Academy 02 Introduction to propositions, Buying products Get connected to B&R Beurs @ 1

Academy 02 Introduction to propositions, Buying products Get connected to B&R Beurs @ 1

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Page 1: Academy 02 Introduction to propositions, Buying products Get connected to B&R Beurs @ 1


Academy 02Introduction to propositions,

Buying products

Get connected to B&R Beurs @

Page 2: Academy 02 Introduction to propositions, Buying products Get connected to B&R Beurs @ 1


1. Summary 2. News & Experiences 3. Your portfolio 4. Propositions 5. Due diligence 6. Executing Propositions 7. Topic suggestions?

Table of Contents

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What do you still know? Stocks Bonds Investment funds Trackers Commodities Commercial property Currencies

Short Summary

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Dividend Price Earnings Risk exposure Equity Voting rights


Assets Liabilities

Buildings Equity (stocks)

PPE Long term debt (bonds)

Cash Short term debt

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Debt Coupons Price Earnings Risk exposure Corporate Bonds and Government bonds


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Diversification Dividend Price earnings Benchmarking

Funds and Trackers

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Buildings Price earnings Rent Large investments Investment funds

Commercial Property

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Exchange rate earnings Hedging risk Confidence Rating


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Price earnings Scarcity of resources


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Stock returns vs. Savingsaccount

Stocks Dividend & Profits

Bonds Coupons & Profits

Savings account Risk free rate

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What did you encounter last week?◦ Events◦ Sentiment◦ Consequences◦ Efficient market hypothesis (EMH)


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Dexia and French banks Greece (PIGS) Euro Unemployment US Market today


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Risk vs. Return Long term vs. Short term Classes Large vs. many positions Leveraged investment

Your portfolio

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Investment funds Trackers Company risk Spreading risks Sector differences


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Research Selection (what and how)

◦ Trends Discussion pro’s & cons in the group Goals and Targets Taking profits and losses Annual returns

Due Dilligence

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Your stock proposals Voting Buying the stock


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Your stock proposals Voting Buying the stock


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Market order Limit order Stop-Loss order

Executing an order

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Turbo’s (lecture 3)◦ ABN Amro

Fundamental vs. Technical Analysis (lecture 4)

Options (lecture 5) Option Strategies (lecture 6) Day Trading

Next lectures

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Types of investment How to make a sound Proposal Executing an order

Next lectures; Tracking our position …

What we have discussed

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Year ScheduleYear Schedule

27th of October Start of the investment yearSocial drink @ Sus&Co

10th of November Academy and social drink

24th of November Social Drink @ Sus&Co

26th of November Day of the investor (Dutch event)

30th of November Poker tournament

1st of december Traders Trophy

8th of December Academy and social drink

11th of April Symposium