1 News of Au Posford, David S.K. Au & Associates, a n d Canwest INSIDE THIS ISSUE Faces - 2 Knowledge Sharing - 3 Raising Our Profile - 4, 5 Major Event: Christmas Lunch - 6 Interest Groups - 7 People - 8 ADC News COVER: D a v i d S . K . A u & A s s o c i a t e s project- ETFE Roof Structure at Panda Habitat, Ocean Park 31st december, 2012 fifth issue Editorial Committee: A d v i s o r PK Tse C h a i r m a n Dickens Sit T r a n s l a t i o n & G r a p h i c s Kristen Chan P u b l i c R e l a t i o n s Alan Cheng

ADC fifth issue

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ADC fifth issue

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Page 1: ADC fifth issue


News of Au Posford, David S.K. Au & Associates, and Canwest


Faces - 2 Knowledge Sharing - 3 Raising Our Profile - 4, 5 Major Event: Christmas Lunch - 6 Interest Groups - 7 People - 8

ADC News

COVER: David S.K. Au & Associates project- ETFE Roof Structure at Panda Habitat, Ocean Park

31st december, 2012fifth issue



PK Tse


Dickens Sit

Translation & Graphics

Kristen Chan

Public Relations

Alan Cheng

Page 2: ADC fifth issue

F A C E SMr. Anderson Lam1. Which department does you belongs to?

I am working in the Building Surveying Department.

2. How long have you been working in ADC?I joined this office since September 2003.

3. During these years, what is your day to day role?Our core expertise is described as follows:• Condition survey and compliance check to existing

buildings;• Diagnosis of building defects;• Feasibility studies to potential developments/ A&A

works under Buildings Ordinance; Town Planning Ordinance; Lease Conditions; budget, time and site constraints;

• Statutory submissions for proposed Alteration & Additions Refurbishment and conversion works, etc.; and

• Project Management for successful project delivery in time; within budget and with the desired quality.

In general, my day-to-day role includes I) overall monitoring and managing the progress/ quality of the projects to ensure the Client’s needs/wants could be met and our engaged obligations have been satisfactorily discharged; II) streamlining and giving direction of the projects to minimize potential waste and enhance effectiveness; III) improving efficiency continuously by on-the-job training and encouraging discussions, etc.

4. What is the best thing about working for ADC in your opinion?Having a lot of well experienced professionals in different disciplines of the building and civil industry, and handling projects of different scale, complexity and objectives, working in this office offers us valuable opportunities to broaden our vision, our knowledge, our mindset, by sharing

opinions amongst peoples in encountering constraints and difficulties.

5. What do you feel for the new building inspection scheme launched by BD?In general, I support the Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme launched by the Buildings Depar tment as the building neglect problem should be tackled as it could endanger the safety, health and hygiene of the Public, especially in dense population areas, with grave consequences. In the meantime, I believe the scheme could help the owners to have the building defects identified and repaired at an early state by a registered Contractor under the supervision of a building professional, so the building could remain well maintained to meet its design life and provide a better living environment.

6. What is your opinion to protect the historical site or redevelop the old buildings?I think preserving the historical building/ site should be promoted and respected as without history, the human kind cannot step forward – We all learn from history by thinking and rethinking its nature: to pursuit for goodness and to prevent the evil from recurrence – so a better world could be shaped. As such, when a historical site/ building has to be altered/ redeveloped, the original building/site should be retained as much as practicable so as their historical value to the community. Instead of large-scale demolition/ alteration, special controls on usage and operation should be considered to ensure the building/site could be re-adapted/ reused with minimal impact. I believe the economical benefits from restoring/ showing the true colour of the original historical buildings (to attract visitors and promoting civic educations) is much more than that gaining from demolishing and altering the same into malls/ commercial centres – Macau is one of the very poplar and successful model that shines.

7. Which person do you admire the most and why?One of the people I admired is Sir Winston Churchill who was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom during the World War II. He was known for his leadership of the United Kingdom during the WWII:- The speeches he delivered, including "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat"; “We shall never surrender”, etc. have inspired the People of his country, to have faith in victory against the invasion of the Nazi Germany. Moreover, he showed extraordinary courage in personally commanding the wars under the bombarded site, frequently visiting the frontlines, flying over the war zones across Nazi Germany to meet the allies for the counter-attacks. Besides, his advance warning of the rising “Nazi” and the breaking of “Treaty of Versailles” during peacetime suggested his outstanding understanding towards the global politics and trends.

I believe, we can do a lot better and overcome any difficulties if we possess the courage, strong wills and spirit of Sir Churchill - “Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning.”

8. What activity do you sugest for ADC club to hold?I suggest the ADC could consider holding some knowledge sharing seminars, discussion groups and/or technical site visits to inspire our colleagues to become an all rounded professional with a thoughtful mindset.

