a- L ' - LAST WORDS , Dear bearts , tvhosu love has been so swot to know; 1 That I am 1o1Lin bac1th and n5 I co , y ' Am 1Ingcrnt whlic T piste , an.1 hi tats rlln Of tears of joy am min4in tears of pain. - , Do not adorn witlm costly bhrub or tree , Il- Or 1loccr , thu halo grave which shelters' m'i Let the wild wind sawlt scels grow an ua harmed. And b tc1 ant : forth all summer unalarm J. Let nil th l they , bus : crc.tturo4 creep ; Let the tlwo.st ; crass Rs 1.3t yeir'ri tanlol lice ? And when , remu nbarJn ; me , you con , soma day And st tn'd ther .pcak no pr.ttse.but only say. 'liow she loved u4 : 'Twas Chit which made d her dear : ' Those arc thu words that I shalt jty to hear.- Helen . - hunt Jackso- n.atimer's . Lady sea e , BI ClrAltLOTCB ) I. I1 AE3IE. CHAPTER II-CONTINTED. She looked to me beautiful as the pictured angels in the old gallery at Lorton's Cray. Yet it was the fare of a woman , not of an angel ; and when I came to look more deeply into it , I haw uneasiness , lan- guor - , pride ; at times unutterable fatigue , unutterable scorn , then some- thing - like despair ; the light died from the proud eyes , and the lines deep- cued round the beautiful lips. All at once I started with amaze- ment - ; for she was looking at our pew , and I saw a smile pass like a sunbeam over her fare. I looked at the long row of children ; they were all , out- wardly - , at least , decently behaved. One or two of them had their eyes and mouths opened very wide , and were fascinated by Lady Latimer. Then her eyes met mine , and I saw in them a tender light , a beautiful gleam. The old lord , looking very stern and gray , sat by her side-May and De- cemnber - , indeed. More than onte I caught tllc Lcaut- iftl - eyes fixed on mine. I cannot tell how it was , but a certain conviction came to me that she was not happy. Despite her grand title of Lady Lati- mer - , of Lorton's Cray ; despite her beauty, which was greater than I had ever seen ; despite her rich dress and her jewels ana the magnificence that surrounded her she was not happy : I cannot 'tell how it happened , but it seemed to me her eyes were telling me- so , and that it was secret-known only to herself and me ; but that must have been fancy- .I . was like a bird fascinated. I could not look away from her. I am 1 very 'much afraid that I thought of nothing else. I saw her watch our family procession , down the church ; always eccentric , it was this time more peculiar than ever , owing to the fact that Bob , whose expression of countenance was perfectly angelic , lead pinned Millie's cape to Archie's jacket , and the wildest confusion en- r - - . r sued. We had reached home before , it ended. Imperial justice was admin- istered - later on. ' The next day Lord and Lady Lati- mer - called. The army of boys had been sent to King's Lorton , under the pretext of purchasing a nsw cricket bat. Our pretty vicarage looked its best. It was the month of May , and the lilacs were all in bloom ; the beautiful syringa-trees were all in flower ; the house was a perfect bower ; the birds were singing in the trees all round. it- .I . shall never forget how the fair , queenly presence of that beautiful woman brightened even our cheerful rooms. She was in the drawing-room when I went in , talking to my mother. Lord Latimer was discussing a late edition of Virgil with my father. Lady Latimer held out her hand to me , with a smile so bright and beautiful it almost dazzled me. , . , "I saw you in church yesterday , Miss Level , " she said , "and I have dome to ask if you will be my friends. " If I could describe her grace , her sweetness ! If she had said to me , "AudreY Loved from this moment you become my bond-slave , and attach yourself to me for life , " I should have done so. I loved her after the fashion of enthusiastic young girls , with a full and perfect love. ' "I have been tolling Mrs. Level , " she continued , "how much your face attracted me. I wanted to see you . yesterday. She had a wonderfully sweet voice , low and caressing. She went on : "And those delightful boys of yours , how I enjoyed seeing them ! I am sorry they are out. Mts. 'Lovel , you must let me have them all over at- Lorton's Cray. " ' My mother smiled. ' "I am afraid , Lady Latimer , " she ' ' said , "you would hardly survive it. A French revolution or a Cuban insur- i rection is bad enough ; but the boys visiting together is beyond imagina- tion - even ; " and the dear , gentle mother smiled as she tlmou , ght of it.I- s . Is "Nevertheless , " said Lady Latimer , "I shall hope. to see them. It iy very 1 lonely at Lorton's Cray. " And I saw , plainly as I heard. the 1 words , a fine , quick gleam of scorn that lighted for half a minute on her husband's face , and then was gone. 1 "Are you dull and lonely , Grace ? " Ise asked. am sorry. You will soon have plenty of visitors. " For a few minutes he was moody 1 and silent , then he turned suddenly to- my mother.- "Mrs. . . Level , " he said , "it is in your over to do me the greatest favor. p . You heat that Lady Latimer complains y. of feeling dull ; will you allow Miss I , Level to pay us a visit ? In fact , if it- t will be convenient to you , to go back : with us 210W ? It will be a pleasure to Lady Latimer and my-self. " i 'rue beautiful face brightened , the < L gracious hand was held out to me- ."Irow . kind ! Will you dome , Miss Level ? I should be so delighted. " If she had said. "Will you come to Siberia withm me ? " I should have gone. Time fair , queerly beauty , the mystery t ' , In the dark eyes. an'L.lie.r gracious ,: s " winning manner , had- laid motinder a- s pell : A r b , , . . , , . - - ' > t-- - s s "It will be a great pleasure to mo , Lady Latimer , " I answered- ."And . will you tell me all about the boys ? " she said- ."All . about the boys would mean a- Ilong biography of each one , " I an- swered - ; -'but I will give you the lead- ing - points in each career. " "That will do , " she rejoined2 laugh- ingly. - . "I am so glad you will come , Miss Love !. " ' Then I went to my own room to make some preparations , and my mother followed me- ."It . seems astrange thing ; mamma , " I said , "for Lady Latimer to