ABSTRACT Rias Wita Suryani, 2311.002. An English Textbook Published By the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia Used For Junior High School Students. A Thesis, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Bukittinggi.2015 Textbook plays an important role in learning. Thus, the selection of an appropriate textbook is a process that needs careful attention. Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia published a new English textbook. This book is entitled “When English Rings the Bell” and it was claimed as a book which has been made based on 2013 curriculum and it is compatible with 2013 curriculum. However, it was not a guarantee that an English textbook entitled “When English Rings the Bell” actually met the criteria of material evaluation. The research was intended to analyze whether the English textbooks “When English Rings a Bell” met the criteria of materials evaluation. The textbook analysis in this research considered four criteria, namely: (1) Objective (2) Language Skills (3) Content and (4) Design. The criteria were developed based on the adaptation of material evaluation criteria proposed by Cunningsworth, Byrd, and BSNP. The object of the research was an English textbook for junior high school which published by Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia. The design of this research was descriptive evaluation research. The method of this research was content analysis. The collection of the data was done through evaluation checklist and rating scale as the instrument. Based on the findings of the research, the researcher finds that an English textbook “When


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Page 1: Abstract


Rias Wita Suryani, 2311.002. An English Textbook Published By the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia Used For Junior High School Students. A Thesis, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Bukittinggi.2015

Textbook plays an important role in learning. Thus, the selection of an appropriate textbook is a process that needs careful attention. Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia published a new English textbook. This book is entitled “When English Rings the Bell” and it was claimed as a book which has been made based on 2013 curriculum and it is compatible with 2013 curriculum. However, it was not a guarantee that an English textbook entitled “When English Rings the Bell” actually met the criteria of material evaluation. The research was intended to analyze whether the English textbooks “When English Rings a Bell” met the criteria of materials evaluation. The textbook analysis in this research considered four criteria, namely: (1) Objective (2) Language Skills (3) Content and (4) Design. The criteria were developed based on the adaptation of material evaluation criteria proposed by Cunningsworth, Byrd, and BSNP.

The object of the research was an English textbook for junior high school which published by Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia. The design of this research was descriptive evaluation research. The method of this research was content analysis. The collection of the data was done through evaluation checklist and rating scale as the instrument.

Based on the findings of the research, the researcher finds that an English textbook “When English Rings a Bell” gained score 82 toward the criteria of objective. It means that “When English Rings a Bell” was categorized as excellent in terms of objective. In terms of language skills, the textbook gained score 63. It means that the textbook was categorized as good. The textbook gained score 80 in terms of content. This means that “When English Ring a Bell” was categorized as excellent in term of content. In terms of design, the textbook gained score 72. It means that “When English Rings a Bell” was categorized as good in terms of design. So, in the overall fulfilment of the textbook entitled “When English Rings a Bell” toward the four criteria of consideration reached score 74. It means that the textbook was categorized as good to be used.

Page 2: Abstract


Rias Wita Suryani, 2311.002. An English Textbook Published By the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia Used For Junior High School Students. A Thesis, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Bukittinggi.2015

Buku teks memainkan peranan penting dalam pembelajaran. Dengan demikian, pemilihan buku teks yang sesuai adalah sebuah proses yang membutuhkan perhatian. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Indonesia menerbitkan buku bahasa Inggris yang baru. Buku ini berjudul "Ketika Inggris Rings Bell" dan itu diklaim sebagai buku yang telah dibuat berdasarkan kurikulum 2013 dan sesuai dengan kurikulum2013. Namun, itu bukan jaminan bahwa buku teks bahasa Inggris berjudul tersebut benar-benar memenuhi kriteria penilaian bahan ajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis apakah buku teks Bahasa Inggris yang berjudul “When English Rings a Bell” memenuhi kriteria dari penilaian bahan ajar. Analisis buku teks tersebut mempertimbangkan empat kriteria, yaitu: (1) Objective (2) Language Skills (3) Content and (4) Design. Kriteria tersebut dikembangkan berdasarkan teori penilaian bahan ajar yang dikemukakan oleh Cunningsworth, Byrd, and BSNP.

Objek penelitian ini merupakan buku teks Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP yang diterbitkan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Indonesia. Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Metode penelitian ini adalah analisis isi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui rating scale sebagai instrumen.

Berdasarkan temuan penelitian, peneliti menemukan bahwa buku teks bahasa Inggris “When English Rings a Bell” memperoleh 82% di kriteria tujuan. Ini berarti bahwa “When English Rings a Bell” dikategorikan sebagai sangat baik dalam hal tujuan. Dalam hal kemampuan bahasa, buku teks memperoleh 63%. Ini berarti bahwa buku tersebut dikategorikan baik. Buku ini memperoleh 80% dalam hal konten. Ini berarti bahwa “When English Rings a Bell”dikategorikan sebagai sangat baik dalam hal konten. Dari segi desain, buku ini memperoleh 72%. Ini berarti bahwa “When English Rings a Bell” dikategorikan baik dari segi desain. Jadi, dalam pencapaian keseluruhan buku teks Bahasa Inggris yang berjudul “When English Rings a Bell” berdasarkan empat kriteria pertimbangan mencapai 74%. Ini berarti bahwa buku tersebut dikategorikan baik.