This PDF is a selection from an out-of-print volume from the National Bureau of Economic Research Volume Title: Seasonal Analysis of Economic Time Series Volume Author/Editor: Arnold Zellner, ed. Volume Publisher: NBER Volume URL: http://www.nber.org/books/zell79-1 Publication Date: 1979 Chapter Title: A Time Series Analysis of Seasonality in Econometric Models Chapter Author: Charles I. Plosser Chapter URL: http://www.nber.org/chapters/c3906 Chapter pages in book: (p. 365 - 410)

A Time Series Analysis of Seasonality in Econometric Models · r A TIME SERIES ANALYSIS OF SEASONALITY IN ECONOMETRIC MODELS Charles 1. Plosser Stanford University INTRODUCFJON The

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Page 1: A Time Series Analysis of Seasonality in Econometric Models · r A TIME SERIES ANALYSIS OF SEASONALITY IN ECONOMETRIC MODELS Charles 1. Plosser Stanford University INTRODUCFJON The

This PDF is a selection from an out-of-print volume from the National Bureau of Economic Research

Volume Title: Seasonal Analysis of Economic Time Series

Volume Author/Editor: Arnold Zellner, ed.

Volume Publisher: NBER

Volume URL: http://www.nber.org/books/zell79-1

Publication Date: 1979

Chapter Title: A Time Series Analysis of Seasonality in Econometric Models

Chapter Author: Charles I. Plosser

Chapter URL: http://www.nber.org/chapters/c3906

Chapter pages in book: (p. 365 - 410)

Page 2: A Time Series Analysis of Seasonality in Econometric Models · r A TIME SERIES ANALYSIS OF SEASONALITY IN ECONOMETRIC MODELS Charles 1. Plosser Stanford University INTRODUCFJON The



Charles 1. PlosserStanford University


The traditional literature on seasonality has mainlyfocused attention on various statistical procedures forobtaining a seasonally adjusted time series from an ob-served time series that exhibits seasonal variation. Manyof these procedures rely on the notion that an observedtime series can be meaningfully divided into severalunobserved components. Usually, these components aretaken to be a trend or cyclical component, a seasonalcomponent, and an irregular or random component. Un-fortunately, this simple specification, in itself, is notsufficient to identify a unique seasonal component, givenan observed series. Consequently, there are difficult prob-lems facing those wishing to obtain a seasonally adjustedseries. For example, the econometrician or statisticianinvolved in this adjusting process is immediately con-fronted with several issues. Are the components additiveor multiplicative? Are they deterministic or stochastic?Are they independent or are there interaction effects? Arethey stable through time or do they vary through time?Either explicitly or implicitly, these types of questionsmust be dealt with before one can obtain a seasonallyadjusted series.

One approach to answering some of these questionswould be to incorporate subject matter considerations intothe decision process. In particular, economic conceptsmay be useful in arriving at a better understanding ofseasonality. Within the context of an economic structure(e.g., a simple supply and demand model), the seasonalvariation in one set of variables, or in one market, shouldhave implications for the seasonal variation in closelyrelated variables and markets.' For example, the season-ality in the amount of labor supplied in nonagricultural

1 Kuznets [U] was concerned with how seasonal movementsworked their way through various markets. Fundamental to thisapproach is the idea of induced or derived seasonal variation. Thatis, seasonality is induced into some markets because of seasonality inother markets. However, Kuznets first obtained what he called theseasonal component of an observed series and proceeded to comparethese seasonal components in related markets.

2 An example of how an economic model can be built to generateseasonal or periodic behavior can be found in Crutchfield and Zeilner[22].

'Laffer and Ranson [12] were concerned with this problem -andmade use of seasonal dummies in an attempt to avoid the dependence'on the seasonally adjusted data.

labor markets is not independent of the labor demandedin agricultural labor markets. Consequently, knowledge ofthe economic structure can provide one with a great dealof understanding about the seasonal variation of differentvariables, such as where it comes from and what mightcause it to vary through time.

The purpose of this paper is to suggest and investigatean approach that involves the incorporation of seasonalitydirectly into an economic model.2 Analyzing the problemfrom this perspective two important implications.First, if an adjusted series is the objective, an economicmodel that incorporates seasonality may provide an ana-lyst with a better understanding of the source and type ofseasonal variation, as indicated in the previous paragraph.This understanding, in turn, may aid in the developmentof improved adjustment procedures. Second, includingseasonality in an economic model avoids the necessity ofusing a seasonally adjusted data base in estimating aneconomic model and subsequent concern over whetherthe seasonal adjustment procedure itself may be causingdistortions of the economic analysis and the interpretationof the model.3 For example, although many economictime series are available in adjusted form, there are someseries that are not adjusted at all (e.g., interest rates).Wallis [23] shows how the use of adjusted and unadjusteddata in the same model can lead to spurious dynamicrelationships between variables where dynamic relation-ships do not otherwise exist.

Furthermore, to the extent model builders do not takeseasonality into account in the specification of a modelbecause they believe that using seasonally adjusted datahas eliminated that need, they could be led into model


Charles 1. Plosser is an assistant professor at theGraduate School of Business, Stanford University,Stanford, Calif. This work has been financed, inpart, by the National Science Foundation underGrant GS 40033 and the H. G. B. AlexanderResearch Foundation, Graduate School of Business,University of Chicago. The author is grateful toArnold Zeilner for his helpful comments .and encour-agement. J. M. Abowd, R. E. Lucas, H. V. Roberts,G. W. Schwert, and W. E. Wecker also providedhelpful suggestions. All remaining errors, however,remain the sole responsibility of the author.

Page 3: A Time Series Analysis of Seasonality in Econometric Models · r A TIME SERIES ANALYSIS OF SEASONALITY IN ECONOMETRIC MODELS Charles 1. Plosser Stanford University INTRODUCFJON The



misspecification, misleading inferences about parametervalues, and poor forecasts. Such problems would naturallyarise if the adjustment procedure did not effectivelyeliminate the seasonal variation in the data. Consequently,the adjustment procedure may have the effect of inducingproperties on a series that are spurious concerning themodel under consideration.

In Zeliner and Palm [26], techniques were developedfor analyzing dynamic econometric models that combinedtraditional econometric modeling with the time seriestechniques developed by Box and Jenkins [3]. In asubsequent work, Zeilner and Palm [27], these techniqueswere applied to the analysis of several monetary modelsof the U.S. economy. Using monthly data for 1953—72, theinformation in the data was checked against the implica-tions derived from these models. They pointed out, in theconclusion of their work, that even though they wereusing seasonally adjusted data, effects of seasonalityseemed to be present in the autocorrelation structure ofsome of the variables, as well as in the residuals of thetransfer functions. These complications might be expectedfrom data that are smoothed in the same manner, regard-less of the underlying stochastic process or economicmechanism at work.

Finally, if the data being used to test and estimate amodel are inappropriate for the particular model, themodel is likely to produce poor forecasts. Even in thecase of forecasting univariate time series, the effects ofseasonal adjustment may cause poor predictions. Thislack of prediction accuracy may arise from the fact thatthe adjustment procedures periodically undergo revision,such that the form of the filter and the weights employedare changing through time. That is, the raw data are beingpassed through a filter that may vary considerably over aparticular sample period. The result would be to introducean instability in the stochastic properties of the adjusteddata that may not exist in the raw or unadjusted data.

Figure 1 and 2 provide an illustrative example ofthe type of prediction problem suggested in the precedingparagraph. Using the methodology of Box and Jenkins [3],a univariate time series model was built for the unadjustedmoney stock (Ml). The model was identified usingmonthly data for January 1953—December 1962 and thenused to forecast unadjusted Ml through 1963 (i.e., fore-casting up to 12 steps ahead). Subsequently, the modelwas updated with actual data through December 1963 andthen used to forecast Ml for 1964. This process wasrepeated through 1972. The results of this exercise arepresented graphically in figure 1. These are the plots ofthe actual and the predicted series as well as a set of 95-percent prediction intervals. As can be seen, the modelseems to do rather well with the actual series coming closeto being outside the prediction interval in 1967 and againin 1969. Even at the 12-step-ahead forecast, the error israrely more than I to 2 percent.

In contrast to this is a model developed using the sametechniques for the seasonally adjusted money supply. Thesame updating and prediction procedure was performed


with the model, and the results are shown in figure 2,Notice the relatively larger prediction errors at the 12-step.ahead forecast. More important is the observation that theactual series often wanders outside the prediction intervalIt is, of course, very difficult to compare the resultsfigures 1 and 2 directly, because, in fact, the modelsare predicting two different series. A complete analysis ofthe findings presented in figures 1 and 2 wouldconstitute a study in and of itself, but such an analysis isnot the intent of this work. However, these simple resultsshould be sufficient to cause one to ask questions concem.ing the role of adjustment, and, perhaps, its usefulnessforecasting.4

The organization of the remainder of this paper is asfollows: The second section is a methodological sectionthat includes a brief discussion of the analysis of lineardynamic econometric models as developed in Zeilner [25]and Zellner and Palm [26], as well as some of thetheoretical aspects involved in modeling seasonal timeseries. Suggestions aje then made concerning the wayone might go about building seasonality into a model andhow to check the consistency of the specification of themodel with data. In the third section, a simple economicmodel is proposed with explicit assumptions regarding themanner in which seasonality enters the system. This isfollowed by a detailed discussion, of the implications ofthe model for the properties of the stochastic processesfor the endogenous variables. In particular, considerationis given to how the effects of changes in the values ofstructural parameters and of properties of the processesfor exogenous variables that would lead to changes in theseasonal properties of the output variables of the model.The fourth section presents the results of an empiricalanalysis of the model, and the fifth section provides adiscussion of the results and implications for futureresearch.


In this section, methodology is suggested for analyzingseasonal economic models. In the subsection on 'theanalysis of linear dynamic econometric models, a briefdiscussion is provided of the analysis of linear dynamiceconometric models as developed by Zellner [25] andZeilner and Palm [26]. In the subsection on seasonality intime series data, several approaches to modeling datawith seasonal variation are discussed. Finally, in thesubsection on an approach to the analysis of seasonalityin structural models, the methodology developed in thesubsection on the analysis of linear dynamic econometricmodels and the subsection on seasonality of time series

There are certainly alternative explanations for this observedphenomenon. However, these results are only meant to be suggestive.and not conclusive evidence of the distortions that may be caused byseasonal adjustment. The reader who is interested in the details of thedevelopment of the exact models used for this example are referred toPlosser [17].



Page 4: A Time Series Analysis of Seasonality in Econometric Models · r A TIME SERIES ANALYSIS OF SEASONALITY IN ECONOMETRIC MODELS Charles 1. Plosser Stanford University INTRODUCFJON The



(In billions of dollars)






- X Xis

its K



1963 1968as


ar 190- - 240- -


Kx x



iC 150 ——Ti——r—i———rlT 200

1964 1969


200-. 240- -


KN /


NK1. K

ii XXXX XXa 160

I I I200

e 1965 1970

205—- 255. -


NK ,'

x K

K xX x165 215

1966 1971

210-- 210—j-. K




170. ...YICICIC. 230 11111

Actual. 1967 1972

Forecast.Approximate 95-percent prediction interval.

Page 5: A Time Series Analysis of Seasonality in Econometric Models · r A TIME SERIES ANALYSIS OF SEASONALITY IN ECONOMETRIC MODELS Charles 1. Plosser Stanford University INTRODUCFJON The

\aa.. r, , .._.,. - ... —


Model (0. 1,3)


(In billions of dollars)




dataseascchecithe d

X X X X )C X X X





190 220

150 180 , I J 11 1 I I

1963 1968

190-. 0 240--

- -

150 200I I II

1964 1969

200- • 240 . -

X X X160 I I I I I I I I I I

200 I I I

1963 1970

210- — 260 — -


220I I I I


210- — 270 — -

170• 230

1967 1971————Actual.— —• Approximate 95-percent prediction interval.



I I I T T I I I I 1 1

1971 Givandrest




Page 6: A Time Series Analysis of Seasonality in Econometric Models · r A TIME SERIES ANALYSIS OF SEASONALITY IN ECONOMETRIC MODELS Charles 1. Plosser Stanford University INTRODUCFJON The


data is utilized to illustrate several ways of incorporatingseasonality in an econometric model and techniques forchecking the model's specification against information inthe data.

Analysis of Linear Dynamic Econometric Models

As indicated by Quenouille [191 and Zeilner and Palm[26], a linear multiple time series (MTS) process can bewritten as follows:


pxp pxl pxp pxl (1)

where is a vector of p observable variables (in this casewritten as deviations from their respective means), is apx 1 vector of unobservable random errors, L is the lagoperator such that Lkxt=x(_k and H(L) and F(L) are pxpmatrices of full rank having elements that are finitepolynomials in L. In addition, the error vector et isassumed to have the following properties:


for all

where is the Kronecker delta and i,, is a pxp-unitmatrix. Note that contemporaneous and serial correlationsbetween errors are introduced through F(L'J.

