Acupuncture Development in Indonesia (New Version)

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  • 8/3/2019 Acupuncture Development in Indonesia (New Version)


    Acupuncture in Indonesia

    Acupuncture in Indonesia

    The development of acupuncture in our country when compared

    with developments in other countries, it is not left behind. His

    life is the way acupuncture treatment in Indonesia as old as the

    existence of Chinese immigrants who arrived from China. They

    brought kebiaasaan science and culture are also treated to

    Indonesia. It's just that the science of acupuncture are limited

    in their environment and surroundings, also only sines who do

    practice it. New in 1963 the Ministry of Health in order to

    research and development to Eastern medicine, including

    Acupuncture Science, under the instructions of Health Minister

    at that time, Prof.. Dr. Satrio has established a Traditional

    Medicine Research Team Science East. Thus began the current

    practice of acupuncture was officially held at the General

    Hospital Center, Jakarta, which later evolved into subsections

    under the Department of Internal Medicine, and later became

    Dr. Unit Acupuncture Hospital. Cipto Mangunkusumo today. In

    addition to providing service poliklinis of visitors / patients, Dr.

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    Unit Acupuncture Hospital. Cipto Mangunkusumo also provide

    education to produce a new physician acupuncturists.

    Sources: Science Acupuncture, Acupuncture Unit Cipto Mangunkusumo,Jakarta, 1985

    Acupuncture developments in Indonesia

  • 8/3/2019 Acupuncture Development in Indonesia (New Version)


    Acupuncture practice in Indonesia is thought to have existed since

    colonial times brought by immigrants from China and is only practiced

    in the population of China alone. Until 1963 the Government of

    Indonesia to bring acupuncturist from China, Huang Hsien Ming

    provides courses and guidance to 20 doctors Indonesia. Dated February

    7, 1975 stood the Acupuncture Association of Indonesia (IAI) which is

    then followed by the establishment of organizations such as

    acupuncture physician & Acupuncture Association (ISA), Association of

    Acupuncturists Indonesia (PAI). On 6 Des.1986 born Acupuncturists

    Association of Indonesia (pivot) and PAI remelting IAI is currently

    considered as a formal professional organization representing the

    interests of acupuncturists in Indonesia. In Repelita VI there is a

    program of traditional medicine system then matches SK Menkes RI

    No.1186/MenKes/Per/XI/1996 dated 12 November 1996 the existence of

    acupuncture has been formally recognized by the government.


    Acupuncture developments in Indonesia

  • 8/3/2019 Acupuncture Development in Indonesia (New Version)


    Acupuncture practice in Indonesia is thought to have existed since

    colonial times brought by immigrants from China and is only practiced

    in the population of China alone. Until 1963 the Government of

    Indonesia to bring acupuncturist from China, Huang Hsien Ming

    provides courses and guidance to 20 doctors Indonesia. Dated February

    7, 1975 stood the Acupuncture Association of Indonesia (IAI) which is

    then followed by the establishment of organizations such as

    acupuncture physician & Acupuncture Association (ISA), Association of

    Acupuncturists Indonesia (PAI). On 6 Des.1986 born Acupuncturists

    Association of Indonesia (pivot) and PAI remelting IAI is currently

    considered as a formal professional organization representing the

    interests of acupuncturists in Indonesia. In Repelita VI there is a

    program of traditional medicine system then matches SK Menkes RI

    No.1186/MenKes/Per/XI/1996 dated 12 November 1996 the existence of

    acupuncture has been formally recognized by the government.


    History of Acupuncture

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    Tell Developments in Country Originally Acupuncture?

    Acupuncture originated in China, began to be known since the stone

    age which is about 4000-5000 years ago. At that time people used tools

    made of stone for everyday life. By accident, injury resulting in exposed

    stone tools found a cure. Then they try to scratch the skin or pressing

    with sharp stones and then be able to cure the disease.

    The book what is known as Internal Medicine, the first book in the State

    of China?

