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A Sybil Attack Detection Scheme for a Centralized Clustering-based

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Page 1: A Sybil Attack Detection Scheme for a Centralized Clustering-based

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Page 2: A Sybil Attack Detection Scheme for a Centralized Clustering-based

A Sybil Attack Detection Scheme for a CentralizedClustering-based Hierarchical Network

Mian Ahmad Jan, Priyadarsi Nanda, Xiangjian HeSchool of Computing and Communications

University of Technology, SydneyAustralia

Ren Ping LiuWireless and Networking Laboratory

CSIRO, SydneyAustralia

Abstract—Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have experiencedphenomenal growth over the past decade. They are typicallydeployed in remote and hostile environments for monitoring ap-plications and data collection. Miniature sensor nodes collaboratewith each other to provide information on an unprecedentedtemporal and spatial scale. The resource-constrained natureof sensor nodes along with human-inaccessible terrains posesvarious security challenges to these networks at different layers.In this paper, we propose a novel detection scheme for Sybilattack in a centralized clustering-based hierarchical network.Sybil nodes are detected prior to cluster formation to preventtheir forged identities from participating in cluster head selection.Only legitimate nodes are elected as cluster heads to enhanceutilization of the resources. The proposed scheme requirescollaboration of any two high energy nodes to analyze receivedsignal strengths of neighbouring nodes. The simulation resultsshow that our proposed scheme significantly improves networklifetime in comparison with existing clustering-based hierarchicalrouting protocols.

Index Terms—Wireless Sensor Network, Sybil Attack, BaseStation, Cluster, Cluster Head


Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) consist of small sensornodes working together to monitor and obtain data about anenvironment [1]. Sensor nodes have limited resources in termsof energy, computation, storage, transmission range and avail-able bandwidth. They are typically deployed in a remote orhostile location and are left unattended to perform monitoringand reporting tasks. Therefore, limited resources of nodesneed to be utilized efficiently in order to prolong networklifetime and obtain better throughput. These networks havebeen successfully deployed in a wide range of applicationssuch as military surveillance, health care and environmentalmonitoring are few to mention [2].

Most WSNs are deployed for mission-critical tasks for anunspecified duration of time [3]. Therefore, security consid-erations need to be in place at the time of network design.The resource-constrained nature of these networks coupledwith their unique characteristics, such as dynamic topology,in-network processing, error-prone communication links andscalability makes security provisioning challenging and com-plicated. In addition, these networks are left unattended with-out human intervention and base station supervision. Instead,sensor-collected data is harvested intermittently by a basestation [4]. Since data are retained on individual sensors,securing these data is both important and challenging. Sensornodes operating in unattended environments face a higher riskof security breaches. If any one of these nodes is compromised,its sensitive data and security parameters will be retrieved byan adversary to participate in malicious activities.

These networks face a diverse range of security challengesat various layers. For example, it is very challenging to detectSybil attacks, where an adversary forges fake identities tolegitimate nodes. An adversary may either fabricate such iden-tities or steal them from legitimate nodes by disabling thempermanently [5]. A single physical node may forge multiple

identities to influence the outcome of data aggregation, fairresource allocation and voting on suspicious nodes [6].

The unstructured and distributed environment along withbroadcast nature of communication in WSNs suits well toSybil attacks. Various protection mechanisms have been de-veloped to guard nodes against this type of attacks. A voting-based protection approach allows the nodes to determineif identities of a suspected node are legitimate or not [5].However, a Sybil node may use its forged identities to vouchfor each other and influence the outcome of voting. In [7],an authentication-based detection scheme was proposed whichallowed the nodes to use certificates and shared encryptionkeys to detect Sybil attacks. The proposed scheme is compu-tationally complex and requires significant resources on eachnode. In [8], the authors adopted a probabilistic approach usingneighbourhood information. They argued that it was highlyimprobable for two nodes to have exactly the same set ofneighbours in a densely deployed WSN. In [9], a receivedsignal strength indicator (RSSI) approach was proposed whichrequired coordination of at least four nodes to detect Sybilattacks.

All of detection techniques mentioned above are designedfor data-centric routing protocols in which flooding is usedto regulate traffic flow. Flooding allows intermediate nodes tobroadcast data and control packets on their ways to base stationfrom source nodes [10]. Duplicate packets keep circulatingin the network which causes excessive energy consumption,delay, congestion, implosion and overlapping [11].

