WHAT’ S INSIDE Computers, Networking, Websites, Advertising, Marketing & Sales ACRBO MAG Offering a Discount For Free Advertising…. by Robert J. Gregory Featured Member…Brian Wissinger… Cornerstone Technologies of Indiana

ACRBO Jul Magazine

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July magazine of the Association of Computer Repair Business Owners

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Page 1: ACRBO Jul Magazine

WHAT’S INSIDE Computers, Networking, Websites, Advertising, Marketing & Sales


Offering a Discount For

Free Advertising…. by

Robert J. Gregory

Featured Member…Brian

Wissinger… Cornerstone

Technologies of Indiana

ISSUE 007 | JULY 2012
Page 2: ACRBO Jul Magazine

If you have not checked in awhile

you might want to log into the

Association website to see what

new Preferred Vendors have

joined the team.

We continually are looking for

valued vendors to bring aboard

and your emails are appreciated.

ACRBO contents

Regular Columns

ISSUE 008 JULY 2012

3 Editor’s Letter

Welcome to the August edition.

2 ACRBO Inbox

Got something to say?

Tell us what you think.

5 Twitter

7 Offering a Discount for

Free Advertising By Robert Gregory

8 Featured Member

Brian Wissinger

11 Learning Pinterest

13 Write content that Panda Loves

14 What to do during slow days

15 Good time management

19 3 ways to get website traffic

24 NextDayPC

Would you like to have an article

published each month in the


If so drop us a line and let us know

what kind of article you can provide

on a monthly basis.

All articles will need to be submitted

the 3rd

week of the month.

Email: [email protected]

www.acrbo.com 2

Have a product or service

you’re interested in selling?

If so drop us a line.

Page 3: ACRBO Jul Magazine

ACRBO editor’s letter

Welcome to this month’s issue of our magazine. This month we bring you some great new articles that will hopefully help you and your business. We work hard to put together each issue of this magazine and welcome the feedback and contributions from all our loyal readers. A publication like this would not be possible without the support of our valued advertisers who provide relevant products and services for our readership. Please visit our sponsors as they know what you need to help you with all your endeavors. Lastly I’d like to congratulate you for investing your time to educate yourself by reading this magazine. We are proud to be able to help all our readers, and look forward to serving you for many years to come. Dan ACRBO

As you see the layout of the magazine has changed once again. Unfortunately Jon is not going to be able to edit the magazines future issues.

As some of you already know graphics are not my strong suit. But, we will continue to bring outstanding content which to me is what really matters.

[email protected]



Talk to me >> Keep your valuable feedback coming. I try to reply

to every email, I appreciate your input as it helps to

make the ACRBO magazine possible.

Write to me at: [email protected]

ACRBO Magazine

Fredericksburg Virginia

Advertising enquires: Send an email to [email protected]

Contribute articles: If you would like to be a contributing author for the magazine then send an email to [email protected] and let us know what you would like to write about. Copyright 2012 ACRBO. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated or converted into machine-readable form or language without the written consent of the publisher. Articles express the opinions of the authors and are not necessarily those of the publisher

ACRBO Magazine

Director: ACRBO [email protected]

Contributors Various experts in their fields

The instructions and advice in the

Magazine is for entertainment purposes only. The creators, producers, contributors

and distributors of the ACRBO Mag disclaim

any liability for loss or lack of results from following the advice expressed herein

Welcome to the

Association of Computer

Repair Business Owners


ISSUE 008 JULY 2012

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Page 4: ACRBO Jul Magazine

ACRBO inbox

Should I open a storefront?

Very good question and it

gets asked a lot. My advice

has always been not to open a

store front until you know

that you have the finances in

place to do it correctly. You

have to consider things like

how much it will take to open

the store, do you need

employees to manage it

during the days, and do you

have enough work to justify

the added expense that comes

with a storefront.

Remember just because you

open a storefront it does not

mean you will get instant

traffic in the door. This could

actually take some time and

you have to be prepared for

that. My suggestion is to

make a list of what you will

need, what it will cost, what

your finances look like and go

from there.