want me ; and to wish to "take me home with her " now. "I do not think it strange , Audrey , " she said , "notat all. Evidently , Lady Latimer is very dull and very lonely , and Lord Latimer is anxious that she should have a companion. I think , my dear , " added my beautiful mother , with a gentle sigh , "that it is an ex- cellent - thing for you. It will bring you into good society ; indeed , I think it. is most providential for us all. Lady Latimer has evidently taken a fancy to you. It will be goof for the boys , too. " Now , anything for the good of the boys was as irresistible to me as to my mother , and a glorious vision of un- limited - toys and fruit came before our eyes- ."I . should think , " said my 'mother , "that Lady Latimeris about your age , Audrey ; she does not look one day older. " "And her husband more than sixty ! " I cried. "It seems very unnatural , " mamma. "Such marriages are often made in high life , " said my mother. She bent down and kissed me. "I am glad , " she said , "that we do not belong to what is called high life. I should net- like , you , my Audrey , to marry in that fashion. I wonder how long will you stay at Lortou's Cray ? " "Two or three days , most proba- bly - , " I replied. "Mamma do you know that the first moment .I saw Lady Latimer-tlie first moment that her eyes looked into mine. I knew that we should be something to each other ? Her eyes said so plainly. " "Fqucy , myi dear , " answered my gentle mother. ; knew it.was not fancy.but truth.- JHAPTER . III..- r1y . . 'fec preparations were soon made. , Lord Latimer was , profuse in his thanks to my parents. It was so good , so kind , so generous of them to spare me ; he was so grateful. It was such a sad thing for Lady Latimer to feel herself so dull-so unfortunate ; but in my cheerful society no doubt she would rally. His words sounded kindly , but there was an evil look in the old lord's eyes as he uttered them. Then we all three drove away to- gether - , and the wonder , the dream of- my life , came true-I was at home at- Lorton's Cray. "What would the boys , say ? " That was my first thought as we drove along , and I longed to hear the remarks and comments that would be made in the august assembly. Then my companions attracted all my- attention. . I began to see why Lady Latimer was dull and lonely. The old lord was by no means a pleasant , amusing , or even agreeable com- panion - ; he was silent and satur- nine. - . If he expressed an idea , it was either false , mean , or ignoble ; if he uttered a sentiment , it was either morbid or cynicalif ; he made a remark , it was sure to jar in some way or other on one. He talked to me during the greater part of the drive ; he could not forget that Lady Latimer had complained of feeling dull ; he seemed to resent it as an insult to himself ; he reverted to it continually.- If . I had been Lady Latimer , I should have lost both temper and patience ; but when she saw the turn things were taking , she leaned back in the carriage and said nothing. What weariness crept over that beautiful face ! What sadness came into the proud eyes ! The bright May sunshine , the flowering Tunes , the springing grasses , brought no smiles to her lips. I was almost dazed with delight to drive on that lovely spring day through that delicious. odorous air. To see the depths of the blue sky , time light of the suf. the bloom of the spring flowers ; to hear the lark and the thrush , the bleating of the little lambs in the meadows-had filled me with delight that was almost intoxicating ; my heart and soul , my whole nature , seemed to expand. But on the beautiful face opposite to me there was no smile. I do not remem- ber - that husband and wife exchanged one word. Verily, May and Decem- ber - , eighteen and sixty , could never I agree. 1 When the carriage stopped befome , the great entrance-hall door , and I stood on the threshold of Lorton's Cray , a curious sensation carne over me-a foreboding , but such a mixture 1 of sorrow and joy that I could not understand it. I felt the shadow of coming evil and the brightness of coming joy. The emotion was so , strong that I felt all the color die from my face and lips ; my heart beat , my hands trembled. It seemed to me that I had gone quite .suddenly into another world. Lord Latimer gave me a very kind but stately welcome- ."You . look tired , Miss Level , " he said ; "you had better have a glass of I wine. . " "Come with me to my room, Miss ' Level , " said Lady Latimer , not seem- ing - to heed her husband's words ; and we went up the grand staircase to- gether. - . i Au , what luxury ! what magnifi- cence - ! what splendor ! I was struck by the great white statues , 'holding aloft richly colored lamps , masses of crimson flowers at their feet. She swept up the grand staircase , looking neither to the right or left , and hast- ene4 - "to her room. ' . - That's a relief q- she cried ; as she sunk into the depths of an easy''ehair ; . . _ . - "a most blessed and unmitigated r- lief. . " e\\rhat is ? " I asked wonderingly : Her face crimsoned- ."To . get in-doors , " nswere. quickly ; but I felt sure that she did not mean that when she spoke first Then Lady Latimer rose from her chair. She took off her hat and man- tle."I prefer dressing and undressing myself to having a maid always about me , " she said. "Shall I ring for Hil- I ton for you ? " "I have foyer lead a maid in all my life , " I a swered , thinking of the toil- ets - at hit , - and the struggle to get through . 1ttm- ."That . is right , " she said heartily.- I . looked around that magnificent sleeping-room. The hangings were all of blue velvet and white silk ; the carpet of light blue velvet piled with white flowers ; a few exquisite pictures adorned the walls ; ornaments of every description abounded ; the toilet-tables seemed to me one blaze of silver and richly cut glass ; one door opened into a bath-room superbly fitted ; another into a beautiful boudoir , all blue and white. A balcony ran along the win- dows - , filled with the loveliest , rarest and most fragrant flowers. Every- thing - that money could pulahase or art suggest was in those beautiful rooms. I thought to myself as I looked around , "how enviably happy the owner of all this magnificence must be ! " I was soon to find out that all the magnificence in the world could not confer happiness.