A Social Networking Site is Described As

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  • 8/7/2019 A Social Networking Site is Described As


    A social networking site is described as a website where individuals can set up an online

    profile, describing his/her interests however, as boyd and Ellison (2007) reveal, while their key

    technological features are fairly consistent, the cultures that emerge around social networking

    sites are varied. Most sites support the maintenance of pre-existing social networks, but others

    help strangers connect based on shared interests, political views, or activities. From this, it is

    evident that the main use of social networking sites is interaction and communicating with

    others. We use them to keep up to date and in touch with existing friends and relations, or to

    create new relationships.

    The amount (and type) of additional features and services offered by different social networking

    sites often relates to their popularity. For instance, in a study which ranks the amount of traffic

    (people who use the website) of social networking sites, Facebook, MySpace and Twitter are the

    top three most popular sites as of April, 2010 (Top 20, 2010). These sites offer a diverse range

    of aids and methods in which to communicate online. Globalisation, interaction, participation

    and usability are encouraged through these sites; therefore they relate to the (growing)

    fundamental concepts of modern, digital society.

    The significance placed on interaction and participation within these social networking sites is

    evident in the numerous ways in which communication is encouraged. For example, some social

    networking sites, such as MySpace and Facebook offer users the ability to create sub-groups (or

    message boards) of people based on similar interests. Unlike fan pages or followers, which

    are largely one-dimensional, these groups are analogous to clubs in the offline world

    (Greenstein, 2009). These can vary from support groups, to fan groups, to community

    organisations or school groups. The basis behind them is to share information and communicate

    with others. Apart from using these groups to interact, people have the ability (depending on

    privacy settings) to comment and respond to status updates and statements or comments that

    others have posted, thereby initiating communication. On sites such as YouTube, people may

    even give a video response. By allowing such feedback, there is the prospect of conversation, of

    debate, of sharing information or perceiving new ideas. It is this capability of interaction that

    makes social networking sites multi-dimensional in communicating, unlike the one-

    dimensionality of earlier websites and blogs. As such, it also points to the fact that social

    networking sites, as Siegler (2009) suggests, are often an extension of real life. By coexisting

    with life offline, communicating in the digital world is therefore no more of a threat than if a

    person were to join communities and interact with others in the offline world.

    Other activities offered by social networking sites include such services as multiplayer online

    games, polls, chat rooms and messaging services, all of which endorse the idea of

    communicating and interacting with others. Customisation of user profiles, such as background

    images and page layouts also provides a way of interaction through expression (and sharing) of

    interests or the sharing of these graphics. Many social networking sites market on the increase in

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    convergence technology and portability of todays technology. As Chris Bronk (2008) of the

    Baker Institute clarifies, convergence is a term tied up with digital technology. As so much of

    the way we communicate has become digitised we see more and more that your telephone is

    your music player and its also your email client or its your Internet browser (Bronk, 2008).

    The companies that are providing us with communication services are, as Bronk (2008) further

    states selling us not one service anymore [but] theyd like to [provide] a whole bunch of

    different [services and] so they have a converging business model, which very often

    incorporates connection to some sort of social networking site. Therefore, social networking sites

    offer an array of widgets and applications which allow users to easily connect to the site and to

    share their information on these sites with others. The website Widgetbox shows some examples

    of applications for social networking sites and has a wide range of widgets to choose from.

    These applications are also used to connect with other websites (generally blogs), usually

    through Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds, which provide links and updates of

    information to other sites. As Jansson (n.d.) shows us, social networking sites can combat

    loneliness; that by overcoming real life boundaries, such as time or distance, and establishing acontinuous link to communicating with others, a feeling of participation and belonging is


    Convergence technology, social networking sites and the applications which link the two

    together can also enhance freedom and mobility. They offer the ability to access information and

    communicate with others at any time and in any place and regardless of the physical location of

    other people. People can maintain a constant connection with existing friends and family who

    might live in different countries, or they can form new relationships with other nationalities,

    regardless of real time or separate locations. As Lecky-Thompson (2009) informs, This has

    recently come to light in the number of people in the armed forces using YouTube, FaceBook

    and Twitter to stay in touch. [Also], social networking sites can bring people together with

    varying backgrounds who might otherwise never have met, and then encourage them to extend

    that experience into real world social functions. This is especially the case for minority groups,

    who might ordinarily be ostracised or overlooked in offline communities or social situations. As

    Bekhuis (n.d.) explains, The virtual anonymity of online experience helps to reduce social

    discomfort and discrimination, or stereotyping otherwise associated with real-life perceptions of

    age, disabilities, race, gender, or culture. By communicating online, it allows people to see past

    physical differences and focus on a deeper connection, discovering similarities that may havebeen previously disregarded.

