According to Fatwas of Grand Ayatullah Sistani (may Allah protect him)

According to Fatwas of Grand Ayatullah Sistani (may Allah protect him)

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Page 1: According to Fatwas of Grand Ayatullah Sistani (may Allah protect him)

According to Fatwas of Grand Ayatullah Sistani

(may Allah protect him)

Page 2: According to Fatwas of Grand Ayatullah Sistani (may Allah protect him)

Giving Ghusl to a mayyit is Wajib-e-Kifayee (wajib on everyone until one person steps up and perform this) if the deceased has a guardian one must take permission from him and if he does not have a guardian, or does not give permission or does not take initiative in giving ghusl his permission is no longer necessary. Fatwa #548  Giving Ghusl, Kafan, Hunoot, Namaz, and burial to every

dead Muslim, regardless of whether he/she is an Ithna-Asheri or not, is wajib on the guardian. The guardian must either discharge all these duties himself or appoint someone to do them. And if anyone performs these duties, with or without the permission of the guardian, the guardian will be relieved of his responsibility. And if the dead person had no guardian, or if the guardian refuses to discharge his duties, then these duties will be obligatory upon all equally, as Wajib-e-Kifaee which means if some people undertake to fulfill the obligation, others will be relieved of the responsibility. And if no one undertakes to do so, all will be equally sinful. And when a guardian refuses to discharge his duty, seeking his permission has no meaning.

Ayatullah Khaemenei has the same ruling as above with the exception that it is Ihtiyat-e-Wajib to perform ghusl for a non-shia (follower of 12 Imams).

Who is the guardian: 552. The guardian of a wife is her husband. And in other cases, menwho inherit the dead person according to the categories which will be explainedlater, will take precedence over each other. However, to say that the fatherof the deceased takes precedence over the son, the grandfather over the brothers,or full brothers over half-brothers or the paternal uncles over the maternaluncles, is a ponderable issue, and one should act with caution as the situationdemands.553. A minor or an insane person does not qualify for guardianship inmatters related to the dead person; similarly, an absent person who can neitherattend to the duties himself, nor appoint someone to do them, has no authorityas a guardian.554. If a person claims that he is the guardian of the dead person,or that the guardian of the dead person has given him permission to carry outits Ghusl, Kafan and Dafn, or if he claims that he is the appointed executorof the dead person in the matter of its final rituals, his claim will be accepted,provided that he is reliable, or that the corpse is in his possession, or thattwo Adils testify to his statement.555. If a dead person appoints someone other than his guardian to carryout his Ghusl, Kafan, Dafn and Namaz, then he will be the rightful person tofulfil those obligations. And it is not necessary that the person whom the deceasedhas appointed to carry out the duties personally should accept the will. However,if he accepts it he should act accordingly.
٥٤٢ غسل و كفن و نماز و دفن مسلمان دوازده امامى، بر هر مكلفى واجب است. و اگر بعضى انجام دهند، از ديگران ساقط مى‏شود. و چنانچه هيچ كس انجام ندهد همه معصيت كرده‏اند. و بنابر احتياط واجب حكم مسلمانى هم كه دوازده امامى نيست، همين طور است.
Page 3: According to Fatwas of Grand Ayatullah Sistani (may Allah protect him)

Your intention of giving Ghusl must be for Allah’s pleasure.

It is haram for a person to take money to give ghusl to the body, although taking money for other actions, such as equipment, transportation, etc is halal Fatwa# : 573. As a precaution, it is haraam to charge any fee

for giving Ghusl to the dead. And if someone gives Ghusl with an intention of earning and without the Niyyat of Qurbat, then the Ghusl will be void. However, it is not unlawful to charge for the preliminary preparations before Ghusl.

Ayatullah Khaemenei: Same ruling.

