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NOTE: Free publications with an asterisk are subject to a $10.00 handling charge for each total order, plus actual shipping charges.  General: Oil Field Equipment and Materials  Needs Assessment Survey Report  Product/Service Certification in the Exploration & Production Sector of the Worldwide Oil and Gas Industry Report of survey conducted in January 1996 by KPMG Peat Marwick LLP on behalf of an international steering committee. Data represents results from 200 respondents in 26 countries. Five key messages are presented in this Executive Summary Report. Pages: 44  Product Number: G00007 / Price: $65.00   Spec Q1 v  Specification for Quality Programs for the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry  Sets forth the quality program requirements necessary to obtain a license to use the API Monogram. Based on a concept which includes both quality assurance and quality control, this specification establishes definitions of terms which shall apply when used in quality program s for API licensing. Pages: 10  6th Edition / March 1999 / Effective Date: September 1, 1999 Product Number: GQ1006 / Price: $71.00  API S1  Organization and Procedures for Standardization of Oilfield Equipment and Materials Provides information on policies and procedures for the API Upstream Seg- ment standardization activities and guidelines for their conduct. Pages: 68   Available on www.api.org  The API Composite List  This is a directory of companies licensed to use the API Monogram and APIQR Registration Mark. This directory also lists the companies who have registered Perforator Designs with API. It provides an alphabetical list of approximately 1,400 manufacturers licensed (at the time of publication) to mark their products with the API Monogram . It also contains a classified list- ing (by specific API specification) of these licensed manufacturers, as well as over 200 APIQR ISO 9000 registered firm s. This directory was developed to assist those individuals desiring to purchase products and services meeting API specifications from companies whose quality systems and capabilities are verified by API’s Quality Programs. It is updated and published quarterly. A searchable on-line version of the composite list is updated weekly and can be found at www.api.org/compositelist  Price: Free*  Series 1: Belting   Spec 1B v  Oil Field V-belting Covers standard and premium-quality V-belts, dimensional and marking requirements on V-belt sheaves, recomm ended practices for power application of V-belts, and recommendations on care and use of V-belts. Pages: 38  6th Edition / January 1, 1995 / Reaffirmed January 2000 Product Number: G01B06 / Price: $78.00  Series 2: Offshore Structures  RP 2A-LRFD 2  Planning, Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore PlatformsÑLoad and Resistance Factor Design (includes Supplement 1 dated February 1997)  Contains engineering design principles and practices using LRFD design cri- teria for development of offshore oil resources. The LRFD provisions have been developed from the WSD provisions using reliability-based calibration. Contains the full text of ISO 13819, Part 2. Pages: 224  1st Edition / July 1, 1993 / Product Number: G00210 / Price: $217.00  RP 2A-LRFD-S1 2  Supplement 1 to Planning, Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore PlatformsÑLoad and Resistance Factor Design (Includes Errata/Supplement dated December 2002)  Contains revised Sections A and O and new Sections R and S. The new mate- rial covers assessment of existing platforms, and fire, blast, and accidental loading of offshore platforms. Pages: 49  1st Edition / February 1997 / Product Number: G0021S / Price: $78.00  RP 2A-WSD  Planning, Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore PlatformsÑ Working Stress Design Contains engineering design principles and practices that have evolved dur- ing the development of offshore oil resources. Metric conversions of custom- ary English units are provided throughout the text and are shown in parentheses. Pages: 226  21st Edition/December 2000/ Product Number: G2AWSD/Price: $213.00   Spec 2B v  Fabrication of Structural Steel Pipe Covers the fabrication of structural steel pipe formed from plate steel with longitudinal and circumferential butt-welded seams, typically in sizes of a 14-inch outside diameter and larger with a wall thickness 3   /  8  inch and greater (up to a nominal 40 feet in length) suitable for use in construction of welded offshore structures. Pages: 8  6th Edition / July 2001 / Product Number: G02B06 / Price: $59.00   Spec 2C 2v  Offshore Cranes Details the requirements for design, construction and testing of pedestal- mounted cranes for offshore structures. Provides a uniform method for estab- lishing rated loads for offshore cranes. Pages: 37  5th Edition / April 1, 1995 / Product Number: G02C05 / Price: $83.00

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.For inform at ion on t r a inin g program s see the Tra in ing Sec t ion ; a 3 by a l i s t-i ng i nd i c a t e s t ha t a l i ce nse to u se the AP I m onogr a m c a n be ob t a i ne d u nde rthis spec ifica t ion. P lease contac t (202 ) 962-4791 for informa t ion.NOTE: Free publ ica t ions wi th an as te r i sk a re subjec t to a $10.00 h an dl ingcha rge for each tota l order, plus ac tua l shippin g cha rges .


General: Oil Field Equipment and Materials


Needs Assessment Survey Report


Product/Service Certification in the Exploration & Production Sector of the Worldwide Oil and Gas Industry

Repor t of survey con ducted in Jan ua ry 1996 by KPMG Pea t Marwick LLP onbeha l f of an in te rna t iona l s teer ing com m it tee . Data represents r esul t s f rom200 responden ts in 26 cou ntr ies . Five key m essages a re presented in thisExecut ive Sum m ary Repor t . Pages: 44


Product Number: G00007 / Price: $65.00


 Spec Q1 v


Specification for Quality Programs for the Petroleum and Natural GasIndustry


Se ts for th th e qua l i ty program requi rem ents necessary to obta in a l icense touse the API Monogra m . Based on a con cept which in c ludes both qua l i tyassuran ce and qu a l i ty cont rol , this spec ifica t ion es tabl i shes defin i t ions of  te rms which sh a l l apply when u sed in qu a l i ty program s for API l icensin g.Pages: 10


6th Edition / March 1999 / Effective Date: September 1, 1999Product Number: GQ1006 / Price: $71.00




Organization and Procedures for Standardization of Oilfield Equipment and Materials

Provides inform at ion on pol ic ies an d procedures for the API Upst ream Seg-m ent s tanda rdiza t ion ac t ivit ies an d guide l ines for the i r condu ct . Pages: 68


 Available on www.api.org 


The API Composite List


This i s a di rectory of com pan ies licensed to use the API Mono gram an dAPIQR Regis t ra t ion Mark. Th is di rectory a lso l i st s the com pan ies who ha veregistered Perforator Designs with API. I t provides an alphabetical l ist of  approximate ly 1,400 manufac turer s l icensed (a t the t ime of publ ica t ion) tom ark th e i r produc ts with th e API Mono gram . I t a l so conta ins a c lass ified l is t -ing ( by specific API spec ifica t ion) of these licensed m an ufac turer s , as well asover 200 APIQR ISO 900 0 registered firm s. This directory was developed toass ist those individua ls desi r ing to pu rchase produ c ts and se rvices m eet ingAPI spec ifica t ions from com pan ies who se qua l i ty systems a nd capabi l i t ies a reverified by API’s Qual i ty Program s. I t i s upda ted a nd pub l ished qu ar te r ly.

A searchable on - l ine ver sion o f the com posi te li s t is upda ted weekly and canbe foun d a t www.api.org/compositelist


Price: Free*


Series 1: Belting 


 Spec 1B v


Oil Field V-belting 

Cove r s st a nda r d a nd p r e mi um - qua l i t y V- be lt s, d i me n s iona l a nd m a r k i ngrequi rem ents on V-be l t sheaves, r ecomm ended p rac t ices for power appl ica t ionof V-be l t s, an d recom m enda t ions on care an d u se of V-be l t s. Pages: 38


6th Edition / January 1, 1995 / Reaffirmed January 2000

Product Number: G01B06 / Price: $78.00


Series 2: Offshore Structures




Planning, Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore PlatformsÑLoadand Resistance Factor Design(includes Supplement 1 dated February 1997)


Conta in s engineer ing design pr inc iples and pra c t ices us ing LRFD design c r i -teria for development of offshore oil resources. The LRFD provisions havebeen d eveloped f rom the WSD provis ions u s ing re l iabi l i ty-based ca l ibra t ion.Conta in s the ful l text of ISO 13819, Par t 2 . Pa ges: 224


1st Edition / July 1, 1993 / Product Number: G00210 / Price: $217.00




Supplement 1 to Planning, Designing and Constructing Fixed OffshorePlatformsÑLoad and Resistance Factor Design(Includes Errata/Supplement dated December 2002)


Conta in s revised Sec tions A an d O an d new Sec t ion s R an d S . The new m ate-r ia l covers assessmen t of exist ing pla t form s, and fi re , blas t, an d acc identa lloadin g of of fshore pla t form s. Pages: 49


1st Edition / February 1997 / Product Number: G0021S / Price: $78.00




Planning, Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore PlatformsÑWorking Stress Design

Conta in s engineer ing design pr inc iples and pra c t ices tha t ha ve evolved dur -ing the deve lopm ent of of fshore oi l r esources . Metr ic conversions of custom -a r y E ng l i sh un i t s a r e p r ov ide d t h r ough ou t t he t ex t a n d a r e show n i n

paren theses . Pages: 226


21st Edition/December 2000/Product Number: G2AWSD/Price: $213.00


 Spec 2B v


Fabrication of Structural Steel Pipe

Covers the fabr ica t ion of s t ruc tura l s tee l pipe formed f rom pla te s tee l wi thlongi tu dina l an d c i rcum ferent ia l bu t t -welded seam s, typica l ly in s izes of a14- inch outs ide diam eter an d la rger wi th a wal l thickness 3






i n c h a n dgr e a t er ( u p t o a nom i na l 40 f e et i n l e ng t h ) su i t a b le f o r u se in c ons t ruc t i on o fwelded offshore structures. Pages: 8


6th Edition / July 2001 / Product Number: G02B06 / Price: $59.00


 Spec 2C 2v


Offshore Cranes

Deta i ls the requi rem ents for design, con st ruc t ion an d tes t ing of pedesta l -

m ou nted c ran es for of fshore s t ruc tures . Provides a u ni form m ethod for estab-l i shin g ra ted loa ds for off shore c ranes . Pag es: 37


5th Edition / April 1, 1995 / Product Number: G02C05 / Price: $83.00

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RP 2D 2


Operation and Maintenance of Offshore Cranes

Covers recom m enda t ions for deve loping sa fe opera t ing prac t ices an d proce-dures com pat ible with opera t ion of pedesta l -mou nted revolving c ran es usedof fshore on b ot tom -suppor ted pla t forms, floa t ing dr i l l ing tenders , sem i- sub-m ers ible r igs, and oth er types of floa t in g dr i l l ing equ ipm ent .4th Edition / August 1999 / Product Number: G02D04 / Price: $94.00


 Spec 2F v


Mooring Chain(ANSI/API Spec 2F-1997)

Covers flash-welded cha in used for m oor ing of off shore fl oa t ing vesse ls such as

drill ing vessels, pipe lay barges, derrick barges, and storage tankers. Pages: 16


6th Edition / June 1997 / Product Number: G02F06 / Price: $65.00




Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing, and Constructing Floating Production Systems

T he r e c omm e nde d p r a c t ic e i s ba se d on sound e ng i ne e r ing p r i nc ip l e s a n dm an y years of exper ience ga ined by the of f shore fl oa t ing system owners , oper-a tor s , des ign ers , fabr ica tor s , suppl ie r s , and cer t ifiers . In no case i s an y spec ificr e com m e nda t i on i n c l ude d t ha t c ou l d no t be a c c ompl i she d by p r e se n t l y a va i l -able techniqu es and equ ipm ent . Considera t ion i s given in a l l cases to thesafety of per sonn e l , com pl iance wi th exis t ing regula t ion s , and prevent ion of  pol lut ion. Pa ges: 95


1st Edition / March 2001 / Product Number: G2FPS1 / Price: $128.00


 Spec 2Hv


Carbon Manganese Steel Plate for Offshore Platform Tubular Joints

Covers two gra des of inte rm edia te s t rength s tee l pla tes up to 4 inch es thick foruse in welded con st ruc t ion of of f sho re s t ruc tures , in se lec ted c r i t ica l por t ionstha t mu st r es is t im pac t , plas tic fa t igue loadin g, and lam el la r tea r ing .8th Edition / August 1999 / Product Number: G02H08 / Price: $59.00




In-service Inspection of Mooring Hardware for Floating Drilling Units

Provides com prehen sive guide l ines for inspec t ing ca ten ary mo or ing com po-nen ts of floa t in g dr i l l ing u ni t s . Pages: 50


2nd Edition / November 1996 / Product Number: G02I02 / Price: $83.00




Planning, Designing and Constructing Heliports for Fixed Offshore

PlatformsProvides a gu ide for plan nin g, designin g, and con st ruc t ing he l ipor ts for fixedof fshore pla t form s. I t inc lu des opera t iona l con sidera t ion guide l ines , des ignl oa d c r i te r ia , he l i po r t si z e a nd m a r k i ng r e c omm e nda t i ons , a nd o t he r he l i po rtdesign recommendat ions . Pages: 14


4th Edition / May 1996 / Effective Date: June 1, 1996Product Number: G02L04 / Price: $59.00


 Spec 2MT1 v


Carbon Manganese Steel Plate with Improved Toughness for OffshoreStructures

API Spec 2MT1 covers one gra de of interm ediate streng th steel plates for u se inwelded construction of offshore structures. These steels are intended for fabri-ca t ion pr im ar i ly by cold formin g an d welding as per API Spec 2B. Pages: 62nd Edition/September 2001 / Product Number: G2MT12 / Price: $59.00


 Spec 2MT2 v


Rolled Shapes with Improved Notch Toughness

This spec ifica t ion covers rol led sha pes (wide flan ge shap es , an gles , e tc .) , h av-i ng a spec i fi ed m i n i mu m y ie l d s tr e ng t h o f 50 ks i ( 345 M pa ) , i n t e nde d fo r u sein of fshore s t ruc tu res . Com m on ly ava i lable Class A, Class B, an d Class Cbeam s refer to degrees of fractu re criticality as described in section 8.1.3 of APIRP 2A, with Class C being for the least cr itical applications. Pages: 81st Edition / June 2002 / Effective Date: December 1, 2002Product Number: G2MT21 / Price: $57.00



Planning, Designing, and Constructing Structures and Pipelines for Arctic Conditions

Cont a i ns c ons ide r a ti ons t ha t a r e u n i que f o r p l a nn i n g , de si gn i ng , a n d c on-s t ruc t ing Arc t ic systems. Used wi th oth er appl icable codes a nd s tanda rds l ikeAPI RP 2A or 1111, this r ecom m ended pra c t ice wi l l be he lpful in providingguida nce to th ose involved in the design of Arc t ic systems. Pa ges: 82


2nd Edition / December 1, 1995 / Reaffirmed, January 2001Product Number: G02N02 / Price: $106.00




Design of Risers for Floating Production Systems (FPSs) and Tension-Leg Platforms (TLPs)(ANSI/API RP 2RD-1998)

Addresses s t ruc tura l a na lysis procedures , des ign gu ide l ines , com pon ent se lec-t ion c r i te r ia an d typica l des igns for a l l n ew r i se r sys tems u sed on FPSs. Guid-an ce is a l so given for deve loping load inform at ion for the equipm ent a t tach edto the en ds of the r i se r s. Pages: 163


1st Edition / June 1998 / Product Number: G02RD1 / Price: $158.00


Bull 2S


Design of Windlass Wildcats for Floating Offshore Structures

Covers the design of windlass wildca ts to ensure proper fit a nd func t ionbe tween wi ldca t and moor ing cha in. Pages: 7


2nd Edition / November 1995 / Reaffirmed, January 2001Product Number: G02S02 / Price: $54.00


RP 2SK 2


Design and Analysis of Stationkeeping Systems for Floating Structures(replaces API RP 2FP1)


P r e se n t s a r a t i ona l m e t hod f o r a na l yz ing , de s ign i ng o r e va l ua t i ng m oor i ngsystem s used wi th floa t in g un i t s . This m ethod provides a u ni form a na lysist oo l wh i c h , w he n c om bi ne d w it h a n un de r st a nd i ng o f t he e nv ir onm e n t a t a

par t icula r loca t ion, the chara c te r is t ics of the u ni t be ing m oored, and oth erfac tor s, can be u sed to de te rm ine the a dequa cy and sa fe ty of the m oor ing sys-tem. Som e design gu ide l ines for dyna m ic posit ioning system s a re a lsoinc luded. Pa ges: 122


2nd Edition/ December 1996/ Product Number: G02SK2 / Price: $141.00


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Recommended Practice for Design, Manufacture, Installation, andMaintenance of Synthetic Fiber Ropes for Offshore Mooring 

This docum ent provides guide l ines on th e use of synth e t ic fiber ropes for of f-shore m oor ing a ppl ica t ions . The secondary purpose of this docum ent i s tohigh l ight di f fe rences be tween synth e t ic rope an d t r adi t iona l s tee l moor in gsystem s, and to provide prac t ica l gu idan ce on h ow to han dle these dif fe rencesdur in g system design an d ins ta l la t ion. Pages: 55


1st Edition / March 2001 / Product Number: G02SM1 / Price: $128.00


RP 2T 2


Planning, Designing and Constructing Tension Leg Platforms(ANSI/API RP 2T-1997)

Summar izes ava i lable informat ion and guidance for the design, f abr ica t ionan d ins ta l la t ion of a tension leg pla t form . Pages: 129


2nd Edition / August 1997 / Product Number: G02T02 / Price: $141.00


Bull 2U


Stability Design of Cylindrical Shells


Conta ins semi-empir ica l formula t ions for eva lua t ing buckl ing s t rength of  s t if fened an d u nst i f fened cylindr ica l she l l s . Pages: 83


2nd Edition / October 2000 / Product Number: G02U02 / Price: $118.00


Bull 2V


Design of Flat Plate Structures


Provides guidan ce for the design of s tee l fla t pla te s t ruc tures . Pages: 72


2nd Edition/ September 2000/ Product Number: G02V02/ Price: $106.00


 Spec 2W v


Steel Plates for Offshore Structures, Produced by Thermo-MechanicalControl Processing (TMCP)


Covers four grades of inte rm edia te s t rength s tee l pla tes for u se in welded con-s t ruc t ion of of fshore s t ruc tu res , in se lected c r i t ica l por t ion s which m ust r es is tim pac t , plas tic fa t igue loadin g, and lam el la r tea r ing. Grades 42, 50, and 50Tare covered in thickn esses up to 6 in . (150 m m ) in c lus ive , and Grade 60 i scovered in thickn esses up to 4 in . (100 m m ) in c lus ive . Pages: 10


4th Edition / August 1999 / Product Number: G02W04 / Price: $59.00


RP 2X 


Ultrasonic and Magnetic Examination of Offshore Structural Fabricationand Guidelines for Qualification of Technicians


Con t a i ns r e com m e nda t i ons f o r det e rm i n i ng t h e qua l i fi ca t i ons o f t ec hn i c i a nscondu ct ing inspec t ions of of fshore s t ruc tura l f abr ica t ion us ing u l t r asonic andm agn et ic devices . Recom m enda t ions a re a lso given for cont rol of inspec t ionsin a gen era l qua l i ty cont rol program . Pages: 77


3rd Edition / September 1996 / Effective Date: November 1, 1996Product Number: G02X03 / Price: $89.00


 Spec 2Y v


Steel Plates, Quenched-and-tempered, for Offshore Structures


Covers four grades of inte rm edia te s t rength s tee l pla tes for u se in welded con-

s t ruc t ion of of fshore s t ruc tu res , in se lected c r i t ica l por t ion s which m ust r es is tim pac t , plas tic fa t igue loadin g, and lam el la r tea r ing. Grades 42, 50, and 50Tare covered in thickn esses up to 6 in . (150 m m ) in c lus ive , and Grade 60 i scovered in thicknesses up to 4 in . (100 m m ) inc lu s ive .4th Edition / August 1999 / Effective Date: February 1, 2000Product Number: G02Y04 / Price: $59.00




Preproduction Qualification for Steel Plates for Offshore Structures(ANSI/API RP 2Z-1998)

Covers requ i remen ts for preprodu c t ion qu a l ifica t ion, by spec ia l welding an dm echan ica l test ing of specific s tee l -ma king p rocess ing procedures for them an ufac ture of s teel by a spec ific producer . I t was developed in con jun c t ionwith, an d is inten ded prim arily for use with API Specs 2W an d 2Y. However, i tm ay be used to supplem ent API Spec 2H. Pages: 15


3rd Edition / August 1998 / Product Number: G02Z03 / Price: $78.00


Series 4: Derricks and Masts


 Spec 4F v


Drilling and Well Servicing Structures


Covers the design , m an ufac ture , an d u se of stee l der r icks, por table m asts ,c rown block assem bl ies, an d subst ruc tu res sui table for dr i l l ing an d se rvic ingof wel ls . I t inc ludes s t ipula t ions for m arking , inspec t ion, s tan dard ra t ings ,design loading, an d design spec ifica t ion of the equipm ent . Pages: 17


2nd Edition / June 1, 1995 / Reaffirmed, February 2001Product Number: G04F02 / Price: $71.00


RP 4G 2


Maintenance and Use of Drilling and Well Servicing Structures


Covers s t ruc tura l r epa i r an d m odifica t ion, r a is ing l ine inspec t ion, gu ying an dguywire anchors , foundat ions and low tempera ture opera t ions .2nd Edition / October 1998 / Product Number: G04G02 / Price: $71.00


Series 5: Tubular Goods


Report of Eastern/Western Hemisphere Production of Casing, Tubing, and Drill Pipe


This r epor t conta in s 2001 wor ldwide produc t ion figu res of cas ing, tubin g an ddr i l l pipe repor ted by s ize , grade an d wal l thickn ess. The da ta was suppl ied byAPI Mon ogram l icensed m i l les . The repor t wi l l be i ssued an nu a l ly.2002 / Product Number: GTCT01 / Price: $142.00 (set of two reports)2001 / Product Number: GTCT00 / Price: $142.00 (set of two reports)

2000 / Product Number: GTCT99 / Price: $142.00 (set of two reports)1999 / Product Number: GTCT98 / Price: $142.00 (set of two reports)1998 / Product Number: GTCT97 / Price: $142.00 (set of two reports)


Report of Eastern/Western Hemisphere Production of Line Pipe


This r epor t conta in s 2001 wor ldwide produc t ion fi gu res of l ine pipe repor tedby s ize , grade an d wal l thickn ess. The da ta was suppl ied by API Mono gramlicensed m i l les . The repor t wi l l be i ssued a nn ua l ly.2002 / Product Number: GTLP01 / Price: $142.00 (set of two reports)2001 / Product Number: GTLP00 / Price: $142.00 (set of two reports)2000 / Product Number: GTLP99 / Price: $142.00 (set of two reports)1999 / Product Number: GTLP98 / Price: $142.00 (set of two reports)1998 / Product Number: GTLP97 / Price: $142.00 (set of two reports)


RP 5A3


 Thread Compounds for Casing, Tubing, and Line Pipe

(supersedes Bull 5A2)


Provides the m ean s for eva lua t ing th e sui tabi l i ty of thread com pou nds for useon API roun d thread an d but t ress cas ing, tubing, an d l ine pipe conn ec t ions inhigh -pressure se rvice . The tes ts out l ined in this pu bl ica t ion a re u sed to eva lu -a te the c r i tica l per form an ce proper ties of thread com pou nds u nd er labora torycondi t ions . Pag es: 31


1st Edition / June 1, 1996 / Effective Date: October 1, 1996Product Number: G05A31 / Price: $94.00

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RP 5A5Field Inspection of New Casing, Tubing, and Plain End Drill Pipe(includes Supplement 1, April 15, 1999)

Inc lu des recom m ended procedu res for fie ld inspec t ion a nd tes t ing of new cas-ing, tubin g, and pla in-en d dr i l l pipe . Pages: 706th Edition / December 1997 / Effective Date: March 1, 1998Product Number: G05A56 / Price: $118.00

 Spec 5B v

 Threading, Gauging, and Thread Inspection of Casing, Tubing, and LinePipe Threads(includes Errata dated April 1998)

Covers dimensions and marking requi rements for API maste r thread gauges .Addi t iona l produ c t threa ds and th read gau ges , as wel l as ins t rum ents andm ethods for the inspec t ion of threads for l ine pipe , roun d thread cas in g, but -t r ess cas ing, an d ext reme- l ine cas ing con nec t ions a re inc lud ed. Pages: 7914th Edition / August 1996 / Effective Date: December 1, 1996Product Number: G05B14 / Price: $118.00

RP 5B1 Threading, Gauging, and Thread Inspection of Casing, Tubing, and Line

Pipe ThreadsCovers thread ing, gau ging, gau ging pra c t ice , and inspec t ion of threads forcas ing, tubin g, an d l ine pipe m ade u nder Spec ifica t ions 5CT, 5D, an d 5L . Alsocovers gauge spec ifica t ions an d cer t ifica t ion for cas ing, tubing , and l ine pipegau ges . Pages: 485th Edition / August 1999 / Product Number: G05B15 / Price: $106.00

RP 5C1Care and Use of Casing and Tubing 

Covers use , t r anspor ta t ion , storage , han dl ing, an d recondi t ionin g of cas inga nd t ub i ng . P a ge s : 3118th Edition / May 1999 / Product Number: G05C18 / Price: $83.00

Bull 5C2Performance Properties of Casing, Tubing, and Drill Pipe

Covers col lapsing pressures , inte rna l yie ld p ressures , an d joint s t r ength s of APIcasing, tubin g, and dr i l l pipe. Pages: 5021st Edition / October 1999 / Product Number: G05C21 / Price: $89.00

Bull 5C3Formulas and Calculations for Casing, Tubing, Drill Pipe, and Line PipeProperties(includes Supplement 1, April 15, 1999)

Provides formu las used in th e ca lcula t ions of var ious pipe proper t ies , an dba c kgr ound i n f o rm a t i on r e ga r d i ng t he i r de ve l opme n t a n d u se. P a ge s : 476th Edition/November 1, 1994/Product Number: G05C36 / Price: $78.00

RP 5C5Evaluation Procedures for Casing and Tubing Connections

Descr ibes tes ts to be per form ed to de te rm ine th e ga l l ing tenden cy, sea l ing p er-

forma nce , and s t ruc tu ra l integr i ty of tubu la r conn ec t ions . Pages: 992nd Edition/November 1996 / Product Number: G05C52 / Price: $123.00

RP 5C6Welding Connections to Pipe

Provides a s tan dard in dust ry prac t ice for the shop an d fie ld welding of con -nec tor s to pipe . The technica l con tent provides requ i remen ts for welding pro-cedure qua l ifica t ions , welder per forma nce qu a l ifica t ions , m ater ia ls , test ing,produ c t ion welding, an d inspec t ion. Pages: 81st Edition / December 1996 / Product Number: G05C61 / Price: $59.00

RP 5C7Coiled Tubing Operations in Oil and Gas Well Services

Provided to m eet the need for des ign an d opera t ing recom m enda t ions cover-ing th e coi led tubin g indu st ry. Pages: 701st Edition / December 1996 / Product Number: G05C71 / Price: $100.00

 Spec 5CT/ISO 11960 v7

Specification for Casing and Tubing Petroleum and natural gas industriesÑSteel pipes for use as casing or tubing for wells

This s tan dard spec ifies the technica l de l ivery condi t ions for s tee l pipes (cas-ing, tubin g, pla in end ca s ing l iner s and pu p- joints) an d accessor ies. I t i s theU.S. Nat iona l a dopt ion o f ISO 11960. This s tanda rd i s appl icable to the fol -lowing con nec t ions in accordan ce with API Spec 5B:• sho r t roun d t h r e a d ca s i ng ( S T C) ;• l ong r ound t h r e a d c a s ing ( L C) ;• bu t t r es s th r e a d c a s i ng ( BC) ;• e x t re me - l i ne c a s ing ( X C) ;• n o n - u p s e t t u b in g ( N U ) ;• e x t er na l upse t tub i ng ( E U ) ;• i n t e g ra l j o in t t ub i ng ( I J) .7th Edition / October 1, 2001 / Effective Date: April 1, 2002Product Number: GX05CT7 / Price: $147.00

 Spec 5D v

Specification for Drill Pipe

API Spec 5D covers Group s 1 an d 3 drill pipe; specifically, tho se in certain des-igna t ions an d wal l thickn esses as provided in the s tanda rds l is t and tables .Pages: 345th Edition / October 2001 / Effective Date: April 30, 2002Product Number: G05D05 / Price: $91.00

 Spec 5L v

Line Pipe

Provides stan dards for pipe sui table for use in conveying gas , wate r, an d oi l inboth th e oi l and n a tu ra l gas ind ust r ies. Covers seam less an d welded stee l l inepipe , inc luding s tandard-weight and ext ra - s t rong threaded l ine pipe ; andstandard-weight pla in-end, r egula r -weight pla in-end, spec ia l pla in-end,ext ra - s t ron g pla in-en d, and dou ble-ext ra - s t rong pla in -end pipe ; as well asbe l l an d spigot an d throu gh -flowing (TFL) pipe . Pages: 15342nd Edition / January 2000 / Effective Date: July 1, 2000Product Number: G05L42 / Price: $176.00

RP 5L1 7

Railroad Transportation of Line Pipe

The recommendat ions provided here in apply to the t r anspor ta t ion on ra i lca r sof API Specifica tion 5L steel line p ipe in sizes 23 / 8 a n d l a r ge r in l e ng t hs l onge rt ha n s ing l e r a ndom . T he se r ec omm e nda t i ons c ove r c oa t ed o r u nc oa t e d p i pe ,but th ey do n ot encom pass loading pra c t ices designed to protec t pipe coa t ingfr om da m a ge . P a ge s: 66th Edition / July 2002 / Product Number: G5L106 / Price: $59.00

RP 5L2 7

Internal Coating of Line Pipe for Non-Corrosive Gas TransmissionService

This Recomm ended Pra c t ice provides for the inte rna l coa t ing of line pipeused for non -cor rosive na tu ra l gas se rvice . I t is l imi ted to the a ppl ica t ion of  inte rna l coa t ings on n ew pipe pr ior to ins ta l la t ion. Pa ges: 214th Edition / July 2002 / Product Number: G5L204 / Price: $59.00

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RP 5L3


Conducting Drop-weight Tear Tests on Line Pipe


Descr ibes procedures for a r ecomm ended m ethod for condu ct ing drop-weigh ttear tests to m easure th e f rac ture a ppearan ce or f rac ture du c t i li ty of l ine pipeas referenced in API Specification 5L. Pages: 9


3rd Edition / January 1996 / Product Number: G05L33 / Price: $59.00


RP 5L7


Unprimed Internal Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coating of Line Pipe

(ANSI/API RP 5L7-1993)

Provides recom m enda t ions for m ater ia ls , appl ica t ion, tes ting a nd in spec tionof inte rn a l fus ion bon ded epoxy coa t ings on l in e pipe . Pages: 25


2nd Edition / June 30, 1988 / Reaffirmed, January 1, 1994Product Number: G02906 / Price: $65.00


RP 5L8


Field Inspection of New Line Pipe


Covers the qu a l ifica t ion of inspec t ion personn e l , a descr ipt ion o f inspec tionm e t hods, a n d a ppa r a t us c a l i b r a ti on a nd s ta n da r d i za t i on p r oc e dur e s fo r va r i -ous i n spe c ti on m e t hods. T he e va lua t ion o f i mpe r fe c ti ons a n d m a r k i ng o f  inspec ted new l ine pipe a re in c luded. Also inc luded a re recom m ended proce-dures for fie ld inspec tion a nd tes t ing of new pla in-en d l ine pipe . This docu-m ent was prepared spec ifica l ly to address the prac t ices an d techn ology used infie ld inspec t ion of l ine pipe , an d cer ta in par ts a re n ot sui table or appropr ia tefor m i l l inspec tions . Pag es: 39


2nd Edition / December 1996 / Product Number: G05L82 / Price: $94.00


RP 5L9 v7


Recommended Practice for External Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coating of Line Pipe


Provides stand ards for pipe sui table for use in conveying gas , wate r, an d oi l inboth th e oi l and n a tu ra l gas ind ust r ies. Covers seam less an d welded stee l l inepipe , inc luding s tandard-weight and ext ra - s t rong threaded l ine pipe ; andstandard-weight pla in-end, r egula r -weight pla in-end, spec ia l pla in-end,ext ra - s t ron g pla in-en d, and dou ble-extra - s t rong pla in -end pipe ; as wel l asbe l l an d spigot an d throu gh-fl owing (TFL) pipe . Pag es: 35


1st Edition / December 2001 / Product Number: G5L901 / Price: $57.00


 Spec 5LC v


CRA Line Pipe


Covers seam less, cent r i fug a l cas t a nd welded cor rosion res is tant a l loy l inepipe. Austenitic Stainless, and Martensitic Stainless, Duplex Stainless and NiBase Al loys . Inc lud es s tanda rd weight , r egu la r weight , spec ia l , ext ra - s t rong,an d doub le ext ra - s t rong pla in-en d l ine pipe . Processes of m an ufac turer ,chem ica l and ph ysica l r equi rem ents and m ethods of test . Metr ic un i t s in thisspec ifica t ion a re shown in i ta l ic type in paren theses in the text and in m an ytables. Pages: 72


3rd Edition / July 1998 / Effective Date: December 31, 1998Product Number: G05LC3 / Price: $118.00


 Spec 5LCP v


Coiled Line Pipe


Provides stand ards for pipe sui table for use in conveying gas , wate r, an d oi l inboth th e oi l and na tura l ga s indu st r ies . This spec ifica t ion covers welded s tee lc on t i nuou s ly mi l l e d p ipe i n t he s i z e ra n ge 0 . 5 in . ( 12 . 7 m m ) t o 6 . 625 i n .(168.3 m m ) . P ipe tha t is pipe- to-pipe welded outs ide the confin es of the m an -ufac tur ing plant i s not inc luded wi thin this document . Pages: 42


1st Edition / November 1999 / Product Number: G05LCP / Price: $100.00


 Spec 5LD v


CRA Clad or Lined Steel Pipe


Covers seam less, cent r i fug a l cas t , an d welded c lad s tee l line pipe , an d l inedstee l pipe wi th im proved cor rosion - res is tant prop er t ies . The c lad an d l inedstee l l ine pipe spec ified in this docum ent sha l l be com posed of a base m eta louts ide an d CRA layer ins ide the pipe . The ba se ma ter ia l sha l l conform to APISpec 5L Specification for Line Pipe 


e xc ep t a s m od i fi e d i n t he 5L C docum e n t .

Provides stan dards for pipe wi th im proved cor rosion res is tance sui table for u sein con veying ga s , wate r, and oi l in both the oi l and n a tu ra l gas indu st r ies .Pages: 23


2nd Edition / July 1998 / Effective Date: December 31, 1998Product Number: G05LD2 / Price: $89.00




 Transportation of Line Pipe on Barges and Marine Vessels


Applies to the transportation of API Specification 5L steel l ine pipe by ship orbarge . Covers both inlan d an d m ar ine waterways except in cases where thespec ific requi rement of a paragraph re fe rences only mar ine or only inland-waterway t ran spor t . Pages: 6


2nd Edition / December 1996 / Product Number: G05LW2 / Price: $59.00


 Std 5T1


Imperfection Terminology


Provides defin i t ions in En gl ish, French , Germ an , Ita l ian, Japa nese , and Spanish for a nu m ber of defec ts which com m only occur in s teel pipe . Pages: 44


10th Edition / November 1996 / Product Number: G05T10 / Price: $83.00


TR 5TRSR22 7


 Technical Report in SR22 Supplementary Requirements for EnhancedLeak Resistance LTC


T h i s doc um e n t c over s t he supp l e me n t a l r e qu i r em e n t s fo r E nh a n c e d Le a kResistance LTC (SC22) connections and the changes in API Spec 5CT, API Std5B, API 5B1 an d API RP 5 C1 needed to produ ce and inspec t these connec t ions .By a g r e e me n t be t w ee n t h e pu r c ha se r a n d m a nu fa c t u r e r, t he supp l e me n t a lrequi rem ents for SR22 sha l l apply to conn ec t ions m an ufac tured in accor -dan ce with API Spec 5CT. Pages: 24


1st Edition / June 2002 / Product Number: GSR221 / Price: $64.00


RP 5UE 7


Recommended Practice for Ultrasonic Evaluation of Pipe Imperfections


This r ecom m ended prac t ice (RP) descr ibes procedures tha t m ay be used to“prove-up” the depth or s ize of imper fect ions . Inc luded in this prac t ice a re therecomm ended procedu res for ul t r ason ic prove-up inspec t ion of new pipeusing th e Am pl i tude Compa r ison Techn ique (ACT) an d the Am pl i tude Dis-tance Dif fe rent ia l Techn ique ( ADDT) for 1) eva lua t ion of sur face breakin gim per fec t ions in th e body of pipe , and 2) su r face breaking a nd su bsur faceim per fec t ions in the weld a rea o f e lect r ic -res is tance , e lec t ric - induc t ion , orlaser welded pipe . The appl icable spec ifica t ion sha l l be th e basis to de term inethe type and loca t ion of im per fec t ion tha t i s to be de tec ted by inspec t ion, an dthe acceptan ce / re ject ion c r i te r ia for the im per fec t ion. For th e purpo se of thisdocument , pipe i s defined as inc luding cas ing, pla in-end cas ing l iner s , tub-ing, pla in -end dr i l l pipe , l ine pipe , coi led l ine pipe , pu p joints , coupl ing s tock,and connec tor mater ia l . Pages: 16


1st Edition / March 2002 / Product Number: G5UE01 / Price: $57.00

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Series 6: Valves and Wellhead Equipment

 Spec 6A 2v

Wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment (incorporates earlier Errata and Supplement 1 Material)

Covers equipm ent u t i l ized for pressure con t rol sys tems for produ c t ion of oi l

an d gas . Spec ific equipm ent covered by this spec ifica t ion inc lu des end a ndout le t conn ec tors; r ing gaske ts ; chok es; va lves inc luding sur face an d u nder -water sa fe ty va lves; ac tua tor s ; an d wel lhea d an d Chr is tma s t r ee equipm ent( e xa m pl e s: c a si ng h e a d hou s ings , c a si ng a n d t ub i ng he a d spoo l s, ha n ge r s,conn ec tors, fi t t ings) . Also covers r epa i r an d rem an ufac ture of wellhead a ndChr i st ma s t r ee e qu i pm e n t t ha t w a s o r i g i na l l y ma n uf a c t u r e d i n a c c o r da nc ewi th the 15 th o r la te r edi t ion of this spec ifica t ion. S ince API Spec ifica t ion 6Ais sent loose lea f , r ing bin ders a re ava i lable for pu rchase . Pag es: 20917th Edition / November 1999 / Effective Date: May 30, 2000REISSUED, DECEMBER 20, 2002Product Number: G06A17 / Price: $180.00Binder Product Number: G09300 / Price: $40.00

Bull 6AFCapabilities of API Flanges Under Combinations of Load

Presents the resul t s of ana lysis work done in API research projec t 86-21 toes tabl i sh th e load ca pac i ty of a l l flan ges give in the Apr i l 1986 edi t ions of APISpecification s 6A an d 6AB. A total of 69 different geom etries were an alyzed.The var ious loads considered were bol t m akeu p (pre load) , inte rna l pressure ,t e ns ion , a n d be nd i ng m om e nt . P a ge s: 762nd Edition/ September 1995/Product Number: G06AF2 / Price: $106.00

TR 6AF1 Temperature Derating of API Flanges Under Combination of Loading 

Cont inu a t i on t o t he r e por t on t he c a pa b i l it ie s o f fl a nge s un de r c ombi ne dloading s (PR AC 86-21) which resul ted in th e pu bl ica t ion of API Bul le t in 6AF.Inc lu ded in th is techn ica l r epor t i s an in-depth look into th e e ffec t of eleva tedtemp era tures of API fla nges . The resul t s in th is r epor t a re an a lyt ica l an dassum e a tempera tu re gradient ac ross the flan ge as sta ted in this r epor t .Pages: 256

2nd Edition / November 1998 / Product Number: G06AF1 / Price: $118.00

TR 6AF2Capabilities of API Integral Flanges Under Combination of Loading 

Indica tes increased load car rying capac i ty for severa l flan ges based on sepa-ra te s t r ess l imi t ing c r i ter ia . These s t r ess l im i t ing ch ar ts were not provided sep-ara te ly in the o r igina l work in API Bul le t in 6AF, which com bined th em wi thleakage c r i te r ia . The th ree-dimen siona l m odel an a lyses of this s tudy provideverifica t ion th a t exisym m etr ic fin i te elem ents r esul t s of flang es , as u sed inBulletin 6AF, are con servative. Addition ally, this stu dy determ ined a fewflan ges to have less loading ca pac i ty tha n o r igina l ly defined in API Spec 6Afor m a ke up l oa d i ng , a n d t hu s ha ve be en r e duc e d to m e e t des ign r e qu i r e-m ents . Pages: 1092nd Edition / April 1999 / Product Number: G6AF22 / Price: $135.00

TR 6AMMaterial Toughness

Inc lu des CVN tou ghn ess requi rem ent tha t can be used as a qua l i ty assura ncem easure in API Spec 6A equipm ent to sc reen m ater ia ls wi th poor n otchtough ness . Pages: 122nd Edition/September 1, 1995/Product Number: G06AM2/Price:$54.00

 Spec 6AV1 2

Verification Test of Wellhead Surface Safety Valves and Underwater Safety Valves for Offshore Service(includes Errata dated December 1996)

Establishes testing requ irem ents to verify the d esign of sur face safety valves (SSVs)an d u nderwater safety valves (USVs), an d SSV/USV actua tors, ma nu factured inaccordan ce with API Specification 6A. Inclu des requirem ents for verification test-ing o f SSVs an d USVs for two perform an ce requirem ent levels. Pa ges: 141st Edition / February 1, 1996 / Product Number: G06AV1 / Price: $54.00

 Spec 6D/ISO 14313 v7

Specification for Pipeline Valves

API Spec ifica t ion 6D is the ( proposed) n a t iona l adopt ion of ISO 14313: 1999MOD, Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries—Pipeline Transportation Systems—Pipeline Valves . This Inte rna t iona l S tan dard spec ifies requi re -m e n t s a nd g i ve s r e com m e nda t i ons fo r t he de s ign , m a n uf a c tu r i ng , t e st i ng a n ddocum enta t ion o f ba l l , check, ga te and plu g va lves for appl ica t ion in pipe l inesystem s. Valves for pressure ra t ings exceeding PN 420 (Class 2500) a re n otcovered by this In te rna t ion a l S tan dard. Ann ex A of this Spec 6D providesguide l ines to a ss is t the pu rcha ser with va lve type se lec t ion a nd spec ifica t ion of  spec ific requi rem ents when order in g va lves . Ann ex E provides informa t ion onAPI Monogram Licensing requi rem ents . Ann ex F inc lud es the techn ica l mod-

ifica t ions and edi tor ia l cha ng es . Pa ges: 7222nd Edition / January 2002 / Effective Date: July 1, 2002Product Number: GX06D22 / Price: $95.00

TR 6F1Performance of API and ANSI End Connections in a Fire Test According to API Specification 6FA

This Techn ica l Repor t i s the su m m ar iza t ion o f r esul t s of fou r projec ts to testthe per forma nce of API an d ANSI end conn ec t ion s in a fi re test according toAPI Spec ifica t ion 6FA. The appen dices present th e an a lyt ica l procedu res usedto genera te per forma nce predic t ion. Pages: 293rd Edition / April 1999 / Product Number: G06F13 / Price: $83.00

TR 6F2Fire Resistance Improvements for API Flanges

Establ i shes recommended methods for improving the per formance of s tan-dard API fla ng es when su bjec ted to th e adverse ef fec ts of externa l high tem-pera tures indu ced by exposure to fires . This publ ica t ion does not cover fireprevent ion , suppress ion, or fi refight in g prac t ices.3rd Edition / April 1999 / Product Number: G06F23 / Price: $78.00

 Spec 6FA 2

Fire Test for Valves

Covers the requ i remen ts for tes ting a nd eva lua t ing the per forma nce of APISpec 6A an d Spec 6D va lves when exposed to spec ifica l ly defined fire con di-t ions . Pages: 73rd Edition / April 1999 / Product Number: G06FA3 / Price: $71.00

 Spec 6FB 2

Fire Test for End Connections

Covers fac i l i ty r equi rem ents an d procedures for fire tes ting o f end conn ec-t ions . Pages: 203rd Edition / May 1998 / Effective Date: November 30, 1998Product Number: G06FB3 / Price: $78.00

 Spec 6FC 2

Fire Test for Valve With Automatic Backseats

Covers the requ i remen ts for tes ting a nd eva lua t ing the per forma nce of APISpec 6A an d Spec 6D va lves wi th au tom at ic backsea ts when exposed to spec ifi-ca l ly defined fire con di t ions . Pages: 73rd Edition / April 1999 / Product Number: G06FC3 / Price: $71.00

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 Spec 6FD 2

Fire Test for Check Valves

Establ i shes the requi remen t for test ing an d eva lua t ing the pressure conta in-ing per form an ce of API Specs 6A an d 6D ch eck va lves when exposed to fire .The per form an ce requ i remen ts of this docum ent a re intended to es tabl i shs tanda rd l im i ts of acceptabi l i ty regardless of s ize or pressure ra t ing. Pa ges: 91st Edition/February 15, 1995/Product Number: G06FD1 / Price: $65.00

 Spec 6H v

End Closures, Connectors, and Swivels

Cove r s p i pe li ne c l osu r e s , c onn e c ti ons , c oup l i n gs , m i sa l ignm e n t de v i c es( sw i ve l s) a nd sp l it m e c ha n i c a l fi t t i ngs . P a ge s : 282nd Edition / May 1998 / Effective Date: November 1, 1998Product Number: G06H02 / Price: $71.00

Bull 6J Testing of Oilfield Elastomers (A Tutorial)(ANSI/API Bull 6J-1992)

A tutor ia l for the eva lua t ion of e las tom er test sam ples of ac tua l e las tomer icsea l mem bers intended for use in the oi l an d gas ind ust ry. I t is a l so a r eview of  the tes ting c r i te r ia , envi ronm ents , eva lu a t ion procedu res , guide l ines for com-par isons , an d e f fec ts of other considera t ions on th e eva lu a t ion of e las tomer icsea l m a t e r ia l s a nd m e mbe r s . P a ge s: 152nd Edition / May 1998 / Effective Date: November 1, 1998Reaffirmed, January 2000 / Product Number: G03230 / Price: $59.00

TR 6J1Elastomer Life Estimation Testing Procedures

The proposed procedure discussed in th is publ ica t ion out l ines a techniqu ebased on th e Ar rhen ius pr inc iple of chem ica l r eac t ion ra tes , which perm i tsthe l i fe of an e las tom er ic ma ter ia l to be es t im ated when exposed to a severeservice envi ronm ent . This i s a com pan ion docu m ent to API Bul le t in 6J , 2n dEdi t ion.1st Edition / August 2000 / Product Number: G06J11 / Price: $59.00

Series 7: Drilling Equipment

 Spec 7 v

Rotary Drill Stem Elements

Cove r s d im e ns i ona l r e qu i r e m e n t s on d r i l l st e m m e m be r s ( e xc ep t d r i l l p ipe ) ,i nc l ud i ng t h r e a de d c onne c t ions , ga ug i n g p r a c t i ce , a nd m a s t e r ga u ge s .Pag es: 8940th Edition / November 2001 / Effective Date: March 2002Product Number: G07040 / Price: $131.00

RP 7A1 2

 Testing of Thread Compound for Rotary Shouldered Connections(ANSI/API RP 7A1-1992)

Provides recom m enda t ions for test ing the f r ict iona l per forma nce of threadcompounds for rota ry shouldered connec t ions .1st Edition / November 1, 1992 / Reaffirmed, September 1999

Product Number: G03305 / Price: $47.00

 Spec 7F v

Oil Field Chain and Sprockets

Covers s tan dard a nd hea vy ser ies rol le r cha in s for oi l-fie ld app l ica t ion s ,inc luding cha in designa t ion, cha in length tole rance , tensi le s t r ength spec ifi-ca t ions , pin an d bush ing pressout specifica t ions , and dyna m ic tes t r equi re -m ents . Pages: 216th Edition / August 1999 / Product Number: G07F06 / Price: $78.00

RP 7G 2

Drill Stem Design and Operating Limits(includes Errata dated May 2000)

Covers recom m enda t ions for the design an d se lec t ion of dr il l st r ing m em bersan d inc ludes considera t ions of hole angle cont rol , dr i l ling flu ids , weight , androta ry speed. Tables and gra phs a re inc luded th a t present dim ensiona l ,m echan ica l , and per forma nce proper t ies of new and u sed dr i ll pipe ; new tool

 jo in ts u se d wi th n ew a n d u se d dr il l p ip e; d ri ll co ll a rs ; a n d kel lys . R ec om -m ended s tan dards for inspec tion of used dr i l l pipe , used tubin g work s t r ings ,an d used tool joints a re inc lu ded. Pages: 15416th Edition / August 1998 / Effective Date: December 1, 1998Product Number: G07G6A / Price: $147.00

 Spec 7K v

Specification for Drilling and Well Servicing Equipment 

(Includes Addendum Dated September 2002)

This specifica t ion provides genera l pr inc iples and s tan dards for design, m an -ufac ture an d test ing of new dr i l l ing a nd wel l se rvic ing equipm ent an dr e p la c e me n t p r i m a r y l oa d c a r r yi ng c om pone n t s m a nu fa c t u r e d subseque n t t othe pu bl ica t ion of this spec ifica t ion. Pa ges: 553rd Edition / October 2001 / Effective Date, April 1, 2002

Product Number: G07K03 / Price: $107.00

RP 7LInspection, Maintenance, Repair, and Remanufacture of Drilling Equipment 

Provides owners an d u ser s of dr i ll ing equ ipm ent wi th gu ide l ines for inspec-t ion , m a i n t e na n c e , r e pa i r, a nd r e ma n uf a c t u r e p r oce dur e s tha t m a y be u t i -l ized to m ain ta in se rviceabi l i ty of the dr i l l ing equipm ent . Covers thefollowing dr i l l ing equ ipm ent : rota ry tables ; rota ry bu shing s; rota ry s l ips;rota ry hoses; s lush pu m p conn ec tors; drawworks comp onen ts ; spiders notused as e leva tor s ; m an ua l tongs; an d sa fe ty c lam ps not used as hois t ingdevices. Pages: 261st Edition / December 1995 / Effective Date: April 1, 1996Reaffirmed, September 2002 / Product Number: G07L01 / Price: $78.00

Series 8: Hoisting Tools Spec 8A v

Drilling and Production Hoisting Equipment (includes Addendum 1 dated May 2001, Effective Date:November 2001)

Covers ma ter ia l r equ i remen ts for , an d m ethods of r a t ing an d tes ting, ce r ta inho i s ti ng e qu i pme n t u se d i n d r i ll i ng a n d p r oduc t i on ope r a t i ons . P a ge s: 2613th Edition / December 1997 / Effective Date: May 1998Product Number: G08A13 / Price: $78.00

RP 8B/ISO 13534 7

Inspection, Maintenance, Repair, and Remanufacture of Hoisting Equipment 

Petroleum and natural gas industries-Drilling and production

equipmentÑInspection, maintenance, repair and remanufacture of hoisting equipment 

API Recom m end P rac t ice 8B provides guide l ines an d es tabl i shes requi re -m e n t s fo r i n spe ct i on , m a i n t e na n c e , re pa i r, a n d r e m a nu fa c t u r e o f i te ms o f  ho i s ti ng e qu i pm e n t u se d i n d r i l l ing a nd p r oduc t ope ra t i ons t o ma i n t a i nequipment serviceability.

More spec ifica l ly, this r ecomm ended p rac t ice covers such i tems as c rown-block sheaves an d bear in gs , dr i l ling hoo ks, e leva tor l inks , rota ry swive ls ,

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dead- l ine t ie -down/wire l ine an chors , an d sa fe ty c lam ps. This edi tion o f APIRP 9B is an iden t ica l adopt ion of ISO 13534:2000. Pages: 137th Edition / March 2002 / Product Number: GX08B07 / Price: $59.00

 Spec 8C v

Drilling and Production Hoisting Equipment (PSL 1 & PSL 2)(includes Addendum 1 dated May 2001, Effective Date:

November 2001)Provides s tanda rds for design, m an ufac ture an d test ing of hois t ing equipm entsui table for use in dr i l l ing an d produ c t ion opera t ions . Pages: 403rd Edition / December 1997 / Effective Date: May 1998Product Number: G08C03 / Price: $89.00

Series 9: Wire Rope

 Spec 9A 2v

Wire Rope

Covers wire rope of var iou s grades a nd const ruc t ion; a lso, torpedo l ines , wel l -m easur in g wire , an d ga lvan ized wire guy s t ran d. Moor ing wire rope is a l soinc luded. Pa ges: 3324th Edition / June 1, 1995 / Reaffirmed, September 2002

Product Number: G09A24 / Price: $65.00

 Spec 9A 2

Wire RopeÑRussian

The Ru ssian t r ansla t ion of Spec 9A.24th Edition / June 1, 1995 / Product Number: G09A0R / Price: $71.00

RP 9B 2

Application, Care, and Use of Wire Rope for Oil Field Service

Covers size and con st ruc t ion, fie ld care an d use , fie ld problem s and th e i rcau ses, r ecom m ended design fea tures of wire rope , an d eva lua t ion of rota rydr i l l ing l ines . Pages: 3011th Edition / September 2002/ Product Number: G09B11 / Price: $83.00

Series 10: Oil Well Cements

 Spec 10A/ISO 10426-1 v7

Specification for Cements and Materials for Well Cementing Petroleum and natural gas industriesÑCements and materials for wellcementingÑPart 1: Specification

Spec ifies requi rem ents an d gives recom m enda t ions for e ight c lasses of wel lc e me n t s , inc l ud i ng t he i r c he mi c a l a n d ph ysi c a l r equ i r e me n t s a n d p r oc e -dures for ph ysica l tes ting. Th is specifica t ion i s appl icable to wel l cem entClasses A, B, C, D, E an d F, which a re th e produ c ts obta ined by gr in ding Por t -l a nd c e me n t c l i nke r a nd , i f ne e ded , c a l ci um su l fa t e a s a n i n t e r gr oun d a dd i -t ive . Process ing addi t ives m ay be used in th e m an ufac ture of cemen t of thesec lasses . Sui table se t-m odifying a gents m ay be inte rgroun d or blended du r ingm an u facture o f Classes D, E an d F. API Spec 10A is also app licable to wellcemen t Classes G and H, which a re the produ c ts obta in ed by gr ind ing Por t -lan d cemen t c l inker wi th n o addi t ives other than ca lc ium sul fa te or water.

This edi t ion of API Spec 10A is an adopt ion of ISO 10426-1:2000 wi th edi tor ia lcha nges an d the addi t ion of an API Monogra m Ann ex. Pages: 4623rd Edition / April 2002 / Product Number: GX10A23 / Price: $100.00

RP 10B Testing Well Cements(includes Addendums 1 and 2, dated October 1999and November 2000)

Provides guida nce for the test ing of cemen t s lur r ies an d re la ted m ater ia lsun der s im ula ted wel l condi t ions . Pages: 14422nd Edition/December 1997/Product Number: G10B22/Price: $147.00

 Spec 10D/ISO 10427-1 v7

Specification for Bow-Spring Casing CentralizersPetroleum and natural gas industriesÑCasing centralizersÑPart 1: Bow-spring casing centralizers

P r ovi de s m i n i mu m pe r fo r ma nc e r e qu i r em e n t s , t e st p r oc edur e s a nd m a r k i ngrequi rem ents for bow-spr ing cas ing cent ra l ize r s for the pe t roleum an d na tu-ra l gas ind ust r ies. The procedures provide ver ifica t ion tes t ing for the m an u-fac turer ’s des ign, m ater ia ls an d process specifica t ions , an d per iodic tes ting toconfi rm the consis tency of produ c t per form an ce . API Spec 10D is no t appl ica-ble to r igid or positive centralizers. This edition of API Spec 10D is an adop-t ion of ISO 10427-1:2001 wi th the a ddi t ion of an an nex for the APIM onogr a m . P a ge s : 126th Edition / March 2002 / Product Number: GX10D06 / Price: $65.00

RP 10F/ISO 18165 7

Recommended Practice for Performance Testing of Cementing Float Equipment Petroleum and natural gas industriesÑPerformance testing of cementing float equipment 

Descr ibes tes ting p rac t ices to eva lu a te the per form an ce of cem ent ing floa te qu i pme n t fo r t he pe tr o l eum a n d na t u r a l ga s i ndus t r ie s. T h i s re c omm e ndprac t ice is appl icable to floa t equipm ent tha t wi ll be in con tac t with water -based flu ids used for dr i l l ing an d cem ent ing wel ls . I t i s not appl icable to floa tequipm ent per form an ce in n on -water-based fluids . This edi t ion of API RP 10Fis an iden t ica l adopt ion of ISO 18165:2001. Pages: 123rd Edition / April 2002 / Product Number: GX10F03 / Price: $47.00

TR 10TR1 2

Cement Sheath Evaluation

Provides the cur ren t pr inc iples an d prac t ices regarding th e eva lu a t ion a ndrepa i r of pr im ary cemen ta t ions of cas ing s t r ings in oi l and g as wells . Cemen tbon d logs , com pensa ted logging tools , ul t r ason ic cem ent logging tools , an dborehole flu id-com pensa ted loggin g tools a re covered. Pages: 391st Edition / June 1996 / Product Number: G10TR1 / Price: $89.00

TR 10TR2Shrinkage and Expansion in Oilwell Cements

Presents the resul t s of r esearch into sh r inka ge an d expan sion of oi l wel lcemen ts in the wel lbore as wel l as a se r ies of tes t m ethods an d proceduresdeve loped to measure these phenomena . Pages: 571st Edition / July 1997 / Reaffirmed, September 2002Product Number: G10TR2 / Price: $89.00

TR 10TR3 Temperatures for API Cement Operating Thickening Time Tests

Work per form ed by the 1984– 1991 API Task Group on Cem ent ing Temp era-ture Schedu les to u pda te the tem pera tures in API wel l -s imu la t ion tes t sched-ules fou nd in RP 10B are sum m ar ized in this r epor t . The Task Grou p reviewedthe la rgest se t of tempera ture da ta ava i lable to th e indu st ry to da te , r esul t ingin s ignificant improvements to the tempera tures in the wel l - s imula t ion tes tschedules . Pages: 971st Edition / May 1999 / Product Number: G10TR3 / Price: $118.00

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Worldwide Cementing PracticesCovers cem ents and wel l cemen t ing. Each ch apte r per ta ins to such subjec ts ascement ing his tory, cement ing chemist ry, job planning, plugging, cementeva lua t ion, an d specia l condi t ions such as Arc t ic cem ent ing, an d hor izon ta lc e me n t i ng . I n t e nde d a s a p r a c t ic a l t e x t fo r u se by bo t h t h e be g i nn i ng a n dprac t ic ing engin eer, and by working fie ld per sonn e l . Pages: 4651st Edition / 1991 / Reaffirmed, October 2000

Product Number: G04400 / Price: $129.00

Series 11: Production Equipment

 Spec 7B-11CInternal-Combustion Reciprocating Engines for Oil Field Service

Cove r s m e t hods fo r de t er m i n i ng m a x i m um br a ke ho r se powe r a nd f ue l c on-sum pt ion r a t e s o f i n t e r na l - com bus t i on ba r e e ng i ne s a n d pow e r un i t s; p r o -v ide s fo r t he m a n uf a c tu r e r ’s m a x i m um hor se powe r r a t ing o f suc h e qu i pm e n tfor spec ific service appl ica t ions; and gives m ethods for test ing a nd ra t ing o f  r adia tor - type cool ing u ni t s . Pages: 139th Edition / November 1, 1994 / Reaffirmed, January 2000Product Number: G03409 / Price: $59.00

RP 7C-11FInstallation, Maintenance, and Operation of Internal-CombustionEngines

Cove r s r e com m e nda t i ons a nd i n f o rm a t i on o f a ge ne r a l na t u r e pe r ta i n i ng t oins ta l la t ion; da i ly, weekly, an d m on thly m ain tenan ce check-of f l i s ts ; andopera t ing problem s and th e i r cau ses for a l l types of inte rna l comb ust ioneng ines in all types of service. Pa ges: 175th Edition / November 1, 1994 / Reaffirmed, January 2000Product Number: G03505 / Price: $59.00

RP 11ARCare and Use of Subsurface Pumps

P r ovi de s i n f o rm a t i on on t he p r ope r s el e ct i on , ope ra t i on a n d m a i n t e na n c e o f  subsur face pum ps so the best econ om ica l l if e can b e obta ined. Pages: 504th Edition / June 2000 / Product Number: G11AR4 / Price: $94.00

 Spec 11AX vSubsurface Sucker Rod Pumps and Fittings

Cove r s r od pum ps a nd t ub i ng pu m ps i n c om m onl y use d bo r e si z es . Su f fi c ie n tdimensiona l r equi rements a re provided to assure inte rchangeabi l i ty and s tan-dardiza t ion of a l l com pon ent pa r ts ; however, de ta i l s of design a re not spec i -fied. S tan dard m ater ia ls a re spec ified. Pages: 6111th Edition / June 2001 / Product Number: G11AX1 / Price: $101.00

 Spec 11B v

Sucker Rods

Covers dim ensiona l r equi remen ts for m eta l and fi berglass sucker rods , cou-pl ings and subcoupl ings; a l so s t ipula t ions on gauges , gauging prac t ices , andthe u se of the API Monog ram . Pages: 5826th Edition / January 1998 / Effective Date: July 1, 1998

Product Number: G11B26 / Price: $83.00

 Spec 11B v

Sucker RodsÑRussian

The Ru ssian t r ansla t ion of Spec 11B.26th Edition / January 1998 / Effective Date: July 1, 1998Product Number: G11B0R / Price: $89.00

RP 11BRCare and Handling of Sucker Rods(ANSI/API RP 11BR-1992)(includes Supplement 1, July 1, 1991)

Cove r s re c omm e nda t i ons on t he s t o ra ge , t ra n sport a t ion , r un n i ng , a n d pu l l-ing of sucker rods . Pages: 188th Edition / October 1989 / Product Number: G05000 / Price: $65.00

RP 11BRCare and Handling of Sucker RodsÑRussian(ANSI/API RP 11BR-1992)

The Ru ssian t r ansla t ion of RP 11BR.8th Edition / October 1989 / Product Number: G11BRR / Price: $71.00

 Spec 11D1/ISO 14310 v7

Petroleum and Natural Gas IndustriesÑDownhole EquipmentÑPackersand Bridge Plugs

Provides requi rem ents for packers an d br idge plugs for use in th e pe t roleuman d na tura l ga s indust ry. Appl ica t ion of this Inte rn a t iona l S tan dard i s l im i tedto those produc ts meet ing th e defini t ion of a packer or r idge plug intended forpe tr o l eum a n d n a t u r a l ga s i ndus t r y subsu r f a c e ope ra t i ons . T h i s I n t er na t i ona l

Standa rd appl ies only to produc t appl ica t ions within a condu i t . Ins ta l la t ionan d m ainten an ce of these produc ts is outs ide the scope of this docum ent . Thisedi t ion of API Spec 11D1 is an adopt ion of ISO 14310:2001 wi th th e addi t ionof an API Mono gram Ann ex. Pages: 251st Edition / July 2002 / Product Number: GG11D11 / Price: $46.00

 Spec 11E v

Pumping Units

Covers des igns and ra t ings of beam - type pu m ping u ni t s . Pages: 6117th Edition / November 1, 1994 / Reaffirmed, January 2000Product Number: G11E17 / Price: $100.00

RP 11ER 2

Guarding of Pumping Units(ANSI/API RP 11ER-1992)

(includes Supplement 1, July 1, 1991)Provides a r e ference guide for the design, m an ufac ture , an d ins ta l la t ion of  gua rds for oi l wel l pum ping u ni t s . Pages: 172nd Edition / January 1, 1990 / Reaffirmed, December 2002Product Number: G05205 / Price: $59.00

RP 11GInstallation and Lubrication of Pumping Units

Cove r s in s t a l la t i on o f be a m - t ype pum pi ng u n i t s a nd l ub r i ca t i on o f pum pi ng-un i t r educers . Pages: 84th Edition / November 1, 1994 / Reaffirmed, January 2000Product Number: G11G04 / Price: $59.00

 Spec 11IWIndependent Wellhead Equipment 

Spec 11IW provides for the ava i labi l i ty of sa fe , dimen siona l ly an d fun c t iona l lyinte rchangeable independent wel lhead equipment . Spec 11IW a lso conta insrequi rem ents for per form an ce , design, m ater ia ls , tes t ing, in spec tion, weld-i ng , ha n d l i ng , st o r ing a nd sh i pp ing . P a ge s: 211st Edition / June 2000 / Product Number: G11IW1 / Price: $59.00

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Bull 11KData Sheet for the Design of Air Exchange Coolers

Standa rd form for spec i fying engin eer ing da ta for the design , r a t ing, and pu r-cha se of a i r excha ng e coole r s for packaged com pressor un i t s. Pages: 102nd Edition / June 1988 / Reaffirmed, January 2000Product Number: G05400 / Price: $59.00

RP 11LDesign Calculations for Sucker Rod Pumping Systems

(Conventional Units)(includes Errata dated October 1, 1988)

Covers recomm enda t ions for des ign ca lcu la t ions for convent iona l un i t suckerrod pum ping system s based on tes t da ta sub m it ted to API by Sucker RodP um pi ng Re se a r ch , I n c . P a ge s: 244th Edition / June 1988 / Reaffirmed, January 2000Product Number: G05500 / Price: $71.00

Bull 11L2Catalog of Analog Computer Dynamometer Cards

Conta in s over 1,100 pol i shed rod dyna m om eter cards taken wi th the e lec-t r on i c a na l og s i mu l a t o r a nd a r r a nge d i n c on ven i e n t f o rm fo r c ompa r i son

with field tests. Pag es: 771st Edition / December 1969 / Reaffirmed, September 1999Product Number: G05700 / Price: $89.00

Bull 11L3Sucker Rod Pumping System Design Book

Conta in s pr int -out tables of com puter ca lcula ted va lu es for se lec t ing suckerrod systems. Values are included for depths of 200 feet to 12,000 feet in incre-m ents of 500 feet ; and produ c t ion ra tes of 100 bar re ls per day to over 1,500bar re ls per day in varying increm ents . Var iou s rod st r ing pu m p s t roke , pum ps iz e a nd pu m pi ng spe ed c om bi na t i ons t ha t w i ll do t he j ob w i t h i n t he l i mi t i ngparam eter s a re l i s ted. Inc ludes e r ra ta to the 1s t Edi t ion , Novem ber 1973, an da Supplem ent , Februa ry 1977. Pages: 5741st Edition / May 1970 / Reaffirmed, September 1999Product Number: G05800 / Price: $100.00

Bull 11L4Curves for Selecting Beam Pumping Units

Conta in s 160 m aste r curves for se lec t ing bea m pum ping u ni t s , der ived f romthe appl ica t ion of a compu ter program to por t ions of RP 11L. Inc luded a recurves for torque ra t ings of 57,000 throu gh 912,000 in . - lb . f rom Table 3, S td11E an d for var iou s s troke an d rod designs . Pages: 1601st Edition / April 1970 / Reaffirmed, September 1999Product Number: G05900 / Price: $100.00

 Spec 11L6 v

Electric Motor Prime Mover for Beam Pumping Unit Service(includes Supplement 1, November 1996)

Covers polypha se , squi r re l -cage , ind uc t ion m otors for use as the pr im e m overfo r be a m pum pi ng u n i t s ( s iz e r a nge o f 200 hp a n d be l ow) . P a ge s : 10

1st Edition / June 1, 1993 / Product Number: G05914 / Price: $59.00

 Spec 11N v

Lease Automatic Custody Transfer (LACT) Equipment 

Descr ibes requi rem ents for assembl ies designed for the un a t tended au tom at iccustody t ransfer (ACT) of liquid h ydrocarbons, such a s c rude oi l and conden -sa te , a t r a tes be low 11,000 U.S. bar re ls (1750m y) , in fie ld a ppl ica t ions a t lesstha n 500 psig (3447 kPa ) opera t ing pressure . Pages: 134th Edition / November 1, 1994 / Reaffirmed, January 2000Product Number: G11N04 / Price: $59.00

 Spec 11P v

Packaged Reciprocating Compressors for Oil and Gas ProductionServices(API/ANSI 11P-1992)

Covers requi remen ts for pa ckaged h igh speed separa ble or be l t -dr iven oi l -fie ldtype engin e-dr iven com pressors in n a tu ra l gas se rvice . Pages: 832nd Edition / November 1989 / Reaffirmed, September 1999Product Number: G05920 / Price: $106.00

RP 11PGTPackaged Combustion Gas Turbines

Covers the m inim um requi rem ents for a com ple te se lf - suffic ient packagedc ombu s ti on ga s t u r b i ne p r i me m over w i th o r w i thou t d r i ve n e qu i pme n t fo ronsh ore /of fshore oi l an d ga s produc t ion se rvices. Pages: 731st Edition / May 1992 / Reaffirmed, September 1999Product Number: G05925 / Price: $106.00

RP 11S The Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting of ElectricSubmersible Pump Installations

P r e se n t s r e com m e nde d p r a c t i ce s c ove r ing a l l t he m a j o r c om pone n t s t ha t

compr ise a s tandard e lec t r ic submersible pumping system ( the i r opera t ion,m a i n t e na n c e , a n d t r oub l e shoo t i ng ) . P a ge s : 183rd Edition / November 1994 / Reaffirmed, January 2000Product Number: G11S03 / Price: $59.00

RP 11S1Electrical Submersible Pump Teardown Report (ANSI/API RP 11S1-1998)

Covers a r ecom m ended e lec tr ic subm ersible pum p teardown repor t form .Pages: 363rd Edition / September 1997 / Effective Date: December 15, 1997Product Number: G11S13 / Price: $89.00

RP 11S2Electric Submersible Pump Testing 

Provides guide l ines an d procedures cover ing e lect r ic sub m ersible pum p per -forma nce tes t ing intend ed to es tabl i sh produ c t consis tency. These recom-m ended pra c t ices a re genera l ly con sidered appropr ia te for the m ajor i ty of  pum p ap pl ica t ions . Covers the a cceptan ce test ing of e lect r ic subm ersiblepum ps ( sold as new) by m an ufac turer s , vendors , or user s to the prescr ibedm i n i m um spec ifi c a t i ons . P a ge s : 122nd Edition / August 1997 / Effective Date: October 1, 1997Product Number: G11S22 / Price: $59.00

RP 11S3Electric Submersible Pump Installations(formerly API RP 11R)

Addresses the ins ta l la t ion an d replacemen t of a l l m ajor com pon ents compr is-ing an e lect r ica l subm ersible pum ping system . Spec ifica l ly, i t addresses equip-m e n t i n s t a l la t i on on t ub i ng i n o i l a nd ga s p r oduc ti on ope r a t i ons . P a ge s : 11

2nd Edition / March 1999 / Product Number: G11S32 / Price: $65.00

API RP 11S4 7

Recommended Practice for Sizing and Selection of Electric SubmersiblePump Installation

API RP 11S4 discusses in som e de ta i l each com pon ent of the ESP system(pu m p, m otor, intake , sea l or protec tor, cable , swi tchb oard, e tc . ) as f a r aswhat m ust be considered for the best selec tion a t a des i red ra te and wel l con-di t ions . Exam ples a re given to i l lus t ra te the basic des ign procedure an d i l lus-

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t r a te how PVT cor re la t ions , m ul t iph ase flow cor rela t ions , and in flowper formance re la t ionships a re used.

S um m a r y de si gns a nd c ompu t e r exa m pl e s us i ng t he de t a i l ed de s ign p r i nc i-ples a re presented which show h ow design considera t ions fit toge ther , an dhow tools such as com puter program s a l low fas te r solut ion s resul t ing in eas-ie r t r ia l an d e r ror ca lcula t ion s for opt im iza t ion of des igns an d s tudy of exist -ing ins ta l la t ions .

Topics such a s PVT cor re la t ion s , mu l t iphase flow cor re la t ions , and inflo w per-forma nce re la t ionsh ips a re discussed in the a ppendices . Pages: 383rd Edition / June 2001 / Product Number: G11S43 / Price: $57.00

RP 11S5Application of Electric Submersible Cable Systems

Covers appl ica t ion of e lec tr ica l subm ersible cable system s by m an ufac turer ,vendo r, or u ser. Pages: 321st Edition / February 1993 / Reaffirmed, January 2000Product Number: G05944 / Price: $78.00

RP 11S6 Testing of Electric Submersible Pump Cable Systems

Covers fie ld test ing of e lec t r ic subm ersible pum p cable system s. This docu-

m ent i s organ ized into three m ajor topic ca tegor ies . The firs t ca tegory pro-vides genera l defin i t ions an d an overview of te rms, sa fe ty considera t ions , andcable system prepara t ion gu ide l ines . The second ca tegory ident ifies var iouss i tua t ions u nder wh ich tes t ing i s per form ed. The thi rd ca tegory ident ifies tes tmethods and procedures . Pages: 181st Edition / December 1995 / Reaffirmed, September 1999Product Number: G11S61 / Price: $65.00

RP 11S7Application and Testing of Electric Submersible Pump SealChamber Section

Conta ins tutor ia l , tes t ing, and fa i lure eva lua t ion informat ion on the sea lcha m ber sect ion u sed in suppor t of an e lect r ic subm ersible m otor. Provides age ne r a l un de r st a nd i ng o f c ons tr uc t i on a n d f unc t i on i ng o f s e a l c ha m be r s ec -t ions , ident ifica t ion of wel l con di t ions , system requ i remen ts , an d cha rac te r i s-

t ics tha t influence component sec t ion and appl ica t ion. Pages: 281st Edition / July 1993 / Reaffirmed, September 1999Product Number: G05947 / Price: $65.00

RP 11S8Electric Submersible Pump System Vibrations

Provides guide l ines to es tabl i sh con sistency in con t rol an d an a lysis of ESPsystem vibra t ions . P ages: 151st Edition / May 1993 / Reaffirmed, January 2000Product Number: G05948 / Price: $54.00

RP 11TInstallation and Operation of Wet Steam Generators

Inc lu des drawings , i l lus t ra t ions , and design c r i te r ia m ost com m only used inwet steam genera tor s . Pages: 25

2nd Edition / November 1994 / Reaffirmed, January 2000Product Number: G11T02 / Price: $71.00

 Spec 11V1 v

Gas Lift Valves, Orifices, Reverse Flow Valves and Dummy Valves

Covers specification s on g as lif t valves, orifices, reverse flow valves, an ddum m y va lves. Pages: 372nd Edition / February 1995 / Reaffirmed, January 2000Product Number: G11V12 / Price: $83.00

RP 11V2Gas Lift Valve Performance Testing 

Covers the test procedures for flow performance testing of wireline-retr ievableand tubing- re t r ievable IPO ( injec t ion pressure opera ted) , and PPO (produc-t ion p ressure opera ted) gas l i f t va lves . Pages: 562nd Edition / March 2001 / Product Number: G11V22 / Price: $76.00

RP 11V5Operation, Maintenance, and Trouble-Shooting of Gas Lift Installations

Covers recommended prac t ices on kickof f and unloading, adjus tment proce-dures , t roubleshoot ing dia gno st ic tools, and loca t ion of problem areas for gaslif t operations.2nd Edition / June 1999 / Product Number: G11V52 / Price: $83.00

RP 11V6Design of Continuous Flow Gas Lift Installations Using InjectionPressure Operated Valves

Sets guide l ines for cont inu ous fl ow gas l i ft ins ta l la t ion designs u s ing in jec tionpressure operated valves.2nd Edition / July 1999 / Product Number: G11V62 / Price: $112.00

RP 11V7Repair, Testing and Setting Gas Lift Valves

Applies to repair , testing, and setting gas lif t valves and reverse flow (check)valves. I t presents guidelines related to the repair and reuse of valves; theseprac t ices a re intend ed to se rve both repa i r shops an d opera tor s . The com -m only u sed gas pressure-opera ted be l lows va lve i s a l so covered. Other va lves ,inc ludin g be l lows cha rged va lves in produ c t ion pressure (flu id) se rviceshou ld be repa i red according to th ese guide l ines .2nd Edition / June 1999 / Product Number: G11V72 / Price: $78.00

RP 500 2

Recommended Practice for Classification of Locations for ElectricalInstallations at Petroleum Facilities Classified as Class I Division 1 andDivision 2(ANSI/API RP 500-1998)

See Also Refinin g, E lec t r ica l In s ta l la t ion s and Equipm ent2nd Edition/November 1997 / Reaffirmed, November 2002Product Number: C05002 / Price: $151.00

RP 505Recommended Practice for Classification of Locations for ElectricalInstallations at Petroleum Facilities Classified as Class I, Zone 0, Zone 1and Zone 2(ANSI/API RP 505-1998)

See Also Refinin g, E lec t r ica l In s ta l la t ion s and Equipm ent1st Edition/November 1997 / Reaffirmed, November 2002Product Number: C50501 / Price: $151.00

Series 12: Lease Production Vessels

 Spec 12B v

Bolted Tanks for Storage of Production Liquids

Covers m ater ia l , design, a nd e rec tion requi rem ents for vert ica l , cyl indr ica l ,abovegroun d, bol ted s teel tanks in n om ina l capac i t ies of 100 to 10,000 bar re ls( in s tanda rd s izes) for produ c t ion se rvice . I t a l so inc lu des appur ten an cerequi rem ents . Pages: 2514th Edition / February 1995 / Reaffirmed, May 2000Product Number: G12B14 / Price: $71.00

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 Spec 12D v

Field Welded Tanks for Storage of Production Liquids

Covers m ater ia l , design, f abr ica t ion, a nd e rec tion requi rem ents for ver t ica l ,cylindr ica l , abovegroun d, welded s teel tanks in nom ina l capac i t ies of 500 to10,000 bbl ( in s tan dard s izes) for produc t ion se rvice . Pages: 2210th Edition / November 1994 / Reaffirmed, May 2000Product Number: G12D10 / Price: $71.00

 Spec 12F v

Shop Welded Tanks for Storage of Production Liquids

Covers ma ter ia l , des ign, an d con st ruc t ion requi rem ents for ver t ica l , cyl indr i -ca l , aboveground , shop -welded s tee l tan ks in nom ina l capac i t ies of 90 to 500bbl ( in s tanda rd s izes) for produ c t ion se rvice . Pages: 2211th Edition / November 1994 / Reaffirmed, May 2000Product Number: G12F11 / Price: $71.00

 Spec 12GDU v

Glycol-Type Gas Dehydration Units(ANSI/API Spec 12GDU-1992)

Covers minimum requi rements for mater ia ls , des ign, f abr ica t ion, and tes t ingof a convent iona l lease glycol - type gas dehydra t ion system ut i l iz ing t r imeth -ylene glycol as the desiccan t . Encom passes a sys tem tha t inc ludes an inle tsepara tor, a glycol /gas cont rac tor , gas /glycol hea t exchan ger, glycol r eboi ler,glycol surge tan k, glycol c i rcula t in g pu m p(s) , fi l ter ( s) , glycol /glycol hea texchan ger, glycol flash separa tor (opt ion a l ) a nd skid( s) . Pag es: 391st Edition / December 15, 1990 / Reaffirmed, September 1999Product Number: G06420 / Price: $83.00

 Spec 12J v

Oil and Gas Separators(ANSI/API Spec 12J-1992)

Covers minimum requi rements for the design, f abr ica t ion, and plant tes t ingof oi l an d gas separa tor s , and oi l -gas-water separa tor s , tha t a re used in th ep r oduc t ion o f o il a nd ga s , a nd a r e l oca t e d a t some po i n t on t he p r oduc i ngflow l ine be tween th e wellhead a nd p ipe l ine . Pa ges: 237th Edition / October 1, 1989 / Reaffirmed, September 1999

Product Number: G06500 / Price: $71.00

 Spec 12K v

Indirect-type Oil Field Heaters(ANSI/API Spec 12K-1992)

Covers minimum requi rements for the design, f abr ica t ion, and plant tes t ingof ind i rec t hea te r s tha t a re used in the produ c t ion of oil and g as , and a rel oca t e d a t som e po i n t on t he p r oduc i ng fl ow l ine be t w ee n t he w el l he a d a n dpipe l ine . Pages: 317th Edition / June 1, 1989 / Reaffirmed, September 1999Product Number: G06600 / Price: $83.00

 Spec 12L v

Vertical and Horizontal Emulsion Treaters

Covers m inim um requi rem ents for m ater ia l , des ign, and fabr ica t ion of ver t i -

ca l and h or izonta l em uls ion t r ea te r s . Pages: 294th Edition / November 1, 1994 / Reaffirmed, January 2000Product Number: G12L04 / Price: $71.00

RP 12N 2

Operations, Maintenance and Testing of Firebox Flame Arrestors

Covers prac tices tha t sho uld be considered in the ins ta l la t ion, m ainten an ce ,an d tes ting of firebox flam e ar res tor s ins ta l led on the a i r intake of oi lfie ld pro-duc t i on e qu i pm e n t . P a ge s : 62nd Edition / November 1, 1994 / Reaffirmed, January 2000Product Number: G12N02 / Price: $59.00

 Spec 12P v

Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Tanks

Covers minimum requi rements for mater ia l , des ign, f abr ica t ion, and tes t ingof fiberglass r e inforced pla s t ic tan ks . Pages: 192nd Edition / January 1, 1995 / Reaffirmed, January 2000Product Number: G12P02 / Price: $71.00

RP 12R1 2

Setting, Maintenance, Inspection, Operation, and Repair of Tanks inProduction Service

A guide for new tan k ba t te ry ins ta l la t ions a nd a gu ide for r evam ping exis t ingbatteries if this is necessary for any reason. Pages: 525th Edition / August 1997 / Effective Date: October 1, 1997

Reaffirmed, December 2002 / Product Number: G12R15 / Price: $100.00

Series 13: Drilling Fluid Materials

 Spec 13A v

Drilling Fluid Materials(includes Addendum dated June 1999)

Covers physica l r equi rem ents an d tes t procedures for bar i te , bentoni te , andsa l twater c lay for use in oi l well dr i l l ing flu ids . Pages: 4715th Edition / May 1, 1993 / Product Number: G07000 / Price: $83.00

RP 13B-1Standard Procedure for Field Testing Water-based Drilling Fluids(includes Addendum 1)

Covers equipm ent an d s tand ard procedu res for fie ld tes t ing water-based dr i l l -ing flu ids . Pages: 622nd Edition/September 1997/Product Number: G13B12 / Price: $123.00

RP 13B-1-A1Addendum 1 to Standard Procedure for Field Testing Water-basedDrilling Fluids

2nd Edition / Addendum date: May 2000Product Number: G13B1A1 / Price: $41.00

RP 13B-1Standard Procedure for Field Testing Water-based Drilling FluidsÑSpanish

The Span ish t r ansla t ion of RP 13B-1.2nd Edition/ September 1997/ Product Number: G0705S/ Price: $105.00

RP 13B-2Standard Procedure for Field Testing Oil-based Drilling Fluids(includes Addendum 1)

Covers equ ipm ent an d s tanda rd procedures for fie ld tes ting oi l -based dr i l l ingflu ids . Pages: 663rd Edition / February 1998 / Product Number: G13B23 / Price: $123.00

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RP 13B-2-A1Addendum 1 to Standard Procedure for Field Testing Oil-based Drilling Fluids

3rd Edition / Addendum date: May 2000Product Number: G13B2A1 / Price: $41.00

RP 13C

Drilling Fluid Processing Systems EvaluationCovers the s tanda rd procedure for assessing a nd m odifying th e per form an ceof a sol ids cont rol equipm ent system in the fie ld. These guide l ines can be u sedt o m od i fy t he ope ra t i on o f t he e qu i pme n t a nd t he r e mova l sys te m, a n d t hu sim prove the e ffic iency of the equ ipm ent in u se . Pag es: 212nd Edition / March 1996 / Reaffirmed, November 2001Product Number: G13C02 / Price: $71.00

RP 13DRheology and Hydraulics of Oil-well Drilling Fluids

Provides inform at ion, procedures , and exam ple ca lcula t ions to a id in ap ply-ing rh eologica l pr inc iples to l iquid oi l fie ld dr i l l ing fl uids . Pages: 283rd Edition / June 1, 1995 / Product Number: G13D03 / Price: $71.00

RP 13D

Rheology and Hydraulics of Oil-well Drilling FluidsÑSpanishThe Span ish t r ansla t ion of RP 13D.3rd Edition / June 1, 1995 / Product Number: G0711S / Price: $78.00

RP 13EShale Shaker Screen Cloth Designation

Provides recom m enda t ions for a s tanda rd design a t ion of sc reen c loth u sed forthe sc reenin g sur face on sh a le shakers . Pages: 193rd Edition / May 1, 1993 / Reaffirmed, November 2001Product Number: G07120 / Price: $71.00

RP 13IStandard Procedure for Laboratory Testing Drilling Fluids(includes Addendum 1 dated January 2002)

The pu rpose of this r ecom m ended pra c t ice i s to provide a var ie ty of s tanda rdprocedures for the tes t ing o f dr il l ing flu ids . I t i s not a de ta i led m an ua l onm ud con t rol procedures . Pages: 706th Edition / May 2000 / Product Number: G13I06 / Price: $116.00

RP 13J Testing of Heavy Brines

Covers the physica l proper t ies and test procedures for heavy br ines m an ufac-tured for use in oi l an d gas wel l com ple t ion a nd workover fluids . This docu-m ent i s inten ded for the use of ma nu fac turer s of heavy br ines . Pages: 162nd Edition / March 1996 / Reaffirmed, November 2001Product Number: G13J02 / Price: $65.00

RP 13J Testing of Heavy BrinesÑSpanish

The Span ish t r ansla t ion of RP 13J .2nd Edition / March 1996 / Product Number: G0715S / Price: $71.00

RP 13KChemical Analysis of Barite(includes Errata dated April 1998)

Provides a com prehen sive , de ta i led descr ipt ion of the chem ica l ana lytica lprocedures for quant i ta t ive ly de te rmining the minera l and chemica l const i tu-ents of barite. Pages: 252nd Edition / February 1996 / Reaffirmed, November 2001Product Number: G13K02 / Price: $65.00

Series 14: Offshore Safety and Anti-Pollution

 Spec 14A/ISO 10432:1999 v

Specification for Subsurface Safety Valve Equipment 

Petroleum and natural gas industriesÑDownhole equipmentÑSubsurface safety valve equipment 

Covers su bsu rface safety valves, safety valve locks, an d safety valve land ingn i pp l e s. I nc l ude s mi n i m um a c c ep t a b l e st a nda r ds f o r ma t e ri a l s, m a nu fa c t u r-ing, a nd tes ting of both su r face- and subsur face-cont rol led sa fety va lves forthree classes of service. Pag es: 7910th Edition / November 2000 / Effective Date, May 15, 2001Product Number: GX14A10 / Price: $129.00

RP 14B 2

Design, Installation, Repair and Operation of Subsurface Safety ValveSystems(includes Errata dated June 1996)

Covers procedures for des ign ca lcula t ion s , ins t ruc t ions for sa fe ins ta l la t ionan d gu ide l ines for opera t ing a nd tes t ing to assure sa fe and e ffic ient per for -m an ce of subsur face sa fe ty va lve systems ( SSSVs) , an d covers r epa i r an drem an ufac ture of SSSV equipm ent . Pages: 23

4th Edition / July 1994 / Product Number: G14B04 / Price: $83.00

RP 14C 2

Analysis, Design, Installation and Testing of Basic Surface SafetySystems on Offshore Production Platforms

Presents a s tan dardized m ethod to design, ins ta l l , and tes t sur face sa fe ty sys-tems on of fshore produ c t ion pla t form s. Uses recognized systems an a lysism ethods to develop requi rem ents for a sa fe ty system , and in c ludes proceduresto docum ent the sa fe ty system an d ver ify conform an ce . Pages: 1107th Edition / March 2001 / Product Number: G14C07 / Price: $152.00

RP 14EDesign and Installation of Offshore Production Platform Piping Systems(ANSI/API RP 14E-1992)

Re c om m e nds mi n i m um r e qu i r em e n t s a nd gu i de li ne s fo r t he des ign a n dinsta l la t ion of new piping systems on of fshore produ c t ion pla t forms. Inc ludesgenera l r ecommendat ions on design and appl ica t ion of pipe , va lves , and fit -t ings for typica l processes ; genera l in forma t ion on ins ta l la t ion, qu a l i ty con-t rol , an d i tems re la ted to piping systems such as insula t ion; and spec ificrecomm enda t ions for the design of par t icula r pipin g system s. Pages: 615th Edition / October 1, 1991 / Reaffirmed, June 2000Product Number: G07185 / Price: $112.00

RP 14FDesign and Installation of Electrical Systems for Fixed and Floating Offshore Petroleum Facilities for Unclassified and Class I, Division 1,and Division 2 Locations

Re c om m e nds m i n i mu m r e qu i r em e n t s fo r de si gn a n d i n s t a l la t i on o f e le c tr i ca lsystem s for of fshore produ c t ion pla t forms. Inc ludes recomm enda t ions one lect r ica l equ ipm ent for c lass ified a reas , power genera t ing s ta t ions , dist r ibu-t ion system s, motors , t r ansform ers , l ight ing, DC power systems, an d recom -m e nda t i ons on sys te ms c h e c kou t .4th Edition / June 1999 / Product Number: G14F04 / Price: $129.00

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RP 14FZDesign and Installation of Electrical Systems for Fixed and Floating Offshore Petroleum Facilities for Unclassified and Class I, Zone 0,Zone 1 and Zone 2 Locations

AP I RP 14F Z r e com m e nds m i n i m um r e qu i r em e n t s a nd gu i de li ne s fo r t hedesign an d ins ta l la t ion of e lec t r ica l sys tem s on fixed an d floa t in g pe t roleumfac i li t ies loca ted of fshore wh en h azardou s loca t ions a re c lass ified as Zone 0,Zon e 1, or Zone 2. These fac i l i t ies inc lude dr i l l ing, produ c ing a nd pipe l inet ranspor ta t ion fac i li t ies assoc ia ted with oi l an d gas explora t ion an d produ c-tion . RP 14FZ describes basic desirable electr ical pra ctices for offsh ore electr i-ca l systems. This docu m ent recognizes tha t spec ia l e lec tr ica l considera t ionsexis t for of f shore pe t roleum fac i li t ies . These spec ia l con sidera t ions inc lud e theinh erent e lec t r ica l shock poss ibi l i ty presented by the m ar ine en vi ron m ent an dstee l decks; space l im i ta t ions tha t r equi re equipm ent be ins ta l led in or n earc lass ified loca t ions; the cor rosive mar ine envi ronment ; mot ion and buoyancyconcerns a ssoc ia ted wi th floa t ing fac i l i ties. RP 14FZ appl ies to both perm a-nen t and tem porary e lec t r ica l ins ta l la t ions , and th e guide l ines provide a highleve l of e lec t r ica l sa fe ty when used in conju nc t ion wi th well -defined a rea c las-s ifica t ions . This docum ent em pha sizes sa fe prac t ices for c lass ified loca t ionson of fshore pe t roleum fac i li t ies but does n ot inc lud e guide l ines for c lassifica-t ion of a reas . Pages: 1171st Edition/ September 2001 / Product Number: G14FZ1 / Price: $139.00

RP 14G 2

Fire Prevention and Control on Ope-type Offshore Production Platforms

P r e se n t s r ec omm e nda t i ons f or m i n i m i z ing t he l i kel i hood o f a n a c c ide n t a lfire , and for des igning, inspec t ing, and m ainta inin g fire cont rol systems. I te mph a s i ze s the n e e d to t r a i n pe r sonne l i n fi r e fi gh t i ng , to c ondu c t r ou t inedr i l l s, and to es tabl i sh m ethods an d procedures for sa fe evacu a t ion. Th e firecont rol systems discussed a re inten ded to provide an ear ly response to inc ipi -ent fires a nd prevent the i r growth. Appl icable to fixed open - type off sho re pro-duc t ion pla t forms tha t a re genera l ly ins ta l led in modera te c l imates and tha tha ve su f fi ci e n t na t u r a l ven t i l a t ion t o m i n i m i z e the a c c um ul a t i on o f va por s.Enc losed a reas , such a s quar te r s , bu i ldings , an d equipm ent enc losures , nor-m al ly ins ta l led on this type pla t form, a re addressed. Pages: 373rd Edition / December 1993 / Reaffirmed, June 2000Product Number: G07194 / Price: $94.00

RP 14H 2

Installation, Maintenance and Repair of Surface Safety Valves andUnderwater Safety Valves Offshore

(includes Errata dated September 23, 1996)

Covers guide l ines for inspec t ing, ins ta l l ing, m ain ta inin g, r epa i r ing, an d oper -atin g o f SSVs/USVs. Pa ges: 164th Edition / July 1, 1994 / Product Number: G14H04 / Price: $83.00

RP 14JDesign and Hazards Analysis for Offshore Production Facilities

Provides useful procedures an d guide l ines for plann ing, des igning, an dar ran ging of fshore produc t ion fac i l i ties ; an d per form ing a h azards an a lysison open- type of fshore produ c t ion fac i l i t ies . Discusses severa l procedu res tha tc a n be u sed t o pe r fo r m a h a z a r ds a na l ysi s, a nd p r e sen t s m i n i mu m r e qu i r e-m ents for process sa fe ty inform at ion a nd h azards an a lysis tha t can be usedfor satisfying API RP 7 5 Development of a Safety and Environmental Management Program for Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Operations and Facilities . Pages: 752nd Edition / April 2001 / Product Number: G14J02 / Price: $85.00

 Spec 14L/ISO 16070 v 7

Lock Mandrels and Landing Nipples

API Spec 14L provides the requi rem ents for lock ma ndre ls an d lan ding n ip-ples wi thin the produ c t ion/ in jec tion con dui t for the in s ta l la t ion of flow con-

t r o l o r o the r e qu i pm e n t u se d i n t he pe t r o l eum a n d na t u r a l ga s i ndu s tr i es . Itinc ludes the inte r face conn ec t ions to the flow cont rol or other equipm ent , butdoes not cover the conn ec t ions to the wel l condu i t . This edi tion of API Spec ifi-ca t ion 14L is an iden t ica l adopt ion of ISO 16070. Pages: 261st Edition / October 2002 / Product Number: GG14L01 / Price: $83.00

Series 15: Fiberglass and Plastic Pipe Spec 15HR v

High Pressure Fiberglass Line Pipe

This spec ifica t ion was formu la ted to provide for the ava i labi l i ty of sa fe ,dimensiona l ly and func t iona l ly inte rchangeable high pressure fiberglass l inepipe wi th a Spec 15HR Stand ard Pressure Rat in g f rom 5 00 psi to 5000 psi ,inc lus ive , in 250 psi increm ents . This spec ifica t ion i s lim i ted to m echan ica lconn ec t ion s . Pages: 253rd Edition / August 2001 / Product Number: G15HR3 / Price: $71.00

 Spec 15LE v

Polyethylene (PE) Line Pipe

Provides stan dards for polye thylene l ine pipe sui table for use in conveyinggas , oi l an d non -potable water in u nd ergroun d service for the oi l an d gas pro-

duc in g in dust r ies . Dim ensions , m ater ia ls , physica l proper t ies, an d se rvice fac-tor s a re inc luded. Pa ges: 253rd Edition / April 1, 1995 / Product Number: G15LE3 / Price: $71.00

 Spec 15LR v

Low Pressure Fiberglass Line Pipe

This specifica t ion covers filam ent woun d (FW) an d cent r i fug a l ly cas t (CC)fiberglass line pipe and fit t ings for pipe in diam eter s up to an d inc ludin g 24in. in diam eter an d up to an d inc ludin g 1000 psig cyc lic opera t ing pressures .In a ddi t ion, a t the m an ufac turer ’s opt ion, the pipe ma y a lso be ra ted for s ta t icopera t ing pressures up to 1000 psig. I t i s recom m ended tha t the pipe an d fit -t ings be purch ased by cyc l ic pressure ra t ing. The s tand ard pressure ra t ingsran ge from 150 psig to 300 psig in 50 ps ig increm ents , and f rom 300 psig to1000 psig in 100 psig increm ents , based on e i ther cyc l ic pressure or s ta t icpressure. Pages: 25

7th Edition / August 2001 / Effective Date: February 1, 2002Product Number: G15LR7 / Price: $71.00

 Spec 15LT v

PVC Lined Steel Tubular Goods(ANSI/API Spec 15LT-1993)

Provides stan dards for PVC l ined s tee l pipe or tubin g sui table for u se in con -veying water an d/or oi l in th e pe t roleum indu st ry. Pages: 241st Edition / January 1993 / Product Number: G07228 / Price: $71.00

RP 15TL4 2

Care and Use of Fiberglass Tubulars

P r ovi de s in f o r ma t i on on t he t r a nspor t ing , h a nd l i ng , i n s t a l l ing , a nd r e cond i -t ioning of fiberglass tubu la r s in oi lfie ld usage . Appendices a re a lso inc luded tocover adh esive bondin g, r epa i r procedures , an d inspec t ion pra c t ices . Pages: 20

2nd Edition / March 1999 / Product Number: G15TL4 / Price: $71.00

Series 16: Drilling Well Control Systems

 Spec 16A 2v

Drill-through Equipment 

Provides requi rem ents for per form an ce , des ign, m ater ia ls , tes ts an d inspec-t ions , welding, marking, handl ing, s tor ing and shipping of dr i l l - throughequipm ent (BOPs, spools , hubs) . Pages: 652nd Edition/ December 1997 / Product Number: G16A02 / Price: $106.00

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 Spec 16C 2v

Choke and Kill Systems(ANSI/API Spec 16C-1993)

Provides for sa fe and fun c t iona l ly inte rcha ngea ble sur face an d subsea chokean d ki l l sys tems equipm ent u t i l ized for dr i l l ing an d gas wel ls . Other par ts of  the choke a nd ki l l sys tem n ot specifica l ly addressed in th is docum ent sha l l bein a ccordance wi th th e appl icable sec tions of this spec ifica t ion. Technica lc on t e n t o f t h i s docum e n t p r ov ide s the m i n i mu m r e qu i r em e n t f o r pe rfo r-m an ce , des ign, ma ter ia ls, welding, test ing, inspec t ion , stor ing, an d shipping .Pages: 611st Edition / January 29, 1993 / Reaffirmed, July 2001Product Number: G07242 / Price: $100.00

 Spec 16D 2v

Control Systems for Drilling Well Control Equipment (ANSI/API Spec 16D-1993)

Establ i shes design s tan dards for systems, subsystems, an d com pon ents used tocont rol BOPs (blowout prevente r s) an d assoc ia ted va lves tha t con t rol wellpressure du r ing dr i l l ing opera t ion s . Each opera t ion of a BOP or other wel lcont rol com pon ent i s r e fe r red to as a cont rol func t ion . S ix cont rol system ca t -egories are addressed. Pages: 431st Edition / March 1993 / Product Number: G07243 / Price: $83.00

RP 16Q 2

Design, Selection, Operation and Maintenance of Marine Drilling Riser Systems(formerly API RP 2Q and RP 2K)

Inc lu des guide l ines for the design, se lect ion, opera t ion, and m ain tenan ce of  m ar ine r i se r sys tems for floa t ing dr i l l ing opera t ions . Organ ized as a r e ferencefor designers , for tho se who se lec t sys tem com pon ents , and for those who u sea nd m a i n t a i n t h i s e qu i pme n t . P a ge s : 481st Edition / November 1993 / Reaffirmed, August 2001Product Number: G07249 / Price: $78.00

 Spec 16R v

Marine Drilling Riser Couplings

(replaces API RP 2R)Per ta ins to the design, r a t ing, manufac tur ing, and tes t ing of mar ine dr i l l ingr iser cou pl ings . Pa ges: 281st Edition / January 1997 / Product Number: G16R01 / Price: $71.00

Series 17: Subsea Production Systems

RP 17A/ISO 13628-1 7

Design and Operation of Subsea Production Systems

Petroleum and natural gas industries Ñ Design and operation of subseaproduction systems ÑPart 1: General requirements andrecommendations

Provides gu ide l ines for the design, ins ta l la t ion, opera t ion , r epa i r, an d decom -m issionin g of subsea produ c t ion systems. The e lem ents of subsea produ c t ion

systems inc luded a re wel lheads (both subsea and mudl ine cas ing suspensionsystem s) an d t r ees; pipe lines an d end conn ec t ions; cont rols , cont rol l ines an dcontrol fluids; templa tes and manifolds ; and produc t ion r i se r (both r igid andflexible ) . Other sect ions cover opera t ion s , qua l i ty assura nce , m ater ia ls , an dcor rosion . This edi t ion of API RP 17A is an ident ica l adop t ion of ISO 13628-1.Pages: 1283rd EditionÊ/ÊSeptember 2002 / Product Number: GX17A03 / Price: $119.00

RP 17BFlexible Pipe

Appl ies to flexible pipe wi th a des ign pressure grea te r th an 225 psi used in avar ie ty of of fshore oi l p roduc t ion appl ica t ions . Covers gu ide l ines for th edesign, ana lysis , qua l i ty assuran ce , s torage , ha nd l ing, t r anspor ta t ion, an dinsta l la t ion of flexible pipe system s for subsea a nd r i ser appl ica t ions . Conta in sthe full text of ISO 10420.3rd Edition / March 2002 / Product Number: G17B03 / Price: $136.00

RP 17C/ISO 13628-3 7

 TFL (Through Flowline) Systems

Petroleum and natural gas industriesÑDesign and operation of subseaproduction systemsÑPart 3: Through flowline (TFL) systems

Presents r ecommendat ions for des igning, f abr ica t ing, and opera t ing TFLequipm ent . Procedures and g uide l ines presented a re for hydrau l ic se rvic ing ofdow nho l e e qu i pme n t , subse a t r e e a nd t ub i ng ha n ge r, a nd p i pel i ne s a ndequipm ent wi thin th e pipe l ines . This edi tion of API RP 17 C is an ident ica ladopt ion of ISO 13628-3. Pa ges: 672nd Edition / September 2002 / Product Number: GX17C02 / Price: $94.00

 Spec 17D v

Subsea Wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment (includes Supplement 1, March 1, 1993 andSupplement 2, June 1996; Effective Date: August 1, 1996)

Provides the spec ifica t ion for sa fe, dim ensiona l ly and fun c t iona l ly inte r-c ha n ge a b l e subse a w e l lhe a d , m ud l i ne , a nd t r ee e qu i pm e n t . Te c hn i c a l c on t e n tinc ludes requi rem ents for performa nce , des ign, m ater ia ls , tes ting, inspec t ion,w el d ing , m a r k i ng , ha nd l i ng , s t o ri ng , a n d sh i pp i ng . P a ge s : 1161st Edition/October 30, 1992/Product Number: G07265 / Price: $100.00

 Spec 17E v

Subsea Production Control Umbilicals(ANSI/API Spec 17E-1998)(includes Errata dated August 1998)

Provides s tanda rds for the design, m an ufac ture , des ign ver ifica t ion, an d fac-tory acceptance tes ting of perma nen t ly ins ta l led subsea cont rol um bi l ica ls ,

a nd c he m i c a l i n j ec t ion um bi li c a ls , fo r bo t h s ta t i c a nd dyna m i c a pp l i ca t i onsfor subsea produ c t ion systems. Th e um bi l ica ls ma y car ry e lec t r ica l se rvicesonly, hydrau l ic or chem ica l fun c t ions only, or a com bina t ion of these. Thespec ifica t ion a lso covers the design of low power and com m un ica t ion cablesdesigned for the cont rol of subsea produ c t ion systems. Pa ges: 672nd Edition / March 1998 / Effective Date: September 1, 1998

Product Number: G17E02 / Price: $100.00

 Spec 17F /ISO 13628-6:2000 7

Specification for Subsea Production Control SystemsPetroleum and natural gas industries-Design and operation of subseaproduction systemsÐPart 6: Subsea production control systems(ANSI Adoption Date: July 17, 2002)

This par t o f ISO 13628 is appl icable to des ign, f abr ica t ion, tes t ing , ins ta l la t ionan d opera t ion of sub sea produc t ion con t rol systems.This par t of ISO 13628 covers sur face cont rol sys tem equipm ent , subsea-ins ta l led cont rol system equ ipm ent an d cont rol fluids . This equipm ent i s ut i -l ized for cont rol of subsea produ c t ion of oi l and ga s an d for subsea water an dgas in jec tion se rvices. Where appl icable , this par t of ISO 13628 m ay be u sedfor equipment on mul t iple -wel l appl ica t ions .1st Edition / December 2002 / Effective Date: June 2003Product Number: GX17F01 / Price: $100.00

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RP 17GDesign and Operation of Completion/Workover Riser Systems

Provides guide l ines for the design an d opera t ion of subsea com ple t ion /work-over r i se r system s run f rom a fl oa t ing vesse l . Serves as a r e fe rence for des ign-er s and those responsible for the se lec tion o f system com pon ents . Pages: 331st Edition / January 1, 1995 / Product Number: G17G01 / Price: $83.00

RP 17IInstallation of Subsea Umbilicals

Provides guide l ines for the han dl ing, s torage , and in s ta l la t ion of perm an ent lyins ta l led um bi l ica ls for subsea use in both s ta t ic and dyna m ic appl ica t ions .The systems m ay e i ther be pla t form-su bsea , pla t form -pla t form, or subsea-subsea . Based on um bi l ica ls tha t com ply wi th the requ i remen ts of API Spec17E, the um bi l ica l spec ifica t ion. Pages: 331st Edition / August 1996 / Effective Date: October 1, 1996

Product Number: G17I01 / Price: $65.00

 Spec 17J v

Unbonded Flexible Pipe(includes Addendum dated June 2002)

Defines the techn ica l r equi remen ts for sa fe, dimen siona l ly, and fun c t iona l ly

i n t e rc ha n ge a b l e fl e x ib l e p i pe s t ha t a r e de s igne d a nd m a nu fa c t u r e d t o un i -form s tan dards an d c r i te r ia . Pages: 462nd Edition / November 1999 / Effective Date: July 1, 2000

Product Number: G17J01 / Price: $78.00

 Spec 17KSpecification for Bonded Flexible Pipe

This specifica t ion defin es the techn ica l r equi remen ts for sa fe, dimen siona l lyand func t iona l ly inte rchangeable bonded flexible pipes tha t a re des igned andm a nu fa c t u r e d to un i fo r m s t a nda r ds a nd c r it e ri a . Mi n i m um r e qu i r em e n t s a r espec ified for the design, m ater ia l selec tion, m an ufac ture , test ing, m arkin gan d packa ging o f bonded flexible pipes, with re fe rence to exis ting codes an dstanda rds where appl icable . Pages: 581st Edition / September 2001 / Product Number: G17K01 / Price: $78.00

 Spec 17TR1Evaluation Standard for Internal Pressure Sheath Polymers for High Temperature Flexible Pipes

Defines the m ethodology an d tes t procedures necessary for the eva lua t ion of  polymer ic m ater ia ls sui table for use as the inte rna l pressure shea th of anun bon ded flexible pipes in h igh tem pera ture appl ica t ions . I t descr ibes the pro-cesses by which the c r i t ica l m ater ia l proper t ies , both s ta t ic and dynam ic , canbe m easured an d eva lua ted aga inst r e levant per forma nce c r i ter ia . Pages: 471st Edition / January 2003 / Product Number: G17TR11 / Price: $100.00

Series 19: Completion Equipment

RP 19BEvaluation of Well Perforators(formerly RP 43)(includes Errata dated September 28, 2001)

Descr ibes tes t procedures for the eva lua t ion of per fora tor s u nder sur face con-di t ions; and th e eva lu a t ion o f the ph ysica l and flow cha rac te r i st ics of per fora-t ions obta ined u nd er tem pera ture an d pressure . A form for cer tifica t ion of  da ta i s inc luded as a pa r t of the recom m ended tes t ing procedu res . Pages: 301st Edition / November 2000 / Product Number: G019B1 / Price: $89.00

Drilling and Production Operations:Recommended Operating Practices

RP 31AStandard Form for Hardcopy Presentation of Downhole Well Log Data

Provides an im proved s tanda rd form at for ha rdcopy presenta t ion of downhole

wel l log da ta . S tan dardiz ing the log form an d da ta presenta t ion a l lows theuser to m ore eas i ly combin e a broad ra nge of log da ta to inte rpre t wel l s ta tusand per formance . Pages: 181st Edition / August 1997 / Product Number: G31A01 / Price: $71.00

RP 39Measuring the Viscous Properties of a Cross-linked Water-BasedFracturing Fluid

Provides stan dard tes t ing procedu res , such as labora tory process ing , fie ld pro-cess ing a nd ca lcula t ion processing for viscou s proper t ies , for the m easure-m ent of cer ta in rheologica l proper t ies of comm on cross- l inked water-basedf rac tur in g fluids used in h ydraul ic frac tur in g t r ea tmen ts . Pages: 253rd Edition / May 1998 / Product Number: G39003 / Price: $94.00

RP 40 2

Core AnalysisDivided into e ight sec t ions an d descr ibes com m only u sed, wide ly appl icableprocedures as wel l as spec ia l procedures for cha l lengin g l i thologies such a svuggy carbona tes , gypsum-bear ing format ions , and coa l . Rout ine core ana ly-s is m easurem ents covered inc lu de core sc reenin g an d prepara t ion , core fluidsa tura t ion s , porosity, an d perm eabi l i ty. Supplem entary tes ts such a s gra in s izedistr ibution, oil gravity, oil characterization, acid solubility, and core watersa l ini ty a re a lso inc luded. Pa ges: 2342nd Edition / February 1998 / Product Number: G40002 / Price: $199.00

RP 41Standard Procedure for Presenting Performance Data on HydraulicFracturing Equipment 

Provides a s tand ard procedure for mea sur ing , r epor t ing, an d cer t ifying th ehydr a u l i c ho r sepow er r a t i ng o f pum pi ng u n i t s u sed i n w el l c em e n t i ng a n d

f rac tur in g se rvices. I t i s appl icable to an y type of pum ping un i t r egardless of  c ompon e n t s suc h a s e n g i ne s , tr a nsm i ss ions , a nd fr a c t u r i ng pum ps . P a ge s: 82nd Edition / February 1, 1995 / Reaffirmed, June 2000Product Number: G41002 / Price: $54.00

RP 45Analysis of Oilfield Waters

Provides ana lysis m ethods for the de te rm ina t ion of dissolved an d dispersedcom pon ents in o i lfie ld water s (produ ced water, injec ted water, aqu eous work-over fluids , and s t im ula t ion flu ids) . Also inc ludes the appl ica t ions of oi lfie ldwater an a lyses ; the prop er col lec t ion, preserva t ion, an d labe l ing of fie ld sam -ples ; a descr ipt ion of the var iou s an a lyt ica l m ethods ava i lable , inc ludinginform at ion regarding inte r ferences , precis ion , accuracy, an d de tec t ion l imi ts ;as wel l as the appropr ia te r epor t ing forma ts for an a lyt ica l r esul t s . Pages: 603rd Edition / August 1998 / Product Number: G45003 / Price: $106.00

RP 49Recommended Practice for Drilling and Well Service OperationsInvolving Hydrogen Sulfide

Recom m enda t ions se t for th in this publ ica t ion a pply to oi l and ga s wel l dr il l -ing a nd se rvicing opera t ion s involving h ydrogen sulfide . These opera t ionsinc lude wel l dr il l ing, com ple t ion, se rvic ing, workover, downh ole m ainte -na n c e , a nd p l u g a nd a ba ndon m e n t p r oce dur e s c onduc t e d wi th h ydroge n su l -fide present in the flu ids be ing h an dled. Coverage of this publ ica t ion i sappl icable to opera t ions confin ed to the or igina l wel lbore or or igina l tota l

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depth a nd a ppl ies to the se lect ion of m ater ia ls for ins ta l la t ion or u se in th ewell an d in the wel l dr i ll ing or se rvicing o pera t ion( s) . The presence of hydro-gen su lfide in th ese opera t ions a lso presents the p oss ibi l i ty of exposure to su l -fur dioxide from the com bust ion of hydrogen su lfide . Pages: 292nd Edition / May 2001 / Product Number: G04902 / Price: $64.00

RP 50 2

Natural Gas Processing Plant Practices for Protection of theEnvironment 

Assis ts gas plan t opera tor s in un ders tan ding th e i r envi ronm enta l r esponsibi l i -t ies. I t i s inten ded to be used pr ima r i ly by envi ron m enta l , engin eer ing, andope r a ti ons pe rsonne l ; a nd by ma na ge m e n t i nvo lved i n bu i l d ing , m a i n t a i n -ing, m odifying, an d opera t ing gas processing plan ts . Opera t ions within th escope of this s tan dard inc lu de na tu ra l gas process ing an d assoc ia ted gas com-pression fac i l i t ies . This pu bl ica t ion begins wi th in i t ia l plant plan nin g, per-m i t t ing , and con st ruc t ion an d ends wi th plan t c losure an d s i te r estora t ionprocedures . Genera l gu ide l ines a re provided to be used a t gas plan t loca t ionsto develop s i te- spec ific envi ronm enta l progra m s. Pages: 232nd Edition / December 1995 / Reaffirmed June 2000Product Number: G50002 / Price: $78.00

RP 51 2

Onshore Oil and Gas Production Practices for Protection of theEnvironment 

Provides envi ronm enta l ly sound prac t ices to prom ote protect ion of the envi -r onm e n t i n dom e st ic onshor e o i l a n d ga s p r oduc t i on ope r a t i ons . P roduc t i onfac i li t ies , inc ludin g prod uced wa ter ha ndl in g fac i l i ties, a re covered. Coveragebegins wi th design a nd con st ruc t ion of access roads an d well loca t ions andcar r ies throu gh to ab an don m ent an d s i te r estora t ion a c t ivi t ies . Pages: 173rd Edition / March 2001 / Product Number: G51003 / Price: $54.00

RP 52 2

Land Drilling Practices for Protection of the Environment 

Provides gu ide l ines to promo te the protec t ion of the envi ronm ent in lan ddr i l l ing opera t ions . Pages: 402nd Edition / July 1, 1995 / Reaffirmed, June 2000Product Number: G52002 / Price: $83.00

RP 53 2

Blowout Prevention Equipment Systems for Drilling Operations

Provides inform at ion th a t can se rve as a guide for ins ta l la t ion a nd tes t ing of  b l owou t p r e ven t i on e qu i pme n t sys te ms on l a nd a nd m a r i ne d r i l li ng r i g s(barge , pla t form, bot tom-suppor ted, and floa t ing) . Pages: 813rd Edition / March 1997 / Product Number: G53003 / Price: $100.00

RP 54 2

Occupational Safety for Oil and Gas Well Drilling and Servicing Operations

Inc ludes procedures for prom ot ion an d m aintena nce of sa fe working condi-t ions for em ployees engaged in rota ry dr i ll ing opera t ion s an d wel l se rvic ingoperation s, includ ing special services. Applies to rota ry drill ing r ig s, well servic-ing r igs, an d special services as they relate to operation s on loca tions. Pag es: 353rd Edition / August 1999 / Product Number: G54003 / Price: $94.00

RP 55 2

Conducting Oil and Gas Producing and Gas Processing Plant Operations Involving Hydrogen Sulfide

Covers recom m enda t ions for protec t ion of employees an d the pu bl ic , as wel la s c onduc t i ng o i l a nd ga s p r oduc i ng a n d ga s p r oc e ss ing p l a n t ope r a t ionswhere hydrogen su lfide i s present in the flu ids be ing prod uced. Pages: 402nd Edition / February 15, 1995 / Reaffirmed, June 2000Product Number: G55002 / Price: $83.00

RP 56 Testing Sand Used in Hydraulic Fracturing Operations

Descr ibes procedures and equ ipm ent tha t can best be used in tes t ing an d eva lua t ing san d for use in h ydraul ic frac tur in g opera t ions . The objec tive of therecomm ended tes ts i s to im prove the qu a l i ty of f rac san d de l ivered to the wel ls i te . Sugg ested procedures a re presented for sand sam pl ing; sam ple s toragean d re tent ion; san d s ieve an a lysis ; dete rmin ing a verage par t ic le spher ic i ty

an d rou ndn ess; eva lu a t ing sand ac id solubi l i ty, an a lysis of s il t content ; de te r-mina t ion of sand c rush res is tance , and sand minera logica l ana lysis tes ts .Pages: 122nd Edition / December 1995 / Reaffirmed, June 2000Product Number: G56002 / Price: $59.00

RP 58 Testing Sand Used in Gravel Packing Operations

Descr ibes procedures and equ ipm ent tha t can best be used in tes t ing an d eva lua t ing san d used in gra ve l packin g opera t ions . The objec tive of the recom -m ended tes ts i s to im prove the qu a l i ty of grave l packing san d de l ivered to thewell s i te. Suggested procedures a re presented for sand sam pl ing, sam ple s tor-age an d re tent ion, san d s ieve an a lysis , dete rmin ing a verage par t ic le spher ic i tyan d rou ndn ess, eva lu a t ing san d ac id solubi l i ty, ana lysis of s i l t an d c lay con-tent , de term ina t ion of sand c rush res is tance tes ts. Pages: 12

2nd Edition / December 1995 / Reaffirmed, June 2000Product Number: G58002 / Price: $59.00

RP 60 Testing High-strength Proppants Used in Hydraulic Fracturing Operations

Descr ibes procedures and equ ipm ent tha t can be used in test ing an d eva lu a t -ing of high -s t rength proppan ts st ronger tha n s i l ica san d. The objec tive of therecommended tes ts i s to improve the qua l i ty of high-s t rength proppant mate-rials delivered to the well site. Suggested procedures are presented for prop-pan t sam pl ing; samp les ha nd l ing, s torage , and re tent ion ; s ieve ana lysis of  proppant samples ; de te rmining average par t ic le spher ic i ty and roundness;de te r mi n i n g p r oppa n t c r ush r e si st a nc e ; a nd de t er m i n i ng de ns i ty o f p r oppa n tm ater ia ls . Pages: 142nd Edition / December 1995 / Reaffirmed, June 2000

Product Number: G60002 / Price: $59.00

RP 63Evaluation of Polymers Used in Enhanced Oil Recovery Operations

Descr ibes test procedures and equ ipm ent tha t can be u sed to eva lua te an dcompare polymer per formance under s tandard labora tory condi t ions . Theserecommended tes ts a re for qua l i ta t ive compar ison of per formance and gen-era l sc reenin g of polymers u nder spec ific condi t ions . Suggested proceduresare presented for sam ple prepara t ion; eva lu a t ion of polymer solut ion rh eol -ogy and fl ow throu gh po rous m edia ; fi l te rabi l i ty tes ting of polymer solut ions;de te rmin ing con cent ra t ion of polym ers in solut ions; and eva lua t ion of poly-m er re tent ion. Pa ges: 741st Edition / June 1990 / Reaffirmed, June 2000Product Number: G63001 / Price: $106.00

RP 64 2

Diverter Systems Equipment and Operations

Covers sur face and su bsea diver te r sys tem s and com pon ents , inc lu dingdesign, cont rols , opera t ing procedures , and maintenance for land, bot tom-suppor ted of fshore , an d floa t ing of fshore , an d floa t ing of fshore ins ta l la t ions .Pages: 612nd Edition / October 2001/ Product Number: G64002 / Price: $77.00

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RP 65 7

Cementing Shallow Water Flow Zones in Deep Water Wells

T hi s doc um e n t i s t he c ompi l a t i on o f t e chn o l ogy a nd p r a c t i ce s use d by ma nyopera tor s dr i l ling wel ls in deep water . I t i s mean t to high l ight key param eter sfor increas ing th e chan ce of successful ly dr i l l ing a nd cem ent ing ca s ingswhere there i s a r i sk of sha l low water flow an d to discuss opt ions th a t a reava i lable . Pages: 44

1st Edition / September 2002 / Product Number: G56001 / Price: $88.00

RP 67 2

Oilfield Explosives Safety

Applica ble to explosives used in o il an d gas well opera tion s, m ore specifically,explosives used inside the wellborne. Guidance is provided for explosivest ranspor ta t ion , on-s i te explosives loadin g an d un loading o pera t ions , e lec t r i-ca l wire line opera t ions , tubing conveyed opera t ion s , se l f-conta in ed ac t iva t ingtools , se t t ing tools , sidewal l sam ple taker tools , se lec t fire per fora t ing gu ns ,and bul le t per fora t ing guns . Recommendat ions a re presented regarding sur -fa c e equ i pm e n t a nd dow nho l e e qu i pm e n t . Re c omm e nde d tr a i n i ng a n d mi n i -m um qua l i fi c a t i ons a r e p r e sen t e d f o r pe rsonne l w ho pa r t ic i pa te i n h a nd l i ngan d u sing explosives a t th e wel l si te . Pages: 161st Edition / March 1, 1994 / Reaffirmed, June 2000Product Number: G09308 / Price: $78.00

RP 74Occupational Safety for Onshore Oil and Gas Production Operations

AP I RP 74 r e com m e nds p r a c ti c es a nd p r oc edur e s fo r p r om ot ing a nd m a i n -ta inin g sa fe working con di t ions for per sonn e l eng aged in on shore oi l an d gasprodu c t ion opera t ion s , inc ludin g spec ia l se rvices. Pages: 231st Edition / October 2001 / Product Number: G74001 / Price: $ 44.00

RP 75 2

Development of a Safety and Environmental Management Program for Outer Continental Shelf Operations and Facilities

P r ovi de s gu i da n c e fo r u se i n p r e pa r ing s a fe t y a nd e nv ir onm e n t a l m a n a ge -m ent program s (SEMP) for oi l , gas , and sulph ur opera t ion s and fac i l it iesloca ted on th e oute r cont in enta l she l f (OCS) . These guide l ines a re app l icableto wel l dr il l ing, se rvic ing, an d produ c t ion; an d pipe l ine fac i li t ies an d opera-t ions tha t ha ve the potent ia l for c rea t ing a sa fety or envi ronm enta l h azard a tOCS pla t form s i tes . Eleven m ajor program e lemen ts a re inc luded for appl ica-t i on t o t he se fa c i li ti e s a nd ope r a t i ons . I den t i fi c a t ion a n d m a na ge me n t o f  sa fety an d envi ronm enta l h azards a re addressed in design, con st ruc t ion, s ta r -tup, opera t ion, inspec t ion, and maintenance of new, exis t ing, and modifiedfacilit ies. Pa ges: 342nd Edition / July 1998 / Product Number: G75002 / Price: $106.00

RP 80Guidelines for the Definition of Onshore Gas Gathering Lines

API RP 80, developed by an Indu st ry Coal i t ion tha t inc luded representa t ivesf rom over twenty pe t roleum indu st ry assoc ia t ions , provides a fun c t iona ldescr ipt ion of on shore gas ga ther ing pipe l ines for the sole pu rpose of provid-ing u ser s wi th a prac t ica l guide for de te rmin ing th e appl ica t ion of the defini-t ion of gas ga ther ing in th e federa l Gas Pipe l ine Safe ty Stan dards , 49 CFR P a r t 192 , a nd s ta t e p r og r a ms i m pl e me n t i ng t h e se s ta n da r ds . P a ge s: 53

1st Edition / April 2000 / Product Number: G80001 / Price: $94.00

RP 85 7

Use of Subsea Wet-gas Flowmeters in Allocation Measurement Systems

This RP presents a r ecommended a l loca t ion methodology tha t bes t fi ts thea pp l i ca t i on , a nd t ha t e qu i t a b l y a c com m oda t e s va r i a nc e s i n t he u nc e r t a in t yleve l be tween m eter s in th e system . I t i s intended to a dvise the u ser on var iousaspec ts of the u se of subsea wet-gas flowmeters in a l loca t ion m easurem entsystem s. Mar in iza t ion, opera t ion, abno rm al opera t ion, an d meter test ing a reim por tan t topics inc luded here , but , forem ost , this docum ent proposes tech-

niqu es to be used in the a l loca t ion of tota l produc t ion to individua l con t r ibut -i ng s t r e a ms .1st Edition / To be published Q1 2003Product Number: G08501 / Price: $110.00

Drilling and Production Operations:

Training RP T-1Orientation Programs for Personnel Going Offshore for the First Time

Serves as a guide to deve loping or ienta t ion s tan dards an d program s appl ica-ble to a l l employees and vis itor s going of fshore . Or ienta t ion program s ensuretha t a l l new personn e l know what i s expected of them du r ing the i r fir s t t r ipof fshore , as well as what th ey ma y expect to encoun ter dur ing this t r ip .Employers have the opt ion to ins t i tute broader procedures commensura tewi th the i r own pol ic ies an d s tanda rds . Pages: 44th Edition / October 1995 / Reaffirmed, June 2000Product Number: GT1004 / Price: $42.00

RP T-2 v

Qualification Programs for Offshore Production Personnel Who Workwith Safety Devices

API RP T-2 provides guide l ines for the qu a l ifica t ion of per son ne l en gaged inins ta l l ing, inspec t ing, tes t ing, and rout ine ly mainta ining sur face and subsur -face devices tha t a re used to insu re sa fe ty an d to prevent pol lu t ion du r ing th eprodu c t ion of oi l and ga s on of f shore pla t form s. The gu ide l ines provideexpec ted candida te per formance leve ls , ins t ruc t iona l content and recommen-da t ions for test ing. The gu ide l ines a re divided into in s t ruc t iona l an d tes tingpha ses. Pages: 32nd Edition / December 2001 / Product Number: GT2002 / Price: $42.00

RP T-4 Training of Offshore Personnel in Nonoperating EmergenciesRepresents an indu st ry guide for the t r a in ing of workers who work of fshore . I tp r e se n t s r ec omm e nda t i ons fo r t r a i n i ng t he se per sonne l i n h a n d l ing non -opera t ing em ergenc ies , such a s fires , t r anspor ta t ion em ergenc ies , pla t formaba ndo nm ent procedures , use of surviva l c ra ft s , an d water surviva l gu ide-

lines. Pages: 32nd Edition / November 1995 / Reaffirmed, June 2000Product Number: GT4002 / Price: $42.00

RP T-6 7

Recommended Practice for Training and Qualification of Personnel inWell Control Equipment and Techniques for Wireline Operations onOffshore LocationsThis Recomm ended Prac t ice (RP) provides cr i ter ia for the qu a l ifica t ion of  wirel ine per sonn e l in well cont rol equipm ent opera t ions an d techniqu es .Al thoug h i t does inc lude recomm endat ion s for t r a ining wire l ine per sonn e l ongenera l r ig wel l cont rol equipm ent an d theory, i t shou ld be noted tha t the m ainfocus for tr a inin g shou ld be those opera t ions us ing a lu br ica tor as the pr im arywell cont rol m echan ism. Wire l ine per sonn e l c lass ifica t ions to which this RP isapp licable are the Helper/Assistan t an d Operator/ Supervisor. Pages: 2

1st Edition / October 2002 / Product Number: GT0601 / Price: $42.00

Are you using training on RP T-2 and RP T-6 that meet thestandards of the people who wrote the book?ÊDoes your 

training program have the right stuff? API sets thestandard in training for the oil and gas industry with its Training Provider Certification Program (TPCP).ÊLearnÊmore about API's TPCP at www.api.org/TPCPÊor call 202-682-8490.

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RP T-7 Training of Personnel in Rescue of Persons in Water 

Appl ies to per son ne l wh o work of f shore . I t r epresents an indu st ry guide fort ra inin g personn e l in techn iques for r escuin g persons from the water andusin g sur vival devices. I t broadly iden tifies rescue devices, describes their op er-a t ions , and presents r ecommendat ions for t r a ining personne l . Tra ining rec-om m enda t ions a re designed to deve lop personn e l r escue proficiency whi le

m inim iz ing an individua l ’ s exposure to inju ry or loss of l if e. Pages: 82nd Edition / October 1995 / Reaffirmed, June 2000Product Number: GT7002 / Price: $40.00

Introduction to Oil and Gas Production(Book 1 in the Vocational Training Series)

See Also Indu st ry Tra in ing, Explora t ion a nd P roduc t ion P ub l ica t ion s5th Edition / June 1996 / Reaffirmed, June 2000Product Number: GVT015 / Price: $118.00

Corrosion of Oil and Gas Well Equipment(Book 2 in the Vocational Training Series)

See Also Indu st ry Tra in ing, Explora t ion a nd P roduc t ion P ub l ica t ion s2nd Edition / 1990 / Reaffirmed, June 2000Product Number: G12900 / Price: $106.00

 Subsurface Salt Water Injection and Disposal(Book 3 in the Vocational Training Series)

See Also Indu st ry Tra in ing, Explora t ion a nd P roduc t ion P ub l ica t ion s3rd Edition / 1995 / Reaffirmed, June 2000Product Number: GVT033 / Price: $71.00

Wireline Operations and Procedures(Book 5 in the Vocational Training Series)

See Also Indu st ry Tra in ing, Explora t ion a nd P roduc t ion P ub l ica t ion s3rd Edition / 1994 / Reaffirmed, June 2000Product Number: GVT053 / Price: $89.00

Gas Lift(Book 6 in the Vocational Training Series)

See Also Indu st ry Tra in ing, Explora t ion a nd P roduc t ion P ub l ica t ion s3rd Edition / 1994 / Reaffirmed, June 2000Product Number: GVT063 / Price: $118.00

Special Publications

Community Matters: Community Outreach GuidanceManual for Exploration and Production Facilities

T hi s ma n ua l p r ov ide s a m ode l com m un i ty ou t r ea c h p r ogr a m t o he l p o il a ndna tura l ga s indust ry E&P fac i l i ties im prove the i r t ies to the i r loca l com m un i-t ies. Comm un i ty Mat te r s of fe r s a s tep-by-step guide for implem ent ing a com -m un i ty ou t r ea c h p r ogr a m a nd p r ovi des i n fo r ma t i on on how t o t a i l or ou t r e a c heffor ts to m eet the needs of the fac i l ity and loca l com m un i ty. Pages: 1111st Edition / November 2000 / Product Number: G13660 / Price: $59.00

Voluntary Operating Agreementsand Bulletins

Form 5UO1Voluntary Unit Agreement 

Designed to a id in accompl ishment of volunta ry uni t iza t ion of oi l and con-densa te reservoi r s tha t a re substan t ia l ly developed in order to cond uct som eform of coopera t ive opera t ion( s) to in crease ul t ima te recovery. Provides a

com m on s tan dard of r e fe rence for par t ies involved in forma t ion of such un i t s.Pages: 254th Edition / June 1, 1993 / Reaffirmed, June 2000Product Number: G10800 / Price: $71.00

Form 5UO2Voluntary Unit Operating Agreement 

Designed to a id in accom pl ishm ent of volunta ry un i t iza t ion of oil and con -densa te reservoi rs tha t a re substant ia l ly deve loped to condu ct some form of  coopera t ive opera t ion( s) to in crease ul t ima te recovery. Provides a com m onstandard of r e fe rence for par t ies involved in forma t ion of such un i t s. Pages: 254th Edition / June 1, 1993 / Reaffirmed, June 2000Product Number: G10810 / Price: $71.00

Form 5UO3Statutory Unit Agreement 

Designed to a id in a ccom pl ishm ent of volun ta ry un i t iza t ion of those s ta teswhere fie ld-wide un i t s may be es tabl i shed by the a ppropr ia te r egula toryagen cy for the pu rpose of increas ing u l t ima te recovery of hydrocarbons. Pro-vides a com m on s tanda rd of r e fe rence for par t ies involved in form at ion of  such u ni t s . Pages: 182nd Edition / June 1, 1993 / Reaffirmed, June 2000

Product Number: G10820 / Price: $71.00

Form 5UO4Statutory Unit Operating Agreement 

Designed to a id in a ccom pl ishm ent of volun ta ry un i t iza t ion of those s ta teswhere fie ld-wide un i t s may be es tabl i shed by the a ppropr ia te r egula toryagen cy for the pu rpose of increas ing u l t ima te recovery of hydrocarbons. Pro-vides a com m on s tanda rd of r e fe rence for par t ies involved in form at ion of  such u ni t s . Pages: 232nd Edition / June 1, 1993 / Reaffirmed, June 2000Product Number: G10830 / Price: $71.00

Bull D8A Tabular Method for Determining the Change of the Overall Angle andDog-leg Severity (for Hole Inclinations up to 70 degrees)

Tables cover bore h ole inc l ina t ion f rom ver t ica l up to 70 degrees in incre-m e n t s o f  1 / 4 degree , up da t ing a nd extending API Circ D-545 i ssued in 1961 .Sam ple ca lcula t ion shows how to use the tables . Spi ra l -boun d, 183-pagebookle t opens fla t for m axim um ut i l i ty. Tables were com pi led by Pan Am er i -can P e t roleum Corp. (Am oco Produ c t ion Co.) Pa ges: 1831st Edition / September 1, 1964 / Reaffirmed, June 2000Product Number: G10000 / Price: $100.00

Bull D10 2

Procedure for Selecting Rotary Drilling Equipment 

Describes a system of analysis to select a r ig suitable for drill ing a specificwell , avoiding use of a r ig tha t i s e ither too la rge or too sm al l . Procedures outl ined provide a plan of ana lysis useful in de te rmin ing per forma nce capab i l i -t ies of r ig fun c t ions requi red for dr i ll ing a spec ific wel l , an d prescr ibe a m ean sof tes ting, dem onst ra t ing, or r a t ing the per forma nce capabi l i ty of com pon entsof a r ig. Pag es: 312nd Edition / August 1, 1973 / Reaffirmed, June 2000Reissued January 1982 / Product Number: G10200 / Price: $83.00

Bull D14Statistical Analysis of Crude Oil Recovery and Recovery Efficiency

Repor t culm ina t ing a 10-year s tudy of r ecovery processes based on ac tua l r es-e rvoi r per forma nce . S ta t i st ica l cor re la t ions presented in this r epor t a re n otrecommended to predict recovery or recovery efficiency for any one reservoir .

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The repor t does present informa t ion to substan t ia te ca lcula t ion s of averagerecover ies in a s ing le geologica l t r end. Pages: 47


2nd Edition / April 1984 / Reaffirmed, June 2000Product Number: G10700 / Price: $83.00


Bull D16 7 2


Suggested Procedure for Development of a Spill Prevention Control and

Countermeasure Plan


The pu rpose of this docum ent i s to ass ist the pe t roleum indu st ry in u nder -s tandin g the SPCC regula t ion in l ight of the la tes t rule (4 0 CFR 


P a r t 1 12 ) a n dto of fe r guida nce for deve loping SPCC Plans wherever they a re n eeded.Inc lu ded i s a templa te for deve loping SPCC plan s ( i . e ., onsho re exc lud ingprodu ct ion; onsh ore oi l produc t ion, oi l dr i l l ing or workover ; or off sho re oi ldr i l l ing , produc t ion or workover ) in a ccordance wi th the regula t ion an dguida nce , ins t ruc t ion an d c la r ifica t ion for com ple t ing each sec tion of thetempla te .

The purp ose of this rulem akin g was to es tabl i sh procedures , method s, an de qu i pme n t t o p r e ve n t a n d c on t a i n d i sc ha r ge s o f o il f rom non - t ra n sport a t ion -re la ted onsho re an d of fshore fac i l it ies; thu s prevent ing pol lut ion of navigablewaters of the United States.

The deve lopm ent of this Bul le t in was com m issioned by API an d per form ed by

Response Man agem ent Assoc ia tes , Inc . (R MA) .The pu rcha se of D16 inc ludes; Bul le t in D16, the Plan Tem pla te , and a CD-ROM with th e Microsoft® Word version of the Plan Tem pla te .


3nd Edition / December 2002 / Product Number: GD1603 / Price: $200.00


Health, Environment and Safety

See a lso the Hea l th, Environm ent an d Safe ty Sec t ion of the Cata log.


Health, Environment and Safety:




Bull E1 2


Generic Hazardous Chemical Category List and Inventory for the Oil and

Gas Exploration and Production Industry(Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986, Emergency

Planning and Community Right-to-know Act)(includes Errata dated March 1, 2001)

U nde r S ec ti ons 311 a n d 312 o f t he S upe r fun d Am e ndm e n t s a nd Re a u t hor i z a -t ion Act of 1986, owners an d opera tor s of oi l an d gas explora t ion a nd produ c-t ion fac i l i ties mu st provide to s ta te and loca l em ergency respon se agenc iesi n f o rm a t i on on ha z a r dous c he m i c a ls t he y p r oduc e o r u se . Th i s bu l l e ti n p r o -vides a s im pl ified mea ns of compl ian ce wi th these regula t ions . Pages: 86


2nd Edition / December 1, 1990 / Reaffirmed, June 2000Product Number: G11000 / Price: $106.00


Bull E3 2


Well Abandonment and Inactive Well Practices for U.S. Exploration andProduction Operations, Environmental Guidance Document 


Addresses the envi ronmenta l concerns re la ted to wel l abandonment and inac-t ive well prac t ices . The pr im ary envi ronm enta l con cerns a re protec tion of  f reshwater aqu i fe r s f rom flu id migra t ion; and i sola t ion of hydrocarbon pro-duc t ion a nd water injec t ion inte rva ls . Addi t iona l i ssues in th e docum entinc lude p rotec tion of sur face soi l s an d sur face water s, futu re an d u se , and per -m a ne n t docum e n t a t i on o f p l ugge d a nd a ba ndon e d we l lbo r e loc a t ions a ndcondi t ions . Pag es: 52


1st Edition / January 1993 / Reaffirmed, June 2000Product Number: G11007 / Price: $106.00


Exploration and Production: Protecting theEnvironment 2


Discusses work the E&P indu st ry does to protec t the en vi ronm ent wh i lee xp lo r i ng f o r a nd p r oduc i ng o i l a n d n a t u r a l ga s . D escr i bes a n um be r o f i nno-va t ive an d soc ia l ly responsible ac t ions taken by explora t ion an d produ c t ioncom pan ies to m inim ize im pac ts to a i r, wate r, land an d wi ldli fe . This docu-m ent i s only ava i lable in a P DF form at . Pages: 24


September 1997 / Product Number: G13650 / Price: Free*


Achieving Common Sense Environmental Regulation:Oil and Gas Exploration & Production


Discusses proposa ls to ach ieve a ba lan ced approach to envi ronm enta l r egula -t ion of the oi l and ga s explora t ion a nd produ c t ion indu st ry tha t protec ts theenvi ronm ent as well or be tte r tha n th e cur rent sys tem, an d does the job m oreefficiently. Pa ges: 36


May 1996 / Product Number: G13715 / Price: Free*


Pub 4702


 Technologies to Reduce Oil and Grease Content of Well Treatment, WellCompletion, and Workover Fluids for Overboard Disposal


Product Number: I47020 / Price: $88.00


Health, Environment and Safety:


Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials


Publ 7100 2


A NORM Disposal Cost Study


De ta i ls the repor ted quan t i t ies of NORM tha t ha ve accum ula ted over the yearsan d the an nu a l r a te of NORM produ ct ion for 1993 f rom U.S. oi l and ga s con-densa te produc t ion . The docu m ent a lso de term ines the 1992 cost of ava i lableNORM disposa l opt ions an d the an nu a l costs of com plying wi th exis ting an dproposed NORM regula t ions . Pa ges: 59


1st Edition / November 1996 / Product Number: G71001 / Price: $83.00


Publ 7101 2


A National Survey on Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM)

in Petroleum Producing and Gas Processing FacilitiesDefines the gen era l occur rence of NORM in th e Uni ted Sta tes based on s ta t i s t i-c a l a na l ys is o f ga mm a m e a su r e me n t s t a ke n e x t e r na l t o c e r ta i n pe tr o l eumpr oduc i ng a n d ga s p r oc es si ng e qu i pme n t . P a ge s: 265


Product Number: G71011 / Price: $83.00


Publ 7102 2


Methods for Measuring Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials

(NORM) in Petroleum Production Equipment 

The u se and capa bi l it ies of com m on fi e ld-survey equipm ent a re cha rac te r izedfor m easur ing NORM in s ludges and sca les accum ula ted in oi l and gas produc-t ion equipm ent . A cor rela t ion be tween radium concent ra t ions in accum ula tedsca les an d s ludges and m easured exte rna l r adia t ion i s presented. Pages: 85


Product Number: G71021 / Price: $83.00


Publ 7103 2


Management and Disposal Alternatives for Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) Wastes in Oil Production and Gas Plant Equipment 

Presents r adiologica l an a lyses of disposa l a l te rna t ives tha t wi l l protec t aga inste leva ted ra dia t ion exposures an d fac i l i ta te cost -e ffec t ive precau t ions th a t a repropor t iona te to any haza rds posed by the NORM. Fou r waste forms an d 12waste disposa l a l te rna t ives were a na lyzed. Pa ges: 65


Product Number: G71031 / Price: $83.00

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Publ 7104 2

Proceedings of the 1995 API and GRI Naturally Occurring RadioactiveMaterial (NORM) Conference

A com pi la t ion of 17 papers presented a t th e 1995 API /GRI NORM Conference .Subjec ts inc lude Measurem ent a nd Survey; Regula tory I ssues an d Act ivi t ies ;Mana gem ent an d Disposa l ; and Sca le Predic t ion an d Control . Pages: 225Product Number: G71041 / Price: $83.00

Publ 7105 2

Probabilistic Estimates of Dose and Indoor Radon ConcentrationsAttributable to Remediated Oilfield Naturally Occurring RadioactiveMaterial (NORM)

Evalua tes the concent ra t ion l im i t of 30 pCi /g Ra-226 in pipe sca le an d s ludgele ft nea r the sur face of r emedia ted oi lfie ld s i tes an d re turn ed to u nres t r ic tedpub l ic use . Inc ludes an extensive bibl iography of NORM research. Pa ges: 97Product Number: G71051 / Price: $83.00

Bull E2 2

Management of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) inOil and Gas Production

P r ovi de s gu i da nc e t o o i l a n d ga s ope ra t i ng c ompa n i e s on t he m a na ge me n t o f  

na tura l ly occur r ing radioa c t ive m ater ia ls (NORM). Pages: 451st Edition / April 1, 1992 / Product Number: G11005 / Price: $89.00

Health, Environment and Safety:

Safety and Fire Protection

Publ 7612

Model Risk Management Plan Guidance for Exploration and ProductionFacilitiesÑGuidance for Complying with EPAÕs RMP Rule (40 Code of Federal Regulations 68)

See Also Safety and Fire Protection, Publications3rd Edition / February 2001

Print Copy Only:Product Number: K76103 / Price: $180.00

Electronic Version and Print Copy, Single License:Product Number: K761L3 / Price: $258.00

Health, Environment and Safety:


API E5 2

Environmental Guidance Document: Waste Management in Explorationand Production Operations

I nc l ude s re c omm e nda t i ons fo r t he e nvi r onm e n t a l l y sound m a na ge me n t o f  sol id waste resul t ing f rom the explora t ion a nd prod uc t ion of oi l and ga s .Guidan ce is provided for the m an agem ent of dr i ll ing flu ids , produ ced water s ,an d oth er wastes assoc ia ted wi th the opera t ion of gas plan ts , fie ld fac i l i ties ,dr i l l ing , an d workover. Pag es: 842nd Edition / February 1997 / Product Number: GE5002 / Price: $94.00

Publ 4527Evaluation of Limiting Constituents Suggested for Land Disposal of Exploration and Production Wastes

This repor t descr ibes a s tudy to develop sa l ini ty and pe t roleum hydrocarbonthreshold gu idan ce va lues tha t typica l ly shou ld not be exceeded for one- t imeland a ppl ica t ion of explora t ion an d produc t ion wastes . Defini t ion, techn ica l

 ju st ifi ca ti on , a n d gu id a n ce fo r a pp li ca ti on o f t h re sh o ld va lu es a re pr ov id ed .Measurable param eter s tha t se rve as indices for proper envi ronm enta l m an -agement of sa l ini ty and pe t roleum hydrocarbons inc lude : e lec t r ica l conduc-

t ivi ty (EC) , sodium adsorpt ion ra t io (SAR) an d exchan geable sodiumpercentage (ESP) for sa l ini ty, and oi l and grease (OG) for pe t roleum hydro-carbon s. Pages: 66

 August 1993 / Product Number: I45270 / Price: $44.00

Publ 4600Metals Criteria for Land Management of Exploration and Production

Wastes: Technical Support Document of API RecommendedGuidance Values

This repor t provides sc ient ifica l ly defensible guide l ines for lan d m an agem entof E&P wastes conta inin g m eta ls . I t provides the techn ica l suppor t for r ecom -m e nde d m a x i m um c onc e n t r a t ions o f 12 me t a l s . T he gu i da n c e va l ue s fo ra r s en i c , c a dmi um , c h r om i um , c opper, l ea d , m e r cu r y m ol ybde num , n i c kel ,se leniu m , and z inc were adopted di rec t ly f rom sewage s ludge regula t ions prom ulga ted by EPA in 19 93. A r i sk-based approach was used to deve lop guid-an ce va lu es for bar iu m an d boron . The repor t a l so provides prac t ica linform at ion on sam ple col lect ion, ana lyses , an d ca lcula t ion of waste appl icat ion ra tes . Pages: 56

 January 1995 / Product Number: I46000 / Price: $42.00

Publ 4663 2

Remediation of Salt-affected Soils at Oil and Gas Production Facilities

Water separa ted from oi l and ga s dur ing produ c t ion conta in s dissolved sol ids ,inc ludin g sa l t . I f im proper ly han dled, produced water with suffic ient sa l t conc e n t ra t i ons c a n da m a ge p l a n t s a n d so i ls . The r e fo r e , th i s m a nu a l w a sdesigned to ass ist the oi l an d gas envi ronm enta l professiona l an d fie ld per-sonn e l to ( 1) assess s i tes wi th sa l t - a f fec ted soi l s , (2) eva lua te rem edia l a l te r-na t ives , and (3) condu ct r em edia l ac t ivit ies, i f necessary. I t provides form s foro r ga n i z i ng a s ses sm e n t i n f o r ma t i on a nd c on duc t i ng s a m pl e co l l ec t ion a ndan a lysis . Rem edia t ion opt ions a re divided into three pr ima ry grou pings: na t -u r a l r e me d i a t ion , i n s it u c he m i c a l a m e ndm e n t r em e d ia t i on , a nd m e c ha n i c a lrem edia t ion. A dec ision t r ee and workshee ts a re provided to a id in the se lec-t ion of a r em edia l opt ion(s) . Techn ica l approach es for applying each group ofrem edia l opt ions a re discussed. A nu m ber of appen dices provide supplem en-ta ry informa t ion on var ious aspec ts of sa l t - a f fec ted soi l r emedia t ion .October 1997 / Product Number: I46630 / Price: $79.00

Pub 4709Risk-Based Methodologies for Evaluating Petroleum HydrocarbonImpacts at Oil and Natural Gas E&P Sites

The process of ca lcula t in g hu m an hea l th r i sk-based sc reening leve ls for tota lpe t roleum hydrocarbons (TPH) i s descr ibed in an easy- to-unders tand ques-t ion an d an swer forma t . (Risk-based sc reening leve ls [RBSLs] a re ch em ica l -spec ific concent ra t ion s in envi ronm enta l m edia tha t a re considered protec t iveof hum an hea l th. ) Risk assessm ent concepts deve loped by the EPA, andr e se a r c h g r oups suc h a s t he P e t r o l eum E nv i ronm e n t a l Re sea r c h F or um(PERF) a nd th e Tota l Pe t roleum Hydrocarbon Cr i te r ia Working Grou p (TPH-CWG), a re u sed to ca lcula te RBSLs for TPH in c rude oi l an d con densa tesobta ined f rom arou nd th e wor ld. These method ologies were a lso appl ied topolyarom at ic hydrocarbon s (PAHs) , meta ls , and ben zene in TPH. Addi t iona lr e sour c e s c on t a i ne d i n t h i s ma nu a l i nc l ude a de sc r ip t ion o f t he phys ic a l a ndchem ica l chara c te r is t ics of crude o i l , con densa te , an d E&P wastes (cont ras ted

wi th refin ed produc ts) , a sum m ary of the federa l r egula tory s ta tu s of E&Pwastes, an d a l i st ing of key equa t ions u sed for ca lcula t ing R BSLs.February 2001 / Product Number: I47090 / Price: $57.00