    By forming groups of people with similar interests (particularly if the interest or hobby is not

    mainstream), social networking sites can create a sense of unity and belonging in people who

    might have previously felt alienated in society because of an inability to relate to local people.

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    Particularly in areas with smaller populations, the chance of discovering others with similar

    interests is infrequent but by removing these location barriers through online communication, the

    chance of meeting people with the same interests is greatly increased. Social networking sites

    give the impression that it is a much smaller world. Some social networking sites, such as

    Neighbo even encourage social interaction on a local level, for, as Fox (2009) suggests, with

    levels of social trust reported to be in decline people respond by retreating indoors and social

    networking online allows an easier way to form relationships with local community members.

    Furthermore, existing relationships on a larger (community) level may also be aided through the

    use of online social networking. A trustee of a Unitarian Universalist meetinghouse presents the

    view that the advantage [to local communities] of [communicating online ...] is that you can be

    made aware of more things you can get involved and you can be kept up to date you can

    link to a [Web] page and that [page] with its links can lead you to a lot more information on the

    issue. So you can become more involved [in the community] (Kavanaugh, 2009). By

    encouraging online communication between local people, these relationships are therefore likely

    to be stronger offline, as people become more informed and involved in local events.

    Social networking sites also offer the chance of communication in cases where mobility is often

    a hindrance to social interaction. Elderly people and those with physical disabilities who have an

    inability to leave their house are able to stay in touch with existing relations and friends, as well

    as get in touch with people who have similar issues (Lecky-Thompson, 2009). The use of social

    networking sites amongst deaf teens is an example of the benefits of online communication in

    relationship to physical disabilities. Chen-See (2009) tells us that online communication

    provides a unique, convenient communication tool that does not require speaking verbally and

    as such may empower some teens with hearing loss [as it] helps to level the playing field. This

    is also the case with people who have psychological disorders who may also have limited

    mobility. According to Lecky-Thompson (2009), Online communication can help those with

    dysfunctional syndromes achieve a level of social interaction previously difficult or impossible.

    For some people, interaction with crowds is made easier if they do not actually feel the physical

    immersion. Such sites also provide those isolated by disability or environment with a rich and

    fulfilling social life. Moreover, connecting with others online can be a good addition to therapy

    and for many, even encourage they seek professional help (Market Wire, 2008). The ability to

    incorporate blogging in social networking can also be therapeutic. Blogging is a form of journal

    therapy and according to renowned therapist Kathleen Adams, studies indicate that the releaseoffered by writing has a direct impact on the bodys capacity to withstand stress and fight off

    infection and disease (Market Wire, 2008). Many people form support groups through social

    networking sites to discover and communicate with others who have similar problems or health

    issues. People find it easier to reach out online because it can be anonymous and it allows people

    more control over what information they disclose. An example of the benefits of this form of

    online support, dubbed Health 2.0 (McGilvray, 2009), can be seen in teenager, Tamaryn

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    Stevens, who was diagnosed with kidney disease when she was 10. She uses a networking site

    called Livewire, which was set up by the Starlight Childrens Foundation and is aimed at 10-21

    year olds with serious illnesses and disabilities. Its hugely beneficial, [she says,] Especially

    the days that you feel [down] in real social situations like school and things like that. You go

    home and you go into Livewire and theres people to talk to and it makes your day that much

    better (McGilvray, 2009). With online social networking reducing difficulties with limited

    mobility, time and distance barriers and unacceptance due to stereotyping, people like Tamaryn

    therefore have more access to support and the ability to improve communication with others

    despite illness or disability.

