Page 1 of 22 Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation Dave Adamson Senior Contract Specialist 1501 West Washington Street Indianapolis, In. 46222 Tel: 317.614.9281 Fax: 317.266.9163 email: [email protected] www.IndyGo.net ADDENDUM #2 IFB 21-05-385 Purple Line Bus Rapid Transit Project October 14 th , 2021 TO: All Interested Parties RE: Addendum #2 All vendors are to accept the information contained herein as the official response of IPTC. TO ALL BIDDERS OF RECORD AND TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This Addendum is being issued prior to the due date for receiving proposals. This Addendum forms a part of the Contract Documents and modifies the original Request of Information as noted below and shall be incorporated into the RFI Documents. All other provisions of the IFB released September 10th, 2021, with the exception of changes below, shall remain unchanged. This Addendum is issued in accordance with the provisions of Procurement Instructions of the Request for Information document. All Proposals shall be based upon work as modified by this Addendum. This addendum addresses written questions received before the due date and time, concerning IFB 21-05-385 Purple Line Bus Rapid Transit Project. Acknowledged receipt of this Addendum on the Acknowledgement of Addenda Form is required. Failure to do so may result in disqualification of the Bidder.

ADDENDUM #2 IFB 21-05-385 Purple Line Bus Rapid Transit

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Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation

Dave Adamson • Senior Contract Specialist

1501 West Washington Street • Indianapolis, In. 46222

Tel: 317.614.9281 • Fax: 317.266.9163 • email: [email protected]



IFB 21-05-385

Purple Line Bus Rapid Transit Project

October 14th, 2021

TO: All Interested Parties

RE: Addendum #2

All vendors are to accept the information contained herein as the official response of IPTC.


This Addendum is being issued prior to the due date for receiving proposals.

This Addendum forms a part of the Contract Documents and modifies the original Request of

Information as noted below and shall be incorporated into the RFI Documents. All other

provisions of the IFB released September 10th, 2021, with the exception of changes below, shall

remain unchanged.

This Addendum is issued in accordance with the provisions of Procurement Instructions of the

Request for Information document. All Proposals shall be based upon work as modified by this


This addendum addresses written questions received before the due date and time, concerning

IFB 21-05-385 Purple Line Bus Rapid Transit Project.

Acknowledged receipt of this Addendum on the Acknowledgement of Addenda Form is

required. Failure to do so may result in disqualification of the Bidder.

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Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation

Dave Adamson • Senior Contract Specialist

1501 West Washington Street • Indianapolis, In. 46222

Tel: 317.614.9281 • Fax: 317.266.9163 • email: [email protected]


Contents of Addendum 2:


Addendum 2 Purple Line Bus

Rapid Transit Project

Questions received from vendors during the Addendum 2

comment period and IndyGo responses

Attachment A: Re-issued Plan

Sheets, Package B

Re-issued plan sheets to revise charger details, door

schedule for terminus, and station electrical details

Attachment B: Re-issued SSI Plan

Sheet, Package B

Re-issued plan sheets to revise electrical notes and details.

NOTE: This SSI, Sensitive Security Information, is posted

in a separate location for Bidders who have an executed

Non-Disclosure Agreement.

Attachment C: Front End Section

“00 41 01 Bid Proposal Form” in

Excel format

In response to Addendum 2, Questions 11 and 58, an Excel

version of the Bid Proposal Forms for Packages A, B, and

A+B has been provided.

Attachment D: Front End Section

“01 56 00 Project Utility


Updated version that replaces the specification section 01

56 00 that was originally included in “Volume 1

Procurement, Contracting and General Requirements.”

Updated AES streetlight and Charter relocation information

is now included.

Attachment E: Re-issued technical

specification “1000-WSP-027" Door

Hardware and Key Storage

Updated specification to include language pertaining to a

second restroom door at the terminus station.

Attachment F: Re-issued technical

specification “1000-WSP-044"

Commercial Electric Vehicle

Charging Unit

Updated specification to include a precast socket assembly

and wiring at the electric vehicle charging unit.

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Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation

Dave Adamson • Senior Contract Specialist

1501 West Washington Street • Indianapolis, In. 46222

Tel: 317.614.9281 • Fax: 317.266.9163 • email: [email protected]



1) Page 60 of 194 in the Package B plan set – EQUIPMENT SITE LAYOUT FT. BEN/IVY

TECH – indicates a new electrical duct bank from a manhole to a relocated induction charger. Is

this electrical scope to be included in bid package A or B? If so, we don’t see any details

regarding conduit & cables needed?

IndyGo Response: The electrical duct bank and charger scope is included in Package B.

Details are shown on plan sheets 22 and 23. Refer to the question 23 response for further

clarification on the charging system work.

2) Sheet E-04 does not indicate the location or length of fixture type F.

Sheet A-02 has two references to A-09 details 9 & 10 on the concrete island.

Please confirm or clarify if the fixture type F is to wrap fully around the concrete island, but

stops at the end of the platform?

IndyGo Response: Confirmed. The Fixture, Type F wraps full around the island and stops

at the platform.

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Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation

Dave Adamson • Senior Contract Specialist

1501 West Washington Street • Indianapolis, In. 46222

Tel: 317.614.9281 • Fax: 317.266.9163 • email: [email protected]


3) Sheet E-06, detail 4 indicates a grounding rod test well. Detail 1 does not indicate where the

test well(s) are to be located. Please clarify location and quantity of test wells per site?

IndyGo Response: The location of the test wells (one per station) have been added to a

revised plan sheet to be included in this addendum.

Clarifications for Q4-8

This question refers to package A scope.

The attached bid document shows moving 3 lighting poles. That will require demolishing

the old base and poring new ones.

