Farhad Karamally & Sarmad Tariq The A-Z of SUCCESS!

A Z Of Success

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Farhad Karamally & Sarmad Tariq

The A-Z of


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Copyright 2007 Farhad Karamally & Sarmad Tariq. All Rights Reserved.


NAVITUS is an innovative management consulting practice specializing in Organizational Development [OD]. Its mission is to elevate the human spirit. While young in age, NAVITUS is old in experience. Team NAVITUS has gained its formative and valuable consulting and training experience in KZR's Corporate Division that was founded in 1991, serving the private, for-profit sector. As OD specialists, we partner with clients to improve quality of their organizational life cycle, profitability, growth and sustainability by: • Creating alignment, awareness and ownership over organizational vision, mission

and values; • Connecting individuals to their infinite potential for personal and corporate gain; • Facilitating efficient and open channels of communication throughout the business; • Building competent, productive and high trust teams through greater

empowerment, delegation and effective succession planning; • Balancing organizational resources in the service of its shareholders, customers and

other stakeholders. Overall focus of our interventions is to build high performance corporate cultures through inspirational leadership & management development. NAVITUS training, consulting & media facilitates empowerment of individuals using appropriate methodologies & effective tools aimed at developing human capabilities for achieving sustainable change. NAVITUS associates have conducted training & consulting interventions all over Pakistan & in various countries such as United Arab Emirates, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, United Kingdom & India. Over the years, valuable lessons have been shared with over 200,000 individuals comprising members of top management, senior & middle managers, supervisors as well as, frontline staff in both, manufacturing & service organizations.

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Copyright 2007 Farhad Karamally & Sarmad Tariq. All Rights Reserved.

Table of Contents

A Assertive ...................................................................... 5

B Balance........................................................................ 6

C Courage....................................................................... 7

D Decode......................................................................... 8

E Energize....................................................................... 9

F Focus ......................................................................... 10

G Gratitude ................................................................... 11

H Humility..................................................................... 12

I Inclusion .................................................................... 13

J Juggle ........................................................................ 14

K Knowledge................................................................. 15

L Love ........................................................................... 16

M Monitor...................................................................... 17

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Copyright 2007 Farhad Karamally & Sarmad Tariq. All Rights Reserved.

N Nurture ...................................................................... 18

O Opportunity ............................................................... 19

P Pray ........................................................................... 20

Q Question .................................................................... 21

R Reward ...................................................................... 22

S Solo-ution .................................................................. 23

T Timely ........................................................................ 24

U Unite .......................................................................... 25

V Values ........................................................................ 26

W Win ............................................................................ 27

X X-Factor .................................................................... 28

Y Youthfulness .............................................................. 29

Z Zen............................................................................. 30

About the Authors........................................................... 31

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Copyright 2007 Farhad Karamally & Sarmad Tariq. All Rights Reserved.

A Assertive

This is the beginning of our journey.

Being assertive is finding the balance between being aggressive and being passive. It is a state where you know that you have rights, but also appreciate that others have them, too. Respecting the two achieves the state of being assertive. Many people feel aggression helps. It does not. Jim Collins notes that assertiveness means being personally humble and professionally strong-willed. You do not have to compromise: you can have both.

Idea in Practice: The next time you wish to say or do something, be respectful of others, find the balance between aggressive and passive, and then move ahead –


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Copyright 2007 Farhad Karamally & Sarmad Tariq. All Rights Reserved.

B Balance

In life, it is critical to achieve and maintain balance. Anything in extreme is bad. There are the four key areas of your life that demand balance. Evaluate yourself in: Not Enough! Too Much!

Materialism ------------------------------------------ Spirituality

Life ----------------------------------------- Work

Emotional ---------------------------------------- Rational

Unhealthy ---------------------------------------- Healthy

habits habits

Idea in Practice:

Next time you are in a situation, ask yourself if you are balanced. The answer to this is very subjective and requires reflection. Think regularly

about what you are doing!

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Copyright 2007 Farhad Karamally & Sarmad Tariq. All Rights Reserved.

