Level 3 Certificate in assessing candidates using a range of methods (7317) Candidate guide A1 – Assess candidates using a range of methods www.cityandguilds.com November 2004

A1 – Assess candidates using a range of methods a2 assessors.… · Level 3 Certificate in assessing candidates using a range of methods(7317) Candidate guide A1 – Assess candidates

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Page 1: A1 – Assess candidates using a range of methods a2 assessors.… · Level 3 Certificate in assessing candidates using a range of methods(7317) Candidate guide A1 – Assess candidates

Level 3 Certificate in assessing candidatesusing a range of methods (7317)Candidate guideA1 – Assess candidates using a range of methods


November 2004

Page 2: A1 – Assess candidates using a range of methods a2 assessors.… · Level 3 Certificate in assessing candidates using a range of methods(7317) Candidate guide A1 – Assess candidates

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Page 3: A1 – Assess candidates using a range of methods a2 assessors.… · Level 3 Certificate in assessing candidates using a range of methods(7317) Candidate guide A1 – Assess candidates

Level 3 Certificate in assessing candidatesusing a range of methods (7317)Candidate GuideA1 – Assess candidates using a range of methods

November 2004


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05 Record of achievement 7317

07 Contact details

09 Who will be involved?

09 You the candidate

09 The assessor

09 The independent assessor

09 The internal verifier

09 The external verifier

09 The role of the centre

09 The awarding body

10 Where do you begin?

10 Devising a personal action plan

11 How is your competence assessed?

11 Different types of assessment evidence

11 Assessor observation reports

11 Questioning

11 Professional discussion

12 Standards, evidence and assessment guide

12 A1 Assess candidates using a range of methods

12 This unit is appropriate for you if your role involves:

12 The activities you are likely to be involved in:

12 What the unit covers:

12 Scope

22 Knowledge requirements

Assessment documents

27 Personal action plan

29 Observation checklist for A1.3

31 Assessment declaration

33 Independent assessment report for A1

35 Glossary of terms


Contents 03

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Record of achievement 7317

Record of achievement 7317 05

Candidate name Candidate enrolment number

Centre name Centre number

Registration date Start date on programme

Assessor making the assessment decision (please print) Internal Verifier responsible (please print)

Element Date of completion Signature of assessor Signature of internal verifier





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Centre details

Centre Name Centre number


Postcode Telephone number

Fax E-mail

Co-ordinator’s name

Assessor details

Assessor name

Position Signature

Second Assessor name (if appropriate)

Position Signature

Independent assessor details

Independent assessor name

Position Signature

Internal Verifier details

Internal verifier name

Position Signature

Contact details

Contact details 07

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You the candidate

With your assessor’s help and guidance, you should takeresponsibility for collecting and indexing your evidence in supportof your claim to competence. (You may have more than oneassessor, particularly if the assessors in your centre also act as yourtrainers or tutors.) In addition, some of your work for this awardmust be assessed independently, this means by an assessor who isnot your primary assessor and is, therefore, independent from you.

The assessor

Your assessor is responsible for helping you identify opportunitiesto prove your competence and produce evidence that your workmatches the appropriate standards. Your assessor, who is qualifiedas an assessor and has experience in this area of work, will alsojudge your performance and other evidence to check that it meetsthe national standards.

The independent assessor

Part of the assessment for your award will be carried out by asecond fully qualified assessor, who is independent from you andwho is experienced as an assessor of these awards.

An independent assessor, who is not your primary assessor, must assess a substantive component of your evidence. An independent assessment report form is provided on page 33 of this pack for use by the person selected to be yourindependent assessor.

Your centre will select a suitable person to act as your independent assessor.

The internal verifier

This person is responsible for ensuring quality and consistency ofassessment decisions throughout the centre.

The external verifier

This person is appointed by the awarding body to monitor the qualityof assessment decisions and verification processes within a centre,ensuring that the centre meets national standards. There will be anexternal verifier from the City & Guilds group (your awarding body)for the award for which you are a candidate, but you may alsooccasionally meet external verifiers from other awarding bodies whoare monitoring the awards that your candidates are taking.

