Applications of environmental Science/Engg. in various engineering disciplines, environmental ethics, sustainable development, About Pollution Present status Role of Environment Education

About Pollution Present status Role of Environment Education...•Develop alternative sources of energy •Encourage eco-friendly products •Grow trees •Prefer mass transportation

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Page 1: About Pollution Present status Role of Environment Education...•Develop alternative sources of energy •Encourage eco-friendly products •Grow trees •Prefer mass transportation

Applications of environmental Science/Engg. in various

engineering disciplines, environmental ethics,

sustainable development,

• About Pollution

• Present status

• Role of Environment Education

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Page 3: About Pollution Present status Role of Environment Education...•Develop alternative sources of energy •Encourage eco-friendly products •Grow trees •Prefer mass transportation


Every day, earth becomes more and more polluted.

• Air pollution fills our lungs with deadly substances.

• Water pollution is rapidly eradicating what little freshwater we have left.

• Land pollution is causing once-fertile lands to become little more than deserts

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Awareness about the following

issues are needed.

• Difference between sustainable development and environmental sustainability.

• Unique definition for sustainable development

• Will depending on Science and Technology alone deliver environmental sustainability?

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Sustainable development and

environmental sustainabilityDefinition for sustainable development :

“ Development that meets the needs of the

present without compromising the ability of future

generation to meet their own needs”

• The resource base is not inexhaustible

• sustainable development is economic development

• Without environmental sustainability it is impossible to achieve sustainable development.

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Unique definition for

sustainable development:An indicator is needed

• for comparing the relative progress made by

different countries towards sustainable

development at a given time or

• for measuring progress made by a given country

or region over time.

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• operational definition must be based on the reduction in consumption of goods and services by the affluent within and between nations.

• The production and consumption must be curbed to achieve even a modest degree of sustainable development and determined efforts must be made to reduce consumption through formal education

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Science, technology and environmental


Role of science and technology in delivering environmental sustainability:

• sustainable development and global environmental sustainability achieved not only with the application of science and technology alone. Example : USA

• progress towards sustainable development is dependent upon a fundamental change in societies’ attitude to nature and the environment

• to bring about this change of attitude is education in moral and ethical philosophy. In the young minds it is essential to reinforce the environment-respecting moral values.

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Can science and technology deliver

sustainable development

• impacts of science and technology

• turnout to be good or bad is determined by their

environmental impacts.

• economic development through industrialization

• World Bank and International Monetary Fund

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Benefits of Science

• paying a high ‘price’ for it in terms of

environmental degradation

• this has serious implications for future


• science and technology can help the process of

sustainable development in a limited way but

they cannot deliver them.

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EDUCATION• All major natural resources in the country are in

grave danger of irreparable damage.

• A society cannot survive if its natural resources are rendered unfit for use by its people.

• The only hope of salvaging this grave situation is by making the young aware that they need to proactively begin to protect the environment they will inherit.

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EDUCATION (Contd.)• The moral and ethical education for

changing people’s attitude

• To protect children living in polluted regions, environmental education represents a relevant means of prevention

• It is need for the hour to propose the environmental education with the essential elements of moral philosophy.

• For conceptual change

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Essential components Of

The environmental education

• Alerting the public to the need to achieve global

sustainable development and the likely

consequences of failing to do so.

• Focusing the educational curricula for global

sustainable development by incorporating the

know – how and skills and also the moral


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Curriculum developmentReasons for including moral education in Engineering Curricula:

• As future planners, designers, builders and decision makers , students shoulder special responsibility in protecting the integrity of nature and the natural environment.

• Human beings are rational creatures who have an innate need to rationalize all their actions and thoughts .Moral philosophy provides this rationale, and by doing so gives us our humanity.

• Albert Einstein's statement “Science without philosophy is just mechanics”.

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Criteria for curriculum

development:• The focus must be on reducing consumption

with a view to achieving sustainability. The content should be holistic, covering all essential aspects.

