Experience Highlands est. 1965

Admissions Catalog for Highlands Christian Academy

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Experience Highlands est. 1965



elementary school

junior high & high school

baseball field

softball field


football field









Highlands Christian Academy501 NE 48th StreetPompano Beach, FL



3 76




Hello, my name is Ken Lopez, and I am privileged to serve as the headmaster of Highlands Christian Academy (HCA) located in Pompano Beach, Florida.

Established in 1965, HCA has been providing a Christ-centered education for 50 years! Whether your student is a 3-year-old preschooler, a high school senior, or somewhere in-between, HCA offers a quality

Highlands Christian Academy is located just east of I-95 between Sample Road and SW 10th Street. I personally invite you to call our offices for more information and to request a tour of our 27-acre campus with over 100,000 square feet of educational facilities including four playgrounds, five athletic fields, computer labs, and science facilities. We would love to meet you!


Christian education complimented by an outstanding athletics program and fine arts department.

Our goal at Highlands is to come alongside you as a parent, helping you train your child to know and love Jesus Christ, achieve academically to his or her greatest potential, and develop personal passions for the glory of God. Our administration and staff desires to see your child excel and mature in the classrooms, on the sports fields, and in extra-curricular endeavors.

I can vouch for an HCA education both as an administrator and a dad—because my own three daughters graduated from Highlands.

from the headmaster

1 science lab & 3 computer labs


acres on our campus

student to faculty ratio

faculty members with at least 10 years teaching

experience at hca


square feet of educational facilities athletic teams from elementary

through varsity (and counting)

quick facts

Over 90% of graduates attend college

major drama & music performances each year for elementary through secondary


5with majority receiving

athletic or academic scholarships



Highlands Christian Academy is fully accredited from our preschool program through the 12th grade. We are pleased to be recognized by the following associations, and more:


EmotionalHCA strives to provide an atmosphere that is genuine, safe, and uplifting. At Highlands, students are encouraged to positively express their creativity and emotions through fine arts as well as in their relationships with others.

at HCa, wE bEliEvE it is EssEntial to EduCatE tHE

total pErson—mind, body, and spirit—and tHat’s

ExaCtly wHat wE’vE bEEn doing sinCE 1965. our

EduCational pHilosopHy is basEd on a god-CEntErEd

viEw tHat all trutH is god’s trutH, and tHE biblE

intEllECtualHCA students pursue high academic standards as a means of equipping them to become credible, influential, Christian leaders. Students are instructed in language arts, literature, math, science, social studies, Bible, Spanish, technology, and other subjects.

philosophy of education

soCialGod has created us to live in community, so HCA provides students opportunities for interaction with their peers, staff, as

well as our local community. We emphasize relationships characterized by love, respect,

truthfulness, and purity.

pHysiCal The faculty at Highlands believes physical

education and athletics is an important part of the total school experience. PE

classes include exercise, learning and playing various sports, and instruction in

health and proper nutrition.

is tHE inspirEd, infalliblE, autHoritativE word of god tHat Contains tHis trutH. tHErEforE, tHE

word of god is not simply taugHt in biblE Class at HCa. it pErmEatEs all

arEas of our CurriCulum—intEllECtual, soCial,

Emotional, and pHysiCal.

philosophy of education

The HCA faculty is committed to academic excellence, understanding they have been entrusted with teaching

Highlands Christian Academy is dedicated to the process of assisting parents in the

biblical training of students in all aspects of Christian education and living.

“HigHlands Has been tHe perfect fit for our family. in addition to tHeir classes, our

cHildren Have been involved in basketball, track, volleyball, cHeerleading, fall plays,

and spring musicals. We are tHankful tHese activities Were led from a cHristian

perspective by teacHers and coacHes WHo put cHrist first in tHeir oWn lives.”

Judi Califano, Highlands Parent

highlands community

“i’ve found teacHing matH and science at HigHlands to be tHe most intrinsically reWarding job i could Hold. i get to teacH students about tHe patterns, relationsHips, and complexities of our universe, all WHile acknoWledging our amazing creator as tHe cause of tHem.”