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“Association of Computer Repair





ISSUE 008 JULY 2012

I don’t own a MAC should I

buy one for my business?

It really depends on what you

would buy it for. If you are

thinking in order to learn

how they work and provide

mac service to your

customers it makes sense. If

you think you need one to run

your business then no.

We have always had some

sort of amc in our shop to

mess with and learn from but

at the same time we do not

push that type of work

because we know there is a

lot to repairing them if you

have not done it before. So in

cases where we can’t do it we

have a person that we just

contract those jobs out to.







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Page 5: ACRBO Jul Magazine

TWITTER When it comes to social networking, Twitter indeed

takes the crown, with regards to maximum number of

active users across the globe, and its unending

possibilities of marketing, fetching employment,

conversing with celebrities, sharing one’s ideas and

states of mind; all within a limit of 140 words! How

exciting and incredibly unique it sounds, right? In fact,

it is the crispness and the simplicity that lends Twitter

an edge over other social networking websites.

Initially, Twitter shot to fame with more and more

famous personalities started hitting the website to stay

in touch with their admirers. So, naturally Twitter

experienced a breakthrough with huge numbers of

new profiles being created, all thanks to this brand

new concept of staying in touch with eminent

personalities in the online domain. This, in turn, has

opened up a wide range of possibilities in the website.

People started ‘tweeting’ (the term used for posting

messages in one’s Twitter accounts) more often and a

few even developed a brand name for themselves.

The 140 words limitation was always there but the

same aspect, on the other hand, was an exciting

factor as well; because of which the users tried to

make their tweets crispier and slicker.

Many organizations and newbie business have

started using Twitter as a marketing tool these days.

So, what exactly are the dos and don’ts of Twitter

marketing? Well, first of all we need to understand the

dynamics of Twitter. The significance of using simple

language while tweeting, using the aspects such as

“trends” and “hashtags” in the websites. Trends refer

to those issues/subjects on which the maximum

numbers of people in a specified country or region are

talking about. So, as soon as you create your

account, you should set the region to which you would

like to target your business. The next step would be to

upload an attractive and suitable display image and

Twitter background, along with a neat, sleek

description on what the Twitter handle is based on.

Then, you may kick-start tweeting valuable

information in precise, correct English.

It is very much acceptable to have multiple Twitter

accounts on the same concept or idea if you know how to

manage them efficiently without repeating the tweets

used in another handle. Make sure that you understand

the concept of ‘hashtags’ properly while tweeting.

Hashtags are widely accepted and followed entities in the

world of Twitter. They will be of major use to you

because those who will searching for relevant information

in Twitter with these hashtags will end up with your tweet

and hopefully, your handle and the idea behind it will

ultimately receive more and more exposure, or let’s just

say ‘Followers’ in Twitter lingo. Once your tweets start

reaching people, you will be getting followers who have

similar interests as you and thus it will help you form a

circle in the website. Also, it never stops offering you

better prospects. The best thing that you should be doing

is to keep on tweeting quality stuff; rest assured that your

business will get due recognition, although patience is

definitely required in this domain.

Make sure that you understand

the concept of ‘hashtags’

properly while tweeting.

ISSUE 008 JULY 2012

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ISSUE 008 JULY 2012


ADVERTISING by Robert J. Gregory

of Bob’s Computer Service

All business owners understand the importance of advertising. After almost five years in business, I am always looking for creative and affordable ways to advertise. Early on, I did a lot of work for local lawyers. My father is a lawyer and is always passing out my business cards. Thanks Dad! After a while, news of my work spread to the local bar association. They contacted me and asked if I wanted to advertise in their monthly newsletter. I agreed and the ad ran for three months. The association must have liked my work because, after the three months, they offered me a free advertisement in exchange for a 10% discount on labor to bar members. I agreed and haven’t looked back! I also belong to a local members-only swim club. The club doesn’t usually allow flyers or outside advertising. After my experience with the bar association, I decided to speak with the club president about advertising. I offered to give members a 10% discount on labor. The club agreed with my proposal and allowed me to post a flyer and business cards on their bulletin board. Being relatively new to owning a business and having a young family, three boys under five years old, my advertising budget is limited. However, I have found that it is not how much you spend on advertising as it is about getting the message to the right people. In your own situation, is there a group or organization to which you belong that you could approach about a mutually beneficial advertising arrangement?

