(1) (1) (2) (3) (3) Daniel Rieser , Torsten Mayer-Gürr , Johann Wünsch , Roman Savcenko , Wolfgang Bosch INSTITUTE OF THEORETICAL GEODESY AND SATELLITE GEODESY GRAZ UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Accounting for minor ocean tides with admittance interpolation and nodal corrections - specific aspects within the project COTAGA (1) Institute of Theoretical Geodesy and Satellite Geodesy, TU Graz (2) GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam (3) German Geodetic Research Institute DGFI, Munich Introduction In the course of the project COTAGA (Combined Ocean Tide Analysis by GRACE and Altimetry data) and its predecessor DAROTA, a series of global Empirical Ocean Tide models has been generated, with the most recent release published as EOT11a. Following tides are solved: ¡ long-periodic: M , M m f ¡ diurnal: Q , O , P , K , S 1 1 1 1 1 ¡ semi-diurnal: 2N , N , M , S , K 2 2 2 2 2 ¡ quarter-diurnal: M 4 The model EOT11a is complemented by six long periodic waves W , W , S , S , 1 2 a sa M , M from the model FES2004 or tm sqm computed from the HW95 Tide Generating Potential (TGP) catalogue. A global prediction of tidal heights at a distinct reference epoch on 2008/01/01 is illustrated in Fig.1. Like in other tide models, only major tides of the tidal frequency spectrum are solved which cover the total ocean response signal to the TGP to a large extent. However, there exist significant influences of additional minor tide constituents, which should not be neglected, as shown below. Nodal corrections ¡ Lunar constituents are affected by the approximately 18.6 year cycle of the node of the lunar orbit (cf. Fig. 2). ¡ This kind of minor tides can be accounted for by nodal factors f and nodal s angles u in the harmonic expansion of tidal heights: s ¡ Nodal corrections are retrieved according to Schureman (1958) or IHO standards (2006), latter ones also including longitude variations of moon’s perigee. ¡ Differences between the two conventions are below 0.5 cm (Fig. 3, right). ¡ The total effect on EOT11a is in the order of several centimetres (Fig. 3, left; min -20 cm, max +15 cm on 2008/01/01, midnight). Conclusions and Recommendations Contact Daniel Rieser Johann Wünsch ITSG, TU Graz GFZ Potsdam email: d @tugraz.at email: phone: +43 316 873 6349 phone: +49 8153 28 1539 www.itsg.tugraz.at www.gfz-potsdam.de aniel.rieser [email protected] Joint GSTM and DFG SPP1257 Final Colloquium 17.-19. 09. 2012 Potsdam References Schureman P.: Manual of Harmonic Analysis and Prediction of Tides. U.S. Department of Commerce, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Special Publication No. 98. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, 1958. IHO:Harmonic Constants Product Specification. Edition 1.0, November 2006. Munk W.H. and Cartwright D.E.: Tidal Spectroscopy and Prediction. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Vol . 259, No. 1105, pp. 533-581, 1966. ¡ The use of nodal corrections accounts for some specific minor tidal constituents of degree 3. It is recommended not to interpolate these constituents, since which can have a magnitude in the order of several decimetres. major tides are primarily related to degree 2. ¡ We suggest the use of admittance interpolation to include a higher number of ¡ The degree of interpolation (linear, quadratic) should be chosen carefully, minor tides that still contain tidal signals of some centimetres of water height. especially in case of a small number of available major tides. In particular, ¡ Some minor tides might have a significant amplitude but are related to the TGP extrapolation may be critical at the fringes of tidal frequency spectra. Interpolation of minor tides with admittance functions Concept ¡ The admittance, i.e. the quotient of the tidal height and TGP, is assumed to be a smooth function of frequency (Munk and Cartwright, 1966). ¡ Based on this concept, unknown admittances of minor tides can be interpolated from those of the major tides given in the tide model. ¡ Rescaling of the interpolated minor admittances with the corresponding TGP leads to the desired tidal heights. Choice of minor tides and interpolation ¡ Selecting minor tides with TGP amplitudes higher than an empirically chosen threshold (Fig. 4, left). ¡ Determination of interpolation coefficients for each minor constituent within each frequency band separately (Fig. 4, right). ¡ Evaluation of the residual tidal heights of included minor tides (Fig. 5). Fig. 3. Left: Total effect of Schureman’s nodal corrections on the lunar constituents of EOT11a; Right: Differences between the effects using Schureman and IHO conventions; illustrated as water heights in [cm] at time 00:00:00 on 2008/01/01 Fig. 1. Tidal heights in [cm] from EOT11a on 2008/01/01 at 00:00:00 Fig. 2. The effect of Schureman’s nodal corrections on M (left) and M 2 f (right) given as water heights in [cm] at position [70°E,10°N] for the period 2002 to 2022 Fig. 4. Left: HW95 TGP spectrum of the semi-diurnal frequency band (red: major tides in EOT11a, green: threshold -4 for minor tides selection); Right: Linear interpolation coefficients for minor tides (threshold 2x10 m²/s²) using 2N , N , M and K constituents 2 2 2 2 -2 Fig. 5. Residual tidal heights from interpolated minor tides. a) TGP amplitude threshold H =1x10 m²/s² (24 tides); thr -3 -4 -4 b) expansion to H =1x10 m²/s² (118 tides); c) H =2x10 m²/s² (238 tides); d) H =1x10 m²/s² (331 tides); illustrated as thr thr thr water heights in [cm] at time 00:00:00 on 2008/01/01 a) b) c) d) Fig. 6. Difference between EOT11a tidal heights with -4 minor tides from admittance interpolation (H =2x10 thr m²/s²) and tidal heights accounted for nodal corrections Admittance vs. nodal corrections Accounting for minor tides with admittance interpolation leads to additional tidal elevation signals in the order of 10 cm compared to the exclusive use of nodal corrections for the major lunar tides given in the model EOT11a (Fig. 6). Acknowledgements This work was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Bonn, Germany, within the Special Priority Programme (SPP) 1257 ‘Mass transports and mass distribution in the system Earth’.

