions when it comes to you and your devices. Examine how you use your tech and how often you use it. Do you allow your device-use to get in the way of your relationships with friends, family, or God? How you would feel if it got broken or taken away? What would your response be? Would you get angry or go crazy? Or would you just find something else to do?

The Bible says idolatry is the worship of false gods and that we should run from it (Deuteronomy 5:7; 1 Corinthians 10:14). Today, idolatry can be anything that takes precedence in your life over God or other people. Relationships, school, jobs, devices, possessions, sports, etc...all of these things have the potential to take the #1 spot in our lives if we aren’t careful.

Addiction is defined as a compulsive need for a habit-forming substance, or a “persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be harmful” (Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary). Is “addiction” too strong of a word for your compulsion for screen time? Perhaps you just need to take a step back and refocus your priorities. Or is compulsive device usage something you have zero self-control over?




Page 4: Adopted from lynncowell€¦ · 2. Coffee (pots) in Clarens. This one with 3 of my girlfriends. We decided to go to a festival in Clarens earlier this year. We were all super stoked

If you have difficulty pulling away from the screens or it’s causing problems between you and your family and/or your relationship with God, then we need some intervention. When we allow something to come between us and God, that is the very definition of an idol (1 John 5:21). Finding balance between your time with God, family, friends, and screens is vital. Please understand that watching TV or keeping up with friends on social media are NOT sinful. Use of tech only becomes a problem when your ability to exercise self-control over your screen time use grows into something bigger than you can manage.

Evaluating Your Current Balance Between the Screens

Be encouraged that you are not alone; we all have idols and temptations we contend with. But it is still possible to get and maintain a better balance with the things that matter. Keep track of how you spend your time for a week, writing down how much time you spend in different activities, then evaluate the numbers to get a better perspective on how you spend your time right now.

What is the proportion of time you spend between your screens, your family, and God? How much time do you spend building your relationship with God through prayer and reading His Word? How much time do you spend investing in other people’s lives? How much time do you spend alone with a screen?

Time Spent: Perspectives & Priorities

If you want to spend time with God only because you should, remind yourself that God honours a desire to spend time with Him. He wants to be with you because He loves you and has great plans for you (Jeremiah 29:11). Spending time with God helps you know Him better and learn to follow His will for a God-glorifying life (James 4:8).

If you’re spending time with your family because you have to, you’re likely to develop bitterness and resentment over what seems a waste of time. The Bible says that putting others’ needs first is an important aspect being a Christian (Philippians 2:1-11). Your little siblings look up to you. Take time to be with them, showing kindness and love. Your parents and older siblings could use your service, support, and respect. Investing time in your family strengthens those relationships.

What benefits do you gain from your screen time? Is that time beneficial to your spiritual, mental, emotional, or physical health? How valuable are those benefits in comparison to what could be gained from time with God and your family? How could you utilize your screen time in a positive way that benefits you, your faith, and those around you (1 Corinthians 6:12)?

Practical Ways to Decrease Screen Time & Increase God/Family Time

Designate time with God. The goal is to keep God at the forefront of your mind always (1 Thessalonians 5:16-

18), but when you’re making new habits, keep your goals small. Start with a small amount of time, such as praying as soon as you wake up and/or right before bed, then build as you are ready. After a while, you may even crave more time with God. Set an alarm, get up, grab your Bible, and enjoy God’s presence, attention, and wisdom.

Make your time with God screen-free. No phones, tablets, computers, or TVs! Yes, there are Bible apps and video sermons, but if you’re trying to put God before screens, I wouldn’t suggest using those. Too much temptation to check feeds, notifications, or fall down a YouTube rabbit hole. Get a good old-fashioned printed Bible. If you’re so inclined, use highlighters, gel pens, etc. to mark passages, make notes, draw pictures, doodle—anything that helps. Make it a special time with God.

Make your family time screen-free. Put your phone and other devices away. You can encourage the whole family to support efforts to decrease screen time by making dinner and doing family activities phone-free. Connecting with your family is an investment that’s easy to make while you’re living at home. Take advantage!

Talk your friends into screen-free activities. The stuff you do doesn’t always have to involve movies, shows, video games, or snapping each other. You can go outside, create things, serve others, try new things... You may start a revolution!


Page 5: Adopted from lynncowell€¦ · 2. Coffee (pots) in Clarens. This one with 3 of my girlfriends. We decided to go to a festival in Clarens earlier this year. We were all super stoked

Remove any TV screens or video game systems from your bedroom. You don’t have to get rid of them forever, but removing that temptation will go a long way to helping you attain the balance we’re talking about. Store them in a box somewhere away from your room or disconnect them and put it all at the back of your closet. You’ll also sleep better if you don’t have electronics buzzing in your room. Restrict TV/Netflix/etc. viewing to 2 hours a day, and only after homework, chores, and other responsibilities are completed.

Ask for help with accountability. Just because it’s device screens, and not heroine, doesn’t mean it’s easy to break a bad habit. Ask a friend or family member to keep you accountable to limiting your screen time. They can check up on you regularly, pray for you, and give you alternatives to screen time. Working with a counsellor might be necessary if self-control is truly an issue for you. It may very well be an all-out addiction. If this is the case, please don’t feel guilty or like a failure. You’ve recognized a problem and decided to change—that is a HUGE step.