- "Come . into time boudoir , " said Lady Latimer. "How pleasant it is to have some one to talk to and laugh with. There are days wheli my very nature seems starved for the want of laugh- ter. - . " "And we have so much of it , " said I- involuntarily. . . "Yes. When 1 saw that row of smiling , happy faces at church , my heart went out to themthe ; tears came into my eyes , and I longed to be among them. She drew me to herself in a half-caressing fashion inexpressi- bly - graceful. "I am so glad that you came back with me , Miss Lovel. I can never tell you how I felt when I saw you. I am sure that , in some strange manner or other , you are going to make part of my life ; or be involved in- it in some way. " "I had the same feeling , " I replied , wonderingly- ."Then . , " saihrLady Latimer ,: "it is true that there is something in it. I- am very lonely , and needed a friend. You have such a frank face , so noale and true. You are dark and beautif- ul. - . I like dark , beautiful faces. You are sympathetic ; I need sympathy.- ye . \ shall be good friendsMiss Level. " "I hope so , " was my answer. I knew that in my heart I loved her well enough to be her constant friend all my life. Then she threw off the sad- ness - and weariness that lay over her like a shadow- ."Miss . Level , " she said , "have you been over the house ? " "Two years ago , " I answered ; and I then told her of the great awe that had fallen over the boys at the sight of all the magnificence. Laughingly I told her how the boys had implored me to marry some one with a house just like this , for their especial use and benefit- ."There . is many a truth spoken in jest , " said Lady Latimer ; "but never do that , mj dear ; let nothing ever tempt you to marry for the sake of a grand house , or money , or position- .it . 'is the most horrible mistake that a woman ever makes. Sooner die than that. " "I never shall , Lacly Latimer , " I replied ; then , thinking of home , I added : "I should never have a chance , no matter even if I might desire it. " Our only visitors were the curate and the doctor. [TO BE CONTINUED. ] Hcntucky Buroo.- A . traveler from the South described recently one of the oldest and most popular dishes in Kentucky..which is known as "burgoo. " It is an outdoor concoction and many niassive pots of it are said to have simmered over a hot fire in the open at political gatherings in Kentucky. The making of " burgoo"- is thus described : In the bottom of the big pot some red pepper pods are thrown , then potatoes , tomatoes and corn added ; then a half dozen nicely dressed prairie chickens are thrown into the pot , and also a half dozen of the fattest farm yard chickens are added ; then a couple of dozen soft-shell crabs and three or four young squir- rels - are thrown on the heap. Enough clear spring or well water is poured lute. the caldron barely to float the varied contents and then the fire is- started. . It must be allowed to sim- mer - slowly for six hours , and an old superstition is that it must be stirred with a hickory stick in order to give i ; The best flavor. Giants of Prehistoric Franca In a prehistoric cemetery recently uncovered at Montpellier , France , while workmen were excavating a waterworks reservoir , human skulls were found measuring 28 , .31 and 3 ? Inches an circumference. The bones which were found with the .skulls were also of gigantic proportions. These relies were sent to the Paris.aeademy , and a learned "savant , " who leetured- on the find , says that they belonged te- a race.of men between 10 and 15 feet in height.- Didn't . Under + tand Human Nature- ."Yes . , " said the proprietor of the barber shop , 'j9ms was a very good barber , but we bad to let him go : He- didn't understand the business. " "What did he do ? " "He forgot to say to a baldheaded customer that his hair needed trimming to-day. " One hundred miles north of Key Nest the\faitllest part south 'n" Florida that snow has ever been known to fail. > f A Delicious Plum Paddle . Pick and stone one paunch of the best Malaga raisins , whichm put in a basin with one- pound of 'currents ( well washed and picked ) , one pound of good beef suet chopped not too fine , three-1 fourths of a pound of white or brown sugar , two ounces candid lemon or or- ange - peel , two ounces of candid citron , i six ounces of flour , and one-fourth I pounds of breadcrum.hs , with a little grated nutmegand salt. Mix the whole together with eight whole eggs and a little milk. Have ready a plain or or- namental - pudding mould ; well-butter the interior. Pour the above mixture into it , cover with a sheet of paper- , tie the mould in a cloth , put time pudding intoa large stewpan containing boiling water and let it boil quite fast for four hours and a half. or it may be boiled by tying it in apudding cloth will floured , a forming the shape by laying the cloth I in a round bottomed basin and pouring into it. It will make no difYcrence in the time required for boiling. 11'hen done take out of the cloth and turn out upon your dish , sprinkle a little pow- dered - sugar on it and serve with this sauce : Put the yolks of three eggs in- a stewpar , with half a cupful oftpow- dered - sugar and a gill of milk. Mix ! well together , add a little lemon peel and stir over the fire until it becomes thick ; it must not be allowed to boil- .Paavor . to taste and serve very hot.- No . Groond.- A . professor who used to teach the grandfathers of the present'generation- of students objected to the pronuncia- tion - of "wound , " as if it were spelled "wound , " and his studentsuscd to hunt for chances to make him explain his , objections. One day he stopped a stu- dent - who was reading to the class and said , "how do you pronounce that wcrd ? " "Woond , sir. " The professor looked ugly and replied , "I have never foond any groond for giving it that soond. ( Jo on.Household Words. The sheep that hoes astray never finds a green pasture for itself. . r ' I . ' ' ' . l Whlppuorwlll Cotvpeas.- i . 