Part Two Having updated key-info regarding politics [and having distilled my focused intervention regarding the creation of a Log Cabin Republican entity in the region [and the state], it is desirable to note a few items that may have been overlooked [such as emphasis on the need for the GOP to sweep the midterms, salvaging only those Dems who can communicate dismay with BHO, to distance themselves from his ideological destructiveness]. Illustrating the importance of the TEA [“Taxed Enough Already”] Party Movement are its stances on the Export-Import Bank [defund] and the Illegals [don’t grant amnesty], and illustrating its success are not only the increased conservatism manifest during the primaries, but also the victories [Sasso, Brat, possible McDaniel] that have emerged. I still favor Cruz/Walker in ’16, knowing both nothing to discredit them and plenty to discredit alternatives; I still think Hillary won’t run. Pennsylvania-related Headlines suggest Corbett has wisely stood-firm against Pensions. ***PA Senate recalled for voting session on Tues July 8*** Conservatives blame union clout for lack of PA GOP accomplishment PENSION VOTE TO WAIT, PHILLY SCHOOLS BILL DOESN'T Philly cig tax OKed with last-minute change Allows rejected Charter School applicants to appeal to state-level entity PA braces for credit downgrade after budget & pensions soufflé House Majority Secretary Rep. Vereb: putting off pension bill until fall a 'soft commitment' PENSIONS DELAYED 'TIL FALL AS CORBETT REVIEWS BUDGET Corbett: 60¢ of every new dollar of state revenue diverted immediately into pension obligations Also, Pa. police discounted AG-Kane’s story about a second putative victim of Sandusky, and COURT REJECTED BID TO APPEAL PA SAME-SEX MARRIAGE RULING “The Complete Guide To Obama’s Scandals, Lies, And Blunders, From A-Zprovides a contemporary frame-of-reference for Notes for Reading the Declaration of Independence on the Fourth of July ; both depict the experience of “We, the People” when they lament being under the control of imperialism: In Abraham’s Lincoln’s 1857 speech on the Dred Scott Decision, he alludes to what was likely a customary way for mid-nineteenth-century Americans to celebrate the Fourth of Julybesides drinking whiskey and shooting guns, which they probably did (and some of us still do). Lincoln says, “I suppose you will celebrate; and will even go so far as to read the Declaration.” (Lincoln’s comment here was an aside—his larger point was that according to Stephen Douglas, the Declaration was nothing more than a justification for the colonists to withdraw their allegiance to the British, and that by this reading “the Declaration is of no practical use nowmere rubbishold wadding left to rot on the battle-field after the victory is won.”) Suppose you and your family decide to celebrate the Fourth according to the old custom this year, and at some point between the burgers and fireworks you gather everyone together and read the Declaration of Independence out loud. Once you get past the familiar opening—“When in the course of human events,” etc.—you’ll get into the list of

Action-Items CLXXXIII [Independence Day, BHO's Scandal-Sheet, Domestic and Foreign Affairs]

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Independence DayBHO's Scandal-SheetDomestic AffairsForeign Affairs

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Part Two

Having updated key-info regarding politics [and having distilled my focused intervention regarding the creation of a Log Cabin Republican entity in the region [and the state], it is desirable to note a few items that may have been overlooked [such as emphasis on the need for the GOP to sweep the midterms, salvaging only those Dems who can communicate dismay with BHO, to distance themselves from his ideological destructiveness]. Illustrating the importance of the TEA [“Taxed Enough Already”] Party Movement are its stances on the Export-Import Bank [defund] and the Illegals [don’t grant amnesty], and illustrating its success are not only the increased conservatism manifest during the primaries, but also the victories [Sasso, Brat, possible McDaniel] that have emerged. I still favor Cruz/Walker in ’16, knowing both nothing to discredit them and plenty to discredit alternatives; I still think Hillary won’t run.

Pennsylvania-related Headlines suggest Corbett has wisely stood-firm against Pensions. ***PA Senate recalled for voting session on Tues July 8*** Conservatives blame union clout for lack of PA GOP accomplishment PENSION VOTE TO WAIT, PHILLY SCHOOLS BILL DOESN'T Philly cig tax OKed with last-minute change – Allows rejected Charter School applicants to appeal to state-level entity PA braces for credit downgrade after budget & pensions soufflé House Majority Secretary Rep. Vereb: putting off pension bill until fall a 'soft commitment' PENSIONS DELAYED 'TIL FALL AS CORBETT REVIEWS BUDGET Corbett: 60¢ of every new dollar of state revenue diverted immediately into pension obligations Also, Pa. police discounted AG-Kane’s story about a second putative victim of Sandusky, and COURT REJECTED BID TO APPEAL PA SAME-SEX MARRIAGE RULING

“The Complete Guide To Obama’s Scandals, Lies, And Blunders, From A-Z” provides a contemporary frame-of-reference for Notes for Reading the Declaration of Independence on the Fourth of July; both depict the experience of “We, the People” when they lament being under the control of imperialism:

In Abraham’s Lincoln’s 1857 speech on the Dred Scott Decision, he alludes to what was likely a customary way for mid-nineteenth-century Americans to celebrate the Fourth of July—besides drinking whiskey and shooting guns, which they probably did (and some of us still do). Lincoln says, “I suppose you will celebrate; and will even go so far as to read the Declaration.”