Who will be the next interviewee?Send your nomination to:

[email protected]


Page 3: ADC fifth issue

Knowledge Sharing

By Yvonne Cheu

Geographic Information System (GIS)

地理資訊系統 / 地理訊息系統

I) What is Geographic Information System (GIS)

GIS is a system to capture, integrate, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present all types of geographical data (or geospatial data). GIS applications provide tools for users to planning, decision making and prepare statistical reports.GIS is a tool that allows geographers and analysts to visualize data in several different ways in order to see patterns and relationships in a given area or subject. These patterns generally appear on maps but they can also be found on globes or in reports and charts.

The following web sites demonstrate the general GIS applications for public use :

II) GIS projects currently managed by Au Posford Consultants Limited (APCL)Project Title Description

Development and Implementation Ser vices of Public Participation Geographic Information System (PPGIS) for e-Engagement of Planning Studies for Planning Department

The development of a common centralized PPGIS for e-Engagement of landuse planning studies. PPGIS e-Engagement platform would be integrated with Google Map, Social Media Tools (such as Facebook, Twitter) and PlanD's GIS database with user friendly interface serving as a common platform for conducting e Engagement exercises over the Internet.

D e s i g n , S u p p l y, D e l i v e r y, I n s t a l l a t i o n , M i g r a t i o n , Commissioning, Maintenance, Training and Other Related Services of the Geographic Information System for The Development and Construction Division of The Hong Kong Housing Authority

The project includes the design, development and implementation of web based GIS applications to facilitate input, retrieval, query, analysis and import/export of various data, and incorporation of the tree management module for Housing Department. The system will support 1000 users and 100 concurrent users in HA headquarter and outstation estate management offices.

Development of Database (Hawkeye) for Kwai Tsing District Office, Home Affairs Department

The scope of project is to develop a intranet GIS and Geospatial information hub for Kwai Tsing District Office in retrieval of different textual and spatial information, such as elections, community facilities, complaints, etc. It assists officers in conducting of spatial analysis and enquiry and generation of various reports for their daily operations.

Port Maintenance Information System (PMIS) The scope of project included the design and development of a web based maintenance management system for the Port Works Division of CEDD with the main functionalities as follows:-• Asset Inventory for Ports Works Assets (seawall, breakwater, piers, etc) with input, query

and retrieval functions• Inspection and Maintenance Management of assets• Electronic Document Management System• Works Order System• Management Report

Water Quality and Pollution Load Information System (WQPLIS) Biological Monitoring Information System (BMIS) Toxic Substance Database

The project is to develop and enhance the web based applications to facilitate input, retrieval, query, analysis and import/export of river/marine water quality data, biological monitoring data and toxic substance data.

1) GeoInfo Map 地理資訊地圖 (Developed by Lands Department) http://www2.map.gov.hk/gih3/view/index.jsp

2) CentaMap 中原地圖 http://hk.centamap.com/gc/home.aspx

III) Overview of GIS Application in Housing Authority (HAGIS)The HAGIS is a web-based intranet application which allows 1000 users to access using the Internet Explorer (IE) on their desktop / workstation. The “Searching” functions that are commonly used in GIS are briefly described in this section.

1) Data Display Function The HA GIS incorporates various data such as base maps; drainage records (DSD1); statistics data (C&SD2); slope records (CEDD3); housing sites / estates and tree data (HD4); and Geocommunity data5 (LandsD6). It facilitates users to access different types of data within a single platform.User can retrieve relevant information when clicking on the symbol / icon of required data.

2) Multiple Selection / Searching Function HAGIS provides a tool for user to retrieve multiple data information, i.e. user specifies the area in which different data are retrieved. It facilitates users to collect and retrieval multiple data in single operation.

All required data within the specified area will be highlighted and displayed on the map as below (Figure 3). Users can select the required data for detailed information.

3) Spatial Search FunctionUser can search the required data within a specified distance from a user defined location, e.g. search if there is any school within 150m from a housing estate / MTR station. User simply clicks the searching point on map and input the required searching distance, the system will display a buffer / circle zone of 150m radius on map as below. User can visualize if there is any school fall within the 150m buffer zone.

pFigure 1-Home Page

pFigure 2-Display of Geocommunity Data

pFigure 4-User-defined Area for Multiple Data RetrievalpFigure 5-Spatial Search Result

3pFigure 3-Retrieval of Drainage Record Information

Page 4: ADC fifth issue

Raising Our ProfileBy Pak Kin TSE 推展及提升我們的形象

Further to the article on "Enhancing the Value and Market Share of ADC", published in the June 2012 Issue, the company has strived to raise our company profile in Hong Kong. Progress has been made in a number of areas.

