แบบฝกทักษะที่ 1 แบบฝกทักษะการอานภาษาอังกฤษเพื ่อความเขาใจ โดยใชกิจกรรม KWL-Plus สําหรับนักเรียนชั ้นมัธยมศึกษาปที ่ 5 เรื ่อง CHRISTMAS IS COMING มวลมาศ แกวขวัญขา Created with Print2PDF. To remove this line, buy a license at: http://www.software602.com/ เผยแพร่บนเว็บไซต์ www.kroobannok.com

แบบฝ กทักษะที่ 1 · you can have a fire , or the structure e. to make something look more attractive by putting things on it or around it f. a very thin

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Page 1: แบบฝ กทักษะที่ 1 · you can have a fire , or the structure e. to make something look more attractive by putting things on it or around it f. a very thin

แบบฝกทักษะที่ 1


โดยใชกิจกรรม KWL-Plus

สําหรับนักเรียนช้ันมัธยมศึกษาปท่ี 5



มวลมาศ แกวขวัญขา

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Page 2: แบบฝ กทักษะที่ 1 · you can have a fire , or the structure e. to make something look more attractive by putting things on it or around it f. a very thin


กิจกรรมการอานนี้มีชื่อวา KWL-Plus

K มาจากคําวา Know หมายถึง ความรูที่มีอยูแลว

W มาจากคําวา Want to learn หมายถงึ สิ่งที่ตองการรูจากการอาน

L มาจากคําวา Learned หมายถึง สิ่งที่รูหลังจากการอาน

Plus หมายถงึ การเขยีนแผนภาพความคิด


ขั้นตอนการอานโดยใชกิจกรรม KWL Plus

Step K – What I know

ขั้นที่ 1 กิจกรรมนักเรียนรูอะไร นักเรียนและครูรวมกันคาดเดาเรื่องราวที่อาน หรือ

แสดงความรูจากสิ่งทีอ่าน แลวเขียนบันทึกลงในตารางชอง K

Step W – What I want to learn

ขั้นที่ 2 กิจกรรมนักเรียนตองการรูอะไร นักเรียนตั้งคําถามที่ตองการรูจากเรื่องที่อาน

หรือกําหนดคําถามรวมกับครู โดยเขียนบันทึกลงในตารางชอง W

Step L1 - What I have learned

ขั้นที่ 3 กิจกรรมนักเรียนเกิดการเรียนรูอะไร นักเรียนเขียนบันทึกสิ่งที่ไดเรียนรูท้ัง

ระหวางการอานและหลังการอานลงในชอง L พรอมทัง้ตรวจสอบคําถามท่ียังไมไดตอบ

Step L2 - Mapping

ขั้นที่ 4 กิจกรรมสรางแผนภาพความคิด นักเรียนนําความรูที่ไดจากขั้นที ่ 1-3 เขียน


Step L3 - Summarizing

ขั้นที่ 5 กิจกรรมการสรุปเรื่อง นักเรียนเขียนสรุปเปนความเรียงตามประเด็นสําคัญ


การใชเทคนิคการอาน KWL-Plus


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Page 3: แบบฝ กทักษะที่ 1 · you can have a fire , or the structure e. to make something look more attractive by putting things on it or around it f. a very thin



กอนที่นักเรียนจะปฏิบัติกิจกรรมในแบบฝกทักษะ ใหนักเรียนปฏิบัติ ดังนี้

1. ใหนักเรียนศึกษาคําสั่งในแตละกิจกรรมใหเขาใจ ถาไมเขาใจ


2. ใหนักเรียนทํากิจกรรมไปทีละกิจกรรม

2.1 Activity 1 Vocabulary Practice

2.2 Activity 2 Grammar Practice

2.3 Activity 3 Step K, Step W, Step L1

2.4 Activity 4 Step L2

2.5 Activity 5 Step L3

2.6 Post-test

3. ขอใหนักเรียนต้ังใจทําแบบฝกทักษะอยางเต็มความสามารถ

4. เม่ือนักเรียนทําแบบฝกทักษะครบถวนแลว ใหนําสงครูผูสอน


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Page 4: แบบฝ กทักษะที่ 1 · you can have a fire , or the structure e. to make something look more attractive by putting things on it or around it f. a very thin


Christmas Is Coming

Christmas is the most important celebration in many countries. Christians celebrate

the birth of Jesus Christ on December 25 even though they do not know exactly when

Jesus was born. On Christmas Eve, many of them go to church to attend a religious

ceremony called the Christmas Mass. It is also the time for family reunions when

members of the family get together to celebrate. They enjoy a big dinner and exchange

gifts on Christmas Day. Christmas celebrations are more or less the same in Western

countries. However, there are some slight differences.

In Austrian, Christmas is the big event of the year. The Austrian people always use

real trees, not plastic trees, to decorate their houses. They usually eat fish , chicken and

goose for Christmas dinner.

In England, children hang their stockings by the fireplace, hoping that Santa Claus

will fill them with gifts and sweets. The English have turkey for their Christmas dinner like

Americans and decorate their houses with Christmas trees the way Germans do.

The German people celebrate Christmas by having a big meal. Roast pork or ham is the

main dish of their Christmas dinner. They place presents and sweets on a special Christmas

table. They were the first people to put up Christmas trees in their houses. Some houses

are also decorated with the scene of the birth of Christ.

In the Netherlands, children leave a clog or a wooden shoe in front of the fireplace.

If they have been throughout the year, Santa Claus fill it with sweets. The Dutch go to church and

have Christmas dinner on Christmas Day. After the dinner, the whole family usually goes

ice-skating on frozen canals.

In Norway, on Christmas Eve, many families go out into the forests to cut their

Christmas trees and take a horse or a sleigh-ride home through the snow. On that same

evening, the tree is decorated the whole family sits down to a big meal together.

Adapted from : อรุณี วิริยะจิตรา และคณะ. THAT’S CORRECT ! BOOK 2. ม.ป.ป. : 104-105.

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Page 5: แบบฝ กทักษะที่ 1 · you can have a fire , or the structure e. to make something look more attractive by putting things on it or around it f. a very thin


Activity 1

Vocabulary Practice

Direction : Match the word with the meaning.

1. __________ cerebration

2. __________ Christmas tree

3. __________ Santa Clause

4. __________ stocking

5. __________ church

6. __________ cookies

7. __________ turkey

8. __________ fireplace

9. __________ gift

10. __________ exchange

a. a bird that looks like a large chicken,

or the meat of this bird

b. a thin, flat cake that is dry and usually


c. a building where Christians go to worship


d. a space in the wall of a room where

you can have a fire , or the structure

e. to make something look more attractive

by putting things on it or around it

f. a very thin piece of clothing that

covers a woman’ s foot and leg

g. a real or artificial tree that people

decorate in side their home for Christmas

h. a time when you enjoy yourself because

you have a special reason to be happy

i. something that you give to someone

j. an old man with a red coat and a long

white bread

k. give one thing and get another thing

for it

Exercise 1

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Direction : Write name of symbols of Christmas under the picture.

1. __________________

2. __________________

3. __________________

4. __________________


6. __________________

7. __________________ 8. __________________

Exercise 2

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Activity 2

Grammar Practice

Direction : Read about Countries and language-people-nationality then fill the word

in the blank.

Country language-people-nationality

America American

Australia Australian

Austria Austrian

Belgium Belgian

Brazil Brazilian

Canada Canadian

China Chinese

Denmark Danish

England English

Britain British

France French

Germany German

Greece Greek

India Indian

Italy Italian

Indonesia Indonesian

Japan Japanese

Korea Korean

Malaysia Malaysian

Netherlands Dutch

Norway Norwegian

Switzerland Swiss

Thailand Thai

Fill the best word in the blank.

1. In England, the ___________ have turkey

for their Christmas dinner.

2. In Netherlands, the ______________ go to

church and have Christmas dinner

on Christmas Day.

3. In ______________, the German people

celebrate Christmas by having a

big meal.

4. In Austria, the ________________ people

use real trees decorate their houses on

Christmas Day.

5. In America, the ______________ decorate

their house use real tree on Christmas Day.


I was born in Thailand. I am Thai.

I can speak Thai.

He is from Japan. He is Japanese.

He can speaks Japanese.

He’s from the USA. He’s American.

He can speaks American.


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Activity 3

Step K, Step W, Step L1

Direction : 1. Write what you know about “Christmas Is Coming” in Column K

2. Write what you want to learn about “Christmas Is Coming” in Column W

3. Write what you have learned about “Christmas Is Coming” in Column L

Step K

(What I know)

Step W

(What I want to learn)

Step L1

(What I have learned)

When is the Christmas day ? Christmas day is _______________.

What is the reason why Christmas

day important to Christians ?

They believe that Jesus Christ ___


What do Christians do on

Christmas Eve ?

_____________ to attend a religion

ceremony called the ____________


What do Christians do on

Christmas day ?

They enjoy ________________ and


What does the people do on

Christmas day in Austria ?

They decorate their house with


What does the people do on Christmas

day in _________and__________ ?

Children hang stockings by the fire

place , have turkey, decorate their

house with Christmas tree.

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Activity 3

Step K, Step W, Step L1


Step K

(What I know)

Step W

(What I want to learn)

Step L1

(What I have learned)



They have roast pork or ham,

decorate their house with Christmas

tree and some houses decorated house

with the scene of the birth of Christ .

What does the people do on

Christmas day in Netherlands ?

Children _____________________

_____________________________ ,

Christians go to church , have

_______________, and after dinner



____________________________ ?

They have big meal together and

on Christmas Eve they go out into

the forest to cut Christmas tree

and take a horse or a sleigh-ride

home through the snow.

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Page 10: แบบฝ กทักษะที่ 1 · you can have a fire , or the structure e. to make something look more attractive by putting things on it or around it f. a very thin


Activity 4

Step L2

Direction : Read the story carefully. Then fill in the blocks with the information supplied

in the reading.

Christmas Day

People do on Christmas

day in Austria : 2. ____





People do on Christmas

day in England and

America : 3. _________




People do on Christmas in

Germany : 4. __________





People do on Christmas in

Netherlands : 5. _____________





People do on Christmas

in Norway : 6. _________





Christmas day is 25

December. Christians

believe that 1._________



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Activity 5

Step L3

Direction : Summarizing the main points of the passage by rearrange the sentences then

take rearrange the sentences to write in the next box.



1. In Austria, Christmas decorate their house with real tree, eat fish, chicken

and gooses.

2. In England and America, Children hang stockings by the fire place ,

have turkey, decorate house with Christmas tree.

3. On Christmas Eve, Christians go to church to attend a religion ceremony

called the Christmas Mass.

4. Christmas day is 25 December.

5. On Christmas day, Christians enjoy a big meal and exchange gifts.

6. In Germany, Christmas decorate house with Christmas tree and the scene

of the birth of Christ , have roast pork or ham.

7. Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

8. In Norway, Christmas go to church , have Christmas dinner, go to ice-skating.

They go out into the forest to cut Christmas tree and take a horse o r a

sleigh-ride, have big meal together.

9. Different countries cerebrate Christmas in different ways. Example;

10. In Netherlands, Children leave a clog or a wooden shoe in front of the

fire place , go to ice-skating.

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Activity 5

Step L3


Direction : Summarizing the main points of the passage by take rearrange the sentences

to write in the box.

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Choose the best answer.

1. The Christmas day is _____________________________ .

a. the day which the New year

b. the day which the death of Jesus Christ

c. the day which the birth of Jesus Christ

d. the day which the birth of Lord Buddha

2. What is the word “religious ceremony” called ?

a. the Christmas Eve.

b. the Christmas Day.

c. the Christmas Mass.

d. the Christmas ceremony.

3. What do Austrian have for Christian dinner ?

a. They have turkey.

b. They have pork or ham.

c. They have beef and sweet.

d. They have fish, chicken and gooses.

4. What is the country have turkey for Christian dinner like England ?

a. Austria

b. America

c. Norway

d. Germany

5. What are the main food that German have for their Christian dinner ?

a. Roast pork or ham.

b. Fish, chicken and gooses.

c. Turkey, roast beef and sweets.

d. Ham, Fish, chicken, gooses and turkey.

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6. “People believe he will gave the gift for children on Christmas day.”

The word “he” refer to ________________.

a. Snow man

b. Lord Buddha

c. Jesus Christ

d. Santa clause

7. What did the Dutch do after the dinner on the Christmas day ?

a. They sit together.

b. They go to the church.

c. They go ice-skating on frozen canals.

d. They take a sleigh-ride home through the snow.

8. What does the people do on Christmas Eve in Norway ?

a. They hoping for the gifts.

b. They leave a clog in front of the fireplace.

c. They go to the church and have Christmas dinner.

d. They go out into the forests to cut their Christmas trees.

9. According from the passage, what will Christians do on Christmas day ?

a. They will go to church, have a big dinner, exchange gifts and decorate the house.

b. They will go to church, have a big lunch, exchange money and decorate the house.

c. They will go to church, have a big breakfast, exchange gifts and decorate

the house.

d. They will go to temple, have a big dinner, exchange gifts and decorate the

Christmas tree.

10. What is the main idea of the passage ?

a. Christmas is the time to exchange gifts.

b. Christians dinners differ from country to country.

c. Christians is a time to celebrate in many countries.

d. Different countries cerebrate Christmas in different ways.

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