February 2020 The Annual Report of Student Enrollments, School Utilization, and Enrollment Projections

 · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

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Page 1:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

February 2020

The Annual Report of Student Enrollments, School Utilization, and

Enrollment Projections

Page 2:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Kathleen S. Causey, Chair Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair

Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary-Treasurer

Roger B. Hayden Moalie S. Jose

Russell T. Kuehn Lisa A. Mack

Rodney R. McMillion John H. Offerman, Jr.

Cheryl E. Pasteur Lily P. Rowe Makeda Scott

Omer Reshid, Student Board Member

Division of Research, Accountability, and Assessment Dr. Monique Wheatley-Phillip, Chief Accountability and Performance Management Officer

Department of Research and Strategic Planning Vacant, Executive Director

Office of Research Office of Strategic Planning Data Warehouse Dr. Christine Koth, Director Melissa Appler, Coordinator Vicki Sappe, Coordinator Dr. Rebecca McGill-Wilkinson, Mike Gotfredson, Specialist Bryan Ault, Business Analyst

Research Specialist Chris Brocato, Planning Analyst

Division of Business Services Dr. Brian Scriven, Acting Chief Administrative and Operations Officer

Department of Information Technology James Corns, Executive Director

Jeanne Imbriale, Director, Office of Enterprise Applications

Office of Student Information System Management Mark Gingerich, Supervisor

Deborah Sams, Programmer Analyst II


Page 4:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


Table of Contents

1. Introductiona. Acknowledgements Page i b. Message from the Superintendent Page ii c. Table of Contents Page iii

2. Current Statea. Current State Page 1 b. School Inventory

i. Organizational Structures, School Year 2019–2020 Page 3 ii. Map of Schools, Centers, and Programs Page 11

c. Current Enrollment and Utilizationi. Systemwide Summary

1. Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQ) Page 12 2. State-Rated Capacity Changes Table Page 14 3. Enrollment Tables Notes Page 18 4. Map Notes Page 20 5. Systemwide Totals Table Page 21 6. Systemwide Elementary School Utilization Map Page 22 7. Systemwide Middle School Utilization Map Page 23 8. Systemwide High School Utilization Map Page 24

ii. Southwest Planning Area1. Table Page 25 2. Area Elementary School Utilization Map Page 26 3. Area Middle School Utilization Map Page 27 4. Area High School Utilization Map Page 28

iii. Northwest Planning Area1. Table Page 29 2. Area Elementary School Utilization Map Page 30 3. Area Middle School Utilization Map Page 31 4. Area High School Utilization Map Page 32

iv. Central Planning Area1. Table Page 33 2. Area Elementary School Utilization Map Page 34 3. Area Middle School Utilization Map Page 35 4. Area High School Utilization Map Page 36

v. Northeast Planning Area1. Table Page 37 2. Area Elementary School Utilization Map Page 38 3. Area Middle School Utilization Map Page 39 4. Area High School Utilization Map Page 40

vi. Southeast Planning Area1. Table Page 41 2. Area Elementary School Utilization Map Page 42 3. Area Middle School Utilization Map Page 43 4. Area High School Utilization Map Page 44

vii. Regional Centers and Programs1. Table Page 45

d. Current Enrollment, September 30, 2019, by School and Grade Page 46

Page 5:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


Table of Contents, continued

3. Future Statea. Introduction Page 52 b. Enrollment Projection Time Period Page 53 c. Enrollment Projection Methods and Assumptions Page 54 d. Enrollment Projection Tables Notes Page 55 e. Systemwide Projections Table and Chart Page 57 f. Systemwide Projections Charts by School Type Page 58 g. Southwest Planning Area Projections Table Page 59 h. Southwest Planning Area Enrollment Projections and SRC Charts Page 60 i. Northwest Planning Area Projections Table Page 61 j. Northwest Planning Area Enrollment Projections and SRC Charts Page 62 k. Central Planning Area Projections Table Page 63 l. Central Planning Area Enrollment Projections and SRC Charts Page 64 m. Northeast Planning Area Projections Table Page 65 n. Northeast Planning Area Enrollment Projections and SRC Charts Page 66 o. Southeast Planning Area Projections Table Page 67 p. Southeast Planning Area Enrollment Projections and SRC Charts Page 68 q. Regional Centers and Programs Projections Table Page 69

4. Appendixa. Summary Page 70 b. Abbreviations and Glossary of Terms Page 71 c. Historical Enrollments 1940–2019 and Projections 2020–2029 Page 73 d. Accuracy Calculations, One-Year, 2019–2020 Page 74 e. Accuracy Calculations, One-Year 2019, By School Page 75 f. Long-Range Enrollment Projection Comparison Page 81 g. One-Year, September 30, 2020 Enrollment Program

By Area, School, and Grade Page 82 h. Ten-Year, 2020–2029 Enrollment Projections and Utilization –

By School and Grade Elementary Schools Page 89 Middle Schools Page 197 High Schools Page 224 Other Schools Page 249 Special Education Schools Page 251 Centers and Programs Page 256 Charter Schools Page 266

i. Ten-Year, 2020–2029 Projected Utilization by Area, by School Page 268 j. 2019–2020 Feeder Pattern Tables by Area Page 276 k. 2019–2020 School Year Relocatable Classroom Inventory Page 283 l. BCPS Board of Education Policy 7110 Page 285 m. BCPS Board of Education Rule 7110 Page 287 n. BCPS Board of Education Policy 1280 Page 290 o. BCPS Board of Education Rule 1280 Page 292 p. Redistribution of Enrollment Projections Page 297

Page 6:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Current State This section of Students Count includes current information regarding organizational

structures, student enrollment, and school utilization. Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) recognizes September 30, 2019, as the date for its official enrollment for the 2019–2020 school year. The systemwide student enrollment as of September 30, 2019, is 115,038. The total student enrollment increased by 1,224 students from September 30, 2018, to September 30, 2019, making this the eleventh consecutive year of enrollment increases for the school system. From 2008 to 2019, enrollment increased by 11,395 students (from 103,643 to 115,038). This is the sixth year BCPS has exceeded a threshold of 110,000 students. This last occurred in 1977 with an enrollment of 113,900 students.

Sources: BCPS Data Warehouse, historic September 30 enrollment reports, historical summary reports Note: Prior to 1977, student enrollment was published based on September 10th enrollment data









BCPS Headcount Enrollment History, 1940–2019

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 1

Page 7:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Current State, continued

The school system is divided into five Planning Areas; Southwest, Northwest, Central, Northeast, and Southeast. This division supports communications, planning, and reporting for the school system. Each table on the following pages lists the schools, centers, and programs located in that particular Planning Area. For each school, the table includes the State-Rated Capacity (SRC), September 30, 2019, student headcount enrollment, full time equivalent (FTE) enrollment, and school utilization rate. (For explanations of full time equivalent enrollment and SRC, please refer to the Frequently-asked Questions section).

A set of corresponding maps follow, one each for elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools. The maps show the boundaries for each school. They are also color-coded to indicate the current utilization of each school. If a school has a utilization rate of 115% (enrollment is 15% above its SRC, it is deemed overcrowded by the Baltimore County Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance (APFO). For more information, visit the Baltimore County Department of Planning website at:

Link to Baltimore County APFO

http://www.baltimorecountymd.gov/Agencies/planning/devrevandlanduse/ adequatepublicschoolfacilities.html

This section contains: School Inventory – a list of BCPS organizational structures, including counts of schools,

centers, and programs for the 2019–2020 school year. Map of Schools, Centers, and Programs – A grid-referenced map of BCPS schools,

centers, and programs. Frequently-asked Questions (FAQ) – answers to frequent questions regarding

enrollment, utilization, capacity, and maps. Enrollment Tables Notes – these notes correspond to the Enrollment Tables and provide

details on configurations and factors that may influence current enrollments in uniqueways.

Current Enrollment and Utilization – these tables and maps detail the enrollment andutilization at each school, center, and program. They are arranged by Planning Area.

Current Enrollment, September 30, 2019, by School and Grade – a more detailedreview of September 30, 2019, enrollment, sorted alphabetically by school and gradelevel.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 2

Page 8:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Baltimore County Public Schools Organizational Structures,

(Definitions of Schools, Centers, and Programs) School Year 2019–2020

Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) defines three organizational structures that are used to deliver instructional programs to students. By definition, each of these organizational structures have designated instructional staff. The three structures are Schools, Centers, and Programs. The two criteria used to distinguish among these three types are student enrollment and test information reporting. In most cases, each school, center, or program is housed in a separate and distinct facility, whether owned or leased by the Board of Education. However, since exceptions do exist, the following definitions are applied for clarity.

School – An organizational structure where students are counted as enrolled and testing information is reported. All testing information is reported from schools. Schools are further designated as Elementary Schools, Middle Schools, High Schools, Other Schools, and Special Education Schools. A Charter school meets these same requirements for a public facility with a contract to operate under the supervision of the BCPS Board of Education.

Center – An organizational structure where students are counted as enrolled but testing information is not reported. Testing information for students enrolled at a center is reported from the home school of the student. Most centers are alternative centers, with the exception of Campfield Early Learning Center.

Program – An organizational structure where no students are counted as enrolled and testing information is not reported. Students are counted as enrolled at their home schools. Testing information for students participating in a program is reported from the home school of the student.

The following table summarizes this information:

* Includes Watershed Public Charter School

Organizational Structure Student Enrollment

Testing Information Reported

Organizational Structures for the 2019–2020 School Year

School * Yes Yes 163 Center Yes No 9Program No No 3 Total Organizational Structures 175

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 3

Page 9:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Baltimore County Public Schools Organizational Structures,

(Definitions of Schools, Centers, and Programs) School Year 2019–2020

The table that follows lists each school, center, and program for the 2019–2020 school year with the planning area in which it is located. The designation of REGION means a center or program operates from more than one location. The planning areas include:

Southwest Area (SW) Northwest Area (NW) Central Area (C) Northeast Area (NE) Southeast Area (SE) Regional Center/Program (REGION)

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 4

Page 10:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Baltimore County Public Schools

Organizational Structures, 2019–2020 School Year (Definitions of Schools, Centers, and Programs)

Count Name


Area Notes

Elementary Schools Grades PreK - 5 except where noted

1 Arbutus Elementary SW

2 Baltimore Highlands Elementary SW

3 Battle Grove Elementary SE Grades PS-5

4 Bear Creek Elementary SE

5 Bedford Elementary NW Grades 1-5

6 Berkshire Elementary SE

7 Carney Elementary NE

8 Carroll Manor Elementary C Grades K-5

9 Catonsville Elementary SW Grades PS-5

10 Cedarmere Elementary NW

11 Chadwick Elementary SW

12 Chapel Hill Elementary NE Grades K-5

13 Charlesmont Elementary SE Grades PS-5

14 Chase Elementary SE Grades PS-5

15 Chatsworth School NW Grades PS-5

16 Chesapeake Terrace Elementary SE

17 Church Lane Elementary NW

18 Colgate Elementary + SE Grades K-5

19 Cromwell Valley Elementary Regional Magnet C Grades PS-5

20 Deep Creek Elementary SE Grades K-5

21 Deer Park Elementary NW

22 Dogwood Elementary SW

23 Dundalk Elementary SE

24 Edgemere Elementary SE Grades PS-5

25 Edmondson Heights Elementary SW Grades PS-5

26 Elmwood Elementary NE Grades PS-5

27 Essex Elementary NE Grades PS-5

28 Featherbed Lane Elementary SW Grades PS-5

29 Fifth District Elementary C Grades K-5

30 Fort Garrison Elementary NW Grades PS-5

31 Franklin Elementary NW Grades PS-5

32 Fullerton Elementary NE

33 Glenmar Elementary NE

34 Glyndon Elementary NW Grades PS-5

35 Grange Elementary SE

36 Gunpowder Elementary NE Grades K-5

37 Halethorpe Elementary SW Grades PS-5

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 5

Page 11:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Baltimore County Public Schools

Organizational Structures, 2019–2020 School Year (Definitions of Schools, Centers, and Programs)

Count Name


Area Notes

Elementary Schools, continued Grades PreK-5 except where noted

38 Halstead Academy C Grades PS-5

39 Hampton Elementary C Grades PS-5

40 Harford Hills Elementary NE

41 Hawthorne Elementary SE Grades PS-5

42 Hebbville Elementary SW Grades PS-5

43 Hernwood Elementary NW Grades PS-5

44 Hillcrest Elementary SW

45 Honeygo Elementary NE Grades PS-5

46 Jacksonville Elementary C Grades K-5

47 Johnnycake Elementary SW

48 Joppa View Elementary NE Grades PS-5

49 Kingsville Elementary NE Grades K-5

50 Lansdowne Elementary SW Grades PS-5

51 Logan Elementary SE

52 Lutherville Laboratory C Grades K-5

53 Lyons Mill Elementary NW Grades K-5

54 Mars Estates Elementary SE Grades PS-5

55 Martin Boulevard Elementary NE

56 Mays Chapel Elementary C

57 McCormick Elementary NE Grades PS-5

58 Middleborough Elementary SE Grades PS-5

59 Middlesex Elementary NE Grades PS-5

60 Milbrook Elementary NW Grades 1-5

61 New Town Elementary NW

62 Norwood Elementary SE Grades PreK-3

63 Oakleigh Elementary C Grades PS-5

64 Oliver Beach Elementary SE

65 Orems Elementary NE Grades PS-5

66 Owings Mills Elementary NW

67 Padonia International Elementary C Grades PS-5

68 Perry Hall Elementary NE

69 Pine Grove Elementary NE

70 Pinewood Elementary C Grades PS-5

71 Pleasant Plains Elementary C

72 Pot Spring Elementary C

73 Powhatan Elementary SW

74 Prettyboy Elementary C Grades K-5

75 Randallstown Elementary NW Grades K-5

76 Red House Run Elementary NE

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 6

Page 12:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Baltimore County Public Schools

Organizational Structures, 2019–2020 School Year (Definitions of Schools, Centers, and Programs)

Count Name


Area Notes

Elementary Schools, continued Grades PreK-5 except where noted

77 Reisterstown Elementary NW Grades PS-5

78 Relay Elementary SW

79 Riderwood Elementary C Grades K-5

80 Riverview Elementary SW

81 Rodgers Forge Elementary C Grades K-5

82 Sandalwood Elementary SE

83 Sandy Plains Elementary SE

84 Scotts Branch Elementary NW Grades K-5

85 Seneca Elementary SE

86 Seven Oaks Elementary NE Grades PS-5

87 Seventh District Elementary C Grades PS-5

88 Shady Spring Elementary NE

89 Sparks Elementary C Grades K-5

90 Stoneleigh Elementary C Grades K-5

91 Summit Park Elementary NW Grades K-5

92 Sussex Elementary SE Grades PS-5

93 Timber Grove Elementary NW

94 Timonium Elementary C Grades K-5

95 Victory Villa Elementary NE

96 Villa Cresta Elementary C Grades PS-5

97 Vincent Farm Elementary NE

98 Warren Elementary C

99 Wellwood International School NW Grades K-5

100 West Towson Elementary C Grades K-5

101 Westchester Elementary SW Grades PS-5

102 Westowne Elementary SW Grades PS-5

103 Winand Elementary NW Grades PS-5

104 Winfield Elementary SW

105 Woodbridge Elementary SW

106 Woodholme Elementary NW Grades K-5

107 Woodmoor Elementary SW Grades PS-5

107 Elementary School Count

Elementary School grade configuration breakdown

40 Grades PS-5

1 Grades PreK-3

43 Grades PreK-5

21 Grades K-5

2 Grades 1-5

107 Total

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 7

Page 13:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Baltimore County Public Schools

Organizational Structures, 2019–2020 School Year (Definitions of Schools, Centers, and Programs)

Count Name


Area Notes

Middle Schools Grades 6 - 8 except where noted

1 Arbutus Middle SW

2 Catonsville Middle SW

3 Cockeysville Middle C

4 Deep Creek Middle SE

5 Deer Park Middle Magnet NW

6 Dumbarton Middle C

7 Dundalk Middle SE

8 Franklin Middle NW

9 General John Stricker Middle SE

10 Golden Ring Middle NE

11 Hereford Middle C

12 Lansdowne Middle SW

13 Loch Raven Technical Academy C

14 Middle River Middle NE

15 Northwest Academy of Health Sciences NW

16 Parkville Middle NE

17 Perry Hall Middle NE

18 Pikesville Middle NW

19 Pine Grove Middle NE

20 Ridgely Middle C

21 Southwest Academy SW

22 Sparrows Point Middle SE

23 Stemmers Run Middle NE

24 Sudbrook Magnet Middle NW

25 Windsor Mill Middle SW

26 Woodlawn Middle SW

26 Middle School Count

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 8

Page 14:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Baltimore County Public Schools

Organizational Structures, 2019–2020 School Year (Definitions of Schools, Centers, and Programs)

Count Name


Area Notes

High Schools Grades 9 - 12 except where noted

1 Catonsville High SW

2 Chesapeake High SE

3 Dulaney High C

4 Dundalk High SE

5 Eastern Technical High NE

6 Franklin High NW

7 George Washington Carver Center for Arts and Technology C

8 Hereford High C

9 Kenwood High NE

10 Lansdowne High SW

11 Loch Raven High C

12 Milford Mill Academy NW

13 New Town High NW

14 Overlea High NE

15 Owings Mills High NW

16 Parkville High NE

17 Patapsco High SE

18 Perry Hall High NE

19 Pikesville High NW

20 Randallstown High NW

21 Sparrows Point High SE

22 Towson High C

23 Western School of Technology SW

24 Woodlawn High SW

24 High School Count

Other Schools Grades as noted

1 Holabird Middle SE Grades 4-8

1 Other School Count

Special Education Schools Grades PS - 12+ except where noted

1 Battle Monument School SE

2 Maiden Choice School SW

3 Ridge/Ruxton School C

4 White Oak School C Grades PS-5

4 Special Education School Count

Charter Schools Grades as noted

1 Watershed Public Charter School SW Grades K-3

1 Charter School Total

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 9

Page 15:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Baltimore County Public Schools

Organizational Structures, 2019–2020 School Year (Definitions of Schools, Centers, and Programs)

Count Name


Area Notes

Centers Grades as noted

1 Campfield Early Learning Center NW Grades PS, PreK, and K

2 Catonsville Center for Alternative Studies SW Grades 9-12

3 Crossroads Center * NE Grades 7-10

4 BCDC Educational Center C Grades 9-12

5 Extended Day Learning REGION Grades 9-12

6 Home Assignment - Primary REGION Grades K-5

7 Home Assignment - Secondary REGION Grades 6-12

8 Meadowood Education Center * SW Grades 6-8

9 Rosedale Center * NE Grades 6-12

9 Centers Count

Programs Grades as noted

1 Home and Hospital REGION Grades PreK-12+

2 Sollers Point/Southeastern Technical High SE Grades 9-12

3 eLearning REGION Grades 6-12

3 Programs Count

2019 - 2020 Organizational Structures

107 Elementary Schools

26 Middle Schools

24 High Schools

1 Other Schools

4 Special Education Schools

1 Charter Schools

163 Schools Subtotal

9 Centers

3 Programs

175 Total

2019-2020 Updates:

Yellow highlight indicates an update for the 2019–2020 school

year.l Watershed Public Charter (new SW charter school) opening fall 2019.

l Dundalk Elementary (replacement SE Area school) opening fall 2019.

l New Town Elementary changed from K-5 to PreK to 5 for fall 2019.

+ Colgate Elementary students and staff are located at the BCPS-owned Rosedale Center facility on Old Philadelphia Rd.

for the 2019–2020 school year.

* Indicates a leased facility.

Non-public placements are not part of the BCPS organizational structures.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 10

Page 16:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


























#* #*





















































#* #*
























!( !(














#* #*

#* ")













Windsor Mill Lot

Catonsville ES

Rosedale Center (leased)

Lyons Mill ES

BCDC Educational Ctr.Honeygo ES

Watershed Public Charter

Essex ES

Logan ES

Orems ES

Chase ES

Relay ES

Grange ES

Seneca ES

Sussex ES

Carney ES

Towson HS

Warren ES

Sparks ES

Winand ES

Dundalk ES

Dundalk HS

Norwood ES

Colgate ES

Elmwood ES

Overlea HS

Kenwood HS

Glenmar ESChase Site

Hampton ES

Padonia ES Dulaney HS

Wabash Lot

Glyndon ES

Bedford ES

Dogwood ES

Arbutus ES

Ridgely MS

Arbutus MS

Patapsco HS

Parkton Lot

Edgemere ES

Oakleigh ES

Timonium ESPinewood ES

Hereford HS

Wellwood ES

Franklin ES

Franklin HS

New Town ES

New Town HS

Hernwood ES

Milbrook ESWinfield ES

Woodmoor ES

Powhatan ES

Chadwick ESWoodlawn HS

Westowne ES

Holabird MS

Hereford MS

Franklin MS

Woodlawn MS

Berkshire ES

Hawthorne ES

Rosedale Lot

McCormick ES

Gunpowder ES

Fullerton ES

Parkville MS

Parkville HS

Prettyboy ES

Riderwood ES

Woodholme ES

Cedarmere ES

Deer Park ES

Hebbville ES

Hillcrest ES

Western Tech

Riverview ES

Lansdowne HS

Lansdowne ES Lansdowne MS

Dumbarton MS

Deer Park MS

Northwest Academy of Health Sciences

Chesapeake HSSandalwood ES

Deep Creek ES

Red House Run ES

Kingsville ES

Seven Oaks ES

Joppa View ES

Perry Hall HS

Perry Hall ES

Pine Grove ESLoch Raven HS

Stoneleigh ES

Pot Spring ES

Pikesville HS

Woodbridge ESJohnnycake ES

Halethorpe ES

Deep Creek MS

Pine Grove MS

Pikesville MS

Providence Lot

Inverness Site

Chapel Hill ES

Mays Chapel ES

West Towson ES

Summit Park ES

Larchmont Site

Church Lane ES

Inwood Lot

Westchester ES

Catonsville HS

Golden Ring MS

Catonsville MS

Battle Grove ES

Home & Hospital

North Point Lot

Nottingham SiteRidge Road Site

Mars Estates ES

Rosedale Center (temp Colgate ES)

Shady Spring ES

Pulaski Offices

Oliver Beach ESVincent Farm ES

Villa Cresta ES

Lutherville Lab

Jacksonville ES

Reisterstown ES

Timber Grove ES

Owings Mills HS

Owings Mills ES

Randallstown HS

Campfield ELC

Randallstown ES

Arbutus Lot

Middle River MS

Cockeysville MS

Windsor Mill MS

Cockeysville Lot

Middleborough ES

Victory Villa ES

Halstead Academy

Carroll Manor ES

Fort Garrison ES

Scotts Branch ES

Greenwood Campus

Hopkins Creek Lot

Turkey Point Site

Crossroads Center

Fifth District ES

Sparrows Point MS

Southwest Academy

Jefferson Building

Carroll Manor Site

Martin Boulevard ES

Seventh District ES

Ridge Ruxton School

Dulaney Springs Site

Edmondson Heights ES

Maiden Choice School

Chesapeake Terrace ES

Food Service Warehouse

Baltimore Highlands ES

Meadowood Education Center

Rolling Road Carriage House

Dundalk MS

Kenwood Lot

Middlesex ES

Bear Creek ES

Perry Hall MS

Hyde Park Site

Charlesmont ESCatonsville Admin. Bldg.

Sandy Plains ES

Stemmers Run MS

Harford Hills ES

White Oak School

Rodgers Forge ES

Eastern Technical

Chatsworth School

Sparrows Point HS

Pleasant Plains ES

Randall Ridge Site

Sudbrook Magnet MS

Featherbed Lane ES

Loch Raven Academy

Milford Mill Academy

Battle Monument School

General John Stricker MS

Catonsville Alternative School

Kenwood Admin. Bldg.

George Washington Carver Center

Cromwell Valley Regional Magnet

Sollers Point Southeastern Technical













9 9

8 8

7 7

6 6

5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

Prepared by the Baltimore County Public SchoolsOffice of Strategic Planning, July 8, 2019

0 5 102.5 Miles


kj Administrative

X Bus Lot

^ Charter School!( Center#* Elementary School") High School

Middle School$+ Other School!( Program!( Site Bank Property

_̂ Special Education School

Major Arterial Roads


Baltimore County Public Schools Facilities, 2019–2020 School Year


Elementary School Grid Elementary School Grid Elementary School Grid Elementary School Grid Elementary School Grid Middle School Grid Middle School Grid High School Grid Bus Lot Grid Site Bank Property GridArbutus ES C9 Dundalk ES D8 Honeygo ES E6 Padonia ES C5 Sparks ES C4 Arbutus MS C9 Stemmers Run MS E7 Parkville HS D6 Arbutus Bus Lot C9 Carroll Manor Site E5Baltimore Highlands ES C9 Edgemere ES E9 Jacksonville ES D4 Perry Hall ES E6 Stoneleigh ES D6 Catonsville MS B8 Sudbrook Magnet MS B7 Patapsco HS E8 Cockeysville Lot C5 Chase Site F7Battle Grove ES E8 Edmondson Heights ES B8 Johnnycake ES B8 Pine Grove ES D6 Summit Park ES C6 Cockeysville MS C5 Windsor Mill MS B7 Perry Hall HS E6 Hopkins Creek Lot E7 Dulaney Springs Site D5Bear Creek ES E8 Elmwood ES D7 Joppa View ES E6 Pinewood ES C5 Sussex ES E8 Deep Creek MS E8 Woodlawn MS B7 Pikesville HS C6 Inwood Bus Lot B8 Hyde Park Site E8Bedford ES B7 Essex ES E8 Kingsville ES E5 Pleasant Plains ES D6 Timber Grove ES B5 Deer Park MS A6 Randallstown HS B6 Kenwood Lot E7 Inverness Site E8Berkshire ES D8 Featherbed Lane ES B7 Lansdowne ES C8 Pot Spring ES C5 Timonium ES C5 Dumbarton MS C6 Sparrows Point HS E9 North Point Lot E8 Larchmont Site B7Carney ES D6 Fifth District ES B3 Logan ES E8 Powhatan ES B7 Victory Villa ES E7 Dundalk MS D8 High School Grid Towson HS D6 Parkton Lot C2 Nottingham Site E7Carroll Manor ES D4 Fort Garrison ES C6 Lutherville Lab C6 Prettyboy ES B2 Villa Cresta ES D6 Franklin MS A5 Catonsville HS B8 Western Tech B8 Providence Lot D6 Randall Ridge Site B6Catonsville ES B8 Franklin ES A5 Lyons Mill ES B6 Randallstown ES B7 Vincent Farm ES E6 General John Stricker MS E8 Chesapeake HS E8 Woodlawn HS B7 Rosedale Lot D7 Ridge Road Site E7Cedarmere ES B5 Fullerton ES D7 Mars Estates ES E7 Red House Run ES D7 Warren ES D5 Golden Ring MS E7 Dulaney HS C5 Wabash Lot A5 Turkey Point Site E8Chadwick ES B7 Glenmar ES E7 Martin Boulevard ES E7 Reisterstown ES A5 Wellwood ES C6 Hereford MS C3 Dundalk HS D8 O ther Schools Grid Windsor Mill Lot B7Chapel Hill ES E6 Glyndon ES B5 Mays Chapel ES C5 Relay ES C9 West Towson ES C6 Lansdowne MS C8 Eastern Technical E7 Holabird MS D8 Center GridCharlesmont ES E8 Grange ES E8 McCormick ES D7 Riderwood ES C6 Westchester ES B8 Loch Raven Academy D6 Franklin HS A5 Special Ed. School Grid BCDC Educational Ctr. D6Chase ES F7 Gunpowder ES E6 Middleborough ES E8 Riverview ES C9 Westowne ES B8 Middle River MS E7 G.W. Carver Center C6 Battle Monument School E8 Campfield Early Child Ctr. B7Chatsworth School A5 Halethorpe ES C9 Middlesex ES E7 Rodgers Forge ES C6 Winand ES B6 NW Acad. Health Sciences B7 Hereford HS C3 Administrative Grid Maiden Choice School C8 Catonsville Alt. School B8Chesapeake Terrace ES E9 Halstead Academy D6 Milbrook ES B7 Sandalwood ES E8 Winfield ES B7 Parkville MS D6 Kenwood HS E7 Catonsville Admin. Bldg. B8 Ridge Ruxton School C6 Crossroads Center F7Church Lane ES B7 Hampton ES D6 New Town ES A6 Sandy Plains ES E8 Woodbridge ES B8 Perry Hall MS E6 Lansdowne HS C9 Food Service Warehouse C5 White Oak School D6 Meadowood Ed. Center B7Colgate ES (demo/replace) D8 Harford Hills ES D6 Norwood ES D8 Scotts Branch ES B7 Woodholme ES B6 Pikesville MS C6 Loch Raven HS D6 Greenwood Campus C6 Rosedale Ctr.(Tmp.Colgate) E7Cromwell Valley Magnet D6 Hawthorne ES E7 Oakleigh ES D6 Seneca ES F7 Woodmoor ES B7 Pine Grove MS D6 Milford Mill Academy B7 Jefferson Building D6 Program Grid Rosedale Center (leased) E7Deep Creek ES E8 Hebbville ES B7 Oliver Beach ES F7 Seven Oaks ES E6 Ridgely MS C6 New Town HS A6 Kenwood Admin. Bldg. E7 Home & Hospital C6Deer Park ES A6 Hernwood ES A6 Orems ES E7 Seventh District ES C1 Southwest Academy B8 Overlea HS D7 Pulaski Offices E7 Sollers Point Technical D8 Charter GridDogwood ES B7 Hillcrest ES B8 Owings Mills ES B6 Shady Spring ES E7 Sparrows Point MS E9 Owings Mills HS B6 Rolling Rd. Carriage House B8 Watershed Public Charter B7

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 11

Page 17:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Frequently-asked Questions (FAQ) about Enrollments, Projections, and Capacities  

When are enrollments counted?

The official enrollments for all schools are calculated on September 30 in accordance with Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) policies.

What is full time equivalent enrollment?

Full time equivalent (FTE) enrollment is an adjustment made to an elementary school’s total enrollment for the purpose of comparing enrollment to a school’s official capacity. FTE enrollment factors 100% of students in Kindergarten through Grade 5, and 50% of students in prekindergarten and preschool because they are half-day programs. No FTE conversion is required at secondary schools.

For elementary schools, the FTE calculation is:

(Preschool x .5, rounded up to a whole number) +

(Prekindergarten x .5, rounded up to a whole number) + Kindergarten through Grade 5.

For elementary schools piloting a full day Prekindergarten program, the FTE calculation is:

(Preschool x .5, rounded up to a whole number) + Prekindergarten through Grade 5.

How often are enrollment projections updated?

School system enrollment projections are updated annually to ensure that trend information is current and the latest data are available.

Are enrollment projections accurate?

In alignment with BCPS’ established performance standards, the target accuracy for systemwide projections is 99%. This goal has been met consistently for the past several years, including September 30, 2019, (99.99% accuracy). The target accuracy for individual schools is +/- 7.00% of the total enrollment.

What is a “planning area”?

For planning purposes, BCPS identifies five geographic areas of Baltimore County:

Southwest Area (SW) Northwest Area (NW) Central Area (C) Northeast Area (NE) Southeast Area (SE)

Elementary, middle, and high schools are associated with each of the five areas. While schools are identified to a specific geographic area, there are cases where attendance boundaries do not completely align across elementary, middle, and high schools. Thus, there are cases where students may attend a school associated with one area for elementary school, but attend a school associated with an adjacent area for middle and/or high school. Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 12

Page 18:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Frequently-asked Questions about Enrollments, Projections, and Capacities, continued  

What is a “feeder pattern”?

A feeder pattern is a progression of schools from elementary, to middle, to high school based on school attendance boundaries. An elementary school that sends students to only one middle school, for example, is referred to as a “100% feeder” to that middle school. Not all school boundaries are aligned as such. Elementary schools may feed to two or more middle schools, which may feed to two or more high schools. Feeder patterns are identified based only on the geography of attendance boundaries. Parent and student choice factors, including special permission transfer requests, magnet program applications, and special education program placement are unique decisions and not considered part of a school’s feeder pattern. Schools with no attendance boundary, such as some magnet schools, have no feeder pattern. Please refer to Appendix j. for a current BCPS feeder pattern chart.

What is a “zone”?

Zones are different than planning areas. In BCPS, zones are not geographic areas, rather they are administrative constructs that group schools for school leadership purposes. BCPS divides schools into three zones, each administrated by a community superintendent. Three executive directors (two elementary and one secondary) report to each community superintendent. School distribution among zones is subject to change. For the most current zone identifications, please visit the BCPS Web page:

Link to Current Schools by Zone


How is capacity calculated?

SRC is defined by the MSDE and is calculated based on the number of teaching stations (classrooms) in the school and their utilization. SRC applies to the permanent building only and does not include relocatable units.

At the elementary level, SRC is calculated as follows:

• Regular classroom (Grades 1-5) 23 seats • Self-contained special education classroom 10 seats • Kindergarten classroom 22 seats • Prekindergarten classroom 20 seats • Some spaces where instruction may take place are not included in the SRC, such as:

cafeteria, gymnasium and multi-purpose rooms, computer lab, art, vocal music, instrumental music, reading resource, science storage, and preparation rooms.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 13

Page 19:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Frequently-asked Questions about Enrollments, Projections, and Capacities, continued

At the secondary level, SRC is calculated as follows:

• Regular classroom/computer classroom (Grades 6-12) 25 seats x 85% utilization • Career and technology education classroom 20 seats x 85% utilization • Self-contained special education classroom 10 seats x 100% utilization • Gymnasium (2 classrooms) 50 seats x 85% utilization • Computer labs do not count towards SRC• Teaching stations used for activity rooms, dance studios, weight rooms, science labs, art,

music, technology education, family studies, and business classrooms all count as teachingstations (25 seats x 85% utilization)

• Teaching stations that can be separated by moveable walls or partitions (such as those insome designed auditoriums) also contribute to capacity (25 seats x 85% utilization)

Why does capacity change?

The capacity of a school may change after a renovation or a change in school program offerings. When a triggering event such as this happens, the SRC is recalculated and submitted for approval to the Maryland Department of Planning (MDP).

Changes to BCPS State-Rated Capacity for the 2019–2020 School Year

Elementary School Former Capacity (2018-2019)

Current Capacity (2019-2020)


Bedford ES 309 299 -10

Church Lane ES 476 478 2

Cromwell Valley Elementary Regional Magnet 411 434 23

Deer Park ES 451 461 10

Dundalk ES 590 745 155

Essex ES 471 520 49

Featherbed Lane ES 654 667 13

Fort Garrison ES 431 382 -49

Franklin ES 473 461 -12

Glenmar ES 371 363 -8

Gunpowder ES 499 479 -20

Hampton ES 648 670 22

Hawthorne ES 587 584 -3

Hebbville ES 540 471 -69

Lutherville Lab 407 395 -12

Martin Boulevard ES 291 301 10

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 14

Page 20:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Frequently-asked Questions about Enrollments, Projections, and Capacities, continued  

Elementary School Former Capacity (2018—2019)

Current Capacity (2019—2020)


McCormick ES 380 373 -7

Milbrook ES 319 322 3

New Town ES 703 708 5

Oakleigh ES 496 493 -3

Orems ES 313 303 -10

Owings Mills ES 699 702 3

Pine Grove ES 497 483 -14

Pleasant Plains ES 509 545 36

Pot Spring ES 477 475 -2

Prettyboy ES 398 387 -11

Randallstown ES 398 411 13

Red House Run ES 486 460 -26

Reisterstown ES 450 462 12

Scotts Branch ES 511 456 -55

Seventh District ES 461 441 -50

Shady Spring ES 499 476 -23

Villa Cresta ES 637 584 -53

Wellwood ES 455 433 -22

West Towson ES 451 480 29

Westchester ES 692 702 10

Winand ES 583 491 -92

Woodbridge ES 432 430 -2

Woodholme ES 676 684 8

Elementary School Total 18,822 18,682 -150

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 15

Page 21:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Frequently-asked Questions about Enrollments, Projections, and Capacities, continued  

Middle School Former Capacity (2018–2019)

Current Capacity (2019–2020)


Franklin MS 1389 1433 44Golden Ring MS 849 844 -5Hereford MS 1,123 1,137 14Middle River MS 1,007 1018 11Middle School Total 4,368 4,432 64

High School Former Capacity (2018–2019)

Current Capacity (2019–2020)


High School Total No Change

Other School Former Capacity (2018–2019)

Current Capacity (2019–2020)


Holabird Middle School 967 1,025 58

Charter School Former Capacity (2018–2019)

Current Capacity (2019–2020)


Watershed Public Charter School 0 274 274


Source: Approved Maryland Department of Planning SRC Approvals, September 2019

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 16

Page 22:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Frequently-asked Questions about Enrollments, Projections, and Capacities, continued

What does “utilization” mean?

Utilization compares the FTE enrollment (elementary) or student headcount enrollment (middle and high) to the school’s SRC.

Number of Students +/- Capacity = FTE Enrollment – SRC

Positive numbers indicate the amount enrolled over SRC. Negative numbers indicate the amount enrolled under SRC.

Percent Utilization = FTE Enrollment divided by SRC

A school with a utilization of 100% is enrolled at capacity. Utilization less than 100% is under capacity, and utilization over 100% is over capacity. The tables and maps in this report use the following color shading scale to show the percent utilization for September 30, 2019:

If a school has a utilization rate of 115% (enrollment is 15% above its SRC), it is deemed overcrowded by the APFO. For more information, visit the Baltimore County Department of Planning Web site at: Link to Baltimore County APFO http://www.baltimorecountymd.gov/Agencies/planning/devrevandlanduse/ adequatepublicschoolfacilities.html

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 17

Page 23:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Enrollment Tables Notes:

Some schools have unique administrative or programmatic situations or changes that influence their enrollment. The notes below correspond to and provide explanation for the letters in the Notes column in the tables on the following pages:

A. Partial Magnet Program Schools – These schools have an attendance boundary, but also accept students through the magnet application process, which allows students to attend who reside outside the school boundary.

B. Total Magnet Program Schools – These schools do not have an attendance boundary and accept all students through the magnet application process.

C. Special Education Schools – These public, separate-day schools have no attendance boundary and serve students with significant disabilities who reside throughout the system.

D. Alternative Education Centers – These centers provide services for students removed from the regular education program at their districted middle and high schools. With the exception of Crossroads Center, which has a 180-day program, centers enroll students for only a limited part of the school year.

E. Recent Redistricting – Recent boundary changes have occurred in alignment with Policy/Rule 1280, including: Castanea Estates Community Boundary Change, (for 2019–2020 school year)Current maps reflect this boundary change.

F. Full-Day Prekindergarten Pilot – Three schools have a full-day Prekindergarten pilot program. All Prekindergarten students at these schools are full-day, and thus count as a whole student for FTE calculations.

G. Kindergarten Annexation – These schools are sending or receiving schools for a kindergarten annexation. Upon completing kindergarten, these students return to their districted elementary schools for Grades 1 through 5. All kindergarten students districted to Bedford and Milbrook Elementary Schools attend

kindergarten at Campfield Early Learning Center.H. Norwood Elementary School and Holabird Middle School – Beginning with the

2013–2014 school year, students in Grades 4 and 5 districted to Norwood Elementary School attend Holabird Middle School.

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Page 24:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Enrollment Tables Notes, continued:

I. Sollers Point Technical High School – This regional career and technology magnet program is located on the campus of Dundalk High School. Students attend for a portion of the school day and all students are counted at their districted or assigned high schools for enrollment purposes.

J. Home and Hospital – This program provides services to students with extended medical absences. These students remain enrolled in their districted or assigned school.

K. Colgate Elementary School at Rosedale Center – In 2016, Rosedale Center relocated to a leased facility. Colgate Elementary School students and staff are temporarily located at the original Rosedale Center building for the 2018–2019 and 2019–2020 school years to accommodate the demolition and replacement of Colgate Elementary School.

L. Watershed Public Charter School – This public charter school opened in Fall 2019 with Kindergarten through Grade 3. Grades 4 and 5 will fill via matriculation and application over the next two years. There is no attendance boundary for this school, which accepts students via an application process.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 19

Page 25:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Map Notes:

BCPS prepares maps using a geographic information system (GIS). This software tool allows us to match school system data with digital representations of schools, school boundaries, roads, and rivers. This rich analysis allows clear visual comparisons for critical analysis of data and informed decision-making.

• A compass rose is provided at the top right of each map for direction orientation. All mapscontained in this report are oriented in portrait format with North at the top of the page.

• The scale of each map varies based on the size of the area shown. A scale bar is provided atthe bottom right for distance measurement in miles.

• Some schools and charter schools report capacity but do not have a traditional attendanceboundary. These locations are marked by a shaded circle. This marker indicates the locationof the facility but does not imply a school boundary.

• Special education schools, centers (except Campfield Early Learning Center), and programsdo not report capacity and utilization due to the unique nature of their academic programs. Insuch cases, only a location flag and label (without an over/under capacity count) are present.Their location flags are colored pink (special education schools), orange (centers), and blue(programs).

• The maps included in this report are intended for data display, not for determining BCPSschool assignment. BCPS has made substantial efforts to ensure the accuracy of theinformation. However, school service areas and facility information are subject to change.For verification of any school assignment, please call the Boundary Information Line at(443) 809-4215. Proof of residency in Baltimore County is required, per Board of EducationPolicy 5150.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 20

Page 26:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Systemwide Totals2019 9/30/2019 9/30/2019 Number of

School State-Rated Headcount FTE Students Percent NotesCapacity Enrollment Enrollment +/- Capacity Utilization

Elementary Schools 53,023 55,083 53,389 366 100.69%Middle Schools 26,928 24,949 -1,979 92.65%High Schools 34,279 32,580 -1,699 95.04%Other Schools 1,025 970 970 -55 94.63%Special Education Schools 416Centers 870ProgramsCharter Schools 274 170 170 -104 62.04%Systemwide Total 115,038

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DW_Facility_Projections

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 21

Page 27:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Central Area

Northwest Area

Southeast Area

Northeast Area

Southwest Area


Freeways and Interstates

Planning Area

Percent Utilization 2019–2020Greater Than 150%

130% to 150%

115% to 130%

100% to 115%

80% to 100%

60% to 80%

Less Than 60%

BCPS Elementary Schools, All AreasSeptember 30, 2019, Percent UtilizationFTE Enrollment Divided by SRC

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections 0 5 102.5 Miles

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 22

Page 28:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


Freeways and Interstates

Planning Area

Percent Utilization 2019–2020Greater Than 150%

130% to 150%

115% to 130%

100% to 115%

80% to 100%

60% to 80%

Less Than 60%

BCPS Middle Schools, All AreasSeptember 30, 2019, Percent UtilizationHeadcount Enrollment Divided by SRC

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections 0 5 102.5 Miles

Central Area

Northwest Area

Southwest Area

Northeast Area

Southeast Area

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 23

Page 29:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


Freeways and Interstates

Planning Area

Percent Utilization 2019–2020Greater Than 150%

130% to 150%

115% to 130%

100% to 115%

80% to 100%

60% to 80%

Less Than 60%

BCPS High Schools, All AreasSeptember 30, 2019, Percent UtilizationHeadcount Enrollment Divided by SRC

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections 0 5 102.5 Miles

Central Area

Northwest Area

Southwest Area

Northeast Area

Southeast Area

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 24

Page 30:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Southwest Planning Area2019 9/30/2019 9/30/2019 Number of

School State-Rated Headcount FTE Students Percent NotesCapacity Enrollment Enrollment +/- Capacity Utilization

Elementary SchoolsArbutus Elementary 405 404 388 -17 95.80%Baltimore Highlands Elementary 549 551 517 -32 94.17%Catonsville Elementary 664 668 642 -22 96.69%Chadwick Elementary 408 637 617 209 151.23%Dogwood Elementary 612 682 664 52 108.50%Edmondson Heights Elementary 589 524 486 -103 82.51%Featherbed Lane Elementary 667 572 551 -116 82.61%Halethorpe Elementary 392 365 339 -53 86.48%Hebbville Elementary 471 527 495 24 105.10%Hillcrest Elementary 708 698 687 -21 97.03%Johnnycake Elementary 559 690 661 102 118.25%Lansdowne Elementary 709 631 601 -108 84.77%Powhatan Elementary 313 251 242 -71 77.32%Relay Elementary 691 659 639 -52 92.47%Riverview Elementary 572 562 540 -32 94.41%Westchester Elementary 702 719 696 -6 99.15%Westowne Elementary 650 698 651 1 100.15%Winfield Elementary 485 493 476 -9 98.14%Woodbridge Elementary 430 448 431 1 100.23%Woodmoor Elementary 631 614 576 -55 91.28% ASW Area Elementary Totals 11,207 11,393 10,899 -308 97.25%

Middle SchoolsArbutus Middle 1,011 951 -60 94.07%Catonsville Middle 774 850 76 109.82%Lansdowne Middle 923 866 -57 93.82% ASouthwest Academy Magnet Middle 1,101 823 -278 74.75% AWindsor Mill Middle 720 674 -46 93.61% AWoodlawn Middle 953 622 -331 65.27%SW Area Middle Totals 5,482 4,786 -696 87.30%

High SchoolsCatonsville High 1,750 1,826 76 104.34%Lansdowne High 1,420 1,326 -94 93.38% AWestern School of Technology 1,009 892 -117 88.40% BWoodlawn High 2,129 1,656 -473 77.78% ASW Area High Totals 6,308 5,700 -608 90.36%

Special Education Schools

Maiden Choice School 137 C

CentersCatonsville Center for Alternative Studies 55 DMeadowood Education Center 33 DSW Area Center Totals 0 88

Charter SchoolsWatershed Public Charter 274 170 170 -104 62.04% LUnderlined State-Rated Capacities are updated for the 2019-2020 school year.

