/ yT m) /1 / / *■ tjfx L , a a 4: « V 3r5 1. W. lUCNANAR, Minagsr aid Propriator. TWM %2 fw kmm. BE JUST AND FEAR » | i*-- - =* ADA MISS. SATCJBDAY JANUARY *?*882; ME XXVII. Vi $ -r uuw rnimi. AMUXINUU. waBfittbsj^i Gentlemen:The undersigned citizens and legal voters oi the city of Grenade, would respectfully represent that Gas. Wolfe being a sober and discrete person, one pint within the corporate limits of your city, and ask that license begrant- his com- To the Hon. Board of Mayor and Alder- ; men of the city of Grenada: The undersigned citisena and votwtt df the city of Grenada, would reepeollulty : represent to your Hon. Boards Hat ; whereas J. T. Woods being, a writer aad \ discreet person is a suitable one toretattp vinous and spirituous liquOrt in' teas quantities than one pint, and aahlhat license be granted him accordingly, upon his complying. With the law, in such cases madeluid providad. Max By virtue of the provisions of certain deed of assignment executed on the 10th day of January, 1882. and a sup tidaarignmenteyecuted Ou the 10th day otf January, 188*, by W- 8. Ingram, to the undersigned,to seeure certain persons in the payment of certain indebtedness therein specified, said deed of assignmen t being duly .recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Chancery Court of Grenada county, Mississippi, the undersigned Will, on Mosday,tha JOth Pair or Fzbhuabv.1882 Within legal hours, in fropt of the Court House door, in said Grenada county, pro- ved to sell to the •a. sBoost, orwtzAsi*mi raoirW emeu- MafHrfafctuTeii and Wfcdiesata Dealers in "Tatt ua Grey Headed Old Bextont" j LOT laid are the wicked folks ad the quaint old church- •» ed tie epitaphs old and vir,' and bincimutti. than 100 TfciWstrtbt, J 5 new. Bat on monument obelisk, pillow or stone , I read of no evil! that; men have done, pi The eld sexton stood bp a? grave newly With bia chin on hie hand, and hie hand on his spade And Bknew by the gleam in his eloquent -0- ed him t sdeand provided: 717 and 719 Wnsliington Avenue. -------- <MP aijoVtt lMittw i* represented jin itofr 8t*tte br Hint well known commercial gwntlefnan, Mr. K. P. DYCHE. WS'jMiiiii.vii.i. liitHii'irii iiimir sAusMsiw^ttF+mamwnmmtmmmmmm fit. Louie, Mo; such cases Gto»berger,8am WKB C Curing* * CvrriiifftoxK Ben Johnson, J«a A TB , at public ou renada county, Mississippi, to*wit i An undivided one-fonrtb interest (1) in lots 103, 104,106 and 106 in the East Ward of the city Of Grenada and. an un- diyided one-half interest in northwest quarter and west half of northeast quar- ter of section 3; the southwest quarter of southeast quarter of section s, and the northwest quarter: of section 9, all in township'22. ranged east; and all. the land in the west half of southwest quar- ter of section 34, township 23, range 6 cast, which lies east of Bed Grass Creek,: and southeast quarter oi southeast quar- ter and northwest quarter, and west half of southwest quarter of suction 84, town*' Chip 23, range1 6 east, and northwest quarter of section 35, township 23, range 6 east, and south half- of northeast quarter of northeast quarter in section 9, township 22, range'5 east. The tide of said property is believed to be good, but I shall convey only such title as is vested in me as assignee. L. C. .Majet, Grenada, Jan. 17, '82. {6J Assinnee. burger T C Buffington, J W*feyrd, M W Dose, J W Mullen, B L H Wright, A G Dubard, W M French, J Cahn, A F Ball, W C Statham, B C Curington, E P Wil- liams, M J Byan, J P Dogan, T Davis, It Bodeniieimer, A J Ransom, Jas M Dun- can, G Leflore, C Goodwin, W A Crom- well, I L Vanhoozer, V H Hughes, Curington, Thos J Michaels, L W 4rews,S D Parks, W B Parks, G W Fur- guaon.JT.Woods, J W Buchanan, Chas suerle.DB Gillespie, J B Snider, A Maas, W E Long Jr, E C Lamb, B N Hall, T,Uieath, M Haupt, David John- son,Bpin>urdy, W P Fuiwnson, Alic VaSfAJohn Lake, Henry Johpson, Benj Jdhqeoo, .Carter Woodson, Monroe Pmiik{ia,Rich Mauley, Thornton Whipp Dave French, Alee Davis, Sip Rivers, Clifton Jackson, Alec. McCUl, Jim Gosset Wm'Davis, Dock Mitchell, Tobe Bead, Arm .French, Scip Howell, Ben Statham, P Austin, Ben Drane, B Anderson, B Fitz-Gerald, Chas Williams,June Brown, Dsn'Shaw, Hod Degree, Jno Johnson, Ned Coffman, Lewis McLean, Nathan Jones, Andrew Davis, Arthur Shermair, Tom