    Another benefit to communicating through social networking sites is the promotion of education

    and news. People can share information via links, reviews and applications. They may source

    this information from other places and share them with others or provide their own information

    for education, updates of news or support. Many educational institutions encourage learning viathe Internet and social networking sites because it allows an easy communication channel for

    students to learn and share skills. As Jansson (n.d.) shows, Students enjoy educational

    opportunities where lesson topics, research, creative ideas, and interactive discussions are at their

    fingertips. A study at the University of Minnesota also found that, of the students observed,

    [...] 77 percent had a profile on a social networking site. When asked what they learn from using

    social networking sites, the students listed technology skills as the top lesson, followed by

    creativity, being open to new or diverse views and communication skills (Educational Benefits

    of Social Networking Sites Uncovered, 2008). From this it is clear to see that communicating

    online is, in numerous ways, beneficial to educating and learning. News information may also be

    observed online, as many news channels also provide their information on the Internet, which

    users of social networking sites may peruse via widget links and applications. These

    applications generally provide live feeds of current, updated news to a users profile page (on a

    social networking site), which is further evidence of the constant connection and communication

    provided by social networking sites and another way in which they are beneficial in society.

    Businesses are also honing in on the ability to market and advertise through social networking

    sites. New media shifts the balance of control for production and distribution of content

    between corporations and consumers (Young, 2006) and social networking sites form part ofthis balance. Through online social networking, companies are better able to advertise to specific

    markets or discover, monitor and engage with loyal brand advocates. Conversely, they can also

    discover disgruntled customers and realise their concerns (Hunter, 2008). In addition to

    advertising through these sites, they can notify of products, announcements or competitions

    (Hunter, 2008) or research target markets and industry trends. They can socialise and network

    with industry peers (Hunter, 2008), build industry contacts (Jansson, n.d.) (Hunter, 2008),

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    research industry trends and updates (Reitsma, 2010), or tag and track discussions on specific

    topics or events (Hunter, 2008). Communication through social networking sites can also help

    employment through job advertising (Jansson, n.d.) or by showcasing of talent. Many aspiring

    artists show off their skills through such sites as YouTube or DeviantArt.

    For all the benefits of social networking sites in todays society, it is evident that any impact they

    have is due to not merely the sites themselves but the communications layer embedded within

    [them] (Young, 2006). Social networking sites depend on the interaction between users

    because, according to Siegler (2009), they are simply an extension of social networking [in] the

    real world and ever since the term was born, countless people have debated the implications of

    taking social interactions virtual. At different points in time, Siegler (2009) mentions it has

    been said that [social networking] would be both the downfall of mankind, and the thing that

    would bring the planet together [but] the truth is that social networking, while great in many

    respects, does not fulfil a fundamental human desire: To be in the actual presence of otherpeople. However, as an extension of offline communication, the use of social networking sites

    is incredibly advantageous to society. It simply must be remembered that without the basic

    existence of and need for interpersonal relationships and communicating with other people,

    social networking sites would be extraneous and insignificant.

    As different parts of the world advance at different pace in education, business, tourism and so

    on, people tend to migrate from place to place for varying reasons, ranging from business-related

    reasons to pleasure-related reasons. This act of migration causes families, friends, lovers, andother related people to stay separated by distance. The invention of the internet has made

    communication to distant places affordable and convenient to people. Certain websites, called

    social networking sites, have further made various sorts of communication even more affordable

    and convenient. Social networking is a positive communication tool because it allows people

    effectively communicate regardless of distance apart.

    It would be quite emotionally worrisome for one to find out that he or she would be either

    temporarily or permanently relocating away from his or her family. There could be psychological

    effects associated with being away from home. Most people go through a period of initial

    depression, cultural shock, or homesickness no matter how well they are prepared. The

    temporary feelings of missing ones family, home environment, friends, etc - along with the

    initial cultural shock, and readjustment to your new life could be daunting. Though cannot

    replace the feeling of being home with ones family in person, the technology of Skype has made

    it possible for many people to make free internet voice and video calls. People will worry less

    about cost and converse in a relaxed manner. This is especially important for people studying

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    abroad. Imagine having a lovely five-year-old nephew one cares so much about. The feeling of

    being away from home for about a year or more could pose a threat to the rapport one has

    already developed with such child. Video-chats, such that Skype technology provides, could go a

    long way in maintaining the friendly bond in such cases. Social networking can enrich social

    lives for those separated from family and friends by long distances, bringing them together

    despite the physical separation. This has been observed in a number of people in the armed

    forces that use Skype, Facebook, and twitter to stay in touch.