This general MTS model includes the linesr dynamicsimultaneous equation model as a special case. Assumethat prior information, in particular economic theory,suggests that certain elements of can be treated asbeing endogenous and others as being exogenous. Thesystem (I) can then be written as follows:

[H11 H121 [F11 F121 VIt

[H21 H22j [F21 F22]

Given thaty1 represents a vector of endogenous variablesand a vector of exogenous variables, the followingrestrictions are implied:


With these restrictions imposed, the usual structural equa-tions from (3) are given in (5):


represents an autoregressive moving average process gen-erating the exogenous variables.5

If it is now assumed that the roots of the determinantalequations and 11122(e)t =0 lie outside the unitcircle, the system (5) can be rewritten in two forms thatcan be of 'ise in analyzing the model. The first formrepresents a system of final equations (FE's) for theendogenous variables. They are obtained by substitutingfor x1 in (5) the expression


and then premultiplying both sides of the resulting expres-sion by the adjoint of that yields



1H11( (9)

where denotes the Ueterminant and the adjointmatrix of This representation implies that eachendogenous variable can be written in the form of anautoregressive-integrated moving average (ARIMA) modelof the type developed and analyzed by Box arid Jenkins[3]. Thus, as emphasized by Zellner and Palm, those whoutilize the Box and Jenkins models for. forecasting are notmaking use of a technique that is necessarily distinct fromstandard econometric models. In fact, they are utilizing a

(2) very specialized reduced form, the FE, that is well suitedfor forecasting but may or may not be very informativefor structural analysis. However, this representation ofthe model can provide insights into the stochastic structureof the endogenous variables in the system. For example,if one is interested in seasonality, the autocorrelationcoefficient at the seasonal lag can be analyzed withrespect to changes in structural parameters or changes inthe processes generating the exogenous variables. Further-more, this type of analysis is helpful in understandingwhat type of adjustment procedure may be suggested bythe model.

Upon inspection, several things can be noted about (9).(3) First, since the assumption is made that all the elements

of F(L) and H(L) are finite polynomials in L, then if nocancellation takes place, it is apparent that each andevery endogenous variable in the system will have identi-cal autoregressive (AR) polynomials and they will be oforder equal to or greater than the AR polynomials for theelements of This theoretical restriction might be onemeans of testing the model against information obtainedfrom the data. In addition, there are restrictions placed onthe form of the moving average (MA) polynomial in (9).However, there are possible reasons why these theoreticalrestrictions on the AR and MA polynomials may not be

(5) observed in the data even when the model is true. One

51f one or more of the elements of x, is deterministic, it can not behandled in this fashion but must be analyzed through the transfer

(6) functions, a discussion of which wilt follow.



!122x1=F22 f'21

Page 7: A Time Series Analysis of Seasonality in Econometric Models · r A TIME SERIES ANALYSIS OF SEASONALITY IN ECONOMETRIC MODELS Charles 1. Plosser Stanford University INTRODUCFJON The

Hr1F11yt= �?at

H' Ft













problem, mentioned by Zeilner and Palm, is the possibility component, a seasonal component and a noise compo.of cancellation. This will occur if there are common roots nent,7 and the multiplicative times series model as devet.in the AR and MA portions. Depending upon the complex- oped by Box and Jenkins [3].ity of the structural model, this may or may not be One of the more common approaches to seasonalitynoticed by the analyst but if not recognized could lead to within the framework of the aforementionedestimated FE's that do not appear to satisfy the restric- model is the dummy variable model. The general form citions implied on the polynomials by the model.6 such a model is

The second set of equations derived from the system(5) that can be of value in testing assumptions about the

— dstructural model is the set of transfer functions (TF's). Yt—Yt (12)

These equations can be obtained from (5) by multiplyingboth sides by this yields where is the trend or cyclical component, is an error

term, and the dummy variables are used to representthe seasonal component of the series. (Oftentimes, is

(10) represented by a polynomial in t, time.) If monthly datawere under consideration, one might use a dummy varia-

or, alternatively, ble for each month representing a series with a fixedperiodic or seasonal component. The estimate of would

(11) represent the estimated mean for the month. if such asystem is presumed to be the true model, it is then

As noted by Zeilner and Palm [26], Pierce and Mason straightforward to obtain a seasonally adjusted series by

[16], and Kmenta [10], this form expresses the current just subtracting the seasonal component that yields

values of endogenous variables as functions of the current a 8.— CYt —Yt--Yt—Yt+€t

and past values of the exogenous variables and is restrictedin form. Formally, (ii) is a set of rational distributed lag where(RDL) equations, Jorgenson [9] and Dhrymes [6], or asystem of multiple-input transfer functions (MITF) of the

4type described by Box and Jenkins [3]. (1

This form of the model is useful for prediction andcontrol. In particular, it is useful for assessing the re- Another approach, also using this traditional decompo-sponse, over time and in total, of endogenous variables to sition, is the Census Bureau X— 11 program. (See [21].)changes in exogenous variables. Notice that, here too, The basic idea of this approach is to eliminate thethere are strong restrictions on the form of the TF's seasonal component yr through the application of sym-under the assumptions of a specific model. For instance, metric moving average filters. That is, a seasonally ad-if no cancellation occurs and if all the elements of series is obtained by passing the unadjusted data throughand H12 are finite polynomials, then all of the inputs have a filter of the formthe same denominator polynomial. There are also restric-

ktions on the form of the error process in (11). Other tests a— 'ç

Yt —that could be camed out concern testing the assumptions 1=-k

of the exogeneity of the x1's. By estimating and analyzing(11) and comparing the results with the restrictions implied where the /31's are fixed weights such that and

by a specific structural model, it is felt that many useful c-L and L is the lag operator. In terms of theinsights can be obtained concerning the adequacy of the ,k

specification of the structure. In particular, interest here traditional components model, this filter is chosen suchwill focus on the specification of the seasonal aspects of that the seasonal component is taken out and thethe model. trend or cyclical component is unaffected. (That is,

andSeasonality in Time Series Data

Another class of models that is of special interest andBefore discussing how one would incorporate seasonal- that contains the dummy variable approach as a special

ity in a structural model, it will be useful to review briefly case, is the multiplicative seasonal time series models ofseveral approaches to modeling data that have seasonal Box and Jenkins. These models are of the general form:properties. The two approaches discussed here are the (16)traditional concept of seasonality that treats an observedseries as the sum of three components, a trend or cyclical

7As noted earlier, it is in this conceptual framework that the idea60f course, if the model is incorrect or misspecified, then these that a series can be decomposed into a seasonal component and a

restrictions will also fail to hold. seasonally adjusted series arises.














Page 8: A Time Series Analysis of Seasonality in Econometric Models · r A TIME SERIES ANALYSIS OF SEASONALITY IN ECONOMETRIC MODELS Charles 1. Plosser Stanford University INTRODUCFJON The


where s is the length of the seasonal period (e.g., 12 formonthly data), =(1 —L8)", 1' and fi areseasonal polynomials in L8 of degree P and Q respectively,

and 0 are polynomials in L of degree p and q,respectively, and at is a white-noise error term. It is alsoassumed that the roots of and lie outsidethe unit circle so that the process is stationary and theroots of and lie on or outside the unitcircle. Box and Jenkins refer to this as a model of order(p,d,q) (P,D,Q)8.

Consider the process (0,1,1) (0,1,1)12 as a simple exam-ple. It can be written as

(1—L'2) (l—L)z1=(1—01L)

Let w1=(1—L) i.e., let equal the seasonaldifferences of the changes in Now the moving averageprocess governing Wt is easily seen by multiplying out thepolynomials on the right-hand side of (17), yielding


Therefore, this multiplicative model can be interpreted asan ordinary MA process of order 13. The distinction isthat the multiplicative formulation restricts the weights onlags 2 through 11 to be 0 and on lag 13 to be the productof the weights for lags 1 and 12.

In general, these multiplicative seasonal models cannotbe decomposed or interpreted within the traditional unob-served components framework without precise defmitionsof the components and some further identifying restric-tiOnS.8 However, there is one special case of (16) that hasan interpretation as the dummy variable case describedearlier. Assume that observations were taken quarterly onsome variable In addition, that the true processgenerating the Zt'S were such that each quarter had adifferent mean, but, otherwise, the series was just arandom, nonautocorrelated variable, at. Such a processcould be written as


where is a dummy variable that takes on the value I inthe 1th quarter and 0 elsewhere. The estimates of the a1'swould represent the mean of the 1th quarter. If one wereto seasonally difference this process, then the remainingprocess would be

(1 —L4)z1=(l—L4)a1 (20)

The effect of seasonal differencing is to eliminate aconstant, deterministic seasonal pattern. The process in


(20) indicates that under the particular model in (19), theseasonal differences of Zt obey a first-order seasonalmoving average process with a parameter value of I.Alternatively, if the a's were considered floflautocorrelatedand the model were found to have a first-order seasonalmoving average parameter of less than I, then theimplication would be that the seasonal pattern is changingthrough time. That is, the seasonal means are changingthrough time.9

The multiplicative model will be used in this workbecause of its flexibility in describing not only certaintypes of additive or deterministic seasonal patterns butalso seasonal patterns that might not be constant through

(17) time. In addition, it readily fits into the framework ofanalysis of this paper.

An Approach to the Analysis of Seasonality in StructuralModels

One question with which this work is concerned is howseasonality enters a structural econometric model. Theprimary focus is on testing the assumption that seasonalityenters the system through exogenous forces. That is, canthe seasonal fluctuations of the endogenous variables ofthe system be explained by the seasonality of the exoge-nous variables? There are, of course, other possibilities,such as certain parameters in the structure that fluctuateseasonally and, therefore, induce a seasonal pattern in theendogenous variables even when the exogenous variablesare nonseasonal.

One approach that might be put forward combines thetraditional concept of seasonality and seasonal adjustmentwith the concepts and methodology presented in thesubsection on the analysis of linear dynamic econometricmodels. Assume that the endogenous variables of thesystem, denoted by Yt, and the exogenous variables of thesystem, denoted by can be written as follows:


where no superscript on x or y indicates an observedvariable, a superscript c denotes the trend or cyclicalcomponent, s denotes the seasonal component, and Yt andYt are noise components. In addition, assume that onebelieves the true economic relationship is in terms of thetrend components. In the notation of the subsection onthe analyses of linear dynamic econometric models, themodel can be written as


9These models are the first satisfactory models for forecastingseasonal series with changing seasonal patterns. For a more completedevelopment and discussion of these models see Box and Jenkins [3,ch. 9].





tSee Cleveland [5]. He has proposed an underlying stochasticprocess for which the Census X—l 1 is nearly optimal from thestandpoint of conditional expectation. He argues that, for processesvery near this, the X.-l I does quite well, but, when departures occur,the appropriateness of the X—l I decomposition is thrown into doubt.

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+ ff LII•lii 1111

It is clear that if (22) is the true model, then the modelbuilder must be very concerned about how the trendcomponent is obtained from the observed or unadjusteddata. On the other hand, such a theory could be testedusing the unadjusted data and the seasonal components,using (24). For example, a restriction implied by (22) on(24) is that the coefficient of is I and the coefficient ofxf is the negative of the coefficient on x1.

Assume, on the other hand, that one believes thatseasonal fluctuations in the exogenous variables worktheir way through the system like all other fluctuations inthe exogenous variables. In addition, suppose interest isfocused on the ability of the seasonal fluctuations in theexogenous variables to explain the seasonality in theendogenous variables. Under these conditions, (25) wouldhave to hold


This restriction arises from the fact that the true economicmodel exists between the observed series, and, therefore,the seasonal portion of should explain the seasonalportion of yt.

this approach still suffers from the problemsof defining and obtaining an optimal adjustment and/orappropriate decomposition.

As indicated earlier, the approach taken in this paper isslightly different. The structural model is written in amanner which presumes that its form holds for theobserved data and not only the trend component.

The hypothesis to be tested is that seasonality enters thesystem through the process generating the exogenousvariables. That is, the process generating (6), is writtenas a multiplicative seasonal time series model. By doingthis, it is hoped to broaden the model by allowing aslightly greater flexibility with regard to the form of theseasonal fluctuation.

Since one of the objectives is to avoid choosing anarbitrary decomposition prior to developing an adequatemodel, a means must be devised by which conclusionscan be drawn concerning the ability of the exogenousvariabLes to account for the seasonality in the endogenousvariables. Fortunately, there is a straightforward methodof doing this. Since the process generating the will be

associated, in general, with both seasonal AR and seasonal

(23)MA polynomials, it is possible to trace these polynomialsthrough the analysis to determine their impact on theIF's and FE's of the system. Once the TF's and FE'shave been obtained, they can be estimated and the resultscompared with the implications of the theory used inwriting the structural model. To the extent that theestimated models are in agreement regarding the behavior

(24) of these seasonal polynomials, the hypothesis of exoge-nous seasonality will be accepted.

Proceeding in the manner previously described yieldssome interesting insights into the type of stochasticproperties that are likely to be exhibited by the endoge-nous variables. Assume that (26) is written as a multivar-iate-multiplicative seasonal time series process.


where it is assumed that and T22 are matrices havingelements that are polynomials is L', where s is theseasonal period. For simplicity, consider the case wherethe exogenous variables are independent so that

and are all diagonal. This is sufficient to enableeach and every exogenous variable to be written as astrictly multiplicative seasonal time series process.

