Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative 2013 Water Quality Summary Report

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  • 8/12/2019 Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative 2013 Water Quality Summary Report


    Summary Report: 2013 Sampling Results

    Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative

    24 February 2014

    Prepared by:

    Kristen Underwood

    South Mountain Research & Consulting and

    Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative

    Prepared for:

    Jim Kellogg

    VTDEC Water Quality Division

    Digital copy of this report available for download at:

  • 8/12/2019 Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative 2013 Water Quality Summary Report


    Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative Summary Report: 2013 Sampling Results

    24 Februrary 2014

    South Mountain Research & Consulting


    1.0 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 1

    2.0 Background .......................................................................................................................... 1

    3.0 Methods ............................................................................................................................... 3

    4.0 Precipitation Data ................................................................................................................ 5

    5.0 Hydrologic Data.................................................................................................................... 6

    6.0 Sample Results ..................................................................................................................... 9

    7.0 References ......................................................................................................................... 12

    Appendix APhysical Features of Watersheds

    Appendix BPrecipitation and Flow Data

    Appendix CWater Quality Data Tables by Watershed

    Appendix DQA Summary Report


    1 Lemon Fair River2013 Water Quality Summary2 Lewis Creek2013 Water Quality Summary3 Little Otter Creek2013 Water Quality Summary4 Middlebury River2013 Water Quality Summary5 New Haven River2013 Water Quality Summary6 Otter Creek (Lower)2013 Water Quality Summary

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    Table 1. Rotational Schedule for Focused Monitoring

    20122013 2014 - 2015 2016 - 2017

    Lewis Creek Middlebury River Little Otter CreekLemon Fair Otter Creek New Haven River

    Beginning with the 2012 sampling season, Lewis Creek and the Lemon Fair River were selected to be

    focus watersheds (Figure 1, watersheds in bold outline). Therefore, rotational sites were scheduled for

    sampling in addition to the sentinel sites in these two watersheds. Table 2a displays the schedule of

    sampling sites and parameters for the 2013 season; R denotes a rotational site, S for a sentinel site.

    A slightly different schedule of sampling parameters is indicated for Spring versus Summer monthsi.e.,

    E. coliwas added to the list for Summer events.

    3.0 Methods

    Water quality samples were collected by ACRWC volunteers in accordance with quality assurance

    procedures outlined in the EPA-approved Generic Quality Assurance Project Plan prepared by VTDEC.

    A Quality Assurance Summary report for the 2013 sampling data was submitted under separate cover.

    Samples were delivered to the LaRosa Analytical Laboratory housed in the Hills Building in the University

    of Vermont campus in Burlington, Vermont.

    During 2013, ACRWC volunteers collected grab samples at 31 sites in these six watersheds during twoSpring events (April and May) and four Summer events (June, July, August and September). Sampling

    dates were pre-determined as the first Wednesday of each month (except July to avoid the 4th

    of July

    holiday), and were not designed to capture any specific flow condition:

    April 3 May 1 June 5 July 10 August 7 September 4

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    Table 2. 2013 Schedule of Sites / Parameters Spring and Summer

    Project Name: Addison County River Watch Collaborative

    Type River Name Site ID Site Location TP DP TN Turbidity TSS E.c ol i A L K TP DP TN Turbidi ty TSS

    S Lewis Creek LCR3.7 Old Route 7 Bridge X X X X X X X

    R Lewis Creek LCR9.9 Upper Covered Bridge, Roscoe Rd. X X X X

    S Lewis Creek LCR14 Tyler Bridge X X X X X X X

    R Lewis Creek LCR17.2 Starksboro Ballfields X X X X

    R Lewis Creek LCR18.6 Lewis Creek Farm footbridge X X X X

    R Lewis Creek LCR19.5 Parsonage Road bridge X X X X X X

    R Lewis Creek LCR27.8 Hillsboro Road X X X X X X

    R Pond Brook LCT3D.5 Silver Street culvert X X X X X X X

    O Highknob Brook HK-0.8 Above Freedom Access Road X X X X

    O Hillsboro Brook HLB-0.8 Below Hillsboro Rd & confluence of two t ribs X X X X

    O Hogback Brook HGB-1.7 Near Parsonage Road X X X X

    O Hollow Brook HLW-2.5 Off of Hollow Rd X X X X

    O Lewis Creek LCR26.5 Above Gorge X X X X

    O Pringle Brook PRG-0.3 Below falls off Spear St Ext X X X X

    R Lemon Fair River LFR0 Weybridge Road bridge X X X X X X X X X X X

    R Lemon Fair River LFR1.2 Prunier Road bridge X X X X X X X X X X X

    S Lemon Fair River LFR6.7 Route 125 bridge. X X X X X X X X X X X

    S Lemon Fair River LFR12 Downstream of Route 74 bridge X X X X X X X X X X X

    R Lemon Fair River LFR15.8 Shacksboro Road bridge X X X X X X X X X X X

    R Lemon Fair River LFR23.9 Murray Road Bridge X X X X X X X X X X X

    R Beaver Branch LFB2.5 Sperry Road crossing, Beaver Branch X X X X X X X X X X X

    R Trib to Beaver Branch LFBS1-0.9 Route 125 crossing, trib to Beaver Branch X X X X X X X X X X X

    S Little Otter Creek LOC4.3 Route 7 Bridge X X X X X X X X X

    S Mud Creek MDC1.2 Wing Rd./Middlebrook Rd. (South) X X X X X X X X X

    S Middlebury River MIR1.5 Shard Villa Rd. Bridge X X X X X

    S Middlebury River MIR5.7 Midd. Gorge @ Rte 125 Bridge X X X X X

    S New Haven River NHR2 Muddy Branch confluence (just below) X X X X X

    S New Haven River NHR9 South St. Bridge X X X X X

    S New Haven River NHR11.5 Bartlett's Falls Pool X

    S Otter Creek OTR18 Twin Bridges Picnic Area X X X X X X X

    S Otter Creek OTR7.3 Vergennes Falls/below outfall X X X X X X X

    Project Number: 137-01

    Sample Year: 2013

    Summer Schedule (Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep)


    Spring Schedule (Apr, May)

    Site Types: R = Rotational; S = Sentinel; O = Other (special project).

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    4.0 Precipitation Data

    Precipitation data were compiled from existing weather stations in vicinity of the ACRWC watersheds

    (Table B-1). Calendar year 2013 was a wetter-than-normal year, as recorded at regional weather

    stations in South Burlington (Airport) and South Lincoln, Vermont, and a somewhat drier-than-normal

    year in Rutland. Heavy rainfall in the months of May, June, and July contributed to the greater-than-

    normal annual precipitation in Addison and Chittenden Counties; precipitation in other months was

    near, or even below, normal.

    Similar to the previous year, snowfall in the winter of 20122013 was less than normal as recorded at

    the South Lincoln and Rutland weather stations (Table B-2). Snowfall recorded at the Burlington airport

    was near normal.

    Based on USGS provisional real-time gaging records, ice-out in the lower Lewis Creek and New Haven

    River watersheds and at the Otter Creek Middlebury station occurred in late February. There were a

    couple of temporary ice-out events in mid- and late-January on the New Haven River and Otter Creek

    associated with mid-winter thaws. Ice-out on the lower Little Otter Creek occurred in mid-March.

    While the rainfall amounts over the year were greater than normal, there were no major storm events,

    with the exception of mid-May flooding and early July flooding that more significantly affected our

    neighbors to the north and east.

    Heavy rains beginning on May 23 were generated from training showers and thunderstorms andcontributed to higher-than-normal rainfall amounts for May in our Addison County watersheds.

    Communities to the north and east in Chittenden and Lamoille Counties sustained damagesfrom flash flooding (NCDC, 2014).

    May, Junepersistent rains from stalled weather patterns led to record rainfall amounts in Mayand June, and record-setting high-stages of Lake Champlain in early July1.

    July 3, July 4Showers and thunderstorms developed in tropical moisture feeding along astationary boundary. Soils were saturated from May and June rains, a condition which

    contributed to flooding. Flash flooding particularly impacted Granville and Waitsfield just over

    the mountains to the east of our ACRWC watersheds (NCDC, 2014).

    July 9, 10 - Southerly deep layer flow in the atmosphere provided a feed for abundant tropicalmoisture from the Gulf of Mexico to the northeast. Training showers and thunderstorms led toflash flooding in portions of the upper Otter Creek basin (NCDC, 2014).



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    5.0 Hydrologic Data

    Flow data were compiled from available USGS gaging stations in vicinity of the ACRWC watersheds. Four

    of the six watersheds sampled by the ACRWC have USGS gaging stations which record instantaneous

    flow at fifteen minute intervals. Gages on Lewis Creek, Little Otter Creek, and New Haven River are nearthe downstream end of the main stem. A nearby gage on Otter Creek (at Middlebury) is located mid-

    basin, at 66.5 % of this 944 square mile basin.

    Flow records are available for the past 23 years at Little Otter Creek, New Haven River, and Lewis Creek

    gaging stations. Mean annual flows recorded at these stations over that time period are summarized in

    Table 5, along with data from the Otter Creek at Middlebury station. Data are summarized by water

    yearwhich begins October 1st

    of the previous calendar year and extends through September 30th


    the indicated year. Based on 23 years of record, mean annual flows in these ACRWC watersheds for

    water year 2013 were near normal.

    Table 5. Mean Annual Flows, 1991 2013, ACRWC watersheds.


