ACCT5001 S1 2010 Week 7 Self-Study Solutions

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    ACCT5001 S1 2010 Self-Study Solutions Week 7

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    Ch.12: BE12.5, BE12.6Ch. 6: Q3, Q5, E6.5, E6.11, PSA6.4, PSA6.8


    General Journal Computer Retailer Ltd

    Account Titles and Explanation





    1 Inventory 14 000

    GST Paid 1 400

    Accounts Payable 15 400

    (To record purchase of 10 computers @$1540

    each from Parts Inc. GST incl.)

    2 Accounts Receivable 28 600

    GST Collected 2 600

    Sales 26 000

    (To record sales of 10 computers @$2860 each

    GST incl.)

    COGS 14 000

    Inventory (10 x $1,400) 14 000

    (To record the cost of computers sold)

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    The GST paid on each ice cream purchased is $0.15 ($1.65 11). The shopkeeper sold 16

    and so can claim a credit from the taxation authority for $2.40 (16 x $0.15).

    General Journal

    Account Titles and Explanation





    Inventory 30.00

    GST Paid 3.00

    Accounts Payable/cash 33.00

    (To record the purchase of 20 ice creams @

    $1.65 each GST incl.)

    Cash 35.20

    GST Collected 3.20

    Sales 32.00(To record sale of 16 ice creams @$2.20 each

    GST incl.)

    COGS 24.00

    Inventory 24.00

    (To record the cost of 16 ice-creams sold)

    Drawings* 6.60

    GST Paid (credit 15cents x 4) 0.60

    Inventory 6.00

    (To record owner taking 4 ice creams from


    *this is a good example of the final consumer bearing the cost of the GST- here the owners

    drawings include the GST paid.

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    Bouncing Balls Ltd

    (a), (b) & (c)

    Sales Journal


    Date Account Debited





    Accounts Receivable


    Sales Cr

    Cost of Goods Sold


    Inventory Cr

    Jan. 4 Toys 4 U 371 10,875 6,525

    9 Mays Ltd 372 8,700 5,220

    17 Kid Time Ltd 373 1,800 1,080

    31 Toys 4 U 374 13,995 8,397

    35,370 21,222

    (112)/(401) (505)/(120)

    Purchases Journal


    Date Account Credited Ref

    Inventory Dr

    Accounts Payable Cr

    Jan. 3 Ball Supplies Ltd 15,000

    8 Balls Ltd 6,750

    11 Hoble 5,550

    23 Ball Supplies Ltd 11,700

    24 Levine 7,035



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    General Journal


    Date Account Titles and Explanation Ref. Debit Credit

    Jan. 5 Accounts Payable Ball supplies. 201/ 450

    Inventory 120 450

    (Returned damaged goods purchased

    previously on credit)

    19 Equipment 157 8,250

    Sundry Accounts Payable Johnson Ltd 202/ 8,250

    (Purchased equipment on account)

    Cash Receipts Journal


    Date AccountCredited

    Ref CashDr





    Sales Cr



    Cost ofGoods Sold

    DrInventory Cr

    Jan. 6 4,725 4,725 2,835

    13 8,010 8,010 4,806

    14 Mays Ltd 8,613 87 8,700

    17 Toys 4 U 10,875 10,875

    20 4,800 4,800 2,880

    27 5,595 5,595 3,357

    30 Kids

    Time Ltd

    1,800 1,800

    44,418 87 21,375 23,130 0 13,878

    (101) (716) (112) (401) (x) (505)/(120)

    Cross-footing Totals $58,383

    Dr Total = $58,383 ($44,418 + $87 + $13,878)

    Cr Total = $58,383 ($21,375 + $23,130 + $13,878)

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    Cash Payments Journal


    Date Account Debited RefOther









    Cash Cr

    Jan. 4 Supplies 126 120 120

    13 Ball Supplies Ltd 14,550 291 *14,259

    15 Salaries Expense 726 21,450 21,450

    20 Balls Ltd 6,750 135 6,615

    31 Salaries Expense 726 19,800 19,800

    41,370 21,300 0 426 62,244

    (x) (201) (x) (416) (101)

    Cross-footing Totals = $62,670

    Dr Total = $62,670 ($41,370 + $21,300)

    Cr Total = $62,670 ($426 + $62,244)

    *Helpful Hint: Purchased $15,000 from Ball supplies on 3 Jan. 5 Jan returned $450

    damaged goods. Balance paid is $14,550 less 2% discount.

    (d) Cross-footing the special journals prior to posting the totals to the ledger accounts

    ensures that the total dollar debits equals the total dollar credits.

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    Flower Power


    Purchases Journal


    Date Account Credited Terms Ref

    Inventory Dr

    Accounts Payable Cr

    Feb. 6 Aussie Seed Supplies Ltd 1/7, n/30 4,800

    9 Gardenia Grove Pty Ltd 1/10, n/30 36,000

    16 Roses Garden 2/7, n/30 2880

    21 J Able 1/7, n/30 7800



    Cash Payments Journal


    Date Account Debited Ref.





    Payable Dr





    Cr Cash Cr.