As we all know, most people today own a computer. How many of these people really know how to fix their computer? They are just waiting for someone to provide reliable and affordable service with a small discount, as well! If you are just starting out, find the arrangement that works best for you because great advertising doesn’t have to be costly!

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Page 8: ACRBO Jul Magazine

ISSUE 008 JULY 2012

Featured Member

Name: Brian Wissinger

Business: Cornerstone

Technologies of Indiana

Location: Indiana PA, 15701

Family: Married to Amy and one

child due in August



Education: Bachelor of Arts in History, Indiana University of Pennsylvania

What did you want to be when you grew up? When I was growing up, I always told my grandma I

wanted to be a scientist. Seemed like a great goal at the time, but it turned out I am not so

proficient at high level mathematics.

Worst job: After my enlistment in the Marine Corps, I spent some time being a security guard. The

worst post was a run-down strip mall that had a bit of a rodent and homeless problem.

First job: My very first job was at 10. In our town we had an old bowling alley in the basement of a

building. This facility was so old, it was not automated in any way. Scoring and resetting of the pins

was done by 10 year old kids from the neighborhood. It was a terrible job, but kids would do

anything for $10 a night! My first IT related job was a network/systems admin for a shifty mortgage

company back in 2005/2006. It was good pay, but a clear indicator to me about the troubles

mortgages were going to be on the economy based on the deals that I overheard.

How did you end up owning your business? I ran my own mobile business in California from 2005-

2008. Financial and personal setbacks forced me to move back to my hometown. I managed to get

a job at a local computer repair shop. After working there for two years, my wife and I decided that

we could provide better service and provide those services to businesses as well. We bought our

property in 2011 and I have been making a go of it in my own shop for better than 6 months.

What is next for your business? We are moving into managed services as well as looking into

expanding our shop into our rental property in the next 12 months.

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ISSUE 008 JULY 2012

Who was your hero as a child? I'm pretty sure my hero growing up was either Captain Picard

or Captain Kirk.

What business book do you recommend the most and why? Dale Carnegies "How to win

Friends and Influence People". I read this several times growing up and it is a very good work.

What advice would you give someone thinking about starting a business right now? I would

advise anyone looking to start any kind of business to be prepared and be very sure. Being

prepared is researching that industry and become an expert on it. It cant be emphasized

enough to also have needed working capital beyond what it takes to start a business. A lack of

capital will quickly end any business efforts. And be sure, because it can be hard to reverse

and go back to working for someone else.

What are you most likely to be doing when not working? It is difficult to determine what I

am doing beyond working constantly. Because of my education background, my wife and I

travel to various museums and historical sites. My favorite area is anything naval. We visited

New York City earlier this year only because I wanted to see the Intrepid Air and Space

Museum. The US Air Force Museum in Dayton, Oh is another favorite.

Where do you want to be five years from now? Five years for now, I hope to have expanded

into other various ventures outside of technology. For Cornerstone Technologies, we are

working to be the leading source for our counties technology solutions. Since opening our

physical shop last year, three local shops have folded, giving us a boost of clientele that is

quickly multiplying due to word of mouth. I would like to have an in-house web/application

developer as well.

Who would you rather spend time with, Bill Gates, the late Steve Jobs or Warren Buffett?

Given the choice of the three individuals, Bill Gates would be someone that I would probably

want to meet the most. While Warren Buffett is an extremely intelligent and capable business

person, that doesn't appeal to me. Bill Gates is actively using his wealth to make the world

better though direct activism. While his business practices might have been questionable at

the beginning of Microsoft, one cannot dispute the difference he is making in Africa.

