Adapted From Fountain Fort Carson RtI Implementation Guide Book Pueblo County School District 70 24951 East Highway 50 Pueblo, Colorado 81006

Adapted From Fountain Fort Carson RtI Implementation Guide …district70.org/ourpages/auto/2011/2/24/44771639/THE GUIDE... · 2011. 2. 24. · Principals, RtI Coordinators, Response

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Adapted From Fountain Fort Carson RtI Implementation Guide Book

Pueblo County School District 70 24951 East Highway 50

Pueblo, Colorado 81006

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24951 East Highway 50

Pueblo, Colorado 81006

The Department of Instruction recognizes the skill and dedication of the following people, who either created, contributed to, reviewed, or revised parts or this entire document:

Jennifer Alfonso-Teacher on Special assignment [email protected]

Jeff Chamberlain- Curriculum Integration [email protected]

Brian Dilka- Pueblo West Middle School [email protected]

Diane Forsythe-Educational Services Center [email protected]

Shad Glenn- Teacher on Special Assignment [email protected]

Julie Griego- Vineland Middle School [email protected]

Jeff Howes- North Mesa Elementary [email protected]

Kristi Hudlow- Grant-Counselor [email protected]

Kristen Johnson- Prairie Winds Elementary [email protected]

Cody Kuhlman- Pueblo West High School [email protected]

Julie Kuhlman- Desert Sage Elementary [email protected]

Brenda Leyh- Skyview Middle School [email protected]

Clare Orndoff- Teacher on Special Assignment [email protected]

Victoria Padilla- North Mesa Elementary [email protected]

Chuck Scott- Craver Middle School [email protected]

Jane Sefcovic- Educational Services Center [email protected]

April Smith- Grant- Counselor [email protected]

Callista Unruh- Desert Sage Elementary [email protected]

Lyndsay Vigil- Desert Sage Elementary [email protected]

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Board of Education President

Lynette Pantello

David Valdez, Vice President Jan M. Reed, Board Member William K. Bregar, Board Member Michael Connolly, Board Member

Non-Voting Member

Pam Smith ………………………..Secretary/Treasurer

Superintendent of Schools C. Edward Smith

Administrative Staff

Ginger A. Andenucio……………………………………………………………………………………Assistant Superintendent Ryan Elarton……………………………………………………………………………………………Director of Business Services Andy Beeman……………………………………………………………………………………….Director of Personnel Services Gregory L. Keasling…………………………………………………………………………………..Director of Student Services Laurie Stratman…………………………………………………………………….Director of Exceptional Student Services Tim Yates……………………………………………………………………………………..Director of Information Technology

Pueblo County School District 70 does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, National origin, sex, age, or handicap (disability) in admission or access to, or treatment, or employment in its educational programs or activities. Inquiries about ADA, Section 504, and Title IX may be addressed to the Superintendent of Schools, 24951 East Highway 50, Pueblo, Colorado 81006 (719) 542-0220.

Mission Statement

To educate each student to achieve his or her

full academic potential

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Table of Contents


Response to Intervention (RtI) District Philosophy

Definition .................................................................................................................... 5

Philosophy ................................................................................................................. 5

Purpose of Document ................................................................................................. 6

Core Principle ............................................................................................................. 7

District Expectation .................................................................................................... 7

Understanding the Three-Tiered Model in RTI

Progress Monitoring Diagram .................................................................................... 8

Tier I .......................................................................................................................... 9

Tier II ......................................................................................................................... 10

Tier III ........................................................................................................................ 11

Questions and Answers .............................................................................................. 12

RtI in Practice

Overview .................................................................................................................... 17

Definitions and Key Components ............................................................................... 17

Response to Intervention team ................................................................................. 17

Problem Solving Process ............................................................................................ 18

Progress Monitoring ................................................................................................... 19

CBM ............................................................................................................................ 19

Norm Data Analysis .................................................................................................... 20

Instructional Strategies ............................................................................................. 21

Instructional Interventions ........................................................................................ 21

Research-Based Interventions ................................................................................... 22

Skilled Discussion .......................................................................................................... 22

Data-Driven Dialogue .................................................................................................... 23

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Roles and Expectations Principal .................................................................................. 23

Designated RtI Administrator/Coordinator ................................................................. 24

Teachers ...................................................................................................................... 24

Parents ......................................................................................................................... 24

Students ....................................................................................................................... 25

RTI TEAM Composition ................................................................................................ 25

RtI Coordinator ............................................................................................................ 26

RTI TEAM Facilitator .................................................................................................... 26

Recorder ...................................................................................................................... 27

Time Keeper ................................................................................................................ 27

Designated Consultant ................................................................................................ 27

Interventionist ............................................................................................................ 28

Progress Monitor .......................................................................................................... 28

School Psychologist ...................................................................................................... 29

School Counselor ...........................................................................................................

Specialist ..................................................................................................................... 29

Problem Solving Flow Chart ......................................................................................... 30

Tier I ............................................................................................................................ 31

Tier II .......................................................................................................................... 33

Tier III ......................................................................................................................... 35

Special Considerations in Identification for Special Education

Other Eligibility and Staffing Expectations

Students Identified for Special Education Prior to District 70 ..................................... 36

Students with Severe & Low Incidence Disabilities ..................................................... 36

Eligibility for Speech-Language Impairment .............................................................. 36

Eligibility for Significantly Limited Intellectual Capacity ............................................. 36

Eligibility for Significant Identifiable Emotional Disability .......................................... 37

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Eligibility for ADHD via a Physical Disability ................................................................ 37


Tier I Appendix

Tier II Appendix

Tier III Appendix

School implementation Resources

References and Resources

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Response to Intervention Philosophy and Design

The ultimate purpose of the RtI process is not for determining whether a student qualifies for special education, but rather to enhance the success of students with a variety of

academic and behavior needs.


The Response-to-Intervention (RtI) Model is a school-wide initiative that allows for the utilization of resources for students in need of academic or behavioral support. RtI provides a seamless system of

interventions and resources which allow students to make significant progress whether they are at-risk

for failure or gifted and talented and not meeting their full potential. Although IDEA 2004, encourages utilizing the RtI process as an alternative approach for the identification of students for special education

services, the intent of the process is much more significant than identification for special education alone. More importantly, the RtI Model utilizes instructional strategies consistent with current District 70

practices such as on-going screening and data analysis to inform instructional interventions, flexible use

of building personnel with students, as well as collaborative problem-solving among staff and parents to improve student performance.


District 70 believes that, by establishing a comprehensive continuum of supports and services for ALL

District 70 students, students are more likely to experience success academically and behaviorally. This continuum, or seamless system, is best conceptualized and delivered through the RtI Model. This Model

defines the process whereby students access appropriate levels of support and intervention, given their academic and/or behavioral needs. Moreover, RtI is effective only through a collaborative problem-

solving approach to identify student needs, implement targeted interventions, and utilize data to measure student progress as a result of the interventions, as well as monitor intervention integrity. The RtI

process requires the involvement of the classroom teacher, parent(s), student (where appropriate), and

building specialists (e.g., curriculum leaders, special education teachers, ELL teachers, Title I teachers, counselors, speech therapists, school psychologists, building leaders).

Purpose of Document

The purpose of RtI is to improve educational outcomes for all students. A continuum of evidence-based,

tiered interventions with increasing levels of intensity and duration is central to RtI. Furthermore, collaborative educational decisions should be based on data derived from frequent monitoring of student

performance and rate of learning. Therefore, a significant systems change is necessary for schools. Although many components, such as progress monitoring, differentiated instruction, etc. may be in place

in different schools, creating a school-wide system is challenging.

This document will describe the RtI template to be utilized by District 70 Schools. Specifically, the

document will define central components of RtI, make recommendations for composition of the building level Response to Intervention teams, identify roles for itinerate and support staff, as well as provide the

necessary district forms and processes that will guide teams in their on-going student problem-solving meetings, data collection, and monitoring of student response to interventions. Furthermore, it will

outline the multi-tiered process by describing how students are served and move through varying tiers, to include intervention development, progress monitoring, and GAP analysis. Finally, an outline will be

provided containing important components for a team considering a referral for special education


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Principals, RtI Coordinators, Response to Intervention team members, and Consultants are expected to

utilize this document to guide decision making as RtI becomes the school-wide model for providing academic and behavioral support to students who are at-risk for failure or who are not performing to

their full potential.

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CORE PRINCIPLES (Colorado Department of Education)

We believe that…

ALL children can learn and achieve high standards as a result of effective teaching.

All students must have access to a rigorous, standards-based curriculum and research-based instruction.

Intervening at the earliest indication of need is necessary for student success (Pre K-12).

A comprehensive system of tiered interventions is essential for addressing the full range of student needs.

Student results are improved when on-going academic and behavioral performance data are used to inform instructional decisions.

Collaboration among educators, families and community members is the foundation to effective problem-solving and instructional decision-making.

On-going and meaningful involvement of families increases student success.

All members of the school community must continue to gain knowledge and develop expertise in order to build capacity and sustainability.

Effective leadership at all levels is crucial for the implementation of RtI.


The District 70 RtI process is not considered a special education process or a roadblock to

special education.

All buildings will implement RtI according to District 70 Guidebook to ensure consistency

across the district, region and state. The Guidebook does allow for individualization in some areas based on the different needs of our schools.

All schools will have a Response to Intervention team and will utilize true progress monitoring

and Curriculum Based Measurement tools.

Building principals will monitor the integrity of research-based interventions.

All buildings will use the Continuous Evaluation Tool in the fall and spring to improve the RtI


All progress monitoring for a student in the RtI process will be documented in Alpine.

All buildings will utilize the Alpine parent signature page when a student is referred to the

building RtI team.

Buildings will not solely utilize English Language Learner teachers and special education

teachers and providers as interventionists for the problem-solving process. General

educators should also implement targeted interventions.

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RReessppoonnssee ttoo IInntteerrvveennttiioonn::

PPrrooggrreessss MMoonniittoorriinngg


Tier III:

Intensive/Individualized Level

Interventions based on

comprehensive evaluation are

provided to students with intensive


Tier II: Targeted Level

Provided to students identified at-

risk or who fail to make adequate

progress in general education.


Tier I: Universal Level

Provided to ALL students;

research based, high quality,

general education using on-

going universal screening,

progress monitoring, and

assessments to design






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Instructional Strategies and Interventions

Tier I includes universal supports that are available to all students in academics and behavior. All teachers routinely use a variety of supports as soon as a student begins to struggle in their classroom.

Teachers may change their method of instruction, provide the child with additional help, as well as

provide accommodations or modifications.


Assessment also is an important component of Tier I. Assessment includes class-wide, grade-wide,

and/or district-wide screening and progress monitoring. All schools in District 70 have a process for

routinely reviewing students’ progress on NWEA, AIMS Web, DIBELS, and other universal screening tools. Teachers, administrators and building teams reviewing screening and progress monitoring data for all

students, should utilize the Data-Driven Discussion recommended by the District 70 Education Services Department. Through a systematic process of discussing data, effective adjustments to instruction can

be made.

Examples of Instructional Strategies and Assessments in Tier I

Instructional Strategies & Interventions Assessment & Progress Monitoring


Core Curriculum CSAP

Differentiated Instruction NWEA

Alpine Instructional Strategies TOWRE

Rigor & Relevance Instructional Strategies Success Maker

Flexible Grouping Lexia

Accommodations and Modifications STAR Reading and Math

Peer Mentor Programs Running Records Instructional Educational Programs Classroom Assessments

Curriculum-Based Measurements/DIBELS/AIMS Web


Classroom Affective Instruction Discipline Records

School-wide Positive Behavior Supports Attendance

School-wide Programs (i.e. Discovery, Kelso, Bully-Proofing and Rachel’s Challenge)

Behavior Report Cards


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Instructional Strategies and Intervention

Tier II includes individualized targeted supports that are individualized for students with more significant academic and/or behavior concerns or who have been identified as underachieving. If a student continues to

demonstrate insufficient progress and the gap between the student and expected achievement increases, a

more intensive intervention plan can be put in place with the assistance of the Response to Intervention team through data-driven dialogue. Evidence-based instructional strategies and interventions in Tier II are

developed based on the student’s specific learning and/or behavioral needs. Multiple school personnel can provide the interventions to the students, including the classroom teacher, intervention specialist, or other staff.


Assessment takes on a more intense focus in Tier II. Assessments given need to be determined based on

individual skill need, and results of the assessment should lead directly to intervention. Once an intervention is in place, the response to the intervention needs to be monitored on a regular basis (i.e., every other week at

least). Assessment may also need to be diagnostic in focus. If the learning need is difficult to identify, a diagnostic assessment may need to be given to determine the focus of the intervention. When selecting

assessments at Tier II, the focus should remain on identifying how best to meet the student’s instructional or

behavioral needs. Discussions about student progress in Tier II will take place formally in Response to Intervention team meetings; however, informal discussions should take place on a weekly basis with the

progress monitor and interventionist.

Examples of Instructional Strategies and Assessments in Tier II

Instructional Strategies & Interventions Assessment &

Progress Monitoring


Supplemental group instruction outside the general classroom Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing (CTOP)

Differentiated Instruction Curriculum-Based Measurement/DIBELS/AIMS Web/NWEA

Alpine Instructional Strategies Classroom Assessments

Rigor and Relevance Instructional Strategies Running Records

Peer tutoring Test of Word Reading Efficiency

Flexible Grouping Gray Oral Reading Test – 4

Instructional Educational Programs Success Maker

Extended Learning Opportunity TOWRE

Diagnostic Assessment of Reading


Group counseling Behavior Charts

Behavior Intervention Plans AIMS Web Functional Behavior Assessment


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Instructional Strategies and Interventions

Tier III intensive supports are intended for students with significant and/or chronic deficits as well as students with significant underachievement that require the most intensive services available in a school.

Moving to a Tier III intervention is determined by the Response to Intervention team after several

individualized interventions have resulted in limited progress based on the gap between the student and expected achievement benchmark. The interventions in Tier III are skill specific interventions that can be

delivered by a variety of providers. The interventions increase in intensity and often require one-on-one or small group instruction.


The intensity of assessment also increases in Tier III. The response to interventions in Tier III needs to be

monitored at least once a week. Diagnostic assessments may also be a focus of Tier III assessment. When selecting assessments at Tier III, the focus may also include identifying why the student is having difficulty;

however, the underlying expectation continues to be that assessments provide information on how to meet the student’s need instructionally.

Examples of Instructional Strategies and Assessments in Tier III

Instructional Strategies & Interventions Assessment &

Progress Monitoring


Individual instruction outside of general classroom Curriculum-Based Measurement/DIBELS/AIMS Web/NWEA

Test of Reading Abilities

One-on-one tutoring Provide instructional strategies at a greater intensity

Test of Math Abilities

Subtests of comprehensive assessments

Tier II interventions more often, longer, and in a smaller group

Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing

Instructional Educational Programs Gray Oral Reading Test-4

Short-term therapy supports (Speech, OT) Success Maker



Social Skills Group AIMS Web

Behavior Intervention Plan Scales for Attention Concerns

Individual counseling Diagnostic Assessments

Individual Para support Behavior Assessment System for Children

Functional Behavior Assessment


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Questions and Answers about the RtI Model

(Adapted from the State of Florida Technical Assistance Paper and RtI Toolkit, Jim Wright)

What has to exist in order for RtI to work?

RtI is successful when an infrastructure exists to support a problem-solving process which includes intervention development, progress monitoring, and designated meeting times for the Response to

Intervention team. School staff must possess skills in the necessary instructional strategies and interventions, such as Alpine strategies and Rigor and Relevance strategies, as well as assessment

tools such as NWEA, AIMS Web, DIBELS, TOWRE, Success Maker, etc. Therefore, school personnel

must be provided the training opportunities necessary to gain the skills needed to implement RtI system-wide. Teachers and support staff must have the support of building administrators and

district staff to implement the RtI Model. Support provided to teachers must extend throughout the implementation of interventions and the collection of appropriate data to assess student progress.

What is the criterion for a successful intervention?

An intervention is successful if the gap between the student at-risk and the expected benchmark has

decreased based on the data collected through research validated progress monitoring. RtI teams must collect a body of evidence to determine whether the gap has closed utilizing progress

monitoring instruments, such as CBM, that monitor specific skills and demonstrate small change.

How long interventions should be implemented in an RtI Model?

The amount of time necessary to identify and verify the effective interventions will vary by skill, the age and the grade level of the student. Interventions should be continued as long as the student

exhibits a positive response. The interventions should be modified as appropriate when a student’s progress is less than expected.

Who provides the interventions?

A variety of people may provide interventions in the problem-solving process. In Tier I, classroom

teachers should be the primary provider of interventions and strategies. At the Tier II & III level, classroom teachers, Para professionals, reading teachers, special education teachers, school

psychologists, school counselors, etc. can provide interventions. The interventionist should be selected based on intensity of intervention, skill level of interventionist, and training required to

deliver the intervention. Furthermore, each school needs to determine individuals available in the

building to provide interventions, what training each individual has had, and the time availability of individuals who will be providing interventions.

Who progress monitors or conducts assessments in the RtI Model?

Many different individuals can progress monitor depending on the tool being used. Because CBMs

require minimal training, schools may select multiple individuals to be trained including retired

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teachers, Para professionals, proctors, other school personnel, etc. Furthermore, behavior progress

monitoring data also can be collected by a variety of individuals. District-wide progress monitoring instruments may also be used and the data collected may be by district level personnel, classroom

teachers, and/or designated building staff. Nonetheless, individuals who are expected to progress monitor should be formally trained to administer the instruments utilized for progress monitoring.

Additionally, if administering diagnostic instruments, adequately trained individuals should be

conducting the assessment.

How do students move between Tiers?

Moving between tiers is a fluid process and there will likely be some fluctuation for many students

whether they experience academic and/or behavioral concerns. Essentially, students move between tiers based on the gap demonstrated through progress monitoring as well as with the level of

intensity of the intervention. For example, if a student has a Gap of 3.8 the tier level needs to be

more intense than a student who has a Gap of 2.4. Please see Gap Analysis definition on page 18 for more information.

Is a student ever involved in more than one intervention at a time?

Yes, students should typically participate in one intervention at a time for individual skill deficits. For

example, if a student has a deficit in reading, a single problem should be determined and a single intervention should be developed to address the identified problem. However, in some situations a

student may be participating in a standard protocol intervention such as a flexible reading group to address reading skills in general, but may also be in a more intense (Tier III) intervention to address

the specific skill deficit. Additionally, a student may participate in more than one intervention if there are a variety of skill deficits in different academic or behavior areas. For example, a student may be

receiving a behavior intervention and a reading intervention at the same time or a reading

intervention and a math intervention at the same time.

How long might a child be in the problem-solving process?

The length of time a child participates in the problem-solving process depends on the significance of

the Gap between the student and peers as well as the skill deficits a student has. For example, if a

student in 8th grade needs an intervention in math calculations to gain the skills necessary to succeed with Algebra, there may be a need for several specific skill interventions to close the Gap with peers.

Data may demonstrate that the Gap is closing, but the length of time to close the Gap may be lengthy. On the other hand, a student who is in 1st grade and needs an intervention addressing short

vowels may need a limited Tier II or III intervention and once the skill is gained the Gap is closed

with peers and the student can participate in the core curriculum. This student’s length of participation in the problem-solving process would be limited.

What documentation is used with the RtI Model?

Graphs and charts are a basic component of RtI. Furthermore, schools should document the assessment and intervention strategies and outcomes using data collection systems such as Alpine

Achievement. Other data collection strategies may be utilized by different teachers and buildings;

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however, the strategies should produce documentation of a student’s progress or lack of progress

(e.g., graphs, charts).

How is RtI funded?

Presently, the RtI Model operates with current funding. IDEA 2004 allows for up to 15% of Part B

allocation to be used for early intervention services. Other funding streams can be utilized such as

Title I, Reading First, etc. Future discussion on funding RtI will likely be necessary.

Is RtI just a way to avoid providing special education services?

No, RtI is a way to integrate the mandates of NCLB and IDEA so that all students receive high-

quality, effective instruction in the general education setting and beyond. The intent is a seamless system of support that is available to all students.

Can RtI be used for students who are Gifted and Talented and/or underachieving?

Absolutely, RtI not only can be used, it should be used for students who present as Gifted and

Talented or underachieving. Students, who are Gifted and Talented and are underachieving based on screening measures and progress monitoring tools, should be provided a targeted intervention to

increase the potential for sufficient progress. Because the RtI Model is a system-wide model, all

students who are making insufficient progress should be provided more intensive interventions based on their individual needs, which includes students identified as Gifted and Talented or who are


How does a Response to Intervention team differ from a Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT)?

The RtI team’s focus is specifically on creating strategies and interventions to help children be more

successful academically and behaviorally. Classroom teachers are central and highly valued members

of the RtI team. The RtI team promotes a collegial atmosphere where teachers work together to solve student problems and use dependable and efficient assessment methods to measure the

progress of struggling learners.

The Multi-Disciplinary Team is responsible for identifying students who may have educational disabilities and be eligible for Special Education services. MDT’s have typically been comprised of

specialists, including school psychologists, speech-therapists, nurses, special education teachers, etc. With RtI, evaluation teams will continue to be important to ensure necessary data are collected when

considering eligibility. However, the majority of information is likely to be gathered during the

problem-solving process. Other information such as observations, possible diagnostic assessments, or other informal measures may be requested by the MDT. This constitutes a comprehensive

evaluation. The MDT may include a portion of the RtI team as well as any additional individuals important to the evaluation process.

How/what do we communicate to parents?

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Regardless of whether the parent initiated a concern or the teacher initiated a concern, parent

involvement is critical and should be facilitated throughout the process, beginning with the problem identification phase. Parents should always be invited to the RtI team meetings, and if parents are

unable to attend the meeting the progress monitoring information should be provided to the parents each time the data are analyzed. Parents should be involved in all the decisions regarding

modifications to interventions and related changes to a student’s curriculum.

Do I have to use the RtI Model to determine eligibility for students who are identified has having a Specific Learning Disability?

District 70 has elected to use the RtI Model to determine eligibility for a Specific Learning Disability.

The expectation is that the majority of data is collected through the problem-solving process;

therefore, minimal information is needed for the comprehensive evaluation necessary to qualify a student as having a Specific Learning Disability. The movement is away from eligibility being an

event that provides access to needed services to eligibility as a formality with services already in place.

If a parent requests an immediate evaluation within the sixty day time frame during or

prior to the problem-solving process, is the school obligated to default to the discrepancy model?

If a parent requests an immediate evaluation, schools should explain the RtI Model and the services

the child will receive during the documentation period. Schools may not talk parents out of requesting an evaluation; however, it is expected that parents are informed of what the current

evaluation practices are in the district. Even if parents request a traditional assessment, schools will

not be expected to administer an IQ and Achievement assessment. Determination of a Specific Learning Disability will be dependent on information collected through a problem-solving process.

How will the Special Education teacher plan interventions for a student after he or she

has been found eligible for services through the RtI process?

The RtI team will essentially provide the current intervention plan when a student is eligible for

Special Education services. Members of the team will continue to work together until effective

interventions have been implemented regardless of the setting in the school within which the student is receiving services.

The above questions are a few general questions regarding some of the components of the

RtI Model. Specific questions addressing implementation expectations as well as definitions of key terms are provided in the following section.

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Putting RtI into Practice System-Wide

Overview of How the RtI Model Works

To ensure that the RtI Model is implemented consistently across the district, in schools and among grade levels, it is important that all school personnel understand the steps involved, are provided training to

develop skills necessary to support the model, and actively participate in following the system-wide

model. Each school is expected to create and support a Response to Intervention team that utilizes a problem-solving process to meet the academic and behavioral needs for students who are not making

sufficient progress (at-risk or underachieving). RtI team meetings should be scheduled in each school on a regular basis. Communication and meetings with parents should be on-going through the RtI process

as needed. By providing a strong RtI process with on-going progress monitoring for assessing the success of targeted and intensive research-based interventions, more students will have the opportunity

to be academically and behaviorally successful. Circumventing the process to move students to Tier III

or referring a student for a Special Education evaluation without following the problem-solving process is not supported and should happen only under special circumstances that will be covered later in the


Important Definitions and Key Components

There are several aspects of the RtI Model that are important to understand before complete implementation can be made system-wide. The following definitions will be helpful in understanding the

key components of the RtI Model.

