SPECIAL ARTICLE The AAFP and ISFM welcome endorsement of these guide- lines by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA). Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery (2013) 15, 219–230 Sarah L H Ellis BSc (Hons) Dip CABC PhD Guidelines Co-Chair Ilona Rodan DVM DABVP (Feline) Guidelines Co-Chair Hazel C Carney DVM MS DABVP Sarah Heath BVSc DipECAWBM (BM) CCAB MRCVS European Veterinary Specialist in Behavioural Medicine (Companion Animals) Irene Rochlitz BVSc MSc PhD MRCVS Lorinda D Shearburn DVM Eliza Sundahl DVM DABVP (Feline) Jodi L Westropp DVM PhD DACVIM AAFP and ISFM Feline Environmental Needs Guidelines JFMS CLINICAL PRACTICE 219 DOI: 10.1177/1098612X13477537 © ISFM and AAFP 2013 Guidelines rationale: A cat’s level of comfort with its environment is intrinsically linked to its physical health, emotional wellbeing and behavior. Having a basic understanding of the cat’s species-specific environmental needs and how cats interact with their environment will provide a foundation for addressing these fundamental requirements. Environmental needs: Addressing environmental needs is essential (not optional) for optimum wellbeing of the cat. Environmental needs include those relating not only to the cat’s physical surroundings (indoors or outdoors; in the home environment or at the veterinary practice) but also those affecting social interaction, including responses to human contact. Five ‘pillars’ framework: The authorship panel has organized the Guidelines around five primary concepts (‘pillars’) that provide the framework for a healthy feline environment. Understanding these principles and the unique environmental needs of the cat will help veterinarians, cat owners and care-givers to reduce stress, the incidence of stress-related disorders, and unwanted behavior in their feline patients and pets. The recommendations in the Guidelines apply to all pet cats, regardless of lifestyle. Why environmental needs? Veterinarians have the privilege and responsi- bility to improve the health and wellbeing of cats. Along with other health care team mem- bers, veterinarians must advise clients not only on medical issues and preventive health care, but also about the importance of meeting the environmental needs of the cat. Several dis- eases as well as unwanted feline behaviors have been associated with stressful environ- mental situations. 1–3 Providing an appropriate environment for feline patients in their home and at the veterinary practice can prevent, improve or resolve these problems. 4,5 The terms environmental enrichment and environmental modifications have been used extensively in the literature to refer to envi- ronmental changes for the benefit of the cat. These terms are not used in these Guidelines because it is more accurate to focus on the cat’s environmental needs. Environmental needs include those relating not only to the cat’s physical surroundings (indoors or outdoors) but also those affecting social interaction, including responses to human contact. Most veterinarians have not received education in veterinary school about under- standing cats and their needs since this is a relatively new area. Recognizing the importance and benefit also may not be intuitive for some clinicians. 6 Cats often do not express overt signs of stress and anxiety. Studies have suggested that even stoic cats can have elevated levels of catecholamines and other stress hormones. 1,5 Environmental needs are often not addressed until the cat exhibits signs that attract the care-giver’s attention. Often these overt signals consist of negative behaviors that are labeled as bad, inappropriate or aggressive. Only then do most owners and Addressing environmental needs – how does it help? < Fewer unwanted behaviors and less illness < Improved recognition of disease < Expansion of services and increased value of feline care at the veterinary practice < Easier handling of cats at home and in the practice < Strengthened bond between owner and cat < Reduced stress in multi-cat households < Happier cats! at Murdoch University on January 17, 2015 jfm.sagepub.com Downloaded from

AAFP and ISFM Feline Environmental Needs Guidelines · relatively new area. Recognizing the importance and benefit also may not be intuitive for some clinicians.6Cats often do not

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Page 1: AAFP and ISFM Feline Environmental Needs Guidelines · relatively new area. Recognizing the importance and benefit also may not be intuitive for some clinicians.6Cats often do not


The AAFP and ISFM welcomeendorsement of these guide-lines by the American AnimalHospital Association


Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery (2013) 15, 219–230

Sarah L H EllisBSc (Hons) Dip CABC PhD

Guidelines Co-Chair

Ilona RodanDVM DABVP (Feline) Guidelines Co-Chair

Hazel C CarneyDVM MS DABVP

Sarah HeathBVSc DipECAWBM (BM)

CCAB MRCVSEuropean Veterinary Specialist

in Behavioural Medicine(Companion Animals)

Irene RochlitzBVSc MSc PhD MRCVS

Lorinda D ShearburnDVM

Eliza Sundahl DVM DABVP (Feline)

Jodi L WestroppDVM PhD DACVIM

AAFP and ISFM Feline Environmental Needs Guidelines

JFMS CLINICAL PRACTICE 219DOI: 10.1177/1098612X13477537© ISFM and AAFP 2013

Guidelines rationale: A cat’s level of comfort with its environment is intrinsically linked to its physical health, emotional wellbeing and behavior. Having a basic understanding of thecat’s species-specific environmental needs and how cats interact with their environment willprovide a foundation for addressing these fundamental requirements. Environmental needs: Addressing environmental needs is essential (not optional) for

optimum wellbeing of the cat. Environmental needs include those relating not only to the cat’sphysical surroundings (indoors or outdoors; in the home environment or at the veterinary practice)

but also those affecting social interaction, including responses to human contact.Five ‘pillars’ framework: The authorship panel has organized the Guidelines around five primary concepts(‘pillars’) that provide the framework for a healthy feline environment. Understanding these principles and the unique environmental needs of the cat will help veterinarians, cat owners and care-givers to reducestress, the incidence of stress-related disorders, and unwanted behavior in their feline patients and pets.The recommendations in the Guidelines apply to all pet cats, regardless of lifestyle.

Why environmental needs?

Veterinarians have the privilege and responsi-bility to improve the health and wellbeing ofcats. Along with other health care team mem-bers, veterinarians must advise clients not onlyon medical issues and preventive health care,but also about the importance of meeting theenvironmental needs of the cat. Several dis-eases as well as unwanted feline behaviorshave been associated with stressful environ-mental situations.1–3 Providing an appropriateenvironment for feline patients in their homeand at the veterinary practice can prevent,improve or resolve these problems.4,5The terms environmental enrichment and

environmental modifications have been usedextensively in the literature to refer to envi-ronmental changes for the benefit of the cat.These terms are not used in these Guidelinesbecause it is more accurate to focus on thecat’s environmental needs. Environmental needs include those relating

not only to the cat’s physical surroundings(indoors or outdoors) but also those affectingsocial interaction, including responses to humancontact. Most veterinarians have not receivededucation in veterinary school about under-

standing cats and their needs since this is a relatively new area. Recognizing the importanceand benefit also may not be intuitive for some clinicians.6 Cats often do not express overt signsof stress and anxiety. Studies have suggestedthat even stoic cats can have elevated levels ofcatecholamines and other stress hormones.1,5Environmental needs are often not

addressed until the cat exhibits signs thatattract the care-giver’s attention. Often theseovert signals consist of negative behaviorsthat are labeled as bad, inappropriate oraggressive. Only then do most owners and

Addressing environmental needs –how does it help?< Fewer unwanted behaviors and less illness< Improved recognition of disease< Expansion of services and increased value

of feline care at the veterinary practice< Easier handling of cats at home and

in the practice< Strengthened bond between owner

and cat< Reduced stress in multi-cat households< Happier cats!

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veterinarians recognize that remedies areneeded. Proactively anticipating environmen-tal needs early in a cat’s life and consistentlyresponding when issues occur can help toavoid environmental stressors that could trig-ger unwanted behavioral and medical conse-quences.7,8 Veterinarians can add an extravalue to their services by assessing theirpatients’ environmental needs and helpingowners develop strategies to accommodatethem. By utilizing the strategies discussed inthese Guidelines, it is possible to have happi-er cats, more satisfied owners and a strongerveterinarian–client–patient relationship.

Understanding the cat’s needsand behavior

Understanding the behavior associated with a cat’s environmental needs allows veterinari-ans to enhance the health and quality of life of their feline patients. Conversely, failing tounderstand these needs can create an environ-ment where cats cannot express their naturalbehaviors. In some cats this can result instress, undesirable behaviors and illness thataffect the owner–cat relationship. Adversebehaviors are especially problematic becausethey are a leading cause of pet abandonmentand euthanasia.9Pet cats retain many behaviors of their wild

ancestor, Felis lybica, the African wildcat. Theassociation between cats and people beganabout 10,000 years ago as a mutually benefi-cial relationship.10 Cats were attracted to therodents that would eat harvested grain, givingthe cats a food supply while preserving thegrain stores for human use. This mutuallybeneficial relationship required no modifica-tion or genetic selection of the cat’s innatebehavior.11,12

The solitary hunterMost feline behavior and interaction isdesigned to enable the cat to hunt safely andto protect itself. As solitary hunters, cats mayeat 10–20 small prey per day. It has been sug-gested that up to half of a cat’s hunting cyclesare unsuccessful.13 Avoidance and evasion ofthreat are critical to the survival of solitaryhunters. Cats prefer a familiar territory inwhich they have an awareness of their physi-cal and social environment.14 This sense ofcontrol makes the cat feel comfortable andreduces stress.15 Predictability, familiarity androutine enhance the cat’s coping ability.16Cats display a heightened fight-or-flight

response as a protective mechanism inresponse to fear.17 If cats are forced to leave afamiliar territory (eg, for a veterinary visit oras a result of a household move), or if a sus-pected threat such as a new cat enters their


territory, they respond by avoidance or hid-ing. Fighting usually occurs only as a lastresort when escape is not possible.18 Hiding is a coping behavior that cats display inresponse to stressful situations and when theywant to avoid interactions with other cats, ani-mals or people.5 By recognizing and respect-ing the more subtle fear responses, we canoften prevent escalation of stress behaviorsand potential injury to the cat.Another feline protective mechanism is to

avoid showing outward signs of weakness,pain or illness. Unfortunately, this importantsurvival behavior often delays recognition ofillness by humans, and has led to the mistakenimpression that cats are independent and donot need regular medical care. Educatingclients about the importance of preventive care,early treatment intervention, and how to recog-nize early, behavior-related signs of illness willprovide improved feline health and welfare.

Feline social structureCats as a species have a flexible social system.They can either live alone or in groups if thereare sufficient resources.19,20 When there aresufficient food sources, females, which areusually related, may live in colonies and col-laboratively nurse and rear their kittens.Males generally have a larger home range orterritory, providing sufficient resources thatenable them to survive alone. Cats select their preferred affiliates, which

are usually related cats. Affiliates show mutu-al affection by allogrooming (grooming eachother) and allorubbing (rubbing against eachother). They will rest and sleep together(Figure 1) and sometimes play together. Catsprefer petting of the head, cheek and chin infavor of petting the abdomen or other areas ofthe body, which can lead to aggressive behav-ior. These facial regions are used in both scentand tactile affiliative communication betweencats and have been shown to be the areas that produce the most positive responses tohuman contact. Generally, cats will rubagainst their care-givers or other humans tomark their scent and as a sign of familiarity.21Many cats do not get along well in multi-cat

households if their envi-ronmental needs are notbeing met. However, thisoften goes un noticedunless they fight, exhibitbehavior problems ordevelop stress-related ill-ness. People often assumecats like each other if theycongregate to eat or sleep.However, this intermin-gling may occur simplybecause food or other

Environmentalneeds are oftennot addresseduntil the catexhibits signsthat attract thecare-giver’sattention.

S P E C I A L ART ICLE / AAFP/ISFM guidelines on feline environmental needs

Figure 1 For those cats who enjoy the company oftheir own species, it is oftenwith related individuals or, if unrelated, those they havebeen together with sincekittenhood. Courtesy of Ilona Rodan

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S P E C I A L ART ICLE / AAFP/ISFM guidelines on feline environmental needs

resources are in a single location. Manycats in multiple cat households learn to‘time share’ their access to communityresting or eating places, visiting them at different times from each other.Providing multiple environmentalresources that are out of view of otherresource locations allows cats easyaccess and gives them a sense of con-trol. Environmental resources includefood, water, toileting areas (litterboxesor trays), rest and sleep areas, and elevated areas (perches) (Figure 2). (Thefollowing sections, describing the fivepillars for a healthy feline environment,provide a more detailed discussion ofenvironmental resources.) Access to anelevated area increases the cat’s vertical spaceand allows it to monitor its environment. If allresources are placed in different locations,individual cats can avoid seeing other cats,minimizing competition for resources, bully-ing and stress.20Cats do not welcome unfamiliar cats into

their territory, and usually show aggressiontowards these strangers. If unfamiliar catscontinue to approach and become familiar,they may be integrated into the group overtime. A gradual process of increasing familiar-ity should occur when a new cat is introducedinto a household with existing cats. Unlessresident cats feel secure and have a sense ofcontrol, stress and conflict will occur with thearrival of newcomers. Giving cats in multi-cathouseholds choices through provision of mul-tiple locations for hiding, perching, toileting,and food and water access will reduce fearand convey a sense of control. It is generallyeasier for adult cats to accept kittens ratherthan other adult cats.22 Cats are more likely toallogroom a related cat than one that is unrelated.23,24 Adopting a socially bonded pairsuch as siblings is preferable to adopting catsfrom different social groups. The most critical age for kittens to socialize

with and adapt to humans is between 2 and 7weeks, a period that potentially has long-termdevelopmental effects.12 Kittens that have positive handling experiences during thisformative period cope with stress better, dis-play less fear and learn tasks more quicklythan kittens that do not receive positive han-dling at the same age.24

Feline senses and communication Cats’ keen senses allow them to be successfulhunters, to readily identify familiar animalsand territory, and to protect themselves fromunfamiliar threats. For example, cats can hearthe ultrasonic chatter of rodents to help locatetheir prey and this aural acuity helps to iden-tify sounds of potential danger.12,13 Loud and

unfamiliar sounds, either at home or ina veterinary practice, can arouse fear inthe cat. Their excellent sense of smellhelps cats detect chemical and olfactorysignals (eg, rub markings) left byanother cat. Visits to the veterinarypractice can be less stressful for a cat ifits owner brings along an object withthe cat’s own scent, such as its bedding.Applying a synthetic feline facialpheromone analog mimics naturalpheromones that are deposited when acat rubs its face on objects, and can provide a calming effect in unfamiliaror stressful environments or situa-tions.25,26Much of the communication among

cats is designed to prevent altercations overfood and territory and to avoid the risks ofactive fighting.20 Cats communicate throughmarking and posturing. Marking is normalbehavior and includes scratching, rubbing theface or body on objects, spraying and midden-ing (fecal marking), especially in a multi-cathousehold.27 Indoor spraying by neutered catscan be the result of increased environmentalstress. Cats posture with their body, tail andface. Facial posturing, especially involving theears, eyes and whiskers, is a more immediateresponse than body postures.28 By recognizingfeline posturing and vocalization, veterinarypersonnel can educate clients to be alert forearly signs of altercation, and can avoid con-flict among feline patients during an examina-tion or other encounters in the practice.

Five pillars of a healthy feline environment

Pillar 1Provide a safe place

Pillar 2Provide multiple and separated key environmental

resources: food, water, toileting areas, scratching areas, play areas, and resting or sleeping areas

Pillar 3Provide opportunity for play and predatory behavior

Pillar 4Provide positive, consistent and predictable

human–cat social interaction

Pillar 5Provide an environment that respects the importance

of the cat’s sense of smell

Figure 2 Access to anelevated area allows a cat to monitor its environment.Courtesy of Patricia K Putnam

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S P E C I A L ART ICLE / AAFP/ISFM guidelines on feline environmental needs


Pillar 1 – Provide a safe place

DescriptionFor a cat, a safe place is a private andsecure area, often in a raised location.These features give the cat a sense of enclosure, isolation or seclusion. A safe place is one that a cat canretreat to so that it feels protected. If the cat cannot see a potentialthreat, it feels safer, even if its wholebody is not fully concealed. When acat is relaxed, a safe place can alsofunction as a resting or sleeping area.

MethodsProvide individual hiding places for the cat.

Cardboard boxes, cat carrier< A cardboard box placed on itsside, to allow easy access and aroof, provides a safe place from aperceived threat. < A perch on the roof of the boxwill enable the cat to feel safe andsecure (Figure 3). < A cat carrier is a transportable,safe place that smells familiar tothe cat (Figure 4); avoid carriersthat do not allow concealment (eg, open wire cages), or place ablanket over part of the carrier toaid hiding. < To provide a familiar scent for thecat, use the cat’s own bedding or anarticle of clothing with the scent of afamiliar person.< A cat can be examined in thebottom of a disassembled catcarrier.

Perches and shelves< Perches should be wide enough andlong enough to allow the cat to fullystretch.< A hammock-style dip in themiddle of the perch or shelf willaid the cat’s sense of feelinghidden (Figure 5).

Other considerations< The decision to keep a catalways indoors, provide them freeaccess to the outdoors, or acombination thereof, lies with the

individual, and is impacted by beliefsin that country, local ordinances and

safety of location.< If possible, pet cats should have free accessto safe places outdoors, which is their naturalenvironment. An outdoor enclosure protectsthe cat from injury and from contact withpredators and with free-roaming cats, whichmay increase the risk of infectious diseaseexposure (Figure 6a). Leash-walking isanother safe option, as long as the cat hasbeen positively trained to leash and halter,and leash-walking is loose, allowing the cat choice as to where it wants to walk(Figure 6b).< In multi-cat households, a safe placeshould have more than one entry so thataccess cannot be easily blocked by another cat. < There should be at least as many safeplaces, sized to hold a single cat, as there arecats in a household.< Multiple safe places should be in areasseparated from each other. < For kittens and older cats that have limitedmobility, boxes, perches and shelves shouldbe placed at a relatively low height or at levelsthat can be reached via ramps to ensure easyaccess.< A cat carrier that is always left out in anarea that is easily accessible to the cat is aportable safe place that minimizes stressassociated with transportation or a change in environment.< Cats in the veterinary practice should becaged in a separate room from dogs to reducefear and stress. < A safe place in the veterinary practiceneeds to be easily cleaned and disinfected by virtue of its construction (eg, plastic catcarriers, laminate shelves or perches), or itshould be disposable, such as a cardboardbox. < A safe place in the veterinary practiceshould still allow the cat to be monitored –for example, by providing a towel to cover a portion of a cage door. This is especiallyimportant for newly arrived or convalescentcats.

Pillar 1 – rationaleWhile cats can comfortably live alone or in socialgroups, they hunt alone. The risk of injury represents aserious survival risk. As a result, cats tend to ‘avoid andevade’ rather than confront perceived threats. A safe placeenables the cat to withdraw from conditions it considersthreatening or unfamiliar. All of the cat’s senses are mobi-lized to detect threatening conditions, which are signaledby strange smells, loud or strange noises, unfamiliarobjects, and the presence of unknown or disliked ani-mals. The degree of sensitivity to perceived threatsvaries according to individual cats. By havingthe option to withdraw, a cat is able to exert

some control over its environment,which it finds satisfying in


Figure 4 A carrier is a transportable safe placewhere a cat has the option of concealing itself.Courtesy of Sarah Ellis

Figure 3 This box has several features of a ‘safe place’ for a cat. The cat can concealitself inside while still being able to see itsoutside environment, and it has a perchwhere it can maintain vigilance and a senseof isolation. Courtesy of Sarah Ellis

Figure 5 An ideal perch for a cat iselevated, with a padded cover and ahammock-style depression to provide asense of concealment. Courtesy of Deb Givin

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Pillar 2 – Provide multiple andseparated key environmentalresources

DescriptionKey environmental resources includethe feeding, drinking, toileting, clawscratching, play and resting/sleepingareas. These key resources should beavailable in multiple locations, either toprovide separate access in multi-cathouseholds or several choices for individ-ual cats. Each key resource should be placedin its own location, separate from otherresources.8,23

MethodsEach environmental resource – toileting area,food and water bowls, play area, resting orsleeping area, scratching area (Figure 7) –should be in a separate location, enlarging thearea of the cat’s environment and physicallyseparating the resources. A cat should have achoice for each resource; for example, a mini-mum of two resting areas, two feeding areasand two toileting areas. Food and waterresources should be separated from eachother. Providing individual eating locationsallows for the privacy needed to prevent thestress associated with feeding competition.Expanding the habitat prevents cats in amulti-cat household from eating and drinkingin close proximity to one another.

Other considerations< Multiple outdoor locations for keyresources should be available wheneverpossible.< Outdoor access to fresh drinkingwater may include water fountains or a rain-collection dish.< Suitable outdoor toileting areasinclude rakeable surfaces such as sandor soil that cats can dig in; these shouldbe situated in a quiet, private area.

< Outdoor scratching areas should beavailable, such as a tree trunk or a woodenupright post covered with sisal rope (Figure 7a).< To minimize risk of disease transmissionand threats to the cat’s security, food shouldnot be placed outdoors if other animals haveaccess to it.< Indoor resting areas, such as a perch orsecluded surface, should include a locationthat allows the cat visibility of the outdoors.< Ample physical separation should bemaintained between toileting areas and otherenvironmental resources. < In a multi-cat household, a cat may be partof a social group (see box on page 224) orbehave as a solitary cat. Several social groupscan live within the same household. In eithercircumstance, there should be sufficientseparation of resources to support all cats

and social groups.< Every cat within a household shouldhave its own separate feedingstations. < Each group in the same householdshould havephysically separateresources so that theydo not have to shareaccess with othersocial groups.

Pillar 2 – rationaleSince cats are solitary survivors, they need to have free access to key environmentalresources without being challenged by othercats or other potential threats. In addition toavoiding competition for access, separationof resources reduces the risk of stressand stress-associated diseases, andsatisfies the cat’s natural need for

exploration and exercise.

Figure 6 Examples of how to create a safe outdoor environment for a cat: (a) a fencedenclosure with various objects that enable the cat to hide, exercise and play; and (b) a leash for outdoor exercise or walking. Images courtesy of Ilona Rodan

a b



Figure 7 Two types of scratching areas are shown: (a) a sisal-covered surface on an elevated perch; and (b) a scratchingpad. Courtesy of Sarah Ellis (a) and Deb Givin (b)

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< Veterinary hospital cages should be largeenough to allow intra-cage resources to bespread out, including resting and hidingareas separate from food and water. Toiletingareas should always be located away fromfood and water dishes. < Double cages and dog-size cages can beused to enlarge the space between resources.< Cats in the veterinary practice should becaged in a separate room from dogs to reducefear and stress.< Ideally, cages should not face other cats’cages. If this is difficult to arrange, otheroptions include covering the front ofoccupied cages and maximizing the distancebetween cages.< Place cages in elevated banks if possible.


S P E C I A L ART ICLE / AAFP/ISFM guidelines on feline environmental needs

Pillar 3 – Provide opportunityfor play and predatory behavior

DescriptionCats should be able to engage in pseudo-predatory play and feeding behaviors. Thiscan be achieved by providing toys, oppor-tunities for play-based interaction with thecat owner and with other socially compati-ble cats, and feeding devices and practicesthat require the cat to actively acquire food.

Pillar 3 – rationaleThe cat has a strong instinct to display a predatorybehavioral sequence consisting of locating, capturing(stalking, chasing, pouncing), killing, preparing and eat-ing its prey. Predatory behavior occurs even in well-fedcats.31 For cats that are able to hunt, predation con-sumes a significant proportion of their daily activities,requiring considerable physical activity and mentalengagement.32 Inhibiting or failing to provide cats withopportunities for predatory-type behaviors canresult in obesity or boredom and frustration thatcan express itself as overgrooming, stress-

associated disease or misdirectedaggressive behavior.33,34

There are a number of characteristic behaviors that generally occur onlyamong cats that positively affiliate with each other. In a multi-cat setting, the following behaviors can identify which cats are in the same social groupand should thus have a group-specific environment:

I n d i c a t o r s t h a t c a t s a re i n t h e s ame s oc i a l g ro up

Figure 8 Body rubbing and tailwrapping (a), and allogrooming (b)are behaviors that indicate catsare in the same social group andshould have environmentalresources separate from othercats or social groups. Imagescourtesy of Anne Marie Dossche (a)and Sarah Ellis (b)

< Facial rubbing or body rubbing between cats < Tail wrapping (Figure 8a)< Resting or sleeping in physical contact or close proximity< Playing together< Allogrooming (Figure 8b)

MethodsAllow the cat to express as many aspects ofthe predatory sequence as possible by provid-ing play and feeding activities.

Using food to mimic predatory behavior< Hide food in multiple locations. < Scatter-feed dry food or kibble, or tosskibbles for cats to chase.< Provide puzzle feeders, handmade orstore-bought timed feeders to promote smalland frequent meals (Figure 9).

Using play to provide exercise and mimic predatory behavior< Move a rod or wand with a fur or feathertoy on the end in a way that mimics flyingprey (swooping through the air) or groundprey (moving in straight lines swiftly awayfrom the cat).< Let the cat catch the toy on the end of therod or wand to simulate a capture (Figure 10).< Reward the cat with a treat following playor interaction with the owner.< Use toys that cats can manipulate with theirpaws or mouth and those that can contain food.< Use feather and fur toys that can bepounced on and tossed into the air to mimicflying or ground prey.< Use large, soft toys that can be raked andbitten.

Veterinary hospital cages should be large enoughto allow intra-cage resources to be spread out,including resting and hiding areas separate

from food and water.



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S P E C I A L ART ICLE / AAFP/ISFM guidelines on feline environmental needs

< Hide toys in puzzle boxes or other locationsthat require searching, locating and capturing.< Use the cat’s toys on a rotating basis toprevent habituation and boredom.35< Avoid using hands and feet in any type ofplay to prevent injury to the cat or handler.

Other considerations< The outdoor environment can providegreater space for interactive play and tostimulate behaviors such as chasing, leapingand pouncing.< In multi-cat households, ensure that thereare toys in separate locations to preventcompetition and social tension.< In multi-cat households, owners shouldplay with individual cats at separate timesand locations.< Older cats still need to play, but the typeand intensity of play may need to bemodified.< Kittens generally have a greater need forinter-cat play and for greater intensity andduration of play.< To prevent injury, kittens should have size-appropriate toys and puzzle feeders.

< All toys with string or other parts that canpotentially be ingested by the cat should beput away after play.< Avoid purchasing toys with small,ingestible parts and bells, or remove thesecomponents prior to allowing free access orunsupervised play.< Caged cats should not have access toplastic puzzle balls or other hard toys thatcould make loud noises by striking the cage. < Convalescent cats should have interactiveplay opportunities outside their cage ifpossible and in ways that are appropriate fortheir physical limitations.< Consistency in care-givers and timing ofplay helps create familiarity and reduce stressduring convalescence.

Figure 9 (a) This homemade feeding device made from empty toilet paper tubes combines access tofood with an element of play. (b) Plastic food containers or an egg carton are good alternatives. (c) Astore-bought feeding ball allows the cat to mimic predatory behavior. Images courtesy of Adrian Bovey (a and b) and Sarah Ellis (c)

b c


Figure 10 A feather toy canbe used for exercise and tomimic a cat’s prey. Courtesyof Ilona Rodan

Veterinarians can add an extra value to theirservices by assessing their patients’ environmental

needs and helping owners develop strategies to accommodate them.

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Pillar 4 – Provide positive,consistent and predictablehuman–cat social interaction

DescriptionCats are companion animals that benefit fromregular, friendly and predictable social inter-action with humans. Consistent and positivehandling of the cat from a young age leads topositive behaviors such as reduced fear andstress and a strong human–cat bond. Socialpreferences among cats vary widely, and areinfluenced by factors such as genetics, earlyrearing conditions, and life experiences.35Many cats prefer a high frequency, low inten-sity level of social contact with humans, a sce-nario that gives them a good deal of control.In this setting, cats are able to initiate, moder-ate and end their interaction with humans.

MethodsDo not force interaction with a cat. Let the catinitiate, choose and control the type of humancontact. People should lower themselves to thecat’s level, avoid fixed eye contact, and givethe cat time to approach and make physicalcontact. Handlers should give the cat time tosniff their hands and get acquainted. If the catappears relaxed and wants to interact (see boxbelow), gentle stroking on the head andaround the cheeks is the most appropriate wayto make contact.21 Talking gently to the cat canhelp to put it at ease. When a cat ends an inter-action by moving away, do not force furthercontact. Cats’ individual preferences deter-mine how much they like human interactionssuch as petting, grooming, being played withor talked to, being picked up, and sitting orlaying on a person’s lap. Cat owners shouldlearn each cat’s individual preferences todevelop a strong bond with their feline pets.

Other considerations< To prevent tension in a multi-cathousehold, every cat should receiveindividual attention without intervention by other cats.< Kittens should be introduced to humanhandling during their formative socializationperiod, which occurs between 2 and 7 weeksof age.36 Gentle handling by humans duringthis period has a positive and lasting effect on the cat’s relationships with humans, and results in a more adaptable, less easilydistressed cat. Negative experiences duringthis period can result in long-term fear.37< Kittens may enjoy longer, more interactiveplay with humans than adult cats.< Ideally, a minimum of four people shouldhandle kittens during their formativesocialization period to instill a perception thatpeople are not to be feared.36 Short handlingsessions totaling an hour a day have beenshown to lead to friendly adult cats.38< After a cat reaches social maturity,

usually at 2–3 years of age, the style andexpectations of interaction with

humans may need to beadjusted to accommodateless frequent and shorterperiods of play.< A cat’s preferencesfor human interactionmay change as it agesand experiencessensory decline andrestricted mobility. A cat that used toenjoy being picked upor laying on a person’s

lap may grow to preferpetting at a resting site.

It is important to remember,however, that changes in behavior

or interactions mayalso be associatedwith an underlyingmedical problem and,where appropriate,patients should beassessed by aveterinarian.< Consistent,predictable, friendlyhuman contact isimportant for thewelfare of a caged cat,such as in a rescueshelter or veterinarypractice. However, thedegree of contact thata cat will allow will beinfluenced by its levelof socialization.39

S igns o f re laxa t ion and w i l l i ngness o f the ca t to i n te rac t w i th peop le

< Slow blinking< Purring, chirruping< Facial rubbing or head bunting on the hand or other

parts of the human body (Figure 11)< Attempts to climb onto a person’s lap< Staying in close physical proximity with the person< Pushing the body into the hand of someone who is

not interacting with the cat< A relaxed roll onto the side to expose the belly

(avoid touching the belly since many cats may findthis area very vulnerable and do not always like to betouched there)

Figure 11 Head bunting is a signal that the cat wants human attention. Gentle head rubbing orstroking, as the cat permits, is an appropriate response.Courtesy of Irene Rochlitz

Pillar 4 – rationaleAffiliative behaviors are integral to maintainingpositive relationships. Similar behaviors are oftendirected towards preferred humans; for example, rub-bing the head and body on the person, sitting on a per-son’s knee and even, in some cases, licking their skin inan attempt to groom them. However, there is a broadspectrum of social preferences among cats, whichcan be influenced by genetics and early rearingexperiences. Problems such as aggressiondirected at other cats or humans, stress-relat-ed disease and inappropriate elimination

may occur when the cat’s socialpreferences are disregarded.

Cats arecompanionanimals thatbenefit from

regular, friendlyand predictable

socialinteraction with humans.

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Page 9: AAFP and ISFM Feline Environmental Needs Guidelines · relatively new area. Recognizing the importance and benefit also may not be intuitive for some clinicians.6Cats often do not

S P E C I A L ART ICLE / AAFP/ISFM guidelines on feline environmental needs


Pillar 5 – Provide an environmentthat respects the importance ofthe cat’s sense of smell

DescriptionUnlike humans, cats use olfactory and chemi-cal information to evaluate their surroundingsand maximize their sense of security and com-fort. Olfactory information involves many dif-ferent smells detected by the nose. Chemicalinformation is detected by the vomeronasalorgan. This is an auxiliary olfactory apparatusthat detects pheromones, which are chemicalsthat convey information between individualsof the same species (see box). Cats use olfacto-ry and pheromonal signals through the use of scent marking by facial and body rubbing(Figure 13). This establishes the boundaries oftheir core living area in which they feel secureand safe. Wherever possible, humans shouldbe careful not to interfere with a cat’s olfacto-ry and chemical signals and scent profile.

Methods< Avoid using products or substances(cleaners, detergents, scented litter orother cat paraphernalia) that maydisrupt the cat’s sensory perception orthe scent profile it associates with itscustomary surroundings. < Place footwear or shopping bags atthe home entrance to avoid introducingexternal smells into the home environment. < Use synthetic pheromones to reduceanxiety, and increase grooming, interest infood and appropriate use of the litterbox.26< Expose new items to the cat’s scent profileby rubbing them with a cloth that has been in contact with the cat’s scent glands duringpositive interactions with humans, or spraynew items with a synthetic feline pheromone. < Provide scratching areas that allow a cat to

deposit its scent through glands in thepads of its feet.< Avoid cleaning areas that have beenfacially marked by the cat (Figure13b), except in the veterinary practiceafter patients have been discharged.< Wash a cat’s bedding on a rotationbasis so that some items will retain thecat’s scent (‘olfactory continuity’).

Other considerations< Homes with outdoor-access flaps in doorsmay be at greater risk of other cats or animalsintroducing external scents or gaining accessinto the home. Vigilance combined with adoor flap designed to be operated by the cat’simplanted identification microchip are waysof avoiding encroachment of unfamiliarscents. Avoid magnet-operated door flapssince the magnets can attract foreignmaterials.< Scratching areas should also be availableoutdoors for scent deposition.< Scent marking as well as inappropriateelimination should never be punished.34< Ensure that each group of cats within thehome has an opportunity to scent mark areas(by scratching and facial rubbing) thatcontain their environmental resources.< A cat returning to a multi-cat home from a visit away may smell different, disrupting the home environment’s communal scentprofile consisting of scents from all felineoccupants. This is most likely to occur after a visit to the veterinarian, where smells ofmedications, antiseptics, cleaners and even,postoperatively, anesthesia gases can bedetected by other cats. In such cases, cats that previously got along well can display

Cats investigate different scents and chem-ical signals produced by themselvesand other cats. These chemical signals are known as pheromones.Whereas scents are detected bythe nose, pheromones are detect-ed by the vomeronasal organlocated in the hard palate. Catsproduce pheromones from vari-ous scent glands located on thebody (Figure 12), and use them tocommunicate with other cats and toenhance recognition of their own envi-ronment. Cats deposit phero mones byfacial rubbing and scratching to create asense of environmental security.

How ca t s u s e p he romones

Figure 12 Location ofthe feline scent glands









Figure 13 Facialrubbing (a) allows acat to deposit itsscent throughout itsenvironment. In orderto maintain scentcontinuity, avoidcleaning faciallymarked areas (b).Images courtesy ofSarah Ellis

Pillar 5 – rationaleCompared with humans, cats depend muchmore upon chemical and olfactory informationto explore their environment. If cats sensethreatening olfactory or pheromonal informa-tion, or if they cannot express their sensorysignals as described above, problematicbehaviors such as inappropriate elimina-tion or scratching and stress-related

illness (eg, urinary tract dis-ease) can occur.

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S P E C I A L ART ICLE / AAFP/ISFM guidelines on feline environmental needs

< Commit your practice to meeting the feline patient’senvironmental needsShare and discuss the Guidelines with all members of the healthcare team who interact with clients and feline patients. Identifya health care team member who thoroughly understands theimportance, rationale and methods for applying the principles of a healthy feline environment. Assign this person a lead role incounseling clients in proper environmental care of their cats.

< Provide immediate environmental support in the practiceIn some situations, the longer a cat stays at a veterinary prac-tice, the greater the chance it may experience anxiety andchronic stress due to the unfamiliar surroundings. When thisoccurs, the examination experience becomes more difficult. It isnot uncommon for cats not to eat or eliminate for the first 24 hafter arrival, then resume their normal behaviors. Some minorbut immediate adjustments to the clinic environment can have acalming effect on the feline patient. These include giving a catthat is placed in a hospital cage the chance to hide by coveringthe front of the cage with a towel or by placing a cardboard boxin the cage, providing perches, using thesame care-givers and maintaining consis-tent schedules.

< Include environmental assessment as part of preventive health care andwellness examsPrivate practice veterinariansUsing the information provided in theseGuidelines, an environmental needs assess-ment should be included as a component ofevery preventive health care examination.Based on that assessment and discussion

with the cat owner, team members can offer encouragementand feedback on what the client has already done to maintain ahealthy environment for his or her cat, and make suggestions forimprovements.If the client has a complaint about a cat’s behavior, or if the

examination reveals a stress-related problem, the veterinarianwill likely want a more detailed history. A follow-up visit may be appropriate if the cat has evidence of chronic, stress-related disease or adverse behavior linked to its environment.The exam should be followed with a phone call or e-mail from a member of the health care team to inquire about the cat’sresponse to any recommendations for environmental improve-ment. If the client sees little or no improvements in the cat’sbehavior or condition, it is appropriate to refer to a behavioralconsultant.

Rehoming or shelter veterinariansRehoming or shelter veterinarians are in a unique position toeducate new or prospective cat owners about the importance ofcreating a welcoming home environment for a newly adoptedcat. A ‘resource map’ showing ideal locations and types of envi-

ronmental resources is an excellent way ofbeginning a discussion about the environ-mental needs of cats.

< Apply the Guidelines at homeIf health care team members have cats ashousehold pets, encourage them to applythe recommendations in these Guidelinesand observe their pets’ response. Makingyour home truly ‘cat friendly’ is an excellentway of acquiring firsthand experience increating and understanding the value of ahealthy feline environment.

T i p s f o r a pp l y i n g t h e Gu i d e l i n e s

aggressive behavior towards one another. To avoid this, try to arrange routineveterinary visits for all cats at once. < If only one cat has been away from amulti-cat household (eg, for hospitalization),place a synthetic feline pheromone diffuser inthe home to help maintain the existing scentprofile and aid reintegration with other catsin the household.< When a cat returns home, keep it in aseparate room until cats are calm beforereintroducing it to other cats.< Minimize human involvement inreintroducing a cat to a multi-cat household.< Negative interactions between cats shouldbe disrupted in a neutral fashion, wherebythe handler does not display more favorabletreatment to one cat versus another.< Kittens learn to adapt to scents they

experience for the first time. Exposingkittens in a positive and gradual wayto new scents that they may encounterlater in life will help them become moretolerant of new smells and scent changeslater on. < Cleaning a veterinary cage by spotcleaning will help maintain its scent profile.This entails cleaning only parts of the cage at any one time to ensure some of the cat’sscent remains.< Introducing synthetic feline pheromonescan help reduce distress in a cagedenvironment where novel scents are morelikely and there is less opportunity for anincoming cat to scent mark.26< If the cat is placed in a cage, even if onlyfor a short stay, it should be accompanied byits bedding from its previous environment.

Further guidelinesThe previously published

‘AAFP and ISFM Feline-FriendlyNursing Care Guidelines’ and the‘AAFP and ISFM Feline-FriendlyHandling Guidelines’, availableonline at jfms.com, provide addi-tional recommendations fordelivering optimum health

care to feline patients.

An environmentalneeds assessment

should be included as a component of everypreventive health care


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S P E C I A L ART ICLE / AAFP/ISFM guidelines on feline environmental needs

< To give a cat the best life possible as a human companion, all those who live and workwith cats should understand basic feline environmental needs and behavior patterns thatapply to all cats regardless of lifestyle.

< A cat thrives when we provide a safe haven, multiple and separate food, water, toiletingand scratching/resting areas, opportunities for play and predatory behavior, and positive,consistent human–cat interactions. This should all be done in an environment thatrespects the importance of how cats process and respond to sensory information.

< By teaching cat owners these concepts and implementing them in our veterinaryhospitals and animal shelter facilities, we will make cats healthier, happier and moreapproachable patients and companions.

< Meeting the environmental needs of each cat we treat will improve cat welfare, optimize health care delivery, and support the relationship between cats and their owners.



The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of MarkDana of Kanara Consulting Group, LLC in the preparation ofthese Guidelines.


1 Westropp JL, Kass PH and Buffington CA. Evaluation of theeffects of stress in cats with idiopathic cystitis. Am J Vet Res2006; 67: 731–736.

2 Stella JL, Lord LK and Buffington CA. Sickness behaviors inresponse to unusual external events in healthy cats and catswith feline interstitial cystitis. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2011; 238:67–73.

3 Tanaka A, Wagner DC, Kass PH and Hurley KF. Associationsamong weight loss, stress, and upper respiratory tract infec-tion in shelter cats. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2012; 240: 570–576.

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14 Rochlitz I. Housing and welfare. In: Rochlitz (ed). The welfare of cats. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer, 2005,pp 177–203.

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S P E C I A L ART ICLE / AAFP/ISFM guidelines on feline environmental needs

Collaborating to build a future of unparalleled cat care by:

< Raising the profile of the cat in the veterinary clinic < Creating continuing education opportunities for veterinary care professionals

< Developing practice guidelines to facilitate high standards of feline health care < Providing tools and resources to improve veterinary skills and knowledge


Available online at jfms.com, www.isfm.net and www.catvets.com

21 Soennichsen S and Chamove AS. Responses of cats to pettingby humans. Anthrozoos 2002; 15: 258–265.

22 Neilson JC. Top 10 cat behavior tips. Vet Med 2005; 100:743–749.

23 Crowell-Davis SL, Curtis TM and Knowles RJ. Social organi-zation in the cat: a modern understanding. J Feline Med Surg2004; 6: 19–28.

24 McMillan FD. Development of a mental wellness programfor animals. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2002; 220: 965–972.

25 Kronen PW, Ludders JW, Erb HN, Moon PF, Gleed RD andKoski S. A synthetic fraction of feline facial pheromonescalms but does not reduce struggling in cats before venouscatheterization. Vet Anaesth Analg 2006; 33: 258–265.

26 Griffith CA, Steigerwald ES and Buffington CA. Effects of asynthetic facial pheromone on behavior of cats. J Am VetMed Assoc 2000; 217: 1154–1156.

27 Pageat P and Gaultier E. Current research in canine andfeline pheromones. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 2003;33: 187–211.

28 Bowen J and Heath S. Part 2: Basic tools in behavioural medicine: an overview of feline social behaviour and communication. In: Behavior problems in small animals,practical advice for the veterinary team. Edinburgh, UK:Elsevier Health Sciences, 2005, pp 29–36.

29 Kry K and Casey R. The effect of hiding enrichment onstress levels and behaviour of domestic cats (Felis sylvestriscatus) in a shelter setting and the implications for adoptionpotential. Anim Welfare 2007; 16: 375–383.

30 Gourkow N. The emotional life of cats: a manual for improv-ing the psychological well-being of shelter cats. BritishColumbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals,Vancouver, Canada, 2004.

31 Hall SL and Bradshaw JWS. The influence of hunger onobject play by adult domestic cats. Appl Anim Behav Sci 1998;58: 143–150.

32 Fitzgerald BM and Turner DC. Hunting behaviour of domes-tic cats and their impact on prey populations. In: Turner DCand Bateson P (eds). The domestic cat: the biology of itsbehaviour. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press,2000, pp 152–175.

33 Clarke DL, Wrigglesworth D, Holmes K, Hackett R and MichelK. Using environmental and feeding enrichment to facilitatefeline weight loss. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr 2005; 89: 427.

34 Heath SE. Behaviour problems and welfare. In: Rochlitz I(ed). The welfare of cats. Dordrecht, The Netherlands:Springer, 2005, pp 91–118.

35 Halls SL, Bradshaw JWS and Robinson IH. Object play inadult domestic cats: the roles of habituation and disinhibi-tion. Appl Anim Behav Sci 2001; 79: 263–271.

36 Karsh EB and Turner DC. The human–cat relationship. In:Turner DC and Bateson P (eds). The domestic cat: the biologyof its behaviour. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UniversityPress, 1988, pp 159–177.

37 McMillan FD. Commentary: Development of a mental wellnessprogram for animals. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2002; 220: 965–972.

38 McCune A, McPherson JA and Bradshaw JWS. Avoidingproblems: the importance of socialisation. In: Robinson I(ed). The Waltham book of human–animal interaction: benefits and responsibilities of pet ownership. Oxford, UK:Pergamon/Elsevier Science Ltd, 1995.

39 Gourkow N and Fraser D. The effect of housing and handling practices on the welfare, behaviour and selectionof domestic cats (Felis sylvestris catus) by adopters in ananimal shelter. Anim Welfare 2006; 15: 371–377.

Additional resources

General reviews on how to meet the environmental needs of cats< Ellis S. Environmental enrichment: practical strategies for

improving animal welfare. J Feline Med Surg 2009; 11:901–912.

< Herron ME and Buffington CA. Feline focus: environmentalenrichment for indoor cats. Compend Contin Educ Vet 2010;32: E1–E5.

< Rochlitz I. Housing and welfare. In: Rochlitz I (ed). Thewelfare of cats. Dordrecht, The Netherlands, Springer, 2005,pp 177–203.

< Rochlitz I. Basic requirements for good behavioural healthand welfare of cats. In: Horwitz DF and Mills D (eds). BSAVAmanual of canine and feline behavioural medicine. Gloucester,UK: British Small Animal Veterinary Assocation, 2009, pp35–48.

WebsiteThe Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine. TheIndoor Pet Initiative. Available at: indoorpet.osu.edu/

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