If you would like your business to be featured in the ACRBO Magazine

then drop us an email and we will get back to you with what details are


--Dan www.acrbo.com 9

Page 11: ACRBO Jul Magazine

Check out Iain Mcdonald’s website:


Repins in the Pinterest world is social photo

sharing images pinned by a user you followed or

found while browsing Pinterest. It gives credit to

the user who first pinned the image. When

repining something it gives you the option to edit

or add descriptions. Repined items retain its

source links no matter how many times the pin is

shared. You can also add a "Pin It" button into

your browser (currently available only through

Chrome only) for easy pinning of things you

chance upon the internet. Every time when you

pin something, social photo sharing can be done

on Facebook and twitter.

Benefits of social photo sharing for brands

· Advocacy on brands - if you get people to like

your products not only they will pin your stuff but

might dedicate an entire pin board promoting

your brand. The key is finding what your

followers like.

· Being visible - for smaller businesses tight on

the budget or resources in terms of search

results, Pinterest can quite level the field. It helps

people in finding new products or brands that

people would not normally come across when

plugging keywords into search engines. Social

photo sharing reveals similarities in interests, by

checking out their pin boards one can probably

find the product he is looking for. It also allows a

variety of choices since results change as new

pins are updated.

· Creating links - a link is pulled out together

with the image every time someone pins from

your site. The chance for an image to be pinned

is multiplied building up a healthy amount of

backlinks. It is a natural place to promote small

business only, do so with caution. Followers

would not want a board spammed with nothing

but your own products. Self-promotion is allowed

just do it moderately to stay in the good graces

of the community.

Learning The Basics of Social

Photo Sharing With

Now what do we have here? A social photo sharing

where one "pins" images from the web and groups it

by collections or boards? Sounds appealing, what is

it? It's Pinterest, a virtual pin board just like the

interactive, shareable scrapbooks. Launched in

2009, the site allows users to create boards and do

social photo sharing of whatever interest one might


Similar to other social networks, a user can follow

either users, share contents, tags and even make

comments. You can also get real-time post and

social photo sharing can easily be made even on

Twitter and Facebook.

Pinterest stands out among other main social

networks because most people use it to find

inspiration in areas like hosting a party, a wedding,

room and house renovations, or even cooking

recipes for enthusiasts. Pinterest leads people in

their buying decisions through source links to make

a purchase.

Let's see how does social photo sharing work in


Two of the most intimidate elements of social media

are visual content and sharing. In Pinterest, these

two are arranged by social photo sharing. Pins or

images are categorized by topic, called boards that

can be renamed or deleted depending on the user's

interest. There is an option to follow all of other

user’s boards and select certain boards to follow. If

you already have a twitter or Facebook account it

will make it much easier for you to find all your

friends and contacts that are already using Pinterest

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Page 12: ACRBO Jul Magazine

Win a Brand New Windows

Sysinternals Administrator’s

Reference book!

We will randomly choose a winner

and e-mail the winner.

Just send an email to

[email protected] and in the Subject

line put: Win Book

Last Months winner of the book is:

Mike Gargano of Overdrive

Computer Repair

If you own a computer business you can’t afford

not to be kept up to date with the latest news

and techniques being used by others. Check out

all the Podnutz series and see what you’ve been

missing. Visit www.PodNutz.com

ISSUE 008 JULY 2012

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Page 13: ACRBO Jul Magazine

It's Time To

Write Content

That Panda Loves

When we talk about Google Panda

content, there is no defined elaboration of

the term. Although Penguin update is now

on the platform to throw more realistic

aspects, Panda still enjoys its relevance

in the domain with quality and original

contents. This article illustrates the ways

in which you can add content that is

panda ready.

Be Original, Unique and New:

This is probably the most important

aspect that a content writer should think

while writing web contents or articles for

the business websites. Your readers are

very special to you so you must give them

an opportunity to read something good

and original. When you wrap up a topic in

the content, cover it in full details and

offer final insight to the audience. You

may add more creativity to the articles by

adding videos, slide-shows and images if


Highlight The Portions for Visibility:

All content has some striking points that

may attract readers instantly. Bold or

highlight them. You should also highlight

those content elements that are important

to the text. It will give a big impact to your

article if you highlight keywords within the

content. This will not only help search

engine bots to index your article efficiently

but also offers an opportunity to readers

to go across the important points of the


Target Your Potential Audience Only:

Every website has a special business motive to

accomplish. You have to target only those customers who

are relevant to your business domain. Internet marketing

experts therefore write their contents by keeping the

requirements of the potential readers in the mind. All you

have to offer quality articles to your readers without losing

the core motive of paragraph optimization.