In this paper, we propose a lightweight Sybil attack de-tection scheme for a centralized clustering-based hierarchicalnetwork. Clustering approach significantly prolongs networklifespan by avoiding direct communication among nodes anda base station [12]. Our proposed scheme has two mainobjectives. First, we design a Sybil attack detection schemewhich requires collaboration of only two nodes. Second,we implement our scheme for a centralized clustering-basedhierarchical network to prevent Sybil nodes from participatingin cluster head selection as these nodes are capable of formingmultiple virtual clusters using their forged identities. There-fore, our proposed approach is lightweight in terms of Sybilattack detection and efficient in terms of prolonging networklifetime, cluster head selection, energy consumption, packetloss rate and packet delivery ratio.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In SectionII, related work from literature for Sybil attack detection andclustering-based hierarchical routing protocols is provided. InSection III, we present a brief description of our proposedscheme followed by experimental work in Section IV. Finally,the paper is concluded and directions for future research areprovided in Section V.


In this section, we provide related research works on Sybilattack detection and applications to clustering-based hierarchi-

Page 3: A Sybil Attack Detection Scheme for a Centralized Clustering-based

cal routing protocols using our proposed scheme.Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) [13]

was designated as a pioneer protocol among clustering-basedhierarchical routing protocols. LEACH partitions a sensor fieldinto small geographical regions known as clusters. Each clusterhas a cluster head node which collects and aggregates datafrom member nodes and transmits to a base station. Theprotocol operates in rounds and nodes take turn to becomecluster heads in subsequent rounds for uniform distributionof energy load. The problem with LEACH protocol is theprobabilistic selection of cluster heads using random numbergeneration. Each node, n, chooses a random number between0 and 1. If this number is less than the threshold value, T (n),defined in Equation 1, the node is elected as a cluster headfor the current round.

T (n) =


1−kopt(rmod( 1kopt

)), if n ∈ G,

0, otherwise.(1)

Here, kopt is the optimal number of cluster heads in eachround, r is the current round and G is the set of nodes thathave not been elected as cluster heads in the past 1


The probabilistic selection of cluster heads has a potentialrisk of low energy nodes being elected as cluster heads insubsequent rounds. Moreover, Equation 1 cannot guarantee anoptimal number of cluster heads in each round. In [14], theauthors argued that cluster heads need to be elected based onthe residual energy of the nodes. They suggested the inclusionof residual energy of nodes in Equation 1. However, it will notsolve the problem because cluster heads are still elected usinga random number generation. To solve this problem, nodesneed to be elected by a central controller or base station. In[15], the authors proposed a centralized approach for clusterhead selection. Nodes having remaining energy greater thanthe average residual energy are elected as cluster heads ineach round. However, it is highly probable that there will bea large number of such nodes in each round which will resultin too many cluster heads. In [16], we proposed a centralizedscheme which elected an optimal percentage of cluster heads(5 percent of total nodes). Each round results in balancedclusters which enhance network stability, scalability and dataaggregation. Moreover, the proposed approach reduces net-work load, energy consumption and congestion.

In WSNs, communication over an error-prone wirelesschannel exposes nodes to various types of malicious activities.One of them is a Sybil attack, where an adversary forgesmultiple identities to mislead legitimate nodes into believingthat they are having many neighbours. In [5], the authorsproposed a radio resource testing approach for detecting forgedidentities. They assumed that a sensor node was incapableof simultaneous transmission or reception on a single radio.Moreover, a physical node may forge multiple identities butis incapable to use a single channel for these identities ata given time. Apart from radio resource testing, they alsoproposed a key validation approach for random key pre-distribution. However, it requires excessive resources of anode, is computationally complex and requires ample amountsof memory space. In [8], the authors proposed a scheme basedon the assumption that probability of two nodes having exactlythe same set of neighbours was extremely low provided thata network had high node density. They argued that forgedidentities typically had the same set of neighbours becausethey were associated with the same physical device. Therefore,presence of a malicious node can easily be detected bychecking neighbourhood of the suspected victim of a Sybilattack. In [9], the authors proposed an RSSI-based solutionfor Sybil attack detection. They argued that even though RSSI

was a time-varying parameter and unreliable in nature, usingRSSI ratio from multiple receivers may be used for Sybilattack detection. In [17], the authors proposed an identity-based detection scheme for Sybil and spoofing attacks in IEEE802.11 and WSNs. The proposed scheme uses a detector toidentity malicious activities of malevolent entities capable ofadjusting their transmission power. The detector locates thepositions of these entities and eradicates them from networkparticipation.