    "Huang Ti Nei Ching" or "The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal

    Medicine". Published in the days of Can Cun Ciu Kuo years 770-221 BC.

    Tell Acupuncture Developments in Indonesia

    Acupuncture is estimated to go to Indonesia since the 18th century

    when immigrants from mainland China's entry into Indonesia. Initially

    acupuncture in Indonesia is an activity that is covered in Chinese

    society until finally in 1962, the team acupuncturist from the PRC to

    come to Indonesia to treat the president Dr. Ir. Soekarn. At that time a

    number of doctors from RSCM directly absorb knowledge from the team

    acupuncturist acupuncture PRC.

    In 1963, the RSCM note became the first hospital in Indonesia to open

    up health care with acupuncture.

    To carry out supervision of the practice of acupuncture, then Minister of

    Health Prof. G.A. Siwabessy issued Decree No. Permenkes.

    037/Birhub/1973 on Compulsory List of Acupuncture.

    On February 7, 1975 an organization formed Association of

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    Acupuncturists Indonesia (IAI) as a container of a national profession.

    Since the IAI does not work into a single container profession, then

    issued Law no. 8 in 1985 on Community Organisations, which opens the

    details of operating and Application Development Center for Traditional

    Medicine (Central P3T) for a while in the 6 Province of DKI Jakarta,

    West Java, Yogyakarta, East Java, Bali, South Sulawesi, North & South


    10. SK Menkes RI No.1186/MenKes/Per/XI/1996 dated 12 November 1996

    regarding the use of acupuncture in health service facilities.

    opportunity to bring together similar activities in a container

    Acupuncture Professional Organizations. Tanggl December 6, 1986

    occurred merging IAI and PAI (Acupuncture Association of Indonesia) to

    pivot (All Indonesia Association of Acupuncturists).

    State the Government Decree and Regulations relating to

    Akupunktur.Sebutkan and Explain respectively.

    SK / PP:

    1. Permenkes Republic of. 037/Birhub/1973 about the mandatory list of


    2. Kepmenkes 0584/Permenkes/VIII/1994 about coaching the traditional

    treatment by the MoH through the Center for Development and

    Application of Traditional Medicine (SP3T).

    3. No. Permenkes. 1186/Permenkes/XI/1996 about the use of

    acupuncture in health care facilities

    4. Kepmenkes Republic of. 1076/Menkes/SK/VII/2003 dated July 24,

    2003 on the administration of traditional medicine.

    5. Kepmenkes Republic of. 1277/Menkes/SK/VIII/2003 about the power

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    of acupuncture. Given this rule then the power of acupuncture has been

    recognized to be one of health personnel in physical keterapian group,

    together with physiotherapists, occupational therapy and speech


    6. Jakarta governor's decision letter dated May 6, 1973

    No.D.III.C.9/1/5/1973. The contents of the obligation for acupuncturists

    to register with the practice if it will open.

    7. Jakarta Health Agency decree dated May 16, 1973 No.53.DKK-

    UM/1973. The contents of the necessity to follow upgrading courses for

    acupuncturists and acupuncture exam to obtain license to practice as

    an acupuncturist in Jakarta area.

    8. Law No.8/1985 on Community organization. The government urged

    the establishment of a single forum for professional organizations or the

    like (including acupuncture)

    9. Decree of the Minister of Health No.0584/MenKes/SK/VI/1995 dated

    June 2, 1995. Make

    Development Acupuncture in Indonesia

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    In Indonesia, acupuncture began to be known in the formal health institutions

    with the enactment of RS Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo by the Minister of Health

    of the Republic of Indonesia as a Pilot Project Research and Development of

    Acupuncture by the Department of Health Sciences of the Republic ofIndonesia in 1963. Science education is given by the teaching team

    Acupuncture Doctors of Acupuncture PRC at the time of President Sukarno to

    treat doctors from various parts of the Faculty of Medicine, University of

    Indonesia / Cipto Mangunkusumo, including Internal Medicine, Neurology,

    Children, ENT, etc..