(Lincoln’s comment here was an aside—his larger point was that according to Stephen Douglas, the Declaration was nothing more than a justification for the colonists to withdraw their allegiance to the British, and that by this reading “the Declaration is of no practical use now—mere rubbish—old wadding left to rot on the battle-field after the victory is won.”)

Suppose you and your family decide to celebrate the Fourth according to the old custom this year, and at some point between the burgers and fireworks you gather everyone together and read the Declaration of Independence out loud. Once you get past the familiar opening—“When in the course of human events,” etc.—you’ll get into the list of

grievances against King George III, “a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.”

Most of us are less familiar with this section, but the list follows a standard rhetorical structure: it begins with the least severe crimes and gradually ramps up to the worst.

About two-thirds of the way down, you’ll notice a few injuries and usurpations that have a certain resonance today, like “imposing Taxes on us without our Consent”—think Obamacare’s individual mandate penalty, which was only construed as a “tax” by the Supreme Court after the fact. The accusation that King George “erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people” should call to mind the deliberate targeting and harassment of conservative groups by the IRS, possible evidence of which was apparently “lost” when former IRS official Lois Lerner’s computer crashed.

But pay close attention to one item a little further down on the list, about “taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments.” That one is especially germane. Earlier this week, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz released the latest in a series of reports on the Obama administration’s attempt to expand federal power, highlighting a “persistent pattern of lawlessness” and a willingness to disregard the written law and instead enforce policies through executive fiat.

Cruz’s report catalogs the administration’s 20 unanimous defeats before the Supreme Court during the past five-and-a-half years, a tally that’s all the more striking for the string of defeats it suffered in the Supreme Court’s recently concluded term, including rulings this week in the Hobby Lobby case and Harris v. Quinn. In a statement accompanying the report, Cruz said the “inescapable conclusion is that the Obama Administration’s view of federal power knows virtually no bounds.”

That’s very much like the complaint Jefferson and the Founders had with King George. In the spirit of the Declaration, the Cruz report lists some things the federal government would be able to do had the White House’s lawyers won these cases:

Unilaterally install officers and bypass the Senate confirmation process (NLRB v. Noel Canning);

Search the contents of cell phones without a warrant (Riley v. California);

Use international treaties to displace state sovereignty over criminal law (Bond v. United States);

Expand federal mandatory minimum sentencing laws (Burrage v. United States);

Apply arbitrary immigration rules (Judulang v. Holder)…

And the list goes on. Given the Obama administration’s spectacular losses in court, one could be forgiven for thinking that the president doesn’t think much of “altering laws and fundamentally abolishing our forms of government.” After all, that’s been the progressive project for more than a century. Woodrow Wilson—the Founding Father of American progressivism, if you will—was vexed above all by the Constitution’s

separation of powers. For him, the maxims of the Founders were an impediment to good governance and to truly democratic politics: “The old political formulas do not fit the present problems; they read now like documents taken out of a forgotten age.”

One good thing about Wilson, though, was that he just came out and said exactly what he thought. The Obama administration, in contrast, has tried to couch its effort to dismantle the separation of powers in the language of the Constitution. In its brief before the Supreme Court for NLRB v. Noel Canning, the administration argued that the president’s 2012 recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board were justified, and that disallowing such appointments “would prevent the President from being able to fill offices, and exercise his constitutional responsibility to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, even when the Senate is unable, for a significant period of time, to give its advice and consent to appointments.”

The justices saw through this flimsy rhetoric and ruled unanimously that the president had overreached. Even the New York Times recognized that the 9-0 ruling was “momentous, involving a constitutional adjudication of the balance of power between the president and the Senate.” In other words, it was a rare victory for the separation of powers.

So when you’re reading the Declaration of Independence out loud in the backyard this Fourth, remember what was at the heart of the Founders’ complaint with old King George. Remember also that the Declaration, together with the Constitution, evinces the genius of a free people—and that attempts to alter fundamentally our form of government will never go away. From King George to Woodrow Wilson to the current administration, no wonder they say eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.

Now go do a shot of whiskey and shoot some guns.

Updating BHO’s Scandal-Sheet, a Veteran Died Waiting for an Ambulance at VA Hospital to transport him to an ER that was only yards away; Judicial Watch said Benghazi Documents Point to White House on Misleading Talking Points; and Issa and Lerner lawyer escalated IRS fight while the Obama’s IRS Defense Team was in-action. Perhaps related were the flub of the BHO’s spokesman Josh Earnest when defending the White House regarding Equal Pay between the sexes and the impetus for Issa to Rip Acting SSA Commissioner Over Failure to Fight Disability Fraud.