• The content should comprises two strategic elements:

The ‘end- of- the pipe’ element

based on science and technology to deal

with pollution already produced.

The ‘ before-the-pipe’ element

concerned with pollution prevention and


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Curriculum units and materials have to be

developed in five areas:

1. Air Quality

2. Ecosystems & Biodiversity

3. Energy Resources

4. Land Use

5. Water Quality

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• Air - acid rain, indoor air pollution, ozone, radon

• Conservation - energy, environmental stewardship, natural resources, pollution prevention

• Ecosystems - ecology, endangered species, global warming, habitats, watersheds

• Human Health - drinking water, fish advisories, indoor air, lead, ozone depletion, pesticides, radon, smog

• In Your Neighborhood - databases, local issues, maps

• Waste & Recycling - garbage, household, hazardous & solid waste, landfills, superfund cleanups, trash

• Water- drinking water, ecosystems, lakes, oceans, rivers, water pollution, watersheds

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RESOURCES• According to the latest census of India statistics, only 38

percent of the 192 million households in India enjoy the privilege of grossly under-priced piped water supply.

• “Water is a resource which is much too free.

• Under-pricing of this vital resource has ironically put it beyond the reach of the poor majority.

• A resource conscious society should carefully calculate the cost — and price — of its natural resources.

• Since we haven’t done so, there’s a lot of pilferage and waste.

• Water should be a costed resource, only then will we use and save it as a precious resource.

• Water management should receive top priority as environment education is introduced in schools and colleges

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• Though children and youth in rural India are physically closer to nature, they seldom have access to natural resources to satisfy their basic needs.

• For instance though they may live beside a river, it’s rare for rural youth to have experienced piped water.

• Instead river water is transported across hundreds of miles to cities. Continuous mismanagement and waste of water resources and years of large-scale deforestation has transformed India from a once water-rich society into a water-insecure nation.

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The people below are taking care of their

home and car, but they are doing many

things that can damage the environment,

especially our water.

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Management of waste

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Today’s status of Environmental

Education• While environment education is a compulsory subject in

schools, Children are just mugging another subject —environment studies.

• For example the prescribed curriculum won’t help a student in getting a mound of rubbish outside a house or school cleared.

• Students are being taught mere facts and figures.

• We have to make our children to realise that they are part of the problem, and therefore they have to be part of the solution

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Understanding environmental

behavioural change through

communication• Developing a ‘responsible environmental behaviour’

became one of the tasks of environmental education

• The ‘responsible environmental behaviour’ is defined as “ the whole of actions of an individual within the society, that takes into account, in a conscious way, the perennial and harmonious relationship between these actions and environment”.

• Communication is a way of approaching and explaining processes in society and it can be defined as “ the exchange processes among the individual and group members of a given society”.

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Creating Environmental Awareness

• Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE)

• (NASA), USA. Over 50,000 schools all over the world, of which 86 are in India, are enrolled in the GLOBE programme.

• A School in Lucknow, they have set up a small weather monitoring station in their school. Children use the station to maintain temperature and cloud charts, measure rainfall, gather weather-related information and feed it into the GLOBE website. The data is then used to forecast worldwide weather trends and to develop environment protocols,”

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Default Human nature:

• Courage

• Devotion

• Sincerity

• Honesty

• Purity

• Patience

• Love

• Kindness

• Character

• Decision making mind

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Default nature of environment:

• Regeneration of life giving elements like

carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, etc and water

through biogeochemical cycles

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Default nature of environment…

Various self-purification processes of

environment are:

• Pollutants are mixed, diluted, and

dispersed in water bodies and in air

• Organic matter decomposed into stable

compounds by microorganisms

• Oxidation and reduction turn the toxic

pollutants into simpler compounds

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• Solids carried with the water gets deposited to the sediments, thus cleansing the river

• Role of sunshine as cleansing agent

• Role of land as a filter for the purified ground water

• Absorption, adsorption, combustion and condensation are other processes that aid in self purification