٥٥٦ كسى كه ميت را غسل مى‏دهد، بايد قصد قربت داشته باشد، يعنى غسل را براى انجام فرمان خداوند عالم بجا آورد. و اگر به همين نيت تا آخر غسل سوم باقى باشد، كافى است و تجديد لازم نيست. ٥٦٧ جايز نيست كه براى غسل دادن ميت مزد بگيرند، ولى مزد گرفتن براى كارهاى مقدماتى غسل حرام نيست.
Page 4: According to Fatwas of Grand Ayatullah Sistani (may Allah protect him)

Before starting place a piece of cloth or towel over the private parts of the mayyit.

While giving ghusl be careful and guard your eyes because it is haram to look at the private parts of the mayyit. Fatwa # 569. It is haraam to look at the

private parts of a corpse and if a person giving Ghusl looks at them, he commits a sin, though the Ghusl will not be void.

Ayatullah Khamenei: Same ruling.

٥٦٣ نگاه كردن به عورت ميت‏حرام است، و كسى كه او را غسل مى‏دهد اگر نگاه كند معصيت كرده، ولى غسل باطل نمى‏شود.
Page 5: According to Fatwas of Grand Ayatullah Sistani (may Allah protect him)

First wash the body gently with soap and remove any types of barriers like impurities, anything sticky, nail polish etc. Fatwah: It is mustahab to wash the body before

performing the three wajib Ghusls. ******* Fatwah 570. If there is AYN Najasat (the impurity

itself) on any part of the dead body, it is obligatory to first remove it before giving Ghusl. ***same wording as imam?

Ayatullah Khamenei: Same ruling.

If the mayyit has any type of barrier one must perform tayammum instead of ghusl. Please look under Tayammum for its fatwa and procedure.

٥٦٤ اگر جايى از بدن ميت نجس باشد، بايد پيش از آنكه آنجا را غسل بدهند، آب بكشند. و احتياط مستحب آن است كه تمام بدن ميت، پيش از شروع به غسل پاك باشد.
Page 6: According to Fatwas of Grand Ayatullah Sistani (may Allah protect him)

Give 3 ghusls to the body first with Sidr, then camphor, and lastly plain water.

Fatwa 556. It is obligatory to give three Ghusls to a dead body. The first bathing should be with water mixed with "Sidr" (Beri) leaves. The second bathing should be with water mixed with camphor and the third should be with unmixed water.

Ayatullah Khamenei same ruling. Method of Ghusl is like any other Ghusl:

Head and neck Right side Left side ****fatwa 554 look up ayatullah khoei *** rahbar *** Ayatullah Khamenei:

غسل ميت مثل غسل جنابت است و احتياط واجب آن است كه تا غسل ترتيبى ممكن ٥٦٥ است، ميت را غسل ارتماسى ندهند. و احتياط مستحب آن است كه در غسل ترتيبى هر

يك از سه قسمت بدن را در آب فرو نبرند بلكه آب را روى آن بريزند.

How much Sidr and camphor should I mix with the water? Fatwa # 557. The quality of "Sidr" leaves and camphor should neither

be so much that the water becomes mixed (Mudhaaf), nor so little that it may be said that "Sidr" leaves and camphor have not been mixed in it at all.

**measuring cup

٥٥٠ واجب است ميت را سه غسل بدهند: اول: به آبى كه با سدر مخلوط باشد.دوم: به آبى كه با كافور مخلوط باشد. سوم: با آب خالص.
٥٥١ سدر و كافور بايد به اندازه‏اى زياد نباشد كه آب را مضاف كند و به‏اندازه‏اى هم كم نباشد كه نگويند سدر و كافور با آب مخلوط شده است.
Page 7: According to Fatwas of Grand Ayatullah Sistani (may Allah protect him)

The 3 ghusl are enough for any other type of impurity the body might have like Janabat or Hayz. Fatwa # 572. If someone dies in the state of

Hayz or Janabat it is not necessary to give him/her their respective Ghusls. The Ghusls given to the dead body will suffice.