Accounting for minor ocean tides with admittance

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Page 1: Accounting for minor ocean tides with admittance

(1) (1) (2) (3) (3)Daniel Rieser , Torsten Mayer-Gürr , Johann Wünsch , Roman Savcenko , Wolfgang Bosch


Accounting for minor ocean tides with admittance interpolation and nodal corrections - specific aspects within the project COTAGA

(1) Institute of Theoretical Geodesy and Satellite Geodesy, TU Graz(2) GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam

(3) German Geodetic Research Institute DGFI, Munich

IntroductionIn the course of the project COTAGA (Combined Ocean Tide Analysis by GRACE and Altimetry data) and its predecessor DAROTA, a series of global Empirical Ocean Tide models has been generated, with the most recent release published as EOT11a. Following tides are solved:

¡ long-periodic: M , Mm f

¡ diurnal: Q , O , P , K , S1 1 1 1 1

¡ semi-diurnal: 2N , N , M , S , K2 2 2 2 2

¡ quarter-diurnal: M4

The model EOT11a is complemented by six long periodic waves W, W, S , S , 1 2 a sa

M , M from the model FES2004 or tm sqm

computed from the HW95 Tide Generating Potential (TGP) catalogue. A global prediction of tidal heights at a distinct reference epoch on 2008/01/01 is illustrated in Fig.1.

Like in other tide models, only major tides of the tidal frequency spectrum are solved which cover the total ocean response signal to the TGP to a large extent. However, there exist significant influences of additional minor tide constituents, which should not be neglected, as shown below.

Nodal corrections¡Lunar constituents are affected by the approximately 18.6 year cycle of the

node of the lunar orbit (cf. Fig. 2).¡This kind of minor tides can be accounted for by nodal factors f and nodal s

angles u in the harmonic expansion of tidal heights:s

¡Nodal corrections are retrieved according to Schureman (1958) or IHO

standards (2006), latter ones also including longitude variations of moon’s perigee.

¡Differences between the two conventions are below ± 0.5 cm (Fig. 3, right).

