A Window on the universe exam II

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  • 8/7/2019 A Window on the universe exam II


    Westminster School

    A Window to the Universe ExamII

    By: Roberto Luis Aguilar Medina

    High School 4B N/L 2

    English Class

    Teacher: Barbara Gallardo


  • 8/7/2019 A Window on the universe exam II



    2. - Imagine that some of the carefully protected children of Peaksville are

    now old enough to be told about Anthony. Write them a letter, full of advice

    and warnings about what they should and should not do in order to

    survive. Try to express everything in as positive a way as possible /as

    though Anthony were listening), but somehow still make the warnings


    My children, I just want you to tell you that in this lovely and peaceful town lives a

    nice neighbour of your age in the north side of Peaksville, and I want you to know

    that this neighbour called ANTHONY and is a very special and good one

    because he likes to play with animals and with us perhaps making us

    DISSAPEAR or get KILL which is a good thing, and to READ OUR MINDS, isnt

    that funny? And if you MEET him you need to be very happy as always and

    always think GOOD things, and if you want a reason to be happy just think how

    wonderful is being with Anthony. But if he finds something ANNOYING with

    anything or anyone just think clear and say good things to cheer him up, but

    thats just a tip if this happen, remember that being happy is a very good thing

    and everything Anthony does is always a good thing. If you feel any other, ANY

    OTHER feeling just forget it and stay happy. I know you are very smart kids and

    understand what Im saying, well not as smart as Anthony. You could have fun

    with him only, ONLY if Anthony wants to, and remember take extremely care of

    yourselves, and thats a good thing because I love you and I want you the best

    because Im your father. Hope youve understand.

    3. - In a speech made in 1963 John F. Kennedy said that, Man is still the

    most extraordinary computer of all. Do you think the story The Machine

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    that Won the War supports that viewpoint? In what way? Will computers

    ever, in your opinion, be equivalent to the human brain?

    Yes, because in the story it was the work of the human, the machine was only

    the thing that help gain the information. Yes, in some distant or near future or just

    imagine it, when the technology will be so sophisticated that they can built

    machines capable to have feelings cause the feelings are made by biochemical

    reactions inside our brain, well thats what scientist said.

    4. How do computers affect the everyday lives of the people today? Do

    they bring only benefits, making peoples lives easier, or do you think there

    are negative aspects as well? Write down three advantages and three

    disadvantages of computers.

    The computers help us to communicate long distances, making easier the works,

    investigate in the internet, making anything more automatic, and we use them

    everyday but they can make you pass a sedentary life if you stay with the


    +: Helps you investigate, you can communicate long distances and is a fast

    automatic machine.

    -: Makes you dont do exercise, can damage your eyes if you are hours in front

    the monitor (many agrees) and the internet can be use for endless entertainment.

    5. In the story A Stitch in Time it is said: What a curious, haphazard

    thing ones existence was. Do you agree with this view, or do you believe

    our destinies are already planned or written and no decision or action on

    our parts can change them?

    I think we make our own destiny, every decision we take will change what thedestiny was before that decision, the future is imprecise cause is always in

    movement. Caused by our decisions that make us lead somewhere else or offer

    new possibilities for more decisions.

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    6. Write Arthurs diary for the day he travelled fifty years. Does he accept

    the idea of time-travel, do you think, or does he explain events to himself in

    a different way?

    That day, when I was in the future was a very bizarre thing cause when I was

    walking to enter the house I suddenly presence a tree to grow hyper fast and

    everything changing fast, then I enter very dizzy in the house when I met this old

    lady which was asking very obvious questions, but it seems she was as confused

    as I was, I thought I was in a very strange hallucination caused by pollen which

    Im allergic. But at last she told me I travelled to the future and she was my love

    but older. What first thought was she is a very old woman whos crazy and sick,

    but I realized that was real cause I heard a terrifying noise in the skies outside,

    and that was weird. Even weirder when I saw that bunch of scientist with its

    enormous and noisy machine trying to take me back 50 years ago. I do what they

    told me to do but I was very nervous then I felt nothing, the perfect meaning of

    nothing then I felt very dizzy and a second later I was in my bed 5 hours before

    that occurred. It was funny to travel though I was nervous, the future is very noisy

    and it caught me by surprise but I sure would like the trip If I would be notified

    before jajajajajajaja.