Ayatullah Khamenei: Same ruling as above.

٥٦٦ كسى را كه در حال حيض يا در حال جنابت مرده، لازم نيست غسل حيض يا غسل جنابت بدهند، بلكه همان غسل ميت براى او كافى است.
Page 8: According to Fatwas of Grand Ayatullah Sistani (may Allah protect him)

Fatwa #106 إذا تنجس بدن الميت ـ اثناء الغسل أو بعده ـ بنجاسة خارجية ، أو

من الميت لم تجب اعادة الغسل ، بل وجب تطهير الموضع ـ إذا امكن بال مشقة …

Translation: If the body of the mayyit, during the Ghusl or after it- becomes najis from an external means or from the mayyit, it is not wajib to repeat the Ghusl, but it is wajib to purify (make tahir) the area that has become najis- if that is possible without difficulty.

***find fatwas of rahbar

If one cannot stop the najjasat from emerging (like blood flow which will not stop) then place something like a bandage that will be sufficient to keep the kafan from getting najis.

اگر بعد از غسل يا در هنگام غسل از ميت نجاست خارج شود و بند نيايد جه کار بايد کند؟If after or during the ghusl impurity, najasat, emerges from the body that will not stop what must one do?می توانند مانعی از خروج نجاست بگذارندYou can place a barrier that will keep the impurity from emerging.
Page 9: According to Fatwas of Grand Ayatullah Sistani (may Allah protect him)

Firstly remove any kind of ayn najasat like blood.

Asses the body and see if it is possible for you to wash the body without it bleeding.

If it bleeding: Firstly try to get the blood to stop with cotton or

cloth. If the blood does not stop try to temporarily stop it

with cotton and the pour water for the ghusl around the wounds.

If there is too much blood coming out then bandage the wounds in such a way that the kafan will not get najis and then perform tayammum on the body. (see next slide for ruling)

Page 10: According to Fatwas of Grand Ayatullah Sistani (may Allah protect him)

When*** ****انگلیسی پیداکنید557فتوا Fatwa #574. There is no rule for Jabirah in Ghusl of Mayyit, so if water is not available or

there is some other valid excuse for abstaining from using water for the Ghusl, then the dead body should be given one tayammum instead of Ghusl. As a recommended precaution, three tayammums may be given. and in one of the tayammum, there should be a Niyyat of "ma-fizzimmah". This means that a person giving tayammum resolves that this tayammum is given to absolve him of his responsibility. Not in the farsi

Ayatullah Khamenei: . اگر آب پيدا نشود، يا استعمال آن مانعى داشته باشد، بايد عوض هر غسل، ميت را يك تيمم بدهند٥٦٨

Rahbar 3 tayamum in exchange of each ghusl ****look at fawah give arabic Ayatullah Khoei: 4 tayamums the first three with niyat of each ghusl and the

forth with the niyyat of all three ghusls. (whatever my responsibility is) or perform 3 tayamum with the niyyat of Ma Fizamah **** look up fatwa.

Procedure Ayatullah Sistani: 558…..and Ayatullah Khoei **** says the living person must give

tayamum and if possible it is ihtiyatay mustahab that tayamum be given with the hands of the mayyit as well.

Rahbar: 569 farsi*** imam….One must perform tayammum with the mayyits hand, if not possible the living person should perform the tayamum for the mayyit. It is Mustahab for two tayamums to be performed, one with the mayyits hands and one with the living persons hands.

كسى كه ميت را تيمم مىدهد، مىتواند در صورت امكان دست ميت را به زمين بزند و به صورت و پشت دستهايش ٥٦٩بكشد. و اگر به اين صورت ممكن باشد، الزم نيست به دست زنده هم او را تيمم داد، اگر چه احتياط استحبابى

جمع است.