Already to be receiving SCOTUS-level scrutiny are two religion-related cases [The Washington Post: Up next for the Supreme Court: Pregnant workers’ rights and Supreme Court Could Take Historic Religious Liberty Case in 2015 with Mt. Soledad Veterans Cross]; these all relate to The war on religion, an essay about which ended optimistically [“Let's dispense with portraying people of faith as enemies of reason and fairness”]. Finally, as mentioned previously, the ‘Harris’ Ruling Could Cost AFSCME and SEIU Tens of Millions because the Supreme Court struck-down coercive union membership among Illinois home health workers. {Also, Gov’t Scientists report the Antarctic Sea Ice Is Growing — Because Of Global Warming.}

The focus, here, is on Domestic Affairs and Foreign Affairs; regarding the former, it is advised that viewing Dinesh D’Souza’s film “America” and the debate between Bill Ayers and Dinesh D'Souza on FNC regarding American Exceptionalism will prove both educational and entertaining. [Airing scoops such as

this may explain why Fox News boasts 50 Straight Quarters of Crushing Left-Wing CNN and MSNBC, with FOX NEWS' 'THE FIVE' EARNING 5X THE RATINGS OF CNN'S WOLF BLITZER; perhaps people are gradually being trained to look askance at the Bloomberg Editor who claimed Halperin and Heilemann “Are Not Ideological.” Regularly, both during prime-time and red-eye, Greg Gutfeld DESTROYS Leftists for thinking that hating America is cool. Also note that Cheney’s Back, Blitzing Rivals and Drawing Scorn while, responding, Rand Paul Dinged Cheney And Defended Obama On Iraq. Finally, Insurers are seeking double-digit ObamaCare premium hikes in NY.

the-jobs-report is problematic, including tragic data inter alia regarding the dramatic shift to part-time work due to ObamaDon’tCare [as predicted]; a record 92,120,000 Americans are Not Working and Not Looking. Although part-time work is usually 10%, now it’s up to ~30%, and “NOW HIRING” regularly is the Government; indicative of BHO’s failure, the 10.7% Black Unemployment More Than Double That of Whites.

BORDER BREAKDOWN: Why the Tea Party is wrong about immigration reform – these arguments are easily refuted, starting with the claim that this policy-point was “recently added” to the activists’ agenda Krauthammer On Immigration: “If Fences Don’t Work, Why Is There One Around The White House?” MURRIETA TOWN HALL VENTS ANGER AT FEDS OVER ALIEN TRANSFERS 'Refugees': News Networks Refuse to Call Illegals Illegal MSNBC Host, La Raza Guest Tie Anti-Hispanic Hate Crime to Illegal Immigrant Pushback AFL-CIO to Obama: Unilaterally Grant Work Permits to Illegals VIDEO: Coyote smuggles illegals across on jet ski... Media Are Using 'Children' as Human Shields at Border Migrants found hiding between pallets in 18-wheeler... Ranchers threatened: 'Look other way or face consequences'... SHOWDOWN: TOWN BRACES FOR DUMPING BACKLASH... Packed Town Hall Sounds Alarm On Invasion... Residents vow to block new arrivals... Busloads turn back... MESS: Children sent to Houston -- to be flown elsewhere... Obama: GOP failed to pass a 'darn' immigration bill - He will announce a plan to overhaul the system according to Politico [incorrect, of course, for all he did was say he’s studying lotsa stuff] Obama's immigration pivot - The president was one of the last people who still thought Congress could make a deal according to Politico [incorrect, of course, for he was always “anti”]. LIMBAUGH: Obama's Border Patrol Now Taxpayer-Funded Coyotes! SAVAGE: Media hiding disease threat... GOP: Obama must rule out legal status WH: No change to immigrant surge strategy 'at this point' Agents Report Increase in 'Fake Families'... MILITARY BASES 'TURNING INTO REFUGEE CAMPS'... Interactive map: Government effort to relocate illegals... RON PAUL: Hospitals under siege... Quarantine area 'nothing more than piece of yellow caution tape'... DMV Clogged by Applicants for Alien Drivers' Licenses... PERRY: 'Those Who Have Come Must Be Sent Back'... TEXAS WEIGHS LAWSUIT AGAINST FEDS...

Gov. Jerry Brown 1975: Don't 'Dump Vietnamese' Refugees on California... 'Homeland Security' gives free border pass to Mexican narcotics informant... Texas Dem: Amnesty Shouldn't Be Conditioned on Border Security JOAQUIN CASTRO: ASYLUM FOR ILLEGALS FROM CENTRAL AMERICA FEDERAL GOV’T SUES WISCONSIN COMPANY, SAYS ENGLISH-LANGUAGE REQUIREMENT IS 'DISCRIMINATION' WH: Obama Won't Visit Border While Attending Three TX Fundraisers Next Week WH: Rescinding DACA 'Not Going to Happen,' Temporary Amnesty Doesn't Send Wrong Message ICE Removes 'Alien' from Term for Illegal Immigrant Children Goodlatte Says Obama Responsible for Crisis After Visiting Border Illegal Immigrant Minors Accompanied by Adults Processed in Texas Facility Rick Perry: Terrorists, Gangsters Looking to Exploit Border Crisis Rick Perry to Obama: Convince Mexico to Secure Their Southern Border -- If You Care Sheila Jackson Lee Brings Lollipops to Illegals, Says Border Crisis Not National Security Threat Multiple Security Guards Blocked Rep. Bridenstine from Entering HHS Facility Housing Minors U.S. Bishops Urge Obama Admin Not to Send Back Unaccompanied Illegal Children Zuckerberg Group Hosts Amnesty Forum with George W. Bush Institute Harry Reid: No Immigration Reform Is Costing Jobs CNN Contributor: 'I Was Wrong' to Dismiss Fears of Illegals Carrying Contagious Diseases San Diego Border Patrol: One Airplane of Illegals to Arrive Every 72 Hours Report: Four Illegals Turned Away from Murrieta Hospitalized with Scabies, Fever