2012 年 6 月期刊出的《提升 ADC 的企業價值和市場地位》一文提到公司有意進一步提高在香港的市場地位。幾個月後,我們的努力在幾方面得到進展。


The Association of Consulting Engineers Hong Kong celebrates its 35th Anniversary this year. It is the highest body of consulting engineers in Hong Kong with 33 member companies, including all the top players in town. Its objectives include:

• Establishing standards for the conduct of consulting engineers in Hong Kong

• Promoting the advancement of the Profession of Consulting Engineering

• Gathering Consulting Engineers for the purposes of co-operation and mutual advantage and consultation

• Promoting the professional interests, rights, powers and privileges of Consulting Engineers

• Giving the legislature, public bodies and others facilities for conferring with and ascertaining the collective views of Consulting Engineers

• Conferring with Associations, representing manufacturers, contractors and others engaged in engineering works, on matters of common interest

• Seeking to promulgate appropriate Conditions of Engagement and fee scales that provide fair remuneration for the services provided and generally to represent the profession to The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and to the public.

In summary, it is a high profile organization that the HK Government would consult and seek advice on new policies and engineering practices, before they are formally introduced .

Mr. Au was a co-opted Council Member in the 2011-12 Session. In the recent AGM on 27th Nov., Mr. Au was elected a full Council Member, beating favourite Ir Dr Raymond Ho Chung-tai, Ex- Hong Kong deputy to the National People’s Congress of the PRC and Ex- Legislative Councillor!

The company also helped to compile the 35th Anniversary Commemorative Issue. The Editorial Team comprised myself (Advisor), Kristen Chan (Administration) and Jane Wan (Front Cover Design).

The booklet contains congratulatory messages from many dignitaries including the HKSAR Chief Executive, Chief Secretary, Bureau Secretaries, Department Heads, Heads of Major NGOs etc.. The booklet was distributed at the Annual Dinner on 22nd Nov., attended by some 200 distinguished guests, officials and senior professionals.

The booklet also provide all Member Companies with a full page of advertisement free of charge.

Our voluntary contribution in producing the booklet won the praises and appreciation of the ACECHK Chairman and the Council.


香港顧問工程師協會今年成立 35 週年,是本港顧問工程師業界中最具代表性的組織,擁有 33 間會員公司,當中包括所有業界內的頂尖公司。協會的宗旨是:

• 建立一套適用於香港的顧問工程師專業守則• 提升顧問工程師的專業地位• 為加強合作及爭取共同利益連繫本地各顧問工程師• 促進顧問工程師的一切權益• 確定顧問工程師業界的整體意見,並與立法和公共機關及其

他組織討論有關意見• 與代表製造商、承建商和其他與工程界相關的機構就共同利

益進行協商• 為使顧問工程師得到合理的報酬制訂一套合適的僱用條件和



區先生在 2011 至 2012 年度為協會議會的增補成員,在最近的周年大會上,區先生擊敗了前全國人民代表大會香港區代表兼前任立法會工程界功能組別議員何鐘泰先生被選為議會正式成員。

2012 - 2013 ACEHK Concil Member (Form R to L)2012 - 2013 年度香港顧問工程師協會議會成員 ( 由右至左 )Ir Colin Chung, Ir David Au, Ir Tommy Ng, Ir Eric Ma, Ir Albert Leung (Hon. Treasurer), Ir Alan Man (Chairman), Ir Simon Mak (Hon. Secretary), Ir Ronnie Thomson, Ir S H Ching, Ir Clement Chung, Ir Francis Kung

除此之外,公司亦參與了顧問工程師協會 35 週年的活動,負責製作週年紀念特刊。特刊的編輯團隊由我擔任顧問,Kristen Chan和 Jane Wan 分別擔任行政和封面設計的工作。


特刊在週年晚宴上派出,當晚有將近 200 位尊貴的嘉賓、政府官員和業界資深人士出席。協會主席和議會成員均對公司義務幫助製作紀念特刊一事表示欣賞和感謝。


Page 5: ADC fifth issue

Front Cover DesignThe number 35 is bold and outstanding, representing a significant milestone of the ACEHK. The 5 random colours behind the number 35 represent the diverse consulting engineering skills that the Members of the ACEHK have to offer. The black colour background represents dignity, integrity and professionalism of Consulting Engineers. The black colour also brings out the golden coloured arch bridge, the logo of the ACEHK.

