NAIE V200R020C20 Abnormal KPI Detection Service Issue 01 Date 2019-12-30 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.

Abnormal KPI Detection Service - HUAWEI CLOUD...This service supports multiple KPI modes (such as period, abrupt change, and trend) and can detect KPI anomalies in multiple telecom

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Page 1: Abnormal KPI Detection Service - HUAWEI CLOUD...This service supports multiple KPI modes (such as period, abrupt change, and trend) and can detect KPI anomalies in multiple telecom


Abnormal KPI Detection Service

Issue 01

Date 2019-12-30


Page 2: Abnormal KPI Detection Service - HUAWEI CLOUD...This service supports multiple KPI modes (such as period, abrupt change, and trend) and can detect KPI anomalies in multiple telecom

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Page 3: Abnormal KPI Detection Service - HUAWEI CLOUD...This service supports multiple KPI modes (such as period, abrupt change, and trend) and can detect KPI anomalies in multiple telecom


1 Documentation Guide............................................................................................................ 1

2 Product Overview.................................................................................................................... 22.1 What Is Time Series KPI Anomaly Detection Service..................................................................................................22.2 Application Scenarios............................................................................................................................................................. 22.3 Functions.................................................................................................................................................................................... 32.4 Benefits....................................................................................................................................................................................... 32.5 Restrictions................................................................................................................................................................................ 32.6 Basic Concepts.......................................................................................................................................................................... 52.7 Cloud-based Service Dependencies...................................................................................................................................62.8 Accessing the Abnormal KPI Detection Service............................................................................................................ 6

3 Quick Start................................................................................................................................ 83.1 Prerequisites.............................................................................................................................................................................. 83.2 Subscribing to the KPI Anomaly Detection Model Service....................................................................................... 83.3 Accessing the Abnormal KPI Detection Service.......................................................................................................... 103.4 Operation Process................................................................................................................................................................. 113.5 Detection Object Configuration....................................................................................................................................... 123.5.1 Configuring KPI Attributes..............................................................................................................................................123.5.2 Importing Time Series Data........................................................................................................................................... 163.6 Advanced Settings................................................................................................................................................................ 173.6.1 Detection Policy................................................................................................................................................................. 173.6.2 Event Management.......................................................................................................................................................... 193.6.3 Task Management.............................................................................................................................................................213.7 Anomaly Dashboard............................................................................................................................................................ 223.7.1 Visualized Dashboard.......................................................................................................................................................223.7.2 Anomaly List........................................................................................................................................................................24

4 FAQs..........................................................................................................................................264.1 What Are the Service Scenarios of Time Series KPI Anomaly Detection...........................................................264.2 Can Time Series KPI Anomaly Detection Be Applied to All Scenarios................................................................264.3 What Are the Types of Time Series KPI Data.............................................................................................................. 26

5 Glossary................................................................................................................................... 27

NAIEAbnormal KPI Detection Service Contents

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1 Documentation Guide

Documents including Introduction, Quick Start, FAQs, and Glossary are given tohelp customers learn and use the abnormal KPI detection service in order tocustomize site-oriented models.

Table 1-1 Documentation guide

Document Description

Introduction This document describes the positioning, application scenarios,functions, benefits, and restrictions of the abnormal KPIdetection service.

Quick Start This document describes how to use the abnormal KPI detectionservice to quickly generate KPI anomaly models, helping usersquickly get familiar with and use the abnormal KPI detectionservice.

FAQs This document provides answers to frequently asked questions(FAQs) for users of the abnormal KPI detection service.

Glossary This document describes the product terms related to theabnormal KPI detection service.

NAIEAbnormal KPI Detection Service 1 Documentation Guide

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2 Product Overview

2.1 What Is Time Series KPI Anomaly Detection ServiceThis service identifies KPI anomalies from a large amount of KPI input data,identifies the KPI input mode based on the service configurations and data type,automatically optimizes algorithms, and predicts system faults or quickly locatefaults.