The role of the centre

The centre plays a lead role in your award by ensuring the wholeprocess meets the City & Guilds group requirements through itssystems and through the activities of its assessors and internalverifiers. The centre may be the company where you work or theplace that organises your training. The centre is responsible forsending the details of your registration and achievements to the City& Guilds group for processing.

The awarding body

The City & Guilds group is responsible for checking that you have allthe necessary practical skills and knowledge to do the job. Whenyour centre is satisfied that you are competent then it will apply tothe awarding body for your award. This will be sent to you throughyour centre.

Who will be involved?

Who will be involved? 09

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You will probably begin working for your award by going through an‘induction’ programme arranged by the training and assessmentcentre you register with. This programme is likely to involve your assessor(s) and/or trainer(s) and it will enable you to get toknow the documentation and help you understand the actualstandards to be achieved.

It should be made clear to you that the award is based on actual

work-based performance, so your activity will be judged, as wellas the products you produce, from your work. Performance of real

work activities in the real working environment is what is

required; this means that NONE of your performance against thestandards may be simulated.

You and your assessor should then consider any experience youmay already have in relation to the relevant units to help youdetermine your start-point. At this initial assessment, your assessorwill help you draw up your first action plan.

Devising a personal action plan

Your assessor and/or trainer will support you in devising a personalaction plan. Go through each element of the unit and compare itwith your experience to date. Decide what degree of competenceyou already have. Next, determine whether or not you haveevidence to present, and whether or not you need training. Preparetwo lists – one for areas where you can start to identify evidence,and one for areas where you have identified training needs.

A pro-forma for a personal action plan for you to copy and use canbe found on page 27 of your pack. Use this to identify the types ofevidence you can already present for each element/unit, and showthe type and source. Also negotiate with your assessor the futureaction and evidence requirements, and record these with agreedtarget completion dates. Agree and record suitable review dateswith your assessor.

You may find the following questions useful as a checklist whencompleting the ‘action required’ column:

• can my performance be observed by the assessor?• can I include any records, documents, etc?• are there any aspects for which I cannot easily produce evidence?• are there any elements/units for which I need training?• are there any elements/units for which I need to build up


When completing the ‘evidence required’ column, work out withyour assessor:

• what can be assessed through observing you at work• what can be assessed through your work products• how your knowledge will be assessed, e.g. by questions or

discussions (these must be recorded for verification). Note: theassessment of knowledge should be integrated with theassessment of performance wherever possible and appropriate.

Then set about building up your experience, knowledge and skillsand gathering supporting evidence in the process. Your ‘personalaction plan’ should help you to understand fully what is expected ofyou and what is to be covered in the assessments.

Where do you begin?

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Formal assessment will take place when you and your assessor feelthat you are ready. Assessments should occur at frequent intervals,and during an assessment your assessor may ask you questions toconfirm your knowledge and understanding of certain points. Theindependent assessment is likely to take place towards the end ofyour programme.

What you do in your everyday work in a learning and developmentenvironment will provide most of your evidence. Although there aredifferent sources of evidence (described below), performanceevidence is seen as the primary source for making a judgement ofyour competence against the standards. However, it is required thata variety of assessment methods should be used to confirm yourcompetence.

It is important that all of your assessment evidence comes fromyour performance in your workplace, i.e. when you are carrying out‘real work-based activities’. You are not allowed to use materials

you create during your training as evidence of competence

and you are not allowed to use simulation.

You have to produce performance evidence to meet all the criteria

in an element.

Your performance evidence will show your assessor that you havesome of the required knowledge, but you may also provide evidenceof some of the required knowledge by reporting on your evaluationsof systems and processes. Evidence must be provided for all

the knowledge items listed for the unit as a whole.

Different types of assessment evidence

There are different ways of judging competence, different methodsof assessing and different forms of evidence that can be presentedas follows:

Assessor observation reports

Observations by your assessor should take place as you carry outactivities in your everyday working situations. During anobservation, you should work normally and your assessor shouldobserve you without being too obtrusive. Your assessor shouldwatch and listen for any evidence of your skills, knowledge andunderstanding. Your assessor should discuss the assessment with you immediately afterwards so that you get feedback on yourperformance and are clear about what you should do next. Theobservation report created by your assessor is an importantassessment document and is needed as evidence for your portfolio.


