AAPP’s respond on explanation of the Burma Correctional Department (English)

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  • 8/6/2019 AAPPs respond on explanation of the Burma Correctional Department (English)


    AAPP Exposes the Prison Departments Cover Up of Prison Conditions

    Information release

    31 May 2011

    AAPP roundly criticizes the Prison Departments recent response to the hunger strike

    that has taken place in Insein prison, starting on 22 May. Rather than investigating the

    concerns made by the striking prisoners, the Prison Department has instead continued

    its culture of impunity by fabricating lies regarding the conditions prisoners are held in.

    In an article published in a Burmese journal, an unnamed authority from Insein prisonaddressed the strikers demands, effectively discarding their concerns withreprehensible distortions of the truth. For those political prisoners whose healthstatuses have worsened due to the inhumane prison conditions, or have resulted indeath, the Prison Departments response is a blatant affront.

    The Prison Authoritys responses to the hunger strikers demands are as follows:

    1. The Thein Sein administration purportedly spends 288 lakhs ($28,800) per dayfor prisoners food. U Zaw Win, Director General of Prison Department, said

    there are 248,664 prisoners held in prisons across Burma. If this number were

    accurate, that would translate into 58 kyats per prisoner per day, the equivalent

    of ten cents.

    2. It was expressed that the food provided to prisoners are nutritious and sufficientfor their dietary needs.

    3. The Prison Authority claimed they spray the prisons once a week withinsecticide. For security and financial reasons, neither mosquito nets nor electric

    fans can be provided.

    4. It was mentioned that prisoners are allowed to use stationery and writemessages, they just need to visit the prison office.

    5. It was expressed that family visits are not censored.6. Uniforms are already provided to all prisoners, so there is no need for new ones.

    There is a disturbing pattern of political prisoners being severely beaten and

    reprimanded when they demand better prison conditions. Most recently, 7 of the striking

    political prisoners in Insein prison were sent to the military dog cell, a type of punishment

    cell that used to house the military dogs. They were released, only to be returned to

  • 8/6/2019 AAPPs respond on explanation of the Burma Correctional Department (English)


    solitary confinement when they refused to give up on their demands. The prison

    authorities are sending out a clear message: we will silence you by any means necessary.

    Said by Ko Tate Naing, Secretary of AAPP

    With this in mind, AAPP expresses concern over the conditions political prisoners are

    held in, and demands the following from the Union Solidarity and Development Party

    (USDP) administration:

    1. The Prison Authority must ensure that the allotted food rations reach every


    2. To allow the ICRC to reenter the prisons to check on the prisoners health.

    3. To allow International Human Rights Organizations to enter and check the

    status of prisons and labor camps and ensure they meet international laws and


    4. To provide clean prison quarters and nutritious food.

    5. To separate political prisoners from criminal offenders.6. To reduce restricted disciplines only towards political prisoners and to give

    commuted dates to political prisoners as the same as criminal offenders.

    AAPP urges the international community to continue its pressure on the Thein Sein

    administration to immediately and unconditionally release all political prisoners in


    Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma)

    For more information -

    Ko Tate Naing (Secretary) +66(0) 812 878 751

    Ko Bo Kyi (Joint secretary) +66(0) 819 628 713