P.17 L’ISO 9001:2008 est arrivée ! ISO 9001:2008 has arrived! & performance cti o n 06 décembre/december 2008 LE MAGAZINE D’AFNOR CERTIFICATION AFNOR CERTIFICATION MAGAZINE Contre le risque alimentaire Against the risk of bad foodstuffs Soutenir les enjeux des services publics Supporting the challenges facing the public services Nouveau : la marque NF en rubrique New: the NL label by headings P.03 P.08 P.11

Action Et Performance n6

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Iso 9001 v 2008

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  • P.17LISO 9001:2008 est arrive ! ISO 9001:2008 has arrived!



    Contre le risque alimentaireAgainst the risk of bad foodstuffs

    Soutenir les enjeux desservices publicsSupporting the challengesfacing the public services

    Nouveau : la marque NF en rubriqueNew: the NL label byheadings




  • p.02action&performance06

    clients en bref/ clients in brief/

    Le secteur des tudes se professionnalise vers linternationalResearch International, conseil enmarketing, est la premire entreprisecertifie AFAQ ISO 20252. Une distinction qui la place parmi lessocits les plus performantes enmatire de qualit et de management.LISO 20252:2006 tudes de march,sociales et dopinion est la nouvellenorme internationale mtier derfrence. labore selon lISO 9001 avec la participation active du Syntectudes elle fixe des exigences dequalit pour la pratique des tudes de march qualitatives et quantitatives.En adoptant un systme de manage-ment qualit certifi ISO 20252, les perspectives sont nombreuses :langage commun, dveloppementcommercial au-del des frontires,gestion des risques, etc. De nombreuxprofessionnels, comme Audirep, Estel,ED Institut, Global Insight, IOD, IRIFrance, Enov Research, LH2, OpinionWay, ou Repres sont engags dans la dmarche.

    The research sector is becoming more professional on the international frontMarketing consultancy ResearchInternational is the first company toreceive AFAQ ISO 20252 certification:a distinction that places it as one ofthe top companies in terms of qualityand management. ISO 20252:2006market, social and opinion research is the leading new internationalstandards for the profession. Drawnup along the lines of ISO 9001 with the active participation of SyntecEtudes it sets out quality requirementsfor carrying out qualitative andquantitative market research. Adopting an ISO 20252 certifiedquality management system leads to a wide range of prospects: a commonlanguage, commercial developmentbeyond the borders, risk management,etc. A large number of firms such asAudirep, Estel, ED Institut, GlobalInsight, IOD, IRI France, EnovResearch, LH2, Opinion Way andRepres have embarked on theapproach.

    An Haut-Mdoc wine estate isawarded the AFAQ1000NRlabelOn 30 October, Chteau LaroseTrintaudon (France - 33) received theAFAQ 1000NR certificate of evaluationfrom Florence Maux, ManagingDirector of AFNOR Certification as a reward for its commitment to andexperience of sustainable development.The ceremony took place on theproperty in the presence of a numberof leading figures from the region.Larose Trintaudon can take pride inbeing the first French wine estate to be awarded this European evaluation aspart of its company social responsibilityapproach.

    Un vignoble du Haut-Mdoc labellis AFAQ 1000NRLe 30 octobre dernier, le ChteauLarose Trintaudon (33), a reu desmains de Florence Maux, directricegnrale AFNOR Certification, lattes-tation dvaluation AFAQ 1000NR qui rcompense son engagement et son exprience dans le dvelop-pement durable. Une crmonie qui sest droule, la proprit, enprsence de nombreuses personna-lits de la rgion. Larose Trintaudonpeut senorgueillir dtre le premiervignoble franais couronn de cettevaluation europenne dans unedmarche de responsabilit socitaledes entreprises.

    Air France embarks onenvironmental managementWith 74.8 million passengers carriedover the last 24 months, Air France is one of the worlds leading airlines. In September this year, it was awardedAFAQ ISO 14001 environmentalcertification for all its activities inmainland France and on board itsaircraft. For the 63,000 employeesinvolved, this was official recognitionfor the effort they had put into limitingthe impact of their activity on theenvironment. Though world air trafficaccounts for less than 3% of all theCO2 emitted, the airline neverthelessmakes every effort to set the examplefor environmental protection. It iscommitted to a certain number ofinitiatives to reduce gas and noiseemissions: renewal of the fleet (14 newaircraft introduced in 2007), lightercabin equipment, better procedures forreducing noise, tracking down wastefulfuel consumption, improving air quality at airports, etc. On 7 October,Air France celebrated its 75th birthday,proof of the French companysdynamism.

    Management environnemental : Air France sengageAvec 74,8 millions de passagerstransports sur les 24 derniers mois,Air France figure parmi les premirescompagnies ariennes au monde. En septembre dernier, elle a reu lacertification environnementale AFAQISO 14001 pour lensemble de sonactivit en France mtropolitaine et bord des avions. Pour les 63 000collaborateurs engags, il sagit de lareconnaissance officielle des effortsconsentis pour limiter limpact de leuractivit sur lenvironnement. Si la partdu trafic arien mondial reprsentemoins de 3 % de la totalit du CO2 mis, la compagnie sefforcenanmoins dtre une rfrence enmatire de protection environnemen-tale. Elle sengage sur un certainnombre dactions visant diminuerles missions gazeuses et sonores :le renouvellement de la flotte (14 nou-veaux avions introduits en 2007), desquipements de cabine encore pluslgers, de meilleures procdures pourrduire le bruit, la traque aux consom-mations inutiles de carburant, lam-lioration de la qualit de lair desaroports Le 7octobre dernier, AirFrance ftait ses 75 ans, preuve de ladynamique de lentreprise franaise.

    AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 46 11 37 00

    Florence Maux, directricegnrale AFNOR Certification,

    Bruno Pastre, directeurgnral du Chteau Larose

    Trintaudon, FranoisThomazeau directeur gnraldlgu des AGF - galement

    prsident du conseildadministration du Chteau.

    Left to right: Florence Maux,Managing Director AFNOR

    Certification, Bruno Pastre,Managing Director, ChteauLarose Trintaudon, Franois

    Thomazeau deputy ManagingDirector, AGF - also chairman

    of the Board of Directors ofthe Chteau.

  • a meetingwith.../



    Vins, spiritueux, huiles, pots alimentaires La listedes marchs sur lesquels intervient Saint-GobainEmballage explique en grandepartie sa volont dobtenir la certification ISO 22000. Nos produits font partie de lachane alimentaire , souligneLaurent Peccatte, directeurqualit et scurit alimentairede lentreprise. LISO 22000dmontre nos clients de lindustrie agroalimentaire et de la grande distribution notreimplication proactive sur cessujets . Une manire, aussi, de devancer les exigenceseuropennes en matire descurit alimentaire.

    Une continuit logiqueSaint-Gobain Emballage (SGE)est loin de faire ses premiers

    Wines, spirits, oils, food jarsTo a great extent, the list ofmarkets in which Saint-GobainEmballage is involved explainswhy it was keen to obtain ISO 22000 certification. Our products form part of the food chain, said LaurentPeccatte, the companys qualityand food safety director. ISO 22000 shows our foodindustry and mass distributioncustomers that we areproactively involved in theseissues. Its also a way of gettinga step ahead of European foodsafety requirements.

    A logical progressionSaint-Gobain Emballage (SGE) is well versed in the field ofcertification. The company hasbeen ISO 9001 certified since1992 and all its sites are also

    pas dans le monde de la certifi-cation. Lentreprise est certifieISO 9001 depuis 1992 et lensemble de ses sites sontgalement certifis ISO 14001et OHSAS 18001. Obtenirune certification sur la scuritalimentaire pour les six sites deproduction du groupe sinscritdans une continuit logique ,poursuit Laurent Peccatte. Lechemin vers lISO 22000 avaitdailleurs dj commenc avecdes valuations HACCP et un travail de formalisation sur lerisque verre et dbris de verre,enjeux majeurs pour le fabricant.

    Pilote sur les dmarches prcdentes, lusine deLagnieu (01) a de nouveauassum le rle dclaireur sur la certification ISO 22000 : ce site de production appro-visionne nos marchs les plussensibles comme les alimentspour bb ou les produitslaitiers. Nous nous appuyonsdonc sur lui pour dcliner nosdmarches , prcise LaurentPeccatte. Lusine de Lagnieu...


    Saint-Gobain EmballageSaint-Gobain Emballage (Packaging)

    AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 46 11 37 00

    >>> Le leader franais des emballages en verre creux vient dobtenir sa cinquimecertification ISO 22000. La dmarche, destine la filire agroalimentaire, est entotale cohrence avec les objectifs de lentreprise. Dcryptage.

    Passer de la prvention du risque alimentaire la scurit alimentaire

    Moving from the prevention of food risk to food safety>>>>>> The French leader for container glassware has just obtained its fifth ISO 22000certification. The approach, which is intended for the food industry, is totally consistent with thecompanys objectives. Heres why.

    Lvaluation HACCP a constitu un premier pas vers la certification ISO 22000. HACCP evaluation was a first steptowards ISO 22000 certification.

  • .06dcembre/december2008



    Passer de la prvention du risque alimentaire la scurit alimentaire Moving from the prevention of food risk to food safety

    ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001certified. Its a logical progressionto obtain food safety certificationfor the groups six productionsites, continued LaurentPeccatte. The road to ISO 22000had in fact already begun withHACCP evaluations andformalisation work on glass andglass debris risk, a major issuefor the manufacturer.

    Having been a pilot for previousapproaches, the Lagnieu factory (France - 01) once againtook on the role of trailblazer for ISO 22000 certification: the production site supplies ourmost sensitive markets, such asbaby foods and dairy products.We therefore use it to set out ourapproaches, explained LaurentPeccatte. The Lagnieu factoryhas therefore been ISO 22000certified for two years, threeothers have been certified sinceand SGEs last two sites will becertified at the end of this year.

    Setting the exampleThe impact of the approach oncustomers is already noticeable,believes Laurent Peccatte,although a number of them arenot yet ISO 22000 certifiedthemselves. Weve got ahead

    ...est ainsi certifie ISO 22000depuis deux ans, trois autreslont t depuis et les deuxderniers sites de SGE le serontcette fin danne.