Page 11: According to Fatwas of Grand Ayatullah Sistani (may Allah protect him)

Tayammum: ******fatwa 690***video***Ayatullah Sistani: Ihtiyat-e-Mustahab hit the ground with your hands, put placing your

hands on the earth is also enough. .so the ghusl is batil کتاب طهارت عروة الوثقی در کیفیت تیمم3النه من الحائل مسئلۀ¤ *** :699It is mustahab then once again to place the hands on the earth and then repeat the

hands (right and then left)

Rahbar: You must hit the ground with your hands (placing is not enough) after wiping the

forhehead and the left and right hand it is ihtiyat-e-wajib to once again hit the ground and repeat the hands (right and then left)

Same thing about the hairTayammum is performed as follows:

Having intended, one strikes the palms of both hands on something on which tayammum is valid. After that the palms of both hands must be passed over the entire forehead and its both sides – from the hairline down to the eyebrows and the upper part of nose. Finally, the palm of the left hand must be passed over the entire back of the right hand and the palm of the right hand should be passed over the entire back of the left hand. One must, by obligatory caution, strike the earth once more with one’s palms of hands and then pass the palm of the left hand over the back of the right hand and vice versa. It makes no difference whether it is tayammum instead of wudū’ or tayammum instead of ghusl. www.leader.ir under comparative fatwas under tayamuum

Page 12: According to Fatwas of Grand Ayatullah Sistani (may Allah protect him)

Since you are performing the action, washing the mayyit, you will be following your Mujtahid.

What if those who are washing the body follow different Mujtahids and amongst the fatwas there is a difference of opinion

If volunteers follow different marja’s that differ in their ruling such as the ruling of tayammum, then which ever one of the volunteers perfoming tayamum must perform the tayamum according to his marja.

Page 13: According to Fatwas of Grand Ayatullah Sistani (may Allah protect him)

If one touches a dead body that has become cold he must perfom a ghusl called Ghusl of touching a dead body. ***

Gloves: If one is wearing gloves during the ghusl, he does not need to perform ghusl for touching the mayyit.

Ghusl for touching a dead body: Fatwa #536: The method of doing Ghusl for touching the dead

body is the same as of Ghusl for Janabat. However, for a person who has done Ghusl for touching a dead body, the recommended precaution is that he should perform Wudhu if he wants to pray. Same fatwa for Rahbar: 530 غسل مس ميت را

بايد مثل غسل جنابت انجام دهند. ولى كسى كه غسل مس ميت كرده، اگر .بخواهد نماز بخواند، بايد وضو هم بگيرد

Fatwa #537: One Ghusl is sufficient for one who touches several corpses or touches the same corpse a number of times.

Rahbar : 531 اگر چند ميت را مس كند يا يك ميت را چند بار مس نمايد، ٥٣١ .يك غسل كافى است

اگر کسي دستکش بپوشد براي غسل ميت، آيا باز هم بر او غسل مس ميت واجب است؟If someone is wearing gloves while performing ghusl is it still wajib upon him to perform ghusl for touching the mayyit?واجب نیستIt is not wajib
Page 14: According to Fatwas of Grand Ayatullah Sistani (may Allah protect him)

Does one person have to wash all there ghusl…if three people what if their mujtahids defer.

Family member is non muslim..can they wash the body? 561. A person who gives Ghusl to a dead body should be a Muslim, preferably a Shia Ithna Asheri, adult, and sane, and should know the rules of Ghusl. And if an intelligent, discerning boy or girl, who is not yet baligh, gives Ghusl correctly, it will be sufficient. And if the deceased belongs to a sect other than Shia Ithna Asheri, and if he or she is given Ghusl according to the rules of his or her sect by a person of his or her sect, then the Shia Ithna Asheri momin will be relieved of the responsibility, except if he is the guardian.

كسى كه ميت را غسل مىدهد بايد مسلمان دوازده امامى و ٥٥٥عاقل باشد و مسايل غسل را هم بداند، و بنابر احتياط واجب بالغ .باشد imam