    Drainage Area (sq mi) 73 116 81 944

    Gaged Area (sq mi) 57.1 115 77.2 628

    Min (1991-2013) 2002 27 1995 129 1995 54 1995 672

    Max (1991-2013) 2011 145 2011 378 2011 214 2011 1912

    Mean (1991-2013) 67 220 109 1167Water Year 2013 70.1 253 N/A N/A

    Little Otter


    New Haven

    River Lewis Creek

    Otter Creek at


    Source: USGS, 2014, on-line surface water data, .

    Note:As of report publication, 2013 data for Lewis Creek and Otter Creek stations were still provisional.

    Figure 2 presents mean daily flows in the Little Otter Creek, New Haven River and Lewis Creek. Flows

    have been normalized to gaged drainage area. Generally, New Haven River tends to exhibit more flashy

    flows, and often has a somewhat higher flow per unit area than the Lewis Creek and Little Otter Creek.

    While the average yearly flows in the ACRWC watersheds were near normal in 2013, monthly flowswere above normal from late May to early July. Peak flows for water year 2013 occurred in late May in

    the New Haven River, Lewis Creek, and Little Otter Creek, associated with the May 22 and 26 storms.

    Peak flow at the Otter Creek at Middlebury station occurred on July 11 in response to the July 3-4

    storms. Still, peak flows for the year were less than the estimated 2-year storm (Q2) (Olson, 2002) at

    each gaging station.

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    Measurement Date

    Water Year 2013, Daily Mean Flow Normalized to Drainage Area

    New Haven River

    Lewis Creek

    Little Otter Creek

    Otter Creek, MB


    5/1 6/57/10

    8/7approx.Ice Out

    Snowpack somewhatless than normal.


    Note: Data for Lewis Creek and Otter-Middlebury are provisional as of

    24 Februray 2014, and not estimated forice-affected times during Jan & Feb 2013.

    Figure 2. ACRWC Scheduled Spring and Summer Sampling Dates in 2013

    relative to Mean Daily Flows normalized to Gaged Drainage Area.Note: As of 24 February 2014, daily mean flow data posted on the USGS web page for Lewis Creek and Otter Creek @ Middlebury are provisional,

    and estimates have not been made for ice-affected portions of the flow record in January and February 2013.

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    0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100


    Percent of time that indicated discharge was equaled or exceeded(Flow Duration Interval, %)

    Flow Duration Curve (Log Intervals) for Lewis Creek at North Ferrisburg, VTWater Years: 1991 - 2011 (USGS Stn# 04282780, 77.2 sq mi )

    80 cfs

    48 cfs

    17 cfs






    237 cfs

    4/3/2013, 96 cfs6/5/2013, 86 cfs7/10/2013, 135 cfs

    8/7/2013, 30 cfs9/4/2013, 34 cfs

    5/1/2013, 72 cfs

    Figure 3. ACRWC Scheduled Spring and Summer Sampling Dates in 2013

    relative to Flow Duration Curve for the Lewis Creek watershed (after EPA, 2007)

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    Figure 3 presents a flow duration curve for the Lewis Creek watershed, annotated with the 2013 season

    sample dates. Spring sampling dates (April 3, May 1) coincided with moderate stages in area rivers

    associated with spring rains and snow melt. Summer sampling dates coincided with low- to base-flow

    conditions (August 7 and September 4) except for the July 10 event which followed the July 3-4 storms.

    and the June 5 event when flows were somewhat elevated due to high May and June rainfall. These

    storms were not as significant across Addison County as they were in Chittenden County to the north

    and Rutland County to the south. No spring runoff events or significant high-flow events were captured

    during the 2013 season.

    6.0 Sample Results

    Appendix C contains quality-assured sample results for the 2013 season for the ACRWC watersheds.

    Attachments 1 through 6 summarize these results on a single page for each watershed. These

    attachments have been designed to serve as a handout for use in future outreach events to watershed

    stakeholders and relevant town boards. As discussed in Section 2.0, the Lemon Fair River and Lewis

    Creek were chosen as focus watersheds for 2013. Therefore, sample results are presented for sentinel

    as well as rotational sites in these watersheds.

    In general, water quality results for 2013 were consistent with historic results and trends summarized in

    the 2009 Draft Water Quality Reports for each watershed (Hoadley, 2009). E.colicounts in each river

    exceeded the VT Water Quality Standard (VWQS) of 77 organisms/ 100 mL at one or more stations

    during one or more summer sampling dates. Generally, elevated E.colidetections were associated with

    developed land uses including nearby agriculture and livestock with direct access to the river. Wildlife

    sources of E.colialso exist in these rivers, including beaver, deer, and waterfowl. E.colicounts were

    below the federal health-based standard (235 organisms/100 mL) at popular swimming sites. E.coli

    counts tended to be higher during low-flow events. A similar occurrence of elevated E. coli counts was

    noted during low flows in 2012 and in historic drought yearse.g., 1993 and 1995. A few elevated

    counts of E.coli were reported for the July 10 event on the receding limb from high flows generated by

    July 3-4 rains: at Tyler Bridge in the Lewis Creek (LCR14), along Beaver Brook tributary to the Lemon

    Fair, and on the lower Middlebury River (MIR1.5). Each of these stations is downstream of agricultural

    activity and downstream of documented beaver dams. The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources has

    published EPA-approved Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) plans for the Lewis Creek (and Pond Brook),

    Little Otter Creek, Middlebury River, and Otter Creek (VTDEC, 2011). These TMDL plans include

    recommendations for further assessment and mitigation of E.colisources in these waters.

    Turbidity concentrations in the ACRWC watersheds vary, in part depending on geologic setting and flow

    stage. In the mountainous watersheds of Lewis Creek, Middlebury River, and New Haven River (shaded

    yellow in Table A-1), turbidity tends to exceed the standard of 10 NTUs during high flows. Since no

    major storm events were captured during the regularly-scheduled monthly sampling, turbidity did not

    exceed the standard in these mountainous watersheds, except slightly on one occasion in the lower

    Lewis Creek watershed at station LCR3.7 near the Route 7 bridge crossing. A concentration of 10.9 NTUs

    was reported for the July 10 sample from this station, in the days following significant rains on July 3-4.

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    In the valley watersheds (Little Otter Creek and Lemon Fair, shaded light blue in Table A-1), the turbidity

    standard (10 NTUs for the designated cold-water fishery of Little Otter and 25 NTUs for the warm-water

    fishery of Lemon Fair) tends to be exceeded on a more frequent basis, independent of flow condition. In

    2013, turbidity at select stations in these valley watersheds exceeded the VWQS during each of the

    sampling events, except April 3 in the Little Otter Creek when soils were still somewhat frozen. As

    noted in Table A-1 the valley watersheds have a much higher percentage of silt / clay soils derived from

    glacial lake sediments, which contributes to the higher turbidity in these rivers. The Otter Creek

    represents a mixed water with contributions from both the mountainous and valley watersheds. During

    2013, the turbidity standard (25 NTUs) at the sentinel stations on Otter Creek was not exceeded on the

    sample dates.

    Phosphorus is monitored in the Addison County watersheds with respect to two main objectives. First,

    total phosphorus concentrations are compared to proposed instream nutrient criteria (VTDEC WQD,

    2009) to identify potential impacts to Aquatic Life Support and Aesthetics uses of these waters.

    Elevated phosphorus can lead to enhanced algae production and other changes in water quality that

    reduce the rivers capacityto support macroinvertebrates, fish and other aquatic organisms. These

    changes also have the potential to impact aesthetics and recreational uses of these waters. VTANR

    recommends that the mean of at least three low-flow phosphorus concentrations collected on non-

    consecutive days is compared to the relevant proposed phosphorus criterion2. Only two of the Summer

    sampling events from 2013 could be classified as low flow: August 7 and September 4 (see Figure 3).

    Phosphorus concentrations in the mountainous watersheds (New Haven, Middlebury) did not exceed

    the proposed instream phosphorus criteria. The same was true for most of the Lewis Creek stations,

    except for the Pond Brook sentinel station (LCT3D.5) and a new station on the Pringle Brook in the lower

    watershed, where mean total phosphorus concentrations exceeded the proposed criterion of 44 ug/L

    for the warm-water medium gradient (WWMG) wadeable stream ecotype for a Class B water. Mean

    low-flow concentrations of phosphorus in the valley watersheds exceeded the proposed instream

    phosphorus criteriaboth sentinel stations on the Little Otter Creek and seven of the eight stations

    monitored on Lemon Fair. Mean phosphorus concentrations at the Otter Creek sentinel stations did

    not exceed the instream nutrient criterion.

    A second reason to monitor for phosphorus at the subwatershed level in Addison County watersheds is

    to evaluate relative contributions of phosphorus to Lake Champlain. Each of the watersheds monitored

    by the Collaborative contributes significant phosphorus to the lake, either directly (Lewis Creek, Little

    Otter Creek) or via Otter Creek (Middlebury River, New Haven River, Lemon Fair). The most substantial

    loading occurs during high flow eventsgenerally occurring in the spring or fall months. In 2010 and

    2011, the Collaborative carried out a flow / loading study in the Little Otter Creek. A similar study was

    completed in 2012 on the Pond Brook tributary of Lewis Creek. Results are reported separately. Stream

    2Within this context, VTANR defines low flow as the median monthly flow for that month having the lowest

    median monthly (LMM) flow. This definition differs somewhat from the Low Flows presented in the context of a

    Flow Duration Curve (after EPA, 2007). For example, the LMM for Lewis Creek has been calculated by Blaine

    Hastings of VTANR as 21.2 cfs (September) - which is slightly above the range of flows presented as Low Flows in

    Figure 3.