C Courage

Courage is grace under pressure. The catchphrase: "feel the fear and do it anyway" can be summed up in one word: COURAGE! Those who never take risks are afraid of the possibility of something going wrong. Little do they realize the fact that things can and do go wrong even when they don’t do anything at all! If you want to be "safe", you have to be the one in CONTROL. If fear is the decision-maker in your life, then you are not in control. Never adapt to change. LEAD CHANGE!

Idea in Practice:

If you see yourself loosing confidence, doubting results, going against what you strongly believe in, or going against your true “gut feeling”,

then feel the fear and DO IT!

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Copyright 2007 Farhad Karamally & Sarmad Tariq. All Rights Reserved.

D Decode

Successful people avoid getting trapped into hypothetical

examples and situations. They always seek to decode

messages and comments!

Most people make sweeping statements that are nothing

but a creation of their

individual mind. Such

statements may not

necessarily exist in reality. It

is critical to speak with

examples, and to seek

examples when interacting

with people.

Decoding is like fog light that tears through the mist and

provides clarity; thereby allowing for greater speed of


Idea in Practice:

When you see people making comments or sweeping statements, such as “My boss does not like me” or “Bad things always happen to me”, ask

them to follow-up such statements with AN EXAMPLE.

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Copyright 2007 Farhad Karamally & Sarmad Tariq. All Rights Reserved.

E Energize

The earth is filled with numerous treasures, such as: oil, water, diamonds, minerals…and the list goes on. However these resources have always been there. They are only useful when they are of use to others!

Each one of us has energy, but it is useless if we do not learn the art of energizing others. Spread it! In a world that is filled with cynicism and negativity, YOU could be a fresh air of hope.

Idea in Practice:

Look around you, See how bored people are. The only difference between them and the dead is probably that these people are breathing! SMILE to them. Smiling is a language everyone can understand, and it conveys an

energy that elevates the spirit. Smiling is the first step – NOW BUILD ON IT!

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Copyright 2007 Farhad Karamally & Sarmad Tariq. All Rights Reserved.

F Focus

Philip Knight, founder of Nike once said: “We wanted Nike to be the world's best sports and fitness company. Once you say that, you have a focus. You don't end up making wing tips or sponsoring the next Rolling

Stones world tour.” Focus helps you define what you intend to do. And by sticking to it, your processes become aligned with this intention. Inevitably, you and your team(s) form a clear picture of the ultimate goal. At the end of the day, getting rid of the fog is critical!

Idea in Practice:

Ask yourself this: what do you deeply, madly, passionately desire out of your life? What do you want people to say about you at your funeral? Don’t answer this by saying that you want to be known as a “nice

human being.” Be focused and clear! Say something like: “I want to be known as someone with an amazing mind, a gifted business developer, and a philanthropist beyond comparison.” Now ask the universe for

these things…NOW!

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Copyright 2007 Farhad Karamally & Sarmad Tariq. All Rights Reserved.

G Gratitude

Plain and simple: gratitude is the basic pre-requisite for happiness. It fills our lives, helps us accept the things around us, and provides clarity to move ahead. Let’s face it: if everything in life unfolded as we planned, life would be boring! Things happen to us – life happens to us and through us! Planning goals is a part of success. However, when you receive precisely what you expected, be surprised and grateful. Look for opportunities to give credit to OTHER PEOPLE. Doing so creates humility, and protects you from the dread and destruction of arrogance. Gratitude is essential! Without it, we just function as a machine, without charm or excitement in our work and personal life.

Idea in Practice:

As a first step, make it a habit to THANK GOD or SHUKR (Urdu) loudly and sincerely when things happen the way you wanted them to.

Understand it was God’s way of saying: you did well!

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Copyright 2007 Farhad Karamally & Sarmad Tariq. All Rights Reserved.

H Humility

“Absence of fairness is presence of biasness.”

- Farhad

Know and acknowledge your strengths…and accept your imperfections and mistakes. Be humble about your power, since it takes less than a second for things to totally change -- for better or worse! Humility brings with it an aura of

comfort around you, which makes it easier for people to confide and trust you. Remember this universal principle: a humble person walks out of adversity with pride and respect. An arrogant person distances himself from the help and support of those around him!