Normally anchor bolts come with new light poles. Since we will be taking these down, and

storing off-site, we’ll need to furnish new anchor bolts.

Two new handholes are also shown to allow modifications to wiring.


4) What diameter, length and quantity of new anchor bolts are we to provide for the existing


IndyGo Response: Lighting foundations for relocated existing poles are to be in accordance

with INDOT Standard Specifications Section 807.10 and INDOT Standard Drawing 807-

LTFD-05. For reference, the existing poles are 8” outside diameter and the anchor bolts

are on a 11.5” bolt circle.

5) What size handhole is required?

IndyGo Response: At maximum, a standard INDOT sized lighting handhole will be used.

The desire is to replace the system in-kind, so smaller handholes will be acceptable if

matching existing conditions.

6) Can a detail be provided of the new base to show overall sizes, reinforcing bar, grounding,

anchor bolts, PSI of concrete required?

IndyGo Response: Lighting foundations for relocated existing poles are to be in accordance

with INDOT Standard Specifications Section 807.10 and INDOT Standard Drawing 807-


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Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation

Dave Adamson • Senior Contract Specialist

1501 West Washington Street • Indianapolis, In. 46222

Tel: 317.614.9281 • Fax: 317.266.9163 • email: [email protected]


7) If the foundation is only moving 2’-3’, removal of the old base will disturb the earth where

the new base installs. Can a 24” – 30” round casing be installed in the enlarged opening in earth

to contain new concrete?

IndyGo Response: Per INDOT Standard Specifications 807.10, “a paper preformed liner

or other approved means” may be used to form the concrete foundations, and “it may be

withdrawn … or it may be left in place permanently”. Additionally, existing foundations

may be removed to two feet below finished grade unless additional removal is necessary for

other construction activities.

8) Can the area be without operating lights in the evening while the work is being performed?

IndyGo Response: The existing lighting does not need to be operating/maintained during

construction. However, please do refer to Section 01 10 – Summary of Work and note the

Work Restrictions requirements as part of this contract. The work requirements associated

with work between College Avenue and Keystone Avenue will apply for lighting work in

this area.

9) The detail for ground test wells (E-06, detail 4) indicates Erico #T416A. But it also shows a

27” round cover and a 36” deep well. The Erico #416A is not round (it’s rectangular) – And it is

not 36” deep. Please specify the test well to be included. (we are assuming only 1 test well per

site, located near column #2).?

IndyGo Response: The dimensions in the detail are incorrect. Erico #416A is acceptable for

the test well enclosure. Confirmed, one test well per station will be required.

10) Sheet E-15, detail 2 indicates (4) type D fixtures at the end of each nose. Type D is defined

as the recessed can in the Terminus restroom. Please define what is to be included at the nose of

each station?

IndyGo Response: The Type D fixture is incorrectly referenced as the Terminus restroom

fixture. The Terminus restroom fixture should be Type G Metalux 2ST1L1040R or

equivalent. The Type D fixture is the correct fixture to be included in the station noses.

11) We would like to request that an electronic/excel version of the bid form be provided for

Package A and Package B. Can this be issued in the next addendum?

IndyGo Response: Yes, IndyGo has provided an Excel version of the Project Manual

Section “01 41 01 Bid Proposal Forms” as an Attachment to Addendum 2. The file

includes the Bid Forms for Packages A, B, and A+B.

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Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation

Dave Adamson • Senior Contract Specialist

1501 West Washington Street • Indianapolis, In. 46222

Tel: 317.614.9281 • Fax: 317.266.9163 • email: [email protected]


12) Page 00 43 39-2 of 16 states “a letter of commitment from each DBE listed above shall be

submitted with the Proposal”. Page 00 43 39-3 of 16 states a bidder must submit the DBE Good

Faith Efforts Documentation Form with the bid if the bidder does not achieve the DBE goal.

Most agencies, including Indianapolis DPW, allow us a few days after the bid to produce these

forms. The bidder will be evaluating, negotiating and selecting subcontractor/supplier pricing

right up until the time the bid is submitted. This does not allow enough time for the bidder to

complete a letter of commitment form, e-mail it to the vendor and get a return copy to include in

his bid. Please consider adjusting these forms to a post bid requirement of the low bidder(s)?

IndyGo Response: Unlike the City of Indianapolis DPW, IndyGo must comply with 49

CFR Part 26 to ensure the participation by disadvantaged business enterprises in federally

assisted projects. IndyGo has considered this request and has determined that the DBE

documentation requirements in the Project Manual will remain unchanged.

13) Would IndyGo reconsider the use of e-mail for submitting the bids for this project? With

such a large project and proposal documents that will be large files, we would feel more

comfortable submitting a hard copy of the bid?

IndyGo Response: Hard copy bids will not be accepted. Multiple emails up to 50 MB each

are allowed in order to submit all bid documentation. Bidders could consider splitting the

DBE documentation into a separate email to help break up large files.

14) The lighting plan E-04 shows the lighting conduit passing through the vertical HSS 10x10

beam. Will we be permitted to field-cut this opening?

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Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation

Dave Adamson • Senior Contract Specialist

1501 West Washington Street • Indianapolis, In. 46222

Tel: 317.614.9281 • Fax: 317.266.9163 • email: [email protected]


IndyGo Response: The hole shall be in the approximate location as shown on Package B,

Sheet A-10, Detail 8. All openings for conduits in the structural steel shall be assembled in

the shop during fabrication per technical specification 1000-WSP-007 Steel Structures.

15) Sheet E-12, detail 4 is a mounting detail for bollard “fixture housing”.

Sheet E-13 detail 4 (Mark C) and sheet A-08, general note 4 describes the lighting bollards as

‘installed on poured concrete bollard’.