    Montrer lexempleLimpact de la dmarche sur lesclients est dj palpable selonLaurent Peccatte, alors quenombre dentre eux ne sontpas encore certifis ISO 22000. Nous avons pris de lavanceet montrons lexemple dans lafilire , revendique-t-il. Lobjectifaffich est de passer de laprvention du risque alimentaire la scurit alimentaire .Dj leader dans son activit,Saint-Gobain Emballage entendrpondre lattente des clientsqui demandent que leurs four-nisseurs mettent en place desmesures pour se prmunir durisque alimentaire. LISO 22000en est une dmonstration,aussi bien auprs des clientsfranais quinternationaux.

    Au-del des aspects externes,SGE estime avoir fait un choixgagnant-gagnant aux vues des retombes internes de la dmarche. LISO 22000,propre chaque site deproduction, nous a permis deretravailler dans le dtail toutles procds de fabrication. De plus, elle prend en compteles risques chimiques ou bact-riologiques, qui napparaissaientpas auparavant. Cela nouspermet dassurer plus descurit vis--vis du consom-mateur. Pour SGE, pas dedoute, lISO 22000 prsenteun rel atout par rapport lISO 9001 : moins orientesystme, elle revient au produit.Elle est clairement plus opra-tionnelle. Le prochain dfipour Saint-Gobain Emballage ? Garder le cap et continuer samliorer !

    of the game and are setting theindustry an example, he said.The declared aim is to movefrom the prevention of food riskto food safety. Saint-GobainEmballage is already a leader inits field and intends to meet theexpectations of its customers,who are asking their suppliers tointroduce measures to guardagainst food risk. ISO 22000 is ademonstration of this, to Frenchand international customers.

    Apart from the external aspects,SGE believes that it has taken awin-win decision in view of theinternal impact of the approach.ISO 22000, specific to eachproduction site, has allowed usto re-work all our productionprocesses in detail. It also coversthe chemical or bacteriologicalrisks that werent coveredbefore. This means that we canoffer greater safety for theconsumer. For SGE, theres nodoubt: ISO 22000 offers a realcontribution compared to ISO 9001: its less system-orientated and brings us back tothe product. Its clearly moreoperational. So whats the nextchallenge for Saint-GobainEmballage? To stay on courseand keep improving!


    LISO 22000, une mesure pour se prmunir du risque alimentaire.ISO 22000: a measure to protect against food risk.


    AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 46 11 37 00


    Sites de production : 6 Nombre de fours : 15 Effectifs :

    2 000 personnes Marchs : Vins,

    champagne, spiritueux,bires, cidre et mousseux,boissons sans alcool,huiles, pots alimentaires(confitures, sauces,condiments, produitslaitiers, aliments pourbb)


    Production sites: 6 Number of kilns: 15 Workforce:

    2,000 people Markets: Wine,

    champagne, spirits,beer, cider and sparklingdrinks, alcohol-freedrinks, oils, food jars(jams, sauces,condiments, dairyproducts, baby foods)

  • a meetingwith.../



    Centre national dtudes spatialesNational space studies centre

    >>>>>>>>>> Le Centre national dtudes spatiales (CNES) a la responsabilit de proposer et de conduire la politique spatiale de la France. Il vient dobtenir lerenouvellement de ses certifications ISO 9001 globale et ISO 14001 pour deux de sessites. Retour sur une dmarche ambitieuse.

    Constructing a coherent, ambitious quality and environment management system>>>>> The National space studies centre (CNES) is responsible for proposing and managingFrances space policy. It has just had its global ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications renewedfor two of its sites. Focus on an ambitious approach.

    Construire un systme de management de la qualit et de lenvironnement cohrentet ambitieux

    Nous souhaitons parlerdune seule voix et continuer amliorer nos performancesde faon collective. PourPatrick Gaillard, responsable du management des risques,du contrle interne et dessystmes de management duCNES, lobjectif est clair. Une dmarche dintgration estindispensable pour permettreau CNES de poursuivre saprogression.

    Retour en arrire : entre 1998et 2000, le CNES obtient ses

    Were looking to speak with a single voice and continue toimprove our performance as a group. For Patrick Gaillard,head of risk management,internal control and managementsystems at CNES, the aim isclear. An integration approach isessential in allowing CNES topursue its progression.

    Looking back a few years: CNES obtained its first ISO 9001certifications between 1998 and 2000. But these were sevenseparate certificates, qualitysystems that were not connected

    premires certifications ISO 9001. Mais il sagit de septcertificats indpendants, dessystmes qualit dconnectsles uns des autres . Ds lors, il tait urgent de certifier lensemble des activits autourdune dmarche fdratrice et de mettre lensemble de nosquatre sites autour de la tablederrire un projet commun .Patrick Gaillard procde alorsen deux tapes : il construit le systme commun pour lecentre de Toulouse et le sigeparisien selon la version 2000de lISO 9001, puis quelquesmois plus tard, y intgre lescentres de Kourou et dEvry. En septembre 2005, cest toutle primtre du CNES qui estcertifi ISO 9001.



    De Paris Kourou, en passant par Toulouse, tous les sites duCNES fonctionnent en cohrence.From Paris to Kourou to Toulouse,all the CNES sites consistentlyoperate.

    AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 46 11 37 00








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    ue V



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  • p.06action&performance06



    tablissement public caractre industriel etcommercial (EPIC), le Centre national dtudesspatiales (CNES) est charg de proposer augouvernement la politiquespatiale de la France au sein de lEurope et de la mettre en uvre. Cration : 1961 Budget annuel total :

    1 698,6 millions deuros. 4 centres : sige (Paris),

    centre spatial de Toulouse,direction des lanceurs(Evry), centre spatialGuyanais (Kourou).

    Effectifs : 2 524 salaris. 5 grands thmes

    dapplication : accs lespace, dveloppement durable, applications grand public, scurit et dfense, recherche et innovation.


    The National space studies centre (CNES) is a public industrial and commercial organisation. It is responsible for making proposals to the Government concerning Frances space policy within Europe and for implementing it. Founded in 1961. Total annual budget:

    1,698.6 million euros. 4 centres: head office (Paris),

    space centre in Toulouse,launcher division (Evry),Guyana space centre (Kourou).

    Workforce: 2,524 employees. 5 major themes:

    access to space, sustainabledevelopment, mass marketapplications, security and defence, research andinnovation.



    Construire un systme de management de la qualit et de lenvironnement cohrent et ambitieuxConstructing a coherent, ambitious quality and environment management system

    Heading towards integrationAlongside this, CNES launchedan ISO 14001 approach inGuyana, which led to thecertification of the Kourou spacecentre in 2004. Two years later, it was the turn of the Toulousesite. And this was when peoplestarted thinking about integratingthe various CNES approaches.Certification renewal gave us anopportunity to carry out a jointaudit and put our systems back on the drawing boardexplained Patrick Gaillard. AFNORCertification was chosen for theassignment, and CNES obtainedits joint certification in June2008. The internal impact of the approach was very much in line with what the head of management systems expected: rationalisation,decompartmentalisation,transversality, with all CNES sites finally working in the same direction! It also got theenvironment and quality teamsused to working together and showed that they werecomplementary to each other.

    ISO 14001, a promising strategy The next target is to prepare forISO 14001 certification for thelast two sites. The Evry launcherdivision is already getting intotraining for its future environmentalcertification. We have startedthe process by including notionsof eco-design upstream, saidPatrick Gaillard. He is alsocounting on this project to bringeven greater consistency to the quality management system.Because, although ISO 9001certification remains the result ofa compromise that integratesthe 7 pre-existing systems,Patrick Gaillard hopes to reducethe remaining disparities bymaking use of the ISO 14001standard. Were in the process of constructing agenuinely transverse system, he concluded.

    un audit conjoint et remettrenos systmes zro , expliquePatrick Gaillard. AFNOR Certifi-cation est choisie pour mener bien cette mission, et en juin2008 le CNES obtient sa certification conjointe. Limpactinterne de la dmarche estconforme celui quattend leresponsable des systmes demanagement : rationalisation,dcloisonnement et transver-salit, tous les tablissementsdu CNES fonctionnent enfin en cohrence ! Cela a de plushabitu les quipes environne-mentales et qualit travaillerensemble et mis en videnceleurs complmentarits .

    ISO 14001, une dynamique porteuseProchain objectif : prparer la certification ISO 14001 pourles deux derniers sites. Ladirection des lanceurs dEvry semet dailleurs dj en conditionpour sa future certification envi-ronnementale. Nous avonslanc la dynamique en intgranten amont des principes dco-conception , relve PatrickGaillard. Il compte dailleurs surce projet pour renforcer encorela cohrence du systme demanagement de la qualit. Carsi la certification ISO 9001 restele rsultat dun compromisintgrant les 7 systmes pr-existants , Patrick Gaillardespre attnuer les disparitsqui subsistent en prenant appui sur la norme ISO 14001. Nous sommes en train deconstruire un systme vraimenttransverse , conclut-il.


    En amont de sa certificationenvironnementale,

    le CNES intgre dj lesprincipes dco-conception.

    Before its environmentalcertification, the CNES

    was already integrating its eco-design.

    AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 46 11 37 00

    to each other. It thereforebecame a matter of urgency tocertify all our activities via aunifying approach and get allfour of our sites round the tableto discuss a joint project.Patrick Gaillard moved forwardin two stages: he constructedthe joint system for the Toulousesite and head office in line with ISO 9001:2000, then, a few months later, integrated the Kourou and Evry centres. The whole of CNES was ISO 9001certified in September 2005.

    En route vers lintgrationEn parallle, le CNES lance une dmarche ISO 14001 enGuyane, qui aboutit la certifi-cation du centre spatial deKourou en 2004. Deux ans plustard, vient le tour du site deToulouse. Commence alors larflexion autour dune intgrationdes diffrentes dmarches duCNES. Nous avons saut surloccasion du renouvellementde la certification pour raliser

  • p.07action&performance06


    CA des instituts de formationprofessionnelle ECF en 2007 :67 millions deuros.