A reminder of stock-phraseology used by the Leftist-Media is ensconced in an essay [“Lone Star Crazy: How Right-Wing Extremists Took Over Texas”] that unabashedly decried current-day Texas [in Rolling Stone]: "This was supposed to be the year Texas turned blue, or at least purple, the year female and Hispanic voters turned out in droves and carried Democrat state Sen. Wendy Davis to the governor's mansion. Battleground Texas, a group founded last year with the bold goal of transforming Texas into a swing state, targeted the swelling Latino population, which by 2020 is projected to overtake the white population of Texas. ... Texas remains a very red state, and the narrow slice that represents the Republican-primary electorate - about seven percent this year - continues to move farther and faster to the extreme right."

Regarding Foreign Affairs, first, note that Putin continues to act-out in Europe, creating what has been dubbed Putin's New 'Nuclear' Option, because the escalating crisis in Ukraine being he engineered is taking on the feel of the Guns of August: an inexorable march towards a wider conflict, and perhaps a conflagration; meanwhile, PUTIN cajoled OBAMA [“Let's get along”] as Merkel Nixed any New NATO Bases in Eastern Europe due to Fear of a Russian Backlash [while QUESTIONS were RAISED OVER MERKEL'S COMMUNIST PAST]. Many suspect BHO is abandoning the EU, manifest as stemming from his disarmament ideology [U.S. Nuke Sites Dismantled; Security to Save Money and Congress to Cut Key U.S. Missile Defense System]. Also, Venezuelan Violence continues [Man Shot to Death During Surgery to Close Gunshot Wound].

When distilling subtle manifestations of anti-Semitism among Lefties, it is also vital to direct identical scrutiny at putative conservatives [such as Grover Norquist]; that’s why others share the need to “vet” those who claim to be aligned politically with the TPM. For example, it seems an Antiwar Conference [hosted by the American Prospect and the

American Conservative] Featured a Panelist Who Spoke at Holocaust Denial Conference and claimed American Muslims are a disloyal “fifth column” who should leave America. Nevertheless, the dominant concern is among libs, manifest both via religion [Do the Presbyterians Expect Jews to Be the World's Only Christians?] and the media [MSNBC’s FARROW EQUATED ISRAELI AND PALESTINIAN 'EXTREMISM IN THE LEADERSHIP' and GE-Sponsored explanatory website (Vox.com, edited by Ezra Klein) Accused Israel of War Crimes, which is again facing criticism for biased and hostile reporting about Israel. Also, not so subtle is the anti-Semitism manifest by Italy, Spain and France, manifest as their having endorsed the BDS-movement; nevertheless, the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement is “virtually guaranteed to fail” because of unreasonable demands and misleading claims, according to noted anti-Israel activist Noam Chomsky. Finally, it was revealed that the 'Ideal Aryan' Nazi Poster Child Was Jewish.

Overall, feeling vindicated by events not under their control, conservative thinkers in Israel are trying to drive-home key-concepts to prophylax against a moment in the future when the libs might attempt to undermine Israel’s “intestinal fortitude” [The time has come for America to stand up - By Caroline B. Glick, and How Dare Israel Defend Itself; We Only Like Them When They're Victims]; many observers feel that, “by adhering to a policy of avoiding confrontations which Israel can win, the government risks leading it into one in which it might lose, for it is time for a bold new offensive – before we are overtaken by events.” Others are concerned that becoming enmeshed with Hamas could undermine the capacity to take bold action against Iran; that Israel is juggling conflicts on multiple levels is dramatized by the jewish policy center’s daily summary of military-activity in/around Israel and the streaming Jerusalem Post Headlines. {Also note Israel's Economic Impact on the U.S. and Cyprus’ Inauguration of an Israeli-Built Water Desalination Plant.]

U.S. Supreme Court Refused to Save the Jordan-based Arab Bank from Sanctions, based on a lower-court decision to send to trial a terror finance case brought by the families of terror victims. The case involves allegations that Arab Bank facilitated massive transfers of funds to Hamas leaders and institutions, as well as to the families of suicide bombers and imprisoned Hamas members between 1998-2004. The plaintiffs allege that the bank knew the funds were related to terror groups and thus is civilly liable for wrongful death damages resulting from terror attacks perpetrated using those funds. (Jerusalem Post)

Regarding the kidnapping/murder of the three Israeli teens: Civilian Volunteers Helped the IDF Find the Boys Kidnappers of Three Israeli Teens Had Accomplices Killed because they were Jews These Murders Reawaken Israel's Deepest Fears

After the Horror - In the wake of the discovery of the bodies of the three teenagers, part of the world, in its obtuseness, has warned us against a "disproportionate" reaction, as if there is a proportionate reaction to three boys murdered for no other reason than they were Jews. There Is No "Cycle of Violence" – It’s ongoing. Canada Mourns Loss of Three Israeli Teens and Calls for Justice [while BHO remains mute] World Rushes to Blame Jews for Palestinian Boy's Murder – Without Evidence Kidnapping Ended Palestinian Statehood Bid After the Murder of a Palestinian Youth in Jerusalem, Arabs Rioted All Over Jerusalem setting fires and Damaging Jerusalem's Light Rail [that Could Take Months to Repair]; after exploring what is Behind the Rioting in Jerusalem, and Israel Moved to Limit Expressions of Hatred. I feel Israel should consider deporting rioters, perhaps c/w these sentiments:

Deport the Heads of Hamas - Avi Dichter, a former director of the Israel Security Agency and Minister of Internal Security. (Israel Hayom) This past month has made it very clear what Hamas' strategy is: taking over the Palestinian Authority by entering into a unity government with PA President Abbas, while capturing Palestinian hearts that brim with joy the moment they hear about an attack by Hamas terrorists that left three Jewish youths dead. Attempts to describe an imaginary situation in which the political Hamas is separate from the military Hamas range from naive to pathetic. Israel must strike while the iron is still hot and implement the most effective leverage of deterrence: deportation. Deporting the Hamas terrorist infrastructure from the West Bank to Gaza is a move that will create truly significant deterrence. As someone who has seen this from up close for decades, I'm saying that a move like this will have tremendous efficacy against terrorists and potential terrorists.

It is ominous that Palestinians in Gaza Fired 45 Rockets at Israel that struck a Day-Care Center; also, a Sderot Family said “It's a Miracle that We Were Saved.” Thus, Israel Hit Gaza Targets in Response to Rocket Fire and Israel Massed Forces on Gaza Border.

“Obscene Rush to Judgment” by Arlene Kushner On Tuesday night, according to eye witnesses, a black car stopped near Mohammad Abu Khdeir, 16, from the upscale Beit Hanina neighborhood of Jerusalem and then took off with the boy inside. Some time later, the family reported him missing. By early Wednesday morning, his burnt body had been found in the Jerusalem Forest area. What happened next should not surprise us, as infuriating as it is: assumptions are being made far and wide that this boy was killed by Jews in retaliation for the terrorist murders of the three students. Unfortunately, we are seeing this even among some Israelis, who, imagining themselves righteous people, are thumping their chests in an ill-advised and premature “mea culpa.” One of the most egregious of the accusations came from Secretary of State Kerry, which should really, really not be a surprise. We know by now quite well who is our friend and

who is not. There is not even a pretense of evenhandedness. Rather, his bias is exposed for all the world to see. Yisrael Medad put out a comparison of what Kerry said after our boys were found dead, and what he said now (with all emphasis from Medad):

Then: “The news of the murder of these three Israeli teenagers...is simply devastating. We all had so much hope that this story would not end this way. As a father, there are no words to express such a horrific loss that shakes all people of conscience. We pray for these boys and their families, and together we grieve with all of the people of Israel. Knowing that Naftali was also an American citizen makes this an especially heavy blow. “We condemn this despicable terrorist act in the strongest possible terms. The killing of innocent youths is an outrage beyond any understanding or rationale, and the perpetrators must be brought to justice. This is a time for all to work toward that goal without stabilizing the situation.” And now: “The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms the despicable and senseless abduction and murder of Muhammad Hussein Abu Khder. “It is sickening to think of an innocent 17 year old boy snatched off the streets and his life stolen from him and his family. There are no words to convey adequately our condolences to the Palestinian people. “The authorities are investigating this tragedy, a number of Israeli and Palestinian officials have condemned it, and Prime Minister Netanyahu has been emphatic in calling for all sides ‘not to take the law into their own hands.’ “Those who undertake acts of vengeance only destabilize an already explosive and emotional situation. We look to both the Government of Israel and the Palestinian Authority to take all necessary steps to prevent acts of violence and bring their perpetrators to justice. The world has too often learned the hard way that violence only leads to more violence and at this tense and dangerous moment, all parties must do everything in their power to protect the innocent and act with reasonableness and restraint, not recrimination and retribution.”

The difference in over-all tone between the two statements – the far more passionate distress when referring to the killing of the Arab boy – is fairly obvious.

But what we must pay closest attention to are certain key judgmental words: vengeance, destabilize, recrimination, retribution. He has Israel tried and convicted on this, without evidence. There we were, showing a nobility in our behavior with the funeral. But it wasn’t allowed to stand. And – naturally – Abbas is referring to the murder of this boy as an Israeli “war crime.” ~~~~~~~~~~ There will in the end be a final conclusion arrived at by the police, but my absolute conviction is that he was murdered by Arabs. Allow me to share the evidence for this: First, the body was burned. This is not the way Jews would operate. Then, there is a report given by a “senior former police officer” that the family of the boy was well-known to police sources. “It’s a problematic family with internal clashes that have been going on for many years....I know the internal conflicts in that family, and we need to wait and not rush to connect the murder of the Arab youth with the abduction in Gush Etzion."