'From Oldahoma comes report the analyses whippoorwill cowpeas at five different stages and of prairie grass , "eomposed almost whollyof blue stein and joint grass , three differ- ent - cuttings. 'With reference to the cowpeas , results indicate that for good hay the peas including vines , leaves and pods , should be harvested the peas have matured in the pods. Should the prop be late it is better to cut before complete maturity than to delay the harvesting until a.hcavy frost has killed the vines and leaves. Worms Horses. The only sure cure for pin worms horses known Steketee's hog Cholera Cure. Never fails destroy worms horses hogs. sheep , dogs cats excellent remedy sick fowls. Send sixty cents in United States postage stainps and will send by mail Cut this out , take druggist and pay him fifty cents. Three packages for 1.50 express paid. G. G. STEKETEE , Grand Rapids , Mich. Mention name of paper. Aptness seeing faults in others poor evidence of faultlessness in the fault- seer. - . t Unspeakably Mlaerab1e- Is t11o man woman troubled with tlys- pepsin. . Heart palpitations , sour stomach , heartburn , uneasiness the nerves , ou- presslon sense emptlnesi the pit of I the stomach , are among its symptoms. lies letter's Stomach Bitters eradicates it , and entirely overcomes coustipation , billoasuess. rheumatic , kidney and malarial complaints , ' lso this tllorouh remedy sv8Umati ally cud it will achieve p.rmuneut results. Clubs for Farmers' Wlvcs- .If . possible , it is wise to go outside of the ordinary limits acquaintance anti invite women of widely different as- sociations ' and employments to become 1 members of the club , writes Helen .Tay in a very practical article on "The- Nental Life of a Farmer's 11'ife" in the March Ladies' Home Journal. 11'e all need to enter into the lives of others , and for an organization of women I know no better motto than the words Dr. hale , "This club exists to fipd out how other people live. It will be easier to do this than appears upon the surface. The iodern Way Commends itself to the well-informed , to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done in the crudest man- ner - and disagreeably well. To cleanse the system n and break up colds , headaches and fevers without unplcas- ant after effects , use the delightful liquid laxative remedy , Syrup of Figs. The laborer ttho has enough money which to get drunk paid too much. 1,000 BUs. POTATOES PEIt ACR- E.r . r Wonderful yields in potatoes , oats , corn , farm and vegetable seeds. Cut this out and send 5c postage to the John A. Salzer Seed Co. , La Crosse , Nis. , for their great seed book and sample of Giant Spurry. wnu Keep something out of each weeks earn- ings - and coon something will keep you.- 1t . the Baby is Cutting Teeth.- Uesure . andusetllatokl and welltrrcd remedy , nts.- a'xst.OW's5oonZ1 . Svacr or Children 'fecthlaig. The birds with the brightest feathers do not sing the sweetest. ar it- d .r r..i : : of of for for of of DIRECTIONS for tlsin4 fLYS CREA1f BALD -Apn1J Cq 4MBAU' ogrq particle of the Balm tech crARB ESt ult the nostrils. After wW ap moment draw strong ° breath tlrrowjh the nose. Use three thncs day of- ter meats preferred , anti before rctirtnp. ELY'S CREAM BALM opens and cleanses Nasal 1:4s ages Allay Yun and inflammation. Heals Sores pmtectvthe blembranr from Colds. stores Sensesof Taste and Smell. The Balm quickly absorbed and dives relief once.- A particle applied Into each nostril and agree- ablt. Price cents Druggists mail- .ELT BBOTHEES 56 Warren St. NewYor- kIN F page. about making money Grain Stocks "scalping market" margins 8000. Best method yet. scalpers make noney. Lexsixu Co. Quincy Chicago- .4w itlalla110. IS9 - ertug aUVCrtlatllaeaw nltt/j Mention this Paper. 1 yoaf ve neacral gis fade St. ace bs Oa rlcb at mariab it on fiord ke riabbitt it oaa IJ as of 'to sto tbe. p what it's or. f tt : .ttV w-Y' r GIVE AWAY Sample Package (4 to doses of Pierce' Pleasant Pellets To any one sendi nacre and address to- us postal cart. ONCE USED THEY ARE ALWAYS FAVOR- .Ifence , olvOlyVt in seirdin then oit broadcast ON TRL4L. They absolutely care SICK HEADACHE liiliouslmess Constipation Coated Tongue Poor Ap- petite , Dyspepsia and kin- dred - derangements of the StontachLiverand Bowel- s.Dott'l accejl some stthslilule said to be "just as good. The srebsiiltele costs Ike dealer Icss.It costs youc Ar0U7' the saute- .IIIS . .Lbtvftl is in the "just as good. WHERE IS YOURS .Address for 1tRtt SAMPLE World's Dispensary Medical Associstloe , No. 653 Main St. , BUFFALO , n - r- j t - cT ; : w- l , t , l ti : r 'u N "r 4 ' h rr I l t I j I P- r. li t J pj l a- E ' t E ' : d 1 t T x , . , , t r r ) wr ' , r r 9 a " at a , as in In is to in , or ; I it to is or of or a of at - j " ) as on is G ( I . , a tit t0 i sfi ( q ; l a , - ; CATARRH the , the , Re. the is at . - . 30 at by . i , , SCALPER 24 , : c. All iu and by the on of All S , 112 St. , . q U , ) _ . . ' .J. - . r. + _ 'l , - - - 't - a b gin-asset's , . A ( 7 ) 0 , on a IN . : - i , , , , - . " " . ? : , N. Y 1 ' ll ! I lZ r .4 fa r'- t an Ig is or f:0 to ( r FREE ! - o CHRISTIAN ENDEAVORERS- I r- i POCKET GUYDE t . and MAP of ' % F f 4l t . The Convent'-on City.- I . I The Passenger Department of the Bib Four Route has issued a very convenient. and attractive Pocket Guide to the: City of Boston which will be sent free of charge to all members of the Young Pcoplo s Society of Christian Endeavor who will send tbree two cent stamps to the undersigned. This Pocket Guide should be in : ice hands of every member of the Society who content- ' plates attending the 14th Annual Conven- tion - , as it shows the location of all' Depots , . Hotels , Churches , Institutions , Places of Amusement , Prominent Buildings , Street i Car Lines , etc. , etc. Write' soon , as thtt i edition is limited. E , O. McCorm ncs , Passenger Traffic Manager Big Four Route , Cincinnati , Ohio. _ , Patents1'TradeMarks Examination and Advice no to Patentability o [ Invention. Send for' Inventnrs'Guide. orRowtoOe- aratent. . " rL'Nlra or.2 LJ , 7Ts lt , D. C. . CUlIES WH All. ELSE fA11S. Best Cough Sirup. Tastes Goon. IIee- in time. Bold by dra tgisfa. t. r r

