A step, a jump, or a bridge across: Continuity from Primary to Secondary Schools Alan Osman Milan, April 29, 2004

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A step, a jump, or a bridge across: Continuity from Primary to Secondary Schools Alan Osman Milan, April 29, 2004 What changes do we need to consider to achieve continuity ? Content of text Language level Methodology and approach Attitudes and relationships between teachers and students Type of testing and assessment What changes do you notice between this text Quest SB 3 Longman 1999 and this one ? and how could these changes be made easier ? Album SB 1,Longman 2003 How can we help children through change to achieve continuity ? Recognition of common objectives between schools Recognition of existing, but partial competencies Linking methodological approaches & activities Linking teachers and students between schools Linking evaluation in connected steps Linking teacher training In practical terms this can mean Linking pronunciation use in SS 1 G. to Sc. Prim Linking use of songs in SS 1 G. to Sc. Prim. Initiating reading in 5 Scuola Primaria and linking to to SS 1 Grado Initiating more grammar awareness in 5 primaria Initiating more learner self awareness and simple learning strategies in 5 primaria Linking common activities between SS 1 G. & Scuola Prim. such as simple crosswords, letters, dictation activities from picture descriptions etc. How can a Portfolio help, why do I need it, and how do I use it ? What size are the fish in your learning net ? Practical use of a students Portfolio Records students language experience for sts. and Ts. Helps sts. and Ts. assess their level and ability Provides a record of language activities performed A portfolio is there for a reason, use it.interactively Discuss the portfolio with sts to find out: What kind of activities they have they done What content they have covered What things they like How did they do things, what is their preferred style, what are they good at How to create steps to form a safe bridge across schools Establish initial ability Show present activity in context of past experience, to provide anchoring and orientation Save time where things have been covered but spend time where necessary Help with learning gaps dont look for mistakes Further reading of connected theories Scaffolding; Beginning learning with a great deal of support and gradually taking this away to increase independence and responsibility (Collins, Brown & Newman,1986) Modeling; Modeling of specific strategies by teachers in mini lessons to improve student skills (Cooper, 1993) Cooperatve Learning; Learning from more experienced students to improve skills (Slavin, 1987) Prior Knowledge Activation; Constructing meaning through relation to previous knowledge of structures and concepts often supported by thematic links (Anderson and Pearson, 1984)