    65 000 stagiaires en formation en 2007. Formation au permis poids lourds :

    10 000 personnes. Qualification au mtier de chauffeur

    routier : 7 000 personnes. Formation la conduite des

    quipements de levage et de travauxpublics : 30 000 personnes.

    Stage de sensibilisation la scuritroutire en entreprise : 20 000participants.

    Qualification au mtier de chauffeur de taxi : 400 personnes.


    ECF vocational training institute sales in 2007: 67 million euros.

    65,000 trainees in 2007. HGV licence training: 10,000 people. Qualification as a lorry driver:

    7,000 people. Training for driving lifting and public

    works vehicles: 30,000 people. Company courses in road safety

    awareness: 20,000 participants. Qualification as a taxi driver:

    400 people.

    a meetingwith.../


    >ECF formation professionnelleLes 22 instituts de formation professionnelle durseau ECF viennent de raliser un audit conjointISO 9001 et testeur CACES. De vritables outilsdharmonisation pour lentreprise.

    Comment crer une synergie dans les pratiques dun ensemble de sites de formation indpendantsles uns des autres ? La dmarche qualit du rseauECF formation professionnelle est ne en 1998 encherchant une rponse cette question. la mmepoque, le rseau ouvre une agence commercialenationale pour le dveloppement du march desgrands transporteurs nationaux et un autre enjeu de taille merge : rpondre de faon homogne lensemble des clients. Les mthodes et les outilstaient rellement disparates , se souvient KarineGrillat, responsable qualit au niveau national. Lorsque la dcision de lancer la dmarche qualit a t prise, nous avons tenu obtenir une certifi-cation tierce partie afin den renforcer limpact. Trois centres seront ainsi certifis en 2003 et douze le sont aujourdhui dans une dmarche progressive, o chacun va son rythme . Objectif terme : une certification collective de lensemble du rseau.

    Tirer les pratiques vers le haut La certification ISO 9001 permet notamment auxcentres de formation de contrler la forte croissance laquelle ils sont confronts depuis lactivation des dmarches de conseil en formation. En interne,la dmarche a t extrmement structurante. Enexterne, elle nous a permis de multiplier les accordsavec les grands comptes, qui taient rassurs surnotre capacit leur fournir une qualit homogne et des services associs , souligne la responsablequalit. Cette structuration a t renforce en 2002par une certification testeur CACES*, obtenueindividuellement par 19 des centres de formation sur la base dun systme documentaire national bti comme le systme documentaire de la norme ISO 9001. Il sagit alors dun enjeu conomiquepuisque laudit CACES est le ssame pour entrersur le march des formations de manutention .

    Trs vite, les similitudes entre les deux dmarches et lhypothse de pouvoir afficher les 56 agences durseau comme plate-forme de test CACES amne ladirection du groupe ECF envisager une certificationcollective CACES pour ECF formation professionnelle,conjointement au renouvellement de laudit ISO 9001. Cela nous a permis dhomogniser nos mthodeset de matriser toujours plus nos outils. De surcrot, la certification collective nous oblige construire un systme de contrle interne au niveau national,explique Karine Grillat. Ces dmarches qualit tirent vers le haut toutes nos pratiques de formationet dvaluation . Au vu des rsultats de cet auditmen par une quipe mixte ISO/CACES dAFNORCertification, Karine Grillat pense dj lavenir : lobjectif est dintgrer totalement ces dmarchespour que chaque site obtienne la double certification.

    * Certificat daptitude la conduite en scurit dun engin delevage, dlivr la suite dune valuation qui ne peut tre meneque par des testeurs et des organismes eux-mmes certifis.

    ECF vocational trainingThe 22 vocational training institutes in the ECF network have just completed a joint ISO 9001and CACES tester audit: tools that offer the companya real aid to harmonisation.

    How do we go about creating a synergy in thepractices of a group of training sites that are allindependent from each other? The ECF vocationaltrainings quality approach was born in 1998 as partof the search for an answer to this question. At thesame time, the network opened a national salesbranch to develop the major national carrier market,and this led to another sizeable challenge: how do weprovide all clients with a consistent response? Therewere strong differences between methods and tools,remembers national quality manager Karine Grillat.When the decision was taken to launch the qualityapproach, we were keen to obtain an outsidecertification to increase the impact. Three centreswere certified in 2003 and twelve are now in aprogressive approach in which everyone goes at hisown pace. The eventual aim is to achieve groupcertification for the entire network.

    Improving practicesISO 9001 certification helps training centres to controlthe strong growth with which they have been facedsince training consultancy procedures were activated.Internally, the approach was extremely structuring.Externally, it helped us increase the number ofagreements with key accounts, who were reassured of our ability to provide them with consistent qualityand associated services, emphasised the qualitymanager. This structuring was reinforced in 2002 by a CACES* tester certification, which was obtainedindividually by 19 training centres based on a nationaldocument system built like the ISO 9001 standarddocument system. This was a real economic opportunityas the CACES audit is a passport to the goodshandling training market.

    The similarities between the two approaches and the thought of being able to advertise the networks 56 branches as a CACES test platform very quicklypersuaded ECF Group management to consider going for group CACES certification for ECF vocationaltraining alongside the renewal of the ISO 9001standard. This helped us to achieve consistency inour methods and gain even further control over ourresources. Group certification also forced us to set upan internal control system at national level, explainedKarine Grillat. These quality approaches help toimprove all our training and evaluation practices. In the light of the results of the audit run by a mixedISO/CACES team from AFNOR Certification, Karine Grillatis already thinking about the future: the aim is tototally integrate these approaches so that every siteobtains dual certification.

    travers sa certification ECF joue ladiffrenciation commerciale.Through its certification, ECF is playing themarketing differentiation.

    AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 46 11 37 00









    * Certificate of ability to safely drive a lifting appliance, issuedafter an evaluation that can only be carried out by testers andorganisations that are themselves certified.

  • p.08action&performance06


    AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 46 11 37 00

    De nouveaux titulaires pour lamarque NF BureauLes fabricants de mobilier de bureau Gapsa et Mobimetalviennent de faire le choix de la certification NF Bureau,portant ainsi 22 le nombre de titulaires de la marque. Avecla particularit de rpondre la fois aux normes franaises et europennes en vigueur, lerfrentiel NF Bureau - scuritconfortique atteste de la scurit,de la durabilit et de la soliditdes mobiliers de bureau, tables,cloisons, siges et autresmeubles de rangement. Pour les acheteurs, cest la garantiedobtenir des produits dunequalit optimale.

    En savoir plus : www.nf-bureau.com/sc

    New holders of the NFBureau labelOffice furniture manufacturersGapsa and Mobimetal have just chosen NF Bureau certification,which means that 22 firms now bear the label. The NF Office safetyand comfort frame of referencemeets current French and Europeanstandards and vouches for the safety, durability and solidity of officefurniture, tables, partitions, seatsand storage units. For buyers, it offers a guarantee that they arebuying products of the highestquality.

    Find out more: www.nf-bureau.com/sc

    NF fuels for heating appliancesNF bio-combustible granules is the new certification label forgranules made from wood or of agricultural origin. Developed by the FCBA institute oftechnology in partnership with theITEBE bio-energies institute, the NF labelis open to any granule manufacturerwho complies with the frame ofreference. In addition to size, netcalorific value and moisture content, it evaluates the level of fine dust andashes, mechanical resistance, apparentdensity and sulphur, chlorine andnitrogen content. Inflammable materialsare listed in five certifiable categories(standard quality wood, highperformance wood, industrial qualitywood, high performance qualityagricultural, industrial quality agricultural),thus allowing consumers to choose the fuel best suited to their heatingappliances.

    Dveloppe par linstitut techno-logique FCBA, en partenariat aveclinstitut des bionergies ITEBE, la marque NF est accessible toutfabricant de granuls qui respecte le rfrentiel. Outre les dimensions, le pouvoir calorifique infrieur et lhumidit, elle value le taux depoussires fines et celui de cendre,la rsistance mcanique, la massevolumique apparente ainsi que lesteneurs en soufre, chlore et azote.Les matires inflammables sontrpertories selon cinq catgoriescertifiables (bois qualit standard,bois qualit haute performance, bois qualit industrielle, agro qualithaute performance, agro qualitindustrielle), permettant ainsi au consommateur de choisir lecombustible le plus adapt sonappareil de chauffage.

    Des combustibles NF pour les appareils de chauffageNF Granuls biocombustibles est la nouvelle marque de certification pourles granuls base de bois ou dorigine agricole.

    En savoir plus : www.fcba.fr

    Find out more: www.fcba.fr

    Plus dinformation : www.certita.org

    For more information: www.certita.org

    Revision of the NF brand of heat pumpsWith twenty-four owners worldwideafter only sixteen months of use, the NF mark of heat pumps evolves. The NF 414 guidelines coveringaerothermal and geothermal systemsare being extended to heat pumpsproducing domestic hot water and thatfor swimming pools; a revision that isbeing written in the European initiativeline for reducing greenhouse effectgases. Another novelty, the definitionof the maximum threshold of the soundpower level is being studied.

    Le rfrentiel NF 414 qui couvre les systmes arothermiques etgothermiques stend aux pompes chaleur production deau chaude sanitaire et celles ddiesaux piscines. Une rvision quisinscrit dans la ligne des initiativeseuropennes en faveur de larduction des gaz effet de serre.Autre nouveaut, la dfinition dunseuil maximal du niveau puissanceacoustique est ltude.

    Rvision de la marque NF Pompes chaleurComptant vingt quatre titulaires travers le monde aprs seulement seizemois dapplication, la marque NF Pompes chaleur volue.

  • p.09action&performance06

    news from theNF mark/

    Lactualit de la marque NF/

    AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 46 11 37 00

    Lapproche multi-sites renforce la solidarit du rseau.

    The multi-site approach makes the network more cohesive.