In WSNs, the detection techniques for Sybil attacks aretypically designed for data-centric and location-based routingprotocols. These protocols mostly rely on flooding [18] forrouting data from source nodes to a base station. The broadcastnature of these protocols generates too many duplicate packetsenroute to a base station. The above techniques for Sybilattack detection achieve their goal at the expense of excessivedelay, congestion, packet duplication and energy consumption.To overcome the shortcomings of flooding, gossiping wasproposed [19]. In gossiping, each node transmits a packetrandomly to one of its neighbours. Gossiping ensures that eachnode receives a single copy of packet being sent. However,random selection of a neighbouring node is a risky taskbecause a neighbour may be a Sybil node.

In this paper, we propose a lightweight scheme for Sybilattack detection. The proposed scheme requires coordinationof any two high energy nodes and performs detection usingsignal strength of received packets. We use clustering-basedhierarchical architecture to detect forged identities of an ad-versary. Each node transmits control packets to its two nearesthigh energy nodes. The control packets contain residual energyand identity of a node. Both high energy nodes calculate signalstrength of the received packets and exchange it using a half-duplex communication channel to calculate RSSI ratio. Aftera certain amount of time, the same operation is performed tocalculate a new RSSI ratio using signal strength of receivedpackets from the same node. If the new ratio is equal to theone previously calculated and identities of the node in receivedpackets are also different, it means that the node has forgedits identities. Each node in the network undergoes a similaroperation for identity verification. The goal of our proposedscheme is to prevent Sybil nodes from participation in clusterhead selection. If a Sybil node is elected as cluster head, itwill wreak havoc in a network by forming virtual clusters andusing its forged identities as a cluster heads for each cluster.


In our proposed scheme, sensor nodes are classified accord-ing to their energy levels at the time of network deployment.Each node is either an ordinary sensing node or high energynode. The ordinary sensing nodes are equipped with 2 jouleswhile high energy nodes are having 5 joules of energy.High energy nodes are of only 5 percent of total nodes tobalance network cost and assist the base station in Sybil attackdetection and in relaying vital information. In our scheme, onlyordinary sensing nodes are eligible to be elected as clusterheads.

To minimize the consequences of a malicious activity,Sybil nodes are barred from cluster head selection. In doingso, network stability, efficiency and energy consumption areenhanced. If a Sybil node is elected as cluster head, it willexhaust network resources by forging multiple identities tolegitimate nodes. In Figure 1, a Sybil node forges five differentidentities to sensor nodes in its vicinity. In WSNs, each nodehas the ability to adjust its transmission power to reach afar distant node [20]. A single Sybil node can form multipleclusters with each one of its identity as a separate cluster head.


Page 4: A Sybil Attack Detection Scheme for a Centralized Clustering-based

In a distributed LEACH protocol, the base station has littlecontrol over cluster formation and cluster head selection. Eachnode (including Sybil nodes) can elect itself as a cluster headbased on a generated random number, so LEACH is highlyvulnerable to Sybil attacks. Each self-elected Sybil node canform multiple clusters, maliciously manipulating and aggre-gating data and transmitting to a base station. Instead, error-prone redundant data may be delivered to the base station atthe expense of actual data [21]. High energy nodes have a vitalrole in Sybil attack detection and are constantly monitored bya base station. High energy nodes refrain themselves fromcluster formation and participation in cluster head selection.




2 3

Fig. 1. A Single Sybil Node Forming Multiple Clusters

In view of the above discussion, we propose a novel Sybilattack detection scheme for a centralized clustering-basedhierarchical network. Initially, high energy nodes identifySybil nodes and report them to a base station to avoid theirparticipation in cluster head selection. It ensures that onlylegitimate nodes can be elected as cluster heads in eachround. Next, the base station elects an optimal number ofcluster heads in each round based on an average energythreshold level. To the best of our knowledge, our proposedscheme is the first for Sybil attack detection in clustering-based hierarchical network. A brief overview of our proposedscheme is presented here.

A. Sybil Attack DetectionWe use the concept of an RSSI for detection of Sybil attacks.

A variable number of Sybil nodes (having 2 joule of energy)with multiple forged identities are injected before the start ofeach round. The objective of our scheme is to prevent theirparticipation in cluster head selection.

Initially, each node broadcasts control packets to its twonearest high energy nodes as shown in Figure 2. This messagecontains its identity and residual energy. Theorem 5 in [22]argued that if atleast four sensor nodes monitor radio signalsfrom a neighbouring node, it will not be able to hide itslocation. However, for a resource-constrained WSN, it iscomputationally complex task which requires abundant ofnetwork resources. To reduce the processing complexity, wepropose a lightweight scheme for Sybil attack detection whichrequires coordination of any two high energy nodes.