    To provide acupuncture services to the community then formed Subpart

    Acupuncture Department of Internal Medicine Faculty of medicine / RSCM,

    led by prof. Dr. Oei Eng Tie. Subsequently evolved into Acupuncture Section,

    is currently a Department of Medical Acupuncture. As one of the Medical

    Department at Cipto Mangunkusumo, Department of Medical Acupuncture as

    well as providing consulting services based on medical principles and

    evidence based.

    Since 1967, the Department of Health sends doctors from government

    agencies and private sector to follow keahllian acupuncture education at the

    RSCM. In 2003 the IDI XXV Conference in New York City determined that

    the Doctors of Acupuncture graduate of the RSCM is equivalent to other


    MKKI (Council of the Indonesian Medical Council) in 2006 stipulates that

    doctors who follow the RSCM acupuncture education as a Doctor of Medical

    Acupuncture Specialist with a degree in Acupuncture College SpAK and

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    validate Indonesia.

    KKI (Indonesian Medical Council) in 2007 issued a Medical Acupuncture

    Specialist STR (SpAK) and in 2008 endorsed Specialist Education Standardsand Competency Standards of Medical Acupuncture Specialists Acupuncture

    Medical Acupuncture College compiled by Indonesia.

    In the socialization to all Head of Provincial Health Office and the Director of

    the Hospital in Indonesia in 2008, the Directorate of Basic Medical Services

    Directorate General of Medical Services Ministry of Health of the Republic of

    Indonesia stated that the practice of medical acupuncture in Indonesia

    conducted by:

    1. Medical Acupuncture Specialists who received Certificate of Competence

    from the College of Acupuncture Indonesia (KAI) and STR Acupuncture

    Medical Specialists of KKI.

    2. General Practitioner with the Association of Medical Acupuncture Training

    who have the competence of the College of Acupuncture Indonesia (KAI).

    (Adapted from Website Department of Medical Acupuncture

    Medical Acupuncture and the RSCM and Development, KAI,

    Jakarta, 2009)

    First and only in Indonesia

    Although derived from the Orient, acupuncture is a relatively new

    way of treatment in medical circles Indonesia. Officially, acupuncture

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    began to be known about 40 years ago. At that time the government

    brings some doctors from abroad, including from China to treat the

    president Sukarno. Healing the president encouraged the government to

    form a research team of eastern medicine. Then in 1963 formed a team

    under the command of Dr.. Satrio, the health minister who served at

    that time. Dr. Satrio then formed a team of acupuncturists who led

    Prof.Dr.Oei Eng Tie.

    At the beginning of its activities, the team began to open the

    acupuncturist acupuncture clinic. Was chosen as a pilot project in the

    disease FKUI / RSCM Jakarta. An acupuncturist, Hsieng Huang Ming,

    accidentally imported from China to give a course of acupuncture, 20

    doctors to Indonesia in May to December 1964. The Indonesian doctors

    who have provided the science of acupuncture has finally become a

    core energy in units of acupuncture RSCM.

    Since then, acupuncture unit RSCM until now the education

    center's first and only for Indonesian doctors are keen to take

    education in the field of acupuncture. Beginning in 1966, Director of the

    RSCM provides the opportunity for the prospective physician assistant

    graduate faculty of medicine to become an acupuncturist. In 1970 The

    RSCM provides Acupuncture Certificate of Expertise in the science of

    acupuncture to several doctors. Two years later, the Health Department

    sends doctors every regularly every year to follow the science

    education of acupuncture in the RSCM, until now.

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    Because it has a lot of doctors who studied acupuncture, then

    formed an avenue for the development of this science. Just in 1978

    stood the Doctor Acupuncture Society Indonesia (PDAI), and a member

    of the Assembly of Experts Physicians (MDA) Indonesian Doctors

    Association (IDI). PDAI acupuncturist members include physicians and

    other clinicians interested in the science of acupuncture. In 2002 PDAI

    was changed to Association of Doctors of Acupuncture Indonesia.