  • 8/7/2019 A Window on the universe exam II


    Westminster School

    Brave New World

    By: Roberto Luis Aguilar Medina

    High School 5B N/L 2

    English Class

    Teacher: Ofelia


  • 8/7/2019 A Window on the universe exam II



    1.Where does the book come from and explain its relevance to the story?

    Be specific.

    The book comes from England and it was written by Aldous Huxley in 1931, this

    is relevant because in the book he describes that his utopia worlds capital is at

    London, Great Britain.

    2. Though Huxleys brave new world seems less human in the way we are

    accustomed to living, explain the positive aspects of his society. What

    aspects would you particularly like and why?

    Huxleys world has an interesting social organization in which everyone is born

    with a determined social rank, Alphas, Betas, Gammas and Epsilons, where the

    Alphas are at the top of the social pyramid; this preserves the human social


    4. Few of Huxleys predictions have proven to be perfectly accurate, yet

    many aspects of Utopia of Brave New World feel uncomfortably like our

    world. Talk about the book as a prophetic vision of the future. Which

    aspects of the book did you find most disturbing? Which hit closest to

    home? Which seem the most exaggerated?

    I found disturbing the soma thing, and the orgie-porgie but not so different from

    now, these things are currently done but in a more secret way, it would not take

    long for society acceptance I guess. It sounds funny but pretty weird comparing it

    to the actual societies rules. But beyond this, I really found exaggerated but

    pretty possible and cool the fact that society is perfectly organized, born and


    6. Discus the relationship between science, religion, and political

    powering the World State.

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    In the world state, science is the one that controls everything, from the creation of

    man to their machines for an easier life, or pleasures (soma).; perhaps

    everything else, in their religion there is Ford who was a guy that make science a

    massive growth. And politically scientists have taken it; everything in world state

    is organized by science (yeah!).

    8. It seems undeniable that most World State members are happy, though

    people like, john, Bernard, and Helmholtz might criticize the quality of their

    lives. What, then, is wrong with the world state society. Discuss the

    relationship between truth and happiness, and the use of soma?

    They criticise the world state because they are conscious about the way of living

    which is perfectly done and thats not the natural way, the world state tries to

    eliminate the thing which identify us as humans, the sense of liberty which no

    other living thing posses. In nature is nature, and will never be beaten by our

    ambitious minds; everything out of nature will collapse sooner or later, including

    soma which is an artificial way of experimenting with pleasures making people

    think its a necessary thing for happiness or any other pleasure, out of nature.

  • 8/7/2019 A Window on the universe exam II


    Westminster School

    Crime never pays

    By: Roberto Luis Aguilar Medina

    High School 5B N/L 2

    English Class

    Teacher: Ofelia


  • 8/7/2019 A Window on the universe exam II



    1.In the companion do you think that Dr

    .Lloyd was right not to inform the

    police of Amy Durrants crime, or should she have been punished by the

    courts? Depending on your point of view, write a short speech either for

    the defence, or prosecution, at her trial.

    I must say that my client here didnt know of the crime because It was a mystery

    of the supposedly death person was actually another one, so dont judge my

    client on things not well investigated, and thats what I got to said.

    2. In the case of the defence do you think that the man who died wasdeliberately pushed in front of the bus? And if so, who do you think pushed

    him? Was a bystander, the guilty brother, or the innocent brother? What

    might their motives be?

    Yes, he probably was pushed by someone who was paid to the job and because

    someone dont wanted to say value information probably about that guy, and

    probably the one killed was the innocent brother because of the already

    mentioned, he might know value information about something bigger.

    3. Capital punishment for murder was abolished in Great Britain in 1965. It

    also not permitted in Mxico, while in USA it varies from state to state .