Given (27) as the process generating a set of FE'scan be obtained by substituting (27) in to (26) with thefollowing result:

IJ U V — LI* LI C * U * £' T11 22 "22 ii" 22


Inspection of (28) reveals that the AR portion of theprocesses for the endogenous variables will, in general, bein the form of the multiplicative seasonal model. However,the MA portion of (28) does not factor, in general, into themultiplicative form. Consequently, one might not, ingeneral, expect to find the endogenous variables to bestrictly multiplicative seasonal processes (i.e., multiplica-tive in both the AR and MA portions). It would seem thatthe MA term would have characteristics of both multipli-

(26) cative and additive seasonal variation. This implicationwill be investigated further in the economic model ana-lyzed in the next section, and it will be seen that if certainrestrictions are placed on the structure and on the proc-esses generating the exogenous variables, (28) will becomestrictly multiplicative.

Although no mention has been made, up to this point,of constant terms or intercept terms, it is straightforwardto see how they can be handled in the framework that hasbeen discussed. If these intercept terms are consideredconstants, they can be carried along as deterministicelements of x1, or, if they are considered random andgenerated by a process, perhaps seasonal, they can againbe considered as elements of In either case, theinclusion of these intercepts is a simple extension of themethodology outlined in this section.

Substitution yields


Hr1H12 Hr1H12















Page 10: A Time Series Analysis of Seasonality in Econometric Models · r A TIME SERIES ANALYSIS OF SEASONALITY IN ECONOMETRIC MODELS Charles 1. Plosser Stanford University INTRODUCFJON The


To summarize, the approach that will be applied in thefollowing sections is to—

1. Construct an economic model with an explicit speci-fication of seasonality.

2. Derive the implied TF's and FE's of the modelnoting where the seasonal specification places restric-tions on the form of these equations.

3. Empirically check these restrictions against the data.4. Utilize the empirical results to suggest alternative

specifications of the model if the model underconsideration proves deficient.


Model Formulation

In this section, a simple monetary model is formulatedand analyzed to illustrate how the techniques outlined inthe previous sections might be helpful in gaining insightsabout seasonality and its role in an economic model.

The economic model contains five variables: Equilib-rium money stock, a measure of real income or wealth,nominal interest rate, price level, and the monetary base.The model is written to allow for various types of lagstructures having form and length that are to be inferredfrom the data. In addition, no restrictions are placed onthe theoretical elasticities and the growth rate of realoutput is allowed to vary. Expectations in this model aregenerated rationally in the sense of Muth [14]. That is,expectations are formed, based on information in the pasthistory of the exogenous variables and the structure ofthe model. Finally, the monetary base and real income(output) are treated as exogenous or independently deter-mined, and seasonality is assumed to enter the systemonly through these variables.

Obviously, in a simple model, such as this, there aremany possible sources of specification error. However,this study focuses on two important aspects of the model.First, the assumption of the exogeneity of the monetarybase and real income may not be an adequate representa-tion. For instance, as specified, the model assumes thatan open-loop control strategy has been adopted by thepolicy makers with regard to the creation of the monetarybase. The alternative is, of course, some sort of closed-loop control scheme, whereby the authorities respond tochanges in the price level or interest rate in determiningthe growth of the base. The exogeneity of real incomeassumes the absence of a Phillips-curve relationship orfeedback from the monetary sector to the real sector.'°Therefore, it is of interest to investigate the adequacy ofthe exogeneity assumptions in light of these other possiblespecifications of the model.

Secondly, seasonality is assumed to enter the modelonly through the exogenous variables. It may be that

IS See Lucas (13] and Sargent [20] for a more thorough treatment ofthe issues surrounding this phenomenon.


there are separate seasonal effects that enter directlythrough the money demand or money supply equationsthat are different from those induced by the seasonalinfluence of real income and the base. Such effects maybe due to seasonally varying parameters in the structure.If this is the case, the empirical results would be atvariance with the implications of the model.

The equations of the model include (1) a money demandequation, (2) a money supply equation, (3) a moneymarket equilibrium condition, (4) the Fisher equation, and(5) a rational expectations equation. We can write theseequations as follows:



Mf=S(B1) (30)




M?=nominal money demand at time t

Mf=nominal money supply at time t

=real income (output) at time t

= nominal interest rate at time t

=price level at time I

=net source base at time t

p7 =anticipated real interest rate as of time:

=anticipated rate of inflation as of time t

Equation (33) builds the rational expectations hypothesisinto the model, and E(ir4.) denotes a conditional expecta-

tion of inflation given the equations of the model and pastinformation. I

It will be assumed that equation (29) can be written as


Given the previous structure, there are many other issues thatcould also be raised. For example, most economists agree thatpermanent income, or possibly wealth, is a more appropriate incomemeasure for the money demand function than real output. One mightalso consider an adjustment process rather than require marketclearing at each time t. Finally, a more complicated money supplyrelationship might be considered to allow for changing reserve ratios,or changing interest rates that would affect the money multiplier.Clearly, a thorough examination of this model would have to considerthese alternatives. However, the objective of this paper is somewhatless ambitious. Here, the intent is to gain a better understanding ofthe techniques and the issues surrounding seasonality.









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rM1=ala,+u2g (35)

where A=(l—L) is the difference operator; hence,(n(k) is the rate of growth of k. The coefficients are, ingeneral, unrestricted in that they can be interpreted aspolynomials in the lag operator. However, as a startingpoint, it will be assumed that they are constants, and theempirical results will be utilized to suggest alternative lagstructures.'2 For convenience, both U12 and will beconsidered independent, nonautocorrelated disturbanceterms.

The remainder of the model involves the Fisherequation and the rational expectations hypothesis. Since

P2÷1—€n P2+,=

At this point, some assumption must be made aboutthe anticipated real rate of interest. In order to keep

this analysis from becoming unduly complicated, theanticipated real rate will be considered a random variablewith a constant expected value. Therefore,


where may have a nonzero mean. Of course, if theanticipated real rate were autocorrelated, then wouldalso be autocorrelated. In addition, will be consideredindependent of u12 and

Utilizing the assumption that the monetary base andreal income are exogenous, the system can be completedby writing down the processes generating these variables.


r12=e (40)

where and are polynomials in the lagoperator having roots that satisfy the stationarity andinvertibiity conditions, and rB, fl8 and fl1 representthe seasonal polynomials that are to be traced through themodel.

Now that the model has been developed, the systemrepresented by equations (34), (35), (37), and (38) can be

12 Whether differencing is appropriate for these structural relation-ships is not a real issue. The result of overdifferencing would be toinduce moving average complications into the error structure that can• be handled in the estimation procedure. (See Plosser and Schwert[18].) See app. A for the derivations.

and that the money multiplier is nonautocorrelated so that(30) can be written as


and the expectation can be written as




Thebasethesimpa2 ismodestintheonlythe,of omiglwasthethatmoramWOL




theto Ima

rewritten in the form of a system of simultaneous equa-tions as shown in (5), yielding13

1 —v1 ru,

1 0 0 rp,

0 0

0 —a1

Irai+ —a2 0

I 1

u2 (41)Lry,J




/ '3 \j(,

37) i=o YiP

I -/3k

2 2 2

u11, and are nonautocorrelated and independentdisturbance terms. For convenience, let


1 0 0 (43)

0 0


0 —a1

1112= —a2 0 (44)

Through some simple algebraic manipulations, both theTF's and FE's can be written down, and the followinganalysis highlights some of the more interesting propertiesof the TF's and FE's.'4

Analysis of the Transfer Functions

The TF's of the system are easily obtained by prernulti-plying both sides of (41) by Writing the resulting







'3 For the mathematical derivation of (41), the reader is referred toapp. A.

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system of equations, one by one, the IF of each endoge-pous variable can be analyzed in greater detail.

The TF for the nominal money stock can be simplifiedto


The money supply is seen to be a function only of thebase and real income does not enter as an input. Underthe assumption that a2 is a constant coefficient, (45) is

simply a regression model with moving average errors. Ifa2 is a polynomial in the lag operator, it is a distributed lagmodel. In either case, note that a2 can be directlyestimated, using nonlinear techniques. in addition, if all ofthe seasonality in M is explained by the base (B), then theonly evidence of seasonal autocorrelation should appear inthe noise process as a seasonal moving average polynomialof order I and parameter value of 1. Alternatively, theremight be seasonal fluctuations in the money multiplier. Aswas noted earlier, the model has implicitly assumed thatthe multiplier is nonautocorrelated. However, to the extentthat the Federal Reserve Board offsets changes in themoney multiplier by either increasing or decreasing theamount of currency as it deemed appropriate, the resultwould be to force the first-order seasonal moving averageparameter (SMA) away from 1 and to induce downwardbias into the estimated value of a2. In fact, if the Fed.followed a policy of no money growth and only sought tooffset the multiplier exactly, the estimate of a2 and of thefirst-order SMA parameter would be near zero.

The IF for prices is somewhat more complicated thanthe one describing money but, by that very fact, turns outto have interesting interpretations. Through some algebraicmanipulations, the following expression is obtained:

Ia2cIi—f31A'l'1\ /


The analysis of this expression will depend, to a largedegree, on what can be said about the form of thedistributed lag on and Fortunately, severalinteresting observations can be made. Consider the casewhere all the structural parameters in the model arepolynomials of zero degree in L. Under these circumstan-ces, the only polynomials in L (other than the differenceoperators) arise from the terms 'I's and 'P2. Note fromequation (42), where 'I's and 'I'2 are defined, and equations(A-19) and (A-20) in appendix A, that, in general, and'P2 will be polynomials which are infinite in length. Theimplication is that even though there are no laggedrelationships specified in the structural model, that, due tothe expectational aspect of the model, there exists aninfinite distributed lag relationship between the exogenousvariables and the endogenous variables of the system.Consequently, estimating this transfer function would,most likely, result in a rational distributed lag (RDL)

model as a means of parsimoniously representing such arelationship.

Secondly, in appendix A it is shown that the expressionsfor 'P1 and 'P2 involve the summation of varying powersand cross-products of the parameters in the seasonal andnonseasonal polynomials that are generating the exogenousvariables. It is possible that the data would not indicate aneed for seasonal parameters (i.e., specific coefficients atthe seasonal lags) in the RDL formulation. if this is true,then the only evidence of seasonal autocorrelation appearsin the error term as a seasonal moving average polynomialof order 1 with parameter value of 1. The presence of 'I'sand 'P2 also indicate that, even though tXi2r8, andmay be seasonal, the existence of an expectations mecha-nism has a smoothing effect on the output variableThis smoothing effect arises out of the infinite distributedlag relationship between the inputs and the output variableA12rp,. In other words, will be a weighted averageof all past values of A12r8, and

An additional point of interest is how this model cansimplify under assumptions about the structuralmodel. For example, if the classical quantity theory ofmoney were true, then would equal zero, and wouldequal I, allowing (46) to reduce to

+ (47)

In a similar manner, the TF for the nominal interest ratecan be written as


V1 (48)

Notice that here too, the distributed lags onAI2rB, and A12ry, will in general be infinite in length and,therefore, more easily modeled as a RDL even when thestructural parameters only indicate contemporaneous rela-tionships. As was pointed out, this is due to the expecta-tions aspect of the model. In addition, if 'I's and 'P2 do notdisplay strong seasonal properties, the only evidence ofseasonality that one would expect to find, if the model iscorrect, occurs in the error term of the form A12. Onceagain, it is worthy of note that because of 'I's and 'P2 andthe smoothing effect they have on A12i1, the interest ratemost likely would not display seasonal movements thatare visually striking.

Table 1 summarizes the transfer functions for the modelunder consideration. Both a general formulation and asimplified formulation suggested by the classical quantitytheory of money, as previously discussed, are presentedfor comparison.

Analysis of the Final Equations

The next set of equations to be analyzed are the finalequations (FE's). They can be obtained, as indicated, inthe subsection on the analysis of linear dynamic econo-

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le 1

. SU






































le 2

. SU






























C z

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metric models. In deriving these equations, it is importantto recognize that equations (39) and (40) are rewritten as

Ira1] — 0 1 o 1 [u41

— L 0 [ 0 Oyfly]


This presumes the independence of u41 and u51, but such arestriction is not necessary. An alternative specificationmight allow the (1,2) and (2,1) elements of in (49) to benonzero. This would allow for a dynamic relationshipamong the inputs.

As derived in appendix A, the FE for the equilibriummoney stock (M) can be written as follows:

l2rM, =


Notice that can be factored out of both sides,leaving


The FE for the money stock is a function of the structuralparameter a2, the error term and process generatingthe monetary base (B). More important is that, byintroducting seasonality by way of the exogenous varia-bles, seasonality is induced on the endogenous variable(M) and, in fact, on each and every endogenous variablein the system, as will be pointed out in subsequentanalyses.

It is known (e.g., see [2]) that the sum of two movingaverage processes is representable as a single invertiblelinear process in one random variable. Consequently,given that and are independent due to the assump-tion that the monetary base is exogenous, the order of thismoving average polynomial will be equivalent to the orderof the expression a208fl8 or whichever isgreater.

The FE for prices (P) is shown in appendix A to be


Once again, seasonality is seen to be induced on anendogenous variable only as a result of exogenous season-ality. This fact is evident from the presence of theoperator and the seasonal polynomials 1'B, "Y' na, and111. As occurred in the FE for money, the AR side of (52)is in the form of the multiplicative seasonal time seriesmodel, and the MA portion is not. In fact, the MA portionappears to border on the unintelligible. However, someinsights cart be obtained from this representation.