Presley, Chas Bead, Thornton Holmes, Clit Jink ins, G W Jones, Jim Preeley. Oecar Stovall, Wm Nathan. Geo Howard, Geo Miller, A Patterson, James Clark, F Young, Jack Throer, Wm Jack- son, H Miller, A Phillips, H Haden, B Braceford.F Mayhew,Lewis Purnell, Jule Valentine, G ONeal, O White,Joe Henry, Joe Luce, Wm Lancaster, Geo Ellet, A Melton, E F Wolfe, Been Moorman, W H Whitaker, J W Griffis, I David, W P Hall, 8 M Black, D B McHenry, WE Smith, Jno Greiner. A C Ingram, A C Ferguson, B H Gordon, W S Ingram, J H Dtilin, B C Adams, J W Postel, M M McAfee, A CLee, E A Balew, J G Hu- berk E Cahn, J W Hall, W A Balew, B Croffqjrd, J J Gage, C W Dorherty, N C Snider, B E McBoberts, Jno Britton, E A Melton, J J Tluck, J E McCampbell, J B Crowder, B L Jones, B C Adams Jr, J J Lilly, A P Machtel, IS Parker, B Hlghgate, Jas B Lake, J C Longstreet, J W Heath, W N Pass, J M Hearne, W B Wolfe, W M Carr, E J Lowenstein, E D Embry, A J Gerard, E B Sadler, W G Laugton, W G Brown, Jas T Thomas, O J Nance, B D Duncan, J M Duncan Jr, Thonm N Haber, W H Fitzgerald, Walthall, Geo Herbert, E CWood, B Carl; Jno Burk, E Benett, J Majet, Geo Ingram, Tom Brown, A Mills, W Purnell, A Townes, Wm Miller, W M Harrison, Jno Curtis, Hardy Ballard, Tom Billips, Sam Schooler, JimJohnson, F Scott. J Hemphill, G LTodd, W Knott, L Smith, E H Gowen, Melton Tate, A Dcrson, Ntd Minter, G Holman, Geo Hemphill, B Bradberry.M Bonn, L Hall, J Gage ft, SamT Ladd, W B Davii Laurance, D Windborn, -A V B I W P Towler, J W Kindall, WC ell, L L Branum. B A NeHf, J Bubel, Geo Hamilton, H Purnell, D S Ladd, M ^lliater. Van Williams, W W Town- Mud, J E Hughes, Andy Thomas, S wile, J M Bishop, J T Obenchain, Sid B Smith, J » Weeks,. J, Weeks,. Albert 8»ndfe,'Walter Buffiugtou. James Mor- tan, G V Freeman, H Dillard, Wash BT in son. Handle Anderson, John Hall, Henry Hall, Albert Phillips, Albert Dawsoifij Dave French, Monroe ; Doyle, David Johnson, J B Townsend, wiley Coliiwk Andrew Melton, John Handy, Wi(l{iun Henu, Bicb Manley, E P williams tr r Ferguson, w C Statham, L w Andrew*. Anay Thomas J C Ferguson, w w ToWn- send, Ben Statham, AJ Hansom, jienry Johnson,S D Parks, Sid B Smith, w B Davis w E Long Jr, B H Gordon, V H Hughes, Mw Bose,' B LH wright. w G ? rown, Giis wolfe, Tom Heath, B«bty itsgerold Clifton Jenkins, J m Bishop, JohnCawein, Bios Carl, Sain Ladd/L Bodenhciiner, B C Adams, J w Griffis, B H moorfean, J m Duncan Jr, B E mc-; Roberts, Tom wilson, A G Dubard, E A Balew, D B mcHeary, Thornton whipps. Isaac David, 8 A Laeock, J G Hubert, 8 Black, Alien Townes, A wachtel J w an, E C Lamb, waahlttme, eye That his .heart was instructing bis lips to reply Who is to judge, when the soul takes flight? Who is to judge, theaightf Which of us mortal* shall daro to say That our neighbor was wicked who died to-day. The longer we Jive and the farther we epaed, The better we learn that humanity*# need So charitys1 spirit that prompts tw to find . ■-: .• Bather virtue than vice in the hearts of our kind. - J P % An- tween the wrong and j. vncoxBBiULs nwmax 8. iHhfflBtaf St limiti mnorfad hiuur iiiiivv wu inniik iupviiv!i j UB rii REPBKSKKTING THE FOLLOWING BREWBB81 Nancew A-Belew, m K mister, WK arks, J J- Gage Jr, J B Snider, J B rowder, Amos Edwards,Awnutu Daise, Therefore, good deeds wa inscribe, on these stones, The evil men do let it lie with their IIUTZ. BKWBK 60. I have labored ta sexton these many a year But I never have buried a bad maa here. f The Carrollton, Miss., cotton fectory,. , known as Stansbury Factory, has been { urchased by W. 8. Gordon, for the sum f 125,000. He has ordered new ma- chinery, and will put the mill iu lull Operation aa soon as possible. It has >een raining here for 10 days in succes- ion.Carrollton Conservative. Jo. wC ifc George Eli Cahn, C w m m mcAfee, E F wolfe, Joe Trihhtefban Powers, Ross, w N Pirn, J L morgan, waiter wolf. T C Buffington, P A Fleece, A Sandsl, J B Lake Jr, Andrew Davie, wm Harrison, B D Duncan, E J Lowenstein, Joseph Henry, w m Freneh, Topen Greiner. rarn, J w mulfen, Jack Turner, Sipier Rivers, Charlie wilson, Daniil Ber- ry.Fields Young,w S Ingram,w E Smith, A H whitfield, w H Fitz-Geraid, T Davie, A F Bell, J H Dutin, R N *Hatl, Arm French, Lewis Smith,: Fred Sanford, Henry williams, Charles Brown, Jule Valentine, J E Hughes, w A