a- .ttV L w-Y'€¦ · a-L ' LAST WORDS, Dear bearts, tvhosu love has been so swot to know; y 1 That I am 1o1Lin bac1th and n5 I co, ' Am 1Ingcrnt whlic T piste, an.1 hi tats rlln

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Page 1: a- .ttV L w-Y'€¦ · a-L ' LAST WORDS, Dear bearts, tvhosu love has been so swot to know; y 1 That I am 1o1Lin bac1th and n5 I co, ' Am 1Ingcrnt whlic T piste, an.1 hi tats rlln





Dear bearts , tvhosu love has been so swot toknow;

1 That I am 1o1Lin bac1th and n5 I co ,y ' Am 1Ingcrnt whlic T piste , an.1 hi tats rllnOf tears of joy am min4in tears of pain.- , Do not adorn witlm costly bhrub or tree ,Il- Or 1loccr , thu halo grave which shelters' m'iLet the wild wind sawlt scels grow a n ua

harmed.And b tc1 ant : forth all summer unalarm J.Let nil th l they , bus : crc.tturo4 creep ;

Let the tlwo.st ;crass Rs 1.3t yeir'ri tanlollice ?And when , remu nbarJn ; me , you con , soma

dayAnd st tn'd ther .pcak no pr.ttse.but only say.'liow she loved u4 : 'Twas Chit which made

d her dear : 'Those arc thu words that I shalt jty to hear.-

Helen.- hunt Jackso-



Lady sea e ,


CHAPTER II-CONTINTED.She looked to me beautiful as the

pictured angels in the oldgallery at Lorton's Cray. Yetit was the fare of a woman , not of anangel ; and when I came to look moredeeply into it , I haw uneasiness , lan-guor

-, pride ; at times unutterable

fatigue , unutterable scorn , then some-thing

-like despair ; the light died from

the proud eyes , and the lines deep-cued round the beautiful lips.

All at once I started with amaze-ment

-; for she was looking at our pew ,

and I saw a smile pass like a sunbeamover her fare. I looked at the longrow of children ; they were all , out-wardly

-, at least , decently behaved.

One or two of them had their eyesand mouths opened very wide , andwere fascinated by Lady Latimer.Then her eyes met mine , and I saw inthem a tender light , a beautiful gleam.The old lord , looking very stern andgray , sat by her side-May and De-cemnber

-, indeed.

More than onte I caught tllc Lcaut-iftl

-eyes fixed on mine. I cannot tell

how it was , but a certain convictioncame to me that she was not happy.Despite her grand title of Lady Lati-mer

-, of Lorton's Cray ; despite her

beauty, which was greater than I hadever seen ; despite her rich dress andher jewels ana the magnificence thatsurrounded her she was not happy : Icannot 'tell how it happened , but itseemed to me her eyes were telling me-so , and that it was secret-knownonlyto herself and me ; but that must havebeen fancy-


was like a bird fascinated. Icould not look away from her. I am

1very 'much afraid that I thought ofnothing else. I saw her watch ourfamily procession , down the church ;

always eccentric , it was this timemore peculiar than ever , owing to thefact that Bob , whose expression ofcountenance was perfectly angelic ,lead pinned Millie's cape to Archie'sjacket , and the wildest confusion en-r -

- . r sued. We had reached home before, it ended. Imperial justice was admin-


later on.' The next day Lord and Lady Lati-


called. The army of boys hadbeen sent to King's Lorton , under thepretext of purchasing a nsw cricketbat. Our pretty vicarage looked itsbest. It was the month of May ,and the lilacs were all inbloom ; the beautiful syringa-treeswere all in flower ; the house was aperfect bower ; the birds were singingin the trees all round. it-


shall never forget how the fair ,queenly presence of that beautifulwoman brightened even our cheerfulrooms. She was in the drawing-roomwhen I went in , talking to my mother.Lord Latimer was discussing a lateedition of Virgil with my father.Lady Latimer held out her hand to me ,with a smile so bright and beautifulit almost dazzled me.

, . , "I saw you in church yesterday ,Miss Level , " she said , "and I havedome to ask if you will be my friends. "

If I could describe her grace , hersweetness ! If she had said to me ,

"AudreY Loved from this moment youbecome my bond-slave , and attachyourself to me for life , " I should havedone so. I loved her after the fashionof enthusiastic young girls , with a fulland perfect love.' "I have been tolling Mrs. Level , "she continued , "how much your faceattracted me. I wanted to see you

. yesterday.She had a wonderfully sweet voice ,

low and caressing. She went on :

"And those delightful boys of yours ,

how I enjoyed seeing them ! I amsorry they are out. Mts. 'Lovel , youmust let me have them all over at-

Lorton's Cray. "' My mother smiled.' "I am afraid , Lady Latimer ," she'' said , "you would hardly survive it. A

French revolution or a Cuban insur-i rection is bad enough ; but the boys

visiting together is beyond imagina-tion

-even ;" and the dear , gentle

mother smiled as she tlmou,ght of it.I-



Is "Nevertheless , " said Lady Latimer ,

"I shall hope. to see them. It iy very1

lonely at Lorton's Cray. "And I saw , plainly as I heard. the

1 words , a fine , quick gleam of scornthat lighted for half a minute on herhusband's face , and then was gone.

1 "Are you dull and lonely , Grace ?"Ise asked. am sorry. You willsoon have plenty of visitors. "

For a few minutes he was moody1 and silent , then he turned suddenly to-

my mother.-"Mrs.

.. Level , " he said , "it is in your

over to do me the greatest favor.p.

