Aamod Brand Brochure

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Brand Brochure for the resorts

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Page 2: Aamod Brand Brochure
Page 3: Aamod Brand Brochure

A som po nt o certa n day there comes moment when you st et h

t e i n a i , ar c

your body an ay, ìEnough, I n ed a break You call t a v cation.

d s e .î i a

No ul s N shaves. No artificial smi e . o boardroom e o um.

r e . o l s Nd c r

No p ay-wi e, play-mo her. o vegetables t buy. No honking. o lap ops

l f t No N t

o shoulder.t

But as he rld becomes m re compl x plac to live in, even

t wo a o e e

va ation are cha ging. It s no more about h pp ng from one place to

c s n í o i

ano her. Or jostling for s ace on a cro e id e.

t p wd d r g

Holi ayi g is different now. tí about an experi n e hat e ri hes t e

d nI s

e c t n c h

bo y and the so l. It s about findin a new lace. F nding dif erent

d u í g p i a f

cu ture. Findin na ure. inding relationships. Finding ad enture. Finding

l g t Fv

romant cis . Fi ding an unread book Or a e cuisine. I ís about fin ing

i m n. n w t d

pea e. A cozy bed. A wi dow that overlook virg n m untains. tí about


s i o I s

finding whatís beaut ful relaxi g and blissful. And more than a yt ing

i , nn h

else, h lidaying is about finding yo rsel . o

u f

ëF ndingí is the bin ing philosophy at Aam d. From midn ght chocolat s


o i e

in rooms t gui ed star gazing, e e little thing at Aamod is ab ut

o dv ry


finding someth ng new. As you navigate, youíll com a ross a new

i e c

app oac to holidaying. hi h is personal but not intru ing. Which is

r hW c


lose o nature wi ho t being partan.

c t t u S

Welcome to t e wo ld of Aamod. Itís a paradis waiting to be e plored.

h r e x

Page 4: Aamod Brand Brochure



As your car stops, get down and soak in the nature

around. A path leads you to a cozy reception area.

While the porters take care of your luggage, you do a

simple check-in. We know how important it is for you

to get some rest. Accommodation is in cute little

cottages, both single and double with enough privacy

around. While travelling in groups, you have the option

of staying in cottage clusters. As you head towards your

cottage, appreciate the way the resort is designed. In The best part of Aamod is how we love to respect your fact, no tree was chopped to make the cottages around. privacy. If you choose to spend your days in solitude, The structures are built on natural clearing, a green this is the place. And if you choose to pack in a host of philosophy Aamod believes in.

activities, this is the place. In fact, there are enough Walk into your cottage. A spacious sit-out area

things at Aamod to keep you busy. And as you go welcomes you. Sit with your welcome drink and enjoy a

through the list of things you do, youíll find that each very private moment with nature. Once inside, sink into

activity is unique in its own way. Nowhere else will you a comfortable bed or choose to relax at a cozy sitting

find star gazing included in the itinerary. Or a walk into area. There are little things thatíll delight you. Like dry

the woods at night. Of course with a guide!fruit pouches, cookies, chocolates and of course

mineral water.

Apart from no-sweat adventures like monkey

crawl or rope-walking, there are high For any little thing, just call us. From what

adrenaline things for you to try. Like to watch on DVD to which drink to

rappelling from a 100 feet rock. Or choose for the evening, we do anything

climbing a straight cliff. At every resort to make your stay comfortable.

Page 5: Aamod Brand Brochure



of Aamod, youíll find professional pamper the taste buds even in the remote

experts helping you in different mountains. You could sample an

activities. We follow international safety authentic local dish to take in those

guidelines when it comes to adventure honest doses of local culture.

sports. At each property of Aamod, you have the option of choosing different

Each property has a separate dining kinds of treks to nearby areas. From easy

room though you could set up a table wherever you like to moderate to difficult, they last a couple of hours to

for that perfect candle-light dinner.full days. All along, you have the service of a guide well

versed in local geography. And in the middle of

nowhere, if hunger strikes expect your guide to serve

Holidaying is about unwinding. And what better way to you sandwiches and hot tea. For corporates, there are

unwind than to succumb to an invigorating hour at the innumerable team-building activities coupled with

spa. From Ayurvedic to leadership enhancement skills. We even arrange for

Aromatherapy, from mud wraps activities which are industry-specific. All you need to do to seaweed scrub, the massages is inform us well in advance.available at Aamod transform you

instantly to a world called bliss.

So leave behind your stress, relax

your mind and give in. Nobody

Expect the best of international and Indian cuisine at deserves a treat like you do.

Aamod. From Spaghetti Bolognaise to Subz Biriyani,

Page 6: Aamod Brand Brochure

C o r p o r a t e O f f i c e :

L e v e l 6 , J M D R e g e n t S q u a r e , M G R o a d ,

G u r g a o n 1 2 2 0 0 2 , H a r y a n a .

P h : + 9 1 9 2 1 3 0 2 2 5 4 0 / 4 1 / 4 2

E m a i l : r e s e r v a t i o n s @ a a m o d . i n

w w w . a a m o d . i n