In order to gain some understanding of (52), supposeand that ), then (52)

can be rewritten as:


Equation (53) now appears to be in the terms of thegeneral multiplicative time series model. However, it is

not, because both 'P1 and 'P2 are expressions involvingseasonal polynomials and are, in general, of infinite length.Therefore, it is convenient to consider two possible casesfor this expression, when and

Suppose that the classical quantity theory of moneywere to be considered. In that case, (53) reduces to

5U (54)

which is obtained by allowing the exogenous variables tohave no AR polynomials and for the seasonality toapproach the seasonal means problem as well as havingth=0 and (i.e., restricting the interest rate elasticityof the demand for money to zero and requiring demandfor real cash balances to the homogeneous of degree zeroin the price level). Notice that, once again, as theeconomic model is simplified, so is the implied stochasticstructure of the output variables of the system.

The implication of (54) is that the seasonally differencedrate of inflation would be a pure MA process. It would bein the form of the multiplicative seasonal model with theseasonal moving average polynomial of order I andparameter value close to 1.

As was noted previously, the model has been carriedthrough under the assumption that the u's in (54) areindependent of one another. Under such an assumptionthe order of the monthly MA process would be of theorder of a2OB or whichever is larger. However, u41and may not be independent either contemporaneouslyor through time and similarly for u11 and

Neither of these complications would alter the basiceconomics of the model but could affect the orders of theMA portions of the FE's. Therefore, if the classicalquantity theory of money is true, one might expect to

'52'observe an ARIMA model for the natural log of prices to

' / be of the form (0,l,q) (0,1,1)12, where q is determined by0Y' 08 and the covariance structure between the errorterms.

The second case of (53) to be considered allows /31 tobe different from zero. In order to gain insight into thiscase, it is necessary to analyze the expressions for 'P1 and'P2 in greater detail. Rewriting (53) yields



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( )j[a2ii(L)08u.4t

i=o Yi


Now, under the assumption that the structural coefficientsare just constants, is a finite MA polynomial of orderequal to the maximum order of 08 or Of., with seasonalpolynomial The secOnd term is more complicated.

The expressions and merely representthe weighting scheme applied to the infinite past history of

and respectively, to obtain the forecast ofthese variables at time t, for time t +j+ l• This would implythat the FE for prices would involve an infinite MApolynomial. It is very difficult to evaluate the form of thispolynomial for anything except the most trivial cases.However, if either 08, 01, or fl1 are of degreegreater than zero, then the polynomial will be of infinitelength. In finite samples, this infinite MA model may beindistinguishable from a more parsimonious AR represen-tation. If the decay of this infinite MA is very slow, thenone might even be led into differencing the series orestimating an AR polynomial that had a root close to theunit circle. It is even more interesting to note that thepresence of and 'P2 is due to the necessity of generatingexpectations and has an apparent smoothing effect on theautocorrelation structure of resulting in the season-ality in prices that appears much less pronounced.

The last FE to be considered is the one implied for thenominal interest rate (i). It can be written as follows:

As has occurred for money and prices, seasonality hasoccurred in the nominal interest rate. In addition, theright-hand side of (57) does not indicate that a multiplica-tive time series model is the correct representation of thedata if the model is true but that some mixture of themultiplicative and additive models would be more appro-priate. However, if it is assumed that and [18=

then (57) can be rewritten as


or allowing as


Notice that the terms 'I's and 'P2 appear here as they didin the FE for prices. Consequently, if then the datamay indicate the need for an AR polynomial for Inaddition, if 'P, and 'P2 imply weights that decline veryslowly, then may appear nonstationary in finitesamples. Similarly, the presence of 'I', and 'P2, mostlikely, indicates that the seasonality in the interest rate isgreatly attenuated.

Alternatively, simplilications of the economic modelnaturally leads to a simplification of the stochastic struc.ture of If /3,=0, i.e., the classical quantity theory istrue, with some algebraic manipulation, (59) reduces to


where is obtained from the expression for in (42)and F is the forward shift operator so thatTherefore, the univariate model for the nominal interestrate might well be expected to follow something similar toa (l,0,q) (0,1,1)12 or (0,l,q') (0,1,1)12 process, where q andq' would be determined by and and the covariancebetween and

A summary of the FE's discussed in this section arepresented in table 2. For comparison, both the general aridthe simplified versions are presented.

FE's and the census X—11 adjustment procedure—Inlight of the work done by Cleveland [5], who found astochastic model for which the X—l 1 procedure is nearlyoptimal in the sense .of conditional expectation, it isinteresting to analyze the stochastic structure implied bythe economic model to see if and when the model mightimply a structure for which the X—l 1 method, for example,is appropriate. The model developed by Cleveland is

(1—L) (1—L'2)y,=(1 .-0.28L +0.27L2+0.24(L3+ . . . +L8)

+O.23L°+0.22L'°+O. 16L"—0.50L'2


where Ct is a white-noise error term.'5 This suggests thatfor data having an autoregressive structure (1—L) (1—L'2)and having a moving average structure of length 14 andsimilar to that specified in (61), the X—l I procedure may

(57) do a fairly accurate job of decomposition.Consider, for example, the FE for the money stock.

From (61) and (51), it can be seen that, if the economicmodel is correct and if and are identically equal to1, then


(1—L) (1—L'2)-n M1=T(L)u, (63)

where T is at least of order 12 and maybe higherdepending on the order of a208f18. Equation (63) suggeststhat the X— 11 procedure may provide a satisfactory

(59) decomposition of M, under some restrictions on thebehavior of the exogenous variables. Though T(L) is notlikely to conform exactly to the MA process described in(61), the AR position is identical. On the other hand, if

That is, for stochastic processes very similar to the one hederives, the seasonally adjusted data created by the X—l I can beconsidered approximately equal to the conditional expectation of a•trend component, given the observed series.

or rautoduc














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or f8 are not one, i.e., if the exogenous variables displayautoregressive properties, the X—l I procedure could pro-duce grossly inaccurate results.

This analysis can also be done with the FE for pricesand the interest rate. Consider equation (53) as the FE forprices. If is not a constant (i.e., contains alag structure), the economic model would be indicatingAR polynomials and, hence, a departure from the type ofprocess for which the X—1 I procedure is consideredappropriate.

FE's and Box-Jenkins multiplicative seasonal models—.An additional point of interest is that the AR portion ofall the FE's are already in the form of the multiplicativeseasonal time series model, discussed in the subsectionon seasonality in time series data. However, the MAportions do not appear to factor into seasonal and nonsea-sonal polynomials. In fact, the models, in general, imply amixture type of model that contains some aspects of amultiplicative nature and others of an additive nature.This suggests that the properties of this type of mixedmodel should be investigated as a starting point fordeveloping methods of adjustment. It would be of interest,however, to determine a set of conditions under whichthe theory would predict the multiplicative model. For theFE for the money stock, a sufficient set of conditions isto let and f8= 1, which yields, from(51),


which implies that changes in the multiplier follow aseasonal MA(l) process. If the multiplier were nonautocor-related, then, of course, Finally, assume that


These assumptions are equivalent to stating that theprocess generating the monetary base has no autoregres-sive polynomials associated with it, neither seasonal nornonseasonal, and that the seasonality in the base is veryclose to following the seasonal means model. (See thesubsection on seasonality in time series data.) Recallingthat and are assumed independent, and, consideringthe case where a2 is just a constant, the right-hand side of(56) reduces to a monthly MA polynomial having a degreethat is equal to the degree of eB and a seasonal polynomialof first-degree and parameter value of approximately 1.Under such circumstances, the model implied for thenatural log of money would be written as (0,l,q) (0,1,1)12,where q depends on the properties of

Similarly, equation (54) represents a multiplicative for-mulation for the FE for the price variable. In this case,both and (1k. need to approximately equal (l—L12),and equal to 1, and, in addition, the quantity theory ofmoney must hold so that and Yt= I.

FE's and dependence of seasonality on structural as


sumptions—Because the FE for the money stock isreasonably simple, it is instructive to investigate it further.In particular, consider the effects on key aspects of the






autocorrelation structure of under some differentassumptions about the polynomials and parameters on theright-hand side of (62).


Assume that the base is truly exogenous, i.e., the modelis correct so that

for all k (67)

By assumption,

oj ifk0E(u.uu41_k)= (68)

Although it has been assumed, so far, that u21 is seriallyuncorrelated, it is interesting to relax this assumptionsomewhat. Recall that in this model u21 incorporateschanges in the money multiplier. Now, the money multi-plier may have seasonal properties that are unspecifiedhere. In order to keep the problem manageable, assumethat changes in the money multiplier are random exceptfor a seasonal effect: That is, assume that


E(u2tu2t_k).= if k= 12 (69).

0 otherwise

Finally, if 481, (64) reduces to a very simple pureseasonal moving average model

OB=(l—9L) (70)


fl8=(l—flL'2) (71)

Under these assumptions, the variance of or canbe shown to be

+02)( I (72)

A convenient method of getting an idea of how differentassumptions affect seasonality is to investigate the auto-correlation coefficient of w1 at lag 12. The autocovananceof wt at lag 12 is simply

—c4fl(1 (73)

and the autocorrelation coefficient



P12 (W)a(1+Ol)(1 +fl2)ai+2(oi—7W)Yo

2)'+02)(1 +fl2)h +2(l—P 12)

where h =oj/oj and

Page 17: A Time Series Analysis of Seasonality in Econometric Models · r A TIME SERIES ANALYSIS OF SEASONALITY IN ECONOMETRIC MODELS Charles 1. Plosser Stanford University INTRODUCFJON The


If and fl=l, then it is clear that is knownwith certainty, since the process for the money stock issimply the dummy variable case. That is,

1 !P12

However, if there is seasonality in the multiplier, meaningthen the implied value of is



which, for pW>O, is greater than even

though fl=l.Assume that the Fed. was interested in creating the

simplest seasonal pattern possible in the money supply. Ifthey knew the parameter a2 and the stochastic structureof the money multiplier (oj and )12 in this case), thenvalues of e, (1, and oj could be chosen to obtain a

of — which would imply that the seasonal pattern in

the money supply was merely a stable seasonal mean. Itwould then be straightforward to either adjust the moneysupply or, for the Fed., to design an optimal controlscheme to effectively eliminate seasonality in the moneysupply.


In this section, the basic framework of a simple mone-tary model was postulated. Explicit assumptions weremade regarding several important aspects of the model.First, the assumptions were made that the monetary baseand real income are exogenous inputs to the system. Thisplaces theoretical restrictions on the covariance matrixbetween these variables and the endogenous variables ofthe system that can be checked against the data. Anotherissue of importance is the question of whether the eco-nomic structure generates seasonal fluctuations or onlyacts as a transmitter of seasonality. In order to shed lighton this issue, it was hypothesized that seasonality entersthe system only through the exogenous variables. Thisapproach would be consistent with the system onlytransmitting seasonality. It was shown that this resulted inseasonality being induced into each and every endogenousvariable and the FE's and, more importantly, the TFsobtained from the model display restrictions concerningthe location and magnitude of certain seasonal parametersand polynomials. An important point to make concerningthe FE is that, due to cancellation, the AR portion of theendogenous variables is not identical. Therefore, theestimated univariate models should not be restricted tohave the same AR polynomials in the empirical work.

In addition, the theory suggests that, in general, themultiplicative seasonal model is not implied by the struc-

ture. Instead, a more general structure is suggested thatcontains both additive and multiplicative characteristics,The model was then investigated in order to ascertain aset of assumptions sufficient to allow the theory to predict

(75) that a multiplicative seasonal model would be adequate indescribing the FE's; It was found that, as the seasonalityin the exogenous variables approached the simple seasonalmeans case and as the economic structure approached theclassical quantity theory of money, the FE's approach aspecial case of the multiplicative seasonal model, or theseasonal means case. These results indicate that decom.

(76) position schemes, based on the general multiplicative timeseries model, would be inappropriate, since they are notsuggested by the economic structure. In fact, it is clearthat the multiplicative seasonal model will not, in general,result from linear models.

Another point investigated in this section was when theeconomic model implied that the stochastic behavior ofthe output variables would be of a form, similar to thatsuggested by Cleveland, which might be appropriate fordecomposition by the- X— 11 procedure. Finally, it wasshown how an economic model can explain explicitlywhy seasonality in interest rates and prices does notappear to be important. The existence of an expectationsmechanism has an attenuating effect on the seasonalityand the autocorrelation structure of these series.


The purpose of this section is to demonstrate how onemight utilize available data to test a theoretical economicmodel, such as the one outlined and analyzed in theprevious section.

Analysis of the Univariate Time Series

In this section, the results from the analysis of theunivariate time series properties of the raw or unadjusteddata for each variable in the model are reported andcompared with the implications of the FE's, as discussedin previous sections. The techniques used are essentiallythose developed by Box and Jenkins for the analysis ofctime series data as well as several other techniques,including likelihood ratio tests and posterior odds ratios,as utilized by Zeilner and Palm [26; 27] and Zeilner [25].In general, interest centers on identifying and estimatingmodels in the form, described in the subsection onseasonality in time series data,

written as an ARIMA model of order (p,d,q) (P,D,Q)S. Itis assumed that a1 is white noise and that the roots of449=0 and the monthly polynomials andand fl(e)=0, the seasonal polynomials lie outside theunity circle so that is stationary and invertible.