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    flow and water quality monitoring data have been used to inform and develop priority implementation

    projects on a sub-watershed scale. Coarse estimates of phosphorus yields from each sub-watershed

    were used to communicate land use impacts on water quality and encourage landowner and municipal

    participation. In cooperation with local, state and federal partners, projects were prioritized and (with

    landowner willingness) will be developed to achieve reductions in phosphorus and sediment loading

    from these catchments. Identified projects have included wetland restoration & conservation, livestock

    exclusion, riparian buffer plantings, alternate tillage and crop rotation practices, gully stabilization,

    improved forest management techniques, and improved road maintenance practices.

    Nitrogen was monitored in three of the Addison County watersheds in 2013: Lemon Fair River, Otter

    Creek, and Lewis Creek. None of the detected concentrations exceeded the VWQS of 5 mg/L for

    nitrogen as nitrate. However, the mean concentration of total nitrogen for the two available low-flow

    summer sample dates exceeded the proposed instream nitrogen criteria (0.75 mg/L) at four of the eight

    Lemon Fair sites and forone out of the ten Lewis Creek watershed stations sampled for Nitrogen.

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    7.0 References

    Olson, Scott A., 2002, Flow-Frequency Characteristics of Vermont Streams. USGS Water-Resources

    Investigations Report 02-4238.

    National Climatic Data Center, 2014, Event Narratives for Flood Events in Addison County, Vermont,

    accessed on 12 January 2014 at:

    NOAA National Weather Service Recent Weather Event Summaries, 2014, Heavy Rainfall and

    Associated Flooding Event on 23 May 2013 accessed on 12 January 2014 at:

    NOAA Online Weather Data: Daily Almanac accessed in January 2014 at:

    USGS, 2014, on-line surface water data, .

    VTDEC, 2011, Vermont Statewide Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Bacteria Impaired Waters,

    prepared by FB Environmental Associates, Inc., Portland, ME. Including Appendices 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

    VTDEC Water Quality Division, 2009 (August 18), Proposed Nutrient Criteriafor Vermonts Lakes and

    Wadeable Streams.

    Vermont Natural Resources Board, 2008. Vermont Water Quality Standards.

    Effective January 1, 2008. Montpelier, VT.
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    Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative Summary Report: 2013 Sampling Results

    24 February 2014 Appendix C

    South Mountain Research & Consulting

    Appendix A

    Physical Features of Watersheds

    Monitored by Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative

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    24 February 2014 Appendix C

    South Mountain Research & Consulting

    Table A-1 summarizes the physical characteristics of the ACRWC watersheds and nearby LaPlatte River.

    A majority of the drainage area for the New Haven River and Middlebury River is positioned in the

    mountainous terrain of the Northern Green Mountain physiographic province. Lewis Creek also has a

    significant percentage of its drainage area in this province. LaPlatte River, Little Otter Creek and Lemon

    Fair River are located further to the west in the broad, low-relief, Champlain Valley physiographic

    province. Thus, topographic relief and overall gradients of the New Haven River, Middlebury River and

    Lewis Creek are substantially higher than that of the Champlain Valley watersheds.

    The Green Mountain watersheds (New Haven River, Middlebury River, and Lewis Creek; shaded yellow

    in Table A-1) tend to exhibit flashier flows, than the Champlain Valley watersheds due, in part, to the

    steeper overall gradients. The lower-gradient watersheds of the Champlain Valley (shaded blue in Table

    A-1) tend to be characterized by higher percentages of hydric soils derived from lacustrine and marine

    lake sediments, and have higher percentages of wetlands. These conditions offer temporary surface

    water storage and lagged flows, resulting in broader, lower-magnitude storm peaks, longer times to

    peak, and gradual hydrograph recessions.

    In general, the Green Mountain watersheds tend to have higher percentages of forest cover, while the

    Champlain Valley watersheds have higher percentages of agricultural land use.

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    Table A-1. Physical Features of Watersheds.

    Soils (2) Stream

    (% Lake % Hydric % Wetlands Relief Gradient Classification

    NGM CV Sediments) Soils (VSWI) (ft) (ft / mile) Forest Agric Urban (Class B) (3)

    Middlebury River Cold Water

    63 sq mi 71% 29% 10% 15.2% 3.2% 1,758 111 81% 11% 3% Fish

    New Haven River Cold Water

    116 sq mi 63% 37% 14% 9.8% 2.5% 2,720 106 76% 15% 4% Fish

    Lewis Creek Cold Water

    81 sq mi 31% 69% 24% 18.6% 6.5% 1,676 52 60% 26% 5% Fish

    LaPlatte River Warm Water

    53 sq mi 5% 95% 45% 25.3% 6.1% 960 49 38% 39% 16% Fish

    Little Otter Creek Cold Water

    73 sq mi -- 100% 62% 30.3% 9.7% 416 18 35% 45% 4% Fish

    Lemon Fair River Warm Water

    91 sq mi -- 91% 63% 19.3% 7.3% 256 8 25% 63% 6% Fish

    Lower Otter Creek Warm Water

    498 sq mi 29% 69% 38% 20.8% 8.9% NM NM 67% 21% 6% Fish

    (of 944 sq mi basin)

    o es:


    (2) Soils of glaciolacustrine parent material, Natural Resource Conservation Service County Soil Survey Data.

    (3) As per VT Water Quality Standards, effective Jan 1, 2008.

    NGM = Northern Green Mountains; CV = Champlain Valley; geologic province after Stewart & MacClintock (1969) or biophysical province after the

    VT Biodiversity Project.

    Watershed Physical Characteristics

    Province (1 )


    Land Use

    Major Land Cover/Topography

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    Appendix B

    Precipitation and Flow Data

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    24 February 2014 Appendix C

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    Table B-1. Monthly / Annual Precipitation at climate stations located in vicinity of Addison County.

    Data Time

    Source Period Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual

    Burlington, VT (Airport) 1 1971-2000 2.22 1.67 2.32 2.88 3.32 3.43 3.97 4.01 3.83 3.12 3.06 2.22 36.05

    2 1981-2010 2.05 1.76 2.21 2.82 3.45 3.69 4.15 3.91 3.64 3.60 3.12 2.37 36.77

    330 ft amsl 2 2009 1.76 1.81 1.90 1.86 5.25 5.25 4.62 2.32 3.67 2.98 2.98 3.02 37.4220 miles N 2 2010 2.41 2.13 2.85 3.08 1.52 5.87 2.25 3.51 4.17 6.24 3.10 3.60 40.73

    2 2011 1.44 3.02 3.39 7.88 8.67 3.52 3.68 6.11 6.06 3.49 1.43 2.23 50.92

    2 2012 1.96 0.89 0.98 2.84 4.41 3.22 3.78 2.92 5.36 5.04 1.24 3.30 35.94

    2 2013 1.11 1.32 2.05 2.05 8.74 9.86 4.49 3.07 4.74 2.59 2.43 2.54 44.99

    South Lincoln, VT 1 1971-2000 2.92 2.10 3.14 4.20 4.31 4.58 4.24 5.22 4.44 4.39 3.98 3.13 46.65

    2 1981-2010 2.81 2.27 3.12 3.71 4.24 4.75 4.83 5.11 4.13 5.02 3.99 3.41 47.39

    1,370 ft amsl 2 2009 3.05 2.91 2.14 2.55 8.71 5.52 9.07 3.03 2.25 4.52 4.76 3.80 52.31

    13.6 miles SE 2 2010 2.88 3.69 4.65 4.17 2.21 7.50 7.18 5.61 3.36 11.56 2.13 3.08 58.02

    2 2011 1.26 2.04 4.04 1.23 3.95 1.22 2.06 10.71 1.66 1.09 2.19 2.83 34.28

    2 2012 2.19 0.83 1.90 3.64 6.29 3.12 2.88 4.77 4.94 7.02 1.38 3.92 42.88

    2 2013 1.79 1.44 2.78 2.40 6.33 9.90 8.02 5.54 4.47 2.86 4.15 3.75 53.43

    Rutland, VT 1 1971-2000 2.70 1.97 2.59 2.80 3.52 3.85 4.58 4.18 3.91 3.21 3.08 2.73 39.12

    2 1981-2010 2.44 2.15 2.77 2.88 3.71 4.00 4.77 4.10 3.78 3.83 3.25 2.96 40.64

    620 ft amsl 2 2009 2.29 1.98 2.04 1.96 4.43 3.86 9.30 7.71 2.27 4.76 3.64 3.00 47.2440 miles SSE 2 2010 2.22 2.83 4.69 3.04 2.87 3.00 5.35 4.14 1.95 9.76 2.28 3.66 45.79

    2 2011 2.93 3.76 3.61 5.69 4.40 4.38 4.88 11.24 4.88 3.48 1.29 2.80 53.34

    2 2012 1.69 0.69 1.12 3.32 5.26 3.66 3.62 3.42 4.58 4.57 0.71 4.08 36.72

    2 2013 1.85 0.78 1.51 2.58 5.60 5.93 5.59 3.30 3.25 1.36 2.58 2.50 36.83

    Total precipitation in inches, including liquid equivalent of snow, sleet.

