A Survey on FFD Reporter: Gang Xu Mar 15, 2006

A Survey on FFD

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A Survey on FFD. Reporter: Gang Xu Mar 15, 2006. Outline. Overview Volumn-based FFD Surface-based FFD Curve-based FFD Point-based FFD Accurate FFD Future Work. Overview. FFD (Free Form Deformation) : Sederberg and Parry, 1986 Application : Animate, Modeling , Image processing. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: A Survey on FFD

A Survey on FFD

Reporter: Gang XuMar 15, 2006

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Overview Volumn-based FFD Surface-based FFD Curve-based FFD Point-based FFD Accurate FFD Future Work


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FFD (Free Form Deformation) : Sederberg and Parry, 1986

Application : Animate, Modeling , Image processing.

Software: Maya, 3D max, Softimage

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Classification Non-Accurate FFD

Sample points

Accurate FFD (Jieqing Feng, 1998)

No sample points

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Non-Accurate FFD

No deformation tools

Having deformation tools

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No deformation tools

Barr, 1984. Deformation by matrices whose com

ponents are functions of one space coordinate.

Tapering, twisting , bending

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Having deformation tools

Volume-based FFD Surface-based FFD

Curve-based FFD

Point-based FFD

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Volume-based FFD

Bezier volume-based FFD(Sederbeg, 1986) Four steps Create deformation tools. Associate the object to the deformation space Modify the deformation tools. The object is deformed.

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Bezier volume-based FFD

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Extensions of Bezier FFD B-spline volume (GP 89, Com89) NURBS volume (LW94)

They are both simple Extensions of Bezier FFD, but have good property:

local deformation and weight.

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Subdivision volume based FFD

MacCracken and Joy , 1996 arbitrary topology lattices

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Weighted T-spline based FFD Song Wenhao, 2005Weighted T-spline volume,Octree subidivision.

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Scalar field based FFD

Hua and Qing, 2003

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Summary and discussion

The basic idea is same, only the tool is

different. Is there other good tool?

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Surface based FFD(1)

Feng Jieqing, Ma Lizhuang, 1996

The parametric surface is considered as the deformation tool

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Step 1

The deformation tool is defined: a B-spline surface forming a rectangular Planar grid on XOY plane.

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The object is associated to the deformation tool

Step 2

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The deformation tool is modified.

The object is deformationed.

Step 3 and Step 4

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Subdivision surface based FFD

Feng Jieqing, 2005 Arbitrary topology. Multiresolution FFD.

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Generation of control mesh

Primitive mesh and Boolean operations

Reed graph method

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Generation of deformation space

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Subdivision Method

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Attaching object on the subdivision surface The nearest point rule

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Modify the control mesh

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Multiresolution space deformation

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Implementation results

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Arbitrary topology Multiresolution No parametric form Costs

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Other surface based FFD

Mean value coordinate (Ju Tao, 2005)

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Triangular mesh based FFD (Kobayashi ,2003)

Other surface based FFD

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Curve based FFD

The deformation tool is curve

Build coordinate systems

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de Casteljau algorithm (Chang, 1994) line---curve

Generalized de Casteljau FFD

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Generalized de Casteljau FFD

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Rectangular domain (Bechmann, 2001) Rectangular-----Surface Triangular domain (Mikita, 1996) Triangular---------Surface

Generalize to trivariate case, just the FFD proposed by Sedeberg and Parry

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Axial deformation (Lararus, 94) Initial curve can be arbitrary.

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Process Define initial curve and the zone of influence para

meters. The source curve is recursively subdivided into a li

ne segment approximation. The Rotation minimizing orthogonal frame are then constructed for each line segment. All sample points are parametrised with respect to the approximated curve by establishing the closest point on the curve S(ti).

The curve is reshaped by the user. The deformation of the curve is transmitted to the


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Arc-length based AxDf and Length preserving Deformation

Peng, 1999

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Wire-based FFD (singh, 1998)

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FFD with curve pairs

Xu Jianquan, 2001.

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Direct manipulate of FFD, Hsu,1992

Through a given point Least square method

Point-based FFD

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Dirichlet FFD(Moccozet, 1997)

Computational Geometry Convex hull ,Delaunay triangulation Voronoi graph, FFD

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Constraint optimal based DFFD

Hu Shimin, 2001

efficient explicit solutions

decomposable multiple point constraints

Constraint optimal method

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FFD using NURBS volume

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Explicit solution for directmanipulation of FFD

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Explicit solution for directmanipulation of FFD

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Decomposability of multiplepoint constraints

Theorem. A direct manipulation of FFD with h point constraints can be decomposed into h manipulationswith single point constraints.

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Modeling example

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Modeling example

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Accurate FFD Feng Jieqing, 1998 No sample points, every point

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Process (1)

B-spline volume is first converted (using cutting planes determined by its knot vectors) to a piecewise continuous Bezier volume

The object is then subdivided and re-triangulated. Each triangle of the object mesh is within a Bezier volume

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Process (2) We conduct the functional compositio

n via shifting operators for each Bezier volume

The result of the deformation is a set of triangular Bezier patches, whos

e degree is the sum of three directional degrees of the B-spline volume

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Improved accurate FFD

Bernstein interpolation: efficient

Trimmed Bezier surface (Feng, 2002): Consistent with the industrial standard

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Dynamic deformation Linear interpolation (Feng ,1997)

0 1(1 )S t S tS

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Tool is different but idea is same

Four steps

Other method? Other idea?

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Future work

FFD with DMS spline volume

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The choice of domain and control mesh

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Future work

FFD with DMS spline surface

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Difficult The choice of domain and control

mesh Generate the control mesh by

mesh simplification

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Future work Harmonic-type equation based

dynamic deformation (curve based deformation)

2 2

2 2( ) ( , ) 0X u vu v

2 2

2 2( ) ( , ) 0X u tu t

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Curve based dynamic FFD

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Surface based dynamic FFD

2 2 2

2 2 2( ) ( , , ) 0X u v tu v t

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Volume based dynamic FFD

2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2( ) ( , , , ) 0X u v w tu v w t

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Morphing based dynamic FFD Curve morphing and curve based

FFD Surface morphing and surface

based FFD

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