    Forgetting your own personal opinion, give 3 clear arguments in favour of

    capital punishment and 3 other concise arguments against capital


    Seeing it in favour capital punishment is good in deleting criminals from the

    planet once and for all, it also makes the government not to spend money in

    maintaining the criminals with food and shelter and capital punishment makes the

    planet less populated; The arguments against it is that capital punishment may

    be wrong cause the guy that is killed may be the innocent one, also capital

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    punishment is against actual morality in respecting life, and capital punishment is

    seen inhuman to many (which I dont agree).

    4. In a glowing future the viewpoint swings from Maurice to Betsy and

    back again, showing the great lack of understanding or sympathy betweenthem. Write a short description of each character, as seen from the others

    point of view.

    Maurice is a very cynic man in the way that he tell Betsy about his new girlfriend

    that is in Australia when theyre supposedly still in a now forgotten relationship.

    Betsy is or was Maurice girlfriend and was having a long distance relationship

    with him but he stopped writing, and almost a year later Maurice returns to Betsy

    but only to reclaim his personal things cause he meet a new girl in Australia and

    hes leaving her. But Betsy is still in love with him and shes angry of hearing the


    5. Imagine you are Betsys older brother or sister. Betsy phones you on

    Maurices last evening, when he has packed all his things and gone out to

    get a meal. She tells you everything Maurice has said and done, and after

    the phone call you send her an email, suggesting the best way for her to

    deal with the situation.

    Dear Betsy,

    Hello dear sister, I was thinking of what you said to me and I say the best way tohandle it is letting him go, hes doing you a favour of doing the nasty work ofremoving the sentimental things, it would be easier for you to forget him. It willtake time I know but I will help you inviting you for some reunions and partieswhen you can distract and perhaps met new and better people.

    In the worst of the cases kill that motherfucker, the bastard deserves it.

  • 8/7/2019 A Window on the universe exam II


    Westminster School

    Crime never pays II

    By: Roberto Luis Aguilar Medina

    High School 5B N/L 2

    English Class

    Teacher: Ofelia


  • 8/7/2019 A Window on the universe exam II



    1.In three is a lucky number, what reasons can you give for failure of

    Ronalds plan to kill Edyth? Was there a flaw in the method he used? Did

    Ronald omit to take necessary precaution? Do you think he was outwitted

    by Edyth, or was his own conceit that was the cause?

    Ronald was acting very weird all the time and Edyth noticed it and thats why she

    called the police inspectors to investigate him. I think the method is already a

    failure when used several times in short times, the lack of patience make Ronald


    2. Imagine that Ronald succeed in murdering Edyth and continues with

    the discovery of the accident, with a neighbor present, as planned . Write

    his statement for the police, inventing the lies you think he might tell .

    The death of Edyth Torbay was horrible; I was with Ronald passing the time

    when it happens. I remember Ronald told her to get ready because they were

    supposed to go out that night, she entered the bathroom and we were in sofa just

    talking, waiting for her to have finished, but then the lights went down for a

    moment and apparently nothing happened, but when we realise it has passed an

    hour since she entered the bathroom Ronald was calling her but with no reply so

    we force the locked and there she was laid in the bath dead burned by electricity.

    The worst and saddest day of my life I must say.

    3. In Ricochet, which do you think was more important for Owen: sole

    possession and management of the farm, or living with Rhiannon and

    being able to claim Margo as his daughter?

    The second one because he didnt care of his farm, he actually kill his sheep and

    every living thing in his farm just to have a fake reason to blame his brother for

    actions Owen made, a madman thinking.

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    4. Why do you think Mr. Spiller allows himself to be blackmailed, first by

    Gooch and then by Masters? What would you have done in his position?

    Because he wants to have a normal new life dont letting everyone know about

    his dark past as a prisoner and masters because he wont let his new peaceful

    life been gone letting everyone know the horrible kill he committed. Well theres

    actually not many options when someone blackmail you, you become a slave of

    that person, unless you really got the guts to ignore the blackmail and move on in

    your life.

    I will confront the consequences, because it can get worse as with Spiller

    because from a very stupid blackmail it become a serious blackmail to the grade

    of a murder.

    5. Imagine thatMr. Spiller refuses to be blackmailed by masters, who

    gives his information to the police. Mr. Spiller is arrested for Goochs

    murder. Write the speech for the defence at his trial.