You heat that Lady Latimer complainsy. of feeling dull ; will you allow Miss

I , Level to pay us a visit ? In fact , if it-

t will be convenient to you , to go back: with us 210W ? It will be a pleasure to

Lady Latimer and my-self. "

i 'rue beautiful face brightened , the< L gracious hand was held out to me-


kind ! Will you dome , MissLevel ? I should be so delighted. "

If she had said. "Will you come toSiberia withm me ? " I should have gone.Time fair , queerly beauty , the mystery

t ', In the dark eyes. an'L.lie.r gracious , :

s" winning manner , had- laid motinder a-


rb , , . . ,,.- -

' >t-- -s


"It will be a great pleasure to mo ,

Lady Latimer ," I answered-."And


will you tell me all about theboys ? " she said-


about the boys would mean a-

Ilong biography of each one , " I an-swered

-; -'but I will give you the lead-


points in each career. ""That will do , " she rejoined2 laugh-


. "I am so glad you will come ,

Miss Love ! . "' Then I went to my own room to

make some preparations , and mymother followed me-


seems astrange thing ; mamma , "I said , "for Lady Latimer to want me ;

and to wish to "take me home with her"now.

"I do not think it strange , Audrey ,"she said , "notat all. Evidently , LadyLatimer is very dull and very lonely ,

and Lord Latimer is anxious that sheshould have a companion. I think ,

my dear , " added my beautiful mother ,

with a gentle sigh , "that it is an ex-


thing for you. It will bringyou into good society ; indeed , I thinkit. is most providential for us all.Lady Latimer has evidently taken afancy to you. It will be goof for theboys , too. "

Now , anything for the good of theboys was as irresistible to me as to mymother , and a glorious vision of un-limited

-toys and fruit came before our



should think , " said my 'mother ,

"that Lady Latimeris about your age ,

Audrey ; she does not look one dayolder. "

"And her husband more than sixty ! "I cried. "It seems very unnatural ,

"mamma."Such marriages are often made in

high life , " said my mother. She bentdown and kissed me. "I am glad , "she said , "that we do not belong towhat is called high life. I should net-like, you , my Audrey , to marry in thatfashion. I wonder how long will youstay at Lortou's Cray ? "

"Two or three days , most proba-bly

-, " I replied. "Mamma do you

know that the first moment .I sawLady Latimer-tlie first moment thather eyes looked into mine. I knewthat we should be something to eachother? Her eyes said so plainly. "

"Fqucy , myi dear , " answered mygentle mother.; knew it.was not fancy.but truth.-





. 'fec preparations were soonmade. , Lord Latimer was , profuse inhis thanks to my parents. It was sogood , so kind , so generous of them tospare me ; he was so grateful. It wassuch a sad thing for Lady Latimer tofeel herself so dull-so unfortunate ;

but in my cheerful society no doubtshe would rally. His words soundedkindly , but there was an evil look inthe old lord's eyes as he uttered them.

Then we all three drove away to-


, and the wonder, the dream of-

my life , came true-I was at home at-Lorton's Cray. "What would theboys , say ? " That was my first thoughtas we drove along , and I longed tohear the remarks and comments thatwould be made in the august assembly.Then my companions attracted all my-attention. . I began to see why LadyLatimer was dull and lonely. The oldlord was by no means a pleasant ,

amusing , or even agreeable com-panion

-; he was silent and satur-


. If he expressed an idea , it waseither false , mean , or ignoble ; if heuttered a sentiment , it was eithermorbid or cynicalif; he made a remark ,

it was sure to jar in some way orother on one. He talked to me duringthe greater part of the drive ; hecould not forget that Lady Latimerhad complained of feeling dull ; heseemed to resent it as an insult tohimself ; he reverted to it continually.-


I had been Lady Latimer , I shouldhave lost both temper and patience ;

but when she saw the turn thingswere taking , she leaned back in thecarriage and said nothing.

What weariness crept over thatbeautiful face ! What sadness cameinto the proud eyes ! The bright Maysunshine , the flowering Tunes , thespringing grasses , brought no smilesto her lips. I was almost dazed withdelight to drive on that lovely springday through that delicious. odorousair. To see the depths of the bluesky, time light of the suf. the bloom ofthe spring flowers ; to hear the larkand the thrush , the bleating of thelittle lambs in the meadows-hadfilled me with delight that was almostintoxicating ; my heart and soul , mywhole nature , seemed to expand. Buton the beautiful face opposite to methere was no smile. I do not remem-ber

-that husband and wife exchanged

one word. Verily, May and Decem-ber

-, eighteen and sixty, could never



When the carriage stopped befome ,

the great entrance-hall door , and Istood on the threshold of Lorton'sCray , a curious sensation carne overme-a foreboding , but such a mixture 1

of sorrow and joy that I could notunderstand it. I felt the shadow ofcoming evil and the brightness ofcoming joy. The emotion was so ,

strong that I felt all the color diefrom my face and lips ; my heart beat ,

my hands trembled. It seemed to methat I had gone quite .suddenly intoanother world. Lord Latimer gaveme a very kind but stately welcome-


look tired , Miss Level , " hesaid ; "you had better have a glass of


wine. . ""Come with me to my room , Miss '

Level , " said Lady Latimer , not seem-ing

-to heed her husband's words ; and

we went up the grand staircase to-


. i

Au , what luxury ! what magnifi-cence

-! what splendor ! I was struck

by the great white statues , 'holdingaloft richly colored lamps , masses ofcrimson flowers at their feet. Sheswept up the grand staircase , lookingneither to the right or left , and hast-ene4

-"to her room. ' .


That's a relief q- she cried ; as shesunk into the depths of an easy''ehair ; .