You may be asked oral and/or written questions by your assessor(s)to confirm that you possess the necessary knowledge andunderstanding associated with competent performance. For oralquestions, you or your assessor should record the questions andthe answers you give, and this record should be included in yourportfolio as evidence.

Professional discussion

You and your assessor will engage in a professional discussionsession where you will describe, explain and evaluate aspects ofyour work for which evidence may not be able to be provided in anyother way. Your assessor will be able to ask for clarification and askquestions. Ideally this discussion should take place at yourworkplace so that you will be able to show your assessor workproducts which could not be taken out of the work environmentbecause of complexity, security or confidentiality. The purpose andprocess of each professional discussion should be planned andagreed in advance, and there must be a clear and full record of thediscussion which will be available for verification purposes – thismay be in a written from or as a video or audio recording.

How is your competence assessed?

How is your competence assessed? 11

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A1 Assess candidates using a range of methods

This unit been developed by the Employment NTO. It replaces theprevious D32/D33 units.

This unit is appropriate for you if your role involves:

• assessing candidates against agreed standards of competenceusing a range of assessment methods

• giving candidates feedback on your assessment decisions• contributing to the internal quality assurance processes

The activities you are likely to be involved in are:

• developing realistic plans for learning and assessment with candidates

• understanding assessment requirements• planning the assessment process with candidates and the other

people involved• helping candidates to meet the agreed assessment requirements• reviewing the candidates’ level of competence and identifying

what they need to do to be fully competent• supporting candidates with different needs during

your assessment• using a variety of assessment methods• making a record of your assessment decisions• giving candidates feedback on their performance and reviewing

their progress throughout the assessment process• using different types of evidence to give an overall assessment

of competence• working with the other people involved in the assessment

process, such as workplace supervisors and other teachers or trainers

What the unit covers:

1 developing plans for assessing competence with candidates

2 judging evidence against agreed standards to make assessment decisions

3 giving candidates feedback and support on your assessment decisions

4 contributing to the internal quality assurance process


This unit covers assessing of candidates by using differentassessment methods. These include:

• watching candidates perform in the workplace• asking candidates questions• taking account of past experiences and achievements• setting tests• setting projects and tasks• arranging simulations• assessing the candidate’s report of their work• using evidence from other people, including peers and witnesses.

Assessment can include using material from awarding bodies and from within your own organisation. It can also include assessingthe competence of those who assess candidates as a major part of their role.

Observation may take place in person or using appropriatetechnology such as videotape. Evidence may also include examiningproducts. All candidates must show they have agreed assessmentrequirements. You must also show you are aware of and understandthe appeals and complaints procedures of your centre and theprocess for handling them.

Standards, evidence and assessment guide

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A1 Unit overview – Evidence requirements

Standards, evidence and assessment guide 13

Evidence of knowledge requirements

a A record of a professional discussion between the assessor and the assessor-candidate during which the assessor reviews any method of the assessment notcovered by performance evidence and:

i Indicates the validity and reliability of each method

ii Reviews any potential issues of fairness and access in relation to individual assessment methods

iii Covers all of the following methods if not covered by performance evidence:

• questioning• accreditation of prior experience

and achievement• formal testing• projects and assignments• simulations• candidate and peer reports• evidence from others

b A written or spoken explanation of the following procedures used within the assessor-candidate’s centre:

• how to provide access to assessment for candidates with individual specialneeds and special assessment requirements

• how disputes and appeals about assessment decisions are handled• the internal standardisation and quality assurance arrangements• how assessments are recorded• sources of information regarding assessment requirements and best practice


Develop plans for assessingcompetence with candidates

Assessment plans (3)

Record of written or spoken explanation (1)

Written reviews (2)

Assessment decisions (3)

Record of professional discussion (1)

Record of observation of feedback (1)

Record of feedback (2)

Record of professional discussion (1)

Assessment records (2)

Written evidence of contribution tostandardisation procedures (2 x 2)

Written statement from person responsiblefor internal quality monitoring (1)


Judge evidence against criteria tomake assessment decisions


Provide feedback and support tocandidates on assessmentdecisions


Contribute to the internal qualityassurance process

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Performance Criteria

You must be able to do the following:

a Develop and agree an assessment plan with candidates.