    Values for 1971-2000 and 1981-2010 periods reflect averages for the time period. Values for individual years are totals.

    Data Sources: 1 National Climatic Data Center, 2002, Climatography of the United States No. 81 - 43 (Vermont), Monthly S tation Normals of

    Temperature, Precipitation, and Heating and Cooling Degree Days: 1971-2000

    2 NOAA Online Weather Data,

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    Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative Summary Report: 2013 Sampling Results

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    Table B-2. Monthly / Seasonal Snowfall Totals at climate stations located in vicinity of Addison County.


    Period Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Season

    So. Burlington, VT 1971-2000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 7.2 17.1 20.9 15.3 15.4 5.8 0.0 0.0 81.9

    1981-2011 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 5.1 19.1 21.9 16.9 15.6 4.6 0.0 0.0 83.6(Airport) 2009-2010 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 17.7 48.4 24.0 0.9 5.5 0.0 0.0 96.5

    2010-2011 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.3 27.9 26.9 43.1 29.3 0.8 0.0 0.0 128.4

    2011-2012 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 5.0 6.9 13.4 6.4 5.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 37.7

    2012-2013 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.8 30.7 14.6 16.6 16.2 1.0 0.0 0.0 82.9

    South Lincoln, VT 1981-2000 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.2 13.9 26.9 29.6 22.8 24.5 10.5 0.7 0.0 131.1

    1981-2011 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.3 11.4 28.6 27.3 24.0 21.5 9.4 0.6 0.0 125.0

    2009-2010 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 1.1 26.0 22.5 33.0 3.2 10.0 1.0 0.0 96.9

    2010-2011 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.2 4.0 39.5 42.3 40.2 26.2 1.8 0.0 0.0 156.2

    2011-2012 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.4 4.9 24.3 18.4 12.0 11.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 73.6

    2012-2013 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.8 25.8 14.4 11.9 21.3 1.3 0.0 0.0 79.5

    Rutland, VT 1971-2000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 5.6 13.5 16.7 13.9 12.4 3.6 0.0 0.0 66.0

    1981-2011 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 4.4 16.7 17.3 14.7 12.6 3.3 0.0 0.0 69.3

    2009-2010 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 18.2 15.9 19.9 0.1 2.1 0.0 0.0 56.2

    2010-2011 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 21.3 26.8 37.2 14.6 0.9 0.0 0.0 101.7

    2011-2012 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.5 2.9 5.0 8.9 2.7 4.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.2

    2012-2013 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 23.9 8.1 8.5 10.9 0.2 0.0 0.0 52.0

    Total snowfall in inches. Values for 1971-2000 and 1981-2011 periods reflect averages for the time period. Values for seasons are totals.

    Source: data available as of Jan 2014

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    Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative Summary Report: 2013 Sampling Results

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    Table B-3. Flows recorded in Addison County rivers, 2013

    River Lit tle Otter Ck Lewis Creek New Haven River Otter Ck MB

    USGS Gage # #04282650 #04282780 #04282525 #04282500

    Drainage Area (sq mi) 57.1 77.4 115 630

    Sample Dates 4/3/2013 50 96 170 1,310

    (Daily Mean Flows) 5/1/2013 24 72 185 1,660

    (cfs) 6/5/2013 44 86 197 1,960

    7/10/2013 78 135 371 3,130

    8/7/2013 9.0 30 97 627

    9/4/2013 11 34 117 751

    Peak Flows Q2 1,120 2,280 4,410 4,270

    (Olson, 2002; Table 2) Q5 1,640 2,990 6,980 5,840

    Q10 1,990 3,420 8,870 6,970

    Q25 2,440 3,920 11,500 8,480

    Q50 2,790 4,270 13,500 9,680

    Q100 3,130 4,590 15,700 10,900

    Q500 3,950 5,290 21,200 14,200

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    Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative Summary Report: 2013 Sampling Results

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    Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative Summary Report: 2013 Sampling Results

    24 February 2014 Appendix C

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    Appendix C

    Water Quality Data Tables by Watershed


    TN = Total NitrogenTP = Total Phosphorus

    DP = Dissolved Phosphorus

    TSS = Total Suspended Sediments

    mpn/100 mL = organisms per 100 milliliters

    mg/L = milligrams per liter

    ug/ L = micrograms per liter

    NTU = Nephelometric Turbidity Units

    -- = No Data

    NS = Not SampledNA = Not Analyzed (e.g., insufficient sample volume; vial broken in transit)

    NM = Not Measured

    J = estimated value; constituent was present in an associated field blank at our very slightly

    above the method detection limit

    Note: QA/QC issues further detailed in separate QA Summary Report

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    Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative Summary Report: 2013 Sampling Results

    24 February 2014 Appendix C

    South Mountain Research & Consulting

    Lemon Fair River

    Location DateE. Coli.





    (ug P/L)


    (ug P/L)





    LFR0 4/3/2013 0.45 54.3 20.7 15.3 25.3

    LFR1.2 4/3/2013 0.46 53.9 20.1 15.7 26.2

    LFR6.7 4/3/2013 0.52 65.4 22.1 19.5 33.5

    LFR12 4/3/2013 0.47 48.1 19 7.9 21.8

    LFR15.8 4/3/2013 0.47 50.1 18.2 10.6 24.6

    LFR23.9 4/3/2013 0.34 42.7 13.6 6.6 14.7

    LFB2.5 4/3/2013 0.3 23.8 12.2 5.3 8.36

    LFBS1-0.9 4/3/2013 0.37 14.5 9.89 1.1 2.19

    LFR0 5/1/2013 0.54 94.9 26.4 49 61.5

    LFR1.2 5/1/2013 0.45 102 29.1 56.2 72.3

    LFR6.7 5/1/2013 0.55 97.7 25.1 52.6 52.4

    LFR12 5/1/2013 0.48 86.9 22.7 41.6 54.5

    LFR15.8 5/1/2013 0.46 57.3 17.6 18.2 30.7

    LFR23.9 5/1/2013 0.21 27.1 13.6 10.6 9.73

    LFB2.5 5/1/2013 0.2 28.8 13 11.8 6.41

    LFBS1-0.9 5/1/2013 0.21 19.8 14.2 2.53 2.05

    LFR0 6/5/2013 138 1.1 189 115 25.4 J 43.8 J

    LFR1.2 6/5/2013 107 1.02 179 112 26 J 45.4 J

    LFR6.7 6/5/2013 142 0.94 168 51.1 68.4 J 96.4 J

    LFR12 6/5/2013 128 0.73 180 52.6 105 J 136 J

    LFR15.8 6/5/2013 112 0.81 79.4 40.6 15.2 J 37.2 J

    LFR23.9 6/5/2013 113 0.42 42 23.1 9.71 J 11.7 J

    LFB2.5 6/5/2013 345 0.43 54 21.8 17 J 20.1 J

    LFBS1-0.9 6/5/2013 119 0.33 34.4 24.9 1.59 J 2.53 J

    Shaded cells represent values that exceed the relevant VT Water Quality Standard:

    E.coli = 77 MPN/100 mL; Turbidity (warm water Class B) = 25 NTUs

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    Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative Summary Report: 2013 Sampling Results

    24 February 2014 Appendix C

    South Mountain Research & Consulting

    Lemon Fair River (continued)

    Location Date

    E. Coli.





    (ug P/L)


    (ug P/L)





    LFR0 7/10/2013 21 0.95 317 264 6.5 5.54

    LFR1.2 7/10/2013 15 0.97 351 264 6 6.12

    LFR6.7 7/10/2013 96 1.19 460 212 22.5 25.9

    LFR12 7/10/2013 365 0.93 280 184 55.1 92.1

    LFR15.8 7/10/2013 86 0.89 244 181 24.8 56.9

    LFR23.9 7/10/2013 152 0.53 73.4 60.3 4.34 7.39

    LFB2.5 7/10/2013 649 0.5 81 35.6 28.4 24.5

    LFBS1-0.9 7/10/2013 517 0.4 73.6 52.4 4.86 4.98

    LFR0 8/7/2013 261 1.13 218 74 88.7 92.1

    LFR1.2 8/7/2013 61 1.15 224 68.3 112 131

    LFR6.7 8/7/2013 548 1.01 222 60.9 128 136

    LFR12 8/7/2013 38 0.71 164 79 65.7 83.6

    LFR15.8 8/7/2013 37 0.71 135 104 10.2 26.8

    LFR23.9 8/7/2013 20 0.39 23.2 14 5.23 6.77

    LFB2.5 8/7/2013 238 0.41 56.8 20.7 35.6 29

    LFBS1-0.9 8/7/2013 61 0.56 77.6 38.7 24.6 23.7

    LFR0 9/4/2013 131 0.58 66.5 23.3 23.8 24.8

    LFR1.2 9/4/2013 91 0.96 272 42.8 106 121

    LFR6.7 9/4/2013 770 0.71 138 49.5 58.8 92.8

    LFR12 9/4/2013 111 0.62 132 46.5 56.5 80.3

    LFR15.8 9/4/2013 102 0.69 114 74.4 11.6 24.6

    LFR23.9 9/4/2013 72 0.55 38.8 18.9 10.2 11.2

    LFB2.5 9/4/2013 214 0.39 74 26.8 50.8 37.4

    LFBS1-0.9 9/4/2013 1553 0.98 107 66.7 16.8 16.6

    Shaded cells represent values that exceed the relevant VT Water Quality Standard:

    E.coli = 77 MPN/100 mL; Turbidity (warm water Class B) = 25 NTUs

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    Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative Summary Report: 2013 Sampling Results

    24 February 2014 Appendix C

    South Mountain Research & Consulting

    Lewis Creek

    Location Date




    E. Coli.






    (ug P/L)


    (ug P/L)





    LCR3.7 4/3/2013 20.5 5.1

    LCR9.9 4/3/2013 23.7 5.72

    LCR14 4/3/2013 15.4 2.24

    LCR17.2 4/3/2013 8.68 0.47

    LCR18.6 4/3/2013 7.42 0.7

    LCR19.5 4/3/2013 7.45 0.46

    LCR27.8 4/3/2013 < 5 0.41

    LCT3D.5 4/3/2013 28.3 3.65

    LCR3.7 5/1/2013 23.7 3.12

    LCR9.9 5/1/2013 26.7 3.03

    LCR14 5/1/2013 12.3 0.97

    LCR17.2 5/1/2013 8.34 0.4

    LCR18.6 5/1/2013 7.07 0.37

    LCR19.5 5/1/2013 7.27 0.53

    LCR27.8 5/1/2013 < 5 0.52

    LCT3D.5 5/1/2013 58.2 1.92

    LCR3.7 6/5/2013 45 0.45 41.8 5.59

    LCR9.9 6/5/2013 52.3 4.94

    LCR14 6/5/2013 130 0.61 38.7 1.61

    LCR17.2 6/5/2013 10.9 0.54LCR18.6 6/5/2013 9.3 0.31

    LCR19.5 6/5/2013 0.54 10.2 0.33

    LCR27.8 6/5/2013 0.17 6.81 0.26

    LCT3D.5 6/5/2013 102 0.55 109 5.51

    HK-0.8 6/5/2013 0.33 8.93 0.52

    HLB-0.8 6/5/2013 0.16 8.51 1.37

    HGB-1.7 6/5/2013 0.22 9.44 0.35

    HLW-2.5 6/5/2013 0.25 9.54 0.56

    LCR26.5 6/5/2013 0.18 6.39 0.3

    PRG-0.3 6/5/2013 0.54 38.8 2.19

    Shaded cells represent values that exceed the relevant VT Water Quality Standard:

    E.coli = 77 MPN/100 mL; Turbidity (cold water Class B) = 10 NTUs

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    Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative Summary Report: 2013 Sampling Results

    24 February 2014 Appendix C

    South Mountain Research & Consulting

    Lewis Creek (continued)

    Location Date




    E. Coli.






    (ug P/L)


    (ug P/L)





    LCR3.7 7/10/2013 101 0.57 85.5 10.9

    LCR9.9 7/10/2013 95.9 6.11

    LCR14 7/10/2013 1986 0.59 32.8 2.06

    LCR17.2 7/10/2013 12.3 0.28

    LCR18.6 7/10/2013 11 0.25

    LCR19.5 7/10/2013 0.5 NA 0.58

    LCR27.8 7/10/2013 0.13 8.14 0.38

    LCT3D.5 7/10/2013 20 0.72 252 4.75

    HK-0.8 7/10/2013 0.3 16.4 0.64

    HLB-0.8 7/10/2013 0.12 10 0.52

    HGB-1.7 7/10/2013 0.22 12.5 0.5

    HLW-2.5 7/10/2013 0.18 12.6 1.2LCR26.5 7/10/2013 0.13 8.01 < 0.2

    PRG-0.3 7/10/2013 0.53 61.9 1.03

    LCR3.7 8/7/2013 54 0.42 27.7 8.55

    LCR9.9 8/7/2013 35 8.41

    LCR14 8/7/2013 365 0.79 15.8 1.12

    LCR17.2 8/7/2013 7.7 0.21

    LCR18.6 8/7/2013 7.55 < 0.2

    LCR19.5 8/7/2013 0.99 10.5 < 0.2

    LCR27.8 8/7/2013 0.27 6.81 < 0.2

    LCT3D.5 8/7/2013 101 0.58 74.5 1.89

    HK-0.8 8/7/2013 0.97 5.91 < 0.2

    HLB-0.8 8/7/2013 0.22 9.66 0.27

    HGB-1.7 8/7/2013 0.26 14 0.71

    HLW-2.5 8/7/2013 0.31 8.27 0.82

    LCR26.5 8/7/2013 0.2 7.35 0.46

    PRG-0.3 8/7/2013 0.78 72.6 4.83

    LCR3.7 9/4/2013 113 365 0.57 34.5 8.61

    LCR9.9 9/4/2013 42.5 4.84

    LCR14 9/4/2013 85 687 0.68 25.9 5.15

    LCR17.2 9/4/2013 10.8 0.56

    LCR18.6 9/4/2013 9.83 0.29

    LCR19.5 9/4/2013 80 0.88 8.63 0.39

    LCR27.8 9/4/2013 33 0.26 8.24 0.44

    LCT3D.5 9/4/2013 132 115 0.54 82.9 3.81

    HK-0.8 9/4/2013 40 0.68 7.38 0.52

    HLB-0.8 9/4/2013 23 0.2 9.34 0.37

    HGB-1.7 9/4/2013 45.5 0.41 17.3 0.47

    HLW-2.5 9/4/2013 67 0.28 8.01 1.33

    LCR26.5 9/4/2013 32 0.21 8.32 0.46

    PRG-0.3 9/4/2013 233 0.71 61.2 3.02

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    Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative Summary Report: 2013 Sampling Results

    24 February 2014 Appendix C

    South Mountain Research & Consulting

    Little Otter Creek

    Location DateE. Coli





    (ug P/L)


    (ug P/L)





    LOC4.3 4/3/2013 32.7 18.3 6.8 7.98

    MDC1.2 4/3/2013 36.6 27.9 1.5 3.59

    LOC4.3 5/1/2013 49.8 24.4 8.74 11.5

    MDC1.2 5/1/2013 48 36.9 2.68 58.2

    LOC4.3 6/5/2013 147 165 86.1 42 55.4

    MDC1.2 6/5/2013 63 164 150 3.81 5.87

    LOC4.3 7/10/2013 152 296 158 40.8 42.2

    MDC1.2 7/10/2013 119 769 528 15.7 15.7

    LOC4.3 8/7/2013 18 71.8 49.9 10 12.4

    MDC1.2 8/7/2013 108 183 153 5.46 6.43

    LOC4.3 9/4/2013 108 116 59.7 29.6 48.6

    MDC1.2 9/4/2013 184 166 140 4.8 6.15

    Shaded cells represent values that exceed the relevant VT Water Quality Standard:E.coli = 77 MPN/100 mL; Turbidity (cold water Class B) = 10 NTUs

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    Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative Summary Report: 2013 Sampling Results

    24 February 2014 Appendix C

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    Middlebury River

    Location Date E. Coli.(mpn/100ml)


    TP(ug P/L)

    TDP(ug P/L)



    MIR1.5 4/3/2013 16.7 3.53

    MIR5.7 4/3/2013 6.97 1.41

    MIR1.5 5/1/2013 13.2 2.91

    MIR5.7 5/1/2013 6.8 0.21

    MIR1.5 6/5/2013 84 22.5 4.39

    MIR5.7 6/5/2013 11 8.37 0.25

    MIR1.5 7/10/2013 345 50.1 7.83

    MIR5.7 7/10/2013 64 14.4 0.69

    MIR1.5 8/7/2013 76 21.3 3.26

    MIR5.7 8/7/2013 9 7.47 0.25

    MIR1.5 9/4/2013 101 30.5 3.41

    MIR5.7 9/4/2013 28 10.3 0.35

    Shaded cells represent values that exceed the relevant VT Water Quality Standard:

    E.coli = 77 MPN/100 mL; Turbidity (cold water Class B) = 10 NTUs

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    Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative Summary Report: 2013 Sampling Results

    24 February 2014 Appendix C

    South Mountain Research & Consulting

    New Haven River

    Location DateE. Coli.





    (ug P/L)


    (ug P/L)





    NHR2 4/3/2013 25.7 6.62

    NHR9 4/3/2013 7.06 0.86

    NHR2 5/1/2013 5.45 0.57

    NHR9 5/1/2013 9.41 1.05

    NHR2 6/5/2013 59 13.2 1.54

    NHR9 6/5/2013 29 7.77 0.52

    NHR11.5 6/5/2013 6

    NHR2 7/10/2013 88 23.4 2.35

    NHR9 7/10/2013 32 10.3 0.57

    NHR11.5 7/10/2013 33

    NHR2 8/7/2013 276 15.8 2.24

    NHR9 8/7/2013 17 6.98 0.34

    NHR11.5 8/7/2013 30

    NHR2 9/4/2013 166 26.2 0.87NHR9 9/4/2013 44 7.5 NS

    NHR11.5 9/4/2013 28

    Shaded cells represent values that exceed the relevant VT Water Quality Standard:

    E.coli = 77 MPN/100 mL; Turbidity (cold water Class B) = 10 NTUs

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    Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative Summary Report: 2013 Sampling Results

    24 February 2014 Appendix C

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    Otter Creek (Lower)

    Location DateE. Coli.