    It is true that people in a relationship may not have much time to spend especially on weekdays

    as people go about their various work activities. The evolution of social networking has

    immensely contributed in strengthening the bond between these people by giving them access to

    communication regardless of distance. As communication is an essential ingredient to the growth

    of any relationship, people in relationship can converse no matter where they may be through

    social networking.

    Interview via webcam is on the rise. Companies have drifted from phone interviews to

    interviews via webcam. It is believed that this mode of interview both saves time and money.

    Companies prefer the use of video-chat software because it gives a better sense of what a

    prospective employee is saying. For instance, facial expressions, and body language, go a long

    way in evaluating a candidate for a job. This development is important to both prospective

    employees and employers, because employers do not have to spend much on travel expenses for

    prospective employees, and employees do not have to travel all the way to another city or statefor an interview.

    Prior the evolution of social networking, colleges and universities offer courses only On-

    Campus. It was a situation where, if one wants education, he or she would has to go to the

    institution in person, enroll for classes, sit in classes for lectures, and take exams in person.

    Social networking, thanks to the internet, has changed and revolutionized education around the

    world. People can now graduate with a degree without even visiting the university they earned

    the degree from. This evolution is also important to people who want to further their education

    while working a full-time job. These people can comfortably take classes when it is convenient

    for them, and also decide on the pace of their classes. It is also important for elderly people who

    need or want to get a degree. Most classes nowadays are filled mainly by teenagers, and this may

    cause some kind of stigma to elderly people who desire to study. Imagine being in a class with

    students that are young enough to be ones children, or even grandchildren. As a result of this

    development, everyone can now have the opportunity of attaining a decent education for

    themselves regardless of age, or engagement at work.

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    Though the world is quite large, it now seems small due to social networking. People from

    different parts of the globe can connect to other people in other parts of the world, exchanging

    information and pleasantries. The future of social networking will have the world to seem even


    Negative Impact of Social Networking Sites

    The negative impact of social networking sites is profound. Americans are becoming

    increasingly dependent on their social networks and the Internet. The widespread use of Smart

    phones and broadband Internet connections leads to increased dependency on social networks.

    The effects of social networking can be seen at work, in the classroom, and throughout society.

    Excessive use of the technology creates antisocial and house dwelling citizens who lack social


    Productivity in the Workplace

    Social media and networking sites create distractions in the workplace and cost employers

    money. According to a 2009 report, employees spent on average of 40 minutes per week on

    social networking sites while at work. While 40 minutes may not sound like a long time, over a

    one-year period it costs employers $2.25 billion. Alternative studies by Australian researchers

    claim social networking increase productivity. As networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and

    Twitter penetrate the business world, social networking is a part of their everyday life.

    There are benefits to using social networks in the business community, especially if employees

    are promoting the business on the Internet. Examples include posting new content to company

    profiles, adding pictures of work-related events, and interacting with potential clients within the

    communities. It is much more cost effective than cold calling or door-to-door sales. Employees

    who face low-performance scores or evaluations should reassess their use of social media at


    Young People and Social Media

    Our latest generation of high school students expose themselves to more social networking sites

    than ever before. The Internet surrounds us: when we are not on our laptops at home surfing the

    Internet we use "Smart phones" and "netbooks" to satisfy our addiction of media. Even if you

    have not talked to someone in a year, you know his or her entire life story by following his or her

    Facebook page. According to a recent study, a group of college students indicated a direct

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    correlation between social networking intensity and life satisfaction. The students who used

    social networking the most are satisfied with their life.