Consider a fast. Fasting is a powerful way to restore focus on God. Many people fast from food, but fasting from tech is perfectly acceptable in today’s world. When my daughter was about 15, she was challenged by her youth group leaders to fast from social media for a month. All her social media apps went away, and we placed a password on her settings, so she couldn’t get into the app store to re-install them. The leaders checked on the students quite often. (That’s accountability!) Fasting from social media was really hard for her at first, but it got easier.

The trick to fasting successfully is to PRAY when the temptation to cheat hits you. Spend time that would be spent on screens with God or family activities instead. With this kind of fast, having an accountability partner (or 2) is essential. My daughter said she felt closer to God during the fast and had a much better perspective on social media afterward. You can too!

These suggestions may not all work for you personally, but hopefully this article has given you some ideas and direction toward helping find some balance between the screens. God desires more time with you, so I have high hopes you will succeed, friend!

Courtesy of 412teens.org


Page 6: Adopted from lynncowell€¦ · 2. Coffee (pots) in Clarens. This one with 3 of my girlfriends. We decided to go to a festival in Clarens earlier this year. We were all super stoked



Coffee time is ME time

by Jana Grobler


Page 7: Adopted from lynncowell€¦ · 2. Coffee (pots) in Clarens. This one with 3 of my girlfriends. We decided to go to a festival in Clarens earlier this year. We were all super stoked

rom a very young age, travel has always been one of the things that keep me going. That and my love for coffee. I, therefore, decided to combine

the two. I was drinking coffee at the time of this decision in Seattle Coffee Co. (Brooklyn Mall). My safe house. My place to recharge. Even though I love people with every fiber in me. Alone-time is equally important. Having a coffee with just yourself is liberating. Sure, it sounds awkward, and at the beginning it was. But practice makes perfect and I am now at Rockstar level of alone-coffees. It is in these coffee moments that you start your Travel Bucket List, catch up on some reading, have a conversation with God, thinking of how blessed you are.

A few noteworthy coffees that followed this momentous Seattle Day were as follows:

1. Coffee in the clouds in Hong Kong. I was literally on cloud 9. It was my first time in Hong Kong. A friend and I decided to go to Lantau Island. We went up Ngong Ping with gondolas and decided to meet up afterward at the Starbucks on the mountain. I arrived before Leane and ordered a vanilla coffee. I rushed back outside to drink my coffee in the clouds. I could see the clouds moving around me. I was in Heaven. Side note: a Starbucks in Heaven would totally rule.

2. Coffee (pots) in Clarens. This one with 3 of my girlfriends. We decided to go to a festival in Clarens earlier this year. We were all super stoked and I was in charge of packing. After a long drive up to Clarens, we started setting up camp. As 2 friends finished setting up their tent, Elzette asked me where the tent poles and pens were. In the bag of course Elzette.They were not in the bag. We had a flat tent. Our fate was sealed, we had to sleep in the car (every time I turned at night I accidentally bumped into the tooter and woke up half the camp). To make up for the tent mishap, I said I’ll make everyone coffee. The next day was rainy and cold. We went into Clarens and found a quaint coffee shop/ restaurant. We sat in front of the fire-place, drank coffee and played cards.

3. Coffee on a volcanic mountain in Bali. Bali is well known for their Kopi Luwak which is basically mongoose droppings but voted as the WORLD’s best. I couldn’t wait for my Kopi Luwak as the day was a bit cooler in Tropical Bali. Kopi Luwak should be taken black with at least 2 sugars (local-style), but that particular day I craved milk. Alas,

no milk. But something even better! Condensed milk. Ah, this took me right back to my childhood when there was no electricity and we made coffee on the gas stove and added condensed milk. What a treat this was. A sweet moment to savour forever.

4. Coffee with the fam. I was on my way to Middelburg (my hometown) when I stopped for coffee at The Rose Petrol Station (a tradition I will never break). The coffee that day was particularly bad, I couldn’t wait to meet up with the rest of my family as they were waiting for me in Spur. I immediately ordered a cappuccino. It. Was. Terrible! I could not get myself to finish it. (Nothing against Spur, I have had great coffees at Spur before). As soon as we got home my mother made me filter coffee. I wanted to tell a white lie and thank my mother for the delicious coffee, but I could not finish this one either. This was it. I was

in utter dismay. I thought something horrible happened to my tastebuds and I thought I would never be able to enjoy coffee ever again. Very out of character, my father came into the house half-an-hour later with 4 large Cappuccinos from Seattle. I couldn’t believe my eyes. He bought everyone coffee and said: “life is too short for bad coffee”. It was one of the best coffees I have ever had.

It doesn’t matter where in the world you find yourself and with whom, coffee is always a good idea. The alone-coffees have made me stronger. I am now a strong roast. With a little bit of Sugar, Spice and everything nice (Am I a Powerpuff girl?) The sentiment of the coffee is what counts. Next time you drink coffee, be mindful about it. Enjoy every sip. Look around you. Find something to be thankful for. See you Latte!



Page 8: Adopted from lynncowell€¦ · 2. Coffee (pots) in Clarens. This one with 3 of my girlfriends. We decided to go to a festival in Clarens earlier this year. We were all super stoked

I meet with 15 year-old Pamela, coming from school. We meet at a restaurant in Balfour Mall, Johannesburg, a short distance from her school. She walks in with her mom, and they are all smiles when they see me, as I imagine they are as excited as I am about the interview.

Looking at Pamela, one would be forgiven to see an ordinary teenager, but I can tell you in advance, she is an extraordinary young lady.