Add Heading Tags:

Proper headings and headlines play a significant role in the

article. For the main title of the article, highlight the titles

with the appropriate labels. Putting descriptive and

illustrative titles may serve more information to the user.

Include the keywords in the headings in very meaningful

manner and use them only if need arises.

Strict 'No' To Plagiarism:

Copied contents have no meaning in the contents and they

serve almost no purpose for the author and reader as well.

You are therefore advised not to copy content from

competitor or other sites in the domain. Search engines

don't like copied contents and hate to see duplicate content

in their index.

Include Social Media Gadgets:

A professional writer from the SEO content writing

company can also take advantage of the social media

platforms like Facebook and Twitter. There is no better

way if you want to spread your article among masses.

www.acrbo.com 13

Page 14: ACRBO Jul Magazine

What To Do During

Slow Days

Let us face it. There are days when our work

seems to be slow. And it does not really come

as a surprise, since lead generation can be a

highly seasonal form of work. Think about it,

there are times when you really have to work

overtime to generate B2B leads, but there are

also times when your day seems to be moving

so slow that there is practically no motivation

for you to generate business leads for that

day. In these cases, you might as well do

something else. But what tasks should you do

during these times? You might be surprised by

these suggestions, but they really will matter

to your business:

1. Work on your e-mails - believe me, you

will be in a much better mood once you have

organized your e-mails. You might have to

delete some of them, save some of them, or

you might have to send a reply. It will help

clear up your inbox, providing you more

space, as well as give you a sense of


2. Call your clients - you can use this time to

do calls to your current clients. Ask them how

they are doing, whether the service they

received from you was good or not, as well as

any suggestions for improvements. You can

learn a great deal from them.

Just make sure that the people you call have the

time to talk to you,

Don’t make it a “sales” call…Make it a “I want you

to continue to be a customer call”.

3. Read and learn - think about those times

where you really have a some free time that can

be impractical to start a project or anything, but

you can use this time to read on some business

concepts, like in leadership and marketing, that

can help you improve. These short periods of

time can be maximized to your benefits if you

want to be a better employee. You just need to

read up some good materials.

4. Get out in the community – Take the time to

get out in the community and see what it going

on. Visit a few businesses and hand out some

business cards or just stop in and have a coffee

with some other business owners.

Free time does not have to be boring time. You

can use this period to do a lot of things that you

are not able to do when you are busy. Use this

period well, and you can make your life much

easier later.

www.acrbo.com 14

Page 15: ACRBO Jul Magazine

Good Time Management -

Essential Strategies Basically, in this situation examine why the

circumstance occurred, whether it is going to be

frequent and consider an action plan to prevent a

later incident.

Recognition of underperformance:

By this I mean the person who is performing less

well might not understand that they are. This may

cause dissatisfaction for you but will continue if you

don't do anything about it. In this situation there may

be many causes why the person performs less well.

For instance:

May they lack the necessary skills or expertise? Did

they totally grasp what was required of them? Did

they really do it or was the activity delegated? Has

their motivation declined? (see below)

You must speak to the person, privately, to

ascertain the facts and then go from there.

For example, plenty of documents could be

improved in their detail by distributing a draft to

concerned people to begin with.

Empowerment and motivation:

Performance, for good time management, is

strongly associated with motivation. Without it time

is squandered as effectiveness drops quickly. Why

should this be so?

Were they involved in the decision making

procedure or identification of the data demanded?

Were you courteous when you asked for them to

take up the task? Did you supply unclear data to an

individual who is unwilling to seek questions to shed

light on the situation? Does the individual have

personal concerns?

It might be easier to pinpoint a drop in commitment

for an individual that you collaborate with directly.

Be on the lookout for decreases in enthusiasm or a

basic lack of interest.

If you have employees working for you I am

sure you can relate to the article. Never

enough time and without completely

understand your employees and them you

then you will find yourself wasting valuable


It is not always straightforward to plan against

a few activities that squander time. We deal

with a few examples for some of these.