    One task was to develop educational curricula PDAI

    acupuncturist. As per WHO guidelines, a curriculum drawn up for six

    semesters (3 years). The participants are physicians who have

    completed compulsory undergraduate, sent by the Bureau of Personnel

    MOH and other government agencies. The curriculum continues to be

    refined up to 110 credits in 2002.

    As the improvement of education, the recognition of

    environmental acupuncturist in the real world of medicine. IDI XXV

    Congress in London in 2003 and finally decided, Education Specialist

    Doctor of Acupuncture equivalent to other medical specialists. Since

    then, the College of Acupuncture Science PDAI determine that carried a

    graduate degree as an Acupuncture Specialist with Sp.Akp

    abbreviations. Acupuncture is a part that grew into the Department of

    Acupuncture RSCM in 2004.

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    Although not so much demand, but each school year there is

    always a sign to follow education acupuncturist. According to K.

    Dr.Dharma Widya, Chairman of the Acupuncture Department of Faculty

    of medicine RSUPNCM, until now the department has delivered 60 FKUI

    acupuncture physician acupuncturists. "Indeed, the number of

    participants who take part in education every year is still around a

    dozen. And now, PPDS is currently enrolled there were about 28 people.


    Furthermore Dharma said, the existence of physician acupuncturist is

    very important to be able to follow and participate in the development

    of the science of acupuncture. In addition, the acupuncturist is also

    required to cooperate with other experts in health care and provide

    correct information about the science of acupuncture to parties in



    Acupuncture Treatment Methods Developments in


  • 8/3/2019 Acupuncture Development in Indonesia (New Version)


    Acupuncture entered Indonesia through the merchants of China, where

    acupuncture is attached to-day life sehariu them. In 1962, First

    President of the Republic of Indonesia Ir. Sukarno, was treated by a

    team of Chinese acupuncturist and then president of the doctors

    recommend it to Indonesia to study the science of acupuncture. Then a

    few doctors Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) following up.

    In 1973 began mushrooming of education and health care through

    acupuncture, then the Minister of Health issued Decree No.

    038/BIRHUB/1973 on July 12, 1973, which at that time was chaired by

    prof. G.A. Swabessy, which contains the obligatory list of acupuncture.

    In 1974 Jakarta Health Agency issued a decision regarding the

    recommendation to follow standardization and upgrading of


    In 1975, Prof.. dr. H. Herman Susilo suggested to establish

    organizations of acupuncture, although its still under the Public Health

    Service Establishments. On December 6, 1986 in Jakarta, on the advice,

    guidance, and direction DIRJEN DIKLUSPORA, Department of

    education, Ministry of Health, DEPDAGRI, regarding the incorporation of

    such organization, then stand pivot (All-Indonesia Association of

    Acupuncture). On March 17, 1990, signed a memorandum of cooperation

    research and development laboratory acupuncture services, with

    research centers and DPD RI DEPKES axis in Surabaya, East Java.

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    In 1996, officially became a member Paksi WFAS (World Federation of

    Accupuncture and Moxibation Society) consisting of 135 countries

    based in Beijing, China. On 22 s / d 26 November 2006 has been held

    WFAS International Symposium of Accupuncture at Sanur Paradise

    Plaza Hotel, Bali, attended by 23 countries.

    And now a lot of developing a course of acupuncture with professionals.

    This acupuncture course must be officially registered and have to get


    Acupuncture developments in Indonesia

    Acupuncture entered Indonesia through the merchants of China, where

    acupuncture is attached to-day life sehariu them. In 1962, First

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    President of the Republic of Indonesia Ir. Sukarno, was treated by a

    team of Chinese acupuncturist and then president of the doctors

    recommend it to Indonesia to study the science of acupuncture. Then a

    few doctors Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) following up.

