ABSENTEE LINE: 3352 9299 FROM THE PRINCIPAL No. 24 2nd August, 2012 Dear Parents and Caregivers Bring Days for Jubilee - This Friday This Friday August 3 rd is the first of our ‘bring days’ to assist in providing some of the necessary items for our Jubilee Birthday Party. Students will be permitted to wear ‘free dress’ to school on designated days for the ‘cost’ of a nominated item or gold coin donation. As per the letter sent last week, students are asked to bring a bottle suitable for a prize in the bottle- stall. There are also some restrictions to what is appropriate as free dress including: Clothing must be suitable for the activities of the day ie PE/ Athletic Rotations Closed in shoes (no thongs/ sandals) Sleeves (no strappy tops. This shouldn’t be an issue in the cold weather) No inappropriate logos / slogans Hats must be worn outside (no caps) At this stage there are four ‘bring days’ scheduled. These are planned for August 3, 10 & 17 with the fourth to be advised. August 24 is the date for the Opening and Blessing of our BER project. The students will be required to be in full school uniform for this event. There will be a different item nominated on each ‘bring day’. Next week’s item is a “Gold Coin” to assist with the barbeque. Please also be advised that the “Book Store” team are happy to receive any books that you no longer require. These can be sent to school at any time and will be gratefully received. Our Cake Store Convenors are also looking for volunteers to assist with baking (please contact the school office) or the supply of any ingredients that could be used by our bakers. It is hoped that you are able to support the initiatives of the organising committee. Disco Our Yr 3-7 student disco will be held this Friday August 3. Many thanks to the parents who have been part of the organising committee or have volunteered to assist on the evening. Through your efforts it promises to be a very enjoyable event. Volunteers should have had their time and role confirmed by return note home. Please don’t forget to sign the “sign-in” register on the night so that your efforts can be recorded. The disco will be conducted in two parts: 5- 6:30pm Yrs 3-5 (Cost $3.50 at the door) 7- 9:00pm Yrs 6-7 (Cost $5.00 at the door) In this Issue….. From the Principal From the APA From the APRE QACORS Student Birthdays Tuckshop Helpers Safety Art Union Update Parish News Working Bee LOTE Library News 50th News 50th Memorabilia Community News Cake Stall News Opening & Blessing Invitations Ride Pass Order Form Look Out Safety News TERM DATES AUGUST 3 3M Class Mass 8 Mary MacKillop Feast Day 10 3F Class Mass 14 Yr 4 Grandparents Day 15 EXHIBITION HOLIDAY Assumption of the Virgin Mary 17 3C Class Mass 20 BOOK WEEK 21 Yr 4 & Prep Buddies 22 Q of A Athletics Carnival 24 7M Class Mass 29 Year 5 Camp 30 Bike Education Program 31 7F Class Mass Year 5 Return SEPTEMBER 3 Photos - Thuruna St 6 Zone 6 Athletics 7 Photos - Chuter St 6M Class Mass 13 Prep Sorry Liturgy 14 6F Class Mass 21 5F Class Mass LAST DAY OF TERM 3

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ABSENTEE LINE: 3352 9299

FROM THE PRINCIPAL No. 24 2nd August, 2012

Dear Parents and Caregivers

Bring Days for Jubilee - This Friday This Friday August 3rd is the first of our ‘bring days’ to assist in providing some of the necessary items for our Jubilee Birthday Party. Students will be permitted to wear ‘free dress’ to school on designated days for the ‘cost’ of a nominated item or gold coin donation. As per the letter sent last week, students are asked to bring a bottle suitable for a prize in the bottle-stall. There are also some restrictions to what is appropriate as free dress including:

Clothing must be suitable for the activities of the day ie PE/ Athletic Rotations

Closed in shoes (no thongs/ sandals) Sleeves (no strappy tops. This shouldn’t be an issue in the cold

weather) No inappropriate logos / slogans Hats must be worn outside (no caps)

At this stage there are four ‘bring days’ scheduled. These are planned for August 3, 10 & 17 with the fourth to be advised. August 24 is the date for the Opening and Blessing of our BER project. The students will be required to be in full school uniform for this event. There will be a different item nominated on each ‘bring day’. Next week’s item is a “Gold Coin” to assist with the barbeque.