Unpredictable problems:

A few problems are not simply eliminated and

their character will differ substantially. For

instance, you may acquire a report from an

associate and find that it contains a significant

amount of mistakes that you must amend.

Possibly a co-worker gets unwell and you

must take over their responsibilities at short

notice. You might need to accept the present

arrangement but suppose it happens again?

Whenever you uncover an unforeseeable

event that uses up your time think what you

can do to stop it.

Page 16: ACRBO Jul Magazine


Lack of training might have many aspects. It

might be a contributory feature in many

instances of poor time management. When

effectiveness is inadequate generally consider

if a shortage of coaching is at the heart of the

matter. Establish gaps and put a coaching

plan into action. Understand that training

takes time but should experience lasting


In a worst case circumstance you might have

hired the wrong individual for the work.

Monitoring jobs:

Often errors happen due to inadequate

monitoring methods. Have mistakes

developed due to pressures or just a lack of

checking methods? It might be useful, for

good time management, to get another to

check the work, as a fresh eye could be

useful. This is a similar technique to

distributing a report for opinion before it is


Input and output:

Sometimes, asking for a certain piece of

information can be similar to the game of

Chinese whispers. What you ask for and what

is taken on board by the other person can be

completely different. Translation of your

directions can be a problem.

Ensure precision by calling for the person to

restate what you have requested. This might

include when, who, what, why and how? If

necessary put it in writing. This can be a very

helpful method when asking for quotations for

jobs at your house, for instance builders,

plumbers, decorators or gardeners etc. Verbal

requests are readily misinterpreted and


This area has the potential to cause irritation

and rancor if not managed appropriately.

Performance, for

good time

management, is


associated with


Without it time is

squandered as


drops quickly.

ISSUE 008 JULY 2012

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Page 17: ACRBO Jul Magazine


Laptop Repair Videos

Some of you may have already heard

but Steve Cherubino has disclosed

that he is going to be coming out

with the NEW Computer Repair Tech

Website Builder.

Years ago Steve developed an easy

to build/edit website for computer

businesses and was greeted with

great success and praise from

business owners.

Realizing the market has changed

Steve has done a total revamp to the

Tech Website Builder and it should

be released very soon…

Below is a picture of the old format

that was used with great success.

Really looking forward to this new



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ACRBO Preferred


ISSUE 008 JULY 2012

ACRBO Preferred


Page 19: ACRBO Jul Magazine

3 Ways To Get Website Traffic That Are Still


So... would you consider yourself to be a

marketing expert? If you didn't already

know, what's more important to be a

marketing expert than it is to be an expert

at what you do. If no one sees your

website and your great work, then how will

you get exposure for your website?

Because of this question, I want to share with

you a few ways that you can get traffic to your

website, and get the exposure that you are

looking for. Getting website traffic isn't hard,

you just have to stick with it over the long

term. Here's the first traffic method:

1) Blogging and pinging

This is a very easy concept and strategy to

include in your marketing strategy. What you

want to do is write 1 new blog post per day,

and ping the major search engine services

each time you finish completing a post. If you

have a "Blogger" blog, you will have to use a

site like "pingomatic" to ping your blog. If you

have a WordPress blog, you can have it set

up that you ping all of the major search

engine services automatically after each post

that you make. Here's another traffic strategy

that I like:

2) Article marketing

There are many article directories on the

internet but only 1 or 2 of them will get you

the bulk of the article marketing traffic out

there. To do this technique effectively, you

will have to write up a 400+ word article on a

given subject (related to your website), and

submit it to the top article directories.

Some people say that article marketing has taken a hit,

and some people say that it is working better than ever

now for them. For a lot of marketers online, article

marketing is the backbone or the cornerstone of their

online business. You never want to rely on just 1

marketing source - but this is something that you will

definitely want to add in your plan. Here's another way

to get quality traffic to your website:

3) Search engine marketing

Search engine marketing or search engine optimization

(SEO) is something that can bring you incredible

amounts of traffic to your website. The key with search

engine marketing is that you find low competition

keywords that you can build and create articles and

content around.