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Acquired human nature:

• Corruption and dishonesty

• Irresponsibility and careless attitude

• Greed, selfish and purely commercial


• No commitment to society and no respect

to values

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This has led to…

• Deforestation

• Soil infertility

• Loss of irrigation land

• Overexploitation of mineral resources

• Unscientific disposal of domestic and industrial wastes

• Unhygienic and unsanitary conditions

• Climate change

• Energy crisis

• Inadequate resources

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Net result: “environmental stress”

• Carrying capacity: to support maximum

number of living organisms in a given time

and place such that utilization of resources

does not exceed the rate of replenishment

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What are the signs of

environmental stress?

• Discolouration and premature dropping of leaves

• Poor quality of drinking water (turbid, coloured)

• Lowering of ground water table

• Algal growth in lakes (due to excess N&P)

• Poor visibility due to dust and smoke in the atmosphere

• Oil and floating matter in water bodies

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Signs of environmental stress…

• Stagnation of water and open drains

• Dissolved oxygen depletion in rivers

• High flouride / arsenic in water leading to

softening of bones in human beings

• Discolouration and disintegration of

materials (due to acid fumes)

• Rapid extinction of species

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• Unauthorized dumping of garbage in

residential areas

• Infertile top soil (due to water logging,

salinity, erosion)

• Loss of agricultural land (due to


• Indiscriminate disposal of effluents

• Reduction of crop yield etc

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• It is wise to recognize these symptoms and prevent further deterioration. Once deteriorated, recovery is almost impossible.

• When resources depleted / destroyed, populations starve and decrease in numbers. A number of species of plants and animals are extinct. Finally mass extinction.

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Remedy: Sustainable development

• Conserve, preserve, protect historic,

heritage, cultural monuments and


• Prevent wastage of food products

• Recover, recycle, and reuse materials like

paper, metals

• Save energy

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• Develop alternative sources of energy

• Encourage eco-friendly products

• Grow trees

• Prefer mass transportation systems to

individual vehicles

• Supplement, complement and support

social welfare programmes

• Adopt simple living

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What are government’s initiatives?

• River Ganga purification action plan

(Ganga Action Plan- GAP)

• Removal of sediments from lakes

• Supplying clean water to fluoride affected


• Interlinking of rivers

• Afforestation, social forestry, use of

biofertilzers, integrated pest management

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• Wildlife conservation projects for tiger, elephant, crocodiles etc

• Conservation of wetlands at number of places: Chilka (Orissa), Sambhar (Rajasthan), Loktak (Manipur), Harike (Punjab)

• Development of National parks at Kaziranga, Manas, Nandadevi (Uttaranchal), Sunderbans

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• Watershed management and water

harvesting methods

• Environmental policies and laws

• Environmental Education

• Public participation and awareness

• Involvement of NGOs

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Initiatives at International level

(United Nations)

• To ban use of CFCs

• To reduce gaseous emissions like SOx,


• Emphasize afforestation

• Ensure all safety measures are taken

while disposing hazardous wastes

• Conserve biodiversity and protect

endangered species

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International initiatives

• Encourage organic fertilizers and avoid

chemical pesticides

• Safeguard marine ecosystem….

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The Environment and


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The Environment and Development: Outline

Basic Issues regarding environment and


Economic Models of the environment

Rural development and environment

Poverty and environment

Urban development and environment

Policy options in developing and developed

countries: Case Study on debt swaps

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The Environment and Development: Basic


Sustainable development and environmental


Population, resources, and the environment

Poverty and the environment

Growth versus the environment

Rural development and the environment

Urban development and the environment

The global environment

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Poverty and Environment

Poverty is viewed as encompassing both

income and non-income dimensions of

deprivation, lack of empowerment, and

extreme vulnerability to external shocks

Environment refers to the living and non-living

components of the natural world, and to the

interactions between them, that support life on

earth. The environment is a provider of goods

and services and is also a recipient of waste


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Poverty and Environment: Concerns