Please also be advised that the “Book Store” team are happy to receive any books that you no longer require. These can be sent to school at any time and will be gratefully received. Our Cake Store Convenors are also looking for volunteers to assist with baking (please contact the school office) or the supply of any ingredients that could be used by our bakers.

It is hoped that you are able to support the initiatives of the organising committee.

Disco Our Yr 3-7 student disco will be held this Friday August 3. Many thanks to the parents who have been part of the organising committee or have volunteered to assist on the evening. Through your efforts it promises to be a very enjoyable event. Volunteers should have had their time and role confirmed by return note home. Please don’t forget to sign the “sign-in” register on the night so that your efforts can be recorded. The disco will be conducted in two parts:

5- 6:30pm Yrs 3-5 (Cost $3.50 at the door) 7- 9:00pm Yrs 6-7 (Cost $5.00 at the door)

In this Issue…..

From the Principal From the APA From the APRE QACORS Student Birthdays Tuckshop Helpers Safety Art Union Update Parish News Working Bee LOTE Library News 50th News 50th Memorabilia Community News Cake Stall News Opening & Blessing Invitations Ride Pass Order Form Look Out Safety News


AUGUST 3 3M Class Mass

8 Mary MacKillop Feast

Day 10 3F Class Mass

14 Yr 4 Grandparents Day 15 EXHIBITION HOLIDAY

Assumption of the Virgin Mary

17 3C Class Mass 20 BOOK WEEK

21 Yr 4 & Prep Buddies 22 Q of A Athletics Carnival

24 7M Class Mass 29 Year 5 Camp

30 Bike Education Program 31 7F Class Mass

Year 5 Return

SEPTEMBER 3 Photos - Thuruna St

6 Zone 6 Athletics

7 Photos - Chuter St 6M Class Mass

13 Prep Sorry Liturgy 14 6F Class Mass

21 5F Class Mass LAST DAY OF TERM 3

Students from other invited schools will be attending. As with all school functions, there will be high standards expected in terms of behaviour and dress standards. We would appreciate your support in reinforcing this.

School Hours Access to Students For the safety and well-being of all students, schools have strict guidelines in regards to accessing students once they are in our care. Whilst we are a very welcoming community and value the partnership that exists between home and school, the safety of ALL of our students is our greatest priority. All parents wishing to collect/ access their children must do so through the school office. The office staff will send for them so that they can be signed out or a message relayed. Parents/volunteers/ visitors to the school must all report to the school office to be on campus or to access students during school hours. It is an expectation of our staff that they will challenge anyone on campus unaccompanied or without a “Visitors Badge”. I trust you can see the focus for these procedures is student safety. Many thanks for your continued cooperation in this area.

Working Bee August 12 In preparation for the opening of our new facilities and our upcoming 50th Jubilee Birthday Party, we will be having a working bee to complete some important work on both campuses. In the spirit of ‘many hands making light work’, as much help as possible would be appreciated on the day. Please respond generously with your time to ensure our school is at its best for these important events. If you are able to assist could you please return the attached slip so that we have an indication of numbers.

Enrolments: Thank you to those parents who have taken the time to write to me to let me know that their child will not be returning to Q of A next year. I would ask you to please continue to let me know in writing via email to [email protected] as soon as your decision has been made over the third term. This early notice will assist with planning for our staffing for 2013.

Active School Travel: Fridays at Queen of Apostles is our Active Travel Day. Get behind supporting our school to reduce chaos and congestion by choosing to actively travel by walking, cycling, carpooling or public transport to school.

All students receive an active school travel stamp in their passport and earn lots of great rewards throughout the year. This Friday 3rd August, we will be holding a park and stride event for parents and children at both campuses. We will gather at 8:05am at the sign at the bottom of Remick Street and walk up to the Early Years campus and gather at Keong Park and walk up to the Thuruna Street Campus. Come along and join us for the walk to school.