_ .-

"a most blessed and unmitigated r-

lief.. "e\\rhat is ?" I asked wonderingly:

Her face crimsoned-."To


get in-doors , " nswere.quickly ; but I felt sure that she didnot mean that when she spoke first

Then Lady Latimer rose from herchair. She took off her hat and man-tle."I prefer dressing and undressingmyself to having a maid always aboutme ," she said. "Shall I ring for Hil-

I ton for you ?""I have foyer lead a maid in all my

life , " I a swered , thinking of the toil-ets

-at hit , - and the struggle to get

through . 1ttm-."That


is right , " she said heartily.-I

.looked around that magnificent

sleeping-room. The hangings wereall of blue velvet and white silk ; thecarpet of light blue velvet piled withwhite flowers ; a few exquisite picturesadorned the walls ; ornaments of everydescription abounded ; the toilet-tablesseemed to me one blaze of silver andrichly cut glass ; one door opened intoa bath-room superbly fitted ; anotherinto a beautiful boudoir , all blue andwhite. A balcony ran along the win-dows

-, filled with the loveliest , rarest

and most fragrant flowers. Every-thing

-that money could pulahase or

art suggest was in those beautifulrooms. I thought to myself as Ilooked around , "how enviably happythe owner of all this magnificencemust be ! " I was soon to find out thatall the magnificence in the world couldnot confer happiness.-


into time boudoir , " said LadyLatimer. "How pleasant it is to havesome one to talk to and laugh with.There are days wheli my very natureseems starved for the want of laugh-ter.

-. ""And we have so much of it, " said I-

involuntarily. . .

"Yes. When 1 saw that row ofsmiling , happy faces at church , myheart went out to themthe; tears cameinto my eyes , and I longed to beamong them. She drew me to herselfin a half-caressing fashion inexpressi-bly

-graceful. "I am so glad that you

came back with me , Miss Lovel. I cannever tell you how I felt when I sawyou. I am sure that , in some strangemanner or other , you are going tomake part of my life ; or be involved in-it in some way. "

"I had the same feeling , " I replied ,wonderingly-


, " saihrLady Latimer , : "it istrue that there is something in it. I-

am very lonely , and needed a friend.You have such a frank face , so noaleand true. You are dark and beautif-ul.

-. I like dark, beautiful faces. You

are sympathetic ; I need sympathy.-ye .\ shall be good friendsMiss Level. "

"I hope so , " was my answer. I knewthat in my heart I loved her wellenough to be her constant friend allmy life. Then she threw off the sad-ness

-and weariness that lay over her

like a shadow-."Miss


Level , " she said , "have youbeen over the house ?"

"Two years ago , " I answered ; and Ithen told her of the great awe that hadfallen over the boys at the sight of allthe magnificence. Laughingly I toldher how the boys had implored me tomarry some one with a house just likethis , for their especial use and benefit-


is many a truth spoken injest , " said Lady Latimer ; "but neverdo that , mj dear ; let nothing evertempt you to marry for the sake of agrand house , or money , or position-.it

.'is the most horrible mistake that a

woman ever makes. Sooner die thanthat. "

"I never shall , Lacly Latimer , " Ireplied ; then , thinking of home , Iadded : "I should never have a chance ,

no matter even if I might desire it."Our only visitors were the curate andthe doctor.


Hcntucky Buroo.-A


traveler from the South describedrecently one of the oldest and mostpopular dishes in Kentucky..which isknown as "burgoo. " It is an outdoorconcoction and many niassive pots of itare said to have simmered over a hotfire in the open at political gatheringsin Kentucky. The making of "burgoo"-is thus described : In the bottom ofthe big pot some red pepper pods arethrown , then potatoes , tomatoes andcorn added ; then a half dozen nicelydressed prairie chickens are throwninto the pot , and also a half dozen ofthe fattest farm yard chickens areadded ; then a couple of dozen soft-shellcrabs and three or four young squir-rels

-are thrown on the heap. Enough

clear spring or well water is pouredlute. the caldron barely to float thevaried contents and then the fire is-

started. . It must be allowed to sim-mer

-slowly for six hours , and an old

superstition is that it must be stirredwith a hickory stick in order to give i;The best flavor.

Giants of Prehistoric FrancaIn a prehistoric cemetery recently

uncovered at Montpellier , France ,while workmen were excavating awaterworks reservoir , human skullswere found measuring 28, .31 and 3 ?Inches an circumference. The boneswhich were found with the .skulls werealso of gigantic proportions. Theserelies were sent to the Paris.aeademy ,

and a learned "savant ," who leetured-on the find , says that they belonged te-

a race.of men between 10 and 15 feetin height.-



Under + tand Human Nature-."Yes


, " said the proprietor of thebarber shop , 'j9ms was a very goodbarber , but we bad to let him go : He-didn't understand the business. "

"What did he do ?""He forgot to say to a baldheaded

customer that his hair needed trimmingto-day. "

One hundred miles north of KeyNest the\faitllest part south 'n"Florida that snow has ever beenknown to fail.


A Delicious Plum Paddle .

Pick and stone one paunch of the bestMalaga raisins , whichm put in a basinwith one- pound of 'currents (wellwashed and picked ) , one pound of goodbeef suet chopped not too fine , three-1fourths of a pound of white or brownsugar , two ounces candid lemon or or-


peel , two ounces of candid citron , i

six ounces of flour , and one-fourth I

pounds of breadcrum.hs , with a littlegrated nutmegand salt. Mix the wholetogether with eight whole eggs and alittle milk. Have ready a plain or or-


pudding mould ; well-butterthe interior. Pour the above mixtureinto it , cover with a sheet of paper- , tiethe mould in a cloth , put time puddingintoa large stewpan containing boilingwater and let it boil quite fast for fourhours and a half. or it may be boiled bytying it in apudding cloth will floured , a

forming the shape by laying the cloth I

in a round bottomed basin and pouringinto it. It will make no difYcrence inthe time required for boiling. 11'hendone take out of the cloth and turn outupon your dish , sprinkle a little pow-dered


sugar on it and serve with thissauce : Put the yolks of three eggs in-

a stewpar , with half a cupful oftpow-dered


sugar and a gill of milk. Mix!

well together , add a little lemon peeland stir over the fire until it becomesthick ; it must not be allowed to boil-.Paavor


to taste and serve very hot.-





professor who used to teach thegrandfathers of the present'generation-of students objected to the pronuncia-tion


of "wound , " as if it were spelled"wound , " and his studentsuscd to huntfor chances to make him explain his ,

objections. One day he stopped a stu-dent

-who was reading to the class and

said , "how do you pronounce thatwcrd?" "Woond , sir. " The professorlooked ugly and replied , "I have neverfoond any groond for giving it thatsoond. (Jo on.Household Words.