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DW_Facility_Projections

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Page 31:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Winfield ES -9

Relay ES -52

Westchester ES -6 Catonsville ES -22

Woodbridge ES 1

Hillcrest ES -21

Lansdowne ES -108

Dogwood ES 52

Johnnycake ES 102

Featherbed Lane ES -116

Halethorpe ES -53

Woodmoor ES -55

Westowne ES 1

Arbutus ES -17

Hebbville ES 24

Powhatan ES -71

Baltimore Highlands ES -32

Edmondson Heights ES -103Chadwick ES 209

Riverview ES -32

Watershed Public Charter -104

Maiden Choice School


Freeways and Interstates

Planning Area

Percent Utilization 2019–2020Greater Than 150%

130% to 150%

115% to 130%

100% to 115%

80% to 100%

60% to 80%

Less Than 60%

BCPS Elementary Schools, Southwest AreaSeptember 30, 2019, Percent UtilizationFTE Enrollment Divided by SRC

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections 0 2 41 Miles

Number after school name indicates FTE enrollment over (positive) or under (negative) SRC.

Maiden Choice School does not have a traditional attendance boundary and does not report capacity.

Watershed Public Charter School does not have a traditional attendance boundary.

Maiden Choice School marker indicates location only.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 26

Page 32:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Windsor Mill MS -46

Arbutus MS -60

Catonsville MS 76

Woodlawn MS -331

Lansdowne MS -57

Southwest Academy -278

Meadowood Education Center


Freeways and Interstates

Planning Area

Percent Utilization 2019–2020Greater Than 150%

130% to 150%

115% to 130%

100% to 115%

80% to 100%

60% to 80%

Less Than 60%

BCPS Middle Schools, Southwest AreaSeptember 30, 2019, Percent UtilizationHeadcount Enrollment Divided by SRC

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections 0 2 41 Miles

Number after school name indicates headcount enrollment over (positive) or under (negative) SRC.

Meadowood Education Center does not have a traditional attendance boundary.

Meadowood Education Center marker indicates location only.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 27

Page 33:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Catonsville HS 76

Woodlawn HS -473

Lansdowne HS -94

Western School of Technology -117

Catonsville Center for Alternative Studies


Freeways and Interstates

Planning Area

Percent Utilization 2019–2020Greater Than 150%

130% to 150%

115% to 130%

100% to 115%

80% to 100%

60% to 80%

Less Than 60%

BCPS High Schools, Southwest AreaSeptember 30, 2019, Percent UtilizationHeadcount Enrollment Divided by SRC

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections 0 2 41 Miles

Number after school name indicates headcount enrollment over (positive) or under (negative) SRC.

Catonsville Center for Alternative Studies and Western School of Technology do not have traditional attendance boundaries.

Catonsville Center for Alternative Studies does not report capacity.

Catonsville Center for Alternative Studies and Western School of Technology markers indicate location only.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 28

Page 34:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Northwest Planning Area2019 9/30/2019 9/30/2019 Number of

School State-Rated Headcount FTE Students Percent NotesCapacity Enrollment Enrollment +/- Capacity Utilization

Elementary SchoolsBedford Elementary 299 331 331 32 110.70% GCedarmere Elementary 474 539 523 49 110.34%Chatsworth School 442 366 359 -83 81.22% BChurch Lane Elementary Technology 478 367 355 -123 74.27%Deer Park Elementary 431 404 391 -40 90.72%Fort Garrison Elementary 382 319 313 -69 81.94% EFranklin Elementary 461 419 409 -52 88.72%Glyndon Elementary 520 559 535 15 102.88%Hernwood Elementary 415 383 362 -53 87.23%Lyons Mill Elementary 681 759 759 78 111.45%Milbrook Elementary 322 394 394 72 122.36% GNew Town Elementary 708 830 811 103 114.55%Owings Mills Elementary 702 793 760 58 108.26%Randallstown Elementary 411 400 400 -11 97.32%Reisterstown Elementary 462 564 544 82 117.75%Scotts Branch Elementary 456 543 543 87 119.08%Summit Park Elementary 336 470 470 134 139.88%Timber Grove Elementary 600 561 542 -58 90.33%Wellwood International School 433 489 489 56 112.93% AWinand Elementary 491 465 430 -61 87.58%Woodholme Elementary 684 714 714 30 104.39%NW Area Elementary Totals 10,188 10,669 10,434 246 102.41%

Middle SchoolsDeer Park Magnet Middle 1,368 1,365 -3 99.78% AFranklin Middle 1,433 1,242 -191 86.67%Northwest Academy of Health Sciences 983 785 -198 79.86% APikesville Middle 1,029 972 -57 94.46% ESudbrook Magnet Middle 1,060 998 -62 94.15% BNW Area Middle Totals 5,873 5,362 -511 91.30%

High SchoolsFranklin High 1,647 1,511 -136 91.74%Milford Mill Academy 1,465 1,251 -214 85.39% ANew Town High 1,303 1,168 -135 89.64% AOwings Mills High 1,103 1,189 86 107.80%Pikesville High 1,006 922 -84 91.65% ERandallstown High 1,379 1,048 -331 76.00% ANW Area High Totals 7,903 7,089 -814 89.70%

CenterCampfield Early Childhood Center 322 410 279 -43 86.65% G

Underlined State-Rated Capacities are updated for the 2019-2020 school year.

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DW_Facility_Projections

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 29

Page 35:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Campfield ELC -43

Franklin ES -52

Fort Garrison ES -69

Hernwood ES -53

Cedarmere ES 49

New Town ES 103 Woodholme ES 30

Owings Mills ES 58

Randallstown ES -11

Winand ES -61

Wellwood ES 56

Bedford ES 32

Glyndon ES 15

Milbrook ES 72

Lyons Mill ES 78

Timber Grove ES -58

Summit Park ES 134

Reisterstown ES 82

Scotts Branch ES 87

Deer Park ES -40

Church Lane ES -123

Chatsworth School -83


Freeways and Interstates

Planning Area

Percent Utilization 2019–2020Greater Than 150%

130% to 150%

115% to 130%

100% to 115%

80% to 100%

60% to 80%

Less Than 60%

BCPS Elementary Schools, Northwest AreaSeptember 30, 2019, Percent UtilizationFTE Enrollment Divided by SRC

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections 0 2 41 Miles

Number after school name indicates FTE enrollment over (positive) or under (negative) SRC.

Campfield ELC and Chatsworth School do not have traditional attendance boundaries.

Campfield ELC and Chatsworth School markers indicate location only.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 30

Page 36:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Franklin MS -191

Pikesville MS -57

Deer Park MS -3

Northwest Academy -198

Sudbrook Magnet MS -62


Freeways and Interstates

Planning Area

Percent Utilization 2019–2020Greater Than 150%

130% to 150%

115% to 130%

100% to 115%

80% to 100%

60% to 80%

Less Than 60%

BCPS Middle Schools, Northwest AreaSeptember 30, 2019, Percent UtilizationHeadcount Enrollment Divided by SRC

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections 0 2 41 Miles

Number after school name indicates headcount enrollment over (positive) or under (negative) SRC.

Sudbrook Magnet Middle does not have a traditional attendance boundary and utilization marker indicates location only.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 31

Page 37:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Franklin HS -136

Pikesville HS -84

New Town HS -135

Owings Mills HS 86

Randallstown HS -331Milford Mill Academy -214


Freeways and Interstates

Planning Area

Percent Utilization 2019–2020Greater Than 150%

130% to 150%

115% to 130%

100% to 115%

80% to 100%

60% to 80%

Less Than 60%

BCPS High Schools, Northwest AreaSeptember 30, 2019, Percent UtilizationHeadcount Enrollment Divided by SRC

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections 0 2 41 Miles

Number after school name indicates headcount enrollment over (positive) or under (negative) SRC.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 32

Page 38:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Central Planning Area2019 9/30/2019 9/30/2019 Number of

School State-Rated Headcount FTE Students Percent NotesCapacity Enrollment Enrollment +/- Capacity Utilization

Elementary SchoolsCarroll Manor Elementary 362 389 389 27 107.46%Cromwell Valley Regional Magnet 434 375 366 -68 84.33% AFifth District Elementary 274 322 322 48 117.52%Halstead Academy 516 515 508 -8 98.45% FHampton Elementary 670 602 579 -91 86.42%Jacksonville Elementary 637 550 550 -87 86.34%Lutherville Laboratory 395 368 368 -27 93.16%Mays Chapel Elementary 702 720 704 2 100.28% EOakleigh Elementary 493 569 542 49 109.94%Padonia International Elementary 529 524 487 -42 92.06%Pinewood Elementary 566 596 581 15 102.65%Pleasant Plains Elementary 545 698 680 135 124.77%Pot Spring Elementary 475 477 459 -16 96.63%Prettyboy Elementary 387 422 422 35 109.04%Riderwood Elementary 456 453 453 -3 99.34%Rodgers Forge Elementary 396 468 468 72 118.18%Seventh District Elementary 441 404 396 -45 89.80%Sparks Elementary 604 509 509 -95 84.27%Stoneleigh Elementary 700 748 748 48 106.86%Timonium Elementary 395 484 484 89 122.53%Villa Cresta Elementary 584 709 683 99 116.95%Warren Elementary 395 405 391 -4 98.99%West Towson Elementary 480 486 486 6 101.25%C Area Elementary Totals 11,436 11,793 11,575 139 101.22%

Middle SchoolsCockeysville Middle 1,059 910 -149 85.93%Dumbarton Middle 1,114 1,225 111 109.96%Hereford Middle 1,137 972 -165 85.49%Loch Raven Academy 901 823 -78 91.34% ARidgely Middle 1,070 1,113 43 104.02% EC Area Middle Totals 5,281 5,043 -238 95.49%

High SchoolsDulaney High 1,984 1,914 -70 96.47% EGeorge Washington Carver Center 1,029 961 -68 93.39% BHereford High 1,548 1,295 -253 83.66%Loch Raven High 975 874 -101 89.64%Towson High 1,260 1,619 359 128.49% AC Area High Totals 6,796 6,663 -133 98.04%

Special Education SchoolsRidge Ruxton 123 CWhite Oak School 93 CC Area Special Education School Totals 216

CenterBCDC Educational Center 33 D

Underlined State-Rated Capacities are updated for the 2019-2020 school year.

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DW_Facility_Projections

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 33

Page 39:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Rodgers Forge ES 72

Sparks ES -95

Prettyboy ES 35

Fifth District ES 48

Seventh District ES -45

Jacksonville ES -87

Mays Chapel ES 2Carroll Manor ES 27

Hampton ES -91

Riderwood ES -3

Timonium ES 89

West Towson ES 6

Warren ES -4

Pot Spring ES -16

Pinewood ES 15

Lutherville ES -27

Villa Cresta ES 99

Pleasant Plains ES 135

Stoneleigh ES 48

Padonia ES -42

Halstead Academy -8

Cromwell Valley ES -68

Oakleigh ES 49White Oak School

Ridge Ruxton School


Freeways and Interstates

Planning Area

Percent Utilization 2019–2020Greater Than 150%

130% to 150%

115% to 130%

100% to 115%

80% to 100%

60% to 80%

Less Than 60%

BCPS Elementary Schools, Central AreaSeptember 30, 2019, Percent UtilizationFTE Enrollment Divided by SRC

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections 0 4 82 Miles

Number after school name indicates FTE enrollment over (positive) or under (negative) SRC.

Ridge Ruxton and White Oak School do not have traditional attendance boundaries.

Ridge Ruxton and White Oak School markers indicate location only.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 34

Page 40:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Hereford MS -165

Ridgely MS 43

Cockeysville MS -149

Dumbarton MS 111

Loch Raven Academy -78


Freeways and Interstates

Planning Area

Percent Utilization 2019–2020Greater Than 150%

130% to 150%

115% to 130%

100% to 115%

80% to 100%

60% to 80%

Less Than 60%

BCPS Middle Schools, Central AreaSeptember 30, 2019, Percent UtilizationHeadcount Enrollment Divided by SRC

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections 0 4 82 Miles

Number after school name indicates headcount enrollment over (positive) or under (negative) SRC.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 35

Page 41:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

BCDC Educational Center

Hereford HS -253

Dulaney HS -70

Loch Raven HS -101

Towson HS 359

G.W. Carver Center -68


Freeways and Interstates

Planning Area

Percent Utilization 2019–2020Greater Than 150%

130% to 150%

115% to 130%

100% to 115%

80% to 100%

60% to 80%

Less Than 60%

BCPS High Schools, Central AreaSeptember 30, 2019, Percent UtilizationHeadcount Enrollment Divided by SRC

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections 0 2 41 Miles

Number after school name indicates headcount enrollment over (positive) or under (negative) SRC.

BCDC Educational Center and G.W. Carver Center do not have traditional attendance boundaries.

BCDC Educational Center does not report capacity.

BCDC Educational Center and G.W. Carver Center markers indicate location only.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 36

Page 42:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Northeast Planning Area2019 9/30/2019 9/30/2019 Number of

School State-Rated Headcount FTE Students Percent NotesCapacity Enrollment Enrollment +/- Capacity Utilization

Elementary Schools

Carney Elementary 574 638 619 45 107.84%Chapel Hill Elementary 636 646 646 10 101.57%Elmwood Elementary 474 571 550 76 116.03%Essex Elementary 520 493 464 -56 89.23%Fullerton Elementary 463 617 598 135 129.16%Glenmar Elementary 363 317 305 -58 84.02%Gunpowder Elementary 479 538 538 59 112.32%Harford Hills Elementary 323 365 354 31 109.60%Honeygo Elementary 725 680 643 -82 88.69%Joppa View Elementary 635 739 729 94 114.80%Kingsville Elementary 349 326 326 -23 93.41%Martin Boulevard Elementary 301 298 284 -17 94.35%McCormick Elementary 373 338 319 -54 85.52%Middlesex Elementary 494 424 399 -95 80.77%Orems Elementary 303 403 374 71 123.43%Perry Hall Elementary 528 621 603 75 114.20%Pine Grove Elementary 483 601 582 99 120.50%Red House Run Elementary 460 588 568 108 123.48%Seven Oaks Elementary 428 471 440 12 102.80%Shady Spring Elementary 476 587 568 92 119.33%Victory Villa Elementary 735 691 673 -62 91.56%Vincent Farm Elementary 699 761 741 42 106.01%NE Area Elementary Totals 10,821 11,713 11,323 502 104.64%

Middle Schools

Golden Ring Middle 844 793 -51 93.96% AMiddle River Middle 1,018 1,035 17 101.67% AParkville Middle 1,089 1,126 37 103.40% APerry Hall Middle 1,643 1,925 282 117.16%Pine Grove Middle 1,197 960 -237 80.20%Stemmers Run Middle 1,154 795 -359 68.89%NE Area Middle Totals 6,945 6,634 -311 95.52%

High Schools

Eastern Technical High 1,339 1,172 -167 87.53% BKenwood High 1,918 1,649 -269 85.97% AOverlea High 1,230 1,020 -210 82.93% AParkville High 2,037 2,074 37 101.82% APerry Hall High 2,110 1,969 -141 93.32%NE Area High Totals 8,634 7,884 -750 91.31%


Crossroads Center 183 DRosedale Center for Alternative Studies 65 D, KNE Area Center Totals 248

Underlined State-Rated Capacities are updated for the 2019-2020 school year.

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DW_Facility_Projections

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 37

Page 43:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Kingsville ES -23

Vincent Farm ES 42

Pine Grove ES 99

Fullerton ES 135

Honeygo ES -82

Essex ES -56

Chapel Hill ES 10

Orems ES 71

Joppa View ES 94

Elmwood ES 76

Gunpowder ES 59

Seven Oaks ES 12

Carney ES 45

Red House Run ES 108

Victory Villa ES -62

Perry Hall ES 75

Shady Spring ES 92

Harford Hills ES 31

Martin Boulevard ES -17

Middlesex ES -95

McCormick ES -54

Glenmar ES -58


Freeways and Interstates

Planning Area

Percent Utilization 2019–2020Greater Than 150%

130% to 150%

115% to 130%

100% to 115%

80% to 100%

60% to 80%

Less Than 60%

BCPS Elementary Schools, Northeast AreaSeptember 30, 2019, Percent UtilizationFTE Enrollment Divided by SRC

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections 0 2 41 Miles

Number after school name indicates FTE enrollment over (positive) or under (negative) SRC.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 38

Page 44:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Perry Hall MS 282

Middle River MS 17

Pine Grove MS -237

Parkville MS 37

Golden Ring MS -51

Stemmers Run MS -359

Crossroads Center


Freeways and Interstates

Planning Area

Percent Utilization 2019–2020Greater Than 150%

130% to 150%

115% to 130%

100% to 115%

80% to 100%

60% to 80%

Less Than 60%

BCPS Middle Schools, NortheastAreaSeptember 30, 2019, Percent UtilizationHeadcount Enrollment Divided by SRC

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections 0 2 41 Miles

Number after school name indicates headcount enrollment over (positive) or under (negative) SRC.

Crossroads Center does not have a traditional attendance boundary and does not report capacity.

Crossroads Center marker indicates location only.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 39

Page 45:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Rosedale Center (leased)

Perry Hall HS -141

Kenwood HS -269

Overlea HS -210 Kenwood HS -269

Parkville HS 37

Eastern Technical HS -167


Freeways and Interstates

Planning Area

Percent Utilization 2019–2020Greater Than 150%

130% to 150%

115% to 130%

100% to 115%

80% to 100%

60% to 80%

Less Than 60%

BCPS High Schools, Northeast AreaSeptember 30, 2019, Percent UtilizationHeadcount Enrollment Divided by SRC

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections 0 2.5 51.25 Miles

Number after school name indicates headcount enrollment over (positive) or under (negative) SRC.

Rosedale Center and Eastern Technical HS do not have traditional attendance boundaries.

Rosedale Center does not report capacity.

Rosedale Center and Eastern Technical HS markers indicate location only.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 40

Page 46:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Southeast Planning Area2019 9/30/2019 9/30/2019 Number of

School State-Rated Headcount FTE Students Percent NotesCapacity Enrollment Enrollment +/- Capacity Utilization

Elementary Schools

Battle Grove Elementary 377 346 311 -66 82.49%Bear Creek Elementary 484 495 476 -8 98.35%Berkshire Elementary 428 484 446 18 104.21%Charlesmont Elementary 418 384 364 -54 87.08%Chase Elementary 393 398 378 -15 96.18%Chesapeake Terrace Elementary 292 286 276 -16 94.52%Colgate Elementary 319 433 433 114 135.74% KDeep Creek Elementary 368 458 458 90 124.46%Dundalk Elementary 745 776 745 0 100.00%Edgemere Elementary 523 475 453 -70 86.62%Grange Elementary 385 489 469 84 121.82%Hawthorne Elementary 584 525 520 -64 89.04% FLogan Elementary 517 550 533 16 103.09%Mars Estates Elementary 431 386 363 -68 84.22%Middleborough Elementary 326 349 338 12 103.68%Norwood Elementary (Grades PreK - 3) 521 491 470 -51 90.21% HOliver Beach Elementary 265 185 179 -86 67.55%Sandalwood Elementary 542 537 517 -25 95.39%Sandy Plains Elementary 664 597 597 -67 89.91% FSeneca Elementary 409 423 403 -6 98.53%Sussex Elementary 380 448 429 49 112.89%SE Area Elementary Totals 9,371 9,515 9,158 -213 97.73%

Middle Schools

Deep Creek Middle 987 901 -86 91.29% ADundalk Middle 814 793 -21 97.42%General John Stricker Middle 973 793 -180 81.50%Sparrows Point Middle 573 637 64 111.17%SE Area Middle Totals 3,347 3,124 -223 93.34%

High Schools

Chesapeake High 1,019 961 -58 94.31% ADundalk High 1,446 1,782 336 123.24%Patapsco High School Center for the Arts 1,302 1,434 132 110.14% ASparrows Point High 871 1,067 196 122.50% ASE Area High Totals 4,638 5,244 606 113.07%

Other Schools

Holabird Middle (Grades 4-8) 1,025 970 -55 94.63% H

Special Education Schools

Battle Monument School 63 C


Sollers Point Technical High School B, I

Underlined State-Rated Capacities are updated for the 2019-2020 school year.

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DW_Facility_Projections

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 41

Page 47:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Battle Monument School

Middleborough ES 12

Chase ES -15

Chesapeake Terrace ES -16

Seneca ES -6

Oliver Beach ES -86

Edgemere ES -70

Sussex ES 49

Charlesmont ES -54

Dundalk ES 0

Hawthorne ES -64

Logan ES 16

Norwood ES -51

Berkshire ES 18

Grange ES 84

Colgate ES 114

Mars Estates ES -68

Bear Creek ES -8

Sandalwood ES -25

Deep Creek ES 90

Sandy Plains ES -67

Battle Grove ES -66


Freeways and Interstates

Planning Area

Percent Utilization 2019–2020Greater Than 150%

130% to 150%

115% to 130%

100% to 115%

80% to 100%

60% to 80%

Less Than 60%

BCPS Elementary Schools, Southeast AreaSeptember 30, 2019, Percent UtilizationFTE Enrollment Divided by SRC

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections 0 2 41 Miles

Number after school name indicates FTE enrollment over (positive) or under (negative) SRC.

Battle Monument School does not have a traditional attendance boundary.

Battle Monument School marker indicates location only.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 42

Page 48:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Deep Creek MS -86

Sparrows Point MS 64

Dundalk MS -21

Holabird MS -55

General John Stricker MS -180


LegendFreeways and Interstates

Planning Area

Percent Utilization 2019–2020Greater Than 150%

130% to 150%

115% to 130%

100% to 115%

80% to 100%

60% to 80%

Less Than 60%

BCPS Middle Schools, SoutheastAreaSeptember 30, 2019, Percent UtilizationHeadcount Enrollment Divided by SRC

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections 0 2 41 Miles

Number after school name indicates headcount enrollment over (positive) or under (negative) SRC.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 43

Page 49:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Sollers Point Technical

Chesapeake HS -58

Sparrows Point HS 196

Dundalk HS 336

Chesapeake HS -58

Patapsco HS 132


LegendFreeways and Interstates

Planning Area

Percent Utilization 2019–2020Greater Than 150%

130% to 150%

115% to 130%

100% to 115%

80% to 100%

60% to 80%

Less Than 60%

BCPS High Schools, Southeast AreaSeptember 30, 2019, Percent UtilizationHeadcount Enrollment Divided by SRC

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections 0 2 41 Miles

Number after school name indicates headcount enrollment over (positive) or under (negative) SRC.

Sollers Point Technical does not have a traditional attendance boundary and does not report capacity.

Sollers Point Technical marker indicates location only.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 44

Page 50:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Regional Centers2019 9/30/2019 9/30/2019 Number of

School State-Rated Headcount FTE Students Percent NotesCapacity Enrollment Enrollment +/- Capacity Utilization

Extended Day Learning 62 DHome Assignment - Elementary 3 DHome Assignment - Secondary 26 DRegional Centers Total 91

Regional Programs2019 9/30/2019 9/30/2019 Number of

School State-Rated Headcount FTE Students Percent NotesCapacity Enrollment Enrollment +/- Capacity Utilization

eLearningHome and Hospital JRegional Programs Total

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DW_Facility_Projections

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 45

Page 51:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

September 30, 2019 Headcount Enrollment by School and Grade

School Type School Name PS PK KG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TotalElementary School Arbutus Elementary 0 33 63 70 58 61 65 54 404

Baltimore Highlands Elementary 0 68 90 73 79 72 80 89 551Battle Grove Elementary 23 48 39 44 48 43 52 49 346Bear Creek Elementary 0 38 74 77 65 84 80 77 495Bedford Elementary 0 0 0 58 57 67 79 70 331Berkshire Elementary 0 77 64 50 70 70 85 68 484Carney Elementary 0 38 100 82 112 99 101 106 638Carroll Manor Elementary 0 0 61 70 73 70 60 55 389Catonsville Elementary 5 48 101 98 104 98 100 114 668Cedarmere Elementary 0 32 100 86 87 77 81 76 539Chadwick Elementary 0 40 98 101 112 108 91 87 637Chapel Hill Elementary 0 0 95 104 116 103 111 117 646Charlesmont Elementary 1 40 60 48 60 57 58 60 384Chase Elementary 6 34 63 50 69 53 57 66 398Chatsworth School 6 9 50 54 60 63 59 65 366Chesapeake Terrace Elementary 0 20 40 49 47 38 40 52 286Church Lane Elementary Technology 0 24 64 49 47 57 56 70 367Colgate Elementary 0 0 65 69 69 75 73 82 433Cromwell Valley Elementary Magnet 8 11 65 64 62 63 62 40 375Deep Creek Elementary Magnet 0 0 79 86 74 68 80 71 458Deer Park Elementary 0 26 70 63 57 63 61 64 404Dogwood Elementary 0 37 82 118 104 96 111 134 682Dundalk Elementary 0 63 114 121 116 117 126 119 776Edgemere Elementary 13 32 71 59 59 84 62 95 475Edmondson Heights Elementary 29 49 73 78 74 58 77 86 524Elmwood Elementary 7 37 79 89 98 82 96 83 571Essex Elementary 14 45 64 66 77 70 80 77 493Featherbed Lane Elementary 3 40 83 88 64 85 92 117 572Fifth District Elementary 0 0 45 55 59 52 53 58 322Fort Garrison Elementary 6 6 59 48 63 51 43 43 319Franklin Elementary 10 11 63 70 59 69 74 63 419Fullerton Elementary 0 39 103 87 93 98 91 106 617Glenmar Elementary 0 25 37 45 58 62 37 53 317Glyndon Elementary 10 38 82 77 81 74 84 113 559Grange Elementary 0 40 73 58 79 82 81 76 489Gunpowder Elementary 0 0 64 102 97 92 88 95 538Halethorpe Elementary 9 44 43 54 57 52 52 54 365Halstead Academy 15 58 74 69 73 77 68 81 515Hampton Elementary 11 37 99 87 87 92 93 96 602

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 46

Page 52:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

September 30, 2019 Headcount Enrollment by School and Grade

School Type School Name PS PK KG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TotalElementary School Harford Hills Elementary 0 23 55 54 58 58 51 66 365

Hawthorne Elementary 10 100 62 57 59 66 73 98 525Hebbville Elementary 13 53 72 69 61 84 79 96 527Hernwood Elementary 6 37 36 47 52 64 56 85 383Hillcrest Elementary 0 23 111 115 113 118 115 103 698Honeygo Elementary 21 54 92 107 114 99 102 91 680Jacksonville Elementary 0 0 96 93 101 85 91 84 550Johnnycake Elementary 0 58 92 102 116 96 106 120 690Joppa View Elementary 9 12 99 128 115 141 114 121 739Kingsville Elementary 0 0 61 50 46 52 59 58 326Lansdowne Elementary 12 49 103 104 81 90 86 106 631Logan Elementary 0 35 92 67 94 88 80 94 550Lutherville Laboratory 0 0 71 53 57 64 66 57 368Lyons Mill Elementary 0 0 137 124 102 129 126 141 759Mars Estates Elementary 10 37 42 47 50 67 62 71 386Martin Boulevard Elementary 0 28 37 38 40 61 46 48 298Mays Chapel Elementary 0 33 111 113 97 133 123 110 720McCormick Elementary 18 20 29 59 41 58 53 60 338Middleborough Elementary 3 21 58 60 43 50 49 65 349Middlesex Elementary 12 39 59 58 61 58 73 64 424Milbrook Elementary 0 0 0 63 88 78 76 89 394New Town Elementary 0 38 122 121 133 140 132 144 830Norwood Elementary 0 42 111 109 114 115 0 0 491Oakleigh Elementary 25 30 75 79 77 82 88 113 569Oliver Beach Elementary 0 13 26 20 41 21 35 29 185Orems Elementary 11 48 46 59 51 64 54 70 403Owings Mills Elementary 0 67 125 120 119 115 118 129 793Padonia International Elementary 16 59 75 74 72 69 79 80 524Perry Hall Elementary 0 37 84 77 103 97 100 123 621Pine Grove Elementary 0 38 83 86 111 115 82 86 601Pinewood Elementary 15 17 105 81 101 88 98 91 596Pleasant Plains Elementary 0 37 109 104 122 121 88 117 698Pot Spring Elementary 0 36 73 83 69 65 77 74 477Powhatan Elementary 0 19 25 36 42 42 44 43 251Prettyboy Elementary 0 0 54 81 64 74 67 82 422Randallstown Elementary 0 0 68 47 61 73 88 63 400Red House Run Elementary 0 40 83 100 83 93 95 94 588Reisterstown Elementary 14 27 67 77 77 102 89 111 564Relay Elementary 0 41 104 84 120 98 103 109 659

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 47

Page 53:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

September 30, 2019 Headcount Enrollment by School and Grade

School Type School Name PS PK KG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TotalElementary School Riderwood Elementary 0 0 92 76 67 75 72 71 453

Riverview Elementary 0 44 92 74 92 82 83 95 562Rodgers Forge Elementary 0 0 87 75 83 79 70 74 468Sandalwood Elementary 0 41 66 83 73 80 91 103 537Sandy Plains Elementary 0 40 89 73 97 95 91 112 597Scotts Branch Elementary 0 0 82 84 85 91 90 111 543Seneca Elementary 0 41 48 58 60 75 68 73 423Seven Oaks Elementary 23 40 63 69 74 67 66 69 471Seventh District Elementary 9 9 57 59 64 57 82 67 404Shady Spring Elementary 0 39 78 85 87 95 96 107 587Sparks Elementary 0 0 85 78 70 89 100 87 509Stoneleigh Elementary 0 0 102 131 145 122 126 122 748Summit Park Elementary 0 0 67 92 83 86 64 78 470Sussex Elementary 1 39 77 69 64 61 76 61 448Timber Grove Elem 0 39 70 78 72 101 95 106 561Timonium Elementary 0 0 71 88 87 82 79 77 484Victory Villa Elementary 0 37 96 113 103 110 112 120 691Villa Cresta Elementary 10 42 122 95 107 117 112 104 709Vincent Farm Elementary 0 41 119 134 127 112 109 119 761Warren Elementary 0 29 64 62 56 65 57 72 405Wellwood International School 0 0 82 76 91 81 84 75 489West Towson Elementary 0 0 79 72 87 92 81 75 486Westchester Elementary 10 36 108 111 119 128 103 104 719Westowne Elementary 34 61 98 96 104 98 101 106 698Winand Elementary 19 52 50 66 61 69 89 59 465Winfield Elementary 0 35 75 79 69 69 87 79 493Woodbridge Elementary 0 34 72 74 72 68 63 65 448Woodholme Elementary 0 0 91 126 114 117 131 135 714Woodmoor Elementary 24 52 96 85 90 75 88 104 614

Total Elementary Schools 501 3,149 8,077 8,323 8,576 8,733 8,628 9,096 55,083

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 48

Page 54:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

September 30, 2019 Headcount Enrollment by School and Grade

School Type School Name PS PK KG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TotalMiddle School Arbutus Middle 337 311 303 951

Catonsville Middle 266 294 290 850Cockeysville Middle 291 297 322 910Deep Creek Middle 320 299 282 901Deer Park Middle Magnet 511 451 403 1,365Dumbarton Middle 393 425 407 1,225Dundalk Middle 267 259 267 793Franklin Middle 421 414 407 1,242General John Stricker Middle 287 272 234 793Golden Ring Middle 281 271 241 793Hereford Middle 305 338 329 972Lansdowne Middle 309 285 272 866Loch Raven Technical Academy 285 272 266 823Middle River Middle 389 359 287 1,035Northwest Academy of Health Sciences 261 269 255 785Parkville Middle 367 383 376 1,126Perry Hall Middle 652 616 657 1,925Pikesville Middle 299 328 345 972Pine Grove Middle 343 314 303 960Ridgely Middle 361 390 362 1,113Southwest Academy 285 249 289 823Sparrows Point Middle 195 240 202 637Stemmers Run Middle 278 252 265 795Sudbrook Magnet Middle 323 334 341 998Windsor Mill Middle 247 249 178 674Woodlawn Middle 213 208 201 622

Total Middle Schools 8,486 8,379 8,084 24,949

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 49

Page 55:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

September 30, 2019 Headcount Enrollment by School and Grade

School Type School Name PS PK KG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TotalHigh School Catonsville High 500 503 412 411 1,826

Chesapeake High 266 249 225 221 961Dulaney High 511 476 452 475 1,914Dundalk High 525 473 392 392 1,782Eastern Technical High 343 285 280 264 1,172Franklin High 445 323 352 391 1,511George Washington Carver Center 251 246 247 217 961Hereford High 323 320 317 335 1,295Kenwood High 452 392 383 422 1,649Lansdowne High 354 333 305 334 1,326Loch Raven High 245 205 200 224 874Milford Mill Academy 336 346 288 281 1,251New Town High 316 333 238 281 1,168Overlea High 310 298 216 196 1,020Owings Mills High 408 300 206 275 1,189Parkville High 718 542 371 443 2,074Patapsco High School 357 346 388 343 1,434Perry Hall High 518 460 500 491 1,969Pikesville High 205 238 265 214 922Randallstown High 340 235 235 238 1,048Sparrows Point High 287 289 250 241 1,067Towson High 414 410 433 362 1,619Western School Of Technology 237 231 214 210 892Woodlawn High 432 436 416 372 1,656

Total High Schools 9,093 8,269 7,585 7,633 32,580

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 50

Page 56:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

September 30, 2019 Headcount Enrollment by School and Grade

School Type School Name PS PK KG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TotalCenter BCDC Educational Center 4 9 12 8 33

Campfield Early Childhood Center 57 207 146 410Catonsville Center Alternative Studies 8 19 14 14 55Crossroads Center 45 46 42 30 13 7 183Extended Day Learning Program 1 5 9 47 62Home Assignment Elementary 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 3Home Assignment - Secondary 0 1 2 2 12 7 2 26Meadowood Education Center 0 21 12 0 0 0 0 33Rosedale Center 1 6 5 22 16 10 5 65

Total Centers 57 207 146 0 0 0 1 1 2 73 65 79 91 65 83 870

Special Education Battle Monument 1 2 3 3 4 0 2 9 1 9 5 4 4 3 13 63Maiden Choice School 12 18 7 8 11 12 7 6 7 5 7 7 8 2 20 137Ridge Ruxton School 4 5 8 7 4 8 13 9 6 2 10 11 5 3 28 123White Oak School 1 7 15 15 17 9 13 16 93

Total Special Education 18 32 33 33 36 29 35 40 14 16 22 22 17 8 61 416

Other Schools Holabird Middle 121 105 258 252 234 970Total Other Schools 121 105 258 252 234 970

Charter Schools Watershed Public Charter 0 0 42 44 44 40 1700 0 42 44 44 40

Total All School Types 576 3,388 8,298 8,400 8,656 8,802 8,785 9,242 8,760 8,720 8,405 9,194 8,377 7,658 7,777 115,038

Total Charter Schools

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 51

Page 57:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Future State, Enrollment Projections, September 30, 2019–2028


BCPS revises enrollment projections annually to include the most recent (September 30, 2019) enrollment projections calculations. The primary utility of enrollment projections are in resource allocation planning including operating budget, capital plan development, and staffing allocations.

In 2015, BCPS collaborated with Baltimore County Government to review the process and method for projecting student enrollment. Baltimore County Department of Planning engaged Sage Policy Group, Inc. to conduct an independent analysis. Sage Policy Group found that the BCPS method and process-primarily a cohort survival-based method, were supported and that the school system’s change to a more transparent, reproducible method was a positive step. They further concluded that the BCPS-updated, more standardized cohort survival method improved accuracy and reliability of enrollment projections. Sage Policy Group made additional suggestions regarding changes to methodology directed at improving accuracy at the neighborhood and building levels going forward.

BCPS continues to partner with Sage Policy Group and collaborate with Baltimore County Government in the refinement of the enrollment projections process and analysis of projection accuracy and use.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 52

Page 58:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Enrollment Projection Time Period

The table below demonstrates the alignment between the current year, projected years, school years, and fiscal years associated with enrollment projections:

The “Current Year” or “Actual” refers to the most recent official September 30enrollment, in this case, September 30, 2019, for the 2019–2020 school year.

The “Projection Year” refers to how far into the future the projection is estimating. The “Projection Date” is the future September 30 enrollment the projection is estimating.

Enrollment projections are derived from historical September 30 enrollments, andtherefore project for future September 30 enrollment dates.

The “School Year” is the corresponding academic calendar year. The “Fiscal Year (FY)” is the corresponding fiscal year. A fiscal year is July 1 through

June 30 and references the calendar year it completes.

Enrollment Projection Time Period Alignment Table

Current Year Enrollment Date (as of) Corresponding School Year

Corresponding Fiscal Year

Actual Enrollment September 30, 2019 2019–2020 FY 2020Projection Year Projection Date (as of) Corresponding

School Year Corresponding Fiscal Year

1st Year September 30, 2020 2020–2021 FY 20212nd Year September 30, 2021 2021–2022 FY 20223rd Year September 30, 2022 2022–2023 FY 20234th Year September 30, 2023 2023–2024 FY 20245th Year September 30, 2024 2024–2025 FY 20256th Year September 30, 2025 2025–2026 FY 20267th Year September 30, 2026 2026–2027 FY 20278th Year September 30, 2027 2027–2028 FY 20289th Year September 30, 2028 2028–2029 FY 202910th Year September 30, 2029 2029–2030 FY 2030

This Future State section includes: Enrollment Projection Methods and Assumptions – the purpose, coordination, and

methodology used to develop enrollment projections. Enrollment Projections Tables Notes – these notes correspond to the Enrollment

Projections Tables and provide details on configurations and factors that can influencecurrent enrollments and future projections in unique ways.

Enrollment Projections, September 30, 2020–2029, by Planning Area by School –These tables include headcount enrollment projections for 2020–2021 through 2029–2030. The charts for elementary, middle, and high school display projection trends and SRC by Planning Area. Note that the elementary charts reflect conversion to FTE enrollment to correctly compare to SRC.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 53

Page 59:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Enrollment Projection Methods and Assumptions:


Enrollment projections were generated using a cohort-survival method. This method makes use of historical information about the progression of students from one grade level to the next in order to project how many students will be enrolled in a particular grade level the following year. This method also incorporates information about the number of live births within Baltimore County to better inform projections of students entering kindergarten. Additionally, when it is deemed necessary, enrollment projections are supplemented with the impact of new residential development. More specifically, the data on approved residential units in combination with pupil yield factors are used to estimate how many new students are generated as a result of new residential development.

Cohort Survival Procedures

Enrollment projections primarily employ a cohort survival method. This method makes use of historical data that capture the average progression of students from one grade to the next via cohort survival ratios (CSRs). Using live birth data from Baltimore County, birth-to-kindergarten ratios (BTKs) are also calculated to project kindergarten enrollment. The CSRs and BTKs are calculated as multi-year averaged ratios, using data from the five most recent school years from SY 2015–2016 to SY 2019–2020. In cases where the school is impacted by an annual boundary change, the CSR/BTK ratios are calculated by excluding the years in which catchment areas are affected by the boundary change in order to stabilize the ratios.

Development Impact Considerations

Projections account for the impact of new residential development in Baltimore County, with permitted residential development modeled to be built out at varying rates by housing type. The rates are based on an analysis of Baltimore County housing permit yields of BCPS students, units built and remaining, and dates of permit approval and construction start.

This is done by taking data on the number of unbuilt, approved residential units and multiplying it by pupil yield factors, which are estimates of how many students are likely to be generated by each new housing unit on average. Data on approved residential units are obtained from Baltimore County Department of Planning while the pupil yield factors are taken from a recent study by BCPS published in August 20171. 1 BCPS 2017 Yield Factor Study

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 54

Page 60:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Enrollment Projections Tables Notes:

Some schools have unique administrative or programmatic situations or changes that influence their enrollment and projection. The notes below correspond to and provide explanation for the letters in the notes column in the tables on the following pages:

A. Partial Magnet Program Schools – These schools have an attendance boundary, but also accept students through the magnet application process, which allows students who reside outside the school boundary to attend.

B. Total Magnet Program Schools – These schools do not have an attendance boundary and accept all students through the magnet application process. Unless otherwise noted, enrollments at these schools are projected constant over 10 years.

C. Special Education Schools – These public, separate-day schools have no attendance boundary and serve students with significant disabilities who reside throughout the system. Unless otherwise noted, enrollments at these schools are projected constant over 10 years.

D. Alternative Education Centers – These centers provide services for students removed from the regular education program at their districted middle and high schools. With the exception of Crossroads Center, which has a 180-day program, centers enroll students for only a limited part of the school year. Enrollments at these schools are projected constant over 10 years.

E. Recent Redistricting - Recent school boundary changes include: Castanea Estates Community Boundary Study (for 2019–2020) –The Board of Education approved this boundary adjustment on March 5, 2019. No enrollment projection adjustment were required. Current maps reflect the redistricting, as the boundaries were effective for the 2019–2020 school.

F. Full-Day Prekindergarten Pilot – Two schools (Halstead Academy and Sandy Plains Elementary School) implemented a full-day Prekindergarten pilot program for the 2015–2016 school year. An additional school (Hawthorne Elementary School) implemented full-day Prekindergarten for the 2016–2017 school year. All prekindergarten students at these schools are full-day, and thus count as a whole FTE student for FTE calculations.