Response to Intervention team

Responses to Intervention teams have essential elements that are paramount to the team’s success including a diverse representation and collegiality. Teams must be composed of a variety of educational

staff, including teachers, specialists and administrators. The student’s parents will be involved in their student’s RtI process. Team membership should include individuals who have a diverse set of skills and

expertise that can address a variety of behavioral and academic problems. The team should also be

collegial in that teachers are supported and encouraged. Response to Intervention teams should identify a facilitator who guides the process and ensures a supportive atmosphere. A recorder and timekeeper

also are important roles on the RtI team. Finally, a designated consultant is essential to the RtI team.

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Monitor and

Evaluate the





Define the Problem

Generate Intervention

Ideas & Develop an

Intervention Plan

Problem-Solving Process

The problem-solving process is designed to assist the classroom teacher and parents in designing and selecting strategies for improving student academic or behavioral performance. It is intended to resolve

the academic and/or behavioral problem presented in order for students to experience success. A problem-solving process allows for full collaboration among a team of professionals, to identify the

specific problem and design research-based interventions. The process includes ensuring fidelity of

interventions implemented, progress monitoring to determine student response, and inclusion of parents throughout.

A problem-solving process should include a structured format when analyzing possible reasons for a

student’s academic or behavioral difficulties and planning interventions. Utilizing a structured problem-solving approach when exploring, defining, and prioritizing a teacher’s concerns helps the team make

efficient use of time and increases the probability that it will select the right intervention(s) (Wright, 2007). The first step in a problem-solving process is defining the problem. The definition should be

specific and focused. Next, an analysis of the problem should be conducted. This includes validating the

problem, identifying variables that contribute to the problem, and developing an intervention plan. The plan should consist of a specific research-based intervention related to the identified problem, a progress

monitoring plan, and target goals for progress. Detailed descriptions of when and where the intervention will take place, which will provide the intervention, as well as what tool will be used and who will

progress monitor. The third step in the problem- solving process is implementing the intervention plan.

As the intervention plan is implemented, modification to the plan may be necessary. These decisions should be made based on the progress monitoring data collected. The concluding phase in the problem-

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solving process is evaluating the intervention plan based on data collected. The problem-solving process

should be rich in data collected and can be recycled as necessary.

Progress Monitoring

Progress monitoring is a systematic method for tracking and comparing

an individual’s or group’s performance and progress through data

collection. A consistent monitoring plan is essential to determine effectiveness of instructional programs and interventions. Movement of

a student within the intervention tiers is determined by the data collected through progress monitoring. Progress monitoring is the way

in which a multidisciplinary team can gather the data used to make

decisions during the problem-solving process. Progress monitoring varies depending on the level of intensity. For students at the Tier I

level, progress monitoring is provided to all students using on-going universal screening and assessments designed from instruction. Students who are receiving more

intensive intervention in Tier II should be provided more strategic and targeted progress monitoring. At this level, progress monitoring should be focused on current levels of performance. The tools utilized

should be flexible, efficient, accessible, informative and scientifically validated.

Curriculum-Based Measurement

The most effective assessment available for monitoring student progress on a specific skill is Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM). CBM is an alternative to other procedures that may be too costly, time

consuming, disruptive to instruction, or ineffective for identifying progress frequently. CBM is comprised

of standard directions, materials, scoring rules, and is a timed assessment. CBM is characterized by several attributes (Deno, 2003):

1. Alignment – students are tested on the curriculum being taught.

2. Technically adequate – CBM have established reliability and validity.

3. Criterion-referenced – CBM are used to determine if students can demonstrate their knowledge

by reaching specified performance levels on certain tasks.

4. Standard procedures are used to administer CBM.

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5. Performance sampling – CBM employ direct, low-inference measures through which correct and

incorrect student behaviors on clearly defined tasks are counted within a set time interval.

6. Decision rules are in place to provide those who use the data with information about what it means when students score at different level of performance or illustrate different rates of

progress on the measures over time.

7. Repeated Measurement – CBM can be used over time and to identify insufficient progress as well as level of performance data.

8. Efficient – Training is minimal and measures can be given quickly.

9. Summarized efficiently – a variety of techniques are available that make data accessible to

classroom teachers and students.

District 70 recommends utilizing resources from NWEA, AIMSWeb.org and

interventioncentral.org for obtaining CBM probes.

Norm Data Analysis

A critical component of determining a student’s response to an intervention as well as the

intensity level of an intervention is conducting a Gap Analysis. A Gap Analysis is determined by dividing the expected benchmark by the current student performance. The

following steps provide a structure for determining the Gap along with method of determining realistic growth expectations.

A student is in second grade and is reading 35 words per minute (wpm) based on an Oral Reading

Fluency probe given during the winter screening.

1. Determine the benchmark expectation for spring. For the above student the benchmark is 90 words per minute by the end of the year.

To establish the Gap:

2. Divide 90 wpm (the expected benchmark) by 35 wpm (the current performance) 90/35 =


The Gap the student has to close by the end of the year is >2.5.

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3. Determine if the Gap is significant. Any Gap above 2.0 should be considered significant.

The next phase of Gap analysis includes determining what sufficient progress is necessary to close the

Gap. (For the above student significant intervention is needed to attempt to close the Gap because the gap is more than 2.0.)

4. Determine the gain the student needs to make to close the Gap. To determine the necessary

gain subtract the student’s current performance from the expected benchmark

For the above student the calculation is as follows: 90 wpm (benchmark) – 35 wpm (student’s current performance) = 55 wpm (necessary to close the gap).

5. At this point, the problem-solving team determines what progress is realistic for the student.

55wpm (necessary gain) divided by 12 (number of weeks for intervention) = 4 wpm (weekly gain needed)

The RtI team determines whether this is a realistic goal for the student. The team may decide to

determine the number of weeks needed to close the Gap based on a reasonable weekly gain. For example if the student is expected to gain 5 wpm a week then the team could dived 55 wpm

(necessary gain) by 5 wpm (weekly gain) to establish the length of intervention as 11 weeks.

Gap Analysis needs to be conducted regularly throughout the intervention to determine sufficient progress and response to intervention. (Adapted from George Batche Presentation)

Instructional Strategy

A strategy is a tool, plan or method used for accomplishing a task (Beckman, 2002). Strategies can be

utilized within instructional setting throughout the school day. Teacher can use instructional strategies to guide and improve student learning. Students and teachers should utilize specific learning strategies to

accomplish short and long-term goals and objectives. (Pikes Peak Literacy Strategies Project).

Instructional Intervention

Interventions can be strategies and/or activities that are implemented to help students progress toward academic or behavioral goals. Interventions vary depending on the intensity and need. Individual

interventions should be developed based on the unique needs of students. Furthermore, interventions that have been researched to have the greatest chance of addressing the area of need should be

selected. This will ensure that there is a high probability of success once the intervention is implemented.

Appendix References and Resources for Intervention Links

Research-Based Interventions and Research-Based Practice

A research-based intervention is an intervention that produces reliable and valid data that suggests when

the intervention is used with a particular group of students adequate gains can be expected. To be considered a research-based intervention in the RtI Model, the instructional program, instructional

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practices and strategies must be school-based, prescriptive, and have a clear record of success. When

there is not evidence, the intervention must be considered best practice based on available research and/or professional literature.

Effective interventions:

are supported by school staff, including administrators

are based in theory and are developmentally appropriate

are designed to impact the factors that are thought to lead to the problem

are integrated with other interventions

are committed to with sufficient time and energy to address the problem

are implemented by people who have had sufficient training

are monitored to ensure that individual student outcome improves

*Adapted from Cherry Creek Schools - What are Research-Based Interventions and Research-Based Practices?

Skilled Discussion

Skilled discussion supports clarity of thought and commitment to action. For discussions to be productive, teachers and instructional support staff need to be clear about the purpose of the interaction.

Skills discussion seeks focus and closure on a set of actions. Participants must balance promoting their ideas with equal attention to understanding the ideas of others. Norms should also be developed in

skilled discussions that allow members to sort and analyze data, information, and suggestions.

Furthermore, skilled discussion required clarity about the decision-making process that will focus actions, and the implications and consequences of decisions. (Wellman & Lipton, 2004).

Data-Driven Dialogue

When educators look into classroom-based issues and concerns, collect and analyze data from a variety of sources, and establish plans for change, this leads to the greatest probability of success. Data is most

helpful when it is used for self-assessment and combined with reflection, problem-solving, and discovery.

Data-Driven Dialogue is a collective process designed to share common understandings of issues and

events using information from a variety of sources. Data-driven dialogue requires changes in the working culture of groups and is a collaborative learning cycle. Curriculum decisions, instruction scheduling, and

student groupings should all be made through Data-Driven Dialogue. Education Services will support the implementation and training around data-driven dialogue.

Important Roles and Expectations

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The building principal plays a key role in implementing RtI system-wide. Because systems change

requires significant leadership, building principals must take the lead in ensuring positive change as well as incorporating staff development needs into the building action plan. Even though principals may

designate another administrator to participate in the RtI meetings, principals are expected to maintain the integrity of the RtI process. The principal also is responsible for selecting RtI team members that will

work collaboratively in a problem-solving manner. The principal should carefully consider the school culture in making assignments to the team and in providing the appropriate professional development to

all staff.

The principal’s active support of the process must be evidenced by vocal support, by resources the principal makes available to the process and, most importantly, by active participation on the team (McCook, 2006).

Designated RtI Administrator/Coordinator

The Designated RtI Administrator/Coordinator should ensure fidelity of the problem-solving process by actively participating in the regular RtI meetings, functioning as a designated consultant as appropriate

and supporting the principal in evaluating intervention fidelity. The Administrator/Coordinator should establish on-going communication with the building principal about the development and functioning of

the RtI Model in the building.


A significant purpose of the RtI Model is to provide instruction and curriculum in the general education classroom that allows the majority of students to be proficient and meet content standards. Therefore,

teachers play a central role in the RtI Model when it is implemented system-wide. Teachers are

curriculum experts that are expected to plan and implement instruction. Specifically at the Tier I level, teachers are expected to identify students who are not making sufficient progress and implement

universal strategies and interventions (such as Alpine Strategies, Rigor and Relevance Strategies, Differentiated Instruction, etc.) that are intended to improve the student’s performance. Furthermore,

teachers should utilize progress monitoring tools to identify whether the universal strategies and interventions are working. An important component of teachers’ responsibility at Tier I is to collect,

utilize and discuss data with their colleagues to improve student performance. When a student is not

responding to the universal interventions put in place in Tier I, teachers should talk and document with the student’s parents about the concern and potentially refer the student to the RtI team. When a

referral to the RtI team is made, teachers are responsible for completing the referral form and meeting with the designated consultant. Also, teachers are expected to inform parents of the RtI meeting and

referred concern. When the RtI meeting is scheduled, the teacher is expected to attend the meeting.

Additionally, teachers need to support and participate in the intervention plan. This may include providing the intervention, monitoring student progress, communicating with others providing services to

the student, and continuing collaboration with the designated consultant.

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Parents are an integral part of the RtI Model and problem-solving process. Parents should be informed

and valued when developing intervention plans. Although forcing parents to attend RtI team meetings is not appropriate or possible, strongly encouraging participation is expected. Parents are encouraged to

participate in team meetings, meet with the designated consultant and/or teacher as appropriate, provide pertinent information about their child’s learning style or difficulty, and ask questions about their child’s

progress or lack of progress. Because this may be a new experience for most parents to be significantly involved in intervention development and progress monitoring, special care must be taken to inform

parents about the steps in the process to ensure active participation. Please see Tier I Appendix for

parent brochure example.


Students are an essential part of the RtI Model and problem-solving process. Students should be

informed and valued when developing intervention plans so that students are invested in the RtI process

and will give effort as they participate in the interventions. Students are expected to attend school and behave according to school handbook.

Response to Intervention Team Composition

The RtI team should be composed of professionals from multiple perspectives, although the composition for any given student will be flexible given the area(s) of concern.

The team must include:



Classroom teacher (this will change with each student)

General education teachers (number depends on building)

Special education teachers (number depends on building)

School psychologist

School administrator

The team may include when needed:

Building level specialists (depending on the area of expertise):

o Curriculum Support Team members

o School counselor

o Speech therapists

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o Title I/reading teacher

o English Language Learner teacher

o Gifted & Talented Specialist

o Occupational Therapist/Physical Therapist

o Nurse

Role Expectations – Response to Intervention Team Members

Each building must assign certain staff to support the RtI Model. Primarily, schools must assign an RtI

Coordinator who will oversee the problem-solving process and ensure the integrity and consistency of the

RtI Model in their building. Principals should assign an individual(s) who will be integral to their Response to Intervention team and who can provide guidance and support to the team members.

RtI Coordinator

The RtI coordinator is expected to monitor the day-to-day operations of the process as well as attend

district-level trainings and meetings that support district-wide implementation. The RtI coordinator is responsible for collecting and reviewing referrals made to the RtI team and determining which designated

consultant will be assigned to the case. The coordinator notifies teachers about the days, times and locations of meetings and coordinates any specialists who need to attend the meeting. Furthermore, the

RtI coordinator is responsible for ensuring that data is collected including progress monitoring, RtI plans, and numbers of students in Tiers II and III, as well as students who are referred for a special education


RtI Team Facilitator

The RtI team facilitator may be the RtI coordinator or may be another individual on the RtI team that has the skill set necessary for facilitating efficient RtI meetings. The RtI team facilitator must have a strong

working knowledge of the problem-solving process, as well as effective facilitation skills which include

keeping all individuals attending the meeting informed and focused on developing an intervention plan, encouraging participation from others, helping redirect the dialogue if the discussion gets off task, and

clarifying and summarizing information being communicated during the meeting. An important responsibility of the RtI team facilitator is to establish and maintain a supportive and collaborative

atmosphere. The RtI team facilitator also attempts to resolve conflicts that may emerge during the RtI team meeting as well as support team agreement when appropriate. Although this role may be

challenging, it is a valued and imperative role in ensuring fidelity of the problem-solving process.


The recorder is responsible for completing the RtI plans at the RtI team meetings which include meeting notes. The recorder is expected to capture the important information shared at the meeting as well as

ensure that all areas of the intervention plan are addressed including, intervention information, progress

monitoring information to include Gap analysis, and future meeting dates. The recorder may need to

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interrupt the meeting to ask for clarification and remind the RtI team about components on the RtI plan.

Some schools may utilize a computer during the RtI team meetings allowing the immediate display of the plan, which allows for greater understanding and awareness.

Time Keeper

The time keeper is essential in making certain that meeting times are adhered to. Because many

decisions need to be made during meetings, the RtI team must stay on task and always be cognizant of time. The time keeper should monitor the RtI team’s use of time and remind the team when time is

limited in each stage of the meeting.

Designated Consultant

The designated consultant has a critical role in the RtI Model in District 70. All members of the RtI team

are expected to act as a designated consultant for select cases. Furthermore, all designated consultants

should be trained with the consultation module provided by the district. Principals are expected to make available training to specific team members on consultation and the role of the designated consultant.

The designated consultant’s most important function is to support the referring teacher throughout the problem-solving process. The designated consultant may be asked to help the referring teacher complete

the referral form, assist the teacher in collecting student data before the initial meeting, as well as inform

the teacher about the RtI team process. The designated consultant should meet with the teacher prior to the initial RtI team meeting to determine the specific problem that will be addressed in the initial RtI

team meeting as well as what factors may be contributing to the problem. The expectation is that designated consultants utilize effective consultation skills as well as take the time necessary to complete

the first two steps of the problem-solving process. This allows the RtI team meeting time to be manageable with developing the intervention plan. Additionally, the designated consultant is expected to

communicate on a weekly basis (at a minimum) with the referring teacher, interventionist, and can

progress monitor (but not required) to ensure that the intervention plan is implemented as designed and effective. The designated consultant may need to work with the referring teacher to adjust the

intervention plan prior to the next RtI team meeting; however, if significant concerns arise or significant changes need to be made, the designated consultant can request an RtI team meeting for further



When a student is referred to the RtI team for a targeted intervention, an intervention plan is established. A central component to the plan is the intervention put in place and the individual providing

the intervention. The interventionist may be a variety of individuals in the system, including the

classroom teacher, special education teacher, Title I teacher, Para professional, counselor, school psychologist, etc. Although speech therapists, occupational therapist, physical therapist, and nurses

should be consulted with to develop interventions in select cases, their role in providing the intervention as part of their case load should only be considered in the most significant cases and only with the

specialist’s input. Interventionists should be adequately trained to provide the intervention selected, they

should have the resources including time and materials, and should be expected to implement the intervention with fidelity. Another key component of an interventionist’s role is to communicate on a

regular basis with the classroom teacher and the designated consultant as well as the RtI coordinator as necessary.

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Progress Monitor

Another vital component to the intervention plan is the individual responsible for progress monitoring.

The progress monitor first and foremost must have an understanding of the progress monitoring tools available and the purposes for each tool. Training on administering and scoring curriculum-based

measurement as well as training on graphing and Gap Analysis is expected for individuals identified as progress monitors. Progress monitors can include teachers, Para professionals, retired teachers, support

personnel, students, etc. Additionally, progress monitors must communicate on a weekly basis with the interventionist, designated consultant and/or teacher to determine whether the implemented intervention

is successful. The progress monitor must also use a graphing system to visually demonstrate progress.

The graph is expected to be a tool at RtI team meetings for decision making. There are several methods for graphing available including Excel, AIMSWeb.org, and Chart Dog at interventioncentral.org (Appendix

Tier II).

School Psychologists

Although the role of the school psychologist varies somewhat at every building, school psychologists are expected to play an active role in the implementation of the RtI Model, as well as be an active member

on the RtI team. School psychologists have considerable skills in the area of consultation, problem-solving, assessment, and systems change that lend themselves directly to the implementation of RtI.

School psychologists are expected to support buildings in developing problem-solving teams that are

effective and efficient, support implementation of progress monitoring tools that are sensitive to small change, and train other school personnel on effective consultation skills. School psychologists may or

may not be the RtI coordinator or facilitator. Decisions about the level of leadership a school psychologist has in the problem-solving process will be dependent on school needs, administrator

expectations, and the school psychologist’s individual skill set.

School Counselors

School counselors will also be an important participant in the RtI Model. The counselor’s role will also vary by building, and will be influenced by the skills the counselor displays as well as the needs of

individual schools. School counselors can be a valuable resource at the Tier I, II, or III level by support interventions or participating on the RTI TEAM. School counselors have considerable skills in consultation

and working with parents; therefore, counselors may be a part of the RTI TEAM as a designated

consultant, may be an outside consultant, or may support the team as an interventionist or progress monitor. Decisions about the level of involvement a school counselor has in the problem-solving process

will be dependent on school needs, administrator expectations, and the school counselor’s individual skill set.


(Social Workers/Speech/Occupational Therapist/Physical Therapy/ Nurse/English Language

Learner Teachers/Vision Teachers/Deaf and Hard of Hearing Teachers)

Specialists are an important component to the RtI team; however, the level of their participation will vary based on their case load, level of expertise, time in building, etc. Specialists are expected to participate

in the RtI process as outside consultants that help in the development of interventions and to identify

progress monitoring tools. On the other hand, specialists are not expected to provide all of the interventions developed in their area of expertise or progress monitor all students receiving interventions.

This level of participation will be dependent on the specialist and the intensity of the intervention. The level of specialist support will need to be determined on a case to case basis and always with the input of

the specialist.

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May implement another

Tier III intervention


Student is performing at or above grade-level

Significantly Above or Below Benchmark


May implement another Tier II intervention or

may move to Tier III

Progress Monitor



Progress Monitor

Non-Responder Responder

Making sufficient progress – may continue with universal interventions

Progress Monitor


May continue with intervention until data indicates sufficient progress or may

return to Tiers I or II with a universal or targeted intervention.

Progress Monitor

A referral for Special Education may be made any time throughout the RtI process if the RtI Team suspects a disability or if parents request an evaluation.

Progress Monitor

Parents are informed and

involved throughout the

RtI process.

Universal Screening

Problem – Solving Flow Chart

Universal Intervention


May continue with intervention until data indicates sufficient progress or may return to Tier I with universal


Intensive Intervention

Targeted Intervention

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The following guidelines will assist in implementing the RtI model with fidelity and will enhance the consistency across all schools in the district. Although instructional strategies and interventions may look

different from tier to tier in schools, the key components of the problem-solving process need to be

present and practiced in each building. Furthermore, if a student is identified as having a Specific Learning Disability by one school, it is vital that the same student would be identified by another school.

Provide universal supports and monitor progress

At the beginning of the year, teachers are responsible for identifying instructional levels of all students. This determination should be an objective understanding from data sources available including CSAP

results, NWEA, DIBELS, and other CBMs. Data should be collected from a variety of sources. At the

elementary level schools are expected to universally screen all students using DIBELS. With this data, instructional placements can be made into flooding or flexible reading groups. At the secondary level,

staffs should utilize CSAP results and Quarterly assessments to determine which students may be at-risk for failure or may be underachieving. Secondary schools may then decide to use a short diagnostic

instrument or CBM to screen the students with concerns to determine class schedule which may include a

double literacy block. Both the elementary and secondary example would be considered standard protocols. Standard protocols in many situations, especially at the secondary level, are considered a Tier

II intervention and will be discussed in the following section.

Another important aspect of Tier I is the curriculum. The district establishes core curriculum in the content areas that is aligned with the standards. Principals are expected to support sound classroom

management and instructional strategies through spot observations and instructional leadership. Administrators and teachers have the understanding that the goal of the district is student achievement,

and from the first day of school, this is the focus.

Nevertheless, after teachers screen and place students into instructional groups, teachers may have concerns about individual student progress. As soon as a concern is identified, teachers have a

responsibility to identify the area of concern and provide instructional strategies and interventions to

enhance the student’s opportunity for success. This includes students who are underachieving. A significant expectation of teachers at this point is documenting the concern, the intervention, and the

monitored progress. For example, if a 3rd grade teacher has administered DIBELS at the beginning of the year and a student was identified as being Intensive on Oral Reading Fluency, the teacher may have

several concerns. Initially, the teacher would determine which component of reading is the root of the

problem: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, comprehension or vocabulary. If the problem is determined to be fluency, the teacher may implement a strategy where the student partners with another

student every day for 5 minutes to practice reading passages as the other student times him/her. The student then documents words read per minute on a graph and the teacher and student conference at

the end of every week. This would be considered an intervention to increase fluency which the teacher

could document. If the student continues to struggle, the teacher needs to utilize the support of the grade-level team, the monthly data discussions, and other teachers that may have expertise in the

problem area. Using a problem- solving process, the team defines the problem and may select another universal intervention or strategy for implementation. Although plans do not need to be formalized,

documentation is necessary. Please see Tier I Appendix for Tier I documentation form. Furthermore,

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teachers are expected to document communications with the student’s parents to begin home/school


Most importantly progress needs to be monitored to determine if the intervention is successful. If the student makes insufficient progress, the teacher may refer the student to the RtI team by utilizing the

schools referral form (Appendix Tier I). An important aspect of referring a student to the RtI team is conducting a Gap analysis. Initially teachers may need support from the RtI team to calculate the Gap

analysis; however, before proceeding with Tier II, a Gap Analysis is necessary.

Teachers can begin classroom interventions with any student there are concerns about in

Tier I.

Although teachers are responsible for the implementation of interventions and progress

monitoring at this level, training is necessary to support development of research-based instructional strategies and interventions.

Teachers should also be supported by grade-level and school-based teams that discuss and

analyze data as well as brainstorm interventions and strategies that are supported by

research and best practice.

As soon as a teacher completes the referral to the RtI team, Tier II begins and parents must be notified the referral was made and informed throughout the process.

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gins by collecting data that teacher documented during Tier I.

After the classroom teacher completes the RtI team referral form and provides all documentation from Tier I to the RtI Coordinator, the coordinator evaluates the referral and assigns a designated consultant

(DC) based on the area of concern documented on the referral form. The coordinator then schedules an initial RtI team meeting upon receiving the referral to develop an intervention plan. The coordinator

provides the DC with a file including a consultation form (Appendix Tier II) and the referral form.

At this point, the DC schedules a meeting with the referring teacher and consults with the teacher in determining which specific academic or behavior concern will be the focus of the RtI team meeting. The

consultant also will analyze to the extent possible the factors contributing to the problem and will gather

any other data that is necessary to ensure that the initial meeting is efficient and productive. This may include observations of the student, more progress monitoring data, and interview with the student, etc.