Please clarify if the bollard structures are poured concrete or if a base housing is to be provided?

If poured concrete, is there a base detail showing reinforcement / anchoring?

IndyGo Response: Please refer to the Package B, Sheet S-09, Detail 2 “End of Ramp

Reinforcing” detail.

16) Please confirm which wage classification applies to Package B for the Bus Stations?

IndyGo Response: Either wage scale provided in the solicitation may be utilized in

developing bids for Package B. If you find an applicable trade to the project is not

identified in either wage scale, please contact IndyGo Procurement as soon as possible by

emailing [email protected] and referencing IFB 21-05-385 in the subject line.

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Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation

Dave Adamson • Senior Contract Specialist

1501 West Washington Street • Indianapolis, In. 46222

Tel: 317.614.9281 • Fax: 317.266.9163 • email: [email protected]


17) How do we address wage scale for trades not identified in the wage scale for Package B


IndyGo Response: Either wage scale provided in the solicitation may be utilized in

developing bids for Package B. If you find an applicable trade to the project is not

identified in either wage scale, please contact IndyGo Procurement as soon as possible by

emailing [email protected] and referencing IFB 21-05-385 in the subject line.

18) Is the Wage Scale locked in at the time of the bid opening?

IndyGo Response: Any updates to the Wage Scale will be issued in an Addendum prior to

the Bid. Yes, this will be the “official” Wage Scale for the project.

19) Is there any designated areas for off- site storage or lay down areas for Package B?

IndyGo Response: No, there are no designated areas for off-site storage or staging for

either Package A or Package B contracts.

20) Will the Owner pay for offsite material storage if the paper work is provided? If so, confirm

off site storage requirements for Owner payment?

IndyGo Response: Material must be suitable stored on-site. Payment for stored material

will be made in accordance with 01 29 00 PAYMENT PROCEDURES, 1.5 E.

21) Will each Bus Station require a separate building permit by the city of Indpls and City of


IndyGo Response: Yes.

22) When Package B starts their work, how will the area be left by Package A? I.e. asphalt all

still left in place, patch were underground work was installed and etc. What condition will the

areas of the Bus Station be left at as a starting point?

IndyGo Response: Package A will perform the pavement treatment across the station areas

prior to Package B work at those locations. That prior Package A work varies per station,

but generally includes patching for underground work, HMA work up to & including the

intermediate layer, and PCCP work. It is anticipated that the HMA surface layer will be

constructed after Package B completes their paving work.

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Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation

Dave Adamson • Senior Contract Specialist

1501 West Washington Street • Indianapolis, In. 46222

Tel: 317.614.9281 • Fax: 317.266.9163 • email: [email protected]


23) Please clarify the scope of work for package B in regards to the details on drawing 22 and

23. i.e concrete infill of leave out, conduits, wire pull and etc.?

IndyGo Response: Package B includes an extension of a commercial electric vehicle

charging system. A project is planned by others to construct an equipment enclosure and

portion of ductbank. Package B contractor will be responsible for performing all scope

regarding the extension of the ductbank, installation of charging equipment, and associated

improvements as indicated in the drawings and specifications. Addendum 2 includes

updated plan sheets 22 and 23 for the manufacturer changing from cast-in-place to pre-

cast socket. Addendum 2 also includes updated specification 1000-WSP-044


24) Drawing 4 of package B shows the typical limits of A and B scopes however when I go to

drawing 34 for example, is the rectangle box for ME mean that package B extends to that limit? I

ask because there is crosswalks and more asphalt patch shown than the typical drawing 4

typically shows.

To simplify, does the Station Details shown over-ride the typical drawing 4 dashed scope line


IndyGo Response: The Station Details sheets override the Contractor Coordination sheet.

The Contractor Coordination sheet gives the general, schematic limits. The Station Details

sheets give the site-specific limits for Package B work.

25) Confirm which Package pulls the wire to the Bus Stations thru both package A and B


IndyGo Response: The Package B contractor will be responsible for pulling wire through

all conduits to the Bus Station, regardless of whether the conduits were installed as part of

Package A or Package B.

26) The specs require the steel fabricator to participate in a AISC Certification Program, please

confirm that the requirement is required for the actual fabricator of the structural steel and not by

a third-party fabricator who is not a AISC certification program participant?

IndyGo Response: All fabricators involved in the fabrication of the steel products for the

project are required to participate in the AISC Certification Program regardless of tier.

27) Which Package A or B is responsible for the integrating of the each packages project

schedule into a Master Project Schedule?

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Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation

Dave Adamson • Senior Contract Specialist

1501 West Washington Street • Indianapolis, In. 46222

Tel: 317.614.9281 • Fax: 317.266.9163 • email: [email protected]


IndyGo Response: The owner’s CM Team will integrate both Package A and Package B

schedules into the Master Project Schedule.

28) The restroom at the Terminus station is shown to have 4” CMU walls on A-17. Electrical

boxes and conduit cannot install recessed in that thin of a wall. Will it be acceptable to surface

mount conduit and boxes for the light switches, over-mirror light fixture, hand dryer and water


IndyGo Response: Yes.

29) Is any traffic signal controller on the INDOT Approved List allowed to be used on this

project, since they have a variety installed throughout the City?

IndyGo Response: Per 805-DPW-049, traffic signal controllers must appear on

Indianapolis DPW Approved List, which may differ from INDOT’s Approved List. Any

signal controller on the List may be used, provided that the proposed controller is

compatible with the TSP components provided by IndyGo.

30) Are the traffic signal cabinets to be the P cabinet with two detector racks, on the INDOT

approved List of material?