2.2 Application Scenarios

Call Drop Rate DetectionThe call drop rate is a core network KPI in the telecom domain. The traditionalfixed-threshold alarm mode cannot be used to identify normal KPI fluctuation andcannot predict KPI deterioration. The KPI anomaly detection service can rapidlypredict KPI trends to identify anomalies and report alarms.

Call Quality DetectionCall quality KPIs include call center KPIs of telecom operators. These KPIs are usedto improve target management. Call quality KPIs, such as the total number of callsand call abandonment rate, are monitored to detect sudden traffic increases anddecreases.

Website KPI DetectionThe KPIs of online mall websites of telecom operators reflect the quality andperformance of the websites. Website KPIs, such as the number of users, numberof advertisement clicks, and page traffic, are monitored to detect the impacts ofspecific factors on the websites and website changes in a timely manner.

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2.3 Functions

Intelligent Anomaly DetectionAPIs are provided to detect time series. The following detection types aresupported: discrete, white noise, periodic, periodic+trend, periodic+abrupt changepoint, and aperiodic.

Automatic ModelingBased on an input data flow, the service automatically generates the algorithmmodel for a service.

LabelingSamples can be labeled as positive or negative samples and stored in the samplelibrary.

Sample ManagementTime series data samples can be managed. The storage duration is configurable.

2.4 Benefits

Diverse Application FieldsThis service supports multiple KPI modes (such as period, abrupt change, andtrend) and can detect KPI anomalies in multiple telecom fields, such as VoLTE corenetwork, EPC, and radio access network.

Accurate Anomaly LocatingMultiple built-in intelligent algorithms, such as GMM, XGBoost, and Holt-Winters,can be used to perform automatic optimization based on user data features. Theaccuracy of KPI anomaly detection is up to 95%.

High Efficiency and Easy IntegrationThe KPI anomaly detection service supports cloud-based deployment, elasticscaling, and on-demand system resource allocation. Detection can be performedfor more than 100,000 KPIs concurrently at millisecond-level. RESTful APIs aresupported to facilitate integration and accelerate service rollout.

2.5 Restrictions1. Time series data is continuous. The data loss rate is less than 10%.2. Data within at least four periods must be provided. For aperiodic data, it is

recommended that data within one week be provided.

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3. The collection points for multi-KPI correlated detection must be the same.4. The following time series waveforms are supported:

– Discrete data

– White noise

– Periodic data

– Periodic+trend data

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– Periodic+abrupt change data

– Aperiodic data

2.6 Basic Concepts


An Application Programming Interface (API) is a set of predefined functions usedby applications or developers to access a group of routines based on certain

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software or hardware without the need to access the source code or understandthe internal mechanism.


A key performance indicator (KPI) reflects the performance of an object at acertain time point. A KPI can be aggregated.

2.7 Cloud-based Service Dependencies

ModelArts Service

The NAIE platform uses the ModelArts service provided by the Huawei publiccloud system to implement data preprocessing and large-scale distributed modeltraining.

IAM Service

The NAIE platform uses the Identity and Access Management (IAM) serviceprovided by the Huawei public cloud system to implement unified identityauthentication and permission management.

API Gateway

The NAIE platform must interconnect with the unified API gateway provided bythe Huawei public cloud system. The API gateway provides a unified entrance forusers to invoke NAIE cloud service APIs. APIs provided by the NAIE cloud servicefor tenants must be registered with the API gateway before being released.

Relationship with the OBS

The NAIE platform uses the Object Storage Service (OBS) to store data and modelbackup and snapshots, achieving secure, reliable, and low-cost storage.

Relationship with the CCE

The NAIE platform uses the Cloud Container Engine (CCE) to deploy models asonline services, satisfying requirements for high concurrency and elastic scaling.

2.8 Accessing the Abnormal KPI Detection ServiceStep 1 Enter https://www.hwtelcloud.com in the address box of a browser on a user PC

and press Enter to access the AI marketplace.