The DC will also inform the teacher of the RtI team meeting process and provide information to the teacher to encourage parent involvement. It is the teacher’s responsibility to share the information with

the parent and invite the parent to the initial meeting. The importance of having the teacher

communicate with the parent is to signify that this continues to be a classroom plan and not a special education referral.

At the initial RtI team meeting, the RtI team facilitator guides the team, teacher and parents through the

problem-solving process. The facilitator or DC informs the team about the specific academic or behavior concern and what factors are impacting the problem. This part of the meeting should take no longer

than 5 minutes. Spending too much time on problem identification and analysis has the danger of limiting the dialogue around the data and intervention plan that will have the most impact on student

achievement. At this point the team begins brainstorming research-based interventions and strategies

that are evidenced to support the area of concern. The following factors must be considered in every RtI plan: strategy or intervention, interventionist, progress monitoring tool and monitor, and follow-up

meeting. When discussing a strategy or intervention several essential points must be considered. First, what has already been implemented by the teacher and what was the result. In some instances,

interventions may be continued but the intensity, size of group or time may need to be adjusted. In other cases, a different intervention that is more focused on a specific skill area is necessary.

Furthermore, the RtI team must determine what resources (materials and individuals trained) are

available to provide the intervention to the student.

Once the intervention is determined, progress monitoring must be discussed. At the Tier II level, more targeted and time efficient progress monitoring tools need to be considered. Because progress

monitoring needs to take place ever other week at a minimum (every week is recommended), tools that are sensitive to small changes are necessary. For Tier II, CBMs (including DIBELS) are researched to be

the most efficient and informative tools available to monitor progress. The tools should be selected

based on the skill of concern and needs to be at the instructional level of the student. For example, a 9th grade student with fluency concern reading at the 5th grade level needs to be progress monitored with 5th

grade oral reading fluency probes. Another part of the progress monitoring plan is the individual who is responsible for progress monitoring. This will vary depending on team and building. Many individuals

may be utilized to progress monitor including teachers, paras, DCs, parents, other students (especially secondary), etc. The individual responsible for progress monitoring should determine a consistent plan (a


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specific day every week) for progress monitoring. The progress monitor is also responsible for

documenting the student’s growth by graphing, monitoring the Gap, and identifying error patterns. The error patterns are vital in determining the instructional needs and developing intervention plans.

Finally, the RtI team needs to determine the next meeting date based on the recommended time for

intervention success. The time between the initial and follow-up meeting should not exceed 6 weeks. However, during the time between the initial and follow-up meeting the DC is responsible for

communicating with the teacher, interventionist and progress monitor to determine effectiveness of the intervention. At no time should the intervention stop without a replacement intervention. Because the

RtI team meets on a regular basis, DCs may want to provide brief updates periodically to the team.

Furthermore, the DC may discuss concerns with the student’s response to the intervention with the teacher and/or interventionist to make modifications to the intervention, or the DC may need to schedule

a follow-up meeting sooner to select a different intervention. Also, it is the responsibility of the teacher to communicate any concerns with the intervention plan with the DC between initial and follow-up


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If a student moves to Tier III, the problem-solving process looks identical to Tier II. It should be noted that the consultation that encompasses the entire problem-solving

process is of most importance. Teacher and DC should be communicating on a

weekly basis, parents should be involved and informed throughout the process, and progress monitoring should be the guiding force in making intensity level changes. A

Gap analysis should be the ultimate determining factor in deciding whether sufficient progress is being made. Also, during Tier III diagnostic assessments may

become more important. For example, if determining whether there is a processing

concern in reading the Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing may be administered to determine if the concern is in the area of memory, fluency, etc.

Diagnostic information from observations may also be necessary. For example, if a student continues to have disruptive behavior, such as getting out of his/her seat

during whole group instruction, a Functional Behavior Assessment may need to be conducted to determine any antecedents or consequences that are impacting the


When RtI teams are discussing interventions at Tier III, teams need to consider a reasonable target for the student with in a specified period of time to implement the intense services. If the student is

successful with the intervention and demonstrates sufficient progress the RtI team may consider whether the student is able to move to Tier I or Tier II. If the student does not make sufficient progress and the

needs are documented to be on-going Tier III level supports, the student should be considered by the RtI team for a referral for special education. At this point an evaluation team would be organized to

address the development of a comprehensive evaluation plan.

This is the most intensive phase of the RtI Model. If a student does not make progress with

this type of intensity, we can feel fairly confident saying that the student has a learning disability.

As with Tier II, it is imperative that we can prove the interventions were carried out exactly

as specified by the team with fidelity.



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Students Identified for Special Education Prior to Enrollment in District 70:

Those students that arrive in District 70 with an IEP from another school district will continue to maintain their IEP’s. The IEP team may re-evaluate the needs of the student, and write a new IEP, if the team

has concerns about the level or type of services offered in the previous IEP. Please see Tier III Appendix

for Transfer flowchart.

Students with Severe and Low Incidence Disabilities:

Students with prior identified severe medical, physical, or cognitive disabilities (including those with

Autism, Downs Syndrome, Visual or Hearing Impairment) may be referred directly for special education evaluation upon the school becoming aware of their level of need, whether the knowledge is the result of

a private evaluation, student find screening, or transfer to District 70.

Eligibility for Speech Language Impairment (SLI):

Students with significant articulation difficulties that cannot be corrected through a short-term intervention with the speech therapist or via consultation from the speech therapist, with the parent or

classroom teacher, can move to special education evaluation without additional delay. To make this

decision, it is necessary for the speech language therapist to have observed the student and to have concurred with this decision.

Students without articulation concerns, but who exhibit some language deficits, should be referred to Tier

II interventions before consideration of special education eligibility.

Eligibility for Significantly Limited Intellectual Capacity (SLIC):

To properly determine whether a student has significant cognitive concerns that are impacting his/her

ability to be successful within Tiers I or II, it will still be necessary to complete a standard battery

assessment (i.e., IQ, Adaptive, Achievement) and meet the eligibility criteria as identified by CDE guidelines.

Eligibility for Significant Identifiable Emotional Disability (SIED):

Students that have significant behavior concerns should initially be referred to the RtI team. However, if the student makes insufficient progress and is referred for a special education evaluation, the IEP team

should continue to follow the CDE recommended SIED checklist and guidelines. The assessment process

will involve meeting to review the eligibility checklist utilizing data that had been collected during Tiers II and III. It is essential that standardized behavior checklists (e.g., BASC-II or CBCL) from the perspective

of the school and community continue to be utilized in making the final decision regarding eligibility. However, it should be noted that such instruments may be used during Tier II, to determine appropriate

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areas of deficits. In such cases, the data from these prior administrations may be reviewed rather than

re-administered if they have been completed in the recent past.

Eligibility for ADHD via a Physical Disability (PD):

Students that have a private diagnosis of ADHD are not automatically eligible for special education,

unless they have been made eligible by another district. Such students should be referred for Tier II

supports should they be unsuccessful with the supports offered at Tier I. Eligibility for special education will continue to require a proper assessment of behavior checklists (school and community), review of

academic records, and consultation with the family physician to determine whether the ADHD is the cause of the student’s deficits. Similar to SIED assessment, if the necessary assessments have been

administered during Tier II, new instruments may not be necessary.

(Adapted from Foutain Fort Carson RtI Implementation Guide Book)

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Core Instruction Assessment/Progress Monitoring Data Discussions What should the overall process look like during Tier I Core Instruction in Tier I

• Scientifically based core instructional programs and practices • Based on state/district standards and benchmarks • Intervention occurs within the general design of the classroom (flooding, flexible grouping) • Instructional changes are made based on classroom and school-wide assessment

Data Discussions in Tier I

• Professional Learning Communities • Data-dialogue meetings • Grade or Content-level meetings • Meeting should be efficient, organized and scheduled regularly • Discuss

o Whole group, flexible group changes, class changes at secondary level o Curricular gaps based on review of class benchmarks or other data

Assessment in Tier I

• Progress monitoring is conducted primarily using school-wide screenings three times per year • Classroom assessments • Benchmarks • Quarterly and Unit Assessments

Gap Analysis

• A critical factor in determining whether a student is making sufficient progress in Tier I is conducting a Gap Analysis.

• Example: o Benchmark vs. Current Level of Performance = Gap o 90 wpm/40 wpm = 2.25

2+ = Significant Gap and signifies a need for Tier II or Tier III intervention to close the Gap between student and peers

The Overall Process of Tier I

• Teachers evaluate school-wide assessment data to inform instructional placement decisions • Monitor all students • Differentiate instruction, groupings, accommodations • Complete documentation for students needing targeted interventions

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Prairie Winds Elementary Response to Intervention (RTI) Team

Notification for Informal Assessment & Intervention

Student: Grade:

Date of Birth: Date of Meeting:

Dear Parent/Guardian:

Prairie Winds Elementary is committed to supporting student success; when one of our students has difficulty in

academics or behavior, it is important for parents and school staff to work together. Your child’s teacher has some

concerns, and you are asked to participate in the planning of your child’s interventions. Please read over the teacher’s

specific concerns and add your input on the other side; your involvement is important and appreciated.

Kristen Johnson

Response to Intervention Coach

[email protected]


Teacher: Date:

Specific Area of Concern:

Assessment Data:

Interventions Tried:

Progress Monitoring Data (date & score/goal):

Tool used:







Goal of Interventions:

Gap Analysis: _________________________

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Prairie Winds Elementary Response to Intervention (RTI) Team

Notification for Informal Assessment & Intervention

Student: Grade:

Date of Birth: Date of Meeting:

What are your child’s strengths and interests?

What academic, behavioral, social, or emotional concerns do you have about your child?

What relevant medical history should we be aware of?

Please share any information you feel may be helpful in understanding your child at school, adding pages if needed.

Attitude about School:

School History (including any special programs):


Support Outside of School (tutoring, therapy, etc.):

What is the best way to communicate with you [email (please give address), telephone, written notes]?

I have received Prairie Winds’ RTI brochure, and I give permission for my child to participate in focused, informal

assessment or in targeted, intensive interventions with the appropriate intervention specialist as part of his/her RTI

plan. I understand that I am invited to participate in the planning and monitoring of my child’s progress. I understand

that I will be given feedback regarding the results of assessments and interventions, and I will receive information and

ideas on how to support my child’s academics and/or behavior.

Parent/Guardian Signature ______________________________________________________ Date_______________

Parent/Guardian: Date:

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RtI Defined

The ultimate purpose of the Response to Intervention Process is not for determining whether a student qualifies for special education, but rather to enhance the success of students with a variety of academic and behavioral needs.

RtI Meeting Appointment Date: _____________

Time: _____________ Location: ______________________

Pueblo County District 70 24951 E. Highway 50

Pueblo, CO 81006 (719) 542-0220

Professionals and Parents working

together to help students grow towards their limitless potential

Pueblo County School District 70

Response to Intervention

Pueblo County School District 70

24951 E. Highw

ay 50 Pueblo CO


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Parent Preparation Questionnaire My child’s strengths include (interests, hobbies):____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Concerns for my child include: ________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ My child is motivated by: _____________ __________________________________________________________________ My expectations for my child are: ______ __________________________________________________________________

Student Questionnaire My strengths are: __________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Things I like about school are: _________ __________________________________________________________________ My concerns are: ____________________ __________________________________________________________________ My family helps me by: _______________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What to expect at the RtI meeting? Staff members will come prepared with

information about your student. Information may include work samples, attendance records, and/or assessment


What is the role of the parent? the RtI process?

• Provides valuable information and another viewpoint for planning an effective program

• Shares the child’s strengths and concerns with school staff

• Participates in the development of a positive intervention plan for their child.

If for any reason you cannot attend please contact the school office at:


What is the Response to Intervention (RtI) Team?

Students are most successful where there is a strong spirit of cooperation between home and school. Based on our shared responsibility the RtI team meets at school to explore possibilities and strategies that will best meet the educational needs of your student. The Process: Students are typically referred by the classroom teacher, but any member of the school staff may request support from the RtI Team for a student whose learning, behavior, or emotional needs are not being met under existing circumstances. Prior to the first formal RtI meeting, teachers have met to review classroom modifications and/or interventions that enhance learning for students. A designated consultant has been assigned to assist the teacher with the RtI process. Any modifications that have been tried or are currently in place will be discussed with you at the RtI meeting. Using this information, the team can suggest further steps to help the student. What is the future? At the end of the meeting, a follow up date will be scheduled to review progress. You will be invited to meet again with the RtI team to evaluate changes and growth in your student.

For more information, please visit www.district70.org

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Kuhlman (2010)

RTI Referral Process

If a student is struggling in your class, *first try to determine the cause. Is it lack of ability, lack

of effort, or a combination? *If you suspect that a student lacks some ability, you can

modify/accommodate instruction for that student (tier 1). Extra time for assignments,

shortened assignments, and extra one to one help are basic examples. *If the student’s grade

does not improve after three to four weeks, fill out the RTI Referral sheet and submit it to Cody.

Remember, for the RTI process, you are looking for students whom you believe have low levels

of ABILITY. This process is not, for logistical reasons, aimed at students who have the ability but

not the ambition.

Instructions for Viewing an RTI plan:

1. Log into Alpine

2. Click on: Response to Intervention

3. Click on: Individual Student Data View and Entry

4. Click on student in question

5. Click the red report icon. This will let you view the PDF version of the plan.


How to check up on students’ scores…

1. Log in and choose Student Center

2. Click on Browse/Search Student Folders.

3. Choose a student.

4. Two options:

Click on red icon (Portfolio Report) this will give every bit of assessment

info we have on a kid.

Click on the purple icon (CSAP) and choose which years you wish to view.

You can get a good idea of a kid’s ability by choosing All Years Summary.

This shows not only the score, but exactly where a student’s

strengths/weaknesses are. The red dot shows the score in relation to the

cut points.

5. Another point to check is the Colorado Growth Model. This shows a kid’s yearly growth

on CSAP.

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Kuhlman (2010)

RtI Team Referral

Student name: __________________________ Grade: ____________ Referred by: ___________________________ Date: _____________

Student strengths: ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

Areas of Concern Reading Math

□ Phonemic Awareness □ Computation □ Phonics □ Measurement □ Fluency □ Mental Math

□ Vocabulary □ Problem-solving □ Comprehension □ Word problems

□ Geometry

Written Language □ Other___________________ □ Grammar □ Punctuation Behavior □ Fluency □ Following classroom rules

□ Spelling □ Responding to redirection

□ Organization □ Working in a group □ Other: _________________________ □ Interacting appropriately with adults

□ Interacting appropriately with peers Engagement

□ Participation Motivation □ Assuming leadership □ Motivation to learn □ Initiating conversations □ Producing high quality work

□ Asking appropriate questions □ Critically evaluating work □ Appropriate level of anxiety

□ Persisting through difficult tasks

Study Skills □ Staying on task

□ Completing homework □ Correcting work Speech/Language □ Finishing work on time □ Details: __________________ □ Taking care of materials

□ Paying attention in class

□ Following directions

Other Areas of Concern: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Relevant student data: (CSAP scores, referrals, attendance, etc) __________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ What strategies/interventions have already been implemented: (method, frequency, result) ________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

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Student Name: __________________________________________ Grade: ________________

District 70 Response to Intervention Referral

Referred by: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________

Relevant Student Data: (CSAP scores, NWEA, office referrals, attendance, etc) _____________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Strategies/interventions already implemented (method, frequency, result) ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

Student Strengths: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Social Studies Miscellaneous

Reading Phonemic Awareness Phonics Fluency Vocabulary Comprehension Pre-Reading Skills

Written Language Spelling Organization Penmanship Math

Computation Number Sense Problem Solving Pre-math Skills

Science Processing Content

Speech Language Articulation Expressive Receptive

Physical Sensory Motor Visual Motor Fine Motor Gross Motor Appropriate Level of


Cognitive Memory Processing

Behavior Attendance Socialization Organization Motivation Self Control

Social/Emotional Heightened Perception Perfectionism Asynchronous

Development Academics Credits GPA Other Areas of Concern: ___________________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________

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Kuhlman (2010)

Instructions for Viewing an RTI plan:

1. Log into Alpine 2. Click on: Response to Intervention 3. Click on: Individual Student Data View and Entry 4. Click on student in question 5. Click the red report icon. This will let you view the PDF version of the plan.


How to check up on students’ scores…

1. Log in and choose Student Center 2. Click on Browse/Search Student Folders. 3. Choose a student. 4. Two options: 1. Click on red icon (Portfolio Report) this will give every bit of

assessment info we have on a kid. Or 2. Click on the purple icon (CSAP) and choose which years you wish to view. You can get a good idea of a kid’s ability by choosing All Years Summary. This shows not only the score, but exactly where a student’s strengths/weaknesses are. The red dot shows the score in relation to the cut points.

5. Another point to check is the Colorado Growth Model. This shows a kid’s yearly growth on CSAP.

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Kuhlman (2010)

RTI Meeting Process

Upon receiving a referral from an instructor, the RTI team will meet and examine the following:

• CSAP scores, NWEA scores, break down of assignments per class, attendance, discipline issues, home support of student, and any other pertinent information.

Based on findings of the above information, if a student is determined to be in need of RTI assistance:

• A S.M.A.R.T. goal will be established • Interventions (accommodations and modifications) will be established

(Tier 1, Tier 2, or combination) • A case manager will be assigned to the student • A meeting with parents and student will be arranged to discuss the

plan • Teachers will be notified and advised of the plan to follow • Plan will be enacted with specific target dates for analysis of goals

(progress monitoring) • Student’s response to interventions will be examined based on the

progress made toward meeting the goals • Plan will be adjusted based on progress toward established goals. If

the student is satisfactorily meeting established goals, the plan will continue as written. If the goals are not being met, the student will move up in the Tier process and the teachers will be notified of what additional interventions to make.

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Student Name: ______________________________ Date: ____________________________


My specific goal: 80% or better in all classes for the entire school year.


How will my goal be measured? Report card


How will I know when my goal is accomplished? Percentages go above and maintain above 80%

Is my goal challenging but still possible to achieve? Yes


Actions required achieving my goal? Turn in any missing/make-up assignments; turn in current assignment on time, study regularly

Student Signature

Parent Signature

Is my goal realistic within the resources at hand? Yes


Am I willing to commit to my goal? Yes

Why do I want to reach this goal? Want to graduate with my class and attend nursing school

Is my goal relevant to my life purpose and my big picture? Yes

Will achieving this goal help me lead the life that I want to have? Yes

Is my goal track able? Yes


When will my goal be reached? End of each semester

Case Manager

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Consent Form/Signature Page


Student Name:____________________________________________________________

Grade:_________________ Teacher:__________________________________________

The following people participated in the development of this plan.

Persons in Attendance

Parent Title 1 ESS Social Worker Counselor

School Psychologist Building Administrator Classroom Teacher

Intervention Facilitator Other_______________ Other______________

Date: ____________________ Phone: _________________ Email: ___________________________


Facilitator of the Learning Plan

Staff Signature:__________________________________________ Date:_____________________


Staff Signature:__________________________________________ Date:_____________________


Staff Signature:__________________________________________ Date:_____________________

I agree to support the implementation of this plan.

Parent/Guardian Signature:________________________________ Date:_____________________

Parent/Guardian Signature:________________________________ Date:_____________________

Teacher’s Signature:______________________________________ Date:_____________________

Student’s Signature (if applicable):___________________________ Date:_____________________

Other Signature:__________________________________________ Date:_____________________

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Pueblo West High School



Please find enclosed a copy of your student’s RTI plan. Please sign and return the copy to us (your student can deliver it). In order for this plan to have the maximum desired effect, it is essential that you log onto PowerSchool frequently to monitor grades and attendance (I have enclosed a copy of your log- in information). If you have problems logging into PowerSchool, please let me know immediately so we can get this corrected. Also, note your child’s case manager’s name is highlighted. This is the contact person for your child’s plan. The best means of contact is email, but feel free to call also.

We will be monitoring your child’s progress at three week intervals. In order for this plan to be effective, it is essential that your student turn in all work. One of the best ways to improve your child’s performance is to arrange after school meetings with teachers for extra help, which is why this is noted as an intervention on the plan. Even if it is only twice weekly for 15 or 20 minutes, the results will be positive, so we encourage you to find the means to make this happen. As always, if there are any questions or concerns, please contact the case manager or me immediately so these can be addressed. Thanks for your support.


Cody Kuhlman

Assistant Principal

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Study Skills Class:

• 4th

• RTI Team has 4 period


• Will be held in ESS wing plan

• Each team member will spend 30 minutes once weekly supervising, tutoring, and meeting with assigned kids.


• Operated like regular classroom. Work independently or in groups for like classes or subjects. NOT A STUDY HALL.

• This will be instructionally based. • Progress monitoring at this time. • We will meet with kids, set and measure goals, test, etc.

Who is eligible to be placed in this class??

We will change structure of our RTI system to become a more tiered process. This class will be considered a tier 2 intervention, instructionally based. Present

(09-10) students are to be placed in this class, along with any current 8th

In addition, any student throughout the year who is goes through the referral process and is deemed to need an RTI plan may be placed in one of these classes.

graders who need the extra support.

Role of Futures:

TBA, if a student is not having success even with the help of the study skills class, we may refer him/her to Futures to work on the NOVA NET system, which focuses on one class at a time.

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BEST PRACTICES OF TIER II: How to Distinguish from Tier I

Problem Solving Process Data dialogue Assessment/Progress Monitoring Design of Instruction/Intervention What should the overall process look like at this tier?

Data Dialogue in Tier II

• Consultation between consultant and teacher to define and analyze a measurable

• Focus on data that is specific problem identified

problem prior to problem-solving team meeting

• Problem-solving team meeting led with facilitator which is timed, sequential and efficient

Assessment in Tier II

• Progress is monitored more often• Progress is monitored

(weekly, bi-monthly) repeatedly

• for a period of time using consistent CBM tool

Trends• Ineffective intervention plans are

in performance are used to gauge effectiveness of supports and interventions

• Intervention plans are modified based on changed in a timely manner

Gap Analysis

emerging needs

• A critical factor in determining whether a student is making sufficient progress in Tier I is conducting a Gap Analysis.

• Example: o Benchmark vs. Current Level of Performance = Gap o 90 wpm/40 wpm = 2.25

2+ = Significant Gap and signifies a need for Tier II or Tier III intervention to close the Gap between student and peers

Design of Instruction/Intervention in Tier II: How to distinguish from Tier I

• Instruction supplements, not supplants core instruction • Focus on non-responders to Tier I • Short-term intervention • Homogeneous, same ability small group (3-5 students) instruction

The Overall Process of Tier II

• Goals: o To gain critical academic or behavior skills so students can return to the core curriculum or o To enhance academic or behavior instruction to maximize student learning

• Specific progress monitoring occurs to inform instruction • Ongoing consultation occurs between case manager/consultant and teacher

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Information Gathering For RTI Designated Consultants



1. What are the strengths of the student?


2. Clarify any unclear information on the referral form. Obtain a complete list of what has been tried – accommodations, modifications, and interventions – up to this point. Make sure all relevant assessment information is included – benchmark and current DIBELS, etc. Ask what programs/instructional practices are being used. If it is a reading concern, for example, what is instruction like in literacy?


3. What skill or behavior is priority for intervention? What is the specific skill to be targeted for intervention? (e.g. If the concern is phonemic awareness, will the target for intervention be long vowels, or CVC, or etc? If the concern is behavior, will the target for intervention be talking out, or hitting, etc).


4. What does the teacher hope to gain from referring the child to the RTI Team? What questions do they have that they would like answered? (e.g., what additional supports are available? What specific strategies can I try? Is the child eligible for special education?)


5. If the teacher is looking for additional support what may be options that he/she is aware of in that area?


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Information Gathering For RTI Designated Consultants


6. Is there anyone else beside the classroom teacher and parent who should be invited to the child’s RTI meeting? (e.g. Literacy teacher, ELL, speech)


7. If there are any speech concerns has the Speech Therapist been notified?


8. If the referral is a behavior concern, ask probing questions to get good picture of the behavior (e.g., When does it occur? How long does it last? How many times a day/week? What does it look? What seems to help? What sets off the behavior? What is the expectation – what should the child do instead? What causes it to get worse? What does the child seem to be obtaining from the behavior?