It is important to note that, for a stationary series, theautocorrelations approach zero as the lag increases, so

thatpetions aencingis thatfor a tseriesremairstablewould

Ho'priateinot rethat nvectostatisttionalwoul(duresis toin thof 1,indicmustthat.Stafll











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that persistently high values for the estimated autocorrela-uons at increasing lags might suggest the need for differ-encing. In addition, and a point that is often overlooked,is that sample autocorrelations need not have large valuesfor a nonstationary series. All that is required is that theseries generate a sample autocorrelation function thatremains relatively flat. Similarly, a persistence of high orstable values at lags 12, 24, ..., etc. (with monthly data)would suggest the need for annual or seasonal differencing.

However, in many instances, the question of the appro-priateness of differencing or the question of stationarity isnot readily resolved. Unfortunately, tests and test statisticsthat rely on the asymptotic distribution of the observationvector are questionable, since the distribution of thesestatistics, when the series exhibits homogeneous nonsLa-tionarity, is generally not known.16 In light of this, itwould seem inappropriate to use standard testing proce-dures to test for stationarity. One alternative to consideris to proceed with differencing and test for a root of onein the resulting model's MA polynomial. If there is a rootof 1, the process becomes noninvertible, and there is anindication of overdifferencing.'7 However, two caveatsmust be mentioned here. First, Nelson [15] has shownthat, for the first-order moving average process, thestandard error of the parameter estimate, based on anasymptotic normal distribution, is understated in samplesizes as large as 100. In addition, it is not clear what thedistributional properties of the standard tests are underthe null hypothesis, i.e., when the moving average param-eter equals 1. Consequently, the approach followed in thiswork has been to utilize the standard techniques for theidentification of the ARIMA models, while, at the sametime, being aware of the problems that might arise infinite samples when the stationanty of the series is inquestion. Recall that, based on the theory in the sectionon the analysis of an economic model, this problem mayarise with both the model for prices and the model forinterest rates.

It is useful, az this point, to make a few commentsconcerning the data being used in this analysis. As withall other econometric work, there is the recurring problemof finding data that adequately measure the quantitieswhich are of theoretical interest. In this case, even thetheoretical quantities are, in some instances, not univer-sally agreed upon, such as the appropriate definition ofthe money stock, the appropriate measure of income, andthe use of short vs. long-run interest rates.

The actual data used in this study are detailed inappendix B. The series are made up of monthly observa-tions from January 1953 through July 1971. The netsource base, as calculated by the St. Louis FederalReserve Bank, is used as the unadjusted base.The money stock is represented by Ml, currency plusdemand deposits. The interest rate is the yield on 1-month Treasury bills, as compiled by Fama [7]. These

See White [241 and Anderson [1].See Plosser and Schwert [18].

data should constitute reliable measures of the theoreticalquantities. The remaining two series are somewhat lessreliable measures for the variables of interest. The pricelevel is represented by the Consumer Price Index (CPI)and real income (output) is measured by the Index ofIndustrial Production (lIP). Both of these measures areapt to contain measurement error by the mere fact thatthey are indexes. Sampling properties of these indexesmight also cause problems, because the individual compo-nents of each index are not measured every month.

Plots of the raw data are presented in figures 3—7.Upon inspection of these charts, it becomes apparentwhy the issue of the appropriate level of differencingbecomes difficult. In particular, the growth rates of themonetary base, Ml, and the CPI seem to be increasingsteadily throughout the time period. However, this doesnot appear as strikingly in the lIP. The interest rateappears nonstationary or highly autoregressive, whichwas noted in the theoretical discussions as something thatmight be observed.

Table 3 summarizes the results of a univariate timeseries analysis of the different series.'8 The first twoseries, €n(B) and én(Y), represent the exogenous variablesin the system, and the models shown in table 3describe the processes governing them. These findingsindicate that there are no autoregressive polynomialsassociated with the exogenous variables and that themoving average polynomials are of low order. In terms ofthe notation of the model,1Z8=(1—0.897L'2), and.

+0.247L +0. 157L').An analysis of the fn(M) reveals that an (0, 1, 3)

(0, 1, l)u appears as an adequate representation of thedata. (Note that this is the same model used in generatingthe forecasts in the first section). Since this variable is anendogenous variable in the system, the next step is tointerpret these results in light of the theoretical FE'simplied by the model, equation (51). Since the SMA1parameter for this model is much less than 1, it appearsthat if the theory is correct, the model can not be factoredexactly, so the multiplicative model is at best an approxi-mation. Also, since u41 in (51) is nonseasonal by construct,the fact that the seasonality is slightly different in theprocess for rM, and r8, indicates the possibility of seasonalinfluences from As noted and discussed earlier, thiscould be due to seasonal fluctuations in the multiplier.

Another point is that the monthly MA polynomial is oforder 3 in this case, and, under the assumption ofconstant coefficients in the structure, the theory suggestedthat the order should be the same as the order of 08,which is zero. This might suggest that something else is

IS These calculations, as well as many others in this paper, wereperformed using a set of time-series programs developed by C. R.Nelson, S. Beveridge, and G. W. Schwert, Graduate School ofBusiness, University of Chicago. The reader is referred to Plosser[17] for a more complete documentation of the development of theseresults.










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Page 22: A Time Series Analysis of Seasonality in Econometric Models · r A TIME SERIES ANALYSIS OF SEASONALITY IN ECONOMETRIC MODELS Charles 1. Plosser Stanford University INTRODUCFJON The





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Page 25: A Time Series Analysis of Seasonality in Econometric Models · r A TIME SERIES ANALYSIS OF SEASONALITY IN ECONOMETRIC MODELS Charles 1. Plosser Stanford University INTRODUCFJON The


entering the FE. A likely possibility is a term thatinvolves the error from the process generating realoutput. This could occur, as was suggested in the sectionon the analysis of an economic model, if the base andreal output were not independent. Another possibility isthat is autocorrelated at low lags as well as at seasonallags.

The second endogenous variable to be analyzed is theprice level for which the CPI is used as representative.Recall, from the discussion in the section on the analysisof an economic model, that the analysis indicated thatseasonal differences of the rate of inflation may very wellappear as an AR process or even nonstationary in finitesamples. Although an examination of the sample autocor-relation structure does not suggest nonstationarity, theresults of fitting an ARIMA model to do point tothat possibility. The model developed for this combinationof differencing is a (1, 1, 1) (0, 1, 1)12. The estimatedvalues are presented in table 3. Note that the ARparameter is very close to one suggesting nonstationarity.Unfortunately, as was indicated previously, the standardstatistical tests cannot be performed here with satisfactoryresults.'9 If the data are differenced, the preferred modelappears to be (0, 2, 1) (0, 1, 1)12.. Since it is difficult tocompare these models, the question of which one ispreferred is left unanswered. However, the mere fact thatthis situation occurs lends support to the theory whichsuggested that such a phenomenon might exist.

The last of the endogenous variables is the nominalinterest rate. The data used are the yields on 1-monthTreasury bills. The same problem is experienced here thatwas experienced with the univariate model for prices. Thetheory suggests that either an AR model of the seasonaldifferences or even apparent nonstationarity of the sea-sonal differences might be observed in samples. Itwas seen that this was a result of the expectationmechanism at work. Note that, for the (1, 0, 2) (0, 1, 1)12model presented in table 3), the autoregressive coefficientis close to 1. Once again, the standard testing procedurescan not be utilized here when the null hypothesis is thatthe process is nonstationary. However, the model appearsreasonably well behaved, showing no signs of redundancyor instability over time. Alternatively, the (0, 1, 2) (0, 1, 1)12also appears adequate, given the data.

The univariate time series models analyzed here displaya remarkable degree of consistency, not only in themonthly process but in the seasonal process as well. The

It is important to note that the AR and MA parameter appearclose to each other, and, therefore, the possibility of redundancy mustbe considered. If the (1, 1, 1) (0, I, 1)12 model is redundant, then theparameters are not identified and the usual test procedures can not beutilized. However, a study of the standard errors of the parameterestimates and the correlation coefficient between them does notsuggest redundancy or indicate that they are not identified.


actual models chosen are summarized in the followingmanner:

en(B1): (0, 1, 0) (0, 1, 1)12

(0, 1, 2) (0, 1, 1)12

€n(M,):: (0, 1, 3) (0, 1, 1)12

(0,2, 1) (0, 1, 1)12 or (1, 1, 1) (0, 1, 1)12

(0, 1, 2) (0, 1, 1)12 or (1, 0, 2) (0, 1,

Though these parsimonious models should be interpretedas FE's with caution, the analyses indicate a reasonableamount of compatibility with the theory, as proposed inthe section on the analysis of an economic model. If onewere to rely solely on these results, several hypothesesabout the structural model could not be rejected. Forinstance, since the AR portions of the exogenous variablesare of degree zero, the AR portions of the endogenousvariables should be of degree zero or greater. In fact, forprices and interest rates, the cases where the AR polyno-

mials are greater than zero were exactly those that weresuggested by the expectation mechanism. This speakswell for the hypothesis regarding rational expectations.Secondly, all of the models displayed a very similarseasonal moving average polynomial. The theory sug-gested that if then the seasonal polynomialsfor the endogenous variables could be factored out, andthe seasonal multiplicative model would be the appropriaterepresentation with a seasonal moving average polynomialclose to With the exception of the process for themoney supply that has an SMA1 coefficient of 0.469, theseasonal moving average parameter for the remainingendogenous variables was indeed close to 1 (0.92 forprices and 0.90 for the interest rate).

The results described in the previous paragraph shouldnot be regarded as conclusive but suggestive of furtheranalysis. The results of the transfer function analysis inthe following subsection will provide further checks onthe adequacy of the model as well as suggestions forpossible modification.

Analysis of the Transfer Functions

The next step in the analysis of the model entails theestimation of the IF's. These distributed lag models,which express the current endogenous variables in thesystem in terms of current and past exogenous variables,are initially developed under the assumption that themodel has been properly specified concerning whichvariables are endogenous and which are exogenous. How-ever, this is not an innocuous assumption and should beconsidered an important part of the specification of anyeconometric model that should be checked against thedata.

In this paper, use will be made of the cross-correlationsbetween the residuals from the TF estimation and thevarious prewhitened exogenous variables. Under the null



















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hypothesis that the model is correctly specified thesecross-correlations are distributed independently with zeromean and large sample variance of lIT, where T is thesample size. if these cross-correlations between the cur-rent residual and future prewhitened inputs are nonzero,then the suspicion must be that feedback is likely to beoccurring. This simple test should provide a check on thespecification of the exogenous variables in the model.2°

Table 4 reports the estimated TF's.2' These resultsprovide additional checks on the specification of themodel presented in the section on the analysis of aneconomic model. Based on the model, the TF for thenominal money stock is given by (45). Consequently, ifthe model is correctly specified, the structural coefficienta2 can be directly estimated. Also of interest is theimplication on the error structure of (45). As was pointedout earlier, the error structure of the estimated modelshould display a seasonal moving average polynomial ofthe form (l—L12). However, this polynomial may beaffected by seasonal autocorrelations in

The model presented in table 4 suggests an estimateof a2 of 0.172 with an estimated standard error of 0.053.One would expect this parameter to be in the neighbor-hood of 1.0, i.e., the elasticity of Ml with respect to thebase should be close to 1. Furthermore, the resultsindicate a significant amount of autocorrelation in Inparticular, as was concluded from the univariate model,seasonal autocorrelation seems to be present, as evidencedby the seasonal moving average parameter being substan-tially different from I. These results indicate that the baseshould not be considered the sole source of seasonality inMl.

Finally, the diagnostic checks applied to this modelindicate evidence of nonzero cross-correlations betweenthe current residuals and future values of the base. Thissuggests model misspecification in the sense that eitherthere is feedback from Ml to the base or that there is adynamic relationship between the multiplier and the base.In either case, the results provide evidence that the baseis not the sole source of seasonality in Ml and that amore complicated money supply relationship needs to bespecified.

Obviously, if the TF for Ml is misspecified, the resultsshould indicate that the other TF are also inadequate. Inboth the TF for prices and interest rates, the seasonalmoving average parameter is less than 1. Furthermore,cross-correlation checks suggest that neither the base norreal income can be considered exogenous relative toprices. The source of this problem for the base is theappearance of U2t in the error structure of the TF forprices. The source of the problem for real income is more

20 See Haugh [8] and Plosser [17] for further discussion of this point.21 The observant reader may note that appears only slightly

smaller and sometimes larger in the estimated TF's than obtainedfrom the univariate models. This is due to the estimation techniquesused. The univariate models are estimated using backforecasting,while the TF's are not. See Box and Jenkins [3] for a discussion.

likely a short-run Phillips curve relationship that is missingfrom the model. As for the interest rate equation, thecross-correlations indicate that the base is virtually inde-pendent of the nominal interest rate and that real income,though significantly related, shows evidence of feedback.

Summary of Empirical Findings

The results of the empirical analysis are not supportiveof the economic model detailed in the section on theanalysis of an economic model. The weaknesses of themodel seem to stem from the seasonality in the unob-served money multiplier and its relationship with themonetary base and from the feedback effects indicatingthat real income is not an exogenous variable. Theseproblems were clearly pointed out in the IF analysis butwere suggested even in the analysis of the FE's. TheFE's did not present enough evidence by themselves toreject the model, but the seasonal moving average param-eter in the univariate model for Ml, being much less thananticipated, was indicativE of the weakness of the model'sspecification.