Suppose that, high energy nodes, hen1 and hen2, receivecontrol packets from node i at time t1. If the identity of nodei in control packets is x, then the RSSI, Rxhen1, is calculatedby hen1 using Equation 2.

Rxhen1 =Ptk

dαhen1. (2)

Here, Pt is the transmitted power, k is constant, dhen1 is theEuclidean distance between node i and hen1, and α is the

1 2



4 5

Base Station

Ordinary Sensing Node

High Energy Node Sybil Node

Fig. 2. High Energy Nodes Collaboration for Sybil Attack Detection

path-loss exponent. The value of α depends on the deployedenvironment. Its value is 2 for free-space, 1.6 to 1.8 for line-of-sight connection and 4 to 6 for buildings with obstructions[23]. The value of α for a free-space environment is computedusing Equation 3. Here, λ is the wavelength of a radio signal.

α(dB) = 10 log10(λ

4πdhen1)2. (3)

The transmitted power, Pt, is related to received power, Pr,as shown in Equation 4.

Pt =Pr

(1/dhen1)α. (4)

The location of node i with respect to hen1 can be com-puted by solving the Euclidean distance given in Equation 5.

dhen1 =√

(xhen1 − xi)2 − (yhen1 − yi)2. (5)

Solving Equations 3, 4 and 5 and substituting their valuesin Equation 2 enable hen1 to calculate the RSSI value, Rxhen1.At this point, hen1 creates its own control packet and appendsthe value of signal strength, Rxhen1, in it and transmits toits nearest high energy node, hen2. Recall that hen2 hasreceived a similar control packet from node i at time t1 andhas calculated the value of Rxhen2 using a similar procedureas hen1. Next, hen2 calculates the radio signal strength ratioas shown in Equation 6.


= (Ptk



dαhen1). (6)

Further evaluation results inRxhen2Rxhen1

= (dhen1dhen2

)α and t = t1. (7)

At time, t1 + t0, node i again broadcasts control packets witha different identity, y. High energy nodes, hen1 and hen2perform similar operations as before and coordinate with eachother to calculate the radio signal strength ratio at hen2 asshown in Equation 8.


= (dhen1dhen2

)α and t = t1 + t0. (8)

At this point of time, hen2 compares the ratios obtained attime t1 and t1 + t0. If the difference between these ratiosis very close to zero as indicated in Equation 9, then hen2concludes that a Sybil attack has occurred.



≈ 0. (9)


Page 5: A Sybil Attack Detection Scheme for a Centralized Clustering-based

A single physical node, i has forged two identities, x and y,to its nearest high energy nodes at different time intervals. Asthe radio signal strength ratios are equal, location is in factthe same for alleged multiple identities. The complete processof Sybil attack detection is shown in Algorithm 1.

Algorithm 1 Detection of Sybil Attack1: Input: Ei, n, IDN , s, m, α, k2: Output: {Sybil or non-Sybil}3: syb=round(rand(1)∗s)+1; . Sybil generation4: id=round(rand(1)∗m); . Generate m identities

. Next, each node is associated with high energy nodes5: for i = 1 to N do . N=n+s6: for b = 1 to 5 do . Five high energy nodes7: Calculate Euclidean distance between i and b, dbi8: Sort di in ascending order to get two nearest high energy

nodes, b′ and b′′, where b′, b′′ ∈ bAt time, t1

9: SEND (Ei, IDi), ∀ i ∈ N . Each node sends itscontrol packets to b′ and b′′

10: Calculate Rb′ . Check identity of i11: Calculate Rb′′ . Check identity of i

. Rb′ , Rb′′ are the received signal strengths at b′ and b′′12: b′ transmits Rb′ to b′′

13: Calculate Rb′′/Rb′ . Calculated at b′′At time, t1 + t0

14: Repeat step 9-13 . Check identity of i15: Compare ratios . Obtained at time, t1 and t1 + t016: if Ratios are equal and having similar identities for i

thenNode i is Sybil

17: elseNode i is non-Sybil

B. Centralized Clustering-based Hierarchical ProtocolIn Figure 2, each high energy node monitors its nearest

neighbours for a possible Sybil attack. Upon detection, Sybilnodes are reported to a base station located outside a sen-sor field. Each high energy node creates a control packetcontaining residual energy and identities of ordinary sensingnodes along with forged identities of detected Sybil nodes andtransmits to a base station which makes the final decision oncluster head selection. The base station maintains two queues,one for blacklisted Sybil nodes and one for ordinary sensingnodes. It monitors the status of both queues at regular intervals.