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Problem Identification

1) Describe behavior(s), ask questions; Select a behavior(s)

"Describe Jen's disruptive behavior." "Let's see, you expressed concerns about Abe's

math progress, poor attitude, and aggressive behavior. Which of these should we

discuss first?"


2) Ask for examples, until you can describe the behavior clearly (Ask for as many examples as possible.)

"What word attack skills is Dan missing?" "What does Frank do when he has a poor

attitude?" "What does Egbert do when he is inattentive?"


3) Questions about setting and instructional conditions.

"What time(s) of day are problematic?" "What is he supposed to be doing?" "What are the expectations then?" "What sort of instruction is occurring?"



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4) Summarize and confirm the problem and setting information.

"Let's see, you said that Jerry is able to recall facts from stories he has read, but he cannot make inferences about the main story theme. Is that right?" "So, the main concern is Jan"s negative comments about her skills and her unwillingness to participate in classroom activities. Is that an accurate description of our concerns?"


5) Prior learning and setting events:

"What happens before she refuses to do her work?" "What skills might be missing?"

“What happens when she is re-directed?


6) Setting conditions:

"When and where (in line, during class, at recess) does Frank hit other children?" "Who is Frank with when he begins to hit?" "What are the other students doing in the situations when Frank hits...?" What should Frank be doing...?"



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7) Consequences/effects of behavior:

"What happens after Frank...?" "What do the other students do when Frank hits other



8) Summarize the conditions.

"Let's see, it appears that Frank usually hits other children during unstructured time. The other children are attempting to work on projects in small groups, and the other children usually say nasty things to Frank when he hits someone, and then you reprimand him. Did I get that right?


9) Estimate current status:

"About how often does Aaron draw the correct inference?" "How long do Jason's temper tantrums last?"



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10) Estimate goal: "How many correct answers to inference questions would Aaron have to get in order to be doing well?" "How much of the time would Jan have to be on task in order to be more successful?"


11) Assets question(s):

"Name something that ________ does well?



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12) Ouestion(s) about current approach to teaching or behavior-management: "What have you tried so far to help Charles participate more constructively?" "What sort of practice do students get before they do the timed tests?"

Review teacher TIER I documentation

13) Summarize and confirm: "Let's see, the main problem is that Kristi cannot answer inference questions, and that the inference questions are crucial to good comprehension. She typically misses 4 or 5 of the 6 questions that follow each story, and the class average is 4 correct. Is that close?"



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Response to Intervention - 2008-2009Response to Intervention Plan for Bette Adams

Page 1Report generated: Thursday, April 16, 2009 Copyright 2001-2009 Alpine Achievement Systems, Inc.

Student, School, and District InformationName: Bette Adams Grade: 1 District: Maxfield District

Local ID: 412353 State ID: 1153134472 School: Andromeda Elem123 Angstrom StreetDenver, CO 80032303-000-0000

General Response to Intervention Plan InformationDate Plan was Initiated 9/15/2008School Andromeda ElemGrade 1Need and Goal IdentificationArea of Concern Academics-ReadingSpecific Type of Concern Rdg - FluencyStatement of the Problem

Bette reads notably slower than her peers. She has not developed the necessary automaticity with decoding to be able to payattention to meaning. She is an accurate decoder, but needs to increase her reading rate.

Goal Bette will read at a rate commensurate with herpeers by March.

Evidence of Goal Attainment Bette will consistently decode accurately at 60 wordsper minute or higher on grade level appropriate text.

Plan Contact Person Ms. BlackstoneParent Consent for Services yesBackgroundBackground Information Related To This Need

Bette's attendance and behavior are excellent. She has attended Andromeda Elementary since preschool, and parents aresupportive.

Bette works hard at reading, especially in a small group setting, but because reading requires considerable effort for Bette, shegives up easily.

Informal oral comprehension checks indicate that Bette generally understands materials that are read to her. Her understandingincreases with repeated exposure.

Achievement DataFluency-related assessment scores go here.

See CBM information in the progress monitoring section below.

Bette's kindergarten teacher indicates that she struggled with automatic recognition of letters and sounds last year.Information from Other Plans None.Synthesis of Background Information

Bette is struggling as a reader due to slow decoding speed which is affecting her ability to focus on comprehension. She hasconsiderable support at home and has had more success in small group settings where she can get more direct support from theteacher.





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Response to Intervention - 2008-2009Response to Intervention Plan for Bette Adams

Page 2Report generated: Thursday, April 16, 2009 Copyright 2001-2009 Alpine Achievement Systems, Inc.

Assets and Concerns

AssetsResponds to classroom instructionDesires to learn from school and lifeSeeks new learning opportunities

Concerns Excessive dependency on the teacherLow self-efficacy

Accommodations and ModificationsInstructional Accommodations Extra time; More frequent breaks; small group

Assessment Accommodations (Colo) Oral presentation when allowed. Spelling Words toStudent on writing activities.

InterventionsIntervention 1 - Name of Intervention Direct InstructionIntervention 1 - Intervention Tier (Intensity) Tier 2

Intervention 1 - Description of Intervention Bette will participate in the XYZ Oral Reading SkillDevelopment Program. etc.

Intervention 1 - Date Intervention Started 9/10/2008Intervention 1 - Date Intervention EndedIntervention 1 - Reason for Ending Intervention Continue Intervention - Increase Tier

Intervention 1 - Intervention Notes11/3/09 - Bette is doing a good job with thisintervention, but we would like to increase herlearning rate, so we are changing grouping to asmaller group setting.

Intervention 2 - Name of Intervention GroupingIntervention 2 - Intervention Tier (Intensity) Tier 2

Intervention 2 - Description of Intervention Small group of 4 for XYZ Oral Reading SkillDevelopment Program for next 4 weeks.

Intervention 2 - Date Intervention Started 11/3/2008Intervention 2 - Date Intervention EndedIntervention 2 - Reason for Ending InterventionIntervention 2 - Intervention NotesProgress MonitoringProgress Monitoring Tool and Metric CBM - Words read correctly per minuteBaseline - Progress Monitoring Date 8/29/2008Baseline - Datapoint 15.0Baseline - Target 60.0Baseline - Does this datapoint represent a skill deficit? YesBaseline - Number of data collection cycles remaining 9Progress 1 - Progress Monitoring Date 9/14/2008Progress 1 - Datapoint 17.0Progress 1 - Target 60.0Progress 1 - Does this datapoint represent a skill deficit? YesProgress 1 - Number of data collection cycles remaining 8Progress 2 - Progress Monitoring Date 10/30/2008





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Response to Intervention - 2008-2009Response to Intervention Plan for Bette Adams

Page 3Report generated: Thursday, April 16, 2009 Copyright 2001-2009 Alpine Achievement Systems, Inc.

Progress 2 - Datapoint 30.0Progress 2 - Target 60.0Progress 2 - Does this datapoint represent a skill deficit? YesProgress 2 - Number of data collection cycles remaining 7Progress 3 - Progress Monitoring Date 11/12/2008Progress 3 - Datapoint 35.0Progress 3 - Target 60.0Progress 3 - Does this datapoint represent a skill deficit? NoProgress 3 - Number of data collection cycles remaining 6Progress 4 - Progress Monitoring Date 12/15/2008Progress 4 - Datapoint 43.0Progress 4 - Target 60.0Progress 4 - Does this datapoint represent a skill deficit? NoProgress 4 - Number of data collection cycles remaining 5Progress 5 - Progress Monitoring Date 1/26/2009Progress 5 - Datapoint 54.0Progress 5 - Target 60.0Progress 5 - Does this datapoint represent a skill deficit? NoProgress 5 - Number of data collection cycles remaining 4Review and Update of Overall RTI StatusReview #1 - Date of Review 11/5/2008Review #1 - Type of Review Review MeetingReview #1 - Meeting Participants Ms. Blackstone, Mr. Watson, Mrs. AdamsReview #1 - Overall RTI Status Tier 2Review #1 - Summary/Conclusion Lack of adequate progress - Increase TierReview #1 - Notes not much progress seenReview #2 - Date of Review 2/3/2009Review #2 - Type of Review Review MeetingReview #2 - Meeting Participants Ms. Blackstone, Mr. Watson, Mrs. AdamsReview #2 - Overall RTI Status Tier 3Review #2 - Summary/Conclusion Good Progress. Continue interventions/intensity

Review #2 - Notes Small Group intervention with Oral reading programis proving effective for Bette.

Estimated Date of Next Review 4/2/2009

Meeting date Student

Parent/Guardian Teacher






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Response to Intervention Progress MonitoringMaxfield District

Page 1Report generated: Thursday, April 16, 2009 Copyright 2001-2009 Alpine Achievement Systems, Inc.

Response to Intervention - Performance Over TimeAdams, Bette Academics-Reading CBM - Words read correctly per minute







ht 2








t Sys


s, In


8/29/08 9/14/08 10/30/08 11/12/08 12/15/08 1/26/090







Response to Intervention - Is there a Skill Deficit?

Adams, Bette Academics-Reading CBM - Words read correctly per minute







ht 2








t Sys


s, In


8/29/08 9/14/08 10/30/08 11/12/08 12/15/08 1/26/09. (0)

NA (1)

N (2)

Y (3) 3 3 3

2 2 2

Response to Intervention - Gap Size Over TimeAdams, Bette Academics-Reading CBM - Words read correctly per minute







ht 2








t Sys


s, In


8/29/08 9/14/08 10/30/08 11/12/08 12/15/08 1/26/090





Response to Intervention - Is the Gap Significant?

Adams, Bette Academics-Reading CBM - Words read correctly per minute








ht 2








t Sys


s, In


8/29/08 9/14/08 10/30/08 11/12/08 12/15/08 1/26/09. (0)

NA (1)

N (2)

Y (3) 3 3 3

2 2 2

Response to Intervention - Difference Between Actual and TargetAdams, Bette Academics-Reading CBM - Words read correctly per minute







ht 2








t Sys


s, In


8/29/08 9/14/08 10/30/08 11/12/08 12/15/08 1/26/09-40






Response to Intervention - Progress Needed Per Cycle to Achieve TargetAdams, Bette Academics-Reading CBM - Words read correctly per minute








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Problem Solving Process Data Dialogue Assessment/Progress Monitoring Design of Instruction/Intervention What should the overall process look like at this tier? Problem-Solving Process in Tier III

• Identify why interventions have been unsuccessful • Develop and improve existing interventions or generate new interventions that are more intensive

Data Dialogue in Tier III

• Identical to Tier II, happens in problem-solving team meetings with same process • Consultants continue to dialogue with classroom teacher, parent, etc. between meetings to support intervention


Progress Monitoring in Tier III

More often

• Progress monitoring may need to happen every week; however, depending on the grade level and /or skill less often may be sufficient (every other week)

• Modifications are made to individualized instruction in response to the data collected

Gap Analysis

• A critical factor in determining whether a student is making sufficient progress in Tier I is conducting a Gap Analysis.

• Example: o Benchmark vs. Current Level of Performance = Gap o 90 wpm/40 wpm = 2.25

2+ = Significant Gap and signifies a need for Tier II or Tier III intervention to close the Gap between student and peers

Design of Instruction in Tier III: How to distinguish from Tier II

• The intervention may stay the same but will increase in o Intensity (more time per session) o Frequency (additional sessions during day or week) o Duration (implement intervention over longer period of time in weeks)

• The focus of the intervention may change as well

The Overall Process of Tier III

• Supplemental-continue to educate student in core curriculum and with the interventions that have been implemented if successful

• Interventions and progress monitoring intensify • If the goal is to gain academic and behavior skill the lack of progress and inability to close the Gap with

intensive interventions may indicate a disability issue

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Not present

PresentPrimary Factor

1.  The Presence of Other Disabilities as Defined by LawDoes the student meet criteria for any other special education disability category to include: Significantly Limited Intellectual Capacity, Significant Identifiable Emotional Disability, Physical Disability, Autism, Speech/Language Impairment?

2.  Lack of Instruction in essential components of reading and math

Does information obtained during the Response to Intervention process or regarding prior educational environments indicate that the student's inability to make progress academically is a result of a lack of research‐based instruction in reading or math?

3.  Limited English ProficiencyIs there a language other than English spoken by this student?Is there a language other than English spoken in this student's home?Are there any specific dialect or cultural influences that would affect the student's ability to speak or understand English?

4.  Environmental, Cultural, or Economic DisadvantageDoes information obtained during the Response to Intervention process or regarding the student's prior experiences indicate that a lack of opportunity to learn due to environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage? 

5.  Motivational FactorsWas intervention necessary to increase the student's motivation to complete work and engage in academics?

Does information gathered indicate a lack of motivation is the determinant factor?If 'Yes' is indicated on either item above, please attach documentation of intervention and results

6.  Situational TraumaHas the student's academic performance fallen dramatically within the last 6‐12 months?

Is there knowledge of any situations within the student's life that would contribute to a drop in academic performance?

Does information obtained during the Response to Intervention process indicate that the student's inability to make progress academically is related to situational trauma?

7.  Atypical Educational HistoryHas irregular school attendance impacted the student's ability to access research‐based instruction on a consistent basis in order to make academic gains? Has attendance at multiple schools impacted the student's ability to access research‐based instruction on a consistent basis in order to make academic gains? 

If 'Yes' is indicated on either item above, please attach educational history and attendance history

Specific Learning Disability Exclusionary Factors WorksheetAs a team, determine the presence or absence of the exclusionary factors listed below. For each factor determined to be present for the student, the team  must decide whether that factor is a PRIMARY factor for the student's inability to progress in the general education curriculum. If one or more factors are determined to be the primary cause, the 

student cannot be found eligibile for special education services.



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Insufficient Progress Checklist 

Please answer all questions and then proceed  to the next section.  YES NOWere researched‐based interventions implemented? Was the intervention selected based on the skill deficit identified? Were interventions monitored for fidelity of implementation? Was the intervention (resources used) implemented above and beyond what is provided to typical peers? Was a progress monitoring tool used to monitor the intervention? After breaks in the school year, did the student exhibit significant regression of skills? Did the student take a significant amount of time to regain those skills lost? 


Interventions AttemptedWhat was the length of the intervention period?  ___________________________________________ How many interventions were attempted? ________________________________________________ (Please include all interventions attempted.  It is recommended that teams identify intended intervention time for the intervention as well as the intended focus of the intervention.  For example, a standard protocol intervention that is intended to last for 36 weeks and address multiple skills should not be the only intervention attempted to determine SLD.  Teams should consider standard protocols as well as individual interventions before determining insufficient progress. )  

Skill Deficit Interventions Implemented Duration Data/Results (please attach relevant graphs

Work samples, etc.)

Please attach additional documentation if necessary. 

Progress Monitoring Tools What tool(s) were utilized for progress monitoring?  ___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Is the rate of improvement the same as peers receiving the same or similar intervention? _____________Is the rate of improvement the same compared to typical peers? _________________________________

Gap AnalysisWhat was the initial Gap? What is the current Gap (at review time, after interventions)? Is the Gap still significant after interventions? Will the Gap continue to close without significant interventions in place? 





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GAP ANALYSIS WORKSHEET Student Name:_________________________________




• Helps determine if or how a student is responding to a particular intervention • Helps determine how intense an intervention should be


Step 1

• The Gap is determined by dividing the CURRENT benchmark by CURRENT performance • Then we determine if the Gap is significant (guideline: anything above 2.0 is significant in elementary school)

Step 2 (what kind of progress is needed to close the gap??)

• This step is determined by subtracting the CURRENT performance from the END OF YEAR benchmark • Divide this number by the amount of weeks left in the year • Is this a reasonable goal for this student? OR • Determine reasonable amount to be made up per week for this student • Figure out how many weeks it will take for the student to accomplish this goal


Assessment used:_________________________________________ CURRENT GAP:________________

_________________ / _______________ =____________________ is it SIGNIFICANT? __________Y _____________N Current Current CURRENT GAP (significant =more than 2) Benchmark Performance

STEP 2: GAP ANALYSIS ________________ /________________= ____________________ _______________ / _______________ = _____________ End of Year /Current = Needed to catch up Needed to catch up / weeks left in year how many/much OR _______________ / ________________= ______________ Needed to catch up / how many / much per week number of weeks to meet


*Team to determine: Is closing this gap REALISTIC FOR THIS STUDENT? Comments? Plan?:


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The Northwest Evaluation Association’s (NWEA) computerized MAP tests provide teachers, students and parents with an accurate assessment of student’s ability, accurately measuring what a child knows and needs to learn.

Pueblo School District No. 70 administers the test three times each year, in the fall, winter and spring. When administered at these intervals over time, it is possible to find out whether an individual student or an entire grade level is making satisfactory progress. Teachers can use this assessment information for instructional planning for individual students or an entire class. Each student takes the MAP test on a computer. A test Proctor or designee sets up the tests and monitors the testing session. When each question is displayed on the computer screen, the student selects and answers using the mouse or keyboard.

In the MAP system, the difficulty of the test is adjusted to the student’s performance. That is, the difficulty of each question is based on how well the student has answered all of the questions up to that point. As the student answers correctly, the questions become more difficult. If the student answers incorrectly, the questions become easier. Within an optimal test, the student answers approximately half of the correctly and half incorrectly. The final score is an estimate of the student’s achievement level.

How MAP Assessments Work

Since each student in a class receives a different test, it is unlikely that two students taking a MAP test will see the same test items. In addition, a single student who takes the test more than once is not likely to have any test items repeated.

After a student completes a test, the program reports the student’s RIT score. A RIT score in a given subject area shows the student’s current achievement level in that subject. A student’s RIT score should show growth from year to year and since the MAP system keeps a record of all tests administered at a site, historical reports can be generated showing student’s RIT scores across years.

All of the tests developed by NWEA use the RIT scale to measure student achievement and student growth. The RIT score relates directly to the curriculum scale in each subject area. It is an equal-interval score, like feet and inches, so scores can be used together to calculate accurate class or school averages. RIT scores range from about 100 to 300. RIT scores make it possible to follow a student’s educational growth from year to year.

RIT Score

Measure of Academic Progress (MAP)

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Indicators of RtI Implementation: Self-Assessment Tool, rev. 6/07 Exceptional Student Services Unit, Colorado Department of Education


Implementation of RtI in Colorado: Self-Assessment Tool

This self-assessment tool is intended to assist schools/districts wanting to determine “next steps” toward implementation of a multi-tiered Response to Intervention approach for meeting the learning needs of ALL students. The tool addresses 5 broad indicators along with specific indicators/sub-topics for each. The tool could be completed by each staff member in order to formulate a school profile and/or be used to stimulate group conversations. To determine “next steps,” it is important not only to gauge the current implementation status of each item, but to also determine its relative priority. A basic planning format has been provided at the end of the checklist on which specific actions around the top priority items can be documented. Some basic underpinnings of this systemic approach:

• It relies on the premise that all students receive research-based and standards-driven instruction in general education.

• The learning of all students is assessed early and often (ongoing progress monitoring). Assessment is focused on direct measurements of achievement and behavior.

• If there are concerns about student progress, increasingly intense tiers of intervention are available to groups or individuals.

• Individual student data gathered through the process may be used to determine appropriateness of a special education referral (e.g., in the case of students who do not respond adequately to intervention or who require ongoing intensive intervention in order to sustain growth) and as part of a comprehensive evaluation for determination of eligibility.

Response to Intervention is… Response to Intervention is an approach that promotes a well-integrated system connecting general, compensatory, gifted, and special education in providing high quality, standards-based instruction/intervention that is matched to students’ academic, social-emotional, and behavioral needs. A continuum of intervention tiers with increasing levels of intensity and duration is central to RtI. Collaborative educational decisions are based on data derived from frequent monitoring of student performance and rate of learning. The overarching purpose of RtI implementation is to improve educational outcomes for all students,

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Indicators of RtI Implementation: Self-Assessment Tool, rev. 6/07 Exceptional Student Services Unit, Colorado Department of Education


Priority Rating: Level of Implementation:







Indicators of RtI Implementation:


Do n

ot d

o th

is in







g to m


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ss h












Use of problem-solving and data driven decision making processes at the school, classroom and individual student levels

Function as a problem-solving team to address the needs of groups or individuals

Shared responsibility among general educators and specific program area specialists (e.g. special education, ELA, G/T, Title)

Focus on student outcomes vs. eligibility (team's main purpose is not special education referral)

Use of universal screening and prescriptive assessment for instruction

Use of progress monitoring techniques

Coaching and peer collaboration

Collaboration between educators and parents


Reading: Addresses 5 components (phonemic awareness; decoding/phonics/word recognition; fluency; vocabulary; comprehension) in an explicit, systematic, intensive manner with fidelity and sufficient duration


Math: Addresses 4 essential domains (problem-solving; arithmetic skill/fluency; conceptual knowledge/number sense; reasoning ability) .






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Indicators of RtI Implementation: Self-Assessment Tool, rev. 6/07 Exceptional Student Services Unit, Colorado Department of Education


Priority Rating:

Level of Implementation:







Indicators of RtI Implementation:


Do n

ot d

o th

is in







g to m


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n w







Universal screening system to assess strengths and challenges of all students in academic achievement, talents and behavior

Structured data conversations occurring to inform instructional decisions

Direct measurements of achievement and behavior (learning benchmarks) that have a documented/predictable relationship to positive student outcomes

Progress monitoring that is systematic, documented and shared

Data management system in place (technology support)


A range of research-based instructional interventions for any student at risk of not reaching their potential, including those identified as gifted/talented or those already experiencing academic failure (systematic model in place such as 3 tiered approach, pyramid of interventions etc.)

Utilization of both a standard protocol approach to providing interventions to groups of students with similar needs and an individual approach of providing interventions to any student with unique needs

Informed as to the frequency, intensity and duration of an intervention that is needed for effectiveness

System in place to evaluate research-based interventions as to integrity/fidelity of implementation

Flexible groupings according to specific intervention needs

Allocation of staff to provide various interventions (flexible uses of staffing across all roles)

Availability of instructional programs/materials

Level of Implementation:

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Indicators of RtI Implementation: Self-Assessment Tool, rev. 6/07 Exceptional Student Services Unit, Colorado Department of Education


Priority Rating:







Indicators of RtI Implementation:


Do n

ot d

o th

is in







g to m


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g g




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n w







Across all staff/roles

Involves families

Includes follow-up (e.g. coaching, professional dialogue, peer feedback etc.)

Professional development addresses relevant areas such as: No d









a m






g f

ocus in











in t




Collaborative decision-making (e.g. professional learning communities)

Effective use of data, including that gathered through ongoing progress monitoring, in making instructional decisions

Collaborative delivery of instruction/interventions

Research-based instructional practices, including supporting materials and tools

What constitutes "interventions" versus "accommodations and modifications"

Prescriptive and varied assessment techniques

Progress monitoring techniques

Parent engagement strategies






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Indicators of RtI Implementation: Self-Assessment Tool, rev. 6/07 Exceptional Student Services Unit, Colorado Department of Education




Indicator or Sub-Topic Specific Actions Resources Timeline Who Responsible Evidence of Change

Planning Team:__________________________________________________________________________

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CDE Materials from RtI Implementation Team

CDE Materials from Specific Learning Disability Committee

Cherry Creek Schools RtI Handbook

Fountain Fort Carson School District RtI Handbook

Fletcher, J. M., Lyon. G. R., Fuchs, L.S. & Barnes, M. A. (2007). Learning Disabilities:

From Identification to Intervention. New York: Guilford Press.

Hosp, M.K., Hosp, J.L., & Howell, K. W. (2007). The ABCs of CBM: A Practical Guide

to Curriculum-Based Measurement. New York: Guildford Press.

McCook, John. E. (2006). The RTI Guide: Developing and Implementing a Model in

Your Schools. Horsham: LRP Publications.

Wellman, B. & Lipton, L. (2004). Data-Driven Dialogue: A Facilitator’s Guide to

Collaborative Inquiry. Sherman: Mira Via, LLC.