Idea in Practice:

In a Hindi movie ‘Lage Raho Munna Bhai’ (2006), it is said: if you want to judge a person’s character, see how this person interacts with people lower in monetary status. Show humbleness to everyone. Remember that success is temporary if it is based on physical monetary measures.

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Copyright 2007 Farhad Karamally & Sarmad Tariq. All Rights Reserved.

I Inclusion

Accept contributions and input from all of your team members, regardless of their position. By including them in decision and strategy making, you provide them with confidence and give them a feeling of ownership. In addition, you gain invaluable perspectives that can help you look at things from a different – and more successful -- angle. Inclusion is the best way to cover the “blind spots”, and to identify the talent and potential within all of the resources that surround you.

Idea in Practice:

Celebrate the best habits of those around you. Don’t find faults. Everyone has something unique and special to contribute. In some, it is their positive attitude and their generosity. In others, it is their strong work ethic. Acknowledge and respect the contributions of those around you, and include those talents in your work and in YOURSELF!

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Copyright 2007 Farhad Karamally & Sarmad Tariq. All Rights Reserved.

J Juggle

This insight is also known as multi-tasking. Today’s technology allows us to achieve maximum output in little time. This seems wonderful, but wisdom is needed. The key here is to find a balance. With the right balance, you can juggle your career ambitions with your growth as an individual, a family member, a friend, and a member of your community. Don’t neglect your family and friends at the cost of career advancement! Learn to use technology to its potential. Make technology work for YOU instead of the other way around! Computers and cell phones can help you pace and prioritize your life effectively.

Idea in Practice:

Truly see how much you invest in yourself. Do you wait for your employer to buy you technologies like laptops and mobiles? Do you feel professional time is only from 09:00 - 17:00, and personal life is only from 17:00 - 09:00? These are things of the past! Today it is only one life. You are leading a 'Perfessional Life' (personal + professional). Go get a good mobile! Be connected all the times, and do whatever needs to be done irrespective of time. You have to juggle and achieve your desires.

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Copyright 2007 Farhad Karamally & Sarmad Tariq. All Rights Reserved.

K Knowledge

“Even in such technical lines as engineering, about 15% of one's financial success is due one's technical knowledge and about 85% is due to skill in human engineering, to

personality and the ability to lead people.”

- Dale Carnegie Dale Carnegie’s insights are as true today as they have ever been. We cannot survive by knowing only about our area of business. To be successful in today’s hyper-competitive environment, we must seek knowledge of “human engineering” – we must understand people and how to lead them. This gives us true knowledge, and in today’s world, our knowledge is the EDGE.

Idea in Practice:

Study those who know how to lead people – not just lead “things”. Learn the habits of these people. You’ll see that they LISTEN, they ASK

QUESTIONS, and that they SHOW RESPECT. Build these habits into every aspect of your life, and you will transform into a natural

leader who succeeds brilliantly.

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Copyright 2007 Farhad Karamally & Sarmad Tariq. All Rights Reserved.

L Love

Einstein said that all matter is energy. He was half right. Yes, all matter is energy. But ALL ENERGY IS LOVE! Successful people – regardless of their job – bring love into what they do. They energize their work with the power that runs the universe: LOVE!

Idea in Practice:

What is happening “inside you” when you are working, or spending time with your friends and family? Is love flowing out of you into your actions? Or are you resenting and fighting against what is happening? Bring LOVE into your life and start to energize every action – from the

smallest to the biggest! – with the power of love.

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Copyright 2007 Farhad Karamally & Sarmad Tariq. All Rights Reserved.

M Monitor

Just as a physical check-up at the doctor helps us avoid potential damage to our body, we must also examine ourselves intellectually and spiritually.

Monitor your current situation – every aspect – and understand what can be changed for the better…and then DO IT. Consistent self-monitoring and evaluation helps avoid ‘cancers’ such as stagnation, complacency and repetition of mistakes.

Make it a habit to monitor yourself and the processes implemented around you. Remember: prevention is always better than trying to cure!

Idea in Practice:

Look for the deeper meaning in every situation and every experience. This is how the universe communicates with you: through life! Monitor the patterns and see which habits, attitudes and ideas lead to success, and which lead to failure…add the former, and subtract the latter right


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Copyright 2007 Farhad Karamally & Sarmad Tariq. All Rights Reserved.