b Check that all candidates understand the assessment processinvolved, the support available to them and the complaints andappeals procedure.

c Agree fair, safe, valid and reliable assessment methods.

d Identify appropriate and cost-effective opportunities forassessing performance.

e Plan for using different types of evidence.

f Identify how the past experiences and achievements ofcandidates will contribute to the assessment process.

g Identify and agree any special arrangements needed to makesure the assessment process is fair.

h Identify how other people will contribute to assessments andwhat support they may need.

i Identify how to protect confidentiality and agree arrangementsto deal with sensitive issues.

j Agree how you will handle any difficulties or disputes duringthe assessment.

k Agree when assessment will take place with candidates and theother people involved.

l Agree arrangements with candidates for reviewing theirprogress against the assessment plan.

m Review and update assessment plans to take account of whatthe candidates have achieved.

A1.1 Develop plans for assessing competence with candidates

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A1.1 Develop plans for assessing competence with candidates

Standards, evidence and assessment guide 15

Each assessment plan MUST:

Cover ONE full unit of competence which can be certificated

Indicate which assessment methods will be used

State how assessments will take place

Over the three plans you must cover a minimum of FOUR assessment methods to be used over the THREEassessment plans, including observation of the candidates

Provide ONE example across the THREE assessments which includes involving others making a contribution to the assessment process

(Total: 3 Plans)

a THREE assessment plans for a minimum of

TWO different candidates


States the assessment methods selected to assess specific aspects of competence

Indicates why they are valid, reliable, and fair indicators of competence

Covers a minimum of FOUR assessment methods reviewed

Shows how others have been involved in the assessment process and their precise contribution to the process

(Total: 1 record)

b A record of a written or spoken explanation


With a minimum of TWO candidates, including evidence of having updated assessment plans

(Total: 2 written reviews)

c Written outcomes from progress reviews

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Performance Criteria

You must be able to do the following:

a Use the agreed assessment methods to assess competence inappropriate situations.

b Use the past experiences and achievements of candidates as partof the assessment of their current competence.

c Ensure that the evidence comes from the candidates’ own work.

d Make safe, fair, valid and reliable decisions about the competenceof candidates, only on the agreed standard.

e Collect evidence from the other people involved in theassessment process.

f Apply any agreed special arrangements to make sure theassessment is fair.

g Base your decisions on all the relevant evidence of candidates’performance and knowledge. Take this evidence from as manyplaces as possible.

h Explain and resolve any inconsistencies in the evidence.

i Make a record of the outcomes of assessments by using theagreed recording system.

j Speak to the appropriate person if you and the candidate cannotagree on your assessment of their performance.

A1.2 Judge evidence against criteria to make assessment decisions

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A1.2 Judge evidence against criteria to make assessment decisions

Standards, evidence and assessment guide 17

These decision records MUST:

be for a minimum of TWO different candidates for the THREE assessment plans generated for A 1.1

(Total: 3 plans)

a THREE assessment decision records

The discussion must be between the assessor and the assessor-candidate

where the assessor-candidate presents how he/she has:

i Used THREE different types of evidence to demonstrate achievement of particular standards

ii Used observation of the candidate as an assessment method

iii Explained how the assessment methods were implemented

iv Evaluated the effectiveness of the assessment methods in the light of assessing candidates

v Demonstrated his/her competence in relation to criteria c, d and g for element A1.2 of the standardsc Ensure that the evidence comes from the candidates’ own workd Make safe, fair, valid and reliable decisions about the competence of candidates, only on the agreed standardg Base your decisions on all the relevant evidence of candidates’ performance and knowledge. Take this

evidence from as many places as possible

(Total: 1 record)

b A record of a written or spoken explanation

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Performance Criteria

You must be able to do the following:

a Give candidates feedback at an appropriate time and place.

b Give candidates feedback in a constructive and encouraging waywhich meets their needs and is appropriate to their level ofconfidence.

c Clearly explain your assessment decisions on whethercandidates’ evidence of competence is good enough.

d Give candidates advice when they cannot prove theircompetence and on how they can develop the necessary skills orprovide more evidence.

e Encourage candidates to get advice on your assessmentdecisions.

f Identify and agree the next steps in the assessment process andhow candidates will achieve these.

g Follow the agreed complaints and appeals procedures ifcandidates disagree with your assessment decisions.

