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Newspaper made by partner schools OU."Kuzman Josifoski-Pitu"-Kicevo ,Macedonia;OS"Belica"-Belica,Croatia and OS"Sveti Sava"-Pirot,Serbia

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АЦЕС(Академија на училишта од Централна Европа) Ацес (Академија на училишта од Централна Европа) e формирана во 2006 година од ЕРСТЕ

Фондација во соработка со Interkulturelles Zentrum (Виена, Австрија). Во 2009 година VČELÍ

ДОМ (Братислава, Република Словачка) се приклучи во партнерство. Целoкупната идеја оваа

фондација е да го подобри активното учество на учениците и наставниците, да се поттикне

дијалог и соработка на младите, споделување на знаењата и заедничко учење во замена со

меѓународна соработка. Ацес нуди можности за младите луѓе од Централна и Југоисточна

Европа да се развијат нови пријателства и преку границите, но и да се учествува во

меѓународните проекти. Една од позитивните особини на Ацес е да ги охрабрува учениците и

наставниците да се вклучат во интеркултурна размена со годишен натпревар за училиштето и

партнерски проекти. Учесниците работат заедно на теми од заеднички интерес и да развијат

нови перспективи на регионално и европско ниво.Темата на Aцес за 2012/13 година е

"Проверка на реалноста - Како гледаме и изградба на светот преку медиумите". Моментално

на овој проект работат 15 партнерски земји од централна и југоисточна Европа: Албанија,

Австрија, Босна и Херцеговина, Бугарија, Хрватска, Чешка, Унгарија, Косово, Македонија,

Молдавија, Црна Гора, Романија, Србија, Словачка и Словенија. Секоја од овие земји има

партнер-земја со која спроведува и работи на партнерски проекти во меѓунадорна соработка.

Училиштата од овие земји учествуваат во активностите на ацес.Времетраењето на овој проект

трае речиси една учебна година (7 месеци). На овој проект работат ученици од 12 до 17

години. Академијата се фокусира на европски теми и исто така ги подржува иновативните

начини на предавање и учење со цел да се придонесе за процесот на европска интеграција и

промовирање на европското државјанство. Исто така целта на овој проект е да се дојде до

заедничка визија за иднината на Европа. Воедно, креиран е и ацес танц и кореографија на

Руби Ворт.Составена е и музика специјално за ацес танцот од Том Банкрофт и Том Банана.

Aces (Academy of Central European Schools)

ACES was formed in 2006 by ERSTE Foundation in cooperation with Interkulturelles Zentrum

(Vienna, Austria). In 2009 VČELÍ DOM (Bratislava, Slovakia) joined the partnership. The purpose

of this foundation is to enhance the active participation of students and teachers, to encourage

youth dialogue and cooperation, knowledge sharing and mutual learning in exchange with interna-

tional cooperation. Aces offers opportunities for young people from Central and South-Eastern

Europe to develop new friendships and across borders, but also to participate in international

projects. One of the positive features of the Aces is to encourage students and teachers to en-

gage in intercultural exchange with an annual competition for school and partnership projects.

Participants work together on issues of common interest and to develop new perspectives on re-

gional and European level. Topic aces for the 2012/13 year is a ''Reality Check - How we perceive

and construct the world through media''. Currently 15 partner countries from Central and South

Eastern Europe are involved in the network:: Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria,

Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slo-

vakia and Slovenia. Each of these countries has a partner country that implemented and working

partnership projects in international cooperation. Schools of these countries participate in the

activities of aces. The duration of this project takes almost one school year (7 months). Students

who are 12 to 17 years old can participate in the projects.Academy focuses on European themes

and also supports innovative ways of teaching and learning in order to contribute to the process of

European integration and the promotion of European citizenship. Also the goal of this project is to

come to a common vision for the future of Europe. During the project, participants had a chance

to perform an aces dance. Especially for aces, music was composed by Tom Bancroft and Tom Ba-

nana, while Ruby Vort prepared the choreography for the dance.






Our children are growing up in a “media age” in which mass communications are both widely available and highly influential. This is at once a benefit and a problem .The main aim of our project is to promote intercultural dialogue among pupils and teachers from different schools. At the same time we want to create critical thinking about media. Media has a great influence to our youth and it is important to develop selective behav-ior about information offered in media With this project, students themselves will earn to select displayed data and to produce their own. The project is focused on media literacy and production of custom media products. This project has several concrete products depending on the three parts that it consist of. At the end of the first part pupils of each school made their own video commercial on the theme they have chosen as the most appropriate.

Students also created an educational game about Internet safety. By making a maze through which you pass by answering questions and collecting useful tips, they saw that learning can be also interesting and fun.

After collecting information each school made a short documentary film on that subject.

All obtained results and concrete products of the project were published on common blog and students were able to discuss each product (film, video, game).

Final report for the whole project has been published in joined newspaper in four lan-guages: English, Croatian, Macedonian and Serbian. It contains general information about each school and country, data about the aces program and reports on imple-mented workshops, activities and visits.







“ Kuzman Josifoski-Pitu” is started to

work back in 1961 in the small town

Kicevo-Macedonia.There it passed many students

and teachers.Today this primary school is contem-

porary school with many students and teachers.

Our primary school Kuzman Josifoski-Pitu is situat-

ed on the north side between the streets “11th Sep-

tember” and “4th July” in the centre of Kicevo.In our

school now work 64 people,who allow students to

have a good teaching and beautiful school days.Our

primary school Kuzman Josifoski-Pitu has 31 clas-

ses.Teaching is performed in 18 classrooms,a li-

brary and 4 classrooms for cabinet teaching.That

for 4 classrooms are :one for computer science,one

for tehnical education,one for art education and

chemistry cabinet.Teachers in our school apply

best practices for students,they can easier and

better understand the teaching.Although there are

number of students section.Exhibitions in the

school lobby speak for the successful realization of

teaching.The library has reading room with a large

selection of books and students are allowed to

take book at any time.Some of the more important

section of students are: literary and drama sec-

tion,press section,section of young mathemati-

cians,chemists,physicists,young geogra-

phers,astronomical section and section of young

linguists,music section and painting section.



Kičevo was noted in one of the documents of the Byzantine emperor Basil II in 1018, and also men-tioned by the Ohrid archbishop Theophilact in the 11th century.

When the region was conquered by the Ottoman Empire, Kičevo was turned into the military and administrative cen-ter of the region. Notable monument of that period is a clock tower built in the foothills of the nearby hill called Kichevsko Kale.

The activities of the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (IMRO) in the region of Kičevo were initiated by the priest Josif from the monastery of Bogorodica Prečista near the city, supported by many teachers from the neighbouring villages. Priest Josif and Pere Toshev formed the first armed detachment in Kičevo in 1878, led by Duko Tasev. On August 2, 1903, the citizens of Kičevo joined the struggle for Macedonian independ-ence, led by Arso Vojvoda and Yordan Piperkata.

In 1919 Kičevo and the whole region were incorporated in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes.

During World War II, Kičevo was occupied by forces

from Fascist Italy. On September 9,

1943 Albanian and Macedonian partisan units disarmed

the Italian garrison and took control of the city

Monastery of St. Bogorodica Prečista (Monastery of Im-maculate Mother of God) is a significant monastery near Kičevo. Dedicated to the Virgin Mary, Mother of God, the feast day of this monastery is "Mala Bogorodica", (Birthday of the Virgin Mary on the 21st of September). The monastery, dedicated to the Annunciation and lodg-ings for devout female monks, represents a medieval monastery that was known under the name Krninski mon-astery in the past.