    Furthermore, young people use social networking websites to follow otherwise mundane topicssuch as politics. Students use the platforms as a place to discuss current events, as witnessed in

    the 2008 Presidential Election. Students less likely to discuss these issues in real life participated

    in discussion boards, surveys, and other interactive content. Social networking sites provide

    young people with their news. Students are less likely to interact with traditional newspapers (i.e.

    writing a letter to the editor).

    Negative Impact of Social Networking Sites

    The term, "Social Networking" misleads people to believe they are social beings. Sitting in front

    of a computer for hours on end chatting with friends while playing Farmville does not translate

    into social skills. People become dependent on the technology and forget how to interact with the

    world around them. Social networks provide an outlet for the socially challenged to express

    themselves in digital form. Someone's online personality may be completely different from their

    offline persona, causing chaos when their two "lives" intersect." The negative impact of social

    networking sites is evident in online dating when the couple meets face-to-face for the first time.

    Commonly their personalities do not match their self-written descriptions. It is easier to type

    what someone wants to hear rather than telling the truth.

    Information posted on social networks is permanent. When someone posts pictures or videos on

    the Internet they go viral. When the user deletes a video from his or her social network, someone

    may have posted it on YouTube already. People post photographs and video files on social

    networking sites without thinking and the files reappear at the worst possible moments.

    Facebook and MySpace are excellent resources for human resource managers as it offers

    revealing information about a candidate's true colors. Most job seekers do not set their profiles to

    private, leaving an open door to their potential managers. Almost every profile contains

    embarrassing or compromising information to an employer, such as their political affiliation or

    religion. Younger generations have a complete disregard for their own privacy, opening doors to

    unwelcome predators or stalkers.

    "It can be exhilarating, at least at first, to connect with long-lost friends," says network scienceexpert Steven Strogatz, PhD, a professor of applied mathematics at Cornell University. But the

    downside, he worries, is growing confusion between our weak ties (people who might be useful

    in referring us to a good dentist or helping us find a job) and our strong ties (those we're very

    close to). "The distinction between genuine friends and acquaintances is becoming blurred. Users

    are spending time maintaining relationships with people they don't really care about."

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    And who are these people, anyway? Electronic relationships make it easy for "friends" to

    misrepresent themselvesalways showing their best side, for instancenotes Pauline Wiessner,

    PhD, a University of Utah anthropologist who studies social networks. Anonymity also allows

    darker impulses to flourish. In one tragic case, 13-year-old Megan Meier hanged herself afterbeing cyberbullied on MySpace by Josh Evansnot a real boy, it turned out, but a creation of


    High-speed connecting may even affect the way we react to people. In a recent study out of

    USC, brain scans showed that volunteers needed at least four to six seconds to process stories of

    virtue or social pain in others. "It takes a certain amount of time to fully experience complex

    social emotions," says the lead author, cognitive neuroscientist Mary Helen Immordino-Yang.

    Heavy reliance on the rapid intake of certain informationespecially in younger, developingmindscould have consequences on our morality. It could also be "a whole new source of

    unhappiness," says Strogatz. "On Twitter the conversation never stops. You start to feel that if

    you're not involved in it, you're missing out It's enough to make you long for the good old days

    of connecting over a cup of coffe

    Other insights:Social networking sites have become a way of expression for some individuals.They feel that life would have been incomplete without these sites. These have

    shrunk the entire world and provided a common platform for all. Some people findit very important in this age of ever changing world where people move from oneplace to another very frequently. It has also bridged borders and brought aboutcross-cultural understanding and sensitivity. The need is to utilize it effectively forgood reasons and find ways to curb its negative influence. The situation alsodemands some kind of moral trafficking and policing to regulate its use. Even theuse of a social security number or some unique national identity could be asked forwhile opening an account to prevent its misuse. Privacy is a concern which someof the sites like Orkut have got sensitized to and are providing security option tothe users as to enable them use it as per their own discretion and avoidmishandling of their information or pictures, etc.

    All the uses of these networking sites vary from person to person and theirmentalities. Like each system has its good things as well as bad things, these sitesalso have both the aspects. It now depends on the individual how well they aregoing to use the same. Effective utilization is the source to gaining maximumadvantage out of these networking sites.

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