Cromwell, Ike majet, Dock mltchell, Thomas Bich. ardson, Jerry Hemphill, C Goodwin, m Hairston, Thos J michaels, C T wood, J w Heath, w H whitaker, E C walthall, B F Thomas, J w Buchanan,' Sam Lau- rence, J C Longstreet, J J Black, Isac Holmes, I S,. Parker Jr, Killis miller, wash Purnell, J J (Lilly, wm L Parks, wiley Holman, Joseph Bubal, J B Hemp, J w Kendel, SC Young,w.H Burk,'wash Curtis, Jas m Dufiee, A S weigert, John Evans, Jessie Stepney, wm mead, Tom Hearst, I L N'anhoozer, L C Leo, Gillaspie, R Highgate, Henry York Benthel, E A melton, w m weathers. John Arnold. Charlie Reed, Council Kenaday, Nad minter, waahington Sin- rieton, Henderson, miller, Levin Todd, Dan Shaw, Joe Brady, Andrew melton, Lwm Lancaster, m Haupt, Alex meCase, Phil Austin, Tom Presley, E D Embry, Scott Davis J G weeks, wash Grider, Alx Horton, A C Ingram, Richard Breceford, Tom Johnson, John Britton, Joe mitch- Alley white, Geo Howard, J J Gage, E Cahn, I S Parker, L weeks, D8 fimals, All Gowings, m J Bysn.. Charlie Sterle, Geo Ingram, w P Towter Joe Green, Ben Drane, Frazier Purnell, ilex Davie, C A Perdue, P w Peeples, w 8 Hall, Bub Harroll. Ben » # ST LOUS Long John Wentworth telle a story about nis stopping st a hotel iu New York one night, and kept awake by * ing the floor ia the room abqveu Occasionally be-would hear a moan of anguieh>wL. he went up there, lika* Samaritan, to see if he could not re- TIVOU.1 it® -m. Jule F«r Hale ar Beat. Msnneaxae K undersigned, A 8 Pass, having de- termined to resume the practice of law, offers for sale on five years time, one thousand acres of land being all that portion of his plantation lying North of of the public road leading from Grenada to Providenceif not sold before the firat day of Jany. next, it will be for tent,: title perfect.He also wishes to rent his dwelling in the country to some >arty who is able to furnish, at least; 2 lead of plow stock, would prefer a party Who can furnish six head of plow stock. A. S. Pass. The the sufferer. My friend,1? said Long John,g*aiBg sympathetically at the haggard fece of the atranjjer^ what can I do for you? &CUMM1H8. "What ails you then?t have a note for $10,000 coming due tomorrow, and havent a nickle to. pay it with." Oh, pshaw,said Long John, go to bed and let the other fellow do the walk- 4 A. T. 8*1*11. H. MU,LIUS Distiller* of the Celebrated Brands of HawMade Sour Mask ing. Grenada Miss. Oct 29 1881. Small-Pox Cubs:The following sent to the Liverpool Mercury by ward Alem: l am willing to riak my reputation as a public man if the worst case of small-pox cannot be cured in three days simply by the use of cream tartar. One ounce of cream tartar, die- olved in a pint of water, drank at inter- vals when cold, is a certain, never fail- ing remedy. It has cured thousands, never leaves a mark, lever cause# blind- ness and avoids tedious lingering.Dm above remedy bee been tested on this side of the wetar toa limited rttent.only, but with the same favorable results fit every ease so fir as we can learn.M. AND The First Quarterly Conference for the Grenada Circuit will be held at Spring Hill, Feb. 11th and 12tb. ih siHh.rill corm imiiion wushu BF E C D B NKlflOHCOCNlYHY. Tw I ernes es wm bais stbekt. K. A. Josss, p. e. LOtJISVILLE, KENTUCKY W. P. Towler & Co, will be glad to have one and all to call and see them at their new stand Imim msm ggariaagiataj a.Bdranriira! W-li®' W P Towler A Co, can be found in the Jones store formerly occupied by Geo W call and see them. W P Towier 4 Co, at their new stand ell, on main street have a splendid Stock of drugs, chemicals, patent medicines etc, which they are selling very low for the (honey. J. E. Hughes, boss magnificent stock of toilet articles, call and see him. J JACO& STRAUS & i Ex. '*1 Some fiendish incendiary eet firetotha gin houae of Mr. Y. C. McClurg, five all fixtures, including gin stand, belting, ' and about three toudtydtettnyed. ^The *preie *wrebadW damaged. Tha. owner waa at peace with all mankind and has no idea who could haw bad an reach cowardly enmity re to do him this harm. There waa aofire near th* min, nor had there been in three weeks.vaiden Nucfcua. A "moonshiner' tells this marve- lous yam in an Alabama paper. Bev- enue Officer James Davis has a horse that can scent out a distillery two mKeeaad ahadf off. When