Another important monument is the monastery of St.

George located in the vicinity of Kičevo.




PRIMARY SCHOOL BELICA Primary School Belica is situated in county Međimurje in the northernmost part of Croatia.

In local school in Gardinovec, students can complete the first 4 years of their primary education. After that, they attend the main school in Belica where they complete the remaining 4 years, trav-elling to the school by a school bus. School has around 240 stu-dents distributed in 12 grades in the main school Belica and 4 grades in Gardinovec. Since last year, teachers and students are very proud of their new school gym.

Students are offered to attend elective courses in Religion Educa-tion, German, ICT and a variety of extracurricular activities ac-cording to their interests. Every year a great number of students participate in different competitions where they achieve excel-lent results.

Belica is located around 5 kilometres east of Čakovec, the largest and capital city of Međimurje County. It is known for its agriculture, especially potato farming. There is even a monument dedicated to potato in Belica, unveiled in Au-gust 2007. OSNOVNA ŠKOLA BELICA

Osnovna škola Belica je smještena u Međimurskoj županiji u najsjevernijem dijelu Hrvatske. U Područnoj školi Gardinovec učenici završavaju prva četiri razreda svog osnovnog obrazovanja. Nakon toga, u Osnovnoj školi Belica završavaju preostala četiri razreda, putujudi svakodnevno u školu autobusom. Škola ima oko 240 učenika raspoređenih u 12 razreda u Belici i četiri razreda u Gardinovcu. Prošle godine, škola je dobila novu sportsku dvoranu na koju su učitelji i učenici jako ponosni.

Učenici mogu pohađati i nastavu iz izbornih predmeta vjeronau-ka, njemačkog jezika ili informatike te mogu, prema svojim in-teresima, sudjelovati u velikom broju izvannastavnih aktivnosti. Svake godine, velik broj učenika sudjeluje na različitim natjecan-jima gdje postižu izvrsne rezultate.



Belica je smještena oko pet kilometara istočno od grada Čakovca, najvedeg i glavnog grada Međimurske županije.

Područje je poznato po poljoprivredi, posebno po uzgoju krumpi-ra, a u kolovozu 2007. godine u Belici je čak izgrađen spomenik krumpiru.


There are three cities in Međimurje County – Čakovec, Prelog and Mursko Središde. The county seat Čakovec is also the largest city of the county and has a population of around 20,000.

Čakovec has three elementary schools and several high schools, including the Gymnasium. The city also has two universities – the Faculty of Teacher Education and the Polytechnic of Međimurje.

The period of significant economic and cultural growth of Čako-vec is considered to have started in the 16th century, when Niko-la Šubid Zrinski became the owner of the area. At that time the castle was lavishly decorated, surrounded by a park and sculp-tures of famous army leaders and monarchs. The castle, which was owned by the Zrinski family between the 16th and the 18th century is known today as the "Old Town of the Zrinskis" and considered as the landmark of the city. It is located in the Zrinski Park only a few steps from the downtown and the central square.

ČAKOVEC Međimurska županija ima tri grada – Čakovec, Prelog i Mursko Središde. Sjedište županije je Čakovec, koji je ujedno i najvedi grad sa 20,000 stanovnika.

U Čakovcu se nalaze tri osnovne škole i nekoliko srednjih škola, uključujudi Gimnaziju. Grad ima i dva fakulteta – Učiteljski fakultet i Međimursko veleučilište.

U 16. stoljedu, kada Nikola Šubid Zrinski postaje vlasnik ovog

područja, počinje razdoblje značajnog ekonomskog i

kulturološkog rasta grada Čakovca. Tijekom tog razdoblja počinje

uređenje dvorca okruženog parkom i skulpturama poznatih

vojskovođa i vladara. Dvorac koji je bio u posjedu obitelji Zrinski

od 16. do 18. stoljeda, danas je znamenitost grada poznat pod

nazivom ''Stari grad Zrinskih''. Nalazi se u Perivoju Zrinskih svega

nekoliko koraka udaljenom od središta grada i glavnog gradskog






Pirot is a town that charms you at your first visit. When you enter the town, you can see a beautiful fortress called Momcilov grad *The fortress of Momcilo, the duke*. It is a testimony of its turbulent past times. As if the whispering voices of the past heroes, who had defended their home place,could be heard from the walls in its silence and mystique. If you look at the landscape, you can see the slopes of the Stara Mountain and its highest mountain peak Midzor (2169m) It is breath-taking and you would like to come back and visit it again. The Nisava River flows through the town and you can enjoy the walking paths along the both banks. In the season, the scent of the blooming linens could be felt, spreading through the whole town. On the other hand, mountain rivers come as they are: placid, winding, tender and angry. However, the very jewel of our home place is Zavojsko Lake. It is true paradise for fishemen, hikers, campers and all other nature lovers. Finally, people call our hometown Little Jerusalem for it has planty of churches and monasteries scattered throughout its vicinity. They treasure the core of our nation and cultural heritage. The town itself has four primary schools, one of which is the primary school Sveti Sava. Proudly, it shares the name of the first Serbian schoolar who implemented the idea of enlightment, Archbishop, healer and a teacher, Saint Sava (Sveti Sava). Both being proud of tradition and having a clear vision of the future are the distinctive features of our respectable school with qualified teachers who are skilled in modern and effective teaching. At the same time, it provides the positive working environment. We conduce towards skillful and highly profesional work with our students in our school. Also, noticable success is gained by nourishing the team work and profesional development. High-standard facilities which we tend to equip properly provide conditions for modern, quality and effective teaching. In addition, we keep improving communication with both the parents of our students and the local community. Apart from the noticable success on the contests patronized by the Ministry of Education, primary school Sveti Sava teachers pay attantion to and activly take part in numerous projects announced at state and international level. Last year, our team realised eleven projects everyone of which being equally impotant both on the state

and international level.





Пирпт је град кпји вас псвпји на први ппглед. На сампм улазу дпшека вас прелеп Мпмшилпв град, сведпк бурне истприје пвпг краја. Тихп и мистишнп, са зидина се шује щапат јунака кпји су бранили свпј завишај и пдатле птищли у истприју. Акп ппгледате у висине, дпшекаће вас пбрпнци Старе планине и највищи врх Мичпр (2169м). Свпјпм лепптпм ће вас пшарати

тпликп да ћете ппет ппжелети да дпђете...и ппет.... А тек реке... Крпз сам град прптише Нищава кпја се лепп щири у свпм кприту, пивишена прелепим щеталищтем . Мирис липа преплави цеп град када им дпђе време. А планинске реке су приша за себе: мирне, бујне, нежне и љуте. Прави драгуљ нащег завишаја је и Завпјскп језерп. Рај за рибплпвце, щеташе, кампере и све љубитеље прирпде. Такпђе, није нащ завишај узалуд дпбип назив Мали Јерусалим- има тпликп манастира и цркава кпје нам ппмажу да сашувамп српствп и нащу културну бащтину.

А у Пирпту, једна пд шетири пснпвне щкпле је и щкпла ,, Свети Сава“. Са ппнпспм нпси име првпг српскпг прпсветитеља, архиепискппа, лекара, ушитеља. Ппнпсни на свпју традицију, са јаснпм визијпм за будућнпст ,тп је щкпла са традицијпм и угледпм, струшним и квалитетним кадрпм, псппспбљена за савременп и успещнп пбразпваое и васпитаое нащих ушеника и истпвременп средина у кпјпј је правп задпвпљствп радити. У щкпли ,,Свети Сава“ се тежи струшнпсти и виспкпј прпфесипналнпсти у раду са ушеницима. Негујући тимски рад и струшнп усаврщаваое ппстижу се запажени резултати. Сталним ппремаоем щкпле стварају се услпви за ефикасну, квалитетну и савремену наставу и сталнп се унапређује сарадоа са рпдитељима и лпкалнпм заједницпм.