N Nurture

“Nurture your mind with great thoughts; to believe in the heroic makes heroes.”

- Benjamin Disraeli, British politician and author

Care for things that surround you, and strive to take them a step higher. Work on your strengths, refine them and protect them. Create an environment -- both outer and inner -- that enables your potential to be discovered and nourished.

Idea in Practice:

Pay attention to your thoughts: they are the “previews” of your future. See which thoughts you are unconsciously and automatically

nourishing. Are they successful thoughts? Do they make you more confident and more in harmony with the world? Do they add to your abundance? Pay attention and nourish thoughts that lead you in the right direction. Abandon and ignore the thoughts that do not!

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Copyright 2007 Farhad Karamally & Sarmad Tariq. All Rights Reserved.

O Opportunity

“I feel that luck is preparation meeting opportunity.”

- Oprah Winfrey, world renowned talk-show host The interesting thing about opportunity, is that it is always around us, yet often, not visible. Believing that it can show up at any time requires us to be prepared to take it. Have the courage to make full use of an opportunity that may arise – especially if it does so when you least expect it, and from a totally mysterious source. This will eventually teach you how to CREATE your OWN opportunities!

Idea in Practice:

Pay attention to your intuition and your “gut feelings”. They are always trying to speak to you! The next time you are faced with a

situation or a decision, instead of immediately thinking about it in your head, let your WHOLE BODY reflect upon it…and then listen to the answer! You may be amazed to learn that your body knows things that

your brain does not!

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Copyright 2007 Farhad Karamally & Sarmad Tariq. All Rights Reserved.

P Pray

Regardless of your beliefs, religious background, or values and morals, we all need something to believe in. It is a basic human need that, arguably, sets us apart from all other creatures. Our belief gives us hope. Sadly, however, it can also push us into what we experience as hopelessness. If and when the dread of hopelessness strikes you, this is when you MUST pray. Pray to God. Pray to belief. Pray to hope. Pray for the strength to get you back on your feet. Remember: pray not only for yourself, but for those who care about you, too!

Idea in Practice:

Prayer is not passive. It is active and strong. It is your way of surrendering to the ever-present, timeless intelligence that governs the universe. By praying, you open yourself up to this power – because it is YOUR power! You are a child of the universe. Prayer is your way of

being an obedient, dutiful, rewarded child.

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Copyright 2007 Farhad Karamally & Sarmad Tariq. All Rights Reserved.

Q Question

We are born with a clean slate. However, as our lives take shape, the “hard drive” of our mind begins to download all kinds of data. Some of this data is perception. Some is opinion. Some is paradigms of thought and understanding. Regardless of what they are, many of them share a common theme: they aren’t truly ours! We inherit, adopt or assume them from those that have come before, those that we live with, our friends, and so on. Throughout history, questioning facts and paradigms has provided us with great scientific and intellectual breakthroughs. Continue questioning for a clearer understanding, and to find new ways to deal with your ever-changing surroundings.

Idea in Practice:

The next time you think you know something – pause. Truly explore what you think you know, and clearly see if you KNOW it, or if someone ELSE knows it and you’re just borrowing it! If you don’t KNOW it, then you have time to learn. Seek knowledge and you shall find! Only

by using your own intelligence can you truly prosper.

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Copyright 2007 Farhad Karamally & Sarmad Tariq. All Rights Reserved.

R Reward

Compliment your successes, and the successes of those around you, no matter how small they may seem. A positive reassurance to yourself and to your colleagues can

do wonders in terms of productivity. Rewards in the form of money are great. But sometimes, just a “pat on the back” is enough. In fact, it is often an investment with guaranteed results. We usually associate reward with money only. This is not always the case! Words and gesture sometime hold greater value than material things.

Idea in Practice:

Have you thanked everyone in your life? Do they know how grateful you are? Or are you just “assuming” that they know this? Don’t assume! Ensure that everyone you come into contact with is rewarded by your compliment, your gift, or sometimes, just your smile. Your reward will be the knowledge that you uplifted and inspired others.

That is the best reward!