Wright, J. W. (2007). RTI Toolkit: A Practical Guide for Schools. Port Chester: Dude


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Aims Web website: www.aimsweb.com

Alpine Achievement: www.alpineachievement.com

NWEA – Measure of Academic Progress: www.nwea.org

Discipline Help: You Can Handle Them All: http://www.disciplinehelp.com/

Intervention Central website: www.interventioncentral.org

Florida Center for Reading Research: www.fcrr.org

Oregon Reading First: http://oregonreadingfirst.uoregon.edu/

Pikes Peak Literacy Strategies Project: www.pplsp.org

What Works Clearinghouse website: www.w-w-c.org

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Introduction Response to Intervention Philosophy and Design

The ultimate purpose of the RtI process is not for determining whether a student qualifies for special education, but rather to enhance the success of students w ith a

variety of academic and behavior needs. Definition The Response-to-Intervention (RtI) Model is a school-wide initiative that allows for the utilization of resources for students in need of academic or behavioral support. RtI provides a seamless system of interventions and resources which allow students to make significant progress whether they are at-risk for failure or gifted and talented and not meeting their full potential. Although IDEA 2004, encourages utilizing the RtI process as an alternative approach for the identification of students for special education services, the intent of the process is much more significant than identification for special education alone. More importantly, the RtI Model utilizes instructional strategies consistent with current District 70 practices such as on-going screening and data analysis to inform instructional interventions, flexible use of building personnel with students, as well as collaborative problem-solving among staff and parents to improve student performance. Philosophy District 70 believes that, by establishing a comprehensive continuum of supports and services for ALL District 70 students, students are more likely to experience success academically and behaviorally. This continuum, or seamless system, is best conceptualized and delivered through the RtI Model. This Model defines the process whereby students access appropriate levels of support and intervention, given their academic and/or behavioral needs. Moreover, RtI is effective only through a collaborative problem-solving approach to identify student needs, implement targeted interventions, and utilize data to measure student progress as a result of the interventions, as well as monitor intervention integrity. The RtI process requires the involvement of the classroom teacher, parent(s), student (where appropriate), and building specialists (e.g., curriculum leaders, special education teachers, ELL teachers, Title I teachers, counselors, speech therapists, school psychologists, building leaders). Purpose of Document The purpose of RtI is to improve educational outcomes for all students. A continuum of evidence-based, tiered interventions with increasing levels of intensity and duration is central to RtI. Furthermore, collaborative educational decisions should be based on data derived from frequent monitoring of student performance and rate of learning. Therefore, a significant systems change is necessary for schools. Although many components, such as progress monitoring, differentiated instruction, etc. may be in place in different schools, creating a school-wide system is challenging.

This document will describe the RtI template to be utilized by District 70 Schools. Specifically, the document will define central components of RtI, make recommendations for composition of the building level Response to Intervention teams, identify roles for itinerate and support staff, as well as provide the necessary district forms and processes that will guide teams in their on-going student problem-solving meetings, data collection, and monitoring of student response to interventions. Furthermore, it will outline the multi-tiered process by describing how students are

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served and move through varying tiers, to include intervention development, progress monitoring, and GAP analysis. Finally, an outline will be provided containing important components for a team considering a referral for special education identification.

Principals, RtI Coordinators, Response to Intervention team members, and Consultants are expected to utilize this document to guide decision making as RtI becomes the school-wide model for providing academic and behavioral support to students who are at-risk for failure or who are not performing to their full potential.

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Core Instruction Assessment/Progress Monitoring Data Discussions What should the overall process look like during Tier I Core Instruction in Tier I

• Scientifically based core instructional programs and practices • Based on state/district standards and benchmarks • Intervention occurs within the general design of the classroom (flooding, flexible grouping) • Instructional changes are made based on classroom and school-wide assessment

Data Discussions in Tier I

• Professional Learning Communities • Data-dialogue meetings • Grade or Content-level meetings • Meeting should be efficient, organized and scheduled regularly • Discuss

o Whole group, flexible group changes, class changes at secondary level o Curricular gaps based on review of class benchmarks or other data

Assessment in Tier I

• Progress monitoring is conducted primarily using school-wide screenings three times per year • Classroom assessments • Benchmarks • Quarterly and Unit Assessments

Gap Analysis

• A critical factor in determining whether a student is making sufficient progress in Tier I is conducting a Gap Analysis.

• Example: o Benchmark vs. Current Level of Performance = Gap o 90 wpm/40 wpm = 2.25

2+ = Significant Gap and signifies a need for Tier II or Tier III intervention to close the Gap between student and peers

The Overall Process of Tier I

• Teachers evaluate school-wide assessment data to inform instructional placement decisions • Monitor all students • Differentiate instruction, groupings, accommodations • Complete documentation for students needing targeted interventions

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BEST PRACTICES OF TIER II: How to Distinguish from Tier I

Problem Solving Process Data dialogue Assessment/Progress Monitoring Design of Instruction/Intervention What should the overall process look like at this tier?

Data Dialogue in Tier II

• Consultation between consultant and teacher to define and analyze a measurable

• Focus on data that is specific problem identified

problem prior to problem-solving team meeting

• Problem-solving team meeting led with facilitator which is timed, sequential and efficient

Assessment in Tier II

• Progress is monitored more often• Progress is monitored

(weekly, bi-monthly) repeatedly

• for a period of time using consistent CBM tool

Trends• Ineffective intervention plans are

in performance are used to gauge effectiveness of supports and interventions

• Intervention plans are modified based on changed in a timely manner

Gap Analysis

emerging needs

• A critical factor in determining whether a student is making sufficient progress in Tier I is conducting a Gap Analysis.

• Example: o Benchmark vs. Current Level of Performance = Gap o 90 wpm/40 wpm = 2.25

2+ = Significant Gap and signifies a need for Tier II or Tier III intervention to close the Gap between student and peers

Design of Instruction/Intervention in Tier II: How to distinguish from Tier I

• Instruction supplements, not supplants core instruction • Focus on non-responders to Tier I • Short-term intervention • Homogeneous, same ability small group (3-5 students) instruction

The Overall Process of Tier II

• Goals: o To gain critical academic or behavior skills so students can return to the core curriculum or o To enhance academic or behavior instruction to maximize student learning

• Specific progress monitoring occurs to inform instruction • Ongoing consultation occurs between case manager/consultant and teacher

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Problem Solving Process Data Dialogue Assessment/Progress Monitoring Design of Instruction/Intervention What should the overall process look like at this tier? Problem-Solving Process in Tier III

• Identify why interventions have been unsuccessful • Develop and improve existing interventions or generate new interventions that are more intensive

Data Dialogue in Tier III

• Identical to Tier II, happens in problem-solving team meetings with same process • Consultants continue to dialogue with classroom teacher, parent, etc. between meetings to support intervention


Progress Monitoring in Tier III

More often

• Progress monitoring may need to happen every week; however, depending on the grade level and /or skill less often may be sufficient (every other week)

• Modifications are made to individualized instruction in response to the data collected

Gap Analysis

• A critical factor in determining whether a student is making sufficient progress in Tier I is conducting a Gap Analysis.

• Example: o Benchmark vs. Current Level of Performance = Gap o 90 wpm/40 wpm = 2.25

2+ = Significant Gap and signifies a need for Tier II or Tier III intervention to close the Gap between student and peers

Design of Instruction in Tier III: How to distinguish from Tier II

• The intervention may stay the same but will increase in o Intensity (more time per session) o Frequency (additional sessions during day or week) o Duration (implement intervention over longer period of time in weeks)

• The focus of the intervention may change as well

The Overall Process of Tier III

• Supplemental-continue to educate student in core curriculum and with the interventions that have been implemented if successful

• Interventions and progress monitoring intensify • If the goal is to gain academic and behavior skill the lack of progress and inability to close the Gap with

intensive interventions may indicate a disability issue

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RReessppoonnssee ttoo IInntteerrvveennttiioonn:: PPrrooggrreessss MMoonniittoorriinngg


Intensive/Individualized Level Interventions based on comprehensive evaluation are provided to students with intensive needs.

Targeted Level Provided to students identified at-risk or who fail to make adequate progress in general education.


Universal Level Provided to ALL students; research based, high quality, general education using on-going universal screening, progress monitoring, and assessments to design instruction.





Tier 3

Tier 2

Tier 1

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Examples of Instructional Strategies and Assessments in Tier I Instructional Strategies & Interventions Assessment &

Progress Monitoring Academic

Core Curriculum CSAP Differentiated Instruction NWEA Alpine Instructional Strategies TOWRE Rigor and Relevance Instructional Strategies Success Maker Lexia Flexible Grouping STAR Reading and Math Accommodations and Modifications Running Records Classroom Assessments Peer Mentor Programs Curriculum-Based Measurements/DIBELS/AIMS Web

Behavior Classroom Affective Instruction Discipline Records School-wide Positive Behavior Supports Attendance School-wide Programs (ie. Discovery, Kelso, Bully-Proofing and Rachel’s Challenge)

Behavior Report Cards


Examples of Instructional Strategies and Assessments in Tier II Instructional Strategies & Interventions Assessment &

Progress Monitoring Academic

Supplemental group instruction outside the general classroom Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing Differentiated Instruction Curriculum-Based Measurement/DIBELS Alpine Instructional Strategies Classroom Assessments Rigor and Relevance Instructional Strategies Running Records Peer tutoring Test of Word Reading Efficiency Flexible Grouping Gray Oral Reading Test – 4 Instructional Educational Programs Success Maker Extended Learning Opportunity TOWRE Diagnostic Assessment of Reading

Behavior Group counseling Behavior Charts Behavior Intervention Plans AIMS Web Functional Behavior Assessment

Examples of Instructional Strategies and Assessments in Tier III Instructional Strategies & Interventions Assessment &

Progress Monitoring Academic

Individual instruction outside of general Classroom

Curriculum-Based Measurement /DIBELS/AIMS Web/NWEA

Test of Reading Abilities Provide instructional strategies at a greater intensity Test of Math Abilities

Subtests of comprehensive assessments Tier II interventions more often, longer, and in a smaller group Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing

One-on-one tutoring Gray Oral Reading Test-4 Short-term therapy supports (Speech, OT) Success Maker TOWRE

Behavior Social Skills Group AIMS Web

Behavior Intervention Plan Scales for Attention Concerns

Individual counseling Diagnostic Assessments Individual para support Behavior Assessment System for Children Functional Behavior Assessment

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GAP ANALYSIS WORKSHEET • Identify the skill deficit that the team needs to determine the gap on. • Decide what tool can be used to determine the gap.

Identify the current benchmark expectations for skill and peer group based on tool selected. _________________________ current benchmark

Establish the gap: 1. Divide the current benchmark expectations by current performance of the student

___________________ /____________________ = ____________ gap 2. Is the gap significant? ______________

• How do you know? The team must compare the student’s gap to the gap of other students in his/her peer group.

Determine the progress needed to close the gap, including amount of time that is realistic to close the gap: 3. Determine the gain the student needs to make to close the gap. To determine the

necessary gain, subtract the student’s current performance from the expected benchmark in the next benchmark period. For example, if it is September use winter as the expected benchmark. If it is December, use spring as the expected benchmark.

__________________ - _________________ = ___________ necessary gain

4. Determine what progress is realistic for the student. Divide the necessary gain by the expected growth (how much progress is expected each week – i.e. 2 words per minute per week).

_____________________ / __________________ = __________ # of weeks • When using a gap analysis the problem-solving team has several decisions:

o Is the gap significant in relation to the gap of typical peers. For example, if 60% of students have a gap of 2.0 for a specific skill deficit, 2.0 would not be a significant gap for that group. Gap significance should be identified as being in the bottom 10% of a peer group. Gaps that are consistent across a peer group should be supported with universal intervention.

If a student has a large gap, it is not realistic that the gap close in 6 – 8 weeks. When the gap is large, teams need to analyze the aim line and whether the student growth is staying on the aim line. Teams need to set short term goals along with long term goal

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GAP ANALYSIS WORKSHEET Student Name:_________________________________




• Helps determine if or how a student is responding to a particular intervention • Helps determine how intense an intervention should be


Step 1

• The Gap is determined by dividing the CURRENT benchmark by CURRENT performance • Then we determine if the Gap is significant (guideline: anything above 2.0 is significant in elementary school)

Step 2 (what kind of progress is needed to close the gap??)

• This step is determined by subtracting the CURRENT performance from the END OF YEAR benchmark • Divide this number by the amount of weeks left in the year • Is this a reasonable goal for this student? OR • Determine reasonable amount to be made up per week for this student • Figure out how many weeks it will take for the student to accomplish this goal


Assessment used:_________________________________________ CURRENT GAP:________________

_________________ / _______________ =____________________ is it SIGNIFICANT? __________Y _____________N Current Current CURRENT GAP (significant =more than 2) Benchmark Performance

STEP 2: GAP ANALYSIS ________________ /________________= ____________________ _______________ / _______________ = _____________ End of Year /Current = Needed to catch up Needed to catch up / weeks left in year how many/much OR _______________ / ________________= ______________ Needed to catch up / how many / much per week number of weeks to meet


*Team to determine: Is closing this gap REALISTIC FOR THIS STUDENT? Comments? Plan?:


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Schedule meeting 6 weeks from


If goal is NOT met, go back to the RtI Team to determine new interventions

District 70 Elementary RtI Process

Tier 1 • Classroom teachers will gather

evidence that Tier 2 in needed • Will document into Alpine in Tier 1

RtI Coordinator

Consultant (assigned by the Coordinator)

The consultant will gather the following information regarding the student: 1. Relevant data (CSAP, Dibels, NWEA,

Grades) 2. Anecdotal information from teachers 3. Summary of the problem identified and

any previous strategies utilize

The RtI Team Will 1. Hear a summary of the problem &

previous strategies 2. Create an RtI plan based on student

needs 3. The RtI plan will include appropriate


Tier 2 • Interventions and interventionist are

assigned • Collection of data points (minimum

biweekly) Tier 3

• More intense intervention and continue monitoring (monitoring weekly)

• May need further testing

If goal IS met, set up follow-up procedures

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Aims Web website: www.aimsweb.com

Alpine Achievement: www.alpineachievement.com

CDE: www.cde.state.cooedu

Dibels: www.dibels.uoregon.edu

Discipline Help: You Can Handle Them All: http://www.disciplinehelp.com/

Florida Center for Reading Research: www.fcrr.org

Intervention Central: www.interventioncentral.org

National Center for Response to Intervention: www.rti4success.org

National Research Center for Learning Disabilities: www.ncldorg

Oregon Reading First: http://oregonreadingfirst.upregpm/edu/

Pat Quinn RtI: www.totalrti.com

Pikes Peak Literacy Strategies Project: www.pplsp.org

What Works Clearinghouse: www.w-w-c.org

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RRReeessspppooonnnssseee tttooo IIInnnttteeerrrvvveeennntttiiiooonnn (((RRRtttIII)))

PPPaaarrreeennnttt’’’sss HHHaaannndddbbbooooookkk

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Response to Intervention is a framework that promotes a well-integrated system connecting general, compensatory, gifted, and special education in providing high quality, standards-based instruction and intervention that is matched to students’ academic, social-emotional, and behavioral needs. We believe that…

• ALL children can learn and achieve high standards as a result of effective teaching. • All children must have access to a rigorous, standards-based curriculum and research-based

instruction. • Intervening at the earliest indication of need is necessary for student success (Pre K–12). • A comprehensive system of tiered interventions is essential for addressing the full range of student

needs. • Student results improve when ongoing academic and behavioral performance data inform

instructional decisions. • Collaboration among educators, families and community members is the foundation for effective

problem-solving and instructional decision-making. • On-going and meaningful involvement of families increases student success. • All members of the school community must continue to gain knowledge and develop expertise in

order to build capacity and sustainability of RtI. • Effective leadership at all levels is crucial for the implementation of RtI.

Response to Intervention Philosophy

Context Response-to-Intervention (RtI) is a school wide model that allows for the use of resources, such as curriculum, personnel, etc. for students in need of academic and/or behavioral support. RtI provides a seamless system of interventions and resources which allows students to make significant progress whether they are at-risk for failure or are gifted and talented students not meeting their full potential. Although Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 2004 encourages utilizing the RtI process as an alternative approach for the identification of students for special education services, the intent of the process is much more significant than eligibility alone. More importantly, RtI use strategies such as assessing all students regularly and inform the instructional decisions teachers make, flexible use of building personnel with students, as well as encouraging staff and parents to work together to enhance all students’ performance. Philosophy When school personnel establish supports and services for ALL at varying levels, students are more likely to experience success academically and behaviorally.

RtI defines a process whereby students access appropriate levels of support and intervention, given their academic and/or behavioral needs. Moreover, RtI is effective only through team problem-solving approach to identify student needs, target instruction, assess students to measure progress as a result of the instruction, as well as to monitor how well instruction is provided. The RtI process requires the involvement of the classroom teacher, parent(s), student (where appropriate), and building specialists (e.g., curriculum leaders, special education teachers, ELL teachers, Title I teachers, counselors, gifted and talented specialists, speech therapists, school psychologists, school social workers, building leaders). The ultimate purpose of RtI is not to determine if a student qualifies for special education, but rather, to enhance the success of students with a variety of academic and/or behavior needs. Components: The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) recognizes six areas significant to RtI implementation: 1) Leadership, 2) Curriculum and Instruction, 3) School Climate and Culture, 4) Problem-Solving Process, 5) Assessment, and 6) Family and Community Involvement.

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Six Components of Response to Intervention 1). Leadership Leadership at the state, district, and building level is crucial to the fidelity of RtI implementation. RtI is a significant change that affects the entire educational system. Initially district level administrators must understand and embrace the essential components and supports needed to effectively implement RtI. Administrators must prioritize resource allocation to support the effort, as well as offer professional development to school staffs on the philosophical underpinnings of RtI. Staff development on the RtI philosophy will help establish and promote consistency among districts and schools that is imperative for successful implementation. Additionally, superintendents, curriculum directors, principals, special education administrators, etc. must guide the implementation of RtI by developing leadership roles and expectations for district and building administrators. Because of the broad impact of the RtI Model and its impact on the entire educational system, significant systemic changes will need to occur to execute implementation with fidelity. These changes must be championed and monitored by leaders at all levels. 2). Curriculum and Instruction The RtI Model is a three-tiered system designed to meet the needs of ALL students. Curriculum, based on the state standards and quality instruction are essential for student success. THE THREE TIERS ARE: Tier I instruction includes high quality, research-based curricula and instructional strategies that support the district’s curriculum guidelines. Tier I provides core instruction for all students. Flexible grouping that targets specific skills are included so that the instructional goals of all students can be met.

Tier II offers supplemental instruction in addition to the standards-based curriculum received in Tier I. The curriculum and instruction at Tier II is designed to meet the needs of students not progressing as expected in Tier I.

Tier III instruction includes more explicit instruction that is focused on a specific skill need, whether that be an accelerated need or a remedial need.

3). School Climate and Culture The core principles of a multi-tiered RtI model support and embrace positive school climate within all school settings. Positive school climate depends on four essential elements:

1. creating a caring school community 2. teaching appropriate behavior and social

Problem-solving skills 3. implementing positive behavior support

(PBS) and 4. providing rigorous academic instruction

Essentially, a positive school climate provides the foundation on which instruction will occur and all students will be engaged in learning. A positive school climate is observed when key elements are solidly in place. These include: • Defining and consistently teaching expectations

of behavior for students, parents and educators • Students and adults are acknowledged and

recognized consistently for appropriate behaviors • Behavioral and instructional errors are monitored,

corrected, or re-taught • Teachers are engaged in a collaborative team

problem-solving process using data to design instruction and behavior intervention plans

• Families are included in a culturally-sensitive, solution-focused approach to support student learning

4). Problem-Solving Process The purpose of the problem-solving process is to assist the classroom teacher and parents in designing and selecting strategies for improving student academic and/or behavioral performance. The purpose of the problem-solving process is to develop academic and behavior intervention strategies that have a high probability of success. It provides a structure for addressing the academic and/or behavioral concerns identified by teachers or parents. A problem-solving process requires full collaboration among a team of professionals along with parents to identify a specific, measurable outcome and to design research-based interventions to address the concerns. The system must integrate the use of data, both to guide the development of effective

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interventions and to provide frequent monitoring of progress. The process includes ensuring interventions are implemented with fidelity. Family engagement in the process is vital to ensure all information that might impact success is considered. 5) Assessment A major feature of the RtI Model is its use of data to drive the decision-making process—at the individual student, classroom, and school levels. To support RtI’s fluid approach, reliable and ongoing information must be available to: • Identify academic and behavioral needs of

individual students • Inform the problem-solving process • Design and modify instruction to meet student

needs • Evaluate the effectiveness of instruction at

different levels, of the system (e.g., classroom, school, district)

An effective assessment plan has four main objectives:

1) To identify students at the beginning of the year who are at-risk or who are experiencing difficulties and who may need extra instruction or intensive interventions if they are to progress toward grade-level standards by the end of the year, as well as students who have reached benchmarks and who need to be challenged.

2) To monitor students’ progress during the year to

determine whether at-risk students are making adequate progress in critical skills and to identify any students who may be falling behind or need to be challenged.

3) To inform instructional planning in order to meet the

most critical needs of individual students. 4) To evaluate whether the instruction or intervention

provided is powerful enough to help all students achieve grade-level standards by the end of each year. The four objectives outlined above can be achieved through four types of assessments during the school year: 1) screening, 2) progress monitoring, 3) diagnostic, and 4) outcome. They correspond roughly to the four objectives above, but all can contribute in helping plan effective instruction and interventions.

Screening Assessments Screening assessments are quick and efficient measures of overall ability and critical skills known to be strong indicators that predict student performance. Administered to all students as an initial baseline, these assessments help to identify students who do not meet or who exceed grade level expectations. Progress Monitoring Assessments Progress monitoring assessments are also brief, but are given periodically to determine whether students are making adequate progress. Progress monitoring assessment data should be collected, evaluated, and used on an ongoing basis for the following purposes: • Determine rate of a student’s progress • Provide information on the effectiveness of

instruction and to modify the intervention if necessary

• Identify the need for additional information • Analyze and interpret gaps between benchmarks

and achievement Diagnostic Assessments While relatively lengthy, diagnostic assessments provide an in-depth, reliable assessment of targeted skills. Their major purpose is to provide information for planning more effective instruction and interventions. Diagnostic assessments should be given when there is a clear expectation that they will offer new or more reliable information about a student’s academic or behavioral needs that can be used to help plan more powerful instruction or interventions. Outcome Assessments Given at the end of the school year, outcome tests are frequently group-administered tests of important outcomes (e.g., CSAP). Outcome assessments are often used for school, district and or state reporting purposes. These tests are important because they give school leaders and teachers feedback about the overall effectiveness of their instructional program. 6). Family and Community Engagement When families, schools, and communities work together, students are more successful in school and schools improve. Effective partnerships include parents, families, students, community members and educators. Indicators of an effective partnership include 1) sharing information, 2) problem-solving, and 3) celebrating student successes. Central to effective partnership is the recognition of shared

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responsibility and shared ownership of student challenges and successes. In forming partnerships, it is important to nurture the collaborative process. To develop true collaboration, parents and families must be fundamentally involved in the entire educational experience. Parents should be recognized as having important information and expertise that they can contribute to the partnership. At Tier I, parent involvement in school decision making leads to an improved positive school climate. Parents and families are seen as key partners in all aspects of RtI, but their role may shift at each tier of intervention. In particular, at the targeted (Tier II) and intensive (Tier III) levels their expertise regarding the individual student is vital. At these tiers, members of the student’s family may provide information about the student and strategies that will lead to improved student outcomes. Parents/Families/Guardians Parents or guardians are an integral part of the RtI Model and problem-solving process. They should participate and be valued when developing intervention plans. Although requiring parents or guardians to attend problem-solving team meetings

may not be appropriate, parents should be strongly encouraged to attend. Parents or guardians are encouraged to participate in team meetings and meet with the case manager/designated consultant and/or teacher as appropriate, to provide pertinent information about their student’s learning style, difficulty, or area of advancement and to ask questions about their student’s progress or lack of progress. Because it may be a new experience for most parents or guardians to be significantly involved in intervention development and progress monitoring, special care must be taken to inform parents or guardians about the steps in the process to ensure engagement. Key expectations of Parents or Guardians: • Collaborate with teachers regarding identified

need • Share information about student and family as

appropriate • Support student learning at home • Attend problem-solving team meetings and

partner in intervention planning and progress monitoring

Intensive – Interventions are provided to students with intensive/chronic academic and/or behavior needs or accelerated and gifted needs based on ongoing progress monitoring and/or diagnostic assessment.

