ABAX GROUP AS 2020 - Q2 Report...growth momentum in an uncertain world. June alone gave us a 22% increase in new subscriptions sold YoY, and we have continued to see positive trends

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    2020 - Q2 Report


    Q2 2020 will likely be an historic quarter in the world economy. The quarter has seen a

    massive shutdown across many geographies, and hit our part of the world with what looks

    like a GDP reduction of between 6-10% over 2019. In light of these events, we are happy

    to announce our strong financial performance, where we have executed well, managed

    cost, and maintained a growth momentum in an uncertain world. June alone gave us a

    12% increase in new subscriptions sold, and we have continued to see positive trends into

    Q3. Our engineering team has been workin uninterrupted with the release of our next

    generation Telematics IOT platform, which is on schedule for a Q3 release.

    We have also, as previously presented, been working hard at our acquisition target list,

    and through Q2 we initated a final negotiation to sign our first acquisition in 2020 in early

    August. The financials of this transaction will be part of our Q3 reported results.

    Overall, our performance, the market improvements, and the growth initatives we have are

    showing positive results, and we expect a continued strong H2 performance.


    Q2 2020 will likely be an historic quarter in the world economy. The quarter

    has seen a massive shutdown across many geographies, and hit our part of

    the world with what looks like a GDP reduction of between 6-10% over 2019. In

    light of these events, we are happy to announce our strong financial

    performance, where we have executed well, managed cost, and maintained a

    growth momentum in an uncertain world. June alone gave us a 22% increase

    in new subscriptions sold YoY, and we have continued to see positive trends

    into Q3. Our engineering team has been working uninterrupted with the

    release of our next generation Telematics IOT platform, which is on schedule

    for a Q3 release.

    We have also, as previously presented, been working hard at our acquisition

    target list, and through Q2 we initated a final negotiation to sign our first

    acquisition in 2020 in early August. The financials of this transaction will be

    part of our Q3 reported results.

    Overall, our performance, the market improvements, and the growth initatives

    we have are showing positive results, and we expect a continued strong H2


  • ABAX + WeForest launched

    Some of many organisational achievements in Q2 2020


    Successful certification of ISO Standards Won Fleet Derby 2020 in Poland with ABAX Triplog

    ISO 9001 General Quality Management

    ISO 27001 Information Security

    ISO 14001 Environmental

    In the Fleet Derby 2020 fleet plebiscite, specialists

    and managers from the fleet industry recognized

    ABAX Triplog as the best product, fleet service in

    the telematics category.

    ABAX Triplog received the award for the best

    product, fleet service in the telematics category


  • Financial Results Q2 2020

    Financial Highlights


    Net sales increased by 1% from Q1 despite the impact of Covid 19

    Adj. EBITDA of 71.2 MNOK. Holiday pay increased EBITDA in Q2 with 17 MNOK. Normalized EBITDA would be 54.2 MNOK, 1 MNOK above Q1

    Cash Flow from operations adjusted at 26.9 MNOK slightly below last quarter

    Gross Margin at 92%, in line with Q1

    Adjusted EBITDA margin of 49%. Normalized for holiday pay in Q2, EBITDA margin would be 37%, in line with last quarter

    New sales 22% higher in June 2020 compared to same month last year, despite the effect of COVID-19.

    Strong performance in the Netherlands as a result of the successful strategic agreement with Hitachi

    Number of subscriptions in our portfolio increased by nearly 15k (+6%) from last year

    Net SalesNOK millions


    Adj. EBITDA



    Adj. Operating

    Cash FlowNOK millions


    Adj. EBITDANOK millions


    Gross Margin adjPercentage


  • Income Statement

    Pro-forma financials under NGAAP and SaaS revenue recognition Commentary


    1) 2019 Prof-Forma Financial statement post finalised audit under NGAAP and SaaS revenue recognition