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Copyright 2007 Farhad Karamally & Sarmad Tariq. All Rights Reserved.

S Solo-ution

No! This is not a typing error. The word is ‘Solo-ution’. It has two parts: Part 1 implies solo meaning alone and solely by itself; Part 2

implies the word solution. Combined, Parts 1 and 2 mean: SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR SOLUTION! “I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can

do something; I will not refuse to do the something I can do.”

- American writer Helen Keller (1880-1968)

Alas, there are precious few people that show this quality of ambition and drive to SOLVE problems. It is because of such awe-inspiring people like Helen Keller that we refer to problems as opportunities in disguise!

Idea in Practice:

It is in our interest to move on and always keep a solo-ution oriented approach, not to waste time, understand what has gone wrong, and fix


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Copyright 2007 Farhad Karamally & Sarmad Tariq. All Rights Reserved.

T Timely

Actions have impact when they are done on time. Little things, like congratulating someone or consoling a distressed friend, are only considered helpful and valuable when they are done at the right time. Similarly, to be successful it is important that we are not too early neither too late; that we are timely! Like ‘Opportunity’ prepare yourself and take action when – and ONLY when -- the time is right. Use your best judgment to determine this. Understand that being timely in this way often requires you to move on and let go off some things, in pursuit of others.

Idea in Practice:

Owls understand and have perfected the art of being timely. They are ever watchful, waiting for the precise time to take action. And when they do, they are always successful! In your life, take a moment

BEFORE acting and be still, alert, and watchful. Then determine the best decision from that inner clarity, and then TAKE ACTION!

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Copyright 2007 Farhad Karamally & Sarmad Tariq. All Rights Reserved.

U Unite

The global village we live in is full of different religions, ethnicities, cultures and more. These all combine to bring about greater opportunities,

challenges and capacity to flourish and grow. Indeed, while unity can be challenging to achieve, the rewards for doing so are clear and undeniable. Diversity has given us greater opportunity to truly learn that one cannot survive without finding common ground. Always look for things that can unify, instead of divide. Create instead of compete! Within unity is unimaginable knowledge, resources and power.

Idea in Practice:

How much of your life reflects diversity? Are your business and personal relationships all similar? Are you exposing your mind to new ideas, new experiences and new thoughts? Add diversity to your life. Meet new people, read new books, and try new and different experiences.

There is power and wisdom in diversity!

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Copyright 2007 Farhad Karamally & Sarmad Tariq. All Rights Reserved.

V Values

“It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.”

-Roy Disney Elder brother and financer of famous media icon Walt Disney

There can never be too much emphasis on the topic of values. Values are what make us good or bad human beings. They are our very DEFINITION as an individual. Be careful and bravely stand by your values in ALL circumstances. Remember: since your values can and sometimes will be perceived as stubbornness or foolishness by others, you may be tempted to compromise. DON’T COMPROMISE! What you gain in the short-term you will almost certainly lose in the long-run.

Idea in Practice:

What values are lying beneath your thoughts, your decisions, and your life experiences? Spend some time and write your values down. Then see how they are expressing themselves in your life. Make adjustments and changes to express more of your values in EVERYTHING you do!

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Copyright 2007 Farhad Karamally & Sarmad Tariq. All Rights Reserved.

W Win

“Winning isn't everything, but the will to win is everything.”

- Vince Lombardi

Winning is not always about crossing the finish line first. Winning is an attitude. There are winners and whiners -- and the obvious choice to be a success is to be a winner! Make winning the language of your thought process. See everything with

that perspective, and you will find nothing is unachievable or unattainable. Remember: this positive twist in your attitude comes with positive reinforcement!

Idea in Practice:

Count your minor successes as victories, and give yourself an ego boost often. Enjoy the feeling of winning, and make it a habit. Results will follow as predictably as the results of any other habit in your life. Try it

and see the results!

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Copyright 2007 Farhad Karamally & Sarmad Tariq. All Rights Reserved.

X X-Factor

“X” is something very unobvious and intangible. Yet it’s the factor which becomes your identity as an individual. It could be something that comes to you very naturally, and yet you might never notice it. Or, you might have to work on it, polish it and refine it before it truly flourishes. Search within yourself to

find the unique attribute which sets you apart from the rest. It is the EDGE you have over the others, the ability to wow.