Important -Change to Pick up Zone Last week’s newsletter contained important information regarding an impending change of our pick-up zone from Thuruna St to Marambir St. Our school has been working closely with the Department of Transport and Main Roads Transport Services Division to establish the safest and most efficient pick up system for our community. It has been noted that traffic queuing around the Thuruna St corner into Appleby St at Pick up time was a significant safety and traffic issue. Our community will be adopting the “Look Out” program which requires drivers to register for pick up zone and agree to abide by the procedures established. Next week drivers picking up in Thuruna St will be provided with the registration form and a vehicle identity card to display on your car’s sun visor. Next week will be the last week the Thuruna St Pick up zone will operate as a supervised pick up area.

Queen of Apostles School Page 2

Marambir St pick up will commence on Monday August 13. Inevitably there will be some teething

problems as we establish the new routines. Your cooperation and patience is appreciated.

Have a great week! Peter Surawski Acting Principal

Queen of Apostles 50th Birthday Party - Volunteers Please find below a table of times that we are looking for volunteers to assist on the stalls for the 50th Birthday Party to be held on Sunday 16th September 2012. If you could please tick the box for the time you wish to volunteer and return this slip to the office by the 17th August 2012 it would be much appreciated. We will then contact you with details of the stall you will be assisting in. You will also find below a timetable for when the children will be performing on the day so you may co-ordinate with watching them perform.

Children’s performance times: → - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - →

Name: ....................................................... Child’s Name: ...................................................... Class:............................. Email: ............................................................................................ Contact Details: ........................................................

9.30am-10.30am 10.30am-11.30am 11.30am-12.30pm 12.30pm-1.30pm 1.30pm-2.30pm 2.30pm-3.30pm

Queen of Apostles School Page 3

Welcome and Introduction 10.15 to 10.25

Prep 10.30 to 10.40

Year 1 10.45 to 10.55

Year 2 11.00 to 11.10

Year 3 11.15 to 11.25

Brisbane Brass Band 12.00 to 12.30

12.30 to 1.00

Year 4 1.30 to 1.40

Year 5 1.45 to 1.55

Year 6 2.00 to 2.10

Year 7 2.15 to 2.25

Raffle and Closing 2.30 to 3.00

Queen of Apostles School Page 4

FROM THE ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL RELIGIOUS EDUCATION In Catholic Education Week some of the classes decided to do a visual representation in their rooms showing what working together as a community – school, parish and family – meant to them. A lot of meaningful thought and effort went into their displays. Two members of the Year 7 Cultural committee went around to impartially judge. Congratulations to 3F who were judged with the best display. Miss Harvey and I are negotiating an appropriate reward for them. Here are some displays produced by other classes.

On Monday the Year 7 students had a Retreat day run by the NET Team. The NET team is a group

of young catholic adults, some from overseas, who devote a year of their lives to visiting schools

and parishes and share their experiences of God’s love and presence in their lives. Everyone agreed

that it was a great day and some of the Year 7 students would like to share with the whole school

community their experience of the day.

N.E.T. (National Evangelisation Team) On Monday, 30 July, the Year 7 students participated in a reflection day provided by the NET Team. There were many activities that we took part in, for example, fun games, acting and serious reflection on our relationship with God. We all enjoyed the experience and had lots of fun with the engaging team while always remembering the main focus of the day, which was, to explore our spirituality. We are sure we all learnt a lot about how to improve our relationship with God.


WALK TO SCHOOL FRIDAY!! It is great to see more families taking up the challenge of walking to school on Friday. Meet us at Turner Park (for Thuruna St Campus) and Remick St/Detling St (for Early Years Campus) at 8:05am this Friday to join in the fun. Don’t forget this earns you a stamp in your Active School Travel passport! We have more than 20 walkers each Friday from our Detling St meeting point. The challenge goes out to the Turner Park walkers. CAN YOU MATCH THIS? (Don’t forget the prizes you can earn!) THINKING SKILLS and BELONGING RULES We now move to the use of the final three ‘Thinking Hats’ to examine our Belonging

Rules. We have enlivened our look at our Belonging Rules from the perspective of the

type of thinking we need to use to help us make good choices.