    Sales increased by 1 MNOK from 2020-Q1

    towards 2020-Q2 despite COVID 19

    impacting new sales

    Payroll cost in Q2 include seasonality

    effects from holiday pay in June resulting in

    lower payroll costs and hence increased

    EBITDA compared to the other quarters of

    the year

    Adj. PF EBITDA Q2 2020 vs 2019: +10%

    E/O items consists of legal costs treated as

    exceptionals, as they do not relate to the

    general operation of ABAX Group AS on a

    day to day basis

    See page 10-11 for further details around

    E/O items

    Organisational transition expenses of 28

    MNOK reclassified to a reduction of equity in

    audit 2019

    Tax calculations finalised in audit 2019

    In 2020-Q1 financial net was positive due

    large fluctuations in FX

    NOKm 2019 IP Delta 2019A1 2020 Q1 2020 Q2

    Sales 558 - 558 145 146

    COGS (31) - (31) (11) (11)

    Gross profit 528 - 528 134 134

    Personnel cost sales (89) 2 (92) (27) (20)

    Other sales fixed cost (21) - (21) (6) (4)

    Personnel cost marketing (15) - (15) (2) (1)

    Other marketing fixed cost (12) - (12) (3) (2)

    Other administrative personnel cost (107) - (107) (25) (16)

    Other administrative fixed cost (80) (2) (78) (19) (20)

    Total operating expenses (323) - (323) (81) (63)

    Adjusted pro-forma EBITDA 204 - 204 53 71

    E/O items (19) (11) (30) (8) (7)

    Depreciation (4) - (4) (1) (1)

    Organisation transition expenses (28) 28 - - -

    EBITA 154 17 171 45 64

    Amortisation (249) - (249) (55) (59)

    EBIT (96) 17 (78) (11) 5

    Financial net (40) - (40) 21 (41)

    Income before tax (135) 17 (118) 11 (36)

    Tax - 31 31 - -

    Net Income (135) (49) (86) 11 (36)

  • Balance Sheet

    Pro-forma financials under NGAAP and SaaS revenue recognition Commentary


    1) 2019 Prof-Forma Financial statement post finalised audit under NGAAP and SaaS revenue recognition

    The 2020-Q2 balance sheet is mainly

    affected by the Nordic bond transactions

    which increased cash from 114 MNOK to

    476 MNOK and increased long term liabilities

    from 649 MNOK to 1017 MNOK.

    Equity Ratio of 37% 2Q 2020 compared to

    41% 1Q 2020.

    Leverage ratio of Q2-LTM: 2.4x

    Debt: NOK 1 000m (Interest bearing debt)

    Cash: NOK 476m

    2020-Q2 LTM EBITDA: NOK 223m

    In conjunction of the audit process, ABAX

    items are built up during the year, both items

    are then reduced and hence explains the

    difference between the IP and actual

    financials. The recategorization is only

    conducted once a year in conjunction with

    the audit process

    derived to the tax calculation, finalised in the

    audit 2019

    NOKm 2019 IP Delta 2019A1 2020 Q1 2020 Q2

    Intangible assets 1 918 - 1 918 1 906 1 870

    Tangible assets 134 - 134 131 119

    Financial assets 1 1 2 1 2

    Total fixed assets 2 053 1 2 054 2 039 1 990

    Inventory 9 - 9 8 9

    Accounts receivables 61 (1) 60 65 56

    Other receivables 90 14 104 83 88

    Prepaid expenses and accrued income 217 (115) 102 75 61

    Cash 47 - 47 114 476

    Total current assets 423 (101) 322 345 690

    Total assets 2 476 (101) 2 375 2 384 2 680

    Total equity 978 9 987 987 981

    Deferred tax liabilities 317 (32) 284 287 286

    Long term liabilities 584 8 591 649 1 017

    Total non-current liabilities 900 (24) 876 936 1 303

    Advance payments - - - - -

    Accounts payable 39 - 39 27 37

    Tax payable (5) 6 1 (2) (4)