{It is apt to note Washington's Response to the West Bank Murders - David Pollock (Washington Institute for Near East Policy) It is a misconception that the murder of three Israeli teenagers is somehow unrelated to the new Fatah-Hamas "unity" government established in early June. Part of the agreement was that Hamas would be allowed to operate in the West Bank - the kidnapping is an indirect consequence of that provision. The newfound license for Hamas enshrined in the deal is almost certainly what made this latest plot so tragically "successful." Of course, the formal agreement did not explicitly condone kidnapping or murder, but Hamas officially interpreted it as an opening for militant activities of all kinds. The group's West Bank sympathizers were newly encouraged to provide local cover, and mid-level PA security officials suddenly became uncertain about where to draw the line in preempting or thwarting Hamas operations. Similarly, Abbas has proclaimed that his new government would remain bound by the commitment to nonviolence against Israel. Yet rockets keep raining on Israel from Gaza, and the PA - which is now officially responsible for Gaza under the terms of the unity deal - has not done or even said anything to stop them. Washington would be on very firm ground in insisting that, as a condition for continued U.S. aid and support, the PA must either act unambiguously to end Hamas violence or dissolve its partnership with that U.S.-designated terrorist organization.}

Palestinian Arab culture is clan-based. If you are interested in further information, to help you understand what might be going on, you might want to see this:

“Arab culture addresses security through ‘balanced opposition’ in which everybody is a member of a nested set of kin groups, ranging from very small to very large. These groups are vested with responsibility for the defense of each member and responsible for harm any member does to outsiders. If there is a confrontation, families face families, lineage faces lineage, clan faces clan.”

There have been other suggestions that the boy’s murder may have been an “honor killing” necessitated in the killer’s view by the fact that the boy is a homosexual, which brings a shame to the family that must be rectified.

An honor killing is the homicide of a member of a family...due to the perpetrator's belief that the victim has brought shame or dishonor upon the family...usually for reasons such as refusing to enter an arranged marriage, being in a relationship that is disapproved by their relative...or engaging in homosexual relations. (Emphasis added)

Lastly, we have reports from several sources of conflicting information provided by the mother and the father, including claims regarding an attempted kidnapping of the boy’s younger brother some days before this incident. See, for example:

“On Tuesday, police said, the mother called police to say that ‘settlers’ had tried to kidnap her younger son. She said that individuals had stopped a car in front of her house where she was sitting with her son, and that they tried to grab him. She managed to hold onto him, she said, and they left, at which point she called police. “Officers arrived a few minutes later to take her statement, in which she said ‘settlers’ had tried to kidnap her son, but could give no details. However, a few minutes later the father arrived, and he disputed his wife, saying that it was Arabs who tried to kidnap the son. “Police asked the father if he was positive regarding the identity of the would-be kidnappers, and he said he was. When they asked him to file a police complaint, he said he would, but that he would come down to the police station later on to do so in order to be able to comfort his son. He never showed up, police said, who contacted him several times asking him to file the complaint – but to no avail.”

The charge that Jews killed this boy has sparked severe riots in certain Arab sections of Jerusalem in and near the Shuafat neighborhood and in Beit Hanina. Rioters did damage to the light rail station in the Shuafat neighborhood and threw rocks and homemade bombs at the police. Additional police forces had to be called out.

I pause here to point out the difference between the way we Jews responded to the death of the three boys and the way Arabs are responding here. Unfortunately, this difference will not be noted by mainstream media sources. Jerusalem Councilman Aryeh King charged that the murder of the boy was planned to incite unrest. I cannot speak to this, but what seems certain is that the fact of the murder was used to inflame anger and promote rioting. Please note that the rioting is making it difficult for the IDF to continue with its actions against Hamas in Judea and Samaria – something else that might well have been taken into consideration when the unrest was fomented.

* These are the first two ‘graphs of what was written by Jerry Gordon, mirroring the above-observations regarding a rush-to-judgment: Shortly after Noon on July 2, 2014, the Washington, DC-based Jewish Council for Public Affairs (Jewish Council or JCPA in the US) put out a statement with the headline, “JCPA Mourns Palestinian Teenager, Calls for an End to Violence”. [The Jewish Council proclaims itself as “Voice of Jewish America”. It numbers among constituent members major American Jewish organizations such as the ADL, American Jewish Committee, Hadassah, Jewish War Veterans and many of the local Jewish Community Relations Councils (JCRCs) of Federations. The JCRC’s have been in the forefront of promoting outreach to non-Jewish communities but, in all too many instances, engaging in Jewish Muslim dialogues that have backfired. [See January 2011 NER article, “Dialogue with Radical Muslims is Dangerous for American Jews”.] The JCPA news release drew attention to the discovery of the burned remains of 16 year old Mohammed Abu Khedair in a Jerusalem forest. CNN reported, that Khedair “was heading from his home to a mosque in the middle-class neighborhood of Shoafat for prayers around 4 a.m. when three men forced him into a car and drove off, according to his father Hussain Abu Khedair. His burned remains were found an hour later.” Who were the three men who abducted and murdered Mohammed Abu Khedair is the subject of investigations by Israel’s national Police. Moreover, why was the Jewish Council compelled to issue this statement within less than 12 hours after news broke and without any investigation by Israeli National Police?

As USA-Iran nuke-talks restarted, the ability to Elicit A Better Deal From Iran was felt to be elusive; during a background briefing on the P5+1-Iran discussions by the U.S. State Department, two postures were articulated [U.S. Wants Sharp Reduction of Iran's Enrichment Capacity and Iran Eases Demands in Nuclear Talks]. BHO will probably kick-the-can-down-the-road for another six months, meanwhile stopping noisy Senators from legislating regarding sanctions. What too-few people realize is the ongoing impact of the terrorism-threat within the USA, for Embracing Sharia Law seems to be America’s Blind Spot; for example, Airport Security was increased as Yemen Bomb Makers Joined with Syrian Jihadists, and a Denver Teen Seduced by ISIS Jihadist Online Approved of Attacking US Military 'Targets.'