G. Kindergarten Annexation – These schools are sending or receiving schools for a kindergarten annexation. Upon completing kindergarten, these students return to their districted elementary schools for Grades 1 through 5. All kindergarten students districted to Bedford and Milbrook elementary schools attend

kindergarten at Campfield Early Learning Center.H. Norwood Elementary School and Holabird Middle School – Beginning in the 2013–2014

school year, students in Grades 4 and 5 districted to Norwood Elementary School attend Holabird Middle School.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 55

Page 61:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Enrollment Projections Tables Notes, continued:

I. Sollers Point Technical High School – This regional career and technology magnet program is located on the campus of Dundalk High School. Students attend for a portion of the school day and all students are counted at their districted or assigned high schools for enrollment purposes. No enrollment is projected.

J. Home and Hospital – This program provides services to students with extended medical absences. These students remain enrolled in their districted or assigned school. No enrollment is projected.

K. Colgate Elementary School at Rosedale Center – In 2016, Rosedale Center relocated to a leased facility. Colgate Elementary School students and staff are temporarily located at the Rosedale Center building for the 2018–2019 and 2019–2020 school years to accommodate the demolition and replacement of Colgate Elementary School.

L. Watershed Public Charter School – This public charter school opened in Fall 2019 with grades Kindergarten through Grade 3. Grades 4 and 5 will fill via matriculation and application over the next two years. There is no attendance boundary for this school, which accepts students via an application process.

M. Approved Redistricting – The following redistricting processes are approved by the Board of Education:

Dogwood Elementary School Capacity Relief Study (for the 2020–2021 school year)

Johnnycake Elementary School Capacity Relief Study (for the 2020–2021 school year) - The Board of Education approved these two boundary changes on June 11, 2019. Enrollment projections for affected schools reflect student redistribution. Current maps do not reflect this redistricting, as the boundaries will not be effective until the 2020– 2021 school year. Please refer to Appendix p. for more details.

N. Pending Redistricting - The following redistricting processes are approved by the Board of Education:

Pleasant Plains Elementary Capacity Relief Study (for the 2020–2021 school year) -This process is underway, and approval by the Board of Education is expected in March 2020. Enrollment projections for affected schools do not yet reflect student redistribution. Current maps do not reflect this redistricting, as the boundaries will not be effective until the 2020–2021 school year. Please refer to Appendix p. for more details.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 56

Page 62:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Systemwide TotalsSchool State- Actual Projections (Headcount)

RatedCapacity 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Notes

Elementary Schools 53,023 55,083 55,243 55,668 55,884 56,158 56,558 56,887 56,601 56,500 56,629 56,624

Middle Schools 26,928 24,949 25,510 25,441 25,378 25,156 25,205 25,134 25,623 26,052 26,220 25,988

High Schools 34,279 32,580 33,348 34,071 35,042 35,494 35,706 35,775 35,670 35,325 35,404 35,933

Other Schools 1,025 970 1,007 992 972 952 942 922 953 975 970 973

Special Education Schools 416 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407

Charter Schools 274 170 210 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250

Centers Total 870 885 901 875 895 891 887 891 890 889 890

Programs TotalSystemwide Total 115,038 116,610 117,730 118,808 119,312 119,959 120,262 120,395 120,399 120,769 121,065

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections

Color Key:Actual September 30, 2019 enrollmentProjected September 30 2020-2029, enrollment

115,038 116,610

117,730 118,808119,312 119,959 120,262

120,395 120,399 120,769 121,065







2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029





h E




September 30

BCPS Actual Enrollment 9/30/2019 and Projected Enrollments 9/30/2020 - 9/30/2029

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 57

Page 63:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Systemwide Totals

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections









































































2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029





h E




September 30

Elementary, Middle, and High School Totals,Actual 9/30/19 and Projected 9/30/20 - 9/30/29

Elementary Schools Middle Schools High Schools








922 95



























170 21

0 250
















2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029





h E




September 30

Other Schools, Special Education Schools, and Centers Totals, Actual 9/30/19 and Projected 9/30/20 - 9/30/29

Other Schools Centers Total Special Education Schools Charter Schools

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 58

Page 64:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Southwest Planning AreaState- Actual Projections (Headcount)

School RatedCapacity 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Notes

Elementary Schools

Arbutus Elementary 405 404 428 434 438 460 468 476 474 480 488 483Baltimore Highlands Elementary 549 551 557 551 560 567 572 568 550 555 555 554Catonsville Elementary 664 668 668 665 657 647 637 625 607 603 603 603Chadwick Elementary 408 637 697 720 738 775 807 837 856 874 882 872Dogwood Elementary 612 682 612 609 622 612 588 595 581 578 572 580 MEdmondson Heights Elementary 589 524 583 579 592 593 593 596 593 589 590 590 MFeatherbed Lane Elementary 667 572 594 598 605 631 631 642 647 646 646 645 MHalethorpe Elementary 392 365 372 382 394 389 393 407 404 400 394 399Hebbville Elementary 471 527 538 544 532 553 556 545 520 521 530 525Hillcrest Elementary 708 698 691 673 669 655 648 642 646 651 642 648Johnnycake Elementary 559 690 576 596 611 618 632 640 639 624 630 632 MLansdowne Elementary 709 631 634 644 658 667 659 659 649 650 644 649Powhatan Elementary 313 251 242 239 239 242 251 266 271 271 273 273Relay Elementary 691 659 649 643 678 642 664 668 659 660 633 652Riverview Elementary 572 562 579 579 575 582 598 598 578 586 594 587Westchester Elementary 702 719 749 774 774 767 771 769 760 758 747 755Westowne Elementary 650 698 694 691 675 660 657 661 651 642 647 647Winfield Elementary 485 493 505 519 525 536 541 547 544 527 532 533Woodbridge Elementary 430 448 450 461 472 471 469 467 469 467 464 467Woodmoor Elementary 631 614 606 603 591 598 595 577 568 564 585 571 ASW Area Elementary Totals 11,207 11,393 11,424 11,504 11,605 11,665 11,730 11,785 11,666 11,646 11,651 11,665

Middle Schools

Arbutus Middle 1,011 951 990 1,000 987 968 976 984 1,018 1,031 1,039 1,016Catonsville Middle 774 850 867 860 866 843 847 856 884 897 906 884Lansdowne Middle 923 866 906 909 888 874 882 887 918 931 938 916 ASouthwest Academy Magnet Middle 1,101 823 826 840 826 802 813 818 846 859 865 845 AWindsor Mill Middle 720 674 753 755 734 735 734 739 767 777 785 765 AWoodlawn Middle 953 622 647 643 625 612 620 622 643 653 659 645SW Area Middle Totals 5,482 4,786 4,989 5,007 4,926 4,834 4,872 4,906 5,076 5,148 5,192 5,071

High Schools

Catonsville High 1,750 1,826 1,892 1,986 2,041 2,115 2,155 2,164 2,151 2,130 2,141 2,204Lansdowne High 1,420 1,326 1,359 1,386 1,474 1,530 1,554 1,568 1,557 1,543 1,553 1,599 AWestern School of Technology 1,009 892 892 892 892 892 892 892 892 892 892 892 BWoodlawn High 2,129 1,656 1,692 1,669 1,717 1,792 1,813 1,820 1,813 1,794 1,803 1,858 ASW Area High Totals 6,308 5,700 5,835 5,933 6,124 6,329 6,414 6,444 6,413 6,359 6,389 6,553

Special Education Schools

Maiden Choice School 137 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 C


Catonsville Center for Alt. Studies 55 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 DMeadowood Education Center 33 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 DSW Area Center Totals 0 88 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96


Watershed Public Charter 274 170 210 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 LSource: iMartLDW.dbo.DW_Facility_Projections

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 59

Page 65:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Southwest Planning Area Enrollment Projection and SRC Charts

Notes: Elementary chart reflects FTE conversions. Middle and High charts are total headcount. Southwest Elementary chart includes FTE enrollment and SRC for Watershed Public Charter, and an estimated SRC increase for Chadwick ES for new seats under construction (+292 seats) completing in Fall 2020.








2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029

Southwest Planning Area, Elementary School 2019 FTE Enrollment, 2020-2029 FTE Projections and SRC

SW Elementary FTE SW Elementary SRC

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DW_Facility_Projections








2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029

Southwest Planning Area, Middle School 2019 Headcount Enrollment, 2020-2029 Headcount Projections and SRC

SW Middle HC SW Middle SRC

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DW_Facility_Projections








2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029

Southwest Planning Area, High School 2019 Headcount Enrollment, 2020-2029 Headcount Projections and SRC

SW High HC SW High SRC

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DW_Facility_Projections

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 60

Page 66:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Northwest Planning AreaState- Actual Projections (Headcount)

School Rated

Capacity 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Notes

Elementary Schools

Bedford Elementary 299 331 330 320 326 325 328 332 332 327 333 331 GCedarmere Elementary 474 539 568 577 607 628 644 645 647 665 662 659Chatsworth Elementary 442 366 363 365 362 362 366 369 367 367 368 368 BChurch Lane Elementary 478 367 351 352 348 371 381 374 386 392 401 394Deer Park Elementary 431 404 399 391 384 382 374 359 352 353 352 352Fort Garrison Elementary 382 319 326 330 342 344 357 363 367 373 371 372 EFranklin Elementary 461 419 427 410 394 387 371 362 344 338 338 339Glyndon Elementary 520 559 540 557 563 552 553 535 529 506 510 514Hernwood Elementary 415 383 356 355 353 358 371 395 395 403 395 398Lyons Mill Elementary 681 759 778 793 799 857 871 860 852 866 878 864Milbrook Elementary 322 394 375 372 375 351 368 373 373 371 377 375 GNew Town Elementary 708 830 833 821 827 812 817 824 801 809 793 801Owings Mills Elementary 702 793 791 781 779 791 792 777 777 792 799 787Randallstown Elementary 411 400 405 379 366 358 370 358 354 351 350 353Reisterstown Elementary 462 564 561 571 560 580 590 614 609 604 608 607Scotts Branch Elementary 456 543 519 518 511 506 509 507 502 498 497 498Summit Park Elementary 336 470 448 460 457 450 448 463 472 471 467 470Timber Grove Elementary 600 561 540 528 509 515 515 518 514 514 514 514Wellwood Elementary 433 489 489 489 503 513 533 544 555 561 561 561 AWinand Elementary 491 465 481 459 466 483 489 501 499 510 506 505Woodholme Elementary 684 714 710 705 707 701 689 706 685 675 671 677NW Area Elementary Totals 10,188 10,669 10,590 10,533 10,538 10,626 10,736 10,779 10,712 10,746 10,751 10,739

Middle Schools

Deer Park Magnet Middle 1,368 1,365 1,430 1,444 1,426 1,382 1,350 1,327 1,365 1,382 1,392 1,383 AFranklin Middle 1,433 1,242 1,267 1,268 1,261 1,217 1,190 1,171 1,202 1,219 1,227 1,218Northwest Academy of Health Sciences 983 785 811 807 817 787 767 757 777 787 794 788 APikesville Middle 1,029 972 973 969 983 940 920 908 930 944 952 945 ESudbrook Magnet Middle 1,060 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 BNW Area Middle Totals 5,873 5,362 5,479 5,486 5,485 5,324 5,225 5,161 5,272 5,330 5,363 5,332

High Schools

Franklin High 1,647 1,511 1,474 1,469 1,527 1,496 1,499 1,506 1,482 1,443 1,433 1,435Milford Mill Academy 1,465 1,251 1,252 1,239 1,205 1,213 1,213 1,210 1,197 1,165 1,157 1,161 ANew Town High 1,303 1,168 1,195 1,263 1,232 1,221 1,231 1,229 1,215 1,184 1,174 1,175 AOwings Mills High 1,103 1,189 1,239 1,333 1,427 1,413 1,433 1,430 1,408 1,374 1,363 1,369Pikesville High 1,006 922 944 891 867 895 886 885 880 853 846 848 ERandallstown High 1,379 1,048 1,072 1,099 1,144 1,123 1,134 1,145 1,133 1,112 1,112 1,123 ANW Area High Totals 7,903 7,089 7,176 7,294 7,402 7,361 7,396 7,405 7,315 7,131 7,085 7,111


Campfield Early Childhood Center 322 410 416 432 406 426 422 418 422 421 420 421 GSource: iMartLDW.dbo.DW_Facility_Projections

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 61

Page 67:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Northwest Planning Area Enrollment Projection and SRC Charts

Notes: Elementary chart reflects FTE conversions. Middle and High charts are total headcount. Northwest Elementary chart includes FTE enrollment and SRC for Campfield ELC.








2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029

Northwest Planning Area, Elementary School 2019 FTE Enrollment, 2020-2029 FTE Projections and SRC

NW Elementary FTE NW Elementary SRC

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DW_Facility_Projections








2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029

Northwest Planning Area, Middle School 2019 Headcount Enrollment, 2020-2029 Headcount Projections and SRC

NW Middle HC NW Middle SRC

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DW_Facility_Projections








2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029

Northwest Planning Area, High School 2019 Headcount Enrollment, 2020-2029 Headcount Projections and SRC

NW High HC NW High SRC

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DW_Facility_Projections

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 62

Page 68:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Central Planning AreaState- Actual Projections (Headcount)

School Rated

Capacity 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Notes

Elementary Schools

Carroll Manor Elementary 362 389 416 446 460 478 494 513 522 520 527 522Cromwell Valley Regional Magnet 434 375 406 418 429 441 444 444 441 440 440 440 AFifth District Elementary 274 322 343 365 377 381 388 401 386 378 380 382Halstead Academy 516 515 502 495 491 486 481 473 478 490 486 485 F, NHampton Elementary 670 602 599 606 614 632 648 649 664 668 671 666 NJacksonville Elementary 637 550 567 596 622 629 649 659 665 657 657 659Lutherville Laboratory 395 368 368 371 376 387 402 409 423 425 425 424Mays Chapel Elementary 702 720 744 771 765 810 829 844 855 848 863 857 EOakleigh Elementary 493 569 563 574 575 587 586 581 574 566 576 571Padonia International Elementary 529 524 528 537 539 557 563 574 571 566 578 575Pinewood Elementary 566 596 606 607 622 634 651 644 655 667 675 667Pleasant Plains Elementary 545 698 719 756 736 723 731 734 711 701 707 706 NPot Spring Elementary 475 477 503 509 528 536 536 545 526 524 519 524Prettyboy Elementary 387 422 424 458 446 446 433 438 422 387 395 399Riderwood Elementary 456 453 459 480 502 550 574 577 606 617 625 614Rodgers Forge Elementary 396 468 478 480 478 473 471 455 450 452 454 453Seventh District Elementary 441 404 400 415 434 428 440 455 473 450 445 456Sparks Elementary 604 509 521 524 536 538 548 539 530 523 519 540Stoneleigh Elementary 700 748 735 753 744 709 694 697 704 671 678 687Timonium Elementary 395 484 502 513 523 537 541 557 559 569 575 568Villa Cresta Elementary 584 709 707 679 646 626 616 582 563 563 565 563Warren Elementary 395 405 391 399 393 398 402 403 405 401 404 404West Towson Elementary 480 486 497 517 499 504 519 518 516 506 520 515C Area Elementary Totals 11,436 11,793 11,978 12,269 12,335 12,490 12,640 12,691 12,699 12,589 12,684 12,677

Middle Schools

Cockeysville Middle 1,059 910 893 903 925 932 944 959 982 1,021 1,015 1,016Dumbarton Middle 1,114 1,225 1,236 1,223 1,244 1,259 1,273 1,291 1,322 1,375 1,368 1,370Hereford Middle 1,137 972 974 966 990 1,000 1,009 1,026 1,051 1,095 1,089 1,091Loch Raven Academy 901 823 823 822 826 840 851 862 885 920 913 915 ARidgely Middle 1,070 1,113 1,113 1,094 1,118 1,129 1,141 1,159 1,187 1,235 1,227 1,229 EC Area Middle Totals 5,281 5,043 5,039 5,008 5,103 5,160 5,218 5,297 5,427 5,646 5,612 5,621

High Schools

Dulaney High 1,984 1,914 1,944 2,004 2,029 2,018 2,029 2,035 2,062 2,085 2,128 2,172 EGeorge Washington Carver Center 1,029 961 961 961 961 961 961 961 961 961 961 961 BHereford High 1,548 1,295 1,293 1,308 1,311 1,319 1,319 1,321 1,344 1,359 1,387 1,416Loch Raven High 975 874 869 886 907 903 905 912 924 932 950 971Towson High 1,260 1,619 1,689 1,687 1,692 1,711 1,707 1,712 1,740 1,756 1,792 1,828 AC Area High Totals 6,796 6,663 6,756 6,846 6,900 6,912 6,921 6,941 7,031 7,093 7,218 7,348

Special Education Schools

Ridge Ruxton 123 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 CWhite Oak School 93 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 CC Area Special Education School Totals 0 216 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220


BCDC Educational Center 33 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 DSource: iMartLDW.dbo.DW_Facility_Projections

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 63

Page 69:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Central Planning Area Enrollment Projection and SRC Charts

Notes: Elementary chart reflects FTE conversions. Middle and High charts are total headcount.








2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029

Central Planning Area, Elementary School 2019 FTE Enrollment, 2020-2029 FTE Projections and SRC

C Elementary FTE C Elementary SRC

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DW_Facility_Projections








2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029

Central Planning Area, Middle School 2019 Headcount Enrollment, 2020-2029 Headcount Projections and SRC

C Middle HC C Middle SRC

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DW_Facility_Projections








2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029

Central Planning Area, High School 2019 Headcount Enrollment, 2020-2029 Headcount Projections and SRC

C High HC C High SRC

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DW_Facility_Projections

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 64

Page 70:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Northeast Planning AreaState- Actual Projections (Headcount)

School Rated

Capacity 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Notes

Elementary Schools

Carney Elementary 574 638 642 647 636 626 645 640 634 626 638 634Chapel Hill Elementary 636 646 619 618 609 570 555 537 536 517 514 522Elmwood Elementary 474 571 588 582 602 604 611 626 636 644 645 643Essex Elementary 520 493 495 493 499 483 489 493 478 469 464 470Fullerton Elementary 463 617 630 632 633 638 645 632 615 623 622 621Glenmar Elementary 363 317 307 313 295 278 270 266 269 271 271 268Gunpowder Elementary 479 538 571 604 613 612 599 631 615 600 606 606Harford Hills Elementary 323 365 348 361 359 360 365 371 381 377 381 381Honeygo Elementary 725 680 700 701 721 703 693 698 700 710 699 705Joppa View Elementary 635 739 748 757 727 714 689 694 680 670 667 673Kingsville Elementary 349 326 320 332 352 367 380 376 390 385 378 384Martin Boulevard Elementary 301 298 291 288 277 268 270 269 266 263 250 258McCormick Elementary 373 338 325 319 294 298 275 283 283 276 286 283Middlesex Elementary 494 424 413 398 386 377 371 361 361 356 360 359Orems Elementary 303 403 398 393 384 376 371 381 365 364 358 362Perry Hall Elementary 528 621 618 635 646 634 662 674 661 651 646 653Pine Grove Elementary 483 601 618 638 615 612 619 623 627 627 643 631Red House Run Elementary 460 588 603 599 607 631 620 622 624 645 646 638Seven Oaks Elementary 428 471 473 478 481 472 467 474 473 473 473 472Shady Spring Elementary 476 587 554 539 525 530 532 536 547 550 555 551Victory Villa Elementary 735 691 678 669 665 665 653 663 664 673 673 672Vincent Farm Elementary 699 761 833 899 943 991 995 1,043 1,058 1,072 1,102 1,084NE Area Elementary Totals 10,821 11,713 11,772 11,895 11,869 11,809 11,776 11,893 11,863 11,842 11,877 11,870

Middle Schools

Golden Ring Middle 844 793 820 823 827 837 851 840 840 841 847 842 AMiddle River Middle 1,018 1,035 1,094 1,081 1,067 1,086 1,106 1,087 1,089 1,089 1,097 1,091 AParkville Middle 1,089 1,126 1,138 1,122 1,140 1,144 1,165 1,151 1,150 1,150 1,161 1,155 APerry Hall Middle 1,643 1,925 1,943 1,957 1,957 1,967 2,012 1,982 1,980 1,981 1,998 1,988Pine Grove Middle 1,197 960 986 979 975 981 1,003 987 988 988 995 990Stemmers Run Middle 1,154 795 807 810 807 812 831 819 818 818 825 820NE Area Middle Totals 6,945 6,634 6,788 6,772 6,773 6,827 6,968 6,866 6,865 6,867 6,923 6,886

High Schools

Eastern Technical High 1,339 1,172 1,172 1,172 1,172 1,172 1,172 1,172 1,172 1,172 1,172 1,172 BKenwood High 1,918 1,649 1,657 1,634 1,707 1,725 1,727 1,746 1,765 1,769 1,772 1,783 AOverlea High 1,230 1,020 1,094 1,160 1,176 1,193 1,196 1,207 1,219 1,223 1,224 1,233 AParkville High 2,037 2,074 2,211 2,377 2,541 2,528 2,543 2,587 2,599 2,609 2,613 2,687 APerry Hall High 2,110 1,969 2,019 2,014 2,103 2,146 2,139 2,164 2,187 2,191 2,196 2,211NE Area High Totals 8,634 7,884 8,153 8,357 8,699 8,764 8,777 8,876 8,942 8,964 8,977 9,086


Crossroads Center 183 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 DRosedale Center for Alternative Studies 65 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 D, KNE Area Center Totals 248 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DW_Facility_Projections

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 65

Page 71:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Northeast Planning Area Enrollment Projection and SRC Charts

Notes: Elementary chart reflects FTE conversions. Middle and High charts are total headcount.








2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029

Northeast Planning Area, Elementary School 2019 FTE Enrollment, 2020-2029 FTE Projections and SRC

NE Elementary FTE NE Elementary SRC

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DW_Facility_Projections








2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029

Northeast Planning Area, Middle School 2019 Headcount Enrollment, 2020-2029 Headcount Projections and SRC

NE Middle HC NE Middle SRC

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DW_Facility_Projections

8,699 8,764 8,777 8,876 8,942 8,964 8,977 9,086








2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029

Northeast Planning Area, High School 2019 Headcount Enrollment, 2020-2029 Headcount Projections and SRC

NE High HC NE High SRC

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DW_Facility_Projections

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 66

Page 72:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Southeast Planning AreaState- Actual Projections (Headcount)

School Rated

Capacity 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Notes

Elementary Schools

Battle Grove Elementary 377 346 350 352 366 373 375 394 406 409 410 406Bear Creek Elementary 484 495 516 532 543 566 576 580 580 579 568 576Berkshire Elementary 428 484 508 500 524 541 572 592 592 608 602 601Charlesmont Elementary 418 384 376 365 366 366 374 379 380 384 385 383Chase Elementary 393 398 387 388 398 380 386 380 371 365 356 362Chesapeake Terrace Elementary 292 286 300 315 334 349 358 374 369 373 376 372Colgate Elementary 319 433 435 446 441 439 443 444 441 436 439 438 KDeep Creek Elementary 368 458 468 469 476 461 460 463 447 436 428 437Dundalk Elementary 745 776 779 784 771 779 767 761 760 753 771 764Edgemere Elementary 523 475 452 465 450 459 470 465 470 466 466 468Grange Elementary 385 489 509 509 502 493 510 507 489 485 484 488Hawthorne Elementary 584 525 504 493 477 475 467 453 441 436 445 442 FLogan Elementary 517 550 546 559 568 576 606 610 617 625 624 623Mars Estates Elementary 431 386 369 362 345 347 353 364 367 367 369 369Middleborough Elementary 326 349 335 334 341 337 328 319 314 313 304 311Norwood Elementary (Grades PreK - 3) 521 491 494 479 504 492 482 500 476 487 488 483 HOliver Beach Elementary 265 185 167 159 171 164 173 179 193 197 194 194Sandalwood Elementary 542 537 510 495 486 487 471 461 462 459 464 463Sandy Plains Elementary 664 597 613 625 643 644 665 657 630 636 629 632 FSeneca Elementary 409 423 408 398 384 381 382 392 387 386 384 385Sussex Elementary 380 448 453 438 447 459 458 465 469 477 480 476SE Area Elementary Totals 9,371 9,515 9,479 9,467 9,537 9,568 9,676 9,739 9,661 9,677 9,666 9,673

Middle Schools

Deep Creek Middle 987 901 911 895 867 846 822 816 839 860 880 865 ADundalk Middle 814 793 818 820 792 772 751 744 764 785 803 790General John Stricker Middle 973 793 826 818 792 774 753 748 769 789 805 793Sparrows Point Middle 573 637 660 635 640 619 596 596 611 627 642 630SE Area Middle Totals 3,347 3,124 3,215 3,168 3,091 3,011 2,922 2,904 2,983 3,061 3,130 3,078

High Schools

Chesapeake High 1,019 961 982 1,024 1,063 1,113 1,119 1,098 1,077 1,041 1,035 1,057 ADundalk High 1,446 1,782 1,866 1,972 2,093 2,149 2,187 2,159 2,103 2,039 2,023 2,059Patapsco High School Center for the Arts 1,302 1,434 1,471 1,470 1,543 1,607 1,618 1,597 1,563 1,510 1,499 1,523 ASparrows Point High 871 1,067 1,109 1,175 1,218 1,259 1,274 1,255 1,226 1,188 1,178 1,196 ASE Area High Totals 4,638 5,244 5,428 5,641 5,917 6,128 6,198 6,109 5,969 5,778 5,735 5,835

Other Schools

Holabird Middle (Grades 4-8) 1,025 970 1,007 992 972 952 942 922 953 975 970 973 H

Special Education Schools

Battle Monument School 63 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 C


Sollers Point Technical High School B, ISource: iMartLDW.dbo.DW_Facility_Projections

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 67

Page 73:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Southeast Planning Area Enrollment Projection and SRC Charts

Notes: Elementary chart reflects FTE conversions. Middle and High charts are total headcount. Southeast Middle School chart includes enrollment and SRC for Holabird Middle School. Southeast Elementary chart shows an estimated SRC increase from new seats under construction for Berkshire ES (+180 seats) and Colgate ES (+191) completing in Fall 2020.

9,158 9,122 9,110 9,180 9,211 9,319 9,382 9,304 9,320 9,309 9,3168,000







2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029

Southeast Planning Area, Elementary School 2019 FTE Enrollment, 2020-2029 FTE Projections and SRC

SE Elementary FTE SE Elementary SRC

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DW_Facility_Projections

4,094 4,222 4,160 4,063 3,963 3,864 3,826 3,936 4,036 4,100 4,0513,000







2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029

Southeast Planning Area, Middle School 2019 Headcount Enrollment, 2020-2029 Headcount Projections and SRC

SE Middle HC SE Middle SRC

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DW_Facility_Projections

4,638 4,6384,000







2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029

Southeast Planning Area, High School 2019 Headcount Enrollment, 2020-2029 Headcount Projections and SRC

SE High HC SE High SRC

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DW_Facility_Projections

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 68

Page 74:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Regional CentersState- Actual Projections (Headcount)

Center Rated

Capacity 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Notes

Extended Day Learning 62 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 DHome Assignment - Elementary 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DHome Assignment - Secondary 26 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 DCenters Total 91 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97

Regional ProgramsState- Actual Projections (Headcount)

Program RatedCapacity 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Notes

eLearningHome and Hospital JPrograms Total

Source: Datawarehouse.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 69

Page 75:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix a. Appendix Summary

This section includes: a) Appendix Summaryb) Abbreviations and Glossary – a guide to common abbreviated terms and definitions on key

words in this report. c) Enrollment History/Projection Table and Graph – this graph demonstrates BCPS

historical enrollments from 1940–2019 and projected 2020–2029. d) Accuracy Calculations – accuracy comparison of one-year enrollment projections vs. actual

September 30 enrollments, 2015–2019. e) Accuracy Calculations – accuracy comparison of one-year enrollment projections vs. actual

September 30, 2019, by area, by school. f) BCPS Long-Range Headcount Enrollment Projection Comparison – table and chart

comparison of six consecutive ten-year enrollment projections (2014-2019) and one-year accuracy analysis.

g) One-Year September 30, 2020, Enrollment Projections by Area, By School, By Grade –a table of one-year enrollment projections by area, school, and grade.

h) Ten-Year September 30, 2020–2029, Enrollment Projections by School, by Grade – thissection contains a page for each school, including enrollment projections by year and grade.

i) Ten-Year September 30, 2020–2029, Projected Utilization by Area, By School – thisreport uses FTE Enrollment for elementary schools and headcount enrollment for secondary schools to calculate projected percent utilization. Capacity is based on 2019 SRC. Capacity adjustments are reflected for projects currently under construction or in closure as noted. Capacity does not include relocatable units or future anticipated capacity from pending capital projects. Capacity and utilization are not reported for special education schools, programs, or centers, except for Campfield ELC.

j) 2019–2020 Feeder Pattern Table – a current progression of BCPS feeder patterns fromelementary to middle school to high school. This table is based on attendance boundary geography and identifies the feeder patterns and the number of schools fed (e.g. number of middle and high schools fed by an elementary school, number of high schools fed by a middle school).

k) Relocatable Classroom Inventory – lists number and location of relocatable classrooms asof August 30, 2019.

l) BCPS Policy 7110 – BCPS Policy 7110 regarding New Construction: Planningm) BCPS Rule 7110 – BCPS Rule 7110 regarding New Construction: Planningn) BCPS Policy 1280 – BCPS Policy 1280 regarding Boundary Changes.o) BCPS Rule 1280 – BCPS Rule 1280 regarding Boundary Changes.p) Redistribution of Enrollment Projections – This section indicates the approval status of

recent and pending boundary changes and when these changes will be incorporated into enrollment projections.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 70

Page 76:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix b. Abbreviations and Glossary of Terms

Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance (APFO) – a Baltimore County legislation requiring annual review of overcrowded (high utilization) schools, and relief measures in process to mitigate. If a school has a utilization rate of 115% (enrollment is 15% above its SRC), it is deemed overcrowded by the Baltimore County APFO.

Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) – our public school system.

Birth to Kindergarten Ratio (BTK) – an enrollment projection method using Baltimore County live birth data to calculate kindergarten enrollment.

Cohort Survival Ratio (CSR) – an enrollment projection method that makes use of historical data that capture the average progression of students from one grade to the next.

Fiscal Year (FY) - a fiscal year is July 1 through June 30 and references the calendar year it completes.

Full Time Equivalent Enrollment (FTE) - full time equivalent (FTE) enrollment is an adjustment made to a school’s total enrollment for comparing enrollment to a school’s official capacity. FTE enrollment factors 100% of students in Kindergarten through Grade 5, and 50% of students in half-day prekindergarten and preschool programs. No FTE conversion is required at secondary schools. In cases where schools are piloting full-day Prekindergarten, 100% of Prekindergarten students count towards FTE.

Grade levels – BCPS Non-numbered grade levels for enrollment include:

Preschool (PS) – typically 3-year-old students Prekindergarten (PK) – typically 4-year-old students Kindergarten (KG) – typically 5-year-old students

Headcount Enrollment (HC) – a traditional enrollment headcount of students. Each student counts as one, regardless of their full-day or half-day status.

Maryland Department of Planning (MDP) – a state office, associated with updating SRC.

Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) – a state agency.

Planning Areas – for planning purposes, BCPS identifies five geographic areas of Baltimore County:

Southwest Area (SW) Northwest Area (NW) Central Area (C) Northeast Area (NE) Southeast Area (SE)

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 71

Page 77:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix b. Abbreviations and Glossary of Terms, continued

School, Center, and Program Types – BCPS identifies its schools, centers, and programs by the following categories:

Elementary Schools (ES)

Middle Schools (MS)

High Schools (HS)

Other Schools

Special Education Schools



Charter Schools

School Year (SY) – an academic calendar year

State-Rated Capacity (SRC) – SRC is defined by MSDE and is calculated based on the number of teaching stations (classrooms) in the school and their utilization. SRC applies to the permanent building only and does not include relocatable units.

Utilization – utilization compares the FTE enrollment (elementary) or student headcount enrollment (middle and high) to the school’s SRC.

Number of Students +/- Capacity = FTE Enrollment – SRC

Positive numbers indicate the amount enrolled over SRC. Negative numbers indicate the amount enrolled under SRC.

Percent Utilization = FTE Enrollment divided by SRC

A school with a utilization of 100% is enrolled at capacity. Utilization less than 100% is under capacity, and utilization over 100% is over capacity. The tables and maps in this report use the following color shading scale to show the percent utilization for September 30, 2019:

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 72

Page 78:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix c. Enrollment History and Projections Graph

This graph represents historical enrollment in BCPS from 1940-2019, and the most recent enrollment projections for 2020-2029. Orange columns indicate enrollment history from 1940-2019. Blue columns indicate projected enrollment from 2020-2029.

Sources, Historic Enrollments: 1940-1965 BCPS Historical Enrollment Summary Documents 1965-1996 BCPS Student Data, September 30 Enrollment reports 1996-2019 BCPS Data Warehouse, iMartLDW.dbo.DW_Facility_Projections

Sources, Projected Enrollments: 2020-2029 SAGE Policy Group Enrollment Projections, December 2019

Note: Prior to 1977, student enrollment was published based on September 10 enrollment data, also known as a short-term peak enrollment. BCPS currently uses September 30, as required by Maryland State Department of Education and the Maryland Department of Planning for reporting and projecting student enrollment.









BCPS Headcount Enrollment History, 1940-2019 andHeadcount Enrollment Projections, 2020-2029

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 73

Page 79:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix d. BCPS One-Year Enrollment Projection Accuracy

Year Projection Official Enrollment +/- Projection Accuracy 99% Accuracy Goal Met?

2015-2016 111,460 111,126 -334 99.70% yes2016-2017 112,351 112,139 -212 99.81% yes2017-2018 113,241 113,282 41 100.04% yes2018-2019 114,370 113,814 -556 99.51% yes2019-2020 115,045 115,038 -7 99.99% yes

Sources: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility, 2015-2019 1 Year Enrollment Projections

Sources: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility, 2015-2019 1 Year Enrollment Projections

















2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020





h E




School Year

Projected Actual

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 74

Page 80:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix e. BCPS Headcount Projection vs Enrollment, September 30, 2019, Southwest Planning Area Schools

School Area 2019Projection Enrollment +/- Projection % Accuracy

Elementary Schools

Arbutus Elementary SW 403 404 1 100.25%Baltimore Highlands Elementary SW 548 551 3 100.55%Catonsville Elementary SW 671 668 -3 99.55%Chadwick Elementary SW 660 637 -23 96.52%Dogwood Elementary SW 697 682 -15 97.85%Edmondson Heights Elementary SW 485 524 39 108.04%Featherbed Lane Elementary SW 585 572 -13 97.78%Halethorpe Elementary SW 421 365 -56 86.70%Hebbville Elementary SW 503 527 24 104.77%Hillcrest Elementary SW 703 698 -5 99.29%Johnnycake Elementary SW 693 690 -3 99.57%Lansdowne Elementary SW 620 631 11 101.77%Powhatan Elementary SW 262 251 -11 95.80%Relay Elementary SW 713 659 -54 92.43%Riverview Elementary SW 521 562 41 107.87%Westchester Elementary SW 681 719 38 105.58%Westowne Elementary SW 722 698 -24 96.68%Winfield Elementary SW 510 493 -17 96.67%Woodbridge Elementary SW 454 448 -6 98.68%Woodmoor Elementary SW 595 614 19 103.19%Middle SchoolsArbutus Middle SW 1,018 951 -67 93.42%Catonsville Middle SW 922 850 -72 92.19%Lansdowne Middle SW 803 866 63 107.85%Southwest Academy Magnet MS SW 860 823 -37 95.70%Windsor Mill Middle SW 598 674 76 112.71%Woodlawn Middle SW 575 622 47 108.17%High SchoolsCatonsville High SW 1,816 1,826 10 100.55%Lansdowne High SW 1,279 1,326 47 103.67%Western School of Technology SW 909 892 -17 98.13%Woodlawn High SW 1,566 1,656 90 105.75%Special Education SchoolsMaiden Choice School SW 118 137 19 116.10%Centers

Catonsville Center for Alt. Studies SW 66 55 -11 83.33%Meadowood Education Center SW 29 33 4 113.79%CentersWatershed Public Charter SW NA 170 NA NAAccuracy less than 100% indicates the projection was higher.Legend: % Accuracy with red highlight indicates an accuracy difference greater than +/- 7.00%.Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 75

Page 81:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix e. BCPS Headcount Projection vs Enrollment, September 30, 2019, Northwest Planning Area Schools

School Area 2019Projection Enrollment +/- Projection % Accuracy

Elementary SchoolsBedford Elementary NW 301 331 30 109.97%Cedarmere Elementary NW 547 539 -8 98.54%Chatsworth Elementary NW 394 366 -28 92.89%Church Lane Elementary NW 368 367 -1 99.73%Deer Park Elementary NW 403 404 1 100.25%Fort Garrison Elementary NW 280 319 39 113.93%Franklin Elementary NW 424 419 -5 98.82%Glyndon Elementary NW 514 559 45 108.75%Hernwood Elementary NW 411 383 -28 93.19%Lyons Mill Elementary NW 837 759 -78 90.68%Milbrook Elementary NW 398 394 -4 98.99%New Town Elementary NW 738 830 92 112.47%Owings Mills Elementary NW 806 793 -13 98.39%Randallstown Elementary NW 377 400 23 106.10%Reisterstown Elementary NW 582 564 -18 96.91%Scotts Branch Elementary NW 570 543 -27 95.26%Summit Park Elementary NW 499 470 -29 94.19%Timber Grove Elementary NW 535 561 26 104.86%Wellwood Elementary NW 488 489 1 100.20%Winand Elementary NW 524 465 -59 88.74%Woodholme Elementary NW 789 714 -75 90.49%Middle SchoolsDeer Park Magnet Middle NW 1,381 1,365 -16 98.84%Franklin Middle NW 1,265 1,242 -23 98.18%Northwest Academy NW 829 785 -44 94.69%Pikesville Middle NW 1,028 972 -56 94.55%Sudbrook Magnet Middle NW 1,040 998 -42 95.96%High SchoolsFranklin High NW 1,512 1,511 -1 99.93%Milford Mill Academy NW 1,195 1,251 56 104.69%New Town High NW 1,125 1,168 43 103.82%Owings Mills High NW 1,072 1,189 117 110.91%Pikesville High NW 1,008 922 -86 91.47%Randallstown High NW 1,101 1,048 -53 95.19%CentersCampfield Center NW 417 410 -7 98.32%

Accuracy greater than 100% indicates the enrollment was higher. Accuracy less than 100% indicates the projection was higher.Legend: % Accuracy with red highlight indicates an accuracy difference greater than +/- 7.00%.Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 76

Page 82:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix e. BCPS Headcount Projection vs Enrollment, September 30, 2019, Central Planning Area Schools

School Area 2019Projection Enrollment +/- Projection % Accuracy

Elementary Schools

Carroll Manor Elementary C 376 389 13 103.46%Cromwell Valley Regional Magnet C 375 375 0 100.00%Fifth District Elementary C 332 322 -10 96.99%Halstead Academy C 433 515 82 118.94%Hampton Elementary C 598 602 4 100.67%Jacksonville Elementary C 534 550 16 103.00%Lutherville Laboratory C 384 368 -16 95.83%Mays Chapel Elementary C 751 720 -31 95.87%Oakleigh Elementary C 587 569 -18 96.93%Padonia International Elementary C 520 524 4 100.77%Pinewood Elementary C 572 596 24 104.20%Pleasant Plains Elementary C 684 698 14 102.05%Pot Spring Elementary C 497 477 -20 95.98%Prettyboy Elementary C 456 422 -34 92.54%Riderwood Elementary C 397 453 56 114.11%Rodgers Forge Elementary C 463 468 5 101.08%Seventh District Elementary C 392 404 12 103.06%Sparks Elementary C 511 509 -2 99.61%Stoneleigh Elementary C 782 748 -34 95.65%Timonium Elementary C 501 484 -17 96.61%Villa Cresta Elementary C 714 709 -5 99.30%Warren Elementary C 440 405 -35 92.05%West Towson Elementary C 488 486 -2 99.59%Middle SchoolsCockeysville Middle C 975 910 -65 93.33%Dumbarton Middle C 1,206 1,225 19 101.58%Hereford Middle C 995 972 -23 97.69%Loch Raven Academy C 760 823 63 108.29%Ridgely Middle C 1,183 1,113 -70 94.08%High SchoolsDulaney High C 1,831 1,914 83 104.53%George Washington Carver Center C 942 961 19 102.02%Hereford High C 1,318 1,295 -23 98.25%Loch Raven High C 870 874 4 100.46%Towson High C 1,703 1,619 -84 95.07%Special Education SchoolsRidge Ruxton School C 120 123 3 102.50%White Oak School C 108 93 -15 86.11%Centers

BCDC Educational Center C 21 33 12 157.14%

Accuracy greater than 100% indicates the enrollment was higher. Accuracy less than 100% indicates the projection was higher.Legend: % Accuracy with red highlight indicates an accuracy difference greater than +/- 7.00%.Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 77

Page 83:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix e. BCPS Headcount Projection vs Enrollment, September 30, 2019, Northeast Planning Area Schools

School Area 2019Projection Enrollment +/- Projection % Accuracy

Elementary Schools

Carney Elementary NE 604 638 34 105.63%Chapel Hill Elementary NE 648 646 -2 99.69%Elmwood Elementary NE 580 571 -9 98.45%Essex Elementary NE 502 493 -9 98.21%Fullerton Elementary NE 612 617 5 100.82%Glenmar Elementary NE 298 317 19 106.38%Gunpowder Elementary NE 539 538 -1 99.81%Harford Hills Elementary NE 397 365 -32 91.94%Honeygo Elementary NE 628 680 52 108.28%Joppa View Elementary NE 790 739 -51 93.54%Kingsville Elementary NE 345 326 -19 94.49%Martin Boulevard Elementary NE 281 298 17 106.05%McCormick Elementary NE 327 338 11 103.36%Middlesex Elementary NE 394 424 30 107.61%Orems Elementary NE 384 403 19 104.95%Perry Hall Elementary NE 639 621 -18 97.18%Pine Grove Elementary NE 623 601 -22 96.47%Red House Run Elementary NE 556 588 32 105.76%Seven Oaks Elementary NE 484 471 -13 97.31%Shady Spring Elementary NE 609 587 -22 96.39%Victory Villa Elementary NE 684 691 7 101.02%Vincent Farm Elementary NE 821 761 -60 92.69%Middle SchoolsGolden Ring Middle NE 797 793 -4 99.50%Middle River Middle NE 996 1,035 39 103.92%Parkville Middle NE 1,209 1,126 -83 93.13%Perry Hall Middle NE 1,939 1,925 -14 99.28%Pine Grove Middle NE 959 960 1 100.10%Stemmers Run Middle NE 781 795 14 101.79%High Schools

Eastern Technical High NE 1,172 1,172 0 100.00%Kenwood High NE 1,553 1,649 96 106.18%Overlea High NE 992 1,020 28 102.82%Parkville High NE 2,017 2,074 57 102.83%Perry Hall High NE 2,112 1,969 -143 93.23%CentersCrossroads Center NE 181 183 2 101.10%Rosedale Center for Alt. Studies NE 74 65 -9 87.84%

Accuracy greater than 100% indicates the enrollment was higher. Accuracy less than 100% indicates the projection was higher.Legend: % Accuracy with red highlight indicates an accuracy difference greater than +/- 7.00%.Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 78

Page 84:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix e. BCPS Headcount Projection vs Enrollment, September 30, 2019, Southeast Planning Area Schools

School Area 2019Projection Enrollment +/- Projection % Accuracy

Elementary SchoolsBattle Grove Elementary SE 365 346 -19 94.79%Bear Creek Elementary SE 492 495 3 100.61%Berkshire Elementary SE 493 484 -9 98.17%Charlesmont Elementary SE 424 384 -40 90.57%Chase Elementary SE 437 398 -39 91.08%Chesapeake Terrace Elementary SE 323 286 -37 88.54%Colgate Elementary SE 406 433 27 106.65%Deep Creek Elementary SE 469 458 -11 97.65%Dundalk Elementary SE 743 776 33 104.44%Edgemere Elementary SE 507 475 -32 93.69%Grange Elementary SE 463 489 26 105.62%Hawthorne Elementary SE 563 525 -38 93.25%Logan Elementary SE 624 550 -74 88.14%Mars Estates Elementary SE 383 386 3 100.78%Middleborough Elementary SE 349 349 0 100.00%Norwood Elementary SE 468 491 23 104.91%Oliver Beach Elementary SE 223 185 -38 82.96%Sandalwood Elementary SE 508 537 29 105.71%Sandy Plains Elementary SE 564 597 33 105.85%Seneca Elementary SE 432 423 -9 97.92%Sussex Elementary SE 476 448 -28 94.12%Middle SchoolsDeep Creek Middle SE 825 901 76 109.21%Dundalk Middle SE 721 793 72 109.99%General John Stricker Middle SE 734 793 59 108.04%Sparrows Point Middle SE 659 637 -22 96.66%High Schools

Chesapeake High SE 972 961 -11 98.87%Dundalk High SE 1,665 1,782 117 107.03%Patapsco HS Center for the Arts SE 1,460 1,434 -26 98.22%Sparrows Point High SE 1,042 1,067 25 102.40%Other SchoolsHolabird Middle (Grades 4-8) SE 979 970 -9 99.08%Special Education SchoolsBattle Monument School SE 70 63 -7 90.00%ProgramsSollers Point Tech. High School SE

Accuracy greater than 100% indicates the enrollment was higher. Accuracy less than 100% indicates the projection was higher.Legend: % Accuracy with red highlight indicates an accuracy difference greater than +/- 7.00%.Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 79

Page 85:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix e. BCPS Headcount Projection vs Enrollment, September 30, 2019, Regional Centers and Programs

School Area 2019Projection Enrollment +/- Projection % Accuracy


Extended Day Learning REG 62 62 0 100.00%Home Assignment - Elementary REG 1 3 2 300.00%Home Assignment - Secondary REG 33 26 -7 78.79%

School Area 2019Projection Enrollment +/- Projection % Accuracy

ProgramseLearning REGHome and Hospital REG

Accuracy greater than 100% indicates the enrollment was higher. Accuracy less than 100% indicates the projection was higher.Legend: % Accuracy with red highlight indicates an accuracy difference greater than +/- 7.00%.Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 80

Page 86:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix f. BCPS Long-Range Headcount Enrollment Projection Comparison

Projection 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029

From 2014-2015 111,460 112,905 114,142 115,237 116,160 116,888 117,300 117,608 117,657 117,586From 2015-2016 112,351 113,738 114,817 116,260 117,193 117,877 118,528 118,966 119,191 118,978From 2016-2017 113,241 114,297 115,541 116,818 117,512 118,230 118,762 119,071 119,028 118,872From 2017-2018 114,370 115,709 116,849 117,820 118,695 119,318 119,804 119,871 119,884 119,639From 2018-2019 115,045 116,399 117,351 118,296 119,074 119,884 120,277 120,370 120,327 120,579From 2019-2020 116,610 117,730 118,808 119,312 119,959 120,262 120,395 120,399 120,769 121,065

Actual 111,126 112,139 113,282 113,814 115,0381 Year Percent Accuracy 99.70% 99.81% 100.04% 99.51% 99.99%

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections

Notes: Each row above indicates the 10-year projection from that school year.The Actual row indicates the official September 30 enrollment for the given year. The 1 Year Percent Accuracy compares the first year of enrollment projection with the Actual September 30 enrollment as a percentage.

