JOURNAL OF ELECTRON MICROSCOPY TECHNIQUE 1:203-204 (1984) A TECHNIQUE FOR ACHIEVING CONSISTENT RELEASE OF FORMVAR FILM FROM CLEAN GLASS SLIDES C.A. Edwards*, G.K. Walker+, and J.K. Avery* * The Unlverslty of Mlchlgan Denta I Research I nst 1 tute and School of Dentistry Faci I lty for Electron Mlcroscopy 1011 N. Unviersity Ann Arbor, MI 48109 (313) 763-4255 + Eastern Mlchlgan Universlty Department of B I ol ogy Ypsllanti, MI 48197 The use of Formvar (polyvinyl formal) coated grids for supporting specimens such as bacteria, vlruses, very thin sectlons, and particulate matter has become canmon practlce In Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). The primary difficulty In obtaining satisfactory results has been ttcoaxinglf the film off of the microscope slide onto a water surface. This problem can be overcane by pretreating microscope sl ides with Vlctawetl; a cmerclal ly avallable wetting agent. The procedure involves the following steps: A) B) C) Dlp microscope slldes ln absolute ethanol and wlpe dry. Place these aside in a vertical posltlon to minimize lint and dust accumulation. Place a small piece of Vlctawet (lmm3) In a tungsten wlre basket (whlch has been previously secured In a vacuum evaporator) uslng fine forceps,and force the VTctawet gently towards the bottm, or conlcal end. Place two or three clean microscope slides dlrect.lv under the tungsten wlre basket, allowing a distance of two inches between the basket and slides. Close the bell jar and evacuate to proper operating vacuum. 'available fran: E.F. Ful lam Inc. , Schenectady, N.Y. Received September 16,1983; accepted October 11, 1983. 0 1984 ALAN R. LISS, INC

A technique for achieving consistent release of formvar film from clean glass slides

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C.A. Edwards*, G.K. Walker+, and J.K. Avery*

* The U n l v e r s l t y of Mlchlgan Denta I Research I n s t 1 t u t e and School of D e n t i s t r y Faci I l t y for E lec t ron Mlcroscopy 1011 N. U n v i e r s i t y Ann Arbor, M I 48109 (313) 763-4255

+ Eastern Mlchlgan U n i v e r s l t y Department of B I ol ogy Yps l l an t i , M I 48197

The use o f Formvar ( p o l y v i n y l formal) coated g r i d s f o r support ing

specimens such as bacter ia , v l ruses, very t h i n sectlons, and particulate

matter has become canmon p r a c t l c e I n Transmission E lec t ron Microscopy (TEM).

The primary d i f f i c u l t y I n o b t a i n i n g s a t i s f a c t o r y r e s u l t s has been ttcoaxinglf

t h e f i l m o f f o f t he microscope s l i d e onto a water surface. This problem can

be overcane by p r e t r e a t i n g microscope sl ides w i t h Vlctawet l ; a c m e r c l a l l y

a v a l l a b l e we t t i ng agent. The procedure invo lves t h e f o l l o w i n g steps:

A )



Dlp microscope s l l d e s l n absolute ethanol and wlpe dry. Place these

as ide i n a v e r t i c a l p o s l t l o n t o minimize l i n t and dust accumulation.

Place a small p iece o f Vlctawet ( l m m 3 ) I n a tungsten w l re basket

(whlch has been prev ious ly secured I n a vacuum evaporator) uslng

f i n e forceps,and fo rce the VTctawet gent ly towards t h e b o t t m , or

conlca l end.

Place two or th ree c lean microscope s l i d e s dlrect.lv under the

tungsten w l r e basket, a l l o w i n g a d is tance of two inches between t h e

basket and s l i des . Close t h e b e l l j a r and evacuate t o proper

operat ing vacuum.

' a v a i l a b l e fran: E.F. Ful lam Inc. , Schenectady, N.Y.

Received September 16,1983; accepted October 11, 1983. 0 1984 ALAN R. LISS, INC


D ) Increase t h e c u r r e n t across t h e tungsten wire. As the wire

heats up, t h e Vlctawet may be e jec ted from the basket I f heated too

rap ld l y . I f heated proper ly, t h e Victawet should s t a r t t o melt .

Applytng more c u r r e n t a t t h l s p o i n t w l l l evaporate the we t t l ny agent

over t h e microscope s l l des . Contlnued heat ing f o r twenty t o t h i r t y

seconds should be s u f f l c l e n t t o completely evaporate the Vlctawet.

The s l l d e s a re now ready t o be dlpped I n t h e Formvar so lut ton. Texts Gf

e lec t ron microscopic technlque may be consul ted f o r t h e remalnlng steps whlch

have become r o u t l n e I n near ly every E.M. laboratory . However, consu l t Howard

(1973) or Dawes (1979) for a d e t a l l e d account of Formvar g r l d coat lng

preparat lons.

We have had repeated success w l t h t h l s technlque. Nearly every attempt

t o remove Formvar f l l m from Vlctawet pre- t reated microscope s l l d e s has

r e s u l t e d i n a smooth and very c lean support f l l m .


Dawes, C.J. (1979) B l o l o g l c a l Techniques for Transmission and Scarininy

E lec t ron Mlcroscopy. Ladd Research Indust r les, Inc.

Howard, K.S. (1983) The preparat on o f formvar g r l d s

e l e c t r o n mlcroscopy. In: E ec t ron Mlcroscopy SOC

B u i l e t l n , Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 96-98.

f o r t ransmlssion

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Supported by Grant DE-02731 Nat lonal l n s t l t u t e s o f Health, Bethesda, MD.