Achieve, Challenge, Enjoy! February 2020 World Book Day—Heroes and Villains This year, on Thursday 5th March, 2020, we will be cele- brang World Book Day! Our theme for this year is Heroes and Villains and we would like the children come to school dressed as their favourite hero or villain from a book. This could be Harry Poer, Malda, or one of the many superheroes (heroes) or Voldermort, Mrs. Trunchbull or even Long John Silver! As part of the celebraons, children will be ranking arib- utes from these characters and creang our very own Top Trumps—Book Character edion! During the day we will also be doing book related learning and the children will also receive a £1 book voucher which will allow them to buy a free book or get £1 off any other book. Look out for this voucher coming home. We look forward to seeing all the amazing costumes on that day! St. Davids Day Celebraons On Monday 2nd March, we will be connuing to celebrate the Saints Days in the UK by celebrang St. Davids Day (Patron Saint of Wales). On this day, children are welcome to come to school in non-school uniform in the colours repre- senng Wales (Red, White and Green). In Wales, it is tradi- on for children to also either wear a daffodil (naonal flow- er of Wales) or a leek (naonal emblem of Wales) therefore it would be nice to see children wear one of these on their chests too. With this in mind, and in support of a fund-raising effort by one of our families, during the coming weeks in school, we will be selling daffodils for the Marie Curie appeal. Marie Curie raise money to provide care and support for those who are terminally ill. The suggested donaon for these daffodils is £1 and it is hoped that all children will purchase a daffodil to wear on St. Davids day. Parents and families are also encouraged to pop to the office and purchase a daffodil to support the appeal. PE Kit Amnesty!! Over the last couple of years ,we have pro- vided spare P.E kit that is available for chil- dren so they can take part in lessons even when they forget their kits. However, most of the kit has now gone miss- ing and we have very few complete sets left. What we would like you to do is have a good look at home over half-term and if you find any Moorgate kit, (old or new, clean or dirty) then pop it in a bag and return it either to the School Office or directly to Mr. Moran when you return back to school after the holiday. NO QUESTIONS ASKED!!!- We will be grate- ful for anything you can return. Thank you, Recent Enrichment This half term: EYFS have loved their Relax Kids session—learning to appreciate themselves and being aware of their feelings KS1 had an amazing me on their trip to London—they visited a museum and then had a coach tour to see the sights! Y3/4 Kicked off their Road Trip USA topic with an awe- some food tasng and learning about the original states. Y6 had an amazing me on their recent residenal to Whitemoor Lakes. They learned outdoor acvies skills and perseverance and courage!! See the website or free app for more details about the amazing learning the children have been geng up to.

Achieve, Challenge, Enjoy! February 2020 · World ook Day—Heroes and Villains This year, on Thursday 5th March, 2020, we will be cele-brating World ook Day! Our theme for this year

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Page 1: Achieve, Challenge, Enjoy! February 2020 · World ook Day—Heroes and Villains This year, on Thursday 5th March, 2020, we will be cele-brating World ook Day! Our theme for this year

Achieve, Challenge, Enjoy!

February 2020

World Book Day—Heroes and Villains

This year, on Thursday 5th March, 2020, we will be cele-

brating World Book Day!

Our theme for this year is Heroes and Villains and we

would like the children come to school dressed as their

favourite hero or villain from a book. This could be Harry

Potter, Matilda, or one of the many superheroes (heroes)

or Voldermort, Mrs. Trunchbull or even Long John Silver!

As part of the celebrations, children will be ranking attrib-

utes from these characters and creating our very own Top

Trumps—Book Character edition!

During the day we will also be doing book related learning

and the children will also receive a £1 book voucher which

will allow them to buy a free book or get £1 off any other

book. Look out for this voucher coming home.

We look forward to seeing all the amazing costumes on

that day!