Ппред мнпгих запажених резултата на такмишеоима ппд

ппкрпвитељствпм Министарства прпсвете , кплектив Оснпвне

щкпле ,,Свети Сава“ ппклаоа пажоу и активнп ушествује у мнпгим

прпјектима кпји се расписују на државнпм и међунарпднпм

нивпу . Самп у прпщлпј щкплскпј гпдини је реализпванп 11

прпјеката и сваки је важан на свпј нашин, ппшевщи пд лпкалнпг дп

државнпг нивпа..




Четрнаесторо ученика седмог разреда Основне школе "Свети Сава", у периоду од 18. до 21.

октобра 2012. године боравило је у Кичеву, у Републици Македонији, поводом учешћа у

међународном пројекту ACES - "Заједно бирамо, стварамо своју будућност". Поред наше школе и

школе домаћина "Кузман Јосифовски Питу" учествовала су и деца из Основне школе "Бјелица" из

Републике Хрватске.На испраћају испред моје школе окупило се доста мојих другара и другарица.

Сви су желели да крену са нама на ово узбудљиво и веома поучно путовање. Међутим, наставница

енглеског је била одабрала само оне ученике са најбољим знањем енглеског језика. Поред нас

ученика, на пут је кренуле су и три наставнице. Путовало се аутобусом скоро седам сати. Када смо

стигли тог поподнева већ је падао мрак. У Кичево су нас дочекали ученици, наши домаћини, њихови

родитељи и наставници њихове основне школе. После упознавања, отишли смо до домова наших

домаћина. Ја сам био смештен код Филипа Наумовског, такође ученика седмог разреда. Домаћини из

Кичева су у својој школи припремили програм добродошлице у част нашег доласка и доласка деце

из Хрватске. Уз песму, игру и весеље, упознавали смо једне друге. Језик нам није представљао

баријеру за дружење и разумевање, па смо сви отишли на журку.У петак ујутру је био радни део

пројекта који се састојао од две радионице. У првој радионици под називом "Ледоломац", имали

смо задатак да опишемо особине и карактеристике Арнолда Шварценегера. У другој смо се

упознавали са начином коришћења камера и фотоапарата у журналистици, уредништвом и

репродукцији, а све нам је то презентовао новинар Влатко. Имали смо задатак да направимо насловну

страну једног модног часописа. Како је моја група била сачињена искључиво од дечака, мени је то

деловало смешно да ми расправљамо о моди, али смо ипак одговорили на задату тему. Своју

насловну страну назвали смо "Ultra fashion". Поподне смо посетили Охрид. То је један веома леп и

занимљив град са дугогодишњом историјом и традицијом. Обишли смо радионицу за израду

папируса и видели једну од копија Гутенбергове штампарске машине. Прошетали смо градом и

одушевили се његовим познатим грађевинама. У суботу смо отишли у главни град Македоније,

Скопље, и посетили зграду Македонске радиотелевизије, где смо слушали како се користе камере,

микрофони и остали телевизијски реквизити за настанак неке тв емисије. Тамо смо се упознали и са

неким новинарима и репортерима и сви су били пријатељски расположени. После тог "радног дела"

обилазили смо центар града и Тржни центар. На мене је велики утисак оставио монументални

споменик Александра Великог (Македонског), који је имао импонзанте димензије. Посетили смо

Мекдоналдс и гледали филм у 7Д резолуцији. Након повратка у Кичево и кратког одмора код

домаћина, имали смо посебну вечеру у хотелу Кичево.Недеља је била последњи дан нашег дружења.

Имали смо још једну радионицу под називом "Ставрање медијум поруке". Тада су нам домаћини

уручили поклоне у виду мајица са именом њиховог града и фасцикле са материјалом. Око 9 сати

кренули смо пут Пирота. Сви смо били тужни и грлили се на растанку. Сликали смо се за успомену.

Видећемо се опет у фебруару у Пироту. Надам се да ће деца из Македоније и Хрватске посетити

Пирот и да ћемо се опет сви заједно дружити и лепо провести, као и да ћемо ми бити добри

домаћини, а они понети лепе успомене из мог града.На повратку за Пирот, свратили смо у Крушево и

обишли гроб познатог Македонског певача Тошета Проеског, а затим и археолошко налазиште

СтобиУчешће у овом пројекту је за мене једно невероватно и непоновљиво искуство које ћу памтити

целог живота.

Лука Велков Пирот, Србија



Together in Kicevo

This year, my school participated in an international project. 14 students from our school went to Mac-

edonia. Our project’s name is „Togehter we choose and create our future“. Besides our school from

Pirot, Serbia and school from Kicevo, Macedonia, children from Croatia, participated as well.Departure

was in front of our school on 18th of October. We travelled by bus. After 7 hours of travelling we

arrived at Kicevo. Each of us found his friend from Kicevo, where we were supposed to sleep. My

friend’s name was Filip Naumovski. He is great. He has an older brother named Andrej. Filip goes to

primary school „Kuzman Josifovski Pitu“, and he is an excellent student.Hosts from Macedonia pre-

pared a ceremony of their school to welcome us and Croats. There were a lot of dancing, singing, so-

cializing.... After the welcome, we tried some traditional Macedonian food, and we also ate a special

prepared food on barbeque. After the dinner I went to Filip’s home, and we played some computer

games. Later we went to the party. There was a lot of music and juices, but me and my friends from

Pirot did not play. Filip and me were bored, so we went home at around half past ten.The next day we

had a workshop called „Icebreaker“. After that we had another workshop on how to use cameras and

fotocameras. We had a job to create a cover page about fashion. That was funny, because in our team

were only boys, and we named our cover page „ULTRA FASHION“. Then we had a break. After the

break we had another workshop, about interview journalist. We had a job to describe the characteris-

tics of Arnold Scwarzeneger. One of jounalist called Vlatko, told us something about editing and play-

back. After these workshops we had a break for lunch. Then went on a trip to Ohrid. I have never

been to Ohrid. First, we went to National workshop for making paper. We saw a Guttenberg printing

machine there. Then we visited the city center. We saw a lot of interesting mosaics and a lots of beau-

tiful constructions. We saw Platisnik, Samoil’s fortress, and St. Kaneo’schurch. We back to host’s home

about 9 p.m. The next day we went on an excursion to the capital city of Macedonia, Skopje. We first

visited the Macedonian Radio Television. We saw a lot of space and cameras and we also met some

journalists and reporters. They were all friendly and described us how the TV station works. After

visiting the Macedonian Radio Television, we got the lunch packet. After the lunch break, we went to

visit Skopje. Skopje is a very beautifull city, full of monuments, tall buildings, shopping centers... The

mot beautifull monument and fountain to me is statue of Alexander the Great (Macedonian)

After touring the city, we went to a big shopping centre. First we visited Mc Donalds. After that our

teacher invited us to watch 7D movies. That was fantastic. We watched a film about snakes , mouses

and mosquitos. After 7D movies we went to a game room. Aleksa and me played billiar vs Filip and

Alksa’s friend Kristijan. We defeated them. About 16 o’clock we went to Filip’s home in Kicevo. We

rested a bit and we played a few games on the computer. We had a special dinner in hotel Kicevo. The

next day, Sunday, was the last day of socializing. We had one workshop about „Creating meduim mes-

sage“. Hosts from Macedonia, gave us a red T-shirt, labeled „Kicevo Macedonia“ and a yellow folder

with notepad and pen. About 9 a.m. we went home in Pirot. All were sad and crying, but I didn’t know

why, because we will see in February in Pirot. The waiter took a lot of picture of us together with big

letters „A C E S“.