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections




























r 30t

h En



School Year

BCPS Systemwide Actual Headcount Enrollment and Headcount Enrollment Projections

2014 Projections 2015 Projections 2016 Projections 2017 Projections

2018 Projections 2019 Projections Actuals

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 81

Page 87:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix g. BCPS 1 Year Enrollment Projections, 9/30/2020, by Grade LevelSouthwest Planning Area

2019 Projections (Headcount) 9/30/2020 9/30/2020School State-Rated Headcount FTE

Capacity PS PK KG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Enroll Enroll

Elementary Schools

Arbutus ES 405 0 33 78 68 64 59 61 65 428 412Baltimore Highlands ES 549 0 68 108 85 76 74 72 74 557 523Catonsville ES 664 5 48 105 101 103 101 101 104 668 642Chadwick ES 408 0 40 116 110 107 117 115 92 697 677Dogwood ES 612 0 37 88 82 116 97 90 102 612 594Edmondson Heights ES 589 29 49 87 83 86 79 77 93 583 545Featherbed Lane ES 667 3 40 98 84 98 75 93 103 594 573Halethorpe ES 392 9 44 60 43 54 58 51 53 372 346Hebbville ES 471 13 53 81 81 74 62 90 84 538 506Hillcrest ES 708 0 23 97 115 112 112 116 116 691 680Johnnycake ES 559 0 58 89 91 96 89 66 87 576 547Lansdowne ES 709 12 49 112 97 104 82 91 87 634 604Powhatan ES 313 0 19 34 29 35 41 40 44 242 233Relay ES 691 0 41 114 98 85 116 94 101 649 629Riverview ES 572 0 44 110 92 75 87 86 85 579 557Westchester ES 702 10 36 113 115 115 120 136 104 749 726Westowne ES 650 34 61 116 85 94 105 97 102 694 647Winfield ES 485 0 35 84 74 80 69 73 90 505 488Woodbridge ES 430 0 34 65 75 78 72 66 60 450 433Woodmoor ES 631 24 52 90 99 87 87 76 91 606 568Elementary Totals 11,207 139 864 1,845 1,707 1,739 1,702 1,691 1,737 11,424 10,930

Middle Schools

Arbutus MS 1,011 350 333 307 990Catonsville MS 774 304 272 291 867Lansdowne MS 923 303 312 291 906Southwest Academy 1,101 300 284 242 826Windsor Mill MS 720 228 264 261 753Woodlawn MS 953 207 228 212 647Middle Totals 5,482 1,692 1,693 1,604 4,989

High Schools

Catonsville HS 1,750 499 496 480 417 1,892Lansdowne HS 1,420 358 372 284 345 1,359Western Sch. of Tech. 1,009 237 231 214 210 892Woodlawn HS 2,129 452 422 369 449 1,692High Totals 6,308 1,546 1,521 1,347 1,421 5,835

Special Education Schools

Maiden Choice School 12 18 8 9 7 7 6 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 15 118


Catonsville Center Alt. 13 22 18 11 64Meadowood Ed. Center 2 16 14 32Center Totals 2 16 14 13 22 18 11 96

Charter SchoolsWatershed Public Charter 274 0 0 42 44 44 40 40 0 210 210Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_ProjectionsNotes:FTE Calculation = 100% of Grades KG-5, + 50% of PS (rounded up) + 50% of PK (rounded up).State-Rated Capacity (SRC) calculation as of August 2019. This does not include relocatable classroom units/seats.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 82

Page 88:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix g. BCPS 1 Year Enrollment Projections, 9/30/2020, by Grade LevelNorthwest Planning Area

2019 Projections (Headcount) 9/30/2020 9/30/2020School State-Rated Headcount FTE

Capacity PS PK KG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Enroll Enroll

Elementary Schools

Bedford ES 299 0 0 0 54 61 64 69 82 330 330Cedarmere ES 474 0 32 98 105 86 87 79 81 568 552Chatsworth ES 442 6 9 55 55 56 61 63 58 363 356Church Lane ES 478 0 24 47 68 51 46 58 57 351 339Deer Park ES 431 0 26 63 69 63 56 64 58 399 386Fort Garrison ES 382 6 6 60 60 46 62 46 40 326 320Franklin ES 461 10 11 74 61 71 59 66 75 427 417Glyndon ES 520 10 38 72 88 76 87 79 90 540 516Hernwood ES 415 6 37 58 38 46 48 67 56 356 335Lyons Mill ES 681 0 0 137 147 131 101 136 126 778 778Milbrook ES 322 0 0 0 71 60 92 78 74 375 375New Town ES 708 0 38 143 124 122 136 136 134 833 814Owings Mills ES 702 0 67 114 134 120 118 116 122 791 758Randallstown ES 411 0 0 61 70 45 63 76 90 405 405Reisterstown ES 462 14 27 93 66 83 79 103 96 561 541Scotts Branch ES 456 0 0 85 87 80 87 92 88 519 519Summit Park ES 336 0 0 76 65 87 79 83 58 448 448Timber Grove ES 600 0 39 76 75 77 76 104 93 540 521Wellwood ES 433 0 0 85 86 76 83 78 81 489 489Winand ES 491 19 52 61 61 70 58 71 89 481 446Woodholme ES 684 0 0 127 93 127 117 116 130 710 710

Elementary Totals 10,188 71 406 1,585 1,677 1,634 1,659 1,780 1,778 10,590 10,355

Middle Schools

Deer Park Magnet MS 1,368 500 492 438 1,430Franklin MS 1,433 432 428 407 1,267Northwest Academy 983 288 253 270 811Pikesville MS 1,029 340 310 323 973Sudbrook Magnet MS 1,060 323 334 341 998

Middle Totals 5,873 1,883 1,817 1,779 5,479

High Schools

Franklin HS 1,647 386 425 306 357 1,474Milford Mill Academy 1,465 327 318 306 301 1,252New Town HS 1,303 287 323 328 257 1,195Owings Mills HS 1,103 356 428 230 225 1,239Pikesville HS 1,006 228 205 232 279 944Randallstown HS 1,379 292 304 230 246 1,072

High Totals 7,903 1,876 2,003 1,632 1,665 7,176

CentersCampfield Center 322 57 207 152 416 285

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections

Notes:FTE Calculation = 100% of Grades KG-5, + 50% of PS (rounded up) + 50% of PK (rounded up).State-Rated Capacity (SRC) calculation as of August 2019. This does not include relocatable classroom units/seats.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 83

Page 89:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix g. BCPS 1 Year Enrollment Projections, 9/30/2020, by Grade LevelCentral Planning Area

2019 Projections (Headcount) 9/30/2020 9/30/2020School State-Rated Headcount FTE

Capacity PS PK KG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Enroll Enroll

Elementary Schools

Carroll Manor ES 362 0 0 73 66 72 75 70 60 416 416Cromwell Valley Reg. ES 434 8 11 69 66 73 60 63 56 406 397Fifth District ES 274 0 0 68 48 58 61 54 54 343 343Halstead Academy 516 15 58 63 74 70 75 80 67 502 495Hampton ES 670 11 37 86 101 86 89 92 97 599 576Jacksonville ES 637 0 0 98 101 93 101 87 87 567 567Lutherville Laboratory 395 0 0 63 62 52 58 66 67 368 368Mays Chapel Site ES 702 0 33 120 113 114 106 134 124 744 728Oakleigh ES 493 25 30 77 81 85 81 88 96 563 536Padonia ES 529 16 59 88 71 79 66 71 78 528 491Pinewood ES 566 15 17 91 106 85 104 90 98 606 591Pleasant Plains ES 545 0 37 131 107 104 120 130 90 719 701Pot Spring ES 475 0 36 98 76 80 69 65 79 503 485Prettyboy ES 387 0 0 70 59 83 67 76 69 424 424Riderwood ES 456 0 0 70 99 79 68 74 69 459 459Rodgers Forge ES 396 0 0 77 92 76 85 76 72 478 478Seventh District ES 441 9 9 54 55 61 66 61 85 400 392Sparks ES 604 0 0 81 92 81 76 92 99 521 521Stoneleigh ES 700 0 0 100 108 136 145 121 125 735 735Timonium ES 395 0 0 83 79 91 87 83 79 502 502Villa Cresta ES 584 10 42 108 121 93 109 115 109 707 681Warren ES 395 0 29 64 64 58 55 65 56 391 377West Towson ES 480 0 0 82 83 74 88 92 78 497 497

Elementary Totals 11,436 109 398 1,914 1,924 1,883 1,911 1,945 1,894 11,978 11,760

Middle Schools

Cockeysville MS 1,059 308 293 292 893Dumbarton MS 1,114 398 405 433 1,236Hereford MS 1,137 322 311 341 974Loch Raven Academy 901 271 279 273 823Ridgely MS 1,070 375 356 382 1,113

Middle Totals 5,281 1,674 1,644 1,721 5,039

High Schools

Dulaney HS 1,984 493 519 468 464 1,944G.W. Carver Center 1,029 251 246 247 217 961Hereford HS 1,548 331 325 313 324 1,293Loch Raven HS 975 239 236 191 203 869Towson HS 1,260 438 411 403 437 1,689

High Totals 6,796 1,752 1,737 1,622 1,645 6,756

Special Education Schools

Ridge Ruxton School 4 5 8 8 7 7 7 8 7 6 8 6 6 6 27 120White Oak School 1 7 15 13 16 15 16 17 100

Special Education Totals 5 12 23 21 23 22 23 25 7 6 8 6 6 6 27 220


BCDC Educational Center 3 6 6 7 22

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections

Notes:FTE Calculation = 100% of Grades KG-5, + 50% of PS (rounded up) + 50% of PK (rounded up).State-Rated Capacity (SRC) calculation as of August 2019. This does not include relocatable classroom units/seats.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 84

Page 90:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix g. BCPS 1 Year Enrollment Projections, 9/30/2020, by Grade LevelNortheast Planning Area

2019 Projections (Headcount) 9/30/2020 9/30/2020School State-Rated Headcount FTE

Capacity PS PK KG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Enroll Enroll

Elementary Schools

Carney ES 574 0 38 105 101 82 114 98 104 642 623Chapel Hill ES 636 0 0 76 105 105 121 104 108 619 619Elmwood ES 474 7 37 84 83 91 100 81 105 588 567Essex ES 520 14 45 80 66 65 78 69 78 495 466Fullerton ES 463 0 39 108 108 88 95 99 93 630 611Glenmar ES 363 0 25 32 41 48 61 62 38 307 295Gunpowder ES 479 0 0 101 66 107 105 98 94 571 571Harford Hills ES 323 0 23 52 53 53 59 56 52 348 337Honeygo Elementary 725 21 54 92 95 110 119 103 106 700 663Joppa View ES 635 9 12 117 99 131 118 144 118 748 738Kingsville ES 349 0 0 45 64 54 47 51 59 320 320Martin Blvd ES 301 0 28 36 39 40 40 62 46 291 277McCormick ES 373 18 20 38 31 63 40 61 54 325 306Middlesex ES 494 12 39 51 60 57 60 61 73 413 388Orems ES 303 11 48 74 42 55 52 64 52 398 369Perry Hall ES 528 0 37 102 89 77 109 102 102 618 600Pine Grove ES 483 0 38 87 89 92 114 113 85 618 599Red House Run ES 460 0 40 84 92 107 84 100 96 603 583Seven Oaks ES 428 23 40 70 58 70 81 67 64 473 442Shady Spring ES 476 0 39 72 83 86 84 94 96 554 535Victory Villa ES 735 0 37 106 95 110 108 117 105 678 660Vincent Farm ES 699 0 41 127 136 148 140 120 121 833 813

Elementary Totals 10,821 115 680 1,739 1,695 1,839 1,929 1,926 1,849 11,772 11,382

Middle Schools

Golden Ring MS 844 285 279 256 820Middle River MS 1,018 358 380 356 1,094Parkville MS 1,089 395 362 381 1,138Perry Hall MS 1,643 656 669 618 1,943Pine Grove MS 1,197 337 334 315 986Stemmers Run MS 1,154 274 276 257 807

Middle Totals 6,945 2,305 2,300 2,183 6,788

High Schools

Eastern Tech HS 1,339 343 285 280 264 1,172Kenwood HS 1,918 442 449 322 444 1,657Overlea HS 1,230 306 299 274 215 1,094Parkville HS 2,037 646 701 445 419 2,211Perry Hall HS 2,110 537 514 432 536 2,019

High Totals 8,634 2,274 2,248 1,753 1,878 8,153


Crossroads Center 44 45 42 36 10 3 180Rosedale Center 1 7 9 18 18 10 11 74

Center Totals 1 51 54 60 54 20 14 254

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections

Notes:FTE Calculation = 100% of Grades KG-5, + 50% of PS (rounded up) + 50% of PK (rounded up).State-Rated Capacity (SRC) calculation as of August 2019. This does not include relocatable classroom units/seats.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 85

Page 91:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix g. BCPS 1 Year Enrollment Projections, 9/30/2020, by Grade LevelSoutheast Planning Area

2019 Projections (Headcount) 9/30/2020 9/30/2020School State-Rated Headcount FTE

Capacity PS PK KG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Enroll Enroll

Elementary Schools

Battle Grove ES 377 23 48 45 34 49 50 44 57 350 315Bear Creek ES 484 0 38 79 81 84 61 89 84 516 497Berkshire ES 428 0 77 81 63 55 72 74 86 508 470Charlesmont ES 418 1 40 64 53 47 59 55 57 376 356Chase ES 393 6 34 65 61 52 64 50 55 387 367Chesapeake Terrace ES 292 0 20 60 44 48 49 37 42 300 290Colgate ES 319 0 0 71 70 64 76 79 75 435 435Deep Creek ES 368 0 0 106 73 83 64 68 74 468 468Dundalk ES 745 0 63 111 115 127 118 122 123 779 748Edgemere ES 523 13 32 63 73 60 59 85 67 452 430Grange ES 385 0 40 86 76 59 80 84 84 509 489Hawthorne ES 584 10 100 61 61 61 63 67 81 504 499Logan ES 517 0 35 89 95 68 91 90 78 546 529Mars Estates ES 431 10 37 51 42 46 51 68 64 369 346Middleborough ES 326 3 21 52 59 59 43 50 48 335 324Norwood ES 521 0 42 116 117 108 111 0 0 494 473Oliver Beach ES 265 0 13 17 26 19 40 21 31 167 161Sandalwood ES 542 0 41 58 77 89 73 79 93 510 490Sandy Plains ES 664 0 40 101 102 78 104 95 93 613 613Seneca ES 409 0 41 63 47 58 60 73 66 408 388Sussex ES 380 1 39 82 64 69 65 59 74 453 434

Elementary Totals 9,371 67 801 1,521 1,433 1,383 1,453 1,389 1,432 9,479 9,122

Middle Schools

Deep Creek MS 987 304 310 297 911Dundalk MS 814 251 284 283 818General John Stricker MS 973 271 289 266 826Sparrows Point MS 573 217 200 243 660

Middle Totals 3,347 1,043 1,083 1,089 3,215

High Schools

Chesapeake HS 1,019 306 235 216 225 982Dundalk HS 1,446 531 509 393 433 1,866Patapsco HS 1,302 396 351 320 404 1,471Sparrows Point HS 871 300 286 275 248 1,109

High Totals 4,638 1,533 1,381 1,204 1,310 5,428

Other Schools

Holabird MS 1,025 113 122 267 253 252 1,007

Special Education Schools

Battle Monument School 1 2 2 3 3 5 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 3 14 69


Sollers Point SoutheasternSource: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections

Notes:FTE Calculation = 100% of Grades KG-5, + 50% of PS (rounded up) + 50% of PK (rounded up).State-Rated Capacity (SRC) calculation as of August 2019. This does not include relocatable classroom units/seats.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 86

Page 92:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix g. BCPS 1 Year Enrollment Projections, 9/30/2020, by Grade LevelRegional Centers and Programs

2019 Projections (Headcount) 9/30/2020 9/30/2020Center State-Rated Headcount FTE

Capacity PS PK KG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Enroll Enroll

Extended Day Learning 1 5 9 50 65Home Assign Elementary 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1Home Assign Secondary 0 2 3 3 10 9 4 31

Regional Centers Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 3 4 15 18 54 97

2019 Projections (Headcount) 9/30/2020 9/30/2020Program State-Rated Headcount FTE

Capacity PS PK KG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Enroll Enroll

eLearningHome and HospitalRegional Programs Total

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections

Notes:FTE Calculation = 100% of Grades KG-5, + 50% of PS (rounded up) + 50% of PK (rounded up).State-Rated Capacity (SRC) calculation as of August 2018. This does not include relocatable classroom units/seats.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 87

Page 93:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix g. BCPS 1 Year Enrollment Projections, 9/30/2020, by Grade LevelSystemwide Totals

2019 Projections (Headcount) 9/30/2020 9/30/2020School State-Rated Headcount FTE

Capacity PS PK KG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Enroll Enroll

Elementary Schools 53,023 501 3,149 8,604 8,436 8,478 8,654 8,731 8,690 55,243 53,549Middle Schools 26,928 8,597 8,537 8,376 25,510High Schools 34,279 8,981 8,890 7,558 7,919 33,348Other Schools 1,025 113 122 267 253 252 1,007Special Education Schools 18 32 33 33 33 34 35 36 19 17 17 15 15 14 56 407Charter Schools 274 0 0 42 44 44 40 40 210Centers 57 207 152 0 0 0 0 1 3 69 71 80 97 62 86 885ProgramsSystemwide Total 576 3,388 8,831 8,513 8,555 8,728 8,919 8,849 8,886 8,876 8,716 9,076 9,002 7,634 8,061 116,610

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections

Notes:FTE Calculation = 100% of Grades KG-5, + 50% of PS (rounded up) + 50% of PK (rounded up).State-Rated Capacity (SRC) calculation as of August 2019. This does not include relocatable classroom units/seats.

Source: iMartLDW.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections

KeyElementary School Grade LevelsMiddle School Grade LevelsHigh School Grade Levels

576 3,







































PS PK KG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

September 30, 2020, 1 Year Projected Enrollment by Grade Level

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 88

Page 94:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix h. Ten-Year, 2019-2028 Enrollment Projections and Utilization, By School, By Grade, Elementary Schools

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 89

Page 95:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1302 State Rated Capacity 405

School Arbutus Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33

KINDERGARTEN 63 78 69 66 81 72 73 76 74 74 75

1st 70 68 84 74 71 87 77 78 82 80 80

2nd 58 64 63 77 68 65 80 71 72 75 74

3rd 61 59 65 64 78 69 66 81 72 73 76

4th 65 61 59 65 64 78 69 66 81 72 73

5th 54 65 61 59 65 64 78 69 66 81 72








TOTAL 404 428 434 438 460 468 476 474 480 488 483

FTE TOTAL 388 412 418 422 444 452 460 458 464 472 467

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -17 7 13 17 39 47 55 53 59 67 62

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 95.80% 101.73% 103.21% 104.20% 109.63% 111.60% 113.58% 113.09% 114.57% 116.54% 115.31%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 90

Page 96:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1307 State Rated Capacity 549

School Baltimore Highlands Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68

KINDERGARTEN 90 108 80 86 88 85 86 86 86 86 86

1st 73 85 102 76 82 83 81 82 82 82 82

2nd 79 76 88 106 79 85 86 84 85 85 85

3rd 72 74 72 83 100 74 80 81 79 80 80

4th 80 72 74 72 83 100 74 80 81 79 80

5th 89 74 67 69 67 77 93 69 74 75 73








TOTAL 551 557 551 560 567 572 568 550 555 555 554

FTE TOTAL 517 523 517 526 533 538 534 516 521 521 520

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -32 -26 -32 -23 -16 -11 -15 -33 -28 -28 -29

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 94.17% 95.26% 94.17% 95.81% 97.09% 98.00% 97.27% 93.99% 94.90% 94.90% 94.72%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 91

Page 97:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1517 State Rated Capacity 377

School Battle Grove Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

KINDERGARTEN 39 45 52 56 58 55 56 56 56 56 56

1st 44 34 40 46 49 51 48 49 49 49 49

2nd 48 49 38 44 51 54 57 53 54 54 54

3rd 43 50 51 39 46 53 56 59 55 56 56

4th 52 44 52 53 40 47 55 58 61 57 58

5th 49 57 48 57 58 44 51 60 63 67 62








TOTAL 346 350 352 366 373 375 394 406 409 410 406

FTE TOTAL 311 315 317 331 338 340 359 371 374 375 371

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -66 -62 -60 -46 -39 -37 -18 -6 -3 -2 -6

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 82.49% 83.55% 84.08% 87.80% 89.66% 90.19% 95.23% 98.41% 99.20% 99.47% 98.41%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 92

Page 98:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1206 State Rated Capacity 484

School Bear Creek Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38

KINDERGARTEN 74 79 80 85 71 79 79 77 78 78 78

1st 77 81 87 88 94 78 87 87 85 86 86

2nd 65 84 89 95 96 103 85 95 95 93 94

3rd 84 61 79 84 89 90 97 80 89 89 87

4th 80 89 65 84 89 94 95 103 85 94 94

5th 77 84 94 69 89 94 99 100 109 90 99








TOTAL 495 516 532 543 566 576 580 580 579 568 576

FTE TOTAL 476 497 513 524 547 557 561 561 560 549 557

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -8 13 29 40 63 73 77 77 76 65 73

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 98.35% 102.69% 105.99% 108.26% 113.02% 115.08% 115.91% 115.91% 115.70% 113.43% 115.08%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 93

Page 99:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0303 State Rated Capacity 299

School Bedford Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10






1st 58 54 57 63 53 60 59 57 59 58 58

2nd 57 61 57 60 66 56 63 62 60 62 61

3rd 67 64 68 64 67 74 62 70 69 67 69

4th 79 69 66 70 66 69 76 64 72 71 69

5th 70 82 72 69 73 69 72 79 67 75 74








TOTAL 331 330 320 326 325 328 332 332 327 333 331

FTE TOTAL 331 330 320 326 325 328 332 332 327 333 331

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 32 31 21 27 26 29 33 33 28 34 32

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 110.70% 110.37% 107.02% 109.03% 108.70% 109.70% 111.04% 111.04% 109.36% 111.37% 110.70%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 94

Page 100:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1205 State Rated Capacity 428 (increase to 608 in 2020)

School Berkshire Elementary

Enrollments as of September 302019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77

KINDERGARTEN 64 81 67 87 82 78 83 81 81 82 81

1st 50 63 79 66 85 80 76 81 79 79 80

2nd 70 55 69 86 72 93 87 83 88 86 86

3rd 70 72 57 71 89 74 96 90 86 91 89

4th 85 74 76 60 75 94 78 101 95 91 96

5th 68 86 75 77 61 76 95 79 102 96 92








TOTAL 484 508 500 524 541 572 592 592 608 602 601

FTE TOTAL 446 470 462 486 503 534 554 554 570 564 563

OVER/UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 18 -138 -146 -122 -105 -74 -54 -54 -38 -44 -45

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 104.21% 77.30% 75.99% 79.93% 82.73% 87.83% 91.12% 91.12% 93.75% 92.76% 92.60%

Utilization and Over/Under SRC calculation for Berkshire Elementary reflects availability of additional capacity (+180 seats) beginning in 2020.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 95

Page 101:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1106 State Rated Capacity 574

School Carney Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38

KINDERGARTEN 100 105 105 85 102 98 95 99 97 97 98

1st 82 101 106 106 86 103 99 96 100 98 98

2nd 112 82 101 106 106 86 103 99 96 100 98

3rd 99 114 83 103 108 108 88 105 101 98 102

4th 101 98 113 82 102 107 107 87 104 100 97

5th 106 104 101 116 84 105 110 110 90 107 103








TOTAL 638 642 647 636 626 645 640 634 626 638 634

FTE TOTAL 619 623 628 617 607 626 621 615 607 619 615

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 45 49 54 43 33 52 47 41 33 45 41

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 107.84% 108.54% 109.41% 107.49% 105.75% 109.06% 108.19% 107.14% 105.75% 107.84% 107.14%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 96

Page 102:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1001 State Rated Capacity 362

School Carroll Manor Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10





KINDERGARTEN 61 73 80 73 83 78 78 80 78 78 78

1st 70 66 79 87 79 90 85 85 87 85 85

2nd 73 72 68 81 89 81 92 87 87 89 87

3rd 70 75 74 70 83 92 83 95 90 90 92

4th 60 70 75 74 70 83 92 83 95 90 90

5th 55 60 70 75 74 70 83 92 83 95 90








TOTAL 389 416 446 460 478 494 513 522 520 527 522

FTE TOTAL 389 416 446 460 478 494 513 522 520 527 522

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 27 54 84 98 116 132 151 160 158 165 160

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 107.46% 114.92% 123.20% 127.07% 132.04% 136.46% 141.71% 144.20% 143.65% 145.58% 144.20%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 97

Page 103:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0101 State Rated Capacity 664

School Catonsville Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

KINDERGARTEN 101 105 92 88 89 89 89 89 89 89 89

1st 98 101 105 92 88 89 89 89 89 89 89

2nd 104 103 106 110 97 92 93 93 93 93 93

3rd 98 101 100 103 107 94 90 90 90 90 90

4th 100 101 104 103 106 110 97 93 93 93 93

5th 114 104 105 108 107 110 114 100 96 96 96








TOTAL 668 668 665 657 647 637 625 607 603 603 603

FTE TOTAL 642 642 639 631 621 611 599 581 577 577 577

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -22 -22 -25 -33 -43 -53 -65 -83 -87 -87 -87

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 96.69% 96.69% 96.23% 95.03% 93.52% 92.02% 90.21% 87.50% 86.90% 86.90% 86.90%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 98

Page 104:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0408 State Rated Capacity 474

School Cedarmere Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32

KINDERGARTEN 100 98 83 103 103 97 101 100 100 100 100

1st 86 105 103 87 108 108 102 106 105 105 105

2nd 87 86 105 103 87 108 108 102 106 105 105

3rd 77 87 86 105 103 87 108 108 102 106 105

4th 81 79 89 88 107 105 89 110 110 104 108

5th 76 81 79 89 88 107 105 89 110 110 104








TOTAL 539 568 577 607 628 644 645 647 665 662 659

FTE TOTAL 523 552 561 591 612 628 629 631 649 646 643

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 49 78 87 117 138 154 155 157 175 172 169

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 110.34% 116.46% 118.35% 124.68% 129.11% 132.49% 132.70% 133.12% 136.92% 136.29% 135.65%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 99

Page 105:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0113 State Rated Capacity 408 (increase to 700 in 2020)

School Chadwick Elementary

Enrollments as of September 302019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40

KINDERGARTEN 98 116 114 123 143 127 131 134 131 132 132

1st 101 110 125 123 133 154 137 142 145 142 143

2nd 112 107 111 126 124 134 155 138 143 146 143

3rd 108 117 106 110 125 123 133 153 137 141 144

4th 91 115 118 107 111 126 124 134 153 138 142

5th 87 92 106 109 99 103 117 115 125 143 128








TOTAL 637 697 720 738 775 807 837 856 874 882 872

FTE TOTAL 617 677 700 718 755 787 817 836 854 862 852

OVER/UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 209 -23 0 18 55 87 117 136 154 162 152

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 151.23% 96.71% 100.00% 102.57% 107.86% 112.43% 116.71% 119.43% 122.00% 123.14% 121.71%

Utilization and Over/Under SRC calculation for Chadwick Elementary reflects availability of additional capacity (+292 seats) beginning in 2020.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 100

Page 106:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1107 State Rated Capacity 636

School Chapel Hill Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10





KINDERGARTEN 95 76 96 79 70 82 77 76 78 77 77

1st 104 105 84 106 87 77 91 85 84 86 85

2nd 116 105 106 85 107 88 78 92 86 85 87

3rd 103 121 109 110 88 111 92 81 96 89 88

4th 111 104 122 110 111 89 112 93 82 97 90

5th 117 108 101 119 107 108 87 109 91 80 95








TOTAL 646 619 618 609 570 555 537 536 517 514 522

FTE TOTAL 646 619 618 609 570 555 537 536 517 514 522

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 10 -17 -18 -27 -66 -81 -99 -100 -119 -122 -114

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 101.57% 97.33% 97.17% 95.75% 89.62% 87.26% 84.43% 84.28% 81.29% 80.82% 82.08%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 101

Page 107:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1212 State Rated Capacity 418

School Charlesmont Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40

KINDERGARTEN 60 64 59 66 68 64 66 66 65 66 66

1st 48 53 56 52 58 60 56 58 58 57 58

2nd 60 47 52 55 51 57 59 55 57 57 56

3rd 57 59 46 51 54 50 56 58 54 56 56

4th 58 55 57 45 50 53 49 54 56 53 54

5th 60 57 54 56 44 49 52 48 53 55 52








TOTAL 384 376 365 366 366 374 379 380 384 385 383

FTE TOTAL 364 356 345 346 346 354 359 360 364 365 363

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -54 -62 -73 -72 -72 -64 -59 -58 -54 -53 -55

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 87.08% 85.17% 82.54% 82.78% 82.78% 84.69% 85.89% 86.12% 87.08% 87.32% 86.84%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 102

Page 108:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1507 State Rated Capacity 393

School Chase Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34

KINDERGARTEN 63 65 64 66 49 59 58 56 58 58 57

1st 50 61 63 62 64 47 57 56 54 56 56

2nd 69 52 64 66 65 67 49 59 58 56 58

3rd 53 64 49 60 62 61 63 46 55 54 52

4th 57 50 60 46 56 58 57 59 43 51 50

5th 66 55 48 58 44 54 56 55 57 41 49








TOTAL 398 387 388 398 380 386 380 371 365 356 362

FTE TOTAL 378 367 368 378 360 366 360 351 345 336 342

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -15 -26 -25 -15 -33 -27 -33 -42 -48 -57 -51

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 96.18% 93.38% 93.64% 96.18% 91.60% 93.13% 91.60% 89.31% 87.79% 85.50% 87.02%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 103

Page 109:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0404 State Rated Capacity 442

School Chatsworth School

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

KINDERGARTEN 50 55 53 52 53 53 53 53 53 53 53

1st 54 55 60 58 57 58 58 58 58 58 58

2nd 60 56 57 62 60 59 60 60 60 60 60

3rd 63 61 57 58 63 61 60 61 61 61 61

4th 59 63 61 57 58 63 61 60 61 61 61

5th 65 58 62 60 56 57 62 60 59 60 60








TOTAL 366 363 365 362 362 366 369 367 367 368 368

FTE TOTAL 359 356 358 355 355 359 362 360 360 361 361

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -83 -86 -84 -87 -87 -83 -80 -82 -82 -81 -81

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 81.22% 80.54% 81.00% 80.32% 80.32% 81.22% 81.90% 81.45% 81.45% 81.67% 81.67%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 104

Page 110:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1511 State Rated Capacity 292

School Chesapeake Terrace Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

KINDERGARTEN 40 60 49 51 58 53 54 55 54 54 54

1st 49 44 66 54 56 64 58 59 60 59 59

2nd 47 48 43 65 53 55 63 57 58 59 58

3rd 38 49 50 45 67 55 57 65 59 60 61

4th 40 37 48 49 44 65 54 56 63 58 59

5th 52 42 39 50 51 46 68 57 59 66 61








TOTAL 286 300 315 334 349 358 374 369 373 376 372

FTE TOTAL 276 290 305 324 339 348 364 359 363 366 362

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -16 -2 13 32 47 56 72 67 71 74 70

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 94.52% 99.32% 104.45% 110.96% 116.10% 119.18% 124.66% 122.95% 124.32% 125.34% 123.97%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 105

Page 111:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0207 State Rated Capacity 478

School Church Lane Elementary Technology

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24

KINDERGARTEN 64 47 52 50 65 56 57 59 57 58 58

1st 49 68 50 55 53 69 60 61 63 61 62

2nd 47 51 70 52 57 55 71 62 63 65 63

3rd 57 46 50 68 51 55 53 69 60 61 63

4th 56 58 47 51 69 52 56 54 70 61 62

5th 70 57 59 48 52 70 53 57 55 71 62








TOTAL 367 351 352 348 371 381 374 386 392 401 394

FTE TOTAL 355 339 340 336 359 369 362 374 380 389 382

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -123 -139 -138 -142 -119 -109 -116 -104 -98 -89 -96

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 74.27% 70.92% 71.13% 70.29% 75.10% 77.20% 75.73% 78.24% 79.50% 81.38% 79.92%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 106

Page 112:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1503 State Rated Capacity 319 (increase to 510 in 2020)

School Colgate Elementary

Enrollments as of September 302019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10





KINDERGARTEN 65 71 73 64 68 68 66 67 67 67 67

1st 69 70 76 78 69 73 73 71 72 72 72

2nd 69 64 65 70 72 64 68 68 66 67 67

3rd 75 76 71 72 77 79 71 75 75 73 74

4th 73 79 80 75 76 81 83 75 79 79 77

5th 82 75 81 82 77 78 83 85 77 81 81








TOTAL 433 435 446 441 439 443 444 441 436 439 438

FTE TOTAL 433 435 446 441 439 443 444 441 436 439 438

OVER/UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 114 -75 -64 -69 -71 -67 -66 -69 -74 -71 -72

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 135.74% 85.29% 87.45% 86.47% 86.08% 86.86% 87.06% 86.47% 85.49% 86.08% 85.88%

Utilization and Over/Under SRC calculation for Colgate Elementary reflects availability of additional capacity (+191 seats) beginning in 2020.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 107

Page 113:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0916 State Rated Capacity 434

School Cromwell Valley Elementary Magnet

Enrollments as of September 30th2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11

KINDERGARTEN 65 69 67 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66

1st 64 66 70 68 67 67 67 67 67 67 67

2nd 62 73 75 80 77 76 76 76 76 76 76

3rd 63 60 70 72 77 74 73 73 73 73 73

4th 62 63 60 70 72 77 74 73 73 73 73

5th 40 56 57 54 63 65 69 67 66 66 66








TOTAL 375 406 418 429 441 444 444 441 440 440 440

FTE TOTAL 366 397 409 420 432 435 435 432 431 431 431

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -68 -37 -25 -14 -2 1 1 -2 -3 -3 -3

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 84.33% 91.47% 94.24% 96.77% 99.54% 100.23% 100.23% 99.54% 99.31% 99.31% 99.31%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 108

Page 114:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1525 State Rated Capacity 368

School Deep Creek Elementary Magnet

Enrollments as of September 30th2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10





KINDERGARTEN 79 106 102 97 74 91 87 84 87 86 86

1st 86 73 98 94 89 68 84 80 77 80 79

2nd 74 83 70 94 90 86 65 81 77 74 77

3rd 68 64 72 60 81 78 74 56 70 66 64

4th 80 68 64 72 60 81 78 74 56 70 66

5th 71 74 63 59 67 56 75 72 69 52 65








TOTAL 458 468 469 476 461 460 463 447 436 428 437

FTE TOTAL 458 468 469 476 461 460 463 447 436 428 437

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 90 100 101 108 93 92 95 79 68 60 69

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 124.46% 127.17% 127.45% 129.35% 125.27% 125.00% 125.82% 121.47% 118.48% 116.30% 118.75%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 109

Page 115:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0216 State Rated Capacity 431

School Deer Park Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26

KINDERGARTEN 70 63 55 57 56 56 56 56 56 56 56

1st 63 69 62 54 56 55 55 55 55 55 55

2nd 57 63 69 62 54 56 55 55 55 55 55

3rd 63 56 62 68 61 53 55 54 54 54 54

4th 61 64 56 63 69 62 53 55 54 54 54

5th 64 58 61 54 60 66 59 51 53 52 52








TOTAL 404 399 391 384 382 374 359 352 353 352 352

FTE TOTAL 391 386 378 371 369 361 346 339 340 339 339

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -40 -45 -53 -60 -62 -70 -85 -92 -91 -92 -92

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 90.72% 89.56% 87.70% 86.08% 85.61% 83.76% 80.28% 78.65% 78.89% 78.65% 78.65%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 110

Page 116:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0112 State Rated Capacity 612

School Dogwood Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37

KINDERGARTEN 82 88 77 82 71 77 77 76 76 76 76

1st 118 82 101 89 93 81 89 89 87 88 88

2nd 104 116 88 107 94 99 87 94 94 92 93

3rd 96 97 115 87 106 93 98 85 93 93 91

4th 111 90 101 119 91 110 97 102 89 97 97

5th 134 102 90 101 120 91 110 98 102 89 98








TOTAL 682 612 609 622 612 588 595 581 578 572 580

FTE TOTAL 664 594 591 604 594 570 577 563 560 554 562

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 52 -18 -21 -8 -18 -42 -35 -49 -52 -58 -50

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 108.50% 97.06% 96.57% 98.69% 97.06% 93.14% 94.28% 91.99% 91.50% 90.52% 91.83%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019

Enrollment projections for Dogwood Elementary reflect student redistribution beginning in 2020 resulting from the implementation of the Dogwood Elementary School Capacity Relief Boundary Change. See Appendix p. for details.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 111

Page 117:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1202 State Rated Capacity 745

School Dundalk Elementary

Enrollments as of September 302019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63

KINDERGARTEN 114 111 117 94 117 110 107 111 110 110 111

1st 121 115 112 118 95 118 111 108 112 111 111

2nd 116 127 121 118 124 100 124 117 114 118 117

3rd 117 118 129 123 120 126 102 126 119 116 120

4th 126 122 123 135 128 125 132 106 132 124 121

5th 119 123 119 120 132 125 122 129 103 129 121








TOTAL 776 779 784 771 779 767 761 760 753 771 764

FTE TOTAL 745 748 753 740 748 736 730 729 722 740 733

OVER/UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 0 3 8 -5 3 -9 -15 -16 -23 -5 -12

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 100.00% 100.40% 101.07% 99.33% 100.40% 98.79% 97.99% 97.85% 96.91% 99.33% 98.39%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 112

Page 118:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1502 State Rated Capacity 523

School Edgemere Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32

KINDERGARTEN 71 63 70 67 65 67 67 67 67 67 67

1st 59 73 65 72 69 67 69 69 69 69 69

2nd 59 60 74 66 73 70 68 70 70 70 70

3rd 84 59 60 74 66 73 70 68 70 70 70

4th 62 85 60 61 75 67 74 71 69 71 71

5th 95 67 91 65 66 81 72 80 76 74 76








TOTAL 475 452 465 450 459 470 465 470 466 466 468

FTE TOTAL 453 430 443 428 437 448 443 448 444 444 446

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -70 -93 -80 -95 -86 -75 -80 -75 -79 -79 -77

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 86.62% 82.22% 84.70% 81.84% 83.56% 85.66% 84.70% 85.66% 84.89% 84.89% 85.28%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 113

Page 119:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0104 State Rated Capacity 589

School Edmondson Heights Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49

KINDERGARTEN 73 87 91 86 85 88 86 86 86 86 86

1st 78 83 84 89 84 83 85 84 84 84 84

2nd 74 86 83 84 89 83 83 85 84 84 84

3rd 58 79 80 77 79 83 78 77 80 78 78

4th 77 77 91 92 90 93 98 91 91 94 92

5th 86 93 72 86 88 85 88 92 86 86 88








TOTAL 524 583 579 592 593 593 596 593 589 590 590

FTE TOTAL 486 545 541 554 555 555 558 555 551 552 552

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -103 -44 -48 -35 -34 -34 -31 -34 -38 -37 -37