Queen of Apostles School Page 5

It has been wonderful to see how talking about the different types of thinking we use, has connected with all of our students no matter what their age. This ability to talk about our thinking is part of the General Capabilities of the Australian Curriculum, where we strive to develop critical and creative thinkers. The use of the Thinking Hats is providing the students with one way to talk about the thinking they use. This week’s focus was Yellow Hat thinking. This type of thinking relates to examining the benefits. The students were able to identify many of the benefits of moving with care and being in the right place at the right time. This was particularly relevant to making good choices and the reasons why good choices are necessary. Next week we move to a focus on Value of Self, Others and the Environment. The Belonging Rules associated are “Be responsible and speak to please”. Green Hat thinking assists us with this rule by asking ‘What could you do differently to show others that you are responsible?’ This type of thinking looks at the alternatives available when we make good choices. It includes a look at new things we could try, to do things a little differently.

MUSIC Thank you to the families of the Senior Choir who have been willing to support their child’s attendance at the extra morning rehearsals. It was wonderful to see the number of students who were able to attend this morning as we warmed up our voices ready for rehearsal. This extra time is vital to ensure the Choir is prepared for the competition on August 17. I would like to also thank Mrs Allely for her extra time and effort. We wish them well in their preparations.

Another thank you goes to the families of our instrumental music students for welcoming Chelsea McNelliey. It was wonderful to hear the sounds of the band this morning.

CLASS PARENT CONTACT MEETING A warm invitation is extended to each class parent contact to attend a pastoral care meeting next Tuesday 7th August 7:00pm (prior to the P&F meeting) at Thuruna St. Hope to see you there.

Enjoy the rest of the week, Melissa Spiteri

QACORS Congratulations to this week’s QACOR recipients:

Jessica Bartilomo, Isaac Rohde, Sebastian Pagano, George Keys, Jackson Hartley, Ella

Falzon, Siena Nicholson, Billy Hynes, Rafferty Pettiford-Dank, Gabi DeLuca, Kyle Winks,

Mia Parry-Close, Elle Velthuizen-Smith, Michael DeBellis, Tom Bolin, Josh Casey, Sam

Martin, Mikayla Coletti, Shanu Joseph and Teresa Fomiatti.


STUDENT BIRTHDAYS Queen of Apostles would like to wish the following children a very Happy Birthday:

Thomas Puet, Lucien Hoogen, Brady Nixon, Paisley McLeod, Emily Rice, Mitchell Doyle,

Isabelle McLean and Gemma Nicolosi.

Queen of Apostles School Page 6

TUCKSHOP HELPERS Wednesday, 8th August

Lisa Richardson, Rosa Musumeci, Julie McGovern, Michelle Bordignon, Kathryn Walton, John

Walton and Kylie McKinlay.

Friday, 10th August Angela Curcuruto, Amalia Drakos, Fiona Smith, Rachael Pollard, Justine Morrow, Annette Dank,

Judy Smith and Marija Wright.

SAFETY AROUND THE SCHOOL Parents are reminded to drop off and pick up their children in the designated drop off and pick up zone in Thuruna St. A number of unsafe situations have occurred when parents drop off their children in Marambir St in the morning or ask their children to wait in this street in the afternoon. There is a large amount of traffic and congestion in this side street. Thuruna St is a safer option.

WEEKLY RAFFLE TICKET PRIZE Just a short note to let everyone know that as of the week commencing August 6th all families that have returned their sold raffle books will go into a weekly draw for a 50th Anniversary Birthday Bash Rides wristband pass. This pass allows the wearer to access all rides as many times as they wish. The cost of the wristband is $25.00 and will be essential for accessing all rides on the day. There will be 4 weekly draws with the first draw on Wednesday 8th August and the winner will be announced in the newsletter that week. Names will remain in the draw and from then all books returned will be added to the following week’s draw. Also, a point to remember the more books you sell the more chances you have to win. Good Luck and we are looking forward to the Big Event in September.