Phil Attard, Highlands Math & Science Teacher

students to know, love, and live for Jesus Christ. HCA teachers purposefully use God’s Word as the focal point for all learning.

“HigHlands pusHes students to attain neW academic levels so tHey

are Well-prepared for college. tHe teacHers don’t vieW it as a

job, but ratHer really care about tHeir students as

people. tHe coacHes at Hca invest tHeir lives in tHe

atHletes botH on and off tHe court to Help develop

tHe WHole person.”

Andrew Smith, Highlands Graduate (2011),

Liberty University Varsity Basketball Player & Graduate (2015)

HCA students strive towards excellence in the classroom and

around campus. We believe God gives specific strengths and abilities to each student, and Highlands provides many opportunities to develop these talents

in a supportive environment.




highlands community


preschoolThe preschool at Highlands prepares young students for elementary school and beyond. Our program capitalizes on a time when children’s brains are rapidly developing by laying a foundation of academic knowledge and biblical instruction.

Our Pre-K3 students gain experience through art, singing, Bible lessons, storytelling, rhythm, and movement. Through these activities, children develop self-control, physical coordination, and social skills.

The Pre-K4 curriculum includes phonics, numbers, Bible, writing, and character development. By May each year, 85% of our Pre-K4 students are able to read short and long vowel words, recognize numbers in and out of order up to 20, and count 1-100.

HCA participates in Florida’s Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK) program, and we are pleased to welcome children from our community to begin their educational journey at Highlands.


ExpEriEnCEd tEaCHErs HElp CHildrEn intEgratE soCially so tHEy lEarn tHE rulEs and struCturEs of a Classroom, all tHE wHilE giving EaCH studEnt individualizEd attEntion.

in HCa ElEmEntary, wE foCus on aCadEmiC ExCEllEnCE, bibliCal instruCtion, and CHaraCtEr building. a strong EmpHasis is plaCEd on lEarning to CommuniCatE tHrougH tHE writtEn and spokEn word.

• Strong reading skills are developed through the phonics method of teaching.• Handwriting and speaking skills are strengthened through daily exercises and class participation.• Computer and technology expertise comes through integration of technology in every elementary classroom.• Overall academic abilities grow through traditional math, language arts, science, social studies, Spanish, music, art, PE, and of course, Bible.

Each student receives personal guidance from his or her classroom teacher. Students are instilled with courage so they can be and do all that God has planned for them. Advanced learning opportunities are available as well as “help classes” for students struggling in a particular subject. Students also enjoy a variety of elementary extra-curricular activities.


tHE Junior HigH sCHool at HigHlands is a plaCE wHErE 6tH tHrougH 8tH gradErs grow aCadEmiCally, spiritually, and Emotionally.

We understand that some junior high students start questioning the world around them and testing their familiar boundaries. Others seek their identity and place in a complex world. That’s why HCA has purposed to give students a broad-spectrum education that includes educating the mind, challenging the body, and strengthening the spirit.

junior high

The early teen years are a formative time for relationships. We encourage relationships that are free from bullying and are characterized by respect, compassion, honesty, forgiveness, and purity.

National achievement test results consistently indicate superior HCA junior high student ranking among their peers across the country. Along with their traditional academic classes, junior high students enjoy a variety of electives including computers, fine arts, and technology.

At HCA, we take education seriously. We realize students have different strengths and weaknesses, and that’s why our high school offers a wide variety of courses.

• College Prep Courses• Honors and AP Classes• Dual Enrollment with Florida Atlantic University, Palm Beach State College, and Broward College• Daily Bible Classes

Each spring the senior class culminates their high school education with a trip abroad. Recent trips have included Italy, Greece, Germany, Poland, Switzerland, Austria, France, and China.