A1.3 Provide feedback and support to candidates on assessment decisions

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A1.3 Provide feedback and support to candidates on assessment decisions

Standards, evidence and assessment guide 19

The observation MUST:

Be by the assessor of the assessor-candidate providing feedback to a candidate.

This must be supported by evidence of feedback on TWO other occasions in the form of written records

Or endorsement by another recognised assessor from a registered centre.

(Total : 1 observation and TWO records, covering TWO different candidates)

a A minimum of ONE observation

This discussion must be between the assessor and the assessor-candidate based on feedback to candidates where the assessor-candidate indicates how criteria a, d and f were addressed.

a give candidates feedback at an appropriate time and place

d give candidates advice when they cannot prove their competence and on how they can develop thenecessary skills or provide more evidence

f identify and agree the next steps in the assessment process and how candidates will achieve these

(Total: 1 record)

b A record of a professional discussion

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Performance Criteria

You must be able to do the following:

a Ensure your assessment records are accurate and up to date, andprovide an audit trail of evidence.

b Contribute to standardisation arrangements so that yourassessment decisions are in line with others.

c Give accurate and timely information on assessments.

d Contribute to the agreed quality assurance process.

A1.4 Contribute to the internal quality assurance process

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A1.4 Contribute to the internal quality assurance process

Standards, evidence and assessment guide 21

You need to produce

ONE assessment record each for TWO different candidates.

These records must have been used as part of the internal quality assurance process.

(Total: 2 records)

a Assessment records

This written statement must be from the person responsible for internal quality assurance (e.g. an internalverifier for N/SVQs) and show that the assessor has contributed to agreed quality assurance procedures.

(Total: 1 statement)

c Written statement

The evidence should involve

The review of at least TWO pieces of evidence for each of TWO different candidates.

This evidence must have contributed to internal standardisation procedures.

(Total: 4 reviews, one for each of the FOUR pieces of evidence)

b Written evidence of having reviewed

candidate evidence

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You need the following knowledge to perform this Unit ofCompetence. You will show this through the outcome of your workactivities and through evaluations of systems and processes.

You need to demonstrate how you have met the knowledgerequirements for this unit. You may like to use the following toindicate how you have met numbers 1 – 37 and where the evidenceis located in your portfolio: performance evidence (PE), observation(OB), professional discussion (PD), responses to assessor questions(AQ), written evidence (WE), other (O).

You need to be able to show that you have general knowledge andunderstanding of the following:

The nature and role of assessments of competence

1 how to identify and use different types of evidence when carrying out assessments

2 how to identify and compare different types of evidence when making your assessment decisions

3 how to collect evidence in ways that are cost-effective and timely

4 how to collect and use evidence from candidates’ prior experience and achievements withinthe current assessment process

5 how to develop and agree assessment plans with candidates and the other people involved

6 how to accurately assess performance against specific parts of a standard

7 how to take appropriate action and help candidates develop their competence

8 how to change assessment procedures to meet the individual needs of candidates

9 how to identify the difficulties in making safe, fair, valid and reliable assessments of evidenceand who to involve in such cases

10 how to follow standardisation and internal quality assurance procedures

Candidate signature Date

Assessor signature Date

PortfolioreferenceHow met

Knowledge requirements

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Knowledge requirements 23

Principles and concepts

11 how to measure existing levels of competence

12 how to make valid and reliable assessments of candidates’ knowledge

13 how to make valid and reliable assessments of candidates’ performance

14 how to make sure you have covered all the agreed criteria during an assessment

15 how to check that evidence is candidates’ own work

16 how to make sure that supporting evidence supplied by other people is reliable

17 how to encourage candidates to consider and use their past experience and achievements

18 how to give constructive feedback on existing levels of competence and what candidatesneed to do to be fully competent

19 how to involve candidates in planning assessments

20 how to keep to the Data Protection Act

Candidate signature Date

Assessor signature Date

PortfolioreferenceHow met

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Level 3 Certificate in assessing candidates using a range of methods (7317) 24

