Acting on Push Affordances: Adapting Dynamic Movement Primitives Based on Object Behaviour Senka Krivic, Emre Ugur and Justus Piater AbstractNonprehensile manipulation such as pushing can play a significant role in complex scenarios. Objects may have diverse, even anisotropic properties under push- ing in different environments. This increases the com- plexity of the pushing problem. We propose an approach to adapting dynamic movement primitives (DMPs) based on the observed object-motion behaviour and experienced forces. We also investigate an alternative optimal control based technique that enable dexterous and adaptive manip- ulation using pushability and manipulability of objects. I. INTRODUCTION Pushing is often used to simplify or to improve the precision of complex manipulative skills. If you imagine you are trying to place an object, for example to put a book on a shelf, or to carry out any tabletop manipulation, in most cases you will place the object approximately, and then use pushing movements to bring it to the desired position and orientation. Also, pushing is commonly used to move objects out of the way or to make grasping other objects easier. Enabling similar pushing skills for robots can serve multiple pur- poses: correcting the placement of an object, clearing paths and shoving objects into free space, maneuvering large objects or objects that are hard to grasp, enhanc- ing pick-and-place operations, stc. In our preliminary experiments, we observed that single-contact pushing of objects even in a straight line is not trivial due to differing properties of objects. Humans are able to push various objects in a desired way by pushing them approximately into designated directions and changing the hand motion based on observed senses and behaviours. We aim to incorporate a similar concept into the robot manipulation skills by adapting robot motion controllers based on the object behaviour and experienced forces. For motion control we use dynamic movement primitives (DMPs) which were proposed as an efficient way for learning and controlling complex robot behaviours [1]. *The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013 (Specific Programme Cooperation, Theme 3, Informa- tion and Communication Technologies) under grant agreement no. 610532, Squirrel All authors are with Institute of Computer Science, University of Innsbruck, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria, Contact information: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Fig. 1. Object data set used for pushing tests (left); pushing experiments with a KUKA LWR arm (right) II. RELATED WORK Many researchers have studied nonprehensile ma- nipulation by pushing with robotic manipulators or with the robot base. This topic raised interest in dif- ferent research areas which resulted in a variety of ap- proaches and problems related to pushing. Early work on pushing done by Mason and Lynch [2] presented a theoretical model of the dynamics of pushing with the robotic manipulator. One of the first systems that took into account vision feedback for building a forward model of a planar object was created by Salganicoff et al. [3]. In later work, the action of pushing was often used for learning dynamic models, behaviours and object specific properties by observing results of the push [4], [5]. Several methods treat the problem of learning contact locations for successful pushes [6], [7]. Most of them focus on extracting the shape of the object and determining contact locations that are good for pushing. Existing algorithms have several limitations which include the following. (i) Restriction to objects and environments which possess specific properties such as quasi-statically sliding on a high-friction surface. (ii) Pushing planners are usually based on geometric properties of objects and designed for specific sce- narios. (iii) Pushing to the goal position is done in clutter-free environments. (iv) Many methods require a time-expensive learning phase depending on the object shape. III. PROPOSED APPROACH Objects may have diverse properties under pushing in complex scenarios. If you imagine a task, such as cleaning a child’s room, a robot has to be able to maneuver diverse objects with different masses and friction distributions. In tests of simple, straight-line

Acting on Push Affordances: Adapting Dynamic Movement … · 2015-10-17 · Acting on Push Affordances: Adapting Dynamic Movement Primitives Based on Object Behaviour Senka Krivic,

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Page 1: Acting on Push Affordances: Adapting Dynamic Movement … · 2015-10-17 · Acting on Push Affordances: Adapting Dynamic Movement Primitives Based on Object Behaviour Senka Krivic,

Acting on Push Affordances: Adapting Dynamic MovementPrimitives Based on Object Behaviour

Senka Krivic, Emre Ugur and Justus Piater

Abstract— Nonprehensile manipulation such as pushingcan play a significant role in complex scenarios. Objectsmay have diverse, even anisotropic properties under push-ing in different environments. This increases the com-plexity of the pushing problem. We propose an approachto adapting dynamic movement primitives (DMPs) basedon the observed object-motion behaviour and experiencedforces. We also investigate an alternative optimal controlbased technique that enable dexterous and adaptive manip-ulation using pushability and manipulability of objects.


Pushing is often used to simplify or to improvethe precision of complex manipulative skills. If youimagine you are trying to place an object, for exampleto put a book on a shelf, or to carry out any tabletopmanipulation, in most cases you will place the objectapproximately, and then use pushing movements tobring it to the desired position and orientation. Also,pushing is commonly used to move objects out of theway or to make grasping other objects easier. Enablingsimilar pushing skills for robots can serve multiple pur-poses: correcting the placement of an object, clearingpaths and shoving objects into free space, maneuveringlarge objects or objects that are hard to grasp, enhanc-ing pick-and-place operations, stc.

In our preliminary experiments, we observed thatsingle-contact pushing of objects even in a straightline is not trivial due to differing properties of objects.Humans are able to push various objects in a desiredway by pushing them approximately into designateddirections and changing the hand motion based onobserved senses and behaviours. We aim to incorporatea similar concept into the robot manipulation skills byadapting robot motion controllers based on the objectbehaviour and experienced forces. For motion controlwe use dynamic movement primitives (DMPs) whichwere proposed as an efficient way for learning andcontrolling complex robot behaviours [1].