Certainly, at this point, the analyst attempting to con-struct a satisfactory seasonal model of the economy couldproceed by modifying the model presented here in such away as to eliminate the defects that are suggested by theanalysis. For example, the inclusion of a real sector or ashort-run Phillips curve would be a logical extension andwould make output endogenous. In addition, furtherconsideration must be given to the specification of themoney supply relationship.

Despite the weakness of the model analyzed, it proveduseful in demonstrating the methodological issues and therelevance of the form of analysis presented in the sectionon the methodology for analyzing seasonal economicmodels. Clearly, the techniques demonstrated here can bevery useful in analyzing even very simple supply anddemand models for any market.


In this paper, an effort has been made to investigateseasonality in economic data from a slightly differentperspective than has been common in the literature.Interest is focused on demonstrating a methodologywhereby seasonality can be directly incorporated into aneconometric model. Utilizing this approach, one candetermine what is implied about the seasonal propertiesof the endogenous variables in the model and use theimplications to check the specification of the model againstinformation in the data.

There are several different perspectives from which onecan view the results of this approach. First, for theeconometrician it has been shown how one might buildseasonality into a model and check the specification.Although, in the example analyzed here, the seasonalityentered through the exogenous economic variables, thereare possibilities of including seasonal structural parame-

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le 4

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ters, or, in other types of markets, one may considerincluding stochastic seasonal variables, such as rainfall toact as the driving seasonal force. In proceeding in thismanner, the model builder must carefully consider thepossible sources of seasonal variation in his output varia-bles. However, the analyst avoids using data that havebeen smoothed, using methods which may not be appro-priate for his purposes.

There may still be reasons, however, for obtaining aseasonally adjusted series. In these cases, it would, ofcourse, be ideal to make use of a model that wouldspecify the source and type of seasonality. That is,through the use of an economic model and some economicanalysis, understanding and insights can be gained con-cerning seasonal variation in economic time series, e.g.,what might cause seasonality to change through time.Unfortunately, it may not be feasible to construct econo-metric models for every series that may need to beadjusted. Under these circumstances, obtaining a season-ally adjusted series based only on the past history of theseries may prove to be necessary. However, it wasdemonstrated that, in general, the stochastic properties ofeconomic variables in the system are not independent ofthe economic structure of which they are a part. There-fore, it would seem appropriate for those who wish toobtain adjusted series to study the stochastic behavior ofthe unadjusted data, investigating its form and properties,prior to adjustment. In making such an analysis, it isuseful to realize that the standard linear econometricmodels do not imply that the multiplicative seasonalmodels of Box and Jenkins, in general, hold. Even in thecase of the exogenous variables following the multiplica-tive specification, the endogenous variables would be amixture of an additive and multiplicative process.

Many issues, of course, remain unresolved, but itwould do no harm to suggest that econometricians or any


consumer of economic data consider carefully the objec..tives of seasonal adjustment and why it is that adjusteddata are desired. It may prove very easy to fail to seewhen one should stop making corrections and alterationsto data once the process has started. Furthermore themore the basic data are changed, the more Cautiously asiyestimated relationship must be regarded, and, certainjy,its results become more difficult to interpret. If someinitial model does not provide an adequate explanation ofthe phenomenon under study, one should try to improvethe model by explicit introduction of the factors that mayhave been omitted.

Seasonality, for instance, can be incorporated into aneconomic model in various ways. For example, it seemsthat the concern for abstracting from seasonality in eco-nomic data has stemmed partly from the belief thatsomehow economic agents respond to seasonal fluctua-tions differently from nonseasonal fluctuations, becausethese seasonal movements are so highly predictable.Therefore, using data which have not been adjusted maylead to misleading inferences about the true relationship,because the estimation would be contaminated by therelationship among the seasonal components. However,one can view this aspect of the seasonality problem asbeing part of a broader class of issues that has received agreat deal of attention in the economics literature in thelast few years. This literature is concerned with makingthe distinction between anticipated and unaticipated ef-fects. It would seem a natural extension to merelyconsider seasonality as then belonging to this larger classof anticipated phenomenon. Similarly, from the standpointof forecasting, one may only be concerned with whethera particular observation deviates from what might havebeen anticipated and whether or not the anticipatedportion was seasonal or nonseasonal may be of lessimportance.

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1. Anderson, T. W. "On the Asymptotic Distributionsof Estimates of Parameters of Stochastic DifferenceEquations." Annals of Mathematical Statistics 30(September 1959): 677—687.

2. . The Statistical Analysis of Time Series. NewYork: Wiley and Sons, 1971.

3. Box, G. E. P., and Jenkins, G. M. Time SeriesAnalysis: Forecasting and Control. San Francisco:Holden-Day, Inc., 1970.

4. Box, 0. E. P., and Pierce, D. A. "Distribution ofResidual Autocorrelations in Autoregressive-Inte-grated-Moving Average Time Series Models." Journalof the American Statistical Association. (December1970): 1509—1526.

5. Cleveland, W. P. "Analysis and Forecasting of Sea-sonal Time Series." Ph.D. dissertation, University ofWisconsin, 1972.

6. Dhrymes, P. J. Distributed Lags. San Francisco:Holden-Day, Inc., 1970.

7. Fama, E. F. "Short-Term Interest Rates as Predictorsof Inflation." American Economic Review 65 (June1975): 269—282.

8. Haugh, L. D. "The Identification of Time SeriesInterrelationships with Special Reference to DynamicRegression Models." Ph.D. dissertation, Universityof Wisconsin, 1972.

Jorgenson, D. W. "Rational Distributed Lag Func-tions." Econometrica 34 (January 1966): 135— 149.

10. Kmenta, J. Elements of Econometrics. New York:MacMillan Publishing Company, Inc., 1971.

11. Kuznets, S. Seasonal Variation in Industry andTrade. New York: National Bureau of EconomicResearch, 1933.

12. Laffer, A., and Ranson, D. "A Formal Model of theEconomy." Journal of Business 44 (July 1971): 247—270.

13. Lucas, R. E. "Some International Evidence on Out-put-Inflation Tradeoffs," American Economic Review63 (June 1973): 326—334.

14. Muth, J.. F. "Rational Expectations and the Theoryof Price Movements." Econometrica 29 (July 1961):3 15—335.


15. Nelson, C. R. "The First Order Moving AverageProcess: Identification, Estimation, and Prediction."Journal of Econometrics 2 (July 1974): 12 1—142.

16. Pierce, D. A., and Mason, J. M. "On Estimating theFundamental Dynamic Equations of Structural Econ-ometric Models." Paper at the Econometric Society,New Orleans, La., 1971.

17. Plosser, C. I. "Time Series Analysis and Seasonalityin Econometric Models with an Application to aMonetary Model." Ph.D. dissertation, University ofChicago, Graduate School of Business, 1976.

18. Plosser, C. I., ançl Schwert, G. W. "RegressionRelationships Among Nonstationary Variables: Esti-mation and Inference in the Noninvertible MovingAverage Process." Manuscript, University of Chicago,1976.

19. Quenowlle, M. H. The Analysis of Multiple TimeSeries. New York: Hafner Press, 1968.

20. Sargent, T. J. " 'Rational' Expectations, the 'RealRate of Interest' and the 'Natural Rate of Unemploy-ment'." In Brookings Papers on Economic Activity,vol. 2. Edited by A. M. Okun and G. Perry. Washing-ton: Brookings Institute, 1973.

21. U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Cen-sus. The X-11 Variant of the Census Method iiSeasonal Adjustment Program, by Julius Shiskin, A.H. Young, and J. C. Musgrave. Technical Paper 15.Washington, D. C.: Goverment Printing Office, 1967.

22. U.S. Department of the Interior. "Economic Aspectsof the Pacific Halibut Fishery," by 1. Crutchfield andA. Zeilner. In Fishery Industrial Research, April1962.

23. Wallis, K. F. "Seasonal Adjustment and the RelationsBetween Variables." Journal of the American Statis-tical Association 69 (March 1974): 18—3 1.

24. White, J. S. "The Limiting Distribution of the SerialCorrelation Coefficient in the Explosive Case." An-nals of Mathematical Statistics 29 (December 1958):1188—1197.

25. Zellner, A. "Time Series Analysis and EconometricModel Construction." In Applied Statistics. Edited byR. P. Gupta. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1975, pp.373—398.

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26. and Palm, F. "Time Series Analysis and 27. . "Time Series and Structural Analysis ofSimultaneous Equation Econometric Models." Jour- Monetary Models of the U.S. Economy." Sankhyãnal of Econometrics 2 (May 1974): 17—54. ser. C (June 1975): 12—56.

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deterrecwtheon ti


This appendix details the derivations of the fmal equa- which substituted into (A-li) givestions (FE's) and the transfer functions (TF's) for themonetary model described in the subsection on model (A-13)formulation. The analyses and interpretations of theseresults however, are primarily conducted in the text and wher

not undertaken here. Solving this recursively then yields weiginousThe model is written as

(A-14) forecI

(A-i)— i0'\Y1!311 e weigi

U'(A-2) Note that the anticipated rate of inflation is a weightedaverage of all expected future values of the exogenous

(A-3) variables. The weighting scheme itself is determined bythe model or The importance of these future

(A-4) values will, in large part, be determined by the term


In order to generate expectations of future values ofSubstituting (A-5) and (A-3) into (A-i) results iii the exogenous variables, the assumption that they are

ARIMA processes proves convenient. In fact, based on(A-6) the analysis in the section on the methodology for analyz-

ing seasonal economic models, one can interpret these whet

Combining this then with (A-2) and solving for yields processes as implying that these variables are generatedby some unspecified structure and that the processes,used as inputs into this system, are merely the final

(A-7) equations from the model actually generating the monetarybase and real income. These exogenous variables are then

Now, for convenience, define written as multiplicative seasonal time series models ofthe type described in the section on the methodology foranalyzing seasonal economic models.

and rewrite (A-7) as (A-iS)

(A-9) 12)UM (A- 16)

Under the assumption of rational expectations, the condi- Note that ['s, fl5, and represent the seasonaltional expectation of can be calculated from (A-9). polynomials that have an explicit representation main-

tained to allow them to be traced through the model. in

Taking conditional expectations and dropping the L's for(A-b) convenience produces

or (A-17)



The same can be done for yielding

Equations (A-17) or (A-18) simply indicate that the one- I

step-ahead forecast can be written in terms of an infinite I(A-12)distributed lag of all past values where the weights are


Page 32: A Time Series Analysis of Seasonality in Econometric Models · r A TIME SERIES ANALYSIS OF SEASONALITY IN ECONOMETRIC MODELS Charles 1. Plosser Stanford University INTRODUCFJON The


determined by the AR and MA polynomials. Throughrecursive calculations, one could obtain an expression fordie expected value of any future observation, conditional

the information contained in the series at time t. Thatis,

= (A-19)


Referring to the first matrix on the left-hand side as H11,its determinant can be written as

while its adjoint is


where (L) represents the polynomial in L that givesweights applied to all previous observations of the exoge-nous variable to produce the minimum mean square errorforecast for j periods into the future. Note that theweights are a function off, the forecast horizon.

Using (A-3), (A-14) can now be rewritten as


or as


12 1t 12 TB, iivtITMt1



ro au

=Ht1 a2 0 I









By premultiplying both sides of (A-16) by and thenmultiplying through by H111, the following can be ob-tained:



)t t t


In matrix form, the system can now be written as

1 —71 TM,

1 0 0 rp,

o o

0 ru11ITB,1 I

+ —a2 0 = (A24)

More explicitly,











—/31A U2t (A-28)


The set of equations in (A-27) or (A-28) represent the setof TF's for the system.

Page 33: A Time Series Analysis of Seasonality in Econometric Models · r A TIME SERIES ANALYSIS OF SEASONALITY IN ECONOMETRIC MODELS Charles 1. Plosser Stanford University INTRODUCFJON The


or, more explicitly,


The set ot' FE be obtained by substituting

0 1e8a8 01

1 o

1U4t1— zJ-Ip— 22


into (A-28), resuftmg in



1H111 H221 Tp, =


+1H221H?1 U21 (A-30)



o 0 U1g


0 0 Vi

The derivations presented here are summarized and ana-lyzed in the section on the analysis of an economicmodel.


(A-3 I)


Page 34: A Time Series Analysis of Seasonality in Econometric Models · r A TIME SERIES ANALYSIS OF SEASONALITY IN ECONOMETRIC MODELS Charles 1. Plosser Stanford University INTRODUCFJON The


Sources of Data

I. Monetary Base (B) data, seasonally unadjusted, wereprovided by the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank. Theyare averages of daily figures and have been subject tono adjustment for changes in reserve margins or thelike.

2. Index of Industrial Production (lIP) data were takenfrom the seasonally unadjusted, Federal Reserve BoardProduction Index, as specified by the Board of Gover-nors of the Federal Reserve System Statistical ReleaseG.12.3, "Business Indexes."

3. Money Stock (Ml) data, not seasonally adjusted, areaverages of daily figures for currency plus demanddeposits, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve

System Statistical Release H.6, and the Federal Re-serve Bulletin.

4. Consumer Price Index (CPI) data, not seasonally ad-justed, were taken from the U.S. Department of Labor,Bureau of Labor Statistics.

5. Interest Rate (i) data was compiled by Fama [7] fromSalomon Brothers quote sheets and represent the yieldson 1-month U.S. Treasury bills.