    Other current liabilities 379 (91) 288 283 267

    Deferred income and accrued expenses 184 - 184 154 96

    Total current liabilities 597 (85) 597 461 397

    Total equity and liabilities 2 476 (101) 2 375 2 384 2 680

  • Capex, NWC and operating cash flow

    Pro-forma financials under NGAAP and SaaS revenue recognition Commentary


    1) 2019 Prof-Forma Financial statement post finalised audit under NGAAP and SaaS revenue recognition

    CAPEX increased by 3 MNOK from Q1

    towards Q2, mainly due to activity in the

    tech section as they reach the releasing

    point of our next generation Telematics IOT


    The change in NWC in Q2 is affect by the

    holiday accruals in June for the Nordic

    countries (normalized for holiday accruals,

    change in NWC would be 0)

    Cash conversion is also affected by the

    holiday accruals, increasing EBITDA and

    decreasing NWC in Q2. Normalised cash

    conversion would then be 51% in Q2,

    compared to 54% in Q1

    The change in Net Working Capital between

    2019 IP and actual is derived to the

    described in the previous page

    NOKm 2019 IP Delta 2019A1 2020 Q1 2020 Q2

    Capex 3 - 3 1 2

    Capitalised R&D 61 - 61 16 19

    Capitalised device cost 42 - 42 7 6

    Capex and capitalised R&D 107 - 107 24 27

    As % of sales

    Capex 1% 1% 1% 1% 1%Capitalised device cost 11% 11% 11% 11% 13%Capitalised sales commission 8% 9% 8% 5% 4%Capex and capitalised R&D 19% 21% 19% 17% 18%

    NOKm 2019 IP Delta 2019A 2020 Q1 2020 Q2

    Delta Net Working Capital 45 (25) 20 (0) (18)

    Delta Net Working Capital % of sales 8% n.a. 4% (0%) (12%)

    NOKm 2019 IP Delta 2019A 2020 Q1 2020 Q2

    Adjusted EBITDA under new rev. rec. 204 - 204 53 71

    Capex (3) - (3) (1) (2)

    Capitalised R&D (61) - (61) (16) (19)

    Capitilised device cost (42) - (42) (7) (6)

    Deferred sales commission (6) - (6) - -

    Change in Net Working Capital 45 (25) 20 (0) (18)

    Adjusted Operating Cash Flow 136 (25) 111 29 27

    E/O items (19) (11) (30) (8) (7)

    Organisation transition expenses (28) 28 - - -

    Reported Operating Cash Flow 89 (8) 81 21 20

    Proceeds from intangible assets 17 - 17 - -

    Purchase of shares and investments in subsidiaries (13) - (13) - -

    Tax paid 2 - 2 (3) (2)

    Reported Net financial items (40) 1 (39) (5) (14)

    Repayment of borrowings (27) - (27) - (625)

    Proceeds from loans and borrowings - - - 66 1 000

    Other cash flow items (15) 8 (7) (13) (16)

    Change in Cash 15 - 15 67 363

    Cash beginning of period 31 - 31 47 114

    Cash end of period 47 - 47 114 476

    Adjusted cash conversion (% of adjusted EBITDA) 66% 41% 54% 54% 38%

    Reported cash conversion (% of reported EBITDA) 56% 19% 47% 46% 31%

  • Current trading update Q2 2020

    Subscription base bridge Revenue bridge


    Adjusted EBITDA bridge Adj. Operating Cash Flow bridge




    Q1-20 Delta Q2-20




    Q1-20 Delta Q2-20




    Q1-20 Delta Q2-20





    Adj. EBITDAQ2-20

    Delta NWC Capex Adj. Operating Cash Flow

    Continued growth in the subscription base along with a strong focus on cost control and the value proposition to ensure that the

    COVID-19 impact on the global economy does not significantly impede ABAX and its future prospects

    Subscriptions (000s) NOKm

    NOKm NOKm





    Adjusted cash conversionGrowth%

  • 9