For all parents of children about the age of 7 years who live in the Our Lady, Queen of Apostles Parish (or regularly worship here): The Parish is starting a programme to help you prepare your child(ren) to celebrate the Sacraments of CONFIRMATION AND EUCHARIST (First Communion) in 2013. An Introductory meeting for Parent(s) will be held in the church on Tuesday 14th August, 7.00pm to 8.30pm. If you are considering enrolment in this programme, it is essential that you attend this meeting. Please put this date and time in your diary now (14/8/12 - 7pm). Do not rely on “car park gossip” for your information – this meeting will inform you of what is really happening (and why). At this meeting you will be given appropriate paperwork and informed what your next step in the process will be.


Parent assistance is required at the upcoming Working Bee on Sunday, 12 August. Please complete the form below if you are able to offer time at either Campus.

� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �

I _____________________________ am available to assist at the Chuter Street / Thuruna Street (please circle) Campus working bee on Sunday, 12 August. Signature: _______________________________________________________

Queen of Apostles School Page 7

L. O. T. E. NEWS

LOTE (Languages Other Than English) Japanese 日本語

Year 6s and 7s have been learning about how to ask and answer about their discomforts, for example, “Are you okay?”, “I am okay”, “I have a headache”, “I am thirsty”, “I am hungry” etc. In the assignment they have to perform a role play asking each other how they are feeling. Hopefully they can memorize the lines and act it out nicely. Last term one of the pairs did their role play using the translation done by Google Translation. Although everything was translated into Japanese, it sounded very weird. They must be aware that the translation on the internet is done literally and doesn’t consider cultural nuances. The children are required to use the sentences and phrases they learnt this term and previous terms in their role play and they are not allowed to use the Translation internet site for their assignment. Year 5s have been learning about body parts and are soon going to learn the colours and some adjectives in Japanese. For their project, they are going to create their own crazy creatures and introduce them to the class. Year 4s have been practising a few songs in Japanese for the Grandparents Day. In addition to the song practice they have been learning how to say their age in Japanese. It is very challenging, but they are trying very hard. Happy learning Japanese. Shoko Thompson (Japanese Teacher). LIBRARY NEWS

This week I am reading the CBCA Early Reader short listed book “The Runaway Hug” by Nick Bland and Freya Blackwood. This is another book about getting ready for bed. I reviewed this book last term. The National Year of Reading team has started its countdown to its focal activity for the year. The Reading Hour, 25th August, aims to have families share reading for 10 minutes a day, an hour a week. Local libraries and book shops will be holding events and activities on this day. Supporters of this event are Dymocks, Walt Disney Company, Dymocks Children’s Charity, Scholastic, MS Readathon and Kumon. Local BCC library events you may like to be part of are: Ashgrove – Dad’s read 2-4pm Mitchelton – Dads and lads storytime 10.30-11am Dress as your favourite superhero Chermside – Reading hour 6-7pm

Yesterday our year 6 and 7 students were lucky enough to attend a talk by author Morris Gleitzman at Padua College. Here are just a couple of snippets of what some of our students thought of our visit. Yesterday the Year 6 and 7’s went to Padua College to listen to Morris Gleitzmann. He told us many cool things about himself as an author and he is so kind. He told us about his brand new book called “After” which is in book stores soon. He is so inspiring and I will definitely call him my inspiration for writing. Madison D. On Wednesday, 1st of August, the grade 6 and 7 students were given the opportunity to listen to the author, Morris Gleitzman, speak at Padua College. He spoke in an informative, interesting manner that engaged all the children who were present. He told us the ‘Author’s Secret’ to help us if we plan to write books. He also told us about his ‘secret dream’ that he discovered when he was younger that encouraged him to become an author. Morris told us about his newly published book, ‘After’ from the ‘Once’ series. To conclude this wonderful presentation, Gleitzman spent time answering unique questions asked by the audience. He also signed the student’s books, if they had any. The grade 6 and 7’s will take his words and put them into action in their school work. Morris Gleitzman gave a special presentation that will not be forgotten. We are sure that we will now be reading his previous and future books when we get the chance. Olivia O and Amy