Targeted – Interventions are provided to students identified as at-rick of academic and/or social needs and students identified as underachieving who require specific supports to make sufficient progress in general education.

Universal – All students receive research-based, high quality, general education that incorporates ongoing universal screening, progress monitoring, and prescriptive assessment to design instruction. Expectations are taught, reinforced and monitored in all settings.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Number of Weeks


ds R





Student Aim Line

Peer Average Aim Line

Actual Student Growth





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Number of Weeks


ds R





Student Aim Line

Peer Average Aim Line

Actual Student Growth

Problem-Solving Process

Initial Problem-Solving Meeting • Consists of members including teacher, parents,

specialists, and consultants • Approximately 30 minutes to develop an

intervention plan • Consultant meets with the teacher and the parent

in some cases to define the problem prior to the initial meeting

• Parents participate in developing an intervention plan as a member of the problem-solving team

• Parents are encouraged to attend or participate by phone if necessary

For further information regarding RtI, please contact your school principal.

Review Problem-Solving Meeting • Consists of members including teacher, parents,

specialists, and consultants • Approximately 15 minutes to review intervention

plan • Student receives intervention between meetings • Student is progress monitored between meetings

to determine progress • Consultant meets with teacher, interventionists,

progress monitor between meetings to ensure intervention is delivered as designed

• Parents are encouraged to attend or participate by phone if necessary

Progress Monitoring Graphs

Each school has a problem-solving process which includes a problem-solving team. The problem-solving team schedules initial and review meetings for students needing support. Descriptions of the meetings are below. Furthermore, progress monitoring is a significant part of the problem-solving process. Problem-solving teams will use graphs to demonstrate a student’s response to developed interventions. Example graphs are below.

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Sufficient Progress Insufficient Progress Frequently Asked Questions

How do students move between Tiers? Moving between tiers is a fluid process and there will likely be some fluctuation for many students whether they exhibit academic and/or behavioral concerns. Essentially, students move between tiers based on the gap demonstrated through progress monitoring as well as with the intensity level of the intervention. Is a student ever involved in more than one intervention at a time? Students should typically participate in one intervention at a time for individual skill deficits. For example, if a student has a deficit in reading, a single problem should be determined and a single intervention should be developed to address the identified problem. However, in some situations a student may be participating in a standard protocol intervention such as a flexible reading group to address reading skills in general, but may also be in a more intense (Tier III) intervention to address the specific skill deficit. Additionally, a student may participate in more than one intervention if there are a variety of skill deficits in different academic or behavior areas. For example, a student may be receiving a behavior intervention and a reading intervention at the same time or a reading intervention and a math intervention at the same time. How long is the problem-solving process? The length of time a student participates in the problem-solving process depends on the significance of the gap between the student and peers as well as the skill deficits a student has. For example, if a student in 8th grade needs an intervention in math calculations to gain the skills necessary to succeed with Algebra, there may be a need for several specific skill interventions to close the gap with peers. Data may demonstrate that the gap is closing, but the length of time to close the gap may be lengthy. On the other hand, a student who is in 1st grade and needs an intervention addressing short vowels may need a limited Tier II or III intervention and once the skill is gained the gap is closed with peers and the student can participate in the core curriculum. This student’s length of participation may be shorter. What documentation is used with the RtI Model? Graphs and charts are a basic component of RtI documentation. Furthermore, schools should document the assessment and intervention strategies and outcomes using data collection systems. The strategies that are utilized and charted data should produce documentation of a student’s progress or lack of progress (e.g., graphs, charts).

Is RtI just a way to avoid providing special education services? No. RtI is a way to integrate the mandates of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and IDEA so that all students receive high quality, effective instruction in the general education setting and beyond. Also, RtI is a framework of instruction for students who do receive special education services. The intent is to generate a seamless system of support that is available to all students at the first sign of need. Can RtI be used for students who are Gifted and Talented and/or underachieving? Absolutely, not only can RtI be used, but should be used for students identified as Gifted and Talented or underachieving. Students who are Gifted and Talented and are underachieving based on screening measures and progress-monitoring tools should be provided strength-based intervention to increase the potential for sufficient progress. Because the RtI Model is a system wide model, all students who are making insufficient progress should be provided more intensive interventions based on their individual needs. Gifted students need strength-based tiered interventions based on programming needs. Gifted students with learning difficulties will also need interventions for skill deficits. Does the RtI Model have to be used to determine eligibility for students who are identified has having a Specific Learning Disability? To align with federal laws, CDE revised the Exceptional Children’s Education Act to utilize a problem-solving process to determine eligibility for a Specific Learning Disability. The expectation is that the majority of data are collected through the process; however, other data may need to be collected for a full and individual evaluation to qualify

as having a Specific Learning Disability.

How/what do we communicate to parents? Regardless of whether the parent initiated a concern or the teacher initiated a concern, parent involvement is critical and should be facilitated throughout the process, beginning with the problem identification phase. Parents should always be invited to the problem-solving meetings, and if parents are unable to attend the meeting the progress monitoring information should e provided to the parents each time the data are analyzed. Parents should be involved in all the decisions regarding modifications to interventions.

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If a parent requests an immediate evaluation within the sixty day time frame during or prior to the problem-solving process, is the school obligated to default to the discrepancy model? If a parent requests an immediate evaluation, schools should explain the problem-solving process and the services the student will receive during the documentation period. Schools may not talk parents out of requesting an evaluation; however, it is expected that parents will be informed of what the current evaluation practices are. If parents request a traditional assessment, schools will not be expected to administer an IQ and Achievement assessment. Determination of a Specific Learning Disability will be dependent on information collected through a problem-solving process.

How will the Special Education teacher plan interventions for a student after he or she has been found eligible for services through the RtI process? Because the student has been participating in the problem-solving process and has had an individualized RtI plan, many of the services, goals, accommodations and modifications will be documented. Essentially, the problem-solving team will provide the current intervention plan to the special education team when a student becomes eligible for Special Education services. What happens to a student’s RtI plan if the student transfers to a new school or district? When a student transfers to a new school, the school that developed the RtI plan will send the plan with the student’s records to the new school of attendance. Although, the new school is not required to provide the interventions of the RtI plan, the school that developed the plan will make every effort to ensure that the student continues to receive the supports needed to be successful in the educational setting.

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Glossary of Terms

Behavior Intervention Plan A behavior plan is based on a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA). It is developed and implemented by a collaborative team, which includes the student and parent. The plan includes positive behavior supports (PBS), identified skills for school success, and specific strategies for behavioral instruction. Data-driven Decision-making The process of planning for student success (both academic and behavioral) through the use of ongoing progress monitoring and analysis of its data Duration For the purposes of documenting response to intervention, duration refers to the length (number of minutes) of a session multiplied by the number of sessions per school year. “Sufficient duration” is dependent on a number of factors including the program or strategy being used, the age of the student, and the severity of the deficit involved. Some programs offer guidelines or recommendations for duration. Reading Recovery, for example. limits the number of 20-30 minute sessions in which a student can participate to 100, believing that a student who does not make adequate gains after this amount of time would likely benefit from an alternative intervention. Evidence-based Instruction/Interventions See research-based instruction/intervention/practice

Fidelity Fidelity refers to the accuracy, loyalty and attentiveness with which an intended research design for instruction and/or intervention is implemented. To ensure standardization, intervention specialists must generally follow a prescribed protocol in order to attend to a program’s or strategy’s fidelity.

Problem-Solving Team Interdisciplinary teams composed of general and special education staff members who plan prescriptive interventions for students at risk for school failure or underachievement by completing targeted assessments, collecting and reviewing data, making data-driven decisions, partnering with parents, and participating in ongoing problem-solving.

Flexible Grouping Prescriptive, focused, research-based interventions provided to students by any trained or skilled staff member, regardless of the student’s special or general education categorization or the educator’s special or general education job description.

Focused Assessment Formal and informal assessment targeted to specifically plan program service delivery and/or appropriate interventions for student success. Frequency How often a behavior or an intervention occurs. Commonly used in Functional Behavior Analysis (FBA) and Response to Intervention (RTI) research in the context of the three most important factors in considering behaviors of concern: Frequency, Intensity, and Duration. Frequency of an intervention, as an element of its effectiveness, can be a focus of the fidelity of delivery.

Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) This term comes from what is called a “Functional Assessment” or “Functional Analysis” in the field of applied behavioral analysis. This is the process of determining the cause (or "function") of behavior before developing an intervention or Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP). The intervention/BIP is based on the hypothesized cause (function) of behavior. Gap Analysis Gap analysis is a tool for measuring the difference between the student’s current level of performance and benchmark expectations. Intensity The adjustment of duration, length and teacher-to-student ratio to a student’s academic or behavioral needs.

Intervention The systematic and explicit instruction provided to accelerate growth in an area of identified need. Interventions are provided by both special and general educators, and are based on training, not titles. They are designed to improve performance

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relative to a specific, measurable goal. Interventions are based on valid information about current performance, realistic implementation, and include ongoing student progress monitoring. Multi-Tiered Model The multi-tiered intervention model provides different levels of intensity (universal (Tier I), targeted (Tier II), and intensive(Tier III)) based upon student response to intervention, with ongoing progress monitoring and focused assessment. School-wide Positive Behavior Supports (PBS) A school-wide, multi-tiered framework designed to develop positive learning behavior in all students. The focus of PBS is on prevention rather than the development of consequences for inappropriate behavior. Prescriptive Intervention A specified response, that focuses on academic or behavioral areas of concern, to meet the specific needs of a student. Problem-Solving Process The problem-solving process is an interdisciplinary, collaborative team process which is based on a multi-tiered model and includes data-driven decision making, parent-school partnerships, progress monitoring, focused assessment, flexible service delivery, and prescriptive, research-based interventions. Problem-Solving Team A collaborative team (which includes parents, general and special educators) that meets to evaluate student data and to plan and monitor prescribed interventions. Progress Monitoring Progress Monitoring is the ongoing process that involves collecting and analyzing data to determine student progress toward specific skills or general outcomes. Progress monitoring generates the useful data for making instructional decisions based on the review and analysis of student data. Monitoring student progress, through collection and analysis of data, is an effective way to determine if the instruction being delivered is meeting the needs of the student. Research-based Instruction/Intervention/Practice A research-based instructional practice or intervention is one found to be reliable, trustworthy, and valid

based on evidence to suggest that when the program is used with a particular group of students, the students can be expected to make adequate gains in achievement. Ongoing documentation and analysis of student outcomes helps to define effective practice. In the absence of evidence, the instruction/ intervention must be considered “best practice” based on available research and professional literature.

Screening Refers to a quick checklist, survey, or probe about a student's development or skills to see if further evaluation is needed. Specific, Measurable Outcome The statement of a single, specific desired result from an intervention. To be measurable, the outcome should be expressed in observable and quantifiable terms (i.e. Johnny will demonstrate mastery of grade-level basic math calculation skills as measured by a score of 85% or better on the end-of the unit test on numerical operations). Tier I (Universal) Intervention Tier I Interventions are those provided to all students in the classroom, regardless of individual needs (e.g. Bully proofing, Guided Reading, Every Day Math, 6-Traits Writing). These may be research-based, but are not necessarily prescriptive. Tier II (Targeted) Intervention Tier II Interventions are to be implemented when assessment indicates that a student is not making adequate gains from universal instruction alone. They are generally smaller group interventions designed to meet the specific needs of a student and his/her peers with similar needs (e.g. Social skills training, Multi-sensory reading, or Knowing Mathematics). Tier III (Intensive) Intervention Tier III Interventions are those which offer a student highly individualized, systematic and explicit instruction in an area of assessed need. Although the programs or strategies may be similar to those offered at Tier 2, the intervention is reclassified as “intensive” if it is individualized to meet the needs of a particular student and the duration and/or intensity of the intervention is increased to accelerate student response.

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Specific Learning Disability Identification

Pueblo County School District 70

A Guide for Teams to Determine Eligibility

Adapted by Fountain Fort Carson School District

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Table of Contents

Statement of Purpose ……………………………………………………………………………..3 Exclusionary Factors Worksheet ……………………………………………………………..4 Insufficient Progress Checklist ………………………………………………………………..5 Gap Analysis Worksheet ………………………………………………………………………….6 Academic Skill Deficit Worksheet ………………………………………………………….…7 Academic Skill Deficit Markers …………………………………………………………….….8 SLD Assessment Glossary …………………………………………………………….……9-17 Oral Expression…………………………………………………………………………………9 Language Comprehension ………………………………………………………………10 Written Expression …………………………………………………………………………11 Basic Reading ………………………………………………………………………..12 – 13 Reading Fluency ………………………………………………………………….…13 – 14 Reading Comprehension ……………………………………………………..…14 – 15 Math Calculation ………………………………………………………………….…15 – 16 Math Problem-Solving ……………………………………………………………16 – 17

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The purpose of this guide is to support teams in determining whether a student meets the

criteria for a Specific Learning Disability. The basis of this document comes from the Colorado

Department of Education SLD Guidelines (2008).

First and foremost, it is required that a problem-solving process be implemented prior to

or as a part of the evaluation for a Specific Learning Disability. The federal guidelines indicate

that teams must determine that “the child does not make sufficient progress to meet age or

state-approved grade-level standards in one or more of the areas…when using a process based

on the child’s response to scientific, research-based intervention.”

Teams must identify “academic skill deficit” and “insufficient progress” to determine a

Specific Learning Disability. A few guidelines should be followed while utilizing this document:

1. Assessment includes direct measures of learning that inform instruction or intervention and should be collected over time. Furthermore, team may not utilize the same assessment tool to identify “academic skill deficit” and “insufficient progress”. For example if a child is struggling in reading, the team may not use the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) for both areas.

2. If a team has concerns in multiple academic areas, “academic skill deficit” must be identified in all areas of concern; however, “insufficient progress” only needs to be identified in one area. For example, if a team has been utilizing the problem-solving process in reading and decides that they suspect a disability, the team can decide to include other academic areas in the comprehensive evaluation to determine “academic skill deficit”.

The most important expectation of identifying a specific learning disability is that a school-wide problem-solving process is in place and utilized to support students who have an identified need. Schools should only use this guide after a comprehensive problem-solving process has been followed to support targeted and intense interventions.

(If information from a formal assessment is determined to be necessary, please contact

your ESS department and/or SLP for test availability and administration.)

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Not present

PresentPrimary Factor

1.  The Presence of Other Disabilities as Defined by LawDoes the student meet criteria for any other special education disability category to include: Significantly Limited Intellectual Capacity, Significant Identifiable Emotional Disability, Physical Disability, Autism, Speech/Language Impairment?

2.  Lack of Instruction in essential components of reading and math

Does information obtained during the Response to Intervention process or regarding prior educational environments indicate that the student's inability to make progress academically is a result of a lack of research‐based instruction in reading or math?

3.  Limited English ProficiencyIs there a language other than English spoken by this student?Is there a language other than English spoken in this student's home?Are there any specific dialect or cultural influences that would affect the student's ability to speak or understand English?

4.  Environmental, Cultural, or Economic DisadvantageDoes information obtained during the Response to Intervention process or regarding the student's prior experiences indicate that a lack of opportunity to learn due to environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage? 

5.  Motivational FactorsWas intervention necessary to increase the student's motivation to complete work and engage in academics?

Does information gathered indicate a lack of motivation is the determinant factor?If 'Yes' is indicated on either item above, please attach documentation of intervention and results

6.  Situational TraumaHas the student's academic performance fallen dramatically within the last 6‐12 months?

Is there knowledge of any situations within the student's life that would contribute to a drop in academic performance?

Does information obtained during the Response to Intervention process indicate that the student's inability to make progress academically is related to situational trauma?

7.  Atypical Educational HistoryHas irregular school attendance impacted the student's ability to access research‐based instruction on a consistent basis in order to make academic gains? Has attendance at multiple schools impacted the student's ability to access research‐based instruction on a consistent basis in order to make academic gains? 

If 'Yes' is indicated on either item above, please attach educational history and attendance history

Specific Learning Disability Exclusionary Factors WorksheetAs a team, determine the presence or absence of the exclusionary factors listed below. For each factor determined to be present for the student, the team  must decide whether that factor is a PRIMARY factor for the student's inability to progress in the general education curriculum. If one or more factors are determined to be the primary cause, the 

student cannot be found eligibile for special education services.



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Insufficient Progress Checklist 

Please answer all questions and then proceed  to the next section.  YES NOWere researched‐based interventions implemented? Was the intervention selected based on the skill deficit identified? Were interventions monitored for fidelity of implementation? Was the intervention (resources used) implemented above and beyond what is provided to typical peers? Was a progress monitoring tool used to monitor the intervention? After breaks in the school year, did the student exhibit significant regression of skills? Did the student take a significant amount of time to regain those skills lost? 


Interventions AttemptedWhat was the length of the intervention period?  ___________________________________________ How many interventions were attempted? ________________________________________________ (Please include all interventions attempted.  It is recommended that teams identify intended intervention time for the intervention as well as the intended focus of the intervention.  For example, a standard protocol intervention that is intended to last for 36 weeks and address multiple skills should not be the only intervention attempted to determine SLD.  Teams should consider standard protocols as well as individual interventions before determining insufficient progress. )  

Skill Deficit Interventions Implemented Duration Data/Results (please attach relevant graphs

Work samples, etc.)

Please attach additional documentation if necessary. 

Progress Monitoring Tools What tool(s) were utilized for progress monitoring?  ___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Is the rate of improvement the same as peers receiving the same or similar intervention? _____________Is the rate of improvement the same compared to typical peers? _________________________________

Gap AnalysisWhat was the initial Gap? What is the current Gap (at review time, after interventions)? Is the Gap still significant after interventions? Will the Gap continue to close without significant interventions in place? 





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• Identify the skill deficit that the team needs to determine the gap on. • Decide what tool can be used to determine the gap.

Identify the current benchmark expectations for skill and peer group based on tool selected.

_________________________ current benchmark

Establish the gap:

1. Divide the current benchmark expectations by current performance of the student

___________________ /____________________ = ____________ gap

2. Is the gap significant? ______________ • How do you know? The team must compare the student’s gap to the gap of other students in

his/her peer group.

Determine the progress needed to close the gap, including amount of time that is realistic to close the gap:

3. Determine the gain the student needs to make to close the gap. To determine the necessary gain, subtract the student’s current performance from the expected benchmark in the next benchmark period. For example, if it is September use winter as the expected benchmark. If it is December, use spring as the expected benchmark.

__________________ - _________________ = ___________ necessary gain

4. Determine what progress is realistic for the student. Divide the necessary gain by the expected growth (how much progress is expected each week – i.e. 2 words per minute per week).

_____________________ / __________________ = __________ # of weeks

• When using a gap analysis the problem-solving team has several decisions: o Is the gap significant in relation to the gap of typical peers. For example, if 60% of

students have a gap of 2.0 for a specific skill deficit, 2.0 would not be a significant gap for that group. Gap significance should be identified as being in the bottom 10% of a peer group. Gaps that are consistent across a peer group should be supported with universal intervention.

o If a student has a large gap, it is not realistic that the gap close in 6 – 8 weeks. When the gap is large, teams need to analyze the aim line and whether the student growth is staying on the aim line. Teams need to set short term goals along with long term goals.



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SLD Academic Skill Deficit Worksheet To qualify a student as eligible for Special Education services under the SLD label, the student must meet the following criteria:  

“The student does not achieve adequately for the student’s age or does not meet State‐approved grade‐level standards in one or more of the areas identified below, when provided with experiences and instruction for their age or State‐approved grade‐level standards AND the student does not make sufficient progress to meet age or State‐approved grade‐level standards in the area(s) identified when using a process based on the student’s response to scientific, research‐based intervention.”  Part I‐ Progress Monitoring Data 

Subject Area  P.M. Tool  Student’s  gap or score 

Typical  student’s score or % 


Is there a lack of progress? 

Is this student receiving significant support? 


    Yes               No 


    Yes               No 


    Yes               No 


    Yes               No 


    Yes               No 

Similar to like‐population?  Significantly different from like‐population?  


Part III‐ Based on the student’s progress monitoring data, circle the student’s suspected deficits. 

Oral Expression  

Basic Reading Math Calculation

Language Comprehension  

Reading Comprehension Math Problem Solving

Written Expression  

Reading Fluency  


Part IV‐ What additional assessments need to be given to determine if an academic deficit exists? 

Assessment  Targeted Skill Student’s Score Deficit Marker  Is there a deficit?  







Part II‐ Based on the student’s like‐population (ethnicity, military impact, SEC, etc.) how does this student compare?



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Determining SLD Academic Skill Deficit

Teams may use the following measures to determine a student’s academic skill deficit.Listed below are measure options that include appropriate ages for each assessment and an identified skill deficit marker range.

*Oral Expression *Language Comprehension Test Type Age Range Deficit MarkerOWLS NR Ages 5‐21 10th%ile or belowTELD‐3 NR Ages 2.0‐7.11 10th%ile or belowCASL NR Ages 3‐21 10th%ile or belowCELF‐4 NR Ages 6‐21 10th%ile or belowTOLD‐4Intermediateand Primary

NR Ages 8‐17.11or Ages 4‐8

10th%ile or below

Test Type Age Range Deficit MarkerCELF‐4 NR Ages 6‐21 10th%ile or belowPLS‐4 NR Ages birth – 10th%ile or below

6.0CASL NR Ages 3‐21 10th%ile or belowTELD‐3 NR Ages 2.0‐7.11 10th%ile or belowTOLD‐4 NR Ages 8.0‐17.11 10th%ile or belowIntermediate or 4‐8and Primary

*Written Expression *Basic Reading

*Reading Fluency

*Reading Comprehension

*Math Calculation

*Math Problem Solving

KEY: CBM = Curriculum-Based Measurement CR = Criterion Referenced Assessment NR = Norm Referenced Assessment

Test Type Age Range Deficit MarkerTOWE NR Ages 6.6‐ 14.11 10th%ile or belowTEWL‐2 NR Ages 3.0‐ 10.11 10th%ile or belowOWLS NR Ages 5‐21 10th%ile or below

Test Type Age Range Deficit MarkerTERA‐3 NR Ages 3.6‐ 8.6 10th%ile or belowDIBELS CBM Grades K‐3 3 data points

below the 10th %ileCTOPP NR Ages 5.0‐24.11 10th%ile or belowGRADE NR Grades preK‐ 10th%ile or below

12K‐SEALS NR Ages 3.0‐6.11 10th%ile or belowScantron CR Grades 2‐10 10th%ile or below(Performance)

Test Type Age Range Deficit MarkerGray Oral NR Ages 6.0‐ 18.11 10th%ile or belowReading TestsDIBELS ORF CBM Grades 1‐5 3 data points

below the 10th %ileAIMSweb (ORF) CBM Grades K‐8 3 data points

below the 10th %ile

Test Type Age Range Deficit MarkerTORC‐4 NR Ages 7.0‐17.11 10th%ile or belowAIMSweb CBM Grades K‐8 3 data points(MAZE) below the 10th %ileDIBELS CBM Grades K‐3 3 data points

below the 10th %ileGRADE NR Grades preK­ 10th%ile or below

12K‐SEALS NR Ages 3.0‐6.11 10th%ile or belowTest Type Age Range Deficit Marker

Key Math‐3 DA NR Grades K‐12 10th%ile or below(Operations)TEMA‐3 NR Grades preK‐3 10th%ile or belowTOMA‐2 NR Grades 3‐12 10th%ile or belowKey Math‐3 NR Grades K‐12 10th%ile or belowAIMSweb CBM Grades 1‐8 3 data points(calculation) below the 10th %ileGMADE NR Grades preK‐ 10th%ile or below

12AIMSweb CBM Grades K‐1 3 data points(early below the 10th %ilenumeracy)

Test Type Age Range Deficit MarkerKey Math‐3 DA NR Grades K‐12 10th%ile or below(Applications)Comp. Math NR Ages 7.0-18.11 10th%ile or belowAbilities TestTOMA‐2 NR Grades 3‐12 10th%ile or belowAIMSweb CBM Grades 1‐8 3 data points(concepts & below the 10th %ileapplications)Scantron CR Grades 2‐10 10th%ile or below(Performance)GMADE NR Grades preK‐ 10th%ile or below




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Oral Expression 1. OWLS: Oral and Written Language Scale (OWLS) offers an assessment of written

language skills in children and young adults. Its wide age range (5-21) gives you a broad-based record of growth. Three important skill areas:

a. Use of conventions (handwriting, spelling, punctuation) b. Use of syntactical forms (modifiers, phrases, sentence structures) c. Ability to communicate meaningfully (relevance, cohesiveness, organization)

2. TELD-3: Test of Early Language Development, Third Edition (TELD-3) fills the need for

a well-constructed, standardized instrument, based on current theory that can be used to assess spoken language skills at early ages. TELD-3 now has two subtests, Receptive Language and Expressive Language, and yields an overall Spoken Language score. The test is quick and easy to administer and includes all necessary manipulatives.