After exchanging all the pleasantries, her mom leaves us, so we can chat alone.




Page 9: Adopted from lynncowell€¦ · 2. Coffee (pots) in Clarens. This one with 3 of my girlfriends. We decided to go to a festival in Clarens earlier this year. We were all super stoked

BR: Pamela, you’ve written a book already, at your tender age?

PN: Actually 2 books. But the second one has not yet been published due to a lack of funds.

BR: Wow, really? What’s the second book all about?

PN: The second book is specifically for girls. It deals with issues of puberty, and all the emotional changes that a girl goes through during that period.

BR: Tell me more about that. As a mom of 2 girls, I am curious to find out more. I went through puberty in what feels like a lifetime ago, so I can barely remember.

PN: It starts with explaining what puberty is, as well as what physical and emotional changes that take place. It explains what a girl can expect during this period, and has stories from other girls’ experiences of their first period. The aim of the book is to help girls not to feel awkward and alone about the natural processes they will undergo.

BR: Do you think a lot of girls are anxious when they reach puberty?

PN: Yes, I think so. I think if my mom did not prepare me about what was going to happen, I would have freaked out. I wouldn’t have understood what was happening. And there are a lot of girls who do not live with their moms, so they don’t have someone to help them.

BR: How do you know so much about this stuff and subject?

PN: I did a lot of research as I wanted to know why girls get periods and about what puberty means. I discovered that many girls were scared and hence I think the information I gathered will be helpful to a lot of girls.

BR: Tell me about your first book, I AM BEING BULLIED. How did that come about?

PN: I was bullied for 4 years, from Grade 1 until Grade 4. Then when I got to Grade 5, it really got worse. I lost interest in the things I used to enjoy, like ballet. I didn’t want to participate in anything anymore. My mom then asked me what the matter was.

I gave her the journal I had been keeping for years, which detailed my experience of being bullied. My mom and dad wrote a letter to the school principal detailing what had been happening to me. They expressed that while they (my mom and dad) are getting help for me, the school should get help for the bully, as she was not only bulling me, but other kids also. I believe she underwent counselling and her parents got involved.

BR: Bullying is a big issue, especially in our schools, but not everyone knows what bullying actually means. What did you typically go through?

PN: I went through verbal and physical bullying. The girl who bullied me would just hit me for no reason. I also remember an incident in class when she pinched my thighs because I refused to give her an answer to a test question. I didn’t tell the teacher, because I was afraid it would get worse outside of class. She would also just yell and shout at me in front of others. She would laugh at me if she saw me crying.

BR: How long did it take before you told your parents?

PN: About 4 years.9

Page 10: Adopted from lynncowell€¦ · 2. Coffee (pots) in Clarens. This one with 3 of my girlfriends. We decided to go to a festival in Clarens earlier this year. We were all super stoked

BR: You mean that for 4 years you went through this alone, silently?

PN: I didn’t tell anyone.

BR: Why, what made you hold back?

PN: Because I felt that if I did tell, she would do something worse than what she had already been doing. I also thought that my mom would not believe me, because she thought all along this girl was my friend.

BR: Did your other friends know about the bullying?

PN: Yes, some of my friends knew, but were equally scared. One of my friends actually said in the end, she’s tired of seeing me cry. And she reported to the teacher who in turn went to the principal. But this was already a week after I had told my parents and the letter had been sent to school.

BR: For 4 years, nobody could pick up that you were being bullied?

PN: It was only during the third year of the bullying that it affected me to the extent that I lost interest in a lot of activities I used to enjoy. I didn’t want to participate much in outdoor activities, I preferred to be around my family instead. I really don’t know what was going in with me in the first 3 years, but I didn’t want anyone to know.

BR: If you could do anything differently now, what would you do. Would you have told earlier?

PN: Besides just telling my parents earlier, I think I would have probably tried to talk to the bully and find out what was going on with her. I just felt that she was bitter and angry about something, and she took it out on people she saw as vulnerable and wouldn’t do anything to her.

BR: Do you think she would have received that well at that stage, and been able to verbalize what she was going through?

PN: Well, I really do think she also needed someone to talk to. When she eventually came to apologize to me she did share a bit with me.

BR : What did she say?

PN: She said her parents had split when she was young, and she was very upset that they both had moved on with other people in their lives. She was unhappy about the fact that she could not live with both of them but had to stay with one parent during the week and another on weekends. She didn’t feel like that they cared enough for her, otherwise they would not have separated. She apologized after undergoing counseling, both to me and my mom. I could tell that her apology was genuine, and she wasn’t doing it simply because someone told her to. And she has really changed a lot since the days she was bullying me and others.

BR: How did you start with the book?

PN: I kept journals from a young age, so I wrote all my experiences down. When I started with the book, I had to sort of rewrite it

because when I wrote in the journal, I wrote so fast and scribbled quite a bit, so no one could read what I wrote. It was a painful experience to relive the entire ordeal as I was writing the book, that I was crying quite a lot. It took me about a year to finish writing the book, though it’s so small (laughs), because I was crying so much remembering everything.

BR: When did you start journaling?

PN: I started in Grade 3. The first journal was a gift from my mom. I started writing everyday about my experiences. I started writing the stuff I could remember from Grade 1.

BR: How has journaling helped you? And do you still keep a journal?