the officer is'ln the neighborhood of one of these illicit affaire, hi* horse Abrews up his all the of a i bis bridle- miles m mw Evehybody warns it.The Brandon Bepublican wants s dog law. So does the Aberdeen Weekly, and so does every Bheep-owner in th* State. ! A.nd Saddlery Hardware, 519 and 621 N Main Street, jatiiuJ: wrrereirerewwewseHWre Everything in the drug line very cheap at J. E. Hughes. J. E. Hughes is the cheapest place to buy anything in the drug line. 1 Dont fail to call on J. E. Hughes when 'you want anything in the drug line. •' W.G Hamilton is now selling out his 'stock of clothing at coat or less for cash. St LOUIS, MO. Maboabet H. Fbyar, rr al, No. 366. T. Elviha Avaa, et al. ,. Poraaant to a decree of the Chancery Court of Grenada county, Mississippi, made in vacation, 1881, in the above •Qrled cause, I, A. V. B. Thomas, as Clerk and Master, will, on Saturday, the ilth day of February, 1882, proceed to salt for partition, at public outcry, to the higheet bidder for caah, within lawful hoars, the following described lands, to- Wii: Northeast quarter of northwest quarter, and southweat quarter of north- westquarfer, section. 23, township 23, reng«. 7 east, together with alt the im- A. V. B. Thomas, Clerk and Master. } bans hhmutmi, vs. The firm of Bums, Doolittle 4 Co. is this day dissolved bytnutusl consent,W. E. Doolittle and B. Delashmet having sold out their interest to J. S., and W. T, Bums, of the late firm Bums, Doolittle 4 Co., who wiU assume all liabilities and make all settlements pertaining to the | business of the late firm, and continue the business as heretofore, under thefirm ! name of Bams 4 Son. All persons ia- 1 debtod to us must come forward aad set- ' tie, as the change referred to above ne- cessitates oar forcing collections, if not made otherwise. (SttScentor is T. HI CLARK * GO.) Fine Watches, Jewelry a -AHD-a Sterling Silverware, head and enlffe tbs air toper, then the officer brings hire to the desired spot provements. C. E Bates, Attorney for Complainants, laday 4 Lester, for Defendants. Jan 7th, 82, [3] Jfo »0O Mrete Sri**, LIST OF LETTERS. , Reateinlag ia tbs PosfeOllce at Gre- J. 8. Bubhs, . W, T. Bears. W. K. Doouttlb, iASHMET, . Grenada, Miss., Deo. Sl,'l8ffi. [SJ Go) A. B, TIllADWkLt, StT P PIT *.e.|T»IADWILL, hhikUMri and*, Grenada ooanty, MI*qM Jaafil 1881 ;• WherewL Letters tefltamenUry of the wiUef Mra B. Y. Shaw, deceased, were granted to the undersigned byrtha Chan- cery Creirt «<Grenada county, hHmiasippi at rulee, on the first Monday in January, 1862: Now tidal* to notify all persons having claims against the estate oi said tretactrix to present the same to the Chancery Clerk of mid County and have them registered according to law. within year, or they will be forever barred. J. D, 8baw, Executor, P. Hi Hall, Executrix, Daviee, L Grey, Pattie 0 1 Monis, Party Norvil, John Cobb, L Dunlap, E A Hush, EUsa McJfizhon, Ella Raphael, May Stong, Load «*'■' I waoisSOfliAxii AND m Q 91 Batiiff, Caroline rs M Silkmann, Julius Vokiatine, Pink whlte.Thos wUliap* Maggie white, Ben , OFFEIS SPECIAL IPTCITO TO THE MEMPHI, TENN. one No. U Union street. We ere Mqwred wtl STORAGE ANDHANDUXGOF COTTON "i»' C. M AI JB, TREADWELL M CO. I i n- h . iienifl the letters > : Mf rj r*?fll-jVjrTk W 0R0CIBIB8, te 111 ell erdere January, 10th 1882. eeiica xssm M*e»y Order BeyertmW 8:60 a. a. te „a; jfe Ae« ».* PMitiyely as baelaeee after hear*. J, H. CANreau, P. M. New evop ei Moiaeeee, Jfince meaM&d new Buckwheat Flocr at A. W. Lakes. ■* ! W All the yery latest designs ip those elegant odor eaiea at W. P. Towler'*' the prettiest we ever mw. Parehaasioae olthose beautiful jewelry «w»4t W.H. Towler'*. Notice.From reports received from pprts of the coantiy, I see that small pox is spreading. I therefore recommend that every one, who1 has not been vaccin- ated to have iidpne at onceit woqld be well enoughjhitaR to have tt done. Dr. Smith haapstnUed himself with fresh verus, snd .wilt attend to tt tor any one who applies. G. W. Tsimbi k, MOounty. m y Bi# JJ ®* 9 J all ietMOeKreryJ iaartBSat7;80 dras.nmam FRANKLIN B IFOR * -J? th FOU5UHY, 111 PSiM HmH, <Nh«I*m*M, OM*. < ALLISON A SMITH. "O: . B Poll press? istbe aroman- Rirg Commercial gives t tic title thq t to the papere that have been abusing Jeff. Davis, ft J 4