The sheep that hoes astray never finds agreen pasture for itself.



'I .

' '




Whlppuorwlll Cotvpeas.-



'From Oldahoma comes reportthe analyses whippoorwill cowpeasat five different stages and of prairiegrass , "eomposed almost whollyof bluestein and joint grass , three differ-ent

-cuttings. 'With reference to the

cowpeas , results indicate that forgood hay the peas including vines ,

leaves and pods , should be harvestedthe peas have matured in the pods.Should the prop be late it is better tocut before complete maturity than todelay the harvesting until a.hcavy frosthas killed the vines and leaves.

Worms Horses.The only sure cure for pin worms horses

known Steketee's hog Cholera Cure.Never fails destroy worms horses hogs.sheep , dogs cats excellent remedysick fowls. Send sixty cents in UnitedStates postage stainps and will send bymail Cut this out , take druggist andpay him fifty cents. Three packages for 1.50express paid. G. G. STEKETEE ,

Grand Rapids , Mich.Mention name of paper.Aptness seeing faults in others

poor evidence of faultlessness in the fault-seer.



Unspeakably Mlaerab1e-Is t11o man woman troubled with tlys-

pepsin. . Heart palpitations , sour stomach ,

heartburn , uneasiness the nerves , ou-presslon sense emptlnesi the pit of I

the stomach , are among its symptoms. liesletter's Stomach Bitters eradicates it , andentirely overcomes coustipation , billoasuess.rheumatic , kidney and malarial complaints , 'lso this tllorouh remedy sv8Umati ally cudit will achieve p.rmuneut results.

Clubs for Farmers' Wlvcs-.If


possible , it is wise to go outside ofthe ordinary limits acquaintance antiinvite women of widely different as-sociations

'and employments to become 1

members of the club , writes Helen .Tayin a very practical article on "The-Nental Life of a Farmer's 11'ife" in theMarch Ladies' Home Journal. 11'e allneed to enter into the lives of others ,

and for an organization of women Iknow no better motto than the words

Dr. hale , "This club exists to fipdout how other people live. It will beeasier to do this than appears upon thesurface.

The iodern WayCommends itself to the well-informed ,

to do pleasantly and effectually whatwas formerly done in the crudest man-ner


and disagreeably well. Tocleanse the system n and break up colds ,headaches and fevers without unplcas-ant after effects , use the delightfulliquid laxative remedy , Syrup of Figs.

The laborer ttho has enough moneywhich to get drunk paid too much.



Wonderful yields in potatoes , oats ,

corn , farm and vegetable seeds. Cutthis out and send 5c postage to theJohn A. Salzer Seed Co. , La Crosse ,

Nis. , for their great seed book andsample of Giant Spurry. wnu

Keep something out of each weeks earn-ings


and coon something will keep you.-



the Baby is Cutting Teeth.-Uesure

.andusetllatokl and welltrrcd remedy , nts.-


Svacr or Children 'fecthlaig.

The birds with the brightest feathers donot sing the sweetest.












4MBAU'ogrqparticle of the Balm tech crARB ESt

ult the nostrils. After wWapmoment draw strong °

breath tlrrowjh the nose.Use three thncs day of-ter meats preferred , antibefore rctirtnp.

ELY'S CREAM BALM opens and cleansesNasal 1:4s ages Allay Yun and inflammation. Heals

Sores pmtectvthe blembranr from Colds.stores Sensesof Taste and Smell. The Balmquickly absorbed and dives relief once.-

A particle applied Into each nostril and agree-ablt. Price cents Druggists mail-.ELT BBOTHEES 56 Warren St. NewYor-

kIN Fpage. about making money Grain

Stocks "scalping market" margins8000. Best method yet. scalpers makenoney. Lexsixu Co. Quincy Chicago-

.4w itlalla110. IS9- ertug aUVCrtlatllaeaw nltt/jMention this Paper.

1 yoaf ve neacralgis fade St. ace bs Oa rlcb at

mariab it on fiord ke riabbitt it oaa IJas of'to sto tbe. p what it's or.



w-Y' r

GIVE AWAYSample Package (4 to doses of


Pleasant PelletsTo any one sendi nacre and address to-

us postal cart.


.Ifence, olvOlyVt in seirdin then oitbroadcast


They absolutely careSICK HEADACHE

liiliouslmess ConstipationCoated Tongue Poor Ap-

petite , Dyspepsia and kin-


derangements of theStontachLiverand Bowel-

s.Dott'l accejl some stthslilule saidto be "just as good.

The srebsiiltele costs Ike dealer

Icss.Itcosts youc Ar0U7' the saute-


.Lbtvftl is in the "just asgood.


.Address for 1tRtt SAMPLE

World's Dispensary Medical Associstloe ,

No. 653 Main St. , BUFFALO ,






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ii POCKET GUYDE t. and MAP of '% F f 4lt

. The Convent'-on City.-




The Passenger Department of the BibFour Route has issued a very convenient.and attractive Pocket Guide to the: City ofBoston which will be sent free of charge toall members of the Young Pcoplo s Societyof Christian Endeavor who will send tbreetwo cent stamps to the undersigned. ThisPocket Guide should be in : ice hands ofevery member of the Society who content- 'plates attending the 14th Annual Conven-tion

-, as it shows the location of all' Depots , .

Hotels , Churches , Institutions , Places ofAmusement , Prominent Buildings , Street iCar Lines , etc. , etc. Write' soon , as thtt iedition is limited.

E, O. McCorm ncs ,Passenger Traffic Manager Big Four Route,

Cincinnati , Ohio. _ ,

Patents1'TradeMarksExamination and Advice no to Patentability o[Invention. Send for' Inventnrs'Guide. orRowtoOe-

aratent. . " rL'Nlra or.2 LJ , 7Ts lt, D. C.


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