That was an amazing experience. I hope that children from Macedonia and Croatia will visit Pirot, and I

hope we'll have great time again.

Luka Velkov, Serbia



What have we learned on our workshops...

Advice and tips for staying safe online It is always a good idea that parents, teachers or guardians know when you are surfing the Internet.

That way, if you see or are sent anything that makes you feel uncomfortable or upset while you're online,

you can tell them.

What information shouldn't I put online?

Don't give out any personal information online as people may use it to contact you when you don't want

them to.

Unless you have an adult's permission, never give out:

Your real name or your friends' names

Your home, school or email address

Your home or mobile phone numbers

A photo of yourself

Your parents' bank or credit card details

Can I meet people I meet online in person?

Don't arrange to meet anyone you've met online, no matter how well you think you know them, without your

parent or carer's permission.

Meeting someone you've only been in touch with online can be dangerous as they may have been lying about

who they are.

Even if you get permission, make sure you have an adult with you when you meet for the first time.

What if I'm asked to register on a website?

If a website asks you to register online and you have to fill out an email form, always ask for an adult's


If you do register, never use your real name as your online screen name or nickname.

Very often the website is just trying to sell you something.

Do passwords keep you safe?

Only if you keep them completely secret - don't even tell your best friend.

And try not to use names of your family or pets, because people can guess them quite easily.

Use a mix of letters and numbers instead.

Is email safe?

Sending and receiving emails between family and friends is usually OK.

But don't open emails, downloads or attachments from people you don't know or trust as they could con-

tain a computer virus or unwanted messages.

The best thing to do is to delete them.

What should I do if I get a dodgy email?

If you get an email with rude or unpleasant things in it, tell a responsible adult straight away and DON'T

REPLY to it!

Remember that it's not your fault someone has sent it to you.

Can I block unwanted email?

Spam, or unwanted emails, make up half of all emails sent around the world. They are usually meant for

adults and can be upsetting for children.



There is special software which can stop spam getting into your inbox.

Speak to your parents about the software if you are at all worried.

Most internet and email companies, like yahoo, hotmail and AOL, have systems in place to block spam,

and they're working to improve them all the time.

What is private chat?

This is using part of a chatroom where other people can't see what you're saying.

Never agree to a private chat with someone unless you already know them face-to-face, in real life.

You can also have private chats on "instant messaging".

Instant messaging - sometimes shortened to IM - is a computer program that allows you to send

messages that other users receive straight away.

It is best only to do this with people you already know in real life.

If you get to a chatroom through instant messaging, remember to follow the same safety rules you

would use if you were chatting anywhere else.

What about social networking sites?

Social networking sites are places where you can keep in touch with friends and let people know what

you're up to. Popular ones include Facebook, Twitter and MySpace.

You normally have to be at least 13 to register on them, and even then you often need your parents'


They can be dangerous though because you must be careful not to post personal information about


Also, you must keep your password to yourself, or else people could write nasty things pretending to

be you

.What is cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is when children or teenagers use the web, or mobile phones or any other technology to

threaten, tease or embarrass another young person.

Nasty messages are just one form of cyberbullying.

Often bullies set up a website or group on a social media website like Facebook and then ask other

people to join in and comment about a person or images of them.

But it can also include things like emailing someone a virus on purpose, posting personal information

where it shouldn't be or calling them names when playing a game together online.

Cyberbullies can't cause physical pain, but because of the way we now live our lives - with mobile

phones and lots of internet use - they can be very hard to avoid.

Another big difference between normal bulling and cyberbullying is that it's often difficult to work

out who the cyberbullies are, as they can hide behind fake names.

What can you do to stop it?

The best advice is to avoid the methods used by cyberbullies.

That means staying away from websites they use and blocking email addresses or mobile numbers that

send nasty messages. Regularly check and clean your 'friends' lists on social networking sites too.

Find the 'report abuse' or 'block sender' options on your favourite websites.

Changing your username may also help and don't give out personal details such as your mobile number,

address or email online.

Protect your password too to keep your files and information safe.

You should also report the bullying to the people running the website, technology service or your

mobile phone service provider.



Keep evidence - callers and mailers can be traced. But also remember that sites you've creat-

ed and emails you've sent can be traced back to you months or years later too.

And as with all bullying, telling an adult it's happening is REALLY important too.

Šta smo naučili na našim radionicama...

Preporuke za bezbedno korišćenje interneta

Veoma je važno da roditelj ili nastavnik znaju kada koristimo internet.

Tako da možete da im kažete ako vidite ili primite nešto što vam predstavlja neprijatnost dok ste na internetu.

Koje informacije ne treba stavljati na internetu

Ne dajte nikome vaše private podatke na internetu jer ljudi mogu da vas kontaktiraju kada vi to ne želete.

Osim ako imate dozvolu odraslih, nikada nemojte dati:

Vaše pravo ime ili ime prijatelja

Vašu adresu, školu ili email adresu

Vaš kudni ili mobilni broj

Slati nekome slike

Brojeve kreditnih kartica vaših roditelja

Mogu li da se upoznam sa ljudima koje sam upoznao na internetu?

Ne dogovarajte se da se nadjete sa ljudima koje ste upoznali na in-

ternetu, bez obzira kolko vi mislite da ih poznajete, bez dozvole vaših roditelja.

Upoznavanje sa nekim kog ste videli na internetu može biti opasno jer su možda lagali ko su oni stvarno.

Čak i ako dobijete dozvolu,osigurajte da dodje odrasla osoba sa vama ako se srećete po prvi put.

Šta ako sam pozvan da se prijavim na sajt?

Ako vas sajt pita da se prijavite na i ako morate da popunite email obrazac, uvek prvo pitajte odraslog.

Ako se prijavite, nikad ne koristite vaše pravo ime na sajtu.

Često sajt pokušava da vam proda nešto.

Da li vas šifre štite?

Jedino ako ih držite u potpunoj tajnosti – ne recite ni vašem najboljem prijatelju.

I ne pokušavajte da koristite imena iz porodice i ljubimaca, jer ljudi mogu lako da ih pogode.

Koristite kombinaciju slova i brojeva umesto toga.

Da li je email bezbedan?

Slanje i primanje emajla u okviru porodice i prijatelja je bezbedno.

Ali ne otvarajte mejlove, preuzimanja ili prikačena dokumenta od ljudi koje ne poznajete ili kojima ne verujete

jer mogu da sadrže kompjuterski virus ili poruku koju ne želite.

Najbolje je da izbrišete takve poruke.



Šta da uradim ako primim email koji ne želim?

Ako dobijete email sa ružnim ili nepoželjnim stvarima, odmah kažite odgovornj odrasloj osobi i ne odgovarajte na


Zapamtite da niste vi krivi što vam je poslata takva poruka.

Mogu li da blokiram nepoželjne mejlove?

Nepoželjni mejlovi čine polovinu svih mejlova na svetu. Oni su obično namenjeni odraslima i mogu biti neprijatni za


Postoji specijalan softver koji može da spreči prijem nepoželjniih majlova u vaš inbox.

Razgovarajte sa vašim roditeljima o tom softveru ako ste zabrinuti.