PN: It really helped me a lot, because I could put my feelings down, both good and bad. I really think it’s a nice way to express your feelings, especially when you don’t have someone to talk to. It helps you not to let bitterness built up. It also helps you record all the good things too.

BR: So how many journals have you written?

PN: I go through about 2 journals a year.

BR: Are you not scared of someone reading your journal?

PN: I wouldn’t be embarrassed if anyone read my journal, but it is personal. Why would someone want to do that though? (laughs).

BR: I have also read that you have been the Lead SA hero of the week?


Page 11: Adopted from lynncowell€¦ · 2. Coffee (pots) in Clarens. This one with 3 of my girlfriends. We decided to go to a festival in Clarens earlier this year. We were all super stoked

PN: Yes, I was a hero of the week in December.

BR: How did that come about?

PN: I got an interview with 94.7 fm to talk about my book, with DJ Fresh and Bonang. And because they were so impressed with what I had done, they awarded me with a certificate.

BR: Wow, congratulations! What do you want to do when you grow up?

PN: Either Chemical or Industrial Engineering. But the rise of artificial intelligence is a concern for me, because the need for engineers might decline in the future. If that is the case, I may also consider sports engineering.

BR: Do you think you’ll write more books?

PN: Yes definitely. I may write an autobiography.

BR: What’s your biggest aspiration or dream for the next 10 years?

PN: I’d like to be a speaker on TedEx South Africa. My mom and I are working hard to get me on there. I think it’s just a matter of time before it happens.

BR: Wow, you don’t aim low, do you? How are you preparing yourself for that opportunity when it does come?

PN: I have been watching a lot of the Ted videos and doing a lot of research. I get to speak at some events as well, which helps me practice.

I would also like to go study in the UK, and then come back to South Africa use my acquired skills to help build SA.

BR: You’re such an inspiring young lady, I can hardly believe that you are only 15. I am excited to see what you will do in the future. Thank you for sharing your story with us.

PN: This was awesome and thank you for the opportunity.

She apologized after undergoing counseling, both to me and my mom. I could tell that her apology was genuine, and she wasn’t doing it simply because someone told her to.


Page 12: Adopted from lynncowell€¦ · 2. Coffee (pots) in Clarens. This one with 3 of my girlfriends. We decided to go to a festival in Clarens earlier this year. We were all super stoked


Ten Truths for the Teenage Girl – Because

It Matters Who You’re Becoming


Page 13: Adopted from lynncowell€¦ · 2. Coffee (pots) in Clarens. This one with 3 of my girlfriends. We decided to go to a festival in Clarens earlier this year. We were all super stoked

10TRUTHS Ten Truths for the Teenage

Girl – Because It Matters Who You’re Becoming

That is so much easier said than lived out, but it is the Gospel truth. He has a plan and a purpose for you that is greater than you could dream up or imagine. If you think your dreams are big, imagine how big His dreams must be for you! If He is the author, He knows the beginning, the middle and the end. Nothing is too complex for Him, no detail is left unnoticed, and His timing is perfect. Sometimes life can be complicated, hard and confusing, but that’s why we have to remember that we have the God of the universe in charge of our story.

God is the author of your story, not you

You are beautiful

Know the Word

I want you to hear that with fresh ears. God made you unique. He made you, you. And He made you in His image. Since you bear His image, I am praying that as people see you, they would see His face shining upon you. Beauty really is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. (Proverbs 31:30)Side Note: Yes, it’s okay to like cute clothes, just don’t let that be your measure of beauty. (I mean, let’s be honest, some girls like to shop. Hand raised!)

And know what it says about you. If I’ve learned one thing, I’ve learned that if I can’t always believe what I think about myself, and I can’t always believe what people are saying about me or what the internet says about me,  I can believe what the Lord says about me. I can rest in the truth of His word and the promises He gives.


his past Saturday a sweet woman and a friend I’ve known for some time invited me to a birthday tea she hosted for her 13-year-old girl. Before the celebration, she asked a few ladies to write down a few things to encourage her girl as she is stepping boldly into her teenage years. As I sat and stared a blank document all last week, these ten things came to mind that I wanted to share with her. But as I read them aloud to her Saturday afternoon and handed her the letter for good, I  had the desire and got the blessing to share these ten things with other teenage girls if they had ten minutes to put down some homework, and read a little blog. So,

here we are. Of course, this list is just scratching the surface of things we need to be teaching those younger than us, but we have to start somewhere, right? The only thing that is coming between us is a computer screen, but imagine us sitting across a quaint little table from one another sipping on some hot tea. 

Dear _________________,

Life is learned as you live it, but as my mind started spinning, my fingers slowly started typing the things that I wish someone would have told me at 13 years young. And although I’m sure someone did tell me these things, I probably didn’t listen because I probably thought I already knew everything. Grin. So I’m praying that even if these words seems useless or boring to you today, that you would keep them tucked away and read them when life seems confusing or hard.For years I’ve loved the word becoming. It’s one of those words that I’ve latched onto for different reasons and at times have even desired to start a ministry called “Becoming Ministries”. Don’t tell me you don’t think things like that, too. And if you don’t, well, just humour me. I really latched onto that word in college because I remember thinking that - that season would either make me or break me. That who I chose to become in college would influence the rest of my life.

That is true, but what I realize now is that it starts long before college.

The choices you make affect who you are becoming long before you ever get to college.