ADA MISS. SATCJBDAY JANUARY *?* and v’ir,' · Wolfe being a sober and discrete person, one pint within the corporate limits of ... Ned Coffman, Lewis McLean, Nathan Jones, Andrew

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Page 1: ADA MISS. SATCJBDAY JANUARY *?* and v’ir,' · Wolfe being a sober and discrete person, one pint within the corporate limits of ... Ned Coffman, Lewis McLean, Nathan Jones, Andrew

/ yT m)





L , a a


« V3r5

1. W. lUCNANAR, Minagsr aid Propriator. TWM %2 fw kmm.‘BE JUST AND FEAR N« » |i*-- -=*ADA MISS. SATCJBDAY JANUARY *?*882;ME XXVII.Vi$

—-r uuw rnimi.AMUXINUU.

waBfittbsj^iGentlemen:—The undersigned citizens

and legal voters oi the city of Grenade,

would respectfully represent that Gas.

Wolfe being a sober and discrete person,

one pint within the corporate limits of

your city, and ask that license begrant-

his com-

To the Hon. Board of Mayor and Alder- ; men of the city of Grenada: •

The undersigned citisena and votwtt df the city of Grenada, would reepeollulty :

represent to your Hon. Boards Hat ; whereas J. T. Woods being, a writer aad \ discreet person is a suitable one toretattp vinous • and spirituous liquOrt in' teas

quantities than one pint, and aah’ lhat license be granted him accordingly, upon

his complying. With the law, in such cases madeluid providad.


By virtue of the provisions of • certain deed of assignment executed on the 10th day of January, 1882. and a sup tidaarignmenteyecuted Ou the 10th day

otf January, 188*, by W- 8. Ingram, to the undersigned,to seeure certain persons in the payment of certain indebtedness therein specified, said deed of assignmen t being duly .recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Chancery Court of Grenada county, Mississippi, the undersigned Will, onMosda y,tha JOth Pair or Fzbhu abv.1882

Within legal hours, in fropt of the Court House door, in said Grenada county, pro­ved to sell to the

•a. sBoost, orwtzAsi*mi raoirWemeu- MafHrfafctuTei’i and Wfcdiesata Dealers in"Tatt ua Grey Headed Old Bextont" j

LOTlaid are the wicked folks

ad the quaint old church- •» •

ed tie epitaphs old and


bincimutti.than 100 TfciWstrtbt,J

5 new.Bat on monument obelisk, pillow or

stone ,I read of no evil! that; men have done, pi

The eld sexton stood bp a? grave newly

With bia chin on hie hand, and hie hand on his spade

And Bknew by the gleam in his eloquent

-0-ed him t

sdeand provided:717 and 719 Wnsliington Avenue.

-------- <M—

P aijoVtt lMittw i* represented jin itofr 8t*tte br Hint well known commercial gwntlefnan, Mr. K. P. DYCHE.

WS'jMiiiii.vii.i. liitHii'irii ii’imir sAusMsiw^—ttF+mamwnmmtmmmmmm

fit. Louie, Mo;such casesGto»berger,8am WKB C Curing* * CvrriiifftoxK Ben Johnson, J«a


, at public ourenada county, Mississippi, to*wit i

An undivided one-fonrtb interest (1) in lots 103, 104,106 and 106 in the East Ward of the city Of Grenada and. an un- diyided one-half interest in northwest quarter and west half of northeast quar­ter of section 3; the southwest quarter of southeast quarter of section s, and the northwest quarter: of section 9, all in township'22. ranged east; and all. the land in the west half of southwest quar­ter of section 34, township 23, range 6 cast, which lies east of Bed Grass Creek,: and southeast quarter oi southeast quar­ter and northwest quarter, and west half of southwest quarter of suction 84, town*' Chip 23, range1 6 east, and northwest quarter of section 35, township 23, range 6 east, and south half- of northeast quarter of northeast quarter in section 9, township 22, range'5 east. The tide of said property is believed to be good, but I shall convey only such title as is vested in me as assignee.

L. C. .Majet,Grenada, Jan. 17, '82. {6J Assinnee.

burger T C Buffington, J W*feyrd, M W

Dose, J W Mullen, B L H Wright, A G Dubard, W M French, J Cahn, A F Ball, W C Statham, B C Curington, E P Wil­liams, M J Byan, J P Dogan, T Davis, It Bodeniieimer, A J Ransom, Jas M Dun­can, G Leflore, C Goodwin, W A Crom­well, I L Vanhoozer, V H Hughes, Curington, Thos J Michaels, L W 4rews,S D Parks, W B Parks, G W Fur- guaon.JT.Woods, J W Buchanan, Chas suerle.DB Gillespie, J B Snider, A Maas, W E Long Jr, E C Lamb, B N Hall, T,Uieath, M Haupt, David John­son,Bpin>urdy, W P Fuiwnson, Alic VaSfAJohn Lake, Henry Johpson, Benj Jdhqeoo, .Carter Woodson, Monroe Pmiik{ia,Rich Mauley, Thornton Whipp Dave French, Alee Davis, Sip Rivers, Clifton Jackson, Alec. McCUl, Jim Gosset Wm'Davis, Dock Mitchell, Tobe Bead, Arm .French, Scip Howell, Ben Statham, P Austin, Ben Drane, B Anderson, B Fitz-Gerald, Chas Williams,June Brown, Dsn'Shaw, Hod Degree, Jno Johnson, Ned Coffman, Lewis McLean, Nathan Jones, Andrew Davis, Arthur Shermair, Tom Presley, Chas Bead, Thornton Holmes, Clit Jink ins, G W Jones, Jim Preeley. Oecar Stovall, Wm Nathan. Geo Howard, Geo Miller, A Patterson, James Clark, F Young, Jack Throer, Wm Jack- son, H Miller, A Phillips, H Haden, B Braceford.F Mayhew,Lewis Purnell, Jule Valentine, G O’Neal, O White, Joe Henry, Joe Luce, Wm Lancaster, Geo Ellet, A Melton, E F Wolfe, Been Moorman, W H Whitaker, J W Griffis, I David, W P Hall, 8 M Black, D B McHenry, WE Smith, Jno Greiner. A C Ingram, A C Ferguson, B H Gordon, W S Ingram, J H Dtilin, B C Adams, J W Postel, M M McAfee, A CLee, E A Balew, J G Hu- berk E Cahn, J W Hall, W A Balew, B Croffqjrd, J J Gage, C W Dorherty, N C Snider, B E McBoberts, Jno Britton, E