All the above data, except for the monetary base andthe yields on the Treasury bills, were taken from the database as collected by Data Resources, Inc., as provided tothe University of Chicago, Graduate School of Business,through the H. G. B. Alexander Research Foundation.


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Gregory C. ChowPrinceton University



The conference participants can probably be dividedinto two groups: Those who believe in using a specificmodel because they think they have a good one, andthose who prefer not to choose a model but rather todevise robust methods. Time does not allow me to discussthese opposing positions. However, I agree with the lateChairman Mao that we should let a hundred flowersbloom.

Among those who believe in using a model, somewould perform multivariate, and others would performunivariate time series analyses. The papers in this sessionare devoted to multivariate time series analyses. In partic-ular,. the basic proposition of Charles Plosser's paper [3]is that the analysis of seasonal fluctuations in economictime series, and the construction of econometric modelscan be made an integrated process. My comments will bedivided into three parts. First, I will summarize the mainfeatures of Plosser's particular approach to combine aseasonal model with a traditional simultaneous economet-ric model. Second, I will comment on the specific illustra-tive example used in his paper. Third, I will suggest analternative approach to integrate seasonal fluctuationswith a simultaneous-equations model.

In Plosser's approach, it is first assumed that theeconomic model for the endogenous variables Ye and theexogenous variables can be written as

H and F1 are polynomials in the lag operator Lwith matrix coefficients, and and are seriallyindependent random variables. Second, there exist season-alities in Xt that can be described by the multiplicativeseasonal time series models of Box and Jenkins [1], i.e.,H22(L) and F22(L) take the special form, such that the ithelement of x1 is determined by

1 (2)

where s=12 if seasonal fluctuations in monthly data arebeing studied, the operators and (l_L)d will serveto difference the original series seasonally and consecu-tively, 4(L) and e(L) are the usual autoregressive andmoving-average operators for the process governingand, finally, F(L8) and f1(L8) are seasonal AR and MA398

polynomials (or polynomials in L12) that help characterizethe seasonalities in the process. Strictly speaking, alloperators in (2) should be superscripted by the index i forthe it/i exogenous variable, but this superscript has beenomitted. The basic approach is to trace the implicationsof the particular specifications of P(L') and fle(L8), whichare parts of the specifications of H22(L) and F22(L),respectively, on the transfer functions and the final equa-tions of the model (la) and (ib), thus imposing restrictionson the latter equations. for statistical analysis and testing.

The transfer functions, often called the fmal form ofeconometric model (to be distinguished from the finalequations, which will be presented) are obtained by using(la) to express ye as a distributed lag function of x1 and e11,i.e.,


The final equations are obtained by using the identityH 1H11 1'H H being the adjoint matrix of H11 andH1II being its determinant, to isolate a (common) scalar

autoregressive polynomial in L, IH11(L)I, for each of theelements of rather than the original matrix autoregres-sive polynomial H11(L) for the vector


Using H22 F22e21 to substitute for x1(la) in (4), we obtain

H H22 Iyt —Hi'1H (5)

Insofar as the specifications of the seasonal AR and MApolynomials P(L8) and fke(L3) affect Hn and respec-tively, they also impose restrictions, throughand on the fmal equations (5), and these restrictionscan be confronted with the time series data on theendogenous variables.

Having briefly described the general approach, let melist its major characteristics as follows:

1. The linear simultaneous equations model (Ia) ex-plains the observed time series Ye by the observedx1, rather than the seasonally adjusted series, asmight be supposed.

2. Seasonality in y1 is explained solely by the seasonalityin x1 and not by seasonality in the parameters orother mechanisms.





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3. Seasonality in x1 is described by the multiplicativeseasonal model of Box and Jenkins for each exoge-nous variable separately and not by a simultaneousmultiplicative seasonal model for the vector xc, norby some additive model.

4. The algebraic relationships between the specificationsof the seasonal variations in the exogenous variables,such as imbedded in H22(L) and F22(L) throughequation (2) and the fmal equations (5), appear to bevery complicated. Even for medium size models, itappears difficult to trace explicitly the algebraicimplications of the seasonal equations (2) on thefinal equations (5). Thus, the approach of this papermight be applicable only to very small and veryspecialized models.

5. In general, the transfer functions (3) and even thepartially fmal equations (4), where x1 has not beereliminated, do not involve and F22(L) andare, therefore, not affected by the specifications ofthe seasonal pattern for Xt. It is only in the specialexample, treated by Plosser, that the seasonalities in

impose restrictions on the transfer functions. Thereason is the rational expectations hypothesisadopted in the illustrative example. By this hypothe-sis, some endogenous variables will depend on theconditional expectations of which, in turn, aredistributed lag functions of past Xt_k as implied bythe seasonal model (2). Hence, the relations between

and the lagged exogenous variables, as given bythe transfer functions, are also restricted by thespecification of the seasonal pattern given by equa-tion (2).

6. The approach does not yield a decomposition of aneconomic time series into seasonal, trend-cycle, andirregular components. Purely for the purpose ofmeasuring the changes in such important economicvariables such as industrial production, the consumerprice index, and the rate of unemployment net ofseasonal effects, the approach fails to provide ananswer.

Concerning the illustrative example, the author is awareof many of its limitations and shortcomings. I will,however, emphasize several problems with this example,since they have bearing on the general applicability of theproposed approach. The simple model explains threeendogenous variables—money stock, a general price in-dex, and the rate of interest—by two exogenous varia-bles—the monetary base and the agggregate real output—to be measured by the Index of Industrial Production.The first problem concerns the use of the selectedexogenous variables alone to account for the seasonalitiesin the econometric model. The first exogenous variable,the monetary base, is a policy instrument. Why shouldthe monetary authorities determine the monetary basefollowing a certain seasonal pattern that is independent ofall the endogenous variables in the economy? There is ageneral problem of attributing seasonalities in the policyvariables that are independent of the internal workings of


the economy. Are not the increases in the demand formoney during certain seasons, such as the Christmas-NewYear holidays, due to the seasonal pattern of demanditself? Similarly, are not seasonal fluctuations in the Indexof Industrial Production due, at least partly, also to theseasonal pattern of demand? It seems difficult to attributeall the seasonalities in any reasonable econometric modelto the exogenous variables, as usually defined, withoutincluding at least some seasonal dummy variables that arenot used by the author.

The second problem is that the mechanism transmittingthe seasonalities in the exogenous variables to the endog-enous variables, such as the first transfer function relatingthe changes in the money stock to the changes in themonetary base in the general formulation of table 1, isfar too simple to be useful. It is likely that such simpleformulations are used in order to keep track of thealgebraic relations between the transfer functions and thefinal equations, on the one hand, and the seasonalspecifications of the exogenous variables on the other.This example raises doubt on whether more complicatedformulations can be explicitly analyzed by the approachof this paper. Third, even in this oversimplified example,analysis and interpretation of the implications of theseasonalities in on the dynamic characteristics ofhave encountered difficulties, as exemplified by the finalequation (50) for the rate of change in the price level.Fourth, related to the third problem is the difficulty ofobtaining conclusive results from statistical analysis of thefinal equations. The final equations are derived from themany characteristics of the econometric model besidesthe seasonal characteristics of the exogenous variables.To attribute the dynamic characteristics of the finalequations to the seasonal specifications alone would,therefore, be extremely difficult. Could not the samedynamic implications for the final equations have beenderived from a different seasonal model combined withdifferent specifications for the remaining parts of theeconometric model? This problem would surely be moreserious for larger models. Fifth, one may question whetherthe particular method of trend elimination by way ofvarious differencing operations is adequate. The require-ment appears to exist that, after the differencing opera-tions, the resulting model should have autoregressivepolynomials having roots which will insure that the timeseries are stationary. How much does one sacrifice byrestricting the method of trend elimination to differencingoperations and by insisting that only stationary models bestudied? Sixth, few significant economic conclusions seemto have resulted from the example.

As the above comments may apply not only to thespecific economic example, one would question the gen-era! applicability of the method proposed. There is noquestion that this paper has suggested interesting ideasand methods for analyzing seasonalities in economic timeseries. However, unless these problems could be resolvedand a serious and relevant economic application could beprovided to demonstrate its usefulness, I am afraid that

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the approach would not be widely accepted by analysts ofseasonalities in economic time series. -

By way of providing an alternative approach to combin-ing seasonal analysis with the construction of an econo-metric model for cyclical fluctuations, I would like tosuggest the following specifications and methods of analy-sis. In his note, Adrian Pagan [2] has pointed out thepossibility of applying the filtering and estimation methodsfor state-space models to the estimation of seasonal andcyclical components in economic time series. The follow-ing suggestion is essentially a combination of an econo-metric model for the cyclical components with the filteringand estimation of the seasonal components formulated ina state-space form. Assume, first, that the vector ofendogenous variables is the sum of cyclical, seasonal, andirregular components, as given by

and, second, that the cyclical component is governedby the following model:


where x1 is a vector of exogenous variables and u1 is avector of random disturbances. The exogenous variablesmight or might not be seasonally adjusted, but this issuedoes not affect our analysis, since the vectorx,, seasonallyadjusted or not, is treated as predetermined. Third, anautoregressive seasonal model is assumed for the seasonalcomponent, as illustrated by, but not confined to, thesimple scheme

w1 consists of random residuals. Combining equa-tions (7) and (8), we can write the vector z1 of unobservedcomponents in the form


where z1 includes both and as its first two subvectoi.sas well as the necessary lagged and Yf-k tothe original model (7) of possibly higher order and equation(8) of order 12 into first order, the matrix M willon the matrices A and B, the matrix N will depend on cand b, the vector x1 will include dummy variables toabsorb the intercept b of equation (7), and will dependon u1 and w1. Equation (6) can be rewritten as

Thus, equations (9) and (10) are in the standard state-space form, the first explaining the unobserved statevariables z1 and the second relating the observed Ye to z1.Given observations on Ye and x1, the conditional expecta.

(6) tions of the unobserved components of z1 can be estimatedby the well-known techniques of Kalman filtering andsmoothing, provided that the parameters A, C, b, and thusM andN are known.

(7) In practice, the parameters A, C, and b of the econo-metric model (7) are unknown. One can employ seasonallyadjusted data for obtained by a standard seasonaladjustment procedure, and the standard statistical estima-tion techniques to obtain estimates of A, C, and b. Usingthese estimates, one can then compute estimates of theseasonal and cyclical components in z1 by Kalman filteringand smoothing. The new estimates of will serve as newdata for the reestimation of the econometric model (7).New estimates of the seasonal components will result

(8) from this process. I believe that this approach, as well asthe approach suggested by Plosser to combine econometricmodeling with the specifications of seasonalities in eco-nomic variables, should be further studied and pursued.In closing, I would like to thank and congratulate CharlesPlosser for having provided us with an interesting, original,

(9) and thought-provoking paper.


Ye[l / O]z1-f-v1 (10)


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1. Box, George E. P., and Jenkins, G. M. Time Series nents from Time Series." Econometrica 43 (JanuaryAnalysis, Forecasting, and Control. San Francisco: 1975): 163—168.Hokien-Day, Inc., 1970. 3. Plosser, Charles I. A Time Series Analysis of Season-

ality in Econometric Models."2. Pagan, Adrian. Note on the Extraction of Compo- Included in this report.






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Raymond E. LombraPennsylvania State University

In the preceding paper, Charles Plosser has presentedan interesting alternative procedure for dealing with sea-sonality in econometric models. The fundamental premisehe argues is that "economic concepts may be useful inarriving at a better understanding of seasonality. Withinthe context of an economic structure . . . the seasonalvariation in one set of variables . . . should have implica-tions for the seasonal variation in closely related varia-bles" [4]. In general, this view, articulated by Nerlove [3,p. 263] and others some time ago, leads one to lookbeyond the mechanical approaches for dealing with sea-sonality, such as the Census X—l1 procedure, and insteadseek a structural approach. As is well known, the majorproblems with the mechanical approaches revolve arounddefining and obtaining an optimal decomposition of theunobserved seasonal component from the observed series.On the other hand, the major difficulty associated with astructural approach concerns the identification of thecorrect structure. I suspect many of us would agree thatthe structural approach is preferable. However, the diffi-culties associated with making such an approach opera-tional have led most producers and consumers of adjusteddata to adopt the mechanical approaches as a kind ofsecond-best solution.' -

No doubt, nearly all of our empirical work suffers fromproblems generated by using imperfectly adjusted data.However, the major issues revolve around the seriousnessof such problems and whether or not an alternativemethod for dealing with seasonality, such as Plosser's,can provide us with a better understanding of the proc-esses generating seasonality. If the latter can be accom-plished, it may assist the producers of seasonally adjusteddata in improving their procedures and, thereby, aid theusers of such data.