Većina internet i veb stranica, kao yahoo, hotmail i AOL, imaju ugraĎen sistem za eliminasnje nepozeljnih majlo-

va, i stalno rade na njihovom unapreĎenju.

Šta je privatno ćaskanje?

Ovo je deo ćaskaonice gde drugi ljudi ne mogu da vide šta kucaš.

Nikad ne prihvatite privatnio ćaskanje sa nekim osim ako ih lično poznajete, u stvarnom životu.

Možete da privatno ćaskate i pomoću instant poruka.

Instante poruke –ponekad skraćenica IM – je kompjuterski program koji vam dozvoljava da šaljete poruke koje

drugi odmah prime.

To je najbojli način da ćaskate sa ljudima koje već poznajete.

Ako udjete u ćaskaonicu preko instantnih poruka, zapamtite da pratite ista pravila za bezbednost koje uopšte


Su to društvene mreže?

Društvene mreže su mesta gde možete da budete sa prijateljima i da ljudi znaju šta radite. Popularni su Face-

book, Twiter, Myspace.

Obično motrate da imate najmanje 13 godina da bi ste napravili nalog, i onda obično morate da imate dozvolu

vaših roditelja.

Društvene mreže mogu biti opasne pa zato morate da budete oprezni i da ne postavljate private informacije.

Isto morate da držite šifru u tajnosti jer neki ljudi mogu napisati nešto ružno i da se pretvaraju da ste vi.

Šta je sajberzloostavjanje?

Sajberzloostavjanje je kad deca ili tinejdžeri koriste internet, ili mobine telephone ili bilo kakvu drugu tehnologiju da prete ili

zadirkuju drugu mlaĎu osobu.

Bezobrazne poruke su samo jedan način sajberzlostavjanja.

Obično nasilnici prave sajtove ili grupe na socijalnim mrežama kao što je Facebook i onda pitaju druge ljude da komentarišu drugu

osobu ili postavljaju njihove slike.

Ali sajberzlostavljanje je i namerno slanje mejlova sa virusom, objavljivanje nečjih ličnih podataka bez dozvole ili nazivanje raznim

imenima dok igraju online igrice.

Sajbernasilnici ne mogu fizički povrediti ljude, ali zbog načina kako živimo danas – sa mobilnim telefonima i velikom upotrebom

interneta – mogu biti veoma teški za izbegavanje.

Šta možete da uradite da to sprečite?

Najboli savet je da izbegavate metode koje koristi sajbernasilnik.

To znači držati se dalje od sajtova koje koriste, blokiranje mejl adrese ili mobilnih brojeva koji šalju ružne poruke. Svakodnevno

proveravajte listu prijatejla na socijanim sajtovima.

Na vašim omiljenim sajtovima nadjite opcije 'prijavite zloostavljanje' ili 'blokiraj pošiljaoca'.

Promena vašeg korisničkog imena može pomoći ali ne dajte privatne detalje kao što su broj mobilnog telefona, mejl adresu.

Zaštitite svoju šifre i svoje fajlove.

Trebalo bi da prijavite zlostavljanje ljudima koji vode sajt ili vašem provajderu mobilnog telefona.

Zadržite dokaze – oni što zivkaju telefonom ili šalju mejlove mogu se pratiti. Ali zapamtite da sajtovi koje ste vi napravili i mejlovi

koje ste slali mogu biti praćeni mesecima i godinama.

Kao i kod zlostavljanja uživo, VEOMA je važno reći odrasloj osobi da se to zaista de




Дојде и моментот кој со нетрпение го чекавме. Ги пречекавме

гостите, наши врсници од ОУ „Св. Сава“ од Пирот Р.Србиија и ОУ „Бјелица“ од

Бјелица, Р. Хрватска. Знаејќи дека ќе се дружиме мал временски период, ние

се трудевме да заборавиме на тоа и секоја минута да бидеме заедно и секој

момент да ни биде незаборавен. Сакавме тие да бидат воодушевени од

посетата на друга држава. Посебна чест ни беше тоа сто гостуваа точно во

нашата Македонија. Подготвено го примивме секој наш нов пријател во

нашите домови и тоа веднаш по нивното пристигнување. Преку социјалните

мрежи веќе се имавме запознаено, но да познаваш некого лично е многу

подобро. На прв поглед имавме малку трема што не може да се каже дека

траеше повеке од пет минути.

Наставниците кои учествуваа во проектот ACES ни имаа дадено

задолжение сите да се најдеме уште истото попладне во нашето училиште

‘Кузман Јосифоски-Питу’. Ние бидејќи ветивме дека ке ги исполниме

правилата на нашите наставници секој од нас беше стигнат со другарчето во

училиштето. Таму за цел имавме да им ги претставиме македонските обичаи,

музика и храна. Бевме поздравени од градоначалникот на општина Кичево, г-

дин Благоја Деспотоски, директорот на нашето училиште г-динот Орце

Наумоски и секако координаторот на проектот ACES, нашата наставничка г-ѓа

Елизабета Арсоска. После настапот на некои од учениците кои се претставија

со македонски ора, песни и драми ги воодушевивме гостите и со нашата

традиционална вековна храна. Вечерта ние учениците заедно со наставниците

имавме организирано забава кај една наша соученичка. Но забавата не траеше

долго бидејќи следниот ден имавме многу работа и требаше рано да станеме.

Во 8 часот следното утро, се најдовме во Хотелот „Кичево“ каде што

беше одржана првата работилница на тема „Медиумска писменот“. Навистина

беше интересно да се чуе и тоа од вистински експерти се за фотографирањето,

работата со медиумите, употребата на камери, и креирањето весници. Во 14:00

со организиран автобуски превоз отидовме во нашиот најпосетуван туристички

град Охрид, кадешто најнапред посетивме една работилница во која научувме

детално за процесот на производство на хартија. После тоа секако сите имаа

желба да го разгледаат градот и да ги видат неговите природни убавини,

манастирите...вракањето вечерта имавме вечера во хотелот. Повторно

завршивме порано, бидејќи следното утро повторно имавме предавање.

Следно на распоредот ни беше посетата на нашиот главен град. Таму ја

посетивме ‘Македонската радио телевизија (МРТ)’ и научивме како се снимаат

емисии. Секако одвоивме време и за разгледување на градот како и за

прошетка низ трговските центри кадешто одлично се забавуваме. Напорниот

ден го завршивме назад во Кичево.

Последниот ден во хотелот „Кичево“ имавме предавање за големиот

интерес кој кај младите луѓе ги предизвикуваат социјалните мрежи и нивниот

ефект т.е. колку се корисни,но колку можат да бидат и штетни.

И така дојде и крајот на нашето дружење. Нашите нови пријатели

мораа да се вратат дома. Навистина беше тажно бидејќи иако зборуваме на

различнии јазици, толку се зближивме изминатите три дена, што ни се чинеше

дека ги познаваме цел живот.

Со проектот ACES предвидено е да отпатуваме во Србија, каде се

надеваме дека ќе запознаеме нови пријатели, ќе научиме нови работи и ќе си

поминеме незаборавно.




The moment that we were so looking forward ha finally come. We have wel-

comed the guests, our fellow students of the Elementary School “St. Sava” from

Pirot, Serbia and the Elementary School “Bjelica”from Bjelica,Croatia. Knowing that

we will spend so little time together, we tried to forget about that and make each

moment count, and wanted them to be thrilled by their visit to a foreign country. We

were especially honored to see them here in Macedonia. We were ready to take each

of our new friend in our homes, right after their arrival. The social networks helped

us meet even before they came, but knowing them in person is a lot better. We were

nervous at the beginig but that only lastet for five minutes.