There are many books on search engine marketing

because the largest search engine (Google) constantly

changes its algorithm to provide for a better search

experience for their users. And this is a good thing that

Google is trying to do. When I'm not trying to sell

anything and I'm just looking on Google for a particular

piece of information, I want the best website as


Search engine marketing still works despite the

algorithm changes, so you will want to continue to

practice it if you want to get more new sales and profits

for your internet business. It's a good thing to do.

Take these 3 traffic strategies and put them to work in

your online business today.

Good luck with getting traffic to your website.

For a lot of marketers online, article

marketing is the backbone or the

cornerstone of their business.

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-Stephen Colbert

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ISSUE 008 JULY 2012

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ACRBO marketplace

PC Dice Contact: [email protected]

A great gift for that tech you

know. Or even better take them

on site with you and amaze

your customers.

Veteran Web Hosting Contact [email protected]

ContactUs Hosting – Domain Names –

Yearly Packages (ACRBO


Linux For The Rest Of Us

- Do you want to stay ahead of the

computer curve so that you don't feel left

in the dust?

- Do you want to expand your knowledge

so that YOU are that technician who

people go to for advice?

- Do you want to learn an operating system

so powerful and fun you'll wonder how

you lived without it? Your Ad here Contact [email protected]

Let Us Know > Want to see your ad here? Drop us

an email.

“If you don’t have a competitive advantage,

don’t compete.” Jack Welch



Visit www.PcDice.com

Visit www.LinuxForTheRestOfUs.com

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ABOUT THE NEXTDAYPC RESELLER PROGRAM ---------------------------- NextDayPC.com is the premier product procurement partner for IT Resellers (VAR’s) and solution providers serving the small and medium market as well as educational and government organizations. NextDayPC supplies over 450,000 name-brand computer, electronics, and office products by combining the product inventories of fifteen of the largest US IT distributors . NextDayPC’s business model creates the following advantages for its resellers:

• Low cost, wholesale pricing through the aggregation of purchase volumes from its reseller network

• Expanded working capital leverage through NextDayPC’s agency model

• Flexibility to set markup and margin by reseller

• Fully automated bid proposal tools Build to Order (BTO) configurators

• Financial Services and tools (Net 30 Terms, Leasing and Credit Card Processing)

• Reseller-branded or co-branded web sites (instant e-commerce capabilities)

• Free access to tailored business tools, commission administration, and other back-office support

Visit us today at http://www.resellersonly.com If asked, use activation code: 9D4CBD

I've been a member of NDPC for almost 12 years... I started using this tool to increase my sales and to have access to a distributor without having the need to purchase in bulk quantities, although this is allowed. Over the years I really wanted to be more competitive with the bigger stores, but soon realized that is not possible with this store. NDPC is not designed to help the small business owner be competitive but rather give the business a tool to allow him/her give their customer the best possible service and still make a few dollars on commission for each sale. We need to keep in mind that the bigger stores purchase their product from the distributors at a bulk discount and resell at the MSRP (Manufacture Suggested Retail Price). Then they set their discount sales from that price enabling them to still have a profit because they purchased the product at a bulk discounted rate. In order for the small business owner to compete with the bigger stores, we would need to purchase product at a bulk discounted rate therefore passing the savings on to the customer. So in the end, you can do what many small business owners have done... either use NDPC exclusively or research for the best prices at www.priceline.com or use both. Personally, I use both with the understanding that NDPC will never give me the competitive prices that some of my customers demand from me, and the ones that don't demand the lower prices are just happy their computer is getting fixed and are happy to pay the price to have it fixed.

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IT Professionals/VAR's/Consultants

Selection, price, product availability and speed of

delivery are the main reasons why most of

NextDayPC’s 8,000+ resellers have joined the

company. Free back-office tools, financial

services and e-commerce solutions are why they

will never leave NextDayPC.