Since the technique developed in Plosser's approach isapplied to a simple monetary model of the U.S. economy,

It should be pointed out that producers and consumers of dataprobably have different objective functions and face different con-straints. A producer like the Census Bureau must turn out a hugenumber of series on a timely basis. This being the case, a structuralapproach may only be useful as a diagnostic tool, employed fromtime to time, to evaluate the output from a mechanical approach.Researchers, on the other hand, desire to minimize the distortionsthat seasonal fluctuations can generate in trying to identify longer runrelationships. Plosser's paper is primarily directed at producing atechnique applicable to the latter set of problems.


it might be useful to illustrate the type of data problemsfaced by the Federal Reserve System, the key user ofmoney stock data in the United States. In a recent paper,Fry [8] applied a variety of seasonal adjustment techniquesto monthly money stock data. In general, he found that"a variety of plausible seasonal methods produce roughlysimilar turning points in the MI series, but seasonallyadjusted growth rates differ substantially in the short run"[8, pp. 1—2]. The following table is part of a larger table inFry's paper [8, p. 14]. It shows the range of Ml growth


(Growth rates are expressed as seasonally adjusted annualpercentage rates)

1975 High Low Range

January -2.1 -10.9 8.8February 4.3 -6.4 10.7March 11.5 7.2 4.3April 8.0 1.3 6.7May 11.3 5.5 5.8June 19.2 11.7 7.5July 6.2 2.9 3.3August 7.0 1.2 5.8September 6.1 .4 5.7October .4 -3.3 3.7November 13.1 3.2 9.9December 2.8 -6.9 9.7

Average.... (X) (X) 6.8

X Not applicable.

Raymond E. Lombra, an associate professor ofeconomics, Pennsylvania State University. The au-thor expresses his gratitude to Herbert Kaufmanand Dennis Farley for helpful comments during thepreparation of this paper.















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rates for 1975, produced by applying 11 different seasonaladjustment procedures to the unadjusted data.2

As can be seen, the average range of monthly growthrates, produced by the 11 procedures, was nearly 7percentage points (or $1.7 billion). Perhaps I am overlysensitive to these results, but, in view of the fact that theshort-nm target ranges for Ml specified by the FederalOpen Market Committee are typically 4 percentage pointswide, it is a bit unsettling to learn that the impliedconfidence interval for the adjusted data is so wide.3

Another serious problem for the Federal Reserve Sys-tem concerns the ex post facto revisions in the seasonalfactors that are initially adopted. As is well known, thefactors derived from an X—l 1-type procedure used toadjust current data (which, in effect, are forecasts ofseasonal factors) will be subject to revision in followingyears as the extrapolations of the terminal years in theratios and moving averages are replaced with actual data.This procedure along with the way outliers are handledoften result in significant ex post facto revisions in thedate relative to the data policymakers initially had avail-able to guide their actions. The following figure vividlyillustrates this problem. The first published data for themoney stock are often very different from the reviseddata, and the revised data tend to show considerably lessvariance. It seems clear that the variety of issues underly-ing these adjustment problems firmly establish the needfor new approaches to seasonal analysis.

The primary focus of Plosser's paper is to build aneconometric model that contains an explicit specificationof the causal sequence generating seasonality in theendogenous variables. More specifically, the central hy-pothesis to be tested is that seasonality enters the systemthrough the processes generating the exogenous variables.The presumption is that the structure then transmits theexogenous seasonal impulses to the endogenous variables.An alternative hypothesis, as Plosser recognizes, is thatvarious parameters in the structure could fluctuate season-ally. The result, of course, would be observed seasonalityin the endogenous variables without any seasonality inthe exogenous variables. The latter hypothesis wouldimply a different model for each season and would beconsiderably more difficult to specify and estimate.

The simple macromodel constructed to test the hypoth-esis treats the monetary base and real income as exgenous,and, therefore, it is assumed that seasonality enters thesystem only through systematic movements in thesevariables. In addition, the real rate of interest is, in effect,also treated exogenously, since a constant expected valueis assumed.

The 11 procedures included various X—l 1 options (multiplicative,additive, movng seasonal, and constant seasonal), multiplicative andadditive versions of a regression technique, developed by Stephensonand Farr [6], and a new daily method, developed by Pierce, VanPeski,and Fry [9].

See [2] for a detailed discussion of the role of money stock targetranges in the strategy of monetary policy.

As is usually true in applied econometrics, there are avariety of concessions that a researcher must make totranslate a theoretical construct into a model that can beestimated. This being the case, it is often easy to critiquethe compromises made in doing empirical work. Ofcourse, there are a variety of such compromises thatPlosser has made. Rather than trace the problems withthe model in detail, it is sufficient to point out that, whenPlosser checked his empirical findings against the restric-tions implied by the model and accompanying assump-tions, he found the model and assumptions deficient.More specifically, there appeared to be evidence ofseasonality in the structure (particularly the money multi-plier), and the assumed exogeniety of real income and themonetary base appeared to be inappropriate. Althoughthe results are, in some sense, they do revealthe major strength of Plosser's approach: By constructinga model with an explicit specification of the processesgenerating seasonality, various restrictions on the modelwere imposed and could be checked. This diagnosticchecking, in turn, will read to improved model specifica-tion.

Unfortunately, it would appear that modelbuilders rarelycheck their results for the effects of seasonality and forsensitivity to alternative seasonal adjustment proceduresfor the input data. This void in hypothesis testing hasbecome potentially more serious with the development ofmonthly and weekly models. Assuming policymaker per.formance, in the short-run, is dependent ultimately on thereliability of short-run data and the robustness of suchmodels, the potential costs of poor seasonal analysis areobvious.

The results in Plosser's paper probably come as nogreat surprise to many of us. For example, if the descrip-tion of monetary policy in (2) is reasonably accurate, itseems fairly clear that, in the short run, movements in themonetary base are not exogenous, but rather, are afunction in part of contemporaneous movements in incomeand interest rates.4 This being the case, correctly explain-ing the seasonality in the base will require the specificationof a reaction function for the Federal Reserve Systemthat captures seasonal objectives.5

More generally, the systematic movement (in contrastto the strictly seasonal movements) in the money stockover time are the product of natural seasonals on thedemand side (such as seasonal movements in the currencyto demand deposit ratio) and the supply side (i.e., seasonalaspects of bank behavior), and the systematic movementsin policy as reflected in the variance of the monetary

To illustrate, the correlation coefficient between the monthlyseasonal factors estimated by X—1 I for total reserves (a critical part ofthe monetary base) and the 90-day Treasury.bill rate for 1960—1975 isabout 0.6.

The seasonal forces the Federal Reserve System may be con-cerned with might include, i.e., regular Treasury financings (such asquarterly refundings) and the increase in money demand over the lasthalf of the year as production, consumption, and borrowing rise inanticipation of Christmas.










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base. However, the systematic movements in the basemay reflect both cyclical and seasonal phenomena.6

To illustrate, assume that there is a cyclical upswing ineconomic activity which lasts 18 months (January of year1 through June of year 2) and that the Federal ReserveSystem allows the base and, therefore, the money stockto expand as much as is necessary to hold short-terminterest rates constant throughout the period. Subse-quently, we will observe systematic movement in themoney stock in the January-June period of both years,and I would guess that few would want to characterizesuch systematic movement as seasonal. Against this back-ground, I would expect some systematic movement toremain in the Ml series, even after perfect seasonalfiltering.

In summary, I would want to reserve judgment on theultimate payoff of Plosser's time series approach in thisspecific area until it can be shown that a considerablymore complex model can, in fact, be successfully esti-mated. However, on the other hand, Plosser has clearlydemonstrated the need for modelbuilders to consider

This issue is discussed in detail in [1] and in the recent report ofthe Advisory Committee on Monetary Statistics [7].

carefully the souces of seasonal variation in the endoge-nous variables, and he has developed a general method toidentify the sources that appear feasible. As he states,"the stochastic properties of economic variables in thesystem are not independent of the economic structure ofwhich they are a part. Therefore, it would seem appropri-ate for those who wish to obtain adjusted series to studythe stochastic behavior of the unadjusted data, investigat-ing its form and properties prior to adjustment" [4].?

Finally, Plosser's work along with several other recentpapers [1; 5; 10] amply demonstrate that various estimatedrelationships can be quite sensitive to the way seasonalityis handled. My. own guess is that such problems willultimately be solved only when talented teams of research-ers (econometricians, theoreticians, and institutionalists),like those that combined to build the large macromodels,can be brought together to extend the work of Plosser andothers on the structure of seasonality.TM

A good example of the aiiure to consider structural relationshipsis the inattention accorded balance sheet constraints by most produc-ers or users of seasonally adjusted data.

The papers by Engle, Granger, Pierce, and Wallis, also includedin this working paper, represent important building blocks in thisprocess.

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1. Kaufman, Herbert, and Lombra, Raymond. "Short- American Statistical Association 67 (March 1972): 37-.Run Variations in the Money Stock." Southern Eco- 45.nomic Journal (April 1977): 15 15—1527.

7. U.S. Federal Reserve System, Board of Governors of2. Lombra, Raymond, and Torto, Raymond. "The Strat- the Federal Reserve System. Improving the Monetary

egy of Monetary Policy." Economic Review (Septem- Aggregates, report by the Advisory Committee on miber/October 1975): 3—14. Monetary Statistics. Washington, D.C.: Government op

3. Nerlove, Marc. "Spectral Analysis of Seasonal Adjust- Pnnting Office, 1976.

ment Porcedures." Econometrica 32 (July 1964): 241— 8. . Seasonal Adjustment of Ml: Currently Pub-286. lished and Alternative Methods, by Edward R. Fry. m

4 Plosser, Charles I. "A Time Series Analysis of Season- Staff Economic Studies No. 87. Washington, D.C.:ality in Econometric Models." Government Printing Office, 1976. se

reIncluded in this report. 9. . "Seasonal hdjustment of the Monetary Aggre- ec

5. Sims, Christopher A. "Seasonality in Regression." gates," by David A. Pierce and Neva VanPeski. In th

Journal of the American Statistical Association 69 Improving the Monetary Aggregates: Staff Papers.(September 1974): 618-626. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1976. ar

6. Stephenson, James, and Farr, Helen. "Seasonal Ad- 10. Wallis, Kenneth F. "Seasonal Adjustment and Rela-th

justment of Economic Data by Application of the tions Between Variables." Journal of the AmericanGeneral Linear Statistical Model." Journal of the Statistical Association 69 (March 1974): 18—31.
















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Charles I. PlosserStanford University

In his paper, Gregory Chow lists six characteristics ofthe general approach for the analysis of seasonal economicmodels that I have proposed. I would like to take thisopportunity to briefly comment on these characteristicsand clarify some of the issues involved.

Chow's first point seems to suggest that econometricmodels should be built to explain the seasonally adjusteddata rather than the observed series. The notion thatseasonally adjusted data are the only data of interest orrelevance to the economist for the purpose of testingeconomic theories seems to stem, in part, I think, fromthe overused notion of breaking an economic time seriesup into trend-cycle, seasonal, and random componentsand assuming that the economic model exists solelybetween the trend-cycle components. As pointed out inthe subsection on an approach to the analysis of seasonal-ity in structural models of my paper, this approach couldbe used and would lead to very explicit restrictions on theform of the FE's and TF's. Alternatively, as in theapproach suggested by Chow in his remarks, one canimpose the restriction that the series can be decomposedinto the sum of three unobserved components and obtaina seasonally adjusted series first, before the model isestimated. This seems to me to be a distinct disadvantage.It would be preferable to set up hypotheses to be testediegarding the decomposition rather than assume. it takes a,certain form and then never bother to investigate thevalidity of the assumption.

There is another more fundamental reason for notproceeding in this manner where it is assumed that theappropriate economic model exists exclusively betweenthe so-called cyclical components. As discussed briefly atthe end of my paper, the role of anticipations has playedan increasingly important function in economic theory,since the permanent income hypothesis was advanced byMilton Friedman. In models in which expectations play animportant role, the appropriate distinction to be made isbetween anticipated and unanticipated phenomenon andnot some arbitrarily chosen decomposition dealing withtrends, cycles, and seasonal components. In making thedistinction between anticipated and unanticipated effects,it would seem appropriate to merely consider seasonal

fluctuations as a contribution, primarily, to the anticipatedcomponent. If such a model is appropriate, the economistor econometrician should be considering a different typeof adjustment procedure (e.g., a prewhitening filter thatreduces a series to white noise), rather than one thatfocuses only on the seasonal component.

The second and third points listed by Chow refer moreto the specific example I considered rather than thegeneral approach. The modelbuilder certainly has theoption to allow structural parameters (elements of H11 orHu) to vary seasonally well as to model the exogenousvariables in a different manner. Both of these approacheswould have implications for the forms of the TF' s andFE's that could be checked against the data.

The fourth point raised by Chow is that the algebra isvery complicated, and, therefore, the approach "might beapplicable only to very small and very specializedmodels." Clearly, more experience is needed in applyingthe approach suggested here, but it is not necessarily truethat only small models can be considered. Many of thecharacteristics that cause the algebraic manipulations tobe simplified are actually found in many of the largereconometric models, including either a fully recursive or ablock recursive structure. Consequently, larger modelswould not necessarily be more complicated to analyze.

The fifth characteristic noted by Chow concerns therole of expectations that was previously discussed. Thesixth point asserts that the procedures do not yield adecomposition into the usual 'set of unobserved compo-nents. In light of this discussion, it is not clear whethersuch a decomposition is desirable or not. However,analysis of the sort suggested can be helpful in understand-ing the types of adjustment procedures that might beappropriate. The FE's, e.g., are in the form of univariatetime series models, and there have been various methodssuggested for decomposing these models if such an adjust-ment is of interest.

I hope that this discussion clarifies some of the issuesin question. Although our techniques may differ, it isclear that Chow and I both favor incorporating seasonalityinto econometric models and feel that there may be muchto learn from doing so.


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