HCA high school students consistently earn superior ranking in national achievement testing among their peers across the country. More than 90% of HCA high school graduates go on to attend college, and a majority of our students receive academic or athletic scholarships. HCA students have graduated from all major public and private colleges and universities in Florida and numerous institutions of higher learning around the country.

our goal is to prEparE HigH sCHool studEnts for CollEgE–and for lifE. wE usE a variEty of tEaCHing mEtHods tHat arE botH traditional and progrEssivE. HCa tEaCHErs arE spECifiCally sElECtEd for ExpErtisE in tHEir tEaCHing arEa and for tHEir CHristian CHaraCtEr.

high school


fine arts HCa studEnts dEsiring to ExCEl in tHE finE arts will find many avEnuEs for maturing in tHEir individual passions and tHEn pErforming witH tHEir pEErs.

Students are encouraged to explore and develop skills through fine arts classes, private lessons, and HCA’s full school-year schedule of opportunities:

• Excellent drama productions, including fall dinner/dessert theater and spring musical • Outstanding band and choir concerts and competitions • Award-winning JH and HS Thespian performances and competitions • Elementary musical involving all 1st through 5th grade students• Private voice and instrument lessons enhancing student talents

Individual State Champions

State Final Four Appearances

16 District Titles

Individual State Appearances

25 Individual District Champions

last 5 years of athletic highlights2




BasketballGolfTrack & FieldCross Country

The wide range of sports programs allows students to develop their God-given skills and achieve their athletic goals through consistent training, hard work, and discipline. We believe sports are an ideal venue for developing Christian character and lifetime skills. Student-athletes at HCA learn what it means to interact with others in a Christ-honoring manner by displaying positive attitudes and humble spirits.

HCA is committed to training the whole child and is pleased to offer 33 athletic teams from elementary through varsity, including:



“our family Has an extensive History at HigHlands. i realize i Have come full circle from my oWn student years—to my current days as an Hca dad. HigHlands made sucH an impact on me academically and spiritually, and i am passionate about tHe influence our scHool is Having on tHe lives of so many students and families.”

Blair Shein, HCA Valedictorian (Class of 1997), married to Leslie Shein (Class of 1999),

and father to elementary students Lily and Corbin

In recent years HCA students have been recognized for their academic achievements in these prestigious areas: Two National Achievement Scholars and a semi-finalist; a National Merit Scholar; dozens of Florida Academic Scholars (as many as 50% of the graduating class in some years), and more.

• 100% of HCA graduates who apply to college are accepted. • An average of over 90% continue their education at public, private, or Christian colleges. • Over the last 5 years, an average of 25% have continued their education at Christian colleges. • Over the last 5 years, an average of 40% have qualified for Florida Bright Futures.

hca graduates at a glancePictured: The Shein Family

Art Institute of Florida Auburn University Barry University Bob Jones University Bryan College Campbell UniversityCalvin College Carson Newman College Cedarville University Coastal Carolina University Covenant College Duke University Eckerd College Florida A&M University

Florida Atlantic UniversityFlorida Gulf Coast University Florida International UniversityFlorida State UniversityFlorida Technical Institute Furman University Grace College Illinois College Indiana State UniversityJacksonville University King’s College Le Tourneau UniversityLiberty University Life Bible College

Lynn University Mississippi State University Moody Bible Institute Nova Southeastern UniversityPalm Beach Atlantic UniversityPensacola Christian College Regent UniversitySamford University Southeastern Oklahoma UniversitySoutheastern University Stetson University Taylor University Tennessee Temple UniversityToccoa Falls College

United States Air Force AcademyUS Military Academy at West Point University of AlabamaUniversity of Central Florida University of FloridaUniversity of Miami University of North FloridaUniversity of South Florida University of TampaWheaton CollegeWilliam and Mary College


Colleges & Universities HCA Graduates Have Attended

Highlands Christian Academy admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin.

HigHlands CHristian aCademy A Ministry of Grace Baptist Church

501 ne 48th street, Pompano Beach, Florida 33064 | 954-421-1747 | www.HighlandsChristian.org