A Study of Teaching Listening Skill by Using Songs for Second Grade Ma

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  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Teaching Listening Skill by Using Songs for Second Grade Ma




    By :


    NIM : 09188203053






    CHATER 1


    This chapter deals with the background of study, statment of the problems, purpose of study,

    significance of study, scope and limitation, definition of key term

    1#1  B$%&'()*+, )- S.*,y

    As a foreign language, English has four skills (reading, listening, writing, and speaking) that

    have to be mastered by the students. From these skills, listening is a skill that felt difficult to be

    mastered, because it needs more attention and concentration to comprehend the sounds (listening

    material). t can be said that listening is not a passive skill! the process of listening is a comple"

     process in which many things happen simultaneously inside the mind. #esides being comple",

    listening is far more difficult than many people can imagine ($ee, %&&').

  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Teaching Listening Skill by Using Songs for Second Grade Ma


    There are some reasons why listening felt difficult to be mastered by the students. First, the

    students begin to learn English by the way of reading, instead of listening. n fact, reading is

    different from listening, like writing is different from speech. The biggest difference is that

    speech consists of sounds. isteners must know the sound system! otherwise, they cannot

    understand speech. $oreover, writing uses different language. ritten English consists of neat,

    correct sentences, while speech does not.

    *econd, the materials on the tape are usually read by English speaking people. There are

    different accents, difficult idioms and unfamiliar language chunks in their speaking. This is

    another difficulty. For the students, their English teachers are usually local people. *o the

    students may not be used to the accents of the foreign people. t is hard for them to understand

    native speakers.

    Third, when English+speaking people speak English, they usually speak at a normal speed. t

    is too fast for the students to follow. hen listening, the students cannot choose a comfortable

    listening speed! they have to keep pace with the speakers thinking process. *o sometimes they

    have not even got the meaning of the first sentence, before the second sentence has already

     passed. Their results show that they have missed the whole passage.

    Fourth, the contents of the tape are not always familiar with the students. *ome of them are

    not relevant to the students. The students may lack the background knowledge about foreign

    countries and cultures. *o sometimes they

    #ut in using songs we must also considered the suitability of the songs we use and to whom

    we give it. The accuracy of the material that will facilited student in receiving the material.

     -atalie F. rlova (/''0) That the which states

    •  *ongs belong to a synthetic genre, wich includes both lyrics, and music and these two

    constituent may be used as a good incentive for speaking english in class.

    •  *ongs can effectively contribute to the students development of esthetic appreciation since they

    may help them shape their artistic tastes in formulating a critical evaluation of the songs they

    listen to and discuss.

    #ased on the researchers small observation at second grade student $adrasah Aliyah ($A)

    1iyadlul 2lum #angil, the researcher has also found that it is very difficult for the students to

    understand English through listening. The problems are most students are from different minority

    areas. n some 3unior high schools, there are no language labs to train their listening skills.

  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Teaching Listening Skill by Using Songs for Second Grade Ma


    istening activities are not common for the students. hen they come to senior high school, they

    cannot ad3ust their study habits very 4uickly. They still rely on their eyes instead of their ears to

    learn English.

    *ince English as international language has already become one of the compulsory sub3ects

    of both senior and 3unior high school and beside for elementary school. n many countries

    including in ndonesia, it can not be denied again, that the importance of English has gained a lot

    of attention from many people all over the world (5usi!/'%%)

    #eside of that, the teachers are difficult to find the suitable method or techni4ue to stimulate

    students in learning listening. f a teacher always uses the same teaching methodology, they may

     become predictable and, perhaps, less interesting for their students (1oss, /''6).