    My client here is accuse for murder Mr. Gooch only based on a single eyewitnessof this person and thats a very unreliable source, he could just simply be lyingand get this man caught for personal affairs.

    I demand justice, my client Spiller was just sleeping as the others living in thehouse. Why anybody else notice IF the murder was true and only one personsaw it. Thats really unreliable

    Thats all for now, the defence rests.

  • 8/7/2019 A Window on the universe exam II


    Westminster School

    Harry Potter and the half-blood prince book report

    By: Roberto Luis Aguilar Medina

    High School 5B N/L 2

    English Class

    Teacher: Ofelia

    In this sixth book at the beginning Harry Potter accompanies AlbusDumbledore on a trip to persuade retired Hogwarts professor Horace Slughorn toreturn to teaching, after staying in the Dudleys house and before arriving at TheBurrow.

    At Hogwarts, Severus Snape is named the new Defence Against the DarkArts instructor, with Slughorn becoming the Potions teacher. Harry and Ron are

    able to enrol in his class, but Harry's borrowed book has notes and correctionsthat yield better results than the textbook's instructions, winning him a vial of FelixFelicis, a luck potion, on his first day in class. The book formerly belonged to"The Half-Blood Prince".

    Harry becomes suspicious of his rival Draco Malfoy, after overhearingseveral of his conversations, and when Katie Bell is almost killed whileattempting to deliver a cursed necklace under the influence of the ImperiusCurse. Meanwhile, Ron is displeased with his younger sister Ginny datinganybody, forcing Harry to ignore his attraction. After an argument with Ginny inwhich Ron's dating inexperience is made clear, Ron takes up with LavenderBrown, creating a divide between him and Hermione. This rift is only mended

    when he accidentally consumes a love potion attracting him to Romilda Vane,and then poisoned mead, which almost kills him.

    Dumbledore privately tutors Harry, using his Pensieve to show Harrymemories of Voldemort's past. Dumbledore asks Harry to retrieve a key memoryfrom Slughorn regarding Slughorn's conversation with a sixteen-year-old TomRiddle. Harry uses some of his Felix Felicis to acquire the memory.

    The memories reveal that Voldemort splintered his soul into six fragmentsattached to objects called Horcruxes, while leaving a seventh piece in his body,in order to achieve immortality. As long as any of the Horcruxes exists Voldemortcannot be killed. Two Horcruxes have been destroyed - Tom Riddle's diary, by

    Harry in the Chamber of Secrets four years earlier in the second book; andMarvoloGaunt's ring, by Dumbledore during the summer before this school year.

    Three of the remaining Horcruxes are a locket formerly owned by SalazarSlytherin, a cup formerly owned by Helga Hufflepuff, and the snake Nagini.Dumbledore speculates that the sixth unidentified Horcrux may be somethingassociated with Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, as Riddle would have wantedsomething from each of the houses of Hogwarts, which he regarded as his home.

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    Then after seeing Harry cast an unusual curse, "Sectumsempra" (a darkcurse which leaves deep gashes) against Draco Malfoy, Snape attempts toconfiscate the Half-Blood Prince's Potions book, but Harry gives him Ron's copyinstead and hides his copy in the Room of Requirement. Harry gets detentionfrom Snape and misses the Quidditch finals, but Gryffindor wins the Cup. During

    the victory celebration Harry spontaneously kisses Ginny, and with Ron'sgrudging approval they begin dating.

    Dumbledore locates another Horcrux and asks Harry to accompany him todestroy it. They travel to a cave and retrieve a locket, but Dumbledore isweakened after drinking a potion to obtain the Horcrux. Harry then successfullyapparates to Hogsmeade with Dumbledore. After they return to Hogsmeade, theysee the Dark Mark over the Astronomy Tower at Hogwarts and hurry back to theschool. Dumbledore and an invisible Harry are confronted atop the tower byDraco Malfoy. Draco admits that he was behind two attacks on Hogwartsstudents, with both objects intended for Dumbledore, whom Voldemort hadordered Draco to kill.