St. David’s Day Celebrations

On Monday 2nd March, we will be continuing to celebrate

the Saints Days in the UK by celebrating St. David’s Day

(Patron Saint of Wales). On this day, children are welcome to

come to school in non-school uniform in the colours repre-

senting Wales (Red, White and Green). In Wales, it is tradi-

tion for children to also either wear a daffodil (national flow-

er of Wales) or a leek (national emblem of Wales) therefore

it would be nice to see children wear one of these on their

chests too.

With this in mind, and in support of a fund-raising effort by

one of our families, during the coming weeks in school, we

will be selling daffodils for the Marie Curie appeal. Marie

Curie raise money to provide care and support for those

who are terminally ill. The suggested donation for these

daffodils is £1 and it is hoped that all children will purchase a

daffodil to wear on St. David’s day. Parents and families are

also encouraged to pop to the office and purchase a daffodil

to support the appeal.

PE Kit Amnesty!!

Over the last couple of years ,we have pro-vided spare P.E kit that is available for chil-dren so they can take part in lessons even when they forget their kits.

However, most of the kit has now gone miss-ing and we have very few complete sets left.

What we would like you to do is have a good look at home over half-term and if you find any Moorgate kit, (old or new, clean or dirty) then pop it in a bag and return it either to the School Office or directly to Mr. Moran when you return back to school after the holiday.

NO QUESTIONS ASKED!!!- We will be grate-ful for anything you can return.

Thank you,

Recent Enrichment

This half term:

EYFS have loved their Relax Kids session—learning to

appreciate themselves and being aware of their feelings

KS1 had an amazing time on their trip to London—they

visited a museum and then had a coach tour to see the


Y3/4 Kicked off their Road Trip USA topic with an awe-

some food tasting and learning about the original states.

Y6 had an amazing time on their recent residential to

Whitemoor Lakes. They learned outdoor activities skills

and perseverance and courage!!

See the website or free app for more details about the

amazing learning the children have been getting up to.

Page 2: Achieve, Challenge, Enjoy! February 2020 · World ook Day—Heroes and Villains This year, on Thursday 5th March, 2020, we will be cele-brating World ook Day! Our theme for this year


The school office is open from 8.30am until 4pm daily. Please feel free to pop in and

see Mrs Mitchell & Mrs Swindell about any administrative / lunch enquiries that you

may have. You can also follow and communicate with the school in a variety of other

ways outside of these times!

Website: www.moorgateacademy.co.uk

Twitter: @moorgateacademy


App: Download from the App Store (Apple) or Play Store (Android)

Telephone: 01827 215240

Mrs Mitchell [email protected]

Mr. Williams [email protected]

Mrs Eaglefield [email protected]

Mrs Shaw [email protected]

Trips and Enrichment

Last year we consulted on school trips and took

the decision to ask parents for a set £10 per child

to contribute towards trips, visitors and enrich-

ment activities—this will continue this year. As a

reminder, school will be match funding this

amount and as we did last year, we will be guar-

anteeing the trips advertised. To clarify, all the

trips booked by staff will definitely be happening.

The £10 Annual voluntary trip contribution for

enrichment has now been set up on ParentPay.

You can either pay it as a one-off amount or chip

away at it as the year goes on. Please support us

by paying this voluntary contribution as trips

cannot happen without them. In the very near

future, you will learn all the enrichment planned

for your child’s class for this year.

Thank you.

Dates for the diary

w/b 17th February—Half Term

28/2/20—Dental Nurse to see EYFS

2/3/20—St. David’s Day celebrations (non-

school uniform)

5/3/20—World Book Day (come as your fa-

vourite hero or villain)

12/3/20—Author visiting school—Lucy’s Blue


2/4/20—Live Musical Concert

3/4/20—Last day of the Spring Term!

20/4/20—Inset Day

21/4/20—Children return to school

8/5/20—May Bank Holiday (Friday to celebrate

VE Day 75 years)

W/B 11/5/20— SATs Week (Y6)

*Please see the website for more up-to-date

events including after school sports clubs