A Melton, J J Tluck, J E McCampbell, J B Crowder, B L Jones, B C Adams Jr, J J Lilly, A P Mach tel, IS Parker, B Hlghgate, Jas B Lake, J C Longstreet, J W Heath, W N Pass, J M Hearne, W B Wolfe, W M Carr, E J Lowenstein, E D Embry, A J Gerard, E B Sadler, W G Laugton, W G Brown, Jas T Thomas, O J Nance, B D Duncan, J M Duncan Jr,

Thonm N Haber, W H Fitzgerald, Walthall, Geo Herbert, E CWood,

B Carl; Jno Burk, E Benett, J Majet, Geo Ingram, Tom Brown, A Mills, W Purnell, A Townes, Wm Miller, W M Harrison, Jno Curtis, Hardy Ballard, Tom Billips, Sam Schooler, Jim Johnson, F Scott. J Hemphill, G LTodd, W Knott, L Smith, E H Gowen, Melton Tate, A Dcrson, Ntd Minter, G Holman, Geo Hemphill, B Bradberry.M Bonn, L Hall,

J Gage ft, SamT Ladd, W B Davii Laurance, D Windborn, -A V B I W P Towler, J W Kindall, WC ell, L L Branum. B A NeHf, J Bubel, Geo Hamilton, H Purnell, D S Ladd, M ^lliater. Van Williams, W W Town- Mud, J E Hughes, Andy Thomas, S wile, J M Bishop, J T Obenchain, Sid B Smith, J » Weeks,. J, Weeks,. Albert 8»ndfe,'Walter Buffiugtou. James Mor- tan, G V Freeman, H Dillard, Wash


in son. Handle Anderson, John Hall, Henry Hall, Albert Phillips, Albert Dawsoifij Dave French, Monroe ; Doyle, David Johnson, J B Townsend, wiley Coliiwk Andrew Melton, John Handy, Wi(l{iun Henu, Bicb Manley, E P williams tr r Ferguson, w C Statham, L w Andrew*. A nay Thomas J C Ferguson, w w ToWn- send, Ben Statham, AJ Hansom, jienry Johnson,S D Parks, Sid B Smith, w B Davis w E Long Jr, B H Gordon, V H Hughes, Mw Bose,' B LH wright. w G

?rown, Giis wolfe, Tom Heath, B«bty itsgerold Clifton Jenkins, J m Bishop,

JohnCawein, Bios Carl, Sain Ladd/L Bodenhciiner, B C Adams, J w Griffis, B H moorfean, J m Duncan Jr, B E mc-; Roberts, Tom wilson, A G Dubard, E A Balew, D B mcHeary, Thornton whipps. Isaac David, 8 A Laeock, J G Hubert, 8

Black, Alien Townes, A wachtel J w

an, E C Lamb, waahlttme,

eyeThat his .heart was instructing bis lips to

replyWho is to judge, when the soul takes

flight?Who is to judge,

theaightfWhich of us mortal* shall daro to sayThat our neighbor was wicked who ‘died


The longer we Jive and the farther we epaed,

The better we learn that humanity*# need •

So charity’s1 spirit that prompts tw to find . ■-: .•

Bather virtue than vice in the hearts of our kind. -


%An-’tween the wrong and


vncoxBB iULs nwmax8.

iHhfflBtaf St limiti mnorfad hiuuriiiiivv wu inniik iupviiv!i jUB


Nancew A-Belew, m K mister, WK arks, J J- Gage Jr, J B Snider, J B rowder, Amos Ed wards, Awnutu Daise,

Therefore, good deeds wa inscribe, onthese stones,

The evil men do let it lie with their

IIUTZ. BKWBK 60.I have labored ta sexton these many a

yearBut I never have buried a bad maa


f The Carrollton, Miss., cotton fectory,.

, known as Stansbury Factory, has been

{urchased by W. 8. Gordon, for the sum f 125,000. He has ordered new ma­

chinery, and will put the mill iu lull Operation aa soon as possible. It has >een raining here for 10 days in succes- ion.—Carrollton Conservative.