3. TOLD-4: Test of Language Development, Fourth Edition (TOLD-4) provides six subtests that measure different components of spoken language:

a. Sentence Combining b. Picture Vocabulary c. Word Ordering d. Relational Vocabulary e. Morphological Comprehension f. Multiple Meanings

4. CASL: Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language (CASL) for ages (3-21).

Fifteen tests measure language-processing skills—comprehension, expression, and retrieval—in four language structure categories: Lexical/Semantic, Syntactic, Supralinguistic, and Pragmatic.

5. CELF-4: Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals, Fourth Edition (CELF-4) Composite scores include Core Language, Receptive Language, Expressive Language, Language Structure, Language Content, Language Memory, and Working Memory Indexes as Standard Scores New subtests include Expressive Vocabulary, Word Definitions, Number Repetition, Phonological Awareness, Pragmatics Profile, and the Observational Rating Scale. Ages (6-21)

6. PPVT-4: Picture Peabody Vocabulary Test, Fourth Edition (PPVT-4) Ages (2-90) Vocabulary comprehension

a. EOWPVT: The test has also been co normed with theEOWPVT Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test so that meaningful comparisons can be easily made between an individual’s receptive and expressive language. Ages (2-18)

b. ROWPVT: The test has also been co normed with the ROWPVT Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test so that meaningful comparisons can be easily made between an individual's expressive and receptive language. Ages: (2-18)



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Language Comprehension 1. CELF-4: Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals, Fourth Edition (CELF-4)

Composite scores include Core Language, Receptive Language, Expressive Language, Language Structure, Language Content, Language Memory, and Working Memory Indexes as Standard Scores. New subtests include Expressive Vocabulary, Word Definitions, Number Repetition, Phonological Awareness, Pragmatics Profile, and the Observational Rating Scale. Ages (6-21)

2. PLS: The Pre School Language Scale, Fourth Edition (PLS 4) is an individually administered test for identifying children from (0-6 years) who have a language disorder or delay and features updated norms and expanded language coverage. PLS-4 targets receptive and expressive language skills in the areas of attention, play, gesture, vocal development, social communication, vocabulary, concepts, language structure, integrative language skills, and phonological awareness

3. CASL: Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language (CASL) for ages (3-21). Fifteen tests measure language processing skills—comprehension, expression, and retrieval—in four language structure categories: Lexical/Semantic, Syntactic, Supralinguistic, and Pragmatic

4. TELD-3: Test of Early Language Development, Third Edition (TELD-3) fills the need for a well-constructed, standardized instrument, based on current theory that can be used to assess spoken language skills at early ages. TELD-3 now has two subtests, Receptive Language and Expressive Language, and yields an overall Spoken Language score. The test is quick and easy to administer and includes all necessary manipulatives.

5. TOLD-4: Test of Language Development, Fourth Edition (TOLD-4) provides six subtests that measure different components of spoken language:

a. Sentence Combining b. Picture Vocabulary c. Word Ordering d. Relational Vocabulary e. Morphological Comprehension f. Multiple Meanings



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Written Expression 1. TOWE: Test of Written Expression (TOWE) can be administered to individuals or

groups of students. It uses two assessment methods to evaluate a student's writing skills. The first method involves administering a series of 76 items that assesses different skills associated with writing. The second method requires students to read or hear a prepared story starter and use it as a stimulus for writing an essay (i.e., the beginning of the story is provided, and the writer continues the story to its conclusion). The TOWE provides a source of writing samples that can be used independently in a norm-referenced assessment of writing or as a component of a student's portfolio of written products.

2. TEWL-2: Test of Early Written Language, Second Edition (TEWL-2) includes two

forms, each with a Basic Writing and a Contextual Writing subtest. It can be used as an individual assessment for children ages (4-10). It allows items to be profiled for diagnosis of strengths and weaknesses. It also provides direction for interpretation and instruction.

3. OWLS: Oral and Written Language Scales (OWLS) offers an assessment of written

language skills in children and young adults. Its wide age range (5-21) gives you a broad-based record of growth. Three important skill areas:

a. Use of conventions (handwriting, spelling, punctuation) b. Use of syntactical forms (modifiers, phrases, sentence structures) c. Ability to communicate meaningfully (relevance, cohesiveness, organization)

4. AIMSweb: AIMSweb is a progress monitoring system based on direct, frequent, and

continuous student assessment. The results are reported to students, parents, teachers, and administrators via a web-based data management and reporting system to determine response to intervention. AIMSweb offers assessments in a variety of areas:

a. Spelling- A random selection of graded spelling words are dictated at a set pace.

b. Written Expression- Students write stories after being given an orally presented prompt called a Story Started. The story is scored in one of three ways: Total Words Written; Correct Writing Sequences, or Words Spelled Correctly. This is the student’s best writing, not their fastest writing.



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Basic Reading 1. TERA-3: Test of Early Reading Ability-Third Edition (TERA-3) is a direct measure of the

reading ability of young children ages (3-8). Rather than assessing children's "readiness" for reading, the TERA-3 assesses their mastery of early developing reading skills. Standard scores are provided for each subtest. An overall Reading Quotient is computed using all three-subtest scores. The examiner administers three subtests:

a. Alphabet: measuring knowledge of the alphabet and its uses b. Conventions : measuring knowledge of the conventions of print c. Meaning: measuring the construction of meaning from print.

2. CTOPP: Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing (CTOPP) was developed to

aid in the identification of individuals from (k-21) who may profit from instructional activities to enhance their phonological skills. The CTOPP has four principal uses:

a. to identify individuals who are significantly below their peers in important phonological abilities

b. to determine strengths and weaknesses among developed phonological processes

c. to document an individual’s progress in phonological processing as a consequence of special intervention programs, and

d. to serve as a measurement device in research studies investigating phonological processing.

e. The test contains the following subtests: i. Elision, Blending Words ii. Sound Matching iii. Memory for Digits iv. Onward Repetition v. Rapid Color Naming vi. Rapid Digit Naming vii. Rapid Letter Naming viii. Rapid Object Naming ix. Blending Onwards x. Phoneme Reversal xi. Segmenting Words xii. Segmenting Nonwords.

3. Scantron: Scantron Performance Series is a standards-based assessment that uses

an innovative computer-adaptive, internet model to target the instructional level of each student. This is accomplished by adjusting question difficulty based on previous answers. If a student answers correctly, the test will increase the item difficulty to challenge that student. If a student answers incorrectly, the test engine will decrease item difficulty to the lower level skills. This enables Performance Series to provide an accurate evaluation of the student's abilities, at, either above, or below grade level. Once the test has been completed, the results are immediately available online, by student, class, school, and district.



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4. DIBELS: Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) are a set of procedures and measures for assessing the acquisition of early literacy skills from (k-6th grade). They are designed to be short (one minute) fluency measures used to monitor the development of early literacy and early reading skills. DIBELS are comprised of seven measures to function as indicators of phonemic awareness, alphabetic principle, accuracy, and fluency with connected text, reading comprehension, and vocabulary. DIBELS were designed for use in identifying children having trouble in acquisition of basic early literacy skills in order to provide support early and prevent the occurrence of later reading difficulties.

5. AIMSweb: AIMSweb is a progress monitoring system based on direct, frequent, and continuous student assessment. The results are reported to students, parents, teachers, and administrators via a web-based data management and reporting system to determine response to intervention. AIMSweb offers assessments in a variety of areas:

a. Early Literacy ( Kindergarten and 1st Grade) b. Letter Naming Fluency- requires students to identify as many upper and

lower case letter names as they can. c. Letter Sound Fluency-requires students to identify as many lower case letter

sounds as they can. d. Phonemic Segmentation Fluency- requires students to say the sounds in

words presented orally by an examiner. e. Nonsense Word Fluency-requires students to identify and say the sounds in

non-real words. It may be appropriate for monitoring the progress of older children with low skills in letter-sound correspondence

Reading Fluency 1. GORT-4: Gray Oral Reading Tests, Fourth Edition (GORT-4) provides a measure of

growth in oral reading and an aid in the diagnosis of oral reading difficulties. Five scores give you information on a student’s oral reading skills in terms of:

a. Rate–the amount of time taken by a student to read a story b. Accuracy–the student's ability to pronounce each word in the story correctly c. Fluency–the student's Rate and Accuracy Scores combined d. Comprehension–the appropriateness of the student's responses to questions

about the content of each story read e. Overall Reading Ability–a combination of a student's Fluency (i.e., Rate and

Accuracy) and Comprehension Scores

2. DIBELS: Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) are a set of procedures and measures for assessing the acquisition of early literacy skills from (k-6th grade). They are designed to be short (one minute) fluency measures used to monitor the development of early literacy and early reading skills. DIBELS are comprised of seven measures to function as indicators of phonemic awareness, alphabetic principle, accuracy, and fluency with connected text, reading comprehension, and vocabulary. DIBELS were designed for use in identifying children having trouble in acquisition of basic early literacy skills in order to provide support early and prevent the occurrence of later reading difficulties.



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3. AIMSweb: AIMSweb is a progress monitoring system based on direct, frequent, and continuous student assessment. The results are reported to students, parents, teachers, and administrators via a web-based data management and reporting system to determine response to intervention. AIMSweb offers assessments in a variety of areas:

a. Reading Fluency

4. Curriculum-Based Measurement Oral Reading Fluency-A passage is read aloud, the number of works read correctly, and errors are recorded.

Reading Comprehension 1. TORC-4: Test of Reading Comprehension, Fourth Edition (TORC-4) test silent reading

comprehension that can be used to (a) identify children and adolescents who score significantly below their peers and (b) document student progress in remedial programs. The test has five subtests, all of which measure word identification and contextual meaning:

a. Relational b. Sentence Completion c. Paragraph Construction d. Text Comprehension e. Contextual Fluency

2. KSEALS: Kaufman Survey of Early Academic and Language Skills (KSEALS). This

instrument measures children's expressive and receptive language skills, pre-academic skills, and articulation. Normed for (3-6), the K-SEALS is ideal for preschools, kindergartens, elementary schools, speech and language clinics, and other settings where young children are assessed. It is used to test for school readiness, to identify gifted children, and to evaluate early intervention programs. Individually administered in just 15 to 25 minutes, the test includes four scales, three subtests, and a composite

a. Scales i. Expressive Skills ii. Receptive Skills iii. Number Skills iv. Letter and Word Skills

b. Subtests i. Vocabulary ii. Numbers, Letters, and Words iii. Articulation Survey

c. Composite i. Early Academic and Language Skills

Scores provided are age-based standard scores, percentile ranks, descriptive categories, and age equivalents. In addition, K-SEALS allows you to observe the child's test-taking behaviors and interpret scores in the context of these behaviors.

3. AIMSweb: AIMSweb is a progress monitoring system based on direct, frequent, and

continuous student assessment. The results are reported to students, parents, teachers, and administrators via a web-based data management and reporting system to determine response to intervention. AIMSweb offers assessments in a variety of areas:



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a. Reading Maze-A passage is read and students have to select the appropriate word from a series of choices within the passage.

4. GRADE: Group Reading Assessment and Diagnostic Evaluation (GRADE) is a normative diagnostic reading assessment that determines developmentally what skills students from Pre-K through 12 have mastered and where they need instruction or intervention. With correlated follow-up instruction, GRADE offers a total solution for reading assessment and instruction. Based on scientific research, GRADE provides the components educators need to accurately and efficiently assess reading competencies.

Math Calculation 1. AIMSweb: AIMSweb is a progress monitoring system based on direct, frequent, and

continuous student assessment. The results are reported to students, parents, teachers, and administrators via a web-based data management and reporting system to determine response to intervention. AIMSweb offers assessments in a variety of areas:

a. Test of Early Numeracy ( k-1st) • Oral Counting- requires students to orally count starting from 1 as high as

they can. • Number Identification- requires students to orally identify numbers. • Quantity Discrimination- requires students to orally identify the bigger

number from a pair of numbers. • Missing Number-requires students to orally identify the missing number

from a string of three numbers. •

2. TEMA-3: Test of Early Math Abilities, Third Edition (TEMA-3). The TEMA-3 measures the mathematics performance of children between the ages of (3-8). It is also helpful with older children who have learning problems in mathematics. It can be used as a norm-referenced measure or as a diagnostic instrument to determine specific strengths and weaknesses. The TEMA-3 is a way to measure progress in math, evaluate programs, screen for readiness, discover the bases for poor school performance in math, and identify gifted students, and guide instruction and remediation. The test measures both informal and formal concepts and skills in the following domains: numbering skills, number-comparison facility, and numeral literacy, mastery of number facts, calculation skills, and understanding of concepts. It has two parallel forms each containing 72 items.

3. TOMA-2: Test of Math Abilities, Second Edition (TOMA-2). The TOMA-2 was developed for use in Grades (3-12). It measures math performance on the two traditional major skill areas in math (i.e., story problems and computation) as well as attitude, vocabulary, and general application of mathematics concepts in real life. This norm-referenced test can be used to monitor progress, evaluate programs, and do research. The TOMA-2 has five subtests, four in the core battery (Vocabulary, Computation, General Information, and Story Problems), and one supplemental subtest (Attitude toward Math).



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4. Key Math-3: Key Math 3 is a comprehensive, norm-referenced measure of essential mathematical concepts and skills. Key Math 3 DA content covers the full spectrum of math concepts and skills that are typically taught in kindergarten through ninth grade and can be used with individuals aged (4-21) years who are functioning at these instructional levels. The items are grouped into 10 subtests that represent three general math content areas:

a. Basic Concepts (conceptual knowledge) b. Operations (computational skills) c. Applications (problem solving)

5. GMADE Assessment: Group Mathematics Assessment and Diagnostic

Evaluation (GMADE) G-MADE tests progress, they measure sequentially more challenging skills appropriate to the specific levels. With G-Mode’s rich assessment data, educators can determine placement of students, analyze strengths and weaknesses, plan instruction, monitor growth from grade to grade, help with post-secondary educational planning, and more. In addition, using the G-MADE assessment to guide instruction will ensure student success while helping deliver Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) gains.

a. Measures individual skills in key areas b. Helps structure classroom intervention with reproducible intervention activities c. Allows teachers to measure and track student progress across the grade

Math Problem Solving 1. AIMSweb: AIMSweb is a progress monitoring system based on direct, frequent, and

continuous student assessment. The results are reported to students, parents, teachers, and administrators via a web-based data management and reporting system to determine response to intervention. AIMSweb offers assessments in a variety of areas:

a. Math Computation (Grades 1-8) • Math Curriculum-Based Measurement and Multiple-Skill Math Fact

Probes- math facts probe for various types of math computation problems. The correct digits in the answer are scored. Grades 1-6

• Mathematics Concepts and Applications- assess general mathematics problem-solving skills. Grades 2-8

2. TOMA-2: Test of Math Abilities, Second Edition (TOMA-2). The TOMA-2 was developed for use in grade (3-12). It measures math performance on the two traditional major skill areas in math (i.e., story problems and computation) as well as attitude, vocabulary, and general application of mathematics concepts in real life. This norm-referenced test can be used to monitor progress, evaluate programs, and do research. The TOMA-2 has five subtests, four in the core battery (Vocabulary, Computation, General Information, and Story Problems), and one supplemental subtest (Attitude toward Math).

3. Comprehensive Math Abilities Test: Identifies students having difficulty as well as those who are exceeding expectations. (Ages 7.0 – 18.11) Based on actual materials used to teach math in schools, and incorporating state and local guidelines, the CMAT is a major advance in the assessment of mathematics. It is psychometrically-sound and



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content-oriented. By allowing the use of 2-12 subtests, CMAT offers unsurpassed flexibility. Its six core subtests are: Addition; Subtraction; Multiplication; Division; Problem Solving; Charts; Tables and Graphs

4. Key Math-3: The Key Math 3 is a comprehensive, norm-referenced measure of essential mathematical concepts and skills. Key Math 3 DA content covers the full spectrum of math concepts and skills that are typically taught in kindergarten through ninth grade and can be used with individuals aged (4-21) years who are functioning at these instructional levels. The items are grouped into 10 subtests that represent three general math content areas: Basic Concepts (conceptual knowledge), Operations (computational skills), Applications (problem solving)

5. GMADE Assessment: Group Mathematics Assessment and Diagnostic

Evaluation (GMADE). G-MADE tests progress, they measure sequentially more challenging skills appropriate to the specific levels. With G-Mode’s rich assessment data, educators can determine placement of students, analyze strengths and weaknesses, plan instruction, monitor growth from grade to grade, help with post-secondary educational planning, and more. In addition, using the G-MADE assessment to guide instruction will ensure student success while helping deliver Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) gains.

a. Measures individual skills in key areas, including concepts, operations, computation, and applications.

b. Helps structure classroom intervention with correlated, reproducible intervention activities and exercises.

c. Allows teachers to measure and track student progress across the grade

6. Scantron: Scantron Performance Series is a standards-based assessment that uses an innovative computer-adaptive, internet model to target the instructional level of each student. This is accomplished by adjusting question difficulty based on previous answers. If a student answers correctly, the test will increase the item difficulty to challenge that student. If a student answers incorrectly, the test engine will decrease item difficulty to the lower level skills. This enables Performance Series to provide an accurate evaluation of the student's abilities, at, either above, or below grade level. Once the test has been completed, the results are immediately available online, by student, class, school, and district.



Page 159: Adapted From Fountain Fort Carson RtI Implementation Guide …district70.org/ourpages/auto/2011/2/24/44771639/THE GUIDE... · 2011. 2. 24. · Principals, RtI Coordinators, Response

RtI Defined

The ultimate purpose of the Response to Intervention Process is not for determining whether a student qualifies for special education, but rather to enhance the success of students with a variety of academic and behavioral needs.

RtI Meeting Appointment Date: _____________

Time: _____________ Location: ______________________

Avondale Elementary School 213 HWY 50 East

Avondale CO 81022 (719)947-3484

Professionals and Parents working

together to help students grow towards their limitless potential

Avondale Elementary School

Response to Intervention

Avondale Elementary School

213 HW

Y 50 East Avondale CO


Page 160: Adapted From Fountain Fort Carson RtI Implementation Guide …district70.org/ourpages/auto/2011/2/24/44771639/THE GUIDE... · 2011. 2. 24. · Principals, RtI Coordinators, Response

Parent Preparation Questionnaire My child’s strengths include (interests, hobbies):____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Concerns for my child include: ________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ My child is motivated by: _____________ __________________________________________________________________ My expectations for my child are: ______ __________________________________________________________________

Student Questionnaire My strengths are: __________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Things I like about school are: _________ __________________________________________________________________ My concerns are: ____________________ __________________________________________________________________ My family helps me by: _______________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What to expect at the RtI meeting? Staff members will come prepared with

information about your student. Information may include work samples, attendance records, and/or assessment


What is the role of the parent in the RtI process?

• Provides valuable information and another viewpoint for planning an effective program

• Shares the child’s strengths and concerns with school staff

• Participates in the development of a positive intervention plan for their child.

If for any reason you cannot attend please contact the school office at:


What is the Response to Intervention (RtI) Team?

Students are most successful where there is a strong spirit of cooperation between home and school. Based on our shared responsibility the RtI team meets at school to explore possibilities and strategies that will best meet the educational needs of your student. The Process: Students are typically referred by the classroom teacher, but any member of the school staff may request support from the RtI Team for a student whose learning, behavior, or emotional needs are not being met under existing circumstances. Prior to the first formal RtI meeting, teachers have met to review classroom modifications and/or interventions that enhance learning for students. A designated consultant has been assigned to assist the teacher with the RtI process. Any modifications that have been tried or are currently in place will be discussed with you at the RtI meeting. Using this information, the team can suggest further steps to help the student. What is the future? At the end of the meeting, a follow up date will be scheduled to review progress. You will be invited to meet again with the RtI team to evaluate changes and growth in your student.

For more information, please visit www.district70.org

Page 161: Adapted From Fountain Fort Carson RtI Implementation Guide …district70.org/ourpages/auto/2011/2/24/44771639/THE GUIDE... · 2011. 2. 24. · Principals, RtI Coordinators, Response

RtI Defined

The ultimate purpose of the Response to Intervention Process is not for determining whether a student qualifies for special education, but rather to enhance the success of students with a variety of academic and behavioral needs.

RtI Meeting Appointment Date: _____________

Time: _____________ Location: ______________________

Beulah School

8734 Schoolhouse Lane Beulah CO 81023 (719)485-3127

Professionals and Parents working

together to help students grow towards their limitless potential

Beulah School Response to Intervention

Beulah School 8734 Schoolhouse Lane Beulah CO


Page 162: Adapted From Fountain Fort Carson RtI Implementation Guide …district70.org/ourpages/auto/2011/2/24/44771639/THE GUIDE... · 2011. 2. 24. · Principals, RtI Coordinators, Response

Parent Preparation Questionnaire My child’s strengths include (interests, hobbies):____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Concerns for my child include: ________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ My child is motivated by: _____________ __________________________________________________________________ My expectations for my child are: ______ __________________________________________________________________

Student Questionnaire My strengths are: __________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Things I like about school are: _________ __________________________________________________________________ My concerns are: ____________________ __________________________________________________________________ My family helps me by: _______________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What to expect at the RtI meeting? Staff members will come prepared with

information about your student. Information may include work samples, attendance records, and/or assessment


What is the role of the parent in the RtI process?

• Provides valuable information and another viewpoint for planning an effective program

• Shares the child’s strengths and concerns with school staff

• Participates in the development of a positive intervention plan for their child.

If for any reason you cannot attend please contact the school office at:


What is the Response to Intervention (RtI) Team?

Students are most successful where there is a strong spirit of cooperation between home and school. Based on our shared responsibility the RtI team meets at school to explore possibilities and strategies that will best meet the educational needs of your student. The Process: Students are typically referred by the classroom teacher, but any member of the school staff may request support from the RtI Team for a student whose learning, behavior, or emotional needs are not being met under existing circumstances. Prior to the first formal RtI meeting, teachers have met to review classroom modifications and/or interventions that enhance learning for students. A designated consultant has been assigned to assist the teacher with the RtI process. Any modifications that have been tried or are currently in place will be discussed with you at the RtI meeting. Using this information, the team can suggest further steps to help the student. What is the future? At the end of the meeting, a follow up date will be scheduled to review progress. You will be invited to meet again with the RtI team to evaluate changes and growth in your student.

For more information, please visit www.district70.org

Page 163: Adapted From Fountain Fort Carson RtI Implementation Guide …district70.org/ourpages/auto/2011/2/24/44771639/THE GUIDE... · 2011. 2. 24. · Principals, RtI Coordinators, Response

RtI Defined

The ultimate purpose of the Response to Intervention Process is not for determining whether a student qualifies for special education, but rather to enhance the success of students with a variety of academic and behavioral needs.

RtI Meeting Appointment Date: _____________

Time: _____________ Location: ______________________

Cedar Ridge Elementary School

1267 W Oro Grande Pueblo West CO 81007


Professionals and Parents working

together to help students grow towards their limitless potential

Cedar Ridge Elementary School

Response to Intervention

Cedar Ridge Elementary School

1267 W O

ro Grande

Pueblo West CO


Page 164: Adapted From Fountain Fort Carson RtI Implementation Guide …district70.org/ourpages/auto/2011/2/24/44771639/THE GUIDE... · 2011. 2. 24. · Principals, RtI Coordinators, Response

Parent Preparation Questionnaire My child’s strengths include (interests, hobbies):____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Concerns for my child include: ________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ My child is motivated by: _____________ __________________________________________________________________ My expectations for my child are: ______ __________________________________________________________________

Student Questionnaire My strengths are: __________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Things I like about school are: _________ __________________________________________________________________ My concerns are: ____________________ __________________________________________________________________ My family helps me by: _______________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What to expect at the RtI meeting? Staff members will come prepared with

information about your student. Information may include work samples, attendance records, and/or assessment


What is the role of the parent in the RtI process?