IndyGo Response: All proposed cabinets are standard P cabinets, subject to modification

as described in the DPW Transportation Standards Manual


31) Is all of the Opticom GPS equipment at traffic signals existing and being relocated? Or, are

these new installations? If these are new installations, will pay items be added for the following


Phase selector

GPS radio assembly

Confirmation Light Kits

Opticom GPS cable

IndyGo Response: No new installation of Emergency Vehicle Preemption equipment is

proposed as part of this project. Any existing Emergency Vehicle Preemption equipment

impacted by construction shall be relocated per 805-WSP-008.

New Opticom GPS equipment for TSP purposes will be procured separately by IndyGo

and installed within this project per 805-WSP-005.

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Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation

Dave Adamson • Senior Contract Specialist

1501 West Washington Street • Indianapolis, In. 46222

Tel: 317.614.9281 • Fax: 317.266.9163 • email: [email protected]


32) Which version of Pedestrian Signal Head is required for this project? Clamshell mount, or

mounted using pipe arms?

IndyGo Response: All Pedestrian signal heads shall be mounted using pipe arms.

Clamshell mounts will not be accepted within this Contract.

33) Are the traffic signal heads required to have back plates for this project?

IndyGo Response: Backplates are not required for this project.

34) Are the pedestrian signal heads and traffic signal heads to be black or yellow in color?

IndyGo Response: Signal heads at new installations or intersections where all signals heads

are being replaced shall be yellow. Signal heads at existing installations shall match the

color of the remaining signal heads.

35) Is there a specific brand of APS push button that is to be used on this project?

IndyGo Response: Any manufacturer and unit appearing on the Indianapolis DPW

Approved list (or INDOT Approved List if none exists for DPW) is acceptable for this


36) Sheet E-09, keynote 2 is not applied to the page. Is it to be disregarded? If not, please

provide a location for the time clock, additional contactor, and circuits numbers for the

advertising signage.

If note 8 covers the signage (using circuit 4, same as Type B fixtures), do we need an additional


Indygo Response: Time switch is required and should be field located per Key Note #3 on

Sheet E-09. An additional contractor is not required. Lighting and signage may utilize the

same contractor.

37) Sheet E-11 note 1 (package B scope) refers to a “conduit installed in package A”. We

cannot find any work for the Terminus station under package A relating to underground

conduits. Please clarify?

IndyGo Response: Sheet E-11, note 1 should reference conduit installed “by others” instead

of by Package A.

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Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation

Dave Adamson • Senior Contract Specialist

1501 West Washington Street • Indianapolis, In. 46222

Tel: 317.614.9281 • Fax: 317.266.9163 • email: [email protected]


38) The panel schedule on E-13, detail 1 is not showing a UPS circuit (30amp, 1p) at #12.

Will all stations need this circuit for a UPS?

IndyGo Response: Yes. Circuit #12 should be the UPS circuit. The Circuit #12 breaker size

should be 20 amps in the panelboards shown in Details 1, 2 and 5. See revised plan sheet

included in this addendum.

39) It would seem the drawings are directing us to include a 30amp circuit to the

communications enclosure, but connecting to 20amp receptacles, per T-07. Please confirm or

clarify this wiring arrangement?

IndyGo Response: The Circuit #12 breaker size should be 20 amps in the panelboards

shown in Details 1, 2 and 5. See revised plan sheet included in this addendum.

40) Spec 1000-WSP-017, page 4, paragraph 3 calls for electrical enclosures to be NEMA 3R

outdoors or inside the Icons.

Spec 1000-WSP-024, page 1, paragraph 3A3 calls for disconnect switches to be NEMA 3R.

Spec 1000-WSP-029, page 2, paragraph 7D calls for panelboards to be NEMA 1 for indoor


Please clarify if panelboards, service switches and other wiring enclosures mounted indoors need

to be NEMA 3R or NEMA 1?

IndyGo Response: Equipment mounted indoors may be NEMA 1, all equipment outdoors

should be NEMA 3R.

41) Bid package A calls for 4” conduit from the respective IPL location to each station. The riser

on E-14, diagram 2 is calling for Package B to extend a 3” conduit from the package A stopping

point. Should the package B information be changed to 4” to the meter cabinet?

IndyGo Response: Yes, Package B should be 4” conduit to the meter cabinet. See revised

plan sheet included in this addendum.

42) Spec 1000-WSP-024, page 1, paragraph 3A.5 list manufacturers approved for disconnect

switches. Would Siemens be approved?

IndyGo Response: Yes.

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Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation

Dave Adamson • Senior Contract Specialist

1501 West Washington Street • Indianapolis, In. 46222

Tel: 317.614.9281 • Fax: 317.266.9163 • email: [email protected]


43) Sheet E-03, note 16 references a circuit to the (4) in-ground type D light fixtures at each

Center Station. A similar note is absent from sheet E-08 for the Terminus station. Please confirm

or clarify if the Terminus station is to have these (4) type D light fixtures in the Nose?

IndyGo Response: Yes, the Terminus station should have four (4) type D light fixtures in

the station nose.

44) Sheet 59 in the pkg B plan set indicates that the Terminus station is located near Wheeler

Road and Rising Road in Lawrence. Sheet 60 seems to indicate that there is existing electrical

equipment surrounded by a fence or wall structure. After driving to the site, there is no existing

equipment for electric bus charging at that location. Please provide more information regarding

the relocation of existing charging equipment (See sheet 22 and 23 of pkg B.) ?

Also, please confirm the nearest street intersection for the Terminus Station?

IndyGo Response: The charging site (including the equipment, enclosure, and conduit) is a

separate project, but not constructed yet. The schedule for that project has changed and

now is planned for this winter. The nearest street intersection for the terminus station (Ft.

Ben/Ivy Tech) is Wheeler Road and Rising Road. Sheet 52 shows that intersection and a

portion of the new station.