Jo.wC ifcGeorge Eli Cahn, C wm m mcAfee, E F wolfe,Joe Trihhtefban Powers,

Ross, w N Pirn, J L morgan, waiter wolf. T C Buffington, P A Fleece, A Sandsl, J B Lake Jr, Andrew Davie, wm Harrison, B D Duncan, E J Lowenstein, Joseph Henry, w m Freneh, Topen Greiner.

rarn, J w mulfen, Jack Turner, Sipier Rivers, Charlie wilson, Daniil Ber­ry .Fields Young,w S Ingram,w E Smith, A H whitfield, w H Fitz-Geraid, T Davie, A F Bell, J H Dutin, R N *Hatl, Arm French, Lewis Smith,: Fred Sanford, Henry williams, Charles Brown, Jule Valentine, J E Hughes, w A Cromwell, Ike majet, Dock mltchell, Thomas Bich. ardson, Jerry Hemphill, C Goodwin, m Hairston, Thos J michaels, C T wood, J w Heath, w H whitaker, E C walthall, B F Thomas, J w Buchanan,' Sam Lau­rence, J C Longstreet, J J Black, Isac Holmes, I S,. Parker Jr, Killis miller, wash Purnell, J J (Lilly, wm L Parks, wiley Holman, Joseph Bubal, J B Hemp, J w Kendel, SC Young,w.H Burk,'wash Curtis, Jas m Dufiee, A S weigert, John Evans, Jessie Stepney, wm mead, Tom Hearst, I L N'anhoozer, L C Leo, Gillaspie, R Highgate, Henry York Benthel, E A melton, w m weathers. John Arnold. Charlie Reed, Council Kenaday, Nad minter, waahington Sin- rieton, Henderson, miller, Levin Todd, Dan Shaw, Joe Brady, Andrew melton,

Lwm Lancaster, m Haupt, Alex meCase, Phil Austin, Tom Presley, E D Embry, Scott Davis J G weeks, wash Grider, Alx Horton, A C Ingram, Richard Breceford, Tom Johnson, John Britton, Joe mitch-

Alley white, Geo Howard, J J Gage, E Cahn, I S Parker, L weeks, D8 fimals, All Gowings, m J Bysn.. Charlie Sterle, Geo Ingram, w P Towter Joe Green, Ben Drane, Frazier Purnell, ilex Davie, C A Perdue, P w Peeples, w 8 Hall, Bub Harroll.


# ST LOUSLong John Wentworth telle a story about nis stopping st a hotel iu New York one night, and kept awake by *

ing the floor ia the room abqveu Occasionally be-would hear a moan of anguieh>wL. he went up there, lika*

‘ Samaritan, to see if he could not re-

TIVOU.1 it®-m.JuleF«r Hale ar Beat. MsnneaxaeK undersigned, A 8 Pass, having de­

termined to resume the practice of law, offers for sale on five years time, one thousand acres of land being all that portion of his plantation lying North of of the public road leading from Grenada to Providence—if not sold before the firat day of Jan’y. next, it will be for tent,: title perfect.—He also wishes to rent his dwelling in the country to some >arty who is able to furnish, at least; 2 lead of plow stock, would prefer a party

Who can furnish six head of plow stock.A. S. Pass.

Thethe sufferer.

“My friend,1? said Long John,g*aiBg sympathetically at the haggard fece of the atranjjer^ “what can I do for you?


"What ails you then?”“t have a note for $10,000 coming due

tomorrow, and haven’t a nickle to. pay it with."

“Oh, pshaw,” said Long John, “go to bed and let the other fellow do the walk-

4A. T. 8*1*11. H. MU,LIUS

Distiller* of the Celebrated Brands of

HawMade Sour Masking.

Grenada Miss. Oct 29 1881.Small-Pox Cubs:—The following

sent to the Liverpool Mercury by ward Alem: “l am willing to riak my reputation as a public man if the worst case of small-pox cannot be cured in three days simply by the use of cream tartar. One ounce of cream tartar, die- olved in a pint of water, drank at inter­vals when cold, is a certain, never fail­ing remedy. It has cured thousands, never leaves a mark, lever cause# blind­ness and avoids tedious lingering.” Dm above remedy bee been tested on this side of the wetar toa limited rttent.only, but with the same favorable results fit every ease so fir as we can learn.—

M. ANDThe First Quarterly Conference for the

Grenada Circuit will be held at Spring

Hill, Feb. 11th and 12tb.“ih siHh’.’ rill corm imiiion wushuBF


NKlflOHCOCNlYHY.Tw I ernes es wm bais stbekt.K. A. Josss, p. e.

LOtJISVILLE, KENTUCKYW. P. Towler & Co, will be glad to have one and all to call and see them at

their new stand I mim msm ggariaagiataj


W P Towler A Co, can be found in the

Jonesstore formerly occupied by Geo W call and see them.

W P Towier 4 Co, at their new stand ell,

on main street have a splendid Stock of

drugs, chemicals, patent medicines etc, which they are selling very low for the


J. E. Hughes, boss magnificent stock

of toilet articles, call and see him.


JACO& STRAUS &’iEx. '*1

Some fiendish incendiary eet firetotha gin houae of Mr. Y. C. McClurg, five

all fixtures, including gin stand, belting, ' and about three

toudtydtettnyed. ^The *preie *wre’ badW

damaged. Tha. owner waa at peace with all mankind and has no idea who could haw bad an reach cowardly enmity re to do him this harm. There waa aofire near th* min, nor had there been in three weeks.—vaiden Nucfcua.