You are always becoming. You never arrive. That is, until you meet Jesus face to face. Until then, it’s one long (or short the way you look at it) journey of becoming more like Jesus Christ. Because each circumstance and situation we find ourselves planted in is another opportunity to respond like Jesus would.




Page 14: Adopted from lynncowell€¦ · 2. Coffee (pots) in Clarens. This one with 3 of my girlfriends. We decided to go to a festival in Clarens earlier this year. We were all super stoked

Just like the four seasons come and go, so will different seasons of life come and go. Don’t despair! “This too shall pass.” is true in both sweet and bitter seasons of life. While you don’t need to wish any of it away, remember to savor the sweet seasons, take the joy when it comes and stay faithful during the bitter seasons. Worship in the good times and bad. Jesus will be faithful over and over and over again. It’s in the valleys that God develops your character.

At church my pastor always tells us to “go low”. Going low means being humble, staying humble, becoming a servant instead of searching for the spotlight. Serve, serve, serve. Invest, invest, invest in people. Never get too comfortable in your routine that you can’t go out of your way to help somebody else. Work quietly with your hands and your Father in Heaven will reward your faithfulness. Be faithful in the small things. You’ll never be too good to do something “meaningless”.

In a world of social networking, we can hide behind our computer, our phones, or our iPads. Be bold. Learn how to communicate face to face. It’s a life skill that’s becoming extinct, especially to our teenagers. Refrain from posting things online that you wouldn’t say to someone in person. Passive-aggressiveness (posting something for all to see when you only mean it for one to see) is not attractive.

I don’t mean that in the way you hear it in church all the time. Staying pure until marriage is a gift, by all means, yes, pursue purity. It’s much harder than you think in the sex-saturated world we live in, but whether you believe it or not, it’s possible. What I mean is, wait for a man that will pursue you, not confuse you. (And be careful not to be the one doing the confusing, either. We girls certainly know how to manipulate.) Wait for a man that will protect your purity, not use it. You are responsible for how you present yourself; so present yourself in a way that’s worth protecting. Sex doesn’t equal love, so wait for a man that loves and respects you enough to practice restraint towards you instead of giving into temptation before marriage. Building a relationship and romance takes time, something we’ve lost the art of in a world with technology at our fingertips, so don’t feel pressure to rush things. Remember, before you are someone’s wife, you are first their Sister in Christ, so don’t settle for less than being treated like a Sister. Your future husband will admire and value you. But also remember, there is forgiveness in Christ. You are not your past; your future spouse is not his past. The Lord redeems and renews. Praise God! But be patient in the waiting. (That’s coming from a girl whose story is still being written. It’s not easy at all. Not one ounce is easy. But Jesus is good and He is better.)


Life Consists of Seasons

Be Humble

Be Bold

True Love Waits





Page 15: Adopted from lynncowell€¦ · 2. Coffee (pots) in Clarens. This one with 3 of my girlfriends. We decided to go to a festival in Clarens earlier this year. We were all super stoked


Pursue Your Calling

Your Words Matter




You may not know what the Lord is calling you to do today, and that’s okay. But pursuing your calling is a bold and courageous thing. Run after the things that make your heart swell. Ask questions, ask for wisdom. Be friends with those younger than you, older than you and in the same season as you. Do things you love to do. Make a plan, but keep in mind that you can make all the plans in the world, but the Lord is the one who directs each of our steps.

Speak kind words to, in front of, and behind your friend’s backs. And make sure your words and your actions line up with each other. Be honest. Be loving. Be kind. Be generous. A lady named Maya Angelou once said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Make people feel loved with your words and actions. In a world of email and text messaging, don’t lose the wonder of snail mail.

You are never too old or too young to simply stop and have fun on this journey of life. Laugh until your stomach hurts. Laugh with your friends. Laugh with your family. Enjoy life. Savour it. Journal about it. Talk about your experiences. Visit places you think are interesting. When all is said and done, you don’t want anyone to remember you as a Negative Nelly. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom and joy! So own that joy, live it out and share it with those around you.

You are dearly loved, my Sister in Christ. This I know, the Lord has a plan for your life that no eye has seen, no ear has heard and no mind can comprehend or imagine. Believe it. Believe that Jesus is better.

- Courtesy of Living Proof Ministries15

Page 16: Adopted from lynncowell€¦ · 2. Coffee (pots) in Clarens. This one with 3 of my girlfriends. We decided to go to a festival in Clarens earlier this year. We were all super stoked


he juicing craze took the world by storm in the last few years, with promises of good health and eternal youth. While we know that nothing can keep you young forever, and that disease can attack even the healthiest of bodies, it doesn’t mean there is no benefit in drinking these juices, particularly those that are made predominantly with vegetables and less fruit. We know very well it is not as easy as it may sound to have 5 servings of fruit and vegetables every day, but with juicing, we can get a lot more into our system.

The green juice in particular is one that has been hailed the world over for its many benefits. Here are some of the benefits.

It’s rich in antioxidants. Thanks to all of those fruits and vegetables, of course!It’s filled with easy-to-absorb nutrients. OK, you know all the benefits that you’d generally get with green veggies (antioxidants, minerals and phytonutrients)? You can get most of them from a green juice, in a format that’s potentially easier for your body to digest.It’s high in chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is what plants use to convert sunlight into energy—and gives them their signature green colour. In people, chlorophyll can aid digestion, help detox the liver, and has antioxidant properties.We need to exercise caution however. The biggest mistake we can make is using green juice as a supplement for meals. Our bodies still need a balanced diet that includes proteins, fats, carbohydrates to function optimally. So the green juice can be used to supplement and not substitute meals.