Refer to the question 23 response for further clarification on the charging system


45) 1. The "intended third party beneficiary" provisions create the likelihood of conflicts of

interest/priority conflicts as to Contractor to IPTC vs. Contractor to the named Intended Third

Party Beneficiaries. IPTC should revise all applicable provisions of the Contract Documents,

including the Project General Conditions and Prime Construction Contract, to make it clear the

Contractor's contractual obligations run solely to IPTC without the possibility of additional

liability owed to 3rd parties for directions given or decisions made by IPTC or the Construction

Manager (CM) that the Intended Third- Party Beneficiary may not agree with. Will IPTC

consider changing these provisions?

IndyGo Response: This question concerns the legal interpretation or impact of certain

terms and/or conditions set forth in the Prime Construction Contract and/or Project

General Conditions and, as such, are not appropriate subjects of the Q&A technical review

process. Any legal questions, interpretations and/or hypotheticals (as well as any resulting

risk allocation evaluation or determination resulting therefrom) are the sole responsibility

of each potential bidder. The Prime Construction Contract and Project General

Conditions as issued for bidding speak for themselves. If any bidder(s) has questions as to

the legal effect of those contract terms, those questions should be directed to the potential

bidder’s own management and/or legal counsel.

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Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation

Dave Adamson • Senior Contract Specialist

1501 West Washington Street • Indianapolis, In. 46222

Tel: 317.614.9281 • Fax: 317.266.9163 • email: [email protected]


46) Will IPTC please confirm in the Contract Documents that Prime Contractor's sole direction

(for Work approvals, Changes, Directives, Schedule changes, etc.) as related to the Intended 3rd

Party Beneficiaries will be from the IPTC via the CM?

IndyGo Response: This question concerns the legal interpretation or impact of certain

terms and/or conditions set forth in the Prime Construction Contract and/or Project

General Conditions and, as such, are not appropriate subjects of the Q&A technical review

process. Any legal questions, interpretations and/or hypotheticals (as well as any resulting

risk allocation evaluation or determination resulting therefrom) are the sole responsibility

of each potential bidder. The Prime Construction Contract and Project General

Conditions as issued for bidding speak for themselves. If any bidder(s) has questions as to

the legal effect of those contract terms, those questions should be directed to the potential

bidder’s own management and/or legal counsel.

47) Requiring a waiver of the protections of the Spearin Doctrine a.) may not be valid under

Indiana Law, b.) pushes design professional responsibilities to Contractor, and c.) is inequitable.

Will IPTC please remove waiver terms in all applicable provisions from the Contract


IndyGo Response: This question concerns the legal interpretation or impact of certain

terms and/or conditions set forth in the Prime Construction Contract and/or Project

General Conditions and, as such, are not appropriate subjects of the Q&A technical review

process. Any legal questions, interpretations and/or hypotheticals (as well as any resulting

risk allocation evaluation or determination resulting therefrom) are the sole responsibility

of each potential bidder. The Prime Construction Contract and Project General

Conditions as issued for bidding speak for themselves. If any bidder(s) has questions as to

the legal effect of those contract terms, those questions should be directed to the potential

bidder’s own management and/or legal counsel.

48) Asking Contractor to verify that IPTC's Contract Documents "...have been prepared in such a

way…so as to ensure the Work will be Completed..." is design professional responsibility. Will

IPTC please remove all applicable such provisions from the Contract Documents?

IndyGo Response: This question concerns the legal interpretation or impact of certain

terms and/or conditions set forth in the Prime Construction Contract and/or Project

General Conditions and, as such, are not appropriate subjects of the Q&A technical review

process. Any legal questions, interpretations and/or hypotheticals (as well as any resulting

risk allocation evaluation or determination resulting therefrom) are the sole responsibility

of each potential bidder. The Prime Construction Contract and Project General

Conditions as issued for bidding speak for themselves. If any bidder(s) has questions as to

the legal effect of those contract terms, those questions should be directed to the potential

bidder’s own management and/or legal counsel.

Page 15 of 22

Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation

Dave Adamson • Senior Contract Specialist

1501 West Washington Street • Indianapolis, In. 46222

Tel: 317.614.9281 • Fax: 317.266.9163 • email: [email protected]


49) The second sentence of "Project Completion" section of the Prime Construction Contract

directs the Prime Contractor to "…anticipate working on an accelerated basis, as necessary, in

order to meet the Substantial Completion date." This should be stricken. The Schedule which

Prime Contractor develops for 960-day Project completion is its baseline schedule. Any

directives, Changes, hinderances, etc. which are not caused by Contractor and which require

Prime Contractor to accelerate its Schedule of Work should be compensable. Will IPTC please

consider revising?

IndyGo Response: This question concerns the legal interpretation or impact of certain

terms and/or conditions set forth in the Prime Construction Contract and/or Project

General Conditions and, as such, are not appropriate subjects of the Q&A technical review

process. Any legal questions, interpretations and/or hypotheticals (as well as any resulting

risk allocation evaluation or determination resulting therefrom) are the sole responsibility

of each potential bidder. The Prime Construction Contract and Project General

Conditions as issued for bidding speak for themselves. If any bidder(s) has questions as to

the legal effect of those contract terms, those questions should be directed to the potential

bidder’s own management and/or legal counsel.

50) Section 3.2.1 of the Prime Contract states “no delay in the issuance of the Notice to Proceed

by Owner shall create or give rise to a right or entitlement of Contractor to seek or obtain a

Contract Price or Contract Time adjustment…”. The Prime Contractor has no control over

issuance of the NTP to any extent. This clause should be stricken in its entirety. If there are

anticipated delays to the issuance of NTP currently known to the IPTC, IPTC should notify the

potential Prime Contractors ASAP so such costs can be factored into their bids. Otherwise, the

Prime Contractor should be entitled to time and cost relief commensurate with the delay to

issuance of the NTP. Would IPTC please consider revising?