Poverty and environment linkages are dynamic

and context-specific

Rural poor are concerned with secure access

to and the quality of natural resources

Urban poor are concerned with access to

clean water, energy, sanitation, and security of


Poor women are concerned with safe and

close access to potable water and energy


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Rural Poverty/ Development and


Rural poverty and environmental degradation

interact leading to

Soil erosion and



and loss of


Fuel shortages, lower

agricultural productivity,

occurrence of natural


Loss of ground


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Urban Poverty/ Development and


Urban poverty causes environmental

degradation in two ways:

– Industrialization and urban air pollution

Environmental Kuznets curve

Role of taxation in controlling pollution externalities

– Congestion and availability of clean water and


Productivity losses

Financial feasibility of providing clean drinking water and

sanitation for all

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Poverty and Environment: LinkagesPoor people are the main victims of a bad environment– Poor people are more vulnerable to the loss of biological


– Extreme environmental stress can force the poor to migrate

– Inequality reinforces environmental pressure

– Government policies can create or reinforce vicious cycle of poverty-environment interaction

Poor people are agents of environmental degradation (poverty and exploitation) – Poor people have shorter time horizons, which

exacerbates environmental degradation

– Poverty increases risk-aversion and discount rates,

aggravating environmental pressure

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Poverty and Environment : Linkages

Incomplete property rights reinforce the vicious

poverty-environment circle

Population pressure exacerbates both poverty

and environmental degradation

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Links between the Environment and Millennium

Development Goals

Goal Links to environment

Eradicate extreme

poverty and hunger

Livelihood strategies & food security

depend on healthy environment

Achieve universal

primary education

Time spent colleting fuel and water by


Reduce child


Water-related diseases kill 3 M people in

developing countries

Improve maternal


Indoor air pollution and carrying heavy


Combat major


1/5th of the total burden of disease in

developing countries may be associated

with environmental risk factors

Ensure environ


Environ degradation must be reversed

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Policy opportunities to reduce poverty

and improve environment

Improve governance

– Integrate poverty-environment issues into national

development frameworks

– Strengthen decentralization

– Empower poor and marginalized groups

– Address gender dimensions

– Strengthen anti-corruption measures

– Reduce environment-related conflict

– Improve poverty-environment monitoring and


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Policy opportunities to reduce poverty

and improve environment

Enhance the assets of the poor

– Strengthen resource rights of the poor

– Enhance poor’s capacity to manage environment

– Expand access to environmentally-sound and

locally appropriate technology

– Reduce environmental vulnerability of the poor

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Policy opportunities to reduce poverty

and improve environment

Improve the quality of growth

– Integrate poverty-environment issues into

economic policy reforms

– Increase the use of environmental valuation

– Encourage private sector involvement in

environmental management

– Implement pro-poor environmental fiscal reform

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Policy opportunities to reduce poverty

and improve environment

Reform domestic international and industrial policies

– Industrial emissions abatement policies

– Reform trade policies

– Make FDI more pro-poor

– Enhance the contribution of multilateral environmental agreements to poverty reduction

– Encourage sustainable consumption and production

– Enhance the effectiveness of development cooperation and debt relief

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• Effective policy must be implemented to curbconsumption by the affluent

• We need moral education to instill genuinelyenvironment respecting moral values in the youngstudent society.

• Conventional educational methodology is no longeradequate for the real needs of tomorrow

• Though there are definitional and implementation flaws,environment NGOs and activists need to be given creditand accolades for creating a nation-wide awareness ofthe crisis of environment deterioration.

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• Future student generation must acquire knowledge and skills in

technologies and keep pace with rapid advances in practically

in all areas.

• The communication perspective opens the door to another kind

of tools that environmental educators can use in order to

improve the educational practice.

• Minds on experience is also needed with Hands on


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