The procedure of Sybil attack detection is repeated at thestart of each round before cluster formation and cluster headselection. Once a Sybil node is detected, it is blacklisted towithhold its participation in cluster head selection. Clearly,there is a trade-off between the cost of Sybil attack detectionand energy consumption of high energy nodes. High energynodes remain active before the start of each round to detectnew Sybil nodes. Furthermore, they avoid communication withalready blacklisted Sybil nodes to preserve their energy levels.

The base station evaluates residual energy of ordinarysensing nodes to derive an average energy threshold, Eavg ,as shown in Equation 10.

Eavg =


Ein. (10)

Here, n is the total number of ordinary sensing nodes in anetwork and is equal to N -s, where, N is the set of all nodesincluding s Sybil nodes and Ei is the residual energy of anordinary sensing node.

An ordinary sensing node having residual energy greaterthan average energy threshold is eligible for cluster headselection. However, it is probable that there will be a largenumber of such nodes in each round. These nodes are potential

candidates for cluster heads in a particular round as shown inFigure 3. It is the job of base station to elect a desire numberof cluster heads among candidate nodes. In our scheme, thefollowing criteria are used for cluster head selection:

• Residual energy of a candidate is greater than or equalto average energy threshold.

• Candidate is not elected as cluster head during the past1p rounds.

• Two or more candidates located in a same geographicalregion are evaluated based on their residual energy andprevious history of selection.

Step a. 1.44 1.67 1.58 1.38 ---- 1.88 1.49 ---- 1.74 1.46 Node Energy Level, Ei

1 2 3 4 ---- 63 64 ---- (N-s)-1 N-s Node Identity

2 3 11 29 44 63 69 (N-s)-1

1.67 1.58 1.92 1.77 1.74 1.88 1.66 1.74 Candidates

1.67 1.77 1.74 1.88 1.74 Cluster Heads

2 29 44 63 (N-s)-1

Step b.

Step c.

Fig. 3. Cluster Head Selection Procedure

In Figure 3, the base station stores residual energy ofordinary sensing nodes in a queue. It then computes theaverage residual energy, Eavg (1.5 joules in this case). Anordinary sensing node having residual energy greater than orequal to 1.5 joules is nominated as a candidate for cluster head.All candidates are evaluated according to the specified criteria.If two or more candidates are located in a same geographicalregion, they are evaluated according to their residual energiesand their selections as cluster heads in the past 1

p rounds. Forexample, residual energy of node 2 is lower as compared tonode 11 but the latter was elected in the past 1

p rounds inFigure 3.

In our proposed scheme, the optimal percentage of clusterheads are 5 percent for a network of 100 nodes. An optimalpercentage of such nodes is one major factor that influencesthe performance of clustering-based hierarchical WSNs. Acluster head consumes more energy on aggregating data andrelaying vital information to base station and performs generalroute maintenance and some other similar tasks [24]. If asmall set of cluster heads are elected, network lifetime willdegrade because these nodes will spend extra energy in dataaggregation and long-haul transmission to base station. On theother hand, the selection of more cluster heads will make aclustering network rather inefficient and ineffective.

The base station elects an optimal percentage of clusterheads for a particular round and broadcasts nomination packetscontaining their identities. Each cluster head advertises itselfto nearest neighbouring nodes which evaluate the receivedsignal strength from multiple cluster heads. A neighbouringnode associates itself with a cluster head having the strongestsignal strength to form a cluster as shown in Figure 4. Theselection of cluster head and formation of cluster is knownas set-up phase. The completion of set-up phase is followedby initiation of steady-state phase during which each clusterhead allocates time division multiple access (TDMA) slotswithin its cluster for sharing the transmission medium. Thisconcept of slot allocation enables sensing nodes to remaininactive for most of their lifetime and at the same time avoidscontention for transmission over a wireless link. Each clusterhead collects data within its cluster in a particular roundand transmits it to the nearest high energy node. A cluster


Page 6: A Sybil Attack Detection Scheme for a Centralized Clustering-based

head may transmit data directly to a base station, however,in view of limited resources of a node, data is delivered tothe nearest high energy node which in turn transmits to thebase station. In doing so, energy load is uniformly distributedwhich prolongs the network lifetime. The flowchart of Figure5 shows the complete process of set-up and steady-state phasesfor a particular round.

Cluster Head

Fig. 4. Set-up and Steady-state Phases

Next, we calculate the energy consumption of various nodesduring set-up and steady-state phases. The energy consumptionof an ordinary sensing node in a particular cluster depends onits distance from its respective cluster head and is computedusing Equation 11.