IndyGo Response: This question concerns the legal interpretation or impact of certain

terms and/or conditions set forth in the Prime Construction Contract and/or Project

General Conditions and, as such, are not appropriate subjects of the Q&A technical review

process. Any legal questions, interpretations and/or hypotheticals (as well as any resulting

risk allocation evaluation or determination resulting therefrom) are the sole responsibility

of each potential bidder. The Prime Construction Contract and Project General

Conditions as issued for bidding speak for themselves. If any bidder(s) has questions as to

the legal effect of those contract terms, those questions should be directed to the potential

bidder’s own management and/or legal counsel.

51) Excusable Delay provisions in Contract Documents establish excusable delays, except where

such excusable delays "...are not otherwise assumed by Prime Contractor" elsewhere in the

Contract Documents. It is customary for a delay caused by owner or its agents to be excusable

and compensable. However, in both the Prime Construction Contract and General Conditions of

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Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation

Dave Adamson • Senior Contract Specialist

1501 West Washington Street • Indianapolis, In. 46222

Tel: 317.614.9281 • Fax: 317.266.9163 • email: [email protected]


the Contract Documents, Prime Contractor must "assume the risk of any and all delays,

hindrances or disruptions to, acceleration of, interference with or suspension of its performance

of the Work." All applicable provisions of the Contract Documents should be revised to provide

for excusable delays where due to fault of IPTC, CM, its Designer, etc. With this example in

mind, is IPTC aware of any scenarios in the Contract Documents where Prime Contractor will be

entitled to additional time and/or compensation for delays, accelerations, interference, etc. to the

Schedule caused by IPTC, the CM, etc.?

IndyGo Response: This question concerns the legal interpretation or impact of certain

terms and/or conditions set forth in the Prime Construction Contract and/or Project

General Conditions and, as such, are not appropriate subjects of the Q&A technical review

process. Any legal questions, interpretations and/or hypotheticals (as well as any resulting

risk allocation evaluation or determination resulting therefrom) are the sole responsibility

of each potential bidder. The Prime Construction Contract and Project General

Conditions as issued for bidding speak for themselves. If any bidder(s) has questions as to

the legal effect of those contract terms, those questions should be directed to the potential

bidder’s own management and/or legal counsel.

52) No time or cost relief if IPTC unilaterally changes sequence of work: see, for example, 3.11

of the Prime Construction Contract and 3.13.9 of the General Conditions. These sections

conflict with Section 2.2 in the Prime Construction Contract and 3.1.4 of the General Conditions,

respectively, whereby the "..means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures…" are solely

upon Prime Contractor. Where IPTC directs sequencing, and thereby causes additional cost

and/or schedule delay to Prime Contractor at no fault of Prime Contractor, IPTC should provide

corresponding cost or time relief to Prime Contractor. Would IPTC please consider revising?

IndyGo Response: This question concerns the legal interpretation or impact of certain

terms and/or conditions set forth in the Prime Construction Contract and/or Project

General Conditions and, as such, are not appropriate subjects of the Q&A technical review

process. Any legal questions, interpretations and/or hypotheticals (as well as any resulting

risk allocation evaluation or determination resulting therefrom) are the sole responsibility

of each potential bidder. The Prime Construction Contract and Project General

Conditions as issued for bidding speak for themselves. If any bidder(s) has questions as to

the legal effect of those contract terms, those questions should be directed to the potential

bidder’s own management and/or legal counsel.

53) Is IPTC aware of "…any conflicting times or durations for action, submissions, notices, or

responses thereto…including the Contract and Specifications…" (section 3.3.1 of the Prime

Contract) in the Contract Documents? If so, please provide information regarding the same to

potential Prime Contractors so they can price into their bids or provide uniformity throughout?

IndyGo Response: This question concerns the legal interpretation or impact of certain

terms and/or conditions set forth in the Prime Construction Contract and/or Project

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Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation

Dave Adamson • Senior Contract Specialist

1501 West Washington Street • Indianapolis, In. 46222

Tel: 317.614.9281 • Fax: 317.266.9163 • email: [email protected]


General Conditions and, as such, are not appropriate subjects of the Q&A technical review

process. Any legal questions, interpretations and/or hypotheticals (as well as any resulting

risk allocation evaluation or determination resulting therefrom) are the sole responsibility

of each potential bidder. The Prime Construction Contract and Project General

Conditions as issued for bidding speak for themselves. If any bidder(s) has questions as to

the legal effect of those contract terms, those questions should be directed to the potential

bidder’s own management and/or legal counsel.

54) Is IPTC aware of any other scenarios in the Contract Documents (besides an Owner-directed

acceleration to remedy an excusable delay or FM event) where Prime Contractor will be owed

additional time and/or compensation for delays, accelerations, interference, etc. to the Schedule?

Further, to the Owner's knowledge, are there any other actions by IPTC, its CM, Designer which,

where they cause additional cost or delay, which are compensable to the Prime Contractor?

IndyGo Response: This question concerns the legal interpretation or impact of certain

terms and/or conditions set forth in the Prime Construction Contract and/or Project

General Conditions and, as such, are not appropriate subjects of the Q&A technical review

process. Any legal questions, interpretations and/or hypotheticals (as well as any resulting

risk allocation evaluation or determination resulting therefrom) are the sole responsibility

of each potential bidder. The Prime Construction Contract and Project General

Conditions as issued for bidding speak for themselves. If any bidder(s) has questions as to

the legal effect of those contract terms, those questions should be directed to the potential

bidder’s own management and/or legal counsel.