• Provides valuable information and another viewpoint for planning an effective program

• Shares the child’s strengths and concerns with school staff

• Participates in the development of a positive intervention plan for their child.

If for any reason you cannot attend please contact the school office at:


What is the Response to Intervention (RtI) Team?

Students are most successful where there is a strong spirit of cooperation between home and school. Based on our shared responsibility the RtI team meets at school to explore possibilities and strategies that will best meet the educational needs of your student. The Process: Students are typically referred by the classroom teacher, but any member of the school staff may request support from the RtI Team for a student whose learning, behavior, or emotional needs are not being met under existing circumstances. Prior to the first formal RtI meeting, teachers have met to review classroom modifications and/or interventions that enhance learning for students. A designated consultant has been assigned to assist the teacher with the RtI process. Any modifications that have been tried or are currently in place will be discussed with you at the RtI meeting. Using this information, the team can suggest further steps to help the student. What is the future? At the end of the meeting, a follow up date will be scheduled to review progress. You will be invited to meet again with the RtI team to evaluate changes and growth in your student.

For more information, please visit www.district70.org

Page 165: Adapted From Fountain Fort Carson RtI Implementation Guide …district70.org/ourpages/auto/2011/2/24/44771639/THE GUIDE... · 2011. 2. 24. · Principals, RtI Coordinators, Response

RtI Defined

The ultimate purpose of the Response to Intervention Process is not for determining whether a student qualifies for special education, but rather to enhance the success of students with a variety of academic and behavioral needs.

RtI Meeting Appointment Date: _____________

Time: _____________ Location: DSE Conference Room

Desert Sage Elementary 925 S Palomar Dr

Pueblo West CO, 81007 (719)647-8878

Professionals and Parents working

together to help students grow towards their limitless potential

Desert Sage Elementary School

Response to Intervention

Desert Sage Elem

entary School 935 S Palom

ar Dr.

Pueblo West CO


Page 166: Adapted From Fountain Fort Carson RtI Implementation Guide …district70.org/ourpages/auto/2011/2/24/44771639/THE GUIDE... · 2011. 2. 24. · Principals, RtI Coordinators, Response

Parent Preparation Questionnaire My child’s strengths include (interests, hobbies):____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Concerns for my child include: ________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ My child is motivated by: _____________ __________________________________________________________________ My expectations for my child are: ______ __________________________________________________________________

Student Questionnaire My strengths are: __________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Things I like about school are: _________ __________________________________________________________________ My concerns are: ____________________ __________________________________________________________________ My family helps me by: _______________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What to expect at the RtI meeting? Staff members will come prepared with

information about your student. Information may include work samples, attendance records, and/or assessment


What is the role of the parent in the RtI process?

• Provides valuable information and another viewpoint for planning an effective program

• Shares the child’s strengths and concerns with school staff

• Participates in the development of a positive intervention plan for their child.

If for any reason you cannot attend please contact the school office at:


What is the Response to Intervention (RtI) Team?

Students are most successful where there is a strong spirit of cooperation between home and school. Based on our shared responsibility the RtI team meets at school to explore possibilities and strategies that will best meet the educational needs of your student. The Process: Students are typically referred by the classroom teacher, but any member of the school staff may request support from the RtI Team for a student whose learning, behavior, or emotional needs are not being met under existing circumstances. Prior to the first formal RtI meeting, teachers have met to review classroom modifications and/or interventions that enhance learning for students. A designated consultant has been assigned to assist the teacher with the RtI process. Any modifications that have been tried or are currently in place will be discussed with you at the RtI meeting. Using this information, the team can suggest further steps to help the student. What is the future? At the end of the meeting, a follow up date will be scheduled to review progress. You will be invited to meet again with the RtI team to evaluate changes and growth in your student.

For more information, please visit www.district70.org

Page 167: Adapted From Fountain Fort Carson RtI Implementation Guide …district70.org/ourpages/auto/2011/2/24/44771639/THE GUIDE... · 2011. 2. 24. · Principals, RtI Coordinators, Response

RtI Defined

The ultimate purpose of the Response to Intervention Process is not for determining whether a student qualifies for special education, but rather to enhance the success of students with a variety of academic and behavioral needs.

RtI Meeting Appointment Date: _____________

Time: _____________ Location: ______________________

North Mesa Elementary School 28881 Gale Rd

Pueblo CO 81006 (719)948-3303

Professionals and Parents working

together to help students grow towards their limitless potential

North Mesa Elementary School

Response to Intervention

North M

esa Elementary School

28881 Gale Rd

Pueblo CO 81006

Page 168: Adapted From Fountain Fort Carson RtI Implementation Guide …district70.org/ourpages/auto/2011/2/24/44771639/THE GUIDE... · 2011. 2. 24. · Principals, RtI Coordinators, Response

Parent Preparation Questionnaire My child’s strengths include (interests, hobbies):____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Concerns for my child include: ________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ My child is motivated by: _____________ __________________________________________________________________ My expectations for my child are: ______ __________________________________________________________________

Student Questionnaire My strengths are: __________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Things I like about school are: _________ __________________________________________________________________ My concerns are: ____________________ __________________________________________________________________ My family helps me by: _______________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What to expect at the RtI meeting? Staff members will come prepared with

information about your student. Information may include work samples, attendance records, and/or assessment


What is the role of the parent in the RtI process?

• Provides valuable information and another viewpoint for planning an effective program

• Shares the child’s strengths and concerns with school staff

• Participates in the development of a positive intervention plan for their child.

If for any reason you cannot attend please contact the school office at:


What is the Response to Intervention (RtI) Team?

Students are most successful where there is a strong spirit of cooperation between home and school. Based on our shared responsibility the RtI team meets at school to explore possibilities and strategies that will best meet the educational needs of your student. The Process: Students are typically referred by the classroom teacher, but any member of the school staff may request support from the RtI Team for a student whose learning, behavior, or emotional needs are not being met under existing circumstances. Prior to the first formal RtI meeting, teachers have met to review classroom modifications and/or interventions that enhance learning for students. A designated consultant has been assigned to assist the teacher with the RtI process. Any modifications that have been tried or are currently in place will be discussed with you at the RtI meeting. Using this information, the team can suggest further steps to help the student. What is the future? At the end of the meeting, a follow up date will be scheduled to review progress. You will be invited to meet again with the RtI team to evaluate changes and growth in your student.

For more information, please visit www.district70.org

Page 169: Adapted From Fountain Fort Carson RtI Implementation Guide …district70.org/ourpages/auto/2011/2/24/44771639/THE GUIDE... · 2011. 2. 24. · Principals, RtI Coordinators, Response

RtI Defined

The ultimate purpose of the Response to Intervention Process is not for determining whether a student qualifies for special education, but rather to enhance the success of students with a variety of academic and behavioral needs.

RtI Meeting Appointment Date: _____________

Time: _____________ Location: ______________________

Prairie Winds Elementary School 579 E. Earl Drive

Pueblo West CO 81007 (719)647-9732

Professionals and Parents working

together to help students grow towards their limitless potential

Prairie Winds Elementary School

Response to Intervention

Prairie Winds Elem

entary School 579 E. Earl D

rive Pueblo W

est CO 81007

Page 170: Adapted From Fountain Fort Carson RtI Implementation Guide …district70.org/ourpages/auto/2011/2/24/44771639/THE GUIDE... · 2011. 2. 24. · Principals, RtI Coordinators, Response

Parent Preparation Questionnaire My child’s strengths include (interests, hobbies):____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Concerns for my child include: ________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ My child is motivated by: _____________ __________________________________________________________________ My expectations for my child are: ______ __________________________________________________________________

Student Questionnaire My strengths are: __________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Things I like about school are: _________ __________________________________________________________________ My concerns are: ____________________ __________________________________________________________________ My family helps me by: _______________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What to expect at the RtI meeting? Staff members will come prepared with

information about your student. Information may include work samples, attendance records, and/or assessment


What is the role of the parent in the RtI process?

• Provides valuable information and another viewpoint for planning an effective program

• Shares the child’s strengths and concerns with school staff

• Participates in the development of a positive intervention plan for their child.

If for any reason you cannot attend please contact the school office at:


What is the Response to Intervention (RtI) Team?

Students are most successful where there is a strong spirit of cooperation between home and school. Based on our shared responsibility the RtI team meets at school to explore possibilities and strategies that will best meet the educational needs of your student. The Process: Students are typically referred by the classroom teacher, but any member of the school staff may request support from the RtI Team for a student whose learning, behavior, or emotional needs are not being met under existing circumstances. Prior to the first formal RtI meeting, teachers have met to review classroom modifications and/or interventions that enhance learning for students. A designated consultant has been assigned to assist the teacher with the RtI process. Any modifications that have been tried or are currently in place will be discussed with you at the RtI meeting. Using this information, the team can suggest further steps to help the student. What is the future? At the end of the meeting, a follow up date will be scheduled to review progress. You will be invited to meet again with the RtI team to evaluate changes and growth in your student.

For more information, please visit www.district70.org

Page 171: Adapted From Fountain Fort Carson RtI Implementation Guide …district70.org/ourpages/auto/2011/2/24/44771639/THE GUIDE... · 2011. 2. 24. · Principals, RtI Coordinators, Response

RtI Defined

The ultimate purpose of the Response to Intervention Process is not for determining whether a student qualifies for special education, but rather to enhance the success of students with a variety of academic and behavioral needs.

RtI Meeting Appointment Date: _____________

Time: _____________ Location: ______________________

Pueblo West Elementary School 386 E Hahn’s Peak

Pueblo West CO 81007 (719)547-2191

Professionals and Parents working

together to help students grow towards their limitless potential

Pueblo West Elementary School

Response to Intervention

Pueblo West Elem

entary School 386 E H

ahn’s Peak Pueblo W

est CO 81007

Page 172: Adapted From Fountain Fort Carson RtI Implementation Guide …district70.org/ourpages/auto/2011/2/24/44771639/THE GUIDE... · 2011. 2. 24. · Principals, RtI Coordinators, Response

Parent Preparation Questionnaire My child’s strengths include (interests, hobbies):____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Concerns for my child include: ________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ My child is motivated by: _____________ __________________________________________________________________ My expectations for my child are: ______ __________________________________________________________________

Student Questionnaire My strengths are: __________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Things I like about school are: _________ __________________________________________________________________ My concerns are: ____________________ __________________________________________________________________ My family helps me by: _______________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What to expect at the RtI meeting? Staff members will come prepared with

information about your student. Information may include work samples, attendance records, and/or assessment


What is the role of the parent in the RtI process?

• Provides valuable information and another viewpoint for planning an effective program

• Shares the child’s strengths and concerns with school staff

• Participates in the development of a positive intervention plan for their child.

If for any reason you cannot attend please contact the school office at:


What is the Response to Intervention (RtI) Team?

Students are most successful where there is a strong spirit of cooperation between home and school. Based on our shared responsibility the RtI team meets at school to explore possibilities and strategies that will best meet the educational needs of your student. The Process: Students are typically referred by the classroom teacher, but any member of the school staff may request support from the RtI Team for a student whose learning, behavior, or emotional needs are not being met under existing circumstances. Prior to the first formal RtI meeting, teachers have met to review classroom modifications and/or interventions that enhance learning for students. A designated consultant has been assigned to assist the teacher with the RtI process. Any modifications that have been tried or are currently in place will be discussed with you at the RtI meeting. Using this information, the team can suggest further steps to help the student. What is the future? At the end of the meeting, a follow up date will be scheduled to review progress. You will be invited to meet again with the RtI team to evaluate changes and growth in your student.

For more information, please visit www.district70.org

Page 173: Adapted From Fountain Fort Carson RtI Implementation Guide …district70.org/ourpages/auto/2011/2/24/44771639/THE GUIDE... · 2011. 2. 24. · Principals, RtI Coordinators, Response

RtI Defined

The ultimate purpose of the Response to Intervention Process is not for determining whether a student qualifies for special education, but rather to enhance the success of students with a variety of academic and behavioral needs.

RtI Meeting Appointment Date: _____________

Time: _____________ Location: ______________________

Rye Elementary School 8120 HWY 165 Rye CO 81069 (719)489-2272

Professionals and Parents working

together to help students grow towards their limitless potential

Rye Elementary School

Response to Intervention

Rye Elementary School

8120 HW

Y 165 Rye CO


Page 174: Adapted From Fountain Fort Carson RtI Implementation Guide …district70.org/ourpages/auto/2011/2/24/44771639/THE GUIDE... · 2011. 2. 24. · Principals, RtI Coordinators, Response

Parent Preparation Questionnaire My child’s strengths include (interests, hobbies):____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Concerns for my child include: ________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ My child is motivated by: _____________ __________________________________________________________________ My expectations for my child are: ______ __________________________________________________________________

Student Questionnaire My strengths are: __________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Things I like about school are: _________ __________________________________________________________________ My concerns are: ____________________ __________________________________________________________________ My family helps me by: _______________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What to expect at the RtI meeting? Staff members will come prepared with

information about your student. Information may include work samples, attendance records, and/or assessment


What is the role of the parent in the RtI process?

• Provides valuable information and another viewpoint for planning an effective program

• Shares the child’s strengths and concerns with school staff

• Participates in the development of a positive intervention plan for their child.

If for any reason you cannot attend please contact the school office at:


What is the Response to Intervention (RtI) Team?

Students are most successful where there is a strong spirit of cooperation between home and school. Based on our shared responsibility the RtI team meets at school to explore possibilities and strategies that will best meet the educational needs of your student. The Process: Students are typically referred by the classroom teacher, but any member of the school staff may request support from the RtI Team for a student whose learning, behavior, or emotional needs are not being met under existing circumstances. Prior to the first formal RtI meeting, teachers have met to review classroom modifications and/or interventions that enhance learning for students. A designated consultant has been assigned to assist the teacher with the RtI process. Any modifications that have been tried or are currently in place will be discussed with you at the RtI meeting. Using this information, the team can suggest further steps to help the student. What is the future? At the end of the meeting, a follow up date will be scheduled to review progress. You will be invited to meet again with the RtI team to evaluate changes and growth in your student.

For more information, please visit www.district70.org

Page 175: Adapted From Fountain Fort Carson RtI Implementation Guide …district70.org/ourpages/auto/2011/2/24/44771639/THE GUIDE... · 2011. 2. 24. · Principals, RtI Coordinators, Response

RtI Defined

The ultimate purpose of the Response to Intervention Process is not for determining whether a student qualifies for special education, but rather to enhance the success of students with a variety of academic and behavioral needs.

RtI Meeting Appointment Date: _____________

Time: _____________ Location: ______________________

Swallows Charter Academy 278 S McCulloch BLVD Pueblo West CO 81007


Professionals and Parents working

together to help students grow towards their limitless potential

Swallows Charter Academy

Response to Intervention


s Charter Academy

278 S McCulloch BLVD

Pueblo West CO


Page 176: Adapted From Fountain Fort Carson RtI Implementation Guide …district70.org/ourpages/auto/2011/2/24/44771639/THE GUIDE... · 2011. 2. 24. · Principals, RtI Coordinators, Response

Parent Preparation Questionnaire My child’s strengths include (interests, hobbies):____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Concerns for my child include: ________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ My child is motivated by: _____________ __________________________________________________________________ My expectations for my child are: ______ __________________________________________________________________

Student Questionnaire My strengths are: __________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Things I like about school are: _________ __________________________________________________________________ My concerns are: ____________________ __________________________________________________________________ My family helps me by: _______________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What to expect at the RtI meeting? Staff members will come prepared with

information about your student. Information may include work samples, attendance records, and/or assessment


What is the role of the parent in the RtI process?

• Provides valuable information and another viewpoint for planning an effective program

• Shares the child’s strengths and concerns with school staff

• Participates in the development of a positive intervention plan for their child.

If for any reason you cannot attend please contact the school office at:


What is the Response to Intervention (RtI) Team?

Students are most successful where there is a strong spirit of cooperation between home and school. Based on our shared responsibility the RtI team meets at school to explore possibilities and strategies that will best meet the educational needs of your student. The Process: Students are typically referred by the classroom teacher, but any member of the school staff may request support from the RtI Team for a student whose learning, behavior, or emotional needs are not being met under existing circumstances. Prior to the first formal RtI meeting, teachers have met to review classroom modifications and/or interventions that enhance learning for students. A designated consultant has been assigned to assist the teacher with the RtI process. Any modifications that have been tried or are currently in place will be discussed with you at the RtI meeting. Using this information, the team can suggest further steps to help the student. What is the future? At the end of the meeting, a follow up date will be scheduled to review progress. You will be invited to meet again with the RtI team to evaluate changes and growth in your student.

For more information, please visit www.district70.org

Page 177: Adapted From Fountain Fort Carson RtI Implementation Guide …district70.org/ourpages/auto/2011/2/24/44771639/THE GUIDE... · 2011. 2. 24. · Principals, RtI Coordinators, Response

RtI Defined

The ultimate purpose of the Response to Intervention Process is not for determining whether a student qualifies for special education, but rather to enhance the success of students with a variety of academic and behavioral needs.

RtI Meeting Appointment Date: _____________

Time: _____________ Location: ______________________

South Mesa Elementary 23701 Preston Rd Pueblo CO 81006 (719)543-6444

Professionals and Parents working

together to help students grow towards their limitless potential

South Mesa Elementary

Response to Intervention

South Mesa Elem

entary 23701 Preston Rd Pueblo CO


Page 178: Adapted From Fountain Fort Carson RtI Implementation Guide …district70.org/ourpages/auto/2011/2/24/44771639/THE GUIDE... · 2011. 2. 24. · Principals, RtI Coordinators, Response

Parent Preparation Questionnaire My child’s strengths include (interests, hobbies):____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Concerns for my child include: ________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ My child is motivated by: _____________ __________________________________________________________________ My expectations for my child are: ______ __________________________________________________________________

Student Questionnaire My strengths are: __________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Things I like about school are: _________ __________________________________________________________________ My concerns are: ____________________ __________________________________________________________________ My family helps me by: _______________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What to expect at the RtI meeting? Staff members will come prepared with

information about your student. Information may include work samples, attendance records, and/or assessment


What is the role of the parent in the RtI process?

• Provides valuable information and another viewpoint for planning an effective program

• Shares the child’s strengths and concerns with school staff

• Participates in the development of a positive intervention plan for their child.

If for any reason you cannot attend please contact the school office at:


What is the Response to Intervention (RtI) Team?

Students are most successful where there is a strong spirit of cooperation between home and school. Based on our shared responsibility the RtI team meets at school to explore possibilities and strategies that will best meet the educational needs of your student. The Process: Students are typically referred by the classroom teacher, but any member of the school staff may request support from the RtI Team for a student whose learning, behavior, or emotional needs are not being met under existing circumstances. Prior to the first formal RtI meeting, teachers have met to review classroom modifications and/or interventions that enhance learning for students. A designated consultant has been assigned to assist the teacher with the RtI process. Any modifications that have been tried or are currently in place will be discussed with you at the RtI meeting. Using this information, the team can suggest further steps to help the student. What is the future? At the end of the meeting, a follow up date will be scheduled to review progress. You will be invited to meet again with the RtI team to evaluate changes and growth in your student.

For more information, please visit www.district70.org

Page 179: Adapted From Fountain Fort Carson RtI Implementation Guide …district70.org/ourpages/auto/2011/2/24/44771639/THE GUIDE... · 2011. 2. 24. · Principals, RtI Coordinators, Response

RtI Defined

The ultimate purpose of the Response to Intervention Process is not for determining whether a student qualifies for special education, but rather to enhance the success of students with a variety of academic and behavioral needs.

RtI Meeting Appointment Date: _____________

Time: _____________ Location: ______________________

Sierra Vista Elementary 500 S Spaulding

Pueblo West CO 81007 (719)547-2878

Professionals and Parents working

together to help students grow towards their limitless potential

Sierra Vista Elementary

Response to Intervention

Sierra Vista Elementary

500 S Spaulding Pueblo W

est CO 81007

Page 180: Adapted From Fountain Fort Carson RtI Implementation Guide …district70.org/ourpages/auto/2011/2/24/44771639/THE GUIDE... · 2011. 2. 24. · Principals, RtI Coordinators, Response

Parent Preparation Questionnaire My child’s strengths include (interests, hobbies):____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Concerns for my child include: ________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ My child is motivated by: _____________ __________________________________________________________________ My expectations for my child are: ______ __________________________________________________________________

Student Questionnaire My strengths are: __________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Things I like about school are: _________ __________________________________________________________________ My concerns are: ____________________ __________________________________________________________________ My family helps me by: _______________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What to expect at the RtI meeting? Staff members will come prepared with

information about your student. Information may include work samples, attendance records, and/or assessment


What is the role of the parent in the RtI process?

• Provides valuable information and another viewpoint for planning an effective program

• Shares the child’s strengths and concerns with school staff

• Participates in the development of a positive intervention plan for their child.

If for any reason you cannot attend please contact the school office at:


What is the Response to Intervention (RtI) Team?

Students are most successful where there is a strong spirit of cooperation between home and school. Based on our shared responsibility the RtI team meets at school to explore possibilities and strategies that will best meet the educational needs of your student. The Process: Students are typically referred by the classroom teacher, but any member of the school staff may request support from the RtI Team for a student whose learning, behavior, or emotional needs are not being met under existing circumstances. Prior to the first formal RtI meeting, teachers have met to review classroom modifications and/or interventions that enhance learning for students. A designated consultant has been assigned to assist the teacher with the RtI process. Any modifications that have been tried or are currently in place will be discussed with you at the RtI meeting. Using this information, the team can suggest further steps to help the student. What is the future? At the end of the meeting, a follow up date will be scheduled to review progress. You will be invited to meet again with the RtI team to evaluate changes and growth in your student.

For more information, please visit www.district70.org

Page 181: Adapted From Fountain Fort Carson RtI Implementation Guide …district70.org/ourpages/auto/2011/2/24/44771639/THE GUIDE... · 2011. 2. 24. · Principals, RtI Coordinators, Response

RtI Defined

The ultimate purpose of the Response to Intervention Process is not for determining whether a student qualifies for special education, but rather to enhance the success of students with a variety of academic and behavioral needs.

RtI Meeting Appointment Date: _____________

Time: _____________ Location: ______________________

Vineland Elementary 35777 Iris RD

Pueblo CO 81006 (719)948-3331

Professionals and Parents working

together to help students grow towards their limitless potential

Vineland Elementary

Response to Intervention

Vineland Elementary

35777 Iris RD

Pueblo CO 81006

Page 182: Adapted From Fountain Fort Carson RtI Implementation Guide …district70.org/ourpages/auto/2011/2/24/44771639/THE GUIDE... · 2011. 2. 24. · Principals, RtI Coordinators, Response

Parent Preparation Questionnaire My child’s strengths include (interests, hobbies):____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Concerns for my child include: ________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ My child is motivated by: _____________ __________________________________________________________________ My expectations for my child are: ______ __________________________________________________________________

Student Questionnaire My strengths are: __________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Things I like about school are: _________ __________________________________________________________________ My concerns are: ____________________ __________________________________________________________________ My family helps me by: _______________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What to expect at the RtI meeting? Staff members will come prepared with

information about your student. Information may include work samples, attendance records, and/or assessment


What is the role of the parent in the RtI process?

• Provides valuable information and another viewpoint for planning an effective program

• Shares the child’s strengths and concerns with school staff

• Participates in the development of a positive intervention plan for their child.

If for any reason you cannot attend please contact the school office at:


What is the Response to Intervention (RtI) Team?

Students are most successful where there is a strong spirit of cooperation between home and school. Based on our shared responsibility the RtI team meets at school to explore possibilities and strategies that will best meet the educational needs of your student. The Process: Students are typically referred by the classroom teacher, but any member of the school staff may request support from the RtI Team for a student whose learning, behavior, or emotional needs are not being met under existing circumstances. Prior to the first formal RtI meeting, teachers have met to review classroom modifications and/or interventions that enhance learning for students. A designated consultant has been assigned to assist the teacher with the RtI process. Any modifications that have been tried or are currently in place will be discussed with you at the RtI meeting. Using this information, the team can suggest further steps to help the student. What is the future? At the end of the meeting, a follow up date will be scheduled to review progress. You will be invited to meet again with the RtI team to evaluate changes and growth in your student.

For more information, please visit www.district70.org