Idea in Practice:

Write down the activities and contributions that make you feel the most ALIVE. Don’t worry about whether you have the skills to do these yet. Just focus on what makes you the most open, humane, powerful, and overjoyed. Then start to see how you can shift your life to reflect this

ALIVENESS – you’ll see how easy it is!

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Copyright 2007 Farhad Karamally & Sarmad Tariq. All Rights Reserved.

Y Youthfulness

Youthfulness has nothing to do with chronological age. It is a mindset; an attitude. Youth is the period when we are most open to learning. This is because our minds are open, and we have the zest to look at things freshly over and over

again. We bring energy, passion and drive to everything we do. Keep your heart and soul alive and youthful. Keep the fires burning to do more and learn more. Most importantly, RISK more! Keep yourself out of the content and comfort zone.

Idea in Practice:

What youthful concepts, ideas and elements are a part of your life? Do you laugh freely and do what you feel like doing? If you are embarrassed of being who you are and what you do, you are losing your youthfulness. Do you need to play more and work less? Do you treat work as passion or pressure? Is making money your need, or a score that just creates excitement? Are mistakes an example of losing a turn, or a lifetime failure? Remember, life is a game! As a youth, you once knew this naturally. As an 'adult' you may have forgotten it. It is time to

remember that YOUTH IS IN YOU! Jump when you want to, laugh as you wish to and sing without a reason!

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Copyright 2007 Farhad Karamally & Sarmad Tariq. All Rights Reserved.

Z Zen

“Look within!...The secret is inside you.”

- Hui-neng

Sometimes, we are unable to find time to reflect on who we are and what we are doing. Our busy routine in a fast-paced world keeps us in a “rut” until we burn out, and feel lost and frustrated. Looking within – the essence of Zen teaching – helps us to see things with an unbiased eye. We learn about our mistakes, and find the courage to accept them. Most importantly, we search the untapped potential within our selves. THIS IS THE SECRET OF SUCCESS!

Idea in Practice:

You are not a limited being with a name and a body. You are a manifestation of the power that flows through the universe. That power is not “out there” – it is IN YOU. All of the answers you seek are inside you. Look within, and trust yourself. The more you look and trust, the

wiser and more successful you shall be!

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Copyright 2007 Farhad Karamally & Sarmad Tariq. All Rights Reserved.

About the Authors

Farhad F. Karamally

Farhad Karamally is the CEO of

Navitus. His unique ability to relate

with people from diverse backgrounds

and occupations is his core strength.

He is a leading inspirational speaker

and change ‘artist’ specializing in

unleashing human genius through

Leadership, Creativity and Change

Management workshops. For over a

decade, Farhad has been instrumental

in helping organizations redesign their paradigms and be

more successful in highly demading and challenging

environments. His innovative approach encourages people

to not only accept change, but also to excel in it.

Ed Scannel, author of 15 books including ‘Games Trainers

Play’ had this to say after experiencing Farhad’s session at

the Asia HRD Congress –Indonesia on May 2 and 3, 2006:

“Learning is fun and you proved it!”

Farhad is married, has a son, and lives in Karachi.

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Copyright 2007 Farhad Karamally & Sarmad Tariq. All Rights Reserved.

Sarmad Tariq

Sarmad Tariq is a motivational

speaker and trainer at Navitus.

He is a certified support group

facilitator from the “Cheryl

Watkins Institute of Chemical

Awareness”, USA. He also has

extensive hands-on experience in

the field of Human Resources.

He shines as a role model for

people facing physical

challenges. On March 26, 2004

he drove a distance of 1,847 km nonstop in his hand

controlled car. He covered the distance in 33 hours and

made a world record by being the first ever quadriplegic

to cover the distance in such short time. He is also the

first ever Pakistani wheelchair-bound athlete to complete

a full marathon distance of 42.192 kilometers. Sarmad

was also the only wheelchair athlete to represent Pakistan

and complete the New York City Marathon in November


Sarmad is a quadriplegic (paralyzed shoulder down), on a

wheelchair for the past 16 years. He is married, and lives

in Islamabad.