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 82.51% 92.53% 91.85% 94.06% 94.23% 94.23% 94.74% 94.23% 93.55% 93.72% 93.72%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019

Enrollment projections for Edmondson Heights Elementary reflect student redistribution beginning in 2020 resulting from the implementation of the Johnnycake Elementary School Capacity Relief Boundary Change. See Appendix p. for details.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 114

Page 120:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1405 State Rated Capacity 474

School Elmwood Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37

KINDERGARTEN 79 84 85 91 94 90 92 92 91 92 92

1st 89 83 88 90 96 99 95 97 97 96 97

2nd 98 91 85 90 92 99 102 98 100 100 99

3rd 82 100 93 87 92 94 101 104 100 102 102

4th 96 81 99 92 86 91 93 100 103 99 101

5th 83 105 88 108 100 94 99 101 109 112 108








TOTAL 571 588 582 602 604 611 626 636 644 645 643

FTE TOTAL 550 567 561 581 583 590 605 615 623 624 622

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 76 93 87 107 109 116 131 141 149 150 148

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 116.03% 119.62% 118.35% 122.57% 123.00% 124.47% 127.64% 129.75% 131.43% 131.65% 131.22%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 115

Page 121:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1508 State Rated Capacity 520

School Essex Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45

KINDERGARTEN 64 80 76 73 60 70 68 66 68 67 67

1st 66 66 83 79 75 62 72 70 68 70 69

2nd 77 65 65 82 78 74 61 71 69 67 69

3rd 70 78 66 66 83 79 75 62 72 70 68

4th 80 69 77 65 65 82 78 74 61 71 69

5th 77 78 67 75 63 63 80 76 72 60 69








TOTAL 493 495 493 499 483 489 493 478 469 464 470

FTE TOTAL 464 466 464 470 454 460 464 449 440 435 441

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -56 -54 -56 -50 -66 -60 -56 -71 -80 -85 -79

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 89.23% 89.62% 89.23% 90.38% 87.31% 88.46% 89.23% 86.35% 84.62% 83.65% 84.81%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 116

Page 122:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0204 State Rated Capacity 667

School Featherbed Lane Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40

KINDERGARTEN 83 98 110 106 104 107 106 105 107 106 105

1st 88 84 88 99 96 95 96 95 95 96 95

2nd 64 98 85 90 101 97 96 98 97 97 98

3rd 85 75 104 90 95 106 102 101 103 102 102

4th 92 93 73 102 88 93 104 100 99 101 100

5th 117 103 95 75 104 90 95 105 102 101 102








TOTAL 572 594 598 605 631 631 642 647 646 646 645

FTE TOTAL 551 573 577 584 610 610 621 626 625 625 624

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -116 -94 -90 -83 -57 -57 -46 -41 -42 -42 -43

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 82.61% 85.91% 86.51% 87.56% 91.45% 91.45% 93.10% 93.85% 93.70% 93.70% 93.55%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019

Enrollment projections for Featherbed Lane Elementary reflect student redistribution beginning in 2020 resulting from the implementation of the Dogwood Elementary School Capacity Relief Boundary Change. See Appendix p. for details.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 117

Page 123:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0501 State Rated Capacity 274

School Fifth District Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10





KINDERGARTEN 45 68 63 54 54 58 56 56 56 56 56

1st 55 48 73 67 58 58 62 60 60 60 60

2nd 59 58 51 77 71 61 61 65 63 63 63

3rd 52 61 60 53 80 73 63 63 67 65 65

4th 53 54 63 62 55 82 75 65 65 69 67

5th 58 54 55 64 63 56 84 77 67 67 71








TOTAL 322 343 365 377 381 388 401 386 378 380 382

FTE TOTAL 322 343 365 377 381 388 401 386 378 380 382

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 48 69 91 103 107 114 127 112 104 106 108

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 117.52% 125.18% 133.21% 137.59% 139.05% 141.61% 146.35% 140.88% 137.96% 138.69% 139.42%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 118

Page 124:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0308 State Rated Capacity 382

School Fort Garrison Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

KINDERGARTEN 59 60 56 66 64 62 64 64 64 64 64

1st 48 60 61 57 67 65 63 65 65 65 65

2nd 63 46 58 59 55 65 63 61 63 63 63

3rd 51 62 45 57 58 54 64 62 60 62 62

4th 43 46 56 40 51 52 49 58 56 54 56

5th 43 40 42 51 37 47 48 45 53 51 50








TOTAL 319 326 330 342 344 357 363 367 373 371 372

FTE TOTAL 313 320 324 336 338 351 357 361 367 365 366

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -69 -62 -58 -46 -44 -31 -25 -21 -15 -17 -16

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 81.94% 83.77% 84.82% 87.96% 88.48% 91.88% 93.46% 94.50% 96.07% 95.55% 95.81%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 119

Page 125:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0403 State Rated Capacity 461

School Franklin Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11

KINDERGARTEN 63 74 61 54 53 56 54 54 55 54 54

1st 70 61 71 59 52 51 54 52 52 53 52

2nd 59 71 62 72 60 53 52 55 53 53 54

3rd 69 59 71 62 72 60 53 52 55 53 53

4th 74 66 57 68 60 69 58 51 50 53 51

5th 63 75 67 58 69 61 70 59 52 51 54








TOTAL 419 427 410 394 387 371 362 344 338 338 339

FTE TOTAL 409 417 400 384 377 361 352 334 328 328 329

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -52 -44 -61 -77 -84 -100 -109 -127 -133 -133 -132

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 88.72% 90.46% 86.77% 83.30% 81.78% 78.31% 76.36% 72.45% 71.15% 71.15% 71.37%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 120

Page 126:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1404 State Rated Capacity 463

School Fullerton Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39

KINDERGARTEN 103 108 84 92 92 89 91 91 91 91 91

1st 87 108 113 88 97 97 93 96 96 96 96

2nd 93 88 109 114 89 98 98 94 97 97 97

3rd 98 95 90 111 116 91 100 100 96 99 99

4th 91 99 96 91 112 117 92 101 101 97 100

5th 106 93 101 98 93 114 119 94 103 103 99








TOTAL 617 630 632 633 638 645 632 615 623 622 621

FTE TOTAL 598 611 613 614 619 626 613 596 604 603 602

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 135 148 150 151 156 163 150 133 141 140 139

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 129.16% 131.97% 132.40% 132.61% 133.69% 135.21% 132.40% 128.73% 130.45% 130.24% 130.02%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 121

Page 127:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1518 State Rated Capacity 363

School Glenmar Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

KINDERGARTEN 37 32 32 34 36 34 34 34 34 34 34

1st 45 41 36 36 38 40 38 38 38 38 38

2nd 58 48 44 39 39 41 43 41 41 41 41

3rd 62 61 51 47 41 41 43 46 43 43 43

4th 37 62 61 51 47 41 41 43 46 43 43

5th 53 38 64 63 52 48 42 42 44 47 44








TOTAL 317 307 313 295 278 270 266 269 271 271 268

FTE TOTAL 305 295 301 283 266 258 254 257 259 259 256

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -58 -68 -62 -80 -97 -105 -109 -106 -104 -104 -107

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 84.02% 81.27% 82.92% 77.96% 73.28% 71.07% 69.97% 70.80% 71.35% 71.35% 70.52%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 122

Page 128:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0407 State Rated Capacity 520

School Glyndon Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38

KINDERGARTEN 82 72 84 65 65 71 67 68 68 68 68

1st 77 88 78 91 70 70 77 72 73 73 73

2nd 81 76 87 77 90 69 69 76 71 72 72

3rd 74 87 82 94 83 97 74 74 82 76 77

4th 84 79 93 88 101 89 104 79 79 88 81

5th 113 90 85 100 95 109 96 112 85 85 95








TOTAL 559 540 557 563 552 553 535 529 506 510 514

FTE TOTAL 535 516 533 539 528 529 511 505 482 486 490

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 15 -4 13 19 8 9 -9 -15 -38 -34 -30

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 102.88% 99.23% 102.50% 103.65% 101.54% 101.73% 98.27% 97.12% 92.69% 93.46% 94.23%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 123

Page 129:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1210 State Rated Capacity 385

School Grange Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40

KINDERGARTEN 73 86 73 71 67 70 70 69 70 70 70

1st 58 76 90 76 74 70 73 73 72 73 73

2nd 79 59 77 91 77 75 71 74 74 73 74

3rd 82 80 60 78 92 78 76 72 75 75 74

4th 81 84 82 61 80 94 80 78 73 77 77

5th 76 84 87 85 63 83 97 83 81 76 80








TOTAL 489 509 509 502 493 510 507 489 485 484 488

FTE TOTAL 469 489 489 482 473 490 487 469 465 464 468

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 84 104 104 97 88 105 102 84 80 79 83

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 121.82% 127.01% 127.01% 125.19% 122.86% 127.27% 126.49% 121.82% 120.78% 120.52% 121.56%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 124

Page 130:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1111 State Rated Capacity 479

School Gunpowder Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10





KINDERGARTEN 64 101 99 84 89 91 88 89 89 89 89

1st 102 66 104 102 86 91 93 90 91 91 91

2nd 97 107 69 109 107 90 95 97 94 95 95

3rd 92 105 116 75 118 116 97 103 105 102 103

4th 88 98 112 124 80 126 124 104 110 112 109

5th 95 94 104 119 132 85 134 132 111 117 119








TOTAL 538 571 604 613 612 599 631 615 600 606 606

FTE TOTAL 538 571 604 613 612 599 631 615 600 606 606

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 59 92 125 134 133 120 152 136 121 127 127

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 112.32% 119.21% 126.10% 127.97% 127.77% 125.05% 131.73% 128.39% 125.26% 126.51% 126.51%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 125

Page 131:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1313 State Rated Capacity 392

School Halethorpe Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44

KINDERGARTEN 43 60 64 64 52 60 59 57 59 58 58

1st 54 43 59 63 63 51 59 58 56 58 57

2nd 57 54 43 59 63 63 51 59 58 56 58

3rd 52 58 55 44 60 64 64 52 60 59 57

4th 52 51 56 54 43 58 62 62 51 58 57

5th 54 53 52 57 55 44 59 63 63 52 59








TOTAL 365 372 382 394 389 393 407 404 400 394 399

FTE TOTAL 339 346 356 368 363 367 381 378 374 368 373

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -53 -46 -36 -24 -29 -25 -11 -14 -18 -24 -19

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 86.48% 88.27% 90.82% 93.88% 92.60% 93.62% 97.19% 96.43% 95.41% 93.88% 95.15%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 126

Page 132:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0912 State Rated Capacity 516

School Halstead Academy

Enrollments as of September 30th2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58

KINDERGARTEN 74 63 55 70 68 65 67 67 66 67 67

1st 69 74 63 55 70 68 65 67 67 66 67

2nd 73 70 75 64 55 71 69 66 68 68 67

3rd 77 75 72 77 66 57 73 71 68 70 70

4th 68 80 78 75 80 68 59 76 73 70 72

5th 81 67 79 77 74 79 67 58 75 72 69








TOTAL 515 502 495 491 486 481 473 478 490 486 485

FTE TOTAL 508 495 488 484 479 474 466 471 483 479 478

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -8 -21 -28 -32 -37 -42 -50 -45 -33 -37 -38

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 98.45% 95.93% 94.57% 93.80% 92.83% 91.86% 90.31% 91.28% 93.60% 92.83% 92.64%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019

Enrollment projections for Halstead Academy do not yet reflect potential student redistribution resulting from the implementation of the Pleasant Plains Elementary School Capacity Relief Boundary Change. See Appendix p. for details.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 127

Page 133:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0911 State Rated Capacity 670

School Hampton Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37

KINDERGARTEN 99 86 97 97 104 100 100 101 100 100 100

1st 87 101 88 99 99 107 102 102 104 102 102

2nd 87 86 100 87 98 98 106 101 101 103 101

3rd 92 89 88 102 89 100 100 108 103 103 105

4th 93 92 89 88 102 89 100 100 108 103 103

5th 96 97 96 93 92 106 93 104 104 112 107








TOTAL 602 599 606 614 632 648 649 664 668 671 666

FTE TOTAL 579 576 583 591 609 625 626 641 645 648 643

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -91 -94 -87 -79 -61 -45 -44 -29 -25 -22 -27

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 86.42% 85.97% 87.01% 88.21% 90.90% 93.28% 93.43% 95.67% 96.27% 96.72% 95.97%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019

Enrollment projections for Hampton Elementary do not yet reflect potential student redistribution resulting from the implementation of the Pleasant Plains Elementary School Capacity Relief Boundary Change. See Appendix p. for details.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 128

Page 134:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0915 State Rated Capacity 323

School Harford Hills Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23

KINDERGARTEN 55 52 66 58 62 62 61 62 62 62 62

1st 54 53 51 64 56 60 60 59 60 60 60

2nd 58 53 52 50 63 55 59 59 58 59 59

3rd 58 59 54 53 51 64 56 60 60 59 60

4th 51 56 57 52 51 49 62 54 58 58 57

5th 66 52 58 59 54 52 50 64 56 60 60








TOTAL 365 348 361 359 360 365 371 381 377 381 381

FTE TOTAL 354 337 350 348 349 354 360 370 366 370 370

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 31 14 27 25 26 31 37 47 43 47 47

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 109.60% 104.33% 108.36% 107.74% 108.05% 109.60% 111.46% 114.55% 113.31% 114.55% 114.55%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 129

Page 135:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1515 State Rated Capacity 584

School Hawthorne Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

KINDERGARTEN 62 61 54 43 53 50 49 50 50 50 50

1st 57 61 60 54 43 53 50 49 50 50 50

2nd 59 61 65 64 57 46 56 53 52 53 53

3rd 66 63 65 69 68 61 49 60 57 56 57

4th 73 67 64 66 70 69 62 50 61 58 57

5th 98 81 75 71 74 78 77 69 56 68 65








TOTAL 525 504 493 477 475 467 453 441 436 445 442

FTE TOTAL 520 499 488 472 470 462 448 436 431 440 437

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -64 -85 -96 -112 -114 -122 -136 -148 -153 -144 -147

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 89.04% 85.45% 83.56% 80.82% 80.48% 79.11% 76.71% 74.66% 73.80% 75.34% 74.83%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 130

Page 136:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0209 State Rated Capacity 471

School Hebbville Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53

KINDERGARTEN 72 81 62 58 67 62 62 64 63 63 63

1st 69 81 91 70 65 75 70 70 72 71 71

2nd 61 74 87 98 75 70 81 75 75 78 77

3rd 84 62 75 88 99 76 71 82 76 76 79

4th 79 90 67 81 95 106 82 76 88 82 82

5th 96 84 96 71 86 101 113 87 81 94 87








TOTAL 527 538 544 532 553 556 545 520 521 530 525

FTE TOTAL 495 506 512 500 521 524 513 488 489 498 493

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 24 35 41 29 50 53 42 17 18 27 22

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 105.10% 107.43% 108.70% 106.16% 110.62% 111.25% 108.92% 103.61% 103.82% 105.73% 104.67%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 131

Page 137:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0214 State Rated Capacity 415

School Hernwood Elementary

Enrollments as of September 302019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37

KINDERGARTEN 36 58 52 65 55 57 59 57 58 58 58

1st 47 38 62 55 69 59 61 63 61 62 62

2nd 52 46 37 61 54 68 58 60 62 60 61

3rd 64 48 43 34 57 50 63 54 56 58 56

4th 56 67 50 45 35 59 52 66 56 58 60

5th 85 56 68 50 45 35 59 52 67 56 58








TOTAL 383 356 355 353 358 371 395 395 403 395 398

FTE TOTAL 362 335 334 332 337 350 374 374 382 374 377

OVER/UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -53 -80 -81 -83 -78 -65 -41 -41 -33 -41 -38

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 87.23% 80.72% 80.48% 80.00% 81.20% 84.34% 90.12% 90.12% 92.05% 90.12% 90.84%

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 132

Page 138:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0115 State Rated Capacity 708

School Hillcrest Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23

KINDERGARTEN 111 97 99 113 97 103 104 102 103 103 103

1st 115 115 101 103 117 101 107 108 106 107 107

2nd 113 112 112 99 101 114 99 105 106 104 105

3rd 118 112 111 111 98 100 113 98 104 105 103

4th 115 116 110 109 109 97 99 111 97 103 104

5th 103 116 117 111 110 110 97 99 112 97 103








TOTAL 698 691 673 669 655 648 642 646 651 642 648

FTE TOTAL 687 680 662 658 644 637 631 635 640 631 637

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -21 -28 -46 -50 -64 -71 -77 -73 -68 -77 -71

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 97.03% 96.05% 93.50% 92.94% 90.96% 89.97% 89.12% 89.69% 90.40% 89.12% 89.97%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 133

Page 139:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1113 State Rated Capacity 725

School Honeygo Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54

KINDERGARTEN 92 92 87 107 90 95 98 94 96 96 95

1st 107 95 95 90 110 93 98 101 97 99 99

2nd 114 110 98 98 93 113 96 101 104 100 102

3rd 99 119 115 103 103 97 118 101 106 109 105

4th 102 103 124 120 108 108 101 123 105 111 114

5th 91 106 107 128 124 112 112 105 127 109 115








TOTAL 680 700 701 721 703 693 698 700 710 699 705

FTE TOTAL 643 663 664 684 666 656 661 663 673 662 668

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -82 -62 -61 -41 -59 -69 -64 -62 -52 -63 -57

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 88.69% 91.45% 91.59% 94.34% 91.86% 90.48% 91.17% 91.45% 92.83% 91.31% 92.14%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 134

Page 140:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1002 State Rated Capacity 637

School Jacksonville Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10





KINDERGARTEN 96 98 112 105 103 107 105 105 105 105 105

1st 93 101 103 118 110 108 113 110 110 110 110

2nd 101 93 101 103 118 110 108 113 110 110 110

3rd 85 101 93 101 103 118 110 108 113 110 110

4th 91 87 104 95 104 106 121 113 111 116 113

5th 84 87 83 100 91 100 102 116 108 106 111








TOTAL 550 567 596 622 629 649 659 665 657 657 659

FTE TOTAL 550 567 596 622 629 649 659 665 657 657 659

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -87 -70 -41 -15 -8 12 22 28 20 20 22

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 86.34% 89.01% 93.56% 97.65% 98.74% 101.88% 103.45% 104.40% 103.14% 103.14% 103.45%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 135

Page 141:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0105 State Rated Capacity 559

School Johnnycake Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58

KINDERGARTEN 92 89 99 79 85 88 84 86 86 85 86

1st 102 91 107 118 95 102 106 101 103 103 102

2nd 116 96 98 116 129 104 111 115 110 112 112

3rd 96 89 86 88 103 115 92 99 102 98 100

4th 106 66 72 69 70 84 94 74 80 83 79

5th 120 87 76 83 78 81 95 106 85 91 95








TOTAL 690 576 596 611 618 632 640 639 624 630 632

FTE TOTAL 661 547 567 582 589 603 611 610 595 601 603

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 102 -12 8 23 30 44 52 51 36 42 44

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 118.25% 97.85% 101.43% 104.11% 105.37% 107.87% 109.30% 109.12% 106.44% 107.51% 107.87%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019

Enrollment projections for Johnnycake Elementary reflect student redistribution beginning in 2020 resulting from the implementation of the Johnnycake Elementary School Capacity Relief Boundary Change. See Appendix p. for details.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 136

Page 142:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1109 State Rated Capacity 635

School Joppa View Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

KINDERGARTEN 99 117 114 106 98 106 104 103 105 104 104

1st 128 99 117 114 106 98 106 104 103 105 104

2nd 115 131 101 120 117 109 100 109 106 105 107

3rd 141 118 135 104 123 120 112 103 112 109 108

4th 114 144 120 138 106 125 122 114 105 114 111

5th 121 118 149 124 143 110 129 126 118 109 118








TOTAL 739 748 757 727 714 689 694 680 670 667 673

FTE TOTAL 729 738 747 717 704 679 684 670 660 657 663

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 94 103 112 82 69 44 49 35 25 22 28

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 114.80% 116.22% 117.64% 112.91% 110.87% 106.93% 107.72% 105.51% 103.94% 103.46% 104.41%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 137

Page 143:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1104 State Rated Capacity 349

School Kingsville Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10





KINDERGARTEN 61 45 63 64 53 59 58 57 58 58 58

1st 50 64 47 66 68 56 62 61 60 61 61

2nd 46 54 69 51 71 73 60 67 66 65 66

3rd 52 47 55 70 52 72 74 61 68 67 66

4th 59 51 47 54 69 51 71 73 60 67 66

5th 58 59 51 47 54 69 51 71 73 60 67








TOTAL 326 320 332 352 367 380 376 390 385 378 384

FTE TOTAL 326 320 332 352 367 380 376 390 385 378 384

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -23 -29 -17 3 18 31 27 41 36 29 35

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 93.41% 91.69% 95.13% 100.86% 105.16% 108.88% 107.74% 111.75% 110.32% 108.31% 110.03%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 138

Page 144:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1311 State Rated Capacity 709

School Lansdowne Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49

KINDERGARTEN 103 112 101 109 97 102 103 101 102 102 102

1st 104 97 105 95 102 91 96 97 95 96 96

2nd 81 104 97 105 95 102 91 96 97 95 96

3rd 90 82 105 98 106 96 103 92 97 98 96

4th 86 91 83 106 99 107 97 104 93 98 99

5th 106 87 92 84 107 100 108 98 105 94 99








TOTAL 631 634 644 658 667 659 659 649 650 644 649

FTE TOTAL 601 604 614 628 637 629 629 619 620 614 619

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -108 -105 -95 -81 -72 -80 -80 -90 -89 -95 -90

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 84.77% 85.19% 86.60% 88.58% 89.84% 88.72% 88.72% 87.31% 87.45% 86.60% 87.31%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 139

Page 145:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1217 State Rated Capacity 517

School Logan Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35

KINDERGARTEN 92 89 88 97 97 94 97 96 96 96 96

1st 67 95 92 91 100 100 97 100 99 99 99

2nd 94 68 97 93 92 102 102 99 102 101 101

3rd 88 91 66 94 90 89 98 98 95 98 97

4th 80 90 93 67 96 92 91 100 100 97 100

5th 94 78 88 91 66 94 90 89 98 98 95








TOTAL 550 546 559 568 576 606 610 617 625 624 623

FTE TOTAL 533 529 542 551 559 589 593 600 608 607 606

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 16 12 25 34 42 72 76 83 91 90 89

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 103.09% 102.32% 104.84% 106.58% 108.12% 113.93% 114.70% 116.05% 117.60% 117.41% 117.21%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 140

Page 146:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0803 State Rated Capacity 395

School Lutherville Laboratory

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10





KINDERGARTEN 71 63 75 78 79 78 78 78 78 78 78

1st 53 62 55 66 68 69 68 68 68 68 68

2nd 57 52 61 54 65 67 68 67 67 67 67

3rd 64 58 53 62 55 66 68 69 68 68 68

4th 66 66 60 55 64 57 69 71 72 71 71

5th 57 67 67 61 56 65 58 70 72 73 72








TOTAL 368 368 371 376 387 402 409 423 425 425 424

FTE TOTAL 368 368 371 376 387 402 409 423 425 425 424

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -27 -27 -24 -19 -8 7 14 28 30 30 29

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 93.16% 93.16% 93.92% 95.19% 97.97% 101.77% 103.54% 107.09% 107.59% 107.59% 107.34%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 141

Page 147:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0410 State Rated Capacity 681

School Lyons Mill Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10





KINDERGARTEN 137 137 118 119 141 126 128 132 128 129 130

1st 124 147 147 127 128 151 135 137 142 137 138

2nd 102 131 155 155 134 135 160 143 145 150 145

3rd 129 101 130 154 154 133 134 159 142 144 149

4th 126 136 107 137 163 163 140 141 168 150 152

5th 141 126 136 107 137 163 163 140 141 168 150








TOTAL 759 778 793 799 857 871 860 852 866 878 864

FTE TOTAL 759 778 793 799 857 871 860 852 866 878 864

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 78 97 112 118 176 190 179 171 185 197 183

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 111.45% 114.24% 116.45% 117.33% 125.84% 127.90% 126.28% 125.11% 127.17% 128.93% 126.87%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 142

Page 148:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1512 State Rated Capacity 431

School Mars Estates Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37

KINDERGARTEN 42 51 54 52 54 54 54 54 54 54 54

1st 47 42 50 53 51 53 53 53 53 53 53

2nd 50 46 41 49 52 50 52 52 52 52 52

3rd 67 51 47 42 50 53 51 53 53 53 53

4th 62 68 52 48 43 51 54 52 54 54 54

5th 71 64 71 54 50 45 53 56 54 56 56








TOTAL 386 369 362 345 347 353 364 367 367 369 369

FTE TOTAL 363 346 339 322 324 330 341 344 344 346 346

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -68 -85 -92 -109 -107 -101 -90 -87 -87 -85 -85

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 84.22% 80.28% 78.65% 74.71% 75.17% 76.57% 79.12% 79.81% 79.81% 80.28% 80.28%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 143

Page 149:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1506 State Rated Capacity 301

School Martin Boulevard Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28

KINDERGARTEN 37 36 38 46 26 37 36 33 35 35 34

1st 38 39 38 40 49 28 39 38 35 37 37

2nd 40 40 41 40 42 52 30 41 40 37 39

3rd 61 40 40 41 40 42 52 30 41 40 37

4th 46 62 41 41 42 41 43 53 31 42 41

5th 48 46 62 41 41 42 41 43 53 31 42








TOTAL 298 291 288 277 268 270 269 266 263 250 258

FTE TOTAL 284 277 274 263 254 256 255 252 249 236 244

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -17 -24 -27 -38 -47 -45 -46 -49 -52 -65 -57

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 94.35% 92.03% 91.03% 87.38% 84.39% 85.05% 84.72% 83.72% 82.72% 78.41% 81.06%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 144

Page 150:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0814 State Rated Capacity 702

School Mays Chapel Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33

KINDERGARTEN 111 120 135 114 135 128 126 130 128 128 129

1st 113 113 122 137 116 137 130 128 132 130 130

2nd 97 114 114 123 138 117 138 131 129 133 131

3rd 133 106 125 125 135 151 128 151 144 141 146

4th 123 134 107 126 126 136 152 129 152 145 142

5th 110 124 135 107 127 127 137 153 130 153 146








TOTAL 720 744 771 765 810 829 844 855 848 863 857

FTE TOTAL 704 728 755 749 794 813 828 839 832 847 841

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 2 26 53 47 92 111 126 137 130 145 139

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 100.28% 103.70% 107.55% 106.70% 113.11% 115.81% 117.95% 119.52% 118.52% 120.66% 119.80%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 145

Page 151:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1403 State Rated Capacity 373

School McCormick Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

KINDERGARTEN 29 38 43 28 40 37 35 38 37 37 37

1st 59 31 40 46 30 42 39 37 40 39 39

2nd 41 63 33 43 49 32 45 42 40 43 42

3rd 58 40 61 32 42 47 31 44 41 39 42

4th 53 61 42 64 34 44 50 33 46 43 41

5th 60 54 62 43 65 35 45 51 34 47 44








TOTAL 338 325 319 294 298 275 283 283 276 286 283

FTE TOTAL 319 306 300 275 279 256 264 264 257 267 264

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -54 -67 -73 -98 -94 -117 -109 -109 -116 -106 -109

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 85.52% 82.04% 80.43% 73.73% 74.80% 68.63% 70.78% 70.78% 68.90% 71.58% 70.78%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 146

Page 152:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1520 State Rated Capacity 326

School Middleborough Elementary

Enrollments as of September 302019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21

KINDERGARTEN 58 52 49 58 40 49 49 46 48 48 47

1st 60 59 53 50 59 41 50 50 47 49 49

2nd 43 59 58 52 49 58 40 49 49 46 48

3rd 50 43 58 57 51 49 57 40 49 49 46

4th 49 50 43 58 57 51 49 57 40 49 49

5th 65 48 49 42 57 56 50 48 56 39 48








TOTAL 349 335 334 341 337 328 319 314 313 304 311

FTE TOTAL 338 324 323 330 326 317 308 303 302 293 300

OVER/UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 12 -2 -3 4 0 -9 -18 -23 -24 -33 -26

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 103.68% 99.39% 99.08% 101.23% 100.00% 97.24% 94.48% 92.94% 92.64% 89.88% 92.02%

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 147

Page 153:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1514 State Rated Capacity 494

School Middlesex Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39

KINDERGARTEN 59 51 56 47 52 52 50 51 51 51 51

1st 58 60 52 57 48 53 53 51 52 52 52

2nd 61 57 59 51 56 47 52 52 50 51 51

3rd 58 60 56 58 50 55 46 51 51 49 50

4th 73 61 63 59 61 52 57 48 53 53 51

5th 64 73 61 63 59 61 52 57 48 53 53








TOTAL 424 413 398 386 377 371 361 361 356 360 359

FTE TOTAL 399 388 373 361 352 346 336 336 331 335 334

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -95 -106 -121 -133 -142 -148 -158 -158 -163 -159 -160

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 80.77% 78.54% 75.51% 73.08% 71.26% 70.04% 68.02% 68.02% 67.00% 67.81% 67.61%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 148

Page 154:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0307 State Rated Capacity 322

School Milbrook Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10






1st 63 71 74 81 69 79 77 75 77 76 76

2nd 88 60 68 71 77 66 75 74 72 74 73

3rd 78 92 62 71 74 80 69 78 77 75 77

4th 76 78 93 62 71 74 80 69 78 77 75

5th 89 74 75 90 60 69 72 77 67 75 74








TOTAL 394 375 372 375 351 368 373 373 371 377 375

FTE TOTAL 394 375 372 375 351 368 373 373 371 377 375

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 72 53 50 53 29 46 51 51 49 55 53

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 122.36% 116.46% 115.53% 116.46% 109.01% 114.29% 115.84% 115.84% 115.22% 117.08% 116.46%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 149

Page 155:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0217 State Rated Capacity 708

School New Town Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38

KINDERGARTEN 122 143 119 140 115 125 127 122 125 125 124

1st 121 124 145 121 142 117 127 129 124 127 127

2nd 133 122 125 146 122 143 118 128 130 125 128

3rd 140 136 124 127 149 124 146 120 131 133 127

4th 132 136 132 121 124 145 121 142 117 127 129

5th 144 134 138 134 122 125 147 122 144 118 128








TOTAL 830 833 821 827 812 817 824 801 809 793 801

FTE TOTAL 811 814 802 808 793 798 805 782 790 774 782

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 103 106 94 100 85 90 97 74 82 66 74

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 114.55% 114.97% 113.28% 114.12% 112.01% 112.71% 113.70% 110.45% 111.58% 109.32% 110.45%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 150

Page 156:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1207 State Rated Capacity 521

School Norwood Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42

KINDERGARTEN 111 116 94 129 98 107 112 105 108 108 107

1st 109 117 122 99 136 103 113 118 111 114 114

2nd 114 108 116 121 98 135 102 112 117 110 113

3rd 115 111 105 113 118 95 131 99 109 114 107










TOTAL 491 494 479 504 492 482 500 476 487 488 483

FTE TOTAL 470 473 458 483 471 461 479 455 466 467 462

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -51 -48 -63 -38 -50 -60 -42 -66 -55 -54 -59

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 90.21% 90.79% 87.91% 92.71% 90.40% 88.48% 91.94% 87.33% 89.44% 89.64% 88.68%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 151

Page 157:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0910 State Rated Capacity 493

School Oakleigh Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

KINDERGARTEN 75 77 77 66 76 73 71 73 73 73 73

1st 79 81 83 83 71 82 78 76 78 78 78

2nd 77 85 87 89 89 76 88 83 81 83 83

3rd 82 81 89 91 93 93 79 92 87 85 87

4th 88 88 87 96 98 100 100 85 99 94 92

5th 113 96 96 95 105 107 110 110 93 108 103








TOTAL 569 563 574 575 587 586 581 574 566 576 571

FTE TOTAL 542 536 547 548 560 559 554 547 539 549 544

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 49 43 54 55 67 66 61 54 46 56 51

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 109.94% 108.72% 110.95% 111.16% 113.59% 113.39% 112.37% 110.95% 109.33% 111.36% 110.34%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 152

Page 158:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1534 State Rated Capacity 265

School Oliver Beach Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13

KINDERGARTEN 26 17 25 36 32 31 33 32 32 32 32

1st 20 26 17 25 36 32 31 33 32 32 32

2nd 41 19 25 16 24 34 30 30 31 30 30

3rd 21 40 19 25 16 24 33 29 29 30 29

4th 35 21 41 19 26 16 25 34 30 30 31

5th 29 31 19 37 17 23 14 22 30 27 27








TOTAL 185 167 159 171 164 173 179 193 197 194 194

FTE TOTAL 179 161 153 165 158 167 173 187 191 188 188

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -86 -104 -112 -100 -107 -98 -92 -78 -74 -77 -77

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 67.55% 60.75% 57.74% 62.26% 59.62% 63.02% 65.28% 70.57% 72.08% 70.94% 70.94%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 153

Page 159:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1519 State Rated Capacity 303

School Orems Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

KINDERGARTEN 46 74 58 64 52 58 58 56 57 57 57

1st 59 42 67 53 58 47 53 53 51 52 52

2nd 51 55 39 62 49 54 44 49 49 47 48

3rd 64 52 56 40 64 50 55 45 50 50 48

4th 54 64 52 56 40 64 50 55 45 50 50

5th 70 52 62 50 54 39 62 48 53 43 48








TOTAL 403 398 393 384 376 371 381 365 364 358 362

FTE TOTAL 374 369 364 355 347 342 352 336 335 329 333

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 71 66 61 52 44 39 49 33 32 26 30

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 123.43% 121.78% 120.13% 117.16% 114.52% 112.87% 116.17% 110.89% 110.56% 108.58% 109.90%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 154

Page 160:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0402 State Rated Capacity 702

School Owings Mills Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67

KINDERGARTEN 125 114 100 107 122 110 113 115 113 113 113

1st 120 134 122 107 115 131 118 121 123 121 121

2nd 119 120 134 122 107 115 131 118 121 123 121

3rd 115 118 119 133 121 106 114 130 117 120 122

4th 118 116 119 120 135 123 107 115 132 118 121

5th 129 122 120 123 124 140 127 111 119 137 122








TOTAL 793 791 781 779 791 792 777 777 792 799 787

FTE TOTAL 760 758 748 746 758 759 744 744 759 766 754

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 58 56 46 44 56 57 42 42 57 64 52

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 108.26% 107.98% 106.55% 106.27% 107.98% 108.12% 105.98% 105.98% 108.12% 109.12% 107.41%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 155

Page 161:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0810 State Rated Capacity 529

School Padonia International Elementary

Enrollments as of September 302019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59

KINDERGARTEN 75 88 92 76 90 86 84 86 86 86 86

1st 74 71 84 87 72 85 82 80 82 82 82

2nd 72 79 76 90 93 77 91 88 86 88 88

3rd 69 66 72 69 82 85 70 83 80 79 80

4th 79 71 68 75 71 85 88 72 86 83 82

5th 80 78 70 67 74 70 84 87 71 85 82








TOTAL 524 528 537 539 557 563 574 571 566 578 575

FTE TOTAL 487 491 500 502 520 526 537 534 529 541 538

OVER/UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -42 -38 -29 -27 -9 -3 8 5 0 12 9

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 92.06% 92.82% 94.52% 94.90% 98.30% 99.43% 101.51% 100.95% 100.00% 102.27% 101.70%

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 156

Page 162:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1105 State Rated Capacity 528

School Perry Hall Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37

KINDERGARTEN 84 102 102 98 87 95 94 92 94 93 93

1st 77 89 108 108 103 92 100 99 97 99 98

2nd 103 77 89 108 108 103 92 100 99 97 99

3rd 97 109 81 94 114 114 109 97 106 105 103

4th 100 102 114 85 99 120 120 114 102 111 110

5th 123 102 104 116 86 101 122 122 116 104 113








TOTAL 621 618 635 646 634 662 674 661 651 646 653

FTE TOTAL 603 600 617 628 616 644 656 643 633 628 635

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 75 72 89 100 88 116 128 115 105 100 107

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 114.20% 113.64% 116.86% 118.94% 116.67% 121.97% 124.24% 121.78% 119.89% 118.94% 120.27%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 157

Page 163:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0921 State Rated Capacity 483

School Pine Grove Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38

KINDERGARTEN 83 87 88 77 98 87 87 91 88 89 89

1st 86 89 93 94 82 105 93 93 97 94 95

2nd 111 92 95 99 100 87 112 99 99 103 100

3rd 115 114 95 98 102 103 89 115 102 102 106

4th 82 113 112 93 96 100 101 87 113 100 100

5th 86 85 117 116 96 99 103 104 90 117 103








TOTAL 601 618 638 615 612 619 623 627 627 643 631

FTE TOTAL 582 599 619 596 593 600 604 608 608 624 612

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 99 116 136 113 110 117 121 125 125 141 129

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 120.50% 124.02% 128.16% 123.40% 122.77% 124.22% 125.05% 125.88% 125.88% 129.19% 126.71%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 158

Page 164:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0811 State Rated Capacity 566

School Pinewood Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17

KINDERGARTEN 105 91 88 93 108 96 99 101 99 100 100

1st 81 106 92 89 94 109 97 100 102 100 101

2nd 101 85 111 97 93 99 114 102 105 107 105

3rd 88 104 88 115 100 96 102 118 105 109 111

4th 98 90 106 90 117 102 98 104 120 107 111

5th 91 98 90 106 90 117 102 98 104 120 107








TOTAL 596 606 607 622 634 651 644 655 667 675 667

FTE TOTAL 581 591 592 607 619 636 629 640 652 660 652

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 15 25 26 41 53 70 63 74 86 94 86

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 102.65% 104.42% 104.59% 107.24% 109.36% 112.37% 111.13% 113.07% 115.19% 116.61% 115.19%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 159

Page 165:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0909 State Rated Capacity 545

School Pleasant Plains Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37

KINDERGARTEN 109 131 120 105 112 112 110 112 111 111 111

1st 104 107 129 118 103 110 110 108 110 109 109

2nd 122 104 107 130 118 103 110 110 108 110 109

3rd 121 120 102 105 128 116 101 108 108 106 108

4th 88 130 129 110 113 138 125 109 116 116 114

5th 117 90 132 131 112 115 141 127 111 118 118








TOTAL 698 719 756 736 723 731 734 711 701 707 706

FTE TOTAL 680 701 738 718 705 713 716 693 683 689 688

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 135 156 193 173 160 168 171 148 138 144 143

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 124.77% 128.62% 135.41% 131.74% 129.36% 130.83% 131.38% 127.16% 125.32% 126.42% 126.24%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019

Enrollment projections for Pleasant Plains Elementary do not yet reflect potential student redistribution resulting from the implementation of the Pleasant Plains Elementary School Capacity Relief Boundary Change. See Appendix p. for details.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 160

Page 166:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0808 State Rated Capacity 475

School Pot Spring Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36

KINDERGARTEN 73 98 81 84 75 80 80 78 79 79 79

1st 83 76 102 85 88 78 84 84 82 83 83

2nd 69 80 73 98 82 85 75 81 81 79 80

3rd 65 69 81 73 99 83 86 76 82 82 80

4th 77 65 69 81 73 99 83 86 76 82 82

5th 74 79 67 71 83 75 101 85 88 78 84








TOTAL 477 503 509 528 536 536 545 526 524 519 524

FTE TOTAL 459 485 491 510 518 518 527 508 506 501 506

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -16 10 16 35 43 43 52 33 31 26 31

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 96.63% 102.11% 103.37% 107.37% 109.05% 109.05% 110.95% 106.95% 106.53% 105.47% 106.53%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 161

Page 167:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0210 State Rated Capacity 313

School Powhatan Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19

KINDERGARTEN 25 34 39 37 39 39 39 39 39 39 39

1st 36 29 40 46 44 46 46 46 46 46 46

2nd 42 35 28 38 44 42 44 44 44 44 44

3rd 42 41 34 27 37 43 41 43 43 43 43

4th 44 40 39 33 26 36 41 39 41 41 41

5th 43 44 40 39 33 26 36 41 39 41 41








TOTAL 251 242 239 239 242 251 266 271 271 273 273

FTE TOTAL 242 233 230 230 233 242 257 262 262 264 264

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -71 -80 -83 -83 -80 -71 -56 -51 -51 -49 -49

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 77.32% 74.44% 73.48% 73.48% 74.44% 77.32% 82.11% 83.71% 83.71% 84.35% 84.35%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 162

Page 168:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0601 State Rated Capacity 387

School Prettyboy Elementary

Enrollments as of September 302019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10





KINDERGARTEN 54 70 86 49 54 63 56 57 59 57 57

1st 81 59 76 94 54 59 69 61 62 64 62

2nd 64 83 61 78 97 56 61 71 63 64 66

3rd 74 67 87 64 82 102 59 64 74 66 67

4th 67 76 69 90 66 85 105 61 66 76 68

5th 82 69 79 71 93 68 88 108 63 68 79








TOTAL 422 424 458 446 446 433 438 422 387 395 399

FTE TOTAL 422 424 458 446 446 433 438 422 387 395 399

OVER/UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 35 37 71 59 59 46 51 35 0 8 12

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 109.04% 109.56% 118.35% 115.25% 115.25% 111.89% 113.18% 109.04% 100.00% 102.07% 103.10%

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 163

Page 169:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0202 State Rated Capacity 411

School Randallstown Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10





KINDERGARTEN 68 61 61 60 54 59 58 57 58 58 58

1st 47 70 62 62 61 55 60 59 58 59 59

2nd 61 45 67 59 59 58 53 57 56 56 56

3rd 73 63 47 70 61 61 60 55 59 58 58

4th 88 76 65 49 73 63 63 62 57 61 60

5th 63 90 77 66 50 74 64 64 63 58 62








TOTAL 400 405 379 366 358 370 358 354 351 350 353

FTE TOTAL 400 405 379 366 358 370 358 354 351 350 353

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -11 -6 -32 -45 -53 -41 -53 -57 -60 -61 -58

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 97.32% 98.54% 92.21% 89.05% 87.10% 90.02% 87.10% 86.13% 85.40% 85.16% 85.89%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 164

Page 170:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1406 State Rated Capacity 460

School Red House Run Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40

KINDERGARTEN 83 84 68 85 90 81 86 86 84 85 85

1st 100 92 93 75 94 100 90 95 95 93 94

2nd 83 107 99 100 81 101 107 97 102 102 100

3rd 93 84 108 100 101 82 102 108 98 103 103

4th 95 100 90 116 107 108 88 109 116 105 110

5th 94 96 101 91 118 108 109 89 110 118 106








TOTAL 588 603 599 607 631 620 622 624 645 646 638

FTE TOTAL 568 583 579 587 611 600 602 604 625 626 618

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 108 123 119 127 151 140 142 144 165 166 158

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 123.48% 126.74% 125.87% 127.61% 132.83% 130.43% 130.87% 131.30% 135.87% 136.09% 134.35%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 165

Page 171:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0406 State Rated Capacity 462

School Reisterstown Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27

KINDERGARTEN 67 93 92 86 90 89 88 89 89 89 89

1st 77 66 91 90 84 88 87 86 87 87 87

2nd 77 83 71 98 97 90 94 93 92 93 93

3rd 102 79 85 73 101 100 93 97 96 95 96

4th 89 103 80 86 74 102 101 94 98 97 96

5th 111 96 111 86 93 80 110 109 101 106 105








TOTAL 564 561 571 560 580 590 614 609 604 608 607

FTE TOTAL 544 541 551 540 560 570 594 589 584 588 587

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 82 79 89 78 98 108 132 127 122 126 125