    LUnion dpartementale daide, de soins et de services domicile (UNA) regroupe 18 structures de tailles diffrentes.Aide domicile, soins, portagede repas, ce sont 800 000 heuresdintervention qui sont ralises.Nous avons expriment unecertification multi-sites selon la marque NF Service Servicesaux personnes domicile pourpermettre nos adhrents de se moderniser et de sorganiser.Sans cela, les trois quarts durseau nauraient pu menerseuls, une dmarche qualit.Nous avons russi crer un rseau solidaire, respectueuxet solide, passant du je au nous . Les structures sont sur un pied dgalit, le petit et le gros, le rural et le citadin. Les intervenants nous parlent de reconnaissance, de respect,de professionnalisation. Et les clients sont mieux protgs,mieux servis. En certifiant demainla totalit du rseau, nousvoulons un niveau homogne de qualit !

    Alice wins the prize forcustomer relations2008 has certainly been Alicesyear. As the first Internet serviceprovider to receive NF ServiceCustomer relations centrecertification in June, Alice has just been awarded the Jurysspecial prize in the first edition ofthe Customer Relations GoldenTrophy*. This prize is a reward for Alicesefforts between 2005 and 2007 toraise the quality and image of itscustomer department and obtain the NF Service certificate. NF 345 certification is based on a set of particularly demandingcommitments. Reception quality,customer response time, meetingcontractual obligations, staffqualification, consideration forcustomer satisfaction Aliceachieved results above the levelrequired for each of the 17 qualitycriteria. For example, 88% of Alicescustomers were given an appropriateresponse, compared to a frame ofreference pass rate of 85%. Customer Relations Manager Pierre Metzger said: All the staff inAlices centres have really taken the approach to heart. The challengenow is to maintain the level ofservice quality day after day for allthe services we offer.

    * The French Customer Relations Association has introduced the event to reward the actions of personalities and companies.

    Alice, palme dOr de la relation client2008 est sans conteste lanne dAlice. Premier fournisseurdaccs internet certifi NF Service Centre de relation client enjuin dernier, Alice vient de se voir dcerner le Prix spcial du juryde la premire dition des Palmes d'Or de la relation client*. Les clients

    sont mieux protgs, mieux servis Tmoignage de Batrice Balley, directrice de lUNA 17 certifie NF Service (extrait du site www.marque-nf.com)

    Customers are better protected andbetter servedAn account by Batrice Balley, director of UNA 17 (NF Service certified) (extractfrom the website www.marque-nf.com)

    The Departmental Union forhome help medical treatment andservices (UNA) is made up of 18 organisations of different sizesoffering 800,000 hours of work inareas such as home help, medicaltreatment and meals on wheels. We have experimented with multi-sitecertification under the NF ServiceHome Help label to help ourmembers modernise and becomeorganised. Without this, three-quartersof the network wouldnt have beenable to embark on a quality approachon their own. Weve managed tocreate a mutually supportive,respectful, solid network that hasmoved from I to we. Structures big and small, rural and urban are on an equal footing. The peopleinvolved talk to us about recognition,respect and professionalisation. And our customers are betterprotected and better served. By certifying the whole network in the future, were looking for aconsistent level of quality!

    Un prix qui vient rcompenser letravail ralis par Alice entre 2005et 2007 pour redresser la qualit et limage du service client, jusquobtenir le certificat NF Service. La certification NF 345 sappuie sur des engagements particulire-ment exigeants. Qualit daccueil,dlai de rponse au client, respectdengagements contractuels, qualification du personnel, prise encompte de la satisfaction client il se trouve que pour chacun des17 critres qualit, Alice a obtenudes rsultats au dessus du niveauexig. Par exemple, 88 % desclients dAlice obtiennent unerponse adquate, pour un seuil du rfrentiel fix 85 %. SelonPierre Metzger, directeur de larelation client : lappropriation dela dmarche par lensemble descollaborateurs des centres dAliceest exceptionnelle. Le nouveau dfiest de garder un niveau de qualitde service au quotidien, et ce surlensemble de nos prestations .

    * LAssociation Franaise de la Relation Client initie cet vnement pour distinguer personnalits et entreprises en actions.

    Maintenir la qualit de service auquotidien, un dfi pour Alice.

    Maintaining service quality day after day: a challenge for Alice.

  • .06dcembre/december2008


    clients in brief/clients en bref/

    et en Asie a fini par faire ladiffrence. Avec 38,5 millionsde clients en Europe, soit 98 % de son chiffre daffaires,le fournisseur dnergie voluesur un march concurrentieldepuis 2007. Sa certification Groupe en ISO 14001 etses dmarches locales enqualit et scurit semblentaujourdhui tre un lment de sa diffrenciation.

    EDF takes on the servicesof a single certificationbodyIn taking on AFNORCertification to evaluate itsworldwide network for three

    years, EDF has signed a servicecontract to match its ambitions.1,000 to 1,200 audit days ayear, a pool of 130 auditors,four frames of referenceaudited (ISO 9001, ISO 14001,OHSAS 18001-ILO-OSH 2001),158,640 employees: the figuresspeak for themselves. ThoughEDF was initially attracted bythe AFAQ audit scheme and performance analysis griddesigned from scratch for the mission, what really madethe difference was AFNORCertifications capacity to certifysites in Europe and Asia. With 38.5 million customers inEurope, i.e. 98% of its sales,the energy supplier has beenoperating in a competitiveenvironment since 2007. ItsGroup ISO 14001 certificationand local quality and safetyapproaches seem today to formpart of its differentiation.

    EDF sassure les services dun certificateur uniqueEn confiant AFNORCertification lvaluation deson rseau monde pour troisans, EDF signe un contrat deservice la hauteur de sonambition. De 1000 1200jours daudit par an, un poolde 130 auditeurs, quatre rf-rentiels audits (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001-ILO-OSH 2001), 158 640collaborateurs ; les chiffresparlent deux mme. Si EDF est dabord sduite par le dispositif daudits AFAQet la grille danalyse de perfor-mance construite de toutespices pour cette mission, lacapacit dAFNOR Certification certifier les sites en Europe

    Prserver lenvironnement des ports deplaisance, un enjeu aujourdhui certifiable.Preserving the environment in marinas: a challenge that can now be certified.

    sinscrit dans la continuit delopration Ports propres enProvence-Alpes-Cte dAzur ,initie en 2001 par la rgion et ses partenaires. Plusieursports sont en dmarche.

    A green card for marinasBeaulieu-sur-Mer (France -06), between Nice and Monaco,has nearly 800 moorings andaccommodates large numbersof boat-lovers. In obtaining thefirst AFAQ Port environmentmanagement certificate, it ismeeting the obligations set outin the frame of reference bylimiting the impact of the portsactivities on the surroundingenvironments. The Beaulieu-sur-Mer Port ManagementCompany has introduced waste collection and treatmentinstallations, generous washing

    and toilet facilities, fresh waterand electricity supplies on everylanding stage, etc. The staffhave been trained and boat-lovers and businesses onthe port made aware. Thiscertification forms part of theClean ports in Provence-Alpes-Cte dAzur operationbegun in 2001 by the regionalcouncil and its partners. A number of ports are involvedin the approach.

    Une carte verte pour les ports de plaisanceSitue entre Nice et Monaco,Beaulieu-sur-Mer (06) compte prs de 800 anneauxet accueille de nombreux plaisanciers. En obtenant le premier certificat AFAQ Gestion environnementaleportuaire , elle rpond auxengagements du rfrentielqui vise limiter les nuisancesde lactivit portuaire sur lesmilieux qui lentourent. Lasocit du Port de plaisancede Beaulieu-sur-Mer sestquipe dinstallations decollecte et de traitement desdchets, dquipements sanitaires en nombre, deressources en eau douce eten lectricit sur tous lesappontements. Le personnel a t form, les plaisanciers et les commerants du portsensibiliss. Cette certification

    Avec la toute rcente certification de ses sites en Inde, Espagne, Hollande et Hongrie, la division information solutions (TIS)dAlstom Transport marqueune nouvelle tape dans le dploiement de son enga-gement qualit travers le monde. ce jour, 17 sitesrpartis sur plusieurs conti-nents sont certifis ISO 9001 ;certaines usines ont mme fait le choix dun audit intgr ISO 9001/ISO 14001.Lindustriel franais renouvelleainsi son contrat de confianceavec AFNOR Certification. Son ambition reste intacte :fournir des prestations dunequalit homogne, quel quesoit le pays de production.

    Conducting worldwide audits forAlstom TransportWith the very recentcertification of its sites in India,Spain, Holland and Hungary,Alstom Transport TIS marks a new stage in rolling out itsquality commitment throughoutthe world. 17 sites are ISO 9001certified in Europe, America,and Asia. Some of them havechosen an integrated audit ISO 9001 ISO 14001. AlstomTransports management have chosen to renew theirbond of trust with AFNORCertification. The Frenchindustrial companys ambitionremains the same: it mustprovide services of even quality,whatever the country ofproduction.

    Poursuite desaudits mondepour AlstomTransport

    AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 46 11 37 00

  • .06dcembre/december2008


    Services Publics



    Moderniser ltat et rpondre aux enjeux de demain des collectivits territorialesModernising the State, and tackling territorial collectivities challenges

    Public Services

    AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 46 11 37 00

  • .06dcembre/december2008


    Lattente est immense. Selon un sondage TNS Sofrespubli le 21 octobre, 52 % des Franais estiment que legouvernement doit considrerla modernisation de ltatcomme importante, et 34 %dentre eux la jugent mmeprioritaire. Ils esprentbeaucoup des rformes encours, notamment celles qui les toucheront concrtement(mise en ligne et simplification des formulaires, amliorationde la qualit de laccueil). Les services publics franaissont donc placs face latche de rpondre un publicde plus en plus exigeant,

    Expectations are huge:according to a TNS Sofressurvey published on October the 21st, 52% of French peoplethink that the government mustconsider State modernisation asimportant. 34% even judge thetopic as priority. The currentreforms, especially those whichwill have a concrete impact oncitizens (simplified forms acces-sible online, improvement of thereceptions and services quality),raise a lot of hope. French publicservices are faced with a difficulttask: meeting the expectations ofan increasingly demandingpublic, while at the same timereforming their functioning andkeeping public expenditures incheck. The equation is complex.The General Management forState Modernization (GMSM)

    tout en rformant leur fonction-nement et en matrisant lesdpenses publiques. Unequation complexe. La Directiongnrale de la modernisationde ltat (DGME) uvre depuisfin 2005 cette transformation,et son action vient dtrerenforce par la Rvision gn-rale des politiques publiques(RGPP). Nouvelle tape de lamodernisation, la RGPP entreaujourdhui dans sa phaseoprationnelle aprs undiagnostic men en juillet 2007et llaboration de plus de 300 mesures structurantes.