*The research leading to these results has received fundingfrom the European Community’s Seventh Framework ProgrammeFP7/2007-2013 (Specific Programme Cooperation, Theme 3, Informa-tion and Communication Technologies) under grant agreement no.610532, Squirrel

All authors are with Institute of Computer Science,University of Innsbruck, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria,Contact information: [email protected],[email protected], [email protected]

Fig. 1. Object data set used for pushing tests (left); pushingexperiments with a KUKA LWR arm (right)

II. RELATED WORKMany researchers have studied nonprehensile ma-

nipulation by pushing with robotic manipulators orwith the robot base. This topic raised interest in dif-ferent research areas which resulted in a variety of ap-proaches and problems related to pushing. Early workon pushing done by Mason and Lynch [2] presented atheoretical model of the dynamics of pushing with therobotic manipulator. One of the first systems that tookinto account vision feedback for building a forwardmodel of a planar object was created by Salganicoffet al. [3]. In later work, the action of pushing wasoften used for learning dynamic models, behavioursand object specific properties by observing results ofthe push [4], [5]. Several methods treat the problemof learning contact locations for successful pushes [6],[7]. Most of them focus on extracting the shape of theobject and determining contact locations that are goodfor pushing.

Existing algorithms have several limitations whichinclude the following. (i) Restriction to objects andenvironments which possess specific properties suchas quasi-statically sliding on a high-friction surface.(ii) Pushing planners are usually based on geometricproperties of objects and designed for specific sce-narios. (iii) Pushing to the goal position is done inclutter-free environments. (iv) Many methods require atime-expensive learning phase depending on the objectshape.

III. PROPOSED APPROACHObjects may have diverse properties under pushing

in complex scenarios. If you imagine a task, such ascleaning a child’s room, a robot has to be able tomaneuver diverse objects with different masses andfriction distributions. In tests of simple, straight-line

Page 2: Acting on Push Affordances: Adapting Dynamic Movement … · 2015-10-17 · Acting on Push Affordances: Adapting Dynamic Movement Primitives Based on Object Behaviour Senka Krivic,

pushes which were done for a set of various objects(see Fig. 1), we observed that object loss is mostly de-pendent on the friction force and the object behaviourdynamics. Different object properties are manifestedunder different pushing dynamics and environmentconditions. For example, objects can flip due to highfriction or fast movements. In our pushing task, therobot is assumed to have no previous knowledge ofthe object. By pushing the object, it is possible to buildan object behaviour model on the fly based on obser-vations of object-environment dynamics. This model isthen used to adjust the robot motion controller. Theproposed framework is shown in Fig. 2..

A. Adjusting DMPs

Choosing suitable control parameter values for push-ing is frequently object-dependent. Instead of tuningcontrol parameters with respect to the object class orthe shape, we propose identifying the object behaviourby sensing and introducing corrective actions in a push-ing task. At the onset of a manipulation, the object isassumed to have ideal properties for pushing, movingonly together with the robot. During the executionthese assumptions are updated based on the objectdisplacement or end-effector force values with respectto the dynamics of the robot movements. Control pa-rameters are adapted based on the pushing experienceto provide desired object movements. Online modu-lation of dynamic movement primitives is done byadding coupling terms. These terms alter a primitivebased on intermediate success of object behavior andexperienced forces:

τ z = αz(βz(g − y)− z) + f(x) + IO (1)

τ y = zτ, x =−αx

1 + αeJe


IO = Ktpp(E [xO]− xO) +KtF f(E [F |emin]− F )

Je =

∫ tc


d (pd (γ) , xO) dt

Ktp = f(var(xO), E(xO)) and KtF = f(∇F, F ) are time-varying task sensitivities with respect to object pose xOand force F .

B. Optimal Control

As an alternative method, we propose an optimalcontrol strategy with respect to the pushing objectives.Objectives which define the cost function are as fol-lows: (i) The object should be delivered to the targetpose as fast as possible within given tracking-accuracyconstraints; (ii) Non-smooth and jerky movements ofthe robot should be minimized:

J = ct

∫ tf


t dt+ cj

∫ tf





dt (2)

adjustment mechanism

controller system environment


model behaviour


model uncertainty

model identification

uncertaintyFig. 2. The proposed model behaviour identification adaptivecontrol approach for push-manipulation

Here, tf is a free variable representing the final pointin time, and jerk is defined in Cartesian coordinates xi.The weights ct and cj are coupled coefficients depend-ing on the trade-off between the time limit and desiredsmoothness of the robot movement. The constraints forpushing are first-order robot and object-environmentdynamic constraints together with initial conditions.In cluttered environments an additional constraint isgiven by minγ d(E [PO(t+ δt)] , pd(γ)) < ρ where d(·) isthe perpendicular distance of an object to the desiredcollision-free path pd(γ), E[·] is the expected valueover object movements, and ρ is the tolerance for pathtracking.

IV. CONCLUSIONExploiting object manipulability in complex scenar-

ios enables new capabilities and increases adaptivenessof a robot. A robot has to recognize specific objectbehaviours entailing strategies and the adaptation ofpushing control. At the same time, movement primi-tives should be adapted using available sensor infor-mation. Such an adaptive control approach for push-manipulation is presented in this paper.


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[2] Kevin M. Lynch and Matthew T. Mason. Stable pushing: Me-chanics, controllability, and planning. The International Journal ofRobotics Research, 15(6):533–556, 1996.

[3] Marcos Salganicoff, Giorgio Metta, Andrea Oddera, and GiulioSandini. A vision-based learning method for pushing manipula-tion. In In AAAI Fall Symposium Series: Machine Learning in Vision:What Why and, 1993.

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