Margaret Poncini and Elaine Varley Teacher Librarian Library School Officer

Queen of Apostles School Page 8



Queen of Apostles School is seeking any memorabilia of the school you may have and would be willing to send along for a display at the 50th Anniversary Birthday Party to be held on Sunday 16 September 2012. The school opened in 1962 and memorabilia could include photos, uniforms, equipment, report cards, certificates – anything at all would be gratefully accepted. If you would be willing to ‘lend’ your memorabilia to the school for display, please mark all items clearly with your name and a phone number and send to Deslee Till at the school office. The school is located at 10 Thuruna Street Stafford – phone 07 3356 7755.

We desperately need memorabilia,

so if you have anything at all, please send it along.

COMMUNITY NEWS Improve your swimming – Swim with Somerset Hills Seals – Join us for 2012/2013 We are a family friendly club offering: quality swimming coaching at affordable rates; squad training for all levels; fun and relaxed Friday Club nights; and interclub competitions. For more information check out our website: seals.org.au Sign On Day and Sausage Sizzle on Saturday 1 September 2012, 10.00am to 12.00noon, Cnr Kitchener and Webster Roads, Stafford Heights +( contact Kirsten Wardrop on 0405187892 or [email protected]. Mount Alvernia College Kedron Do you have a daughter who will be in Year 7 in 2016? Enrolments close 8 February 2013, interviews will be conducted in Term 1, 2013. We also have limited vacancies in Years 7 & 8, 2015. Enrolment forms are available from the School Office or the Mount Alvernia College website - www.mta.qld.edu.au or please contact our Enrolments Officer Jodi Walsh on 3632 8508.

Queen of Apostles School Page 9

Dear families 50th Anniversary Birthday Party – Sweets and Cake Stall We are calling for helpers to make sweets and bake cakes for the 50th Anniversary Birthday Party Sweets and Cakes Stall. Listed below are options we intend to offer for sale. The list is by no means restrictive and if you’d like to suggest your own special cakes or sweets, please let us know. If required, ingredients can be supplied to assist with preparation, and all families will be asked for assistance with donations via the school newsletter in the very near future. Any ingredients re-quired will then be sent home with your eldest child, or other arrangements made for collection, closer to the big day. Packaging will also be supplied based on the quantities to be prepared, as will ingredient labels, which are mandatory under food safety guidelines. We’d like the finished products to be delivered to the school on Saturday, 15 September, the day before the Birthday Party. All help will be greatly appreciated, no matter how small, and would ask that you take a moment to complete and return the slip below to school as soon as possible. Please don’t hesitate to contact either one of us if you’ve any queries. Kind regards Sweets & Cake Stall Convenors Juliann King – [email protected] Justine Holmes – [email protected] �- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � NAME: ____________________________ Contact No: __________________ Eldest child’s name: _____________________ Class: _____________________ Email: ____________________________________________________________ I’d like to help and can make the following (an indication of the quantity/batches you’re prepared to make will be helpful): CAKES: Bar cakes: ____________ Patty cakes/muffins: ____________ Slices: __________

Biscuits: ______________ Other: ________________________

Yes please, I’ll need the following ingredients: ___________________________________________ No thanks, no ingredients required:

SWEETS: Chocolate fudge: ________ Caramel fudge: ___________ Russian caramel: __________

Coconut ice: ___________ Toffees: ____________ Marshmallow: ____________ Other (eg caramel popcorn, rocky road): _______________________________________ Yes please, I’ll need the following ingredients: __________________________________________ No thanks, no ingredients required:

Queen of Apostles School Page 10

The Principal, Staff, Students and Parents of

Queen of Apostles School, Stafford

Request the pleasure of the company of

Parents of Queen of Parents of Queen of Parents of Queen of Parents of Queen of ApostlesApostlesApostlesApostles

to attend the

Official Opening and Blessing


The BER ProjectThe BER ProjectThe BER ProjectThe BER Project Refurbished Classrooms, New Library, Refurbished Classrooms, New Library, Refurbished Classrooms, New Library, Refurbished Classrooms, New Library, Specialist Offices and Covered AreaSpecialist Offices and Covered AreaSpecialist Offices and Covered AreaSpecialist Offices and Covered Area

Queen of Apostles Thuruna Street Campus Friday 24th August

Commencing at 10:00am

RSVP Cathy McGraw 07 3356 7755

[email protected] Friday, 10th August, 2012

Queen of Apostles School Page 11

What’s a Party without rides?