Step 2 Click Sign In in the upper right corner to access the login page.

Step 3 Select IAM User Login and enter the account name, IAM user name, andpassword, as shown in Figure 2-1.

You can also log in using an account. Change the password after the firstsuccessful login and change the password periodically.

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Figure 2-1 Logging in as an IAM user

Step 4 Click Log In to access the AI marketplace.

Step 5 Choose AI Services > Model Service > Telco Domain AI Model Service >Abnormal KPI Detection Service. The introduction page of the KPI anomalydetection model service is displayed.

Step 6 Click Enter Service. The KPI anomaly detection model service page is displayed.


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3 Quick Start

3.1 Prerequisites● You have registered an HUAWEI CLOUD account.● The administrator tenant and IAM user of the NAIE platform have been

registered.● You have subscribed to the KPI anomaly detection model service of the NAIE.

3.2 Subscribing to the KPI Anomaly Detection ModelService

Step 1 Enter https://www.hwtelcloud.com in the address box of a browser on a user PCand press Enter to access the AI marketplace.

When you access the AI marketplace for the first time, the Access Authorizationpage is displayed. Click Authorize.

Step 2 Click Log In in the upper right corner. The login page is displayed, as shown inFigure 3-1.

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Figure 3-1 Tenant login page

Step 3 Enter the tenant name and password, and click Log In to enter the AImarketplace.

Step 4 Choose AI Services > Model Service > Telco Domain AI Model Service >Abnormal KPI Detection Service. The introduction page of the KPI anomalydetection model service is displayed.

Step 5 Click Buy Now. The page shown in Figure 3-2 is displayed.

You can click Learn about billing details to better understand the priceinformation of the resources and specifications provided by the KPI anomalydetection model service. The KPI anomaly detection model service will display amessage indicating charges (if any) are incurred when resources are used.

The parameters are described as follows:

● Region: HUAWEI CLOUD region that provides cloud services. The defaultvalue is Beijing1.

● KPI Quantity: Number of KPIs to be detected. Set this parameter based onthe site requirements.

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Figure 3-2 Subscribing to the KPI anomaly detection model service

Step 6 Click Use Immediately. The service subscription is complete.


3.3 Accessing the Abnormal KPI Detection ServiceStep 1 Enter https://www.hwtelcloud.com in the address box of a browser on a user PC

and press Enter to access the AI marketplace.

Step 2 Click Sign In in the upper right corner to access the login page.

Step 3 Select IAM User Login and enter the account name, IAM user name, andpassword, as shown in Figure 3-3.

You can also log in using an account. Change the password after the firstsuccessful login and change the password periodically.

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Figure 3-3 Logging in as an IAM user

Step 4 Click Log In to access the AI marketplace.

Step 5 Choose AI Services > Model Service > Telco Domain AI Model Service >Abnormal KPI Detection Service. The introduction page of the KPI anomalydetection model service is displayed.

Step 6 Click Enter Service. The KPI anomaly detection model service page is displayed.


3.4 Operation ProcessFigure 3-4 shows how to use the KPI anomaly detection model service.

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Figure 3-4 Operation process

3.5 Detection Object ConfigurationConfigure the KPI attributes of the network or system to be detected and importthe corresponding time series data.

3.5.1 Configuring KPI AttributesBefore performing KPI anomaly detection, you need to configure the KPIs to bedetected. You can import KPIs in batches.

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Importing KPIs in Batches

Step 1 On the menu bar, choose Detection Object Configuration > KPI AttributeConfiguration. The KPI Attribute Configuration page is displayed.

Figure 3-5 Configuring KPI attributes

Step 2 Click Batch. The batch KPI attribute import page is displayed.

Figure 3-6 Importing KPIs in batches

Step 3 Click Download Template to download the import file.

Step 4 Click to select a template file from the local PC and click OK to import KPIsin batches.

Import succeeded. is displayed, indicating that the import is successful.


Modifying KPIs

Step 1 On the menu bar, choose Detection Object Configuration > KPI AttributeConfiguration. The KPI Attribute Configuration page is displayed.