55) Without limiting language (e.g. Where Prime Contractor discovers a conflict in or between

the varying Contract Documents…") Section 1.2 of the Prime Contract creates a design

professional responsibility. Would IPTC please consider revising to more accurately reflect

Prime Contractor's scope, as this is not a Design-Build project?

IndyGo Response: This question concerns the legal interpretation or impact of certain

terms and/or conditions set forth in the Prime Construction Contract and/or Project

General Conditions and, as such, are not appropriate subjects of the Q&A technical review

process. Any legal questions, interpretations and/or hypotheticals (as well as any resulting

risk allocation evaluation or determination resulting therefrom) are the sole responsibility

of each potential bidder. The Prime Construction Contract and Project General

Conditions as issued for bidding speak for themselves. If any bidder(s) has questions as to

the legal effect of those contract terms, those questions should be directed to the potential

bidder’s own management and/or legal counsel.

56) Prime Contractor should only be required to represent that it will follow the current law

(local, state and federal) in its Covid 19 protocol and protective measures. Other measures

(which are more stringent than current federal, state and local law) ordered by CM or IPTC

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Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation

Dave Adamson • Senior Contract Specialist

1501 West Washington Street • Indianapolis, In. 46222

Tel: 317.614.9281 • Fax: 317.266.9163 • email: [email protected]


which cause a schedule or cost impact to Contractor should be subject to negotiation as a change

order and potential schedule/cost relief. Would IPTC please consider revision this clause?

IndyGo Response: This question concerns the legal interpretation or impact of certain

terms and/or conditions set forth in the Prime Construction Contract and/or Project

General Conditions and, as such, are not appropriate subjects of the Q&A technical review

process. Any legal questions, interpretations and/or hypotheticals (as well as any resulting

risk allocation evaluation or determination resulting therefrom) are the sole responsibility

of each potential bidder. The Prime Construction Contract and Project General

Conditions as issued for bidding speak for themselves. If any bidder(s) has questions as to

the legal effect of those contract terms, those questions should be directed to the potential

bidder’s own management and/or legal counsel.

57) Additionally, the Contract Document's COVID provisions require Prime Contractor to

follow CDC, Local, State and Federal guidelines/laws, as updated, in relation to COVID-19.

However, COVID-19 is then expressly excluded as a Force Majeure Event in Prime Construction

Contract Section 3.18. In the interest of consistency, IPTC should grant Force Majeure relief

where a Prime Contractor's work is delayed due to its adherence to changes in

Local/State/Federal Covid 19 laws. Would IPTC please consider revising this clause?

IndyGo Response: This question concerns the legal interpretation or impact of certain

terms and/or conditions set forth in the Prime Construction Contract and/or Project

General Conditions and, as such, are not appropriate subjects of the Q&A technical review

process. Any legal questions, interpretations and/or hypotheticals (as well as any resulting

risk allocation evaluation or determination resulting therefrom) are the sole responsibility

of each potential bidder. The Prime Construction Contract and Project General

Conditions as issued for bidding speak for themselves. If any bidder(s) has questions as to

the legal effect of those contract terms, those questions should be directed to the potential

bidder’s own management and/or legal counsel.

58) Will the Owner provide X-cell spreadsheet of the Unit Price Bid Sheet to the bidders?

IndyGo Response: Yes, IndyGo has provided an Excel version of the Project Manual

Section “01 41 01 Bid Proposal Forms” as an Attachment to Addendum 2. The file

includes the Bid Forms for Packages A, B, and A+B.

59) Is the contractor to staff the project with individuals specifically designated only as the

QA/QC, Site Safety Representative and Project Schedular or can these be shared duties?

IndyGo Response: Qualified individuals will be required for each of the three specified

project roles. Roles can be shared but must meet the qualification requirements for each

role. We bring attention to the requirements of Section 01 32 00 CONSTRUCTION

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Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation

Dave Adamson • Senior Contract Specialist

1501 West Washington Street • Indianapolis, In. 46222

Tel: 317.614.9281 • Fax: 317.266.9163 • email: [email protected]


PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION. A Scheduling Consultant shall be engaged that meets

the requirements. The Owner MAY waive the requirement to retain a consultant if

Contractor employs a qualified in-house candidate. This role will require the qualifications

to complete the scheduling, reporting, and meeting attendance duties and would require a

significant level of effort.

60) On the Terminus there is two doors for the restroom bldg., however only one door on the

hardware schedule, are both these doors the same door type?

IndyGo Response: Please refer to the revised Package B drawing on sheet A-17 and the

Door Hardware and Key Storage specification.

61) Please provide details for the roof fall protection tie downs noted on drawing 79 of 196

package B?

IndyGo Response: The Contractor shall provide a fall protection device the same or

equivalent to Stand Seam Roof Anchor Model #SSRA1, anchored to the standing seam roof

system per the manufacturer’s instructions, and spaced no more than 10’0” apart.

62) Will the Owner provide relief for the contractor in for of price escalator clause in the

contract if the contractor can show the proof of price escalation?

IndyGo Response: This question concerns the legal interpretation or impact of certain

terms and/or conditions set forth in the Prime Construction Contract and/or Project

General Conditions and, as such, are not appropriate subjects of the Q&A technical review

process. Any legal questions, interpretations and/or hypotheticals (as well as any resulting

risk allocation evaluation or determination resulting therefrom) are the sole responsibility

of each potential bidder. The Prime Construction Contract and Project General

Conditions as issued for bidding speak for themselves. If any bidder(s) has questions as to

the legal effect of those contract terms, those questions should be directed to the potential

bidder’s own management and/or legal counsel.