封面設計設計利用粗體和光暈效果突出數字 "35” ,顯示 35 週年是香港顧問工程工程師協會的重要里程碑;而 "35" 背後 5 種不同的顏色代表ACEHK 會員提供的多元化顧問工程服務。背景採用黑色,象徵顧問工程師高尚、誠信和專業的精神;同時亦突顯香港顧問工程工程師協會金色拱橋形的會徽。

APCL's Page in ACE 35th Anniversary Commemorative Issue區・布福工程顧問有限公司在香港顧問工程師協會 35 週年紀念特刊的宣傳頁


The Association of Structural Consultants was formed in 2005 by Mr. Au as Chairman with 12th other small to medium size structural consultants in Hong Kong. Its objectives include:

• Promoting the advancement of the interest of structural consultany practices in Hong Kong• Facilitating discussion and co-operation among consultancy practices in Hong Kong on matters of mutual interests• Promulgating appropriate Conditions of Engagement and Fee Scales and generally to represent the profession to the Hong Kong SAR

Government and to the public

Recently, the ASC managed to secure a meeting with the Permanent Secretary for Works of the Development Bureau Ir Wai Chi-sing and his colleagues to press for a case of direct appointment on ArchSD projects.

It was a long battle of many years, fighting against unjust conditions of employment under the Lead Consultant (Architect). Hopefully, through the ASC, the Structural Consultant can become an equal partner in future ArchSD Projects.


香港結構工程顧問商會由區先生在 2005 年成立並由他擔任主席,商會由 13 間中小型結構工程顧問公司組成。商會的宗旨為 :

• 提升香港結構工程顧問業界的共同權益• 就共同利益促進業界討論和加強相互合作• 制訂合理的合約條款和收費標準,及代表業界向香港特別行政區政府及公眾反映意見

香港結構工程顧問商會剛就建築署轄下工程項目採用直接聘任制的議題與發展局常任秘書長韋志成先生及其同僚進行會面。業界一直以來為此議題進行抗爭,直接聘任制可以解決由首席顧問 ( 建築師 ) 聘任結構工程顧問所產生的不平等情況,希望結構工程顧問商會可以為本地結構工程顧問爭取一個更公平的合作形式。 ASC Website


Closing Remarks

Through our involvement in the above associations and institutions such as HKIE, IStructE, HKIHT, ICE and many other forums including CSR activities, our company profile and image can be greatly enhanced.


通過我們在各個組織、學會 ( 如香港工程師學會、英國結構工程師學會、香港公路學會和英國土木工程師學會 ) 和其他論壇例如企業社會責任活動,本公司的知名度和形象將會繼績提升。

DAAL was awarded the Certificate of Excellence at The HSBC Living Business People Caring Award 2012DAAL 在 2012 年「滙豐營商新動力 - 僱員關懷獎」中獲得傑出獎狀 5

Page 6: ADC fifth issue

More photos of Christmas Party can be viewed atwww.facebook.com/groups/331057856936070

Next Event: War Game

Major Event

Christmas Lunch


Page 7: ADC fifth issue

7Propose your interest group to:[email protected]



Karaoke/ BBQ





Ball Game

Prayer Fellowship

Bible Study Fellowship

Every Wendnesday at 6pmLeader: Ms. Stephanie NgEmail: [email protected]: 348

Leader: Mr. T.K. YuEmail: [email protected]: 970

Leader: Mr.Alan ChengEmail: [email protected]: 373

Leader: Mr. Lester LaiEmail:[email protected]: 302

Leader: Mr. K.S. WongEmail:[email protected]: 915

Leader: Mr. Lester LaiEmail:[email protected]: 302

Leader: Mr.Y. K. YungEmail: [email protected]: 989

Leader: To Be Advised

Leader: Mr. Kevin IuEmail: [email protected]: 363

Leader: Ms. Vicky LauEmail: [email protected]: 928

Page 8: ADC fifth issue






OCTOBTER Title Join Day

CHAN Zhongqiu, Vance Graduate Engineer 03-Oct-2012CHENG Man-hon, Matthew Architectural Assistant 08-Oct-2012

NOVEMBER Title Join DayLO Ming-kay, Vincent Engineer 05-Nov-2012WONG Ka-hei, Frederick Graduate Engineer 07-Nov-2012LI Jing GIS Analyst 12-Nov-2012YEUNG , Benjamin Chichun Trainee 19-Nov-2012

DECEMBERJIAO Wei, Jovi GIS Analyst 03-Dec-2012LEUNG Man-wa Assistant Architect 17-Dec-2012LIU Sui-yuk Architectural Assistant 17-Dec-2012

MarriagesOCTOBER SHUM Pik-wah, Elaine (DA, ACCOUNTS)


NOVEMBER YIP Sai-kit, Jack & KWONG Hoi-lam, Janice (DA, BS)

DECEMBER LAI Cheuk-man, Lester (CANWEST)& YAU Kwun-ying, Christy (DA, ADMIN)


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Qualifi cationS u s t a i n b i l i t y As s e s s m e n t a n d Aw a rd s fo r C i v i l Engineering, Innfrastructure, Landscaping & the Public Realm (CEEQUAL) Assessor

TSE Pak-kin

Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers (MICE)

TSE Pak-kin

BirthsOCTOBER 呂思諾 (LUI Man-bun, Ben, DA, ARCH)