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Figure 3-7 Configuring KPI attributes

Step 2 Select a KPI and click Modify.

Figure 3-8 Selecting a KPI

Figure 3-9 Modifying a KPI

Table 3-1 describes the parameters.

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Table 3-1 Parameter settings

Parameter Description

DetectionKPI ID

KPI IDThe value is specified in the import template file and cannot bechanged after the import.An example is 4_117491624.

KPI Name KPI nameAn example is USN_kpi7_sample_ratio.

KPI Type KPI typeThe values are as follows:● ratio: ratio● failureratio: failure rate● attemps: number of requests● success: number of successful operations● failure: number of failures

Group You can add different KPIs to the same group based on servicerequirements.Set the parameter based on site conditions.

NE Type Type of the NE to which a KPI belongs

NE ID ID of the NE to which a KPI belongs


Detected KPI typeThe value is specified in the import template file and cannot bechanged after the import.The values are as follows:● Detect all without differentiation● Routine detection: Perform detection during routine

operations.● Major operation detection: Perform detection during

upgrade and migration.

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Parameter Description


A KPI has a value range and a threshold. Detection needs to beperformed based on KPI trends. Label the values exceeding thethreshold as abnormal.The values are as follows:● UP: Detection is performed when the KPI is increasing. If a KPI

value exceeds the maximum threshold, the value is labeled asabnormal.

● DOWN: Detection is performed when the KPI is decreasing. Ifa KPI value is less than the minimum threshold, the value islabeled as abnormal.

● BOTH: Detection is performed regardless of the KPI trend. If aKPI value is greater than the upper threshold or less than thelower threshold, the value is labeled as abnormal.

For example, if this parameter is set to DOWN for the callanswer success rate and the value of this KPI is less than theminimum threshold, the value is labled as abnormal.

Sensitivity KPI detection sensitivityThe value range is [1,10].An example is 3.


Static KPI threshold. If a KPI value exceeds this threshold, analarm is reported.● Detection Type: KPI threshold source The value can be AI,

Static Threshold, or AI+Static Threshold.● Maximum value: maximum value of the static threshold● Minimum value: minimum value of the static threshold● Offset: offset to the static thresholdFor example, if this parameter is set to Static Threshold,Maximum value is set to 90, and Minimum value is set to 1, analarm is reported when the KPI value exceeds 91.

Step 3 Click OK. The KPI attributes are modified.


Other Operations for Configuring KPI Attributes● You can quickly query KPIs by KPI ID, group, or name.● Select a KPI and click Delete to delete the KPI.● Select a KPI and click Modify to modify KPI information.

3.5.2 Importing Time Series DataStep 1 On the menu bar, choose Detection Object Configuration > Time Series Data

Import. The Time Series Data Import page is displayed.

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By default, the dataset list, data source type, file name, and total number of datarecords that have been imported to the platform are displayed under Data Source

Information. You can also click and in the Operation column to viewdetails about the dataset or delete the current dataset.

Figure 3-10 Importing time series data

Step 2 Click Add. The data source information page is displayed.

Figure 3-11 Importing data

Step 3 Click Download Template to download the dataset import template to the localPC.

Step 4 Set the dataset source to Local upload. In the Select a file area, click toimport the downloaded template file from the local PC.

Step 5 Click Data Import to import the template file.


3.6 Advanced SettingsConfigure detection policies, events, and tasks based on site requirements.

3.6.1 Detection PolicyStep 1 On the menu bar, choose Advanced Settings > Detection Policy. The Detection

Parameter Configuration page is displayed.

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Figure 3-12 Detection parameter settings

Table 3-2 describes detection parameters.

Table 3-2 Detection parameters

Area Parameter




Trainingtask startinterval(s)

900 Interval for starting a training taskFor example, the value 900 indicates that the taskis started every 900s.

StartTime forFirstTraining

Start time for the first training based on theimported data sourceAn example is 2019/08/01 00:00:00.