63) Will pavement removal be paid in locations where pavement is to be removed for utility

installation where full width road removal is not called out?

IndyGo Response: Per INDOT Standard Specifications Section 715.14, the cost of the

removal of pavement associated with pipe installation in areas where full width road

removal is not called out will be included in the cost of HMA/PCCP for Structure


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Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation

Dave Adamson • Senior Contract Specialist

1501 West Washington Street • Indianapolis, In. 46222

Tel: 317.614.9281 • Fax: 317.266.9163 • email: [email protected]


64)What limits of PCCP and HMA for structure installation (pay items 221, 222) will be paid for

in areas that do not have full width road remove and replacement? Are these based on pipe

width, depths and safe excavations?

IndyGo Response: Please refer to Package A Plans, Sheet 66, “Miscellaneous Details

Pavement Patching For Pipe Installations” for information on limits of PCCP and HMA

for structure installations. Please refer to Package A Plans, Sheet 71, “Miscellaneous

Details Drainage Details” for information on pipe width, depth and safe excavations.

65) Are there any areas where flowable fill is required under the roadway? The Structure Data

Table in the Plans shows Structure Backfill Type 2 for the Storm Sewer. The Technical

Provisions states, "the storm sewer maintenance or installation, or utility Work that lies under

existing (or proposed part of this contract) Class II pavement, paved shoulders and drive

approaches shall be backfilled with flowable fill". Can you confirm the backfill type to be

utilized for storm, sanitary and water main installation in the roadways?

IndyGo Response: Yes, there are areas where flowable fill is required under the roadway.

Please refer to Package A, Sheets 841-855 in the structure data table for locations where

this is required.

The type of backfill required for storm sewer installations is indicated in Package A, Sheets

841-855 in the structure data table.

The type of backfill required for sanitary sewer and water lines are governed by Citizen’s

Energy Group project standards, which are referenced in this contract.

66) If flowable fill is required for Class II roads, can you determine which roads would classify

as such?

IndyGo Response: Class I roads are referred to now as “Protected Streets” in the current

update to the City of Indianapolis Department of Public Works Transportation Standards

Manual. These are defined as “All streets or thoroughfares constructed or resurfaced

within five (5) years prior to the permit application date for asphalt streets and all streets

constructed within fifteen (15) years prior to the permit for concrete streets.”

Class II and III roads are referred to now as “Non-Protected Streets” and are simply

defined as “All streets or thoroughfares, which are not Protected Streets.”

67) The structure data table refers to Structure backfill type 2. Is this to reference INDOT

specifications for structure backfill?

IndyGo Response: Yes.

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Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation

Dave Adamson • Senior Contract Specialist

1501 West Washington Street • Indianapolis, In. 46222

Tel: 317.614.9281 • Fax: 317.266.9163 • email: [email protected]


68) In Article 1.2 - Precedence when Conflicts - this is not consistent with typical contract

language and we request this to be removed. The contractor is not able to find and determine

every conflict prior to the time for asking questions and therefore needs a clear understanding of

the designer's intent, not to guess at what the owner may want in the future?

IndyGo Response: This question concerns the legal interpretation or impact of certain

terms and/or conditions set forth in the Prime Construction Contract and/or Project

General Conditions and, as such, are not appropriate subjects of the Q&A technical review

process. Any legal questions, interpretations and/or hypotheticals (as well as any resulting

risk allocation evaluation or determination resulting therefrom) are the sole responsibility

of each potential bidder. The Prime Construction Contract and Project General

Conditions as issued for bidding speak for themselves. If any bidder(s) has questions as to

the legal effect of those contract terms, those questions should be directed to the potential

bidder’s own management and/or legal counsel.

69) In locations of the largest and deepest storm pipe installation (STA 5175+50 to 5192+50;

STA 5297+50 to 5305+00), it appears the designer has a mill and overlay or CPR/ patching

option at these locations. Would the owner consider complete full with roadway replacement in

these areas to reduce the cost of utilizing removal, patching and other temporary pay items to

cover the structure installation?

IndyGo Response: For the purposes of this bid, “no”. If during construction a case can be

made that this approach provides better value to the project, then consideration would be

given to an alternate approach.

70) Sheet E-08 & E-03 note 15 reference 2” communication conduits that continue to package

A. We don’t see any communication conduits in Package A. Please clarify where in Package A,

where these conduits should route to?

IndyGo Response: These conduits are on the Package A, Traffic Signal Detail Sheets (771-

795), and appear as a Fiber Optic line style running from the station to the edge of


Page 22 of 22

Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation

Dave Adamson • Senior Contract Specialist

1501 West Washington Street • Indianapolis, In. 46222

Tel: 317.614.9281 • Fax: 317.266.9163 • email: [email protected]



ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF ADDENDA (Must be returned with Submittal)

IFB 21-05-385

Purple Line Bus Rapid Transit Project

The undersigned acknowledges receipt of the following amendment(s) to the Bid and supporting documentation. ADDENDUM NUMBER _____ DATED: ________________________ ADDENDUM NUMBER _____ DATED: ________________________ ADDENDUM NUMBER _____ DATED: ________________________ ADDENDUM NUMBER _____ DATED: ________________________ ADDENDUM NUMBER _____ DATED: ________________________ ADDENDUM NUMBER _____ DATED: ________________________ Note: Failure to acknowledge receipt of all addenda that may have been issued may cause the Proposal offer to be considered non-responsive to the solicitation. No further consideration will be given to non-responsive offers. Acknowledged receipt of each addendum must be clearly established and included with the bid response. ____________________________________________ (Proposing Company Name) ____________________________________________ (Street Address) ____________________________________________ (City, State, and Zip Code) _____________________________________________ Signature of Authorized Company Official _____________________________________________ Date