E(k, dCH) = kEelec + Eamp(k, dCH). (11)

Here, E(k, dCH) is the energy consumption in transmitting k-bits packet to a cluster head over a distance dCH , Eelec is theenergy dissipated by radio of a node and Eamp is the energydissipated by its amplifier in achieving an acceptable signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), Eb

N0. The value of Eamp depends on the

distance between an ordinary sensing node and its cluster head.If the distance, dCH , is less than crossover distance, dc, a free-space propagation model is used, otherwise a multipath fadingmodel is used [16]. The values of E(k, dCH) with respect tothe free-space model and the multipath model are computedusing Equation 12.

ETx(k, dCH) =

{kEelec + kεfsd

2CH , dCH < dc,

kEelec + kεmpd4CH , dCH ≥ dc.


Here, εfs and εmp are the energy consumption of an amplifierin the free-space propagation model and the multipath fadingmodel respectively [16]. The crossover distance is computedusing Equation 13.

dc =


. (13)

The free-space propagation model assumes an ideal condi-tion for transmission in which there is a line-of-sight connec-tion between an ordinary sensing node and its cluster head. Incontrast, a radio signal reaches by two or more different pathsin the multipath fading model due to reflection, refraction andobstacles between the nodes.

Checking status of Node i

Blacklisted Node i is Sybil?



Calculate Eavg

Ei > Eavg



i is candidate node i is clustering node


Node i is Cluster Head

Node i elected in previous 1/p

rounds ? ?


Multiple candidates in the same region ?


CH Announcement

Sleep & Wait for Cluster Head Announcement

Wait for Join- Request Message

Send Join-Request

message to chosen

Cluster Head

Steady-state operation for

t=Tround seconds

Base Station Operation



Transmits to Nearest High energy Node

Delivers to Base Station

Fig. 5. Centralized Clustering-based Hierarchical Concept

Once a cluster head receives data from all its clusteringmembers, it aggregates the data to reduce its size withoutcompromising its quality. The aggregated data is further trans-mitted to a nearest high energy node for ultimate transmissionto a base station. The energy consumption of a cluster headis significantly higher than a non-cluster head node and iscalculated using Equation 14.




+ kEDAn

kopt+ kεfsd

2HEN , dHEN < dc,


kopt+ kEDA


+ kεmpd4HEN , dHEN ≥ dc.


Here, EDA is the energy consumption in data aggregation,k is the message size, kopt is the optimal number of clusterheads and dHEN is the distance between a cluster head and itsnearest high energy node and its value determines the type ofmodel (free-space or multipath) to be used by a cluster headin calculating its energy consumption. Our proposed schemeis based on the idea of balanced-clustering technique in whichthe number of cluster heads is equal to the number of clusters


Page 7: A Sybil Attack Detection Scheme for a Centralized Clustering-based

[25]. Optimal number of cluster heads, kopt, ensures that eachround will have balanced clusters in which there will be onecluster head per cluster.

The energy consumption of high energy nodes differs fromone to another. Before the start of each round, ordinary sensingnodes and Sybil nodes transmit their control packets to theirtwo nearest high energy nodes at two different time intervals.All five high energy nodes are involved in computationallycomplex task of Sybil attack detection and the strength calcu-lation of received signals based on the control packets.

In our scheme, hen1 calculates only the received signalstrength values of incoming packets. However, the actualdecision about the type (Sybil or non-Sybil) of a node istaken by hen2. Clearly, hen2 consumes more energy becauseof the additional task of finding the type of a node. Therefore,each high energy node is classified as either a received signalstrength calculator (rssc) or a Sybil detector (sd). In view ofthe above discussion, hen1 is an rssc while hen2 is an sd fornode i mentioned in Section III. It is important to mention herethat an sd node performs dual functionality of signal strengthcalculation and Sybil detection. The energy consumption ofan rssc node is calculated using Equation 15.

Erssc =

Eelec × 2

∑xi=1 ctri + εfs

∑xi=1 ctrpki d


+kεfsd2CH−HEN + kεfsd

2BS , dnHEN < dc,

Eelec × 2∑x

i=1 ctri + εmp

∑xi=1 ctrpki d


+kεmpd4CH−HEN + kεmpd

4BS , dnHEN ≥ dc.