    Sur le terrain, une envie de modernitVritables relais de ce chantierinterministriel, des leviers demodernisation sont identifispar les agents eux-mmes, sur le terrain. Il existe unevritable envie de progressionet de modernit dans lesservices de ltat et les collec-

    >> Rorganisation des administrations, modernisation de ltat, impacts du Grenelleenvironnement Les chantiers qui simposent aux collectivits territoriales et aux services de ltat sont considrables. Pour accompagner ces dfis, AFNORCertification propose une offre adapte et innovante. Lenjeu est de taille !

    Modernising the State, and tackling territorial collectivities challenges>>>> Reorganisation of Civil Service, State modernisation, impacts from the GrenelleEnvironment Forum The structural reforms undertaken by territorial collectivities andpublic services are significant. In order to support those challenges AFNOR Certification builta suitable and innovative offer. For much is at stake

    Moderniser ltat et rpondre aux enjeux de demain des collectivits territoriales

    Services Publics



    Public Services

    AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 46 11 37 00

    Pour plus dinformationsur les prestations ddiesaux Services Publics : +33 (0)1 46 11 38 11

    For further information on services dedicated toPublic Services: +33 (0)1 46 11 38 11

  • p.13action&performance06

    tivits, parfois mme davan-tage que dans les entreprisesprives, observe StphanieReinberger, responsable deple et auditeur ICA chezAFNOR Certification. Lesdmarches qualit permettentdengager ce travail de fond.Mesure phare cet gard, le Label Marianne fixe en 19 engagements les caract-ristiques minimales de qualitdaccueil que devront mettre en uvre toutes les adminis-trations de ltat dici 2010. Il entre actuellement dans saphase de dploiement et donneun lan aux collectivits et auxadministrations pour la mise enplace de dmarches qualit :systmes de management (ISO 9001) et rfrentiels deservice adapts aux servicespublics.

    Relever les dfis du changement climatiqueLe Grenelle environnementsuscite lui aussi des attentesconsidrables, alors que la loiGrenelle 1 a t adopte enpremire lecture lAssemblenationale le 21 octobre dernier. Lambition affiche du Grenelleest la mutation de la socitfranaise vers une socitcologique , prcise AdrienPonrouch, chef de projet audpartement innovation dve-loppement dAFNOR Certifica-tion. Une volont qui rpondaux dfis du changementclimatique ou du dveloppe-ment de modes de productionet de consommation durables.Ces enjeux ont un impact directsur loccupation de lespace, lalutte contre ltalement urbain,les transports en commun oules politiques de rnovation dubti. Autant de points qui fontdes collectivits des acteursincontournables.

    approaches in the future,whether they be managementsystems (ISO 9001) or referenceframeworks for quality of servicesuited for Civil Service.

    Taking up the challenge ofclimate changeThe Grenelle Environment Forumalso raises high expectations,while the first Grenelle law wasvoted upon first reading at the National Assembly. TheGrenelles ambition is to helpFrench society mutate towardsan environmental society,clarifies Adrien Ponrouch, projectmanager in the Innovation andDevelopment department ofAFNOR Certification. Thischallenging mission tackles and answers various issues, from climate change to the development of sustainableways to produce and consume.Those stakes impact directly on land occupation, urbansprawl management, publictransportation or city renewal. All of the above tends to giveterritorial collectivities a keyposition.

    A specifically designed product rangeIn this context, AFNORCertification adjusted its product

    works towards this change sincethe end of 2005. Its action hasrecently been reinforced by thePublic Policies General Review(PPGR). As a new step towardsmodernisation, the PPGR is nowentering its functional stage,after the diagnosis that was ledin July 2007 and the followingdevelopment of over 300 struc-turing measures.

    A concrete wish for modernityCivil servants themselves havepointed out some practicalleverage tools for modernisation,to serve as medium for thisinterministerial project. Theresa real yearning for progress andmodernity within the Civil Servicesand the territorial collectivities,sometimes even more than in private companies, observesStphanie Reinberger, teammanager and ICA auditor forAFNOR Certification. Qualityapproaches enable the start ofthis in-depth work. Key measurein this regard, the MarianneLabel and its 19 commitmentssets the minimum features forquality of service and receptionthat all public services will haveto apply before 2010. This Labelnow enters its implementationstage and gives territorialcollectivities and public servicesan impulse to launch quality



    34 % des Franais jugent prioritaire la modernisation de ltat.

    34% of French people see governmentmodernisation as a priority.





    AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 46 11 37 00

    OK Pilot, outildvaluation en ligne En appui aux dmarches engages par ses clients, le Groupe AFNOR proposeune solution de pilotage en ligne dessystmes de management. Le systmeOK Pilot, conu comme une bote outilset grce ses nombreuses rubriques,permet une entreprise ou unecollectivit dvaluer et de grer sesdmarches de progrs (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, dveloppe-ment durable). Suite une auto-valuation en ligne, la visualisation du score est immdiate et les donnesconsolides sous forme de graphiques.OK Pilot facilite en outre la gestion des non-conformits, des plans dactions,de la matrise des risques, etc.

    OK Pilot, the onlineevaluation tool The AFNOR Group offers an onlinemanagement systems monitoring solutionto support the procedures undertaken by clients. Designed as a tool-box, with a number of different sections, the OK Pilot system helps companiesand local authorities to evaluate andmanage their progress approaches (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001,sustainable development). Followingan online self-evaluation, the score can be viewed immediately along withconsolidated data in graph form. OK Pilot also makes it easier to managenon-compliances, action plans, riskmanagement, etc.

  • .06dcembre/december2008



    Une offre adapteDans ce contexte, AFNORCertification a adapt sa gammeaux services publics et conudes rfrentiels innovants, sur mesure, pour accompagnertant les grands chantiers deltat que ceux des collectivitsterritoriales. Parmi eux, Qualiville, QualiPref ou encoreAccueil Service Public Local. Ils permettent depuis quelquesannes de faire reconnatrelengagement de service des collectivits territoriales etdes administrations. AFNORCertification a par ailleursaccompagn la DGME duranttoute la phase dexprimen-tation du Label Marianne et a t le premier organismehabilit dlivrer le label. Pour Catherine Chevauch,responsable du ple innovationau sein du dpartement dveloppement, cette offrecomplte et lexpertise acquisepar AFNOR Certification confortent la position du groupecomme partenaire et contri-buteur de la modernisation deltat, et des enjeux des collec-tivits .

    Dans le domaine du dvelop-pement durable, AFNOR Certi-fication a par ailleurs dveloppAFAQ 1000NR, une presta-tion dvaluation tierce partie de la prise en compte du dveloppement durable ,explique Adrien Ponrouch.Spcialement adapt pour les collectivits territoriales, le rfrentiel AFAQ 1000NRTerritoires permet dvaluer leurdmarche de dveloppementdurable, la cohrence de leurs pratiques managriales et doptimiser leurs politiques

    range to public services. It alsoconceived innovative referenceframeworks, specifically designedto support major State projectsas well as territorial collectivities.Among those referentials standQualiville, QualiPref or AccueilService Public Local . For thepast few years, they have giventerritorial collectivities and Civil Service the opportunity toemphasize their involvement in quality of service. AFNORCertification also supported theGMSM during the experimentalstage of the Marianne Label and was the first organizationempowered to issue the Label.As Head of Innovation in the Development department,Catherine Chevauch believesthat this global offer as well as the proficiency acquired byAFNOR Certification strengthenthe groups position as a partner and an actor in StateModernisation and territorialcollectivities issues.

    In the area of sustainabledevelopment, AFNORCertification has also designedAFAQ 1000NR, a product which assesses the sustainabledevelopment aknowledgementthrough a third party, explainsAdrien Ponrouch. Specificallysuited for territorial collectivities,the AFAQ 1000NR Territoires

    publiques. La phase pilote,auprs de communes commePnestin dans le Morbihan ou Metz, a confirm le bien-fond et la pertinence de cetoutil, global dans son approche ,poursuit Adrien Ponrouch.

    Une logique de progressionLe Crdit Agricole, partenairedu lancement dAFAQ 1000NRTerritoires, partage cetteanalyse. Cet outil sedmarque des notations envi-ronnementales classiques : envaluant la dmarche globalede la collectivit, il propose unvrai cycle de progression ,confie Stphanie Renault,responsable grandes collecti-vits et dveloppement despartenariats public-priv ladirection des marchs spcia-liss du Crdit Agricole. Par lebiais de cette initiative, latroisime banque des collecti-vits se diffrencie tout enraffirmant son positionnementvert . Associ ldition duguide AFAQ 1000NRTerritoires, le Crdit Agricole aaussi souhait sinvestir dans lapromotion du rfrentiel.Ltablissement bancaire a



    ......AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 46 11 37 00

    Moderniser ltat et rpondre aux enjeux de demain des collectivits territorialesModernising the State, and tackling territorial collectivities challenges

    La restaurationscolaire bienttcertifie NF Service facultatif, la restauration scolaire est souvent de qualit trshtrogne. Partant de ce constat, lAssociationnationale des directeurs de restauration municipale a mis au point en 2005 unenorme pour mieux structurercette activit. Depuis, lasso-ciation a dcid daller encoreplus loin en laborant avecAFNOR Certification unecertification de service NF.Objectifs : amliorer laccueil,lencadrement, lducationalimentaire Cette marqueNF devrait renforcer limage et la qualit des servicesterritoriaux de restaurationscolaire. Les premiers certi-fis sont attendus mi-2009.