    (ug P/L)


    (ug P/L)





    OTR18 4/3/2013 0.52 17.9 4.73

    OTR7.3 4/3/2013 0.5 22 5.11

    OTR18 5/1/2013 0.36 24.8 1.53

    OTR7.3 5/1/2013 0.36 30.9 3.77

    OTR18 6/5/2013 84 0.5 47.5 7.66

    OTR7.3 6/5/2013 89 0.52 47 8.58

    OTR18 7/10/2013 102 0.46 96.1 4.54OTR7.3 7/10/2013 75 0.55 133 16.7

    OTR18 8/7/2013 16 0.51 25.6 2.37

    OTR7.3 8/7/2013 50 0.6 33.5 6.11

    OTR18 9/4/2013 135 0.48 29.4 4.33

    OTR7.3 9/4/2013 125 0.61 35.7 7.65

    Shaded cells represent values that exceed the relevant VT Water Quality Standard:

    E.coli = 77 MPN/100 mL; Turbidity (warm water Class B) = 25 NTUs.

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    Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative Summary Report: 2013 Sampling Results

    24 February 2014 Appendix C

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    1 Lemon Fair River2013 Water Quality Summary2 Lewis Creek2013 Water Quality Summary3 Little Otter Creek2013 Water Quality Summary4 Middlebury River2013 Water Quality Summary5 New Haven River2013 Water Quality Summary6 Otter Creek (Lower)2013 Water Quality Summary

  • 8/12/2019 Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative 2013 Water Quality Summary Report


    Site Location Town

    LFR0 Weybridge Road bridge Weybridge

    LFR1.2 Prunier Road bridge Weybridge

    LFR6.7 Route 125 bridge. Cornwall

    LFR12 Downstream of Route 74 bridge Shoreham

    LFR15.8 Shacksboro Road bridge Shoreham

    LFR23.9 Murray Road Bridge Orwell

    LFB2.5 Sperry Road crossing, Beaver Branch Cornwall

    LFBS1-0.9 Route 125 crossing, trib to Beaver Branch Cornwall

    Lemon Fair River - 2013 Water Quality SummaryAddison County Riverwatch Collaborative

    The Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative

    has been monitoring water quality in the Lemon

    Fair River since 2003. For the 2012 and 2013

    seasons, the Lemon Fair River has been thesubject of a more intensive monitoring focus,

    where rotational as well as sentinel stations

    were monitored and additional parameters

    were tested. Six sites are located on the main

    stem, and two stations are located on the

    Beaver Branch tributary in the lower watershed

    (see table at right).

    During 2013, sampling occurred on two spring dates (April 3 and May 1) and four summer dates (June 5,

    July 10, August 7, and September 4). The spring and early summer dates represented moderate flow

    conditions on the river, based on streamflow gages in area rivers. August and September sample datescaptured baseflow conditions, while the July 10 event captured moderate to high flows following a

    storm event on July 3-4 and higher-than-normal May and June rainfall. On an average annual basis,

    flows in 2013 were near normal in the Addison County watersheds monitored by the Collaborative.

    Samples from the Lemon Fair watershed weretested for phosphorus (total and dissolved), total

    nitrogen, total suspended solids, and turbidity; E.coli was tested only on the summer dates. As detailed

    in the following sections, results suggest the need to focus on improved land management practices in

    the middle stretch of this river between stations LFR15.8 and LFR6.7 (Bridport, Shoreham).

    E.colicounts at most sites in the Lemon Fair watershed often exceeded the state standard of 77

    organisms/ 100 mL on the four summer sampling dates. Detected E.coli counts were relatively

    consistent with historic monitoring results. Figure 1 shows results for the stations located on the LemonFair main stem from upstream (right) to downstream (left). During the low-flow conditions on August

    and September sample dates, a possible local contribution of E.coli is evidenced by the jump in readings

    between stations LFR12 and LFR6.7. This pattern was also evident during low-flow sampling events

    from 2012.













    VT WQ Standard = 77 MPN / 100 mL

    LFR0 LFR1.2 LFR6.7 LFR15.8LFR12 LFR23.9

    Figure 1. 2013 E. Coli results for stations along the Lemon Fair River main stem.


    Focus Watershed

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    The drop in E.coli counts between station LFR6.7 and LFR1.2 may reflect decay of E.coli concentrations

    with downstream distance or dilutionary effects of groundwater and/or tributary inputs. Beaver Brook

    enters the Lemon Fair River between these two stations. Two stations are monitored on this tributary; in

    2013, E coli counts ranged from 214 to 649 MPNs/100 mL in the downstream station (LFB2.5) and from

    61 to 1,553 MPNs/100 mL at the upstream station (LFBS1.09).

    E.coli results from both 2012 (a drier-than-normal year) and 2013 (a near normal year) are summarized

    in Figure 2 (total number of samples at each station = 8). E.coli counts at stations LFR15.8, LFR12, and

    LFR6.7 along the main stem in Bridport and Shoreham are chronically above the state water quality

    standard of 77 MPN/100mL, consistent with historic sampling results.

    Figure 2. 2012 and 2013 E. Coli results for focus stations in the Lemon Fair watershed.

    Turbiditylevels at the sampled stations in Lemon Fair watershed ranged from 2.5 to 136 NTUs in 2013.

    Concentrations exceeded the Vermont state standard of 25 NTUs (for Class B warm-water fisheries) at a

    majority of stations on nearly all sample dates except the upstream station LFR23.9 (Murray Road

    crossing) and the two stations on Beaver Brook. Figure 3 shows results for the stations located on the

    Lemon Fair main stem from upstream (right) to downstream (left). An increase in Turbidity is evident

    between LFR15.8 and LFR12 on all of the six sample dates, consistent with historic results. The decline

    in Turbidity levels at station LFR1.2 and LFR0 on a few sample dates (e.g., July 10, September 4) mayreflect dilutionary effects of groundwater recharge zones or tributary inputs.

    Turbidity results from both 2012 (a drier-than-normal year) and 2013 (a near normal year) are

    summarized in Figure 4 (total number of samples at each station = 12). Turbidity levels at stations

    LFR12, LFR6.7, and LFR1.2 along the main stem in Shoreham, Cornwall, and Weybridge are chronically

    above the state water quality standard of 25 NTUs, consistent with historic sampling results.

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    Figure 3. 2013 Turbidity results for stations along the Lemon Fair River main stem.

    Figure 4. 2012 and 2013 Turbidity results for focus stations in the Lemon Fair watershed.

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    Total Suspended Sedimentsranged from 1.1 to 128 mg/L in 2013 at the eight focus stations. TSS can be

    related to Turbidity by a linear regression of log-transformed data (Figure 5).

    Figure 5. Realtionship of TSS to Turbidity for 2012 and 2013 results

    at eight focus stations in the Lemon Fair watershed.

    Phosphoruswas detected at moderate levels during the six spring and summer sampling dates of 2013.

    Concentrations ranged from 14.5 to 460 ug/L, with an average of 120 ug/L. With the exception ofupstream station LFR23.9 (Murray Road Bridge), the mean of the two available, low-flow, summer

    sample results at each station (including the two Beaver Branch sites) exceeded the recently proposed

    instream phosphorus criterion of 44 ug/L for warm-water medium gradient (WWMG) wadeable stream

    ecotype in Class B waters. It is possible that Lemon Fair River would instead be classified as a slow-

    winder stream ecotype (not yet determined for the reaches sampled); there is no proposed instream

    phosphorus criterion to date for the slow-winder ecotype.

    Figure 6 shows results for the stations located on the Lemon Fair main stem from upstream (right) to

    downstream (left). An increasing trend in phosphorus with downstream distance is suggested by the

    results. Of particular note is the increase in phosphorus concentration between stations LFR23.9 and

    LFR12consistent with the previously indicated rise in turbidity for the same stations. Dissolved

    phosphorus results for these dates (not shown) indicate that this rise is predominantly associated withthe particulate fraction of total phosphorus.

    Total Phosphorus results from both 2012 (a drier-than-normal year) and 2013 (a near normal year) are

    summarized in Figure 7 (total number of samples at each station = 12). Phosphorus levels at stations

    LFR12, LFR6.7, and LFR1.2 along the main stem in Shoreham, Cornwall, and Weybridge are particularly

    elevated, consistent with the pattern for turbidity.

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    Figure 6. 2013 Total Phosphorus results for stations along the Lemon Fair River main stem.

    Figure 7. 2012 and 2013 Total Phosphorus results for focus stations in the Lemon Fair watershed.

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    Nitrogenconcentrations were generally low (ranging from 0.2 to 1.2 mg/L) and well below the state

    standard for nitrogen as nitrate (5 mg/L). The mean of the four, low-flow, summer sample results at

    sites LFR6.7, LFR1.2, LFR0 and Beaver Brook station LFBS1-0.9 exceeded the recently proposed instream

    nitrogen criteria of 0.75 mg/L for WWMG wadeable stream ecotype in Class B waters.

    Focus Study Findings:

    For the 2012 and 2013 seasons, the Lemon Fair River was the subject of a more intensive monitoringfocus, including additional sampling stations and testing parameters.

    At stations LFR15.8, LFR12, and LFR6.7 along the main stem in Bridport and Shoreham and at theupper Beaver Brook station LFBS1.09, E.coli counts are chronically above the state water quality

    standard of 77 MPN/100mL, and often above the federal health-based standard of235 MPN/100 mL, consistent with historic sampling results.

    At stations LFR12, LFR6.7, and LFR1.2 along the main stem in Shoreham, Cornwall, and Weybridge:o turbidity levels are chronically above the state water quality standard of 25 NTUs; ando phosphorus levels are particularly elevated, consistent with the pattern for turbidity.