Here, ctr is the control packet sent by each node, x. dnHENis the distance between the rssc and its nearest sd anddCH−HEN is the distance between the cluster head andits nearest high energy node. Recall that each cluster headtransmits its data to the nearest high energy node for ultimatetransmission to the base station. Each node transmits two con-trol packets to its two nearest high energy nodes to determineits type. Furthermore, each rssc transmits a control packetto its nearest sd which contains the received signal strengthvalue. The size of the control packet, ctr, is much smaller thanthe data packet, k.

The energy consumption of an sd node is calculated usingEquation 16.

Esd =

Eelec × 2

∑xi=1 ctri + Eelec

∑xi=1 ctri + εfs


ctrid2BS + kεfsd

2CH−HEN + kεfsd

2BS , dBS < dc,

Eelec × 2∑x

i=1 ctri + Eelec

∑xi=1 ctri + εmp


ctrid4BS + kεmpd

4CH−HEN + kεmpd

4BS , dBS ≥ dc.


The extra energy consumed by the sd node is due tothe received control packets from its counterpart rssc node.Furthermore, an sd node also consumes energy in transmittingcontrol packets containing the identities and energy levels ofordinary sensing nodes along with the forged identities ofdetected Sybil nodes.


In this section, we provide a series of simulation results forour proposed scheme. Our network comprises of n ordinarysensing nodes in a 100 × 100 square meter area. A variablenumber (denoted by s) of Sybil nodes with multiple identitiesare injected in each round. The Sybil nodes and ordinarysensing nodes have the same residual energy of 2 Joules. TableI shows the parameters of our experimental work.


Simulation Parameters ValuesNumber of ordinary sensing nodes, n 100

Number of high energy nodes, HEN 5

Energy consumed by electronic component, Eelec 50 nJ/bit

Energy consumed in data aggregation, EDA 5 nJ/bit/packet

Energy consumed by amplifier in free-space, εfs 100 pJ/bit/m2

Energy consumed by amplifier in multipath, εmp 0.013 pJ/bit/m4

Length of data packet, k 2000 bits

Length of control packet, ctr 40 bits

Number of rounds, r 25000

Down-sampling rate of signal 500

Next, we evaluate our scheme in terms of number ofdetected Sybil nodes, total number of candidates and opti-mal selection of cluster heads, energy consumption, networklifetime, packet loss rate and packet acceptance ratio.

A. Detection of Sybil NodesIn our proposed scheme, a random number of Sybil nodes

having a variable number of forged identities are injected inthe network before the start of each round. It is the job ofhigh energy nodes to refrain Sybil nodes from cluster headselection. In Figure 6, the total number of Sybil nodes and theiraverage number of forged identities detected in each round areshown.

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

x 104








Number of rounds


ber o

f Syb

il N





Number of detected Sybil NodesAverage Number of Identities per Sybil Node

Fig. 6. Detection Rate of Sybil Nodes and their Forged Identities

In Figure 6, the number of Sybil nodes are as high as 20and the average number of their forged identities have reachedupto 5 in certain rounds. It would have an adverse impacton the outcome of voting, data aggregation and fair resourceutilization if these nodes had gone undetected and were electedas cluster heads.

B. Total Number of Candidates and Cluster HeadsOur proposed scheme prevents Sybil nodes from participa-

tion in cluster head selection process. If the detection schemeis not in place, Sybil nodes may elect themselves as potentialcandidates for cluster heads as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7 depicts the significance of high energy nodesin Sybil attack detection. In comparison with Figure 6, itis obvious that the majority of Sybil nodes are capable tonominate themselves as potential candidates for cluster heads.However, our detection scheme prevents their participationin cluster head selection. The performance of base station ishighly precise and accurate because it elects only 5 cluster


Page 8: A Sybil Attack Detection Scheme for a Centralized Clustering-based

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

x 104








Number of Rounds



s vs

. C




Candidates Include Sybil NodesCandidates Exclude Sybil NodesCluster Heads in Each Round

Fig. 7. Candidates vs. Cluster Heads

heads in each round until the network has insufficient numberof alive nodes toward the end. The optimal selection of clusterheads and prevention of Sybil nodes from participation incluster head selection efficiently utilize energy of the nodesand enhance network lifetime.

C. Energy Consumption with Sybil NodesTotal energy consumption of our scheme varies with the

number of Sybil nodes and their forged identities in eachround. In Figure 8, we calculate the amount of energy con-sumed in each round in presence and absence of Sybil nodes.

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

x 104








Number of Rounds


gy C





Energy Consumption under Sybil Attack (J)Energy Consumption without Sybil Attack (J)

Fig. 8. Energy Consumption in Presence of Sybil Nodes

This increase in energy consumption is contributed muchtoward the control packets transmitted by Sybil nodes. Fur-thermore, locations of ordinary sensing nodes and Sybil nodeswith respect to high energy nodes and base station have directimpact on energy consumption of the network.