Detectiontask startinterval(s)

20 Interval for starting a detection taskFor example, the value 20 indicates that the taskis started every 20s.

StartTime forFirstDetection

Start time for the first detection based on theimported data sourceAn example is 2019/08/01 00:00:00.

Percentage of lostdata

0 Data loss threshold. If the data loss exceeds thethreshold, no detection is performed.Default value: 20


AI KPI threshold sourceThe values are as follows:● AI● Static Threshold● AI+Static Threshold

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Area Parameter



Numberofconsecutivereportedabnormal points

Threshold for theNumberofConsecutivelyReportedAbnormal Points

3 If the number of consecutive abnormal valuesexceeds the threshold, an alarm is reported.Default value: 3

Policyforreportingdiscontinuousabnormal points


50 Used to determine the length of thediscontinuous exception window. For example, thelength can be 50 points. The default value is 50(only integers are supported).

Percentage ofDiscontinuouslyReportedAnomalies (%)

70 When the percentage of abnormal points exceedsthe specified value in the discontinuous exceptionwindow, an alarm is reported. The default value is70 (only digits from 0 to 100 are supported).

Datalossreporting policy

Data lossreporting

no Whether to report an alarm when data is missingThe values are as follows:● yes● noDefault value: no

Step 2 Click Save to save the settings.

Import succeeded. is displayed.


3.6.2 Event ManagementIf a KPI anomaly is detected, related event information is displayed for analysis.For example, if the migration is performed between 22:00:00 August 11, 2019 to04:00:00 August 12, 2019, the network is expected to be abnormal during thisperiod. No special processing is required.

Adding Events

Step 1 On the menu bar, choose Advanced Settings > Event Management. The EventManagement page is displayed.

The event list and event information, such as the event ID, name, type, start time,and end time, are displayed.

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Figure 3-13 Event management page

Step 2 Click Add. The Create Event dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 3-14.

Figure 3-14 Adding events

Table 3-3 describes the parameters.

Table 3-3 Adding events




Unique ID of an event


Event nameExample: spring festival

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Event typeThe values are as follows:● Gray upgrade● Common upgrade● Patch installation● Instantiation upgrade● Segmentation● Holiday● Social/Natural event

NE ID NE node


NE type


Start time of an event


End time of an event

Step 3 Click OK to add an event.


Other Operations for Configuring Event Information● Quickly query an event by event ID, name, or type.● Select an event and click Delete to delete the event.● Select an event and click Modify to modify the event configurations.

3.6.3 Task ManagementBy default, a KPI anomaly detection task is started after KPI attributes areconfigured. For how to configure KPI attributes, see Configuring KPI Attributes.

You can view the list of KPI anomaly detection tasks on the Task Managementpage, as shown in Figure 3-15.

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Figure 3-15 Task management page

The task information is as follows:● Task ID: The value of this parameter is determined by KPI group information.● Task name: The value of this parameter is determined by KPI group

information.● NE ID: NE node● NE type: NE type● Detection KPI ID: The value includes all KPI IDs in a group.● Status: current status of a task, which can be Detecting or Not started

Users can quickly query detection tasks by task ID, name, or status, and can stopor start a detection task in the Operation column of the task list.

3.7 Anomaly Dashboard

3.7.1 Visualized DashboardThe visualized dashboard uses a chart to display the trend of a specified KPI in aspecified period.

Viewing KPI Information in the Default ViewFor example, to view the KPI group10000001_USN_USN_1000_15,USN_kpi1_sample_ratio&10000002_USN_USN_1000_15,USN_kpi1_sample_attempts&10000003_USN_USN_1000_15,USN_kpi1_sample_failure in the default view, perform the following operations:

Step 1 On the menu bar, choose Anomaly Dashboard > Visualized Dashboard. TheVisualized Dashboard page is displayed.