    School meals soonto be NF certified School meals are an optionalservice and the level ofquality is often very mixed.Based on this observation,the National Association ofCouncil Catering Officersdesigned a standard in 2005to give the activity greaterstructure. Since then, theassociation has decided to go even further, working withAFNOR Certification to drawup an NF service certificationscheme. The aims are toimprove reception, supervision,food education, etc. The NF label should reinforcethe image and quality of the regional school mealsservices. The firstcertification awards areexpected in mid-2009.

  • specialreport/


    AFNOR Certification on its standat the Mayors and LocalCollectivites Exhibition on the26th of November, in order tocelebrate the AFAQ 1000NRTerritoires award giving to thecity of Metz. And early 2009, a more functional step will be tointroduce and recommend the approach to a number of ourclients, explains StphanieRenault, who is convinced thatthis resource answers theneeds of collectivities in searchof performance.

    Being a proactive playerThe next priority is to anticipatethe expectations of publiccustomers, by pinpointing thetopics where we can actupstream, adds CatherineChevauch. The first Grenellelaw plans an energy audit forevery public building before 2010,with precise goals to reduceenergy consumption andgreenhouse gases. The law alsomentions the renewal of socialhousing stocks. All of the abovecreate opportunities to promotethe energetic diagnosis, the HighEnvironmental Quality Label orthe competency appraisal for realestate diagnosticians. We cancontribute to achieve some goalsthrough services which will bringconcrete results and help identifyprogress guidelines, concludesCatherine Chevauch.

    * Ministre de lcologie, de lnergie, du DveloppementDurable et de lAmnagement du Territoire.

    Les collectivits tendent affirmer leur positionnement vert.

    Local authorities are tending toassert their green stance.

    donc accueilli AFNORCertification sur son stand lorsdu Salon des maires et descollectivits locales du 26novembre dernier, loccasionde la remise du diplme AFAQ 1000NR Territoiresattribu la Ville de Metz. Et dbut 2009, une tape plusoprationnelle consistera prsenter et prescrire la dmarche auprs de nosclients , prcise StphanieRenault, persuade que la dmarche correspond aux besoins de collectivitsinscrites dans la recherche de la performance .

    Force de propositionReste devancer les attentesde la clientle publique, en dterminant les points onous pouvons agir en amont ,relve Catherine Chevauch. La loi Grenelle 1 prvoit unaudit nergtique pour tous les btiments publics dici 2010,assortis dobjectifs prcis derduction de consommationdnergie et dmissions degaz effet de serre. Elle men-tionne galement la rnovationdu parc de logements sociaux.Autant doccasions de pro-mouvoir le diagnostic nerg-tique, le label HQE ou encore la certification de comptencespour les diagnostiqueurs immo-biliers. Nous pouvons contri-buer latteinte de certainsobjectifs par le biais de presta-tions porteuses de rsultatsquantifiables et de lidentificationde pistes de progrs , conclutCatherine Chevauch.

    reference framework allows them to assess their sustainabledevelopment approaches, theconsistency of their managementand to improve their publicpolicies. The experimental stage,tested with collectivities such asPnestin in the Morbihan area or the city of Metz, confirmedthe validity and relevance of thisglobal tool, continues AdrienPonrouch.

    A true focus on progress The Crdit Agricole bank, partnerfor the launch of AFAQ 1000NRTerritoires, shares this analysis.This reference framework is different from regularenvironmental scoring: it trulyfocuses on progress by assessingthe global approach of the localcollectivity, states StphanieRenault, large scalecollectivities and developmentof public-private partnershipsmanager at the Credit Agricolesoffice for specialized markets.Through this partnership, the thirdbank of collectivities states its difference while reassertingits green positioning. After itsinvolvement in the publication of the AFAQ 1000NR Territoiresguide, Credit Agricole wished to be part of the referentialadvertisement. Therefore thebanking-house welcomed



    p.15action&performance06AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 46 11 37 00

    Label Marianne : vos marques, prts,labellisez-vous ! Zoom sur le Label Marianne,lun des leviers cls de la modernisation de ltat et de la Rvision gnrale des politiques publiques.

    De la Charte Marianne au LabelMarianne

    Tout a commenc avec le lancement de la Charte Marianne sur la qualit de laccueil des usagers. Prs de 2 000 entits se sont engages dans la dmarche, gnralise en 2005 tousles services de ltat. Mais une enqutemystre rvle fin 2005 que seuls 3 sitessur 10 appliquent rellement la charte. La DGME, soucieuse de valider et de mettreen avant les dmarches exemplaires, a donc souhait un rfrentiel sanctionnpar un label, et lintervention dun orga-nisme tiers pour garantir son applicationaux usagers. Aprs une phase test de huit mois, au cours de laquelle 51 sitespilotes sur 62 candidats ont t labellisspar AFNOR Certification, le LabelMarianne entre aujourdhui dans saphase de dploiement.

    Le rfrentielLe rfrentiel sapplique tous lesorganismes exerant un service public. Il est compos de cinq engagements deservice et dun engagement interne :- un accs optimis aux services ;- un accueil attentif, courtois et efficace ;- un traitement rapide des demandes

    dans les dlais annoncs ;- la prise en compte des suggestions et

    des rclamations ;- lcoute des usagers pour progresser ;- une organisation interne amliore et

    lvolution des comptences.Chacun de ces points se trouve ensuitedclin travers 19 engagementsdtaills (enqutes sur les attentes desusagers, traitement des courriers dans un dlai de 15 jours ouvrs, ou encorevaluation rgulire des pratiques).

    Le processus de labellisation- Dpt du dossier de candidature auprs

    dun organisme certificateur habilit.- Examen de la recevabilit du dossier,

    puis signature du contrat commercial de labellisation.

    - valuation sur site.- Rapport dvaluation.- Labellisation pour une dure de 3 ans

    avec visite de suivi au bout de 18 mois.

    En savoir plus : www.afaq.org

  • .06dcembre/december2008



    AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 46 11 37 00

    Moderniser ltat et rpondre aux enjeux de demain des collectivits territorialesModernising the State, and tackling territorial collectivities challenges Marianne Label:

    on your marks, get set, go for a label! Focus on the Marianne Label, one of the key levers for themodernisation of Government and the Public policies general review.

    From the Marianne Charter to the Marianne Label

    It all started with the launch of theMarianne Charter on the quality of userreception. Nearly 2,000 entities embarkedon the approach, which was widened in 2005 to include all Governmentdepartments. But, in late 2005, a mysteryenquiry revealed that only 3 sites out of 10 actually applied the Charter. The General Management for StateModernization (GMSM), which was keen toapprove and promote exemplary procedures,therefore expressed a wish to see a frame of reference sanctioned by a label, with the intervention of an outside organisationto ensure that it was applied to users. After an eight-month test phase, duringwhich 51 pilot sites out of 62 candidateswere awarded the label by AFNORCertification, the Marianne Label has nowentered its deployment phase.

    The frame of referenceThe frame of reference applies to allorganisations that provide a public service.It consists of five service commitments and one internal commitment:- maximum access to services;- an attentive, courteous, efficient welcome;- requests dealt with quickly and within the

    stated deadlines;- suggestions and complaints to be taken up;- be attentive to user needs in order to

    progress;- improve internal organisation and the

    development of skills.Each of these points is then applied through 19 detailed commitments (user expectation surveys, dealing with mail within 2 working weeks, or regularevaluation of practices).

    The labelling process - The application is lodged with an

    approved certifying body.- The application is examined to ensure

    that it is acceptable, then the commerciallabelling contract is signed.

    - Evaluation on site.- Evaluation report.- The label is awarded for a period of

    3 years, with a follow-up visit after 18 months.

    Find out more: www.afaq.org

    AFAQ 1000NR Territoires nestque le dbut dun long processus La Ville de Metz vient de terminer son cycledvaluation AFAQ 1000NR Territoires. Premiers clientsdAFNOR Certification sur ce nouveau produit, RenDarbois, 3me adjoint charg du dveloppement durable,et Franck Rogovitz, ingnieur environnement,tmoignent de sa pertinence.

    Action&Performance (A&P) : Dans quel contexte sinscritlvaluation AFAQ 1000NR Territoires de la ville ?Franck Rogovitz : Metz est engage dans la construction deson Agenda 21 depuis 2006. Des dmarches de concertationet de diagnostic ont abouti en novembre 2007 laformalisation dun document dorientation stratgiquecontenant des actions prioritaires. Aprs les lectionsmunicipales de mars dernier, une valuation mi-parcoursnous est apparue pertinente pour relancer notre Agenda 21et la politique de dveloppement durable de la ville sur labase des objectifs ambitieux de la nouvelle municipalit.Nous avions besoin de situer notre positionnement parrapport au cadre de rfrence national, de connatre nospoints forts et de mesurer notre marge de progrs.

    A&P : Le rfrentiel a-t-il rpondu vos attentes ?Franck Rogovitz : AFAQ 1000NR Territoires est arriv au bonmoment car il nous a permis de faire un bilan linstant T.Cet outil correspond prcisment nos besoins et porte, au-del de lenvironnement, sur la gouvernance, la stratgieet les deux autres piliers du dveloppement durable. Le rsultat de lvaluation, factuel, a permis une nouvellesensibilisation de notre encadrement. Cest un grand levierde motivation pour une dlgation aussi transversale quecelle du dveloppement durable. Chacun doit tre conscientque notre service ne peut tre le seul porter cette politique qui impacte tous les services. Les conclusions de lvaluation, primordiales, nous ont pousss rebondirpour prsenter de nouvelles orientations stratgiques et des propositions dactions concrtes.

    A&P : Quelles pistes de progrs retenez-vousparticulirement ?Ren Darbois : Les amliorations portent notamment surlaspect stratgique : nous devons formaliser nos projets,prciser nos objectifs au plus haut niveau et surtout passerdu dclaratif laction. Nous avons ainsi mis en place uncomit stratgique incluant le maire et le directeur gnraldes services pour un impact plus transverse sur lensemblede la collectivit. Ct grands projets, trois priorits : la construction dun transport en commun en site propre sur lagglomration, les conomies dnergie sur les 350 btiments de notre patrimoine et la ralisation daumoins un co-quartier horizon 2013. Pour nous, AFAQ1000NR Territoires nest que le dbut dun long processus,tout reste faire.