The teachers included in the ACES project, had previously instructed us to

gather that same afternoon, at our school “Kuzman Josifoski – Pitu”. Because we have

promiced to play by the rules, each of us had arrived at the school having our new

friend along with us. Our task was to present them our traditions, music and food.

We were greeted by the meyer of Municipality of Kicevo, mr. Blagoja Despotoski, our

Pricipal, mr. Orce Naumoski and the Coordinator of the ACES project, our teacher

mrs. Elizabeta Arsoska. After seeng some of us perform macedonina songs, folk

dances and plays, they were delighted by tasting our food which tradition dates back

for centuries. That evening the students acompanied by our teachers went to a party

at our friend’s house. It didn’t last too long because we had an early start the next

morning and so many new things to learn.

At 8 o’clock the next morning, we met at Hotel “Kicevo” , where we had our

first work-shop called, “Media literacy”We had a lot of fun listening real experts talk

about taking fotographs, how media works, usage of the camera, and creating newspa-

pers. At 2pm we gathered together again and traveled by bus to our most visited

town in Macedonia, Ohrid, were the first thing we did was to visit to a paper factory

and we were taught all about the paper making process. After that of course every-

body wanted to see the town, it’s natural beauties, the monasteries…

At the return back in Kicevo we had dinner at the Hotel, and again we went

home early because the next day had a busy schedule again. And that was the trip to

our capital, Skopje, where we visited the Macedonian radio and television (MRT), and

we learned how tv programs are being made. Of course we made sure we had enough

time to go sight –seeing an walk around the malls, where we had so much fun. It was a

long day, we finished it back in Kicevo.

The last day in the Hotel ”Kicevo”, we had a lecture on the Social networks

and their impact, i.e how useful they can be, but also about the damage they can do,

especially to young people like us.

And so it came the end of our friend’s visit. They all had to go back to their

homes. It was really sad to see them go, becauso although we speek defernt lan-

guages, we became so close during those tree days that, it seemed as we had known

them for an entire life.

Acording to the next part of the ACES project is our visit to Serbia, where

we hope to meet new friend, learn new things and have an unforgetible time.

Siljanoska Marija


And here is the link from our movie made by Macedonian students about visit in Mac-

edonia :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PwWerm5TKY&feature=youtu.be



National Workshop for Handmade Paper

"St. Kliment Ohridski"-Ohrid

The tradition of making a paper in Macedonia begins from the

second half of 16th century in the monastery of "St. Naum". It

was used for internal needs in limited quantity.

Ohrid continues this tradition. It has been working since 23rd

October 2002.

The workshop is placed in the magnificent part of the old city,

next to the National Museum - Robev family house.

Method of printing is identical as first copy of the Bible from 15

century. This press is rare and authentic copy of the original that

is in the museum in Mainz - Germany. Works in same way.

Press is build in 1937 in Austria, it is one of two in Europe

together with one in Bled - Slovenia. Method of printing is

identical as first copy of the Bible from 15 century.

The paper is made by method that dates from 2 century B.C. in

China, method of nest of a bee.

For making the paper it use different kinds of trees, but most

quality paper is from tree of cherry.

Some say the sting of a bee is with the most perfect natural

structure. Knitting is natural without using any chemicals, glues,

resin or other substances. Prepared substance in special wooden

trough, with special sieve (wooden with metal net) holds this

substance and after drain off the water, sets on the surface.

With pressure this Lear on the sieve equally brings enough on the

filc. Sheet is formed (depends of shape of the sieve, we have 4

formats of sieves). We use different kind of filc : cotton, hemp,

bamboo reed etc. Sheet has to be draw out to take out extra of


Drawing out is in special press between two wooden plates. Than

sheet is taken to drying after half an hour. Drying is natural (with

hanging) long minimum two days (depends of weather conditions).

Drying sheet is a part from filc and goes in to the same press to

be equalized because during drying method sheet gets wrinkled.

To be equalized takes 12-15 hours. Sheet to be equal has to be in

same press (where draw out) into pressure between two wooden

plates. After all we have prepared sheet of paper where we can

draw, write, print etc.

For decoration of the paper in trough with substance we use

natural additives: dry flowers, dry lives, silk of corn, straws of

wheat, pieces of wood, pieces of reed from the lake, gingko,

parsley, etc.

For coloring the paper we use natural colors from extracting

flowers and leaves. There are 4 primary colors with mixture we

get about 16 shades.





„Св Климент Охридски„-Охрид

Близу Музејот на град Охрид и куќата на старото

семејство Робевци, се наоѓа Националната

работилница за рачна изработка на хартија "Св.

Климент Охридски". Хартијата се изработува од

делкано дрво, на оригинален кинески начин, од

вториот век пред нашата ера. Во работилницата е и

копијата на Гутенберговата преса, изработена во

Словенија во 1937 година. Со нејзина помош на

хартијата се печатат автентични охридски мотиви.

Вакви работилници има 7 во светот, и само две во

Европа: во Охрид и на Блед во Словенија. Процесот

на изработка трае околу еден месец најмногу.

Дрвото се делка машински, и се остава да отстои 21

до 30 дена. Неговите честички се врзуваат по

природен пат. Станува густа пулпа, се разредува со

вода и се става во корито. Од коритото се зема со

метално сито, во правоаголна форма, и така се

добива структурата на листот. Се нанесува на

подлога од памук и лен и се чека 2-3 дена листот да

се исуши. Листот потоа самиот се одвојува од




Naše putovanje u Makedoniju… ACES projekt će mi ostati u lijepom sjećanju. Upoznali smo naše vršnjake iz drugih

država i s njima proveli nezaboravne trenutke. Vidjeli smo mjesta koja ne možemo

posjetiti svaki dan te naučili nešto novo o medijima.

Putovanje iz Belice u Kičevo trajalo je više od 16 sati. Kad smo stigli, smjestili smo se

kod naših domaćina, malo odmorili i krenuli na priredbu koju su učenici pripremili za

nas. Nakon priredbe, naši novi prijatelji pripremili su nam zabavu koju ćemo dugo

pamtiti. Sljedećih dana posjetili smo Ohridsko jezero i Makedonsku nacionalnu

televiziju u glavnom gradu Skopju.

Tijekom našeg boravka u Makedoniji, stekli smo neprocjenjivo znanje o korištenju i

stvaranju tradicionalnih i modernih medijskih proizvoda. A najvažnije, stekli smo

prijatelje za cijeli život. Kad je došlo vrijeme za odlazak kućama, bilo nam je teško

otići. Plakali smo jer je našem putovanju došao kraj. S novim prijateljima smo ostali u

kontaktu, ali se nadamo da ćemo se jednog dana ponovno sresti. (Ana-Marija Oreški, Hrvatska)

Our trip to Macedonia… The ACES project will stay in a very nice memory. We have met our peers from

other countries and we spend unforgettable moments with them. We saw places

that we can’t visit every day and learned something new about media.

The journey from Belica to Kičevo was pretty long, it lasted more than 16 hours.

When we arrived there, we were placed in homes of our hosts, rested for a short

while, and went to the culture event that they have prepared for us. After the

performance, our new friends prepared a party that we will all remember for a

long time. On the following days, we visited Lake Ohrid and the Macedonian Na-

tional Television in capital city Skopje.

During our stay Macedonia, we have gained priceless knowledge about using and

producing traditional and modern media products, and the most important; we

met friends for the rest of our lives. When the time to go home has come, it was

very hard to leave. We were all crying because our journey has come to an end.