Regarding worldwide manifestations of Sharia, there was good news [Europe Took Step Toward Burqa Ban], unnerving news [China Banned Muslim Holy Month of Ramadan],

confidential news [U.S Official: U.S. Troops Have Been 'Secretly' In Somalia Since 2007], and violent news [Terrorists Threw a Grenade into Lebanese Cafe Open during Ramadan]. Meanwhile, Meriam Ibrahim, the Sudanese Christian Woman Faced a New Legal Challenge, as Muslim "relatives" of a Sudanese Christian woman hiding at the US embassy are taking her to court to try to prove she belongs to their family. {Also: Meriam Ibrahim said her baby is disabled “because I gave birth with my legs chained.”}

Iraq remains unsettled: Iraqi Parliament Failed to Elect New PM FEINSTEIN: MALIKI MUST GO Sunni Mufti: ISIS and Affiliates Have Killed over 300 Sunni Imams and Preachers Iraq: Islamic State Demands Fellow Sunnis Swear Allegiance to Caliphate A Caliphate has been declared in the Middle East Iraq - the State of Play Growing Shadow of ISIS Isis declared the creation of its own Islamic state The Caliphate Fantasy Islamic State caliph calls on Muslims worldwide to move to his new caliphate and wage jihad against Infidels Official Al Qaeda Rebel Unit in Syria Joins ISIL Rome will be conquered next, says leader of ‘Islamic State’ Iraqi Prime Minister Offers Amnesty to ISIS-Aiding Sunni Tribes Wyoming Republican Barrasso said ISIL a direct threat to the United States, noting it was a mistake to completely withdraw from Iraq. ISIS Poses Threat Beyond Iraq Ga. veterans fear Iraq sacrifice was for naught Kurdish President Doubts Iraq Will Remain As Is The Complexities of Kurdish Secession US Troops in Baghdad to Fly Apache Helicopters and Drones CIA Under Fire for Failure in Iraq Iraq and Iran: A Plague on Both Their Houses Can Iraqi Forces Recapture Lost Ground Alone? U.S. Says ‘Probably Not’ Fresh Gains and New Enemies for Islamic State in Syria In sub-Saharan Africa, few residents pay attention to political events in Arab countries, but those who do view them more negatively than positively. Malians are among the most likely to hold a negative view. Walid Phares [The Lost Spring: U.S. Policy in the Middle East] documented BHO’s tilt towards both Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood…and the tragic consequences of this conscious decision. obama’s-dance-with-radical-islam

* Although a bit choppy, this is an annotated summary of Victor David Hanson article, Obama's World Disorder by Victor Davis Hanson [Tuesday, June 24, 2014] acquired via e-mail [relay]]:

"....After assembling a coalition to beef up sanctions again Iran, the U.S. eased them to begin new negotiations with the theocracy—without prior consolation with our allies. The Obama administration has gone after al-Qaedists through drone attacks, but such

terrorists have spread throughout the Mideast in the wake of U.S. retrenchment and a misguided and euphemistic outreach to radical Islam. No one in Latin America knows to what degree, if any, the U.S. opposes the creeping spread of authoritarian Marxist governments. No one in the Middle East knows quite what the evolving American position is on Iranian nuclear proliferation. And no one quite knows whether the United States is distancing itself from Israel while gravitating toward its enemies. The Obama administration declares climate change the chief global threat. That new inanimate target is welcome news to aggressive nations that had once feared that their own reckless behavior might have been so singled out. Americans did not fully appreciate the costly postwar global order that the United States had established over the last seventy years. Maybe they will start to as they witness it vanish." = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = * Obama record is very low, based on the data below, based on eleven wrong foreign activities in last 3 years: * USA still "negotiating" on Iran Nuke... Last week, the US delegation was told by White House: "Don’t leave talks with Iran without an “improved” interim deal" [Even so the Iranian negotiators did not move an inch-] ... the P5+1 negotiations with Iran are at an impasse, with no chance of achieving their goal of a final nuclear accord by the July deadline ..." A US official said that the bilateral stage was fitted “to engage in as much active diplomacy we can to test whether we can reach a diplomatic solution with Iran on its nuclear program.... accompanying round after round of failed discussions...." * It was not a surprise attack by ISIS [al-Qaida branch] on Iraq as "even last year, ISIS began moving fighting strength from Syria to Iraq, flocking to the ISIS campaign against Nuri al-Maliki," [Iraqi PM], as reported by Debka.com on 6-11. "....The American intelligence community is only now scrambling to draw up a potential target list in Iraq, and possibly Syria—even though the threat of ISIS has been visibly growing for years." * The US had delivered a major blow to its Israeli ally after announcing that the US government would work with the new Palestinian unity government backed by the Hamas terrorist organization- On other hand, Egypt’s president punishes Hamas, Jihadi Islami in Gaza, fires up strife in Palestinian government .....while the USA stopped Financial aid to Egypt which is fighting the Muslim brotherhood, Hamas and terrorists: * First mistake was to remove Kaddafi as "Kaddafi was the best success of western countries in last 15 years in the mid-east, with a very stable and pro-western co-operation" (ref is a top national analyst and journalist on Israel TV news panel, Ari