Remove the stalks of 10 spinach leaves and wash well in cold water.Take half of a large cucumber, peel it and chop it in pieces.Peel 4 Granny Smith apples and remove the core, cut it in quarters and leave in lemon juice.Wash 1 lime and cut it in quarters - do not peel the limeRemove the mint leaves from 4 mint twigs and wash the mint leavesJuice all ingredients together, according to your machine’s instructionsThis recipe makes +- 600ml juice, enough for 2 glasses.If the taste/flavour is a bit too intense, you can add a bit of soda waterGarnish with a slice of lime, mint leaves and ice blocks


Page 17: Adopted from lynncowell€¦ · 2. Coffee (pots) in Clarens. This one with 3 of my girlfriends. We decided to go to a festival in Clarens earlier this year. We were all super stoked


But Does He Know You?

ook at my new pictures of Ed Sheeran!” squealed Kaya. “He sent me these stickers and an autographed poster because I’m the president of his fan club. I’m probably his biggest fan in the world!”

Elna finished her Coke and lifted a brow at her best friend. “Oh really? He personally sent you those? Just to you.”

Kaya huffed and rolled her eyes. “Well…he probably did. He probably at least saw my name on the email. He must know something about me, because I feel like I know him. We’re soul mates. I hope we get married someday. I know everything about him: his height, his favorite food, his mother’s name—”

Elna threw up a hand. “Stop! You’re creeping me out. Girl, you don’t really know this guy. You only know about him. You know facts, but you don’t know him. If you walked into a restaurant and he was sitting there, would he go, ‘Hey, it’s my friend Kaya! Hi, Kaya!’ Of course not. You think you know him because you know things about him. The more important question is: Does he know you?”

Kaya had fooled herself into thinking that she knew a celebrity because she liked him and had learned facts about him. But facts are not relationship. Facts don’t tell the whole story. She had nothing invested in this one-sided fascination. She could—and probably would—walk away as soon as a more exciting celebrity captivated her interest. Despite Kaya’s belief that they were soul mates, she had no relationship with her crush.

To have a relationship with someone means we spend time in their presence. We interact. It’s not all one-sided. A relationship means we know someone and they also know us. We might agree with Elna that Kaya does not really know Ed Sheeran, but are we doing the same thing when it comes to God?


Lots of people claim to know Jesus. They love some of the worship songs, know a few verses, and think Jesus was a really cool guy. They may have prayed a prayer, gotten baptized, or shook a preacher’s hand, so they now assume they are best buddies with God. They know all about Jesus, but they don’t really know Him. They may be part of the crowd that heard these words: “Not everyone who calls out to me, ‘Lord! Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my Father in heaven will enter. On judgment day many will say to me, ‘Lord! Lord! We prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.’ But I will reply, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break God’s laws’” (Matthew 7:21-23).

That’s scary! Who was He talking about? He meant the people like Kaya who treat Him as a celebrity but never really enter into a saving relationship. They’ve substituted facts and Bible verses for faith and surrender. It doesn’t work. God is a relational God. He introduces Himself to us in the Bible as “Father” and offers to adopt us as His own sons and daughters. He loves us but our sin gets in the way of having a relationship. The only fair punishment for our rebellion against Him is eternal banishment from His presence. But because He loves us so much, this relational God did something about it.

God entered our world as a human being named Jesus who lived a perfect life and then allowed Himself to be punished in our place. Everyone who turns toward Him and away from sin is adopted by God as His own beloved child. A real relationship begins.

Knowing about Jesus is not enough. The most important question is: Does He know you?


Page 18: Adopted from lynncowell€¦ · 2. Coffee (pots) in Clarens. This one with 3 of my girlfriends. We decided to go to a festival in Clarens earlier this year. We were all super stoked

What inspired you to manufacture your own brand of a menstrual cup?

Having worked with communities for over a decade, I realized there was a dire need to research the menstrual cup as a sustainable solution for menstruation because girls in deep rural areas miss school for up to 5 days in a month. I researched menstrual cups for about 2 years and since they have been around since the 1930s, I felt it was time to create my own brand and introduce it to the market. Early in 2016, I launched my own brand of the menstrual cup, the PrincessD Menstrual Cup. I named the product after my daughter, Daksha whom I used to call PrincessD from an early age. At first my focus was on rural and impoverished areas but after launching the product, I found that it’s an essential product for girls and women everywhere because it is cost-effective, eco-friendly and hygienic.

Why should anyone use your product?

As menstrual cups have become very popular in recent years, it has become a competitive market. However, all menstrual cups are different. The PrincessD Menstrual Cup is a sustainable solution. Furthermore, our sterilizer cup is unique and the only silicone version of its kind in Africa, which is microwaveable so we definitely have an added advantage.

Can women of any age use it?

Yes any women still having their monthly menstrula cycle can use the Princess D cup. The cups come in 2 size variants. Size is recommended for ladies under the age of 30 and for a light flow. Size 2 is recommended for women over 30 years old and suitable for a heavy flow.