We have stayed in touch with our new friends, but we hope that someday we will

meet again. (Ana-Marija Oreški, Croatia)



I love ACES, because ACES makes my wish come true.With Aces I met a

lot of new friends and I extended my knowledge. The days spent with

guests from Serbia and Croatia was wonderful. Aces is a community of cre-

ative people and a very big experience for life. In workshop except learn-

ing we have lot of fun too.In Ohrid it was the same story, everything was

fantastic.I can't describe how everything was good . In workshop for paper

we learned how to do a sheet of paper and it was very interesting.In Skop-

je we visited a Macedonian Radio Television and other great places.The day

when guests left we felt sadness but at the same time we were very happy

because we knew that we will met in Serbia for a couple months. I think

that Aces is one of the best things that happened in my life and I will nev-

er forget the moments spent with my friends in that project.

Го сакам Ацес затоа што Ацес ги оствари моите желби.Со Ацес јас

запознав многу нови пријатели и го проширив моето знаење.Деновите

поминати со гостите од Србија и Хрватска беа прекрасни.Ацес е

заедница од креативни луѓе и e големо искуство во животот.На

работилниците освен учењето ние и многу се забавувавме.Во Охрид

беше истата приказна.Се беше фантастично.Јас неможам да опишам

колку беше убаво.На работилницата за хартија научивме како се прави

еден лист од хартија кое беше многу интересно.Во Скопје ја посетивме

Македонската Радио Телевизија и други убави места.Денот кога

гостите си заминуваа ние се чувствувавме тажно,но воедно бевме и

многу среќни затоа што знаевме дека повторно ќе се сретнеме во Србија

за неколку месеци.Јас мислам дека Ацес е една од најдобрите работи

кои ми се случиле во мојот живот и никогаш нема да ги заборавам

моментите поминати со пријателите од овој проект.


Миладиноска VIII-3 одд.





The Aces program was the best thing that happened to us, because it brought

together three countries and also brought a lot of new friends to us. We had a great

time, a lot of fun and would really like to see all of them again.

(Daria Ferenc & Saša Laptoš & Helena Hajdarović)

I met new friends and gained new experience in ACES. This project was very inter-

esting and I have learnt a lot. We have learnt how to make a video, we have connected

with students from other countries and what is the most important, we had a lot of

fun. (Viktorija Habula)

-I like ACES because I had the opportunity to direct and act in my own TV show and

now I know how other schools outside Croatia look like. I’m happy being a part of


(David Bručić)

Project ACES helped me to find new friends what makes me feel great. I had a lot of

fun and I learnt a lot about media. (Lucija Čeh)

Aces project is an experience that we will never forget. We gained new friends and

saw places that we won’t maybe see ever again. It was awesome! (Antonio Dragović & Vanja Zahirović)

I love this project because I was in Macedonia and made some new friendships. When

we arrived back home, we had a chance to become producers of video commercial. I

hope that I will see my new friends again in the future. (Dino Težački)

I met a lot of interesting people and made strong friendships. We are constantly in

contact. My ACES experience was awesome and great in every possible way. (Gracia Grabarić)

Trip to Macedonia was very interesting experience because I met new people, I saw

new places and enjoyed with my friends. (Ana Marija Oreški)

It was fantastic because we’ve met new people and had a great time. ( Adrian Herman)

It was great in Macedonia because I met new people and made new friendships. Mace-

donia changed my life and I feel great now. (Patrik Baranašić)



“ I enjoyed during the realization of the project. Finally, I could do something differ-

ent from everyday class activities”- Anita Pejcic, Serbia

“ I felt blessed to have luck and find amazing partners and work with fabulous chil-

dren”- Zorica Djoric, Serbia

“I never knew that I’ll feel as relaxed, creative and happy as I felt during this pro-

ject. It really made me proud of being a teacher!”- Bojana Manic, Serbia

ACES je fenomenalan! Upoznala sam nove prijatelje, novu kulturu i obicaje, videla nova,

lepa mesta.-Jovana Cvetkovic

ACCESS is phenomenal! I met new friends, new culture and customs, see new, beauti-

ful places.-Jovana Cvetkovic

"Stekla sam nova prijateljstva i ojacala stara. Otkrila sam nove stvari, stekla nova

znanja. Hvala Acesu na svemu!"-Milica Krstic

I have made new friends and strengthened old. I discovered new things and acquire

new knowledge. Thank you for everything Aces! "Milica Krstic-

"ACES je najlepsa stvar koja mi se desila u zivotu. Svakom je potreban 1 ACES U zi-

votu."-Stasa Rancic

ACES is the most beautiful thing that happened to me in my life. Everyone needs a 1

ACES in life. "Rancic-Stasa

"ACES je najbolji i najinteresantniji nacin da steknemo nove prijatelje. Pomogao mi je

da otkrijem svoju kreativnost."-Ksenija Ciric

ACES is the best and most interesting way to make new friends. It helped me to find

my creativity. "Ksenija-Ciric



Ние две немаме зборови со кои можеме да кажеме колку ни беше убаво.Целата

организација за овој проект беше неверојатна ,а гостите и дружбата со нив е


We both are speechless.All organisation for this project was fantastic,the guests and

fun with them was unforgettable. -Bisera Srbakoska and Marija Avramoska-


Задоволството на гостите нас не исполнуваше.Посебно бевме задоволни со

посетата во Охрид и Скопје.

The guests satisfaction makes us to feel filled.Especially we liked the trip in Ohrid

and Skopje.-Stefani Krsteska and Simona Miladinoska-Macedonia

На учениците им е потребна меѓусебна соработка а овој проект го нуди токму

тоа.Прекрасно искуство и незаборавни моменти ни даде Ацес!

Students need mutual cooperation and this project offers just that. Wonderful expe-

rience and unforgettable moments give us the Aces!- Viktor Naumoskii-Macedonia

Прекрасноо!! Се беше прекрасно гостите беа прекрасни.Среќна сум што баш јас

сум дел од овој проект.

Wonderful!Everything was great,the guests were amazing.I am very happy that I am

part of this project.-Teona Radeska-Macedonia

Беше убаво и незаборавно.Никогаш нема да можам да ги заборавам тие моменти.

It was nice and memorable.I’ll never forget those moments.-Marija Siljanoska-


We love you








Евалуација на прооектот

(Партнер средба Пирот-

Р.Србија 7-10 Март )

Вп перипдпт пд 7-10 Март 2013 гпд. Вп ОУ.„Свети Сава „-Пирпт Р.Србија се реализираще и третата вфаза пд нащипт прпект

ОУ.„Свети Сава „-Пирпт Р.Србија беще дпмаќин и прганизатпр на третата фаза пд прпектпт финансиран пд ACES пднпснп пд Ерсте фпндацијата кпј гп нпси иметп „Заеднп ја избираме и креираме свпјата иднина„ .Овпј прпект е ппврзан сп медиумската писменпст а се реализираще пд страна на три партнер ушилищта пд Македпнија,Србија и Хрватска.Медунарпдната спрабптка заппшна минатата гпдина вп месец Октпмври вп Кишевп Р.Македпнија кпга двете ушилищта „Свети Сава„-Пирпт Р.Србија и „Белица„-Белица Р.Хрватска беа гпсти на ОУ.„Кузман Јпсифпски –Питу„-Кишевп.Заппзнавајќи се сп медиумите и нашините на кпи

