June 20, 2022 Access to scientific information in Cambodia Phnom Penh 8 August 2011 Anders Wändahl

Access to scientific information in Cambodia Phnom Penh 8 August 2011

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Access to scientific information in Cambodia Phnom Penh 8 August 2011. Anders Wändahl. About me. Anders Wändahl [email protected] Librarian Affiliated with Karolinska Institutet, ISP, INFORM-Certiorem, EMS-CDC. Purpose. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Access to scientific information in Cambodia Phnom Penh 8 August 2011

April 21, 2023

Access to scientific informationin Cambodia

Phnom Penh8 August 2011

Anders Wändahl

Page 2: Access to scientific information in Cambodia Phnom Penh 8 August 2011

April 21, 2023

About me

Anders Wä[email protected]


Affiliated with Karolinska Institutet, ISP, INFORM-Certiorem, EMS-CDC

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April 21, 2023


Information on how to find scientific materials effectively & efficiently in Cambodia

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Target groups

• Researchers in developing countries. Several access programmes – use them or loose them!

• Any researcher – spread the word about the existence of these resources!

• Generally speaking, underusage is a bigger problem than lack of access!

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April 21, 2023

Content?• Bibliographic databases

• Preprints/e-prints/postprints (arXiv).

• Journals; Open Access, Retroactive Digitization, Subsidized Access, Document Delivery…

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New opportunities through e-resources

• The researchers have a much better access to scientific literature

• Lower price (< 5% of list price)

• Access to backfiles

• National access common

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New problems through e-resources

• e-resources demands:

• electricity

• internet connection (bandwidth)

• local network

• computers

• skills to use the e-resources

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The importance of reference databases

• Not second class researchers!

• Try to find the ”right” references!

• Try (at all expense?) to find the papers!

• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_academic_databases_and_search_engines

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Open access

• DOAJ – only scientific journals, several languages

• Open J-gate – different types of journals – more titles than DOAJ. Only metadata searchable.

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• ArXiv – mathematics, physics, computer science.• SSRN (Social Science Research Network) – economy, law,

management.• E-LIS – E-prints in Library and Information Science• RePEc – Research Papers in Economics• OAIster – Union catalogue of various repositories

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Special programmes for low-income countries

A number of different programmes in different subjects and content types, and for different target groups

• Global

• Continental

• Bilateral

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Open Access + ”subscribed” journals

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Special programmes for LiCscontinued

Three UN-financed programmes

• HINARI - medicine

• OARE - environment

• AGORA - agriculture

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Special programmes for LiCs continued

Common rules for all three programmes:

• Institutions in countries with a low GNP can register for free access.

• Hard to find journals (i.e. Elsevier)• Good training materials

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Special programmes for LiCs continued

HINARI – Health Internetwork Access to

Research Initiative

Health – but also other subjects such as biology, chemistry, economics, evironment, mathematics, physics, social sciences etc.

8300+ journals (400+ books)

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Special programmes for LiCs continued

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Special programmes for LiCs continued

Good training materials:


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Special programmes for LiCs continued

OARE – Online Access to Research in the Environment

Environment – but also other subjects such as biosciences, geology, geography, etc.

~ 4100 journals (200+ books)

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Special programmes for LiCs continued

Database access through OARE:

• Environment Index (EBSCO)

• Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management (CSA)

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Special programmes for LiCs continued

Environment Index (via OARE)

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Special programmes for LiCs continued

Environmental Sciences and Pollution

Management (via OARE)

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Special programmes for LiCs continued

AGORA – Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture

Agriculture – but also other subjects such as environment, food production, biology, chemistry, etc.

~ 2300 journals

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Special programmes for LiCs continued

CAB Abstracts database available where you will find approx 80% of the content in AGORA.

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April 21, 2023

Developing Nations Access Initiative :

JSTOR waives its standard participation fees (the Archive Capital Fee and Annual Access Fee) for any not-for-profit institution in selected developing countries [including Cambodia] for 2009, 2010, and 2011, with a modest contribution after 2011.

2012 = $250 2013 = $500 2014 = $500


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A sustainable solution is to create (national) consortia for access to scientific materials.

Two organizations that help institutions to create consortia are


• eIFL

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INASP – International Network for the

Availability of Scientific Publications.

Mainly developing countries.

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eIFL – Electronic Information for Libraries

Low- and middle-income and countries.

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Cambodian Electronic Information for Libraries Consortium (Cam-EIFL)



Hin Heu - [email protected]

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Document delivery

• POPLINE (reproductive health) http://www.popline.org/

• eJDS (mathematics/physics) http://library.ictp.it/ejds/

• Bordeauxthèque (mathematics/computer science) http://bordeauxtheque.math.u-bordeaux1.fr/

• British Library Direct

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Education of researchers and librarians• Access to resources is not enough. • Underusage is a bigger problem than lack of


• The potential users must know:– That the resources exists– How to find them– How to use them

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Education of researchers and librarianscontinued

Organizations engaged in education and training of researchers and librarians.

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Education of researchers and librarianscontinued

ITOCA - Information training and outreach

centre for Africa


and TEEAL.

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How to move forward…

• Register for HINARI, OARE, AGORA (free)

• Contact Hin Heu - [email protected]

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Don’t give up!