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 117.75% 117.10% 119.26% 116.88% 121.21% 123.38% 128.57% 127.49% 126.41% 127.27% 127.06%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 166

Page 172:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1310 State Rated Capacity 691

School Relay Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41

KINDERGARTEN 104 114 109 140 88 112 113 104 110 109 108

1st 84 98 107 103 132 83 105 106 98 103 103

2nd 120 85 100 109 105 134 84 107 108 100 105

3rd 98 116 82 97 105 101 129 81 103 104 97

4th 103 94 111 79 93 101 97 124 78 99 100

5th 109 101 93 109 78 92 99 96 122 77 98








TOTAL 659 649 643 678 642 664 668 659 660 633 652

FTE TOTAL 639 629 623 658 622 644 648 639 640 613 632

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -52 -62 -68 -33 -69 -47 -43 -52 -51 -78 -59

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 92.47% 91.03% 90.16% 95.22% 90.01% 93.20% 93.78% 92.47% 92.62% 88.71% 91.46%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 167

Page 173:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0809 State Rated Capacity 456

School Riderwood Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10





KINDERGARTEN 92 70 84 86 105 91 94 96 94 94 94

1st 76 99 75 90 92 113 98 101 103 101 101

2nd 67 79 103 78 94 96 117 102 105 107 105

3rd 75 68 80 105 79 96 98 119 104 107 109

4th 72 74 67 79 104 78 95 97 118 103 106

5th 71 69 71 64 76 100 75 91 93 113 99








TOTAL 453 459 480 502 550 574 577 606 617 625 614

FTE TOTAL 453 459 480 502 550 574 577 606 617 625 614

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -3 3 24 46 94 118 121 150 161 169 158

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 99.34% 100.66% 105.26% 110.09% 120.61% 125.88% 126.54% 132.89% 135.31% 137.06% 134.65%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 168

Page 174:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1308 State Rated Capacity 572

School Riverview Elementary

Enrollments as of September 302019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44

KINDERGARTEN 92 110 82 83 98 88 90 92 90 91 91

1st 74 92 110 82 83 98 88 90 92 90 91

2nd 92 75 93 111 83 84 99 89 91 93 91

3rd 82 87 71 88 106 79 80 94 85 87 88

4th 83 86 91 74 92 111 83 84 98 89 91

5th 95 85 88 93 76 94 114 85 86 100 91








TOTAL 562 579 579 575 582 598 598 578 586 594 587

FTE TOTAL 540 557 557 553 560 576 576 556 564 572 565

OVER/UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -32 -15 -15 -19 -12 4 4 -16 -8 0 -7

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 94.41% 97.38% 97.38% 96.68% 97.90% 100.70% 100.70% 97.20% 98.60% 100.00% 98.78%

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 169

Page 175:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0907 State Rated Capacity 396

School Rodgers Forge Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10





KINDERGARTEN 87 77 68 69 73 70 71 71 71 71 71

1st 75 92 81 72 73 77 74 75 75 75 75

2nd 83 76 93 82 73 74 78 75 76 76 76

3rd 79 85 78 95 84 75 76 80 77 78 78

4th 70 76 82 76 92 81 73 74 77 75 76

5th 74 72 78 84 78 94 83 75 76 79 77








TOTAL 468 478 480 478 473 471 455 450 452 454 453

FTE TOTAL 468 478 480 478 473 471 455 450 452 454 453

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 72 82 84 82 77 75 59 54 56 58 57

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 118.18% 120.71% 121.21% 120.71% 119.44% 118.94% 114.90% 113.64% 114.14% 114.65% 114.39%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 170

Page 176:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1527 State Rated Capacity 542

School Sandalwood Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41

KINDERGARTEN 66 58 62 55 60 59 58 59 59 59 59

1st 83 77 67 72 64 70 69 67 69 69 69

2nd 73 89 82 72 77 69 75 74 72 74 74

3rd 80 73 90 83 72 77 69 75 74 72 74

4th 91 79 72 89 82 71 76 68 74 73 71

5th 103 93 81 74 91 84 73 78 70 76 75








TOTAL 537 510 495 486 487 471 461 462 459 464 463

FTE TOTAL 517 490 475 466 467 451 441 442 439 444 443

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -25 -52 -67 -76 -75 -91 -101 -100 -103 -98 -99

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 95.39% 90.41% 87.64% 85.98% 86.16% 83.21% 81.37% 81.55% 81.00% 81.92% 81.73%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 171

Page 177:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1216 State Rated Capacity 664

School Sandy Plains Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40

KINDERGARTEN 89 101 76 86 78 80 82 80 81 81 81

1st 73 102 116 88 99 90 92 94 92 93 93

2nd 97 78 108 123 93 105 96 98 100 98 99

3rd 95 104 84 116 132 100 113 103 105 107 105

4th 91 95 104 84 116 132 100 113 103 105 107

5th 112 93 97 106 86 118 134 102 115 105 107








TOTAL 597 613 625 643 644 665 657 630 636 629 632

FTE TOTAL 597 613 625 643 644 665 657 630 636 629 632

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -67 -51 -39 -21 -20 1 -7 -34 -28 -35 -32

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 89.91% 92.32% 94.13% 96.84% 96.99% 100.15% 98.95% 94.88% 95.78% 94.73% 95.18%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 172

Page 178:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0206 State Rated Capacity 456

School Scotts Branch Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10





KINDERGARTEN 82 85 85 81 79 82 80 80 81 80 80

1st 84 87 90 90 86 84 87 85 85 86 85

2nd 85 80 83 86 86 82 80 83 81 81 82

3rd 91 87 82 85 88 88 84 82 85 83 83

4th 90 92 88 83 86 89 89 85 83 86 84

5th 111 88 90 86 81 84 87 87 83 81 84








TOTAL 543 519 518 511 506 509 507 502 498 497 498

FTE TOTAL 543 519 518 511 506 509 507 502 498 497 498

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 87 63 62 55 50 53 51 46 42 41 42

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 119.08% 113.82% 113.60% 112.06% 110.96% 111.62% 111.18% 110.09% 109.21% 108.99% 109.21%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 173

Page 179:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1531 State Rated Capacity 409

School Seneca Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41

KINDERGARTEN 48 63 61 61 57 60 59 58 59 59 59

1st 58 47 62 60 60 56 59 58 57 58 58

2nd 60 58 47 62 60 60 56 59 58 57 58

3rd 75 60 58 47 62 60 60 56 59 58 57

4th 68 73 58 56 46 60 58 58 55 57 56

5th 73 66 71 57 55 45 59 57 57 54 56








TOTAL 423 408 398 384 381 382 392 387 386 384 385

FTE TOTAL 403 388 378 364 361 362 372 367 366 364 365

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -6 -21 -31 -45 -48 -47 -37 -42 -43 -45 -44

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 98.53% 94.87% 92.42% 89.00% 88.26% 88.51% 90.95% 89.73% 89.49% 89.00% 89.24%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 174

Page 180:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1110 State Rated Capacity 428

School Seven Oaks Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40

KINDERGARTEN 63 70 69 69 70 69 69 69 69 69 69

1st 69 58 65 64 64 65 64 64 64 64 64

2nd 74 70 59 66 65 65 66 65 65 65 65

3rd 67 81 76 64 72 71 71 72 71 71 71

4th 66 67 81 76 64 72 71 71 72 71 71

5th 69 64 65 79 74 62 70 69 69 70 69








TOTAL 471 473 478 481 472 467 474 473 473 473 472

FTE TOTAL 440 442 447 450 441 436 443 442 442 442 441

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 12 14 19 22 13 8 15 14 14 14 13

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 102.80% 103.27% 104.44% 105.14% 103.04% 101.87% 103.50% 103.27% 103.27% 103.27% 103.04%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 175

Page 181:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0701 State Rated Capacity 441

School Seventh District Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

KINDERGARTEN 57 54 90 73 59 74 69 68 71 69 69

1st 59 55 53 88 71 57 72 67 66 69 67

2nd 64 61 57 54 90 73 59 74 69 68 71

3rd 57 66 63 59 56 93 75 61 76 71 70

4th 82 61 71 68 63 60 100 81 66 82 76

5th 67 85 63 74 71 65 62 104 84 68 85








TOTAL 404 400 415 434 428 440 455 473 450 445 456

FTE TOTAL 396 392 407 426 420 432 447 465 442 437 448

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -45 -49 -34 -15 -21 -9 6 24 1 -4 7

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 89.80% 88.89% 92.29% 96.60% 95.24% 97.96% 101.36% 105.44% 100.23% 99.09% 101.59%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 176

Page 182:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1409 State Rated Capacity 476

School Shady Spring Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39

KINDERGARTEN 78 72 79 78 86 81 81 82 81 82 82

1st 85 83 77 84 83 92 87 87 88 87 88

2nd 87 86 84 78 85 84 93 88 88 89 88

3rd 95 84 83 81 75 82 81 90 85 85 86

4th 96 94 83 82 80 74 81 80 89 84 84

5th 107 96 94 83 82 80 74 81 80 89 84








TOTAL 587 554 539 525 530 532 536 547 550 555 551

FTE TOTAL 568 535 520 506 511 513 517 528 531 536 532

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 92 59 44 30 35 37 41 52 55 60 56

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 119.33% 112.39% 109.24% 106.30% 107.35% 107.77% 108.61% 110.92% 111.55% 112.61% 111.76%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 177

Page 183:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0801 State Rated Capacity 604

School Sparks Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10





KINDERGARTEN 85 81 83 82 61 82 78 74 78 77 77

1st 78 92 88 90 89 66 89 85 80 85 84

2nd 70 81 95 91 93 92 68 92 88 83 88

3rd 89 76 88 103 98 100 99 73 99 95 90

4th 100 92 79 91 107 102 104 103 76 103 99

5th 87 99 91 79 90 106 101 103 102 76 102








TOTAL 509 521 524 536 538 548 539 530 523 519 540

FTE TOTAL 509 521 524 536 538 548 539 530 523 519 540

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -95 -83 -80 -68 -66 -56 -65 -74 -81 -85 -64

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 84.27% 86.26% 86.75% 88.74% 89.07% 90.73% 89.24% 87.75% 86.59% 85.93% 89.40%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 178

Page 184:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0905 State Rated Capacity 700

School Stoneleigh Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10





KINDERGARTEN 102 100 135 100 98 111 104 105 106 105 105

1st 131 108 106 144 106 104 118 111 112 113 112

2nd 145 136 112 110 150 110 108 123 115 117 118

3rd 122 145 136 112 110 150 110 108 123 115 117

4th 126 121 144 135 111 109 149 109 107 122 114

5th 122 125 120 143 134 110 108 148 108 106 121








TOTAL 748 735 753 744 709 694 697 704 671 678 687

FTE TOTAL 748 735 753 744 709 694 697 704 671 678 687

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 48 35 53 44 9 -6 -3 4 -29 -22 -13

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 106.86% 105.00% 107.57% 106.29% 101.29% 99.14% 99.57% 100.57% 95.86% 96.86% 98.14%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 179

Page 185:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0310 State Rated Capacity 336

School Summit Park Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10





KINDERGARTEN 67 76 91 93 82 89 88 87 88 87 87

1st 92 65 73 88 90 79 86 85 84 85 84

2nd 83 87 62 69 84 86 75 82 81 80 81

3rd 86 79 82 59 65 79 81 71 78 77 76

4th 64 83 76 79 57 63 76 78 69 75 74

5th 78 58 76 69 72 52 57 69 71 63 68








TOTAL 470 448 460 457 450 448 463 472 471 467 470

FTE TOTAL 470 448 460 457 450 448 463 472 471 467 470

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 134 112 124 121 114 112 127 136 135 131 134

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 139.88% 133.33% 136.90% 136.01% 133.93% 133.33% 137.80% 140.48% 140.18% 138.99% 139.88%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 180

Page 186:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1513 State Rated Capacity 380

School Sussex Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39

KINDERGARTEN 77 82 76 82 90 83 85 86 85 85 85

1st 69 64 68 63 68 75 69 71 72 71 71

2nd 64 69 64 68 63 68 75 69 71 72 71

3rd 61 65 70 65 69 64 69 76 70 72 73

4th 76 59 63 68 63 67 62 67 74 68 70

5th 61 74 57 61 66 61 65 60 65 72 66








TOTAL 448 453 438 447 459 458 465 469 477 480 476

FTE TOTAL 429 434 419 428 440 439 446 450 458 461 457

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 49 54 39 48 60 59 66 70 78 81 77

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 112.89% 114.21% 110.26% 112.63% 115.79% 115.53% 117.37% 118.42% 120.53% 121.32% 120.26%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 181

Page 187:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0405 State Rated Capacity 600

School Timber Grove Elem

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39

KINDERGARTEN 70 76 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73

1st 78 75 81 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78

2nd 72 77 74 80 77 77 77 77 77 77 77

3rd 101 76 81 78 85 81 81 81 81 81 81

4th 95 104 79 84 81 88 84 84 84 84 84

5th 106 93 101 77 82 79 86 82 82 82 82








TOTAL 561 540 528 509 515 515 518 514 514 514 514

FTE TOTAL 542 521 509 490 496 496 499 495 495 495 495

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -58 -79 -91 -110 -104 -104 -101 -105 -105 -105 -105

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 90.33% 86.83% 84.83% 81.67% 82.67% 82.67% 83.17% 82.50% 82.50% 82.50% 82.50%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 182

Page 188:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0805 State Rated Capacity 395

School Timonium Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10





KINDERGARTEN 71 83 75 79 90 81 84 85 84 84 84

1st 88 79 93 84 88 101 91 94 95 94 94

2nd 87 91 82 96 87 91 104 94 97 98 97

3rd 82 87 91 82 96 87 91 104 94 97 98

4th 79 83 89 93 83 98 89 93 106 96 99

5th 77 79 83 89 93 83 98 89 93 106 96








TOTAL 484 502 513 523 537 541 557 559 569 575 568

FTE TOTAL 484 502 513 523 537 541 557 559 569 575 568

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 89 107 118 128 142 146 162 164 174 180 173

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 122.53% 127.09% 129.87% 132.41% 135.95% 136.96% 141.01% 141.52% 144.05% 145.57% 143.80%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 183

Page 189:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1505 State Rated Capacity 735

School Victory Villa Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37

KINDERGARTEN 96 106 96 106 107 103 106 106 105 106 106

1st 113 95 105 95 105 106 102 105 105 104 105

2nd 103 110 92 102 92 102 103 99 102 102 101

3rd 110 108 115 96 107 96 107 108 104 107 107

4th 112 117 114 122 102 113 102 113 114 110 113

5th 120 105 110 107 115 96 106 96 106 107 103








TOTAL 691 678 669 665 665 653 663 664 673 673 672

FTE TOTAL 673 660 651 647 647 635 645 646 655 655 654

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -62 -75 -84 -88 -88 -100 -90 -89 -80 -80 -81

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 91.56% 89.80% 88.57% 88.03% 88.03% 86.39% 87.76% 87.89% 89.12% 89.12% 88.98%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 184

Page 190:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0908 State Rated Capacity 584

School Villa Cresta Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42

KINDERGARTEN 122 108 86 84 88 86 86 87 86 86 86

1st 95 121 108 86 84 88 86 86 87 86 86

2nd 107 93 119 106 84 82 86 84 84 85 84

3rd 117 109 95 121 108 86 84 88 86 86 87

4th 112 115 107 93 119 106 85 83 87 85 85

5th 104 109 112 104 91 116 103 83 81 85 83








TOTAL 709 707 679 646 626 616 582 563 563 565 563

FTE TOTAL 683 681 653 620 600 590 556 537 537 539 537

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 99 97 69 36 16 6 -28 -47 -47 -45 -47

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 116.95% 116.61% 111.82% 106.16% 102.74% 101.03% 95.21% 91.95% 91.95% 92.29% 91.95%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 185

Page 191:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1533 State Rated Capacity 699

School Vincent Farm Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41

KINDERGARTEN 119 127 120 111 144 123 133 134 129 130 131

1st 134 136 145 137 128 162 146 154 154 149 150

2nd 127 148 150 159 150 141 183 162 170 171 166

3rd 112 140 161 163 172 163 159 201 178 187 188

4th 109 120 149 170 171 180 177 170 213 189 199

5th 119 121 133 162 185 185 204 196 187 235 209








TOTAL 761 833 899 943 991 995 1043 1058 1072 1102 1084

FTE TOTAL 741 813 879 923 971 975 1023 1038 1052 1082 1064

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 42 114 180 224 272 276 324 339 353 383 365

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 106.01% 116.31% 125.75% 132.05% 138.91% 139.48% 146.35% 148.50% 150.50% 154.79% 152.22%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 186

Page 192:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0813 State Rated Capacity 395

School Warren Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29

KINDERGARTEN 64 64 70 63 66 66 65 66 66 66 66

1st 62 64 64 70 63 66 66 65 66 66 66

2nd 56 58 60 60 66 59 62 62 61 62 62

3rd 65 55 57 59 59 65 58 61 61 60 61

4th 57 65 55 57 59 59 65 58 61 61 60

5th 72 56 64 55 56 58 58 64 57 60 60








TOTAL 405 391 399 393 398 402 403 405 401 404 404

FTE TOTAL 391 377 385 379 384 388 389 391 387 390 390

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -4 -18 -10 -16 -11 -7 -6 -4 -8 -5 -5

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 98.99% 95.44% 97.47% 95.95% 97.22% 98.23% 98.48% 98.99% 97.97% 98.73% 98.73%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 187

Page 193:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0304 State Rated Capacity 433

School Wellwood International School

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10





KINDERGARTEN 82 85 89 96 95 94 95 95 95 95 95

1st 76 86 89 94 101 100 99 100 100 100 100

2nd 91 76 86 89 94 101 100 99 100 100 100

3rd 81 83 70 79 81 86 92 92 91 92 92

4th 84 78 80 68 77 78 83 89 89 88 89

5th 75 81 75 77 65 74 75 80 86 86 85








TOTAL 489 489 489 503 513 533 544 555 561 561 561

FTE TOTAL 489 489 489 503 513 533 544 555 561 561 561

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 56 56 56 70 80 100 111 122 128 128 128

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 112.93% 112.93% 112.93% 116.17% 118.48% 123.09% 125.64% 128.18% 129.56% 129.56% 129.56%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 188

Page 194:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0925 State Rated Capacity 480

School West Towson Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10





KINDERGARTEN 79 82 93 66 86 82 78 82 81 80 81

1st 72 83 87 98 70 91 87 82 87 86 84

2nd 87 74 85 89 100 72 93 89 84 89 88

3rd 92 88 75 86 90 101 73 94 90 85 90

4th 81 92 88 75 86 90 100 73 94 90 85

5th 75 78 89 85 72 83 87 96 70 90 87








TOTAL 486 497 517 499 504 519 518 516 506 520 515

FTE TOTAL 486 497 517 499 504 519 518 516 506 520 515

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 6 17 37 19 24 39 38 36 26 40 35

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 101.25% 103.54% 107.71% 103.96% 105.00% 108.13% 107.92% 107.50% 105.42% 108.33% 107.29%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 189

Page 195:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0102 State Rated Capacity 702

School Westchester Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36

KINDERGARTEN 108 113 107 115 99 107 107 104 106 106 105

1st 111 115 120 114 123 106 114 114 111 113 113

2nd 119 115 120 125 119 128 110 119 119 115 118

3rd 128 120 116 121 126 120 129 111 120 120 116

4th 103 136 128 124 129 134 128 137 118 128 128

5th 104 104 137 129 125 130 135 129 138 119 129








TOTAL 719 749 774 774 767 771 769 760 758 747 755

FTE TOTAL 696 726 751 751 744 748 746 737 735 724 732

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -6 24 49 49 42 46 44 35 33 22 30

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 99.15% 103.42% 106.98% 106.98% 105.98% 106.55% 106.27% 104.99% 104.70% 103.13% 104.27%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 190

Page 196:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0103 State Rated Capacity 650

School Westowne Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61

KINDERGARTEN 98 116 115 99 104 106 103 104 104 104 104

1st 96 85 101 100 86 91 92 90 91 91 91

2nd 104 94 83 99 98 84 89 90 88 89 89

3rd 98 105 95 83 100 99 84 90 91 88 90

4th 101 97 104 94 82 99 98 83 89 90 87

5th 106 102 98 105 95 83 100 99 84 90 91








TOTAL 698 694 691 675 660 657 661 651 642 647 647

FTE TOTAL 651 647 644 628 613 610 614 604 595 600 600

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 1 -3 -6 -22 -37 -40 -36 -46 -55 -50 -50

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 100.15% 99.54% 99.08% 96.62% 94.31% 93.85% 94.46% 92.92% 91.54% 92.31% 92.31%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 191

Page 197:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0213 State Rated Capacity 491

School Winand Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52

KINDERGARTEN 50 61 51 63 60 58 60 59 59 59 59

1st 66 61 75 62 77 73 71 73 72 72 72

2nd 61 70 65 80 66 82 78 76 78 77 77

3rd 69 58 67 62 76 63 78 75 73 75 74

4th 89 71 59 69 64 78 65 80 77 75 77

5th 59 89 71 59 69 64 78 65 80 77 75








TOTAL 465 481 459 466 483 489 501 499 510 506 505

FTE TOTAL 430 446 424 431 448 454 466 464 475 471 470

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -61 -45 -67 -60 -43 -37 -25 -27 -16 -20 -21

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 87.58% 90.84% 86.35% 87.78% 91.24% 92.46% 94.91% 94.50% 96.74% 95.93% 95.72%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 192

Page 198:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0211 State Rated Capacity 485

School Winfield Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35

KINDERGARTEN 75 84 97 76 80 84 80 81 81 80 81

1st 79 74 83 95 75 79 83 79 80 80 79

2nd 69 80 75 84 96 76 80 84 80 81 81

3rd 69 69 80 75 84 96 76 80 84 80 81

4th 87 73 73 84 79 89 101 80 84 89 84

5th 79 90 76 76 87 82 92 105 83 87 92








TOTAL 493 505 519 525 536 541 547 544 527 532 533

FTE TOTAL 476 488 502 508 519 524 530 527 510 515 516

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -9 3 17 23 34 39 45 42 25 30 31

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 98.14% 100.62% 103.51% 104.74% 107.01% 108.04% 109.28% 108.66% 105.15% 106.19% 106.39%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 193

Page 199:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0116 State Rated Capacity 430

School Woodbridge Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10


PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17


PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34

KINDERGARTEN 72 65 69 72 65 69 69 67 68 68 68

1st 74 75 68 72 75 68 72 72 70 71 71

2nd 72 78 79 72 76 79 72 76 76 74 75

3rd 68 72 78 79 72 76 79 72 76 76 74

4th 63 66 70 76 77 70 74 77 70 74 74

5th 65 60 63 67 72 73 67 71 73 67 71








TOTAL 448 450 461 472 471 469 467 469 467 464 467

FTE TOTAL 431 433 444 455 454 452 450 452 450 447 450

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 1 3 14 25 24 22 20 22 20 17 20

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 100.23% 100.70% 103.26% 105.81% 105.58% 105.12% 104.65% 105.12% 104.65% 103.95% 104.65%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 194

Page 200:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0311 State Rated Capacity 684

School Woodholme Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10





KINDERGARTEN 91 127 119 113 103 112 109 108 110 109 109

1st 126 93 130 121 115 105 114 111 110 112 111

2nd 114 127 94 131 122 116 106 115 112 111 113

3rd 117 117 131 97 135 126 119 109 118 115 114

4th 131 116 116 130 97 134 125 118 108 117 114

5th 135 130 115 115 129 96 133 124 117 107 116








TOTAL 714 710 705 707 701 689 706 685 675 671 677

FTE TOTAL 714 710 705 707 701 689 706 685 675 671 677

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 30 26 21 23 17 5 22 1 -9 -13 -7

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 104.39% 103.80% 103.07% 103.36% 102.49% 100.73% 103.22% 100.15% 98.68% 98.10% 98.98%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 195

Page 201:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0205 State Rated Capacity 631

School Woodmoor Elementary

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52

KINDERGARTEN 96 90 82 61 93 79 78 83 80 80 81

1st 85 99 93 85 63 96 81 80 86 82 82

2nd 90 87 101 95 87 64 98 83 81 88 84

3rd 75 87 84 98 92 84 62 95 80 78 85

4th 88 76 88 85 99 93 85 63 96 81 79

5th 104 91 79 91 88 103 97 88 65 100 84








TOTAL 614 606 603 591 598 595 577 568 564 585 571

FTE TOTAL 576 568 565 553 560 557 539 530 526 547 533

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -55 -63 -66 -78 -71 -74 -92 -101 -105 -84 -98

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 91.28% 90.02% 89.54% 87.64% 88.75% 88.27% 85.42% 83.99% 83.36% 86.69% 84.47%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 196

Page 202:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix h. Ten-Year, 2019-2028 Enrollment Projections and Utilization, By School, By Grade, Middle Schools

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 197

Page 203:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1356 State Rated Capacity 1011

School Arbutus Middle

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10











6th 337 350 325 325 330 333 333 364 347 342 340

7th 311 333 346 321 321 326 329 329 359 343 338

8th 303 307 329 341 317 317 322 325 325 354 338





TOTAL 951 990 1000 987 968 976 984 1018 1031 1039 1016

FTE TOTAL 951 990 1000 987 968 976 984 1018 1031 1039 1016

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -60 -21 -11 -24 -43 -35 -27 7 20 28 5

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 94.07% 97.92% 98.91% 97.63% 95.75% 96.54% 97.33% 100.69% 101.98% 102.77% 100.49%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 198

Page 204:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0151 State Rated Capacity 774

School Catonsville Middle

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10











6th 266 304 279 273 282 283 282 310 295 290 289

7th 294 272 311 285 279 288 289 288 317 302 296

8th 290 291 270 308 282 276 285 286 285 314 299





TOTAL 850 867 860 866 843 847 856 884 897 906 884

FTE TOTAL 850 867 860 866 843 847 856 884 897 906 884

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 76 93 86 92 69 73 82 110 123 132 110

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 109.82% 112.02% 111.11% 111.89% 108.91% 109.43% 110.59% 114.21% 115.89% 117.05% 114.21%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 199

Page 205:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0853 State Rated Capacity 1059

School Cockeysville Middle

Enrollments as of September 30th2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10











6th 291 308 304 313 315 315 328 338 355 322 339

7th 297 293 311 306 316 318 318 331 341 358 325

8th 322 292 288 306 301 311 313 313 325 335 352





TOTAL 910 893 903 925 932 944 959 982 1021 1015 1016

FTE TOTAL 910 893 903 925 932 944 959 982 1021 1015 1016

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -149 -166 -156 -134 -127 -115 -100 -77 -38 -44 -43

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 85.93% 84.32% 85.27% 87.35% 88.01% 89.14% 90.56% 92.73% 96.41% 95.85% 95.94%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 200

Page 206:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1557 State Rated Capacity 987

School Deep Creek Middle

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10











6th 320 304 293 291 282 269 285 305 291 305 290

7th 299 310 294 284 282 273 260 276 295 282 295

8th 282 297 308 292 282 280 271 258 274 293 280





TOTAL 901 911 895 867 846 822 816 839 860 880 865

FTE TOTAL 901 911 895 867 846 822 816 839 860 880 865

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -86 -76 -92 -120 -141 -165 -171 -148 -127 -107 -122

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 91.29% 92.30% 90.68% 87.84% 85.71% 83.28% 82.67% 85.01% 87.13% 89.16% 87.64%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 201

Page 207:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0254 State Rated Capacity 1368

School Deer Park Middle Magnet

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10











6th 511 500 484 492 455 452 467 492 471 478 482

7th 451 492 482 466 474 438 435 450 474 454 460

8th 403 438 478 468 453 460 425 423 437 460 441





TOTAL 1365 1430 1444 1426 1382 1350 1327 1365 1382 1392 1383

FTE TOTAL 1365 1430 1444 1426 1382 1350 1327 1365 1382 1392 1383

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -3 62 76 58 14 -18 -41 -3 14 24 15

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 99.78% 104.53% 105.56% 104.24% 101.02% 98.68% 97.00% 99.78% 101.02% 101.75% 101.10%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 202

Page 208:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0953 State Rated Capacity 1114

School Dumbarton Middle

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10











6th 393 398 401 413 412 414 431 443 466 423 445

7th 425 405 410 413 426 425 427 444 457 480 436

8th 407 433 412 418 421 434 433 435 452 465 489





TOTAL 1225 1236 1223 1244 1259 1273 1291 1322 1375 1368 1370

FTE TOTAL 1225 1236 1223 1244 1259 1273 1291 1322 1375 1368 1370

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 111 122 109 130 145 159 177 208 261 254 256

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 109.96% 110.95% 109.78% 111.67% 113.02% 114.27% 115.89% 118.67% 123.43% 122.80% 122.98%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 203

Page 209:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1251 State Rated Capacity 814

School Dundalk Middle

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10











6th 267 251 243 242 233 223 237 253 241 253 241

7th 259 284 267 258 257 247 237 252 269 256 269

8th 267 283 310 292 282 281 270 259 275 294 280





TOTAL 793 818 820 792 772 751 744 764 785 803 790

FTE TOTAL 793 818 820 792 772 751 744 764 785 803 790

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -21 4 6 -22 -42 -63 -70 -50 -29 -11 -24

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 97.42% 100.49% 100.74% 97.30% 94.84% 92.26% 91.40% 93.86% 96.44% 98.65% 97.05%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 204

Page 210:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0451 State Rated Capacity 1433

School Franklin Middle

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10











6th 421 432 409 415 387 383 396 418 399 405 409

7th 414 428 439 415 422 393 389 402 425 405 411

8th 407 407 420 431 408 414 386 382 395 417 398





TOTAL 1242 1267 1268 1261 1217 1190 1171 1202 1219 1227 1218

FTE TOTAL 1242 1267 1268 1261 1217 1190 1171 1202 1219 1227 1218

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -191 -166 -165 -172 -216 -243 -262 -231 -214 -206 -215

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 86.67% 88.42% 88.49% 88.00% 84.93% 83.04% 81.72% 83.88% 85.07% 85.62% 85.00%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 205

Page 211:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1255 State Rated Capacity 973

School General John Stricker Middle

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10











6th 287 271 262 261 252 241 256 273 261 273 260

7th 272 289 273 264 263 254 243 258 275 263 275

8th 234 266 283 267 259 258 249 238 253 269 258





TOTAL 793 826 818 792 774 753 748 769 789 805 793

FTE TOTAL 793 826 818 792 774 753 748 769 789 805 793

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -180 -147 -155 -181 -199 -220 -225 -204 -184 -168 -180

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 81.50% 84.89% 84.07% 81.40% 79.55% 77.39% 76.88% 79.03% 81.09% 82.73% 81.50%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 206

Page 212:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1451 State Rated Capacity 844

School Golden Ring Middle

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10











6th 281 285 276 286 294 291 275 294 291 282 289

7th 271 279 283 274 284 292 289 273 292 289 280

8th 241 256 264 267 259 268 276 273 258 276 273





TOTAL 793 820 823 827 837 851 840 840 841 847 842

FTE TOTAL 793 820 823 827 837 851 840 840 841 847 842

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -51 -24 -21 -17 -7 7 -4 -4 -3 3 -2

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 93.96% 97.16% 97.51% 97.99% 99.17% 100.83% 99.53% 99.53% 99.64% 100.36% 99.76%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 207

Page 213:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0855 State Rated Capacity 1137

School Hereford Middle

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10











6th 305 322 324 329 332 333 346 356 375 340 358

7th 338 311 328 330 335 338 339 353 363 382 347

8th 329 341 314 331 333 338 341 342 357 367 386





TOTAL 972 974 966 990 1000 1009 1026 1051 1095 1089 1091

FTE TOTAL 972 974 966 990 1000 1009 1026 1051 1095 1089 1091

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -165 -163 -171 -147 -137 -128 -111 -86 -42 -48 -46

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 85.49% 85.66% 84.96% 87.07% 87.95% 88.74% 90.24% 92.44% 96.31% 95.78% 95.95%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 208

Page 214:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1351 State Rated Capacity 923

School Lansdowne Middle

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10











6th 309 303 285 288 289 293 293 320 305 300 299

7th 285 312 306 288 291 292 296 296 324 308 303

8th 272 291 318 312 294 297 298 302 302 330 314





TOTAL 866 906 909 888 874 882 887 918 931 938 916

FTE TOTAL 866 906 909 888 874 882 887 918 931 938 916

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -57 -17 -14 -35 -49 -41 -36 -5 8 15 -7

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 93.82% 98.16% 98.48% 96.21% 94.69% 95.56% 96.10% 99.46% 100.87% 101.63% 99.24%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 209

Page 215:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0954 State Rated Capacity 901

School Loch Raven Technical Academy

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10











6th 285 271 277 289 285 288 300 308 324 294 309

7th 272 279 265 271 283 279 282 294 301 317 288

8th 266 273 280 266 272 284 280 283 295 302 318





TOTAL 823 823 822 826 840 851 862 885 920 913 915

FTE TOTAL 823 823 822 826 840 851 862 885 920 913 915

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -78 -78 -79 -75 -61 -50 -39 -16 19 12 14

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 91.34% 91.34% 91.23% 91.68% 93.23% 94.45% 95.67% 98.22% 102.11% 101.33% 101.55%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 210

Page 216:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1556 State Rated Capacity 1018

School Middle River Middle

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10











6th 389 358 355 374 377 376 355 379 375 364 373

7th 359 380 349 346 365 368 367 346 370 366 355

8th 287 356 377 347 344 362 365 364 344 367 363





TOTAL 1035 1094 1081 1067 1086 1106 1087 1089 1089 1097 1091

FTE TOTAL 1035 1094 1081 1067 1086 1106 1087 1089 1089 1097 1091

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 17 76 63 49 68 88 69 71 71 79 73

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 101.67% 107.47% 106.19% 104.81% 106.68% 108.64% 106.78% 106.97% 106.97% 107.76% 107.17%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 211

Page 217:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0252 State Rated Capacity 983

School Northwest Academy of Health Sciences

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10











6th 261 288 274 271 257 254 261 277 264 268 271

7th 269 253 279 266 263 249 246 253 269 256 260

8th 255 270 254 280 267 264 250 247 254 270 257





TOTAL 785 811 807 817 787 767 757 777 787 794 788

FTE TOTAL 785 811 807 817 787 767 757 777 787 794 788

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -198 -172 -176 -166 -196 -216 -226 -206 -196 -189 -195

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 79.86% 82.50% 82.10% 83.11% 80.06% 78.03% 77.01% 79.04% 80.06% 80.77% 80.16%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 212

Page 218:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1452 State Rated Capacity 1089

School Parkville Middle

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10











6th 367 395 372 385 399 393 371 398 393 382 392

7th 383 362 390 367 380 394 388 366 393 388 377

8th 376 381 360 388 365 378 392 386 364 391 386





TOTAL 1126 1138 1122 1140 1144 1165 1151 1150 1150 1161 1155

FTE TOTAL 1126 1138 1122 1140 1144 1165 1151 1150 1150 1161 1155

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 37 49 33 51 55 76 62 61 61 72 66

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 103.40% 104.50% 103.03% 104.68% 105.05% 106.98% 105.69% 105.60% 105.60% 106.61% 106.06%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 213

Page 219:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1151 State Rated Capacity 1643

School Perry Hall Middle

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10











6th 652 656 613 653 666 657 623 665 658 639 655

7th 616 669 673 629 670 683 674 639 682 675 656

8th 657 618 671 675 631 672 685 676 641 684 677





TOTAL 1925 1943 1957 1957 1967 2012 1982 1980 1981 1998 1988

FTE TOTAL 1925 1943 1957 1957 1967 2012 1982 1980 1981 1998 1988

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 282 300 314 314 324 369 339 337 338 355 345

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 117.16% 118.26% 119.11% 119.11% 119.72% 122.46% 120.63% 120.51% 120.57% 121.61% 121.00%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 214

Page 220:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0352 State Rated Capacity 1029

School Pikesville Middle

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10











6th 299 340 312 313 298 292 302 320 305 310 313

7th 328 310 352 323 324 309 302 313 331 316 321

8th 345 323 305 347 318 319 304 297 308 326 311





TOTAL 972 973 969 983 940 920 908 930 944 952 945

FTE TOTAL 972 973 969 983 940 920 908 930 944 952 945

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -57 -56 -60 -46 -89 -109 -121 -99 -85 -77 -84

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 94.46% 94.56% 94.17% 95.53% 91.35% 89.41% 88.24% 90.38% 91.74% 92.52% 91.84%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 215

Page 221:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0957 State Rated Capacity 1197

School Pine Grove Middle

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10











6th 343 337 316 338 343 339 322 343 339 330 338

7th 314 334 328 308 329 334 330 314 334 330 321

8th 303 315 335 329 309 330 335 331 315 335 331





TOTAL 960 986 979 975 981 1003 987 988 988 995 990

FTE TOTAL 960 986 979 975 981 1003 987 988 988 995 990

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -237 -211 -218 -222 -216 -194 -210 -209 -209 -202 -207

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 80.20% 82.37% 81.79% 81.45% 81.95% 83.79% 82.46% 82.54% 82.54% 83.12% 82.71%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 216

Page 222:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0852 State Rated Capacity 1070

School Ridgely Middle

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10











6th 361 375 375 385 386 387 403 414 436 395 416

7th 390 356 370 370 380 381 382 398 409 431 390

8th 362 382 349 363 363 373 374 375 390 401 423





TOTAL 1113 1113 1094 1118 1129 1141 1159 1187 1235 1227 1229

FTE TOTAL 1113 1113 1094 1118 1129 1141 1159 1187 1235 1227 1229

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 43 43 24 48 59 71 89 117 165 157 159

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 104.02% 104.02% 102.24% 104.49% 105.51% 106.64% 108.32% 110.93% 115.42% 114.67% 114.86%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 217

Page 223:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0155 State Rated Capacity 1101

School Southwest Academy

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10











6th 285 300 264 272 275 275 277 303 288 284 283

7th 249 284 299 263 271 274 274 276 302 287 283

8th 289 242 277 291 256 264 267 267 269 294 279





TOTAL 823 826 840 826 802 813 818 846 859 865 845

FTE TOTAL 823 826 840 826 802 813 818 846 859 865 845

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -278 -275 -261 -275 -299 -288 -283 -255 -242 -236 -256

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 74.75% 75.02% 76.29% 75.02% 72.84% 73.84% 74.30% 76.84% 78.02% 78.56% 76.75%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 218

Page 224:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1559 State Rated Capacity 573

School Sparrows Point Middle

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10











6th 195 217 210 198 198 188 198 213 203 212 202

7th 240 200 223 216 203 203 193 203 219 208 218

8th 202 243 202 226 218 205 205 195 205 222 210





TOTAL 637 660 635 640 619 596 596 611 627 642 630

FTE TOTAL 637 660 635 640 619 596 596 611 627 642 630

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 64 87 62 67 46 23 23 38 54 69 57

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 111.17% 115.18% 110.82% 111.69% 108.03% 104.01% 104.01% 106.63% 109.42% 112.04% 109.95%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 219

Page 225:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1554 State Rated Capacity 1154

School Stemmers Run Middle

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10











6th 278 274 257 275 279 276 262 279 276 268 275

7th 252 276 272 255 273 277 274 260 277 274 266

8th 265 257 281 277 260 278 283 279 265 283 279





TOTAL 795 807 810 807 812 831 819 818 818 825 820

FTE TOTAL 795 807 810 807 812 831 819 818 818 825 820

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -359 -347 -344 -347 -342 -323 -335 -336 -336 -329 -334

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 68.89% 69.93% 70.19% 69.93% 70.36% 72.01% 70.97% 70.88% 70.88% 71.49% 71.06%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 220

Page 226:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0353 State Rated Capacity 1060

School Sudbrook Magnet Middle

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10











6th 323 323 323 323 323 323 323 323 323 323 323

7th 334 334 334 334 334 334 334 334 334 334 334

8th 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341





TOTAL 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998

FTE TOTAL 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -62 -62 -62 -62 -62 -62 -62 -62 -62 -62 -62

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 94.15% 94.15% 94.15% 94.15% 94.15% 94.15% 94.15% 94.15% 94.15% 94.15% 94.15%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 221

Page 227:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0256 State Rated Capacity 720

School Windsor Mill Middle

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10











6th 247 228 235 228 228 235 233 255 243 239 238

7th 249 264 244 251 244 244 251 249 273 260 255

8th 178 261 276 255 263 255 255 263 261 286 272





TOTAL 674 753 755 734 735 734 739 767 777 785 765

FTE TOTAL 674 753 755 734 735 734 739 767 777 785 765

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -46 33 35 14 15 14 19 47 57 65 45

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 93.61% 104.58% 104.86% 101.94% 102.08% 101.94% 102.64% 106.53% 107.92% 109.03% 106.25%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 222

Page 228:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0253 State Rated Capacity 953

School Woodlawn Middle

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10











6th 213 207 189 196 195 197 198 216 206 203 202

7th 208 228 222 203 210 209 211 212 231 221 218

8th 201 212 232 226 207 214 213 215 216 235 225





TOTAL 622 647 643 625 612 620 622 643 653 659 645

FTE TOTAL 622 647 643 625 612 620 622 643 653 659 645

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -331 -306 -310 -328 -341 -333 -331 -310 -300 -294 -308

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 65.27% 67.89% 67.47% 65.58% 64.22% 65.06% 65.27% 67.47% 68.52% 69.15% 67.68%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 223

Page 229:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix h.