Join in the rest of the fun of Q of A’s 50th Birthday with an all-day

ride pass!

That’s right – ALL DAY!

Ride the

• Sizzler

• Tea-Cups

• Inflatable Slide

Jump in the

• Aqua�c Adventure Castle

And get your mates together and play

• Laser Skirmish

For as many times as your stomach can handle!

Pre-purchase your ALL DAY pass and SAVE! Pre-paid Day Pass - $25.00/pass (before 30th August) Day Pass - $30.00/pass (On the day) Single Ride - $5.00/ride (purchase on the day)

Ride Order Form (Complete and return to the school Office by 30

th August)

Eldest Child’s name: __________________________________ Class: __________________ Number of Pre-paid Day Passes: ___________ X $25 = $___________________

Please note – one pass per user. Passes can’t be shared.

Paid by � Cash � Cheque � Electronic Transfer � Credit Card - Card Number: __________________________ Name on Card: _________________________ Expiry Date: ______________ Amount: ______________

Signed: ______________________________________



1. Cash

Please ensure that any money

sent to school is in a clearly

marked envelope and enve-

lope is well sealed.

2. Cheque

Payable to:

Queen of Apostles School


3. Electronic Transfer

BSB: 064 786

Acc: 330771104

Name: (Depositors Name)

Reason: RIDES

4. Credit Card

All payments must be accompa-

nied by the return slip.

Queen of Apostles School Page 12

The Look Out Program

Thursday 26 July Look Out News One sent out to all families with school newsletter

Thursday 2 August Look Out News Two sent out to all families with school newsletter

Monday 6 August This week users of the loading zone are given a name tag with user instruction sheet.

Monday 13 August Program commences

Each year your children are picked up from school

over 200 times and over many other families are

doing the same thing.

At Queen of Apostles School we are committed to

doing everything we reasonably can to ensure that no

child is injured while they are being dropped off or

picked up from school. For many years we have all felt

frustration as people use the loading zone in different


To improve the functionality of the loading zone we

are adopting a program designed to improve how

children are picked up.

We know all families do not use the pick up zone but

we felt all families would want to know how the

program works.

Remember we want a safe efficient loading zone.

You can help by following the guidelines in this

brochure when you use the zone. If you see a problem

and have a suggested way to fix the problem please

let us know.

Peter Surawski (Acting Principal)

Queen of Apostles School Page 13

Step One

Families queue and display their family name tags on the dash. (Drivers do not leave their vehicle).

The first two vehicle’s will be loaded at any one time.

Step Two

Wait while a monitor on the footpath calls for your children.

(If your children are not waiting, you will be asked to move on and join the end of the queue. It is suggested you do not arrive at the loading zone prior to school finishing as it is likely you will be asked to move).

Step Three

Stay in car, a monitor in the school grounds will send out your children.

Step Four

Look Out for your children. The caller confirms with children that this is the family vehicle.

Step Five

Load and leave safely after your children have arrived. Do not allow children to load school bags into the boot of the vehicle and please ensure the children enter the vehicle from the passenger side.

How to Use the Look Out Program


The loading zone is a two minute zone by law. If your children are not able to be loaded within

the two minutes, the law requires that you move on. Every effort will be made to locate your

children and avoid the need for you to move on without picking them up. When your children are

not at the loading zone prior to you, you will be asked to move on and join the end of the queue.

We understand that this is inconvenient however keeping the line moving provides a benefit to all

parents. “Please be courteous and patient”.