ACADs (08-006) Covered Keywords Byproduct material, source material, controller, custodian, ORM, sealed source, exempt source, special nuclear material license, controller responsibilities, custodian responsibilities, receipt, regulation, distribution, inventory leak test requirements, disposal authorization. Description Supporting Material 0 3.3.14 .3 3.3.14. 5 3.3.14. 7.1 3.3.14. 7.2 3.3.14. 7.3 3.3.14. 7.8 3.3.14. 7.9 .10

ACADs (08-006) Covered Keywords Byproduct material, source material, controller, custodian, ORM, sealed source, exempt source, special nuclear material

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Page 1: ACADs (08-006) Covered Keywords Byproduct material, source material, controller, custodian, ORM, sealed source, exempt source, special nuclear material

ACADs (08-006) Covered

KeywordsByproduct material, source material, controller, custodian, ORM, sealed source, exempt source, special nuclear material license, controller responsibilities, custodian responsibilities, receipt, regulation, distribution, inventory leak test requirements, disposal authorization.


Supporting Material

Page 2: ACADs (08-006) Covered Keywords Byproduct material, source material, controller, custodian, ORM, sealed source, exempt source, special nuclear material

Enabling Objectives• Define:

BSM ControllerBSM CustodianByproduct MaterialItem Control AreaNORMPhysical InventorySource

Page 3: ACADs (08-006) Covered Keywords Byproduct material, source material, controller, custodian, ORM, sealed source, exempt source, special nuclear material

Enabling Objectives

• Define:- Sealed Source- Exempt Source- Non-Exempt Source- Source Material- User- Special Nuclear Material

Page 4: ACADs (08-006) Covered Keywords Byproduct material, source material, controller, custodian, ORM, sealed source, exempt source, special nuclear material

Enabling Objectives

• Identify License-Containing Document• Identify TVAN BSM Procedure• State BSM Controller Responsibilities• State BSM Custodian Responsibilities• Tell SNM Controller Responsibilities

Page 5: ACADs (08-006) Covered Keywords Byproduct material, source material, controller, custodian, ORM, sealed source, exempt source, special nuclear material

Enabling Objectives

• Identify Radioactive Materials Receipt Org.• Identify Receipt Survey Time Period• Identify NRC Regulation for Exempt

Quantities• Identify NRC Regulation for Distribution of

Exempt Quantities• State Inventory Requirements/Procedures

Page 6: ACADs (08-006) Covered Keywords Byproduct material, source material, controller, custodian, ORM, sealed source, exempt source, special nuclear material

Enabling Objectives

• Tell Actions for Lost/Stolen Sources

• Identify Leak Test Requirements

• State Leak Test Procedures

• Calculate Leak Test Smear Activity

• Identify BSM Disposal Organization

Page 7: ACADs (08-006) Covered Keywords Byproduct material, source material, controller, custodian, ORM, sealed source, exempt source, special nuclear material

Basis Documents

• Code of Federal Regulations

• Plant Technical Specifications -- Operating License -- BSM/SNM Authorization

• TVAN Procedures-- SPP-5.6, “Controlling Byproduct and Source Material”-- SPP-5.8, “Special Nuclear Material Control”

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BSM Controller

• Individual in RADCON Responsible for BSM Source Control

• Directs and Maintains Facility BSM Program• Maintains Copies of Records

-- Receipt-- Transfer-- Inventory-- Leak Test-- Disposal

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BSM Custodian

• Responsible for BSM Control Within User Group

• Controls BSM Sources Assigned to Group

• Provides & Maintains Storage Area for Group

• Keeps Inventory & Leak Test Records Accessible

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SNM Custodian

• Reactor Engineering Representative Responsible for Management of All SNM at the Site

-- Supply/Receipt Control-- Internal Control-- Isotopic Inventories-- Shipping Control

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Procuring Radioactive Materials• Requests for BSM made by

-- BSM Custodian-- User Groups

• BSM Controller ensures:-- Materials Actually Needed-- Materials Not Available Onsite-- Adequate Controls by Custodian/User Group

• RADCON/BSM Controller Approves Request• SNMC Approves Requests for Nonfuel SNM

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Receiving Radioactive Materials

• Packages Must Meet 10CFR20.1906 Requirements

• Received by Site Nuclear Stores

• Inspect Packages for Leakage or Damage

• RADCON Surveys Package|-- Within 3 Hours For White I, Yellow II or III

• Packages Opened in Presence of RADCON

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Inspect Packages for Damage

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Receipt of Special Nuclear Materials