A "moonshiner” ' tells this marve­lous yam in an Alabama paper. “Bev- enue Officer James Davis has a horse that can scent out a distillery two mKeeaad ahadf off. When the officer is'ln the neighborhood of one of these illicit affaire, hi* horse Abrews up his

all the of a i bis bridle-


m mwEvehybody warns it.—The Brandon

Bepublican wants s dog law. So does the Aberdeen Weekly, and so does every Bheep-owner in th* State.

! A.nd Saddlery Hardware,519 and 621 N Main Street,jatiiuJ: wrrereirerewwewseHWre

Everything in the drug line very cheap

at J. E. Hughes.

J. E. Hughes is the cheapest place to

buy anything in the drug line. ■

1 Dont fail to call on J. E. Hughes when

'you want anything in the drug line.•' W.G Hamilton is now selling out his

'stock of clothing at coat or less for cash.

St LOUIS, MO.Maboabet H. Fbyar, rr al,

No. 366.T. Elviha Avaa, et al. ,.

Poraaant to a decree of the Chancery Court of Grenada county, Mississippi, made in vacation, 1881, in the above •Qrled cause, I, A. V. B. Thomas, as Clerk and Master, will, on Saturday, the ilth day of February, 1882, proceed to salt for partition, at public outcry, to the higheet bidder for caah, within lawful hoars, the following described lands, to- Wii: Northeast quarter of northwest quarter, and southweat quarter of north- westquarfer, section. 23, township 23, reng«. 7 east, together with alt the im-

A. V. B. Thomas, Clerk and Master.

} banshhmutmi,vs.

The firm of Bums, Doolittle 4 Co. is

this day dissolved bytnutusl consent,W.

E. Doolittle and B. Delashmet having

sold out their interest to J. S., and W. T,

Bums, of the late firm Bums, Doolittle 4

Co., who wiU assume all liabilities and make all settlements pertaining to the |

business of the late firm, and continue the business as heretofore, under the firm !

name of Bams 4 Son. All persons ia- 1

debtod to us must come forward aad set- '

tie, as the change referred to above ne­cessitates oar forcing collections, if not

made otherwise.

(SttScentor is T. HI CLARK * GO.)

Fine Watches, Jewelrya -AHD-a

Sterling Silverware,head and enlffe tbs air toper, then the officer

brings hire to the desired spot provements.C. E Bates,

Attorney for Complainants, laday 4 Lester, for Defendants.

Jan 7th, ’82, [3]

Jfo »0O Mrete Sri**,

LIST OF LETTERS. , Reateinlag ia tbs PosfeOllce at Gre-

J. 8. Bubhs, .W, T. Bears.W. K. Doouttlb,

iASHMET, .Grenada, Miss., Deo. Sl,'l8ffi. [SJ


A. B, TIllADWkLt,StT P PIT *.e.|T»IADWILL, hhikUMriand*, Grenada ooanty, MI*qM Jaafil

1881 ;•WherewL Letters tefltamenUry of the

wiU ef Mra B. Y. Shaw, deceased, were granted to the undersigned byrtha Chan­cery Creirt «< Grenada county, hHmiasippiat rulee, on the first Monday in January, 1862: Now tidal* to notify all persons having claims against the estate oi said tretactrix to present the same to the Chancery Clerk of mid County and have them registered according to law. within

year, or they will be forever barred.J. D, 8baw, Executor,P. Hi Hall, Executrix,

Daviee, LGrey, Pattie 0 1

Monis, Party Norvil, John

Cobb, L Dunlap, E A

Hush, EUsa

McJfizhon, Ella

Raphael, May

Stong, Load

«*'’■' I



Batiiff, Caroline rsMSilkmann, Julius

Vokiatine, Pink whlte.Thos

wUliap* Maggie white, Ben ,►OFFEIS SPECIAL IPTCITO

TO THEMEMPHI, TENN.one No. U Union street.

We ere Mqwred wtl


“ "i»' C. M AI JB, TREADWELL M CO.I i n- h . iienifl

the letters > : Mfrj r*?fll-jVjrTk W 0R0CIBIB8, te 111 ell erdereJanuary, 10th 1882.eeiica xssm

M*e»y Order BeyertmW 8:60 a. a. te

„a; jfe Ae« ».*PMitiyely as baelaeee after hear*.

J, H. CANreau, P. M.

New evop ei Moiaeeee, Jfince meaM&d new Buckwheat Flocr at A. W. Lake’s.

■* ! W

All the yery latest designs ip those elegant odor eaiea at W. P. Towler'*—

' the prettiest we ever mw.

Parehaasioae olthose beautiful jewelry «w»4t W.H. Towler'*.

Notice.—From reports received from

pprts of the coantiy, I see that small

pox is spreading. I therefore recommend that every one, who1 has not been vaccin­

ated to have iidpne at once—it woqld be well enoughjhitaR to have tt done. Dr. Smith haapstnUed himself with fresh verus, snd .wilt attend to tt tor any one

who applies. G. W. Tsimbi k,MOounty.

m y

Bi#JJ ®* 9






FOU5UHY,111 PSiM HmH, <Nh«I*m*M, OM*. <


"O: .B‘Poll press’? istbe aroman- Rirg Commercial gives


tic title thq t to the papere that have been abusing

Jeff. Davis,ft J