Abnormal Mammogram Marion C.W. Henry, MD Yale University

Abnormal Mammogram Marion C.W. Henry, MD Yale University

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Page 1: Abnormal Mammogram Marion C.W. Henry, MD Yale University

Abnormal Mammogram

Marion C.W. Henry, MD

Yale University

Page 2: Abnormal Mammogram Marion C.W. Henry, MD Yale University

Ms. Young

Ms. Young is a 43 yr-old woman who presents to your clinic with an abnormal mammogram noted on routine screening examination.

Page 3: Abnormal Mammogram Marion C.W. Henry, MD Yale University


What other aspects of the history of present illness do you want to know?

Make a list of at least three pertinent questions.

Page 4: Abnormal Mammogram Marion C.W. Henry, MD Yale University

History, Ms. Young

Characterization of symptoms

Temporal sequence Alleviating /

Exacerbating factors:

Pertinent PMH, ROS, MEDS.

Relevant family hx. Associated signs and


Consider the Following

Page 5: Abnormal Mammogram Marion C.W. Henry, MD Yale University

History, Ms. Young Consider the following:

Characterization of Symptoms: Does she have any symptoms at


Temporal sequence: Has she ever had a mammogram


Alleviating / Exacerbating factors: Are there any?

Associated signs/symptoms: Any hx of mass, pain, nipple discharge

or skin changes?

Pertinent PMH: age at menarche, age at first full-term pregnancy, any previous breast biopsies and results? Hx of hormone therapy?

Relevant Family Hx: does cancer run in her family? Any 1st degree relatives with breast cancer? Ovarian cancer?

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Physical Examination

What specific aspects of the physical exam would you look for?

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Physical Examination, Ms. Young

Vital Signs: BP=136/80, HR=79, RR=14, T=98.3 Appearance: Slightly overweight, well-appearing Relevant problem-focused exam findings

HEENT: anicteric sclera, no lymphadenopathy

Genital-rectal: no masses, normal tone

Chest: clear bilaterally, good air movement

Neuromuscular: grossly normal

CV: Rhythm regular, no murmur Skin/Soft Tissue:

Breasts: symmetrical ,no masses, no nipple discharge, no skin changes, no axillary adenopathy,

Abd: soft, non-tender, no hepatosplenomegaly,

Remaining Examination findings non-contributory

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Screening Mammogram• Standard 2 view- CC and MLO

Diagnostic Mammogram• Spot compression views • Oblique or extra views based on location of


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Can you describe 3 mammographic findings that raise concern?

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Mammographic Abnormalities

1. Mass

2. Microcalcifications

3. Asymmetric Density

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Breast Mass MLO views

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Breast Mass CC views

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Asymmetric Density

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Microcalcifications Mag View

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Spiculated Mass Mag View

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Mass with Microcalcifications

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Pleomorphic Calcifications

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Mammogram Review:BIRAD classification

BIRAD 0: cannot be classified at present time without additional views

BIRAD I: Absolutely normal BIRAD II: Radiologic abnormality but definitely benign (eg.

Vascular calcification, calcified fibroadenoma) BIRAD III: Abnormality with low chance for malignancy (eg.

New solid lesion without marked abnormality in margin or small cluster calcification without pleomorphism)

BIRAD IV: abnormal mammogram with about 40% malignancy rate (eg. Clustered microcalcifications with pleomorphism or mass with irregular margin)

BIRAD V: markedly abnormal mammogram with expected rate of malignancy about 80% (eg. Abnormal lesion with irregular spiculated margin and microcalcifications within lesion)

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Studies – Results

How will you manage a patient with an abnormal mammogram and a nonpalpable lesion based on each BIRAD Classification ?

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Studies – Results

• BIRAD II: yearly surveillance mammogram

• BIRAD III: stereotactic biopsy or mammogram at 6 months

• BIRAD IV: stereotactic or needle-localized biopsy

• BIRAD V: needle-localized lumpectomy

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Ms. Young – BIRAD III abnormality. Repeat mammogram in 6 months has minor changes.

What now?

Stereotactic core needle biopsy with marker clip placement

Mammogram specimen to see areas of microcalcification and match to original mammogram

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Your final pathology report shows presence of atypical ductal hyperplasia. What do you tell your patient?

Next steps?

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Atypical ductal hyperplasia ADH

Her relative risk of breast cancer has increased by 3 times

If she does not develop breast cancer in the next 8 to 10 years, then her risk returns to normal

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Pathology, Scenario 2

Her breast biopsy shows DCIS, Ductal Carcinoma In Situ

What next?

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Scenario 2, cont

Needle – localized excisional biopsy also shows ductal carcinoma in situ with tumor-free margins – now what do you advise your patient?

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Ductal Carcinoma In-Situ

2 factors determine your management: size and pathologic type (commedeo or papillary/cribiform type)

If papillary/cribiform and less than 1 cm – only excision with free margin is adequate

If commedeo type, or greater than 1 cm, or palpable – lumpectomy and radiation or total mastectomy

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What is the expected outcome?

Following total mastectomy for in situ carcinoma, 99% of patients are cured, less than 1% have axillary node mets

Following lumpectomy and radiation, there will be 12% recurrence in the ipsilateral breast. 6% will be in situ recurrence and will be cured with total mastectomy. 6% will be invasive.

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Pathology, Scenario 3

The pathology from the biopsy comes back as lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) – how do you manage the patient?

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Lobular Carcinoma In Situ

Lobular carcinoma in situ is not a pre-malignant disease

Observe patient closely, ↑↑ risk for invasive CA

Anti-estrogen therapy may be beneficial

Recommend prophylactic bilateral mastectomy ONLY is patient is carrier for mutated BRCA I or BRCA II gene or has extremely strong family history of breast cancer among multiple first degree relatives

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