Muslim Students Association 1 AAUW: Islam 101 Wed., November 6, 2002 Sarah Saleh Numan Waheed MIT Muslim Students Association

AAUW: Islam 101 Wed., November 6, 2002 Sarah Saleh Numan Waheed MIT Muslim Students Association

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AAUW: Islam 101 Wed., November 6, 2002 Sarah Saleh Numan Waheed MIT Muslim Students Association. Agenda. What Is Islam? Who Are Muslims? Beliefs The “Five” Pillars Values & Ethnics Islam & other faiths Debunking myths. What is Islam?. From the root “SLM” meaning “Peace” - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: AAUW: Islam 101 Wed., November 6, 2002 Sarah Saleh Numan Waheed MIT Muslim Students Association

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AAUW: Islam 101Wed., November 6, 2002

Sarah SalehNuman Waheed

MIT Muslim Students Association

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» What Is Islam?

» Who Are Muslims?

» Beliefs

» The “Five” Pillars

» Values & Ethnics

» Islam & other faiths

» Debunking myths

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What is Islam?

» From the root “SLM” meaning “Peace”» The word Islam literally means “Peace

through submission to God”» Islam is the monotheistic religion revealed to

the Prophet Muhammad between 610-632 CE

» Islam is a complete way of life that addresses family, social, political and economic issues

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Who are Muslims?

» “One who submits to God”

» Islam is the religion, a Muslim is a follower of the religion

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Muslim Population Worldwide

» 1.2 Billion Muslims worldwide

» Muslims comprise about 1/5 of the world’s population

» Only about 18% of the worlds Muslims are Arab

» The country with the largest Muslim population is Indonesia

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Islam in America» 7 Million Muslims in the US» African-American 42%» South Asian 24%» Arab 12%» African 5%» Iranian 4%» Turkish 2%» Southeast Asian 2%» Caucasian American 2%» Other 7%

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Overview of Islam

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» Oneness of God

» Angels

» Prophets

» Holy Books

» Day of Judgment

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Oneness of God

» “Allah” is the Arabic word for God» The supremacy of God, His power and His

authority over creation is the central part of the Islamic creed

» Muslims understand God to be• The most Compassionate• The most Just• The most Loving• The most Powerful

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» Messengers of God

» Responsible for many activities on earth• Bringing down rain• Delivering messages to the Prophets• Breathing the soul into the unborn child• Recording our deeds • Taking the soul upon death

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» Delivered God’s message to people throughout history

» Muslims are required to believe in all prophets that are mentioned and those that aren’t mentioned explicitly

» Muhammad is the final prophet

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» Say ye: "We believe in God, and the revelation given to us, and to Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) prophets from their Lord: We make no difference between one and another of them: And we bow to God (in Islam)." (Quran 2:136)

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Holy Books

» God revealed his laws to people through books

» Muslims are required to believe in all past revelations, including

• The Torah of Moses• The Gospel of Jesus• The Psalms of David• The Scrolls of Abraham• The Qur’an

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Primary Sources of Islam

» Qur’an• Exact words of God,

memorized and dictated by the Prophet (pbuh)

» Sunnah• Practices & example of Prophet

Muhammad• Hadith – Sayings of Prophet Muhammad

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Day of Judgment

» The purpose of life is to test a person’s character

» The Day of Judgment is when all people are recompensed for their deeds in this life

» Like Jews and Christians, Muslims also believe that there will be a Paradise and Hell in the hereafter

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Practices – the “Five Pillars”

» Testimony of Faith

» Prayer

» Fasting

» Alms

» Pilgrimage (Hajj)

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Testimony of Faith (Shahada)

» “I bear witness that there is no God but One and that Muhammad is His messenger”

» The essence of belief

» Pronounced when someone converts to Islam

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Prayer (Salat)

» 5 daily prayers (obligatory)» Helps maintain a connection with God

throughout the day» Supplication (du’a)

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Fasting (Sawm)» Muslims are required to fast from sunrise to

sunset during the month of Ramadan» Fasting builds

• Closeness to God• Discipline• Self-Restraint• Compassion for the poor• Patience

» Ramadan is also a time of community gatherings, reflection and increased good deeds and spirituality

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Alms (Zakat)

» Muslims are required to give 2.5% of their savings to the poor every year

» Social benefit for the recipients of the charity

» Benefits the giver by purifying their wealth and increasing its blessings

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» Every Muslim is required to go to Mecca for the Hajj at least once in their lifetime if s/he can afford to do so

» The rites of Hajj celebrate the stories of Abraham and his family

» The Hajj is the “journey of a lifetime” through which a Muslim is cleansed from all sins

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» Eid-ul-Fitr• Festival of the Fast-Breaking• Celebrated after Ramadan

» Eid-ul-Adha• Festival of the Sacrifice• Celebrated after Hajj

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Values & Ethics» Sincerity of intention and action» Modesty & Chastity» Importance of family and community» Sanctity of Life» Social Justice » Education and Literacy» Personal Responsibility & Accountability» Universal Brotherhood

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Islam & Other Faiths» Judaism, Christianity & Islam have the same roots» Good character and respect for fundamental rights"Allah does not prohibit you from being kind and just to those who have not

fought you on account of religion, nor expelled you from your homes. Allah

loves those who are just. “

[Surah al-Hujurat (60), 8]

» Universality of the Islamic message "Say, 'O mankind! I am the messenger of Allah to you all." [Surah al-A`raf (7), 158]

“We sent thee not, but as a Mercy for all creatures.” [Surah al-Anbiya (21), 107]

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Myths About Islam

» Jihad = “Holy War”

» Islam is violent

» Islam Oppresses Women

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Myth: Jihad is “Holy War”

» Jihad = "struggle for justice" • Personal Jihad – greater jihad• External Jihad

» Islam permits fighting • in self-defense• on the part of oppressed people

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Jihad: From the Quran

“Fight in the cause of Allah against those who fight you, but do not transgress limits. Allah does not love transgressors." (2:190)

» Can’t harm civilians, the elderly, the sick, monks, worshippers, hired laborers

» Can’t kill animals wantonly» Can’t burning crops or pollute waters» Can’t destroy homes, Monasteries, Churches

or Synagogues

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Myth: Women are inferior

» 1400 years ago:» Men and women are equal in all acts of

piety“Never will I suffer to be lost the work of any of you, be they male or female: You are members, one of another.” [Surah al-Imran (3) 195]

» Role of men and women are complimentary» Islam gives women the right to:

• Obtain education • Own independent property• Earn & inherent money• Negotiate marriage terms• Obtain divorce

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» Allowed in Islam

» Must treat all wives equally

» Not to satisfy lust

» Welfare of women• Widows during the war

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How does Islam affect us?

» Purpose

» Balance

» Motivation to do better

» Comprehensive

» Tranquility