    Sampling results suggest the need to focus on improved land management practices in the middlestretch of the Lemon Fair River between stations LFR15.8 and LFR6.7 (Bridport, Shoreham).

    2014: In years 2014 through 2017, the Lemon Fair watershed will rotate back to a reduced frequency of

    monitoring at two sentinel stations, LFR6.7 and LFR12. The Addison County Riverwatch Collaborativewill sample for total and dissolved phosphorus, total nitrogen, total dissolved solids, turbidity, and E.coli.

    For more information, contact the Lemon Fair interim sampling coordinator:

    Barb Otsuka, 388-6829,[email protected] County Riverwatch Collaborative coordinator: Matt Witten, 434-3236, [email protected]

    or visit our web page at:

  • 8/12/2019 Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative 2013 Water Quality Summary Report


    Site Location Town

    LCR3.7 Old Route 7 Bridge Ferrisburgh

    LCR9.9 Upper Covered Bridge, Roscoe Rd. Charlotte

    LCR14 Tyler Bridge Monkton

    LCR17.2 Starksboro Ballfields Starksboro

    LCR18.6 Lewis Creek Farm footbridge Starksboro

    LCR19.5 Parsonage Road bridge Starksboro

    LCR27.8 Hillsboro Road Starksboro

    LCT3D.5 Silver Street culvert Monkton

    Lewis Creek - 2013 Water Quality SummaryAddison County Riverwatch Collaborative

    The Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative has

    been monitoring water quality in the Lewis Creek since

    1992. For the 2012 and 2013 seasons, Lewis Creekwas the subject of a more intensive monitoring focus,

    where rotational as well as sentinel stations were

    monitored and additional parameters were tested.

    Two sentinel sites (LCR3.7 and LCR14) and six

    rotational sites located on the main stem and Pond

    Brook tributary were sampled (see table at right).

    In 2013, six new stations were established in the headwaters of the Lewis Creek watershed to evaluate

    baseline water quality conditions in the upper main stem and the Hillsboro Brook, High Knob Brook,

    Hogback Brook, Hollow Brook and Pringle Brook tributaries in support of biomonitoring studies to be

    carried out by the VT Agency of Natural Resources (VTANR). Results of this special study will be

    separately reported by VTANR.

    During 2013, sampling occurred on two spring dates (April 3 and May 1) and four summer dates (June 5,

    July 10, August 7, and September 4). The spring and early summer dates represented moderate flow

    conditions on the river, based on records from the USGS streamflow gage located at the Route 7

    crossing. August and September sample dates captured baseflow conditions, while the July 10 event

    captured moderate to high flows following a storm event on July 3-4 and higher-than-normal May and

    June rainfall. On an average annual basis, flows in 2013 were near normal in the Addison County

    watersheds monitored by the Collaborative. Samples from the Lewis Creek watershed weretested for

    E.coli, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, and turbidity; E.coli and Total Nitrogen were tested only on the

    summer dates. As part of the special study of biocriteria, alkalinity was tested at select sites during the

    September event only.

    E.colicounts in the Lewis Creek at three select sites exceeded the state standard of 77 organisms/100

    mL on a majority of the sample dates. E.coli results exceeded the federal health standard of 235

    MPN/100 mL at LCR3.7 during the September event, and at LCR14 on three out of the four summer

    sampling events. Detected E.coli counts at these sites in the 2013 season were largely consistent with

    historic results.


    Focus Watershed

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    Turbiditylevels in the Lewis Creek at the sampled stations ranged from

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    Nitrogenlevels were detected at very low concentrations during the six spring and summer sampling

    dates, well below the state standard for nitrogen as nitrate (5 mg/L). Concentrations ranged from 0.13

    to 0.99 mg/L, with an average of 0.5 mg/L. The mean value of the two available low-flow summer

    sample results at site LCR19.5 was above the recently proposed instream nitrogen criteria of 0.75 mg/L

    for WWMG wadeable stream ecotype in Class B waters.

    2014: In years 2014 through 2017, the Lewis Creek watershed will rotate back to a reduced frequency

    of monitoring at two sentinel stations, LCR3.7 and LCR14. The Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative

    will sample for total phosphorus, turbidity, and E.coli.

    For more information, contact the Lewis Creek sampling coordinator:

    Louis DuPont, 453-5538, [email protected]

    Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative coordinator: Matt Witten, 434-3236, [email protected]

    or visit our web page at:

  • 8/12/2019 Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative 2013 Water Quality Summary Report


    Site Location Town

    LOC4.3 Route 7 Bridge Ferrisburgh

    MDC1.2 Wing Rd./Middlebrook Rd. (South) Ferrisburgh

    Little Otter Creek - 2013 Water Quality SummaryAddison County Riverwatch Collaborative

    The Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative has been monitoring water quality in the Little Otter

    Creek since 1997. For years 2012 through 2015, the number of sampling locations in this watershed has

    been reduced to two sentinel stations, LOC4.3 and MDC1.2. During 2013, sampling occurred on two

    spring dates (April 3 and May 1) and four summer dates (June 5, July 10, August 7, and September 4).

    The spring and early summer dates represented moderate flow conditions on the river, based on

    records from the USGS streamflow gage located at the Route 7 crossing. August and September sample

    dates captured baseflow conditions, while the July 10 event captured moderate to high flows following a

    storm event on July 3-4 and higher-than-normal May and June rainfall. On an average annual basis,

    flows in 2013 were near normal in the Addison County watersheds monitored by the Collaborative.Samples were tested for phosphorus (total and dissolved), total suspended solids, and turbidity; E.coli

    was tested only on the summer dates.

    E.colicounts at the Little Otter Creek watershed stations were above the state water-quality standard of

    77 MPN/100 mL on three of the four summer sample dates, but below the federal health-based

    standard of 235 MPN/100 mL. E.coli concentrations detected at these stations during 2013 are

    relatively consistent with historic monitoring results. Mud Creek station (MDC1.2) has traditionally had

    elevated E.coli as it is located directly downstream of a dairy pasture where livestock have direct access

    to the stream. Low flow rates probably contributed to the elevated E.coli counts in the September 4


    Turbiditylevels in the Little Otter Creek at the two sentinel stations were moderate and often exceeded

    the Vermont standard of 10 NTUs (for Class B cold-water fisheries). Values ranged from 3.6 to 58 NTUs,

    with a mean level of 22.8 NTUs for the six sample dates. Highest turbidity concentrations in 2013 at

    these stations were detected during May or June events when streamflows were somewhat elevated as

    a result of record rainfall amounts. Turbidity results for 2013 at these two stations were largely

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    consistent with historic trends. Based on past years sampling results,turbidity can increase well above

    the state standard at times of high flowduring a Summer thunderstorm, or during Spring runoff


    Phosphoruslevels were detected at low to moderate concentrations during the six spring and summer

    sampling dates. Concentrations ranged from 32.7 to 769 ug/L, with an average of 175 ug/L. Maximum

    concentrations for the season were detected during moderate flow conditions on July 10 following the

    storm event on July 3-4 and higher-than-normal May and June rainfall. Total Phosphorus concentrations

    detected in 2013 were generally consistent with historic data. Vermont recently proposed in-stream

    phosphorus criteria for aquatic life and aesthetics uses in wadeable streams (VTDEC, 2009). The mean

    concentration of Total Phosphorus for the two available, low-flow summer sample dates at each

    sentinel stations exceeded the proposed criteria of 44 ug/L for the warm-water medium gradient

    (WWMG) wadeable stream ecotype in Class B waters.

    2014: The Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative will continue to monitor for E.coli, phosphorus

    (total and dissolved), total suspended sediments, and turbidity at these two sentinel sites in 2014. An

    increased number of parameters and additional monitoring sites will be evaluated when a more

    intensive monitoring focus rotates back to the Little Otter Creek for a two-year period beginning in the

    year 2016.For more information, contact the Little Otter Creek sampling coordinator:

    Deb Healey, 475-2944, [email protected]

    Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative coordinator: Matt Witten, 434-3236, [email protected]

    or visit our web page at:

  • 8/12/2019 Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative 2013 Water Quality Summary Report


    Site Location Town

    MIR1.5 Shard Villa Rd. Bridge Middlebury

    MIR5.7 Midd. Gorge @ Rte 125 Bridge Middlebury

    Middlebury River - 2013 Water Quality SummaryAddison County Riverwatch Collaborative

    The Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative has been monitoring water quality in the Middlebury

    River since 1993. For years 2010 through 2013, the number of sampling locations in this watershed has

    been reduced to two sentinel stations, MIR1.5 and MIR5.7. During 2013, sampling occurred on two

    spring dates (April 3 and May 1) and four summer dates (June 5, July 10, August 7, and September 4).

    The spring and early summer dates represented moderate flow conditions on the river, based on

    records from area USGS streamflow gages. August and September sample dates captured baseflow

    conditions, while the July 10 event captured moderate to high flows following a storm event on July 3-4

    and higher-than-normal May and June rainfall. On an average annual basis, flows in 2013 were near

    normal in the Addison County watersheds monitored by the Collaborative. Samples were tested for

    phosphorus and turbidity; E.coli was tested only on the summer dates.