21 how to encourage candidates who have different levels of confidence and experience to takean active part in their assessment

22 how to use language and behaviour which does not discriminate against any candidate

23 how to meet the different needs of candidates

24 how to give feedback to candidates with different levels of confidence and experience

25 how to encourage candidates to ask questions and get advice

26 how to monitor and review progress with candidates

27 how to identify changes in levels of candidates’ competence and assess how this affects yourown competence

28 how to use opportunities to update your skills and experience

29 how to identify and use information on current assessment best practice

30 how to use personal development opportunities to improve your assessment skills

Candidate signature Date

Assessor signature Date

PortfolioreferenceHow met

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Knowledge requirements 25

External factors influencing the assessment of national standards

31 how to meet candidates’ needs for access to safe, fair, valid and reliable assessment, in line with relevant legislation

32 how to recognise and challenge unfair discrimination in assessments

33 who to get advice from about meeting candidates’ special assessment requirements

34 how to identify and plan for issues of confidentiality and data protection during theassessment process

35 how to record, store and pass on assessment decisions to other people within an agreed system

36 how to identify and assess things that can influence your own competence

37 how to identify appropriate sources of support for your own development

Candidate signature Date

Assessor signature Date

PortfolioreferenceHow met

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Personal action plan

Personal action plan 27

Candidate name Candidate no Date

Assessor name

Review date(s)

Signed by assessor Signed by candidate



Details of current

achievement Action required Evidence required Completion dateWo





















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Observation checklist for A1.3

Observation Checklist for A1.3 29





The assessor-candidate (name)

was giving feedback to (name)

on his/her assessment decisions for

(please give full details of the award/level/unit).

This took place at (venue)

On (date) and lasted from (time) to

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Did the assessor Comments

a Give candidate feedback at an appropriate\• time• place

b iGive candidate feedback in a constructive and encouraging way.

b iiGive feedback to the candidate which met his/her needs and was appropriate to his/her level of confidence.(Knowledge requirement 24)

c Clearly explain his/her assessment decisions when evidence of competence is good enough.

d Give the candidate advice when he/she did not prove his/her competence and on how they can develop the necessary skills or provide more evidence.

e Encourage his/her candidate to get advice on the assessment decisions.

f Identify and agree the next steps in the assessment process and how the candidate can achieve these.(Knowledge requirement 35)

g Follow the agreed complaints and appeals procedures when the candidate disagreed with the assessment decisions.


a, d and f will also be covered by the professional discussion. Any other areas not covered by observation should also be included in the professional discussion.

Signature of assessor Date

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Candidate declaration

I confirm that the evidence listed for this unit is a true representation of my own work.

Print candidate name

Candidate signature Date

Assessor declaration

I confirm that this candidate has achieved all the requirements of this unit with the evidence detailed.

Feedback/ comments to candidate

Print assessor name

Assessor signature Date

Assessment declaration

Assessment declaration 31

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Candidate name Candidate no

I have assessed the required substantive component of this candidate’s evidence


This evidence comprises: (please state the evidence you have assessed, using evidence reference numbers supplied by the candidate where possible)

Assessment decision

(please state the outcome of your assessment, bearing in mind the requirements for validity, authenticity, currency and sufficiency of evidence)

Feedback to candidate

(please record your comments to the candidate as a result of the assessment)

Print independent assessor name

Independent assessor signature Date

Independent assessment report for A1

Independent assessment report for A1 33

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The following is a glossary of terms as defined by Employment NTO.

Action plan

An agreed set of learning and training activities for an individualcandidate based on a review of the requirements of the standardscontained within a recognised award. It should contain a structuredprogramme of learning experiences within an agreed timeframe.

Assessment plan

A detailed statement of how and when specific outcomes in thestandards will be assessed and by which method(s). It must alsoprovide a clear set of actions to be carried out by the candidate,assessor(s) and any others involved in the process with a timescaleattached to each activity. This will be agreed between thecandidates and their assessor.

Assessment record

A record of which outcomes have been assessed with an indicationof the success or otherwise of the outcome. The record mustprovide details of the candidate and the assessor and the outcomesassessed and by which method. The record may be a standardisedpro-forma issued by an awarding body, an internal record devisedby an organisation, or an individual assessor’s record system.