    In 1973 began mushrooming of education and health care through

    acupuncture, then the Minister of Health issued Decree No.

    038/BIRHUB/1973 on July 12, 1973, which at that time was chaired by

    prof. G.A. Swabessy, which contains the obligatory list of acupuncture.

    In 1974 Jakarta Health Agency issued a decision regarding the

    recommendation to follow standardization and upgrading of


    In 1975, Prof.. dr. H. Herman Susilo suggested to establish

    organizations of acupuncture, although its still under the Public Health

    Service Establishments. On December 6, 1986 in Jakarta, on the advice,

    guidance, and direction DIRJEN DIKLUSPORA, Department of

    education, Ministry of Health, DEPDAGRI, regarding the incorporation of

    such organization, then stand pivot (All-Indonesia Association of

    Acupuncture). On March 17, 1990, signed a memorandum of cooperation

    research and development laboratory acupuncture services, with

    research centers and DPD RI DEPKES axis in Surabaya, East Java.

    In 1996, officially became a member Paksi WFAS (World Federation of

    Accupuncture and Moxibation Society) consisting of 135 countries

  • 8/3/2019 Acupuncture Development in Indonesia (New Version)


    based in Beijing, China. On 22 s / d 26 November 2006 has been held

    WFAS International Symposium of Accupuncture at Sanur Paradise

    Plaza Hotel, Bali, attended by 23 countries.

    And now a lot of developing a course of acupuncture with professionals.

    This acupuncture course must be officially registered and have to get

    permission. Are you interested?


    The development of acupuncture in our country when compared with

    developments in other countries, it is not left behind. His life is the way

    acupuncture treatment in Indonesia as old as the existence of Chinese

    immigrants who arrived from China. They brought kebiaasaan science

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    and culture are also treated to Indonesia. It's just that the science of

    acupuncture are limited in their environment and surroundings, also

    only sines who do practice it. New in 1963 the Ministry of Health in

    order to research and development to Eastern medicine, including

    Acupuncture Science, under the instructions of the Minister of Health at

    that time, Prof.. Dr. Satrio has established a Traditional Medicine

    Research Team Science East. Thus began the current practice of

    acupuncture was officially held at the General Hospital Center, Jakarta,

    which later developed into sub-sections under the Department of

    Internal Medicine, and later became Dr. Unit Acupuncture Hospital.

    Cipto Mangunkusumo today. In addition to providing service poliklinis of

    visitors / patients, Dr. Unit Acupuncture Hospital. Cipto Mangunkusumo

    also provide education to produce a new physician acupuncturists.

    In 1975 in Jakarta has been established professional organization of

    acupuncture with the name Naturopathy Association of Indonesia

    (IKNI), Association of Acupuncturists Indonesia (IAI), and the

    Association of Acupuncturists Indonesia (PAI). While in Bandung has

    stood Shinshe Acupuncturists Association (ISA).

    Department of Education and Culture together with the Ministry of

    Health on 10 - 13 November 1982 held a National Workshop on

    Acupuncture Education in Indonesia in order to homogenize education

    in Indonesia. The results of the workshop include:

    Create technical manuals, curriculum types of acupuncture

    Formed a container acupuncture profession

    Bleaching of acupuncturists who have been practicing, teachers and

    testers practice acupuncture

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    Date of 5 to 6 December 1985 in the National Congress carried out the

    first acupuncturists throughout Indonesia in Jakarta. I National

    Congress of fusion produces professional organization of acupuncture

    in Indonesia. Namely smelting the IAI and PAI axis (Association of

    Acupuncturists All Indonesia), while IKNI not want to unite with the

    axis, while the ISA merges into the IKNI.

    Furthermore, supervision, control and guidance acupuncturist in

    Indonesia under the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education.

    Supervision and control the practice of acupuncture is replaced with

    Minister of Health, education coaching candidates acupuncturists are

    replaced with Minister.