    1#2  S.$.//+. )- ()/

    This study has a few based problem facing teacher and student%.  7ow is the teachers preparation of teaching listening skills by using songs 8

    /.  hat are the teachers problems in teaching listening skills by using songs80.  hat are the students problems in teaching listening skills by using songs8

    1#3  *(4)/ )- T/ S.*,y

    The purpose that make the writer wants to do in this study are

    %.  To know the teachers preparation of teaching listening skills by using songs./.  To know the teachers problems in teaching listening skills by using songs

    0.  To know the students problems in learning listening skills by using songs

    1#6  S7'+7-7%$+%/ )- T/ S.*,y

    The writer hopes that this will give its benefits good influences for everyone

    %.  For 7ead $aster

    9an be used as a principal consideration in making policy for the development of education in


    /.  For English Teacher 

    9an be used as a guidance teacher in teaching listening skills

    0.  For English *tudent

    +  *tudent accept knowledge another of the songs

    +  Train hearing and sensitivity to track 

    :.  For The 1esearcher 

  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Teaching Listening Skill by Using Songs for Second Grade Ma


    $ake sure that the author of more material for the listening skills and the most suitable media is

     by using songs.

    1#5  S%)4/ $+, L77.$.7)+

    %.;.%  n terms of writing, 1eseacher imposes limits on listening

    skills using the song. here listening itself is synonymous with the song. #enefit of *ong.

    #y using songs in the classroom, students can practice their listening skills and increase their

    cultural knowledge. Almost any song can be used in the E* classroom. The pronunciation and

    rhythm lessons are the same as for the children

  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Teaching Listening Skill by Using Songs for Second Grade Ma


      This chapter presents some classifications that use in this research. They are research

    design, research setting, data collection methods, and data analysis. They are going to discuss

    one by one in this section below.

    3#1  R//$(% D/7'+

    n this research, researcher write use descriptive study. A descriptive study determines and

    reports the way things (ray,in iBa @ /''6).

    3#2  R//$(% S*/%.

    This researcher using % semester, second grade in $A 1iyadlul 2lum #angil /'%/>/'%0.

    From sylabus *$A > $A that any material should be taught, one has some listening skills. ith

    /% students, ? male and %0 female, belonging to the class of the match and good for teaching and

    learning.t use song, #ecause song is a very effective and efficient in the process and delivery. Cespite

    the limitations of the infrastructure can be used more creatively song, such as through phone or

    tape recorder that is simple, and can be used anytime. $oreover basically song also became a

    favorite with everyone, 3ust how to find the right way can make people love listening skills by

    using songs

    3#3  D$.$ C)/%.7)+ M/.),

    Cata 9ollection is an important aspect of any type of research study. naccurate data

    collection can impact the results of a study and ultimately lead to invalid results.

    Cata collection methods for impact evaluation vary along a continuum. At the one end of this

    continuum are 4uantatative methods and at the other end of the continuum are Dualitative

    methods for data collection

    (http@>>www.worldbank.org>poverty>impact>methods>datacoll.htm ).

    Cata collection was taken when the first half, using multiple data collection techni4ues such

    as interviews, observation and documentation.

    nterviews According to ikipedia, an interview is a conversation between two or more people

    (the interviewer and the interviewee) where 4uestions are asked by the interviewer to obtain

    information from the interviewee.so in this researcher to focus for students, 7AT T7E5 E

    T T1A- T7127 *TE-- ** song or T7E1*E T7E1E * $1E E


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Teaching Listening Skill by Using Songs for Second Grade Ma


    bservation This involves recording the behavioral patterns of people, ob3ects and events in a

    systematic manner. t allows you to get verifiable, first+hand information about how things are

    actually done and is very useful for observing processes as they happen (orna #arrow!/''?)

    documentation The process of providing evidence (including both primary and secondary

    sources) in a research paper .

    D)%*/+.$.7)+ has many meanings, from the broad++anything written in any medium++to the

    narrow++policies and procedures manuals or perhaps records.G

    (Adrienne Escoe, The Practical Guide to People-Friendly Documentation, /nd. ed. A*D Duality

    =ress, /''%)

    3#6  D$.$ A+$y7

      From ikipedia Analysis of the data is a process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, andmodeling the data with the goal of highlighting useful information, suggesting 9onclusions, and

    supporting decision making

    After conducting data collection techni4ues through interviews, observation, and

    documentation, we can conclude a few things about the preferences of the students listening

    skills by using songs.

      #y using 4uestions drawn from a few songs, it can be seen the level of student en3oyment of 

    the listening skills by using songs