Step 2 In the navigation pane, choose EPC(multi) > USN > USN_1000 >10000001_USN_USN_1000_15,USN_kpi1_sample_ratio&10000002_USN_USN_1000_15,USN_kpi1_sample_attempts&10000003_USN_USN_1000_15,USN_kpi1_sample_failure.

Step 3 In the time range area on the right, set the detection time range, for example:2019/08/07 00:00:00 - 2019/08/30 00:00:00. Retain the default refresh time, whichis 30s.

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Step 4 Click to view the corresponding KPI trend.

Figure 3-16 Visualized dashboard


Adding Views

Step 1 On the menu bar, choose Anomaly Dashboard > Visualized Dashboard. TheVisualized Dashboard page is displayed.

Step 2 Click Add View in the upper right corner of the page. The Add View dialog box isdisplayed.

Step 3 Set the view name to USN0000145 and click OK.

The USN0000145 page is displayed.

Step 4 Click Add Chart. The Create Chart dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure3-17.

Set the following parameters:

Chart name: Set this parameter to USN0000145.

KPI Selection: Select KPI groups and click to add the selected groups tothe Selected KPIs area on the right.

Chart Display Layout: Set this parameter based on the site requirements.

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Figure 3-17 Creating a chart

Step 5 Click OK. The USN0000145 chart is added.

Step 6 In the right pane, set the time range to 2019/08/07 00:00:00 - 2019/08/30

00:00:00 and retain the default refresh interval, which is 30s. Click to view theKPI trend chart, as shown in Figure 3-18.

Figure 3-18 USN0000145 chart


3.7.2 Anomaly ListThe anomaly list displays details about the detected KPI anomalies, as shown inFigure 3-19.

Users can quickly query anomaly detection results based on the anomaly ID,detection KPI ID, and anomaly status. Detection results can be exported inbatches.

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Figure 3-19 KPI anomaly detection result

You can add remarks for the result. The procedure is as follows:

Step 1 On the Anomaly List page, click in the Operation column corresponding tothe anomaly ID.

The anomaly result remarks page is displayed, as shown in Figure 3-20. Red partsin the chart indicate abnormal values.

Figure 3-20 Adding remarks for anomaly results

Step 2 Check whether the value of this KPI is abnormal based on services on the livenetwork.

Select Hit or False alarm and enter the remarks.

Step 3 Click Feedback to submit the remarks.


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4 FAQs

4.1 What Are the Service Scenarios of Time Series KPIAnomaly Detection

Anomaly detection is performed on time series data of KPIs in the O&M domainto detect anomalies, such as CPU usage and call completion rate anomalies. Thepurpose is to detect KPI anomalies based on the status changes of time seriesdata.

4.2 Can Time Series KPI Anomaly Detection Be Appliedto All Scenarios

Anomalies are classified into the following types:

- Data anomalies: We can detect data anomalies by checking whether the samplevalue is greatly different from existing values. For example, the normal CPU usageis 1%. Through mathematical analysis, it is regarded as an anomaly if the CPUusage suddenly rises to 10%.

- Service anomalies: Data anomalies are different from service anomalies. In thepreceding example, the 10% CPU usage is an anomaly in terms of math. However,the 10% CPU usage is normal in terms of services. Therefore, we need to identifyanomalies based on related service experience.

Currently, the time series KPI anomaly detection service supports data anomalydetection and user-defined service rules, so that the detection accuracy of serviceanomalies can be improved.

4.3 What Are the Types of Time Series KPI DataKPI curves are classified into the following types: periodic trend and non-periodictrend. Modeling is required for different trend types.

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Page 30: Abnormal KPI Detection Service - HUAWEI CLOUD...This service supports multiple KPI modes (such as period, abrupt change, and trend) and can detect KPI anomalies in multiple telecom

5 Glossary


An Application Programming Interface (API) is a set of predefined functions usedby applications or developers to access a group of routines based on certainsoftware or hardware without the need to access the source code or understandthe internal mechanism.


A key performance indicator (KPI) reflects the performance of an object at acertain time point. A KPI can be aggregated.

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