Academic Portfolio (condensed) JTTraw

Academic Portfolio (condensed)

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This portfolio is a compilation of projects that I have worked on throughout my college career. They were chosen based on the range of project types and skills used to create them.

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Academic Portfolio(condensed)


“Since moSt of uS Spend our liveS doing ordinAry tASkS, the moSt importAnt thing iS to do them extrAordinArily well” -thoreAu

Justin trawmasters of Architecture summer [email protected]

Portfolio ContentsLegacy Crossing masterplan

Heyburn State Park marina and camp Store

Washington DC homeless Assistance center- iSmA Steel Building design competition

Boise civic theater and center for the Arts

London Summer Studio- Serpentine charette






Legacy Crossing masterplan

Legacy Crossing has been in the public eye of moscow for several years, generating interest through its industrial history and controversial possibilities for development. in the design of this site, we wanted to preserve the existing sack warehouse, provide public transportation spaces, a flexible and protected plaza along hello walk, and maintain high living densities. the 6th Street Building shares an atrium space with the sack warehouse and provides public rest rooms for the plaza. the Jackson Street Building has commercial functions at the first level, with apartments above and the option of a rooftop garden for resident use. the buildings along 6th and Jackson Streets terrace down from the historic silos to be greeted by integrated site features such as planters and swales. these site features help mitigate water retention by directing overflow to paradise creek. designed to follow the urA guidelines and to create a heart between the university of idaho and downtown moscow, legacy crossing can be a valuable asset the community of moscow.

Second through fourth levelS fifth levelSground levelS3

Site plAn

6th Street JAckSon St.

Building Section JAckSon Street elevAtion 6th Street elevAtion

view looking to SAck wArehouSepreservation and renovation of the sack warehouse will help retain the site quality and provide new event space for functions such as moscow farmer’s market.

6th & JAckSon StreetShistoric mixed use edge that provides protection to the plaza and interiorprogram from the highway and maintaining the proper view shed

view looking to ArcAded entrymultiple levels of use provide mixed densities and active participation into a community space.

Site Section through plAZAthe existing silo and the renovated sack warehouse compliment each other while providing plaza edges and adaptable spaces within the plaza.

plAZAcelebrating the preserved silo structure and the industrial nature of the site while creating flexible spaces for public and private use such as art exhibitions and concerts.

drAinAge detAil

Heyburn State Park marina and camp Store

heyburn State park has been a popular destination in northern idaho since it’s establishment in 1908. to service the increasing number of visitors to the park, there is need to expand and offer a wider range of services. this includes a new master plan for the chatcolet marina to accommodate relocated float homes from hidden Bay, more boat moorage for visitors, and a concessions and rental building. this project embraces the original vernacular and traditions of the park, while providing another sense of community within the gates.

mArinA mASter plAn

heyBurn StAte pArk MARINA


current mArinA

current hidden BAy floAt homeS

propoSed mArinA

fuel pAvilionlooking to the lAke

hidden BAy After floAt home relocAtion

mArinA mASter plAn

eASt elevAtionSouth elevAtion

Site plAn

heyBurn StAte pArk CAMP STORE

View from bike path






Section perSpectivewAll detAil

Building plAn

Building ASSemBly

View approaching from the dock

Washington DC homeless Assistance center

wall detail StrUctUral axonometric


washington d.c. is home to more than 6000 destitute people. there are not enough shelters to accommodate such a large number of individuals they also do not offer the resources to assist the homeless with daily needs or to help them plan for the long term. this facility provides beds for 500 people including men, women, and children. it provides separate family sleeping quarters as well as provides long term sleeping arrangements. the kitchen and dining facilities are designed to feed 3000 people a day over a number of shifts, medical, job placement and youth services are also provided.

By utilizing structural steel we are able to achieve a light and open building. north light is brought deep into the space by the transparent north façade that falls between all the north south running structural wall systems.

wall detail

interior perSpectiVeS

commUnity Space main lobby Space priVate lobby Space

Boise civic theater and center for the Arts

the Boise civic theater and center for the arts is a multi use facility that accommodates a wide range of activities. there is a versatile 200 seat black box theater for smaller contemporary shows. Across the lobby from the black box theater is a much larger traditional 750 seat proscenium theater complete with fly loft and movable stage to accommodate an orchestra. these two venue spaces will provide for the medium size performances, something that Boise does not currently offer. this is a civic building in the heart of downtown and provides the public with individual practice space and group rehearsal rooms. the recording studio and media library is also open for public use as well as the equipment library. in the interstitial space that is formed by the two performing spaces is the lobby, an expansive space for gathering, exhibits and events. the supporting spaces start to radiate from this central social space. the site is designed to serve a multiple of events and performances. Along capitol Blvd. is a small plaza and a front entrance. the raised plaza helps define the space along Broad and hosts an outdoor theater space. with this being a focal point for the city, all street scape guidelines set forth by the city of Boise were followed to not interrupt the urban fabric of Boise.

South elevAtionweSt elevAtion13

View from groVe hotel


Site plAnfirSt floor

Section detAil

Second floor


London Summer Studio- charrette Serpentine Pavilion Aerial Plan

Site section

to cap off the summer green studio in london we participated in a design charrette of the Serpentine pavilion. we pared up with international architecture student and were given a host firm. Bdp sponsored our individual team. we were able to utilize many of there resources in this short 24 hour charette. we consulted with the inhouse architects, environmental engineer, civic and structural engineer, acoustician, and light designer. the final structure had to utilize green strategies and be movable so at the end of the summer installation it could be transported to an undetermined location. the final design focused on sites and view by connecting the pavilion to the historic Serpentine gallery. we utilized recycled material and site to clean and manage london storm water.


London Summer Studio- charrette Serpentine Pavilion Final Design Criteria

An exercise that allowed us to quickly talk about and filter all of our ideas, surprisingly many of them had common features: sound protection, flexibility etc.

Serpentine Pavilion Final Design Criteria

An exercise that allowed us to quickly talk about and filter all of our ideas, surprisingly many of them had common features: sound protection, flexibility etc.

Serpentine Pavilion Final Design Criteria

An exercise that allowed us to quickly talk about and filter all of our ideas, surprisingly many of them had common features: sound protection, flexibility etc.

process final proposal

Justin trawmasters of Architecture summer [email protected]