D. Network LifetimeThe lifetime of a network is defined in terms of number

of rounds it remains functional. In Figure 9, we comparethe lifetime of our proposed network model with LEACHand Stable Election Protocol (SEP) [26]. Both LEACH andSEP randomly elect cluster heads using probabilistic thresholdvalues and result in an excessive number of such nodes invarious rounds.

In Figure 9, we define lifetime for clustering-based hierar-chical networks in terms of rounds for two threshold values,i.e., 90 % and 10% of alive nodes. For 90% alive nodes,our network lifetime is 6989 rounds while LEACH and SEPhave a lifetime of 3633 and 4599 rounds respectively. For












1 5001 10001 15001 20001


ber o

f Aliv

e N


Number of Rounds



Proposed Scheme

Fig. 9. Lifetime of the Network

10% alive nodes, our network lifetime is 10822 rounds whileLEACH and SEP have a liftime of 5363 and 5902 roundsrespectively. Our simulation results show that our proposedscheme significantly improves network lifetime as comparedto LEACH and SEP.

E. Packet Loss RateThe traffic flow of our network is distributed in nature

which allows us to use a random uniform model [27] tocompute wireless transmission losses due to noise, interferenceand other channel impairments. The packet loss rate is thepercentage of packets lost in the network over a specifiedduration such as the number of rounds.

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

x 104








Number of Rounds



t L



te (



Fig. 10. Packet Loss Rate

The random uniform model shown in [27] calculates theprobability of distributed packet losses with a mean value, p.Hence, we plot the packet loss rate for different values of p inFigure 10. From this figure, it is clear that the percentage ofpacket loss is higher at 35%. The mean value of p determinesthe quality of a network. In case of our network, the packetloss rate does not reach the threshold levels (15%, 25% and35%) in most of the rounds which means that the network issustainable and delivers most of the data required for decision-making at the base station.

F. Packet Acceptance RatioThe packet acceptance ratio is defined as the number of

packets successfully received at a base station to the number oftransmitted packets. Packet acceptance ratio for our proposednetwork model is shown in Figure 11.

Packet acceptance ratio varies with the quality of commu-nication links. The better the quality of links is, the higher the


Page 9: A Sybil Attack Detection Scheme for a Centralized Clustering-based

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

x 104








Number of rounds


et A



e R


Fig. 11. Packet Acceptance Ratio

acceptance ratio is. Furthermore, it also depends on numer-ous other factors such as queuing capacity of cluster headsand high energy nodes, upstream traffic flow, data rate andinterference are few to mention.


Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have the ability of oper-ating in remote, hazardous and hard-to-access locations. Tinysensor nodes operating on small batteries are left unattendedfor an unspecified period of time for data acquisition and moni-toring various applications. The absence of human interventionand remote monitoring of applications expose these networksto a wide range of security challenges at different layers.Among them, one such challenging threat is the presence ofSybil attack in which a single malicious node forges multipleidentities to disrupt network operation. This type of attack iseasily perpetrated in WSNs due to unstructured environment,distribute deployment of nodes and broadcast nature of datatransmission. Furthermore, Sybil attacks do not require anyspecialized hardware but have the capability to wreak havocby influencing the outcome of network operations such as dataaggregation, voting and fair resource utilization.

In this paper, we have proposed a lightweight scheme forSybil attack detection and its application to a centralizedclustering-based hierarchical network. Our proposed schemecan detect Sybil nodes based on the signal strength of receivedpackets. The collaboration of any two high energy nodesis required to determine the types of nodes in a network.These high energy nodes assist the base station in Sybilnodes detection and enable it to prevent such nodes fromparticipation in cluster head selection. The candidate nodes forcluster heads are evaluated based on their residual energies,geographical locations and previous history of selection. Ineach round, an optimal number of cluster heads are selectedusing a balanced-clustering technique which enhances networklifetime and energy consumption. The proposed scheme canfurther be extended by incorporating mobility in it. Thepresence of mobile nodes in a network will require monitoringits coordinates on regular basis for calculating the Euclideandistance. Furthermore, mobile nodes in one cluster may belongto another cluster in the next round which may not resultin balanced clusters. Moreover, a Sybil node will always tryto sneak through the detection process. Currently, we areanalyzing a scenario where an adversary somehow deceiveshigh energy nodes and elects itself as cluster head.


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