Typical Community Member CUSTOMER JOURNEY Typical Community Member NOTES AND REQUIREMENTS Typical Community Member EMOTIONAL STATE Typical Community Member CHANNEL USAGE Typical Community Member EXAMPLES Powered by Smaply A Typical Community Journey JOURNEY MAP Example Community PROJECT 10 July 2020 EXPORT DATE -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 Discovery of community Registration First Contribution Newcomer Regular / Superuser 1 - Awareness 2 - Browsing 3 - Reason to join 4 - Registration form 5 - Confirmation email 6 - Clicks link 7 - First Contribution 8 - Response 9 - Consume best content. 10 - Join newcomer group. 11 - Career progression check. 12 - Follow top members 13 - Get community digests. 14 - Share your work. 1 - Awareness Customer becomes aware of the community and visits the platform. 2 - Browsing Visitor browses the community for information they need or to find something interesting. 3 - Reason to join Member finds a reason to join the community. 4 - Registration form Member completes registration form process. 5 - Confirmation email Members opens confirmation email. 6 - Clicks link Clicks confirmation link. 7 - First Contribution Member asks a question or replies to an existing question. 8 - Response Members receives a terrific response to first contribution. 9 - Consume best content. Members reads the best articles/expertise shared in the community. 10 - Join newcomer group. Newcomers join a cohort for newcomers to learn from a designated mentor. 11 - Career progression check. Members can use a community tool or benchmarking survey to check their salary. 12 - Follow top members Members gets to know and learn about the top community members. 13 - Get community digests. Members receive weekly digests of community activity. 14 - Share your work. Members share field reports of their work / what they've tried and get feedback SEO optimisation for search traffic. Community tab on company homepage. Promotion to customers via email. Social ads. Clear community value proposition. Clear display of latest, interesting, content. Federated or cognitive search tool to enable members to browse. Shows whether question has an accepted solution or best answer. Requires clear option to search content and sign-up for the community (if they can't find answer to question). Simple registration form requiring the least amount of information. Reinforcement messages about community value. SSO with other accounts. One click social sign in desirable. Requires an email with a clear subject line which won't fall into the spam filter. Requires a 1-click email confirmation link and little other information. Clear CTA to ask questions on community site. List of unanswered questions. Direct message or on-site tutorial to guide members to a first question. Welcome email guiding members to a first contribution. Sub 24-hour response. Answer marked as a 'best answer'. Response is with clear sense of empathy. Automated email listing top 3 articles of content members have shared in the community. On-site CTA clearly showing the community's best resources. Setup group for newcomers and invite by email after 48 hours. Direct message from community manager or mentor to join. Invite members to submit their salary and career level anonymously. Initiate discussion for members to share concerns. Find recruiters to answer questions. Record webinar on career progression with expert and share video. Email to follow the top community members. On-site CTA to follow the top community members. Targets desire to build an identity. with other members. Curated digest email by community manager. Template field reports document. Promotion of field reports in digest. Promotion of field reports on social media and other channels. Email / Newsletter Website Search Social / word of mouth Direct messages / on-site prompts

A Typical Community Journey Example Community 10 July 2020 · Example Community PROJECT ... or benchmarking survey to check their salary. 12 - Follow top members Members gets to know

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Page 1: A Typical Community Journey Example Community 10 July 2020 · Example Community PROJECT ... or benchmarking survey to check their salary. 12 - Follow top members Members gets to know

Typical Community Member C U S T O M E R J O U R N E Y

Typical Community Member N O T E S A N D R E Q U I R E M E N T S

Typical Community Member E M O T I O N A L S TAT E

Typical Community Member C H A N N E L U S A G E

Typical Community Member E X A M P L E S

Powered by Smaply

A Typical Community JourneyJ O U R N E Y M A P

Example CommunityP R O J E C T

10 July 2020E X P O R T D A T E






Discovery of community Registration First Contribution Newcomer Regular / Superuser

1 - Awareness 2 - Browsing 3 - Reason to join 4 - Registration form 5 - Confirmation email 6 - Clicks link 7 - First Contribution 8 - Response 9 - Consume best content. 10 - Join newcomer group. 11 - Career progression check. 12 - Follow top members 13 - Get community digests. 14 - Share your work.

1 - AwarenessCustomer becomes aware of thecommunity and visits the platform.

2 - BrowsingVisitor browses the community forinformation they need or to findsomething interesting.

3 - Reason to joinMember finds a reason to join thecommunity.

4 - Registration formMember completes registrationform process.

5 - Confirmation emailMembers opens confirmationemail.

6 - Clicks linkClicks confirmation link.

7 - First Contribution Member asks a question or repliesto an existing question.

8 - ResponseMembers receives a terrificresponse to first contribution.

9 - Consume best content.Members reads the bestarticles/expertise shared in thecommunity.

10 - Join newcomer group.Newcomers join a cohort fornewcomers to learn from adesignated mentor.

11 - Career progression check.Members can use a community toolor benchmarking survey to checktheir salary.

12 - Follow top membersMembers gets to know and learnabout the top community members.

13 - Get community digests. Members receive weekly digestsof community activity.

14 - Share your work.Members share field reports oftheir work / what they've tried andget feedback

SEO optimisation for searchtraffic. Community tab on companyhomepage. Promotion to customers via email. Social ads.

Clear community value proposition.Clear display of latest, interesting,content.Federated or cognitive search toolto enable members to browse. Shows whether question has anaccepted solution or best answer.

Requires clear option to searchcontent and sign-up for thecommunity (if they can't findanswer to question).

Simple registration form requiringthe least amount of information.Reinforcement messages aboutcommunity value. SSO with otheraccounts. One click social sign indesirable.

Requires an email with a clearsubject line which won't fall intothe spam filter.

Requires a 1-click emailconfirmation link and little otherinformation.

Clear CTA to ask questions oncommunity site.List of unanswered questions.Direct message or on-site tutorialto guide members to a firstquestion.Welcome email guiding membersto a first contribution.

Sub 24-hour response.Answer marked as a 'best answer'. Response is with clear sense ofempathy.

Automated email listing top 3articles of content members haveshared in the community. On-site CTA clearly showing thecommunity's best resources.

Setup group for newcomers andinvite by email after 48 hours. Direct message from communitymanager or mentor to join.

Invite members to submit theirsalary and career levelanonymously. Initiate discussion for members toshare concerns.Find recruiters to answerquestions.Record webinar on careerprogression with expert and sharevideo.

Email to follow the top communitymembers.On-site CTA to follow the topcommunity members.Targets desire to build an identity.with other members.

Curated digest email by communitymanager.

Template field reports document. Promotion of field reports in digest.Promotion of field reports on socialmedia and other channels.

Email / Newsletter



Social / word of mouth

Direct messages / on-site prompts