    E.colicounts at the Middlebury Gorge, a popular swimming hole near the Route 125 bridge (MIR5.7),

    were well below the federal health-based standard of 235 MPN/100 mL on all four summer sample

    dates. Results were also below the state water-quality standard of 77 organisms/100 mL. E.coli counts

    at the downstream station at Shard Villa Road bridge (MIR1.5) were at or above the state standard on all

    four summer sampling dates, and the July sample exceeded the federal health-based standard. These

    results are generally consistent with historic summer sampling results, which have shown an increase in

    E.coli levels in the Middlebury River downstream of the Route 7 bridge.

    Turbiditylevels in the Middlebury River were low and below the Vermont state standard of 10 NTUs (for

    Class B cold-water fisheries). Values ranged from 0.2 to 7.8 NTUs, with an average level of 2.4 NTUs for

    all six sample dates. Based on past years sampling results, Turbidity can increase well above the state

    standard at times of high flowduring a summer thunderstorm, or during Spring runoff conditions

    particularly in the lower section of the river below the Route 7 bridge.

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    Phosphoruslevels were detected at relatively low concentrations during the six spring and summer

    sampling dates. Concentrations ranged from 6.8 to 50.1 ug/L, with an average of 17.4 ug/L. Total

    Phosphorus concentrations detected in 2013 were generally consistent with historic data. Vermont

    recently proposed in-stream phosphorus criteria for aquatic life and aesthetics uses in wadeable

    streams (VTDEC, 2009). The mean concentration of Total Phosphorus for the two available low-flow

    summer sample dates at each site did not exceed the proposed criterion of 44 ug/L for the warm-water

    medium gradient (WWMG) wadeable stream ecotype in Class B waters.

    2014: An increased number of parameters and additional monitoring sites will be evaluated when a

    more intensive monitoring focus rotates back to the Middlebury River for a two-year period beginning in

    the year 2014. Additional stations will be added in the headwaters located in Ripton to capture baseline

    water quality conditions in the South, Middle and North Branches of the Middlebury River. Some of

    these stations will be co-located with VT Agency of Natural Resources bio-monitoring stations. A greater

    density of sampling stations will be established downstream of the East Middlebury village to produce

    an updated assessment of water quality conditions in this lower part of the watershed which is more

    intensively developed and farmed.

    For more information, contact the Middlebury River sampling coordinator:Heidi Willis, 352-4327, [email protected]

    Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative coordinator: Matt Witten, 434-3236, [email protected]

    or visit our web page at:

  • 8/12/2019 Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative 2013 Water Quality Summary Report


    Site Location Town

    NHR2 Muddy Branch confluence New Haven

    NHR9 South St. Bridge Bristol

    NHR11.5 Bartlett's Falls Pool Bristol

    New Haven River - 2013 Water Quality SummaryAddison County Riverwatch Collaborative

    The Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative has been monitoring water quality in the New Haven River

    since 1993. For years, 2012 through 2015, the number of sampling locations in this watershed has been

    reduced to two sentinel stations, NHR2 and NHR9, and a third recreational site monitored only for

    pathogens (NHR11.5). During 2013, sampling occurred on two spring dates (April 3 and May 1) and four

    summer dates (June 5, July 10, August 7, and September 4). The spring and early summer dates

    represented moderate flow conditions on the river, based on records from the USGS gage on the New

    Haven River at Brooksville. August and September sample dates captured baseflow conditions, while

    the July 10 event captured moderate to high flows following a storm event on July 3-4 and higher-than-

    normal May and June rainfall. On an average annual basis, flows in 2013 were near normal in the

    Addison County watersheds monitored by the Collaborative. Samples were tested for phosphorus andturbidity; E.coli was tested only on the summer dates.

    E.colicounts at popular recreational sites (South St. Bridge, NHR9; Bartletts Falls, NHR11.5) were below

    the federal health-based standard of 235 MPN/100 mL and the state water-quality standard of 77

    organisms/100 mL on all four summer dates. In the lower watershed, however, the station near Nash

    Bridge in New Haven (NHR2) indicated E.coli counts elevated above the state standard in July, August

    and September. The August result exceeded the federal health-based standard. Consistent with historic

    results, an increasing trend in E.coli levels is evident with distance downstream from station NHR11.5 to

    NHR2. Developed and agricultural land uses are more prevalent in the lower New Haven River


    Turbiditylevels on the New Haven River at the two sampled stations ranged from 0.3 to 6.6 NTUs, with

    a mean level of 1.6 NTUs for the six sample dates. These turbidity levels were below the Vermont state

    standard of 10 NTUs (for Class B cold-water fisheries). Results from 2012 are largely consistent with

    historic trends. Based on past years sampling results, turbidity can increase well above the standard at

    times of increased flowduring a summer thunderstorm, or during spring runoff conditionsespecially

    in the lower reaches of the river below the Bristol Flats. A slight increasing trend in turbidity with

    distance downstream is generally observed during all flow conditions.

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    Phosphoruswas detected at relatively low concentrations on the New Haven River during the spring

    and summer sampling dates. Concentrations ranged from 5.4 to 26 ug/L, with an average of 13 ug/L.

    Results were consistent with historic trends, which indicate an increase in concentrations with distance

    downstream. At all stations, moderately high concentrations of Total Phosphorus have been detected in

    past years at times of high flow and runoff. In 2013, the mean concentration of Total Phosphorus for

    the two available low-flow summer sample dates (August 7, September 4) at each of the New Haven

    River sentinel sites did not exceed the proposed criterion of 44 ug/L for the warm-water medium

    gradient (WWMG) wadeable stream ecotype in Class B waters.

    2014:The Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative will continue to monitor for E.coli, phosphorus and

    turbidity at these sentinel sites in 2014. An increased number of parameters and additional monitoring

    sites will be evaluated when a more intensive monitoring focus rotates back to the New Haven River for

    a two-year period beginning in the year 2016.For more information, contact the New Haven River sampling coordinator:

    Pete Diminico, 453-3899, [email protected]

    Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative coordinator: Matt Witten, 434-3236, [email protected] visit our web page at:

  • 8/12/2019 Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative 2013 Water Quality Summary Report


    Otter Creek - 2013 Water Quality SummaryAddison County Riverwatch Collaborative

    Site Location Town

    OTR18 Twin Bridges Picnic Area Weybridge

    OTR7.3 Vergennes Falls/below outfall Vergennes

    The Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative has been monitoring water quality in the lower Otter

    Creek since 1992. For years 2010 through 2013, the number of sampling locations in this watershed has

    been reduced to two sentinel stations. The downstream-most sentinel station is OTR7.3 at the

    Vergennes Falls below the outfall for the Vergennes wastewater treatment facility. In 2013, the upper

    sentinel station at Belden Falls was replaced by station OTR18 at the Twin Bridges Picnic Area, due to

    access limitations at the Belden Falls site.

    During 2013, sampling occurred on two spring dates (April 3 and May 1) and four summer dates (June 5,

    July 10, August 7, and September 4). The spring and early summer dates represented moderate flowconditions on the river, based on records from the USGS gage on the Otter Creek at Middlebury and

    other area gages. August and September sample dates captured baseflow conditions, while the July 10

    event captured moderate to high flows following a storm event on July 3-4 and higher-than-normal May

    and June rainfall. On an average annual basis, flows in 2013 were near normal in the Addison County

    watersheds monitored by the Collaborative. Samples were tested for phosphorus, nitrogen and

    turbidity; E.coli was tested only on the summer dates.

    E.coliconcentration in the Otter Creek was nearly at or above the state water-quality standard of 77

    MPN/100 mL in each station for three out of the four summer sample dates. None of the reported E.coli

    counts exceeded the federal health-based standard of 235 MPN/100 mL. E.coli concentrations detected

    at these sentinel stations during 2013 are relatively consistent with historic results.

    Turbiditylevels in the Otter Creek at the two sentinel stations were low and below the Vermont state

    standard of 25 NTUs (for Class B warm-water fisheries). Values ranged from 1.5 to 16.7 NTUs, with a

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    mean value of 6.1 NTUs for the six sample dates. Results are consistent with historic data, which

    indicate that median turbidity values are generally less than 10 NTUs.

    Phosphoruslevels were detected at relatively low concentrations during the six spring and summer

    sampling dates. Concentrations ranged from 17.9 to 133 ug/L, with an average of 45 ug/L. Moderately

    high concentrations of Total Phosphorus have been recorded in past years at times of high flow and

    runoff. In 2013, the mean concentration of Total Phosphorus at each of the two available low-flow

    summer sample dates (August 7 and September 4) was lower than the proposed criterion of 44 ug/L for

    the warm-water medium gradient (WWMG) wadeable stream ecotype in Class B waters. The Otter

    Creek might instead be classified as a Slow Winder stream, but criteria have not yet been developed for

    this ecotype.

    Nitrogenlevels were detected at very low concentrations during the six spring and summer sampling

    dates, well below the state standard for nitrogen as nitrate (5 mg/L). Concentrations ranged from 0.36

    to 0.61 mg/L, with an average of 0.5 mg/L. The mean values of the summer, low-flow, sample results at

    sites OTR18 and OTR7.3 (0.50 and 0.61 mg/L, respectively) were below the recently proposed instream

    nitrogen criteria of 0.75 mg/L for WWMG wadeable stream ecotype in Class B waters.

    2014: An increased number of monitoring sites along the Otter Creek will be evaluated in 2014 when a

    more intensive monitoring focus rotates back to the watershed for a two-year period.

    For more information, the Otter Creek sampling coordinator:

    Heidi Willis, 352-4327, [email protected]

    Addison County Riverwatch Collaborative coordinator: Matt Witten, 434-3236, [email protected]

    or visit our web page at: