Aa Gabriel Healing the Aging Process Part 1 2 3 And4

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  • 8/10/2019 Aa Gabriel Healing the Aging Process Part 1 2 3 And4


    HEALING THE AGING PROCESS Part 1 Time, Appearances, Programming,

    Awareness, Truth, Fear and Beliefs Gabriel Through John Columbus Taylor

    May 9, 1990

    Beloved Entities, welcome to this place and welcome to this time. Indeed, we

    bid you welcome from that which is the Brotherhood of Light, the AscendedMasters, the Great Ones, Archangels, ye even from that which you

    understand to be God, the All That Is All In All, that which is all things. We do

    give honor this evening to those who are with us. We are indeed thankful

    because we have some wonderful information for you that we think is going to

    assist you in the coming days. Therefore, this evening what we want to talk to

    you about has to do with what you understand to be the aging process. And

    we understand that this is of concern for many entities, so what we're going to

    talk to you tonight about and what may be a three or four part series is we're

    going to deal with some of the origins and causes of the aging process --

    where did it start, where did it begin, and what has been the cause of it. Nowsome of the things may be rather obvious, and some of the things may not be.

    So we do indeed hope and trust that you will find this information useful with

    the energies that are here now in your seeking to understand your life as it is,

    as it was, as it will be. So be it. Now, one of the first premises that we want to

    get into has to do with time. As you understand it, as you have been born into

    this lifetime, you mark time in seconds, minutes, hours, days, years, so on

    and so forth. Yet we have said unto you that time is an illusion. You have

    created time for the purpose of linearly experiencing all of the other creations

    that are here. And in that which you call your Bible where it says, in the

    beginning God created the heavens and the earth -- and indeed indirectly itwas God the All in All, but it was through you, the entities that you are,

    lowered energy that you would God into lower and lower Light forms, into

    lower and lower Energy levels to become the universes that exist. And in the

    state that you were in, in that spiritual state, you created many things over

    your understanding of time in what might have been billions of years.

    However, to create the thing was one thing; to experience it therefore required

    that you come down into the same frequencies so that you could walk

    amongst the flowers and walk in the trees or go into the waters at a beach or

    fly through the air, whatever it may have been. And there was a time indeed

    when you were able to fly, literally fly. It was not that you needed wings oranything of that nature, but you were so connected with the essence of your

    total being that you could change the vibration of your physical body in a

    moment and literally start moving across the planet to investigate other areas,

    to see other things. So what happened? Well, after many thousands of years

    of wandering around, many of the gods that you were got together and

    decided that you wanted to sort of perpetuate the species because there were

    some that had experienced what you might understand to be death, and that

    many of the creations began to find them rather tasty. So in order to move into

    the ability of being able to perpetuate the species in the form or form relatively

    close to what it is now, you began that process then of dividing into evenlower energy levels that you now call male and female. So then splitting

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    yourself in a way such that you became two parts, and this is where the origin

    of soulmates and lifemates, this sort of thing has come from. Now there are

    many entities that indeed that is the situation for them. Other entities have

    integrated outside of an incarnation the other "half" of themselves and have

    indeed reincarnated as a complete entity. So there are many entities that are

    representative of that category at this time. During this time when you started

    splitting into halves and coming in then, once of the things that you created

    within the physical body was the use of the emotion of fear. Now, the emotion

    of fear as it was originally intended was to assist you so that you would get

    out of the way when one of your larger creations started coming along that

    might have gobbled you up. So in a sense, it took quite some time before this

    was ever figured out. There were many entities that incarnated, and they saw

    their grand and glorious creations, such as the dinosaurs, and they went over

    to hug them, and the next they know they're being chewed up and swallowed

    and digested, which wasn't a very pleasant thing, although all they had to do

    was just go back out. You realize that your spiritual essence that in the

    context of the physical body, the spiritual essence never dies, and that you

    created this physical body in the same way that even now you create

    automobiles or whatever it may be. So there was nothing at all for you to go

    back out in a spiritual sense, bring in your ideal of another physical body, and

    then just enter into it, lower it into vibration and boom, here you were again.

    Now, picking up where we were once you had started dividing into polarized

    energy, then you decided to make the body so that it would respond to

    emotion and it would respond to such things as what had happened before,

    being eaten, this kind of thing, or falling into some of the traps that were

    created in a way. Now, what we mean by traps is just such things as the bogs,

    the rivers, lakes and streams, whatever. And you often found that they were

    deeper, and at first you didn't know how to swim, so it was an interesting thing

    to watch you sort of walk into this water and then disappear and never come

    out again. But be that as it may, the physical body then was endowed with the

    ability to register the emotion of fear within the chromozomatic structures so

    that it would then become a part of the cellular memory and thereby a part of

    what was termed the seed. So sperm and eggs then being the seed that

    became a part of either the positive gender or the negative gender, and when

    the two came together then this cellular memory was a part of the new entity

    that was created so that it would be better. It would know more things. It

    would have a better understanding of what in the world was going on in this

    world that had been created. And the entity that came in and occupied, well of

    course it didn't matter at that time, but in the real sense it came in for the

    purpose of experiencing a greater sense of being able to, let's say, take care

    of itself in the physical embodiment. So there were many, many emotions that

    were registered and became a part of cellular memory. One of the other

    things that happened was that this fear, which was indeed a what you would

    call a positive emotion initially, it started becoming what you might understand

    to be a controlling emotion. Originally, it's intention was that it would assist

    you, that you would respond to it by moving out of danger, or something of

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    that nature. But then some entities started feeling it when there was no

    danger, and that being the case then the events around the feeling of the

    emotion created then a fear that was based on a no-thing. That was still

    registered in cellular memory, and through eons of evolution now, thousands

    and thousands of years, many of the emotions, such as fear and anger and

    jealousy or anything of that nature, have had as their origin this fear that was

    registered when there was no-thing to be afraid of. Yet now you find many

    entities feeling a great deal of fear over things that are nonexistent, over

    things that don't matter, over things that are perhaps, one way to put it might

    to say out of their control (though of course your own reality is totally in your

    control). But to be afraid of what someone in Russia is going to do, you have

    no control over this person in Russia -- or be it Iran or wherever it may be.

    Many entities used to think that Russia was this great entity to the United

    States, so they had all this fear concerning it, when in actuality if you would

    investigate, you would find that the people there are just as afraid of you as

    you were of them. So it was like the unfounded fear, the unfounded fear. Now,

    even in this time that you are now, fear is still an emotion that has a very

    positive purpose to it. If you are walking along a railroad track and you see or

    you hear a loud horn, then by golly you might want to jump off the tracks so

    that you don't get hit by a train or something of that nature. Or if you're just

    walking down the street, same thing. So there's a real purpose there. But if

    you notice, there the feeling is a sort of a very quick, instantaneous thing,

    there is response, and you are out of the situation. So again, part of the

    original purpose of fear was to create a greater quickness in being able to

    respond to situations. So, how does this all fit into time. Well, most entities by

    virtue of having gone through certain experiences way back when, registered

    fear with respect to losing the physical body at an early time. The original

    physical bodies as they were created, as we told you when they lasted

    10,000, 20,000, 50,000 years and more, and many entities, indeed most

    entities lived that long easily, as long as they avoided some of their other

    creations that were sort of looking for them as morsels. But be that as it may,

    you find that those who were involved, let's say at what was considered then

    to be an early evolvement -- like an entity would come in and in only a matter

    of a few years (although there wasn't quite the understanding of years as you

    have it now) would then find itself taken out of the incarnation that it was in.

    One of the things that took place was the registering then of that emotion in a

    context of time, because it hadn't been here very long and it wanted to be

    here longer, so there was connected with the fear then an association with

    how long the entity had lived. It had not ever really thought about that, so that

    thought became a limited thought, embraced with the emotion of fear, which

    then became part of the seed, the cellular memory, and so therefore it also

    affected in a way the universal field, that is of the mass consciousness of all

    the other entities here -- and at that time there were only somewhere in the

    neighborhood of about 100,000 to 200,000 entities incarnated upon this

    plane. So the energy fields of one entity could affect the whole of the mass

    consciousness far more than it does now. And in so doing then was started,

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    initiated in a way, this concept of fear of death, fear of leaving the physical

    body. Through the eons then, through lowering the vibrations many times,

    through going through many other sorts of events and circumstances when

    man started to become, let us say, jealous of what another one had created.

    That was the start of another negative emotion that started to be registered

    then. And when his mate started messing around with his next-door neighbor,

    or he started messing around with his next door neighbor's mate, then there

    started to be sort of territorialism, and there started to be fences drawn. And in

    watching many of the animals that they had created, they noticed how the

    animals maintained certain territories, so they started marking off land for

    themselves. All the while, through incarnations, through certain processes

    through embracing limited thought, they started losing their ability to be able

    to raise the vibration of the body and go where they wanted to. They started

    becoming more stuck in one place. And rather than be able to simply raise the

    frequency of the body and move to wherever they wanted to on this planet or

    any other one that they wanted to go to, they found themselves now with the

    idea, with the thought, that it was hard to do that. This evolved through many

    eons, ages, incarnations so that now you find yourselves with this thought that

    you must have your automobiles, you must have your trains and buses and

    planes to go any place that you want to. And you've rather created quite a

    limitation there. Well, you've created some beautiful things to ride around in,

    and that's a wonderful thing indeed. But look at how it has limited the

    consciousness of this planet. Well, we've got to have this oil, and then if we

    get the oil out of the ground, look at what it does to the seacoast when it gets

    spilled. Or look at what it has done to the atmosphere when it's burned. The

    same is true of coal. The same is true even of nuclear energy. Is that clean?

    No, not at all. Not in the context of how it's effecting the planet. So, through all

    of this, through all of these experiences then, what has been embraced is

    aspects of fear that were associated with leaving the physical body, that were

    associated with time, that were associated with certain other events, and then

    fear then also became other emotions such as jealousy, such as anger, such

    as hatred, greed, that sort of thing, and throughout history, throughout a long

    period of time you will notice that most of the problems of humanity has

    created for itself has as a basis a form of fear. And as we said before,

    originally fear was intented to be a positive emotion, but it has been embraced

    in such a way throughout the eons that it has become a limited, very limited

    emotion. So many entities have fears that if they embrace a thought with this

    great fear, it's going to create something horrifying for them. Well, it's primarily

    the belief that it will that does that. However, you will also notice that it's

    important to watch what one's intention is. Remember, we gave you the nine

    electrums of creating. Now, creating and manifesting on this plane still

    invovles those, even though when you get into a higher understanding, you

    realize all you need is desire and knowingness, but desire and knowingness

    does mean still that you will play with some of those other aspects, because

    knowingness is the alignment of the nine electrums. So, to look at it in the

    context of what is this going to do to the aging process. Well, now you

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    understand that one of the greatest causes of the aging process might be

    termed fear -- fear of what? Quite simply, fear of time. Now, to apply that

    understanding in this present-day situation, let's look at some examples of

    how entities are afraid of time. Look at what all of your technology is geared to

    doing -- saving time, making things faster, doing things more quickly. All of

    your technologies seem to have as one of their bases time. Now, since time is

    an illusion, anything that is based on time could be considered an untruth.

    Anything that is based on time you can get around it because you have within

    you, the Essence of your Soul, Spirit and Higher Self, that which is timeless,

    that which does not need time in order to create, in order to manifest, in order

    to experience. And so, therefore, if you find yourself involved in a thing where

    time is the most important aspect of whatever is going on, then that is one of

    the subtle ways that you acknowledge aging, because of the fear associated

    with time. What we're going to suggest for you is a way to get around that, but

    we are going to go into more depth concerning releasing certain limitations,

    but our suggestion for you is simply to embrace an attitude -- and you might

    start speaking it -- "I have plenty of time, for whatever it is that I want to to do."

    Start saying and speak it outloud. What if someone hears you, so what! You

    see, that is another one of the limitations that you embraced that subtly

    influences the aging process. You care about what other people think about

    you. You care about, What do I look like? How do I smell? How do I appear?

    How successful am I? How am I using my time? And so there are many

    entities who have come up with time management systems. There are entities

    who come up with such things as -- we believe you were involved in what was

    it, The One Minute Manager, or something of this nature! Manage your

    minutes, wow. You've got quite a few of them. How are you going to manage

    them all? Are you going to collect them all together and kind of sort them out -

    - these minutes go here, these minutes go there, these minutes go there.

    That's what many entities do. They schedule themselves so that they can

    accomplish certain things in a certan framework of time. Now, we've

    suggested for you that this day, for example, is one of those which you might

    call a time warp. It is a day in which you have the opportunity to begin to play

    with time where you can stretch it out. We've suggested for you that the way

    to do that is you focus on what you are doing. You be with you. You be with

    what you are doing, with the emotion, with the attitude of love and joy. And in

    so doing, quite likely you notice that time sort of gets stretched out. You may

    have thought that 2 or 3 hours went by, perhaps it was only one. And this is

    one of the ways in which you can begin to stretch time. You start playing with

    your life. Now, to look at some other secondary causes of the aging process.

    We would say that many of them relate to belief systems. You believe in

    aging. You believe in it. When was your last birthday, or when is your next

    one. So you're celebrating getting older. And you have this connotation that by

    a certain age you're going to have a certain appearance. Now, that's mainly

    because that's what you were programmed. That is not cellular memory. That

    is the power of your mind. And you were taught -- how were you taught? Well,

    you had your parents and you saw them age. Perhaps you were fortunate

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    enough to see your grandparents, and what did you hear? "Oh, Grandfather's

    is 70 years old." So you say the appearance of Grandfather at 70; bingo, brain

    computes and creates the same process so that you look the same way when

    you get to that age. What's another way that you sort of believe in the aging

    process associated with this time thing? Well, look at some of the words that

    you speak. When you walk up to someone, and they say, "How old are you?"

    how do you feel? Well, as soon as they say, "How old are you?" you start

    feeling old. Perhaps you don't notice it, but it registered within the body. So

    perhaps maybe a response that you could say is, "I'm thirty years young." But

    we would suggest even going further than that. Perhaps it doesn't need a

    response at all. You may even want to say to this entity, "I stopped aging. I

    don't know how young I am anymore. I have no idea." "What does your

    driver's license say?" One of the things you may want to do is get rid of it. But

    how in the world are you going to drive your cars? How are you going to get

    social security? Look at all the things you have created that say you're going

    to age, you're going to become decrepid or useless by a certain time, by a

    certain age. How in the world could it be otherwise? At least, your scientists

    and doctors are starting to speak such things as, "Well, it looks like the life

    expectancy of the average male or the average female has increased for a

    few years now, and if everyone would stop smoking, perhaps we would all live

    a lot longer." We tell you truly that it is not the smoke that causes the aging,

    and it is not the smoke that is going to cause anyone to embrace a disease. It

    is simply the belief in it. There is no food that you eat that is harmful to you; it

    is only the belief that something is harmful to you. Now the belief can be from

    a past-life cellular sort of memory, so that some entities have what they call

    allergies to certain foods. But even that can be healed. Once a person

    understands, once a person comes into awareness -- what is the key to

    longevity, what is the key to awakening the Christ within, to walking as a

    Christ? What is the key to solving so many things -- it is awareness,

    knowingness. To see and to understand. And many entities walk around, and

    they're always asking questions, thinking that some day -- implying time,

    aging -- they're going to become wise and they will know and understand. The

    simple thing to do is to say, "I know the answer to this now." But then your

    mind says, "I don't know this." So what do you do? Well, if you would simply

    say, "I know, I know. I AM the Knowingness," what you do, whether your

    conscious mind accepts it or not, it registers in the subconscious where the

    circumstances are created, so that that becomes the reality. How old are you?

    How old do you want to be? Well, another way to look at it is in that concept

    that we gave you called the spiral. And we suggest using the spiral so that

    you can use that as a powerful visualization. It's a symbolic tool. Ten years

    ??be convolution, and you sort of halt it at the number of years that you want

    to say "hold" your age at. Oh, you could up the number that you want to sort

    of revert back to. But is it working. For some entities maybe it does; for others,

    maybe it doesn't. Maybe they want to see a change in a certain length of time,

    so automatically they've gotten right back into time, implying age, rather than

    simply pure Beingness. So, it's important to recognize time for what it is, and it

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    is simply a tool that allows you to experience what there is on this planet to

    experience in the physical incarnation. And time was never intended, as you

    created it, to imply that the body changes. So, when you begin to speak such

    words as, if you have a question, you say, "I know," do you know what

    happens to you in your physical body? Even though you don't know, or think

    you don't know in your conscious mind, what happens to you is the pituitary

    and pineal glands start secreting hormones, and what happens when the

    body is in harmony, it doesn't age. So each time that you speak something

    like that, which is an unlimited thought, it registers within the brain and so

    starts the process of opening the pituitary and pineal glands, and they secret

    many hormones that will create changes within your physical body. And these

    changes are not about time. You have the ability to change your physical

    ability, literally instanteously -- you just don't believe it. You don't know how.

    You forgot. You think that, "Well, I have to go on a diet, and it's going to take

    about a year to lose 20-30 pounds" -- boom back into time again. Everything

    that has been created in this society seems to be geared around time, so how

    are you going to be able to get beyond it? Well, we're going to suggest for you

    that you start using the mind, the brain, in a different sort of a way. The

    conscious mind is located on the outer extremity of this wonderful organ that

    you call your brain, and about the first 1/16th to 1/8th of an inch of the outer

    surfaces of the brain. Maybe for some entities it's more like 1/64th or 1/128th,

    because they don't use very much of the brain. Either that or perhaps they

    sort of fried it with certain drugs and things that cause brain cells to die. It has

    been said that you cannot recreate brain cells, that once you got what you

    got, that's all that you got. That's simply a limited thought. Indirectly, yes, it is

    a truth, but one of the things that does happen, no matter how many cells that

    you have, is that they start making more connections. So what does that

    mean? It means that you are starting to get in touch with other aspects of

    yourself. Every cell starts reaching out to touch more cells, so there are more

    pathways of communications. So then, certain processes of thinking happen

    more quickly. But wait a minute, what about when you get old and you can't

    think as fast as you used to. That's a belief. That's a limited thought. Look at

    all the limited thoughts and beliefs that exist, and you will understand why it is

    that people age. Can you heal them? Yes, you can. But if you start using the

    conscious mind to simply think things that have to do with timelessness, to

    speak things that get you beyond this idea that you are aging, the conscious

    mind, as we said, was never intended to be the judge of things. So when you

    start using your conscious mind to judge things -- good, bad, right, wrong --

    then you're using it for a very low frequency operation. But if you start using it

    to hold a thought, hold a focus, to initiate some of those processes throughout

    the physical body so that the body feels the joy that is going on, then you're

    using it for what it was originally intended. Then you start opening up and

    connecting with some of the rest of that wonderful structure that you call the

    brain. You start getting down, say a little further, down to about a quarter of an

    inch, some of the processes that take place there have to do with the ability to

    remanufacture (to use a term which perhaps is not really applicable), but if

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    you were to lose a limb, an arm, a finger or something like that, within that

    portion of the brain, about a quarter inch below the surface, is the

    remembrance of how to grow another one very quickly. To go a little bit

    deeper, about 1/2 inch down, is the ability, the remembrance of how to raise

    the vibrations of your entire physical body so that you can project yourself to

    another place on this planet. And a little further down inside the brain is the

    remembrance of how to shift your vibrations in such a way so you can go to

    another planet, to a star, to the center of a star, to become a star. That's part

    of what this marvelous structure of the brain can do. How do you start

    activating it? By thinking thoughts that no longer relate to such limitations as

    how old you are, what you look like in comparison to someone else -- but

    rather instead to start thinking, feeling and speaking unlimited thoughts,

    feelings, words. There will be many, many events, situations, experiences that

    the absolute best thing that you could do is not a say a word, but rather just

    experience it, because as soon as you start trying to describe it, then you've

    lowered its vibration and it no longer is what you experienced. It wasn't

    intended for your mate, it wasn't intended for your best friend, for your

    parents, or whomever it may be that you're talking with. Yes, you want to

    share these things with someone. Yes, you care so much about what they

    think about you. So much about what entities say in the context of a

    relationship and wanting to share things comes from the ego, comes from that

    part of the ego that is seeking self-assuredness, self-aggrandizement, self-

    extolling, and so it's like, "Well, gee, I had this wonderful experience, and I

    wanted to share it with someone." That wonderful experience you will

    probably never be able to put into words in such a way that it really matches

    up with what you experienced. So, rather than spend the "time" talking about

    it, why not use that time to think up another experience, and go out and have

    another wonderful experience. So what about your relationships, your mate,

    so on and so forth. They could be busy doing their own thing, or you could

    share things together. You both experience something. Often, the greatest

    communications are in silence. So many times entities talk about their

    relationships, "Well, we don't seem to talk anymore, we don't communicate

    anymore." It's because they quit feeling, they quite experiencing. It became

    judgment, rather than joy. And they look back on their lives because they've

    aged -- remember. And they think of all the things they wish they had done

    but didn't have the time to do. How often do you find yourself saying to

    someone, when they ask you to do something and you don't want to do it, you

    say, "Well, I'm really busy. I don't have enough time right now." What do you

    think you're creating when you say, "I don't have enough time." Why don't you

    speak the truth and just simply say, "I don't want to do it." Now, of course, you

    can do it diplomatically and simply say, "I choose not to do that. I choose for

    myself another experience that I feel will bring me joy" -- and rather than

    saying "will" which is implying future, which is again implying time -- why not

    say, "I choose to experience what I want." Simply say, "I don't choose that. I

    don't want it. I don't need that." So many times, implying here events,

    circumstances, situations, you find yourself saying things that create indeed

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    what we're talking about -- the aging process. What is it that you doctors say

    that, well in childhood you have to get certain innoculations for certain

    diseases and certainly then by the time you are an adolescent and have gone

    through puberty, then you've got to prepare yourself for college, you've got to

    do this, that and the other and become a responsible person, get a job, so on

    and so forth. You never ever needed to have a job. The whole purpose of this

    creation originally was that you came in simply to experience what was here,

    to experience what was here. It wasn't about having to work to make a living.

    But see at that time the hypothalumus was being used for what it was

    intended to be. It was the organ that allowed you to take the energy as it

    came into your body and manufacture whatever vitamins, minerals, or

    anything else that you needed. And through that process of the fears and the

    embracing of certain limitations, the hypothalumus sort of degenerated in a

    way to become only a very small portion of it being active in the same way

    that it's active in most of the animals that were upon this plane. So it became

    associated simply with survival. And the fears that were embraced were then

    associated in the physical body, and it was about survival in the physical

    body, because entities began to forget. They got so caught up in the emotion

    itself they began to forget. And throughout all the subsequent incarnations,

    there was more and more and more forgetting. Now, you find yourself at a

    "time" when the opportunity is there to release these vibrations of limitation,

    and to release and to be done with it is not about time at all. So many entities,

    especially those that are teaching metaphysical classes and spiritual classes

    and this sort of thing, talk about having to go through all these processes of

    releasing certain things, peeling away layers of the onion, like it's so hard, so

    hard to get to all the stuff that's been stopping you -- and it takes several

    lifetimes, some entities even say. But the greater truth of your being is that it's

    already within you. You're already done with it! The Wisdom and the Truth

    and the Knowledge, as we've said to you, that you will have two millions years

    from now in your understanding of time, you've already got it! Two billion

    years from now, you've already got it. You access it in the quiet. If entities

    would spend less time talking about their experiences with someone to try to

    impress them and take a little bit of that time that they're using here in such a

    limited way and use it for connecting with the Wisdom and Knowledge that is

    within, they would find on that inner pathway, on that inward journey, all of

    what we're talking about. Ultimately, as in all things, it's your choice and your

    responsibility. Whether you do this thing or not, it doesn't matter. You're going

    to come back again whether you live in this lifetime 5 more minutes of 5,000

    more years, you're going to come back, if not upon this plane then another

    plane, if not this planet, then another planet. Why? Because you want you.

    Because you are an adventurous God. You are an adventurous Being. You

    wanted this experience because of all there is here to experience. [END 1A]

    Now, some of it you weren't quite aware of all of what was going to be here to

    a certain extent, at least certainly when you woke up from that nap and found

    yourself as a swaddling little baby from the nap that you had had in the

    spiritual realm you didn't realize that life was going to be the way it was. You

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    came in, and entities say that while you came in and you chose your parents

    and you chose these experiences because you wanted to work on these

    things, yes, that is a truth, but it is a truth that was programmed many lifetimes

    ago. It is a limited belief. It is simply a limited belief, and you thought all along

    that this was what reincarnation was all about, that it was all about working

    through these things. Well, that's part of what has been cellular programming

    for a long time. The real reason that you are here is for the adventure. And if

    you can once again reconnect with the joyful, excited kind of anticipation of an

    adventure, then your life will become far more miraculous. The miracles are

    created literally without your having to think about them, things just start

    happening automatically, because there are parts of your being that set about

    to create in ways that you don't even understand. You conscious mind cannot

    fathom it. It wasn't intended to. That portion of the brain, conscious mind, was

    intended to experience what it's out here, and to embrace the All, the Joy, the

    Love, the Peace, the Serenity, once in awhile the fear, but fear was a positive

    emotion at that time. And there was no anger, there was no hatred. There was

    no jealousy, there was no greed, there was no envy. And the entity created a

    thing at one time, and there was another entity that wasn't happy with what it

    had created; it saw that this other entity had created someone he thought that

    it was better, and all of a sudden, humanity got into comparisons. And he

    didn't think that his thing was good enough, and so he embraced an emotion

    of wanting something that someone else had; rather than create it himself, he

    wanted what someone else had. And you know what that led to. It's what

    drives your world. You want to look like someone else. You want to be like

    someone else. You want someone else's money. You want someone else's

    things. Whatever they've created you either want Lee Iacocca's cars or you

    want Mercedes cars or someone else's vehicles, when you've got the

    grandest vehicle that could ever be created. How do you think that many

    entities that you call extraterrestrials, aliens are visiting this place? You think

    it's in spaceships, another kind of vehicle. Most of them come here directly.

    They don't need that. They clothe themselves in a light that simply carries

    them wherever they need or want to go, wherever they want to be. And who is

    it that's creating the spaceships? Guess who? You. And these entities that are

    coming in, they're simply going along with you on the game. They're kind of

    laughing and enjoying it. Let's see how confusing we can make it for this

    species that seems like it's a little backwards. But it's a game. It's an

    adventure. Yes, there are many entities who have come here to assist. That's

    for of the purpose for being here indeed, to assist you in awakening you up to

    the Divinity of God that is within you, to that Essence of God that is within you,

    so that you can and do create in Harmony with the Universe, so that you can

    and do create from Love and Joy. What about humanity? What about being of

    service to humanity? If you want to do that, that's a wonderful thing indeed.

    But we would say unto you, what might be called part of your evolutionary

    process is that the final knowingness is that whatever you do for the whole,

    you do for yourself, and whatever you do for yourself you do for the whole. So

    it doesn't matter what you do, you're doing it for you because you are All

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    Things. You are the All That Is All in All. So whatever anyone else

    experiences, you experience, and vice versa. Of course, at this moment

    you're seeing the Universe, your world, through the narrow, limited

    perspective of your conscious understanding, through the eyes, through the

    ears, taste, touch, smell -- you don't use those as much as you used to. In

    those days where you lived a long time and you came into this incarnation,

    many of the organs that are in your body didn't exist. They sort of evolved in

    order to remove all the poisons that are created from the thoughts and

    emotions that have been embraced. Yes, you could smell a flower far more

    ravishingly beautiful and fragrant than what you would understand to be your

    ability to smell now. You could taste a mushroom or a fig, an apple, whatever

    it was, and it would only take you a minute portion. One apply would be

    shared by 25, 50, perhaps 100 people, simply to taste it. And once they had

    tasted it, it's like what else is out there? What about oak leaves? What about

    grasses and grains, waters? They only required a very small amount because

    you were very sensitive to it. The organs that you have have sort of shifted in

    their purposes. Now, your scientists and doctors warn you about getting the

    minimum adult daily requirements. So, you find yourself eating, eating, eating,

    only to have 95% of it go out of your as waste. So if you only need 5% of what

    you put into your body, what would happen if you just ate that 5%. Oh, but you

    wouldn't be getting all the vitamins and minerals that you need? Wake up the

    hypothalamus. Knock on its door. Tell it it's time to get out of bed. Do you

    know how to do that? Think the thought; that starts the process. But here

    when we say process, we're not talking about time, except as you create it to

    be so for yourself, it can happen in a second or ten million lifetimes. They're

    both the same to the Soul-Spirit. They're both the same. So, knock on the

    door. Think the thought. Start the pineal and pituitary to secreting hormones of

    Life. Imagine what you want to be. Imagine it and you become it. But it's up to

    you to believe. It's up to you to have the knowingness. It's up to you to start

    doing some of those little things that no longer acknowledge aging and time.

    Does this mean that you will never again have a birthday? Well, you can

    celebrate anything that you want to. You already do. So if you wanted to

    celebrate a birthday, of course you can do so. Maybe you'd want to say that

    you were born on February 29; at least that comes around once every four

    years. Or perhaps you could say that you were born on the planet Pluto. A

    revolution around the Sun for the planet Pluto in your understanding of time

    takes 248 years, so you could multiply your lifetime by 248. That's a

    possibility. If you can imagine it, if you can think it, it's a possibility and it

    exists. We've said this to you many times. We've spoken to you about many

    things related to getting in touch with the unlimitedness that you are. So we

    would suggest that you truly start to ponder this, to think about it. Use that

    marvelous structure in your head for something other than judging another

    person. Use it for something other than thinking that you life is miserable. Use

    it for something other than criticizing yourself. It was never intended for that.

    The cells in your brain -- no matter how many you've got, you've got enough,

    and they are in good enough working order that you can indeed embrace the

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    unlimitedness of what we speak. There are entities perhaps who have

    destroyed a major portion of their brain through beliefs in certain things, yet

    even they have the ability to do the same as what we speak, because that

    marvelous part of the brain that is able to reconstruct and rejuvenate is at

    least deep enough so that it was not affected. Primarily it was the surface.

    Once you start that process of unlimited thought, another thing takes place as

    the pineal and pituitary glands start secreting hormones, and one of those

    things that starts taking place is that blood vessels to the interior of the brain

    start increasing in size. Right now, most of the blood flow is in that outer layer

    of the brain, but as you begin to think in more unlimited thought, it stimulates

    the growth so that more oxygen gets to those areas and then those chemical

    and electrochemical processes that take place, that correspond to all of these

    unlimited thoughts, those processes take place far more easily, far more

    quickly. Other things that happen within your physical body that as you start

    thinking and visualizing an appearance of what you want to look like, it begins

    to happen. Why is it that the so-called mirror exercise works? Because you

    really finally start getting a picture of yourself. So many entities are afraid to

    look at themselves, but it's a very powerful thing to do. It does help to know

    where you are in order to plot a pathway to where you want to go. And so,

    when you look at yourself, beautiful Gods and Goddesses that you are,

    remember that you are loved. Begin to remind yourself of your Unlimitedness.

    Begin to remind yourself of that part of you that already knows the answers to

    any question that you may have. When someone asks you something, do you

    say, "I don't know." You could say, "Let me think about it," but please don't

    say, "When I have time," or "I'll think about it tomorrow." Choose to be in this

    now, because this now is all that there is. This is the eternity right now. This is

    the moment of your awakening. This is your rebirth. This is your

    transformation. This is your opportunity. You have the ability to seize the

    opportunity. You have the power to do everything that we have spoken to you

    about easily, effortlessly, joyfully. We would say unto you, Let it happen. You

    do not need to force it or coerce it. It cannot be forced or coerced. It is loved

    into existence. Why do you think so many entities such as ourselves come

    here and speak to you to love yourselves? For indeed, as the final thing that

    we would say unto you this evening as to a cause of aging itself is because

    obviously you stopped loving yourself. The programming was there where you

    began to age. And as you in your own eyes grew older, you loved yourself

    less and less and less. That sort of kept the ball rolling. If you will truly begin

    to love yourself right now, just as you are, and enjoying you for who you are,

    not looking for someone to fulfill your dreams -- you are your dreams fulfilled.

    Not looking for the experience that's going to make you happy -- you are the

    happiness. Not waiting until tomorrow -- tomorrow doesn't exist. Now, love

    yourself now, and as you do so, as you indeed find the time to do so, you're

    going to find that you have a lot more time. We love you greatly. And so we

    say unto you this evening, we hope that these words will assist you to create,

    to manifest, in ways now that are not related to time, but rather from the

    Knowingness of the Divinity that is within you, that You Are, that you always

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    have been, that all of what you do be to the Glory of God, the All That Is All in

    All. And that as you leave this evening, you will know that you have more than

    enough time to get home. Take a moment and look at the moon. One of the

    ceremonies, one of the rituals of this time (called the Wisock Moon) is to be

    related to whatever one planted would bountifully multiply and come to fruition

    very quickly. Plant some seeds in your mind this evening in a ceremonial sort

    of acknowledgment of this special evening, and let those seeds be more

    unlimited. Take a few moments, even while you're driving home and before

    you go to sleep and embrace and plant that seed. It will bear fruit. It will

    multiply. The energies that are here are assisting you very greatly in creating

    and manifesting, in wiping the slate clean, but it already is a reality within you.

    Remove the word "old" from your usage, and they're going to be perhaps a

    few other words that we will give to you before we're done with this series that

    you can remove from your usage. They're no longer necessary. You're no

    longer creating aging. And though we leave you now, we're only a loving

    thought away. So be it. And pay attention to those dreams. They're becoming

    special. So be it.

    HEALING THE AGING PROCESS -- PART 2 Choices, Doubt, Cynicism,

    Love, Lack of Direction, Attitudes and Beliefs Gabriel Through John Columbus

    Taylor May 16, 1990 Beloved Entities, welcome again to this place and to this

    time. We bid you welcome indeed for the information that we desire to give

    you this evening. We trust and hope it is going to assist you very greatly.

    Therefore, we are very thankful for your presence. We indeed give thanks to

    God, the All That Is All In All, for this opportunity therefore to be of service to

    those that are, let us say, more expanded, more evolved. Remember not totake this to ego, more in the Essence of Light, for as you are on your pathway,

    truly there are grand things that are happening. Now, this past week we were

    talking with you of course about causes of the aging process, and we have

    some more causes that we want to go into this evening so that you will have

    pretty much a bank of all of those things, or most of those things, that are apt

    to cause this phenomena that you understand to be aging. And it is simply a

    phenomena; it is not a reality. It is just a phenomena that you experience

    because you choose to, or because you choose to and don't understand

    where those choices are being made. Now, two things that we want to be

    getting into this evening have to do with, as a cause of aging the lack of loveand the lack of a purpose and direction in this life or physical incarnation.

    Now, what does it mean, lack of love. Well, a lack of love is caused by a

    number of things, but with respect to the aging process what we are going to

    be speaking to you about is disappointment, is perhaps what you would call

    bitterness and cynicism. Now, you've all had experiences where you had a

    certain desire for something to transpire, and it didn't happen. So this then

    would cause you to embrace the emotion of disappointment. So granted,

    there was a desire for certain things to happen, perhaps in a certain

    timeframe. There are many entities who are trying to create things by certain

    times, so therefore what they've set up for themselves is what we call thecauses of disappointment, which would be stress and expectation. So, when

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    you look at a situation that you desire to have transpire using the Higher

    Energies, it's important to realize, as we said to you before, that the desire is

    remembering your future. Therefore, in terms of expectation, if you can

    remove time from all your equations, number one, you're going to find that it

    happens more quickly, and number two, you remove that possibility of getting

    into disappointment through expectation, through anxious expectation. In your

    creative processes, we always say to you that it indeed is important to have

    joyful anticipation. Now there's a big difference, and what we would say to

    you, the way to tell if in your creative processes if you're in joyful anticipation,

    is if it did not happen in the timeframe that you thought it was going to, would

    you be disappointed -- then obviously then that was anxious expectation. And

    interestingly, that sets up often many stresses within the physical body. And it

    sets up stresses in your whole energy field. So the disappointment then

    caused by expectation and stress is one of the greatest causes of your lack of

    love, and often the lack of love is for yourself. Many entities, when they first

    start coming into the understanding of what they call metaphysical and

    spiritual things, not everyone but many go through a process where there is a

    certain level of ego still operating, thinking that it is the one that has to do the

    things or is doing the things. And this is a subtle form of energy that is getting

    into things, a subtle form of, let's say, limited energy. And so the ego then is

    very disappointed when it can't do, but the essence of the truth that we've

    been giving you is that the ego was never intended to do. It was merely

    intended to give a context for things. In other words, it puts your personal

    stamp of your individuality, of your personality on how you experience the

    things that happen to you, of how you experience life, of how you experience

    this incarnation. Now, we've also related to you that an event is simply an

    event. It would be the ego conscious mind that would judge for you, is this

    good or bad. And we would say unto you that you can get beyond a lot of

    limitations when you can release those judgments. Now, the ego is a very

    important aspect of your being because it does help you to identify yourself, it

    gives you personality, individuality, and it is an important aspect of your being

    in every incarnation. We would also suggest to you that only with a few

    exceptions, your basic ego has changed very little, so has your basic physical

    appearance changed very little. Of course, there are many exceptions to this;

    this is sort of a generalization. So, getting back then to these causes, when

    you look at your creations, and if you think it is the ego doing it, that is why

    you set yourself up for a trap. It is the Power, the Love of God working,

    moving through you, allowed to be flowing through you that accomplishes

    whatever it is that you desire, that creates whatever it is that you desire. And it

    is the surrender of the ego that allows things to happen a lot more easily,

    because then you're not placing conditions on things. So many conditions.

    And there are so many entities who place conditions, for example -- well, to

    use the example that is most predominant right now in your understanding,

    there is conditional giving. So what is it that is manifested in all of humanity,

    conditional receiving. In other words, look at the whole monetary system. You

    can receive money if you will agree to pay it back with interest, so that's very

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    manifest a reality and has gotten into bitterness, then there is associated with

    that a lot of anger. And there are many entities in this world indeed at this time

    who have within them a great deal of anger, though it be repressed, and the

    repressed anger often manifests itself in many different ways. It can manifest

    itself as a tremendous weight loss, a tremendous weight gain. It can manifest

    itself even in them expressing all of this anger. But the greatest cause of this

    anger is the fear now that has crept in, because there is the uncertainty,

    because there is the doubt, because there is the cynicism. And what is this

    fear about? Well, it is a fear many times about just simply the basic

    necessities of their life, that many of the things that they desire -- simply food,

    water, shelter, love, acceptance -- they find not only do they have a difficult

    time giving it, but they have a difficult time receiving it. They have a difficult

    time believing that it is possible to have a different reality. And there are those

    who have experienced this through many lifetimes so that it is unfortunately a

    part of cellular memory. Now when you witness in this universe and this

    planet certain areas of the globe where there's a tremendous amount of

    starvation, where there is overpopulation and disease, and that sort of thing,

    many, not all of these entities but a majority of these entities, have had

    lifetime after lifetime of that sort of incarnation so that they've come back to

    experience it over and over again, and it's created all of those things that

    we've mentioned to you -- the fear, the anger, the resentment, the bitterness,

    the doubt, the uncertainty, the cynicism. There is no expectation; there's only

    fitful survival. And what does that do but it creates some of the greatest

    causes of the aging process. Oftentimes what we mean by an aging process

    is not so much what you appear in terms of how you look physically, but

    whether or not you have longevity of life. What we're going to suggest for you

    is that once you achieve a certain level of understanding with regard to the

    possibilities of longevity of life, it's automatically going to create certain

    changes in the physical body so that your physical appearance remains

    youthful for much longer, longer, longer time. So it is indeed possible for you

    to embrace a lifetime of 10, 20, 50, 100,000 years or more in the physical

    embodiment that you currently possess and inhabit. Now, the last thing that

    we would speaking to you about regarding this sort of threefold thing of lack of

    love had to do with what we would call more of not accepting yourself, not

    accepting who you are. And when we've spoken to you about loving yourself

    just as you are, that is important, a very important aspect because the lack of

    love that you have often creates those other three things. And when you

    accept yourself just as you are, you open the door for transformation that can

    take place at an even cellular level. So you embrace, one time truly accepting

    and loving yourself -- and all of you in this room have done that -- then you

    find that you want more. And as you expand, you expand your awareness,

    and sometimes you find things when you expand things that are in what you

    might call a negative direction. But it's important to love that aspect of your

    being also. Then you will be able to experience more in the other direction

    that you want. If you find yourself being very critical -- and that's going to lead

    to some of the other things that we were talking to you about. The second

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    great aspect that we're speaking to you about this evening on the aging

    process has to do with the lack of purpose or direction in life. Now, a lack of

    purpose or direction in life can be caused by a number of things also, not the

    least of which is once again a fear of the process of life. It also has to do with

    the lack of desires or goals -- in a very real sense many entities set goals for

    themselves, but really what it may be is a lack of desire of anything. Now,

    there are those who would say unto you, and it's a partial truth, that when you

    want nothing, you have all. We've even used those words with you. But what

    we're referring to there is moving you out of the vibration of need. To desire a

    thing is one thing. To need it really is saying that you don't have. So there's a

    subtle line, a fine line, and a subtle difference between an intense desire and

    what might be called neediness, and we've spoken to you quite a bit about

    that. So realize once again in your process of creating, manifesting that desire

    is an important aspect and that desire provides what you would call perhaps

    motivation, and the more intense the desire, the more intense the motivation.

    So entities that seem to lack motivation really are lacking a sufficient level of

    desire to experience a thing so that they would, shall we say, get off their duff

    and do something about it. However, you will also understand that the level of

    the actual doing now with this increase of the energies that are here, is far

    less than what it used to be. So, a lack of purpose or direction. What else is

    coupled with that? Well, we would say unto you that oftentimes entities feel

    that they have no real usefulness. And you see this quite often with those that

    you call old now. They reach a certain age, and they are so-called retired, put

    out to pasture, no longer useful by society when they reach a certain age. So

    there's this feeling within that begins to develop, and the feeling is often

    associated with an unworthiness, a uselessness. And when that happens,

    indeed it sort of accelerates what you would understand to be the aging

    process, bringing on death far more quickly. So one of the things that often

    happens to entities is, if they really desire, they will get back into even

    volunteer work, which is one of the things that you find many entities when

    they reach a certain age where they don't paid for what they do, then they

    volunteer. And that's a wonderful thing; this is one of the ways, not perhaps

    the best way, but one of the ways in which they are finding a certain level of

    usefulness in terms of their perception of themselves. Now, realize that this

    need to be useful is coupled often with what is often expressed in

    psychological terms as, well one of the terms is say co-dependency, or

    wanting to be accepted from an ego level, that is, wanting there to be the

    recognition of the self, the little self, as opposed to one simply embracing self

    recognition, self-love. So that lack of self love, that lack of self-acceptance, of

    recognition often creates then a feeling of uselessness, a lack of motivation,

    and this then in turn allows one to experience one of those greater things that

    we call a lack of purpose or direction. Now, direction is often given in the

    desire that you have by virtue of understanding where you are and how to get

    there. Now, of course, a desire embraced in a certain way is going to come to

    you automatically. But part of the process of it coming to you is your sort of

    meeting it halfway with the energies that are here now at this time and for a

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    little while. What does it mean to meet it halfway. It means to understand

    where you are and where you want to be. So what comes up a lot of time for

    entities once again when they first get into what would be called the

    metaphysical or spiritual pathway is they find themselves going into denial

    concerning what their present situation may be. Now, it is important to deny

    the power of your external reality on what you're going to think, feel or speak.

    But it is also important to recognize where you are so that you can map a way

    to where you want to go. You would not start out on a journey to, let's say,

    New York City if you didn't know where you were. How would you get there?

    What direction would you go in? Well, one of the things that really helps is

    what we would call a personal assessment. Where are you with respect to

    where you want to go? Now, before you can have a personal assessment,

    you sort of have to know what some of those desires are. Where do you want

    to go? And the personal assessment then is going to help you get in touch

    with where you are. And getting in touch with where you are -- and we're

    bridging now into some of the possibilities here for healing some of the

    causes of the aging process -- knowing where you are then allows you to

    begin to see certain step-by step processes that can be accomplished with

    respect to how you want to get there. Now, this is often put in terms of what

    you would call goals, and that is a truth indeed. But what we want to relate to

    you is that in the past where for the greatest part of your being to do it all to

    get to a point, what you're finding now is that what it is that you desire also

    desires you, so there's going to be a meeting halfway, at least with the

    energies that are here now. So it is as if to say in this same scenario that we

    are using, if you wanted to go to New York, New York was going to move

    across the country and meet you halfway, somewhere around St. Louis

    perhaps, although you might not want to go there because we understand

    there is a lot of water in St. Louis at this time. So, in that understanding then, if

    there is a situation, a thing, an experience that you desire, that desire is going

    to bring it to you automatically in some cases. In other cases, depending on

    your limitations, depending on where you are in your own consciousness --

    and it would help you to do this personal assessment. How do you feel about

    the you that exists right now? What is it in your life that you enjoy? What is it

    perhaps that you would like to expand? What do you feel about entities that

    you are close with, and how do you feel about your interactions with them?

    You can expand it much further than that. Once you get in touch with some of

    the conditions in your life as they are in your conscious understanding of the

    illusion that you created, then it's going to assist you in starting to visualize the

    pathway. Visualization is a very important thing. The more that you are in

    alignment, you're going to find that there are shortcuts that the Soul, Spirit and

    the Higher Self are going to assist you with. So as we've said to you, it's not

    so much the step by-step doing as it is understanding the steps that are

    necessary. Then you find that some of them perhaps you've already done. Or

    perhaps someone else can do it for you, would be perfectly willing to do so, or

    perhaps you will find that it's not even necessary. So then you find that an

    experience, desire, thing that you want, it's going to transpire far more quickly.

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    Now, what we would also like to do this evening is to perhaps go into a little

    bit more with respect to healing certain aspects of your being. Now, healing as

    you understand it to be is merely the removal of a vibration that represents a

    limitation. Perhaps in your physical body it represents the removal, the giving

    up of certain vibrations that may have even manifested in a physical form.

    You call it disease. Sometimes it may manifest materially, sometimes it may

    manifest more as a condition, you would call it a condition within. [END SIDE]

    And so therefore part of the process for healing is getting in touch with the

    Love that you have within you. So we're going to go on a little journey at this

    time where you're going to contact the essence of the Love that you are. So

    we ask you at this time to take a deep breath and to let it out slowly. Breathe

    in deeply and let it out slowly and easily, and as you do so, as you breathe in,

    you know that you're breathing in Life, and as you brethe out, you're breathing

    out imperfection, impurities, limitation. Each breathe that you take in, you're

    breathing in Life, and each time you exhale, you're breathing out a lot of that

    stuff that has been there for a long time. So now, while you're becoming calm

    and peaceful within, we would like for you to visualize yourself once again at

    the top of a little knoll, a wooded knoll perhaps, short scrubby trees around so

    that you still can see the sky. And you're in a little clearing on the top of this

    knoll. And while you are sitting there (you can be on a chair, on a rock, on a

    little depression on the ground, perhaps sitting on a blanket or something of

    that nature), while you're sitting there, you hear birds chirping at a distance,

    you hear the sound of crickets perhaps, the sound of a little brook nearby with

    the water sort of bubbling, cascading over rocks. You smell the flowers that

    are in bloom, various wonderful fraquances. Honeysuckle, night-blooming

    jasmine. Roses, daffodils. All gently whafting on the wind, a gentle breeze that

    every once in a while causes the hairs on your body to move and vibrate with

    the sounds, with the movements, with the fragrances. And you see a lush

    green carpet of grass before you, and the darker shades of leaves in the

    brush and the short little trees that are close by. And you see also a pathway

    that is leading down one side of the knoll that you are on top of. And while

    you're sitting there, you sense a presence close by. You look up in the sky

    and see the great entity of Ra shining forth with what appears perhaps even

    to be a smile on its face. You see a few white billowly clouds and the deep

    blue of the sky. But you sense this presence. You sense someone

    approaching on the pathway, and soon you hear footsteps. And you sense

    that this is a great being, a great entity, someone whom you have perhaps

    never met before, someone who has a vibration that is awesome, that is

    powerful, yet very gentle, loving, kind. And soon, very shortly, you see the

    appearnce of a head coming up the footpath, and soon this person begins to

    round a little bend in the path and you see the essence of this great Being,

    some ten feet tall, glowing in Light, brilliant Light that seems to be just going

    out in all directions from it, appearing very much human in your

    understanding, yet glowing, radiating in such a way that its light is as bright as

    the sun. So for a moment you have to look away while your eyes adjust to the

    brightness of this entity. For a moment you hear a sound, a musical tone, the

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    likes of which you've never heard before, and then you find you're able to look

    up. And you look at this entity who is now only a few feet away, and you see

    eyes that are so wonderfully soft, piercing, yet at the same time with a

    gentleness that soaks into your whole being. And you see a countenance that

    has a great compassion, an empathic understanding almost literally written

    into it, as if it has known every experience you have ever had, as if it knows

    exactly what you feel every moment. And you look further, and you see

    hands, hands that are brilliantly radiating energy, yet very much like your own,

    very soft and gentle looking, large as if they could grasp a tree trunk, yet you

    know that these hands could also hold the egg of a sparrow. And you look

    further and you see feet that have appeared to have trod many, many miles in

    coming on this journey to be with you. And there's a smile upon the face, and

    there's a look that allows you, causes you to melt in compassion and

    understanding for yourself. For the mere presence of this being, this great

    one, allows you to understand an essence of yourself that you've never known

    before -- great empathic understanding that you have for all of life, no matter

    what form it may takes, no matter what its appearance, no matter what its

    species. All of a sudden you feel in the presence of this one as if you were

    connected not only to it but to everything else that exists. And as you have

    that thought, all of a sudden your eyes perceive going out from your body,

    thousands, millions, billions of little tiny light beams that do indeed connect

    you with the Essence of Life on every dimension. And you see these many

    colored beams of Light -- the reds, the blues, the violets, the oranges, the

    greens, the purples, the yellows, blacks and brown, clear ones, amber,

    golden, more colors than you thought could even exist, and each one

    connecting you with an aspect of life that exists in another place, in another

    time, in another dimension, in another state of being, upon this planet, upon

    other planets, to all galaxies and all universes. And it's all connecting with you.

    And then this Great Being, this Great One, with a smile upon his face,

    reaches forth its hand and by some strange Force you seem to arise, and as

    you arise you seem to expand, and as you expand you both seem to grow

    together so that now your heads are in the clouds and you're looking down on

    this place where you were sitting, then the next moment you are looking back

    at the planet still expanding, still growing, still moving outward. And now you

    see the galaxy and the universe filled with galaxies. And you see even more

    and more connections going out from your being, connecting you with all of

    life. And yet the Great One is there with you still, and you wonder what

    essence of being could it be that could cause or allow this sort of thing to

    transpire. And in a moment you know the answer, for this is the Essence of

    the Love that You Are. This is the great One that You Are. This is the totality

    of Love that is within you. And you realize that this Great Being is not so much

    separate from you as it is You. Feel the Essence. See that perspective that

    you have once more of looking at Universes stacked one on top of another,

    filled with billions of galaxies still expanding, still moving, for with each thought

    that every entity has, a new universe is created, a new possibility, a new

    essence of life. And you stand with this Great One, now a part of your own

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    being, and you stand in awe and wonder, realizing that all of this is God, the

    All That Is All In All, that you are the Essence of God, the All That Is All In All.

    And then in a moment, in a flash, you're back upon the knoll, sitting on your

    rock, in your chair, seeing the flowers once again, smelling the fragrances that

    drift lazily on the wind, on the breezes toward you, feeling the warmth of the

    sun, hearing the chirping of the birds, the crickets. And once again, perceiving

    yourself to be back in your own being, back in your own body, back in your

    own realm, in your own conscious awareness of reality, of what you've

    created, yet knowing now the Essence of Love that exists within you. And

    knowing this Essence of Love gives you now a greater purpose in life, for it is

    to express and become that Love. It is to allow it to flow through you in such a

    way that it harmonizes your being and flows out from you to harmonize all of

    your reality so that all things as you udnerstand them to be come into

    alignment, so that while you witness grand and glorious things taking place,

    you no longer need to judge them or criticize them, no matter what they may

    be, for you accept and allow, for you have seen a grander perspective, you've

    seen the Essence of Who You Are. Now, take a moment to ponder, what

    does age mean to you? Love is timeless, ageless, dimensionless. It exists

    everywhere. It has existed for all time beyond time. We call Love the Cosmic

    Glue of the universe. That's an essence of understanding with respect to the

    physical universe, yet it is so much more that words cannot express; it simply

    must be experienced. Shortly, perhaps in a few days, you will have a dream,

    and this dream will be another journey, and this journey is going to take you

    into a dimension where you will have a new experience of Love, a new

    understanding of it, and it will register in your consciousness in a way that will

    allow your to express more of that Essence, more of the Love that is coming

    through you even now. The Fifth Ray is allowing you to express one of the

    qualities of Love, which you call Unconditional Love. And in Unconditional

    Love you allow, so there is no longer disappoinatment caused by stress or

    expectation, so those things no longer contribute to an understanding of

    aging. In loving yourself as you are, you allow the process of Life to bring to

    you an enhanced experience of the Joy that is within, and you move in such a

    way that no matter what your experience may be, you realize that your

    thought... (end of tape)

    HEALING THE AGING PROCESS, Part 3 Now, Spoken Word, Subconscious,Meditation on the Water of Life Gabriel Through John Columbus Taylor June

    13, 1990 Beloved Entities, welcome once again to this place and to this time.

    Well, in your understanding of time, it's been some time since we chatted with

    you before. So we want to welcome you all back once again, the new energy

    that we perceive here. It is indeed a pleasure and indeed an honor that you

    are here amongst us. Now what we have been talking about of course has to

    do with what you understand to be the aging process, and we've talked to you

    about several of those things that we would call the causes of the aging

    process, and we're going to sort of get into two that we consider, let's say, the

    most important for you to understand at this time, give you a perspectiveabout that, go into a couple of things regarding healing, and then a meditation

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    that we feel is going to help you out considerably with a number of different

    things. All right. So, primary causes let's say at this time concerning the aging

    process. Now, the most important thing that we would say unto you that we

    would consider to the cause of aging has to do with the way that you believe

    in time. So, the way that you believe in time. The secondary most important

    cause of the aging process has to do with all those things that you speak

    about not having enough time. We've gone over a few of those. We're going

    to mention a couple more of them before we're done this evening. So, primary

    cause has to do with what it is, how it is that you are believing in time itself. So

    let's get into that. We've told you, we've explained to you a couple of times

    that from the Soul perspective, future, present and past are simultaneous.

    There is no time. Your Soul-Spirit created this incarnation to experience

    certain things at these frequencies of vibration, meaning in this physical

    incarnation in three-dimensional space and time. But now your Soul-Spirit is in

    charge of many things. It is also connected with all the other yous that exist,

    not in a past life, not in a future life, because past, present and future are

    simultaneous. It's all going on right now. Everything that you were or will be is

    all happening right now. Now, 99% of your consciousness is in this reality. But

    there are billions and billions and trillions of other aspects of yourself that are

    experiencing other realities. And every thought that you have creates another

    aspect of yourself, another being just like you that will learn, that will progress,

    that will move forward in its universe. Every desire that you have manifests in

    some reality somewhere. Every fear that you have manifests in some reality

    somewhere. So a key point here, a key point that we call one of the pearls of

    wisdom concerning fears. Many of you have concerns about your finances,

    your love life, the aging process, so on and so forth. So what we're going to

    suggest to you is this. If you will go in a meditation and experience that fear

    around those areas in your life, just as ugly as it can possibly be in your

    imagination, all the horrible things that you might think associated with it,

    what's the worst thing that could happen. You do this in this meditation. You

    key here is your intention that it manifest in another reality, not in your

    conscious reality, and it happens just that way. So what you're doing then is

    letting go of a fear. You're living it. Why? Your Soul Spirit came into this

    incarnation, and into any incarnation, and any experience that it chooses is for

    basically one thing -- emotion. We mentioned to you that the memory of the

    Soul is an emotional memory. We mentioned to you how to heal some of

    those emotions in a seven fold process: Awareness, Acceptance, Tolerance,

    Forgiveness, Compassion, Understanding and Love. So now that you are

    progressing through some of those things and you have that understanding,

    that knowledge, this is going to be a key point for you in the coming days

    because of events that are soon to transpire, and it's all connected indeed

    with your concerns, not only about aging as you understand it to be, but also

    about all the other things that are happening for you in the context of this

    physical incarnation and this awareness. So go into this meditation with the

    intention, with the thought that you're going manifest whatever this horrible

    thing is that may be coming up for you. But you're going to manifest it in

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    another reality. Now, I'm going to suggest something else for you. There are

    only seven to twelve primary emotions that you would call negative ones --

    like anger, greed, envy, jealousy, fear, hatred, this sort of thing. There are

    only seven to twelve that you really have to deal with. So the more intensely

    that you can get through it in the meditation and manifest it in another reality,

    the less you experience it in this reality. Why? Because once the Soul has

    embraced the emotion, as our Brother Ramtha would say, has owned it, has

    understood it, has gotten it, then it no longer has the desire to create that in

    the experience anywhere. Your conscious choices are affecting all the yous

    that exist in all these other places, and yes, their choices are affecting you.

    But realize that you're looking at 99% of your consciousness being here and

    only 1% being out there, so there's a 100-fold difference in what you're going

    to perceive consciously happening in those billions of other existences in

    comparison to what you're going to experience in the here and now. Now is

    the point of power. The future, the present and the past are simultaneous, but

    they're also continuously changing. Now, entities have often gotten on what

    they call their spiritual pathway, on this pathway that they want to get back to

    God. They think that once they grow into all this expanded consciousness and

    finally become one with God, but realize that just as you are expanding, so is

    this thing that you call God, the All That Is All. The bottomline is that you'll

    never get there. It just doesn't happen that way. You become All That You

    Are, and what you find out is in the process of reaching for this that you think

    is this ultimate thing that you want to become, the ultimate answer is that

    you've always been it all the time. It's always been a part of you. And so then,

    what is the important aspect of that. It is simply to love and to honor Who You

    Are now. Right now. What's your future going to be? What are you

    experiencing right now? You're going to become more of what you are right

    now. Now, for some entities who are going through great difficulties, that

    could be a scary kind of thing. But we would say to you, if you want the future

    to be different, be different now. If you want all these things that you say you

    want, start having them now. So, you've been given processes how to activate

    that kind of thing -- thought and emotion embraced intensely. It seems so

    simple, yet so many entities miss it. So why then is this thing about

    experiencing the emotion, those negative emotions that are projected into

    another consciousness, into another reality someplace, because, as we've

    expressed to you before, the energy density in this reality is increasing. The

    things that you think and hold in your consciousness and feel are manifesting

    more quickly. The delay mechanism used to be somewhere in the

    neighborhood of ten years. It's down to a matter of months. Now it's down to a

    matter of days, for some entities maybe only hours. We also mentioned to you

    the cycles of Great Light. Now, again, this is a perspective. The cycles of

    Great Light have been going on for a long time, in the understanding of time.

    But on the basis of social consciousness, mass consciousness, race

    consciousness, the greater part of humanity in the understanding of how they

    are moving through time as they and you have created it to be, the great

    probability is that on June 21 (1990) will begin what we call the cycles of

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    Great Light. And those will not end. There will be peaks. When these begin to

    happen, what it means is that the delay mechanism is going to drop down

    another step. Rather than being days and hours, it's going to be somewhere

    in the neighborhood of hours and minutes, so that a thought, a visualization

    that is vivid in your imagination in your mind, embraced with that intense joyful

    feeling will manifest very quickly, very quickly. All right, now let's apply this

    then to tonight's subject, healing the aging process. Look at the things you

    speak. Look at the number of "times" -- and we're going to be using "times" in

    quotations all throughout this evening, so just realize that it's in quote all over

    the place. Many "times" that you embrace thoughts and speak words that you

    don't have enough time for something. We mentioned once before, when

    someone calls you and wants you to do something, you think, oh what good

    excuse can you use, "I'm busy. I don't have enough time." You don't know

    subtly what you're creating when you say that. You don't know your power.

    You don't know who you are. You have this concept, "I am God," but you don't

    know what that is. Do you really know? Get in touch with this, dear ones, this

    is important. Every thought that you have had has created a universe just as

    complete as the one that you see here. Every single thought. And guess what,

    the cells of your body are also consciousness that have thoughts. They too

    are creating realities. Billions upon trillions of cells in your body, each one a

    consciousness, each one expanding in its awareness to become something

    greater, just as you are expanding in your awareness to become all that you

    can be. And the more that you expand, what it does is it opens you up to see

    that there is simply more to expand into. When you have that connection, it's a

    very humbling experience. So what are some other things that you say or do

    that relate to this idea of not having enough time. Think about it. You get in

    your car, you're going someplace, the thought, "I'm late." So it's like rush here,

    rush there. You have an appointment, an engagement with someone, and

    there's the thought there that, "Oh, I've got to get ready, I've got to get ready."

    So watch what you're doing with time, how you play with it, how you use it,

    how you think about it, because those are going to be keys for you to

    understand exactly what the aging process is. Now some of this may seem

    like pie in the sky. Some entities will get it, and they will be able to maintain a

    youthful appearance or a appearance that they desire. Others will have an

    attitude of, "Well, gosh, it seems like a lot of effort, a lot of trouble. I don't

    know if I can really do this." And others will simply fall along the wayside and

    say, "Well, it just doesn't work for me. Nothing ever worked for me." See those

    limited thoughts. Go into a meditation and experience those limited thoughts.

    Carry it out to the nth degree, to just as ugly and dirty and nasty and dirty and

    spotty and rusty or whatever you want it to be. And manifest it somewhere

    else. You don't need it. You are an unlimited being. You really are. Now, your

    conscious mind, the ego part of you, certainly has limitations. There are

    certain implied limitations of being in a physical body that you've accepted as

    part of this experience, but what you are seeking, what you are learning, what

    you are getting is the connectedness to the aspects of yourself that are

    unlimited and thereby what you think may be a reality can change very

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    quickly. You see, this is not just one universe that you are in, and the length of

    time that it takes us to say universe, you have gone through so many of them

    that you could not count them. Because you are creating, recreating,

    destroying and recreating, moment by moment, billions, trillions, quadrillions

    of times a second in the understanding of time