Administrative Policy Handbook

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  • 8/3/2019 Administrative Policy Handbook


    Administrative Policy Handbook

    Administrative Policy and Issues Paper

    ITEC/FRIT 7132Fall 2008

    Patrice O. Toulson

    Policies adoptedby some media


    RelatedPoliciesFound inJeffersonCounty

    Summation of currentpolicy (if any) New Policy Needed,

    Modifications or Links providedto relevant examples

    Media Committee

    IFBD -


    Rev. 9/9/08

    A media committee will consist ofthe system media contactperson, principals, instructionallead teachers, teachingrepresentative from each grade

    level, one student and at leastone communitity representative.They will assist in makingrecommendations for the mediaprogram at school level andprovide input to the systemmedia committee.

    None Needed


    IFBD -Media

    ProgramsRev. 9/9/08

    Media Center will have a flexiblescheduled media center whereteachers and students canaccess

    None Needed


    IFBD -Media

    ProgramsRev. 9/9/08

    Collaborative planning thatincludes joint determination bymedia specialist and teachers to

    ensure use of media centerresources and services thatsupport on-going classroominstruction. None Needed



    Selection is mentioned under the JeffersonCounty IFBD code but basically says themedia committee will be responsible for theselection of materials. This does not go into

    any procedures. In the Jefferson CountyMedia Center handbook, there is a detaileddescription of the selection and evaluation ofmedia. Maybe this needs to be made into aseparate board policy using the proceduresin the handbook. A good example of aselection policy can be found in the IFA codesection at

  • 8/3/2019 Administrative Policy Handbook


    Reconsiderationof Material

    KNBA -Complaints

    aboutInstructional MaterialRevised.11/14/02

    It is the policy of Jefferson County torequire the materials selected for our

    schools to be chosen for values of

    interest and enlightenment of allstudents in the community. Every effortwill be made to provide materials thatpresent all points of view concerningproblems and issues of our time and

    censorship of books shall be challengedin order to maintain the school's

    responsibility to provide information andenlightenment. The policy also includeshow the board will deal with censorship

    of books and other materials.

    Along with the board policy, the JeffersonCounty media specialist have a countygoals and objectives handbook where adetailed selection procedure is written on

    Reconsideration of Material. It is anorderly and fair procedure for handlingcomplaints. The board policy probablyneeds to be updated since it has not beensince 2002 to include more specificprocedures. An example of a policy forreconsideration of materials can be foundat the code KNBA. There is also aform attached for Request forReconsideration of Instructional Media onTift County's policy section.

    De-SelectionPolicy (Weeding)


    None Found

    No specific board policy for de-selection of materials found. Aprocedure was found in theJefferson County media centerhandbook based on Karen R.Lowe's - Resource Alignment:Providing Curriculum Support inthe School Library Media Center.A de-selection policy would be

    helpful to guide the mediaspecialist in "weeding" outmaterial. An example of aweeding policy that gives specificguidelines for deselecting materialcan be found at in the IFA-R codesection.

    Student Fees,Fines andCharges

    JS Revised11/14/02

    The only section that may apply tothe media center in this policystates that students may becharged for replacement, repaircosts due to loss or abuse ofschool system property.

    This is a county wide policy forschool/system property. A policyneeds to be written that focuses

    on media center material. Anexample of a more specific policydealing with student fees, finesand charges that relates directlyto library resources can be foundat in the JQ Code section.

  • 8/3/2019 Administrative Policy Handbook


    Use ofElectronic

    Media - InternetUse

    IFBG -Internet

    Acceptable Use


    All Internet connections provided to thestaff and students are the property of theBoard of Education and are to be usedsolely for the purpose of supporting theeducational mission of the school system

    and conducting the business of the schoolsystem. Both students and employeesare expected to follow legal, ethical andschool rules regarding use of the Internet.Teachers will employ the samesupervision and care in determiningappropriate use of the Internet as is usedwith other instructional materials. It is upto the parents of the students whether ornot to apply for access priviileges for theirchildren.

    None Needed

    Internet Safety

    IFBG -


    le UseRevised9/9/08

    The school district shall have in

    continuous operation, with respect to anycomputers belonging to the school havingaccess to the Internet: a qualifying"technology protection measure" andprocedures developed which provide formonitoring the outline activities of users.

    None Needed



    IFBG -Internet

    Acceptable Use


    Access to the school's Internet is providedfor educational purposes and researchconsistent with the school system'seducational mission and goals.Appropriate use should always be legaland ethical. Parents and students arerequired to sign a parent/student InternetAccess Agreement form. Employees arealso required to sign the EmployeeInternet Access agreement form.Inappropriate use may result in thecancellation of the Internet privileges.Listed on the policy are examples ofunacceptable uses.

    None Needed

  • 8/3/2019 Administrative Policy Handbook


    Internet Safety

    IFBGEInternetSafety -Revised1/12/06

    It is the policy of the Jefferson CountySchool System to: (a) prevent user accessover its computer network to, ortransmission of, inappropriate material via

    Internet, electronic mail, or other forms ofdirect electronic communications; (b)prevent unauthorized access and otherunlawful outline activity; (c) preventunauthorized online disclosure, use, ordissemination of personal identificationinformation of minors; (4) comply with theChildren's Internet Protection Act.Technology protection measures shall beuse to block or filter Internet, or otherforms of electronic communications.Steps shall be taken to promote the safetyand security of users of the JeffersonCounty School System online computernetwork when using electronic mail, chat

    rooms, instant messaging, and otherforms of direct electronic communications.It is the responsibility of all members ofthe county staff to supervise and monitorusage of the online computer network andaccess to the Internet.

    None Needed

    Email Policy

    IFBG -


    le UseRevised9/9/08

    The only section in the board policy thatapplies somewhat to an email policy isrelated to network etiquette. The user isexpected to abide by the generally

    accepted rules of network etiquette.Included in these rules are to be polite,don't reveal personal information ofstudents, recognize that email is notprivate, don't disrupt the network for otherusers, and consider all communicationsand information accessible via thenetwork to be private property.

    The information is written asnetwork etiquette under thesection Terms and Conditions.An example of a better writtenpolicy is found at

  • 8/3/2019 Administrative Policy Handbook




    None Found

    No board policy is in place inJefferson County. TheJefferson County media centergoals and objective handbookhas a detailed copyright

    adherence process that statesthat there should be a system-level staff member that informsother staff members ofcopyright laws that cover allcopyright issues includingcopies, video usage andvideotaping. This is such animportant topic as far as legalissues that it seems that theirwould be a board policy on thisissue. An example of acopyright policy can be found at


    None Found

    No board policy on gifts wasfound as a board policy. Thereis a procedure in the JeffersonCounty Media Center Goalsand Objective Handbook onhow gifts, from individuals andfrom commercial organizations,are handled. An example of agifts policy can be found at in the KH code.


    IFCD -School



    The policy states that volunteers can makemany valuable contributions to our schools.The Board endorses a Volunteer Program inthe Jefferson County Schools, subject tosuitable regulations and safeguards.

    This policy seems a little vague.It seems that it could be moredetailed and explain whatsuitable regulations andsafeguards would include. Anexample of a better writtenschool volunteer policy can befound athttp://eboard.eboardsolutions.c