At first my focus was on rural and impoverished areas


Shamila Ramjawan: Founder and co-owner of Princess D Menstrual Cup


Page 19: Adopted from lynncowell€¦ · 2. Coffee (pots) in Clarens. This one with 3 of my girlfriends. We decided to go to a festival in Clarens earlier this year. We were all super stoked

Impact on the environment

Take a moment to visualise the landfill chaos (sanitary pads/tam-pons take approximately 500-700 years to biodegrade). Our combo pack comprises of a menstrual cup and a compact, foldable silicone steriliser cup (only supplier in South Africa with the compact foldable silicone cup that is safe to use, especially with the younger girls being exposed to boiling water).

At the end of the menstrual cycle only 200ml of boiling water (less than one cup) is required per month to sterilize the PrincessD menstrual cup for 15 minutes!  In most rural areas girls fetch water from the river, boil it and then sterilise their cups.

One PrincessD Menstrual Cup is equivalent to approximately 3000 tampons/sanitary pads

"My vision is to help girls and women globally to enjoy life, restore dignity and offer an affordable solution to health care, especially menstruation matters and womenʼs health."

For more information:www. princessdmenstrualcup.com

It is made from FDA approved medical grade silicone and has no toxins, bleaches, dyes or other chemicals.

Can an active person use it without leaking ?

Yes of course! You can comfortably participate in your usual sports such as athletics, cycling, scuba diving, swimming, yoga, dancing or any type of physical activity. It offers safe, secure, discreet and leak-free protection for up to 12 hours at a time and up to 10 years. 

My vision is to help girls and women globally to enjoy life, restore dignity and offer an affordable solution to health care, especially menstruation matters and women’s health.


Page 20: Adopted from lynncowell€¦ · 2. Coffee (pots) in Clarens. This one with 3 of my girlfriends. We decided to go to a festival in Clarens earlier this year. We were all super stoked


Photography: Jackie van der Berg of Adoré

Hey tweens, let’s talk about 5 ways to finding your own style:

Break away from the crowd, develop your own sense of style while remaining totally comfortable around your peers! You too can do it in your own way. You’ve got what it takes, no matter your size, or shape.


Page 21: Adopted from lynncowell€¦ · 2. Coffee (pots) in Clarens. This one with 3 of my girlfriends. We decided to go to a festival in Clarens earlier this year. We were all super stoked

Wanna add a personality stamp to your outfits? One word: Accessorize! Use accessories to make a fashion statement to your outfits without spending a lot of money. Scarves, belts, sunglasses, headbands, socks, backpacks and jewellery can make a dull outfit look dazzling.

Don’t spend a lot. Trends come & go. It really doesn’t make sense to go wild on tween clothes because what’s in season now will be out the very next. Got an older brother? Seek his permission to raid his old clothes. Look for interesting shirts, jerseys and tops. Pair those with skirts, leggings or pants. This is one way you can look different in a cool way.

Try different clothing styles & put together different outfits from what you already own in your wardrobe. Got a matching skirt & top set? Wear it as separates, with a sweater or a shirt. You may be pleasantly surprised by what you discover and that fosters self – esteem, builds character & confidence!

Talk to your parents about what you want your clothing to reflect. Is it your personality, interests or hobbies perhaps? Have fun, while remaining true to yourself. If you like Tom Boy Style, don’t try to suddenly turn yourself into a Girly Girl just because of peer pressure. Choose clothing that reflects your best sense of self and avoid those that may send the wrong impression.

CREDITSModel: Kirsten-Leigh Sanderson

Leggings: H&M

Top: Zara

Sneakers: Levis

Sunglasses: Sunglass Hut


Page 22: Adopted from lynncowell€¦ · 2. Coffee (pots) in Clarens. This one with 3 of my girlfriends. We decided to go to a festival in Clarens earlier this year. We were all super stoked

Learn to take good care of your clothing items to make them last, do not throw your clean clothes in the laundry just to avoid folding and packing them away. Unnecessary washing of clothes fades colours and ages clothes prematurely. Certain fabrics require more care (silk, wool) . Do consider that when you go shopping!

Store Contacts:

Bibi Rouge Clothing: 079 809 7907

H&M: 0860 690 707

Zara: 011 302 1500

Aldo: 011 884 4141

Levi’s Store: 011 784 9187

Sunglass Hut: 011 884 9950

Make up by: MakeUp by Zodwa

Hair by: Lajawi

CREDITSModel: Kirsten-Leigh Sanderson

Skirt: Forever 21

Shirt: Zara Boy’s

Flats: Zara

Sunglasses: Sunglass Hut


Page 23: Adopted from lynncowell€¦ · 2. Coffee (pots) in Clarens. This one with 3 of my girlfriends. We decided to go to a festival in Clarens earlier this year. We were all super stoked


Have you ever gotten ready for an important occasion and after getting dressed and doing your hair and make- up you look in the mirror and feel bummed out because you don’t look as great as the cover girl on a magazine? And there’s a little part of you that thinks, ‘I’ll never be as beautiful as that?” I know that feeling, in fact I think a lot of girls have had a similar feeling. Here’s the thing, firstly, that girl in the magazine is an ordinary girl, just like you or me. That picture you see has taken hours and hours of behind the scenes preparation to make it look the way it does. I’m talking stylists, hair dressers, make up artists, lighting specialists, photographers, not to mention that there were another 500 pictures taken that did not make the cut. So often we base what we think beauty is on that one picture in the magazine, when in fact beauty is so so much more than that. Beauty is seen in the smile you give someone who is lonely, the helping hand you give to the old lady crossing the street, the laughter shared amongst true friends, the hug from your mom when you are feeling low and the love of Jesus shining through your eyes. True beauty is that of a gentle and quiet spirit, of a girl who knows who she is (a daughter of the King), who knows what she stands for (truth and goodness) and knows who stands beside her (Jesus Christ).