    AFAQ 1000NR Territoires is just the beginning of a long processMetz Council has just completed its AFAQ 1000NRTerritoires evaluation cycle. As AFNOR Certificationsfirst clients for the new product, Ren Darbois, 3rd deputy responsible for sustainable development,and Franck Rogovitz, environment engineer, tell us why it is relevant to them.

    Action&Performance (A&P): What is the background to the AFAQ 1000NR Territoires evaluation of the council?Franck Rogovitz: Metz has been involved in constructing its Agenda 21 since 2006. Consultation and assessmentprocedures led, in November 2007, to the drawing-up of a strategic orientation document containing priority actions.After the council elections last March, we felt that a mid-term evaluation would be helpful in giving a new impetus to our Agenda 21 and the towns sustainable developmentpolicy based on the new councils ambitious targets. We needed to see where we were in relation to the nationalframe of reference, find out what our strengths were andwork out where we needed to make progress.

    A&P: Did the frame of reference meet your expectations?Franck Rogovitz: AFAQ 1000NR Territoires arrived at just the right time, as it helped us to carry out a freeze frameassessment of what we were doing. It was exactly what we needed and covers not just the environment but also the governance, the strategy and the two other pillarsof sustainable development. The result of the factualevaluation helped to give us a new awareness of ourframework. Its a great source of motivation for such atransverse assignment as sustainable development.Everyone needs to be aware that our department cannottake sole responsibility for the policy, which affects alldepartments. The conclusions of the evaluation were crucialand encouraged us to come back with a new set of strategicorientations and proposals for practical action.

    A&P: What areas for progress do you recall particularly?Ren Darbois: Improvements are mainly concerned with the strategic aspect: we need to set out our plans formally,clarify our objectives at the highest level and move fromwords to action. We have also set up a strategy committeeincluding the mayor and the Managing Director of servicesto achieve a more transverse impact across the wholecommunity. As far as major projects are concerned, we havethree priorities: to set up a public transport system with its own corridors across the conurbation, to save energy inthe 350 buildings that we own and to build at least one eco-district by 2013. We believe that AFAQ 1000NR Territoiresis just the beginning of a long process: we still haveeverything to do.

  • p.17action&performance06

    >>>>>> Depuis le 15 novembre 2008, une nouvelle version de la norme ISO 9001est en vigueur. Quest-ce qui change par rapport la version 2000 ? Comment fairepour obtenir la certification ISO 9001:2008. AFNOR Certification vous guide.

    Improve your quality management with the newversion of ISO 9001>>>>>> A new version of the ISO 9001 standard has been in force since 15 November 2008.So whats changed compared to the 2000 version? How do I go about obtaining ISO 9001:2008certification? AFNOR Certification answers your questions.

    Amliorez votre gestion de la qualit grce la nouvelle version de lISO 9001

    Certification ISO 9001:2008

    Pas de bouleversementmajeur, mais des clarificationsncessaires. Si la nouvelleversion de la norme ISO 9001garde les principes de base de la version 2000, elle rpond trois objectifs majeurs :- prciser, clarifier, amliorer la

    comprhension de lISO 9001;- amliorer la compatibilit

    avec lISO 14001 ;- faciliter lintgration de la

    norme avec dautres normesde management.

    Lapproche processus conserveLa fabrication du produit, ou la ralisation de la prestation

    There are no major upheavals,but some clarifications arenecessary. Although the newversion of the ISO 9001 standardretains the same basic principlesas the 2000 version, it alsomeets three major objectives:- to explain, clarify and improve

    understanding of ISO 9001;- to improve compatibility with

    ISO 14001;- to make it easier to integrate

    the ISO 9001 standard intoother management standards.

    The process approach has been maintainedProduct manufacture or serviceprovision have been divided upinto a number of stages, orprocesses, which each contribute

    de service, sont dcoupes enplusieurs tapes, ou processus,qui apportent chacune unevaleur ajoute. La norme ISO 9001 dfinit des exigencespermettant la mise en uvredun systme de managementdit de qualit ; il sagit lafois dexigences defficacit dechaque processus en lui-mmeet defficacit de la chane dans son ensemble. La version2008 de lISO 9001 ne rajouteaucune exigence par rapport la version prcdente. Onpeut cependant relever plusieursvolutions marquantes.

    La notion de conformitproduit renforceDans lISO 9001 nouvelleversion, on ne parle plus de qualit produit mais de conformit aux exigencesrelatives au produit . Et pour tre dit de qualit ,

    in practice/en pratique/

    ISO 9001:2008 certification



    AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 46 11 37 00

  • .06dcembre/december2008


    added value. The ISO 9001standard sets out therequirements for implementing a so-called qualitymanagement system; theserequirements cover theefficiency of each process initself and the efficiency of the chain as a whole. ISO 9001:2008 does not containany requirements in addition to those of the previous version.However, there are somesignificant evolutions.

    The notion of productcompliance is reinforcedIn the new version of ISO 9001,we no longer talk about productquality but about compliancewith the requirements relating tothe product. And to be quality,a product must comply withlegal, regulatory and customerrequirements, which musttherefore be defined in advance.Customer satisfaction is in fact explained more clearly inISO 9001:2008. It is not assessedonly through satisfaction surveys,but may include aspects such as complaints analysis or lostcontract analysis.

    ...Quelle version pourvotre prochain audit ?Vous avez eu dernirementvotre audit de renouvellement,votre audit de suivi 1 ou desuivi 2 selon lISO 9001:2000 ?AFNOR Certification vousconseille de raliser votreprochain audit complet selonlISO 9001:2008 : la transition seffectue

    sans allongement de la dure daudit ;

    nos auditeurs sontqualifis selon lISO 9001:2008.

    Pour planifier votre transitionen toute simplicit, rendez-vous sur www.afaq.org, etaccdez toute linformationdisponible sur votre espaceclient.

    Which version for your next audit?Did you recently have yourrenewal audit, follow-upaudit 1 or follow-up audit 2in line with ISO 9001:2000?AFNOR Certificationrecommends that you haveyour next full audit in linewith ISO 9001:2008: the transition takes place

    without any extension tothe audit period;

    our auditors are qualifiedto carry out the ISO9001:2008 audit.

    To plan your transition withcomplete peace of mind, logon to www.afaq.org, whereyoull find full information onyour client page.

    Amliorez votre gestion de la qualit grce la nouvelle version de lISO 9001Improve your quality management with the new version of ISO 9001


    un produit doit respecter la fois les exigences lgales etrglementaires et les exigencesclient, qui doivent donc trepralablement dfinies. La satisfaction client estdailleurs mieux explicite dans lISO 9001:2008. Elle nesvalue plus uniquement autravers denqutes de satisfac-tion, mais peut intgrer dautresoutils comme lanalyse desrclamations ou lanalyse desmarchs perdus.

    Une meilleure compatibilit avecdautres rfrentielsEn particulier avec lISO 14001:2004 qui dfinit les exigences relatives la miseen place dun systme demanagement environnemental.Ainsi, l environnement detravail , cest--dire tout ce qui gravite autour du postetravail et qui peut avoir uneincidence sur la conformit duproduit, comme le bruit oulclairage, le climat, a tclarifi dans le texte.

    Les processus dexterna-lisation mieux intgrsLes tapes de la production(produit ou service) qui sontsous-traites devront rpondre un niveau de matrise adaptaux enjeux.

    Comment adopter la nouvelle version ? Si vous tes certifi ISO 9001:2000, AFNOR Certification vous conseille de raliser le prochain audit selon lISO 9001:2008. En effet, partir du 15 novembre 2010,la version 2000 ne sera plusvalable. Les auditeurs AFAQsont dores et dj qualifispour mener laudit nouvelleversion.


    AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 46 11 37 00

    More compatible with other frames of referenceEspecially with ISO 14001:2004,which sets out the requirementsfor introducing an environmentalmanagement system. For example, the workingenvironment, i.e. everything that gravitates around theworkstation and may affectproduct compliance, such asnoise, lighting, climate, etc., has been clarified in the text.

    Better integration of outsourcing processesThose stages of production(product or service) that aresubcontracted must be coveredby a level of control appropriateto the issues.

    How do I adopt the new version? If you are ISO 9001:2000certified, AFNOR Certificationrecommends that you have your next audit in line with ISO 9001:2008. In fact, the 2000version will no longer be validfrom 15 November 2010. The AFAQ auditors are alreadyqualified to carry out a newversion audit.

    Une question sur la transition, sur le dtail des volutions de la norme ? Contactez votre charg daffaire ou connectez-voussur votre espace client : www.afaq.org

    Please contact your representative if you have questions about the transition or for further details about the changes.Direct access to your client page on: www.afaq.org

  • ISO 26000


    Normes, rfrentiels

    monitoring new developments/

    veille sur lactualit/

    >>> Entreprise responsable, engagement socital des concepts encore flous et sans ralit oprationnelle qui vont trs prochainement tre clarifis. Grce lanorme ISO 26000, ces principes porteurs despoir pourront tre mis en uvre de faonsimple et efficace.

    >>> Responsible company, social commitment these concepts are still vague and lackingin reality in operational terms, but they are about to be clarified. With the ISO 26000 standard,these ideas for a hopeful future can be introduced simply and effectively.

    ISO 26000: a new tool to support committed companies

    ISO 26000 : un nouvel outil au service des entreprises engages

    La norme ISO 26000,qui doit tre publie mi 2010,prcise le concept de respon-sabilit socitale . Son objectifest dinciter les entreprises prendre des engagements fortspour les droits de lhomme, les droits du consommateur etla lutte contre la fraude. Elle fixeles rgles dune concurrenceplus responsable.