• SNMC Opens Unsealed Packages Within Two Days of Receipt-- Conduct Piece Count to Verify Content

• Verify Seals Intact With Correct Seal Numbers for Sealed Containers

• Reconcile any Differences

• Report Receipt to Nuclear Fuels

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BSM Storage Accountability & Use

• Properly Label All Sources and/or Containers

• Storage Locations Approved by BSM Controller

• Administrative Controls-- Records Assigning Custodians-- Inventory or List of All Sources-- Records of Source Assignments

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Assignment of Sources• User Accountable for Control, Handling, and

Return of Sources• Individual User May Not Transfer Assignment• Any Nonexempt Source Not in Its Assigned

Storage Location MUST be Signed For.• Only Individuals Authorized by the Assigned

BSM Custodian or Controller May Sign Out Licensed Sources

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Exempt Sources• Exempt Concentrations and Exempt

Quantities Defined by 10 CFR 30.14 and 10 CFR 30.18

• Exempt Concentrations and Exempt Quantities Listed in 10 CFR 30.70 and 10 CFR 30.71

• Distribution of Exempt Sources Authorized by 10 CFR 32

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Control of SNM• SNMC Ensures RADCON Requirements Met• All Transfers of SNM Documented• Nonfuel SNM Identified on Inventory Records• ICAs Established for Physical Security• SNMC Authorizes Transfers Into, Out of, or

Within an ICA• Calibration Sources Removed from ICA Must be

Signed Out to Personal Custody of User

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BSM Source Inventory

• Conducted Semiannually• Inventory All Sources Containing:

-- > 100 µCi of Beta and/or Gamma-- > 5 µCi of Alpha-- Certain Sources with Exempt Quantities That Exceed 100 µCi

• Verify by Direct Observation or Detection by Survey Instruments

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“Found” BSM Sources• Take Positive Control• Notify BSM Controller• BSM Controller Will:

-- Report to RADCON Superintendent-- Report to Shift Manager-- Document the Occurrence-- Forward Report to RADCON Superintendent

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“Lost” BSM Sources• If Quantity Greater Than 10 Times

10CFR20, Appendix C, or 1,000 Times the Aggregate, BSM Controller will:-- Document the Occurrence-- Notify the RADCON Superintendent-- Notify the Shift Manager for Reportability Determination

• For Lesser Quantities, Document & Report to RADCON Superintendent

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Leak Testing BSM• Leak Test All Sources Containing:

-- > 100 µCi of Beta and/or Gamma-- > 5 µCi of Alpha-- Certain Sources with Exempt Quantities That Exceed 100 µCi

• Stored Sources When Removed from Storage• Start-up Sources Prior to Installation• Upon Receipt, if not Performed in 6 Months• Following Repair or Maintenance on Source

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General Guidelines for Conducting Leak Tests

• Use Dry Smears or Swabs

• Wipe Encapsulated Sources Directly

• Wipe Container of Plated/Mylar Window Sources

• Wipe External Surfaces of Enclosed Sources

• Wipe Housing Internals of Sources that move through a Housing

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Evaluating Leak Test Smears

• Use the Equation:

Activity (µCi) = Gross Counts – Bkg Counts (Detector Eff)(2.22 E6)

• If Activity ≥ 0.005 µCi-- Withdraw From Use or Control Access-- Document & Report to RADCON Superintendent

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SNM Inventory• Conducted Annually by SNM Custodian• ICA Inventories Completed Within 30 Days

From Start• Use Direct Verification Where Possible• Updating Last Inventory Acceptable• Verification of Type-E Metal Seals Integrity• Transmit Records to Management Services

Within 60 Days

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Transfer & Disposal of RAM

• BSM Returned to BSM Controller for Transfer or Disposal

• Coordinate with RadWaste for Transfer• Obtain RadWaste Concurrence for Disposal• Shipments Prepared by RadWaste in

Accordance with RMSM• SNM Ensures Packages Containing SNM are

Prepared & Controlled per RMSM

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QA Records

• BSM Source Receipt Records

• Facility-Specific Inventory Forms

• Forms for:-- Receipt-- Offsite Transfer-- Disposal

• Leak Test Documentation

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Summary• NRC Regulations and TVAN Procedures• RADCON Responsible for BSM Control

-- BSM Controller from RADCON-- BSM Custodian for User Groups

• SNM Custodian for Special Nuclear Material Control

• BSM Controller & Custodians Perform Inventory & Leak Tests

• RadWaste Responsible for Disposal and/or Shipment