Shavit), and Kaddafi took good care of his people including free education to all his people. * Obama supporting rebels (supported by Iran) in Bahrain, per following references: * Obama helped removing Mubarak in Egypt by supported Muslim brotherhood - REF: illary Clinton's new book * Obama stopped Finance aid to the military leaders in Egypt who are fighting the Muslim brotherhood, Hamas and terrorists. * Obama supported terrorist rebels in Syria, anti-west rebels who support al-Qaida (reference is available): * Obama moved his navy out of middle east and now Russian are taking control on the mid east: More details on the above points: * USA is still "negotiating" on Iran Nuke... Last week, the US delegation was told by the White House: "Don’t leave talks with Iran without an “improved” interim deal" [Even so the Iranian negotiators did not move an inch.] ...the fact is that the P5+1 negotiations with Iran are at an impasse, with no chance of achieving their goal of a final nuclear accord by the July deadline ... US want to have something to show for the venture into nuclear diplomacy - .....they are still testing if they can achieve something as......" A US official said that the bilateral stage was fitted “to engage in as much active diplomacy we can to test whether we can reach a diplomatic solution with Iran on its nuclear program.” .... "But the optimistic comments of “progress” accompanying round after round of failed discussions had to be explained away." [Note: even a bad agreement is better for Obama than no deal- Obama still testing if he can achieve something .] And..."Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi announced Saturday that Iran would go straight from the meeting with the US delegation to a separate one with Russian negotiators on June 11-12." Tehran has thus provided itself with the option of improving on Washington’s offer by getting a better deal from Moscow. This maneuver also brings to the attention of the Obama administration that Iran means henceforth to line up its Middle East policy and strategy with Moscow." My suggestion: Senators and Congressmen should force Obama to listen to the Israelis who said in October 2013 that this is a BAD agreement and to resume the sanctions on Iran. Now "The American source commented wryly that the two-day Geneva encounter would undoubtedly provide the stage for further US concessions if the delegation wishes to come out with any sort of accord in hand." The above and following info show that Obama don't understand that the Muslim leaders understand only force as "negotiation" is their strong weapon to get more and more from the west without giving back anything.

* The US had delivered a major blow to its Israeli ally after announcing that the US government would work with the new Palestinian unity government backed by the Hamas terrorist organization: "...Israeli officials criticized the US for backing a government backed by Hamas ..." On the other hand, Egypt’s president punishes Hamas, Jihadi Islami in Gaza, fires up strife in Palestinian government...while the USA supported the Hamas- Fatah government and stopped Finance aid to Egyptian who are fighting the Muslim brotherhood, Hamas and terrorists: Israeli Minister Landau said: “The willingness of the US administration to effectively recognize the Abbas-Hamas government causes damage to the security of Israel’s citizens and encourages terror.” * Intervention in Libya Cost USA at Least $896 Million: * “Washington is doing the unthinkable: empowering Islamic butchers”: "...the rebels [in Libya] - contrary to Obama's spin – they are not pro-democracy freedom fighters. Many of them are anti-west Muslim fundamentalists who seek to forge an Islamist Libya. Al Qaeda is in their ranks. Libyan jihadists who spent years in Iraq killing U.S. soldiers form the nucleus of the anti-Gadhafi movement. Hence, Washington is doing the unthinkable: empowering Islamic butchers whose hands are soaked in American blood. ...Obama's policy contravenes our national interest, is inept, immoral and illegal." * The second time Obama supported anti-west rebels (similar to Libya case): "After Obama supported the demonstrators in Bahrain in 2011 [supported by Iran], Saudi Arabia ....King Abdullah first defied the Obama administration's policy of support for popular uprisings against autocratic Arab regimes on March 14 by sending Saudi troops into Bahrain to prop up the king against the Shiite-led disturbances organized by Tehran's Lebanese surrogate, Hizballah.....Saudi Arabia king accused US-led diplomacy of giving Tehran a clear field…".. Their message to Washington is that the Gulf nations are now making their own decisions."

* Nobody Predicted What Would Happen in Iraq...Except George W. Bush; in July 2007, President Bush explained:

"I know some in Washington would like us to start leaving Iraq now. To begin withdrawing before our commanders tell us we are ready would be dangerous for Iraq, for the region, and for the United States. It would mean surrendering the future of Iraq to al Qaeda. It would mean that we’d be risking mass killings on a horrific scale. It would mean we’d allow the terrorists to establish a safe haven in Iraq to replace the one they lost in Afghanistan. It would mean increasing the probability that American troops would have to return at some later date to confront an enemy that is even more dangerous."

Obama did his failure activities BY PURPOSE, in the last 3 years and not as accidental mistakes, to fulfill his wrong ideology:

THE FORTHCOMING ELECTION DAY IS OUR LAST CHANCE FOR SURVIVAL. As a Suggested action: Convince people (with the data here) to vote for the right Senators and Congressmen in Nov. 2014 to stop Obama from doing more wrong foreign activities. And, ask the present legislators to stop Obama and Democrats even before November.

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