We all love our moms, aunts, grannies and friends but sometimes the beauty advice they give us seems completely absurd or totally irrelevant for the times. We are going to take a look at 7 beauty statements and find out once and for all- are they truth or can we finally bust these myths.


Page 24: Adopted from lynncowell€¦ · 2. Coffee (pots) in Clarens. This one with 3 of my girlfriends. We decided to go to a festival in Clarens earlier this year. We were all super stoked


We don’t always believe the people around us when they tell us how beautiful we are or that we are perfect in every way. ‘Ja right mom, you are just saying it ‘cos I’m your daughter”, is our usual response. Well, if we are not going to believe our moms or friends, perhaps if we hear it from the Creator of the Universe, the Maker of All Things (including you), The King of Kings, the One who looks at you as His masterpiece. Perhaps if we hear it from the One who cannot lie, we will finally be able to know the truth of how amazingly perfect and wonderfully made we are- created in the very image of God. Here are a few truths to hold onto when we forget just how utterly special we are:

You are God’s handiwork (Eph 2:10)You are made in the image of God (Gen 1:27)You are God’s masterpiece (Eph 2:20)You are more precious than rubies (Proverbs 3:15-18)


Hooray! Finally, chocolate is let off the hook!

It’s true, even if you eat the greasiest, most fattening food, burgers, fried breakfasts and CHOCOLATE, it doesn’t have any effect on how greasy your skin will be.

Pimples are actually caused by the level of testosterone in your body. When we go through puberty our hormone levels are all over the place and if you are more sensitive to testosterone, you’re likely to have oilier skin and be more prone to spots.

So, although chocolate has been let off the hook for this myth, it is not off the hook for others. Just remember there is no substitute for a healthy diet!

YOU CAN GET SUNBURNT IN WINTER - True Correct! UVA rays are around whenever it is daylight, even if the sun is stuck behind some storm clouds or if the air is cold. With sun damage being a big factor in making us look older before our time (eek!), we also have to be aware of skin cancers. Researchers say that most of the damage that happens to our skin happens before we are 17! So now is the time to look after our skins. The solution: Start getting into a regular routine of applying a light moisturiser with a sunscreen in it everyday without fail. Let’s keep our skins protected.


Page 25: Adopted from lynncowell€¦ · 2. Coffee (pots) in Clarens. This one with 3 of my girlfriends. We decided to go to a festival in Clarens earlier this year. We were all super stoked

BRUSHING YOUR HAIR 100 TIMES MAKES IT OILY - True Here is one time that Grandma’s old saying of “you have to brush your hair 100 strokes every morning and evening to make it shiny” is a complete myth! And , thank goodness for that because if you have ever tried it (and I have) you will know, it is exhausting! Brushing your hair that many times does in fact make it oily as you would be stimulating the oil glands thus causing oily hair. If you wanting to get your shine on, the best way to do it is by using a good conditioner. Conditioners smooth down the outer surface of the hair so that it lies flat which makes the hair smoother and shinier.

SQUEEZING A PIMPLE MAKES IT DISSAPPEAR - Myth Busted When it comes to pimples, the rule is HANDS OFF! Picking, prodding or putting the squeeze on a pimple will only make it worse by possibly causing infection and even scarring.

“Help! What can I do about these spots?” Ask an adult to make an appointment for you at your nearest beauty salon, they will recommend a good cleansing routine for you which will keep the skin clean on the outside. They can also recommend you to a dermatologist if need be. In the meantime, invest in a good blemish stick, they contain antiseptic and anti bacterial ingredients to help dry out spots and reduce inflammation. Lastly, find a cover stick that matches your skin colour, dab it lightly on the offending spot and gently blend it into the surrounding skin- this will help to keep it out of sight!

So there you have it the truth is finally revealed!

LICKING YOUR LIPS WILL KEEP THEM MOIST - Myth Busted Licking our lips when they are feeling cracked and dry seems the most natural thing to do- however, licking your lips actually dries them out more. This is because wetting your lips with your tongue causes dehydration- meaning they wind up becoming more dry and cracked. The best treatment for dry and cracked lips is lip balm.

P.S And it makes your lips look super fab too!


Page 26: Adopted from lynncowell€¦ · 2. Coffee (pots) in Clarens. This one with 3 of my girlfriends. We decided to go to a festival in Clarens earlier this year. We were all super stoked

Pasi & Kari Creations is headed up by a dynamic mother-and-daughter duo who create meaningful

Kari(daughter) is a visual communication practitioner, while Pasi(Mother) is an inspirational speaker. Through the combination of their skills, they create conceptualised and inspirational pieces that are

unique and relevant to the receiver because they speak the heart of the sender in their absence. What sets Pasi and Kari Creations apart from others is the feeling the art pieces and gifts leave the

receiver with, through the usage of inspirational words.

Contact us:

065 809 29828 079 939 6777



We are not in the business of gifts, we are in the business of promoting an attitude of gratitude

Created Just For Wena


Page 27: Adopted from lynncowell€¦ · 2. Coffee (pots) in Clarens. This one with 3 of my girlfriends. We decided to go to a festival in Clarens earlier this year. We were all super stoked

I AM WHO GOD SAYS I AMThe Apple Of His Eye