¡The tota l e ffect on EOT11a is in the order of several centimetres (Fig. 3, left; min -20 cm, max +15 cm on 2008/01/01, midnight).

Conclusions and Recommendations


Daniel Rieser Johann Wünsch ITSG, TU Graz GFZ Potsdamemail: d @tugraz.at email: phone: +43 316 873 6349 phone: +49 8153 28 1539www.itsg.tugraz.at www.gfz-potsdam.de

aniel.rieser [email protected]

Joint GSTM and DFGSPP1257 Final Colloquium

17.-19. 09. 2012Potsdam

ReferencesSchureman P.: Manual of Harmonic Analysis and Prediction of Tides. U.S.

Department of Commerce, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Special Publication No. 98. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, 1958.

IHO:Harmonic Constants Product Specification. Edition 1.0, November 2006.

Munk W.H. and Cartwright D.E.: Tidal Spectroscopy and Prediction. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Vol . 259, No. 1105, pp. 533-581, 1966.

¡The use of nodal corrections accounts for some specific minor tidal constituents of degree 3. It is recommended not to interpolate these constituents, since which can have a magnitude in the order of several decimetres. major tides are primarily related to degree 2.

¡We suggest the use of admittance interpolation to include a higher number of ¡The degree of interpolation (linear, quadratic) should be chosen carefully, minor tides that still contain tidal signals of some centimetres of water height. especially in case of a small number of available major tides. In particular,

¡Some minor tides might have a significant amplitude but are related to the TGP extrapolation may be critical at the fringes of tidal frequency spectra.

Interpolation of minor tides with admittance functionsConcept¡The admittance, i.e. the quotient of the tidal height and TGP, is assumed to be a

smooth function of frequency (Munk and Cartwright, 1966).¡Based on this concept, unknown admittances of minor tides can be interpolated

from those of the major tides given in the tide model.¡Rescaling of the interpolated minor admittances with the corresponding TGP

leads to the desired tidal heights.

Choice of minor tides and interpolation¡Selecting minor tides with TGP amplitudes higher than an empirically chosen

threshold (Fig. 4, left).¡Determination of interpolation coefficients for each minor constituent within

each frequency band separately (Fig. 4, right).¡Evaluation of the residual tidal heights of included minor tides (Fig. 5).

Fig. 3. Left: Total effect of Schureman’s nodal corrections on the lunar constituents of EOT11a; Right: Differences between the effects using Schureman and IHO conventions; illustrated as water heights in [cm] at time 00:00:00 on 2008/01/01

Fig. 1. Tidal heights in [cm] from EOT11a on 2008/01/01 at 00:00:00

Fig. 2. The effect of Schureman’s nodal corrections on M (left) and M 2 f

(right) given as water heights in [cm] at position [70°E,10°N] for the period 2002 to 2022

Fig. 4. Left: HW95 TGP spectrum of the semi-diurnal frequency band (red: major tides in EOT11a, green: threshold -4

for minor tides selection); Right: Linear interpolation coefficients for minor tides (threshold 2x10 m²/s²) using 2N , N , M and K constituents2 2 2 2

-2Fig. 5. Residual tidal heights from interpolated minor tides. a) TGP amplitude threshold H =1x10 m²/s² (24 tides); thr-3 -4 -4b) expansion to H =1x10 m²/s² (118 tides); c) H =2x10 m²/s² (238 tides); d) H =1x10 m²/s² (331 tides); illustrated as thr thr thr

water heights in [cm] at time 00:00:00 on 2008/01/01

a) b)

c) d)

Fig. 6. Difference between EOT11a tidal heights with -4minor tides from admittance interpolation (H =2x10 thr

m²/s²) and tidal heights accounted for nodal corrections

Admittance vs. nodal corrections

Accounting for minor tides with admittance interpolation leads to additional tidal elevation signals in the order of 10 cm compared to the exclusive use of nodal corrections for the major lunar tides given in the model EOT11a (Fig. 6).

AcknowledgementsThis work was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Bonn, Germany, within the Special Priority Programme (SPP) 1257 ‘Mass transports and mass distribution in the system Earth’.