    Dumbledore offers Draco protection from the Death Eaters, and Dracocannot bring himself to kill Dumbledore, even with the urging of fellow DeathEaters once they arrive. Instead, Snape kills Dumbledore. Harry, enraged andfreed from immobility by Dumbledore's death, pursues Snape, who reveals thathe is the Half-Blood Prince and fends off Harry's attacks (and Buckbeak whojoins in to help Harry) until he gets outside Hogwarts grounds and Disapparates.

    Harry recovers the locket from Dumbledore's body, only to discover it is afake left by someone with the initials R. A. B., who stole the real Horcrux and lefta note about his opposition to Voldemort. McGonagall tries to question Harryabout what he was doing with Dumbledore and he refuses to say. McGonagall

    calls a meeting of the Heads of House (with Slughorn taking Snape's spot) todecide what to do.

    They decide to close the school, but at Harry's suggestion, agree to waituntil Dumbledore's funeral so the students can say goodbye. Harry decides toend his relationship with Ginny because he fears that their relationship wouldplace Ginny in danger. The Minister arrives and McGonagall lets Harry leave sohe can avoid the Minister. The school year ends with Dumbledore's funeral. Heand his wand are buried in a tomb beside the lake on Hogwarts's grounds. Harryvows not to return to school but to hunt for the remaining Horcruxes instead.

  • 8/7/2019 A Window on the universe exam II


    Westminster School

    Martian chronicles exam

    By: Roberto Luis Aguilar Medina

    High School 5B N/L 2

    English Class

    Teacher: Ofelia

    Rocket summer

    1. On base of what you read describe the story in one paragraph

    That there was a cold winter in ohio where everyone was outside with its woolclothes playing with the snow then suddenly a rocket arrives at ohio andsuddenly everything started melting making everyone take their clothes off and

    turning the snow into hot rain. And then everyone start saying to each otherrocket summer because was a summer caused by a rocket.


    2. What features in this story make the setting and characters strange

    In this story it says that golden fruits grew on crystal walls and empty seas andthe characters are strange because of their yellow coin eyes, brownish skin.They think that having blue eyes and white skin is odd and say that Earth cannot

    support life

    3. Specify what are exotic touches

    They are like weird things come true like Yllas dream where later in the story thething she had imagined came true like if she was predicting the future.

    4. What is martian technology like

    They used a not so advance technology compared to humans. Theyalso talkusing telepathy

    5. What features make them seen too human

    They get married, they travel, they have fights, they have pets, they have ahuman life stereotype and thats the only thing because the skin and eyes aredifferent.

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    6. What are the unspoken assumptionsabout mens and women roles in this story

    That men work and women only depend in to their husbands. The women areromantic and like any other men then Mr. K grew jealous of the astronauts andkilled them as they arrived.

    7. If allmartians have last name that consist on a letter of the alphabet we only have26 posible names, can you think of any explanation of this problem

    Wel its because they are used to it. Perhaps the population does not exceed 26Martians because perhaps their society is controlled in that way trying not tocomplicate

    Summer night

    1. How is this linkin tale similar in thing to Ylla

    Because the children in this story started singing a song in a strange language

    just like the song Ylla was singing the day she had that dream

    2. Is the martian ability to read thought an advantage or disadvantage

    In many ways is an advantage because no thought can be hidden anymore,everything you feel and think will be known but its also a disadvantage becausethere are son many thought at once these guys can get confused

    3. Think of a familiar process that takes place among human beings for which thisstory could be read as a metaphor

    This can be understood as a message to the parents that dont hear or dont

    want to hear their children. Making them think about giving a chance to hear theirsons because they might be telling the truth.

    The earth Men

    1. What prevent the Martians from realizing that the men are really from earth

    The Martians telepathy, that makes them thoughtthat the persons who claimwere from earth were just having hallucinations and were just making outeverything.

    2. Why might people dont believe in flying saucers, UFOS and other alien contacts

    in this storyBecause in this story its a fact that the two planets know each other by now andthat we are saying that Martians do exist so people know they are not a mysteryanymore.