    Les 7 engagements duneentreprise responsableLISO 26000 a t dfinie en fonction de critres qui per-mettent de rendre applicable la notion de responsabilitsocitale par tout type dorga-nisation ; les entreprises, maisaussi les collectivits territo-

    Due to be published in mid-2010, the ISO 26000standard sets out the concept ofcorporate social responsibility.Its aim is to encouragecompanies to make strongcommitments to human rights,consumer rights and the fightagainst fraud. It sets the rules for a more responsible kind of competition.

    The 7 commitments of a responsible companyISO 26000 has been definedaccording to the criteria used to have the notion of corporatesocial responsibility applied to any type of organisation;companies, local authorities andassociations. There are sevensuch criteria: the governance ofthe organisation (which, for

    riales et les associations. Ces critres sont au nombre de sept : la gouvernance delorganisation (qui inclut parexemple le respect de la loi etla transparence), les droits de lhomme, les conditions etrelations de travail, lenviron-nement, les bonnes pratiquesdes affaires (la corruption par exemple), les questionsrelatives au consommateur etenfin lengagement socital.

    Un lien trs fort avec le dveloppement durableSous limpulsion franaise, la responsabilit socitale estpositionne comme un moyende mise en uvre des principesessentiels de dveloppementdurable. Lorganisation responsable selon lISO 26000sengage pour la protection de lenvironnement et met enplace une politique commer-ciale quitable qui permette de rduire les diffrences de




    Plus dinformation :www.afnor.org/developpementdurable

    For more information: www.afnor.org/developpementdurable

    AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 46 11 37 00




    example, includes compliancewith the law and openness),human rights, workingconditions and relations, theenvironment, good businesspractices (e.g. corruption),consumer issues and corporatecommitment.

    A close link with sustainable developmentDriven by the French government,corporate social responsibilityhas been positioned as a meansof implementing the key principlesof sustainable development.Under the terms of ISO 26000, a responsible company iscommitted to protecting theenvironment and sets up a fair trade policy that helps toreduce differences in livingstandards, especially betweenNorth and South.

    A non-certifiable approach Corporate social responsibilitycannot be seen in black andwhite terms: it requires a certainflexibility. The criteria used todefine a responsible companymay vary from one country orculture to another. For example,should we automatically refusecertification to a company that employs young peopleunder the age of fifteen? Such a decision could lead to evenmore disastrous consequences,such as prostitution.

    but essentialISO 26000 is a tool placed atyour disposal that could help youto prevent a number of risks,especially those linked to yourcompanys reputation. Inaddition, compliance with theISO 26000 standard may help to motivate employees. And although compliancecertification was rejected whenISO 26000 was drawn up,alternative mechanisms arecurrently under study to add the expected guarantees andcredibility to corporate socialresponsibility approaches basedon ISO 26000.

    ISO 26000 : un nouvel outil au service des entreprises engagesISO 26000: a new tool to support committed companies


    Pour obtenir le marquage CE rglementaire et

    garantir vos clients la qualit de vos produits

    grce la marque NF, contactez AFNOR

    Certification : +33 (0)1 46 11 37 26

    To obtain the statutory CE mark and give

    customers a guarantee of product quality through

    the NF label, contact AFNOR Certification on:

    +33 (0)1 46 11 37 26

    niveaux de vie, notammententre le Nord et le Sud.

    Une dmarche non certifiable La responsabilit socitale ne peut pas tre vue de faonmanichenne ; une certaineflexibilit est ncessaire. Lescritres qui dfinissent uneentreprise responsable peuventvarier dun pays un autre,dune culture une autre. Par exemple, faudrait-il refusersystmatiquement la certifi-cation une entreprise quiemploie des jeunes de moinsde quinze ans ? Une telledcision pourrait conduire des effets plus dsastreux,comme la prostitution.

    mais essentielleLISO 26000 est un outil mis votre disposition qui pourravous permettre de prvenir de nombreux risques, en parti-culier ceux lis la rputationde votre entreprise. De plus, le respect de la norme peut treun lment de motivation dupersonnel. Et bien que la certi-fication de conformit ait tcarte lors de la rdaction du projet de norme, des mca-nismes alternatifs sont ltudepour apporter les garantiesattendues et la crdibilit desdmarches de responsabilitsocitale engages sur la basede lISO 26000.

    ...Obligation de marquage CE pour les produits de protection et de rparation du btonLe 1er janvier 2009, le marquage CE des produits de protection et de rparation du bton devientobligatoire. Conformment aux normes europennes,chaque fabricant devra marquer CE ses produitsavant leur mise sur le march. AFNOR Certification est notifie par les pouvoirspublics franais pour dlivrer lattestation deconformit CE 2+, suite linspection de lusine. noter : la certification NF des produits de protectionet de rparation du bton est complmentaire au marquage CE. Marque volontaire, elle garantit laqualit des produits par des exigences qui sajoutent celles du marquage CE.

    CE marking obligation for concreteprotection and repair productsCE marking for concrete protection and repairproducts becomes compulsory on 1st January 2009.In accordance with European standards, everymanufacturer must CE-mark his products beforeputting them on the market. AFNOR Certification has been appointed by theFrench Government to issue the CE 2+ certificate ofcompliance following an inspection of the factory.N.B. NF certification for concrete protection andrepair products is supplementary to CE marking. It is a voluntary label that guarantees the quality ofthe products through requirements that are addedto those of the CE mark.

    AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 46 11 37 00

  • p.21action&performance06

    Certifi QSE depuis plusieursannes, VINCI ConstructionGrands Projets souhaitaitdonner plus de visibilit sadmarche dveloppementdurable lance il y a un an.Jean-Philippe Brot, directeurQSE de lentreprise, solliciteAFNOR Certification sur unevaluation AFAQ 1000NR,envisage comme un tat des lieux pour prparer un futurplan dactions . Partant duprincipe que les thmes portspar la dmarche QSE repr-sentent 80 % des sujets inclus dans lvaluation AFAQ1000NR, Jean-Philippe Brotdemande un audit conjointQSE/AFAQ 1000NR, le premiermen sur une entreprise decette envergure. Pas moins de 13 jours daudit, la visite decinq chantiers diffrents,

    VINCI Construction MajorProjects has been QSE certifiedfor a number of years and waslooking to give greaterprominence to its sustainabledevelopment approach, launchedjust a year ago. Jean-PhilippeBrot, the companys QSEDirectors called on AFNORCertification for an AFAQ1000NR evaluation, which it sawas an inventory to help us drawup a future action plan. Startingfrom the premise that the themescontained in the QSE approachaccount for 80% of the subjectsincluded in the AFAQ 1000NRevaluation, Jean-Philippe Brotasked for a joint QSE/AFAQ1000NR audit, the first to becarried out on a company of thissize. No less than 13 audit days,visits to five different sites,meetings with the various VINCIConstruction Major Projectsmanagement groups and other

    des rencontres avec les diff-rentes directions de VINCIConstruction Grands Projets et certaines parties prenantesseront ncessaires pour mener bien cette mission.

    Un audit complexeLopration conjointe sur des chantiers en joint-venturesitus aux quatre coins dumonde a ncessit beaucoup de souplesse , reconnat Jean-Philippe Brot. Nosauditeurs ont d assimiler larichesse de notre organisationet le fait que lon ne peut pasgrer les critres QSE de faonidentique en Angleterre ou au Vietnam . Pour faire face ces diversits culturelles, VINCIConstruction Grands Projets a mis en place un systme demanagement global, compltpar des guides modulables en fonction des spcificits du pays. cette complexit,sajoute selon Pierre Rouvier,auditeur AFAQ, le fait quelvaluation AFAQ 1000NR at originellement conue pour

    >>>> Pour dpasser les enjeux de sa certification Qualit Scurit Environnement,VINCI Construction Grands Projets a relev le dfi dun audit combin QSE et AFAQ1000NR, destin consolider le champ du dveloppement durable. Une dmarche pilote.

    Cap vers le dveloppement durable avec AFAQ 1000NR

    VINCI Construction Grands Projets


    Jean-Philippe BROTDirecteur QSE Vinci Construction Grands Projets. VINCI Construction Major Projectss QSE Director.

    Pierre ROUVIERAuditeur AFNOR Certification.AFNOR Certification auditor.



    On course for sustainable development with AFAQ1000NR>>>>>>>> To go beyond the demands of its Quality Safety Environment certification, VINCIConstruction Major Projects has taken up the challenge of a combined QSE and AFAQ 1000NRaudit, aimed at consolidating the scope of it sustainable development activities. A pilot approach.



    AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 46 11 37 00

    VINCI Construction Major Projects




    tismes de lentreprise. De sonct, Pierre Rouvier considreque AFAQ 1000NR est parti-culirement adapt. Ce rf-rentiel constitue une volutionlogique et complmentaire de la certification QSE pour uneentreprise qui veut progresser. Outil de motivation interne, lvaluation redonne enviedvoluer vers lamlioration ,ajoute Pierre Rouvier.

    Les retombes de cettedmarche globale devraient semanifester trs concrtementdans le plan dactions 2008-2009 de lentreprise. Ce planvise par exemple mieux struc-turer les enqutes de satisfactionclient, lancer un programmeinnovant de sensibilisation aucomportement sur le plan de lascurit, mettre laccent surles gaz effet de serre ouencore initier une rflexion surlintgration de collaborateurshandicaps , dtaille Jean-Philippe Brot. Ces actions senourriront des pistes de progrspointes par lvaluation,notamment la mise en place de mthodes dvaluation de la perception des partiesprenantes non contractuelles,le benchmark, mais aussi denouvelles actions caractresocial ou socital. Pierre Rouvierpropose galement d tablirdes standards de dveloppe-ment durable pour sassurerque les bonnes pratiques deschantiers soient gnralises etintgres dans la mcaniquede lentreprise .

    Tout cela se fond dans notredmarche globale damliorationcontinue qui prendra en compteds 2009 lensemble des th-matiques qualit, scurit, envi-ronnement, sociale, socitale, ausein dune dynamique communeet totalement intgre ,conclut Jean-Philippe Brot.

    As an aid to internal motivation,evaluation makes people wantto move towards improvement,added Pierre Rouvier.

    The results of this globalapproach should be seen in verypractical terms in the companys2008-2009 action plan. Forexample, the pla