Element/Component of an award

A discrete assessable outcome or group of outcomes drawn from a set of national standards within the national qualificationsframework. In NVQs and SVQs this is usually a unit of competence. It must represent a substantive outcome rather than a set of sub-activities and relate to a primary function within the qualification.

Endorsed assessment plan

A candidate assessment plan which has been counter-signed andapproved by a recognised assessor. The endorsement can relate to both the initial agreed plan and to all/any subsequent modificationsto the plan in the light of progress and assessment activities. Thereshould be a clear indication of how and why the original plan has beenaltered and a new set of agreed actions with a timescale produced.

External auditing and sampling

An agreed set of activities by which internal assessment decisionsare monitored and checked for intra-assessor and inter-assessoraccuracy and consistency. It also includes the review of internalstandardisation processes to ensure the quality of assessmentdecision and support provided to assessors and others. It isnormally a formalised process defined by an awarding bodyrecognised by the Regulatory Authorities or other appropriateagencies. It will contain procedures for identifying the frequency,level and coverage of the sampling of assessment decisions withinand between recognised centres.

Internal quality assurance and standardisation of assessment

An agreed set of activities by which internal assessment decisionsby different assessors are monitored and reviewed. This includesspecific arrangements for ensuring the selection of suitableassessors, their induction and training in relation to specificstandards and their use of appropriate assessment methods whichare valid in relation to the standards being assessed. It will alsoinclude specific arrangements for the standardisation ofassessment decisions between different assessors, and monitoringthe consistency of a single assessor’s judgements over time andwith a number of candidates (if applicable). The overall qualityassurance system must be endorsed by the organisation and beacceptable to the body responsible for external quality assurance ofthe assessment process.

Professional discussion

A structured review of practice conducted between an assessor orverifier and a person making a judgement on their competencewhich identifies and explores key aspects of competence not readilymanifested by product evidence. The specific areas of activity to beexplored must be clearly identified and agreed in advance, as mustthe methods by which the discussion will be conducted. This couldbe via a presentation followed by questioning, ‘what-if’ questioningto cover contingencies, or the use of scenarios to explore practice(or other forms of mutually agreed processes). The commonevidence requirements clearly state which aspects of competenceare to be covered by each professional discussion and these mustform the basis of the exchange. The purpose of the discussion is toprobe the level of competence of the individual and to be certainthat his/her actions are based on a firm understanding of principleswhich support practice. Thus the questioning will normally centreon the reasons for selecting specific actions, the alternativesconsidered and the factors taken into consideration, as well as anevaluation of successes and failures and learning points for thefuture. The outcomes of the professional discussion should becaptured by means of audio/videotape, written summaries andevidence of structured questioning (e.g. question checklist orstructured interview schedule).

Progress reviews:

Formal or semi-formal meetings between assessors and candidatesto identify progress within an agreed action plan and achievementsagainst an agreed assessment plan. They should identify areas ofsuccess and identify where additional learning and trainingopportunities are needed and how they will be provided, by whomand when. They also provide opportunities to identify the nextstages in the assessment process and the re-development of anassessment plan for the completion of the qualification.

Glossary of terms

Glossary of terms 35

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Sampling framework/Strategy

The methods to be used by external verifiers to monitor the qualityof assessment decisions and internal quality assurance within arecognised centre, using agreed procedures set down by anexternal awarding body. It will provide details of the level, natureand frequency of external reviews of assessment decision, byassessor, by type of evidence, by numbers of candidates and bytype of centre, depending upon the requirements of thequalification. It will meet the requirements for sampling imposed byappropriate external agencies and the specific monitoring regimesset down by a recognised awarding body.

Systems documentation

The documents used by an assessment centre for recording allappropriate assessment decisions and internal quality assuranceauditing processes. This will include records of candidates, theiraction plans, their assessment plans and the outcomes of progressreviews. It will also include details of assessor selection, induction,standardisation and support as well as the written outcomes ofinternal quality auditing and reviews. The documents used withinthe system can be designed by the recognised assessment centreor be those required and produced by recognised awarding bodies.

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