Ten-Year, 2019-2028 Enrollment Projections and Utilization, By School, By Grade, High Schools

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 224

Page 230:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0174 State Rated Capacity 1750

School Catonsville High

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10














9th 500 499 532 562 575 542 543 548 553 553 606

10th 503 496 495 528 558 571 538 539 544 549 549

11th 412 480 473 472 504 532 545 513 514 519 524

12th 411 417 486 479 478 510 538 551 519 520 525

TOTAL 1826 1892 1986 2041 2115 2155 2164 2151 2130 2141 2204

FTE TOTAL 1826 1892 1986 2041 2115 2155 2164 2151 2130 2141 2204

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 76 142 236 291 365 405 414 401 380 391 454

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 104.34% 108.11% 113.49% 116.63% 120.86% 123.14% 123.66% 122.91% 121.71% 122.34% 125.94%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 225

Page 231:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1574 State Rated Capacity 1019

School Chesapeake High

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10














9th 266 306 333 329 331 318 311 304 290 307 329

10th 249 235 271 295 291 293 281 275 269 257 272

11th 225 216 204 235 256 252 254 244 238 233 223

12th 221 225 216 204 235 256 252 254 244 238 233

TOTAL 961 982 1024 1063 1113 1119 1098 1077 1041 1035 1057

FTE TOTAL 961 982 1024 1063 1113 1119 1098 1077 1041 1035 1057

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -58 -37 5 44 94 100 79 58 22 16 38

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 94.31% 96.37% 100.49% 104.32% 109.22% 109.81% 107.75% 105.69% 102.16% 101.57% 103.73%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 226

Page 232:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0872 State Rated Capacity 1984

School Dulaney High

Enrollments as of September 30th2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10














9th 511 493 512 492 500 504 518 519 523 545 561

10th 476 519 501 520 500 508 512 526 527 532 554

11th 452 468 511 493 512 492 500 504 518 519 524

12th 475 464 480 524 506 525 505 513 517 532 533

TOTAL 1914 1944 2004 2029 2018 2029 2035 2062 2085 2128 2172

FTE TOTAL 1914 1944 2004 2029 2018 2029 2035 2062 2085 2128 2172

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -70 -40 20 45 34 45 51 78 101 144 188

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 96.47% 97.98% 101.01% 102.27% 101.71% 102.27% 102.57% 103.93% 105.09% 107.26% 109.48%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 227

Page 233:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1273 State Rated Capacity 1446

School Dundalk High

Enrollments as of September 30th2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10














9th 525 531 600 615 596 579 569 553 528 559 599

10th 473 509 515 582 597 578 562 552 537 512 542

11th 392 393 423 428 483 496 480 467 458 446 425

12th 392 433 434 468 473 534 548 531 516 506 493

TOTAL 1782 1866 1972 2093 2149 2187 2159 2103 2039 2023 2059

FTE TOTAL 1782 1866 1972 2093 2149 2187 2159 2103 2039 2023 2059

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 336 420 526 647 703 741 713 657 593 577 613

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 123.24% 129.05% 136.38% 144.74% 148.62% 151.24% 149.31% 145.44% 141.01% 139.90% 142.39%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 228

Page 234:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1575 State Rated Capacity 1339

School Eastern Technical High

Enrollments as of September 30th2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10














9th 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343

10th 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285

11th 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280

12th 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264

TOTAL 1172 1172 1172 1172 1172 1172 1172 1172 1172 1172 1172

FTE TOTAL 1172 1172 1172 1172 1172 1172 1172 1172 1172 1172 1172

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -167 -167 -167 -167 -167 -167 -167 -167 -167 -167 -167

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 87.53% 87.53% 87.53% 87.53% 87.53% 87.53% 87.53% 87.53% 87.53% 87.53% 87.53%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 229

Page 235:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0472 State Rated Capacity 1647

School Franklin High

Enrollments as of September 30th2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10














9th 445 386 386 399 410 391 395 373 369 379 396

10th 323 425 369 369 381 392 374 378 357 353 362

11th 352 306 403 350 350 361 371 354 358 338 334

12th 391 357 311 409 355 355 366 377 359 363 343

TOTAL 1511 1474 1469 1527 1496 1499 1506 1482 1443 1433 1435

FTE TOTAL 1511 1474 1469 1527 1496 1499 1506 1482 1443 1433 1435

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -136 -173 -178 -120 -151 -148 -141 -165 -204 -214 -212

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 91.74% 89.50% 89.19% 92.71% 90.83% 91.01% 91.44% 89.98% 87.61% 87.01% 87.13%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 230

Page 236:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0975 State Rated Capacity 1029

School George Washington Carver Center

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10














9th 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251

10th 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246

11th 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247

12th 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217

TOTAL 961 961 961 961 961 961 961 961 961 961 961

FTE TOTAL 961 961 961 961 961 961 961 961 961 961 961

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -68 -68 -68 -68 -68 -68 -68 -68 -68 -68 -68

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 93.39% 93.39% 93.39% 93.39% 93.39% 93.39% 93.39% 93.39% 93.39% 93.39% 93.39%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 231

Page 237:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0772 State Rated Capacity 1548

School Hereford High

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10














9th 323 331 337 321 330 331 340 342 344 358 369

10th 320 325 333 339 323 332 333 343 345 347 361

11th 317 313 318 326 332 316 325 326 336 338 340

12th 335 324 320 325 334 340 323 333 334 344 346

TOTAL 1295 1293 1308 1311 1319 1319 1321 1344 1359 1387 1416

FTE TOTAL 1295 1293 1308 1311 1319 1319 1321 1344 1359 1387 1416

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -253 -255 -240 -237 -229 -229 -227 -204 -189 -161 -132

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 83.66% 83.53% 84.50% 84.69% 85.21% 85.21% 85.34% 86.82% 87.79% 89.60% 91.47%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 232

Page 238:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1572 State Rated Capacity 1918

School Kenwood High

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10














9th 452 442 452 469 471 448 472 483 478 454 484

10th 392 449 439 449 466 468 445 469 480 475 451

11th 383 322 369 361 369 383 385 366 386 395 390

12th 422 444 374 428 419 428 444 447 425 448 458

TOTAL 1649 1657 1634 1707 1725 1727 1746 1765 1769 1772 1783

FTE TOTAL 1649 1657 1634 1707 1725 1727 1746 1765 1769 1772 1783

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -269 -261 -284 -211 -193 -191 -172 -153 -149 -146 -135

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 85.97% 86.39% 85.19% 89.00% 89.94% 90.04% 91.03% 92.02% 92.23% 92.39% 92.96%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 233

Page 239:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1371 State Rated Capacity 1420

School Lansdowne High

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10














9th 354 358 372 405 410 386 388 391 395 396 433

10th 333 372 376 391 425 430 405 407 411 415 416

11th 305 284 317 320 333 362 366 345 347 350 354

12th 334 345 321 358 362 376 409 414 390 392 396

TOTAL 1326 1359 1386 1474 1530 1554 1568 1557 1543 1553 1599

FTE TOTAL 1326 1359 1386 1474 1530 1554 1568 1557 1543 1553 1599

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -94 -61 -34 54 110 134 148 137 123 133 179

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 93.38% 95.70% 97.61% 103.80% 107.75% 109.44% 110.42% 109.65% 108.66% 109.37% 112.61%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 234

Page 240:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0973 State Rated Capacity 975

School Loch Raven High

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10














9th 245 239 242 236 240 241 248 249 250 261 269

10th 205 236 231 234 228 232 233 239 240 241 252

11th 200 191 219 215 217 212 216 217 222 223 224

12th 224 203 194 222 218 220 215 219 220 225 226

TOTAL 874 869 886 907 903 905 912 924 932 950 971

FTE TOTAL 874 869 886 907 903 905 912 924 932 950 971

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -101 -106 -89 -68 -72 -70 -63 -51 -43 -25 -4

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 89.64% 89.13% 90.87% 93.03% 92.62% 92.82% 93.54% 94.77% 95.59% 97.44% 99.59%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 235

Page 241:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0271 State Rated Capacity 1465

School Milford Mill Academy

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10














9th 336 327 328 326 343 327 328 312 308 316 330

10th 346 318 310 311 309 325 310 311 296 292 300

11th 288 306 281 274 275 273 287 274 275 261 258

12th 281 301 320 294 286 288 285 300 286 288 273

TOTAL 1251 1252 1239 1205 1213 1213 1210 1197 1165 1157 1161

FTE TOTAL 1251 1252 1239 1205 1213 1213 1210 1197 1165 1157 1161

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -214 -213 -226 -260 -252 -252 -255 -268 -300 -308 -304

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 85.39% 85.46% 84.57% 82.25% 82.80% 82.80% 82.59% 81.71% 79.52% 78.98% 79.25%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 236

Page 242:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0473 State Rated Capacity 1303

School New Town High

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10














9th 316 287 297 296 308 295 296 281 278 285 298

10th 333 323 293 303 302 315 301 302 287 284 291

11th 238 328 318 289 299 298 310 297 298 283 280

12th 281 257 355 344 312 323 322 335 321 322 306

TOTAL 1168 1195 1263 1232 1221 1231 1229 1215 1184 1174 1175

FTE TOTAL 1168 1195 1263 1232 1221 1231 1229 1215 1184 1174 1175

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -135 -108 -40 -71 -82 -72 -74 -88 -119 -129 -128

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 89.64% 91.71% 96.93% 94.55% 93.71% 94.47% 94.32% 93.25% 90.87% 90.10% 90.18%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 237

Page 243:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1473 State Rated Capacity 1230

School Overlea High

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10














9th 310 306 317 325 328 312 328 336 332 316 337

10th 298 299 295 305 313 316 301 316 324 320 304

11th 216 274 275 272 281 288 291 277 291 298 295

12th 196 215 273 274 271 280 287 290 276 290 297

TOTAL 1020 1094 1160 1176 1193 1196 1207 1219 1223 1224 1233

FTE TOTAL 1020 1094 1160 1176 1193 1196 1207 1219 1223 1224 1233

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -210 -136 -70 -54 -37 -34 -23 -11 -7 -6 3

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 82.93% 88.94% 94.31% 95.61% 96.99% 97.24% 98.13% 99.11% 99.43% 99.51% 100.24%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 238

Page 244:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0452 State Rated Capacity 1103

School Owings Mills High

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10














9th 408 356 380 384 392 379 380 360 357 365 382

10th 300 428 373 398 403 411 397 398 378 374 383

11th 206 230 329 286 306 309 316 305 306 290 287

12th 275 225 251 359 312 334 337 345 333 334 317

TOTAL 1189 1239 1333 1427 1413 1433 1430 1408 1374 1363 1369

FTE TOTAL 1189 1239 1333 1427 1413 1433 1430 1408 1374 1363 1369

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 86 136 230 324 310 330 327 305 271 260 266

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 107.80% 112.33% 120.85% 129.37% 128.11% 129.92% 129.65% 127.65% 124.57% 123.57% 124.12%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 239

Page 245:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0972 State Rated Capacity 2037

School Parkville High

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10














9th 718 646 668 720 703 673 713 725 719 683 727

10th 542 701 631 652 703 687 657 696 708 702 677

11th 371 445 576 519 536 578 565 540 572 582 659

12th 443 419 502 650 586 605 652 638 610 646 624

TOTAL 2074 2211 2377 2541 2528 2543 2587 2599 2609 2613 2687

FTE TOTAL 2074 2211 2377 2541 2528 2543 2587 2599 2609 2613 2687

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 37 174 340 504 491 506 550 562 572 576 650

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 101.82% 108.54% 116.69% 124.74% 124.10% 124.84% 127.00% 127.59% 128.08% 128.28% 131.91%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 240

Page 246:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1272 State Rated Capacity 1302

School Patapsco High School and Center for the Arts

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10














9th 357 396 423 428 426 409 402 392 373 396 424

10th 346 351 389 416 421 419 402 395 385 367 389

11th 388 320 325 360 385 389 388 372 365 356 339

12th 343 404 333 339 375 401 405 404 387 380 371

TOTAL 1434 1471 1470 1543 1607 1618 1597 1563 1510 1499 1523

FTE TOTAL 1434 1471 1470 1543 1607 1618 1597 1563 1510 1499 1523

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 132 169 168 241 305 316 295 261 208 197 221

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 110.14% 112.98% 112.90% 118.51% 123.43% 124.27% 122.66% 120.05% 115.98% 115.13% 116.97%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 241

Page 247:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1171 State Rated Capacity 2110

School Perry Hall High

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10














9th 518 537 536 554 562 532 561 574 568 539 575

10th 460 514 533 532 549 557 528 556 569 563 535

11th 500 432 482 500 499 515 523 496 522 534 528

12th 491 536 463 517 536 535 552 561 532 560 573

TOTAL 1969 2019 2014 2103 2146 2139 2164 2187 2191 2196 2211

FTE TOTAL 1969 2019 2014 2103 2146 2139 2164 2187 2191 2196 2211

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -141 -91 -96 -7 36 29 54 77 81 86 101

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 93.32% 95.69% 95.45% 99.67% 101.71% 101.37% 102.56% 103.65% 103.84% 104.08% 104.79%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 242

Page 248:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0371 State Rated Capacity 1006

School Pikesville High

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10














9th 205 228 219 215 232 218 219 209 206 211 221

10th 238 205 228 219 215 233 218 219 209 206 211

11th 265 232 200 222 214 210 227 213 214 204 201

12th 214 279 244 211 234 225 221 239 224 225 215

TOTAL 922 944 891 867 895 886 885 880 853 846 848

FTE TOTAL 922 944 891 867 895 886 885 880 853 846 848

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -84 -62 -115 -139 -111 -120 -121 -126 -153 -160 -158

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 91.65% 93.84% 88.57% 86.18% 88.97% 88.07% 87.97% 87.48% 84.79% 84.10% 84.29%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 243

Page 249:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0272 State Rated Capacity 1379

School Randallstown High

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10














9th 340 292 299 309 318 307 311 296 295 304 320

10th 235 304 261 267 276 284 274 278 265 264 272

11th 235 230 298 256 261 270 278 268 272 260 259

12th 238 246 241 312 268 273 282 291 280 284 272

TOTAL 1048 1072 1099 1144 1123 1134 1145 1133 1112 1112 1123

FTE TOTAL 1048 1072 1099 1144 1123 1134 1145 1133 1112 1112 1123

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -331 -307 -280 -235 -256 -245 -234 -246 -267 -267 -256

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 76.00% 77.74% 79.70% 82.96% 81.44% 82.23% 83.03% 82.16% 80.64% 80.64% 81.44%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 244

Page 250:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1573 State Rated Capacity 871

School Sparrows Point High

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10














9th 287 300 331 334 330 318 312 304 290 307 329

10th 289 286 299 330 333 329 317 311 303 289 306

11th 250 275 272 284 314 316 313 301 296 288 275

12th 241 248 273 270 282 311 313 310 299 294 286

TOTAL 1067 1109 1175 1218 1259 1274 1255 1226 1188 1178 1196

FTE TOTAL 1067 1109 1175 1218 1259 1274 1255 1226 1188 1178 1196

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 196 238 304 347 388 403 384 355 317 307 325

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 122.50% 127.32% 134.90% 139.84% 144.55% 146.27% 144.09% 140.76% 136.39% 135.25% 137.31%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 245

Page 251:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0971 State Rated Capacity 1260

School Towson High

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10














9th 414 438 441 419 434 433 446 448 450 469 483

10th 410 411 435 438 416 431 430 443 445 447 465

11th 433 403 404 427 430 409 423 422 435 437 439

12th 362 437 407 408 431 434 413 427 426 439 441

TOTAL 1619 1689 1687 1692 1711 1707 1712 1740 1756 1792 1828

FTE TOTAL 1619 1689 1687 1692 1711 1707 1712 1740 1756 1792 1828

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) 359 429 427 432 451 447 452 480 496 532 568

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 128.49% 134.05% 133.89% 134.29% 135.79% 135.48% 135.87% 138.10% 139.37% 142.22% 145.08%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 246

Page 252:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0175 State Rated Capacity 1009

School Western School Of Technology

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10














9th 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237

10th 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231

11th 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214

12th 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210

TOTAL 892 892 892 892 892 892 892 892 892 892 892

FTE TOTAL 892 892 892 892 892 892 892 892 892 892 892

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -117 -117 -117 -117 -117 -117 -117 -117 -117 -117 -117

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 88.40% 88.40% 88.40% 88.40% 88.40% 88.40% 88.40% 88.40% 88.40% 88.40% 88.40%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 247

Page 253:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0172 State Rated Capacity 2129

School Woodlawn High

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10














9th 432 452 471 497 513 481 482 487 491 491 538

10th 436 422 442 460 486 501 470 471 476 480 480

11th 416 369 357 374 389 411 424 397 398 402 406

12th 372 449 399 386 404 420 444 458 429 430 434

TOTAL 1656 1692 1669 1717 1792 1813 1820 1813 1794 1803 1858

FTE TOTAL 1656 1692 1669 1717 1792 1813 1820 1813 1794 1803 1858

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -473 -437 -460 -412 -337 -316 -309 -316 -335 -326 -271

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 77.78% 79.47% 78.39% 80.65% 84.17% 85.16% 85.49% 85.16% 84.26% 84.69% 87.27%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 248

Page 254:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix h. Ten-Year, 2019-2028 Enrollment Projections and Utilization, By School, By Grade, Other Schools

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 249

Page 255:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1253 State Rated Capacity 1025

School Holabird Middle

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10









4th 121 113 109 103 111 116 94 129 97 107 112

5th 105 122 114 110 104 112 117 94 130 97 108

6th 258 267 255 248 244 232 245 263 251 263 250

7th 252 253 261 250 243 239 227 240 257 246 257

8th 234 252 253 261 250 243 239 227 240 257 246





TOTAL 970 1007 992 972 952 942 922 953 975 970 973

FTE TOTAL 970 1007 992 972 952 942 922 953 975 970 973

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -55 -18 -33 -53 -73 -83 -103 -72 -50 -55 -52

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 94.63% 98.24% 96.78% 94.83% 92.88% 91.90% 89.95% 92.98% 95.12% 94.63% 94.93%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 250

Page 256:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix h. Ten-Year, 2019-2028 Enrollment Projections and Utilization, By School, By Grade, Special Education Schools

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 251

Page 257:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 1215 State Rated Capacity 0

School Battle Monument School

Enrollments as of September 302019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

KINDERGARTEN 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

1st 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

2nd 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3rd 0 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

4th 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

5th 9 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

6th 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

7th 9 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

8th 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

9th 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

10th 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

11th 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

12th 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

TOTAL 63 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69

FTE TOTAL 62 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68



Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 252

Page 258:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0111 State Rated Capacity 0

School Maiden Choice School

Enrollments as of September 302019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

KINDERGARTEN 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

1st 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

2nd 11 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

3rd 12 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

4th 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

5th 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

6th 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

7th 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

8th 7 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

9th 7 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

10th 8 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

11th 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

12th 20 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

TOTAL 137 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118

FTE TOTAL 122 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103



Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 253

Page 259:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0922 State Rated Capacity 0

School Ridge Ruxton School

Enrollments as of September 302019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

KINDERGARTEN 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

1st 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

2nd 4 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

3rd 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

4th 13 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

5th 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

6th 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

7th 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

8th 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

9th 11 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

10th 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

11th 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

12th 28 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27

TOTAL 123 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120

FTE TOTAL 119 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116



Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 254

Page 260:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0923 State Rated Capacity 0

School White Oak School

Enrollments as of September 302019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

KINDERGARTEN 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

1st 15 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13

2nd 17 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

3rd 9 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

4th 13 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

5th 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17








TOTAL 93 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

FTE TOTAL 90 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97



Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 255

Page 261:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix h.

Ten-Year, 2019-2028 Enrollment Projections and Utilization, By School, By Grade, Centers and Programs

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 256

Page 262:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0077 State Rated Capacity 0

School BCDC Educational Center

Enrollments as of September 302019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10














9th 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

10th 9 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

11th 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

12th 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

TOTAL 33 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22

FTE TOTAL 33 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22



Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 257

Page 263:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0062 State Rated Capacity 322

School Campfield Early Childhood Center

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10

PRESCHOOL (FTE) 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29

PREKINDERGARTEN (FTE) 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104

PRESCHOOL (TOTAL) 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57

PREKINDERGARTEN (TOTAL) 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207

KINDERGARTEN 146 152 168 142 162 158 154 158 157 156 157













TOTAL 410 416 432 406 426 422 418 422 421 420 421

FTE TOTAL 279 285 301 275 295 291 287 291 290 289 290

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -43 -37 -21 -47 -27 -31 -35 -31 -32 -33 -32

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 86.65% 88.51% 93.48% 85.40% 91.61% 90.37% 89.13% 90.37% 90.06% 89.75% 90.06%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 258

Page 264:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0069 State Rated Capacity 0

School Catonsville Center for Alternative Studies

Enrollments as of September 302019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10














9th 8 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13

10th 19 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22

11th 14 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

12th 14 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11

TOTAL 55 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64

FTE TOTAL 55 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64



Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 259

Page 265:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0075 State Rated Capacity 0

School Crossroads Center

Enrollments as of September 302019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10












7th 45 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44

8th 46 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45

9th 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42

10th 30 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36

11th 13 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

12th 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

TOTAL 183 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180

FTE TOTAL 183 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180



Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 260

Page 266:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0054 State Rated Capacity 0

School Extended Day Learning

Enrollments as of September 302019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10














9th 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

10th 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

11th 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

12th 47 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

TOTAL 62 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65

FTE TOTAL 62 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65



Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 261

Page 267:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0057 State Rated Capacity 0

School Home Assignment - Elementary

Enrollments as of September 302019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10









4th 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5th 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

6th 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0







TOTAL 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

FTE TOTAL 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1



Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 262

Page 268:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0058 State Rated Capacity 0

School Home Assignment - Secondary

Enrollments as of September 302019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10












7th 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

8th 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

9th 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

10th 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

11th 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

12th 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

TOTAL 26 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31

FTE TOTAL 26 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31



Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 263

Page 269:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0070 State Rated Capacity 0

School Meadowood Education Center

Enrollments as of September 302019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10











6th 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

7th 21 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

8th 12 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14





TOTAL 33 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32

FTE TOTAL 33 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32



Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 264

Page 270:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0072 State Rated Capacity 0

School Rosedale Center

Enrollments as of September 302019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10











6th 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

7th 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

8th 5 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

9th 22 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

10th 16 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

11th 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

12th 5 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11

TOTAL 65 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74

FTE TOTAL 65 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74



Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 265

Page 271:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix h.

Ten-Year, 2019-2028 Enrollment Projections and Utilization, By School, By Grade, Charter Schools

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 266

Page 272:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


LEA Baltimore County Public Schools

Facility Number 0219 State Rated Capacity 274

School Watershed Public Charter

Enrollments as of September 30th 2019


Year 12021

Year 22022

Year 32023

Year 42024

Year 52025

Year 62026

Year 72027

Year 82028

Year 92029

Year 10





KINDERGARTEN 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42

1st 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44

2nd 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44

3rd 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40

4th 0 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40

5th 0 0 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40








TOTAL 170 210 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250

FTE TOTAL 170 210 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250

OVER /UNDER SRC (FTE-SRC) -104 -64 -24 -24 -24 -24 -24 -24 -24 -24 -24

% UTILIZATION (FTE/SRC) 62.04% 76.64% 91.24% 91.24% 91.24% 91.24% 91.24% 91.24% 91.24% 91.24% 91.24%

Percent Utilization Shading Key 0-60% >60%-80% >80%-100% >100%-115% >115%-130% >130%-150% >150%

As of Upload Date: Dec 16, 2019Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 267

Page 273:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix i. Ten-Year, 2019-2028 Projected Utilization, By Area, By School

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 268

Page 274:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix i. Current and Projected Utilization, Southwest Planning Area State- Actual Percent Utilization (Actual 2019, Projected 2020-2029)

School RatedCapacity 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Notes

Elementary Schools (Full Time Equivalent Enrollment divided by State-Rated Capacity)

Arbutus Elementary 405 95.80% 101.73% 103.21% 104.20% 109.63% 111.60% 113.58% 113.09% 114.57% 116.54% 115.31%

Baltimore Highlands Elementary 549 94.17% 95.26% 94.17% 95.81% 97.09% 98.00% 97.27% 93.99% 94.90% 94.90% 94.72%

Catonsville Elementary 664 96.69% 96.69% 96.23% 95.03% 93.52% 92.02% 90.21% 87.50% 86.90% 86.90% 86.90%

Chadwick Elementary * 408 151.23% 96.71% 100.00% 102.57% 107.86% 112.43% 116.71% 119.43% 122.00% 123.14% 121.71%

Dogwood Elementary 612 108.50% 97.06% 96.57% 98.69% 97.06% 93.14% 94.28% 91.99% 91.50% 90.52% 91.83% MEdmondson Heights Elementary 589 82.51% 92.53% 91.85% 94.06% 94.23% 94.23% 94.74% 94.23% 93.55% 93.72% 93.72% MFeatherbed Lane Elementary 667 82.61% 85.91% 86.51% 87.56% 91.45% 91.45% 93.10% 93.85% 93.70% 93.70% 93.55% MHalethorpe Elementary 392 86.48% 88.27% 90.82% 93.88% 92.60% 93.62% 97.19% 96.43% 95.41% 93.88% 95.15%

Hebbville Elementary 471 105.10% 107.43% 108.70% 106.16% 110.62% 111.25% 108.92% 103.61% 103.82% 105.73% 104.67%

Hillcrest Elementary 708 97.03% 96.05% 93.50% 92.94% 90.96% 89.97% 89.12% 89.69% 90.40% 89.12% 89.97%

Johnnycake Elementary 559 118.25% 97.85% 101.43% 104.11% 105.37% 107.87% 109.30% 109.12% 106.44% 107.51% 107.87% MLansdowne Elementary 709 84.77% 85.19% 86.60% 88.58% 89.84% 88.72% 88.72% 87.31% 87.45% 86.60% 87.31%

Powhatan Elementary 313 77.32% 74.44% 73.48% 73.48% 74.44% 77.32% 82.11% 83.71% 83.71% 84.35% 84.35%

Relay Elementary 691 92.47% 91.03% 90.16% 95.22% 90.01% 93.20% 93.78% 92.47% 92.62% 88.71% 91.46%

Riverview Elementary 572 94.41% 97.38% 97.38% 96.68% 97.90% 100.70% 100.70% 97.20% 98.60% 100.00% 98.78%

Westchester Elementary 702 99.15% 103.42% 106.98% 106.98% 105.98% 106.55% 106.27% 104.99% 104.70% 103.13% 104.27%

Westowne Elementary 650 100.15% 99.54% 99.08% 96.62% 94.31% 93.85% 94.46% 92.92% 91.54% 92.31% 92.31%

Winfield Elementary 485 98.14% 100.62% 103.51% 104.74% 107.01% 108.04% 109.28% 108.66% 105.15% 106.19% 106.39%

Woodbridge Elementary 430 100.23% 100.70% 103.26% 105.81% 105.58% 105.12% 104.65% 105.12% 104.65% 103.95% 104.65%

Woodmoor Elementary 631 91.28% 90.02% 89.54% 87.64% 88.75% 88.27% 85.42% 83.99% 83.36% 86.69% 84.47% ASW Area Elementary Totals 11,207 97.25% 95.05% 95.75% 96.63% 97.15% 97.71% 98.19% 97.16% 96.98% 97.03% 97.15%

Middle Schools (Headcount Enrollment divided by State-Rated Capacity)

Arbutus Middle 1,011 94.07% 97.92% 98.91% 97.63% 95.75% 96.54% 97.33% 100.69% 101.98% 102.77% 100.49%

Catonsville Middle 774 109.82% 112.02% 111.11% 111.89% 108.91% 109.43% 110.59% 114.21% 115.89% 117.05% 114.21%

Lansdowne Middle 923 93.82% 98.16% 98.48% 96.21% 94.69% 95.56% 96.10% 99.46% 100.87% 101.63% 99.24% ASouthwest Academy Magnet Middle 1,101 74.75% 75.02% 76.29% 75.02% 72.84% 73.84% 74.30% 76.84% 78.02% 78.56% 76.75% AWindsor Mill Middle 720 93.61% 104.58% 104.86% 101.94% 102.08% 101.94% 102.64% 106.53% 107.92% 109.03% 106.25% AWoodlawn Middle 953 65.27% 67.89% 67.47% 65.58% 64.22% 65.06% 65.27% 67.47% 68.52% 69.15% 67.68%

SW Area Middle Totals 5,482 87.30% 91.01% 91.34% 89.86% 88.18% 88.87% 89.49% 92.59% 93.91% 94.71% 92.50%

High Schools (Headcount Enrollment divided by State-Rated Capacity)

Catonsville High 1,750 104.34% 108.11% 113.49% 116.63% 120.86% 123.14% 123.66% 122.91% 121.71% 122.34% 125.94%

Lansdowne High 1,420 93.38% 95.70% 97.61% 103.80% 107.75% 109.44% 110.42% 109.65% 108.66% 109.37% 112.61% AWestern School of Technology 1,009 88.40% 88.40% 88.40% 88.40% 88.40% 88.40% 88.40% 88.40% 88.40% 88.40% 88.40% BWoodlawn High 2,129 77.78% 79.47% 78.39% 80.65% 84.17% 85.16% 85.49% 85.16% 84.26% 84.69% 87.27% ASW Area High Totals 6,308 90.36% 92.50% 94.06% 97.08% 100.33% 101.68% 102.16% 101.66% 100.81% 101.28% 103.88%

Special Education Schools (Unique Program, Utilization not calculated)

Maiden Choice School C

Centers (Unique Program, Utilization not calculated)

Catonsville Center for Alternative Studies DMeadowood Education Center DSW Area Center Totals

Charter Schools (Full Time Equivalent Enrollment divided by State-Rated Capacity)

Watershed Public Charter 274 62.04% 76.64% 91.24% 91.24% 91.24% 91.24% 91.24% 91.24% 91.24% 91.24% 91.24% L* Chadwick Elementary utilization includes (+292) seats currently under construction to become available in 2020.

Source: Datawarehouse.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 269

Page 275:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix i. Current and Projected Utilization, Northwest Planning Area State- Actual Percent Utilization (Actual 2019, Projected 2020-2029)

School Rated

Capacity 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Notes

Elementary Schools (Full Time Equivalent Enrollment divided by State-Rated Capacity)

Bedford Elementary 299 110.70% 110.37% 107.02% 109.03% 108.70% 109.70% 111.04% 111.04% 109.36% 111.37% 110.70% GCedarmere Elementary 474 110.34% 116.46% 118.35% 124.68% 129.11% 132.49% 132.70% 133.12% 136.92% 136.29% 135.65%

Chatsworth Elementary 442 81.22% 80.54% 81.00% 80.32% 80.32% 81.22% 81.90% 81.45% 81.45% 81.67% 81.67% BChurch Lane Elementary 478 74.27% 70.92% 71.13% 70.29% 75.10% 77.20% 75.73% 78.24% 79.50% 81.38% 79.92%

Deer Park Elementary 431 90.72% 89.56% 87.70% 86.08% 85.61% 83.76% 80.28% 78.65% 78.89% 78.65% 78.65%

Fort Garrison Elementary 382 81.94% 83.77% 84.82% 87.96% 88.48% 91.88% 93.46% 94.50% 96.07% 95.55% 95.81% EFranklin Elementary 461 88.72% 90.46% 86.77% 83.30% 81.78% 78.31% 76.36% 72.45% 71.15% 71.15% 71.37%

Glyndon Elementary 520 102.88% 99.23% 102.50% 103.65% 101.54% 101.73% 98.27% 97.12% 92.69% 93.46% 94.23%

Hernwood Elementary 415 87.23% 80.72% 80.48% 80.00% 81.20% 84.34% 90.12% 90.12% 92.05% 90.12% 90.84%

Lyons Mill Elementary 681 111.45% 114.24% 116.45% 117.33% 125.84% 127.90% 126.28% 125.11% 127.17% 128.93% 126.87%

Milbrook Elementary 322 122.36% 116.46% 115.53% 116.46% 109.01% 114.29% 115.84% 115.84% 115.22% 117.08% 116.46% GNew Town Elementary 708 114.55% 114.97% 113.28% 114.12% 112.01% 112.71% 113.70% 110.45% 111.58% 109.32% 110.45%

Owings Mills Elementary 702 108.26% 107.98% 106.55% 106.27% 107.98% 108.12% 105.98% 105.98% 108.12% 109.12% 107.41%

Randallstown Elementary 411 97.32% 98.54% 92.21% 89.05% 87.10% 90.02% 87.10% 86.13% 85.40% 85.16% 85.89%

Reisterstown Elementary 462 117.75% 117.10% 119.26% 116.88% 121.21% 123.38% 128.57% 127.49% 126.41% 127.27% 127.06%

Scotts Branch Elementary 456 119.08% 113.82% 113.60% 112.06% 110.96% 111.62% 111.18% 110.09% 109.21% 108.99% 109.21%

Summit Park Elementary 336 139.88% 133.33% 136.90% 136.01% 133.93% 133.33% 137.80% 140.48% 140.18% 138.99% 139.88%

Timber Grove Elementary 600 90.33% 86.83% 84.83% 81.67% 82.67% 82.67% 83.17% 82.50% 82.50% 82.50% 82.50%

Wellwood Elementary 433 112.93% 112.93% 112.93% 116.17% 118.48% 123.09% 125.64% 128.18% 129.56% 129.56% 129.56% AWinand Elementary 491 87.58% 90.84% 86.35% 87.78% 91.24% 92.46% 94.91% 94.50% 96.74% 95.93% 95.72%

Woodholme Elementary 684 104.39% 103.80% 103.07% 103.36% 102.49% 100.73% 103.22% 100.15% 98.68% 98.10% 98.98%

NW Area Elementary Totals 10,188 102.41% 101.64% 101.08% 101.13% 101.99% 103.07% 103.49% 102.84% 103.17% 103.22% 103.10%

Middle Schools (Headcount Enrollment divided by State-Rated Capacity)

Deer Park Magnet Middle 1,368 99.78% 104.53% 105.56% 104.24% 101.02% 98.68% 97.00% 99.78% 101.02% 101.75% 101.10% AFranklin Middle 1,433 86.67% 88.42% 88.49% 88.00% 84.93% 83.04% 81.72% 83.88% 85.07% 85.62% 85.00%

Northwest Academy of Health Sciences 983 79.86% 82.50% 82.10% 83.11% 80.06% 78.03% 77.01% 79.04% 80.06% 80.77% 80.16% APikesville Middle 1,029 94.46% 94.56% 94.17% 95.53% 91.35% 89.41% 88.24% 90.38% 91.74% 92.52% 91.84% ESudbrook Magnet Middle 1,060 94.15% 94.15% 94.15% 94.15% 94.15% 94.15% 94.15% 94.15% 94.15% 94.15% 94.15% BNW Area Middle Totals 5,873 91.30% 93.29% 93.41% 93.39% 90.65% 88.97% 87.88% 89.77% 90.75% 91.32% 90.79%

High Schools (Headcount Enrollment divided by State-Rated Capacity)

Franklin High 1,647 91.74% 89.50% 89.19% 92.71% 90.83% 91.01% 91.44% 89.98% 87.61% 87.01% 87.13%

Milford Mill Academy 1,465 85.39% 85.46% 84.57% 82.25% 82.80% 82.80% 82.59% 81.71% 79.52% 78.98% 79.25% ANew Town High 1,303 89.64% 91.71% 96.93% 94.55% 93.71% 94.47% 94.32% 93.25% 90.87% 90.10% 90.18% AOwings Mills High 1,103 107.80% 112.33% 120.85% 129.37% 128.11% 129.92% 129.65% 127.65% 124.57% 123.57% 124.12%

Pikesville High 1,006 91.65% 93.84% 88.57% 86.18% 88.97% 88.07% 87.97% 87.48% 84.79% 84.10% 84.29% ERandallstown High 1,379 76.00% 77.74% 79.70% 82.96% 81.44% 82.23% 83.03% 82.16% 80.64% 80.64% 81.44% ANW Area High Totals 7,903 89.70% 90.80% 92.29% 93.66% 93.14% 93.58% 93.70% 92.56% 90.23% 89.65% 89.98%

Centers (Full Time Equivalent Enrollment divided by State-Rated Capacity)

Campfield Early Learning Center 322 86.65% 88.51% 93.48% 85.40% 91.61% 90.37% 89.13% 90.37% 90.06% 89.75% 90.06% GSource: Datawarehouse.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 270

Page 276:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix i. Current and Projected Utilization, Central Planning Area State- Actual Percent Utilization (Actual 2019, Projected 2020-2029)

School Rated

Capacity 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Notes

Elementary Schools (Full Time Equivalent Enrollment divided by State-Rated Capacity)

Carroll Manor Elementary 362 107.46% 114.92% 123.20% 127.07% 132.04% 136.46% 141.71% 144.20% 143.65% 145.58% 144.20%

Cromwell Valley Regional Magnet 434 84.33% 91.47% 94.24% 96.77% 99.54% 100.23% 100.23% 99.54% 99.31% 99.31% 99.31% AFifth District Elementary 274 117.52% 125.18% 133.21% 137.59% 139.05% 141.61% 146.35% 140.88% 137.96% 138.69% 139.42%

Halstead Academy 516 98.45% 95.93% 94.57% 93.80% 92.83% 91.86% 90.31% 91.28% 93.60% 92.83% 92.64% F, NHampton Elementary 670 86.42% 85.97% 87.01% 88.21% 90.90% 93.28% 93.43% 95.67% 96.27% 96.72% 95.97% NJacksonville Elementary 637 86.34% 89.01% 93.56% 97.65% 98.74% 101.88% 103.45% 104.40% 103.14% 103.14% 103.45%

Lutherville Laboratory 395 93.16% 93.16% 93.92% 95.19% 97.97% 101.77% 103.54% 107.09% 107.59% 107.59% 107.34%

Mays Chapel Elementary 702 100.28% 103.70% 107.55% 106.70% 113.11% 115.81% 117.95% 119.52% 118.52% 120.66% 119.80% EOakleigh Elementary 493 109.94% 108.72% 110.95% 111.16% 113.59% 113.39% 112.37% 110.95% 109.33% 111.36% 110.34%

Padonia International Elementary 529 92.06% 92.82% 94.52% 94.90% 98.30% 99.43% 101.51% 100.95% 100.00% 102.27% 101.70%

Pinewood Elementary 566 102.65% 104.42% 104.59% 107.24% 109.36% 112.37% 111.13% 113.07% 115.19% 116.61% 115.19%

Pleasant Plains Elementary 545 124.77% 128.62% 135.41% 131.74% 129.36% 130.83% 131.38% 127.16% 125.32% 126.42% 126.24% NPot Spring Elementary 475 96.63% 102.11% 103.37% 107.37% 109.05% 109.05% 110.95% 106.95% 106.53% 105.47% 106.53%

Prettyboy Elementary 387 109.04% 109.56% 118.35% 115.25% 115.25% 111.89% 113.18% 109.04% 100.00% 102.07% 103.10%

Riderwood Elementary 456 99.34% 100.66% 105.26% 110.09% 120.61% 125.88% 126.54% 132.89% 135.31% 137.06% 134.65%

Rodgers Forge Elementary 396 118.18% 120.71% 121.21% 120.71% 119.44% 118.94% 114.90% 113.64% 114.14% 114.65% 114.39%

Seventh District Elementary 441 89.80% 88.89% 92.29% 96.60% 95.24% 97.96% 101.36% 105.44% 100.23% 99.09% 101.59%

Sparks Elementary 604 84.27% 86.26% 86.75% 88.74% 89.07% 90.73% 89.24% 87.75% 86.59% 85.93% 89.40%

Stoneleigh Elementary 700 106.86% 105.00% 107.57% 106.29% 101.29% 99.14% 99.57% 100.57% 95.86% 96.86% 98.14%

Timonium Elementary 395 122.53% 127.09% 129.87% 132.41% 135.95% 136.96% 141.01% 141.52% 144.05% 145.57% 143.80%

Villa Cresta Elementary 584 116.95% 116.61% 111.82% 106.16% 102.74% 101.03% 95.21% 91.95% 91.95% 92.29% 91.95%

Warren Elementary 395 98.99% 95.44% 97.47% 95.95% 97.22% 98.23% 98.48% 98.99% 97.97% 98.73% 98.73%

West Towson Elementary 480 101.25% 103.54% 107.71% 103.96% 105.00% 108.13% 107.92% 107.50% 105.42% 108.33% 107.29%

C Area Elementary Totals 11,436 101.22% 102.83% 105.38% 105.95% 107.31% 108.62% 109.07% 109.14% 108.18% 109.01% 108.95%

Middle Schools (Headcount Enrollment divided by State-Rated Capacity)

Cockeysville Middle 1,059 85.93% 84.32% 85.27% 87.35% 88.01% 89.14% 90.56% 92.73% 96.41% 95.85% 95.94%

Dumbarton Middle 1,114 109.96% 110.95% 109.78% 111.67% 113.02% 114.27% 115.89% 118.67% 123.43% 122.80% 122.98%

Hereford Middle 1,137 85.49% 85.66% 84.96% 87.07% 87.95% 88.74% 90.24% 92.44% 96.31% 95.78% 95.95%

Loch Raven Academy 901 91.34% 91.34% 91.23% 91.68% 93.23% 94.45% 95.67% 98.22% 102.11% 101.33% 101.55% ARidgely Middle 1,070 104.02% 104.02% 102.24% 104.49% 105.51% 106.64% 108.32% 110.93% 115.42% 114.67% 114.86% EC Area Middle Totals 5,281 95.49% 95.42% 94.83% 96.63% 97.71% 98.81% 100.30% 102.76% 106.91% 106.27% 106.44%

High Schools (Headcount Enrollment divided by State-Rated Capacity)

Dulaney High 1,984 96.47% 97.98% 101.01% 102.27% 101.71% 102.27% 102.57% 103.93% 105.09% 107.26% 109.48% EGeorge Washington Carver Center 1,029 93.39% 93.39% 93.39% 93.39% 93.39% 93.39% 93.39% 93.39% 93.39% 93.39% 93.39% BHereford High 1,548 83.66% 83.53% 84.50% 84.69% 85.21% 85.21% 85.34% 86.82% 87.79% 89.60% 91.47%

Loch Raven High 975 89.64% 89.13% 90.87% 93.03% 92.62% 92.82% 93.54% 94.77% 95.59% 97.44% 99.59%

Towson High 1,260 128.49% 134.05% 133.89% 134.29% 135.79% 135.48% 135.87% 138.10% 139.37% 142.22% 145.08% AC Area High Totals 6,796 98.04% 99.41% 100.74% 101.53% 101.71% 101.84% 102.13% 103.46% 104.37% 106.21% 108.12%

Special Education Schools (Unique Program, Utilization not calculated)

Ridge Ruxton CWhite Oak School CC Area Special Education School Totals

Centers (Unique Program, Utilization not calculated)

BCDC Educational Center DSource: Datawarehouse.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 271

Page 277:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix i. Current and Projected Utilization, Northeast Planning Area State- Actual Percent Utilization (Actual 2019, Projected 2020-2029)

School RatedCapacity 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Notes

Elementary Schools (Full Time Equivalent Enrollment divided by State-Rated Capacity)

Carney Elementary 574 107.84% 108.54% 109.41% 107.49% 105.75% 109.06% 108.19% 107.14% 105.75% 107.84% 107.14%

Chapel Hill Elementary 636 101.57% 97.33% 97.17% 95.75% 89.62% 87.26% 84.43% 84.28% 81.29% 80.82% 82.08%

Elmwood Elementary 474 116.03% 119.62% 118.35% 122.57% 123.00% 124.47% 127.64% 129.75% 131.43% 131.65% 131.22%

Essex Elementary 520 89.23% 89.62% 89.23% 90.38% 87.31% 88.46% 89.23% 86.35% 84.62% 83.65% 84.81%

Fullerton Elementary 463 129.16% 131.97% 132.40% 132.61% 133.69% 135.21% 132.40% 128.73% 130.45% 130.24% 130.02%

Glenmar Elementary 363 84.02% 81.27% 82.92% 77.96% 73.28% 71.07% 69.97% 70.80% 71.35% 71.35% 70.52%

Gunpowder Elementary 479 112.32% 119.21% 126.10% 127.97% 127.77% 125.05% 131.73% 128.39% 125.26% 126.51% 126.51%

Harford Hills Elementary 323 109.60% 104.33% 108.36% 107.74% 108.05% 109.60% 111.46% 114.55% 113.31% 114.55% 114.55%

Honeygo Elementary 725 88.69% 91.45% 91.59% 94.34% 91.86% 90.48% 91.17% 91.45% 92.83% 91.31% 92.14%

Joppa View Elementary 635 114.80% 116.22% 117.64% 112.91% 110.87% 106.93% 107.72% 105.51% 103.94% 103.46% 104.41%

Kingsville Elementary 349 93.41% 91.69% 95.13% 100.86% 105.16% 108.88% 107.74% 111.75% 110.32% 108.31% 110.03%

Martin Boulevard Elementary 301 94.35% 92.03% 91.03% 87.38% 84.39% 85.05% 84.72% 83.72% 82.72% 78.41% 81.06%

McCormick Elementary 373 85.52% 82.04% 80.43% 73.73% 74.80% 68.63% 70.78% 70.78% 68.90% 71.58% 70.78%

Middlesex Elementary 494 80.77% 78.54% 75.51% 73.08% 71.26% 70.04% 68.02% 68.02% 67.00% 67.81% 67.61%

Orems Elementary 303 123.43% 121.78% 120.13% 117.16% 114.52% 112.87% 116.17% 110.89% 110.56% 108.58% 109.90%

Perry Hall Elementary 528 114.20% 113.64% 116.86% 118.94% 116.67% 121.97% 124.24% 121.78% 119.89% 118.94% 120.27%