    9 Supplies 126 1,200 1,200

    12 Aussie Seed

    Supplies Ltd

    4800 48 4,752

    15 Equipment 157 9,600 9,600

    17 Gardenia Grove

    Pty Ltd

    36,000 360 35,640

    20 P Sims, Drawings 306 1,320 1,320

    28 Roses Garden 2,880 2,880

    12120 43680 0 408 55392

    (x) (201) (405) (101)

    Dr 55800 = Cr 55800

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    (a), (d) & (g)

    General Ledger

    Cash No. 101

    Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance

    Feb. 28 CR1 58314 58314

    28 CP1 55392 2922

    Accounts Receivable No. 112

    Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance

    Feb 28 S1 31200 31200

    28 CR1 14400 16800

    Inventory No. 120

    Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance

    Feb. 28 P1 51480 51480

    18 CR1 180 51300

    28 S1 20592 3070828 CR1 5148 25560

    Supplies No. 126

    Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance

    Feb. 9 CP1 1,200 1,200

    28 Adjusting entry G1 840 360

    Equipment No. 157

    Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance

    Feb. 15 CP1 9,600 9,600

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    Accumulated Depreciation Equipment No. 158

    Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance

    Feb. 28 Adjusting entry G1 240 240

    Accounts Payable No. 201

    Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance

    Feb. 28 P1 51480 51480

    28 CP1 43680 7800

    P Sims Capital No. 301

    Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance

    Feb. 1 CR1 36,000 36,000

    P. Sims, Drawings No. 306

    Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance

    Feb. 20 CP1 1,320 1,320

    Sales No. 401

    Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance

    Feb. 28 S1 31200 31200

    28 CR1 7800 39000

    Discount Received No. 405

    Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance

    Feb. 28 CP1 408 408

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    Cost of Goods Sold No. 505

    Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance

    Feb. 28 S1 20592 20592

    28 CR1 5148 25740

    Discount Allowed No. 614

    Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance

    Feb. 28 CR1 66 66

    Supplies Expense No. 631

    Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance

    Feb. 28 Adjusting entry G1 840 840

    Depreciation Expense No.711

    Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance

    Feb. 28 Adjusting entry G1 240 240

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    Accounts Receivable Subsidiary Ledger

    Flower Factory Ltd

    Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance

    Feb. 3 S1 6,600 6,600

    13 CR1 6,600 0

    P Babcock

    Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit BalanceFeb. 9 S1 7800 7800

    26 CR1 7800 0

    D Chambers

    Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance

    Feb. 12 S1 9600 9600

    K Dawson

    Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance

    Feb. 26 S1 7200 7200

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    Accounts Payable Subsidiary Ledger

    J Able

    Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance

    Feb. 21 P1 7800 7800

    Aussie Seed Supplies Ltd

    Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance

    Feb. 6 P1 4,800 4,80012 CP1 4,800 0

    Gardenia Grove Pty Ltd

    Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance

    Feb. 9 P1 36,000 36,000

    17 CP1 36,000 0

    Roses Garden

    Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance

    Feb. 16 P1 2,880 2,880

    28 CP1 2,880 0

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    Flower Power

    Trial Balance

    as at 28 February 2011

    Debit Credit

    101 Cash $2,922

    112 Accounts Receivable 16,800

    120 Inventory 25,560

    126 Supplies 1,200

    157 Equipment 9,600

    201 Accounts Payable $7,800

    301 P. Sims, Capital 36,000

    306 P. Sims, Drawings 1,320

    401 Sales 39,000

    405 Discount Received 408

    505 Cost of Goods Sold 25,740614 Discount Allowed 66

    $83,208 $83,208

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    Accounts Receivable Control Account $16,800

    Accounts Receivable Subsidiary Accounts:

    D Chambers $9,600

    K Dawson 7,200 $16,800

    Accounts Payable Control Account $7,800

    Accounts Payable Subsidiary Account:

    J Able $7,800


    General Journal


    Date Account Titles and Explanation Ref Debit Credit

    Feb. 28 Supplies Expense 631 840

    Supplies 126 840(Record supplies used)

    28 Depreciation Expense 711 240

    Accumulated Depreciation Equipment 158 240

    (Record depreciation expense)

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    Flower Power

    Adjusted Trial Balance

    as at 28 February 2011

    Debit Credit

    101 Cash $2,922

    112 Accounts Receivable 16,800

    120 Inventory 25,560

    126 Supplies 360

    157 Equipment 9,600

    158 Accumulated Depreciation Equipment $240

    201 Accounts Payable 7,800

    301 P. Sims, Capital 36,000

    306 P. Sims, Drawings 1,320

    401 Sales 39,000

    405 Discount Received 408

    505 Cost of Goods Sold 25,740

    614 Discount Allowed 66

    631 Supplies Expense 840

    711 Depreciation Expense 240

    $83,448 $83,448

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    Flower Power

    Income Statement

    for the month ending 28 February 2011


    Sales 39,000

    Less Cost of Goods Sold 25,740

    Gross Profit 13,260


    Discount Received 408



    Administrative expenses:

    Supplies Expense 840

    Depreciation Expense 240 1,080

    Financial expenses:

    Discount Allowed 66

    PROFIT 12,522

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    Flower Power

    Statement of Financial Position

    as at 28 February 2011


    Current assets:

    Cash $2,922

    Accounts receivable 16,800

    Inventory 25,560

    Supplies 360 45,642

    Non-current assets:

    Equipment 9,600

    Less: Accumulated depreciation ($240) 9,360

    Total non-current assets

    TOTAL ASSETS $55,002


    Current liabilities:

    Accounts payable 7,800

    Total liabilities 7,800


    P. SIMS, Capital (36,000 + 12,522 1,320) 47,202