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    3. Can you come on an explanation for why the martians might now view the earthpeople as manifestations of their own minds

    Because of their communication by telepathy they can read the complicatedhuman mind that has thousands of thoughts at a time so the Martians think theymost be manifestations of their own minds because of they read many thoughtswhich perhaps many of them wont make sense in the actual conversation.

    They just hear lots of things that come from the human mind so they concludethat they are not real because many things they are saying has no sense thatswhy the Martians thought humans are insane, so they got scared and morescared thinking they might be the ones who are the insane ones and whoactually see imaginary things called humans that only disturb the Martian mindshearing nonsense.

    Then in the story Mr.Xxx got panic thinking he was having a very detailedhallucinations and driven by panic he killed them and realizing the now

    concluded imaginary rocket is still there he shot himself thinking hes the insaneone.

    The tax payer

    1. Write 5 important facts that explain this part

    y A war is going to happened soon

    y Only astronauts may go to space because they need special preparation.

    y Earth is becoming very violent planet and this make people want to go

    away from there.

    y People think Earth is an ordinary planet and they want to know what is out


    y The character wanted to save himself because he didnt deserve to live

    this war or be killed in it.

  • 8/7/2019 A Window on the universe exam II


    Westminster School

    The Wave

    By: Roberto Luis Aguilar Medina

    High School 6I N/L 1

    English Class

    Teacher: Vicky

    1.-Write a dialogue between Mrs. Saunders and Mrs. Billings where Lauriesmother tries to convince her friend that the wave is not beneficial to Robert .

    Please, cant you see, what if Robert goes to college insisted Mrs.Saunders, do you think he will act just as he is acting now?. of course, Mrs.Billings replied convinced he just learned the thing at school, he obviously willapply it in every aspect in his life. OH COME ON Mrs. Saunders saiddesperately THE BOY JUST LEARNED THE THING THREE DAYS AGO, and

    the whole acting is getting pretty serious since the whole school is now involvedin thisorganizations that makes me feel Im in germany. Its not that serioussaid Mrs. Billings he has improved a lot, even more than Laurie, and thats whyyou are telling me this, you are jealous because your daughter is no longer theprincess. Mrs Saunders look Mrs. Billings astonished, almost not believing whatshe had said I really thought you could comprehend this said pretty slow Mrs.Saunders I do care about Robert thats why I tried to tell you this. Cant youunderstand, he NEEDS the wave to still act that way. Do you really think he canact it by himself away from his community?. Mrs Billings was looking awaywrinkling her frown and slowly stopped doing it. She said nothing. This wavething makes us have this argument added Mrs. Saunders as she was heading to

    the exit door. I hope you can understand. She was now outside see youlater then then Mrs. Saunders finally closed the door. Mrs. Billings was stillthere, not moving.

    2.-Imagine you are Robert Billings and write two entries the first the daybefore the experiment begins and the second, the day after Mr. Ross endsthe Experiment.

    1st entry: Another day of school, is it going to be as always?...pfff, why Imasking myself this again, of course it will be the same another nastyexperience to come, now what can it be? God I hate my life, why I can be asthose guys that has new girlfriends week. Geez, Im just sick of thinking again

    like this. Ill cut it off.2nd entry: WHYYY this is happening, Im crying, the wave was everything

    to me, I feel like an animal, like a damn experiment, what the heck Ross wasthinking GODDDD I just want to KILL EVERYBODY, ARRRRR; Im so sad,why he do this to me? Why me? I was so stupid, how I let this get that deep tome? I just cant stop crying (sigh), this is so unfair. This cant be legal!! Now I willbe a loser again (sigh). Great (sigh), Mr. Ross is now coming to I dont what theheck why. well

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    5.-Taking into account the idiosyncrasy of the Mexican people, do youthink this experiment could be done successfully here? Explain anydifferences or similarities between Mexicans and Americans to supportyour opinion.

    I really think It can happen because charismatic teachers just as Mr. Rossare exist everywhere in the world, existing even from China to Tierra de Fuegoincluding of course USA and Mexico. And those charismatic easy speakerspersons can control tons of people and those people will do whatever that guytells them to do, so I really think this is so possible just as its possible as it is inRwanda, and as possible as it is in Kirgizstan, and as possible as it is all aroundthe world.