Pine Grove Elementary 483 120.50% 124.02% 128.16% 123.40% 122.77% 124.22% 125.05% 125.88% 125.88% 129.19% 126.71%

Red House Run Elementary 460 123.48% 126.74% 125.87% 127.61% 132.83% 130.43% 130.87% 131.30% 135.87% 136.09% 134.35%

Seven Oaks Elementary 428 102.80% 103.27% 104.44% 105.14% 103.04% 101.87% 103.50% 103.27% 103.27% 103.27% 103.04%

Shady Spring Elementary 476 119.33% 112.39% 109.24% 106.30% 107.35% 107.77% 108.61% 110.92% 111.55% 112.61% 111.76%

Victory Villa Elementary 735 91.56% 89.80% 88.57% 88.03% 88.03% 86.39% 87.76% 87.89% 89.12% 89.12% 88.98%

Vincent Farm Elementary 699 106.01% 116.31% 125.75% 132.05% 138.91% 139.48% 146.35% 148.50% 150.50% 154.79% 152.22%

NE Area Elementary Totals 10,821 104.64% 105.18% 106.32% 106.08% 105.53% 105.22% 106.30% 106.03% 105.83% 106.15% 106.09%

Middle Schools (Headcount Enrollment divided by State-Rated Capacity)

Golden Ring Middle 844 93.96% 97.16% 97.51% 97.99% 99.17% 100.83% 99.53% 99.53% 99.64% 100.36% 99.76% AMiddle River Middle 1,018 101.67% 107.47% 106.19% 104.81% 106.68% 108.64% 106.78% 106.97% 106.97% 107.76% 107.17% AParkville Middle 1,089 103.40% 104.50% 103.03% 104.68% 105.05% 106.98% 105.69% 105.60% 105.60% 106.61% 106.06% APerry Hall Middle 1,643 117.16% 118.26% 119.11% 119.11% 119.72% 122.46% 120.63% 120.51% 120.57% 121.61% 121.00%

Pine Grove Middle 1,197 80.20% 82.37% 81.79% 81.45% 81.95% 83.79% 82.46% 82.54% 82.54% 83.12% 82.71%

Stemmers Run Middle 1,154 68.89% 69.93% 70.19% 69.93% 70.36% 72.01% 70.97% 70.88% 70.88% 71.49% 71.06%

NE Area Middle Totals 6,945 95.52% 97.74% 97.51% 97.52% 98.30% 100.33% 98.86% 98.85% 98.88% 99.68% 99.15%

High Schools (Headcount Enrollment divided by State-Rated Capacity)

Eastern Technical High 1,339 87.53% 87.53% 87.53% 87.53% 87.53% 87.53% 87.53% 87.53% 87.53% 87.53% 87.53% BKenwood High 1,918 85.97% 86.39% 85.19% 89.00% 89.94% 90.04% 91.03% 92.02% 92.23% 92.39% 92.96% AOverlea High 1,230 82.93% 88.94% 94.31% 95.61% 96.99% 97.24% 98.13% 99.11% 99.43% 99.51% 100.24% AParkville High 2,037 101.82% 108.54% 116.69% 124.74% 124.10% 124.84% 127.00% 127.59% 128.08% 128.28% 131.91% APerry Hall High 2,110 93.32% 95.69% 95.45% 99.67% 101.71% 101.37% 102.56% 103.65% 103.84% 104.08% 104.79%

NE Area High Totals 8,634 91.31% 94.43% 96.79% 100.75% 101.51% 101.66% 102.80% 103.57% 103.82% 103.97% 105.24%

Centers (Unique Program, Utilization not calculated)

Crossroads Center DRosedale Center for Alternative Studies D, KSE Area Center Totals

Source: Datawarehouse.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 272

Page 278:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix i. Current and Projected Utilization, Southeast Planning Area State- Actual Percent Utilization (Actual 2019, Projected 2020-2029)

School RatedCapacity 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Notes

Elementary Schools (Full Time Equivalent Enrollment divided by State-Rated Capacity)

Battle Grove Elementary 377 82.49% 83.55% 84.08% 87.80% 89.66% 90.19% 95.23% 98.41% 99.20% 99.47% 98.41%

Bear Creek Elementary 484 98.35% 102.69% 105.99% 108.26% 113.02% 115.08% 115.91% 115.91% 115.70% 113.43% 115.08%

Berkshire Elementary * 428 104.21% 77.30% 75.99% 79.93% 82.73% 87.83% 91.12% 91.12% 93.75% 92.76% 92.60%

Charlesmont Elementary 418 87.08% 85.17% 82.54% 82.78% 82.78% 84.69% 85.89% 86.12% 87.08% 87.32% 86.84%

Chase Elementary 393 96.18% 93.38% 93.64% 96.18% 91.60% 93.13% 91.60% 89.31% 87.79% 85.50% 87.02%

Chesapeake Terrace Elementary 292 94.52% 99.32% 104.45% 110.96% 116.10% 119.18% 124.66% 122.95% 124.32% 125.34% 123.97%

Colgate Elementary * 319 135.74% 85.29% 87.45% 86.47% 86.08% 86.86% 87.06% 86.47% 85.49% 86.08% 85.88% KDeep Creek Elementary 368 124.46% 127.17% 127.45% 129.35% 125.27% 125.00% 125.82% 121.47% 118.48% 116.30% 118.75%

Dundalk Elementary 745 100.00% 100.40% 101.07% 99.33% 100.40% 98.79% 97.99% 97.85% 96.91% 99.33% 98.39%

Edgemere Elementary 523 86.62% 82.22% 84.70% 81.84% 83.56% 85.66% 84.70% 85.66% 84.89% 84.89% 85.28%

Grange Elementary 385 121.82% 127.01% 127.01% 125.19% 122.86% 127.27% 126.49% 121.82% 120.78% 120.52% 121.56%

Hawthorne Elementary 584 89.04% 85.45% 83.56% 80.82% 80.48% 79.11% 76.71% 74.66% 73.80% 75.34% 74.83% FLogan Elementary 517 103.09% 102.32% 104.84% 106.58% 108.12% 113.93% 114.70% 116.05% 117.60% 117.41% 117.21%

Mars Estates Elementary 431 84.22% 80.28% 78.65% 74.71% 75.17% 76.57% 79.12% 79.81% 79.81% 80.28% 80.28%

Middleborough Elementary 326 103.68% 99.39% 99.08% 101.23% 100.00% 97.24% 94.48% 92.94% 92.64% 89.88% 92.02%

Norwood Elementary (Grades PreK - 3) 521 90.21% 90.79% 87.91% 92.71% 90.40% 88.48% 91.94% 87.33% 89.44% 89.64% 88.68% HOliver Beach Elementary 265 67.55% 60.75% 57.74% 62.26% 59.62% 63.02% 65.28% 70.57% 72.08% 70.94% 70.94%

Sandalwood Elementary 542 95.39% 90.41% 87.64% 85.98% 86.16% 83.21% 81.37% 81.55% 81.00% 81.92% 81.73%

Sandy Plains Elementary 664 89.91% 92.32% 94.13% 96.84% 96.99% 100.15% 98.95% 94.88% 95.78% 94.73% 95.18% FSeneca Elementary 409 98.53% 94.87% 92.42% 89.00% 88.26% 88.51% 90.95% 89.73% 89.49% 89.00% 89.24%

Sussex Elementary 380 112.89% 114.21% 110.26% 112.63% 115.79% 115.53% 117.37% 118.42% 120.53% 121.32% 120.26%

SE Area Elementary Totals 9,371 97.73% 93.64% 93.51% 94.23% 94.55% 95.66% 96.30% 95.50% 95.67% 95.56% 95.63%

Middle Schools (Headcount Enrollment divided by State-Rated Capacity)

Deep Creek Middle 987 91.29% 92.30% 90.68% 87.84% 85.71% 83.28% 82.67% 85.01% 87.13% 89.16% 87.64% ADundalk Middle 814 97.42% 100.49% 100.74% 97.30% 94.84% 92.26% 91.40% 93.86% 96.44% 98.65% 97.05%

General John Stricker Middle 973 81.50% 84.89% 84.07% 81.40% 79.55% 77.39% 76.88% 79.03% 81.09% 82.73% 81.50%

Sparrows Point Middle 573 111.17% 115.18% 110.82% 111.69% 108.03% 104.01% 104.01% 106.63% 109.42% 112.04% 109.95%

SE Area Middle Totals 3,347 93.34% 96.06% 94.65% 92.35% 89.96% 87.30% 86.76% 89.12% 91.46% 93.52% 91.96%

High Schools (Headcount Enrollment divided by State-Rated Capacity)

Chesapeake High 1,019 94.31% 96.37% 100.49% 104.32% 109.22% 109.81% 107.75% 105.69% 102.16% 101.57% 103.73% ADundalk High 1,446 123.24% 129.05% 136.38% 144.74% 148.62% 151.24% 149.31% 145.44% 141.01% 139.90% 142.39%

Patapsco High School Center for the Arts 1,302 110.14% 112.98% 112.90% 118.51% 123.43% 124.27% 122.66% 120.05% 115.98% 115.13% 116.97% ASparrows Point High 871 122.50% 127.32% 134.90% 139.84% 144.55% 146.27% 144.09% 140.76% 136.39% 135.25% 137.31% ASE Area High Totals 4,638 113.07% 117.03% 121.63% 127.58% 132.13% 133.64% 131.72% 128.70% 124.58% 123.65% 125.81%

Other Schools (Headcount Enrollment divided by State-Rated Capacity)

Holabird Middle (Grades 4-8) 1,025 94.63% 98.24% 96.78% 94.83% 92.88% 91.90% 89.95% 92.98% 95.12% 94.63% 94.93% H

Special Education Schools (Unique Program, Utilization not calculated)

Battle Monument School C

Programs (Unique Program, Utilization not calculated)

Sollers Point Technical High School B, ISource: Datawarehouse.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections* Berkshire Elementary utilization includes (+180) seats currently under construction to become available in 2020.* Colgate Elementary utilization includes (+191) seats currently under construction to become available in 2020.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 273

Page 279:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix i. Current and Projected Utilization, Regional Centers and ProgramsState- Actual Percent Utilization (Actual 2019, Projected 2020-2029)

Center RatedCapacity 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Notes

Extended Day Learning DHome Assignment - Elementary DHome Assignment - Secondary DCenters Total

State- Actual Percent Utilization (Actual 2019, Projected 2020-2029)Program Rated

Capacity 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Notes

eLearningHome and Hospital JPrograms Total

Source: Datawarehouse.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 274

Page 280:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix i. Current and Projected Utilization, Systemwide TotalsSchool State- Actual Percent Utilization (Actual 2019, Projected 2020-2029)


Capacity 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Notes

Elementary Schools (FTE) * 53,023 100.69% 100.72% 101.52% 101.92% 102.44% 103.19% 103.81% 103.27% 103.08% 103.32% 103.31%

Middle Schools (Headcount) 26,928 92.65% 94.73% 94.48% 94.24% 93.42% 93.60% 93.34% 95.15% 96.75% 97.37% 96.51%

High Schools (Headcount) 34,279 95.04% 97.28% 99.39% 102.23% 103.54% 104.16% 104.36% 104.06% 103.05% 103.28% 104.83%

Other Schools (Headcount) 1,025 94.63% 98.24% 96.78% 94.83% 92.88% 91.90% 89.95% 92.98% 95.12% 94.63% 94.93%

Special Education School (Not Calculated)Centers Total (Campfield ELC Only) 322 86.65% 88.51% 93.48% 85.40% 91.61% 90.37% 89.13% 90.37% 90.06% 89.75% 90.06%

Programs TotalCharter Schools 274 62.04% 76.64% 91.24% 91.24% 91.24% 91.24% 91.24% 91.24% 91.24% 91.24% 91.24%

Systemwide TotalSource: Datawarehouse.dbo.DM_Facility_Projections

* Elementary utilization includes an estimated SRC increase from new seats under construction at:Berkshire Elementary (+180 seats in 2020)Chadwick Elementary (+292 seats in 2020)Colgate Elementary (+191 seats in 2020)

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 275

Page 281:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix j. Feeder Schools by Receiver High School: 2019-2020 This table is a current progression of BCPS feeder patterns from elementary school to middle school to high school. This table is based on attendance boundary geography, and identifies the feeder patterns and the number of schools fed (e.g. number of middle and high schools fed by an elementary school, number of high schools fed by a middle school).

Note that this table reflects the current school year and does not reflect the impact of future boundary changes.

Table Features:  


Table is organized in alphabetical order by High School. Color shading indicate Planning Area. Asterisks (*) indicate the number of High Schools fed by Elementary Schools and Middle

Schools. o No asterisk indicates the Elementary School or Middle School is a 100% feeder to

one High School. o Two or more asterisks indicate the Elementary School or Middle School feeds to 2 or

more High Schools, and will appear as a feeder to each High School. Plus signs (+) indicate the number of Middle Schools fed by an Elementary School.

o No plus sign indicates the Elementary School is a 100% feeder to one Middle School. o Two or more plus signs indicate the Elementary School feeds to 2 or more Middle

Schools, and will appear as a feeder to each Middle School.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 276

Page 282:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

FEEDER SCHOOLS BY RECEIVER HIGH SCHOOL BY AREA: 2019-2020Areas: Southwest = Red, Northwest = Orange, Central = Yellow, Northeast = Green, Southeast = Blue

Elementary Schools: No Plus = 100% feeder to 1 middle; ++ = 2 middles; +++ = 3 middles; ++++ = 4 middlesElementary and Middle Schools: No Asterisk = 100% feeder to 1 high; ** = 2 highs; *** = 3 highs; **** = 4 highs

High Schools Middle Schools Elementary SchoolsCatonsville High School Arbutus Middle** Arbutus Elementary ++

Catonsville Elementary Halethorpe Elementary **Hillcrest Elementary ++Relay Elementary **Westowne Elementary ++

Catonsville Middle Hillcrest Elementary ++Westchester Elementary Westowne Elementary ++Woodbridge Elementary ++**

Chesapeake High Deep Creek Middle*** Deep Creek Elementary **Mars Estates Elementary ++**Middleborough Elementary Sandalwood Elementary Sussex Elementary **

Middle River Middle**** Chase Elementary ++***Seneca ES **

Dulaney High Cockeysville Middle** Carroll Manor Elementary ++**Jacksonville Elementary ++**Mays Chapel Elementary ++Padonia Elementary ++Pot Spring Elementary ++Sparks Elementary **Warren Elementary ++

Ridgely Middle*** Carroll Manor Elementary ++**Lutherville Elementary ++**Mays Chapel Elementary ++Padonia Elementary ++Pinewood Elementary Pot Spring Elementary ++Riderwood Elementary ++**Timonium Elementary ++**Warren Elementary ++

Dundalk High Deep Creek Middle*** Red House Run Elementary ++**Sussex Elementary **

Dundalk Middle ** Dundalk Elementary Logan Elementary **

Holabird Middle (4-8)** Berkshire Elementary **Colgate Elementary Grange Elementary ++**Norwood Elementary (K-3)

Gen. John Stricker Middle ** Grange Elementary ++**

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 277

Page 283:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

FEEDER SCHOOLS BY RECEIVER HIGH SCHOOL BY AREA: 2019-2020Areas: Southwest = Red, Northwest = Orange, Central = Yellow, Northeast = Green, Southeast = Blue

Elementary Schools: No Plus = 100% feeder to 1 middle; ++ = 2 middles; +++ = 3 middles; ++++ = 4 middlesElementary and Middle Schools: No Asterisk = 100% feeder to 1 high; ** = 2 highs; *** = 3 highs; **** = 4 highs

High Schools Middle Schools Elementary SchoolsFranklin High Franklin Middle** Cedarmere Elementary ***

Franklin Elementary ++***Glyndon Elementary **Reisterstown Elementary **Timber Grove Elementary **

Hereford High Hereford Middle Fifth District ElementaryFranklin Elementary ++***Jacksonville Elementary ++**Prettyboy ElementarySeventh District ElementarySparks Elementary**

Kenwood High Deep Creek Middle*** Deep Creek Elementary **Middle River Middle**** Chase Elementary ++***

Essex Elementary ++**Glenmar ElementaryMartin Boulevard Elementary Middlesex Elementary ++Oliver Beach ElementarySeneca Elementary **Victory Villa Elementary ++**Vincent Farm Elementary +++***

Stemmers Run Middle Chase Elementary ++***Essex Elementary ++**Hawthorne ElementaryMiddlesex Elementary ++Mars Estates Elementary ++**Orems Elementary ++**

Lansdowne High Arbutus Middle ** Arbutus Elementary ++Halethorpe Elementary **Relay Elementary **

Lansdowne Middle Baltimore Highlands ElementaryLansdowne ElementaryRiverview Elementary

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 278

Page 284:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

FEEDER SCHOOLS BY RECEIVER HIGH SCHOOL BY AREA: 2019-2020Areas: Southwest = Red, Northwest = Orange, Central = Yellow, Northeast = Green, Southeast = Blue

Elementary Schools: No Plus = 100% feeder to 1 middle; ++ = 2 middles; +++ = 3 middles; ++++ = 4 middlesElementary and Middle Schools: No Asterisk = 100% feeder to 1 high; ** = 2 highs; *** = 3 highs; **** = 4 highs

High Schools Middle Schools Elementary SchoolsLoch Raven High Cockeysville Middle ** Carroll Manor Elementary ++**

Loch Raven Academy *** Cromwell Valley Reg. Magnet ESHampton Elementary +++**Pleasant Plains Elementary +++***

Pine Grove Middle *** Harford Hills Elementary ++**Oakleigh Elementary +++**Pine Grove Elementary +++**Pleasant Plains Elementary +++***

Ridgely Middle*** Carroll Manor Elementary ++**Hampton Elementary +++**Pine Grove Elementary +++**

Milford Mill Academy Northwest Academy**** Scotts Branch Elementary **Winand Elementary ++***

Pikesville Middle **** Bedford Elementary **Windsor Mill Middle *** Winfield Elementary ***Woodlawn Middle** Hebbville Elementary **

Woodmoor Elementary **New Town High Deer Park Magnet Middle*** Deer Park Elementary **

Hernwood Elementary **Lyons Mill Elementary ++**New Town ElementaryWoodholme Elementary ++****

Franklin Middle** Cedarmere Elementary ***Northwest Academy**** Lyons Mill Elementary ++**

Woodholme Elementary ++Overlea High Golden Ring Middle Elmwood Elementary ++

McCormick ElementaryOrems Elementary ++**Red House Run Elementary ++**Shady Spring Elementary Victory Villa Elementary ++**Vincent Farm Elementary +++***

Middle River Middle**** Essex Elementary ++**Parkville Middle** Elmwood Elementary ++

Fullerton Elementary **

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 279

Page 285:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

FEEDER SCHOOLS BY RECEIVER HIGH SCHOOL BY AREA: 2019-2020Areas: Southwest = Red, Northwest = Orange, Central = Yellow, Northeast = Green, Southeast = Blue

Elementary Schools: No Plus = 100% feeder to 1 middle; ++ = 2 middles; +++ = 3 middles; ++++ = 4 middlesElementary and Middle Schools: No Asterisk = 100% feeder to 1 high; ** = 2 highs; *** = 3 highs; **** = 4 highs

High Schools Middle Schools Elementary SchoolsOwings Mills High Deer Park Middle*** Owings Mills Elementary ++

Franklin Middle** Cedarmere Elementary ***Franklin Elementary ++***Glyndon Elementary **Reisterstown Elementary **Timber Grove Elementary **

Northwest Academy**** Woodholme Elementary ++****Pikesville Middle**** Fort Garrison Elementary **

Owings Mills Elementary ++Woodholme Elementary ++****

Parkville High Loch Raven Academy*** Halstead Academy Elementary ++**Oakleigh Elementary +++**Pleasant Plains Elementary +++***Villa Cresta Elementary ++

Parkville Middle** Fullerton Elementary **Halstead Academy Elementary ++**Harford Hills Elementary ++**Oakleigh Elementary +++**Villa Cresta Elementary ++

Pine Grove Middle*** Carney Elementary ++**Harford Hills Elementary ++**Oakleigh Elementary +++**Pine Grove Elementary +++**Seven Oaks ES **

Patapsco High Gen. John Stricker Middle** Charlesmont Elementary ++**Bear Creek ElementaryEdgemere Elementary ++**Grange Elementary ++**Sandy Plains Elementary

Dundalk Middle** Logan Elementary **Holabird Middle (4-8)** Berkshire Elementary **

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 280

Page 286:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

FEEDER SCHOOLS BY RECEIVER HIGH SCHOOL BY AREA: 2019-2020Areas: Southwest = Red, Northwest = Orange, Central = Yellow, Northeast = Green, Southeast = Blue

Elementary Schools: No Plus = 100% feeder to 1 middle; ++ = 2 middles; +++ = 3 middles; ++++ = 4 middlesElementary and Middle Schools: No Asterisk = 100% feeder to 1 high; ** = 2 highs; *** = 3 highs; **** = 4 highs

High Schools Middle Schools Elementary SchoolsPerry Hall High Middle River Middle**** Chase Elementary ++***

Vincent Farm Elementary +++***Perry Hall Middle Carney Elementary ++**

Chapel Hill ElementaryGunpowder Elementary ++Honeygo ElementaryJoppa View ElementaryKingsville ElementaryPerry Hall Elementary Pine Grove Elementary +++**Vincent Farm Elementary +++***

Pine Grove*** Gunpowder Elementary ++Seven Oaks Elementary **

Pikesville High Pikesville Middle**** Fort Garrison Elementary **Milbrook Elementary **Summit Park ElementaryWellwood Elementary **Winand Elementary ++***Woodholme Elementary ++****

Randallstown High Deer Park Middle*** Deer Park Elementary **Hernwood Elementary **Lyons Mill Elementary ++**Randallstown Elementary ++Woodholme Elementary ++****

Northwest Academy**** Church Lane ElementaryScotts Branch Elementary **Lyons Mill Elementary ++**Winand Elementary ++***Woodholme Elementary ++****

Windsor Mill Middle*** Dogwood Elementary **Randallstown Elementary ++Winfield Elementary ***

Sparrows Point High Sparrows Point Middle Battle Grove ElementaryCharlesmont Elementary ++**Chesapeake Terrace ElementaryEdgemere Elementary ++**

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Page 287:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

FEEDER SCHOOLS BY RECEIVER HIGH SCHOOL BY AREA: 2019-2020Areas: Southwest = Red, Northwest = Orange, Central = Yellow, Northeast = Green, Southeast = Blue

Elementary Schools: No Plus = 100% feeder to 1 middle; ++ = 2 middles; +++ = 3 middles; ++++ = 4 middlesElementary and Middle Schools: No Asterisk = 100% feeder to 1 high; ** = 2 highs; *** = 3 highs; **** = 4 highs

High Schools Middle Schools Elementary SchoolsTowson High Dumbarton Middle Hampton Elementary +++**

Lutherville Elementary ++**Pleasant Plains Elementary +++***Riderwood Elementary ++** Rodgers Forge ElementaryStoneleigh ElementaryWest Towson Elementary

Loch Raven Academy*** Halstead Academy Elementary ++**Hampton Elementary +++**Pleasant Plains Elementary +++***

Ridgely Middle*** Hampton Elementary +++**Lutherville Elementary ++**Timonium Elementary ++**

Woodlawn High Pikesville Middle**** Bedford Elementary **Campfield Early Learning Center **Milbrook Elementary **Wellwood Elementary **

Southwest Academy Middle Chadwick ElementaryEdmondson Heights ElementaryJohnnycake ElementaryWoodbridge Elementary ++**

Windsor Mill Middle*** Dogwood Elementary **Winfield Elementary ***

Woodlawn Middle** Featherbed Lane ElementaryHebbville Elementary **Powhatan ElementaryWoodmoor Elementary **

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Page 288:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix k. Relocatable Classroom Inventory

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Page 289:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Baltimore County Public SchoolsRelocatable Classroom Distribution

SY 2019-2020

Updated 9/6/19

BCPS Owned Units Leased Units Grand Totals

Elementary Schools

One Classroom per Unit

24' X 32' / 36'

Two Classrooms per

Unit24' X 64'

Three Classrooms per

Unit 56' X 56'

Total Units

Total Classrooms

One Classroom

per Unit24' X 36'

One Classroom

per Unit24' X 38'

Two Classrooms

per Unit 24' X 62'

Two Classrooms

per Unit 24' X 60' Total Units

Total Classrooms



Baltimore Highlands ES 3 3 3 0 0 3 3Battle Monument ES 2 2 2 0 0 2 2Berkshire ES 0 0 1 1 1 1 1Campfield 1 1 2 3 0 0 2 3Carney ES 3 1 4 5 0 0 4 5Carroll Manor El. 1 1 1 0 0 1 1Cedarmere ES 3 3 3 0 0 3 3Chadwick ES 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 3Chapel Hill ES 2 2 4 6 0 0 4 6Chesapeake Terrace ES 0 0 1 1 1 1 1Deep Creek ES 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 5Dogwood ES 0 0 2 2 2 2 2Elmwood ES 4 4 4 0 0 4 4Fifth District ES 1 1 1 0 0 1 1Fullerton ES 2 1 3 4 1 1 2 4 6Grange ES 1 1 1 0 0 1 1Gunpowder ES 0 0 1 1 1 1 1Halethorpe ES 1 1 2 3 0 0 2 3Halstead Academy 0 0 1 1 1 1 1Harford Hills ES 2 1 3 4 0 0 3 4Hernwood ES 1 1 1 0 0 1 1Hillcrest ES 2 1 3 4 0 0 3 4Home & Hospital 0 0 2 2 2 2 2Johnnycake ES 8 8 8 0 0 8 8Joppa View ES 5 5 5 3 3 3 8 8Logan ES 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 5Lyons Mill ES 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2McCormick ES 1 1 2 0 0 1 2Middleborough ES 1 1 1 0 0 1 1Milbrook ES 3 1 4 5 0 0 4 5New Town ES 6 6 6 1 1 2 7 8Norwood ES 1 1 1 0 0 1 1Oakleigh ES 5 5 5 2 2 2 7 7Orems ES 2 1 3 4 0 0 3 4Owings Mills ES 2 2 2 0 0 2 2Padonia International ES 3 3 3 0 0 3 3Perry Hall ES 4 2 6 8 0 0 6 8Pine Grove ES 2 2 2 4 4 4 6 6Pleasant Plains ES 7 7 7 1 1 1 8 8Prettyboy El. 1 1 1 0 0 1 1Red House Run ES 3 3 3 2 2 2 5 5Reisterstown ES 3 2 5 7 1 1 1 6 8Rodgers Forge El. 1 1 1 0 0 1 1Scotts Branch ES 7 7 7 0 0 7 7Seneca ES 2 2 2 0 0 2 2Shady Spring ES 7 7 7 0 0 7 7Stoneleigh El. 2 2 2 0 0 2 2Summit Park ES 8 1 9 10 0 0 9 10Sussex ES 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 3Timonium ES 4 4 4 0 0 4 4Villa Cresta ES 4 4 4 1 1 1 5 5Vincent Farm ES 3 3 6 0 0 3 6Wellwood ES 1 1 1 3 3 3 4 4Woodholme ES 4 1 5 6 0 0 5 6Elementary Totals 134 20 0 154 174 34 0 0 2 36 38 190 212

BCPS Owned Units Leased Units Grand Totals

Secondary Schools

One Classroom per Unit24' X 32'

Two Classrooms per

Unit24' X 64'

Three Classrooms per

Unit 56' X 56'

Total Units

Total Classrooms

One Classroom

per Unit24' X 36'

One Classroom

per Unit24' X 38'

Two Classrooms

per Unit 24' X 62'

Two Classrooms

per Unit 24' X 60' Total Units

Total Classrooms



Catonsville MS 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 3 4Chesapeake HS 1 1 2 4 0 0 2 4Dumbarton MS 0 0 2 2 2 2 2Dundalk HS 1 1 1 5 5 5 6 6Owings Mills HS 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 3Parkville MS 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3Patapsco HS 1 1 2 0 0 1 2Perry Hall HS 4 4 4 0 0 4 4Perry Hall MS 0 0 10 10 10 10 10Ridgely MS 4 4 4 0 0 4 4Rosedale Center 1 1 2 0 0 1 2Sparrows Point MS/HS 4 2 6 8 1 1 1 7 9Towson HS 10 10 10 1 1 1 11 11Secondary Totals 28 5 1 34 41 21 2 0 0 23 23 57 64

Combined Totals BCPS Owned Units Leased Units Grand Totals

Combined Totals of Elementary Schools and Secondary Schools

One Classroom per Unit24' X 32'

Two Classrooms per

Unit24' X 64'

Three Classrooms per

Unit 56' X 56'

Total Units

Total Classrooms

One Classroom

per Unit24' X 36'

One Classroom

per Unit24' X 38'

Two Classrooms

per Unit 24' X 62'

Two Classrooms

per Unit 24' X 60' Total Units

Total Classrooms



Elementary Totals 134 20 0 154 174 34 0 0 2 36 38 190 212Secondary Totals 28 5 1 34 41 21 2 0 0 23 23 57 64Grand Totals 162 25 1 188 215 55 2 0 2 59 61 247 276

NOTES: 1. Totals DO NOT include relocatables placed at schools for construction projects.2. BCPS has no state-owned relocatable classroom units.

Page 1 Relocatable Distribution SY 19-20 verified 9-6-19.

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Page 290:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix l. BCPS Policy 7110 POLICY 7110 NEW CONSTRUCTION: Planning Determining Needs I. Philosophy

A. The Board of Education of Baltimore County (Board) must be responsive to changing enrollment patterns to sustain high quality educational programs for all students. The Board further recognizes the need to have a comprehensive and coordinated approach for planning school facilities in order to promote student achievement.

B. The Board believes setting clear criteria for the prioritization of planning and funding requests ensures that system and student needs are central to decision making.

II. Implementation

A. The Superintendent shall establish procedures that ensure comprehensive planning. In developing these procedures, the following factors should be taken into consideration: 1. The current condition of facilities and projected demographics of the student population; 2. Implementation of the instructional program; 3. Community involvement; and 4. The availability of fiscal resources from all funding authorities.

B. The Board directs the Superintendent to implement this policy.

Related Policies: Board of Education Policy 1280, Boundary Changes Board of Education Policy 7240, School Site Selection and Acquisition Board of Education Policy 7250, School Building Design Board of Education Policy 7310, Determination of School Construction Costs

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Policy Board of Education of Baltimore County Adopted: 09/25/69 Revised: 01/12/11 Revised: 05/10/16

Copyright © 2016 Baltimore County Public Schools. All rights reserved.

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Page 292:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix m. BCPS Rule 7110 RULE 7110 NEW CONSTRUCTION: Planning Determining Needs I. Purpose

A. The need for changes to school facilities is determined by numerous factors,

including but not limited to state rated capacity (SRC) of existing buildings, projected enrollment, observed and anticipated increases in community development and changes in facility needs due to programmatic, local or state requirements.

B. A strategic planning process guides the work of Baltimore County Public

Schools (BCPS) in planning for high quality facilities, which are needed to support the educational program.

II. Definitions

A. Capital Improvement Program (CIP)

A comprehensive five-year plan that identifies and prioritizes physical facility needs and capital improvements to support the educational program.

B. Educational Facilities Master Plan (EFMP) An annual document required of all local education agencies (LEAs) by the state of Maryland in accordance with its administrative procedures guide. The EFMP identifies the LEA projected facility needs. The analysis and conclusions therein must be able to substantiate all public school construction projects.

C. Interagency Committee on School Construction (IAC) The state agency responsible for the review/approval of construction documents and funding of school construction projects to ensure equity of school facilities. The IAC is composed of the State Superintendent of Schools, the Director of the Maryland Office of Planning, the Secretary of the Department of General Services and the Executive Director of the State School Construction Program.

D. Maryland State Public School Construction Program

The program that provides for state funding of public school construction

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RULE 7110

E. Pupil-Yields

An estimate of the number of school-aged students a newly constructed residential development is expected to produce over time.

F. State Rated Capacity (SRC) Defined by the State of Maryland as the maximum number of students who can reasonably be accommodated in a facility without significantly hampering delivery of the given educational program. The SRC is calculated as the product of the number of teaching stations in a school and a state-determined student-to-classroom ratio.

III. Procedures

The following procedures, criteria or standards apply to the facilities planning process:

A. Enrollment Forecasts 1. Student population and community development trends serve as the basis

for long-range planning. 2. In consultation with the assistant superintendents, the Office of Strategic

Planning is responsible for compiling data necessary to project enrollments.

3. The Office of Strategic Planning will: a. Chart growth and development activity based on data received

from the county Office of Planning and Zoning; b. Prepare enrollment forecasts at all grade levels for all schools; c. Determine pupil-yields for various types of housing in all election

districts; d. Review existing and potential sites and maintain a database of site

bank properties for BCPS; and e. Prepare and report annually to the Superintendent the official

school year enrollment, revised school capacities and revised one year and ten year enrollment projections.

B. Facilities Inventory

1. A facilities inventory is required as a component of the annual EFMP. 2. The inventory shall contain pertinent historical and current building

information to support the capital improvement program in accordance with the IAC and the State of Maryland Public School Construction Program Administrative Procedures Guide.

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RULE 7110

3. The Department of Physical Facilities will maintain the facility inventory

including the following information for each educational facility: a. Name; b. Location; c. State Rated Capacity (SRC); d. Grade organization; e. Size and gross square footage; f. Date of construction of original building; g. Dates and descriptions of all renovations; h. Acreage of school site; i. Enrollments for the previous fall; j. Utilization rate; and k. General physical condition.

4. The Department of Physical Facilities will establish criteria, methods and procedures for conducting evaluations of school buildings.

5. The Departments of Fiscal Services, Physical Facilities and Strategic Planning and Research will prepare and submit annually to the Superintendent documentation in support of the CIP and the EFMP.

Related Policies: Board of Education Policy 1280, Boundary Changes Board of Education Policy 7240, School Site Selection and Acquisition Board of Education Policy 7250, School Building Design Board of Education Policy 7310, Determination of School

Construction Costs

Rule Superintendent of Schools Approved: 09/25/69 Revised: 08/11/77 Edited: 12/14/81 Revised: 09/27/90 Revised: 01/12/11 Revised: 05/10/16

Copyright © 2016 Baltimore County Public Schools. All rights reserved.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 289

Page 295:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix n. BCPS Policy 1280 POLICY 1280 COMMUNITY RELATIONS: Community Involvement Boundary Changes I. Policy Statement

A. The Board of Education of Baltimore County (Board) establishes school attendance areas in order to provide quality educational opportunities for all students and to promote the efficient use of school facilities and resources.

B. The Board recognizes the importance of community involvement in its deliberations and decisions related to school attendance areas.

C. The Board shall determine, with the recommendation of the Superintendent, the geographical attendance area for each Baltimore County public school.

II. Implementation

A. The Superintendent will develop procedures for school and community involvement in the development of recommendations for all boundary changes.

B. The Board directs the Superintendent to implement this policy.

Legal References: Annotated Code of Maryland, Education Article §4-108, Duties in General

Annotated Code of Maryland, Education Article §4-109, Establishment of Public Schools

Related Policies: Board of Education Policy 1200, Community Involvement Board of Education Policy 1290, Closing of School Buildings Board of Education Policy 5110, Admissions Board of Education Policy 5140, School Attendance Areas

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Page 296:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary


Policy Board of Education of Baltimore County Adopted: 10/23/01 Revised: 08/10/04 Revised: 09/07/10 Revised: 09/13/16

Copyright © 2016 Baltimore County Public Schools. All rights reserved.

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Page 297:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix o. BCPS Rule 1280 RULE 1280 COMMUNITY RELATIONS: Community Involvement Boundary Changes

I. Purpose

To implement Board of Education of Baltimore County (Board) Policy 1280 by establishing procedures for school and community involvement in the development of recommendations for all school boundary changes.

II. Definitions

A. Boundary – A line that defines a school attendance area; the official boundaries for each Baltimore County public school are maintained by the Office of Strategic Planning.

B. State-Rated Capacity (SRC) – As defined by the state of Maryland, the

maximum number of students who can reasonably be accommodated in a facility without significantly hampering delivery of the given educational program. The SRC is generally calculated as the product of the number of teaching stations in a school and a state-determined student-to-classroom ratio.

III. Boundary Change Process

A. Boundary Study 1. The superintendent may initiate a boundary study to develop

recommendations for a boundary change to achieve one or more of the following objectives: a. To establish a boundary for a new school or an existing school

under construction that will result in a change in SRC; b. To establish new boundaries in anticipation of a school closing; c. To maximize use of available space in schools; d. To align school feeder pattern areas; or e. To respond to a significant change in an academic program.

2. The boundary study will be coordinated by the Office of Strategic Planning which will:

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RULE 1280 a. Recommend to the superintendent which schools to include in the

study; b. Recommend to the superintendent a facilitator for the boundary

study; c. Provide information and data to support the study process; and d. Coordinate Boundary Study Committee meetings and public

forums and maintain meeting records. 3. Primary Considerations that may guide the boundary study include, but

are not be limited to: a. Maintaining the continuity of neighborhoods; b. Maintaining or increasing the diversity among schools to reflect the diversity of the region and the school system;

4. Secondary considerations that may guide the boundary study include, but are not limited to: a. Maintaining the continuity of neighborhoods; b. The impact of transportation and pedestrian patterns on students; c. Minimizing the number of times any individual student is assigned

to another school; d. Long-term enrollment and capacity trends and future capital plans; e. Location of feeder school boundaries and continuity of feeder

patterns; or f. Phasing in boundary changes by grade level for high schools.

B. Boundary Study Committee

1. The superintendent will convene a Boundary Study Committee composed of the following members:

a. Principals from each of the schools included in the boundary study;

b. A teacher from each of the affected schools who is recommended by the school principal;

c. Two (2) parents from each of the affected schools who are recommended by the school principal;

d. A representative of the Board’s Area Education Advisory Council that serves the schools included in the boundary study; and

e. Administrative staff: (1) Administrative staff may include representatives from:

(a) Strategic planning; (b) Transportation; (c) Curriculum and instruction; and

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RULE 1280 (d) Human resources.

(2) Administrative staff shall provide data and information to support the process.

2. The Boundary Study Committee will consider possible boundary change scenarios in accordance with considerations in paragraphs III(A)(3) and III(A)(4) above. a. Boundary Study Committee responsibilities will include, but not

be limited to: (1) Determining scenarios to provide to the public in an

information session; (2) Considering all information and data presented as well as

input received from the public information session and survey; and

(3) Recommending an option to the superintendent to be presented to the Board. The superintendent may request that the Boundary Study Committee continue deliberation and/or develop additional option(s).

b. The Boundary Study Committee may call for a vote of its members as a means to advance its work and make a recommendation as follows:

(1) Principals and administrative staff may not vote; (2) The vote will be conducted by the study facilitator; (3) Any voting member of the committee may choose to vote

or to abstain from voting; and (4) Votes will be recorded.

IV. Community Engagement A. Meetings

1. Meetings of the Boundary Study Committee will be publicly advertised.

2. The public may attend and observe the Boundary Study Committee meetings.

3. Boundary Study Committee meetings will be streamed live and/or recorded and made available on the on the school system’s Web site.

4. All information provided to the Boundary Study Committee at its meetings will be posted on the school system’s Web site following the meeting.

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RULE 1280 B. Public Information Session for Affected Schools

1. The Boundary Study Committee will present boundary change options in a public information session prior to the committee’s final deliberation and recommendation.

2. The date, time, and location of the public information session will be announced at least ten calendar days prior to the session.

C. The public will be invited to participate in a survey regarding options presented at the public information session. The survey results will be provided to the Boundary Study Committee prior to the final deliberation and recommendation of the committee.

V. Timing

The Boundary Study Committee’s recommendation shall be made before the end of the school year prior to the boundary change’s intended implementation. VI. Recommendation

The community superintendent(s) will present the Boundary Study Committee’s recommendation to the Board in open session at a regular meeting of the Board.

VII. Board Public Hearing

A. The Board shall schedule a public hearing in order to receive comment from the public regarding the recommended boundary change.

B. The public hearing will be held no fewer than ten calendar days prior to final action by the Board.

VIII. Approval

After the public hearing, the Board will take final action on the boundary change recommendation in open session at a regular meeting of the Board.

IX. Emergencies

Each step in the boundary change process may be condensed or changed when implementation of the boundary change is required due to emergency circumstances.

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RULE 1280

Legal References: Annotated Code of Maryland, Education Article §4-108, Powers and Duties of Board

Annotated Code of Maryland, Education Article §4-109, Public Schools and Attendance Areas

Related Policies: Board of Education Policy 1200, Community Involvement Board of Education Policy 1290, Closing of School Buildings Board of Education Policy 5140, Assignment and/or Special Permission


Rule Superintendent of Schools Approved: 09/07/10 Revised: 07/09/19

Copyright © 2019 Baltimore County Public Schools. All rights reserved.

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Page 302:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

RULE 1280

Legal References: Annotated Code of Maryland, Education Article §4-108, Powers and Duties of Board

Annotated Code of Maryland, Education Article §4-109, Public Schools and Attendance Areas

Related Policies: Board of Education Policy 1200, Community Involvement Board of Education Policy 1290, Closing of School Buildings Board of Education Policy 5140, Assignment and/or Special Permission


Rule Superintendent of Schools Approved: 09/07/10 Revised: 07/09/19

Copyright © 2019 Baltimore County Public Schools. All rights reserved.

Students Count 2019, February 2020 Page 297

Page 303:  · Acknowledgements . BALTIMORE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . Kathleen S. Causey, Chair . Julie C. Henn, Vice Chair . Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D, Superintendent, Secretary

Appendix p. Redistribution of Enrollment Projections for Schools

Introduction: BCPS school boundary changes occur in accordance with Policy and Rule 1280. When these occur, it is usually necessary to redistribute enrollment projections to account for the anticipated impact.

If the boundary change is approved by the Board of Education (BOE) prior to annualenrollment projection calculations (November/December), the student movement isincorporated into projection methodology.

If boundary changes are approved by the BOE in a December–March timeframe with changes affecting the coming school year, enrollment projections at affected schools are redistributed, per the methodology outlined below.

Dogwood Elementary School Capacity Relief Study (2020–2021 implementation) Status: Approved

This boundary study was approved June 11, 2019. This study served to relieve Dogwood Elementary School via redistricting. Enrollment projection changes resulting from this study are incorporated into 2020–2029 enrollment projections.

The approved boundary adjustment affects two elementary schools (Dogwood Elementary and Featherbed Lane Elementary) and is effective beginning Fall 2020.

Johnnycake Elementary School Capacity Relief Study (2020–2021 implementation) Status: Approved

This boundary study was approved June 11, 2019. This study served to relieve Johnnycake Elementary School via redistricting. Enrollment projection changes resulting from this study are incorporated into 2020–2029 enrollment projections.

The approved boundary adjustment affects two elementary schools (Johnnycake Elementary and Edmondson Heights Elementary) and is effective beginning Fall 2020.

Pleasant Plains Elementary School Capacity Relief Study (2020-2021 implementation) Status: Pending Approval

This boundary study is underway with a recommendation to the BOE pending February 11, 2020, and a final decision pending March 10, 2020. This study serves to relieve Pleasant Plains Elementary School via redistricting. Enrollment projection changes resulting from this study are pending and will be incorporated into the 2020–2029 enrollment projections in a June 2020 revision to this document.

The approved boundary adjustment will be effective beginning Fall 2020.

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