NextDayPC.com is the premier product

procurement partner for IT Resellers (VAR’s) and

solution providers serving the small and medium

market as well as educational and government

organizations. NextDayPC supplies over 450,000

name-brand computer, electronics, and office

products by combining the product inventories of

fifteen of the largest US IT distributors. As a

result, it offers the broadest range of products to

its nationwide network of IT resellers. In addition,

NextDayPC’s unique ‘agency model’ reduces the

resellers’ working capital requirements by

allowing them to own the sales transaction, and

earn a profit margin on it, without taking title of

the products. Therefore, NextDayPC’s resellers

are able to efficiently and effectively service their

end customers through NextDayPC, while

focusing on their higher margin service business.

NextDayPC’s business model creates the

following advantages for its resellers:

• Low cost, wholesale pricing through the

aggregation of purchase volumes from its reseller


• Expanded working capital leverage

through NextDayPC’s agency model

• Flexibility to set markup and margin by


• Fully automated bid proposal tools Build

to Order (BTO) configurators

• Financial Services and tools (Net 30

Terms, Leasing and Credit Card Processing)

• Reseller-branded or co-branded web sites

(instant e-commerce capabilities)

• Free access to tailored business tools,

commission administration, and other back-office


Why Join?

Our service is free.

Only if we can assist you to make sales with

commissions for yourself through any of our tools

we deduct a Reseller Fulfillment Fee of 2% (min.

$2 per order) from your commission checks. In

other words, you never get a bill from us and this

fee only applies if we are about to send you a

commission check.

An alternative product source for your company

.Through our proprietary software we are able to

offer you the best availability and very

competitive prices, every day. The @MyCost

section of our site lists over 300,000 products

with images and descriptions.

Over 625,000 brand name products to choose


We currently have over 625,000 products to

choose from including Built-to-order PC's, servers

and Notebooks, and our catalog constantly grows

as new products hit the market.

Team building pays.

You can sign up your own team of resellers. You

will receive 1% of every sale that they make.

Free co-branding.

You'll get a free storefront as soon as you sign

up. Commissions on the storefront can be as low

as 0% or as high as you wish on all our products,

and you can change it at any time.

Free sales and administrative tools.

A large suite of cutting edge tools.

Our interface offers you the tools that fit your

customers and contracts, and we are constantly

creating more.

Our partners have immediate access to all

information in their private accounts with us, and

can track any and all purchasing activities of their

customers in seconds.

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Site: www.TechNibble.com

Who Is Technibble For?

Technibble is a free resource for Computer

Technicians and Computer Business Owners.

Technibble helps computer technicians with

information and how-to-articles published a few

times a week and has a strong community of

Computer Technicians to help one another.

Technibble helps you by covering topics such as:

- How to start a Computer Business

- Advertising, how to get clients and keep them

- Business and legal issues

- Streamline your computer repair work

- Technician related product reviews and discounts

- New opportunities to look out for

- Stories from “the trenches” from your fellow

Computer Techs

Technibble also has a large database of Computer

Repair tools and adds a new on to its database

every week.

Be sure to check out the Archives, Computer

Repair Tools section and the Computer

Technician forum. .


The Industry If you are in the Information Technology industry then below is a list of must visit locations

Site: www.TheForceField.net

What is The Force Field?

The Force Field is the name of a podcast for IT Service Professionals, IT consultants, VARs, computer shops and anyone else in the technology field, particularly those who offer products and services to end users.

The half hour show is produced by Savoia Media and hosted by Rick Savoia, an IT Service Professional who is also a veteran in the broadcast industry.

Your Ad here Contact [email protected]

Let Us Know > Want to see your ad here? Drop us an email.

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Dennis Drew [email protected] Now available for Android and iPhones

Put simply, an app makes things easier; they make accessing information quicker and more

convenient for the user. The app market caters for everyone, apps can help customers find you,

find out more about your business and interact with you. Businesses are now putting faith in

apps to generate revenue, raise brand awareness and increase user engagement. I compare it

to the internet came about and people were wondering “Do I really need a website?”. The same

can be asked of apps, and to me the answer is yes. If it’s affordable and doable why not

implement it into your business.

Pricing is: $50 for just the Android app, $125 for the iPhone version, or $150 for both

(Prices reflect ACRBO membership discount)

Contact Dennis Drew [email protected] for more information

Business Apps

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