    6.-Did you Like the Book? Why or Why not? Be specific.

    I really think it was amazing, I really liked it. It was pretty intense,

    entertaining and funny (just when the members of the grapevine were together),full of interesting themes and a pretty well done final. I really will recommend thisto everyone because it really thrills you almost everything make you want to readand read just to know what will happen next. It was pretty amazing.

    7.-What is the theme of the book.

    The theme is the German Nazis movement and trying to understand howtheir organization can possibly do the terrible things that were done.

  • 8/7/2019 A Window on the universe exam II


    Lord of the Flies

    By: Roberto Luis Aguilar Medina

    High School 6I N/L 1

    English Class

    Teacher: Vicky

    2.-Of all characters, it is piggy who most often has useful ideas and seesthe correct way for the boys to organize themselves. Yet the other boysrarely listen to him and frequently abuse him. Why do you think is thecase? In what ways does Golding use Piggy to advance the novelsthemes?

    Piggy represents in a very good way the adults behavior that are notpresent in the island, but more important the civilized way of living and socialorder rules that are being lost graduallyasyou advance the book. Golding

    obviously uses piggy to advance through the novel themes as a method tocontrast how the kids are supposed to behave and show instead how theybecome and cant control being more and more savage living things.

    3.-The sows head and the conch shell each wield a certain kind of powerover the boys. In what ways do these objects powers differ? In what way isLord of the flies a novel about power? About the power of symbols? Aboutthe power of a person to use symbols to control a group

    First, the conch represents democracy, while the sows head representsthe uncivilized. The conch is used to control everyone, Ralph used it to organize.Jack used the paint to create fear in others and to make things he wont normallydo. Lord of the flies is a novel about power because the stronger one is the onewho is the boss because there are no rules.

    4.-What role do the littluns play in the novel? In one respect, they serve asgauges of the older boys moral positions, for we see whether an older boyis kind or cruel based on how he treats the littluns. But are the littlunsimportant in and of themselves? What might they represent?

    The Littluns represent the population of a town or a country in general.They are being abused by the more powerful and big ones as a tool to achievetheir goals. But the truth is that no one really cares about them. They dont

    realize that they are more powerful because they outnumber the big ones, but asthe population of a country is naive and do not have the courage and theknowledgeto demand what they really want they will not do a thing until someoneor something gives them the light that will begin an eternal cycle of revolutionagainst the powerful ones. This will happen as long we exist.

    6.-Make a list of things you consider defects in society. Then, for eachdefect, write the defect in human nature that you think is the cause. Try to

  • 8/7/2019 A Window on the universe exam II


    use a current news item to illustrate your point.

    War, like in the news, war seems to be baking as fast as pancakes Egyptis in revolution against a corrupt long government, Libya is against theirdictatorship and almost everyone is in the brink of war and this is the fault of

    humanity. War isthepurerepresentationofevilness, selfishness, laziness, pursuitfor perfection, intolerance, discrimination, miserly and many more that are ourpure nature. Also poor country progression, discrimination selfishness and everyone I mention and did not is the same for every defect in society. We areparasites sucking the planets true harmonic natural behavior, what are we?, whywe are here? Is our destructive behavior a way natures tries to equilibratesomething? If so what it is? Why life equals to suffering? WHYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!

    Hope Im clear enough.

    7.-Write an entry for the ships log that the officer might have madeafter he rescued the boys from the island. Note the condition of the boys,

    the condition of the island, and a summary of the boys accounts of theiradventure on the island.

    Today the ship rescued a group of boys in pretty bad conditions they wereat an island which was on fire, thats why we could possibly found them. Theirfirst reaction was started to cry a lot. They told me that there were two dead kids.All of them were locked like savages, they were half naked and with their paintedfaces. There was only one who wasntpainted, the ones who were painted wereabout to kill. But after they saw the everyone changed and they were returnedbeing a bunch of crying kids, now everything is back to normal for them, well atleast it seems. They will soon be with their respective parents.