Observational Techniques Chapter 11

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Observational Techniques

Chapter 11

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Observational techniques Methods of collecting data by observing

people, most typically in their natural settings The researcher conducting the observations

may use either participant observation or nonparticipant observation.

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Participant Observation Observation performed by observers who take

part in the activities they observe

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Nonparticipant Observation Observation made by an observer who remain

as aloof as possible from those observed

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Focal Research

Unmasking Racism: Halloween Costuming and Engagement of the Racial Other By Jennifer C. Mueller, Danielle Dirks, and Leslie Houts Picca Participant observation They observed what they themselves and

other students did when they dressed as people of different races for Halloween

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Focal Research

Ethics IRB Informed consent forms Confidentiality

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Observational Techniques Defined

Observational techniques are sometimes called qualitative methods and field research

Both qualitative methods and field research require more steps than simple observation

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Observational Techniques Defined

Controlled (or systematic) observations Observation that involve clear decisions about

what is to be observed Observing whether or not a person will do a

particular action Example

Whether people would or wouldn’t contribute coins to a Salvation Army kettle after they had seen, or not seen, another person do so

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Reasons for Doing Observations

When are observational techniques desirable? Useful when you don’t know much about the

subject under investigation Common in anthropology & ethnography – a

study of culture When one wants to understand experience

from the point of view of those who are living it or from the context in which it is lived.

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Reasons for Doing Observations

Observational techniques may help the researcher move from thin to thick description.

Thin Description Bare-bone description of acts

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Reasons for Doing Observations

Thick Description Reports about behavior that provide a sense

of things like the intentions, motives, and meanings behind the behavior

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Reasons for Doing Observations

Observational techniques are useful when you want to study quickly changing social situations. Example

Hurricane Katrina

Observational techniques offer a relatively unfiltered view of human behavior.

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Observer Roles

Observational techniques are relatively unobtrusive – but the level varies based on the role played by the observers

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Observer Roles

Complete participant role Being, or pretending to be, a genuine participant

in a situation one observes

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Observer Roles

Participant-as-observer role Being primarily a participant, while admitting an

observer status

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Observer Roles

Observer-as-participant Being primarily a self-professed observer, while

occasionally participating in the situation

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Observer Roles

Complete observer role Being an observer of a situation without

becoming part of it

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Observer Roles

Concern The participant-as-observer and observer-as-

participant roles are more obtrusive compared to the pure participant or pure observer

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Observer Roles

Ethics There are ethical issues to consider in the

observer playing multiple roles, including issues of power, issues of guilty knowledge, and issues of responsibility

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Getting Ready for Observations

Observational techniques typically do not require as much preparation as other methods we have discussed.

Design elements are typically worked out as you go. Except during controlled, or systematic, observations,

which are defined by their use of explicit plans for selecting, recording, and coding data.

Observers typically begin their studies with less clearly defined research questions and considerably more flexible research plans.

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Getting Ready for Observations

Selecting a location is typically the first step in observations

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Getting Ready for Observations

Next the observer seeks out interviews to get a range of different types of people, the researcher wants to reach theoretical saturation

Theoretical saturation The point where new interviewees or settings look

a lot like interviewees or settings one has observed before

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Getting Ready for Observations

Observations are most often done in a nonrandom format

Purposive sampling is most common A nonprobability sampling procedure that

involves selecting elements based on the researcher's judgment about which elements will facilitate his or her investigation

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Getting Ready for Observations

The researcher needs to decide how much information one will tell about yourself and your research.

Disclosure of your interests (personal and research) can help develop truth in others, but it can also be a distraction from, even a hindrance to the unfolding of, events in the field.

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Getting Ready for Observations

Two general recommendations about preparing yourself for the field Potential observers should review as much literature

in advance of their observations as possible – literature can sensitize the researchers to the kinds of things they might want to look for in the field and suggest new settings for the study

Spend time reviewing earlier examples of participant or nonparticipant observation, to see what others have done.

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Getting Ready for Observations

Gaining Access and Ethical Concerns Gaining access to a site is a social task

A researcher must use all the social skills or resources and ethical sensibilities she has available

If the observer plans not to reveal the intention to observe, the major issues in gaining access are ethical

The decision to engage in covert research and thereafter to establish access, is ethically acceptable, if other concerns, such as ensuring lack of harm to those observed and pursuing worthwhile topics in settings that cannot be studied openly, neutralize or overwhelm concern about deception.

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Getting Ready for Observations

Gaining Access and Ethical Concerns Account

A plausible and appealing explanation of the research that the researcher gives to prospective participants

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Getting Ready for Observations

Gaining Access and Ethical Concerns Gatekeeper

Someone who can get a researcher into a setting

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Getting Ready for Observations

Gathering the Data Conventional techniques for recording

observations writing them down recording them mechanically recording them in one’s memory to be written

down later Memory is the most common but least


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Getting Ready for Observations

Gathering the Data Visual sociology

An approach to studying society and culture that employs images as a data source

Techniques used by visual sociologists1. analyzing visual documents

2. subject-image making

3. photo and video ethnography

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Getting Ready for Observations

Gathering the Data Visual ethnography

The video recording of participants and the reviewing of the resulting footage for insights into social life

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Getting Ready for Observations

Gathering the Data Participants and nonparticpant observers

commonly supplement their observations with interviews and available data

Interview other participants who are known as informants

Informants typically provide the in-depth understanding of a situation

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Analyzing the Data

Studies based on observational techniques are concerned with theory generation or discovery opposed to theory verification

Theory building begins soon after your first observation

Once the researcher articulates notions they become concepts or hypothesis, the building block of theory.

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Analyzing the Data

The researcher begins to look for similarities and differences in behavior

Similarities can lead to the generalizations on which grounded theory is based. Grounded Theory

Theory derived from data in the course of a particular study.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Observational Techniques Advantages

Getting a handle on the relatively unknown Obtaining an understanding of how others

experience life Studying behavior Inexpensive Flexibility

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Observational Techniques

Disadvantages Generalizability Demand Characteristics

A bias caused by the distortion that can occur when people know (or think) they are being observed

Extremely time-consuming Demanding and frustrating

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Purposes of observational techniques To gain relatively unfiltered views of behavior To get a handle on relatively unknown social To obtain a relatively deep understanding of

others’ experience To study quickly changing situations To study behavior, and to save money

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Quiz – Question 1

Most participant observers practice which

type of sampling?a. Simple random

b. Stratified sampling

c. Quota sampling

d. Purposive sampling

e. None of the above

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Quiz – Question 2

Most qualitative researchers are interested

ina. theory verification.

b. causality.

c. spuriousness.

d. theory generation or discovery.

e. None of the above

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Quiz – Question 3

When the observed take on different attributes simply as a result of being observed, this is called

a. observational methods.

b. demand characteristics.

c. performance anxiety.

d. presentation of self.

e. Both a and c.