тие се перцепираат ушениците за време на пваа средба се ппдгптвија за втпрата фаза пд прпектпт кпја заппшна веднащ пп средбата вп Македпнија.Вп втпрата фаза се израбптија прпдуктите пд прпектпт :филм,видеп игра,реклама,весник ,анкета и блпг .Од 3-10 Март се реализираше и третата фаза со што успешно се запкружи прпектпт кпј ќе биде претставен на АЦЕС Академијата вп Сенец Слпвашка вп перипдпт пд 9-12 Април 2013 гпдина.Вп пваа фаза прпектпт беще презентиран пред српските медиуми пднпснп на тв станиците,радип-станиците и весниците вп Пирпт и ппщирпкп вп Р.Србија.Ушениците имаа мпжнпст да гпстуваат вп тв и радип-емисии и да ги сппделат свпите искуства и впешатпци пд прпектпт пред ппщирпката јавнпст.Сп традиципнална српска трпеза и културнп уметнишка прпграма ппдгптвена пд страна на дпмаќините заппшна средбата на партнер ушилищтата вп Пирпт.Тпплп дпбредпјде им ппсака директпрпт на ушилищтетп г-дин.Љубища Ѓприќ и птерставникпт пд МОН на Р.Србија. Ппделени вп групи следната ден ушениците ја ппсетија ТВ.Пирпт и ТВ Пи каде имаа мпжнпст да гпстуваат вп емисии пд пбразпвен карактер и да ги сппделат свпите искуства.Се гпстуваще и вп лпкалнипт весник и лпкалната радип-станица.Ушениците имаа мпжнпст да ја ппсетат и Издавашката куќа и пешатница „Пи„каде се заппзнаа сп најнпвите метпди и нашини на пешатеое на книги .Сп пва тие беа вп мпжнпст да направат мала сппредба сп пна щтп гп видпа вп Охрид пднпснп вп „Наципналната рабптилница за рашна израбптка на хартија „ и тука.

Дружеоетп прпдплжи и на еднпдневната екскурзија вп Нищ каде гпстите имаа мпжнпст да се заппзнаат сп истпријата на пвпј град и сп негпвите културнп-истприски знаменитпсти.Тпплите ппздрави ,детските насмевки,и сплзите вп нивните пши пред заврщуваоетп на средбата беа сведпци за нераскинливата врска кпја се спздаде ппмеду нив вп текпт на прпектпт.



Освен щтп се здпбија сп знаеоа и вещтини ппврзани сп медиумската писменпст ушениците пд трите држави спздадпа пријателства кпи мпжеби ќе траат и цел живпт.Целта на ACES е тпкму таа :да се спздадат пријателства и да се заппзнаваат културите и традициите ппмеду еврппските држави преку нпви нашини на ушеое и спрпведуваое на најразлишни техники и метпди.И пваа гпдина ACES ќе финансира 44 прпекти пд цела Еврппа кпи ќе ги дпстават свпите апликации дп крајпт на месец Април .Темата за пваа гпдина е „Јас и другите-пткриваое на разликите вп и пкплу мене„.

„Велат дека успех ппстигнал пнпј кпј рабптел дпбрп,се смеел шестп и сакал мнпгу.Вп текпт на пвпј прпект сите ние гп правевме тпкму тпа.Се сакавме,се смеевме,и наппрнп рабптевме.Се гпрдееме сп плпдпвите и успехпт пд нащипт труд и се надеваме дека вп иднина ппвтпрнп ќе спрабптуваме и ќе ја спздаваме нащата иднина сп љубпв,истрајнпст и насмевки.Тајната на успехпт е шпвекпт да гп сака пна щтп гп рабпти.Без разлика какви се услпвите вп кпи рабптиме љубпвта кпн ушениците и нивната среќа треба да не впди напред кпн нпви успеси .Нащите ушеници имаат пптенцијал ние сме тие кпи треба да гп преппзнаеме и да гп трасираме нивнипт пат .„-кппрдинатпрпт на прпектпт г-да Елизабета Арспска пд

ОУ.„Кузман Јпсифпски-Питу.

Project Evaluation (Partner

meeting Pirot Serbia March

7 to 10) In the period from 7 to 10 March 2013 in the school. "Sveti Sava" Pirot Serbia we completed the third phase of our project OU. "Sveti Sava" Pirot Serbia was the host and organizer of the third phase of a project funded by ACES or by Erste Foundation named “Together we choose, create and make our future”.International collaboration launched last year in the month of October in Kicevo Macedonia when the two schools "Sveti Sava" Pirot Serbia and “OŠ Belica'' from Belica in Croatia were guests of the school "Kuzman Josifoski-Pitu" Kicevo. Knowing the media and the ways in which they perceive ,students during this meeting were prepared for the second phase of the project, which began immedi-ately after the meeting in Macedonia. In second phase project developed products: film, video games, advertising, newspaper, survey and blog.From

3rd-10th March was completed the third phase which we successfully com-plete the project that will be presented at the ACES Academy in Senec Slovakia in the period 9-12 April 2013.In this phase the project was pre-sented to the Serbian media ,tv stations, radio -stations and newspapers in Pirot and broader in Serbia. Students had the opportunity to visit of TV and radio shows and to share their experiences and impressions of the project before the broader public .



With traditional Serbian meal and cultural and artistic program prepared by the hosts started meeting partner school in Pirot.

Warmly welcome wished the school principal Mr. Ljubisha Gjorich and the representative from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia.Divided into groups next

day students visited TV.Pirot and TV Pi where had the opportuni-ty to visit of emissions from educational character and to share their experiences. We appeared in the local newspaper and the

local radio station. Students had the opportunity to visit the pub-lishing house and printing "PI" which were introduced with the latest methods and ways of printing books. With this they were able to make small compared to what we saw in Ohrid, in the

"National Workshop on handmade paper “Friendship continued with daylong excursion in Nis where guests had the opportunity to learn about the history of this city and its cultural and histori-

cal landmarks. Warm welcome, children's smiles and tears in their eyes before the meeting finished witnessed the unbreaka-ble relationship that they created between them throughout the project. Except that acquired the knowledge and skills related to media literacy students from the three countries have created friendships that may last a lifetime. The goal of ACES is exactly that: to create friendships and get to know cultures and tradi-

tions between European countries through new ways of learning and implementing various techniques and methods. And this

year ACES will fund 44 projects from across Europe who will sub-mit their applications by the end of April. Theme this year is "I

and others detect differences within and around me."

“They say that the success achieved one that worked

well, laughed often and loved much. During this project

we did just that. We loved , laughed, and worked

hard.We are pride with the fruits and the success of

our efforts ,and we hope that in the future we will work

again together and will create our future with love, per-

severance and smiles. The secret of success is that man

loves what he works. Whatever the conditions in which

they work-love for the students and their happiness

should guide us towards new successes. Our students

have the potential we are the ones who need to recog-

nize and trace their path. "- the project coordinator

Mrs. Elizabeth Arsoski school. "Kuzman Josifoski-Pitu”-

Kicevo –Macedonia.



Products of our project http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2D8TJ0kSvQs&feature=youtu.be

(Croatian movie)


(Serbian movie)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=-gqnor8F1dc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PwWerm5TKY&feature=youtu.be

(Macedonian movie)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwwsWMkuxrk&feature=youtu.be http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVcgYV6rSHA&feature=youtu.be

(Croatian commercial)


(Macedonian commercial)


(Serbian commercial)


(Serbian video-game)


(Macedonian video-game )


(Croatian survey)

These are links that will take you to our blog and FB page where you can

get to know in more detail on the products of the project (results of the

survey, pictures of meetings, additional films used in the meetings of the

partner schools, etc.)



See you at our blog and facebook

page.Dear aces friends we are

expecting you!